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VOL: 01 ISSUE: 06 2023
Inclusive Insights
The Tac cs Enhancing
the Opera ons of
Supply Management
Global Insights
Top 5 High-tech
Solu ons Transforming
the Business Arena
Leveraging Modern Technology, Facilita ng
Key Industry Sectors Globally
method of achieving unmatched solutions for
Avarious applications may be to develop multi-
material components that can address a high level
of multi-functionality based on various materials' intrinsic
properties. New 3D multi-material solutions for medical
implants, aerospace components, investment casting,
accessories, collection coins, and many other applications
can be developed by utilizing the potential of additive
The new components have been coming forth, adhering to
the global trends that implicate the renovation of global
communities and businesses. The revelations have always
been a helping hand in enhancing the in-house operations to
result in better offerings.
Modern technology is reliant on cutting-edge materials.
Without the highly specialized knowledge developed as a
result of the 20th Century's extensive scientific research,
life as we know it would be virtually impossible.
The Latest Edition of Insights Success brings forth the
High-tech, Advanced Material Tungsten fusion with multi-
industrial enhancements. A promising candidate material
for plasma-facing materials in the fusion reactor of the
future is tungsten, a refractory metal with the highest
melting point of all metals. A sophisticated tungsten
material with a fine grain and dense microstructure is
needed for the fusion engineering application and has been
In collaboration with a leading integrated supplier of High-
tech supplier - MASAN High-Tech, it is mandated to
foresee a sustainable future with innovative solutions.
Have a Productive Read!
Enhancing the Global Prominence
- Prashik D. Bombarde
A Business Transformation Reveals the Quality and
Offerings, But a Great Business Relevation is Through
The Innovations Brought on Table
Prashik Bombarde
Managing Editor
January, 2023
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H I G H - T E C H M A T E R I A L S
Leveraging Modern Technology, Facilita ng Key Industry Sectors Globally
One of the imperative questions that crosses the
Omind of many young entrepreneurs is, “What does
it take to succeed in the industry that they are about
to venture into?” If one goes to find the answer to that
question, they will find tonnes of information out there on
the internet or will get all sorts of advice from different
people promising a sure-shot solution. The solutions from
these different sources can be helpful, especially the
technical ones but believe it or not, the one factor that
decides your true destiny is your ambition.
This particular quality is what you will find common in
most successful people and organizations. An undying
passion and strong ambition to reach zeniths. Ambition is
the true zeitgeist of success. One of the famous leaders
proving this point on a global platform is a Vietnam-based
company, Masan High-Tech Materials. With its consistent
and rapid growth, the leading producer of tungsten
materials has time and time again redefined the spirit of
success throughout its 12 years of operation.
The Making of a Global Leader
Masan High-Tech Materials started out in 2010 as a firm
focused on mining and resources extraction activities under
the name Masan Resources Corporation (MSR) as a part of
the Masan Group. It wasn’t until 2014 that the company
started its commercial production of Tungsten concentrate,
Copper concentrate, Fluorspar concentrate, and Bismuth
To advance its Tungsten chemical factory in Vietnam, the
firm established Masan Tungsten Manufacturing LLC
(NHTCM) in 2014 – a joint venture with H.C. Starck
Tungsten GmbH, holding a 51% stake; then, in 2018, the
firm acquired a 49% stake in NHTCM and changed its
name to Masan Tungsten Limited Liability Company
The company recently acquired H.C. Starck Tungsten
GmbH in 2020, which put it on the global mining map as a
high-tech materials manufacturing company changing its
name from Masan Resources Corporation to Masan High-
Tech Materials Corporation. This acquisition has enabled
vertical integration with Masan High-Tech Materials’
existing assets -’ Nui Phao Mining Company and Masan
Tungsten Company products streams.
The expansion of the firm continues in different aspects, be
it the technical ability or the geographical reach, as it
integrates the businesses. Masan High-Tech Materials’
Global ambitions are evident as it makes strategic
collaborations with companies such as Mitsubishi Materials
Corporation with the objective of developing a leadings
high-tech tungsten materials platform.
Masan High-Tech Materials continues to transform into a
leading vertically integrated advanced high-tech materials
development platform with a focus on sustainability,
innovation, and customized solutions to deliver greater
values to its customers and stakeholders.
The Visionary Person-in-focus
Craig Bradshaw, the visionary CEO behind the exemplary
success of Masan High-Tech Materials, is a seasoned
professional with a demonstrated history working in the
mining and metals industry. Craig’s journey commenced in
the mining industry when he landed a job at a mining
company called Mount Isa Mines; this gave him an
amazing opportunity to work and get exposed to all mining
operations, everything from copper smelting to the sale of
non-core assets. His early exposure to all the operations
gave him a head-start in the industry.
From there, Craig went to a bunch of different places to
explore more mining and also stepped higher on the
corporate ladder as he gained more and more experience in
different operations. While working as a General Manager
at Alex Mill Operations, Craig got a phone call and a
proposal to come work in Vietnam and set up a new
company as a greenfield. This was the start of Masan High-
Tech Materials.
Starting from scratch, Craig and his partner worked
together to build a team of people who would take the idea
of Masan High-Tech Materials to its commercial reality.
The dedicated team worked together to set a new
benchmark and bring the first tungsten mine into
development in the western world in 15 years.
Pushing through all the complexities and difficulties, Masan
High-Tech Materials today has extensive plans to develop
and extend business beyond the tungsten, fluorspar,
bismuth, copper, and cobalt that it does into other materials.
Overcoming Adversities
To acquire the legacy of a 100-year-old company is not an
easy job when you’re a fairly new candidate in the market
yourself, but Masan High-Tech Materials, with its rich
culture, was able to do so quite efficiently. When Masan
High-Tech Materials took over H.C Starck’s global tungsten
powder business, its customer base went from being 30 to
having 350 customers worldwide, and that jump came with
its own set of challenges.
