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     VIEW         October 11, 2012
                                     Vol. 1, No. 6

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Unless otherwise noted, all WorldView content is copyrighted by DigitalGlobe. Copyright © DigitalGlobe, Inc. 2012

                                                                                                      1             Kulluk begins drilling in the Arctic
                                                                                                                    Beaufort Sea, Alaska, U.S.

                                                                                                      2             Crack in Antarctic glacier continues to expand
                                                                                                                    Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica

                                                                                         3 3                        Peru to build new airport near Machu Picchu
                                                                                                                    Cuzco, Peru

                                                                                                      4             RAF Lossiemouth hosts tactical exercises
                                                                                                                    Lossiemouth, United Kingdom

                                                                                                      5             Restoration project at the Acropolis
                                                                                                                    Athens, Greece

                                                                                         5 6
                                                                                                                    Tension mounts along Turkey-Syria border
                                                                                                                    Akcakale, Turkey

                                                                                                      7             National Flag Square and Eurovision site
                                                                                                                    Baku, Azerbaijan

                                                                                                      8             Taj Mahal features symmetry, white marble
                                                                                                                    Agra, India

                                2                                                        7 9                        Activity at Sohae Satellite Launch Station
                                                                                                                    Tongch’ang-ni, North Korea

On the cover: Taj Mahal in Agra, India.

H                                                                                 Non-commercial, non-media use only
           B eaufor t S ea

                                                                                                    Drill ship Kulluk
      Support ship

                                                                Support ship

                                                                                                         Scale = .5 kilometers

Kulluk begins drilling in the Arctic
Beaufort Sea, Alaska, U.S., October 3, 2012
70°23’29”N, 145°58’53”W

On October 3, 2012, Shell Oil Co.’s conical drill ship, the            began drilling at the Burger prospect nearly 600 kilometers
Kulluk, began initial drilling approximately 28 kilometers             to the west in the Chukchi Sea earlier last month, though
off the northern coast of Alaska in the Beaufort Sea. The              drilling was temporarily suspended as a huge ice flow drift-
vessel, shown here beneath hazy clouds with two support                ed across the site. Shell received permission to drill pilot
ships, anchored two weeks ago in preparation for initial               holes in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas from the Bureau
work on the exploratory oil well. According to news reports,           of Safety and Environmental Enforcement and is drilling
the ship left Alaska’s Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Islands            a pilot hole 427 meters (1,400 feet) below the seafloor to
on August 20, 2012, and headed for its anchors, which had              check for obstructions and pockets of hydrocarbons. This
already been put in place. Shell waited six years for gov-             pilot hole will then be widened to add pipe and cement.
ernment approval to drill and then waited for the people of            Shell will also place a blowout preventer on the floor of the
Kaktovik, Alaska, to complete the bowhead whaling season.              Beaufort Sea to provide protection should future ice flows
This is the first time in two decades that two rigs have been          damage the platform. Drilling for oil and gas deposits is not
simultaneously drilling offshore in Alaska, according to               expected to start until next summer because of equipment
reports from Shell. Another drill ship, the Noble Discoverer,          delays and the impending Arctic winter.

H                                                   Non-commercial, non-media use only                                                 1

Pine Island Bay

                                                                                              Crack in glacier
           Ice debris

                                                                                                                 Scale = 5 kilometers

Crack in Antarctic glacier continues to expand
Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica, September 30, 2012
75°05’17”S, 101°35’20”W

This image shows Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf               60 meters deep. The Pine Island Glacier is a major ice stream
where a crack, which formed on the opposite side of the                   flowing west-northwest into Pine Island Bay and then on to
glacier last fall, is now within one kilometer of reaching the            the Amundsen Sea. The Pine Island Glacier Basin accounts
shelf ’s edge. When it does, a chunk of ice that is 800 square            for 10 percent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and contributes
kilometers, or nine times the size of Manhattan Island, will              more ice to the sea than any other ice drainage basin in the
break off the glacier. These events are normal phenomena,                 world, according to reports. Some scientists believe the weak-
but this crack formed further inland than previous ones,                  ening ice shelves are a result of warm water melting their un-
indicating that the glacier is retreating, according to glaci-            dersides. Satellite imagery has helped identify changes in the
ologist Ian Howat with the Byrd Polar Research Center. The                glacier, but more research is needed to determine the nature
crack extends for 30 kilometers and is 80 meters wide and                 of the processes occurring under the ice.

