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Daatty coin
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HIGH TRANSACTION  SETTLEMENT TIME -------------------------- 9
HIGH TRANSACTION FEE --------------------------------------------------- 11
POLITICAL RISK ----------------------------------------------------------------- 13
WEALTH DISTRIBUTION ---------------------------------------------------- 15
MARKET  ANALYSIS ----------------------------------------------------------- 16
DAATTYCOIN --------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
PAYMENT SYSTEM ------------------------------------------------------------- 31
1. INTRODUCTION----------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2. PROBLEM STATEMENT------------------------------------------------------- 7
3. THE SOLUTION ------------------------------------------------------------------ 16
4. DAATTYCOIN DECENTRALIZED PROJECTS -------------------------- 27
DIGITAL SHOPPING --------------------------------------------------------- 33
INTERNET ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35
SEARCH ENGINE -------------------------------------------------------------- 37
CLOUD STORAGE ------------------------------------------------------------- 40
FREELANCE PLATFORM ---------------------------------------------------- 43
LEARNING APP ---------------------------------------------------------------- 45
MESSENGER --------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
VIDEO CONFERENCING APP --------------------------------------------- 49
ON DEMAND MULTIPLE SERVICES ------------------------------------ 51
SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKING ------------------------------------------ 53
BOOKING & RENTAL -------------------------------------------------------- 55
SOFTWARE SOLUTION ----------------------------------------------------- 57
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES APP ----------------------------------------- 59
REFERRAL AND REWARD PROGRAM --------------------------------- 61
DTC DEMAND AND VALUE ------------------------------------------------ 62
DAATTYCOIN ECO-SYSTEM ----------------------------------------------- 64
DAATTY TOKEN DISTRIBUTION ---------------------------------------- 66
PRIVATE SALE PHASE AND USE OF FUNDS ------------------------ 67
DTC ICO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
THE PARTNERSHIPS ---------------------------------------------------------- 74
5. USE-CASES OF DAATTY COIN -------------------------------------------- 61
6. TECHNOLOGY ------------------------------------------------------------------ 63
7. DAATTYCOIN ECONOMICS ----------------------------------------------- 65
8. ROAD-MAP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 76
9.TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS ------------------------------------------------- 77
Blockchain-powered digital currencies, or cryptocurrencies,
hold the massive potential to disrupt the financial market.
5Blockchain Machine Learning
They can be issued and used without the involvement of a
central bank or other traditional financial institutions.
Therefore, Blockchain has shown great promise of utility for
multiple applications, across many fields.
All fiat money in circulation today is owned by the central
and commercial banks, except for cash that is in the hands of
individuals. The bank holds a liability to the depositor but can
utilize the depositor´s money to give to another individual as
a loan. With cryptocurrencies, funds are owned by individuals
who hold the keys-it is a fundamental difference between
crypto and conventional banking. The technology that
fortifies cryptocurrencies, the distributed consensus ledger
(DCL), revolutionizes crypto transactions.
It provides comprehensive and secure transaction
records without utilizing a central registry. This forges
the path for peer-to-peer transactions, making third
party functions redundant.
02.Problem Statement
There is an emerging need for cryptocurrencies,
nonetheless, cryptocurrencies are only at 0.5% adoption
globally. A strategically designed cryptocurrency that can
scale and maximize value for the world represents a
welcomed alternative at this moment in time. The current
monetary system, driven by fiat currency, is played by
serious problems like time-consuming and expensive
transactions, limited accessibility to the national
currency,money-laundering, and more. The following points
elaborate on the problems with fiat currency.
High Transaction Settlement Time
As with fiat currency, domestic and international money
transfer takes days or even weeks to go through.
Specifically for international transactions, every cross-border
transaction has to traverse through correspondent banks
responsible for managing activities like receiving and collating
payment messages before re-transmitting confirmation or
denial to respective banks. This increases the settlement of
A delay in transactions means a delay in the shipping of orders
that can cost companies millions in lost revenue and
Conventional banks charge somewhere between 0.5 and 5
percent to transfer money. Apart from this, banks also charge
an additional one-off fee for transactions and offer worse than
the market exchange rate for cross-border transactions.
Current Banking System
Transaction fee is very high
Sender Receiver
High Transaction Fees
Businesses are losing
between 1 and 5 percent of
potential earnings only on
transfer fees. This elevates
the prices of products for
consumers and reduces
wages as businesses try hard
to cut costs to make a profit
A major problem with fiat currencies is hyperinflation.
Hyperinflation occurs when the price of goods increases by
over 50 percent a month.
Political Risk
As the governments control fiat currency, they can print as
much new money as they like which devalues the money
in circulation. In the cryptocurrency space, users are
wholly responsible for their coins, wallets, accounts, and
general online safety. When funds become inaccessible,
get hacked, or are transferred to an incorrect wallet, there
is no safety net of a help desk number to fall back on.
There are a several problems to overcome for crypto-
currencies to be adopted as a mass currency for
exchanging value, and Daatty Coin is working towards
solving these problems.
Arbitrarily increasing the quantity of currency in an
economy harms the distribution of money and, thus
redistributes purchasing power, stealing wealth from the
majority, such as wage workers and savers, to serve the
interests of a privileged minority.
Redistribution of wealth leads to a net loss of wealth to
society. Government deficit spending, which should
otherwise be motivated by good intentions, alters the
quantity of currency in circulation and results in currency
Wealth Redistribution
3.1 Cryptocurrency Industry Overview
The introduction of the world’s first successful
cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, by Satoshi Nakamoto was
nothing short of a revolution that disrupted the
Money Market for good. Bitcoin is based on blockchain
technology which provides a completely new way for
storing and sending digital money without having to
rely on a third-party like a bank.
It also removes the Centralization problem of the
banking system as the blockchain network is
decentralized in nature. The blockchain is a
decentralized network where the money ledger or
database is not stored with a central entity but
distributed among thousands of the users of the
network. Each user in the network has a copy of
the ledger, which makes it impossible for any
unauthorized or single party to modify the ledger information
without proper permission.
The success of Bitcoin prompted several
other blockchains and cryptocurrencies
that were all loosely based on the same
concept to facilitate more secure and faster
transactions around the globe - but had
different applications. The world is now
eagerly accepting the digital currency as
the common way of making payments. Our
cryptocurrency – Daatty Coin
(DTC) - is a part of the same revolution.