To top it all off, this massive acquisition took place in
during the pandemic, which made it all the way more
challenging to interact with a team of people coming from
different cultural backgrounds. It’s difficult enough to
completely pivot to online platforms to set up meetings
with your team when you’re used to having them in person,
but it’s a whole new level of challenge when you do that
with a new team.
Pushing through all of these adversities, Masan conducted
town hall meetings on online platforms with 100 new
members hanging off at the end of its screens globally. This
method did come with some compromise, but it still kept
the operations running. Talking of the same, Craig explains,
“The team working around or through overcoming the
challenges of COVID-19 and distance. I think that the
reason it got done is that we had very good plans. We sat
down and explained to people where we’re going, whys
we’re going there.”
Craig Bradshaw
Masan High-Tech
The integration of two large firms means several hundred
activities taking place at once. But the executive team at
Masan understood that 80% of the value comes from those
ten really crucial things. So, this is what the firm did,
focused on the ten things that brought in major value that
got people inquisitive and onboard.
Craig recognizes the value of letting people get exposed to
having discussions on their own about various aspects of
their business that will make it more interesting. He
expresses, “I want the job to be interesting for those people.
I want those people to get up in the morning. They’re
excited about getting out of bed and going to work and
doing their eight hours or ten hours or 20 hours, depending
on the nature of the job they’re in, and go home proud of
what they’ve done, proudly to talk to their family and have
dinner with their kids. And that’s the top organization we
want to be.”
Reducing the Carbon Footprint
Organizations all over the globe are awakening to the fact
that our climate emergency is a very real one. It is essential
to cut down on your harmful emissions to reduce your
carbon footprint. Putting sincere efforts into the exact cause,
Masan High-Tech Materials uses renewable energy for their
production, which is expensive but also what its customers
demand. This is what Masan Group’s Chairman’s views are
when it comes to sustainability “If you are not positioning
yourself for sustainability and actively participating to
ensure that you are sustainable, your organization won’t
This is the philosophy that they have adopted within the
MHT organization. Masan High-Tech Materials recycles
almost 70%-74% of water at its Nui Phao operation,
significantly lowering its water consumption cost. The
organization is relentlessly trying to find new avenues to
produce the same using less energy.
Imparting the Keys to Excellence
Being an experienced industry professional, Craig shares a
few important pointers to take note of while moving
forward in the industry for aspiring enthusiasts and
entrepreneurs who wish to make a name for themselves.
Craig believes it’s important to build a personal relationship
with industry leaders outside of work. He believes such a
relationship cannot be manufactured, but you find a
connection and then meet people apart from working hours
to gain important industry insights and build a mentor-
mentee relationship.
Craig says that his years of experience have taught him to
build relationships with people from all levels of the
organization and understand their culture to march in the
direction of success. In a podcast interview, Craig said,
“The difference between a poor company, a good company,
and a great company is going to be the quality of the people
that you get and how well you scaffold those people for
Looking into the Future of Masan High-Tech Materials
Investment is a must when it comes to expanding and
sustaining a business, and Masan High-Tech Materials
believes in the same philosophy. The firm is investing in
setting up a platform to overcome the demand-supply
challenge and serve its customers better.
Masan High-Tech envisions itself to be a top-notch
corporation that not only emphasizes on enhancing
recycling capabilities with strategic directions of promoting
a circular economy but also looks forward to growing a
global consumer goods business with its tungsten-based
battery technologies.
Elaborating on this Craig emphasizes, “We want to
implement more tungsten recycling facilities in Vietnam.
We're going to bring the technology that we've got in
Germany to Vietnam. By 2024, we will be doing a lot more
recycling in Vietnam by manufacturing wastes into new
materials. We want to expand our product line so we want
to expand beyond tungsten, tank loan, niobium, cobalt. We
want to expand into other powders, other carbides, and
provide more options for customers in terms of value-added
products. We will be partnering up with different companies
in producing different battery materials.”
“We have new products that we’re bringing to market,
especially branded products, starting with the charge for
batteries, footprint for 3D printing and additive
manufacturing. Specifically, we target advanced materials
for unique applications. These are new products that we
have developed in our research and development hub in
Germany and expected to go to market over the next two
years. More and more, we are developing new products
tailored to customer needs and we see that as a growing
We’re seeing strong demand in aerospace, we’re seeing
strong demand in defence, we're seeing strong demand in
mining construction, we're seeing strong demand in
automotive, strong demand in renewables for our products.
Global economies will go up and go down but as long as
there's demand for our products, the future for our company
is good.”
Cer ficate of “Top 100 Largest Public Companies in Vietnam” for Masan High-Tech Materials
by Forbes Vietnam
Cer ficate of “Top 500 Largest Enterprises in Vietnam” for Masan High-Tech Materials by
Vietnam Report JSC
Cer ficate for Nui Phao Mining to be “Top 100 Vietnam Golden Star Award 2018” by Vietnam
Young Entrepreneurs Associa on
Cer ficate of “Top 50 Excellent Enterprises in Vietnam” for Masan High-Tech Materials
by Forbes Vietnam
Cer ficate of “Top 50 Vietnam Best Growth” for Masan High-Tech Materials
by Vietnam Report JSC
Cer ficate of “Top 50 Sustainable Development Enterprises in Vietnam”
for Masan High-Tech Materials by The Vietnam Business Council for
Sustainable Development - Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (VBCSD-VCCI)
Comple on of the evalua on for Assured Responsible
Mining of Tungsten against 2017 standards by The
Ini a ve of Responsible Mining (RMI)
the Operations of
The process of planning, implementing and
controlling the flow of goods, services and
information from suppliers to customers is known
as supply chain management. It includes all activities
related to obtaining raw materials and components,
manufacturing, and delivering products to customers.
Supply chain management operations can be divided into
several categories like lean manufacturing, supply chain
visibility, collaborative planning, sustainability, automation,
and so much more.
Let's dive in and learn more about tactics enhancing
operations in supply management!