H                                                      Non-commercial, non-media use only                                                   2
  Approximately 75 kilometers to Cuzco                                                                   Tourist entrance

                                                Royal Palace

                                                                                                                              Temple of the Sun
                                           Agricultural terraces

                         The Sacred Rock

                                                                                                     Scale = .25 kilometers

Peru to build new airport near Machu Picchu
Cuzco, Peru, September 30, 2012
13°09’52”S, 72°32’45”W

Machu Picchu, one of the world’s most important archaeo-                          flights because of its location in the mountains. President
logical sites, might soon be attracting more visitors with the                    Humala said the new airport, which will be farther from the
help of a new airport. News outlets recently reported that                        mountains, will allow more tourists to visit and create jobs for
Peru President Ollanta Humala has announced plans to build                        the local economy. Some are concerned, however, about the
a USD $460 million international airport near the southern                        effect this will have on the UNESCO World Heritage Site and
city of Cuzco to increase tourism to Machu Picchu and the                         its surrounding environment. This image shows agricultural
surrounding areas. Built by the Incas in the 15th century,                        terraces on the west side of Machu Picchu as well as temples,
Machu Picchu is located on a mountain ridge above the                             homes, plazas and palaces within the perimeter. The hous-
Urubamba Valley approximately 75 kilometers northwest of                          es are notable for their stone construction; the stones were
Cuzco. The easiest way to get to Machu Picchu from Cuzco                          polished and so intricately placed together that no mortar
is by train. The existing airport is insufficient for the major-                  was needed to secure them. The original roofs, which were
ity of incoming tourists; it offers limited daytime flights and                   made of thatch, have long since disappeared, leaving their tall
cannot handle the large aircraft associated with international                    gables to dominate the skyline.

H                                                              Non-commercial, non-media use only                                                     3
  Tornado GR4 combat fighters

                                                                                              Typhoon multi-role fighters

                                                                                                           Scale = 1 kilometer

RAF Lossiemouth hosts tactical exercises
Lossiemouth, United Kingdom, October 4, 2012
57°42’32”N, 03°20’07”W

RAF Lossiemouth, the most active air station in the Royal                includes participants of land, air and sea units from the U.K.,
Air Force (RAF), is in the midst of an especially busy training          U.S., France, Canada, Holland, Belgium, Estonia, Norway
period. The air station is an ideal training location for RAF            and Sweden. JTEPS uses the coast of Scotland as the location
pilots, as it enjoys some of the best weather of any airfield            to test tactical combat and piracy kidnapping scenarios. RAF
in the U.K. Both the 51 Squadron and the 2622 Auxilia-                   Lossiemouth is contributing Tornado GR4 combat fighters
ry Squadron are based here under the 5 Force Protection                  and hosting Typhoon multi-role fighters to support this
Wing headquarters. RAF Lossiemouth, seen in this satellite               exercise. The air station is also hosting the Combined Weap-
image from October 4, 2012, is supporting “Joint Warrior,”               ons Instructor Course (CQWI). NATO and RAF pilots are
a large tactical exercise to help integrate and prepare forces           participating in this course to better prepare them to handle
for possible joint exercises. “Joint Warrior” was designed by            real-world scenarios and ensure that mixed assets are used
the U.K.’s Joint Tactical Exercise Planning Staff (JTEPS) and            efficiently in the future.

H                                                     Non-commercial, non-media use only                                                   4
                       Old Temple of Athena




                                                                                                Scale = .25 kilometers

Restoration project at the Acropolis
Athens, Greece, October 2, 2012
37°58’16”N, 23°43’37”E

The UNESCO World Heritage Site the Acropolis, seen in                        and Kallikrates built the temple from the finest marble from
this image, was constructed by the Ancient Greeks. The                       Mount Pentelicus. Since then, the temple has been used as a
Persians nearly destroyed the Acropolis, which had been a                    Christian church and then a mosque. In 1687, it was used for
military, political and religious sanctuary since Mycenae-                   munitions storage and took a direct hit when the Venetians
an times, but an allied Greek fleet won a decisive battle off                attacked the Ottomans occupying Greece, which resulted in
the island of Salamis in 480 B.C.E., ushering in a period of                 a massive explosion. Other buildings on the Acropolis are
relative peace. The Greeks had defeated the Persians on land                 located based on the particular qualities of the site. These
and sea by 479 B.C.E. The four buildings erected after that                  buildings include the Propylaea, the Old Temple of Athena
time opened a new period in Greek architecture known as                      and the Erechtheion. Today, the greatest threat to the site is
the Classical Period (479-323 B.C.E.). The largest and most                  heavy atmospheric pollution, which creates a black crust or
famous of these four buildings is the Parthenon, a temple                    coating on the surfaces of the site’s buildings. A restoration
to Athena, patron goddess of the city. The architects Iktinos                project, which started in 1975, is nearing completion.

