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May 2016
What: WOOKEY is the first pure-play in AI embedded cloud based collaborative search.
The big ‘secret’ is that people do like to collaborate, but more often than not, we don’t
want to be interrupted by the prototypical exemplification of today’s search experience.
Collaboration is essential to the human culture, but the social construct of today’s internet
based knowledge immersion is lacking; it would have to find a way into the social fabric of
the web that is fun and easy, where sharing our lives through social search was as natural
as conversation, as fun and easy to share lives’ experience through thought, photos and
videos and developmental interaction.
The founders and experienced entrepreneur, Garnet Chaney and Mark J. Gustavson,
recognized an early opportunity to capitalize on the decline of binary search experience
and the challenges of a celebrity culture (in the rise of texting, twittering, and facebooking).
These phenomena, along with nihilistic app development, are beginning to pepper the
cultural landscape and human voice and creativity is lost in human expression. Indeed,
current search seems symptomatic of a great paroxysm of our daily lives taking what
should be a subtle interaction and instead yielding a flat, one-dimensional bombardment
of knowledge immersion; Wookey ends all that, ushering an evolutional method shift in
Information Retrieval.
I wanted to further apprise you on the new search opportunity and Wookey is the first
effort toward creating a social platform for socially interactive knowledge immersion. The
company is positioned to redefine the way we collaborate and search for information on
the Internet.
Indeed, in today’s search experience, we are exposed to a sales driven environment,
yielding a flat, one-dimensional bombardment of knowledge immersion. Precisely, today’s
experience looks like a DOS readout leaving the user to scroll page after page through
results that are often ad-link laden with rankings, leading the user dumbfounded with
unorganized information.
Wookey’s goals for collaborative search technology has resulted in a platform where users
share in the revenue generated on various social-media portals now aggregated through
the web. Though it may seem like an obvious concept, the advantages for a content-
leader to make revenue on Facebook or LinkedIn through Wookey Search, were slim to
CEO John Acunto states, “You didn’t see a significant sales difference in a content provider
who has 40 likes and those who had 40 million likes. Of course, there was promotion from
the users who was able to interact with their followers but we weren’t seeing any real
business format behind it.” Acunto reveals, before asking the million dollar question: “Most
exist on Facebook and LinkedIn portals but not through search, and what distribution of
content do you see on there?”
Acunto explains his revenue-generating model simply. “Let’s look at what information
expert is and let’s look at the revenue streams,” he offers. “A thought-leader is accentually
their knowledge; we sell knowledge immersion through the search experience. The most
important thing they don’t have is a virtual value, and we want to provide them with that,”
he informs.
Unlike other flat binary-driven content with current search, Acunto is also dedicated to
making sure the knowledge providers have creative input. “I think the digital world has
been a one way street for a very long time,” he begins. “For the past decade plus, people
have been greeted with a blank screen and YouTube videos. Here, an information expert
can allow a user to be interactive with them, and it’s that imagination and creativity that
establishes a new relationship with social search that hasn’t been seen before.”
1. Why do we think we can get the estimated downloads ?
We have relationships with content providers that we will ask to develop Wookey to
perform tasks for their audience. Tasks could be could include recommending their
ecommerce products or information portals, finding interesting content, or referring
users to affiliate programs. When users, using these Wookey embedded into the
website, will be invited to create and embed App data bricks on their websites for
the express desire to expose their users to an app that our market data tells us is
fun, interesting and easy to use, and is fully integrated across all social media
including Twitter and FB – when expressed to those in their sphere influence, they
virtually cast to others. Therefore, the key to the estimated
downloads is a combination of: a) a good app development, and b) exposure – we
feel we have scalable through embedded Wookey and the appeal to the creative
abilities of internet users in general. We envision sticky mass-adoption through
content developers through, who will in turn expose it to fellow other
coders/adopters through our platform, who in turn will use it, expose it to their FB
and Twitter followers and the family of web users on the internet. By utilizing the
Facebook Open Graph, the ability for the app to be exposed will be exponential.
For example, Viddy gained 17 million users in 7 days due to the adoption of the
Facebook Open Graph. By adding the features on our platform, thereby keeping
the app simple and fun and having a driver like bringing people to the app, we feel
we can reach our goals.
