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How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-
Technology Ventures?
Sandy Yu
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Sandy Yu (2020) How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?. Management Science
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Vol. 66, No. 2, February 2020, pp. 530–552 ISSN 0025-1909 (print), ISSN 1526-5501 (online)
How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of
High-Technology Ventures?
Sandy Yua
Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Minnesota 55455
Contact:, http:/
/ (SY)
Received: June 11, 2015
Revised: August 12, 2016; November 18, 2017;
October 30, 2018
Accepted: November 7, 2018
Published Online in Articles in Advance:
October 18, 2019
Copyright: © 2019 INFORMS
Abstract. Accelerators aim to help nascent companies reach successful outcomes by
providing capital, enabling industry connections, and increasing exposure to investors.
Critically, however, accelerators also provide informative signals to founders about the
probability of success. Founders use this information to decide whether to continue or shut
down. To better understand these issues, I provide a model of accelerator participation and
performance and then test empirical predictions from the model using a novel data set of
approximately 900 accelerator companies across 13 accelerators and 900 matched non-
accelerator companies. I find that, through accelerator feedback effects, accelerator
companies close down earlier and more often, raise less money conditional on closing, and
appear to be more efficient investments compared with non-accelerator companies. Ad-
ditional analysis using a separate sample of rejected accelerator applicants further sup-
ports these findings. These results suggest that accelerators help resolve uncertainty
around company quality sooner, allowing founders to make funding and exit decisions
History: Accepted by Ashish Arora, entrepreneurship and innovation.
Funding: Funding comes from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
Keywords: accelerators • start-ups • value of information • information provision • feedback • entrepreneurial finance
1. Introduction
Founders of early-stage ventures are often resource-
constrained and need to make strategic decisions
based on limited data. Consequently, information
that can help reduce uncertainty is especially im-
portant. This information has economic value, and the
willingness to pay will depend on the venture’s ex
ante success probability (Arrow 1962, Arora and
Fosfuri 2005). Moreover, founders will invest in ac-
quiring this information if the probability of success is
high enough. Feedback and other types of signals are
just starting to be examined in the entrepreneurship
literature (Hellmann and Puri 2002, Hsu 2004, Kerr
et al. 2014, Howell 2017), and accelerators are a source
of feedback that can inform founders to assess the
feasibility of their idea.
Accelerators are financial organizations that invest in
cohorts of start-up companies, usually in exchange for
equity (typically around $20,000 investment for 10% of
the company). After selecting a cohort of companies,
accelerators run limited-duration programs that offer
mentorship from industry experts, weekly educational
programming, and coworking spaces. The first acceler-
ator, Y Combinator, was established in 2005, and the
popularity of accelerators has been boosted by famous
participants, such as Dropbox, Reddit, and Airbnb.
Currently there are at least 200 accelerators worldwide,
and their portfolio companies have raised more than
$14.5 billion in funding. Furthermore, many govern-
ments are interested in using accelerators as a way to
foster entrepreneurship and, in turn, stimulate the local
economy (Gonzalez-Uribe and Leatherbee 2018).1
However, whether and how accelerators actually
benefit entrepreneurs are still open questions. Many
news articles tout the success of accelerators by citing
the aggregate amount of funding raised by portfolio
companies, acquisition rates, and employment num-
bers, yet there is no indication that these outcomes
were a direct result of accelerator participation. Ac-
celerators have received little attention in the econo-
mics, finance, and management literature, but there
is an emerging body of work examining their role
in entrepreneurship (Cohen and Hochberg 2014,
Gonzalez-Uribe and Leatherbee 2014, Winston Smith
and Hannigan 2015, Hallen et al. 2019). The results
vary because of heterogeneity in methodology and
sample selection. However, one consistent observa-
tion is that accelerators seem to benefit entrepreneurs
through non-pecuniary channels, such as mentorship,
this paper proposes an information channel that has not
been discussed in this context.
The goal of this paper is to explore whether and how
accelerators affect entrepreneurial firm performance,
specifically focusing on the value of information provided
by the accelerator. This information includes feedback
quality and viability of their idea, which then enables
strategic decisions of continuing the venture or shutting
down. The main analysis combines both a model based
on anecdotal evidence and quantitative analysis across
multiple accelerators. First, I interviewed founders, ac-
celerator partners, and accelerator mentors to understand
their experiences participating in or operating accelera-
tors. These interviews also informed me of key perfor-
mance metrics from both the founders’ and partners’
perspectives and accelerator features and founder
characteristics that motivate founders to apply. I then
develop a model that characterizes the differences
between accelerator and non-accelerator companies
as a result of accelerator feedback effects. Founders
observe a signal of quality of their idea, and as a result
of this signal, founders who are more pessimistic are
more likely to join an accelerator. By doing so, they
pay a cost—the equity, typically around 10%, given
to the accelerator—but the uncertainty around the
quality of their idea is resolved sooner. This faster
resolution of uncertainty is a consequence of the in-
tense feedback within the accelerator environment,
which is the feedback effect. The model implies that,
conditional on idea quality, accelerators provide for more
efficient development decisions, in terms of selecting
both projects to drop and the optimal amount of effort
to exert on a given project. The model has three main
predictions. First, accelerator companies close down
earlier and more often because of the faster resolution
of uncertainty around the quality of the idea. Second,
conditional on closing, accelerator companies raise
less money because they do not raise funds beyond
the accelerator. And third, accelerator companies
appear to be more efficient investments than non-
accelerator companies because more money is allo-
cated toward companies that are eventually acquired
than companies that eventually close and offer zero
To test the empirical implications of the model,
I then construct a novel data set of approximately 900
accelerator companies from 13 different accelerators
that are then matched to the same number of non-
accelerator companies based on pre-accelerator charac-
teristics. In the sample, the accelerator companies tend
to be young (17 months on average), raising their first
round of financing, operate in consumer web/software/
e-commerce, and have founders who are starting new
ventures for the first time. Many factors, such as the
experience of the founder, can impact firm performance
(Chatterji 2009, Roberts et al. 2011) and influence the
decision to apply to an accelerator. For a founder who
has prior entrepreneurial experience, it is not clear
whether the benefit of accelerator participation out-
weighs the cost of ownership dilution. By constructing a
control sample consisting of matched non-accelerator
companies that are of similar company age, location,
description, founder experience, and funding as the
accelerator companies, I attempt to control for the
selection bias (different types of founders or companies
are more likely to participate in accelerators). From there,
I use nonparametric analysis to establish a set of
stylized facts.
Finally, I proceed to explore these predictions with
regression analysis using the matched sample of
companies. Furthermore, as an additional test of the
feedback effects predicted by the model, I restrict my
analysis to a separate sample of accepted accelerator
applicants and rejected applicants in the final round.
Consistent with the model’s predictions, I observe
that the differences in closure probability and funding
efficiency persist.
Although accelerators are a recent phenomenon,
organizations and programs that provide information,
outreach, and extension services to firms and individuals
have been well established across various industries, in-
cluding agriculture and manufacturing.2
there is a rich literature related to the provision of
information and performance, including seminal
work on the diffusion of innovation, which has shown
that informational constraints affect subsequent
adoption of innovation by profit-maximizing firms
(Griliches 1957, Mansfield 1961). For entrepreneurs
specifically, organizations such as the Small Business
Development Centers in the United States provide
assistance and free business consulting, and the In-
novator’s Assistance Program in Canada provides
feedback on feasibility. In general, these programs
and organizations aim to increase social welfare by
facilitating the flow of information. Although accel-
erators are typically established because of financial
incentives of investors, it appears that they may
contribute to social welfare by enabling more intense
feedback and providing information that has eco-
nomic value to both the entrepreneurs and investors.
This paper has several contributions. First, I present
both qualitative and quantitative data to document
how accelerators operate. Second, I investigate ac-
celerators as a source of valuable information for
founders, using both theoretical and empirical ana-
lyses. There have been various industry reports and
news articles about accelerators, but most focus on
overall portfolio performance of a select few accel-
erators and individual founder stories. By documenting
and analyzing whether and how accelerators affect new
venture performance, I provide empirical evidence of
the information-provision role of accelerators in re-
solving uncertainty around company quality. Third, to
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 531
my knowledge, I have created the largest sample of
accelerator companies across 13 different accelerators,
which allows me to conduct cross-cohort and cross-
accelerator analysis. Finally, by examining the effect of
accelerator participation on new venture performance
and the relevant mechanisms, I provide insight into the
efficiency of accelerator investments, which has im-
plications for policy aimed toward fostering innovation
and building entrepreneurial communities. This paper
seeks to bridge a gap in the literature by understanding
an important industry and shedding light on crucial
strategic concerns of founders: managing uncertainty
and growth.
2. Institutional Setting
There are numerous sources of information and
feedback for a start-up company, and founders decide
which sources to pursue based on factors such as the
stage of the company, cost of access, and quality of the
information. Mentorship and feedback can be value-
added benefits of funding sources, so it is common for
founders to seek information through investors. In
addition to accelerators, other sources of information
may include friends and family, grants, angel in-
vestors, crowdfunding, and venture capital firms.
Each source of information comes with different
trade-offs, but here I focus on the trade-off between
mentorship and the cost of access and comparisons
with angel investors and venture capital firms. First,
instead of investing in companies on an ad-hoc and
ongoing basis, as do angel investors and venture
capitalists, accelerators select cohorts of companies
through an application process once or twice during a
year. Second, the magnitude of investment is on the
order of tens of thousands of dollars for anywhere
between 2% and 10% equity stake instead of the
hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars that
would be expected from institutional investors. Third,
a highly attractive characteristic of being funded by an
accelerator is access to mentors, strategic connections,
and the accelerator alumni network. Although angel
investors and venture capitalists also offer advice and
introductions to their networks, the magnitude and
frequency of mentorship are much higher in an ac-
celerator. Based on conversations with investors and
entrepreneurs, there is a strong sense of “paying it
forward” within the entrepreneurial community. Many
mentor–mentee relationships even become investor–
investee after the accelerator program ends. Alumni
mentors are yet an additional source of advice and
encouragement. As one participant of 500 Startups
states, “The whole 500 Startups network is the real
value.” Finally, accelerators often provide physical
office space for the companies, and this setting allows
companies in the same cohort to work within close
proximity of each other.
In Figure 1, differences between accelerators and
other sources of information are highlighted along the
dimensions of mentorship and price of equity in terms
of amount of funding received for equity given up. In
other words, the price of equity is also what the founder is
paying for access to mentorship and feedback. Venture
capital firms are relatively hands off compared with ac-
to offer some mentorship and invest less money than
venture capital firms (and more than accelerators). Some
angel investors take a personal interest in the founders,
and others may provide less mentoring than venture
capitalists. Relative to venture capitalists and angel in-
vestors, accelerators offer the highest degree of involve-
but are also the most expensive—small amount of fi-
nancial investment for a relatively large amount of
equity. Companies at different stages and industries
require varying amounts of mentoring; therefore, the
optimal source of information is not “one size fits all”
for every company. However, it seems that by choosing
accelerators, a founder is prioritizing mentorship over the
price of equity, which may be appropriate forearlier-stage
2.1. Application Process
Given that educational programming and mentor-
ship are large components of an accelerator program,
it is fitting that the application process for accelerators
is very similar to the college application process. An
accelerator posts the application online with ques-
tions related to the founder team, previous projects,
product idea, and funding status and often requests
videos or links to a prototype. After an initial screening,
Figure 1. Comparison of Sources of Finance Along the
Dimensions of Mentorship and Price of Equity
Notes. From the entrepreneur’s perspective, accelerators offer the
highest intensity of mentorship. However, relative to venture capitalists
and angel investors, accelerators require more equity relative to the
low amount of financial input. Therefore, the price of equity taken is
also highest.
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
532 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
there are one or multiple rounds of phone and face-to-face
interviews with the accelerator partners. Then a final
decision is made, and the founders will usually be re-
quired to move to the city in which the accelerator is
located for the duration of the program. Because of the
popularity of accelerators, the number of applicants has
increased, and there is even a “common application,”
the Unified Seed Accelerator Application, which al-
lows founders to apply to multiple accelerators with a
single form.3
Even though there are many options for
founders who want to participate in an accelerator,
many founders aim for a select few prominent ac-
celerators. The acceptance rate for the most selective
accelerators is very low and continues to decrease, and
because of the large number of applicants, founders may
not get feedback on why their applications were rejec-
It seems that, especially for founders who make it
to the final interview round, it is difficult to explain
why they were eventually rejected. The following quote
from Paul Graham, founding partner of Y Combinator,
suggests that companies in the final round are very
similar, at least based on observable characteristics: “So
why don’t we tell people why we didn’t invite them to
interview? Because, paradoxical as it sounds, there
often is no reason.” In this paper, I focus on companies
that applied to and participated in accelerators and
similar companies that could have applied.
2.2. Demo Day
The most unique characteristic of accelerators is demo
day, which is essentially the graduation ceremony of
the program. More important, it is a chance for all the
companies in the cohort to showcase their products to
a large audience of investors. Founders take turns
pitching their companies, and they also specify the
amount of money they are aiming to raise. After the
pitches, investors have time to talk with companies in
which they are interested, and funding deals can be
closed in the following weeks. From the perspective of
the investors, even if they do not invest in the com-
panies immediately, they are aware of accelerator
companies and can track their developments for a
future financing round.
Given the large number of new accelerators being
created in recent years, this paper analyzes participants
of 13 more-established accelerators that fit specific cri-
teria further explained in Section 4. These accelerators
have been in operation for four years on average, run
14-week programs, and invested $20,846 in 15 com-
on average, 102 alumni and 62 mentors who are affiliated
with the accelerator at the time of data collection.
3. Theory
To understand how accelerators operate and a founder’s
motivation for choosing accelerators over alternative
sources of information and funding, interviews were
conducted with 12 accelerator partners, industry
mentors, and founders, and a survey was distributed
to founders (with more than 70 respondents) asking
specific questions about the decision to apply to an
accelerator, what the perceived and realized benefits
were, and details of their ventures. The survey results
were helpful for data collection, but more important,
they revealed which accelerator characteristics were
most valuable to the founders and informed the
3.1. Mechanisms
Here, I highlight the intuition and mechanism behind
the model. The timing of the model and further
mathematical details are included in Appendix B.
When founders choose to participate in an accelera-
tor, they do so only if the signal about the quality of
their idea is below a certain threshold. During the
program, the main mechanism is an accelerator feedback
effect, by which the resolution of uncertainty around
the quality of the idea is faster because of feedback
within the accelerator.
Initially, founders must pay a cost to participate in
an accelerator. This cost is the equity a founder must
give up, but it can also be seen as the opportunity cost
of joining the accelerator. These costs are higher for
founders with better-quality ideas. Anecdotal evi-
dence from founders supports this. For example, one
accelerator company founder said that “if your
company fails, that 6%–10% you gave out [to the
accelerator] won’t be useful,” suggesting that the cost
of participation is lower for founders with low-
quality ideas. By contrast, when asked about the de-
cision not to apply to an accelerator, a non-accelerator
company founder stated that the founders “didn’t
want to give up equity on unfavorable terms.” In other
words, the founders thought they had a promising idea
and were not willing to dilute the company for a $21,000
accelerator investment. Therefore, founders with rela-
tively lower-quality ideas will apply to participate in
accelerators, whereas founders with the highest-quality
ideas may pursue other sources of financing or in-
formation. This means that there are founders with good
ideas who are willing to exchange equity for the potential
benefits that accelerators offer. Put differently, one ad-
vantage of joining an accelerator is that you buy a real
option: instead of investing more resources in the dark,
you do so with knowledge of the true quality of the idea,
thus having the option of shutting down and cutting
losses short. In this model, I assume that all founders who
apply to the accelerator are accepted.
Conditional on a founder choosing to participate in
an accelerator, there is an accelerator effect resulting
from the intense feedback during the accelerator
program. Accelerator company founders meet with
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 533
accelerator partners and mentors frequently and also
have daily interactions with other founders in their
cohort. This allows founders to iterate more quickly
and resolve uncertainty around the feasibility of an
idea at a faster pace. In fact, in my survey of more than
70 founders, “access to industry mentors” was listed
as the most important reason for applying to an
accelerator, and one accelerator company founder
stated that the biggest gain of participating in an
accelerator was “coworking with other founders.
People were very open and helpful.” In contrast,
non-accelerator company founders receive very little
and less frequent feedback during the same time
period of the accelerator program, so there is still
uncertainty around the quality of the idea when
founders need to decide whether to invest further.
Consequently, founders of lower-quality accelerator
companies know when to cut losses and do not at-
tempt to raise more money, whereas founders of
lower-quality non-accelerator companies will con-
tinue to raise money, essentially paying for additional
information until the uncertainty is resolved. There-
fore, accelerator companies shut down more often and
do so sooner rather than later. In addition, at the time
of shutting down, accelerator companies will have
raised less money, on average.
To summarize, the model characterizes the dif-
ferences between accelerator companies and non-
accelerator companies as a result of self-selection and
accelerator feedback effects. Founders who observe
low-quality signals choose to pay the equity cost of
joining an accelerator in favor of a better signal of the
true quality of the idea. This better signal, in turn,
provides the feedback effect of accelerator partici-
pation. It implies that, conditional on idea quality,
accelerators provide for more efficient development
decisions, in terms of selecting both projects to drop
and the optimal amount of effort to put into a given
3.2. Empirical Implications
The model derives the following testable implications.
Hypothesis 1. Accelerator companies go out of business
earlier and more often than non-accelerator companies.
