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[ Maximize your drip marketing campaigns ]

                                                   Best Practices Guide
                                                   for Drip Marketing Campaigns
                                                   A white paper by Pardot | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Executive Summary
                                       All marketing organizations focus on acquiring and retaining
                                       customers while increasing overall sales. A growing number of
                                       those are implementing drip marketing campaigns to automate
                                       lead nurturing efforts and free up valuable sales and marketing

                                       Effective drip marketing campaigns can help automate
                                       your lead nurturing process, stop funnel leakage, and
                                       increase overall sales.

                                       In this white paper, you will learn how to best utilize drip
                                       marketing campaigns to maximize your company’s marketing
                                       efforts. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices

                                                     Drip marketing works by building
                                                     awareness and recognition slowly over
                                                     Drip marketing refers to the series of deployed marketing messages sent to prospects in
                                                     a specific sequence over a set period of time. As your targeted prospect sees your brand
                                                     repeatedly, he becomes increasing engaged and eventually acts on your message. The
                                                     deliberate messages you send out at set times in your drip campaign help increase prospect
                                                     engagement and keep your brand top of mind.

                                                     The most common drip marketing channel that marketers use is email, although it can also
                                                     include more traditional methods like direct mail and tele-prospecting and relatively new
                                                     channels like social media. Targeted messages (aka ‘touch points’) are sent out to a segmented
                                                     pool of prospects at different stages in the sales cycle in the hopes of hitting a prospect at the
                                                     exact moment they are ready to exit the research phase and enter the buying phase. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices


                                                         Drip marketing is based on the “Law of 29”*
							      			                                         which states that the average prospect
                                                         will need to be exposed to your marketing

       	 Law of                                          message 29 times before they convert.
                                                         Nearly all companies utilize some form of marketing campaigns to generate leads. These
                                                         campaigns can be range from cold calls, TV ads, events, websites, display campaigns to
                                                         webinars, emails, and direct mailings. While most marketing teams attempt to evaluate
                                                         campaign performance and optimize, few are leveraging drip marketing campaigns that
                                                         provide a precise sequence of marketing messages that will most effectively drive leads.

                                                         While 29 might be a higher than expected number, the essence of the rule is true - turning
                                                         prospects into paying customers takes time, careful planning and (typically) multiple ‘touches’.

 | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices

                                                  Leads lost to sales funnel leaks and
                                                  bad leads are often indistinguishable
                                                  from each other in typical marketing
                                                  Progressive companies are realizing that this lack of separation is an expensive mistake that
                                                  needs to be fixed, and are working hard to slow or prevent funnel leaks. Companies that are
                                                  not cognizant of sales leakage are quickly losing ground to more savvy competitors and will
                                                  continue to experience diminishing return on investment (ROI).

                                                  	       Common Reasons for Sales Funnel Leaks
                                                  			                    Obsolete sales and marketing structures

                                                  			                    Poorly defined customer segments

                                                  			                    Flawed lead qualification standards

                                                  			                    Low follow up rates by sales teams

                                                  			                    No procedures in place for baking cold leads into warm leads. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices

                                                           Three Reasons You Should Drip
                                                           Drip marketing an important combatant to the traditional challenges that face lead
                                                           generation and nurturing campaigns. Drip marketing campaigns allow marketers to
                                                           define, plan, execute and then track campaigns while implementing best practices and
                                                           predictive modeling. Effective drip marketing campaigns can automate your lead nurturing

Drip Marketing Can
                                                           campaigns while improving customer loyalty, revenue, and ROI.

                                                           1. By implementing appropriate drip marketing programs, you can close the gap between
    Close Gaps                                             the sales team (which tends to be skeptical of leads generated by marketing), and the
    Improve Reporting                                      marketing teams (which tends to distrust sales’ ability to close on those leads).
    Discover Benchmarks
                                                           2. By improving reporting capabilities, companies can evaluate specific campaigns and
                                                           more accurately attribute leads. By improving attribution, companies can expect to see
                                                           improved ROI and higher follow up and close rates. The improved reporting also helps
                                                           discover benchmarks, helping to improve forecasting, budgeting, and helping to grow
                                                           respective marketing ands sales budgets.

