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Vergeet vloeibaar goud ... het is vloeibaar zilver waar u op moet letten!
Zilver het beste Geneesmiddel?
Van alle chemische elementen heeft zilver de krachtigste antibacteriële werking met de minste
toxiciteit voor dierlijke cellen. Omdat het net als de andere, duurdere edele metalen het vermogen
van bacteriecellen onderbreekt bepaalde chemische bindingen te vormen die essentieel zijn voor
hun overleving. Maar cellen in mensen en andere dieren hebben dikkere wanden en zijn zo
Wanneer zilver aan water wordt toegevoegd, lost het zilverionen op. Deze ionen doden ook en
voorkomen biologische groei, waardoor het metabolisme van bacteriën wordt uitgeschakeld en hun
membraanfuncties worden gehinderd. De waarde van deze eigenschappen is al eeuwen bekend en
De Ancient Phoenicians, bijvoorbeeld, ontdekten dat ze water en andere vloeistoffen vers konden
houden door ze op te slaan in met zilver beklede flessen. Amerikaanse pioniers voorkomen 3000 jaar
later dysenterie, verkoudheid en griep door zilveren dollars in melkflessen te stoppen. Zilveren
biociden worden tegenwoordig aangetroffen in ziekenhuiswatersystemen, katheters, meubels en
bijna elk hulpmiddel in de operatiekamer. Zilver-koperionisatie is ook goedgekeurd als primaire
behandeling voor langdurige controle van legionella in luchtkoelsystemen.
Zilvernitraat werd in de late jaren 1800 gebruikt om pasgeboren baby's van bepaalde ooginfecties te
genezen, en artsen ontdekten dat wonden sneller genazen met zilveren verbanden. Het metaal werd
gebruikt in hechtingen voor chirurgische wonden en om maagzweren te genezen - een gebruik dat
vandaag de dag voortduurt, met zilver-ingebedde verbanden waarvan bewezen is dat ze bijzonder
effectief zijn in het genezen van de wonden van slachtoffers van brandwonden.
Tijdens de jaren 1920 werden meer dan 3 miljoen recepten per jaar geschreven in de VS voor
medicijnen die zilver bevatten. Door de introductie van penicilline in de jaren 1940, werden
antibiotica de standaardbehandeling voor bacteriële infecties en dit gebruik van zilver nam af. Maar
nieuw wetenschappelijk onderzoek heeft sindsdien een nieuwe uitbreiding van het gebruik van zilver
door de medische industrie mogelijk gemaakt.
Nanotechnologie gebruikt zilver als een antimicrobieel middel, waardoor het metaal tot deeltjes
wordt gereduceerd, gemeten in miljardste van een meter. Dit nanozilver werkt als een katalysator
voor oxidatie, waarbij zuurstof wordt gegenereerd uit lucht of water dat de celwandmembranen van
eencellige bacteriën vernietigt. Omdat het deze reactie alleen maar "aanzet", vervuilt het de
omgeving niet.
Ontmoet het zilver dat 650 verschillende ziekteverwekkers dood en ontstekingen geneest in 72 uur.
15 redenen waarom je colloïdaal zilver in huis kunt hebben.
Specifiek, een vloeistof genaamd colloïdaal zilver. Gemaakt met elektrolyse om puur, metaalachtig
elementair zilver in gedestilleerd water te suspenderen, deze stof wordt al honderden jaren gebruikt
om verschillende aandoeningen te behandelen.
Hoewel de moderne geneeskunde misschien nog niet de voordelen van colloïdaal zilver omvat,
verdienen steeds meer onderzoeken dit tonicum een plaats in de medicijnkast van elke natuurlijke
Laten we eens kijken naar 15 fantastische voordelen van en gebruik voor colloïdaal zilver - samen
met enkele dingen waar u op moet letten bij het winkelen voor een genezend zilverproduct.
1. Anti-alles
Colloïdaal zilver is een groot natuurlijk antibioticum, dankzij de antimicrobiële werking. Het blijkt dat
dit geen recente vondst is - zilver is al sinds de Romeinse en Griekse oudheid gebruikt om voedsel en
dranken te bewaren!
Deze krachtige vloeistof kan schimmelinfecties, virussen en bacteriën doden.
Uit onderzoek in 2011 blijkt dat colloïdaal zilver nanodeeltjes het potentieel hebben om een effectief
alternatief te bieden voor conventionele antischimmel behandelingen voor Candida-gerelateerde
Een Taiwanese studie ontdekte ook dat colloïdaal zilver de anti-biotisch resistente superbacteriën
MRSA en Pseudomonas aeruginosa kan uitroeien. Het is ook zeer effectief bij gebruik in combinatie
met antibiotica tegen MRSA en stafylokokbesmettingen.
In feite ontdekten wetenschappers in de jaren tachtig 650 verschillende soorten ziekteverwekkers
die snel werden vernietigd wanneer ze werden blootgesteld aan kleine hoeveelheden zilver.
2. Vecht tegen ontstekingen
Gebruik colloïdaal zilver topisch om de pijn en het ongemak veroorzaakt door ontsteking en zwelling
te verlichten, het genezingsproces te versnellen en het herstel te bevorderen.
Toen onderzoekers van de National Institutes of Health de effecten van colloïdaal zilver op
huidontsteking bij varkens bestudeerden, ontdekten ze dat de met zilver behandelde dieren bijna 72
uur lang bijna hersteld waren, terwijl de huid van de andere varkens ontstoken bleef.