Hypothesis 2. Conditional on going out of business, ac-
celerator companies receive less funding than non-accelerator
Hypotheses 1 and 2 are both consequences of the
intense feedback environment during the accelerator
program. Accelerators enable founders to have direct
and frequent access to mentors who offer advice and
feedback. Mentors are usually industry experts, serial
entrepreneurs, or venture capitalists who want to
give back to the entrepreneurial community or have
previously invested in alumni companies. Even though
the mentors are not compensated financially, they
commit to spending time with the accelerator company
founders to share their experiences, keep current with
start-up trends, and foster relationships. Although
non-accelerator company founders may have other
sources of mentorship, the frequency and intensity of
mentorship are unlikely to be higher than in an ac-
celerator environment. The frequency of the meetings
varies, but founders can spend numerous hours weekly
or even daily meeting with mentors. There is an ex-
pectation for accelerator mentors to be available or in-
volved to a certain degree, and sometimes the meetings
are organized by the accelerator directly. For example,
according to the Techstars website, “About two or
three nights a week, we’ll organize informal educa-
tional sessions with our mentors. We also expect
many of the mentors to drop into Techstars at vari-
ous times throughout the program.” In addition to
having more frequent interactions with a given
mentor, accelerator company founders will also be
exposed to more mentors because of the large net-
work associated with the accelerator. The alumni
network consists of all previous participants of the
same accelerator, and it grows consistently with each
cohort. The founders can tap into a wealth of knowl-
edge from alumni who had the same experiences and
faced similar challenges. In addition to mentors and
alumni, cohort-mates can serve as another source of
feedback. Founders in the same cohort spend a sig-
nificant amount of time together and develop into a
tight-knit community. They can then benchmark their
own quality against the progress and quality of other
companies in their cohort and assess their likelihood of
raising follow-on funding, getting acquired, or going
out of business.5
Based on the feedback during the accelerator pro-
gram, uncertainty around the quality of the idea is
resolved much faster for accelerator companies, so
founders are able to make exit decisions sooner rather
than later. In particular, lower-quality companies
realize that their ideas may not be sustainable in the
long term and choose to go out of business altogether
instead of trying to fund-raise later. In contrast, because
of the lack of frequent feedback, this uncertainty
is still unresolved for all non-accelerator companies
during the same time frame. Therefore, founders con-
tinue to operate and fund-raise until the uncertainty is
resolved later. Therefore, Hypothesis 1 follows. As a
result, for many accelerator companies, the last round
of funding will be from the accelerator, which, on
average, is only $21,000. Consequently, conditional
on closing, accelerator companies will raise less
money, and Hypothesis 2 follows.
An additional prediction of the model considers
accelerator companies as a portfolio: specifically,
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
534 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
outcomes of investing in all accelerator companies.
Here I propose a “funding ratio,” defined as FR ≡
(Average Funding|Closed)/(Average Funding|Acquired).
Using an acquisition as a successful outcome, the
funding ratio is a measure of whether companies
that eventually succeed receive more funding than
companies that eventually shut down. If the funding
ratio is small (<1), investors are making better in-
vestments (higher probability of a return) than if the
funding ratio is large. Because of faster exit deci-
sions, conditional on quality, the model predicts the
Hypothesis 3. The funding ratio
FR ≡
Average Funding|Closed
Average Funding|Acquired
is smaller for accelerator companies than for non-accelerator
This is closely related to Hypothesis 2 because ac-
celerator companies that eventually close do not raise
additional development funding. Furthermore,
FRaccelerator < FRnon-accelerator indicates that investing in
accelerator companies as a whole may be an efficient
use of money because the funding allocated to acquired
companies is larger than funding allocated to compa-
nies that shut down.
4. Data and Summary Statistics
This paper presents both qualitative and quantitative
data to document the accelerator phenomenon. To
test predictions of the model and investigate the effect
of accelerators on their portfolio companies, it is
necessary to obtain data on companies that have
participated in accelerators (accelerator companies)
and similar companies that have not participated in
accelerators (non-accelerator companies). This sam-
ple is constructed by identifying a set of accelerator
companies and then matching non-accelerator com-
panies to accelerator companies based on observable
4.1. Accelerator Selection
Given the heterogeneity in definition and the rate
of new accelerators being established, this paper
focuses on participants of accelerators that satisfy
the following criteria: (1) located in the United States,
(2) have invested in at least 30 companies across two
cohorts, (3) take equity in exchange for investment,
and (4) are not affiliated with a university or sponsored
by a corporation. Imposing these criteria ensures that
the accelerators in the sample face similar legal and
country-specific geographic constraints, have some
baseline experience investing in companies, accept
applications from anyone, and focus on financial in-
centives (rather than promoting academic entrepre-
neurship or specific technology platforms). According
to Seed-DB, a popular website tracking accelerator
activities, there are 172 active accelerators worldwide
that have accelerated 2,921 companies.6
After im-
posing the selection criteria, I retain 13 accelerators
and record the location and founding year of the
accelerator, details of the program structure (in-
cluding program length and funding terms), the
number of affiliated mentors, and its complete in-
vestment history with cohort information. These ac-
celerator characteristics are summarized in Table 1.
The resulting sample consists of 1,311 accelerator
companies from 13 accelerators.
4.2. Accelerator Companies
For each of the accelerator companies, I gather the
founders’ names, employment history, founding date,
founding location, funding dates and amounts, in-
dustry, description, and operational status. The main
data source is Crunchbase, which is an open-source
database maintained by TechCrunch, the leading
technology news site Crunchbase contains profiles of
companies, people, and investors and is regarded as
one of the best resources for technology companies
and transactions. It has partnerships with more than
400 venture capital firms, accelerators, incubators,
and angel groups to ensure the accuracy of the data.
Crunchbase tends to have more early-stage trans-
actions than similar databases (such as CB Insights,
Dow Jones VentureSource, PitchBook, and PwC
MoneyTree), which makes it ideal for the companies
in the sample.7
Most important, existing company
entries cannot be deleted from Crunchbase, so there is
no survivalship bias. This is particularly important
because many companies (about half in the sample)
Table 1. Accelerator Summary Statistics
Accelerator attributes Observations Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum
Accelerator age, years 13 3.92 2.06 1.00 8.00
Investment amount, $US 13 20,846 5,505 18,000 38,000
Program length, weeks 13 13.69 2.81 10.00 20.00
Cohort size 82 14.94 13.59 5.00 84.00
Number of mentors 13 62.12 59.99 1.00 182.00
Size of alumni network 13 101.62 143.12 30.00 566.00
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 535
are recorded in Crunchbase but never report any
external funding rounds, which is another indicator
that Crunchbase captures a wide range of companies
and not just well-funded and well-publicized ones.
One caveat to point out is that only external funding is
reported. In other words, funding from friends and
family or the individual wealth of the founders is not
reflected in Crunchbase. However, according to in-
terviews and surveys with the founders, financing
constraints are not the main reason for applying to
an accelerator, so the possibility of founder wealth
driving accelerator participation is not a huge concern.
In addition to Crunchbase, AngelList and CapitalIQ
are used to supplement and validate company infor-
mation, and LinkedIn is used to collect past founding
experience of the entrepreneurs. AngelList is a platform
for new venture fund raising and often includes infor-
mation about founders and funding history. CapitalIQ
is a division of Standard & Poors (S&P) and contains
financial transaction data for both private and public
companies. CapitalIQ obtains information from a
variety of sources, including press releases, media
mentions, and regulatory filings, which makes it com-
plementary to the data from Crunchbase and AngelList.
One of the challenges of working with early-stage
companies is that company names appear in differ-
ent forms, so extra care has been taken to reconcile
company and product names to ensure consistency.8
To determine a founder’s employment history, a
combination of founder profiles in Crunchbase and
LinkedIn cross-checked with other data sources is
used to see if a founder is associated with multiple
ventures. When there are discrepancies in founding
or funding information across the different sources,
I defer to the company website or whichever source
has been most recently updated.
Tables 2–4 contain summary statistics for the ac-
celerator companies. From Table 2, we see that the
seed investment from the accelerator was the first
round of capital raised for 95.3% of the companies. In
other words, the majority of the accelerator compa-
nies had no funding beyond their own money or from
friends and family at the time of acceptance. Less than
5% of the accelerator companies had raised at least
one round of funding prior to acceptance into the
accelerator. In fact, the average company age at the
time of acceptance into an accelerator is 17 months.
These numbers indicate that accelerator compaines
are generally young and are at the early stages of
product development. Table 3 shows that, location-
wise, more than half the companies are located in
Silicon Valley (including San Francisco, California) and
New York, New York. The five regions with the most
companies also highly correlate with where the accel-
erators are headquartered. In terms of industries, the
first column of Table 4 shows that software-related
industries still dominate, accounting for more than
half the companies. Regarding founder characteris-
tics, accelerator company founders are, on average,
28.6 years old, and 78.8% hold bachelor’s degrees in
science or engineering. Furthermore, 28.3% have ad-
vanced degrees, including 7.8% holding a master’s in
business administration.
4.3. Matched Sample
The second half of the sample consists of companies that
did not participate in accelerators, “non-accelerator com-
panies,” which are matched to accelerator companies
based on founding year, founding location, company
description, founder experience, and “pre-accelerator”
funding (based on when the corresponding acceler-
ator company applied to an accelerator). The goal
Table 2. Summary of Financing Round in Which
Accelerator Invested in Accelerator Companies
Accelerator round Frequency Percentage
Round 1 1,078 95.31
Round 2 40 3.54
Round 3 10 0.88
Rounds 4–6 3 0.27
Total 1,311 100.00
Note. Only publicly announced funding activity is included.
Table 3. Summary of Geographic Dispersion of Accelerator
Region Frequency Percentage
Silicon Valley, California 542 54.69
New York, New York 130 13.12
Boston/Cambridge, Massachusetts 64 6.46
Boulder, Colorado 60 6.05
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 46 4.64
Canada, Europe, Russia 24 2.42
Other 125 12.61
Total 991 100.00
Note. The total number is less than 1,311 because location information
could not be confirmed for 320 companies.
Table 4. Summary of Accelerator Company Industries
(Self-Reported on Crunchbase)
Industry Percentage
Web 24.32
Software 10.81
E-commerce 10.42
Mobile 10.04
Games/video 8.11
Enterprise 5.41
Advertising 4.25
Messaging 3.86
Analytics 3.09
Other 19.69
Total 100.00
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
536 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
here is to control for the type and quality of company
such that the matched pairs look identical right before
the accelerator company enters the accelerator. The
counterfactual is companies that could have partici-
pated in accelerator programs but did not. Both
company characteristics and founder background can
have an impact on how companies evolve and per-
form (Roberts et al. 2011). Selecting investment tar-
gets is a complex process that is difficult to codify, and
even the accelerator partners may not be able to ar-
ticulate why one company was accepted and not the
other. Because of the high degree of variation in business
descriptions within the same industry, matching on in-
dustry alone is insufficient. For example, a company that
“analyzes and synthesizes social conversations in real
time” and a company that “instruments and monitors
your application’s performance” are both categorized
as “software” companies but represent very different
businesses. Propensity score matching would only
allow matching on the industry level and be insuf-
ficient for precise matches. Therefore, matches are
identified by hand via two coders. The project details
were not disclosed to the coders, and they were given
detailed instructions for the matching algorithm and
examples of different types of matches.9
At a high
level, the matching procedure is the following: the
universe of companies in Crunchbase is first filtered
based on founding year and location; then each of the
remaining companies is examined to determine the best
fit based on the description of the company. Then the
entrepreneurial experience of the founders is compared.
After this first-stage matching, a second-stage match is
completed based on cumulative funding raised right
before a company enters an accelerator (based on cohort
date to a quarter precision). For instance, if an accel-
erator company participates in an accelerator in year
2.25 (the ninth quarter) with $20,000 in funding, the
matched non-accelerator comany has also raised the
same amount by year 2.25. The second-stage matching
is particularly useful for comparing funding patterns
post-accelerator. An example of a perfectly matched
pair is the following: company A, an accelerator com-
pany, was founded in San Francisco, California, in 2011
and specializes in “fraud technology for e-commerce
stores.” The founders of company A have no prior
founding experience, and company A had zero funding
at the time of accelerator application. It is matched
to company B, a non-accelerator company, which was
founded in Palo Alto, California, in 2011 and describes
itself as “technology services that help e-commerce
businesses detect and fight fraud.” The founders of
company B were all new founders, and they also did
not raise any money pre-accelerator. Checking both
company websites (see Appendix A for screenshots)
further confirms that the companies are similar based
on observable characteristics, and therefore, company
A and company B would be considered a perfect match.
If a perfect match cannot be found, the matching criteria
are relaxed, in turn, until a lesser match can be found.
The quality of the match is recorded, and accelerator
companies with no matches are also recorded. The exact
algorithm for matching is included in Appendix A. One
caveat here is that founders fill out lengthy applica-
tions and may disclose information, such as alumni
recommendations and links to product demos, that
can be pertinent to the accelerator’s selection process.
These selection criteria are private and unobservable
to the econometrician and are therefore not accounted
for in the matching process.
Once the list of non-accelerator companies is iden-
tified, company details are gathered in the same
manner as company details for accelerator compa-
nies, and the two samples are combined. After ex-
cluding accelerator companies with no appropriate
matches and accelerator companies that participated
in multiple accelerators, the final matched sample
consists of 1,796 companies, including 898 accelerator
companies matched to 898 non-accelerator compa-
nies. Comparisons of matched company character-
istics between accelerator companies and non-
accelerator companies are presented in Tables 5–7. In
Table 5, we see that the average founding year is
between 2009 and 2010, and both accelerator and non-
accelerator company founders are inexperienced. To
control for these slight differences, founder experi-
ence is used as an additional control in the empirical
analysis. The pre-accelerator funding is not statisti-
cally different between the accelerator and non-
accelerator companies, indicating that the quality of
the matched companies is similar. In terms of geo-
graphic distribution in Table 6, companies are also
mostly clustered in Silicon Valley, New York, and
Boston with similar representation across accelera-
tor and non-accelerator companies. Although the
Table 5. Comparison of Accelerator and Non-accelerator Companies Preaccelerator
Company characteristics Observations Accelerator Non-accelerator Difference in p-value
Founding year 898 2010 (1.89) 2009.33 (1.79) <0.05
Founder experience 898 0.21 (0.41) 0.13 (0.34) <0.05
Pre-accelerator funding 898 0.63 (0.016) 0.64 (0.016) 0.77
Note. Mean, standard deviation in parentheses.
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 537
companies are matched based on business de-
scriptions, Table 7 illustrates the broader trends and
consistency of industries across the matched pairs.
Overall, the extensive matching algorithm builds
samples of accelerator and non-accelerator compa-
nies that look very similar based on observable
5. Nonparametric Analysis
Several patterns emerge from comparing the accel-
erator and non-accelerator companies within the
matched sample on the following dimensions: funding
amount, closure rate, and acquisition rate. Figure 2
shows a comparison of funding trends between the
accelerator and non-accelerator companies, focusing on
the median funding amount. Pre-accelerator, both types
of companies have zero funding. There is a clear sep-
aration between the companies over time, and we see
that the non-accelerator companies raise more money
than accelerator companies. In the data, this funding
gap persists for the 75th percentile and outliers in the
95th and 99th percentiles. At these levels, the difference
in funding between non-accelerator and accelerator
companies is even wider. For the outliers that raise
minimum funds, non-accelerator companies raise
zero dollars compared with accelerator companies
that only receive initial funding from the accelerator.
These patterns illustrate that there may be self-selection
into accelerators based on initial quality. One caveat is
that the funding amounts alone without the equity terms
only give us approximations of the company value.
Turning to the companies that close down, in the
first set of results in Table 8, we see that accelerator
companies go out of business 11.4% of the time
compared with 4.34% of the time for non-accelerator
companies. In addition, when accelerator companies
shut down, they have only raised around $0.13 mil-
lion dollars in funding compared with $1.81 million
for non-accelerator companies. In addition, there is a
spike in closures within one year after graduation, as
Table 6. Geographic Composition in Matched Sample
Founding location Accelerator (%) Non-accelerator (%)
Alabama 0 (0) 2 (0.2)
Arizona 1 (0.1) 5 (0.6)
California 482 (53.7) 467 (52.9)
Colorado 46 (5.1) 39 (4.4)
District of Columbia 5 (0.6) 6 (0.7)
Delaware 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
Florida 2 (0.2) 4 (0.5)
Georgia 4 (0.4) 6 (0.7)
Hawaii 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
Iowa 0 (0) 1 (0.1)
Idaho 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
Illinois 8 (0.9) 5 (0.6)
Indiana 1 (0.1) 0 (0)
Kentucky 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
Louisiana 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
Massachusetts 64 (7.1) 82 (9.3)
Maryland 4 (0.4) 3 (0.3)
Maine 0 (0) 2 (0.2)
Michigan 3 (0.3) 3 (0.3)
Minnesota 3 (0.3) 2 (0.2)
Missouri 1 (0.1) 2 (0.2)
Montana 0 (0) 1 (0.1)
North Carolina 1 (0.1) 2 (0.2)
New Jersey 3 (0.3) 4 (0.5)
Nevada 2 (0.2) 4 (0.5)
New York 113 (12.6) 119 (13.5)
Oklahoma 0 (0) 2 (0.2)
Oregon 2 (0.2) 3 (0.3)
Pennsylvania 59 (6.6) 46 (5.2)
Rhode Island 34 (3.8) 17 (1.9)
Tennessee 0 (0) 1 (0.1)
Texas 4 (0.4) 6 (0.7)
Virginia 2 (0.2) 4 (0.5)
Washington 25 (2.8) 22 (2.5)
Wisconsin 2 (0.2) 2 (0.2)
Australia 1 (0.1) 0 (0)
Brazil 2 (0.2) 1 (0.1)
Canada 6 (0.7) 5 (0.6)
France 1 (0.1) 2 (0.2)
Germany 2 (0.2) 1 (0.1)
Great Britain 6 (0.7) 4 (0.5)
Hong Kong 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
India 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
Ireland 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1)
Israel 1 (0.1) 0 (0)
Total 898 (100) 883 (100)
Note. The location for 15 non-accelerator companies could not be
Table 7. Industry Composition in Matched Sample
Industry Accelerator (%) Non-accelerator (%)
Advertising 39 (4.3) 40 (4.5)
Analytics 31 (3.5) 40 (4.5)
Biotech 7 (0.8) 14 (1.6)
E-commerce 53 (5.9) 52 (5.8)
Education 19 (2.1) 19 (2.1)
Enterprise 55 (6.1) 77 (8.6)
Fashion 11 (1.2) 7 (0.8)
Finance 14 (1.6) 16 (1.8)
Games/video 43 (4.8) 38 (4.2)
Hardware 22 (2.4) 15 (1.7)
Health 39 (4.3) 35 (3.9)
Hospitality 7 (0.8) 6 (0.7)
Medical 7 (0.8) 11 (1.2)
Messaging 19 (2.1) 18 (2)
Mobile 97 (10.8) 101 (11.2)
Network hosting 8 (0.9) 7 (0.8)
Other 56 (6.2) 47 (5.2)
Public relations 10 (1.1) 6 (0.7)
Real estate 10 (1.1) 5 (0.6)
Search 10 (1.1) 10 (1.1)
Security 5 (0.6) 6 (0.7)
Social 24 (2.7) 21 (2.3)
Software 106 (11.8) 100 (11.1)
Travel 11 (1.2) 7 (0.8)
Web 195 (21.7) 200 (22.3)
Total 898 (100) 898 (100)
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
538 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
seen in Figure 3. In fact, the majority of accelerator
companies (77%) have less than $50,000 at the time of
closure, which suggests that most of these companies
are young and of lower quality and likely go out of
business to cut losses early. This can actually be seen
as a benefit of accelerator participation in the sense
that accelerator companies learn about their own
quality during the program and know when to close
down instead of investing more money into an idea
that will eventually fail.