                                                           ??It allows marketers to continuously learn, refine and optimize campigns maximize sales.??

                                                           3. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices

                                                    Ways to Leverage Drip Marketing Campaigns
                                                    While the most common type of drip marketing campaigns is the ones that nurture leads through
                                                    to the final sale, there are several other ways to use drip marketing programs to help your
                                                    organization run more efficiently.

                                                    		              Free Trial Programs (offer free trials, and get those that try to convert)

                                                    		              Customer Renewal (automatic emails reminding customers to renew)

                                                    		              Loyalty (send out ongoing emails and requests for feedback)

                                                    		              Up and Cross Sell Programs (grow your average order value)

                                                    		              Employee Onboarding (HR intro emails, benefits selection process)

                                                    		              Event Communications (annaul holiday party, client user groups)

                                                    		              Customer Training Programs (90 day onboard training, webinars, tip sheets)

                                                    		              Client Billing (clients with outstanding invoices, regular monthly billing) | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices
                                             Tips for Creating Compelling Emails

Tip Sheet: Subject Lines
There are three parts to creating effective email campaigns: compelling subject lines, creative copy, and powerful Calls To Action (CTA). Your
email campaign’s subject line is going to be the first thing your prospect sees, and the one that will deternine if your email even gets opened,
nevermind read.

		Be creative! Use enticing subject lines that suck your prospect in: “Learn About Marketing Automation with Our Vendor Neutral 		
		 Guide” is much more interesting than “Open to Read About Marketing Automation”.

		Use friendly, targeted language. Formal language turns people off, and sets the tone for your entire campaign. “Dear Danny: Find 		
		 Out How Your 	Neighbors Saved More Than You on Their Auto Insurance” resonates more than “We Have a Unique Offer for You”.
		Remember your sense of urgency. Creating a sense of urgency, or some form of time limitation, in your subject line is a great way 		
		 to increase your open rate. “Order in the Next 24 Hours to Save” and “Only 3 Days Left to Order” both convey a sense of 			
		 time limitation and compel action.

		Don’t use your company name in your subject line. Firstly, everyone can tell where your email is coming from. Secondly, some 		
		 email clients limit your subject line to a scant 50 characters or less so don’t fill it with your company name.

		Run away from “spammy” content. Words like “Free” and“100% Satisfied” are spam triggers. Less well-known triggers are phrases 		
		 like “Apply Online” and “Bargain”. The last thing you want to do is get your email ISP added to a blocked list. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices
                                             Tips for Creating Compelling Emails

Tip Sheet: Email Copy
The second piece of creating compelling emails is the actual creative ad copy for your campaign. This will be your chance to sell your prospect
on your product.

		Personalize your message. Be sure to include your prospects’ first names, and ideally, their preferred nickname if you have that 		
		 information. You can segment your lists to target prospects based on location, product preferences, and where they are in their 		
		 lead life cycle. Personalization builds trust in your emails, and in your company.

		A conversational tone works best. Remember to write as if you were talking to a friend. That doesn’t mean you should use slang or 		
		 street jargon (proper grammar is still important!), but it does mean you should stay away from phrases like “Dear Sir” or “Madame”.

		Use dynamic content. Are you emailing current customers? Then be sure to leverage their past website usage or purchase			
		 history to send them customized messages. Are they new customers interested in white papers? Then be sure to let them			
		 know where your site’s resource library is so they can read other white papers if if they’d like to.

		              Write with a purpose. Remember where your prospect is in their sales cycle. Are they still in the research phase? Or, have they 		
		              already gone to your pricing page and requested more in-depth information. Each prospect requires customized attention.	

		Include information about who you are. For example, an email sent by the actual sales representative who will handle an account 		
		 is much more effective than a generic sender (i.e. “”). | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices
                                             Tips for Creating Compelling Emails

Tip Sheet: Call to Action Ideas
The final piece of creating compelling emails is the call to action for your campaign. This is the moment where you convince your prospect to
take action, whether it be a purchase, download, or even a free trial.