3. Opruimen van ooginfecties
Dankzij de antibacteriële, antivirale en ontstekingsremmende eigenschappen kan colloïdaal zilver
ooginfecties zoals roze ogen, conjunctivitis en sties kalmeren en genezen.
Behandeling kan niet eenvoudiger. Voeg eenvoudig twee of drie druppels colloïdaal zilver toe aan
het oog en herhaal drie tot vier maal per dag. Als u wilt, kunt u het als oogdruppeltje gebruiken of
het zachtjes over de ogen spuiten.
4. Behandel oorinfecties
Oorinfecties kunnen soms worden veroorzaakt door verschillende soorten bacteriën of zelfs
schimmels. In deze gevallen kunnen geneesmiddelen op recept niet effectief zijn, omdat ze zijn
ontworpen om te werken tegen specifieke klassen van bacteriën.
Hier komt colloïdaal zilver om de hoek kijken! Omdat het zoveel soorten bacteriën en schimmels
doodt, biedt het een veelbelovend middel. Het werkt zelfs voor het oor van zwemmers.
Voeg één of twee keer per dag twee druppels colloïdaal zilver toe aan het aangedane oor totdat de
symptomen verdwijnen.
5. Verzacht brandwonden, snijwonden en schaafwonden
Colloïdaal zilver stimuleert huid- en weefselgenezing terwijl het de ontsteking vermindert, wat
betekent dat het een perfecte behandeling is voor kleine snijwonden en schaafwonden.
Bovendien beveelt een onderzoeksartikel, gepubliceerd in Pharmacognosy Communications, aan dat
colloïdaal zilver serieus in overweging wordt genomen voor lokaal gebruik bij de behandeling van
6. Gemakkelijke huidcondities
Psoriasis, puistjes, mee-eters, witte hoofden, cysten en rode, ontstoken huid zijn allemaal pijnlijke,
ongemakkelijke en soms genante huidaandoeningen.
Of deze problemen worden veroorzaakt door bacteriën, virussen of schimmels, ze kunnen baat
hebben bij een zilveren behandeling, die ook helpt bij het versnellen van het herstel van
beschadigde weefsels.
Rven op een rijtje
Zilver kent 10.000 “industriële” toepassingen, zilver wordt in tegenstelling tot
goud, echt verbruikt. Anders gezegd het raakt op.
Zilver is een groot natuurlijk antibioticum, dankzij de antimicrobiële werking.
Zilver dood resistente bacteriën(de ziekenhuisbacterie) en gevaarlijke
virussen. Het heeft antibacteriële, antivirale en ontstekingsremmende
Zilver kost nu slechts US$ 17,- per troy ounce(31 gram).
Binnen 20 jaar zijn de nu bekende wereldreserves op.
Er worden geen nieuwe grote ontdekkingen gedaan, er
wordt bij deze prijs nauwelijks geïnvesteerd in
The industrial demand for silver
Silver has many industrial uses, accounting for more than half of annual demand worldwide over
the last five years.
This means that economic growth can affect silver prices far more than it affects gold. Only 10-
15% of annual gold demand worldwide comes from industrial use, the rest going to jewelry and
Because of silver's physical strength, brilliance, malleability and ductility (it can be squashed or
pulled into shape), people have also used silver in jewelry, tableware and fine art for thousands
of years. Industrial applications use silver's conductivity (the highest of any element for electricity
and heat) as well as its sensitivity to light and anti-bacterial qualities.
Today silver is invaluable to solder and brazing alloys, batteries, dentistry, glass coatings, LED
chips, medicine, nuclear reactors, photography, photovoltaic (or solar) energy, RFID chips (for
tracking parcels or shipments worldwide), semiconductors, touch screens, water purification,
wood preservatives and many other industrial uses. Washington-based industry group the Silver
Institute calls it "the indispensable metal".
The biggest consumers of silver for industrial applications this past decade have been the US,
Canada, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Germany and Russia. Over that time silver demand
from older industries has faded, only to be replaced by new technological uses.
Here we look at three major industrial uses of silver – photography, solar energy, and medical –
and how they are changing.
Photographic silver use
Photography used to be the No.1 end-use of the silver, using silver nitrate to create light-
sensitive halide crystals. This sector includes consumer photography, the graphic arts and
radiography (x-rays), both in medicine and industrial inspection of heavy machinery.
Photographic silver demand hit its peak in 1999, representing 25% of total fabrication. The film
market in the United States alone used over 93 million ounces of silver that year, more than one
ounce in every ten sold worldwide. Within five years, however, photographic demand slipped
below 20% of total demand, and it fell to 9% by 2013.
The growth of digital photography has played the greatest part in this decline. Still-photography
used in x-rays remains a big consumer of silver, but total photographic demand has contracted
70% by weight from its peak.
Photovoltaic (solar energy) silver demand
Silver's sensitivity to light has found fast-growing use in the photovoltaic, or solar energy,
industry. Using silver as a conductive ink, photovoltaic cells transform sunlight into electricity.
Photovoltaic use first made an impact on silver demand in 2000, just as photographic use began
its decline, with the sector consuming 1 million ounces that year. This was not even one tenth of
the amount used by the electronics industry, but by 2008 the photovoltaic sector was consuming
19 million ounces per year as major government subsidies promoted the industry's growth in the
US, Western Europe and particularly China.