2. What are the guarantees that we will get the expected revenue - why is now
different than in the past ?
The revenue is a straightforward math function, a combination of exposure to users,
predictable % of click-throughs, and projectable ad placement rates. The key is
3. Does the team have experience of building revenue and app downloads ?
Yes, considerable experience in the high tech world as entrepreneurs including
telecom, mobile and social media industries. The experience includes considerable
company revenue growth with exit success. The team has extensive global
experience, app development and marketing experience, financial management as
well as social media experience.
4. What are the risks of not getting the revenue ?
There is a 20% risk of not hitting the projected revenue, but 0% risk on not hitting
revenues at all. The key, even more than revenues, is adoption. Getting user
traction has been the primary focus, rather than monetization. However, we don’t
want to wait until the traction happens before applying the monetization strategy.
There are 3 key monetization areas we are leveraging:
* Mobile app views (iOS and Android apps)
* Web views (Mobile and Desktop)
* Email inventory
* Key partners
* Key Influencers & Thought Leaders
* Developers and Content Providers
* Applications to eCommerce / Intelligent Concierge
* Clinical, Technical Support, Self Help Platform Portals
5. What are the risks of not getting the downloads ?
We have projected a 15% adoption rate based on a conservative number of
exposures, based on celebrity uptake, our pr/media campaign, and our exclusive
association with current partners. The adoption of the app will require our full
attention to what works and doesn’t work and quickly adapt to the market
6. Why should we be excited about this team ?
The current team, like all past Wookey team members, is honorable and trustworthy,
with exemplary professional career track records and years of experience. What is
importantly different about this team, and why current and future investors should
trust, is this team’s depth in social media experience and its approach to app and
making that app extremely viral. Like all Wookey counter-parties, this one too
wants to win. Let’s not forget, we are here to bring search to social media – this
was never easy, no one has really done it yet, and we now have the combination of
team and thought leaders that will make this a huge win, and investors can trust
7. What is the exact amount of money needed before the company will be able to be
self-sufficient ?
The minimum number required is $600,000. An even $1 million gives the Company
a reasonable cushion.
8. Why are social networking companies getting such huge valuations ?
Because of the potential possibility of them making a huge dent in traditional media
and internet-wide content providers. Newspapers, Radio, TV, Web 1.0... in the same
line, Social Media stands to make huge, fundamental impact on the way people
communicate. The additional angle here is the mobile which, when combined with
social media, has the potential drastic change in this space. So, real innovative
companies with products that people find it easy and fun to use are getting larger-
than-life valuations.
9. What do we think the valuation will be for the company if we meet these goals / or
what do you think Wookey could be sold for if we meet these goals ?
Between $600Million and $1.5Billion
10. What are our expectations from the investment team ?
Wookey executive management expects engagement in the investment,
enthusiasm for the idea of collaborative search, active use of our apps, and
continued support.
11. Why do we believe the timing is right for embedded vertical search ?
Every known, successful consumer web company is trying to pivot towards mobile.
As we all know, Facebook is struggling in this area because they don’t have mobile
in their DNA. Wookey has mobile in its core DNA. Talk to any entrepreneur or
angel in the valley - everyone will say "Mobile Only or Mobile First" is the way to go.
Wookey is a ultra-scalable platform that is positioned to bring ground breaking
search technology to the public. We are still first, there is a year of press about the
importance of collaborative search and what it represents, and that it is missing
from current search platforms and social media communication – again, nobody
has done it yet – call it a combination of entrepreneurial instinct, market data, and
sheer determination. Mobile social networking and discovery is clearly recognized
as the one of the fastest growing industries given the valuations of other companies
and the rapid growth of users. We are on the wave – not at the bottom or on the
top – in the middle ready to take advantage of the three years of hard work.
12. How solid is the product design ?
The new design improvements to the previous team’s design is testing simpler,
easier and more engaging. The design process itself of course, never-ending, and
the speed with which we adapt and make changes, is always of paramount
13. How solid is the engineering team ?
Phenomenally solid. The team has combined years of experience in developing and
maintaining large-scale systems. The team also has developed several social media
tech products in Adobe Systems (Flash Player Team) and early member of the
FrendFinder platforms. Specialties include flash, flex, AIR, actionscript, internet
software, search software, metasearch, expert systems and AI language
development, web spiders, .net and perl, website development, wiki, collaboration
14. Is the platform capable of handling the volume ?
Yes, absolutely. This is what platform was designed for.