Adopt a Demand Driven Planning Model on Real Time
The accurate prediction/contingency planning tools will
ensure a complete picture and an effective response to risks
such as supplier failure, natural disasters, etc. Companies
then adjust their pricing and promotional strategies to shape
demand effectively, move additional products quickly, drive
revenue growth, and expand margins for a high-demand
product with a limited market supply.
Build an Adaptive and Agile Supply Chain
Manufacturing facilities' second strategy was creating an
adaptive and agile supply chain. Once executives
understand how to shape demand and risk, they must adapt
their supply chains to changing market opportunities and
To ensure responsive agility to changing demand,
manufacturing facilities must deploy dynamic planning
capabilities and continuously oversee operations.
Companies that used the old model fell behind during the
recession, while companies that used continuous, dynamic
supply chain adjustments to respond to potential market
changes survived.
Optimize Product Designs and Management to
Accelerate Profitable Innovation
One step ahead of the competition requires innovation, but
innovation does not exist in a vacuum. Products must be
manufactured at the correct cost, location and time to be
Decisions made early in the product development cycle can
make or break the product. Supply, manufacturability and
Inclusive Insights
supply chain operations must all be optimized in designs.
All actual costs must be captured and analyzed to maintain
balance across your entire supply chain.
Aligning Supply Chain with Business Goals
One strategy that stood out was integrating the supply chain
through sales and operations with corporate business
planning. While sales and operations planning processes
coordinate sales, manufacturing and distribution, there are
still gaps in various companies' finance and operations.
One method for filling these gaps is through integrated
business planning, which involves a company's people,
processes and technology. Eventually, this process will
integrate financial strategic budgeting and forecasting
systems with operations planning.
Integrating Sustainability and Supply Chain
Today, sustainability is a significant concern in modern
manufacturing. Many studies have found that companies
that strive for social and environmental sustainability gain a
competitive advantage, particularly in production efficiency
and employee attractiveness.
Advanced Scheduling and Planning Software
Due to customer demand for increased product mix and
quick delivery, combined with downward cost pressures,
advanced planning and scheduling (APS) software has
become a must-have for modern-day manufacturing
operations. APS can be quickly integrated with ERP/MRP
software to fill gaps in planning, scheduling flexibility and
accuracy where these systems fall short.
Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) saves time while
increasing agility in updating ever-changing priorities,
production schedules, and inventory plans. Implementing
Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) software will
take your manufacturing operations to the next efficiency
level, leveraging operational data already stored in your
In a nutshell,
Finally, supply chain management is a complex process that
involves planning, implementing, and controlling the flow
of goods, services, and information from suppliers to
customers. Supply chain management aims to increase
efficiency, lower costs and boost overall performance.
It is critical to understand that supply chain management is
a continuous process that necessitates regular monitoring,
evaluation and adjustment. Because the market and
technologies are constantly changing, businesses must be
proactive in identifying potential changes and developing
plans to adapt to them.
- Shreyasi Shelke
ublic trust in government has been steadily eroding
Psince early 2000. Today, only one in five Americans
trust the government “To do the right thing just
about always or most of the time.” And as trust in
government continues to diminish, people are starting to
turn to businesses to fill the gap, looking to them to focus
on “doing good” as well as supporting them in difficult
Patagonia, famed for its sustainable clothing and green
ethos, recently announced that all of the business’s profits
will go to organizations that are fighting the climate crisis.
A bold move by the brand that has made its name as a
supporter of the environment – in 2018, stating it was “In
business to save our home planet.” That is the ultimate
display of “Doing good.” But not all businesses are in the
position to make such a bold move.
So then, what is “Doing good” when it comes to business?
How can companies define and quantify the impact of their
business operations in terms of sustainability, all the while
ensuring the future of their business in times of economic
The B Corp Playbook
B Corps, for example, are already on a path that can support
a business during a challenging period – a move away from
the “boom and bust” model and a pivot towards one that is
sustainable in every sense of the word for clients, partners,
and employees. Driven by these certified B Corps (Such as
aforementioned Patagonia), the B Economy focuses on the
‘triple-bottom-line’ of business, social and environmental
Sustainable growth lies at the heart of this ‘triple-bottom-
line’ strategy, which focuses on achieving profitability
while remaining cognizant of the needs of one’s own people
– and humanity at large – as well as the environmental cost
of doing business.
As a bonus, such companies also find themselves more
capable of navigating the turbulent waters brought on by
negative macroeconomic factors. By their very nature, B
Corps possess a business plan that can support the
organization during challenging times – a significant
difference from the ‘boom and bust’ model of yesteryear. B
Corps possesses a rulebook that focuses on resilient,
sustainable revenue streams, coupled with empathetic
leadership and care for the planet. This, in turn, leads to
greater confidence and trust from your team and a clear
indication that you are looking to “Do good.”
Building Resilience and Trust at Home
It’s a well-established fact that your employees and people
are your best ambassadors. It’s pointless setting about
making an ESG (environmental, social, governance)
rulebook if it doesn’t begin at home. This is especially so in
tough economic times when people look to their employers
for stability. For businesses, stability means maintaining
resilient revenue streams and focusing on the ‘now’ to
prepare for pressure on the bottom line. This means being
super clear on what is important in the present while not
losing sight of investment for the future.
But alongside maintaining business stability and doing your
best as an organization to offset the environmental impact
of doing business, it is essential that you also look inwards
to ensure your organization’s values are deeply embedded
on a cultural level. This means your Corporate Social
Responsibility must first and foremost begin with your own
Measure your organization’s economic responsibility,
which entails making financial decisions that prioritize
doing good, not just making more money. It also means
measuring jobs added, local hiring practices, and promotion
structures. Also, try, insofar as possible, to align your
business objectives with your people’s values. Keeping in
mind the values of your people – and in turn, your
Kelly Manthey
Global CEO
Kin + Carta
organization – when taking on new business or projects
demonstrates tangible convictions. Communication is key.