In the second set of results in Table 8, we see that
13.3% of accelerator companies have been acquired,
compared with 10.7% of non-accelerator companies,
and that, at the time of acquisition, accelerator
companies have only raised $1.99 million compared
with $7.86 million for the non-accelerator companies.
Furthermore, in Figure 4, the kernel density graph
indicates that accelerator companies tend to get ac-
quired within two years after the accelerator. Taking
into account the low funding numbers, these figures
suggest that the accelerator companies get acquired
early on instead of raising additional funding. It is
plausible that the product is either very promising at
an early stage or the founders are being acquired for
their talent.
6. Empirical Analysis
There are three parts for the empirical analysis. The
first is testing the predictions of the model using the
matched sample, the second is providing additional
evidence using a separate sample of rejected accel-
erator applicants, and the third includes additional
robustness checks. To isolate the effect of the accel-
erator, I compare the outcomes of accelerator com-
panies with those of non-accelerator companies, so
identification comes from variation across matched
pairs. The necessary assumption on the accelerator
and non-accelerator companies is that, conditional on
observable characteristics, the prior likelihood of ac-
ceptance into an accelerator is identical. The matched
sample consists of 1,796 companies, including 898
non-accelerator companies that are matched to 898
accelerator companies.
The main empirical challenge is selection bias in the
sense that certain types of founders might be more
likely to apply and participate in accelerators. In
particular, founders with more experience, better
ideas, or existing investor connections may not think
it is worth giving up equity and moving to a new city
just to participate in an accelerator. To alleviate this
concern, I use a founder’s entrepreneurial experience
as a proxy for the type of founder that may be in-
terested in applying to an accelerator. There might
also be selection in the types of companies that are
more likely to be accepted into an accelerator. To
control for observable characteristics that appear on
the application, the non-accelerator companies are
matched to accelerator companies based on founding
year, founding location, company description, and
pre-accelerator funding in addition to founder ex-
perience. The founding year and location control for
macroeconomic conditions, geographic advantages,
and the company age (which may proxy for the stage
of the business). More important, the company
Table 8. Acquisition and Closure Rate Comparison for Accelerator and Non-accelerator
Accelerator (N = 898) Non-accelerator (N = 898)
Number of companies closed 102 (11.4%) 39 (4.34%)
Average funding at time of closure ($MM) 0.13 1.81
Number of companies acquired 119 (13.3%) 96 (10.7%)
Average funding at time of acquisition ($MM) 1.99 7.86
Notes. The number of acquisitions for non-accelerator companies includes three companies that have
gone public. At the time of data collection, none of the accelerator companies are public or have filed for
an initial public offering. The average funding at time of acquisition for non-accelerator companies,
excluding public companies, is $5.47MM.
Figure 2. (Color online) Funding Comparison for
Accelerator and Non-accelerator Companies
Notes. This figure highlights the differences between the median
accelerator and non-accelerator companies. Accelerator companies
receive initial funding from accelerators, but over time, non-accelerator
companies raise more money.
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 539
description accounts for the type of business that
the accelerator partners are interested in funding.
The preaccelerator funding is a proxy for company
quality. Taking these factors into consideration, the
matched non-accelerator companies should resem-
ble the accelerator companies at the time of applica-
tion. However, accelerator partners may choose
companies in which to invest based on unobserv-
able characteristics—impressive demos, charis-
matic founders, recommendations from accelerator
alumni—but the accelerator and non-accelerator
companies are only matched based on observable
characteristics. Although it is difficult to completely
control for the selection bias in the matched sample,
one of the ways I alleviate this concern is by restricting
the accelerator and non-accelerator companies to
subsamples that have achieved certain funding
thresholds. Furthermore, the analysis in Section 6.4
uses a separate sample of accelerator applicants to
address this issue.
6.1. Empirical Specifications
To test Hypothesis 1, I use the following logit model to
regress a closure event on an accelerator company
dummy variable and controls for founder experience,
year, and industry fixed effects:
P(Closedi  1)  P β0 + β1AcceleratorCompanyi
+ FounderExpi+ FoundingYeari
+ Industryi + wi ≥ 0
To test Hypothesis 2, I use ordinary least squares to
regress the log of funding amount for Companyi,
conditional on the company shutting down, on an
accelerator company dummy variable, and controls
for founding year, founder experience, and industry
fixed effects. Thus,
log(1 + Fundingi|Closed)
 β0 + β1AcceleratorCompanyi
+ FounderExpi + FoundingYeari + Industryi
+ ξi.
To test Hypothesis 3, I calculate the funding ratio of
the matched sample directly. In Table 14, we see that,
in the matched sample, FRaccelerator  0.07  0.34 
FRnon-accelerator, which is consistent with the pre-
dictions of the model, and Hypothesis 3 is supported.
6.2. Variables
In the model, the performance of companies is ex-
amined through firm survival as measured by the
probability of closure. In addition, the data enables
further investigation on (1) external financing, (2)
venture growth, and (3) acquisitions. Closures con-
cern the survival status and duration of the compa-
nies. Closed is a binary variable with 1 indicating that a
company is no longer active and 0 indicating that a
company is still operational. A company is coded as
inactive if (1) it is indicated as “closed” on any of
the data sources, (2) the company website cannot be
found, or (3) the company social media accounts
(e.g., Twitter) or any traces of presence on the internet
have not been updated in a year. All other companies
are coded as active, including companies that have
been acquired even if the original product or team
no longer exists after the acquisition. It is plausible
that an acquired company might have gone out of
business if it had not been acquired, but there is no
evidence of this in the sample. Prior research also
Figure 3. (Color online) Kernel Density Graph of Closure
Time Post-accelerator
Note. The Epanechnikov kernel is used to calculate the kernel density
estimate for when companies go out of business.
Figure 4. (Color online) Kernel Density Graph of
Acquisition Time Post-accelerator
Note. The Epanechnikov kernel is used to calculate the kernel density
estimate for when companies get acquired.
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
540 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
suggests that companies that are acquired are more
appropriately characterized as successful rather than
unsuccessful outcomes (Coleman et al. 2013). For
companies with explicit closing dates reported in any
of the databases, an additional variable, time-to-close,
is calculated as the company age when it goes out of
In addition to closures, I also measure performance
via external financing, web traffic, and acquisition out-
comes. External financing is based on the funding
amount obtained by the companies in U.S. dollars.
Funding is disclosed on company websites, Crunchbase,
or through press releases. Therefore, if this information
becomes public, it is observed in at least one of the data
sources, and the funding details are further cross-
checked for accuracy. When no funding information is
found, it is assumed that the company has not raised any
money. In this sample, all accelerator companies receive
funding from the accelerators, and non-accelerator
companies that have not raised any money vary across
specific types of companies are represented.
Web traffic data are collected via Alexa (www.Alexa
.com) to capture whether users are engaged with the
company websites. The first measure compares the
log ratio of web views per million between August 1
of the first and third years after the company was
founded, and the second measure is a binary indicator
for whether the views increased at all at the end of the
two-year period. To account for potentially large
within-industry variations in website use, the website
rank in the United States is also collected, and anal-
ogous measures are constructed (Kerr et al. 2014).
To analyze performance from the perspective of
acquisitions, several acquisition-related measures are
created. Given that acquisition statistics are often
cited when accelerators speak to the performance of
their portfolio companies, it is clear that it is an im-
portant metric of success to track. Acquired is a binary
variable with 1 indicating that a company has been
acquired and 0 indicating that a company has not
been acquired. Note that initial public offerings are
not used as a metric here because all the accelerator
companies in the sample are still private (as of May
2015). Without seeing the actual terms of the acqui-
sition, it is difficult to evaluate whether it is successful
from a financial standpoint. However, additional
details of the acquisition are collected from company
press releases to gain insight into the conditions
under which a company was acquired. These mea-
sures include binary variables for whether there are
plans to shut down the initial product, whether it is an
explicit “acqui-hire” for a small group of employees,
and the count of employees at the time of the ac-
quisition. These variables are coded only if specific
plans or numbers are explicitly stated in press releases
or related articles. Summary statistics for the main
outcome variables are presented in Table 9.
6.3. Main Results
The regression results of accelerator participation on
closures are presented in Table 10 with robust standard
errors to address concerns with heteroskedasticity.
Column (1) provides estimates of the probability of
closing down associated with participating in an ac-
celerator, controlling for founder experience in addition
to year effects to control for macroeconomic conditions
and industry effects to control for differences across
industries. We see that accelerator companies are
positively and significantly more likely to shut down
than non-accelerator companies. Specifically, the odds
of going out of business for accelerator companies
over non-accelerator companies are 150% higher. Even
when controlling for lower quality by conditioning on
Table 9. Summary Statistics for Performance Outcome Variables
Variable Observations Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum
Pr(Closed) 1,796 0.08 0.27 0.00 1.00
Total funding if closed ($MM) 142 0.59 1.52 0.00 11.30
Time-to-close (days) 42 935.00 535.63 212.00 2,191.00
Pr(Closed if total funding ≤ $100k) 857 0.12 0.32 0.00 1.00
Total funding ($MM) 1,796 4.47 18.70 0.00 486.20
Total funding if funding rds  1 745 9.33 27.64 0.15 486.20
Total funding if funding ≥ $1MM 690 11.45 28.84 1.00 486.20
Different page views per million 802 2.17 38.24 −10.36 1,067.74
Diff rank 802 −230,245.60 526,686.90 −3,781,337.00 1,436,984.00
Pr(Improved page views per million) 1,796 0.80 0.40 0.00 1.00
Pr(Improved rank) 1,796 0.67 0.47 0.00 1.00
Pr(Acquired) 1,796 0.12 0.32 0.00 1.00
Total funding if acquired ($MM) 211 3.54 8.27 0.00 55.35
Pr(Product shut down) 207 0.34 0.48 0.00 1.00
Pr(Acqui-hire) 210 0.10 0.31 0.00 1.00
Number of employees at acquisition 71 15.15 32.84 2.00 250.00
Pr(Acquired if funding ≥ $1MM) 939 0.13 0.34 0.00 1.00
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 541
raising at most $100,000 of funding in column (2), the
coefficient is still positive and significant. In terms
of how quickly companies go out of business, results
from a Cox proportional hazards model are presented
in column (3). The coefficient is positive and signifi-
cant, which indicates that accelerator companies have
a faster time-to-close. Furthermore, a randomly se-
lected accelerator company will be 6.4 times as likely to
close than a non-accelerator company. These results
suggest that accelerators may help resolve uncertainty
around company quality, and consequently, acceler-
ator companies cease to operate rather than continue to
operate at a loss. An additional assumption here is that
a founder’s decision to participate in an accelerator is
not correlated with the ability to shut down a com-
pany sooner. This is a reasonable assumption given
that founders of accelerator and non-accelerator
companies have similar entrepreneurial experience
and are matched based on characteristics that could
influence how easy it is to close down the company.
For instance, companies in more capital-intensive
industries, such as hardware, may be more difficult
to shut down than companies in software, but the
probability of closure and time-to-close are compared
between matched companies in the same industry.
Next, focusing on companies that shut down even-
tually, we see in column (4) that closed accelerator
companies receive less funding than closed non-
accelerator companies. In other words, when lower-
quality accelerator companies go out of business,
they have raised less funding than lower-quality non-
accelerator companies that go out of business. By
combining the results in columns (1), (3), and (4),
Hypotheses 1 and 2 are supported.
Three additional measures of performance—funding,
web traffic, and acquisitions—are examined in Tables
11 and 12. Column (1) of Table 11 provides estimates
of the changes associated with participating in an
accelerator on the amount of log funding raised (in
millions), controlling for founder experience, year,
and industry fixed effects. The funding amount is
logged in the main analysis to account for skewness
Table 10. Analysis of Accelerator Participation and Closures for Matched Sample
Closed if raised ≤$100k
Cox hazard
log(Funding if closed) ($MM)
AcceleratorCompany 0.921*** 1.417*** 1.856*** −0.649***
(0.205) (0.305) (0.48) (0.146)
FounderExp −0.130 −0.0185 −0.645 −0.142
(0.261) (0.333) (0.532) (0.120)
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Constant −2.787** −2.772** 0.733***
(1.084) (1.228) (0.104)
Observations 1,681 762 1,696 142
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
***p  0.01; **p  0.05; *p  0.1.
Table 11. Analysis of Accelerator Participation and Additional Performance Outcomes for Matched Sample
log(Funding if
raised one rd)
log(Funding if
raised $1MM)
log(Ratio views per
log(Ratio web
Improved views
per mm
web rank
AcceleratorCompany −0.497*** −1.049*** −0.393*** −0.438* 0.0650 −0.410*** 0.099
(0.0496) (0.0848) (0.0740) (0.224) (0.0837) (0.130) (0.113)
FounderExp 0.0405 0.0836 0.132 0.288 −0.248** −0.0744 0.192
(0.0661) (0.107) (0.0929) (0.306) (0.123) (0.164) (0.144)
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Constant 1.800* 3.547*** 5.072*** 1.149 −0.991*** 0.735*** −0.861***
(1.374) (0.325) (0.202) (0.192)
Observations 1,796 746 690 802 802 1,649 1,649
0.142 0.288 0.188 0.067 0.071
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
***p  0.01; **p  0.05; *p  0.1.
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
542 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
in the distribution. The estimated coefficient on funding
is negative and statistically significant for accelerator
companies. Note that because the matched company
pairs belong to different cohorts and the funding amount
is measured at the end of the sampling period, this
translates to $9 million dollars less funding across an
average of three years after graduating from an accel-
erator. In columns (2) and (3), the number of funding
rounds and existing amounts of funding are used as
proxies for company quality. The sample is limited to
companies that have raised at least one round of funding
and companies that have raised at least $1 million dol-
lars, respectively. In both regressions, participating in an
accelerator contributes negatively and significantly to-
ward total funding raised, indicating that differences in
fund-raising are robust to additional restrictions on
company quality. It is worth noting that there may be
heterogeneous effects given the wide dispersion of fund
raising amounts within the sample. However, based on
patterns we observe for outlier companies that have the
most funding in either group, these results may be
conservative estimates for the best-performing com-
panies. In columns (4) and (5), I use log changes in web
traffic and web ranking in the United States, and the
results show that accelerator participation contrib-
utes to decreases in web traffic between the first and
third years of company operation. It does not have a
significant effect on changes in web ranking, though.
Regression results using binary measures tracking
any improvements are presented in columns (6) and
(7). Similar to findings using actual differences in web
traffic and web rank, we see that accelerators have a
negative and significant effect on the probability that
web traffic increases over a two-year period.
In Table 12, I examine the probability of acquisition
using accelerator participation, founder experience,
year effects, and industry effects. Although the co-
efficient on accelerator companies is not significant
in column (1), after conditioning on the quality of the
company using funding as a proxy, the coefficient is
positive and significant in column (2). In column (3),
we see that, conditional on being acquired, acceler-
ator companies also raise less money. To gain insight
into the conditions under which companies are ac-
quired, I regress accelerator participation on addi-
tional acquisition characteristics. In columns (4)–(6),
we see that acquisitions of accelerator companies
are more likely to involve shutting down the initial
product, and there is a negative and statistically
significant effect on the number of employees at the
time of acquisition. These results indicate that ac-
quisitions involving accelerator companies are less
likely motivated by the technology itself and more
likely for the talent of employees.
6.4. Additional Evidence: Rejected Applicants
The prediction from the model is that the main
findings related to the feedback effects should be
present when comparing accepted accelerator ap-
plicants and rejected applicants in the final round.
Anecdotal evidence from interviews suggests that the
final selection is not very different from a coin toss,
which, in turn, implies that the statistical comparison
is very close to a randomized experiment. To further
test the predictions of the model, a separate applicant
sample consisting of rejected applicants and accepted
applicants (accelerator companies) was constructed.
Because of the low acceptance rates and lack of
feedback for rejected applicants, many founders turn to
online forums to solicit feedback on their applications
and interviews. Applicants rejected by Y Combinator
are particularly vocal, and one applicant even started
Table 12. Analysis of Accelerator Participation and Acquisition Outcomes for Matched Sample
Acquired if funding ≥$100k
OLS log
if acquired)
Product shut down
Neg binomial
Number of employees
when acquired
AcceleratorCompany 0.0742 0.351* −0.510*** 0.630* −0.0157 −0.998***
(0.153) (0.212) (0.146) (0.329) (0.550) (0.378)
FounderExp −0.222 0.149 0.287* 0.659 0.400 -0.499*
(0.223) (0.310) (0.170) (0.493) (0.724) (0.261)
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry fixed
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Constant −3.538*** −4.052*** 5.387*** −1.473 −1.637** 0.729
(0.451) (0.747) (0.411) (1.146) (0.778) (1.452)
Observations 1,745 925 0.405 197 146 71
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
***p  0.01; **p  0.05; *p  0.1.
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 543
an accelerator specifically for fellow rejects.10
Y Combinator’s own news forum, web searches, and
interviews, I was able to identify a group of applicants
to Y Combinator that was rejected in the final round
of interviews.11
After excluding applicants that even-
tually participated in any accelerator, remaining appli-
cants are then matched back to accepted Y Combinator
accelerator companies based on cohort applied to and
business descriptions, resulting in a sample of 34 com-
Further company details, including funding
milestones and operational status, are then collected.
Because of the small sample size and availability of data,
such as the date of closure, a subset of the analysis from
Table 10 is replicated with the applicant sample.
Given that the accepted and rejected applicants all
made it to the final round and should be of similar
quality from the perspective of the accelerator, we
would expect that (1) the closure rate is higher for
accepted applicants than for rejected applicants, and
(2) the funding ratio is lower for accepted applicants
than for rejected applicants. If there are no differences
between the rejected and accepted applicants, this
would suggest that the accelerator effect is entirely
one of selection. In other words, accelerators may
have an effect on founders, but such effect is not re-
flected in funding, acquisitions, or closures. The re-
gression results of performance outcomes of the
applicant sample are reported in Table 13. The results
show that accepted applicants are more likely to close
down with or without a funding threshold, but the
coefficients are not statistically significant. Note that
year and industry fixed effects are not included to
leverage the available data with a smaller sample size.