Daatty Coin (DTC) is a new, revolutionary cryptocurrency
that is somewhat based on the similar concept as of
Bitcoin, i.e., to make it easier for people to perform global
financial transactions, however, there are some unique
features and facilities that make Daatty Coin (DTC) much
better and superior to any existing digital payment
solution. Along with a cryptocurrency, we will be offering a
decentralized multi-platform such as  Daatty Coin wallet,
trading platform, point of sale platform, and more, to
effectively replace fiat currency while empowering users to
harness the power of crypto in all types of transactions-
from trade finance to international payment remittance to
trading. 20
3.2 Daatty Coin
Daatty Coin is an ERC20 token that can be
bought in exchange for Bitcoin (BTC) and
Ethereum (ETH). The sale of Daatty Coin will be
carried out through an Initial Coin offering (ICO),
which will be carried out in two phases, Public
sale and Private sale. While Private sale will be
for the Team and Advisors, The Public sale will
allow anyone across the globe to participate in
the sale and buy Daatty Coin.
Designed on Ethereum blockchain, Daatty Coin will
allow for accelerated transactions and lower
transaction fees. Daatty Coin will
play a chief role in driving
transactions on all Daatty Coin
decentralized platforms.
Daatty Coin will also be the
backbone of the Daatty Coin
referral and reward
People trust our Brand
Strong networking behind the
Utility behind our coin is 24/7
We believe time will come when the entire projects will be
available and everyone will start using our platforms
Our global exchange will push the price of Daatty Coin
Why Invest in Daatty Coin?
We are the first coin to implement a decentralized platform for all
Daatty Coin offers a safe environment using high-level blockchain
security and privacy protection with ultra-fast transfer and
lowest fees for transactions.
Besides integrating all the advanced features of blockchain
technologies and cryptocurrencies, Daatty offers some
unique features that no other crypto project has. Daatty has
been introduced as a multidimensional, independent public
blockchain platform that will be easily accessible to
individuals and small, medium, and large organizations so
that the platform, as well as its native cryptocurrency
Daatty, can effectively appeal to masses and be usable in a
diverse range of industries. Most of the existing coins,
including Bitcoin and Ethereum, are limited in usability
because of their restrictive nature.
Daatty, on the other hand, is a
feature-rich, user-oriented, and
exchangeable cryptocurrency
that will benefit the following
types of investors:
As for the reasons to invest in
Daatty Coin, there are many
which we have already
explained in the Referral and
Reward of this Whitepaper.
Rest assured, investors will get
a huge return value of their
investments in Daatty Coin.
04. Daatty Coin
The sharing economy has redefined how the world does
business millions of people all over the world are contributing
their time skills and resources into this new economy uber
drivers are replacing taxi drivers. Airbnb hosts are competing
with hotel chains and freelance contractors are displacing full-
time workers and buyers are finding they prefer products and
services from individual suppliers rather than from large
faceless corporate entities yet even in the sharing economy
there are still unnecessary middlemen companies like Lyft,
Postmates and Fiverr are centralized companies that control
user identity and transaction data they take huge fees often as
high as 20 to 30 percent.
All our projects are decentralized based and we will use our
digital currency to buy autonomous and decentralized
internet services on the Daatty Coin Network. We will be
driven by an autonomous network layer for a secure, globally
scalable, low cost, peer-to-peer, and inclusive internet. Peer-
to-peer marketplaces are created on the Daatty Coin Grid so
that buyers and sellers for all different types of goods and
services can meet without rent-seeking intermediaries and
transact in a more open and transparent way users now own
their own data and can use their single sign-on daatty
accounts to buy and sell across any marketplace built on the
Daatty platform.
Businesses can lower fees, reduce censorship and give
back to early participants in the community built on the
Daatty Coin blockchain which leverages cutting-edge
technology to put the sharing economy directly in the
hands of the people. It's time Internet market places
catch up to the blockchain revolution and become truly
peer-to-peer. Join the Daatty Coin community today and
get to know the new and improved future that will
simplify your life.
4.1 (DTC) Payment Method.
What are some of the payment
The most known payments systems
that exist nowadays are for
example (Gocardless, BlueSnap,
Upflow, etc.) some of those payment
systems still do not accept
cryptocurrency as a payment
method and depends on the services
offered prices could be high.
The system should be decentralized to avoid a single party
controlling the flow of money during daily operations. The
dissemination of fees should be decentralized to democratize the
management of money. And finally, the governance of the payment
should be decentralized to prevent a single party from modifying
system parameters and algorithms in their favor.
Why do we want to have it decentralized?
The objective of Daatty Coin (DTC) is to satisfy the decentralization
constraints in a manner that is both performant and robust. We will
enable users to process ultra-rapid transactions with the lowest
fees along with a solid security, guaranteeing a safe environment
for everyone. Furthermore,it will eliminate the need for the buyer
to convert his/her national currency to the supplier´s country´s
currency as Daatty Coin tokens will serve as a global currency and
hold the same value worldwide.
4.2 (DTC) Digital shopping
What are our goals to be achieved with decentralized
digital shopping?
Daatty Coin (DTC) prioritize its customer, thus we want to
enable investors to deal directly with each other instead of
operating from within a centralized exchange. We will be using
digital devices to communicate and display bid/ask prices in
real-time. In this way, buyers, sellers, and dealers do not need
to be located in the same place to transact securities.
What would be some advantages of decentralized
digital shopping?
First of all, we want to make payments easier, so we will be
developing a powerful and encrypted wallet to make payments
fast, reliable, and safe using our coin.
Secondly, our Decentralized market can allow for transparency
between parties and our users of the decentralized market will
perceive a lack of regulatory oversight as a benefit or freedom
from third-party handlers.To conclude, the absence of
intermediaries could result in lower transaction costs than in
markets that are regulated.
The decentralized internet is fundamentally more open and
accessible. It directly contrasts with the centralized internet,
What would be some advantages of decentralized
digital shopping?
4.3 (DTC) Decentralized internet
What is decentralized internet?
which is mainly controlled by a few large tech companies. These
tech giants wield an enormous amount of power, acting as
gatekeepers by determining and enforcing policies for their users.
What do we want to achieve?
The decentralization is becoming an overarching trend across
industries. Our goal is to democratize the internet, allowing
people to self-govern the digital space known as the Internet.
36Decentralized Internet
4.4 (DTC) Decentralized Search Engine
What would be the benefits of using a decentralized
search engine?
First, user data is not recorded for targeted ad campaigns as it
is common with centralized search engines, like Google and
Bing. Second, these platforms maintain neutrality and do not
manipulate search rankings based on paid campaigns,
government legislation, corporate policies, human bias, or
other factors.
Why you should operate with our search engine?
Unlike popular centralized search engines such as Google, Bing,
Yahoo and Ask, our Decentralized search engine will have no
central control and is distributed across networks. No search
engine company owns your data or even has access to your
search information thus providing more privacy. All of this data
is encrypted and stored in the Daatty Coin blockchain. We do
not distort search results based on paid adverts, corporate
policy, or government policy.