H                                                         Non-commercial, non-media use only                                                  5
                                                  Syria border control point

                                                                     Border crossing

                               Sy r i a                                                                                                      Akcakal e

                                                                                                Turkey border control point

                                                                                Turke y

    Probable ACV-IFVs with Sharpshooter turrets

                                                                                                                     Scale = .5 kilometers

Tension mounts along Turkey-Syria border
Akcakale, Turkey, October 4, 2012
36°42’29”N, 38°57’36”E

The situation along the Turkey-Syria border remains tense                     satellite image collected on October 4, 2012. Turkey has
as mortar rounds continue to be launched from Syria into                      responded by returning fire across the border for each
Turkey. For six days in a row, mortars had been launched                      mortar attack. According to reports, Turkey President
near the Akcakale border crossing; in the initial instance,                   Abdullah Gül said worst-case scenarios were playing out
the mortar attack killed five Turkish residents. In response,                 in Syria, and Turkey would do everything necessary to
Turkey has moved military units and equipment in Ak-                          protect itself. Turkey authorized further cross-border mili-
cakale, including the two probable ACV-IFVs (infantry                         tary operations if necessary, but stopped short of declaring
fighting vehicles) with Sharpshooter turrets seen on this                     war against Syria.

H                                                          Non-commercial, non-media use only                                                            6
                                                                                             Baku Crystal Hall

    B aku B ay

                                                                                                                              National Flag Square
                                                                                                                                  and museum

                                                                                                                 Scale = .25 kilometers

National Flag Square and Eurovision site
Baku, Azerbaijan, September 27, 2012
40°20’38”N, 49°50’50”E

Located on the Caspian Sea, the city of Baku dates back to                 The site’s 162-meter flagpole was the world’s tallest until
the first century and now houses approximately 25 percent                  the 165-meter Dushanbe Flagpole in Tajikistan was built in
of Azerbaijan’s population. The name “Baku” is thought to                  2011. American designer David Chambers designed both
be derived from the old Persian name Bād-kube, meaning                     flagpoles. National Flag Square’s flag measures 70 meters
“wind-pounded city.” In 1813, Persia signed the Treaty of                  by 35 meters and is the third to fly at this site; high winds
Gulistan, ceding Baku and most of the Caucasus to Russia.                  in the area destroyed the first flag and its replacement. This
Azerbaijan remained under subsequent Soviet control until                  image also shows Baku Crystal Hall, which was completed
it gained independence in 1991. Baku is now one of the                     in April 2012. The indoor arena can hold 25,000 specta-
world’s most polluted cities as a result of its legacy as a Sovi-          tors and hosted the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest in May.
et industrial center. This image shows National Flag Square,               On October 6, 2012, pop singer Rihanna performed at the
which opened September 1, 2010, and the accompanying                       arena to celebrate the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup in a
museum on the southwestern side of the city near Baku Bay.                 concert financed by the Azerbaijan state oil firm SOCAR.

H                                                       Non-commercial, non-media use only                                                           7

          Yamuna R iv e r

                                                                                                                  Guest house


                                                                                         Scale = .25 kilometers

 Taj Mahal features symmetry, white marble
 Agra, India, October 2, 2012
 27°10’30”N, 78°02’32”E

This image features the Taj Mahal, located along the banks             polished marble that makes up its exterior. Visitors enter
of the Yamuna River in Agra, India. Shah Jahan, who ruled              the tomb from the south through the main gate. The guest
the Mughal Empire from 1628-58, built the structure as a               house and mosque on either side were intentionally left
tomb for his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, over a period of more                 a different color than that of the tomb. The grounds also
than 22 years. Designed by the architects Ahmad La-                    feature a square garden that is cut into four sections by a
hauri, Abd al-karim Ma’mur Khan and Makramat Khan,                     central dividing canal. These four sections were once home
the Taj Mahal features bilateral symmetry, cusped arches               to flowering trees, cypresses and blooming plants, which
and white marble and is one of the world’s most famous                 represented rebirth and immortality. In 1983, the Taj
buildings. The structure’s architectural attributes feature            Mahal became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. An exact
styles from India, Persia and central Asia. The monument               replica is scheduled to be built in Dubai in the near future,
appears a brilliant white color on this image because of the           according to news reports.