Because the accepted and rejected applicants in the
final round are already matched by the cohort to
which they applied and the business description, they
are similar from the perspective of the accelerator,
and omitted variable bias becomes less of a concern. In
terms of the funding ratio, FRaccepted  0.004  0.02 
FRrejected in Table 14, which is a ratio of 5. Although the
coefficient on closure rate is not statistically signifi-
cant, it is directionally consistent and may indicate
heterogeneous effects within the accelerator compa-
nies. These results support the main findings and
help alleviate concerns about selection bias in the
matched sample. If accelerators are able to screen
for quality, it seems that screening precisely is diffi-
cult, and even the marginal applicant that is of good
quality experiences the feedback effect of shutting
down sooner.
6.5. Robustness Checks
To test the robustness of the main results, the baseline
regressions in Table 10, columns (1), (3), and (4), are
extended with four alternative specifications. Even
though an extensive matching algorithm was used,
there were varying degrees of the quality of the match.
To account for this, Table 15 includes analysis in
which the observations are weighted by the quality of
the match. The signs on the coefficient for accelerator
participation are consistent with the main results
from Table 10, and the effect size actually increases
for the probability of closing down. There is also the
question of outliers and to what extent they are driving
the results given that we would expect accelerators and
founders to “swing for the fences.” The lowest and
highest decile companies are excluded for this anal-
ysis, and the results are presented in Table 16. With-
out the worst and best companies, the qualitative
findings still hold, but the magnitude of the effect
has decreased. The third robustness check relates to
clustered standard errors. In the main specification,
robust standard errors are reported, but it is plausible
that the observations could be correlated within co-
horts. In Table 17, the standard errors are clustered
at the cohort level (with non-accelerator companies
in one cluster), addressing potential deflation of
standard errors from within-cohort correlation. We
see that the precision of the estimates actually in-
creases for the funding-related regressions. The
fourth set of robustness tests is shown in Table 18 in
which year × industry fixed effects, accelerator fixed
Table 13. Analysis of Accelerator Participation and Venture
Performance for Accelerator Companies and Rejected
Closed if funding ≤$100k
Accelerator Company 0.474 0.857
(1.030) (1.092)
Constant −2.015** −1.705**
(0.801) (0.832)
Observations 34 23
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
***p  0.01; **p  0.05; *p  0.1.
Table 14. Comparison of Funding Ratio Between
Accelerator and Non-accelerator Companies
Accelerator Non-accelerator
Matched sample 0.07 0.34
Applicant sample (Accepted applicants) (Rejected applicants)
0.004 0.02
Notes. The funding ratio is defined as
FR ≡
Average Funding|Closed
Average Funding|Acquired
The analytical results derived from the model are that FR  1 for
accelerator companies and FR≈1 for non-accelerator companies.
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
544 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
effects, and cohort fixed effects are added. In columns
(1)–(3), we see that the results are robust to addi-
tional year × industry effects, which is consistent
with expectations, because companies are matched by
founding year and business descriptions. To account for
additional variation across 13 accelerators in the sample,
columns (4)–(6) replicate the main regressions using
accelerator fixed effects. The signs and significance of
the coefficients are robust to this specification. The
introduction of cohort fixed effects in columns (7)–(9)
actually strengthens the results. This may indicate the
presence of additional benchmarking information
within cohorts that helps founders decide whether to
shut down. Overall, the results from these robustness
tests increase the confidence in the matched sample
and rule out the possibility that outliers or hetero-
geneous characteristics of accelerators or cohorts are
driving the main findings.
7. Discussion
The recent popularity of accelerators has prompted
both founders and investors to scrutinize the bene-
fit of accelerators. This paper proposes a model
motivated by a founder’s decision process of accel-
erator participation and tests the predictions using a
matched sample of accelerator and non-accelerator
companies to investigate the effect of accelerators on
performance. There are three sets of results. The first is
that accelerator companies close earlier and at a higher
rate. Second, conditional on closing, accelerator com-
panies raise less money than non-accelerator compa-
nies. These results suggest that accelerators help
resolve uncertainty around company quality faster
and that accelerator companies learn to cut losses
earlier and shut down accordingly. Third, even though
accelerator companies raise less money, on average, the
funding ratio is lower, meaning that more money is
invested in companies that eventually get acquired
Table 15. Analysis of Accelerator Participation and Venture Performance Where Sample Is
Weighted by Quality of Match
Cox hazard
log(Funding if closed) ($MM)
AcceleratorCompany 0.950*** 1.788*** −0.659***
(0.225) (0.507) (0.160)
FounderExp −0.0870 −0.368 −0.178
(0.273) (0.568) (0.117)
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Constant −3.102*** 0.603**
(1.069) (0.246)
Observations 1,681 1,696 142
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
***p  0.01; **p  0.05; *p  0.1.
Table 16. Analysis of Accelerator Participation and Venture Performance Excluding First
and Tenth Decile Companies
Cox hazard
log(Funding if closed) ($MM)
AcceleratorCompany 0.529** 1.595*** −0.663***
(0.228) (0.547) (0.144)
FounderExp −0.152 −0.664 −0.0883
(0.278) (0.562) (0.119)
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Constant −3.366*** 0.720***
(0.515) (0.101)
Observations 1,306 1,308 136
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
***p  0.01; **p  0.05; *p  0.1.
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 545
than in companies that eventually close. Furthermore,
it seems that accelerators provide an environment such
that would-be entrepreneurs can experiment with new
ideas in a low-cost way. These results are further
supported when the analysis is restricted to matched
accelerator and non-accelerator companies achieving
certain funding thresholds and when using a separate
sample of rejected applicants instead of matched non-
accelerator companies.
This paper provides evidence that there are feed-
back effects from accelerators. In particular, acceler-
ators provide better signals of the idea quality and,
thus, allow for quicker exits and better funding effi-
ciencies. The mechanism here is that accelerators
Table 17. Robustness Checks of Main Analysis with Clustering
Cox hazard
log(Funding if closed) ($MM)
AcceleratorCompany 0.924*** 1.595*** −0.649***
(0.139) (0.547) (0.0395)
FounderExp −0.130 −0.664 −0.142**
(0.222) (0.562) (0.0572)
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Constant −2.720*** 0.542***
(0.433) (0.104)
Observations 1,681 1,308 142
Note. Robust standard errors clustered by cohort in parentheses.
***p  0.01; **p  0.05; *p  0.1.
Table 18. Robustness Checks of Main Analysis Using Additional Fixed Effects
Cox hazard
log(Funding if closed) ($MM)
Cox hazard
log(Funding if closed) ($MM)
AcceleratorCompany 0.869*** 1.669*** −0.604*** 0.920*** 1.839*** −0.684***
(0.224) (0.494) (0.201) (0.209) (0.488) (0.141)
FounderExp −0.113 −0.361 −0.210 −0.126 −0.506 −0.170
(0.283) (0.595) (0.145) (0.264) (0.592) (0.116)
Year and industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year × industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes No No No
Accelerator fixed effects No No No Yes Yes Yes
Cohort fixed effects No No No No No No
Constant −30.40 0.179 −2.929*** −0.603
(0.201) (1.006) (0.370)
Observations 1,192 1,696 142 1,681 1,696 142
0.626 0.159 0.534
Cox hazard
log(Funding if closed) ($MM)
AcceleratorCompany 1.129*** 2.339*** −0.777***
(0.222) (0.589) (0.200)
FounderExp 0.0735 0.957 −0.174
(0.291) (0.887) (0.172)
Year and industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Year × industry fixed effects No No No
Accelerator fixed effects No No No
Cohort fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Constant −3.254*** 0.406
(1.216) (0.553)
Observations 1,313 1,696 142
Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses.
***p  0.01; **p  0.05; *p  0.1.
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
546 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
provide information that can inform the exit decisions
of founders. In this context, the decision to exit and
shut down the company sooner rather than later is
due to the realization that there is a low probability
of success. This has parallels to the cash-out mech-
anism proposed in Arora and Nandkumar (2011),
in which the decision to exit either via acquisition
or closure is influenced by the opportunity cost
faced by founders. Specifically, high-opportunity-
cost founders are more likely to invest heavily and
increase the chances of both cash-outs and failures. It is
plausible that a high-opportunity-cost founder may
choose to participate in accelerators precisely to learn
information about the quality of the idea, but if this is
the case, we should see more variance in funding out-
comes of accelerator companies and a higher proba-
bility of acquisition compared with non-accelerator
companies. Furthermore, the funding terms of typical
accelerators require a fixed percentage of equity, which
does not incentivize high-quality and, therefore, high-
opportunity-cost founders to participate.
Accelerators can fill a unique role of providing
information on quality and reducing uncertainty for
founders quickly such that additional resources are
not wasted on ideas that will eventually fail. Other
entrepreneurial support programs, such as Canada’s
Innovator’s Assistance Program, also emphasize pro-
viding information rather than financing (Astebro and
Gerchak 2001). More broadly, although government
programs may offer business consulting and share
best practices, these programs seem better suited for
industries such as agriculture and manufacturing that
require longer-term investments and generate large
public returns. In contrast, the institutional setup of
accelerators is well-aligned with the incentives of
founders who are likely optimizing for private financial
returns. We see in the data that accelerator companies
tend to be very early stage, have first-time founders, and
operate in software and related industries that are less
capital intensive and unlikely to hold patents. These are
precisely the types of companies that are riskier in-
vestments, and consequently, accelerators are incen-
tivized to cut losses short and position companies for
a quick exit. Furthermore, given the potential for large
private returns, accelerators are motivated to give rapid
feedback and supply information to founders in their
portfolio to optimize performance. The presence of
mentors and cohort-mates that provide feedback can
encourage faster iteration of ideas, prototyping, and
consumer testing. Consistent with the spirit of the Lean
Startup method, participating in an accelerator can help
founders learn when and how to fail. In addition, it
demonstrates that there is value in experimentation to
produce optimal outcomes even when that outcome is to
shut down the company. Moreover, based on the higher
funding ratio of accelerator companies, the implication
is that there are efficiency gains from investing in accel-
erator companies because the quality of the companies
is observed sooner and the risk of investment is miti-
gated. Although accelerator participation has various
performance implications, on an aggregate level, its role
as an intermediaryresolving uncertainty seems beneficial.
Although the empirical evidence from the matched
sample is consistent with the theoretical predic-
tions and allows us to investigate the overall effect of
accelerators, the main limitation is that it is difficult to
disentangle mechanisms such as network access and
cohort effects. Furthermore, non-accelerator com-
pany founders may access capital, find mentors, and
try to expand their network outside of an accelerator.
Although this paper does not address network or
cohort effects directly, we are able to gain some clarity
on feedback mechanisms by leveraging the data on
funding and mentorship combined with anecdotal
evidence from founders. It is worth noting that positive
network effects and cohort-mates as additional sources
of feedback have been documented in other studies
and are consistent with the main findings here (Hasan
and Koning 2019). Isolating the network effects and
investigating cohort dynamics require different sets of
data and are certainly topics for future work. There are
also questions related to the design of accelerators that
may have implications for performance outcomes. For
example, the accelerator investment terms typically re-
quire founders to give up equity to participate, resulting
in selection from the bottom of the quality distribution.
If accelerators charge a fixed fee instead, the highest
quality founders would have more incentives to join
because the cost would be relatively low if the idea
has high potential.
The number of accelerators is still growing, and a
topic for further research is whether accelerators have
an impact on regional economies and social welfare.
In addition to providing a source of information and
financing for new ventures, can accelerators facilitate
allocation of labor, increase innovative activities, or
promote economic growth? Furthermore, is the in-
crease in accelerators beneficial or detrimental to the
entrepreneurial ecosystem? One explanation is that
more accelerators are beneficial because they can
share mentor resources and investor networks and
encourage more start-ups. An alternative explanation
is that mentor resources are limited in a given region,
so the average quality of accelerators decreases as
the number of accelerators increases. Consequently,
there are acceleratorswho take equity without delivering
value and instead hinder progress. These are just several
questions to be answered as the industry develops and
matures. Moreover, there is great potential for future
work in areas related to university- and corporation-
affiliated accelerators, accelerators outside the United
States, and peer effects within accelerator cohorts.
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 547
The author is grateful to Luı́s Cabral, Adam Brandenburger,
John Asker, Robert Seamans, April Franco, Bill Kerr, Hong
Luo, Scott Stern, as well as the department editor, associate
editor, and three anonymous referees. The author also thanks
seminar audiences at Columbia Business School, Duke
University, Georgetown University, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Harvard Business School, New York University,
University of British Columbia, University of California at
Berkeley, University of California at Los Angeles, University
of Minnesota, University of Pennsylvania, University of
Utah, as well as participants at the Roundtable for Engi-
neering Entrepreneurship Research and Social Enterprise
@ Goizueta Research Colloquium. The author is also ap-
preciative of the entrepreneurs, accelerator partners, ac-
celerator mentors, and investors who were interviewed,
and the Crunchbase team for providing database assis-
tance. This research was funded by the Ewing Marion
Kauffman Foundation. All errors are the responsibility of
the author.
Appendix A. Matched Sample Example and Algorithm
A.1. Example of Matched Accelerator Company and Non-accelerator Company
A.2. Company Matching Algorithm
The following is an overview of the matching procedure:
Step 1: Identify the company description of the accelerator
company to be matched.
• For this example, suppose that the accelerator com-
pany was founded in San Jose, California, on June 1, 2011.
• Go to the company website and get a sense for what the
company does. Suppose that the accelerator company offers
“an enterprise solution for threat detection and analytics.”
Step 2: Find a subset of potential matches based on the
location and founding year of the accelerator company.
• Using the existing data set, filter companies according to
founding location and founding year of the accelerated company.
• If no matches are found, look in the SP data set.
• If there are still no matches, relax the restrictions in the
following order to create a new subset:
◦ Allow for companies founded in plus or minus one
year (2010–2012 in this example).
◦ Search for companies located within a radius of 50,
100, and 150 miles, and then expand to the entire state (e.g.,
Mountain View, California; San Francisco, California; state of
Step 3: Research the company description and founder ex-
perience of each potential match, and identify the closest match.
• Go to each company’s website to learn what it does,
and based on the descriptions, identify one or several
matches to the accelerator company.
• Verify that the matched companies have not partici-
pated in an accelerator, and eliminate any matches that have
received accelerator investment.
Figure A.1. (Color online) Screenshot of Company A Home Page
Figure A.2. (Color online) Screenshot of Company B Home
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
548 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
• For the remaining companies, find and record the names
of the founders, research the founders’ backgrounds, and
record whether the founders have entrepreneurial experience
(have founded companies before).
• Based on the description and founder experience,
identify a best match to the accelerator company. If there
are multiple best matches, record all candidates.
• If there is no match based on both the company de-
scription and founder experience, relax the founder experi-
ence criteria.
• If there is still no match and neither the location nor
founding year restriction has been relaxed previously, go
back to Step 2 and relax the restrictions in the following order
to find a new subset of potential matches:
◦ Allow for companies founded in plus or minus one
year (2010–2012 in this example).
◦ Search for companies located within a radius of 50,
100, or 150 miles, and then expand to the entire state (e.g.,
Mountain View, California; San Francisco, California; state of
• If there is no match, even with the relaxed criteria of
founding year and location, find companies that are in the
same industry instead of an exact match on the description.
• If a match is found, record the closeness of the match
(perfect match, location nonmatch, founding year nonmatch,
description nonmatch, founder experience nonmatch).
• If, at this point, no match is found, record that the
company could not be matched.
Step 4: Search for company details for the matched
company, and record findings.
Using a combination of Crunchbase, the SP data set,
and internet searches (media mentions, company LinkedIn
profile, SEC Form D, and investor websites), find company
details including number of employees, industry, total
funding, dates and amounts of individual rounds of
funding, investors in each round, and operational status.
Appendix B. Model Timing and Proofs
B.1. Timing
A founder’s decision to participate in an accelerator and its
consequences evolve over four stages.
B.1.1. Stage 1 In stage 1, which roughly corresponds to the
first year of a new founder’s life, nature generates the value
of θ, the quality of the founder’s idea. In this model,
θ captures a composite quality of both the founder and
the idea itself. The founder obtains initial funding α and
observes a signal s  θ + , where  is independent of θ and
E()  0. I assume that θ,  (and, thus, s) have full support
(the real line). For the time being, I assume that α is ex-
ogenously given and the same for all founders.13
B.1.2. Stage 2 In stage 2, the founder must decide whether
to join an accelerator or not. For simplicity, I assume that all
applicants are accepted.14
If the founder decides to join an
accelerator, the founder gives up (1 − δ) of the company,
retaining δ ownership. During the accelerator program, the
founder undergoes a process of passive learning (Jovanovic
1982), whereby interaction with other founders in the same
cohort, accelerator alumni, and feedback from mentors
allow the founders to learn the true value of θ.15
If the founder does not join an accelerator, then nothing
happens during this period. In other words, a founder of a
non-accelerator company continues to pursue the idea, but
the uncertainty about the idea quality is not resolved. For
simplicity of the model, I assume the extreme case that
non-accelerator founders receive no feedback during this
time. This assumption can be relaxed to reflect that nonac-
celerator founders may have other sources of feedback, but the
frequency and intensity of the feedback will still be lower
outside the accelerator environment. Therefore, there will still
be uncertainty around the quality of the idea. In terms of cal-
endar time, this second period corresponds to about four
months, the average time a founder spends at an accelerator.16
B.1.3. Stage 3 Stage 3 corresponds to a development stage.
Let x be the level of development to which the founder’s
idea is subject. The eventual value of the project is given by
x θ, so better ideas are worth greater effort. I assume that
effort requires funding C(x), which has the properties that
(0)  0, C0(0)  0, and limx→0+ C(x)  0. In other words,
there is a fixed cost of developing an idea, and the cost of
additional development is increasing and convex.
For accelerator companies, the value of θ is known, so
x  x*(θ). If θ  0, then it is optimal not to develop the idea
any further (that is, x*(θ)  0) and close down the com-
For non-accelerator companies, only the value of s is
known, so x  x*(s).
B.1.4. Stage 4 The results from venture development as well
as the value of θ (for non-accelerator companies) are ob-
served. Surviving accelerator companies get acquired. Non-
accelerator companies with θ  0 get acquired, whereas
non-accelerator companies with θ  0 go out of business.18
B.2. Solving the Model
Consider the development-stage decision for an accelerator
company (case A). By now, the value of θ is known. If θ  0,
then the project is terminated. If θ  0, then the founder
chooses development effort x given by
x*(θ)  arg max
x θ − C(x).
This results in a value of
2 (θ)  x*(θ) θ − C[x*(θ)].
Let f(θ; s) be the belief about θ following the signal s  θ + .