Daatty Coin (DTC)
team believes that
there is every
potential for
decentralized search
engines to topple the
centralized corporate
giants, therefore our
success is high.
What is decentralized
cloud storage?
It is a peer-to-peer cloud
storage network
implementing client-side
encryption that allows users
to transfer and share data
without reliance on a third-
4.5(DTC) Decentralized Cloud Storage
party storage provider. All previous cloud services are just
used as storage and users can use or store their files on the
servers and access them from anywhere they want to but
Sometimes the files used by computer devices take too much
time due to low-performance device on the user end and
expensive devices also become obsolete in a year or so and the
privacy of the file is absent since everyone can access it.
Why Daatty Coin wants such a cloud?
Daatty Coin data security can be maintained using client-side
encryption, while data integrity will be maintained via a proof
of retrievability. Using such technology, the impact of
infrastructure failures and security breaches will be greatly
reduced. Therefore, data on the network will be resistant to
Censorship, unauthorized access, and data failures. Daatty
decentralized cloud services are a revolution and solve all
these problems with a peer-to-peer network. Daatty cloud
will not only provide storage services to access the stored
files from anywhere but it will also provide the
computational capability of the server to users which may
have old devices but Daatty Cloud fast-speed server will also
lend their processing power along with storage. It will
provide extra speed and security.
Daatty Coin holders will be able to use this service free of cost and
those with extra usage available can transfer their extra usage to
their friends and family. This service need will never decrease but
rather will increase manifolds over time. Therefore, this will be a
major push for Daatty Coin's demand guaranteeing a price rise.
A freelance platform, like Fiverr, is a place where sellers offering
their services (gigs) and buyers gather. Buyers can post a project
that needs to be completed for example or find people that work
in a determined field, such as a virtual agent.
What will be the benefits?
4.6 (DTC) Freelance Platform
What is a freelance platform?
Why do we want to have our freelance platform?
Traditional freelance platforms include
fees, somewhere from 30% to 10% of
client project expenses. Moreover,
fluctuations in project cost
due to currency and there is
a slow and costly payout
process. But Daatty Coin (DTC)
wants to offer:
Very low or no platform fees charged to freelancers .
Near-instant "payouts" transfers to freelancers with no
international transfer fees.
Make it accessible to everyone, also for the nearly 2 billion
‘unbanked’ people around the world.
Why decentralized learning apps are important?
The decentralized learning apps are largely in use for learning
purposes. People are using it for their children to learn from a very
early age without any hassle of sending them somewhere else to
learn, but these apps like BYJU'S are charging hefty amounts from
their users. Thus limiting its users to just millions rather than more
public participation and good.
4.7 (DTC) Learning App
How our decentralized learning app will be better?
Daatty Coin views education as a basic human right which
either should be free or with negligible cost so that all and
sundry could benefit from it. Daatty Coin learning app will be 
using resources from its block-chain so no
dependence on external sources will lead
to better performance and all coin holders
of Daatty Coin will be able to you this
without any extra cost till they have
ownership of Daatty coin. More use of the
Daatty learning app will increase the
demand for Daatty Coin.
4.8 (DTC) Messenger
How decentralized messenger work? 
Decentralized messenger may or may not be end to end encrypted.
Users can send and receive messages, audio calls, and video calls
too. Then it is also along with it used for sharing purpose with their
friends and family as well as for business purposes. As, WhatsApp
previously had a kind of monopoly and they started to get yearly
fees in several countries to show their intentions that their prices
are going to rise soon too. As soon as Daatty Messenger will be
available, it will revolutionize the way messages are sent.
How our decentralized messenger
is better?
We will be giving end to end encrypted
services for our clients. No additional
fees will be charged from Daatty Coin
holders until they possess the Daatty
Coin. Their data will not be shared with
any third-party.
4.9 (DTC) Video Conferencing App
Why decentralized video conferencing apps are
becoming popular?
The decentralized video conferencing apps are used for personal as
well as commercial purposes.  Apps like Zoom provides
videotelephony and online chat services through a cloud-based
peer-to-peer software platform and is used for teleconferencing,
telecommuting, distance education, and social relations. Although
their basic package is free and had outclassed previous centralized
apps in the market like Skype. The maximum users on Skype are 50
while Zoom can reach up to 100 users. These features are
converting commercial users to shift to decentralized apps but due
How Daatty decentralized video conferencing app will affect
the market positively?
Daatty decentralized video
conferencing app will change
the market for good with
healthy competition. As we are
not going to charge money from
Daatty Coin holders yet a
negligible amount from non-coin
holders will lead to
normalization of prices in the 50
to lack of competition decentralized video conferencing apps
charges are higher than that should be.
What are on-demand multiple services?
Nowadays, multiple services exist and such
a concrete example would be Uber (taxi
booking), Uber eats or Deliveroo (food
delivery), Post Master (post managing and
delivery), Task Rabbit (service booking).
4.10 (DTC)On-Demand Multiple services On-Demand
market and such services will be available at affordable
prices for all.
What are we focusing on?
Daatty Coin (DTC) is planning to create such a platform to have
all these services just by accessing the Daatty Coin Grid. We
know that client-driven service customization and tailoring is
a powerful tool for meeting conflicting, independent client
demands in an environment where disorder and uneven
service evolution predominates but we will implement a
software architecture, cryptography, security, and
programming language to protect those services and assets
from attacks and misuses.
What is the difference between a social media network
centralized and decentralized?
Centralized social media platforms (i.e. Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, etc.) feature targeted ad networks that rely upon the
collection of user data to sell ad space to third-party businesses
Most social media decentralized apps share enables users to
control their data. They often use cryptocurrencies as an
incentive model for user participation.
4.11 (DTC) Social Media Networking
Daatty Coin (DTC) is planning to have its multiple social media,
without selling data to third parties activities and enabling a
safer environment for everyone.
What are our goals?
Decentralized bookings and rental apps
help to get rid of the middlemen with an
open blockchain platform, the result will
be a massive transfer of wealth and
value from the corporative platforms to
the actual users which are Hosts and
Guests. But sometimes prefer the
sponsors of the ad's over the least prices
4.12 (DTC)Booking and rental app
How decentralized bookings and rental apps
How our decentralized bookings
and the rental app is better?
Our app will be based on our own
blockchain-based with reservation
marketplace thus facilitating direct
transactions between Guests and Hosts
through the use of Smart Contracts. We
don't allow sponsors rather we provide
it as a value-added service available for
our coin holders exclusively.
What are some of the software solutions?