15. How do we plan on reducing the liabilities on the books ?
We plan on a) paying them from operations, or b) converting them to equity, or c)
a combination of the two.
16. How do we plan on controlling the costs of business in the future ?
Sharp management, good controller, and cost-conscious team – what we have in
place now, and building from this. We have built an amazing platform and
application for a fraction of what others in the general space are spending or will
spend. Here’s an example of what might be construed as not being cost-conscious.
17. Why hasn't Wookey received a valuation or a big time VC player with money ?
For VCs, it’s all about traction these days – VCs risk mitigate, and we haven’t shown
traction yet, and that is something we are going to solve here very, very quickly.
18. Who is handling corporate and SEC legal services?
Ross Meador, TechLaw, all legal needs to include, of internationally-oriented
technology and intellectual property business, financing, contracts and international
trade, as well as intellectual property protection and trademark registration.
Representative clients/transactions include the following. Mr. Meador was the
formulation counsel to several well known technology companies to include,
Facebook, Vivendi Universal, and NEC Corporation
21. I'm not really clear on "search" as it relates to "personal improvement
This is a great question.
When creating a new search engine to show case innovations in search, there are
several challenges:
* Attracting new users aggregated with the first pure-play in collaborative search.
* Retaining user interest long enough to appreciate the advantages of the
* Identifying user intent, i.e. obtaining inside knowledge of what users are truly
wanting to discover. Most users are not skilled at constructing typical search queries.
We find that the user fails to enter concise information regarding their intent into
the query box, thereby leading to incomplete, unfocused, and unorganized search
results, leading to a general frustration with search experience.
Traditional brute force ways to solve these challenges include:
* Deploying resource capital to buy lots of traffic;
* Creating a complicated search entry experience to try to get users to specify
additional query information; and,
* Identifying their intentions from aggregated search histories – Efforts for this
method to succeed requires active user sampling, and long term tail-results users.
We are addressing these and other areas of ambiguity employing an innovative
approach at both user aggregations and direction by creating a personal
improvement platform. This has many benefits:
* Our audience of users for our app is a captive audience who trusts us, and will be
open to use our search technologies when they are well integrated into the app
* We create an audience that is sticky, i.e. has frequent interactions with us
* We create an audience that is sharing a lot of personal information with us that
we can data mine for user intent
* The search experience we create for our users is well integrated with things that
are important to the user
* Our strategy for the app includes plans for celebrity endorsement to further drive
downloads and repeat usage.
As these users become accustomed to the search experience, Wookey will provide
cross-vertical collaboration in platform web portals separate from the initial
applications. This integration will be the first attempt to bring synergy between
new users to an app, scaling visitors to the search site, helping Wookey to increase
usage of each.
22. How serving the needs of Personal Improvement Market will create a sticky
audience eager to interact with search?
Wookey has identified a previously unaddressed market niche currently served
through add, print and social-media with an underlying multi-billion dollar market.
The platform first targets applications for variety of authors to implement a wide
variety of casual and serious personal practices that focus on daily activities users
can do that lead to improvement. There are separate apps already available that
implement some daily improvement practices, sensuously integrating a formally
quality is variable, features are not consistent, and they are without integration.
Wookey deploys vertical feeder applications targeting daily improvement practices.
Vertical "improvements" models various aspects of the Android and iOS, allowing
everything allowing the user to choose functions within our platform. Unique subset
will include, but are not limited to: goal setting, goal implementation, positive
psychology practices for mental improvement, sales ability improvement, coaching
and leadership development, and learning immersion.