And with that open and transparent communication comes
Rethinking Your Data Mindset
Outside of aligning with people’s values, you need to
ensure that you are making the ‘right decisions’ for your
business. This is where better use of data can make all the
difference, and there is no better time to invest in your data
strategy. A coherent strategy can provide insights that
dramatically reduce time to gather actionable insights and,
as a result, make better, faster and fewer decisions as
This strategy means treating data not as a project but as a
product that is accessible, discernible and usable for
everyone, no matter their discipline. In short, rethinking
how your organization looks at the value of data and
adopting a data-as-a-product (DaaP) mindset - making it
available to anyone with a specific problem to solve.
And by making this data and insight available to everyone,
you are weaving end-to-end into the very fabric of your
company culture. The Product Owners, who are creating
these data lead products, are caring about the outcomes for
all data users and carry a request through to the final
product to achieve them. Before, this was just the domain of
the data teams and the digital natives within businesses.
Companies that cut innovation during a downturn will take
longer to bounce back. But by the same token, not
everybody can be a Patagonia. However, looking to “Do
good” at a time of economical difficulty, businesses not
only create a sense of trust amongst the workforce but also
with customers. In turn, that will lead to loyalty and
retention - bringing in vital revenue. It all comes down to
creating the right culture, investing in the right
technologies, and having transparent conversations. Get that
right, and not only will you be able to navigate difficult
economic waters, but do so while retaining the trust of your
T O P 5
Solu ons
Transforming the
Business Arena
usiness transformation is called the process of
Bmaking significant changes to a company's strategy,
operations, organizational structure, or technology
systems to improve efficiency, competitiveness, and overall
It can include streamlining processes, implementing new
technologies, changing the company's business model, or
entering new markets. Business transformation frequently
entails a significant shift in how the company operates and
can be a complex and challenging process that necessitates
careful planning and execution.
The use of advanced technology to solve complex problems
or improve business operations is referred to as high-tech
solutions. These solutions can take many different forms.
Let's delve into it and learn more about high-tech solutions
in the business world!
Next-Gen Cell Phones
Third-generation (3G) cell phone networks are rising all
over the country. Current releases include on-demand video
services that allow you to watch streaming video clips on
your phone, built-in camcorders that record video, and still
cameras to take photos. MP3 players to listen to music,
mini-SD cards, Memory Sticks, or Multimedia Memory
Cards to save and transfer data between devices. 3G
Smartphones have mini keyboards to prevent thumb
cramping during long text message sessions, run Windows
Mobile OS, and can be Bluetooth or Wi-Fi enabled. GPS-
enabled cell phones have also only recently become
available. Use them to get directions while driving or to
keep track of employees.
Global Insights
Work and Play
The big news at the 2005 E3 trade show was the powerful
capabilities of the next Xbox and PlayStation consoles,
which will resemble home media computers rather than
game devices. With flat-screen monitors that double as TVs
and cell phones that double as PDAs and MP3 players, the
convergence of technology for work and play may reach a
tipping point in the coming years.
And, while a music-playing cell phone may be helpful in
traffic, one that plays MP3s of the latest business audiobook
can also keep you informed. So don't dismiss the newest
consumer devices as having no business potential; with a
bit of imagination, you can combine business and fun.
Inventory Gets Smart
RFID is a technology that embeds tiny data-packed radio
transceiver chips into various goods and containers. Like a
talking bar code, an RFID chip can communicate with a
scanner from several feet away and tell it far more than a
printed label, even from inside an unopened carton.
The technology has been around for decades, but it is only
now that it is being used. RFID is already being used by the
Department of Defense and Wal-Mart. Once pricing
becomes more reasonable and some standards are
established, the technology will spread to smaller retailers
and businesses.
Roaming with VoIP
Consider not having to use your cell phone minutes when
you're talking at home, at work, or near a Wi-Fi hotspot.
Alternatively, if you have poor mobile coverage in the
office (or at home), imagine walking into your office and
having your phone automatically switch from the poor
wireless connection to your VoIP network. VoIP-to-mobile
service is the next big thing in phone service, and it could
save entrepreneurs a lot of money.
While some phone manufacturers have developed or are
developing phones that can handle both wireless and VoIP
calls, the reality of this service is not yet here because the
technology is still growing, and providers must develop
much infrastructure.
The Wireless Way to Go
Data travels through the air at the same rates as a T1 line
with WiMax. It may not be in your town yet, and
technically, it won't be anywhere until the WiMAX Forum
begins certifying the interoperability of this type of
transmission gear at the end of the year. However, pre-
WiMAX services are already available at low cost in
dozens of cities across the country. Both new and
established wireless ISPs are upgrading to better wireless
transmitters at a rate analysts predict will bring WiMAX to
America's 50 largest cities and numerous rural areas by the
end of the year.
Customers don't buy access points in WiMAX so that they
won't notice the watershed. However, standardization aims
to reduce equipment costs, and those savings usually trickle
down to customers in open markets. Ultimately, Thompson
says, you'll pick up a small WiMAX modem at Best Buy or
CompUSA for Wi-Fi prices, then choose from various
service providers.
To conclude,
Manufacturing, healthcare, retail, logistics, finance, and
other industries can all benefit from these solutions.
However, implementing these solutions necessitates a
significant investment in both money and time and a
thorough understanding of the technology to ensure that
they are implemented correctly and effectively.