H                                                   Non-commercial, non-media use only                                                 8
                                                                                          Construction crane

        Vertical engine test stand

                                                                                                               Scale = .25 kilometers

Activity at Sohae Satellite Launch Station
Tongch’ang-ni, North Korea, September 28, 2012
39°39’12”N, 124°42’52”E

Since the failed launch of the U’nha 3 space launch vehi-               to test both Nodong and Taepodong/U’nha-class rocket
cle in April 2012, activity at North Korea’s Sohae Satellite            engines. Such tests are important for improving engine
Launch Station (a.k.a., Tongch’ang-ni Launch Facility) has              reliability, verifying modifications and developing new
dramatically slowed—but not abated. The more notable                    engines. In the past, engine tests here and at North Korea’s
activities observed in the past six months include the par-             other launch facility—the Tonghae Satellite Launch Station
tial razing of the worker’s village at Kwi-gol, completion of           (a.k.a., Musudan-ni Launch Facility)—have been inter-
support buildings, removal of telemetry equipment, con-                 spersed between test launches of Paektu-san and U’nha
struction of retaining ponds and more. Actual missile-re-               space launch vehicles. The activity seen in this image could
lated activities, however, have been limited until recently.            reasonable be associated with one of three possibilities: 1)
In this September 28, 2012 image, a heavy construction                  routine maintenance, although this signature has not been
crane is seen on the ramp of the facility’s vertical engine             observed before, 2) modification of the vertical engine test
test stand. North Korea has reportedly used this test stand             stand, or 3) preparations for an upcoming engine test.

H                                                    Non-commercial, non-media use only                                                 9
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impact their organizations. Our team of professional                               provide early insights into the business, market, military,
imagery, geospatial and open source research analysts                              environmental and political changes that impact people
are backed by direct access to the entire DigitalGlobe                             around the world.
satellite imagery constellation, including the industry-                           Images in WorldView may be color-corrected for the
leading ImageLibrary, which holds more than 2.7 billion                            purpose of publication.

                   Questions or comments concerning WorldView can be sent to
                              Katelyn Amen, Publishing Editor,
                         Joseph S. Bermudez Jr., Senior Analyst,