Before joining the accelerator (i.e., before knowing the value of
θ), the expected value from joining the accelerator is given by
1 (s)  δ
∫ ∞
(x*(θ) θ − C(x*(θ))) f(θ; s) dθ. (B.1)
Consider now the development-stage decision for a non-
accelerator company (case B). The value of θ is not known,
only the value of s. When deciding on development effort,
the founder chooses
x*(s)  arg max
∫ ∞
θ f(θ; s) dθ − C(x).
The expected optimal value is given by
1(s)  vB
2(s)  x*(s)
∫ ∞
θ f(θ; s) dθ − C(x*(s)), (B.2)
Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?
Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 549
Yu 2020 Mgmt Sc (accelerator effectiveness in general).pdf
Yu 2020 Mgmt Sc (accelerator effectiveness in general).pdf
Yu 2020 Mgmt Sc (accelerator effectiveness in general).pdf

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  • 1. This article was downloaded by: [] On: 12 August 2020, At: 20:42 Publisher: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) INFORMS is located in Maryland, USA Management Science Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High- Technology Ventures? Sandy Yu To cite this article: Sandy Yu (2020) How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures?. Management Science 66(2):530-552. Full terms and conditions of use: Conditions This article may be used only for the purposes of research, teaching, and/or private study. Commercial use or systematic downloading (by robots or other automatic processes) is prohibited without explicit Publisher approval, unless otherwise noted. For more information, contact The Publisher does not warrant or guarantee the article’s accuracy, completeness, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Descriptions of, or references to, products or publications, or inclusion of an advertisement in this article, neither constitutes nor implies a guarantee, endorsement, or support of claims made of that product, publication, or service. Copyright © 2019, INFORMS Please scroll down for article—it is on subsequent pages With 12,500 members from nearly 90 countries, INFORMS is the largest international association of operations research (O.R.) and analytics professionals and students. INFORMS provides unique networking and learning opportunities for individual professionals, and organizations of all types and sizes, to better understand and use O.R. and analytics tools and methods to transform strategic visions and achieve better outcomes. For more information on INFORMS, its publications, membership, or meetings visit
  • 2. MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Vol. 66, No. 2, February 2020, pp. 530–552 ISSN 0025-1909 (print), ISSN 1526-5501 (online) How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? Sandy Yua a Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Contact:, http:/ / (SY) Received: June 11, 2015 Revised: August 12, 2016; November 18, 2017; October 30, 2018 Accepted: November 7, 2018 Published Online in Articles in Advance: October 18, 2019 Copyright: © 2019 INFORMS Abstract. Accelerators aim to help nascent companies reach successful outcomes by providing capital, enabling industry connections, and increasing exposure to investors. Critically, however, accelerators also provide informative signals to founders about the probability of success. Founders use this information to decide whether to continue or shut down. To better understand these issues, I provide a model of accelerator participation and performance and then test empirical predictions from the model using a novel data set of approximately 900 accelerator companies across 13 accelerators and 900 matched non- accelerator companies. I find that, through accelerator feedback effects, accelerator companies close down earlier and more often, raise less money conditional on closing, and appear to be more efficient investments compared with non-accelerator companies. Ad- ditional analysis using a separate sample of rejected accelerator applicants further sup- ports these findings. These results suggest that accelerators help resolve uncertainty around company quality sooner, allowing founders to make funding and exit decisions accordingly. History: Accepted by Ashish Arora, entrepreneurship and innovation. Funding: Funding comes from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Keywords: accelerators • start-ups • value of information • information provision • feedback • entrepreneurial finance 1. Introduction Founders of early-stage ventures are often resource- constrained and need to make strategic decisions based on limited data. Consequently, information that can help reduce uncertainty is especially im- portant. This information has economic value, and the willingness to pay will depend on the venture’s ex ante success probability (Arrow 1962, Arora and Fosfuri 2005). Moreover, founders will invest in ac- quiring this information if the probability of success is high enough. Feedback and other types of signals are just starting to be examined in the entrepreneurship literature (Hellmann and Puri 2002, Hsu 2004, Kerr et al. 2014, Howell 2017), and accelerators are a source of feedback that can inform founders to assess the feasibility of their idea. Accelerators are financial organizations that invest in cohorts of start-up companies, usually in exchange for equity (typically around $20,000 investment for 10% of the company). After selecting a cohort of companies, accelerators run limited-duration programs that offer mentorship from industry experts, weekly educational programming, and coworking spaces. The first acceler- ator, Y Combinator, was established in 2005, and the popularity of accelerators has been boosted by famous participants, such as Dropbox, Reddit, and Airbnb. Currently there are at least 200 accelerators worldwide, and their portfolio companies have raised more than $14.5 billion in funding. Furthermore, many govern- ments are interested in using accelerators as a way to foster entrepreneurship and, in turn, stimulate the local economy (Gonzalez-Uribe and Leatherbee 2018).1 However, whether and how accelerators actually benefit entrepreneurs are still open questions. Many news articles tout the success of accelerators by citing the aggregate amount of funding raised by portfolio companies, acquisition rates, and employment num- bers, yet there is no indication that these outcomes were a direct result of accelerator participation. Ac- celerators have received little attention in the econo- mics, finance, and management literature, but there is an emerging body of work examining their role in entrepreneurship (Cohen and Hochberg 2014, Gonzalez-Uribe and Leatherbee 2014, Winston Smith and Hannigan 2015, Hallen et al. 2019). The results vary because of heterogeneity in methodology and sample selection. However, one consistent observa- tion is that accelerators seem to benefit entrepreneurs through non-pecuniary channels, such as mentorship, learningfrompeers,andcredentialing.Tomyknowledge, this paper proposes an information channel that has not been discussed in this context. 530
  • 3. The goal of this paper is to explore whether and how accelerators affect entrepreneurial firm performance, specifically focusing on the value of information provided by the accelerator. This information includes feedback fromtheacceleratormentorsthathelpfoundersrealizethe quality and viability of their idea, which then enables strategic decisions of continuing the venture or shutting down. The main analysis combines both a model based on anecdotal evidence and quantitative analysis across multiple accelerators. First, I interviewed founders, ac- celerator partners, and accelerator mentors to understand their experiences participating in or operating accelera- tors. These interviews also informed me of key perfor- mance metrics from both the founders’ and partners’ perspectives and accelerator features and founder characteristics that motivate founders to apply. I then develop a model that characterizes the differences between accelerator and non-accelerator companies as a result of accelerator feedback effects. Founders observe a signal of quality of their idea, and as a result of this signal, founders who are more pessimistic are more likely to join an accelerator. By doing so, they pay a cost—the equity, typically around 10%, given to the accelerator—but the uncertainty around the quality of their idea is resolved sooner. This faster resolution of uncertainty is a consequence of the in- tense feedback within the accelerator environment, which is the feedback effect. The model implies that, conditional on idea quality, accelerators provide for more efficient development decisions, in terms of selecting both projects to drop and the optimal amount of effort to exert on a given project. The model has three main predictions. First, accelerator companies close down earlier and more often because of the faster resolution of uncertainty around the quality of the idea. Second, conditional on closing, accelerator companies raise less money because they do not raise funds beyond the accelerator. And third, accelerator companies appear to be more efficient investments than non- accelerator companies because more money is allo- cated toward companies that are eventually acquired than companies that eventually close and offer zero returns. To test the empirical implications of the model, I then construct a novel data set of approximately 900 accelerator companies from 13 different accelerators that are then matched to the same number of non- accelerator companies based on pre-accelerator charac- teristics. In the sample, the accelerator companies tend to be young (17 months on average), raising their first round of financing, operate in consumer web/software/ e-commerce, and have founders who are starting new ventures for the first time. Many factors, such as the experience of the founder, can impact firm performance (Chatterji 2009, Roberts et al. 2011) and influence the decision to apply to an accelerator. For a founder who has prior entrepreneurial experience, it is not clear whether the benefit of accelerator participation out- weighs the cost of ownership dilution. By constructing a control sample consisting of matched non-accelerator companies that are of similar company age, location, description, founder experience, and funding as the accelerator companies, I attempt to control for the selection bias (different types of founders or companies are more likely to participate in accelerators). From there, I use nonparametric analysis to establish a set of stylized facts. Finally, I proceed to explore these predictions with regression analysis using the matched sample of companies. Furthermore, as an additional test of the feedback effects predicted by the model, I restrict my analysis to a separate sample of accepted accelerator applicants and rejected applicants in the final round. Consistent with the model’s predictions, I observe that the differences in closure probability and funding efficiency persist. Although accelerators are a recent phenomenon, organizations and programs that provide information, outreach, and extension services to firms and individuals have been well established across various industries, in- cluding agriculture and manufacturing.2 Furthermore, there is a rich literature related to the provision of information and performance, including seminal work on the diffusion of innovation, which has shown that informational constraints affect subsequent adoption of innovation by profit-maximizing firms (Griliches 1957, Mansfield 1961). For entrepreneurs specifically, organizations such as the Small Business Development Centers in the United States provide assistance and free business consulting, and the In- novator’s Assistance Program in Canada provides feedback on feasibility. In general, these programs and organizations aim to increase social welfare by facilitating the flow of information. Although accel- erators are typically established because of financial incentives of investors, it appears that they may contribute to social welfare by enabling more intense feedback and providing information that has eco- nomic value to both the entrepreneurs and investors. This paper has several contributions. First, I present both qualitative and quantitative data to document how accelerators operate. Second, I investigate ac- celerators as a source of valuable information for founders, using both theoretical and empirical ana- lyses. There have been various industry reports and news articles about accelerators, but most focus on overall portfolio performance of a select few accel- erators and individual founder stories. By documenting and analyzing whether and how accelerators affect new venture performance, I provide empirical evidence of the information-provision role of accelerators in re- solving uncertainty around company quality. Third, to Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 531
  • 4. my knowledge, I have created the largest sample of accelerator companies across 13 different accelerators, which allows me to conduct cross-cohort and cross- accelerator analysis. Finally, by examining the effect of accelerator participation on new venture performance and the relevant mechanisms, I provide insight into the efficiency of accelerator investments, which has im- plications for policy aimed toward fostering innovation and building entrepreneurial communities. This paper seeks to bridge a gap in the literature by understanding an important industry and shedding light on crucial strategic concerns of founders: managing uncertainty and growth. 2. Institutional Setting There are numerous sources of information and feedback for a start-up company, and founders decide which sources to pursue based on factors such as the stage of the company, cost of access, and quality of the information. Mentorship and feedback can be value- added benefits of funding sources, so it is common for founders to seek information through investors. In addition to accelerators, other sources of information may include friends and family, grants, angel in- vestors, crowdfunding, and venture capital firms. Each source of information comes with different trade-offs, but here I focus on the trade-off between mentorship and the cost of access and comparisons with angel investors and venture capital firms. First, instead of investing in companies on an ad-hoc and ongoing basis, as do angel investors and venture capitalists, accelerators select cohorts of companies through an application process once or twice during a year. Second, the magnitude of investment is on the order of tens of thousands of dollars for anywhere between 2% and 10% equity stake instead of the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars that would be expected from institutional investors. Third, a highly attractive characteristic of being funded by an accelerator is access to mentors, strategic connections, and the accelerator alumni network. Although angel investors and venture capitalists also offer advice and introductions to their networks, the magnitude and frequency of mentorship are much higher in an ac- celerator. Based on conversations with investors and entrepreneurs, there is a strong sense of “paying it forward” within the entrepreneurial community. Many mentor–mentee relationships even become investor– investee after the accelerator program ends. Alumni mentors are yet an additional source of advice and encouragement. As one participant of 500 Startups states, “The whole 500 Startups network is the real value.” Finally, accelerators often provide physical office space for the companies, and this setting allows companies in the same cohort to work within close proximity of each other. In Figure 1, differences between accelerators and other sources of information are highlighted along the dimensions of mentorship and price of equity in terms of amount of funding received for equity given up. In other words, the price of equity is also what the founder is paying for access to mentorship and feedback. Venture capital firms are relatively hands off compared with ac- celeratorsbutofferthemostfunding.Angelinvestorstend to offer some mentorship and invest less money than venture capital firms (and more than accelerators). Some angel investors take a personal interest in the founders, and others may provide less mentoring than venture capitalists. Relative to venture capitalists and angel in- vestors, accelerators offer the highest degree of involve- mentintermsofdevelopingthecompanyatanearlystage but are also the most expensive—small amount of fi- nancial investment for a relatively large amount of equity. Companies at different stages and industries require varying amounts of mentoring; therefore, the optimal source of information is not “one size fits all” for every company. However, it seems that by choosing accelerators, a founder is prioritizing mentorship over the price of equity, which may be appropriate forearlier-stage companies. 2.1. Application Process Given that educational programming and mentor- ship are large components of an accelerator program, it is fitting that the application process for accelerators is very similar to the college application process. An accelerator posts the application online with ques- tions related to the founder team, previous projects, product idea, and funding status and often requests videos or links to a prototype. After an initial screening, Figure 1. Comparison of Sources of Finance Along the Dimensions of Mentorship and Price of Equity Notes. From the entrepreneur’s perspective, accelerators offer the highest intensity of mentorship. However, relative to venture capitalists and angel investors, accelerators require more equity relative to the low amount of financial input. Therefore, the price of equity taken is also highest. Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? 532 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
  • 5. there are one or multiple rounds of phone and face-to-face interviews with the accelerator partners. Then a final decision is made, and the founders will usually be re- quired to move to the city in which the accelerator is located for the duration of the program. Because of the popularity of accelerators, the number of applicants has increased, and there is even a “common application,” the Unified Seed Accelerator Application, which al- lows founders to apply to multiple accelerators with a single form.3 Even though there are many options for founders who want to participate in an accelerator, many founders aim for a select few prominent ac- celerators. The acceptance rate for the most selective accelerators is very low and continues to decrease, and because of the large number of applicants, founders may not get feedback on why their applications were rejec- ted.4 It seems that, especially for founders who make it to the final interview round, it is difficult to explain why they were eventually rejected. The following quote from Paul Graham, founding partner of Y Combinator, suggests that companies in the final round are very similar, at least based on observable characteristics: “So why don’t we tell people why we didn’t invite them to interview? Because, paradoxical as it sounds, there often is no reason.” In this paper, I focus on companies that applied to and participated in accelerators and similar companies that could have applied. 2.2. Demo Day The most unique characteristic of accelerators is demo day, which is essentially the graduation ceremony of the program. More important, it is a chance for all the companies in the cohort to showcase their products to a large audience of investors. Founders take turns pitching their companies, and they also specify the amount of money they are aiming to raise. After the pitches, investors have time to talk with companies in which they are interested, and funding deals can be closed in the following weeks. From the perspective of the investors, even if they do not invest in the com- panies immediately, they are aware of accelerator companies and can track their developments for a future financing round. Given the large number of new accelerators being created in recent years, this paper analyzes participants of 13 more-established accelerators that fit specific cri- teria further explained in Section 4. These accelerators have been in operation for four years on average, run 14-week programs, and invested $20,846 in 15 com- paniesforeachcohort.Intermsofnetworksize,theyhave, on average, 102 alumni and 62 mentors who are affiliated with the accelerator at the time of data collection. 3. Theory To understand how accelerators operate and a founder’s motivation for choosing accelerators over alternative sources of information and funding, interviews were conducted with 12 accelerator partners, industry mentors, and founders, and a survey was distributed to founders (with more than 70 respondents) asking specific questions about the decision to apply to an accelerator, what the perceived and realized benefits were, and details of their ventures. The survey results were helpful for data collection, but more important, they revealed which accelerator characteristics were most valuable to the founders and informed the model. 3.1. Mechanisms Here, I highlight the intuition and mechanism behind the model. The timing of the model and further mathematical details are included in Appendix B. When founders choose to participate in an accelera- tor, they do so only if the signal about the quality of their idea is below a certain threshold. During the program, the main mechanism is an accelerator feedback effect, by which the resolution of uncertainty around the quality of the idea is faster because of feedback within the accelerator. Initially, founders must pay a cost to participate in an accelerator. This cost is the equity a founder must give up, but it can also be seen as the opportunity cost of joining the accelerator. These costs are higher for founders with better-quality ideas. Anecdotal evi- dence from founders supports this. For example, one accelerator company founder said that “if your company fails, that 6%–10% you gave out [to the accelerator] won’t be useful,” suggesting that the cost of participation is lower for founders with low- quality ideas. By contrast, when asked about the de- cision not to apply to an accelerator, a non-accelerator company founder stated that the founders “didn’t want to give up equity on unfavorable terms.” In other words, the founders thought they had a promising idea and were not willing to dilute the company for a $21,000 accelerator investment. Therefore, founders with rela- tively lower-quality ideas will apply to participate in accelerators, whereas founders with the highest-quality ideas may pursue other sources of financing or in- formation. This means that there are founders with good ideas who are willing to exchange equity for the potential benefits that accelerators offer. Put differently, one ad- vantage of joining an accelerator is that you buy a real option: instead of investing more resources in the dark, you do so with knowledge of the true quality of the idea, thus having the option of shutting down and cutting losses short. In this model, I assume that all founders who apply to the accelerator are accepted. Conditional on a founder choosing to participate in an accelerator, there is an accelerator effect resulting from the intense feedback during the accelerator program. Accelerator company founders meet with Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 533