- Shreyasi Shelke
World’s Top 10 Advanced High-Tech Materials Supplier.pdf
World’s Top 10 Advanced High-Tech Materials Supplier.pdf
World’s Top 10 Advanced High-Tech Materials Supplier.pdf
World’s Top 10 Advanced High-Tech Materials Supplier.pdf

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  • 1. VOL: 01 ISSUE: 06 2023 Inclusive Insights The Tac cs Enhancing the Opera ons of Supply Management Global Insights Top 5 High-tech Solu ons Transforming the Business Arena Leveraging Modern Technology, Facilita ng Key Industry Sectors Globally
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  • 4. N O T E method of achieving unmatched solutions for Avarious applications may be to develop multi- material components that can address a high level of multi-functionality based on various materials' intrinsic properties. New 3D multi-material solutions for medical implants, aerospace components, investment casting, accessories, collection coins, and many other applications can be developed by utilizing the potential of additive manufacturing. The new components have been coming forth, adhering to the global trends that implicate the renovation of global communities and businesses. The revelations have always been a helping hand in enhancing the in-house operations to result in better offerings. Modern technology is reliant on cutting-edge materials. Without the highly specialized knowledge developed as a result of the 20th Century's extensive scientific research, life as we know it would be virtually impossible. The Latest Edition of Insights Success brings forth the High-tech, Advanced Material Tungsten fusion with multi- industrial enhancements. A promising candidate material for plasma-facing materials in the fusion reactor of the future is tungsten, a refractory metal with the highest melting point of all metals. A sophisticated tungsten material with a fine grain and dense microstructure is needed for the fusion engineering application and has been developed. In collaboration with a leading integrated supplier of High- tech supplier - MASAN High-Tech, it is mandated to foresee a sustainable future with innovative solutions. Have a Productive Read! Enhancing the Global Prominence - Prashik D. Bombarde Bombarde
  • 5. A Business Transformation Reveals the Quality and Offerings, But a Great Business Relevation is Through The Innovations Brought on Table ,,, , Prashik Bombarde Managing Editor
  • 6. January, 2023 Circulation Manager Tanaji Fartade Research Analyst Eric Smith Editor-in-Chief Merry D'Souza Anish Miller Senior Editor Kelly, David Business Development Executives Managing Editor Shruti Tikotkar Business Development Manager Prashik Bombarde Art & Design Head Art & Design Assistant Visualiser David King Co-designer Rohil Shinganapurkar Sonia Raizada Marketing Manager Joseph D'souza Technical Consultants Prashant, Rajeshwari Technical Head Jacob Smile Assistant Technical Head SME-SMO Executive Gemson Digital Marketing Manager Alina Sege Assistant Digital Marketing Manager Renuka Kulkarni Copyright © 2023 Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd., All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Follow us on : Corporate Ofce Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-859-2600 Email: For Subscription: We are also available on : RNI No.: MAHENG/2018/75953 Sales Executives Mark, Alice Prachi Mokashi Assisting Editors Pooja, Sheyasi Paul Belin
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  • 12. H I G H - T E C H M A T E R I A L S Leveraging Modern Technology, Facilita ng Key Industry Sectors Globally
  • 13. ,MASAN HIGH-TECH MATERIALS’ GLOBAL AMBITIONS ARE EVIDENT AS IT MAKES STRATEGIC COLLABORATIONS WITH GIANTS SUCH AS MITSUBISHI MATERIALS CORPORATION WITH THE OBJECTIVE OF DEVELOPING A LEADING, HIGH-TECH TUNGSTEN MATERIALS PLATFORM. One of the imperative questions that crosses the Omind of many young entrepreneurs is, “What does it take to succeed in the industry that they are about to venture into?” If one goes to find the answer to that question, they will find tonnes of information out there on the internet or will get all sorts of advice from different people promising a sure-shot solution. The solutions from these different sources can be helpful, especially the technical ones but believe it or not, the one factor that decides your true destiny is your ambition. This particular quality is what you will find common in most successful people and organizations. An undying passion and strong ambition to reach zeniths. Ambition is the true zeitgeist of success. One of the famous leaders proving this point on a global platform is a Vietnam-based company, Masan High-Tech Materials. With its consistent and rapid growth, the leading producer of tungsten materials has time and time again redefined the spirit of success throughout its 12 years of operation. The Making of a Global Leader Masan High-Tech Materials started out in 2010 as a firm focused on mining and resources extraction activities under the name Masan Resources Corporation (MSR) as a part of the Masan Group. It wasn’t until 2014 that the company started its commercial production of Tungsten concentrate, Copper concentrate, Fluorspar concentrate, and Bismuth concentrate. To advance its Tungsten chemical factory in Vietnam, the firm established Masan Tungsten Manufacturing LLC (NHTCM) in 2014 – a joint venture with H.C. Starck Tungsten GmbH, holding a 51% stake; then, in 2018, the firm acquired a 49% stake in NHTCM and changed its name to Masan Tungsten Limited Liability Company (MTC.) The company recently acquired H.C. Starck Tungsten GmbH in 2020, which put it on the global mining map as a high-tech materials manufacturing company changing its name from Masan Resources Corporation to Masan High- Tech Materials Corporation. This acquisition has enabled vertical integration with Masan High-Tech Materials’ existing assets -’ Nui Phao Mining Company and Masan Tungsten Company products streams. The expansion of the firm continues in different aspects, be it the technical ability or the geographical reach, as it integrates the businesses. Masan High-Tech Materials’
  • 14. Global ambitions are evident as it makes strategic collaborations with companies such as Mitsubishi Materials Corporation with the objective of developing a leadings high-tech tungsten materials platform. Masan High-Tech Materials continues to transform into a leading vertically integrated advanced high-tech materials development platform with a focus on sustainability, innovation, and customized solutions to deliver greater values to its customers and stakeholders. The Visionary Person-in-focus Craig Bradshaw, the visionary CEO behind the exemplary success of Masan High-Tech Materials, is a seasoned professional with a demonstrated history working in the mining and metals industry. Craig’s journey commenced in the mining industry when he landed a job at a mining company called Mount Isa Mines; this gave him an amazing opportunity to work and get exposed to all mining operations, everything from copper smelting to the sale of non-core assets. His early exposure to all the operations gave him a head-start in the industry. From there, Craig went to a bunch of different places to explore more mining and also stepped higher on the corporate ladder as he gained more and more experience in different operations. While working as a General Manager at Alex Mill Operations, Craig got a phone call and a proposal to come work in Vietnam and set up a new company as a greenfield. This was the start of Masan High- Tech Materials. Starting from scratch, Craig and his partner worked together to build a team of people who would take the idea of Masan High-Tech Materials to its commercial reality. The dedicated team worked together to set a new benchmark and bring the first tungsten mine into development in the western world in 15 years. Pushing through all the complexities and difficulties, Masan High-Tech Materials today has extensive plans to develop and extend business beyond the tungsten, fluorspar, bismuth, copper, and cobalt that it does into other materials. Overcoming Adversities To acquire the legacy of a 100-year-old company is not an easy job when you’re a fairly new candidate in the market yourself, but Masan High-Tech Materials, with its rich culture, was able to do so quite efficiently. When Masan THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A POOR COMPANY A GOOD COMPANY AND A GREAT COMPANY IS THE QUALITY OF THE PEOPLE THAT YOU GET AND HOW WELL YOU SCAFFOLD THOSE PEOPLE FOR SUCCESS. High-Tech Materials took over H.C Starck’s global tungsten powder business, its customer base went from being 30 to having 350 customers worldwide, and that jump came with its own set of challenges. To top it all off, this massive acquisition took place in during the pandemic, which made it all the way more challenging to interact with a team of people coming from different cultural backgrounds. It’s difficult enough to completely pivot to online platforms to set up meetings with your team when you’re used to having them in person, but it’s a whole new level of challenge when you do that with a new team. Pushing through all of these adversities, Masan conducted town hall meetings on online platforms with 100 new members hanging off at the end of its screens globally. This method did come with some compromise, but it still kept the operations running. Talking of the same, Craig explains, “The team working around or through overcoming the challenges of COVID-19 and distance. I think that the reason it got done is that we had very good plans. We sat down and explained to people where we’re going, whys we’re going there.”