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World view october_11_2012

  • 1. WORLD VIEW October 11, 2012 Vol. 1, No. 6 Non-commercial, non-media use only H
  • 2. 1 4 7 9 5 6 8 3 2 Unless otherwise noted, all WorldView content is copyrighted by DigitalGlobe. Copyright © DigitalGlobe, Inc. 2012 CONTENTS 1 Kulluk begins drilling in the Arctic Beaufort Sea, Alaska, U.S. 2 Crack in Antarctic glacier continues to expand Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica 3 3 Peru to build new airport near Machu Picchu Cuzco, Peru 4 RAF Lossiemouth hosts tactical exercises Lossiemouth, United Kingdom 5 Restoration project at the Acropolis Athens, Greece 5 6 Tension mounts along Turkey-Syria border Akcakale, Turkey 7 National Flag Square and Eurovision site Baku, Azerbaijan 8 Taj Mahal features symmetry, white marble Agra, India 2 7 9 Activity at Sohae Satellite Launch Station Tongch’ang-ni, North Korea On the cover: Taj Mahal in Agra, India. H Non-commercial, non-media use only
  • 3. N B eaufor t S ea Drill ship Kulluk Support ship Support ship Scale = .5 kilometers Kulluk begins drilling in the Arctic Beaufort Sea, Alaska, U.S., October 3, 2012 70°23’29”N, 145°58’53”W On October 3, 2012, Shell Oil Co.’s conical drill ship, the began drilling at the Burger prospect nearly 600 kilometers Kulluk, began initial drilling approximately 28 kilometers to the west in the Chukchi Sea earlier last month, though off the northern coast of Alaska in the Beaufort Sea. The drilling was temporarily suspended as a huge ice flow drift- vessel, shown here beneath hazy clouds with two support ed across the site. Shell received permission to drill pilot ships, anchored two weeks ago in preparation for initial holes in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas from the Bureau work on the exploratory oil well. According to news reports, of Safety and Environmental Enforcement and is drilling the ship left Alaska’s Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Islands a pilot hole 427 meters (1,400 feet) below the seafloor to on August 20, 2012, and headed for its anchors, which had check for obstructions and pockets of hydrocarbons. This already been put in place. Shell waited six years for gov- pilot hole will then be widened to add pipe and cement. ernment approval to drill and then waited for the people of Shell will also place a blowout preventer on the floor of the Kaktovik, Alaska, to complete the bowhead whaling season. Beaufort Sea to provide protection should future ice flows This is the first time in two decades that two rigs have been damage the platform. Drilling for oil and gas deposits is not simultaneously drilling offshore in Alaska, according to expected to start until next summer because of equipment reports from Shell. Another drill ship, the Noble Discoverer, delays and the impending Arctic winter. H Non-commercial, non-media use only 1
  • 4. N Pine Island Bay Crack in glacier Ice debris Scale = 5 kilometers Crack in Antarctic glacier continues to expand Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica, September 30, 2012 75°05’17”S, 101°35’20”W This image shows Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf 60 meters deep. The Pine Island Glacier is a major ice stream where a crack, which formed on the opposite side of the flowing west-northwest into Pine Island Bay and then on to glacier last fall, is now within one kilometer of reaching the the Amundsen Sea. The Pine Island Glacier Basin accounts shelf ’s edge. When it does, a chunk of ice that is 800 square for 10 percent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and contributes kilometers, or nine times the size of Manhattan Island, will more ice to the sea than any other ice drainage basin in the break off the glacier. These events are normal phenomena, world, according to reports. Some scientists believe the weak- but this crack formed further inland than previous ones, ening ice shelves are a result of warm water melting their un- indicating that the glacier is retreating, according to glaci- dersides. Satellite imagery has helped identify changes in the ologist Ian Howat with the Byrd Polar Research Center. The glacier, but more research is needed to determine the nature crack extends for 30 kilometers and is 80 meters wide and of the processes occurring under the ice. H Non-commercial, non-media use only 2
  • 5. N Approximately 75 kilometers to Cuzco Tourist entrance Royal Palace Temple of the Sun Agricultural terraces The Sacred Rock Scale = .25 kilometers Peru to build new airport near Machu Picchu Cuzco, Peru, September 30, 2012 13°09’52”S, 72°32’45”W Machu Picchu, one of the world’s most important archaeo- flights because of its location in the mountains. President logical sites, might soon be attracting more visitors with the Humala said the new airport, which will be farther from the help of a new airport. News outlets recently reported that mountains, will allow more tourists to visit and create jobs for Peru President Ollanta Humala has announced plans to build the local economy. Some are concerned, however, about the a USD $460 million international airport near the southern effect this will have on the UNESCO World Heritage Site and city of Cuzco to increase tourism to Machu Picchu and the its surrounding environment. This image shows agricultural surrounding areas. Built by the Incas in the 15th century, terraces on the west side of Machu Picchu as well as temples, Machu Picchu is located on a mountain ridge above the homes, plazas and palaces within the perimeter. The hous- Urubamba Valley approximately 75 kilometers northwest of es are notable for their stone construction; the stones were Cuzco. The easiest way to get to Machu Picchu from Cuzco polished and so intricately placed together that no mortar is by train. The existing airport is insufficient for the major- was needed to secure them. The original roofs, which were ity of incoming tourists; it offers limited daytime flights and made of thatch, have long since disappeared, leaving their tall cannot handle the large aircraft associated with international gables to dominate the skyline. H Non-commercial, non-media use only 3