Often times, self-improvement practices are published by authors as things do with
a physical workbook or journal. Many excellent daily practices have been
researched in the area of positive psychology, but they are not widely known
outside the audience of professional readers of the journals. Most of these
practices do not have the benefit of workbooks to guide users, let alone an actual
app. Our platform will make it easy for us to seek out these practices, and help the
authors publish them as modules in our app, usable on mobile devices, so they can
benefit a wider audience than just the narrow audience of their peers who read the
We are bringing the idea of creating an integrated suite of daily practice modules
running within our app, the way separate office apps were integrated, to the area of
personal improvement. Our users can each choose a personalized set of
improvements within one app, rather than trying to juggle separate apps with
varying features and no integration of the commonalities. For example a user may
choose more than one daily practice focused on achieving goals, where using
separate apps would require duplicate entry of goals into each separate app. With
our integrated platform, the user would only be required to enter info about goals
a single time.
We are capitalizing on the opportunity to create an app that serves multiple
communities, offers consistent features to all, enables collaboration of many kinds,
and be "THE" platform with an audience that every
guru/coach/mentor/author/expert, of daily recommendations, will want to be a part
of. Our methodology of ingratiation expert to determine how best to synthesize
their recommendations into recurring steps that users actively engage and
implement, accelerates the user's ability for cohesive interaction to navigate
contrasting ideas. Wookey believes this paradigm will likely create a revolution in
the use of mobile devices to maximize personal potential across collaborative
We address target streams of revenue and sustained growth and acceleration to
the platform app on a daily, and even several times daily, basis. This level of
engagement, "stickiness", addresses the exactly the phenomenon that has enabled
several social media sites to grow exponentially in technology areas including social
media, gaming and payment systems technology. We will tap into this same
phenomenon with our app and ultimately scaling to the back-end vertical engine.
23. How we will use our interaction with our audience to improve their search
Our goal is to leverage this daily interaction with our users to present innovative
search to those users, in the following ways:
* By data mining the goals, and other data, entered by users, we can suggest search
results to users before they even think to look for them.
* By offering collaborative features to modify the results, all users can become
engaged with improving the results, bringing in a social aspect to the search
* Our users will easily be able to explore additional searches organized through our
unique methods that hide the complexity of old fashioned boolean search engine
* One of our focuses is to create specific vertical communities, where we can further
improve the results offered to their communities, and provide a platform for
thought leaders to engage with the audience
* Unique way to obtain user intent - The intersection between users interest in daily
practices, and the data they enter, will give us valuable clues of what is really useful
to users, that we can leverage into a better search experience than what
technologies without this insight could ever deliver.
WS FAQs v8

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WS FAQs v8

  • 1. WOOKEY SEARCH FAQs May 2016 What: WOOKEY is the first pure-play in AI embedded cloud based collaborative search. The big ‘secret’ is that people do like to collaborate, but more often than not, we don’t want to be interrupted by the prototypical exemplification of today’s search experience. Collaboration is essential to the human culture, but the social construct of today’s internet based knowledge immersion is lacking; it would have to find a way into the social fabric of the web that is fun and easy, where sharing our lives through social search was as natural as conversation, as fun and easy to share lives’ experience through thought, photos and videos and developmental interaction. The founders and experienced entrepreneur, Garnet Chaney and Mark J. Gustavson, recognized an early opportunity to capitalize on the decline of binary search experience and the challenges of a celebrity culture (in the rise of texting, twittering, and facebooking). These phenomena, along with nihilistic app development, are beginning to pepper the cultural landscape and human voice and creativity is lost in human expression. Indeed, current search seems symptomatic of a great paroxysm of our daily lives taking what should be a subtle interaction and instead yielding a flat, one-dimensional bombardment of knowledge immersion; Wookey ends all that, ushering an evolutional method shift in Information Retrieval. I wanted to further apprise you on the new search opportunity and Wookey is the first effort toward creating a social platform for socially interactive knowledge immersion. The company is positioned to redefine the way we collaborate and search for information on the Internet. Indeed, in today’s search experience, we are exposed to a sales driven environment, yielding a flat, one-dimensional bombardment of knowledge immersion. Precisely, today’s experience looks like a DOS readout leaving the user to scroll page after page through results that are often ad-link laden with rankings, leading the user dumbfounded with unorganized information. Wookey’s goals for collaborative search technology has resulted in a platform where users share in the revenue generated on various social-media portals now aggregated through the web. Though it may seem like an obvious concept, the advantages for a content-