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  • 17. MASAN HIGH-TECH MATERIALS CONTINUES TO TRANSFORM INTO A LEADING VERTICALLY INTEGRATED ADVANCED HIGH- TECH MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM WITH A FOCUS ON SUSTAINABILITY, INNOVATION, AND CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS. The integration of two large firms means several hundred activities taking place at once. But the executive team at Masan understood that 80% of the value comes from those ten really crucial things. So, this is what the firm did, focused on the ten things that brought in major value that got people inquisitive and onboard. Craig recognizes the value of letting people get exposed to having discussions on their own about various aspects of their business that will make it more interesting. He expresses, “I want the job to be interesting for those people. I want those people to get up in the morning. They’re excited about getting out of bed and going to work and doing their eight hours or ten hours or 20 hours, depending on the nature of the job they’re in, and go home proud of what they’ve done, proudly to talk to their family and have dinner with their kids. And that’s the top organization we want to be.” Reducing the Carbon Footprint Organizations all over the globe are awakening to the fact that our climate emergency is a very real one. It is essential to cut down on your harmful emissions to reduce your carbon footprint. Putting sincere efforts into the exact cause, Masan High-Tech Materials uses renewable energy for their production, which is expensive but also what its customers demand. This is what Masan Group’s Chairman’s views are when it comes to sustainability “If you are not positioning yourself for sustainability and actively participating to ensure that you are sustainable, your organization won’t survive.” This is the philosophy that they have adopted within the MHT organization. Masan High-Tech Materials recycles almost 70%-74% of water at its Nui Phao operation, significantly lowering its water consumption cost. The organization is relentlessly trying to find new avenues to produce the same using less energy. Imparting the Keys to Excellence Being an experienced industry professional, Craig shares a few important pointers to take note of while moving forward in the industry for aspiring enthusiasts and entrepreneurs who wish to make a name for themselves. Craig believes it’s important to build a personal relationship with industry leaders outside of work. He believes such a relationship cannot be manufactured, but you find a connection and then meet people apart from working hours
  • 18. to gain important industry insights and build a mentor- mentee relationship. Craig says that his years of experience have taught him to build relationships with people from all levels of the organization and understand their culture to march in the direction of success. In a podcast interview, Craig said, “The difference between a poor company, a good company, and a great company is going to be the quality of the people that you get and how well you scaffold those people for success.” Looking into the Future of Masan High-Tech Materials Investment is a must when it comes to expanding and sustaining a business, and Masan High-Tech Materials believes in the same philosophy. The firm is investing in setting up a platform to overcome the demand-supply challenge and serve its customers better. Masan High-Tech envisions itself to be a top-notch corporation that not only emphasizes on enhancing recycling capabilities with strategic directions of promoting a circular economy but also looks forward to growing a global consumer goods business with its tungsten-based battery technologies. Elaborating on this Craig emphasizes, “We want to implement more tungsten recycling facilities in Vietnam. We're going to bring the technology that we've got in Germany to Vietnam. By 2024, we will be doing a lot more recycling in Vietnam by manufacturing wastes into new materials. We want to expand our product line so we want to expand beyond tungsten, tank loan, niobium, cobalt. We want to expand into other powders, other carbides, and provide more options for customers in terms of value-added products. We will be partnering up with different companies in producing different battery materials.” “We have new products that we’re bringing to market, especially branded products, starting with the charge for batteries, footprint for 3D printing and additive manufacturing. Specifically, we target advanced materials for unique applications. These are new products that we have developed in our research and development hub in Germany and expected to go to market over the next two years. More and more, we are developing new products tailored to customer needs and we see that as a growing industry. MASAN HIGH-TECH MATERIALS TODAY HAS EXTENSIVE PLANS TO DEVELOP AND EXTEND BUSINESS BEYOND THE TUNGSTEN, FLUORSPAR, BISMUTH, COPPER, AND COBALT THAT IT DOES INTO OTHER MATERIALS.
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  • 20. We’re seeing strong demand in aerospace, we’re seeing strong demand in defence, we're seeing strong demand in mining construction, we're seeing strong demand in automotive, strong demand in renewables for our products. Global economies will go up and go down but as long as there's demand for our products, the future for our company is good.” MASAN HIGH-TECH ENVISIONS ITSELF TO BE A TOP-NOTCH CORPORATION THAT NOT ONLY EMPHASIZES ON ENHANCING RECYCLING CAPABILITIES WITH STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS OF PROMOTING A CIRCULAR ECONOMY.