Software solutions are widely spread and offer assistance
for various corporations but and they can offer flexible,
hardware-independent, and scalable software modules that
enable rapid and effective implementation.
Why do we want to make it decentralized?
The main benefit of offering those services as decentralized
would be that there will be a specialization in a business
domain and adoption of industry-leading practices for well-
defined problems.
4.13 (DTC) Software Solution
Furthermore, no network
reconfiguration is required,
ease of deployment, multiple
vantage points for incident
response investigations,
scalability, if combined with
electronic invisibility, this
approach practically
eliminates the danger of
unauthorized access by
hackers and it will be low cost.
4.14  (DTC) Professional services apps
How decentralized professional services apps are
Decentralized professional services apps are common these
days for availing services from the ease of your home. The
revenue is generated from the services usually rather than
the app. The problem people are usually facing is that quite
often they have to use a new app for other services and
even switching apps with a change in location. All people
are not able to adjust to such changes and cause an
unnecessary fuss too.
We will provide all services including Doctor, Chartered
Accountant, Online Consultation services, and many more all in
just one app which will be available everywhere. It has a
location feature that can be switched on and off as per your
ease and when on it will get you the help of the best
professionals giving services in your area.
How do we solve all these problems?
05.Use cases of Daatty Coin
5.1 Referral and Reward Program
For DTC coin holders, we are offering various benefits, but
one of the most important is that based on the coins you
have you can take part in our future project and premium
services without any cost. Exchanges between DTC and other
major cryptocurrencies will be available but once the DTC
coin will be sold you will also lose all the benefits according
to our terms. By following this path we would increase our
price and there will be more demand for our coin. Users, who
refer the Daatty Coin trading platform to other users, will
benefit from our level referral bonus program.
5.2 Daatty Coin demand and value.
Dapps and other project partners will benefit from
Daatty´s Smart Contract Platform. Rather than an
exclusive focus on the transactions-per-second,
Daatty will provide value-adds, such as technical
expertise and continual governance/decision-making
that will drive value to partnerships and projects
based on their merit and their benefit to the Daatty
Daatty Coin is created on Ethereum blockchain using the
ERC20 standard. It enables:
Efficient use of Daatty Coin on compatible platforms and
Operations with compatible decentralized applications
(dApps) and with all the decentralized projects. 
Seamless interaction of Daatty Coin with other currencies
and smart contracts. 
Interchangeability of Daatty Coin
Quick and easy transactions with the receipt and sending
of DaattyCoin
06. Daatty Coin Technology
Daatty Coin will provide a way to perform faster, low-cost
transactions, along with a referral reward system. The Daatty
blockchain is a custom-built independent network with
support to multicurrency architecture. For the Daatty Coin
platform to achieve the viral growth and global acceptance we
intend to reach, we need to incentivize backers both familiar
with, and new to digital money. We intent to incentivize
referrals from project backers/investors in a similar way: We
will reward those who successfully recruit new users into our
ecosystem. In effect, this will make digital money adoption
more attractive and will create backers who are more willing
to explore and become familiar with our ecosystem.
Daatty Coin Eco-System
07.Daatty Coin Economics
7.1 Daatty Token Distribution
The crowd sale of Daatty coins is being held with the purpose to
raise funds for the project and allow potential investors to become
a part of the system. Those who have already onboarded the crypto
train can join our journey by buying tokens in the sale, and those
who are yet to begin in this industry can do so by investing in
Daatty coins. During the crowd sale, Daatty will be offered at a
special, discounted price to benefit those who purchase the coin in
advance before it is listed on several crypto exchanges. The funds
raised via the pre-ICO and ICO sales of Daatty will help us expand
the project dimensions and the development team to ensure a
better and faster development process. Daatty Coin will not be
available through crowd sales after 1st June 2020. All transactions
will be executed through exchanges.
7.2 Private sale Phase and use of Funds
12 April-12 May 2020 
1 DTC=0.00001$ 
100$-999$ = 25% Bonus 
1000$-9999$= 50% Bonus 
10000$> 100% Bonus
The ICO sale of Daatty Coin will be held in 2 phases, from
March 25 to June 1, 2020. The ICO period has been kept quite
wide (3 months) to ensure that everyone who wishes to be a
part of the project gets adequate opportunities.
Phase 1 
7.3 Daatty ICO
of Tokens
The pre-mined
Daatty coins
will be
allocated in
the following
manner : 
(Round 1)
(Round 2)
Core phase of
token sales
Project team and partners
A part of the coins will be used in team-related tasks such as
recruitment and vesting of the team.
We also plan to go into partnership with multinational
organizations as well as financial institutions in the next few
years to further extend the reach of our business. Further to
this, we may also acquire a conventional commercial
institution operating in a crypto-friendly environment which
will help realize our plan of interoperability between the old
and the new ledger.
7.5 Fund
(Use of
Funds raised
via the Daatty
will be used as
Bounty and Overhead
Branding & Marketing
Legal & Financial
IT & Infrastructure
Trading Fund
As you can see, most of our funds are being used for the IT &
Infrastructure, which is the Daatty Platform, the blockchain,
and the Daatty Coin. To ensure the development of the best-
class product, we are working with a team of highly talented
individuals, developers, designers, and engineers with
experience in a wide range of industries including small,
medium, and large brands. This is why most of the funding is
being used to develop and maintain a team of the finest people
in the industry.
The developed product is of no use unless it reaches the
target market, which is possible only with the help of the
right marketing strategy. 24% of our ICO funds will be spent
in the marketing of the product and developing the
community. It includes product endorsement by key people in
the industry as well as global celebrities. It will help us create
awareness among potential users who are engaged in digital
transactions. Besides that, we will also engage in partnership
with several online/offline Merchants and famous
organizations for the promotion of Daatty to the millions of
targeted users. Other than that, the remaining funds will be
used in the Financial Overhead & Compliance, 73
Legal, Security & Compliance-related costs. We intend to use
viral marketing, sponsorship, influence marketing, and global
outreach to promote our project to tens of millions of people
who currently do not have a bank account, but do have a
smartphone as well as those who are looking for a better and
more secure way to make digital payments globally.
In April and May, Daatty Coin secured relationships with some
different exchanges and Ico coin ranking such as: Vindax
Exchange, Saturn Network, Ico Holder, Coin codex, Etherscan,
and Coin-ranking. Daatty Coin is pursuing integration with more
exchanges-particularly ones with higher overall exchange
volume such as Bittrex and Probit.
7.6 The Partnerships
Daatty Coin can be stored/sent/received on the Meta-mask wallet
but as well as other wallets like Atomic Wallet, Trust wallet, My
Ether Wallet. All of these wallets are available on the Play store
and App store. With our decentralized wallet transactions will be
faster and more reliable.