Photovoltaic demand for silver exploded on these taxpayer subsidies, growing at a 50% annual
rate and starting to fill the gap left by the declining photographic industry. But with subsidies then
cut as the financial crisis wore on, and with silver prices doubling in 2011 to hit almost $50 per
ounce – the all-time peak set in January 1980 – silver industrial demand declined for three years
Higher prices meant technology developed to use less silver in producing the same amount of
solar power. This "thrifting" has now cut the quantity of silver by up to 80% per solar cell from a
decade ago. So despite a rise in total solar panel production, US photovoltaic demand for silver
has actually fallen in recent years. In Europe, those earlier government subsidies led to huge
over-production, and excess capacity in the industry saw many solar-cell manufacturers go
bankrupt, also hurt by competition from China.
Even so, global photovoltaic demand for silver has grown at a compound annual rate of 20%
over the last decade, according to the Silver Institute's World Silver Survey 2014. China is now
the leader in solar-panel manufacturing, producing 60% of 2013's global output. Solar capacity in
China leapt from 0.8 to 18.6 gigawatts between 2010 and 2013, with Beijing setting a target of
70GW by 2017.
Medicine's growing silver use
Of all chemical elements, silver has the most powerful antibacterial action with the least toxicity
to animal cells. Because like the other, more expensive precious metals, it interrupts the ability of
bacteria cells to form certain chemical bonds essential to their survival. But cells in humans and
other animals have thicker walls, and are so undisturbed.
When added to water, silver releases silver ions. These ions also kill and prevent biological
growth, again disabling the metabolism of germs and hindering their membrane functions. The
value of these properties has been known and used for centuries.
The Ancient Phoenicians, for instance, found they could keep water and other liquids fresh by
storing them in silver-coated bottles. American pioneers 3,000 years later prevented dysentery,
colds, and flu by putting silver dollars in milk bottles. Silver biocides are today found in hospital
water systems, catheters, furniture and almost every tool in the operating theatre. Silver-copper
ionisation has also been approved as a primary treatment for long-term control of legionella in
air-cooling systems.
Silver nitrate was used in the late 1800s to cure new-born babies of certain eye infections, and
doctors found that wounds healed faster with silver dressings. The metal was used in sutures for
surgical wounds and to cure ulcers – a use which continues today, with silver-embedded
bandages proven to be especially effective in healing the wounds of burn victims.
During the 1920s, over 3 million prescriptions per year were written in the US for medications
containing silver. Due to the introduction of penicillin in the 1940s, antibiotics became the
standard treatment for bacterial infections, and this use of silver diminished. But new scientific
research has since allowed fresh expansion of the medical industry's use of silver.
Nanotechnology uses silver as an antimicrobial, reducing the metal to particles measured in
billionths of a metre. This nanosilver acts as a catalyst for oxidation, generating oxygen from air
or water which destroys the cell wall membranes of single-cell bacteria. Because it only "turns
on" this reaction, it does not pollute the surrounding environment.
In sum, there is much more to silver than its historical use as a monetary metal, or its ongoing
use in jewellery and investment. Industrial and technological use of silver accounts for well over
half annual demand. That demand plays an important and changing part in helping set long-term
price direction.
Are we running out of metals?
Peak Metal?
Snaring the Monster
Are we running out of metals? Peak metal? Like peak-oil it might seem as Mark Twain remarked
that “the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated”. My view is that we must do something
soon or we will be past the tipping point. Another view is that we have plenty of metals to sustain our
civilization and that our ingenuity in exploration driven by responsive incentive metal prices will lead to
the discoveries beyond our wildest dreams to replace what we mine. The contention is that this is
how it has always been in the past and will be forever – our kingdom come. But what if they are
wrong and the past is not the key to the future. What if the future is decoupled in a step-change from
the present and its past. We would not run out of metal but we would not be able to sustain present
consumption levels and this will inevitably lead to substantially higher real prices for metals. I do not
have to be right, just partly right. And if I am partly right maybe we should hedge that scenario. Are
we finding enough copper and zinc and lead and nickel for our future needs?
We might also ask of we are finding enough precious metals also but they are rare by definition and it
is a want not a need. Base metals are the backbone of our industrial and infrastructural
development. We are simply not nearly exploring at the level to make a difference. There still
appears to be anorexic investor-appetite for exploration risk and financing the search.
Richard Schodde (MinEX Consulting in Australia) was invited recently to Levi in Finland to talk on just
this subject. He spoke at the Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining (FEM) Conference*. Richard’s
unavoidable conclusion is that the global mining industry to sustain itself, either needs to reduce
production or increase the exploration spend by more than the 65% currently projected, or it needs to
be much more efficient at discovery. What is more efficient? Find more by a factor of two. Or
commodity prices have to rise substantially above those currently projected by the analysts; or all
above. It is not a matter of “if’ but “when”.
The key conclusion when you look over the next 10-20 years is that the projected discovery rate isn’t
enough to keep the market in-balance for many of the metals. It is particularly severe for zinc. Taking
the ten year view, the discovery rate for zinc needs to rise by 40% and it does not look very pretty
when you look at the next 20 years.