  • 2. leader to make revenue on Facebook or LinkedIn through Wookey Search, were slim to none. CEO John Acunto states, “You didn’t see a significant sales difference in a content provider who has 40 likes and those who had 40 million likes. Of course, there was promotion from the users who was able to interact with their followers but we weren’t seeing any real business format behind it.” Acunto reveals, before asking the million dollar question: “Most exist on Facebook and LinkedIn portals but not through search, and what distribution of content do you see on there?” Acunto explains his revenue-generating model simply. “Let’s look at what information expert is and let’s look at the revenue streams,” he offers. “A thought-leader is accentually their knowledge; we sell knowledge immersion through the search experience. The most important thing they don’t have is a virtual value, and we want to provide them with that,” he informs. Unlike other flat binary-driven content with current search, Acunto is also dedicated to making sure the knowledge providers have creative input. “I think the digital world has been a one way street for a very long time,” he begins. “For the past decade plus, people have been greeted with a blank screen and YouTube videos. Here, an information expert can allow a user to be interactive with them, and it’s that imagination and creativity that establishes a new relationship with social search that hasn’t been seen before.” 1. Why do we think we can get the estimated downloads ? We have relationships with content providers that we will ask to develop Wookey to perform tasks for their audience. Tasks could be could include recommending their ecommerce products or information portals, finding interesting content, or referring users to affiliate programs. When users, using these Wookey embedded into the website, will be invited to create and embed App data bricks on their websites for the express desire to expose their users to an app that our market data tells us is fun, interesting and easy to use, and is fully integrated across all social media including Twitter and FB – when expressed to those in their sphere influence, they virtually cast to others. Therefore, the key to the estimated downloads is a combination of: a) a good app development, and b) exposure – we feel we have scalable through embedded Wookey and the appeal to the creative abilities of internet users in general. We envision sticky mass-adoption through content developers through, who will in turn expose it to fellow other coders/adopters through our platform, who in turn will use it, expose it to their FB and Twitter followers and the family of web users on the internet. By utilizing the Facebook Open Graph, the ability for the app to be exposed will be exponential. For example, Viddy gained 17 million users in 7 days due to the adoption of the Facebook Open Graph. By adding the features on our platform, thereby keeping
  • 3. the app simple and fun and having a driver like bringing people to the app, we feel we can reach our goals. 2. What are the guarantees that we will get the expected revenue - why is now different than in the past ? The revenue is a straightforward math function, a combination of exposure to users, predictable % of click-throughs, and projectable ad placement rates. The key is exposures. 3. Does the team have experience of building revenue and app downloads ? Yes, considerable experience in the high tech world as entrepreneurs including telecom, mobile and social media industries. The experience includes considerable company revenue growth with exit success. The team has extensive global experience, app development and marketing experience, financial management as well as social media experience. 4. What are the risks of not getting the revenue ? There is a 20% risk of not hitting the projected revenue, but 0% risk on not hitting revenues at all. The key, even more than revenues, is adoption. Getting user traction has been the primary focus, rather than monetization. However, we don’t want to wait until the traction happens before applying the monetization strategy. There are 3 key monetization areas we are leveraging: * Mobile app views (iOS and Android apps) * Web views (Mobile and Desktop) * Email inventory * Key partners * Key Influencers & Thought Leaders * Developers and Content Providers * Applications to eCommerce / Intelligent Concierge * Clinical, Technical Support, Self Help Platform Portals 5. What are the risks of not getting the downloads ? We have projected a 15% adoption rate based on a conservative number of exposures, based on celebrity uptake, our pr/media campaign, and our exclusive association with current partners. The adoption of the app will require our full attention to what works and doesn’t work and quickly adapt to the market successes. 6. Why should we be excited about this team ? The current team, like all past Wookey team members, is honorable and trustworthy, with exemplary professional career track records and years of experience. What is importantly different about this team, and why current and future investors should trust, is this team’s depth in social media experience and its approach to app and