Other Retail Partnerships
Daatty Coin is also pursuing partnerships with other wallets and
systems that support the spending of cryptocurrency in "real life“
(e.g ATM cards and gift cards).
09.Team of Professionals
Tarique Herekar
& Director
Victor Sousa
Director (UK)
David Huzum
Head of Team
Zaka Acumen
Head of Planning
M Sufyan Malik
Project Manager
Aaron Barboza
Ikram Rahhali

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World First Cryptocurrency with Decentralized Multiple Platforms

  • 2. HIGH TRANSACTION  SETTLEMENT TIME -------------------------- 9 HIGH TRANSACTION FEE --------------------------------------------------- 11 POLITICAL RISK ----------------------------------------------------------------- 13 WEALTH DISTRIBUTION ---------------------------------------------------- 15 MARKET  ANALYSIS ----------------------------------------------------------- 16 DAATTYCOIN --------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 PAYMENT SYSTEM ------------------------------------------------------------- 31 1. INTRODUCTION----------------------------------------------------------------- 5 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT------------------------------------------------------- 7 3. THE SOLUTION ------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 4. DAATTYCOIN DECENTRALIZED PROJECTS -------------------------- 27
  • 3. DIGITAL SHOPPING --------------------------------------------------------- 33 INTERNET ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35 SEARCH ENGINE -------------------------------------------------------------- 37 CLOUD STORAGE ------------------------------------------------------------- 40 FREELANCE PLATFORM ---------------------------------------------------- 43 LEARNING APP ---------------------------------------------------------------- 45 MESSENGER --------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 VIDEO CONFERENCING APP --------------------------------------------- 49 ON DEMAND MULTIPLE SERVICES ------------------------------------ 51 SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKING ------------------------------------------ 53 BOOKING & RENTAL -------------------------------------------------------- 55 SOFTWARE SOLUTION ----------------------------------------------------- 57 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES APP ----------------------------------------- 59
  • 4. REFERRAL AND REWARD PROGRAM --------------------------------- 61 DTC DEMAND AND VALUE ------------------------------------------------ 62 DAATTYCOIN ECO-SYSTEM ----------------------------------------------- 64 DAATTY TOKEN DISTRIBUTION ---------------------------------------- 66 PRIVATE SALE PHASE AND USE OF FUNDS ------------------------ 67 DTC ICO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 THE PARTNERSHIPS ---------------------------------------------------------- 74 5. USE-CASES OF DAATTY COIN -------------------------------------------- 61 6. TECHNOLOGY ------------------------------------------------------------------ 63 7. DAATTYCOIN ECONOMICS ----------------------------------------------- 65 8. ROAD-MAP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 9.TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS ------------------------------------------------- 77
  • 5. 01. INTRODUCTION Blockchain-powered digital currencies, or cryptocurrencies, hold the massive potential to disrupt the financial market. 5Blockchain Machine Learning
  • 6. They can be issued and used without the involvement of a central bank or other traditional financial institutions. Therefore, Blockchain has shown great promise of utility for multiple applications, across many fields. All fiat money in circulation today is owned by the central and commercial banks, except for cash that is in the hands of individuals. The bank holds a liability to the depositor but can utilize the depositor´s money to give to another individual as a loan. With cryptocurrencies, funds are owned by individuals who hold the keys-it is a fundamental difference between crypto and conventional banking. The technology that fortifies cryptocurrencies, the distributed consensus ledger (DCL), revolutionizes crypto transactions. 6
  • 7. It provides comprehensive and secure transaction records without utilizing a central registry. This forges the path for peer-to-peer transactions, making third party functions redundant. 02.Problem Statement 7
  • 8. There is an emerging need for cryptocurrencies, nonetheless, cryptocurrencies are only at 0.5% adoption globally. A strategically designed cryptocurrency that can scale and maximize value for the world represents a welcomed alternative at this moment in time. The current monetary system, driven by fiat currency, is played by serious problems like time-consuming and expensive transactions, limited accessibility to the national currency,money-laundering, and more. The following points elaborate on the problems with fiat currency. 8
  • 9. High Transaction Settlement Time As with fiat currency, domestic and international money transfer takes days or even weeks to go through. 9
  • 10. Specifically for international transactions, every cross-border transaction has to traverse through correspondent banks responsible for managing activities like receiving and collating payment messages before re-transmitting confirmation or denial to respective banks. This increases the settlement of transactions. A delay in transactions means a delay in the shipping of orders that can cost companies millions in lost revenue and productivity. 10
  • 11. Conventional banks charge somewhere between 0.5 and 5 percent to transfer money. Apart from this, banks also charge an additional one-off fee for transactions and offer worse than the market exchange rate for cross-border transactions. Current Banking System Transaction fee is very high 100 0.5-5 95-99.5 Sender Receiver High Transaction Fees 11
  • 12. Businesses are losing between 1 and 5 percent of potential earnings only on transfer fees. This elevates the prices of products for consumers and reduces wages as businesses try hard to cut costs to make a profit Fees 12
  • 13.   A major problem with fiat currencies is hyperinflation. Hyperinflation occurs when the price of goods increases by over 50 percent a month. Political Risk 13
  • 14. As the governments control fiat currency, they can print as much new money as they like which devalues the money in circulation. In the cryptocurrency space, users are wholly responsible for their coins, wallets, accounts, and general online safety. When funds become inaccessible, get hacked, or are transferred to an incorrect wallet, there is no safety net of a help desk number to fall back on. There are a several problems to overcome for crypto- currencies to be adopted as a mass currency for exchanging value, and Daatty Coin is working towards solving these problems. 14
  • 15. Arbitrarily increasing the quantity of currency in an economy harms the distribution of money and, thus redistributes purchasing power, stealing wealth from the majority, such as wage workers and savers, to serve the interests of a privileged minority. Redistribution of wealth leads to a net loss of wealth to society. Government deficit spending, which should otherwise be motivated by good intentions, alters the quantity of currency in circulation and results in currency debasement. Wealth Redistribution 15
  • 16. 03.THE SOLUTION   3.1 Cryptocurrency Industry Overview   The introduction of the world’s first successful cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, by Satoshi Nakamoto was nothing short of a revolution that disrupted the Money Market for good. Bitcoin is based on blockchain technology which provides a completely new way for storing and sending digital money without having to rely on a third-party like a bank. 16
  • 17. It also removes the Centralization problem of the banking system as the blockchain network is decentralized in nature. The blockchain is a decentralized network where the money ledger or database is not stored with a central entity but distributed among thousands of the users of the network. Each user in the network has a copy of the ledger, which makes it impossible for any 17
  • 18. 18 unauthorized or single party to modify the ledger information without proper permission.