		              Sign up for a webinar. Webinars are becoming increasingly popular and are effective lead generations tools. You can 			
		              create webinars that target current customers with subjects like product features and road maps, or you can try to cast into 		
		              new customer pools with more general, informational webinars that touch on topics like best practices for your industry.

		              Download a piece of content. One of the most common ways to nurture leads is by creating a targeted piece of content 			
		              about 	your company or its industry. Data sheets, case studies, and white papers are all powerful pieces of marketing 			
		              collateral that resonate with prospects.

		 Build your reputation. Industry-centric articles and blog posts that get read and shared can increase your 					
		 company’s brand equity, build trust, and help position yourself as a thought leader for more than just prospects.
		 Generate a response. The key to any email marketing campaign is to generate your target response. Your C2A is the pinnacle of 		
		 your efforts and should call out your requested action as boldy and succinctly as possible. Great ways to do that are with powerful 		
		 phrases like “Download Now”, “Sign Up Now”, and “Try It Free Now”. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices
                                                      5 Winning Drip Marketing Tips

                                                               1. Target Your Campaigns
                                                               Tailor your campaigns so that they target each segment of your prospect list with precise,
                                                               personal messages. Listen to your prospects, understand their needs, and create messages
     Segment Your Prospects By                                 accordingly.

		            Buying History                                   The deeper your segementation goes, the more customized your marketing messages can be.
 	            Job Title                                        Customized marketing messages are the ones that perform best. You can segment your lists

		            Industry                                         and messages according to things as diverse as buying history, age, gender, location, product
                                                               interest, and where they are in their lead life cycle (simply researching vs ready to purchase).
		            Product Interest                                 B2B Persona-targeted messaging!

 | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices
                                           5 Winning Drip Marketing Tips

                                                     2. Make It Painless
                                                     Make it easy and painless for prospects to express their preferences regarding frequency of
                                                     messaging (ex. weekly vs daily), the type of content they want to receive (new product features
                                                     vs new offers), and how they want to receive your messages (email vs phone vs Facebook).

                                                     When you effectively communicate your message, you build trust in your emails and your
                                                     company. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices
                                           5 Winning Drip Marketing Tips

                                                   3. Make your emails compliant
                                                        	   Before the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 	
                                                        	   (CAN-SPAM) was passed, the relationship between advertisers and prospects was cloudy and 	
                                                        	   undefined. States had different laws about what steps consumers had to take in order to 	
                                                   	        stop receiving emails from an advertiser, and there was a general lack of defining parameters 	
                                                   	        around emailing consumers.

                                                        	   To make sure all of your email communications are CAN-SPAM compliant, be sure to
                                                   	        follow their guidelines by:
                                                   	            	   Informing prospects how to opt-out of receiving your emails

                                                   	                Not including deceptive or misleading subject lines

                                                   	                Offering a return address for your business (a PO Box is acceptable)

                                                   	                Not using false or misleading information

                                                   	                Disclosing that the email is an advertisement 			

                                                | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices
                                           5 Winning Drip Marketing Tips

                                                        4. Test, Measure, and Test Again
                                                        Test, measure, and test again! Be sure to test your campaigns’ effectiveness and continuously
                                                        evaluate them. Review you campaigns goals versus their overall success metrics, and work
                                                        to improve any possible roadblocks. For example, if your prospects not opening your emails
                                                        or responding to your messages, it’s a good bet that your message or email list needs to be
Quick Tip                                               tweaked.
Be sure to test one element
at a time when you start to                             Evaluate your key email marketing metrics often to glean as much insight into your campaign’s
test new elements in your                               performance as possible. A few key metrics to consistently review are:
emails. Changing more                                   		
than one element at a time                                    Open rate - the more people that open your email, the greater your chance of success
dilutes your ability to                                 	      Click through rate - once someone has opened your email, are they following your CTA?
properly attribute sucess or                            	Opt-ins - are people opting in to receive more emails from you?
failure.                                                	      Unsubscribe rate - are too many people opting out of your emails? | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices
                                                  5 Winning Drip Marketing Tips

		                                                       5. Use Your Full Toolset
                                                         Be sure to use your marketing automation suite’s full toolset. While some people only use a
                                                         few of the basic tools in their marketing suite’s arsenal, they are at a disadvantage. The more
                                                         tools you use, the more robust and effective your marketing campaigns will be. Why send out

    Drip Marketing Tools                                 a simple email campaign when you can send one that also synchs to your social media posts,
                                                         and lands on a customized landing page?