  • 6. N Tornado GR4 combat fighters Typhoon multi-role fighters Scale = 1 kilometer RAF Lossiemouth hosts tactical exercises Lossiemouth, United Kingdom, October 4, 2012 57°42’32”N, 03°20’07”W RAF Lossiemouth, the most active air station in the Royal includes participants of land, air and sea units from the U.K., Air Force (RAF), is in the midst of an especially busy training U.S., France, Canada, Holland, Belgium, Estonia, Norway period. The air station is an ideal training location for RAF and Sweden. JTEPS uses the coast of Scotland as the location pilots, as it enjoys some of the best weather of any airfield to test tactical combat and piracy kidnapping scenarios. RAF in the U.K. Both the 51 Squadron and the 2622 Auxilia- Lossiemouth is contributing Tornado GR4 combat fighters ry Squadron are based here under the 5 Force Protection and hosting Typhoon multi-role fighters to support this Wing headquarters. RAF Lossiemouth, seen in this satellite exercise. The air station is also hosting the Combined Weap- image from October 4, 2012, is supporting “Joint Warrior,” ons Instructor Course (CQWI). NATO and RAF pilots are a large tactical exercise to help integrate and prepare forces participating in this course to better prepare them to handle for possible joint exercises. “Joint Warrior” was designed by real-world scenarios and ensure that mixed assets are used the U.K.’s Joint Tactical Exercise Planning Staff (JTEPS) and efficiently in the future. H Non-commercial, non-media use only 4
  • 7. N Old Temple of Athena Parthenon Erechtheion Propylaea Scale = .25 kilometers Restoration project at the Acropolis Athens, Greece, October 2, 2012 37°58’16”N, 23°43’37”E The UNESCO World Heritage Site the Acropolis, seen in and Kallikrates built the temple from the finest marble from this image, was constructed by the Ancient Greeks. The Mount Pentelicus. Since then, the temple has been used as a Persians nearly destroyed the Acropolis, which had been a Christian church and then a mosque. In 1687, it was used for military, political and religious sanctuary since Mycenae- munitions storage and took a direct hit when the Venetians an times, but an allied Greek fleet won a decisive battle off attacked the Ottomans occupying Greece, which resulted in the island of Salamis in 480 B.C.E., ushering in a period of a massive explosion. Other buildings on the Acropolis are relative peace. The Greeks had defeated the Persians on land located based on the particular qualities of the site. These and sea by 479 B.C.E. The four buildings erected after that buildings include the Propylaea, the Old Temple of Athena time opened a new period in Greek architecture known as and the Erechtheion. Today, the greatest threat to the site is the Classical Period (479-323 B.C.E.). The largest and most heavy atmospheric pollution, which creates a black crust or famous of these four buildings is the Parthenon, a temple coating on the surfaces of the site’s buildings. A restoration to Athena, patron goddess of the city. The architects Iktinos project, which started in 1975, is nearing completion. H Non-commercial, non-media use only 5
  • 8. N Syria border control point Border crossing Sy r i a Akcakal e Turkey border control point Turke y Probable ACV-IFVs with Sharpshooter turrets Scale = .5 kilometers Tension mounts along Turkey-Syria border Akcakale, Turkey, October 4, 2012 36°42’29”N, 38°57’36”E The situation along the Turkey-Syria border remains tense satellite image collected on October 4, 2012. Turkey has as mortar rounds continue to be launched from Syria into responded by returning fire across the border for each Turkey. For six days in a row, mortars had been launched mortar attack. According to reports, Turkey President near the Akcakale border crossing; in the initial instance, Abdullah Gül said worst-case scenarios were playing out the mortar attack killed five Turkish residents. In response, in Syria, and Turkey would do everything necessary to Turkey has moved military units and equipment in Ak- protect itself. Turkey authorized further cross-border mili- cakale, including the two probable ACV-IFVs (infantry tary operations if necessary, but stopped short of declaring fighting vehicles) with Sharpshooter turrets seen on this war against Syria. H Non-commercial, non-media use only 6
  • 9. N Baku Crystal Hall B aku B ay National Flag Square and museum Scale = .25 kilometers National Flag Square and Eurovision site Baku, Azerbaijan, September 27, 2012 40°20’38”N, 49°50’50”E Located on the Caspian Sea, the city of Baku dates back to The site’s 162-meter flagpole was the world’s tallest until the first century and now houses approximately 25 percent the 165-meter Dushanbe Flagpole in Tajikistan was built in of Azerbaijan’s population. The name “Baku” is thought to 2011. American designer David Chambers designed both be derived from the old Persian name Bād-kube, meaning flagpoles. National Flag Square’s flag measures 70 meters “wind-pounded city.” In 1813, Persia signed the Treaty of by 35 meters and is the third to fly at this site; high winds Gulistan, ceding Baku and most of the Caucasus to Russia. in the area destroyed the first flag and its replacement. This Azerbaijan remained under subsequent Soviet control until image also shows Baku Crystal Hall, which was completed it gained independence in 1991. Baku is now one of the in April 2012. The indoor arena can hold 25,000 specta- world’s most polluted cities as a result of its legacy as a Sovi- tors and hosted the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest in May. et industrial center. This image shows National Flag Square, On October 6, 2012, pop singer Rihanna performed at the which opened September 1, 2010, and the accompanying arena to celebrate the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup in a museum on the southwestern side of the city near Baku Bay. concert financed by the Azerbaijan state oil firm SOCAR. H Non-commercial, non-media use only 7