  • 4. making that app extremely viral. Like all Wookey counter-parties, this one too wants to win. Let’s not forget, we are here to bring search to social media – this was never easy, no one has really done it yet, and we now have the combination of team and thought leaders that will make this a huge win, and investors can trust this. 7. What is the exact amount of money needed before the company will be able to be self-sufficient ? The minimum number required is $600,000. An even $1 million gives the Company a reasonable cushion. 8. Why are social networking companies getting such huge valuations ? Because of the potential possibility of them making a huge dent in traditional media and internet-wide content providers. Newspapers, Radio, TV, Web 1.0... in the same line, Social Media stands to make huge, fundamental impact on the way people communicate. The additional angle here is the mobile which, when combined with social media, has the potential drastic change in this space. So, real innovative companies with products that people find it easy and fun to use are getting larger- than-life valuations. 9. What do we think the valuation will be for the company if we meet these goals / or what do you think Wookey could be sold for if we meet these goals ? Between $600Million and $1.5Billion 10. What are our expectations from the investment team ? Wookey executive management expects engagement in the investment, enthusiasm for the idea of collaborative search, active use of our apps, and continued support. 11. Why do we believe the timing is right for embedded vertical search ? Every known, successful consumer web company is trying to pivot towards mobile. As we all know, Facebook is struggling in this area because they don’t have mobile in their DNA. Wookey has mobile in its core DNA. Talk to any entrepreneur or angel in the valley - everyone will say "Mobile Only or Mobile First" is the way to go. Wookey is a ultra-scalable platform that is positioned to bring ground breaking search technology to the public. We are still first, there is a year of press about the importance of collaborative search and what it represents, and that it is missing from current search platforms and social media communication – again, nobody has done it yet – call it a combination of entrepreneurial instinct, market data, and sheer determination. Mobile social networking and discovery is clearly recognized as the one of the fastest growing industries given the valuations of other companies and the rapid growth of users. We are on the wave – not at the bottom or on the top – in the middle ready to take advantage of the three years of hard work.
  • 5. 12. How solid is the product design ? The new design improvements to the previous team’s design is testing simpler, easier and more engaging. The design process itself of course, never-ending, and the speed with which we adapt and make changes, is always of paramount importance. 13. How solid is the engineering team ? Phenomenally solid. The team has combined years of experience in developing and maintaining large-scale systems. The team also has developed several social media tech products in Adobe Systems (Flash Player Team) and early member of the FrendFinder platforms. Specialties include flash, flex, AIR, actionscript, internet software, search software, metasearch, expert systems and AI language development, web spiders, .net and perl, website development, wiki, collaboration solutions. 14. Is the platform capable of handling the volume ? Yes, absolutely. This is what platform was designed for. 15. How do we plan on reducing the liabilities on the books ? We plan on a) paying them from operations, or b) converting them to equity, or c) a combination of the two. 16. How do we plan on controlling the costs of business in the future ? Sharp management, good controller, and cost-conscious team – what we have in place now, and building from this. We have built an amazing platform and application for a fraction of what others in the general space are spending or will spend. Here’s an example of what might be construed as not being cost-conscious. 17. Why hasn't Wookey received a valuation or a big time VC player with money ? For VCs, it’s all about traction these days – VCs risk mitigate, and we haven’t shown traction yet, and that is something we are going to solve here very, very quickly. 18. Who is handling corporate and SEC legal services? Ross Meador, TechLaw, all legal needs to include, of internationally-oriented technology and intellectual property business, financing, contracts and international trade, as well as intellectual property protection and trademark registration. Representative clients/transactions include the following. Mr. Meador was the formulation counsel to several well known technology companies to include, Facebook, Vivendi Universal, and NEC Corporation
  • 6. 21. I'm not really clear on "search" as it relates to "personal improvement platform." This is a great question. When creating a new search engine to show case innovations in search, there are several challenges: * Attracting new users aggregated with the first pure-play in collaborative search. * Retaining user interest long enough to appreciate the advantages of the innovations. * Identifying user intent, i.e. obtaining inside knowledge of what users are truly wanting to discover. Most users are not skilled at constructing typical search queries. We find that the user fails to enter concise information regarding their intent into the query box, thereby leading to incomplete, unfocused, and unorganized search results, leading to a general frustration with search experience. Traditional brute force ways to solve these challenges include: * Deploying resource capital to buy lots of traffic; * Creating a complicated search entry experience to try to get users to specify additional query information; and, * Identifying their intentions from aggregated search histories – Efforts for this method to succeed requires active user sampling, and long term tail-results users. We are addressing these and other areas of ambiguity employing an innovative approach at both user aggregations and direction by creating a