 	 Autoresponder emails                                  Autoresponder emails - Autoresponders are a great way to get a tracked touch with prospects
 	 Event triggered emails                                and lead them to other sections of your site.

 	 Dynamic content
 	 Social connectors
                                                         Event triggered emails - Scheduling emails that are triggered after a prospect takes a particular
                                                         action (i.e. after an ‘event’) such as visiting a pricing page, can help you stay top of mind and
		CRM Integration                                        build trust with your prospects.

                                                         Dynamic content - Dynamic email content allow you to personalize and customize your
                                                         messages to your prospects.

                                                         Social connectors - Adding social sharing widgets to your emails increase your followers while
                                                         you can extend your reach with and custom short URLs.

 | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
Drip Marketing Best Practices

  Tip Sheet: Drip Marketing DON’Ts
  Here are seven things to NOT do with your drip marketing campaigns

  	       Don’t keep sending your prospects drip messages when they have entered the purchase phase.

  	       Don’t overlap your lists! Keep your message unique and tailored to each list.

  	       Don’t overdrip! Don’t be a nuisance – remember less is more when it comes to email marketing.	

  	       Don’t send ‘salesy’ content – send helpful, meaningful content instead.

  	       Don’t repeat messages – as great as your latest 10 Top List is, sending it once is more than enough.

  	       Don’t make it impersonal – emails are impersonal by nature so you need to work hard to personalize your messages.

  	       Don’t email your entire database – segment, and target each as deeply as possible. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.

                                                  Adopting a drip marketing program will
                                                  help your sales team generate more
                                                  qualified leads, and stop the leakage
                                                  caused by outdated sales and marketing
                                                  With effective drip marketing tactics in place, your marketing team will
                                                  be able to maximize your lead generation and sales opportunities while
                                                  minimizing costs.

                                               | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
[No hassle marketing automation]

About Pardot                                                                  Contact Us
Pardot is an on-demand marketing software company that increases sales and    Tel: 877.3.B2B.ROI
maximizes efficiency for companies with complex sales cycles.                 Tel: 404.492.6845
                                                                              Fax: 877.287.8952
Pardot offers an industry-leading marketing automation product that
manages prospect interactions such as site visits, email, forms, and more.
The on-demand suite solves the integration challenges faced by B2B
marketers today by allowing you to control formerly disparate online and      Pardot LLC
offline marketing tools one central interface. Pardot syncs with select CRM   950 East Paces Ferry Rd
vendors and is available on the App Exchange. Pardot was       Suite 3300
founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Atlanta, GA.
                                                                              Atlanta, GA 30326

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The Very Versatile Drip: Your Guide to Drip Marketing