So much for a one-year peak zinc-price spike. What is more is that discoveries are deeper now and
harder to find. It will unavoidably cost more per lb of zinc or oz of gold discovered. The projected
incentive prices for metals are far too low to make us bother going out to look. The expert economists
are using prices for these metals that are way too low in their long-term forecasts.
There is solid analysis behind these predictions. Schodde assumes a discovery cost of US$0.03/lb for
zinc and a long run commodity price of $1.00/lb for the metal based on latest street consensus.
In the meantime you either take the view that supply-demand will find equilibrium. With the zinc price
now doubled since the beginning of 2016 why not just fund zinc projects which were not economic
during the last zinc price up-cycle? Some bless their hearts believe this is the least risky way to grab
the upswing. We will find again that he rising zinc price is no substitute for grade – that is if you want
to make money. A quality zinc project will return a margin even in a downswing. Right now because
of very little funding for zinc exploration over the last decade there have been very few discoveries
and quality zinc projects may as well be unicorns. Pasinex Resources
( does have a small but very rich jewel in the Taurus Mountains of
southern Turkey.
Where are we now at this snap-shot in time. Overnight, LME zinc inventories were at 232,100
tonnes. Total global zinc stocks are now at 373,000 which is down 50% YTD and YoY. We now have
only 9.5 days of consumption stored away. Is China in supply-demand equilibrium? Just look at
smelter treatment charges.
Some point out that Glencore is holding back about 4% of global zinc mine-supply to bolster the the
zinc price and that Chines demand is softening. Hence a slightly bearish LME week recently in
London. We should take heed of what Glencore does as it is the largest and canniest global trader of
zinc. To turn on its big Australian mines will take maybe nine months if they can find and rehire those
mining teams. I do expect these highly experienced miners have been in suspended animation for
the last couple of years. They have families to feed. Glencore is not complacent about future zinc
supply. Last month it announced an investment of half billion to billion dollars to buy a stake from the
Lett family in Peruvian miner Volcan. I believe we are heading for $2/lb zinc in 2018.
It is about none months since I wrote my last blog on zinc. You have been spared from the zinc
prophesies of another John crying in the wilderness. The zinc price has surged in the interim and I
have been busy with my co-founding partners and supporters demarcating hunting reserves to snare
the monster. Staking these exploration licenses in Ireland is like assembling the pieces of a jig-saw. It
is a real feat to assemble such large strategic ground positions. In the past with different explorers
held a couple of interlocking pieces here or a cluster of pieces there. A bit like a game of
monopoly. Nobody had enough ground to work with – just pieces of the picture. The average size of
the piece or exploration license in Ireland is about 30 square kilometres give or take. Why? Because
we use fixed town-land boundaries and both natural and unnatural drainage features.
Why is it all like monopoly? Because when nobody was buying, Group Eleven
(, was able to land on these prospective basins and get the open
ground two years ago when the zinc price was half what it is today. And of course why would anyone
bother to explore for zinc when inventories of refined metal were at record highs and the world was
still certainly in a state of economic chassis. These jig-saw pieces are the exploration licences that
cover the central corrugated carbonate basins and sub-basins of Ireland. A world-class zinc
district? Why? Because in terms of discovery per acre or hectare there has been more lbs of zinc
discovered than any other metallotect in the world. This jewel-box for zinc is only about 30,000
square kilometres in size. That is about the size of Belgium. It was folded during the Caledonian
orogeny and crunched and dislocated during the Hercynian or Variscan orogeny. This later shunt
between 380 million and 280 million years ago was key. It resulted from a collision between
Gondwanaland and Laurasia at the breakneck speed of a growing fingernail. When you push
obliquely on an regional tectonic grain or fault fabric it creates earthquaking stress points but also
most importantly dilation zones. It is these dilational zones along the fauts which form the plumbing
conduits to tap the metal-pregnant fluids from deep. And these faults have to move at the right
time. Not too early nor too late for the ejaculation from deep-down beneath. The clue to when the
faults opened up is in the strata of geological time. For that you need a stratigrapher who knows the
rocks like the back of his hand.
This is the quest for deeper blind deposits. The explorers who have gone before stumbled over the
low hanging fruit close to surface. The big leap forward now is using seismics borrowed the oil n’ gas
guys. It is this technology which has unlocked the SWEX deeps below a kilometre depth at New
Boliden’s world-class Navan mine in Ireland. Interpreting seismic profiles is also part art and part
science. You again need the right artist. Navan went into production in 1979 and now has a new
lease on life as a result of this deep-vault discovery. You have to cast a wide net and
have consolidated strategic ground positions so you can have the necessary runway for seismic
profiles over tens of kilometres. Basically you have to have the pieces of the jig-saw. Seismics
profiles now reveal the structural architecture in an MRI scan down to and beneath five kilo- fathoms
. Drilling only pin pricks to a few hundred metres so you can only see thin-skinned
structure. Crucially, we can now see the deep plumbing faults apart from subsidiary splays.
Group Eleven now holds the largest amount of prospective exploration ground for zinc in Ireland. For
some the hunt for the Monster, deep in the forest, is too risky and too dangerous even though we
know some of these beasts were slain near the clearing.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are my own personal opinions as an
exploration geologist and keen observer of the zinc sector and these views should not in any
way be taken as investment advice. I am a co-founder of Group Eleven Resources and I am a
Director of Pasinex Resources.