  • 19. The success of Bitcoin prompted several other blockchains and cryptocurrencies that were all loosely based on the same concept to facilitate more secure and faster transactions around the globe - but had different applications. The world is now eagerly accepting the digital currency as the common way of making payments. Our cryptocurrency – Daatty Coin (DTC) - is a part of the same revolution. 19
  • 20. Daatty Coin (DTC) is a new, revolutionary cryptocurrency that is somewhat based on the similar concept as of Bitcoin, i.e., to make it easier for people to perform global financial transactions, however, there are some unique features and facilities that make Daatty Coin (DTC) much better and superior to any existing digital payment solution. Along with a cryptocurrency, we will be offering a decentralized multi-platform such as  Daatty Coin wallet, trading platform, point of sale platform, and more, to effectively replace fiat currency while empowering users to harness the power of crypto in all types of transactions- from trade finance to international payment remittance to trading. 20
  • 21. 3.2 Daatty Coin Daatty Coin is an ERC20 token that can be bought in exchange for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). The sale of Daatty Coin will be carried out through an Initial Coin offering (ICO), which will be carried out in two phases, Public sale and Private sale. While Private sale will be for the Team and Advisors, The Public sale will allow anyone across the globe to participate in the sale and buy Daatty Coin. 21
  • 22. Designed on Ethereum blockchain, Daatty Coin will allow for accelerated transactions and lower transaction fees. Daatty Coin will play a chief role in driving transactions on all Daatty Coin decentralized platforms. Daatty Coin will also be the backbone of the Daatty Coin referral and reward program. 22
  • 23. People trust our Brand Strong networking behind the Utility behind our coin is 24/7 We believe time will come when the entire projects will be available and everyone will start using our platforms Our global exchange will push the price of Daatty Coin Why Invest in Daatty Coin? brand   23
  • 24. We are the first coin to implement a decentralized platform for all needs.  Daatty Coin offers a safe environment using high-level blockchain security and privacy protection with ultra-fast transfer and lowest fees for transactions. 24
  • 25. Besides integrating all the advanced features of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies, Daatty offers some unique features that no other crypto project has. Daatty has been introduced as a multidimensional, independent public blockchain platform that will be easily accessible to individuals and small, medium, and large organizations so that the platform, as well as its native cryptocurrency Daatty, can effectively appeal to masses and be usable in a diverse range of industries. Most of the existing coins, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, are limited in usability because of their restrictive nature. 25
  • 26. Daatty, on the other hand, is a feature-rich, user-oriented, and exchangeable cryptocurrency that will benefit the following types of investors: As for the reasons to invest in Daatty Coin, there are many which we have already explained in the Referral and Reward of this Whitepaper. Rest assured, investors will get a huge return value of their investments in Daatty Coin. 26
  • 28. The sharing economy has redefined how the world does business millions of people all over the world are contributing their time skills and resources into this new economy uber drivers are replacing taxi drivers. Airbnb hosts are competing with hotel chains and freelance contractors are displacing full- time workers and buyers are finding they prefer products and services from individual suppliers rather than from large faceless corporate entities yet even in the sharing economy there are still unnecessary middlemen companies like Lyft, Postmates and Fiverr are centralized companies that control user identity and transaction data they take huge fees often as high as 20 to 30 percent. 28
  • 29. 29 All our projects are decentralized based and we will use our digital currency to buy autonomous and decentralized internet services on the Daatty Coin Network. We will be driven by an autonomous network layer for a secure, globally scalable, low cost, peer-to-peer, and inclusive internet. Peer- to-peer marketplaces are created on the Daatty Coin Grid so that buyers and sellers for all different types of goods and services can meet without rent-seeking intermediaries and transact in a more open and transparent way users now own their own data and can use their single sign-on daatty accounts to buy and sell across any marketplace built on the Daatty platform.
  • 30. 30 Businesses can lower fees, reduce censorship and give back to early participants in the community built on the Daatty Coin blockchain which leverages cutting-edge technology to put the sharing economy directly in the hands of the people. It's time Internet market places catch up to the blockchain revolution and become truly peer-to-peer. Join the Daatty Coin community today and get to know the new and improved future that will simplify your life.
  • 31. 4.1 (DTC) Payment Method.   What are some of the payment systems? The most known payments systems that exist nowadays are for example (Gocardless, BlueSnap, Upflow, etc.) some of those payment systems still do not accept cryptocurrency as a payment method and depends on the services offered prices could be high. 31
  • 32. The system should be decentralized to avoid a single party controlling the flow of money during daily operations. The dissemination of fees should be decentralized to democratize the management of money. And finally, the governance of the payment should be decentralized to prevent a single party from modifying system parameters and algorithms in their favor. Why do we want to have it decentralized? 32 The objective of Daatty Coin (DTC) is to satisfy the decentralization constraints in a manner that is both performant and robust. We will enable users to process ultra-rapid transactions with the lowest fees along with a solid security, guaranteeing a safe environment for everyone. Furthermore,it will eliminate the need for the buyer to convert his/her national currency to the supplier´s country´s currency as Daatty Coin tokens will serve as a global currency and hold the same value worldwide.