  • 6. accelerator partners and mentors frequently and also have daily interactions with other founders in their cohort. This allows founders to iterate more quickly and resolve uncertainty around the feasibility of an idea at a faster pace. In fact, in my survey of more than 70 founders, “access to industry mentors” was listed as the most important reason for applying to an accelerator, and one accelerator company founder stated that the biggest gain of participating in an accelerator was “coworking with other founders. People were very open and helpful.” In contrast, non-accelerator company founders receive very little and less frequent feedback during the same time period of the accelerator program, so there is still uncertainty around the quality of the idea when founders need to decide whether to invest further. Consequently, founders of lower-quality accelerator companies know when to cut losses and do not at- tempt to raise more money, whereas founders of lower-quality non-accelerator companies will con- tinue to raise money, essentially paying for additional information until the uncertainty is resolved. There- fore, accelerator companies shut down more often and do so sooner rather than later. In addition, at the time of shutting down, accelerator companies will have raised less money, on average. To summarize, the model characterizes the dif- ferences between accelerator companies and non- accelerator companies as a result of self-selection and accelerator feedback effects. Founders who observe low-quality signals choose to pay the equity cost of joining an accelerator in favor of a better signal of the true quality of the idea. This better signal, in turn, provides the feedback effect of accelerator partici- pation. It implies that, conditional on idea quality, accelerators provide for more efficient development decisions, in terms of selecting both projects to drop and the optimal amount of effort to put into a given project. 3.2. Empirical Implications The model derives the following testable implications. Hypothesis 1. Accelerator companies go out of business earlier and more often than non-accelerator companies. Hypothesis 2. Conditional on going out of business, ac- celerator companies receive less funding than non-accelerator companies. Hypotheses 1 and 2 are both consequences of the intense feedback environment during the accelerator program. Accelerators enable founders to have direct and frequent access to mentors who offer advice and feedback. Mentors are usually industry experts, serial entrepreneurs, or venture capitalists who want to give back to the entrepreneurial community or have previously invested in alumni companies. Even though the mentors are not compensated financially, they commit to spending time with the accelerator company founders to share their experiences, keep current with start-up trends, and foster relationships. Although non-accelerator company founders may have other sources of mentorship, the frequency and intensity of mentorship are unlikely to be higher than in an ac- celerator environment. The frequency of the meetings varies, but founders can spend numerous hours weekly or even daily meeting with mentors. There is an ex- pectation for accelerator mentors to be available or in- volved to a certain degree, and sometimes the meetings are organized by the accelerator directly. For example, according to the Techstars website, “About two or three nights a week, we’ll organize informal educa- tional sessions with our mentors. We also expect many of the mentors to drop into Techstars at vari- ous times throughout the program.” In addition to having more frequent interactions with a given mentor, accelerator company founders will also be exposed to more mentors because of the large net- work associated with the accelerator. The alumni network consists of all previous participants of the same accelerator, and it grows consistently with each cohort. The founders can tap into a wealth of knowl- edge from alumni who had the same experiences and faced similar challenges. In addition to mentors and alumni, cohort-mates can serve as another source of feedback. Founders in the same cohort spend a sig- nificant amount of time together and develop into a tight-knit community. They can then benchmark their own quality against the progress and quality of other companies in their cohort and assess their likelihood of raising follow-on funding, getting acquired, or going out of business.5 Based on the feedback during the accelerator pro- gram, uncertainty around the quality of the idea is resolved much faster for accelerator companies, so founders are able to make exit decisions sooner rather than later. In particular, lower-quality companies realize that their ideas may not be sustainable in the long term and choose to go out of business altogether instead of trying to fund-raise later. In contrast, because of the lack of frequent feedback, this uncertainty is still unresolved for all non-accelerator companies during the same time frame. Therefore, founders con- tinue to operate and fund-raise until the uncertainty is resolved later. Therefore, Hypothesis 1 follows. As a result, for many accelerator companies, the last round of funding will be from the accelerator, which, on average, is only $21,000. Consequently, conditional on closing, accelerator companies will raise less money, and Hypothesis 2 follows. An additional prediction of the model considers accelerator companies as a portfolio: specifically, Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? 534 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
  • 7. outcomes of investing in all accelerator companies. Here I propose a “funding ratio,” defined as FR ≡ (Average Funding|Closed)/(Average Funding|Acquired). Using an acquisition as a successful outcome, the funding ratio is a measure of whether companies that eventually succeed receive more funding than companies that eventually shut down. If the funding ratio is small (<1), investors are making better in- vestments (higher probability of a return) than if the funding ratio is large. Because of faster exit deci- sions, conditional on quality, the model predicts the following: Hypothesis 3. The funding ratio FR ≡ Average Funding|Closed Average Funding|Acquired is smaller for accelerator companies than for non-accelerator companies. This is closely related to Hypothesis 2 because ac- celerator companies that eventually close do not raise additional development funding. Furthermore, FRaccelerator < FRnon-accelerator indicates that investing in accelerator companies as a whole may be an efficient use of money because the funding allocated to acquired companies is larger than funding allocated to compa- nies that shut down. 4. Data and Summary Statistics This paper presents both qualitative and quantitative data to document the accelerator phenomenon. To test predictions of the model and investigate the effect of accelerators on their portfolio companies, it is necessary to obtain data on companies that have participated in accelerators (accelerator companies) and similar companies that have not participated in accelerators (non-accelerator companies). This sam- ple is constructed by identifying a set of accelerator companies and then matching non-accelerator com- panies to accelerator companies based on observable characteristics. 4.1. Accelerator Selection Given the heterogeneity in definition and the rate of new accelerators being established, this paper focuses on participants of accelerators that satisfy the following criteria: (1) located in the United States, (2) have invested in at least 30 companies across two cohorts, (3) take equity in exchange for investment, and (4) are not affiliated with a university or sponsored by a corporation. Imposing these criteria ensures that the accelerators in the sample face similar legal and country-specific geographic constraints, have some baseline experience investing in companies, accept applications from anyone, and focus on financial in- centives (rather than promoting academic entrepre- neurship or specific technology platforms). According to Seed-DB, a popular website tracking accelerator activities, there are 172 active accelerators worldwide that have accelerated 2,921 companies.6 After im- posing the selection criteria, I retain 13 accelerators and record the location and founding year of the accelerator, details of the program structure (in- cluding program length and funding terms), the number of affiliated mentors, and its complete in- vestment history with cohort information. These ac- celerator characteristics are summarized in Table 1. The resulting sample consists of 1,311 accelerator companies from 13 accelerators. 4.2. Accelerator Companies For each of the accelerator companies, I gather the founders’ names, employment history, founding date, founding location, funding dates and amounts, in- dustry, description, and operational status. The main data source is Crunchbase, which is an open-source database maintained by TechCrunch, the leading technology news site Crunchbase contains profiles of companies, people, and investors and is regarded as one of the best resources for technology companies and transactions. It has partnerships with more than 400 venture capital firms, accelerators, incubators, and angel groups to ensure the accuracy of the data. Crunchbase tends to have more early-stage trans- actions than similar databases (such as CB Insights, Dow Jones VentureSource, PitchBook, and PwC MoneyTree), which makes it ideal for the companies in the sample.7 Most important, existing company entries cannot be deleted from Crunchbase, so there is no survivalship bias. This is particularly important because many companies (about half in the sample) Table 1. Accelerator Summary Statistics Accelerator attributes Observations Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum Accelerator age, years 13 3.92 2.06 1.00 8.00 Investment amount, $US 13 20,846 5,505 18,000 38,000 Program length, weeks 13 13.69 2.81 10.00 20.00 Cohort size 82 14.94 13.59 5.00 84.00 Number of mentors 13 62.12 59.99 1.00 182.00 Size of alumni network 13 101.62 143.12 30.00 566.00 Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 535
  • 8. are recorded in Crunchbase but never report any external funding rounds, which is another indicator that Crunchbase captures a wide range of companies and not just well-funded and well-publicized ones. One caveat to point out is that only external funding is reported. In other words, funding from friends and family or the individual wealth of the founders is not reflected in Crunchbase. However, according to in- terviews and surveys with the founders, financing constraints are not the main reason for applying to an accelerator, so the possibility of founder wealth driving accelerator participation is not a huge concern. In addition to Crunchbase, AngelList and CapitalIQ are used to supplement and validate company infor- mation, and LinkedIn is used to collect past founding experience of the entrepreneurs. AngelList is a platform for new venture fund raising and often includes infor- mation about founders and funding history. CapitalIQ is a division of Standard & Poors (S&P) and contains financial transaction data for both private and public companies. CapitalIQ obtains information from a variety of sources, including press releases, media mentions, and regulatory filings, which makes it com- plementary to the data from Crunchbase and AngelList. One of the challenges of working with early-stage companies is that company names appear in differ- ent forms, so extra care has been taken to reconcile company and product names to ensure consistency.8 To determine a founder’s employment history, a combination of founder profiles in Crunchbase and LinkedIn cross-checked with other data sources is used to see if a founder is associated with multiple ventures. When there are discrepancies in founding or funding information across the different sources, I defer to the company website or whichever source has been most recently updated. Tables 2–4 contain summary statistics for the ac- celerator companies. From Table 2, we see that the seed investment from the accelerator was the first round of capital raised for 95.3% of the companies. In other words, the majority of the accelerator compa- nies had no funding beyond their own money or from friends and family at the time of acceptance. Less than 5% of the accelerator companies had raised at least one round of funding prior to acceptance into the accelerator. In fact, the average company age at the time of acceptance into an accelerator is 17 months. These numbers indicate that accelerator compaines are generally young and are at the early stages of product development. Table 3 shows that, location- wise, more than half the companies are located in Silicon Valley (including San Francisco, California) and New York, New York. The five regions with the most companies also highly correlate with where the accel- erators are headquartered. In terms of industries, the first column of Table 4 shows that software-related industries still dominate, accounting for more than half the companies. Regarding founder characteris- tics, accelerator company founders are, on average, 28.6 years old, and 78.8% hold bachelor’s degrees in science or engineering. Furthermore, 28.3% have ad- vanced degrees, including 7.8% holding a master’s in business administration. 4.3. Matched Sample The second half of the sample consists of companies that did not participate in accelerators, “non-accelerator com- panies,” which are matched to accelerator companies based on founding year, founding location, company description, founder experience, and “pre-accelerator” funding (based on when the corresponding acceler- ator company applied to an accelerator). The goal Table 2. Summary of Financing Round in Which Accelerator Invested in Accelerator Companies Accelerator round Frequency Percentage Round 1 1,078 95.31 Round 2 40 3.54 Round 3 10 0.88 Rounds 4–6 3 0.27 Total 1,311 100.00 Note. Only publicly announced funding activity is included. Table 3. Summary of Geographic Dispersion of Accelerator Companies Region Frequency Percentage Silicon Valley, California 542 54.69 New York, New York 130 13.12 Boston/Cambridge, Massachusetts 64 6.46 Boulder, Colorado 60 6.05 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 46 4.64 Canada, Europe, Russia 24 2.42 Other 125 12.61 Total 991 100.00 Note. The total number is less than 1,311 because location information could not be confirmed for 320 companies. Table 4. Summary of Accelerator Company Industries (Self-Reported on Crunchbase) Industry Percentage Web 24.32 Software 10.81 E-commerce 10.42 Mobile 10.04 Games/video 8.11 Enterprise 5.41 Advertising 4.25 Messaging 3.86 Analytics 3.09 Other 19.69 Total 100.00 Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? 536 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
  • 9. here is to control for the type and quality of company such that the matched pairs look identical right before the accelerator company enters the accelerator. The counterfactual is companies that could have partici- pated in accelerator programs but did not. Both company characteristics and founder background can have an impact on how companies evolve and per- form (Roberts et al. 2011). Selecting investment tar- gets is a complex process that is difficult to codify, and even the accelerator partners may not be able to ar- ticulate why one company was accepted and not the other. Because of the high degree of variation in business descriptions within the same industry, matching on in- dustry alone is insufficient. For example, a company that “analyzes and synthesizes social conversations in real time” and a company that “instruments and monitors your application’s performance” are both categorized as “software” companies but represent very different businesses. Propensity score matching would only allow matching on the industry level and be insuf- ficient for precise matches. Therefore, matches are identified by hand via two coders. The project details were not disclosed to the coders, and they were given detailed instructions for the matching algorithm and examples of different types of matches.9 At a high level, the matching procedure is the following: the universe of companies in Crunchbase is first filtered based on founding year and location; then each of the remaining companies is examined to determine the best fit based on the description of the company. Then the entrepreneurial experience of the founders is compared. After this first-stage matching, a second-stage match is completed based on cumulative funding raised right before a company enters an accelerator (based on cohort date to a quarter precision). For instance, if an accel- erator company participates in an accelerator in year 2.25 (the ninth quarter) with $20,000 in funding, the matched non-accelerator comany has also raised the same amount by year 2.25. The second-stage matching is particularly useful for comparing funding patterns post-accelerator. An example of a perfectly matched pair is the following: company A, an accelerator com- pany, was founded in San Francisco, California, in 2011 and specializes in “fraud technology for e-commerce stores.” The founders of company A have no prior founding experience, and company A had zero funding at the time of accelerator application. It is matched to company B, a non-accelerator company, which was founded in Palo Alto, California, in 2011 and describes itself as “technology services that help e-commerce businesses detect and fight fraud.” The founders of company B were all new founders, and they also did not raise any money pre-accelerator. Checking both company websites (see Appendix A for screenshots) further confirms that the companies are similar based on observable characteristics, and therefore, company A and company B would be considered a perfect match. If a perfect match cannot be found, the matching criteria are relaxed, in turn, until a lesser match can be found. The quality of the match is recorded, and accelerator companies with no matches are also recorded. The exact algorithm for matching is included in Appendix A. One caveat here is that founders fill out lengthy applica- tions and may disclose information, such as alumni recommendations and links to product demos, that can be pertinent to the accelerator’s selection process. These selection criteria are private and unobservable to the econometrician and are therefore not accounted for in the matching process. Once the list of non-accelerator companies is iden- tified, company details are gathered in the same manner as company details for accelerator compa- nies, and the two samples are combined. After ex- cluding accelerator companies with no appropriate matches and accelerator companies that participated in multiple accelerators, the final matched sample consists of 1,796 companies, including 898 accelerator companies matched to 898 non-accelerator compa- nies. Comparisons of matched company character- istics between accelerator companies and non- accelerator companies are presented in Tables 5–7. In Table 5, we see that the average founding year is between 2009 and 2010, and both accelerator and non- accelerator company founders are inexperienced. To control for these slight differences, founder experi- ence is used as an additional control in the empirical analysis. The pre-accelerator funding is not statisti- cally different between the accelerator and non- accelerator companies, indicating that the quality of the matched companies is similar. In terms of geo- graphic distribution in Table 6, companies are also mostly clustered in Silicon Valley, New York, and Boston with similar representation across accelera- tor and non-accelerator companies. Although the Table 5. Comparison of Accelerator and Non-accelerator Companies Preaccelerator Company characteristics Observations Accelerator Non-accelerator Difference in p-value Founding year 898 2010 (1.89) 2009.33 (1.79) <0.05 Founder experience 898 0.21 (0.41) 0.13 (0.34) <0.05 Pre-accelerator funding 898 0.63 (0.016) 0.64 (0.016) 0.77 Note. Mean, standard deviation in parentheses. Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 537
  • 10. companies are matched based on business de- scriptions, Table 7 illustrates the broader trends and consistency of industries across the matched pairs. Overall, the extensive matching algorithm builds samples of accelerator and non-accelerator compa- nies that look very similar based on observable characteristics. 5. Nonparametric Analysis Several patterns emerge from comparing the accel- erator and non-accelerator companies within the matched sample on the following dimensions: funding amount, closure rate, and acquisition rate. Figure 2 shows a comparison of funding trends between the accelerator and non-accelerator companies, focusing on the median funding amount. Pre-accelerator, both types of companies have zero funding. There is a clear sep- aration between the companies over time, and we see that the non-accelerator companies raise more money than accelerator companies. In the data, this funding gap persists for the 75th percentile and outliers in the 95th and 99th percentiles. At these levels, the difference in funding between non-accelerator and accelerator companies is even wider. For the outliers that raise minimum funds, non-accelerator companies raise zero dollars compared with accelerator companies that only receive initial funding from the accelerator. These patterns illustrate that there may be self-selection into accelerators based on initial quality. One caveat is that the funding amounts alone without the equity terms only give us approximations of the company value. Turning to the companies that close down, in the first set of results in Table 8, we see that accelerator companies go out of business 11.4% of the time compared with 4.34% of the time for non-accelerator companies. In addition, when accelerator companies shut down, they have only raised around $0.13 mil- lion dollars in funding compared with $1.81 million for non-accelerator companies. In addition, there is a spike in closures within one year after graduation, as Table 6. Geographic Composition in Matched Sample Founding location Accelerator (%) Non-accelerator (%) Alabama 0 (0) 2 (0.2) Arizona 1 (0.1) 5 (0.6) California 482 (53.7) 467 (52.9) Colorado 46 (5.1) 39 (4.4) District of Columbia 5 (0.6) 6 (0.7) Delaware 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1) Florida 2 (0.2) 4 (0.5) Georgia 4 (0.4) 6 (0.7) Hawaii 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1) Iowa 0 (0) 1 (0.1) Idaho 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1) Illinois 8 (0.9) 5 (0.6) Indiana 1 (0.1) 0 (0) Kentucky 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1) Louisiana 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1) Massachusetts 64 (7.1) 82 (9.3) Maryland 4 (0.4) 3 (0.3) Maine 0 (0) 2 (0.2) Michigan 3 (0.3) 3 (0.3) Minnesota 3 (0.3) 2 (0.2) Missouri 1 (0.1) 2 (0.2) Montana 0 (0) 1 (0.1) North Carolina 1 (0.1) 2 (0.2) New Jersey 3 (0.3) 4 (0.5) Nevada 2 (0.2) 4 (0.5) New York 113 (12.6) 119 (13.5) Oklahoma 0 (0) 2 (0.2) Oregon 2 (0.2) 3 (0.3) Pennsylvania 59 (6.6) 46 (5.2) Rhode Island 34 (3.8) 17 (1.9) Tennessee 0 (0) 1 (0.1) Texas 4 (0.4) 6 (0.7) Virginia 2 (0.2) 4 (0.5) Washington 25 (2.8) 22 (2.5) Wisconsin 2 (0.2) 2 (0.2) Australia 1 (0.1) 0 (0) Brazil 2 (0.2) 1 (0.1) Canada 6 (0.7) 5 (0.6) France 1 (0.1) 2 (0.2) Germany 2 (0.2) 1 (0.1) Great Britain 6 (0.7) 4 (0.5) Hong Kong 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1) India 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1) Ireland 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1) Israel 1 (0.1) 0 (0) Total 898 (100) 883 (100) Note. The location for 15 non-accelerator companies could not be confirmed. Table 7. Industry Composition in Matched Sample Industry Accelerator (%) Non-accelerator (%) Advertising 39 (4.3) 40 (4.5) Analytics 31 (3.5) 40 (4.5) Biotech 7 (0.8) 14 (1.6) E-commerce 53 (5.9) 52 (5.8) Education 19 (2.1) 19 (2.1) Enterprise 55 (6.1) 77 (8.6) Fashion 11 (1.2) 7 (0.8) Finance 14 (1.6) 16 (1.8) Games/video 43 (4.8) 38 (4.2) Hardware 22 (2.4) 15 (1.7) Health 39 (4.3) 35 (3.9) Hospitality 7 (0.8) 6 (0.7) Medical 7 (0.8) 11 (1.2) Messaging 19 (2.1) 18 (2) Mobile 97 (10.8) 101 (11.2) Network hosting 8 (0.9) 7 (0.8) Other 56 (6.2) 47 (5.2) Public relations 10 (1.1) 6 (0.7) Real estate 10 (1.1) 5 (0.6) Search 10 (1.1) 10 (1.1) Security 5 (0.6) 6 (0.7) Social 24 (2.7) 21 (2.3) Software 106 (11.8) 100 (11.1) Travel 11 (1.2) 7 (0.8) Web 195 (21.7) 200 (22.3) Total 898 (100) 898 (100) Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? 538 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