  • 10. N Yamuna R iv e r Tomb Guest house Mosque Scale = .25 kilometers Taj Mahal features symmetry, white marble Agra, India, October 2, 2012 27°10’30”N, 78°02’32”E This image features the Taj Mahal, located along the banks polished marble that makes up its exterior. Visitors enter of the Yamuna River in Agra, India. Shah Jahan, who ruled the tomb from the south through the main gate. The guest the Mughal Empire from 1628-58, built the structure as a house and mosque on either side were intentionally left tomb for his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, over a period of more a different color than that of the tomb. The grounds also than 22 years. Designed by the architects Ahmad La- feature a square garden that is cut into four sections by a hauri, Abd al-karim Ma’mur Khan and Makramat Khan, central dividing canal. These four sections were once home the Taj Mahal features bilateral symmetry, cusped arches to flowering trees, cypresses and blooming plants, which and white marble and is one of the world’s most famous represented rebirth and immortality. In 1983, the Taj buildings. The structure’s architectural attributes feature Mahal became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. An exact styles from India, Persia and central Asia. The monument replica is scheduled to be built in Dubai in the near future, appears a brilliant white color on this image because of the according to news reports. H Non-commercial, non-media use only 8
  • 11. N Construction crane Vertical engine test stand Scale = .25 kilometers Activity at Sohae Satellite Launch Station Tongch’ang-ni, North Korea, September 28, 2012 39°39’12”N, 124°42’52”E Since the failed launch of the U’nha 3 space launch vehi- to test both Nodong and Taepodong/U’nha-class rocket cle in April 2012, activity at North Korea’s Sohae Satellite engines. Such tests are important for improving engine Launch Station (a.k.a., Tongch’ang-ni Launch Facility) has reliability, verifying modifications and developing new dramatically slowed—but not abated. The more notable engines. In the past, engine tests here and at North Korea’s activities observed in the past six months include the par- other launch facility—the Tonghae Satellite Launch Station tial razing of the worker’s village at Kwi-gol, completion of (a.k.a., Musudan-ni Launch Facility)—have been inter- support buildings, removal of telemetry equipment, con- spersed between test launches of Paektu-san and U’nha struction of retaining ponds and more. Actual missile-re- space launch vehicles. The activity seen in this image could lated activities, however, have been limited until recently. reasonable be associated with one of three possibilities: 1) In this September 28, 2012 image, a heavy construction routine maintenance, although this signature has not been crane is seen on the ramp of the facility’s vertical engine observed before, 2) modification of the vertical engine test test stand. North Korea has reportedly used this test stand stand, or 3) preparations for an upcoming engine test. H Non-commercial, non-media use only 9
  • 12. ABOUT THE ANALYSIS CENTER DigitalGlobe’s Analysis Center helps customers by square kilometers of sub-meter resolution imagery. The focusing on what’s most important—changes that directly Analysis Center keeps a constant eye on the world to impact their organizations. Our team of professional provide early insights into the business, market, military, imagery, geospatial and open source research analysts environmental and political changes that impact people are backed by direct access to the entire DigitalGlobe around the world. satellite imagery constellation, including the industry- Images in WorldView may be color-corrected for the leading ImageLibrary, which holds more than 2.7 billion purpose of publication. Questions or comments concerning WorldView can be sent to Katelyn Amen, Publishing Editor, Joseph S. Bermudez Jr., Senior Analyst, DigitalGlobe’s WorldView is for non-commercial, non-media use only. If you would like to use the images or reports for media or commercial use, purchase the individual images or the entire report here. Indemnity: You will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless DigitalGlobe the Product for any purpose; (2) Your actual or alleged breach of any pro- and its subsidiaries, affiliates and subcontractors, and their respective vision of this Agreement; or (3) damage to property or injury to or death of owners, officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any and any person directly or indirectly caused by You. DigitalGlobe will provide all direct or indirect claims, damages, losses, liabilities, expenses, and costs You with notice of any such claim or allegation, and DigitalGlobe has the (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising from or out of: (1) Your use of right to participate in the defense of any such claim at its expense.