* Schodde RC, “Long term trends in global exploration – are we finding enough metal?“.
Keynote presentation for the Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining (FEM) Conference, Levi,
Finland, October 2017

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Zilver als geneesmiddel?

  • 1. Vergeet vloeibaar goud ... het is vloeibaar zilver waar u op moet letten! Zilver het beste Geneesmiddel? Van alle chemische elementen heeft zilver de krachtigste antibacteriële werking met de minste toxiciteit voor dierlijke cellen. Omdat het net als de andere, duurdere edele metalen het vermogen van bacteriecellen onderbreekt bepaalde chemische bindingen te vormen die essentieel zijn voor hun overleving. Maar cellen in mensen en andere dieren hebben dikkere wanden en zijn zo ongestoord. Wanneer zilver aan water wordt toegevoegd, lost het zilverionen op. Deze ionen doden ook en voorkomen biologische groei, waardoor het metabolisme van bacteriën wordt uitgeschakeld en hun membraanfuncties worden gehinderd. De waarde van deze eigenschappen is al eeuwen bekend en gebruikt. De Ancient Phoenicians, bijvoorbeeld, ontdekten dat ze water en andere vloeistoffen vers konden houden door ze op te slaan in met zilver beklede flessen. Amerikaanse pioniers voorkomen 3000 jaar later dysenterie, verkoudheid en griep door zilveren dollars in melkflessen te stoppen. Zilveren biociden worden tegenwoordig aangetroffen in ziekenhuiswatersystemen, katheters, meubels en bijna elk hulpmiddel in de operatiekamer. Zilver-koperionisatie is ook goedgekeurd als primaire behandeling voor langdurige controle van legionella in luchtkoelsystemen. Zilvernitraat werd in de late jaren 1800 gebruikt om pasgeboren baby's van bepaalde ooginfecties te genezen, en artsen ontdekten dat wonden sneller genazen met zilveren verbanden. Het metaal werd gebruikt in hechtingen voor chirurgische wonden en om maagzweren te genezen - een gebruik dat vandaag de dag voortduurt, met zilver-ingebedde verbanden waarvan bewezen is dat ze bijzonder effectief zijn in het genezen van de wonden van slachtoffers van brandwonden. Tijdens de jaren 1920 werden meer dan 3 miljoen recepten per jaar geschreven in de VS voor medicijnen die zilver bevatten. Door de introductie van penicilline in de jaren 1940, werden antibiotica de standaardbehandeling voor bacteriële infecties en dit gebruik van zilver nam af. Maar nieuw wetenschappelijk onderzoek heeft sindsdien een nieuwe uitbreiding van het gebruik van zilver door de medische industrie mogelijk gemaakt. Nanotechnologie gebruikt zilver als een antimicrobieel middel, waardoor het metaal tot deeltjes wordt gereduceerd, gemeten in miljardste van een meter. Dit nanozilver werkt als een katalysator voor oxidatie, waarbij zuurstof wordt gegenereerd uit lucht of water dat de celwandmembranen van eencellige bacteriën vernietigt. Omdat het deze reactie alleen maar "aanzet", vervuilt het de omgeving niet.
  • 2. Ontmoet het zilver dat 650 verschillende ziekteverwekkers dood en ontstekingen geneest in 72 uur. 15 redenen waarom je colloïdaal zilver in huis kunt hebben. Specifiek, een vloeistof genaamd colloïdaal zilver. Gemaakt met elektrolyse om puur, metaalachtig elementair zilver in gedestilleerd water te suspenderen, deze stof wordt al honderden jaren gebruikt om verschillende aandoeningen te behandelen. Hoewel de moderne geneeskunde misschien nog niet de voordelen van colloïdaal zilver omvat, verdienen steeds meer onderzoeken dit tonicum een plaats in de medicijnkast van elke natuurlijke liefhebber. Laten we eens kijken naar 15 fantastische voordelen van en gebruik voor colloïdaal zilver - samen met enkele dingen waar u op moet letten bij het winkelen voor een genezend zilverproduct. 1. Anti-alles Colloïdaal zilver is een groot natuurlijk antibioticum, dankzij de antimicrobiële werking. Het blijkt dat dit geen recente vondst is - zilver is al sinds de Romeinse en Griekse oudheid gebruikt om voedsel en dranken te bewaren! Deze krachtige vloeistof kan schimmelinfecties, virussen en bacteriën doden. Uit onderzoek in 2011 blijkt dat colloïdaal zilver nanodeeltjes het potentieel hebben om een effectief alternatief te bieden voor conventionele antischimmel behandelingen voor Candida-gerelateerde aandoeningen. Een Taiwanese studie ontdekte ook dat colloïdaal zilver de anti-biotisch resistente superbacteriën MRSA en Pseudomonas aeruginosa kan uitroeien. Het is ook zeer effectief bij gebruik in combinatie met antibiotica tegen MRSA en stafylokokbesmettingen. In feite ontdekten wetenschappers in de jaren tachtig 650 verschillende soorten ziekteverwekkers die snel werden vernietigd wanneer ze werden blootgesteld aan kleine hoeveelheden zilver. 2. Vecht tegen ontstekingen Gebruik colloïdaal zilver topisch om de pijn en het ongemak veroorzaakt door ontsteking en zwelling te verlichten, het genezingsproces te versnellen en het herstel te bevorderen. Toen onderzoekers van de National Institutes of Health de effecten van colloïdaal zilver op huidontsteking bij varkens bestudeerden, ontdekten ze dat de met zilver behandelde dieren bijna 72 uur lang bijna hersteld waren, terwijl de huid van de andere varkens ontstoken bleef. 3. Opruimen van ooginfecties Dankzij de antibacteriële, antivirale en ontstekingsremmende eigenschappen kan colloïdaal zilver ooginfecties zoals roze ogen, conjunctivitis en sties kalmeren en genezen. Behandeling kan niet eenvoudiger. Voeg eenvoudig twee of drie druppels colloïdaal zilver toe aan het oog en herhaal drie tot vier maal per dag. Als u wilt, kunt u het als oogdruppeltje gebruiken of het zachtjes over de ogen spuiten.