  • 33. 4.2 (DTC) Digital shopping   What are our goals to be achieved with decentralized digital shopping? Daatty Coin (DTC) prioritize its customer, thus we want to enable investors to deal directly with each other instead of operating from within a centralized exchange. We will be using digital devices to communicate and display bid/ask prices in real-time. In this way, buyers, sellers, and dealers do not need to be located in the same place to transact securities. 33
  • 34. What would be some advantages of decentralized digital shopping? First of all, we want to make payments easier, so we will be developing a powerful and encrypted wallet to make payments fast, reliable, and safe using our coin. 34
  • 35. Secondly, our Decentralized market can allow for transparency between parties and our users of the decentralized market will perceive a lack of regulatory oversight as a benefit or freedom from third-party handlers.To conclude, the absence of intermediaries could result in lower transaction costs than in markets that are regulated. The decentralized internet is fundamentally more open and accessible. It directly contrasts with the centralized internet, What would be some advantages of decentralized digital shopping? 4.3 (DTC) Decentralized internet What is decentralized internet? 35
  • 36. which is mainly controlled by a few large tech companies. These tech giants wield an enormous amount of power, acting as gatekeepers by determining and enforcing policies for their users. What do we want to achieve? The decentralization is becoming an overarching trend across industries. Our goal is to democratize the internet, allowing people to self-govern the digital space known as the Internet. 36Decentralized Internet
  • 37. 4.4 (DTC) Decentralized Search Engine What would be the benefits of using a decentralized search engine? First, user data is not recorded for targeted ad campaigns as it is common with centralized search engines, like Google and Bing. Second, these platforms maintain neutrality and do not manipulate search rankings based on paid campaigns, government legislation, corporate policies, human bias, or other factors. 37
  • 38. Why you should operate with our search engine? Unlike popular centralized search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask, our Decentralized search engine will have no central control and is distributed across networks. No search engine company owns your data or even has access to your search information thus providing more privacy. All of this data is encrypted and stored in the Daatty Coin blockchain. We do not distort search results based on paid adverts, corporate policy, or government policy. 38
  • 39. Daatty Coin (DTC) team believes that there is every potential for decentralized search engines to topple the centralized corporate giants, therefore our success is high. 39
  • 40. What is decentralized cloud storage? It is a peer-to-peer cloud storage network implementing client-side encryption that allows users to transfer and share data without reliance on a third- 4.5(DTC) Decentralized Cloud Storage party storage provider. All previous cloud services are just used as storage and users can use or store their files on the servers and access them from anywhere they want to but 40
  • 41. Sometimes the files used by computer devices take too much time due to low-performance device on the user end and expensive devices also become obsolete in a year or so and the privacy of the file is absent since everyone can access it. Why Daatty Coin wants such a cloud? Daatty Coin data security can be maintained using client-side encryption, while data integrity will be maintained via a proof of retrievability. Using such technology, the impact of infrastructure failures and security breaches will be greatly reduced. Therefore, data on the network will be resistant to 41
  • 42. Censorship, unauthorized access, and data failures. Daatty decentralized cloud services are a revolution and solve all these problems with a peer-to-peer network. Daatty cloud will not only provide storage services to access the stored files from anywhere but it will also provide the computational capability of the server to users which may have old devices but Daatty Cloud fast-speed server will also lend their processing power along with storage. It will provide extra speed and security. 42
  • 43. Daatty Coin holders will be able to use this service free of cost and those with extra usage available can transfer their extra usage to their friends and family. This service need will never decrease but rather will increase manifolds over time. Therefore, this will be a major push for Daatty Coin's demand guaranteeing a price rise. A freelance platform, like Fiverr, is a place where sellers offering their services (gigs) and buyers gather. Buyers can post a project that needs to be completed for example or find people that work in a determined field, such as a virtual agent. What will be the benefits? 4.6 (DTC) Freelance Platform What is a freelance platform? 43
  • 44. Why do we want to have our freelance platform? Traditional freelance platforms include fees, somewhere from 30% to 10% of client project expenses. Moreover, fluctuations in project cost due to currency and there is a slow and costly payout process. But Daatty Coin (DTC) wants to offer: 44
  • 45. Very low or no platform fees charged to freelancers . Near-instant "payouts" transfers to freelancers with no international transfer fees. Make it accessible to everyone, also for the nearly 2 billion ‘unbanked’ people around the world. Why decentralized learning apps are important? The decentralized learning apps are largely in use for learning purposes. People are using it for their children to learn from a very early age without any hassle of sending them somewhere else to learn, but these apps like BYJU'S are charging hefty amounts from their users. Thus limiting its users to just millions rather than more public participation and good. 4.7 (DTC) Learning App 45
  • 46. How our decentralized learning app will be better? Daatty Coin views education as a basic human right which either should be free or with negligible cost so that all and sundry could benefit from it. Daatty Coin learning app will be  using resources from its block-chain so no dependence on external sources will lead to better performance and all coin holders of Daatty Coin will be able to you this without any extra cost till they have ownership of Daatty coin. More use of the Daatty learning app will increase the demand for Daatty Coin. 46
  • 47. 4.8 (DTC) Messenger How decentralized messenger work?    Decentralized messenger may or may not be end to end encrypted. Users can send and receive messages, audio calls, and video calls too. Then it is also along with it used for sharing purpose with their friends and family as well as for business purposes. As, WhatsApp previously had a kind of monopoly and they started to get yearly fees in several countries to show their intentions that their prices are going to rise soon too. As soon as Daatty Messenger will be available, it will revolutionize the way messages are sent. 47
  • 48. How our decentralized messenger is better? We will be giving end to end encrypted services for our clients. No additional fees will be charged from Daatty Coin holders until they possess the Daatty Coin. Their data will not be shared with any third-party. 48
  • 49. 4.9 (DTC) Video Conferencing App   Why decentralized video conferencing apps are becoming popular? The decentralized video conferencing apps are used for personal as well as commercial purposes.  Apps like Zoom provides videotelephony and online chat services through a cloud-based peer-to-peer software platform and is used for teleconferencing, telecommuting, distance education, and social relations. Although their basic package is free and had outclassed previous centralized apps in the market like Skype. The maximum users on Skype are 50 while Zoom can reach up to 100 users. These features are converting commercial users to shift to decentralized apps but due 49
  • 50. How Daatty decentralized video conferencing app will affect the market positively? Daatty decentralized video conferencing app will change the market for good with healthy competition. As we are not going to charge money from Daatty Coin holders yet a negligible amount from non-coin holders will lead to normalization of prices in the 50 to lack of competition decentralized video conferencing apps charges are higher than that should be.
  • 51. What are on-demand multiple services? Nowadays, multiple services exist and such a concrete example would be Uber (taxi booking), Uber eats or Deliveroo (food delivery), Post Master (post managing and delivery), Task Rabbit (service booking). 4.10 (DTC)On-Demand Multiple services On-Demand 51 market and such services will be available at affordable prices for all.
  • 52. What are we focusing on? Daatty Coin (DTC) is planning to create such a platform to have all these services just by accessing the Daatty Coin Grid. We know that client-driven service customization and tailoring is a powerful tool for meeting conflicting, independent client demands in an environment where disorder and uneven service evolution predominates but we will implement a software architecture, cryptography, security, and programming language to protect those services and assets from attacks and misuses. 52
  • 53. What is the difference between a social media network centralized and decentralized? Centralized social media platforms (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) feature targeted ad networks that rely upon the collection of user data to sell ad space to third-party businesses Most social media decentralized apps share enables users to control their data. They often use cryptocurrencies as an incentive model for user participation. 4.11 (DTC) Social Media Networking 53
  • 54. Daatty Coin (DTC) is planning to have its multiple social media, without selling data to third parties activities and enabling a safer environment for everyone. What are our goals? 54
  • 55. Decentralized bookings and rental apps help to get rid of the middlemen with an open blockchain platform, the result will be a massive transfer of wealth and value from the corporative platforms to the actual users which are Hosts and Guests. But sometimes prefer the sponsors of the ad's over the least prices available. 4.12 (DTC)Booking and rental app 55 How decentralized bookings and rental apps function?