  • 21. Cer ficate of “Top 100 Largest Public Companies in Vietnam” for Masan High-Tech Materials by Forbes Vietnam Cer ficate of “Top 500 Largest Enterprises in Vietnam” for Masan High-Tech Materials by Vietnam Report JSC Cer ficate for Nui Phao Mining to be “Top 100 Vietnam Golden Star Award 2018” by Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs Associa on Cer ficate of “Top 50 Excellent Enterprises in Vietnam” for Masan High-Tech Materials by Forbes Vietnam Cer ficate of “Top 50 Vietnam Best Growth” for Masan High-Tech Materials by Vietnam Report JSC Cer ficate of “Top 50 Sustainable Development Enterprises in Vietnam” for Masan High-Tech Materials by The Vietnam Business Council for Sustainable Development - Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VBCSD-VCCI) Comple on of the evalua on for Assured Responsible Mining of Tungsten against 2017 standards by The Ini a ve of Responsible Mining (RMI)
  • 23. The process of planning, implementing and controlling the flow of goods, services and information from suppliers to customers is known as supply chain management. It includes all activities related to obtaining raw materials and components, manufacturing, and delivering products to customers. Supply chain management operations can be divided into several categories like lean manufacturing, supply chain visibility, collaborative planning, sustainability, automation, and so much more. Let's dive in and learn more about tactics enhancing operations in supply management! Adopt a Demand Driven Planning Model on Real Time Demand The accurate prediction/contingency planning tools will ensure a complete picture and an effective response to risks such as supplier failure, natural disasters, etc. Companies then adjust their pricing and promotional strategies to shape demand effectively, move additional products quickly, drive revenue growth, and expand margins for a high-demand product with a limited market supply. Build an Adaptive and Agile Supply Chain Manufacturing facilities' second strategy was creating an adaptive and agile supply chain. Once executives understand how to shape demand and risk, they must adapt their supply chains to changing market opportunities and events. To ensure responsive agility to changing demand, manufacturing facilities must deploy dynamic planning capabilities and continuously oversee operations. Companies that used the old model fell behind during the recession, while companies that used continuous, dynamic supply chain adjustments to respond to potential market changes survived. Optimize Product Designs and Management to Accelerate Profitable Innovation One step ahead of the competition requires innovation, but innovation does not exist in a vacuum. Products must be manufactured at the correct cost, location and time to be successful. Decisions made early in the product development cycle can make or break the product. Supply, manufacturability and Inclusive Insights
  • 24. supply chain operations must all be optimized in designs. All actual costs must be captured and analyzed to maintain balance across your entire supply chain. Aligning Supply Chain with Business Goals One strategy that stood out was integrating the supply chain through sales and operations with corporate business planning. While sales and operations planning processes coordinate sales, manufacturing and distribution, there are still gaps in various companies' finance and operations. One method for filling these gaps is through integrated business planning, which involves a company's people, processes and technology. Eventually, this process will integrate financial strategic budgeting and forecasting systems with operations planning. Integrating Sustainability and Supply Chain Today, sustainability is a significant concern in modern manufacturing. Many studies have found that companies that strive for social and environmental sustainability gain a competitive advantage, particularly in production efficiency and employee attractiveness. Advanced Scheduling and Planning Software Due to customer demand for increased product mix and quick delivery, combined with downward cost pressures, advanced planning and scheduling (APS) software has become a must-have for modern-day manufacturing operations. APS can be quickly integrated with ERP/MRP software to fill gaps in planning, scheduling flexibility and accuracy where these systems fall short. Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) saves time while increasing agility in updating ever-changing priorities, production schedules, and inventory plans. Implementing Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) software will take your manufacturing operations to the next efficiency level, leveraging operational data already stored in your ERP. In a nutshell, Finally, supply chain management is a complex process that involves planning, implementing, and controlling the flow of goods, services, and information from suppliers to customers. Supply chain management aims to increase efficiency, lower costs and boost overall performance. It is critical to understand that supply chain management is a continuous process that necessitates regular monitoring, evaluation and adjustment. Because the market and technologies are constantly changing, businesses must be proactive in identifying potential changes and developing plans to adapt to them. - Shreyasi Shelke
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  • 26. ublic trust in government has been steadily eroding Psince early 2000. Today, only one in five Americans trust the government “To do the right thing just about always or most of the time.” And as trust in government continues to diminish, people are starting to turn to businesses to fill the gap, looking to them to focus on “doing good” as well as supporting them in difficult times. Patagonia, famed for its sustainable clothing and green ethos, recently announced that all of the business’s profits will go to organizations that are fighting the climate crisis. A bold move by the brand that has made its name as a supporter of the environment – in 2018, stating it was “In business to save our home planet.” That is the ultimate display of “Doing good.” But not all businesses are in the position to make such a bold move. So then, what is “Doing good” when it comes to business? How can companies define and quantify the impact of their business operations in terms of sustainability, all the while ensuring the future of their business in times of economic stress? The B Corp Playbook B Corps, for example, are already on a path that can support a business during a challenging period – a move away from the “boom and bust” model and a pivot towards one that is sustainable in every sense of the word for clients, partners, and employees. Driven by these certified B Corps (Such as aforementioned Patagonia), the B Economy focuses on the ‘triple-bottom-line’ of business, social and environmental sustainability. Sustainable growth lies at the heart of this ‘triple-bottom- line’ strategy, which focuses on achieving profitability while remaining cognizant of the needs of one’s own people – and humanity at large – as well as the environmental cost of doing business. As a bonus, such companies also find themselves more capable of navigating the turbulent waters brought on by negative macroeconomic factors. By their very nature, B Corps possess a business plan that can support the organization during challenging times – a significant difference from the ‘boom and bust’ model of yesteryear. B Corps possesses a rulebook that focuses on resilient, sustainable revenue streams, coupled with empathetic leadership and care for the planet. This, in turn, leads to greater confidence and trust from your team and a clear indication that you are looking to “Do good.” Building Resilience and Trust at Home It’s a well-established fact that your employees and people are your best ambassadors. It’s pointless setting about making an ESG (environmental, social, governance) rulebook if it doesn’t begin at home. This is especially so in tough economic times when people look to their employers for stability. For businesses, stability means maintaining resilient revenue streams and focusing on the ‘now’ to prepare for pressure on the bottom line. This means being super clear on what is important in the present while not losing sight of investment for the future. But alongside maintaining business stability and doing your best as an organization to offset the environmental impact of doing business, it is essential that you also look inwards to ensure your organization’s values are deeply embedded on a cultural level. This means your Corporate Social Responsibility must first and foremost begin with your own people. Measure your organization’s economic responsibility, which entails making financial decisions that prioritize doing good, not just making more money. It also means measuring jobs added, local hiring practices, and promotion structures. Also, try, insofar as possible, to align your business objectives with your people’s values. Keeping in mind the values of your people – and in turn, your