  • 3. 4. Behandel oorinfecties Oorinfecties kunnen soms worden veroorzaakt door verschillende soorten bacteriën of zelfs schimmels. In deze gevallen kunnen geneesmiddelen op recept niet effectief zijn, omdat ze zijn ontworpen om te werken tegen specifieke klassen van bacteriën. Hier komt colloïdaal zilver om de hoek kijken! Omdat het zoveel soorten bacteriën en schimmels doodt, biedt het een veelbelovend middel. Het werkt zelfs voor het oor van zwemmers. Voeg één of twee keer per dag twee druppels colloïdaal zilver toe aan het aangedane oor totdat de symptomen verdwijnen. 5. Verzacht brandwonden, snijwonden en schaafwonden Colloïdaal zilver stimuleert huid- en weefselgenezing terwijl het de ontsteking vermindert, wat betekent dat het een perfecte behandeling is voor kleine snijwonden en schaafwonden. Bovendien beveelt een onderzoeksartikel, gepubliceerd in Pharmacognosy Communications, aan dat colloïdaal zilver serieus in overweging wordt genomen voor lokaal gebruik bij de behandeling van brandwonden. 6. Gemakkelijke huidcondities Psoriasis, puistjes, mee-eters, witte hoofden, cysten en rode, ontstoken huid zijn allemaal pijnlijke, ongemakkelijke en soms genante huidaandoeningen. Of deze problemen worden veroorzaakt door bacteriën, virussen of schimmels, ze kunnen baat hebben bij een zilveren behandeling, die ook helpt bij het versnellen van het herstel van beschadigde weefsels.
  • 4. Rven op een rijtje Zilver kent 10.000 “industriële” toepassingen, zilver wordt in tegenstelling tot goud, echt verbruikt. Anders gezegd het raakt op. Zilver is een groot natuurlijk antibioticum, dankzij de antimicrobiële werking. Zilver dood resistente bacteriën(de ziekenhuisbacterie) en gevaarlijke virussen. Het heeft antibacteriële, antivirale en ontstekingsremmende eigenschappen Zilver kost nu slechts US$ 17,- per troy ounce(31 gram). Binnen 20 jaar zijn de nu bekende wereldreserves op. Er worden geen nieuwe grote ontdekkingen gedaan, er wordt bij deze prijs nauwelijks geïnvesteerd in zilverwinning.
  • 5. The industrial demand for silver BullionVault Silver has many industrial uses, accounting for more than half of annual demand worldwide over the last five years. This means that economic growth can affect silver prices far more than it affects gold. Only 10- 15% of annual gold demand worldwide comes from industrial use, the rest going to jewelry and investment. Because of silver's physical strength, brilliance, malleability and ductility (it can be squashed or pulled into shape), people have also used silver in jewelry, tableware and fine art for thousands of years. Industrial applications use silver's conductivity (the highest of any element for electricity and heat) as well as its sensitivity to light and anti-bacterial qualities. Today silver is invaluable to solder and brazing alloys, batteries, dentistry, glass coatings, LED chips, medicine, nuclear reactors, photography, photovoltaic (or solar) energy, RFID chips (for tracking parcels or shipments worldwide), semiconductors, touch screens, water purification, wood preservatives and many other industrial uses. Washington-based industry group the Silver Institute calls it "the indispensable metal". The biggest consumers of silver for industrial applications this past decade have been the US, Canada, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Germany and Russia. Over that time silver demand from older industries has faded, only to be replaced by new technological uses. Here we look at three major industrial uses of silver – photography, solar energy, and medical – and how they are changing. Photographic silver use Photography used to be the No.1 end-use of the silver, using silver nitrate to create light- sensitive halide crystals. This sector includes consumer photography, the graphic arts and radiography (x-rays), both in medicine and industrial inspection of heavy machinery. Photographic silver demand hit its peak in 1999, representing 25% of total fabrication. The film market in the United States alone used over 93 million ounces of silver that year, more than one ounce in every ten sold worldwide. Within five years, however, photographic demand slipped below 20% of total demand, and it fell to 9% by 2013. The growth of digital photography has played the greatest part in this decline. Still-photography used in x-rays remains a big consumer of silver, but total photographic demand has contracted 70% by weight from its peak. Photovoltaic (solar energy) silver demand Silver's sensitivity to light has found fast-growing use in the photovoltaic, or solar energy, industry. Using silver as a conductive ink, photovoltaic cells transform sunlight into electricity. Photovoltaic use first made an impact on silver demand in 2000, just as photographic use began its decline, with the sector consuming 1 million ounces that year. This was not even one tenth of the amount used by the electronics industry, but by 2008 the photovoltaic sector was consuming 19 million ounces per year as major government subsidies promoted the industry's growth in the US, Western Europe and particularly China.