  • 1. [ Maximize your drip marketing campaigns ] Best Practices Guide for Drip Marketing Campaigns A white paper by Pardot | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 2. Executive Summary All marketing organizations focus on acquiring and retaining customers while increasing overall sales. A growing number of those are implementing drip marketing campaigns to automate lead nurturing efforts and free up valuable sales and marketing bandwidth. Effective drip marketing campaigns can help automate your lead nurturing process, stop funnel leakage, and increase overall sales. In this white paper, you will learn how to best utilize drip marketing campaigns to maximize your company’s marketing efforts. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 3. Drip Marketing Best Practices Drip marketing works by building awareness and recognition slowly over time. Drip marketing refers to the series of deployed marketing messages sent to prospects in a specific sequence over a set period of time. As your targeted prospect sees your brand repeatedly, he becomes increasing engaged and eventually acts on your message. The deliberate messages you send out at set times in your drip campaign help increase prospect engagement and keep your brand top of mind. The most common drip marketing channel that marketers use is email, although it can also include more traditional methods like direct mail and tele-prospecting and relatively new channels like social media. Targeted messages (aka ‘touch points’) are sent out to a segmented pool of prospects at different stages in the sales cycle in the hopes of hitting a prospect at the exact moment they are ready to exit the research phase and enter the buying phase. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 4. Drip Marketing Best Practices Drip marketing is based on the “Law of 29”* which states that the average prospect will need to be exposed to your marketing 29 Law of message 29 times before they convert. Nearly all companies utilize some form of marketing campaigns to generate leads. These campaigns can be range from cold calls, TV ads, events, websites, display campaigns to webinars, emails, and direct mailings. While most marketing teams attempt to evaluate campaign performance and optimize, few are leveraging drip marketing campaigns that provide a precise sequence of marketing messages that will most effectively drive leads. While 29 might be a higher than expected number, the essence of the rule is true - turning prospects into paying customers takes time, careful planning and (typically) multiple ‘touches’. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 5. Drip Marketing Best Practices Leads lost to sales funnel leaks and bad leads are often indistinguishable from each other in typical marketing campaigns. Progressive companies are realizing that this lack of separation is an expensive mistake that needs to be fixed, and are working hard to slow or prevent funnel leaks. Companies that are not cognizant of sales leakage are quickly losing ground to more savvy competitors and will continue to experience diminishing return on investment (ROI). Common Reasons for Sales Funnel Leaks Obsolete sales and marketing structures Poorly defined customer segments Flawed lead qualification standards Low follow up rates by sales teams No procedures in place for baking cold leads into warm leads. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 6. Drip Marketing Best Practices Three Reasons You Should Drip Drip marketing an important combatant to the traditional challenges that face lead generation and nurturing campaigns. Drip marketing campaigns allow marketers to define, plan, execute and then track campaigns while implementing best practices and predictive modeling. Effective drip marketing campaigns can automate your lead nurturing Drip Marketing Can campaigns while improving customer loyalty, revenue, and ROI. 1. By implementing appropriate drip marketing programs, you can close the gap between Close Gaps the sales team (which tends to be skeptical of leads generated by marketing), and the Improve Reporting marketing teams (which tends to distrust sales’ ability to close on those leads). Discover Benchmarks 2. By improving reporting capabilities, companies can evaluate specific campaigns and more accurately attribute leads. By improving attribution, companies can expect to see improved ROI and higher follow up and close rates. The improved reporting also helps discover benchmarks, helping to improve forecasting, budgeting, and helping to grow respective marketing ands sales budgets. ??It allows marketers to continuously learn, refine and optimize campigns maximize sales.?? 3. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 7. Drip Marketing Best Practices Ways to Leverage Drip Marketing Campaigns While the most common type of drip marketing campaigns is the ones that nurture leads through to the final sale, there are several other ways to use drip marketing programs to help your organization run more efficiently. Free Trial Programs (offer free trials, and get those that try to convert) Customer Renewal (automatic emails reminding customers to renew) Loyalty (send out ongoing emails and requests for feedback) Up and Cross Sell Programs (grow your average order value) Employee Onboarding (HR intro emails, benefits selection process) Event Communications (annaul holiday party, client user groups) Customer Training Programs (90 day onboard training, webinars, tip sheets) Client Billing (clients with outstanding invoices, regular monthly billing) | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 8. Drip Marketing Best Practices Tips for Creating Compelling Emails Tip Sheet: Subject Lines There are three parts to creating effective