  • 27. Kelly Manthey Global CEO Kin + Carta organization – when taking on new business or projects demonstrates tangible convictions. Communication is key. And with that open and transparent communication comes trust. Rethinking Your Data Mindset Outside of aligning with people’s values, you need to ensure that you are making the ‘right decisions’ for your business. This is where better use of data can make all the difference, and there is no better time to invest in your data strategy. A coherent strategy can provide insights that dramatically reduce time to gather actionable insights and, as a result, make better, faster and fewer decisions as businesses. This strategy means treating data not as a project but as a product that is accessible, discernible and usable for everyone, no matter their discipline. In short, rethinking how your organization looks at the value of data and adopting a data-as-a-product (DaaP) mindset - making it available to anyone with a specific problem to solve. And by making this data and insight available to everyone, you are weaving end-to-end into the very fabric of your company culture. The Product Owners, who are creating these data lead products, are caring about the outcomes for all data users and carry a request through to the final product to achieve them. Before, this was just the domain of the data teams and the digital natives within businesses. Companies that cut innovation during a downturn will take longer to bounce back. But by the same token, not everybody can be a Patagonia. However, looking to “Do good” at a time of economical difficulty, businesses not only create a sense of trust amongst the workforce but also with customers. In turn, that will lead to loyalty and retention - bringing in vital revenue. It all comes down to creating the right culture, investing in the right technologies, and having transparent conversations. Get that right, and not only will you be able to navigate difficult economic waters, but do so while retaining the trust of your people.
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  • 30. T O P 5 High-tech Solu ons Transforming the Business Arena
  • 31. usiness transformation is called the process of Bmaking significant changes to a company's strategy, operations, organizational structure, or technology systems to improve efficiency, competitiveness, and overall performance. It can include streamlining processes, implementing new technologies, changing the company's business model, or entering new markets. Business transformation frequently entails a significant shift in how the company operates and can be a complex and challenging process that necessitates careful planning and execution. The use of advanced technology to solve complex problems or improve business operations is referred to as high-tech solutions. These solutions can take many different forms. Let's delve into it and learn more about high-tech solutions in the business world! Next-Gen Cell Phones Third-generation (3G) cell phone networks are rising all over the country. Current releases include on-demand video services that allow you to watch streaming video clips on your phone, built-in camcorders that record video, and still cameras to take photos. MP3 players to listen to music, mini-SD cards, Memory Sticks, or Multimedia Memory Cards to save and transfer data between devices. 3G Smartphones have mini keyboards to prevent thumb cramping during long text message sessions, run Windows Mobile OS, and can be Bluetooth or Wi-Fi enabled. GPS- enabled cell phones have also only recently become available. Use them to get directions while driving or to keep track of employees. Global Insights
  • 32. Work and Play The big news at the 2005 E3 trade show was the powerful capabilities of the next Xbox and PlayStation consoles, which will resemble home media computers rather than game devices. With flat-screen monitors that double as TVs and cell phones that double as PDAs and MP3 players, the convergence of technology for work and play may reach a tipping point in the coming years. And, while a music-playing cell phone may be helpful in traffic, one that plays MP3s of the latest business audiobook can also keep you informed. So don't dismiss the newest consumer devices as having no business potential; with a bit of imagination, you can combine business and fun. Inventory Gets Smart RFID is a technology that embeds tiny data-packed radio transceiver chips into various goods and containers. Like a talking bar code, an RFID chip can communicate with a scanner from several feet away and tell it far more than a printed label, even from inside an unopened carton. The technology has been around for decades, but it is only now that it is being used. RFID is already being used by the Department of Defense and Wal-Mart. Once pricing becomes more reasonable and some standards are established, the technology will spread to smaller retailers and businesses. Roaming with VoIP Consider not having to use your cell phone minutes when you're talking at home, at work, or near a Wi-Fi hotspot. Alternatively, if you have poor mobile coverage in the office (or at home), imagine walking into your office and having your phone automatically switch from the poor wireless connection to your VoIP network. VoIP-to-mobile service is the next big thing in phone service, and it could save entrepreneurs a lot of money. While some phone manufacturers have developed or are developing phones that can handle both wireless and VoIP calls, the reality of this service is not yet here because the technology is still growing, and providers must develop much infrastructure. The Wireless Way to Go Data travels through the air at the same rates as a T1 line with WiMax. It may not be in your town yet, and technically, it won't be anywhere until the WiMAX Forum begins certifying the interoperability of this type of transmission gear at the end of the year. However, pre- WiMAX services are already available at low cost in dozens of cities across the country. Both new and established wireless ISPs are upgrading to better wireless transmitters at a rate analysts predict will bring WiMAX to America's 50 largest cities and numerous rural areas by the end of the year. Customers don't buy access points in WiMAX so that they won't notice the watershed. However, standardization aims to reduce equipment costs, and those savings usually trickle down to customers in open markets. Ultimately, Thompson says, you'll pick up a small WiMAX modem at Best Buy or CompUSA for Wi-Fi prices, then choose from various service providers. To conclude, Manufacturing, healthcare, retail, logistics, finance, and other industries can all benefit from these solutions. However, implementing these solutions necessitates a significant investment in both money and time and a thorough understanding of the technology to ensure that they are implemented correctly and effectively. - Shreyasi Shelke