  • 6. Photovoltaic demand for silver exploded on these taxpayer subsidies, growing at a 50% annual rate and starting to fill the gap left by the declining photographic industry. But with subsidies then cut as the financial crisis wore on, and with silver prices doubling in 2011 to hit almost $50 per ounce – the all-time peak set in January 1980 – silver industrial demand declined for three years running. Higher prices meant technology developed to use less silver in producing the same amount of solar power. This "thrifting" has now cut the quantity of silver by up to 80% per solar cell from a decade ago. So despite a rise in total solar panel production, US photovoltaic demand for silver has actually fallen in recent years. In Europe, those earlier government subsidies led to huge over-production, and excess capacity in the industry saw many solar-cell manufacturers go bankrupt, also hurt by competition from China. Even so, global photovoltaic demand for silver has grown at a compound annual rate of 20% over the last decade, according to the Silver Institute's World Silver Survey 2014. China is now the leader in solar-panel manufacturing, producing 60% of 2013's global output. Solar capacity in China leapt from 0.8 to 18.6 gigawatts between 2010 and 2013, with Beijing setting a target of 70GW by 2017. Medicine's growing silver use Of all chemical elements, silver has the most powerful antibacterial action with the least toxicity to animal cells. Because like the other, more expensive precious metals, it interrupts the ability of bacteria cells to form certain chemical bonds essential to their survival. But cells in humans and other animals have thicker walls, and are so undisturbed. When added to water, silver releases silver ions. These ions also kill and prevent biological growth, again disabling the metabolism of germs and hindering their membrane functions. The value of these properties has been known and used for centuries. The Ancient Phoenicians, for instance, found they could keep water and other liquids fresh by storing them in silver-coated bottles. American pioneers 3,000 years later prevented dysentery, colds, and flu by putting silver dollars in milk bottles. Silver biocides are today found in hospital water systems, catheters, furniture and almost every tool in the operating theatre. Silver-copper ionisation has also been approved as a primary treatment for long-term control of legionella in air-cooling systems. Silver nitrate was used in the late 1800s to cure new-born babies of certain eye infections, and doctors found that wounds healed faster with silver dressings. The metal was used in sutures for surgical wounds and to cure ulcers – a use which continues today, with silver-embedded bandages proven to be especially effective in healing the wounds of burn victims. During the 1920s, over 3 million prescriptions per year were written in the US for medications containing silver. Due to the introduction of penicillin in the 1940s, antibiotics became the standard treatment for bacterial infections, and this use of silver diminished. But new scientific research has since allowed fresh expansion of the medical industry's use of silver. Nanotechnology uses silver as an antimicrobial, reducing the metal to particles measured in billionths of a metre. This nanosilver acts as a catalyst for oxidation, generating oxygen from air or water which destroys the cell wall membranes of single-cell bacteria. Because it only "turns on" this reaction, it does not pollute the surrounding environment. In sum, there is much more to silver than its historical use as a monetary metal, or its ongoing use in jewellery and investment. Industrial and technological use of silver accounts for well over half annual demand. That demand plays an important and changing part in helping set long-term price direction.
  • 7. Are we running out of metals? Peak Metal? Snaring the Monster Are we running out of metals? Peak metal? Like peak-oil it might seem as Mark Twain remarked that “the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated”. My view is that we must do something soon or we will be past the tipping point. Another view is that we have plenty of metals to sustain our civilization and that our ingenuity in exploration driven by responsive incentive metal prices will lead to the discoveries beyond our wildest dreams to replace what we mine. The contention is that this is how it has always been in the past and will be forever – our kingdom come. But what if they are wrong and the past is not the key to the future. What if the future is decoupled in a step-change from the present and its past. We would not run out of metal but we would not be able to sustain present consumption levels and this will inevitably lead to substantially higher real prices for metals. I do not have to be right, just partly right. And if I am partly right maybe we should hedge that scenario. Are we finding enough copper and zinc and lead and nickel for our future needs? We might also ask of we are finding enough precious metals also but they are rare by definition and it is a want not a need. Base metals are the backbone of our industrial and infrastructural development. We are simply not nearly exploring at the level to make a difference. There still appears to be anorexic investor-appetite for exploration risk and financing the search. Richard Schodde (MinEX Consulting in Australia) was invited recently to Levi in Finland to talk on just this subject. He spoke at the Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining (FEM) Conference*. Richard’s unavoidable conclusion is that the global mining industry to sustain itself, either needs to reduce production or increase the exploration spend by more than the 65% currently projected, or it needs to be much more efficient at discovery. What is more efficient? Find more by a factor of two. Or commodity prices have to rise substantially above those currently projected by the analysts; or all above. It is not a matter of “if’ but “when”. The key conclusion when you look over the next 10-20 years is that the projected discovery rate isn’t enough to keep the market in-balance for many of the metals. It is particularly severe for zinc. Taking the ten year view, the discovery rate for zinc needs to rise by 40% and it does not look very pretty when you look at the next 20 years. So much for a one-year peak zinc-price spike. What is more is that discoveries are deeper now and harder to find. It will unavoidably cost more per lb of zinc or oz of gold discovered. The projected incentive prices for metals are far too low to make us bother going out to look. The expert economists are using prices for these metals that are way too low in their long-term forecasts. There is solid analysis behind these predictions. Schodde assumes a discovery cost of US$0.03/lb for zinc and a long run commodity price of $1.00/lb for the metal based on latest street consensus. In the meantime you either take the view that supply-demand will find equilibrium. With the zinc price now doubled since the beginning of 2016 why not just fund zinc projects which were not economic during the last zinc price up-cycle? Some bless their hearts believe this is the least risky way to grab the upswing. We will find again that he rising zinc price is no substitute for grade – that is if you want to make money. A quality zinc project will return a margin even in a downswing. Right now because