  • 11. seen in Figure 3. In fact, the majority of accelerator companies (77%) have less than $50,000 at the time of closure, which suggests that most of these companies are young and of lower quality and likely go out of business to cut losses early. This can actually be seen as a benefit of accelerator participation in the sense that accelerator companies learn about their own quality during the program and know when to close down instead of investing more money into an idea that will eventually fail. In the second set of results in Table 8, we see that 13.3% of accelerator companies have been acquired, compared with 10.7% of non-accelerator companies, and that, at the time of acquisition, accelerator companies have only raised $1.99 million compared with $7.86 million for the non-accelerator companies. Furthermore, in Figure 4, the kernel density graph indicates that accelerator companies tend to get ac- quired within two years after the accelerator. Taking into account the low funding numbers, these figures suggest that the accelerator companies get acquired early on instead of raising additional funding. It is plausible that the product is either very promising at an early stage or the founders are being acquired for their talent. 6. Empirical Analysis There are three parts for the empirical analysis. The first is testing the predictions of the model using the matched sample, the second is providing additional evidence using a separate sample of rejected accel- erator applicants, and the third includes additional robustness checks. To isolate the effect of the accel- erator, I compare the outcomes of accelerator com- panies with those of non-accelerator companies, so identification comes from variation across matched pairs. The necessary assumption on the accelerator and non-accelerator companies is that, conditional on observable characteristics, the prior likelihood of ac- ceptance into an accelerator is identical. The matched sample consists of 1,796 companies, including 898 non-accelerator companies that are matched to 898 accelerator companies. The main empirical challenge is selection bias in the sense that certain types of founders might be more likely to apply and participate in accelerators. In particular, founders with more experience, better ideas, or existing investor connections may not think it is worth giving up equity and moving to a new city just to participate in an accelerator. To alleviate this concern, I use a founder’s entrepreneurial experience as a proxy for the type of founder that may be in- terested in applying to an accelerator. There might also be selection in the types of companies that are more likely to be accepted into an accelerator. To control for observable characteristics that appear on the application, the non-accelerator companies are matched to accelerator companies based on founding year, founding location, company description, and pre-accelerator funding in addition to founder ex- perience. The founding year and location control for macroeconomic conditions, geographic advantages, and the company age (which may proxy for the stage of the business). More important, the company Table 8. Acquisition and Closure Rate Comparison for Accelerator and Non-accelerator Companies Accelerator (N = 898) Non-accelerator (N = 898) Closures Number of companies closed 102 (11.4%) 39 (4.34%) Average funding at time of closure ($MM) 0.13 1.81 Acquisitions Number of companies acquired 119 (13.3%) 96 (10.7%) Average funding at time of acquisition ($MM) 1.99 7.86 Notes. The number of acquisitions for non-accelerator companies includes three companies that have gone public. At the time of data collection, none of the accelerator companies are public or have filed for an initial public offering. The average funding at time of acquisition for non-accelerator companies, excluding public companies, is $5.47MM. Figure 2. (Color online) Funding Comparison for Accelerator and Non-accelerator Companies Notes. This figure highlights the differences between the median accelerator and non-accelerator companies. Accelerator companies receive initial funding from accelerators, but over time, non-accelerator companies raise more money. Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 539
  • 12. description accounts for the type of business that the accelerator partners are interested in funding. The preaccelerator funding is a proxy for company quality. Taking these factors into consideration, the matched non-accelerator companies should resem- ble the accelerator companies at the time of applica- tion. However, accelerator partners may choose companies in which to invest based on unobserv- able characteristics—impressive demos, charis- matic founders, recommendations from accelerator alumni—but the accelerator and non-accelerator companies are only matched based on observable characteristics. Although it is difficult to completely control for the selection bias in the matched sample, one of the ways I alleviate this concern is by restricting the accelerator and non-accelerator companies to subsamples that have achieved certain funding thresholds. Furthermore, the analysis in Section 6.4 uses a separate sample of accelerator applicants to address this issue. 6.1. Empirical Specifications To test Hypothesis 1, I use the following logit model to regress a closure event on an accelerator company dummy variable and controls for founder experience, year, and industry fixed effects: P(Closedi 1) P β0 + β1AcceleratorCompanyi ( + FounderExpi+ FoundingYeari + Industryi + wi ≥ 0 ) . (1) To test Hypothesis 2, I use ordinary least squares to regress the log of funding amount for Companyi, conditional on the company shutting down, on an accelerator company dummy variable, and controls for founding year, founder experience, and industry fixed effects. Thus, log(1 + Fundingi|Closed) β0 + β1AcceleratorCompanyi + FounderExpi + FoundingYeari + Industryi + ξi. (2) To test Hypothesis 3, I calculate the funding ratio of the matched sample directly. In Table 14, we see that, in the matched sample, FRaccelerator 0.07 0.34 FRnon-accelerator, which is consistent with the pre- dictions of the model, and Hypothesis 3 is supported. 6.2. Variables In the model, the performance of companies is ex- amined through firm survival as measured by the probability of closure. In addition, the data enables further investigation on (1) external financing, (2) venture growth, and (3) acquisitions. Closures con- cern the survival status and duration of the compa- nies. Closed is a binary variable with 1 indicating that a company is no longer active and 0 indicating that a company is still operational. A company is coded as inactive if (1) it is indicated as “closed” on any of the data sources, (2) the company website cannot be found, or (3) the company social media accounts (e.g., Twitter) or any traces of presence on the internet have not been updated in a year. All other companies are coded as active, including companies that have been acquired even if the original product or team no longer exists after the acquisition. It is plausible that an acquired company might have gone out of business if it had not been acquired, but there is no evidence of this in the sample. Prior research also Figure 3. (Color online) Kernel Density Graph of Closure Time Post-accelerator Note. The Epanechnikov kernel is used to calculate the kernel density estimate for when companies go out of business. Figure 4. (Color online) Kernel Density Graph of Acquisition Time Post-accelerator Note. The Epanechnikov kernel is used to calculate the kernel density estimate for when companies get acquired. Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? 540 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
  • 13. suggests that companies that are acquired are more appropriately characterized as successful rather than unsuccessful outcomes (Coleman et al. 2013). For companies with explicit closing dates reported in any of the databases, an additional variable, time-to-close, is calculated as the company age when it goes out of business. In addition to closures, I also measure performance via external financing, web traffic, and acquisition out- comes. External financing is based on the funding amount obtained by the companies in U.S. dollars. Funding is disclosed on company websites, Crunchbase, or through press releases. Therefore, if this information becomes public, it is observed in at least one of the data sources, and the funding details are further cross- checked for accuracy. When no funding information is found, it is assumed that the company has not raised any money. In this sample, all accelerator companies receive funding from the accelerators, and non-accelerator companies that have not raised any money vary across age,location,andindustry,alleviatingconcernsthatonly specific types of companies are represented. Web traffic data are collected via Alexa (www.Alexa .com) to capture whether users are engaged with the company websites. The first measure compares the log ratio of web views per million between August 1 of the first and third years after the company was founded, and the second measure is a binary indicator for whether the views increased at all at the end of the two-year period. To account for potentially large within-industry variations in website use, the website rank in the United States is also collected, and anal- ogous measures are constructed (Kerr et al. 2014). To analyze performance from the perspective of acquisitions, several acquisition-related measures are created. Given that acquisition statistics are often cited when accelerators speak to the performance of their portfolio companies, it is clear that it is an im- portant metric of success to track. Acquired is a binary variable with 1 indicating that a company has been acquired and 0 indicating that a company has not been acquired. Note that initial public offerings are not used as a metric here because all the accelerator companies in the sample are still private (as of May 2015). Without seeing the actual terms of the acqui- sition, it is difficult to evaluate whether it is successful from a financial standpoint. However, additional details of the acquisition are collected from company press releases to gain insight into the conditions under which a company was acquired. These mea- sures include binary variables for whether there are plans to shut down the initial product, whether it is an explicit “acqui-hire” for a small group of employees, and the count of employees at the time of the ac- quisition. These variables are coded only if specific plans or numbers are explicitly stated in press releases or related articles. Summary statistics for the main outcome variables are presented in Table 9. 6.3. Main Results The regression results of accelerator participation on closures are presented in Table 10 with robust standard errors to address concerns with heteroskedasticity. Column (1) provides estimates of the probability of closing down associated with participating in an ac- celerator, controlling for founder experience in addition to year effects to control for macroeconomic conditions and industry effects to control for differences across industries. We see that accelerator companies are positively and significantly more likely to shut down than non-accelerator companies. Specifically, the odds of going out of business for accelerator companies over non-accelerator companies are 150% higher. Even when controlling for lower quality by conditioning on Table 9. Summary Statistics for Performance Outcome Variables Variable Observations Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum Pr(Closed) 1,796 0.08 0.27 0.00 1.00 Total funding if closed ($MM) 142 0.59 1.52 0.00 11.30 Time-to-close (days) 42 935.00 535.63 212.00 2,191.00 Pr(Closed if total funding ≤ $100k) 857 0.12 0.32 0.00 1.00 Total funding ($MM) 1,796 4.47 18.70 0.00 486.20 Total funding if funding rds 1 745 9.33 27.64 0.15 486.20 Total funding if funding ≥ $1MM 690 11.45 28.84 1.00 486.20 Different page views per million 802 2.17 38.24 −10.36 1,067.74 Diff rank 802 −230,245.60 526,686.90 −3,781,337.00 1,436,984.00 Pr(Improved page views per million) 1,796 0.80 0.40 0.00 1.00 Pr(Improved rank) 1,796 0.67 0.47 0.00 1.00 Pr(Acquired) 1,796 0.12 0.32 0.00 1.00 Total funding if acquired ($MM) 211 3.54 8.27 0.00 55.35 Pr(Product shut down) 207 0.34 0.48 0.00 1.00 Pr(Acqui-hire) 210 0.10 0.31 0.00 1.00 Number of employees at acquisition 71 15.15 32.84 2.00 250.00 Pr(Acquired if funding ≥ $1MM) 939 0.13 0.34 0.00 1.00 Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 541
  • 14. raising at most $100,000 of funding in column (2), the coefficient is still positive and significant. In terms of how quickly companies go out of business, results from a Cox proportional hazards model are presented in column (3). The coefficient is positive and signifi- cant, which indicates that accelerator companies have a faster time-to-close. Furthermore, a randomly se- lected accelerator company will be 6.4 times as likely to close than a non-accelerator company. These results suggest that accelerators may help resolve uncertainty around company quality, and consequently, acceler- ator companies cease to operate rather than continue to operate at a loss. An additional assumption here is that a founder’s decision to participate in an accelerator is not correlated with the ability to shut down a com- pany sooner. This is a reasonable assumption given that founders of accelerator and non-accelerator companies have similar entrepreneurial experience and are matched based on characteristics that could influence how easy it is to close down the company. For instance, companies in more capital-intensive industries, such as hardware, may be more difficult to shut down than companies in software, but the probability of closure and time-to-close are compared between matched companies in the same industry. Next, focusing on companies that shut down even- tually, we see in column (4) that closed accelerator companies receive less funding than closed non- accelerator companies. In other words, when lower- quality accelerator companies go out of business, they have raised less funding than lower-quality non- accelerator companies that go out of business. By combining the results in columns (1), (3), and (4), Hypotheses 1 and 2 are supported. Three additional measures of performance—funding, web traffic, and acquisitions—are examined in Tables 11 and 12. Column (1) of Table 11 provides estimates of the changes associated with participating in an accelerator on the amount of log funding raised (in millions), controlling for founder experience, year, and industry fixed effects. The funding amount is logged in the main analysis to account for skewness Table 10. Analysis of Accelerator Participation and Closures for Matched Sample Variables (1) Logit Closed (2) Logit Closed if raised ≤$100k (3) Cox hazard Time-to-close (4) OLS log(Funding if closed) ($MM) AcceleratorCompany 0.921*** 1.417*** 1.856*** −0.649*** (0.205) (0.305) (0.48) (0.146) FounderExp −0.130 −0.0185 −0.645 −0.142 (0.261) (0.333) (0.532) (0.120) Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Constant −2.787** −2.772** 0.733*** (1.084) (1.228) (0.104) Observations 1,681 762 1,696 142 R2 0.456 Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. ***p 0.01; **p 0.05; *p 0.1. Table 11. Analysis of Accelerator Participation and Additional Performance Outcomes for Matched Sample Variables (1) OLS log(Funding) ($MM) (2) OLS log(Funding if raised one rd) (3) OLS log(Funding if raised $1MM) (4) OLS log(Ratio views per mm) (5) OLS log(Ratio web rank) (6) Logit Improved views per mm (7) Logit Improved web rank AcceleratorCompany −0.497*** −1.049*** −0.393*** −0.438* 0.0650 −0.410*** 0.099 (0.0496) (0.0848) (0.0740) (0.224) (0.0837) (0.130) (0.113) FounderExp 0.0405 0.0836 0.132 0.288 −0.248** −0.0744 0.192 (0.0661) (0.107) (0.0929) (0.306) (0.123) (0.164) (0.144) Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Constant 1.800* 3.547*** 5.072*** 1.149 −0.991*** 0.735*** −0.861*** (1.374) (0.325) (0.202) (0.192) Observations 1,796 746 690 802 802 1,649 1,649 R2 0.142 0.288 0.188 0.067 0.071 Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. ***p 0.01; **p 0.05; *p 0.1. Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? 542 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
  • 15. in the distribution. The estimated coefficient on funding is negative and statistically significant for accelerator companies. Note that because the matched company pairs belong to different cohorts and the funding amount is measured at the end of the sampling period, this translates to $9 million dollars less funding across an average of three years after graduating from an accel- erator. In columns (2) and (3), the number of funding rounds and existing amounts of funding are used as proxies for company quality. The sample is limited to companies that have raised at least one round of funding and companies that have raised at least $1 million dol- lars, respectively. In both regressions, participating in an accelerator contributes negatively and significantly to- ward total funding raised, indicating that differences in fund-raising are robust to additional restrictions on company quality. It is worth noting that there may be heterogeneous effects given the wide dispersion of fund raising amounts within the sample. However, based on patterns we observe for outlier companies that have the most funding in either group, these results may be conservative estimates for the best-performing com- panies. In columns (4) and (5), I use log changes in web traffic and web ranking in the United States, and the results show that accelerator participation contrib- utes to decreases in web traffic between the first and third years of company operation. It does not have a significant effect on changes in web ranking, though. Regression results using binary measures tracking any improvements are presented in columns (6) and (7). Similar to findings using actual differences in web traffic and web rank, we see that accelerators have a negative and significant effect on the probability that web traffic increases over a two-year period. In Table 12, I examine the probability of acquisition using accelerator participation, founder experience, year effects, and industry effects. Although the co- efficient on accelerator companies is not significant in column (1), after conditioning on the quality of the company using funding as a proxy, the coefficient is positive and significant in column (2). In column (3), we see that, conditional on being acquired, acceler- ator companies also raise less money. To gain insight into the conditions under which companies are ac- quired, I regress accelerator participation on addi- tional acquisition characteristics. In columns (4)–(6), we see that acquisitions of accelerator companies are more likely to involve shutting down the initial product, and there is a negative and statistically significant effect on the number of employees at the time of acquisition. These results indicate that ac- quisitions involving accelerator companies are less likely motivated by the technology itself and more likely for the talent of employees. 6.4. Additional Evidence: Rejected Applicants The prediction from the model is that the main findings related to the feedback effects should be present when comparing accepted accelerator ap- plicants and rejected applicants in the final round. Anecdotal evidence from interviews suggests that the final selection is not very different from a coin toss, which, in turn, implies that the statistical comparison is very close to a randomized experiment. To further test the predictions of the model, a separate applicant sample consisting of rejected applicants and accepted applicants (accelerator companies) was constructed. Because of the low acceptance rates and lack of feedback for rejected applicants, many founders turn to online forums to solicit feedback on their applications and interviews. Applicants rejected by Y Combinator are particularly vocal, and one applicant even started Table 12. Analysis of Accelerator Participation and Acquisition Outcomes for Matched Sample Variables (1) Logit Acquired (2) Logit Acquired if funding ≥$100k (3) OLS log (Funding if acquired) (4) Logit Product shut down (5) Logit Acqui-hire (6) Neg binomial Number of employees when acquired AcceleratorCompany 0.0742 0.351* −0.510*** 0.630* −0.0157 −0.998*** (0.153) (0.212) (0.146) (0.329) (0.550) (0.378) FounderExp −0.222 0.149 0.287* 0.659 0.400 -0.499* (0.223) (0.310) (0.170) (0.493) (0.724) (0.261) Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Constant −3.538*** −4.052*** 5.387*** −1.473 −1.637** 0.729 (0.451) (0.747) (0.411) (1.146) (0.778) (1.452) Observations 1,745 925 0.405 197 146 71 R2 0.333 Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. ***p 0.01; **p 0.05; *p 0.1. Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 543