email campaigns: compelling subject lines, creative copy, and powerful Calls To Action (CTA). Your email campaign’s subject line is going to be the first thing your prospect sees, and the one that will deternine if your email even gets opened, nevermind read. Be creative! Use enticing subject lines that suck your prospect in: “Learn About Marketing Automation with Our Vendor Neutral Guide” is much more interesting than “Open to Read About Marketing Automation”. Use friendly, targeted language. Formal language turns people off, and sets the tone for your entire campaign. “Dear Danny: Find Out How Your Neighbors Saved More Than You on Their Auto Insurance” resonates more than “We Have a Unique Offer for You”. Remember your sense of urgency. Creating a sense of urgency, or some form of time limitation, in your subject line is a great way to increase your open rate. “Order in the Next 24 Hours to Save” and “Only 3 Days Left to Order” both convey a sense of time limitation and compel action. Don’t use your company name in your subject line. Firstly, everyone can tell where your email is coming from. Secondly, some email clients limit your subject line to a scant 50 characters or less so don’t fill it with your company name. Run away from “spammy” content. Words like “Free” and“100% Satisfied” are spam triggers. Less well-known triggers are phrases like “Apply Online” and “Bargain”. The last thing you want to do is get your email ISP added to a blocked list. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 9. Drip Marketing Best Practices Tips for Creating Compelling Emails Tip Sheet: Email Copy The second piece of creating compelling emails is the actual creative ad copy for your campaign. This will be your chance to sell your prospect on your product. Personalize your message. Be sure to include your prospects’ first names, and ideally, their preferred nickname if you have that information. You can segment your lists to target prospects based on location, product preferences, and where they are in their lead life cycle. Personalization builds trust in your emails, and in your company. A conversational tone works best. Remember to write as if you were talking to a friend. That doesn’t mean you should use slang or street jargon (proper grammar is still important!), but it does mean you should stay away from phrases like “Dear Sir” or “Madame”. Use dynamic content. Are you emailing current customers? Then be sure to leverage their past website usage or purchase history to send them customized messages. Are they new customers interested in white papers? Then be sure to let them know where your site’s resource library is so they can read other white papers if if they’d like to. Write with a purpose. Remember where your prospect is in their sales cycle. Are they still in the research phase? Or, have they already gone to your pricing page and requested more in-depth information. Each prospect requires customized attention. Include information about who you are. For example, an email sent by the actual sales representative who will handle an account is much more effective than a generic sender (i.e. “”). | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 10. Drip Marketing Best Practices Tips for Creating Compelling Emails Tip Sheet: Call to Action Ideas The final piece of creating compelling emails is the call to action for your campaign. This is the moment where you convince your prospect to take action, whether it be a purchase, download, or even a free trial. Sign up for a webinar. Webinars are becoming increasingly popular and are effective lead generations tools. You can create webinars that target current customers with subjects like product features and road maps, or you can try to cast into new customer pools with more general, informational webinars that touch on topics like best practices for your industry. Download a piece of content. One of the most common ways to nurture leads is by creating a targeted piece of content about your company or its industry. Data sheets, case studies, and white papers are all powerful pieces of marketing collateral that resonate with prospects. Build your reputation. Industry-centric articles and blog posts that get read and shared can increase your company’s brand equity, build trust, and help position yourself as a thought leader for more than just prospects. Generate a response. The key to any email marketing campaign is to generate your target response. Your C2A is the pinnacle of your efforts and should call out your requested action as boldy and succinctly as possible. Great ways to do that are with powerful phrases like “Download Now”, “Sign Up Now”, and “Try It Free Now”. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 11. Drip Marketing Best Practices 5 Winning Drip Marketing Tips 1. Target Your Campaigns Tailor your campaigns so that they target each segment of your prospect list with precise, personal messages. Listen to your prospects, understand their needs, and create messages Segment Your Prospects By accordingly. Buying History The deeper your segementation goes, the more customized your marketing messages can be. Job Title Customized marketing messages are the ones that perform best. You can segment your lists Industry and messages according to things as diverse as buying history, age, gender, location, product interest, and where they are in their lead life cycle (simply researching vs ready to purchase). Location Product Interest B2B Persona-targeted messaging! | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 12. Drip Marketing Best Practices 5 Winning Drip Marketing Tips 2. Make It Painless Make it easy and painless for prospects to express their preferences regarding frequency of messaging (ex. weekly vs daily), the type of content they want to receive (new product features vs new offers), and how they want to receive your messages (email vs phone vs Facebook). When you effectively communicate your message, you build trust in your emails and your company. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 13. Drip Marketing Best Practices 5 Winning Drip Marketing Tips 3. Make your emails compliant Before the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (CAN-SPAM) was passed, the relationship between advertisers and prospects was cloudy and undefined. States had different laws about what steps consumers had to take in order to stop receiving emails from an advertiser, and there was a general lack of defining parameters around emailing consumers. To make sure all of your email communications are CAN-SPAM compliant, be sure to follow their guidelines by: Informing prospects how to opt-out of receiving your emails Not including deceptive or misleading subject lines Offering a return address for your business (a PO Box is acceptable) Not using false or misleading information Disclosing that the email is an advertisement | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 14. Drip Marketing Best Practices 5 Winning Drip Marketing Tips 4. Test, Measure, and Test Again Test, measure, and test again! Be sure to test your campaigns’ effectiveness and continuously evaluate them. Review you campaigns goals versus their overall success metrics, and work to improve any possible roadblocks. For example, if your prospects not opening your emails or responding to your messages, it’s a good bet that your message or email list needs to be Quick Tip tweaked. Be sure to test one element at a time when you start to Evaluate your key email marketing metrics often to glean as much insight into your campaign’s test new elements in your performance as possible. A few key metrics to consistently review are: emails. Changing more than one element at a time Open rate - the more people that open your email, the greater your chance of success dilutes your ability to Click through rate - once someone has opened your email, are they following your CTA? properly attribute sucess or Opt-ins - are people opting in to receive more emails from you? failure. Unsubscribe rate - are too many people opting out of your emails? | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 15. Drip Marketing Best Practices 5 Winning Drip Marketing Tips 5. Use Your Full Toolset Be sure to use your marketing automation suite’s full toolset. While some people only use a few of the basic tools in their marketing suite’s arsenal, they are at a disadvantage. The more tools you use, the more robust and effective your marketing campaigns will be. Why send out Drip Marketing Tools a simple email campaign when you can send one that also synchs to your social media posts, and lands on a customized landing page? Autoresponder emails Autoresponder emails - Autoresponders are a great way to get a tracked touch with prospects Event triggered emails and lead them to other sections of your site. Dynamic content Social connectors Event triggered emails - Scheduling emails that are triggered after a prospect takes a particular action (i.e. after an ‘event’) such as visiting a pricing page, can help you stay top of mind and CRM Integration build trust with your prospects. Dynamic content - Dynamic email content allow you to personalize and customize your messages to your prospects. Social connectors - Adding social sharing widgets to your emails increase your followers while you can extend your reach with and custom short URLs. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 16. Drip Marketing Best Practices Tip Sheet: Drip Marketing DON’Ts Here are seven things to NOT do with your drip marketing campaigns Don’t keep sending your prospects drip messages when they have entered the purchase phase. Don’t overlap your lists! Keep your message unique and tailored to each list. Don’t overdrip! Don’t be a nuisance – remember less is more when it comes to email marketing. Don’t send ‘salesy’ content – send helpful, meaningful content instead. Don’t repeat messages – as great as your latest 10 Top List is, sending it once is more than enough. Don’t make it impersonal – emails are impersonal by nature so you need to work hard to personalize your messages. Don’t email your entire database – segment, and target each as deeply as possible. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 17. Conclusion Adopting a drip marketing program will help your sales team generate more qualified leads, and stop the leakage caused by outdated sales and marketing methods. With effective drip marketing tactics in place, your marketing team will be able to maximize your lead generation and sales opportunities while minimizing costs. | 950 East Paces Ferry Rd Suite 3300, Atlanta, GA 30326 | P - 404.492.6845 | F - 887.287.8952 | © 2012 Pardot LLC. | All rights reserved worldwide.
  • 18. [No hassle marketing automation] About Pardot Contact Us Pardot is an on-demand marketing software company that increases sales and Tel: 877.3.B2B.ROI maximizes efficiency for companies with complex sales cycles. Tel: 404.492.6845 Fax: 877.287.8952 Pardot offers an industry-leading marketing automation product that Online: manages prospect interactions such as site visits, email, forms, and more. The on-demand suite solves the integration challenges faced by B2B marketers today by allowing you to control formerly disparate online and Pardot LLC offline marketing tools one central interface. Pardot syncs with select CRM 950 East Paces Ferry Rd vendors and is available on the App Exchange. Pardot was Suite 3300 founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Atlanta, GA. Atlanta, GA 30326