personal improvement platform. This has many benefits: * Our audience of users for our app is a captive audience who trusts us, and will be open to use our search technologies when they are well integrated into the app experience * We create an audience that is sticky, i.e. has frequent interactions with us * We create an audience that is sharing a lot of personal information with us that we can data mine for user intent * The search experience we create for our users is well integrated with things that are important to the user * Our strategy for the app includes plans for celebrity endorsement to further drive downloads and repeat usage. As these users become accustomed to the search experience, Wookey will provide cross-vertical collaboration in platform web portals separate from the initial applications. This integration will be the first attempt to bring synergy between
  • 7. new users to an app, scaling visitors to the search site, helping Wookey to increase usage of each. 22. How serving the needs of Personal Improvement Market will create a sticky audience eager to interact with search? Wookey has identified a previously unaddressed market niche currently served through add, print and social-media with an underlying multi-billion dollar market. The platform first targets applications for variety of authors to implement a wide variety of casual and serious personal practices that focus on daily activities users can do that lead to improvement. There are separate apps already available that implement some daily improvement practices, sensuously integrating a formally quality is variable, features are not consistent, and they are without integration. Wookey deploys vertical feeder applications targeting daily improvement practices. Vertical "improvements" models various aspects of the Android and iOS, allowing everything allowing the user to choose functions within our platform. Unique subset will include, but are not limited to: goal setting, goal implementation, positive psychology practices for mental improvement, sales ability improvement, coaching and leadership development, and learning immersion. Often times, self-improvement practices are published by authors as things do with a physical workbook or journal. Many excellent daily practices have been researched in the area of positive psychology, but they are not widely known outside the audience of professional readers of the journals. Most of these practices do not have the benefit of workbooks to guide users, let alone an actual app. Our platform will make it easy for us to seek out these practices, and help the authors publish them as modules in our app, usable on mobile devices, so they can benefit a wider audience than just the narrow audience of their peers who read the journals. We are bringing the idea of creating an integrated suite of daily practice modules running within our app, the way separate office apps were integrated, to the area of personal improvement. Our users can each choose a personalized set of improvements within one app, rather than trying to juggle separate apps with varying features and no integration of the commonalities. For example a user may choose more than one daily practice focused on achieving goals, where using separate apps would require duplicate entry of goals into each separate app. With our integrated platform, the user would only be required to enter info about goals a single time. We are capitalizing on the opportunity to create an app that serves multiple communities, offers consistent features to all, enables collaboration of many kinds,
  • 8. and be "THE" platform with an audience that every guru/coach/mentor/author/expert, of daily recommendations, will want to be a part of. Our methodology of ingratiation expert to determine how best to synthesize their recommendations into recurring steps that users actively engage and implement, accelerates the user's ability for cohesive interaction to navigate contrasting ideas. Wookey believes this paradigm will likely create a revolution in the use of mobile devices to maximize personal potential across collaborative search. We address target streams of revenue and sustained growth and acceleration to the platform app on a daily, and even several times daily, basis. This level of engagement, "stickiness", addresses the exactly the phenomenon that has enabled several social media sites to grow exponentially in technology areas including social media, gaming and payment systems technology. We will tap into this same phenomenon with our app and ultimately scaling to the back-end vertical engine. 23. How we will use our interaction with our audience to improve their search experience? Our goal is to leverage this daily interaction with our users to present innovative search to those users, in the following ways: * By data mining the goals, and other data, entered by users, we can suggest search results to users before they even think to look for them. * By offering collaborative features to modify the results, all users can become engaged with improving the results, bringing in a social aspect to the search experience * Our users will easily be able to explore additional searches organized through our unique methods that hide the complexity of old fashioned boolean search engine queries * One of our focuses is to create specific vertical communities, where we can further improve the results offered to their communities, and provide a platform for thought leaders to engage with the audience * Unique way to obtain user intent - The intersection between users interest in daily practices, and the data they enter, will give us valuable clues of what is really useful to users, that we can leverage into a better search experience than what technologies without this insight could ever deliver.