  • 8. of very little funding for zinc exploration over the last decade there have been very few discoveries and quality zinc projects may as well be unicorns. Pasinex Resources ( does have a small but very rich jewel in the Taurus Mountains of southern Turkey. Where are we now at this snap-shot in time. Overnight, LME zinc inventories were at 232,100 tonnes. Total global zinc stocks are now at 373,000 which is down 50% YTD and YoY. We now have only 9.5 days of consumption stored away. Is China in supply-demand equilibrium? Just look at smelter treatment charges. Some point out that Glencore is holding back about 4% of global zinc mine-supply to bolster the the zinc price and that Chines demand is softening. Hence a slightly bearish LME week recently in London. We should take heed of what Glencore does as it is the largest and canniest global trader of zinc. To turn on its big Australian mines will take maybe nine months if they can find and rehire those mining teams. I do expect these highly experienced miners have been in suspended animation for the last couple of years. They have families to feed. Glencore is not complacent about future zinc supply. Last month it announced an investment of half billion to billion dollars to buy a stake from the Lett family in Peruvian miner Volcan. I believe we are heading for $2/lb zinc in 2018. It is about none months since I wrote my last blog on zinc. You have been spared from the zinc prophesies of another John crying in the wilderness. The zinc price has surged in the interim and I have been busy with my co-founding partners and supporters demarcating hunting reserves to snare the monster. Staking these exploration licenses in Ireland is like assembling the pieces of a jig-saw. It is a real feat to assemble such large strategic ground positions. In the past with different explorers held a couple of interlocking pieces here or a cluster of pieces there. A bit like a game of monopoly. Nobody had enough ground to work with – just pieces of the picture. The average size of the piece or exploration license in Ireland is about 30 square kilometres give or take. Why? Because we use fixed town-land boundaries and both natural and unnatural drainage features. Why is it all like monopoly? Because when nobody was buying, Group Eleven (, was able to land on these prospective basins and get the open ground two years ago when the zinc price was half what it is today. And of course why would anyone bother to explore for zinc when inventories of refined metal were at record highs and the world was still certainly in a state of economic chassis. These jig-saw pieces are the exploration licences that cover the central corrugated carbonate basins and sub-basins of Ireland. A world-class zinc district? Why? Because in terms of discovery per acre or hectare there has been more lbs of zinc discovered than any other metallotect in the world. This jewel-box for zinc is only about 30,000 square kilometres in size. That is about the size of Belgium. It was folded during the Caledonian orogeny and crunched and dislocated during the Hercynian or Variscan orogeny. This later shunt between 380 million and 280 million years ago was key. It resulted from a collision between Gondwanaland and Laurasia at the breakneck speed of a growing fingernail. When you push obliquely on an regional tectonic grain or fault fabric it creates earthquaking stress points but also most importantly dilation zones. It is these dilational zones along the fauts which form the plumbing conduits to tap the metal-pregnant fluids from deep. And these faults have to move at the right time. Not too early nor too late for the ejaculation from deep-down beneath. The clue to when the faults opened up is in the strata of geological time. For that you need a stratigrapher who knows the rocks like the back of his hand. This is the quest for deeper blind deposits. The explorers who have gone before stumbled over the low hanging fruit close to surface. The big leap forward now is using seismics borrowed the oil n’ gas guys. It is this technology which has unlocked the SWEX deeps below a kilometre depth at New
  • 9. Boliden’s world-class Navan mine in Ireland. Interpreting seismic profiles is also part art and part science. You again need the right artist. Navan went into production in 1979 and now has a new lease on life as a result of this deep-vault discovery. You have to cast a wide net and have consolidated strategic ground positions so you can have the necessary runway for seismic profiles over tens of kilometres. Basically you have to have the pieces of the jig-saw. Seismics profiles now reveal the structural architecture in an MRI scan down to and beneath five kilo- fathoms . Drilling only pin pricks to a few hundred metres so you can only see thin-skinned structure. Crucially, we can now see the deep plumbing faults apart from subsidiary splays. Group Eleven now holds the largest amount of prospective exploration ground for zinc in Ireland. For some the hunt for the Monster, deep in the forest, is too risky and too dangerous even though we know some of these beasts were slain near the clearing. Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are my own personal opinions as an exploration geologist and keen observer of the zinc sector and these views should not in any way be taken as investment advice. I am a co-founder of Group Eleven Resources and I am a Director of Pasinex Resources. * Schodde RC, “Long term trends in global exploration – are we finding enough metal?“. Keynote presentation for the Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining (FEM) Conference, Levi, Finland, October 2017