  • 16. an accelerator specifically for fellow rejects.10 Through Y Combinator’s own news forum, web searches, and interviews, I was able to identify a group of applicants to Y Combinator that was rejected in the final round of interviews.11 After excluding applicants that even- tually participated in any accelerator, remaining appli- cants are then matched back to accepted Y Combinator accelerator companies based on cohort applied to and business descriptions, resulting in a sample of 34 com- panies.12 Further company details, including funding milestones and operational status, are then collected. Because of the small sample size and availability of data, such as the date of closure, a subset of the analysis from Table 10 is replicated with the applicant sample. Given that the accepted and rejected applicants all made it to the final round and should be of similar quality from the perspective of the accelerator, we would expect that (1) the closure rate is higher for accepted applicants than for rejected applicants, and (2) the funding ratio is lower for accepted applicants than for rejected applicants. If there are no differences between the rejected and accepted applicants, this would suggest that the accelerator effect is entirely one of selection. In other words, accelerators may have an effect on founders, but such effect is not re- flected in funding, acquisitions, or closures. The re- gression results of performance outcomes of the applicant sample are reported in Table 13. The results show that accepted applicants are more likely to close down with or without a funding threshold, but the coefficients are not statistically significant. Note that year and industry fixed effects are not included to leverage the available data with a smaller sample size. Because the accepted and rejected applicants in the final round are already matched by the cohort to which they applied and the business description, they are similar from the perspective of the accelerator, and omitted variable bias becomes less of a concern. In terms of the funding ratio, FRaccepted 0.004 0.02 FRrejected in Table 14, which is a ratio of 5. Although the coefficient on closure rate is not statistically signifi- cant, it is directionally consistent and may indicate heterogeneous effects within the accelerator compa- nies. These results support the main findings and help alleviate concerns about selection bias in the matched sample. If accelerators are able to screen for quality, it seems that screening precisely is diffi- cult, and even the marginal applicant that is of good quality experiences the feedback effect of shutting down sooner. 6.5. Robustness Checks To test the robustness of the main results, the baseline regressions in Table 10, columns (1), (3), and (4), are extended with four alternative specifications. Even though an extensive matching algorithm was used, there were varying degrees of the quality of the match. To account for this, Table 15 includes analysis in which the observations are weighted by the quality of the match. The signs on the coefficient for accelerator participation are consistent with the main results from Table 10, and the effect size actually increases for the probability of closing down. There is also the question of outliers and to what extent they are driving the results given that we would expect accelerators and founders to “swing for the fences.” The lowest and highest decile companies are excluded for this anal- ysis, and the results are presented in Table 16. With- out the worst and best companies, the qualitative findings still hold, but the magnitude of the effect has decreased. The third robustness check relates to clustered standard errors. In the main specification, robust standard errors are reported, but it is plausible that the observations could be correlated within co- horts. In Table 17, the standard errors are clustered at the cohort level (with non-accelerator companies in one cluster), addressing potential deflation of standard errors from within-cohort correlation. We see that the precision of the estimates actually in- creases for the funding-related regressions. The fourth set of robustness tests is shown in Table 18 in which year × industry fixed effects, accelerator fixed Table 13. Analysis of Accelerator Participation and Venture Performance for Accelerator Companies and Rejected Applicants Variables (1) Logit Closed (2) Logit Closed if funding ≤$100k Accelerator Company 0.474 0.857 (1.030) (1.092) Constant −2.015** −1.705** (0.801) (0.832) Observations 34 23 R2 Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. ***p 0.01; **p 0.05; *p 0.1. Table 14. Comparison of Funding Ratio Between Accelerator and Non-accelerator Companies Accelerator Non-accelerator Matched sample 0.07 0.34 Applicant sample (Accepted applicants) (Rejected applicants) 0.004 0.02 Notes. The funding ratio is defined as FR ≡ Average Funding|Closed Average Funding|Acquired . The analytical results derived from the model are that FR 1 for accelerator companies and FR≈1 for non-accelerator companies. Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? 544 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
  • 17. effects, and cohort fixed effects are added. In columns (1)–(3), we see that the results are robust to addi- tional year × industry effects, which is consistent with expectations, because companies are matched by founding year and business descriptions. To account for additional variation across 13 accelerators in the sample, columns (4)–(6) replicate the main regressions using accelerator fixed effects. The signs and significance of the coefficients are robust to this specification. The introduction of cohort fixed effects in columns (7)–(9) actually strengthens the results. This may indicate the presence of additional benchmarking information within cohorts that helps founders decide whether to shut down. Overall, the results from these robustness tests increase the confidence in the matched sample and rule out the possibility that outliers or hetero- geneous characteristics of accelerators or cohorts are driving the main findings. 7. Discussion The recent popularity of accelerators has prompted both founders and investors to scrutinize the bene- fit of accelerators. This paper proposes a model motivated by a founder’s decision process of accel- erator participation and tests the predictions using a matched sample of accelerator and non-accelerator companies to investigate the effect of accelerators on performance. There are three sets of results. The first is that accelerator companies close earlier and at a higher rate. Second, conditional on closing, accelerator com- panies raise less money than non-accelerator compa- nies. These results suggest that accelerators help resolve uncertainty around company quality faster and that accelerator companies learn to cut losses earlier and shut down accordingly. Third, even though accelerator companies raise less money, on average, the funding ratio is lower, meaning that more money is invested in companies that eventually get acquired Table 15. Analysis of Accelerator Participation and Venture Performance Where Sample Is Weighted by Quality of Match Variables (1) Logit Closed (2) Cox hazard Time-to-close (3) OLS log(Funding if closed) ($MM) AcceleratorCompany 0.950*** 1.788*** −0.659*** (0.225) (0.507) (0.160) FounderExp −0.0870 −0.368 −0.178 (0.273) (0.568) (0.117) Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Constant −3.102*** 0.603** (1.069) (0.246) Observations 1,681 1,696 142 R2 0.487 Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. ***p 0.01; **p 0.05; *p 0.1. Table 16. Analysis of Accelerator Participation and Venture Performance Excluding First and Tenth Decile Companies Variables (1) Logit Closed (2) Cox hazard Time-to-close (3) OLS log(Funding if closed) ($MM) AcceleratorCompany 0.529** 1.595*** −0.663*** (0.228) (0.547) (0.144) FounderExp −0.152 −0.664 −0.0883 (0.278) (0.562) (0.119) Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Constant −3.366*** 0.720*** (0.515) (0.101) Observations 1,306 1,308 136 R2 0.496 Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. ***p 0.01; **p 0.05; *p 0.1. Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 545
  • 18. than in companies that eventually close. Furthermore, it seems that accelerators provide an environment such that would-be entrepreneurs can experiment with new ideas in a low-cost way. These results are further supported when the analysis is restricted to matched accelerator and non-accelerator companies achieving certain funding thresholds and when using a separate sample of rejected applicants instead of matched non- accelerator companies. This paper provides evidence that there are feed- back effects from accelerators. In particular, acceler- ators provide better signals of the idea quality and, thus, allow for quicker exits and better funding effi- ciencies. The mechanism here is that accelerators Table 17. Robustness Checks of Main Analysis with Clustering Variables (1) Logit Closed (2) Cox hazard Time-to-close (3) OLS log(Funding if closed) ($MM) AcceleratorCompany 0.924*** 1.595*** −0.649*** (0.139) (0.547) (0.0395) FounderExp −0.130 −0.664 −0.142** (0.222) (0.562) (0.0572) Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Constant −2.720*** 0.542*** (0.433) (0.104) Observations 1,681 1,308 142 R2 0.456 Note. Robust standard errors clustered by cohort in parentheses. ***p 0.01; **p 0.05; *p 0.1. Table 18. Robustness Checks of Main Analysis Using Additional Fixed Effects Variables (1) Logit Closed (2) Cox hazard Time-to-close (3) OLS log(Funding if closed) ($MM) (4) Logit Closed (5) Cox hazard Time-to-close (6) OLS log(Funding if closed) ($MM) AcceleratorCompany 0.869*** 1.669*** −0.604*** 0.920*** 1.839*** −0.684*** (0.224) (0.494) (0.201) (0.209) (0.488) (0.141) FounderExp −0.113 −0.361 −0.210 −0.126 −0.506 −0.170 (0.283) (0.595) (0.145) (0.264) (0.592) (0.116) Year and industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Year × industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes No No No Accelerator fixed effects No No No Yes Yes Yes Cohort fixed effects No No No No No No Constant −30.40 0.179 −2.929*** −0.603 (0.201) (1.006) (0.370) Observations 1,192 1,696 142 1,681 1,696 142 R2 0.626 0.159 0.534 Variables (7) Logit Closed (8) Cox hazard Time-to-close (9) OLS log(Funding if closed) ($MM) AcceleratorCompany 1.129*** 2.339*** −0.777*** (0.222) (0.589) (0.200) FounderExp 0.0735 0.957 −0.174 (0.291) (0.887) (0.172) Year and industry fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Year × industry fixed effects No No No Accelerator fixed effects No No No Cohort fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Constant −3.254*** 0.406 (1.216) (0.553) Observations 1,313 1,696 142 R2 0.678 Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses. ***p 0.01; **p 0.05; *p 0.1. Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? 546 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
  • 19. provide information that can inform the exit decisions of founders. In this context, the decision to exit and shut down the company sooner rather than later is due to the realization that there is a low probability of success. This has parallels to the cash-out mech- anism proposed in Arora and Nandkumar (2011), in which the decision to exit either via acquisition or closure is influenced by the opportunity cost faced by founders. Specifically, high-opportunity- cost founders are more likely to invest heavily and increase the chances of both cash-outs and failures. It is plausible that a high-opportunity-cost founder may choose to participate in accelerators precisely to learn information about the quality of the idea, but if this is the case, we should see more variance in funding out- comes of accelerator companies and a higher proba- bility of acquisition compared with non-accelerator companies. Furthermore, the funding terms of typical accelerators require a fixed percentage of equity, which does not incentivize high-quality and, therefore, high- opportunity-cost founders to participate. Accelerators can fill a unique role of providing information on quality and reducing uncertainty for founders quickly such that additional resources are not wasted on ideas that will eventually fail. Other entrepreneurial support programs, such as Canada’s Innovator’s Assistance Program, also emphasize pro- viding information rather than financing (Astebro and Gerchak 2001). More broadly, although government programs may offer business consulting and share best practices, these programs seem better suited for industries such as agriculture and manufacturing that require longer-term investments and generate large public returns. In contrast, the institutional setup of accelerators is well-aligned with the incentives of founders who are likely optimizing for private financial returns. We see in the data that accelerator companies tend to be very early stage, have first-time founders, and operate in software and related industries that are less capital intensive and unlikely to hold patents. These are precisely the types of companies that are riskier in- vestments, and consequently, accelerators are incen- tivized to cut losses short and position companies for a quick exit. Furthermore, given the potential for large private returns, accelerators are motivated to give rapid feedback and supply information to founders in their portfolio to optimize performance. The presence of mentors and cohort-mates that provide feedback can encourage faster iteration of ideas, prototyping, and consumer testing. Consistent with the spirit of the Lean Startup method, participating in an accelerator can help founders learn when and how to fail. In addition, it demonstrates that there is value in experimentation to produce optimal outcomes even when that outcome is to shut down the company. Moreover, based on the higher funding ratio of accelerator companies, the implication is that there are efficiency gains from investing in accel- erator companies because the quality of the companies is observed sooner and the risk of investment is miti- gated. Although accelerator participation has various performance implications, on an aggregate level, its role as an intermediaryresolving uncertainty seems beneficial. Although the empirical evidence from the matched sample is consistent with the theoretical predic- tions and allows us to investigate the overall effect of accelerators, the main limitation is that it is difficult to disentangle mechanisms such as network access and cohort effects. Furthermore, non-accelerator com- pany founders may access capital, find mentors, and try to expand their network outside of an accelerator. Although this paper does not address network or cohort effects directly, we are able to gain some clarity on feedback mechanisms by leveraging the data on funding and mentorship combined with anecdotal evidence from founders. It is worth noting that positive network effects and cohort-mates as additional sources of feedback have been documented in other studies and are consistent with the main findings here (Hasan and Koning 2019). Isolating the network effects and investigating cohort dynamics require different sets of data and are certainly topics for future work. There are also questions related to the design of accelerators that may have implications for performance outcomes. For example, the accelerator investment terms typically re- quire founders to give up equity to participate, resulting in selection from the bottom of the quality distribution. If accelerators charge a fixed fee instead, the highest quality founders would have more incentives to join because the cost would be relatively low if the idea has high potential. The number of accelerators is still growing, and a topic for further research is whether accelerators have an impact on regional economies and social welfare. In addition to providing a source of information and financing for new ventures, can accelerators facilitate allocation of labor, increase innovative activities, or promote economic growth? Furthermore, is the in- crease in accelerators beneficial or detrimental to the entrepreneurial ecosystem? One explanation is that more accelerators are beneficial because they can share mentor resources and investor networks and encourage more start-ups. An alternative explanation is that mentor resources are limited in a given region, so the average quality of accelerators decreases as the number of accelerators increases. Consequently, there are acceleratorswho take equity without delivering value and instead hinder progress. These are just several questions to be answered as the industry develops and matures. Moreover, there is great potential for future work in areas related to university- and corporation- affiliated accelerators, accelerators outside the United States, and peer effects within accelerator cohorts. Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 547
  • 20. Acknowledgments The author is grateful to Luı́s Cabral, Adam Brandenburger, John Asker, Robert Seamans, April Franco, Bill Kerr, Hong Luo, Scott Stern, as well as the department editor, associate editor, and three anonymous referees. The author also thanks seminar audiences at Columbia Business School, Duke University, Georgetown University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Harvard Business School, New York University, University of British Columbia, University of California at Berkeley, University of California at Los Angeles, University of Minnesota, University of Pennsylvania, University of Utah, as well as participants at the Roundtable for Engi- neering Entrepreneurship Research and Social Enterprise @ Goizueta Research Colloquium. The author is also ap- preciative of the entrepreneurs, accelerator partners, ac- celerator mentors, and investors who were interviewed, and the Crunchbase team for providing database assis- tance. This research was funded by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. All errors are the responsibility of the author. Appendix A. Matched Sample Example and Algorithm A.1. Example of Matched Accelerator Company and Non-accelerator Company A.2. Company Matching Algorithm The following is an overview of the matching procedure: Step 1: Identify the company description of the accelerator company to be matched. • For this example, suppose that the accelerator com- pany was founded in San Jose, California, on June 1, 2011. • Go to the company website and get a sense for what the company does. Suppose that the accelerator company offers “an enterprise solution for threat detection and analytics.” Step 2: Find a subset of potential matches based on the location and founding year of the accelerator company. • Using the existing data set, filter companies according to founding location and founding year of the accelerated company. • If no matches are found, look in the SP data set. • If there are still no matches, relax the restrictions in the following order to create a new subset: ◦ Allow for companies founded in plus or minus one year (2010–2012 in this example). ◦ Search for companies located within a radius of 50, 100, and 150 miles, and then expand to the entire state (e.g., Mountain View, California; San Francisco, California; state of California). Step 3: Research the company description and founder ex- perience of each potential match, and identify the closest match. • Go to each company’s website to learn what it does, and based on the descriptions, identify one or several matches to the accelerator company. • Verify that the matched companies have not partici- pated in an accelerator, and eliminate any matches that have received accelerator investment. Figure A.1. (Color online) Screenshot of Company A Home Page Figure A.2. (Color online) Screenshot of Company B Home Page Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? 548 Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS
  • 21. • For the remaining companies, find and record the names of the founders, research the founders’ backgrounds, and record whether the founders have entrepreneurial experience (have founded companies before). • Based on the description and founder experience, identify a best match to the accelerator company. If there are multiple best matches, record all candidates. • If there is no match based on both the company de- scription and founder experience, relax the founder experi- ence criteria. • If there is still no match and neither the location nor founding year restriction has been relaxed previously, go back to Step 2 and relax the restrictions in the following order to find a new subset of potential matches: ◦ Allow for companies founded in plus or minus one year (2010–2012 in this example). ◦ Search for companies located within a radius of 50, 100, or 150 miles, and then expand to the entire state (e.g., Mountain View, California; San Francisco, California; state of California). • If there is no match, even with the relaxed criteria of founding year and location, find companies that are in the same industry instead of an exact match on the description. • If a match is found, record the closeness of the match (perfect match, location nonmatch, founding year nonmatch, description nonmatch, founder experience nonmatch). • If, at this point, no match is found, record that the company could not be matched. Step 4: Search for company details for the matched company, and record findings. Using a combination of Crunchbase, the SP data set, and internet searches (media mentions, company LinkedIn profile, SEC Form D, and investor websites), find company details including number of employees, industry, total funding, dates and amounts of individual rounds of funding, investors in each round, and operational status. Appendix B. Model Timing and Proofs B.1. Timing A founder’s decision to participate in an accelerator and its consequences evolve over four stages. B.1.1. Stage 1 In stage 1, which roughly corresponds to the first year of a new founder’s life, nature generates the value of θ, the quality of the founder’s idea. In this model, θ captures a composite quality of both the founder and the idea itself. The founder obtains initial funding α and observes a signal s θ + , where is independent of θ and E() 0. I assume that θ, (and, thus, s) have full support (the real line). For the time being, I assume that α is ex- ogenously given and the same for all founders.13 B.1.2. Stage 2 In stage 2, the founder must decide whether to join an accelerator or not. For simplicity, I assume that all applicants are accepted.14 If the founder decides to join an accelerator, the founder gives up (1 − δ) of the company, retaining δ ownership. During the accelerator program, the founder undergoes a process of passive learning (Jovanovic 1982), whereby interaction with other founders in the same cohort, accelerator alumni, and feedback from mentors allow the founders to learn the true value of θ.15 If the founder does not join an accelerator, then nothing happens during this period. In other words, a founder of a non-accelerator company continues to pursue the idea, but the uncertainty about the idea quality is not resolved. For simplicity of the model, I assume the extreme case that non-accelerator founders receive no feedback during this time. This assumption can be relaxed to reflect that nonac- celerator founders may have other sources of feedback, but the frequency and intensity of the feedback will still be lower outside the accelerator environment. Therefore, there will still be uncertainty around the quality of the idea. In terms of cal- endar time, this second period corresponds to about four months, the average time a founder spends at an accelerator.16 B.1.3. Stage 3 Stage 3 corresponds to a development stage. Let x be the level of development to which the founder’s idea is subject. The eventual value of the project is given by x θ, so better ideas are worth greater effort. I assume that effort requires funding C(x), which has the properties that C (0) 0, C0(0) 0, and limx→0+ C(x) 0. In other words, there is a fixed cost of developing an idea, and the cost of additional development is increasing and convex. For accelerator companies, the value of θ is known, so x x*(θ). If θ 0, then it is optimal not to develop the idea any further (that is, x*(θ) 0) and close down the com- pany.17 For non-accelerator companies, only the value of s is known, so x x*(s). B.1.4. Stage 4 The results from venture development as well as the value of θ (for non-accelerator companies) are ob- served. Surviving accelerator companies get acquired. Non- accelerator companies with θ 0 get acquired, whereas non-accelerator companies with θ 0 go out of business.18 B.2. Solving the Model Consider the development-stage decision for an accelerator company (case A). By now, the value of θ is known. If θ 0, then the project is terminated. If θ 0, then the founder chooses development effort x given by x*(θ) arg max x x θ − C(x). This results in a value of vA 2 (θ) x*(θ) θ − C[x*(θ)]. Let f(θ; s) be the belief about θ following the signal s θ + . Before joining the accelerator (i.e., before knowing the value of θ), the expected value from joining the accelerator is given by vA 1 (s) δ ∫ ∞ 0 (x*(θ) θ − C(x*(θ))) f(θ; s) dθ. (B.1) Consider now the development-stage decision for a non- accelerator company (case B). The value of θ is not known, only the value of s. When deciding on development effort, the founder chooses x*(s) arg max x x ∫ ∞ 0 θ f(θ; s) dθ − C(x). The expected optimal value is given by vB 1(s) vB 2(s) x*(s) ∫ ∞ 0 θ f(θ; s) dθ − C(x*(s)), (B.2) Yu: How Do Accelerators Impact the Performance of High-Technology Ventures? Management Science, 2020, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 530–552, © 2019 INFORMS 549