  • 56. How our decentralized bookings and the rental app is better? Our app will be based on our own blockchain-based with reservation marketplace thus facilitating direct transactions between Guests and Hosts through the use of Smart Contracts. We don't allow sponsors rather we provide it as a value-added service available for our coin holders exclusively. 56
  • 57. What are some of the software solutions? Software solutions are widely spread and offer assistance for various corporations but and they can offer flexible, hardware-independent, and scalable software modules that enable rapid and effective implementation. Why do we want to make it decentralized? The main benefit of offering those services as decentralized would be that there will be a specialization in a business domain and adoption of industry-leading practices for well- defined problems. 4.13 (DTC) Software Solution 57
  • 58. Furthermore, no network reconfiguration is required, ease of deployment, multiple vantage points for incident response investigations, scalability, if combined with electronic invisibility, this approach practically eliminates the danger of unauthorized access by hackers and it will be low cost. 58
  • 59. 4.14  (DTC) Professional services apps How decentralized professional services apps are important? Decentralized professional services apps are common these days for availing services from the ease of your home. The revenue is generated from the services usually rather than the app. The problem people are usually facing is that quite often they have to use a new app for other services and even switching apps with a change in location. All people are not able to adjust to such changes and cause an unnecessary fuss too. 59
  • 60. We will provide all services including Doctor, Chartered Accountant, Online Consultation services, and many more all in just one app which will be available everywhere. It has a location feature that can be switched on and off as per your ease and when on it will get you the help of the best professionals giving services in your area. How do we solve all these problems? 60
  • 61. 05.Use cases of Daatty Coin 5.1 Referral and Reward Program For DTC coin holders, we are offering various benefits, but one of the most important is that based on the coins you have you can take part in our future project and premium services without any cost. Exchanges between DTC and other major cryptocurrencies will be available but once the DTC coin will be sold you will also lose all the benefits according to our terms. By following this path we would increase our price and there will be more demand for our coin. Users, who refer the Daatty Coin trading platform to other users, will benefit from our level referral bonus program. 61
  • 62. 5.2 Daatty Coin demand and value.   Dapps and other project partners will benefit from Daatty´s Smart Contract Platform. Rather than an exclusive focus on the transactions-per-second, Daatty will provide value-adds, such as technical expertise and continual governance/decision-making that will drive value to partnerships and projects based on their merit and their benefit to the Daatty Ecosystem. 62
  • 63. Daatty Coin is created on Ethereum blockchain using the ERC20 standard. It enables: Efficient use of Daatty Coin on compatible platforms and exchanges Operations with compatible decentralized applications (dApps) and with all the decentralized projects.  Seamless interaction of Daatty Coin with other currencies and smart contracts.  Interchangeability of Daatty Coin Quick and easy transactions with the receipt and sending of DaattyCoin 06. Daatty Coin Technology 63
  • 64. Daatty Coin will provide a way to perform faster, low-cost transactions, along with a referral reward system. The Daatty blockchain is a custom-built independent network with support to multicurrency architecture. For the Daatty Coin platform to achieve the viral growth and global acceptance we intend to reach, we need to incentivize backers both familiar with, and new to digital money. We intent to incentivize referrals from project backers/investors in a similar way: We will reward those who successfully recruit new users into our ecosystem. In effect, this will make digital money adoption more attractive and will create backers who are more willing to explore and become familiar with our ecosystem. Daatty Coin Eco-System 64
  • 66. 7.1 Daatty Token Distribution 66
  • 67. The crowd sale of Daatty coins is being held with the purpose to raise funds for the project and allow potential investors to become a part of the system. Those who have already onboarded the crypto train can join our journey by buying tokens in the sale, and those who are yet to begin in this industry can do so by investing in Daatty coins. During the crowd sale, Daatty will be offered at a special, discounted price to benefit those who purchase the coin in advance before it is listed on several crypto exchanges. The funds raised via the pre-ICO and ICO sales of Daatty will help us expand the project dimensions and the development team to ensure a better and faster development process. Daatty Coin will not be available through crowd sales after 1st June 2020. All transactions will be executed through exchanges. 7.2 Private sale Phase and use of Funds 67
  • 68. 12 April-12 May 2020  1 DTC=0.00001$  100$-999$ = 25% Bonus  1000$-9999$= 50% Bonus  10000$> 100% Bonus   The ICO sale of Daatty Coin will be held in 2 phases, from March 25 to June 1, 2020. The ICO period has been kept quite wide (3 months) to ensure that everyone who wishes to be a part of the project gets adequate opportunities. Phase 1  7.3 Daatty ICO 68
  • 69. 7.4 Distribution of Tokens   The pre-mined Daatty coins will be allocated in the following manner :  69 2% Pre-Sale (Round 1) 2% Pre-Sale (Round 2) 42% Core phase of token sales 50% Reserve Token 1% Bonus fund 1% Bounties 2% Project team and partners
  • 70. A part of the coins will be used in team-related tasks such as recruitment and vesting of the team.   We also plan to go into partnership with multinational organizations as well as financial institutions in the next few years to further extend the reach of our business. Further to this, we may also acquire a conventional commercial institution operating in a crypto-friendly environment which will help realize our plan of interoperability between the old and the new ledger. 70
  • 71. 7.5 Fund Distribution (Use of Proceeds) Funds raised via the Daatty Crowd-sale will be used as follows:   71 5% Bounty and Overhead 24% Branding & Marketing 7% Legal & Financial Overhead 34% IT & Infrastructure 30% Trading Fund
  • 72. As you can see, most of our funds are being used for the IT & Infrastructure, which is the Daatty Platform, the blockchain, and the Daatty Coin. To ensure the development of the best- class product, we are working with a team of highly talented individuals, developers, designers, and engineers with experience in a wide range of industries including small, medium, and large brands. This is why most of the funding is being used to develop and maintain a team of the finest people in the industry. 72
  • 73. The developed product is of no use unless it reaches the target market, which is possible only with the help of the right marketing strategy. 24% of our ICO funds will be spent in the marketing of the product and developing the community. It includes product endorsement by key people in the industry as well as global celebrities. It will help us create awareness among potential users who are engaged in digital transactions. Besides that, we will also engage in partnership with several online/offline Merchants and famous organizations for the promotion of Daatty to the millions of targeted users. Other than that, the remaining funds will be used in the Financial Overhead & Compliance, 73
  • 74. Legal, Security & Compliance-related costs. We intend to use viral marketing, sponsorship, influence marketing, and global outreach to promote our project to tens of millions of people who currently do not have a bank account, but do have a smartphone as well as those who are looking for a better and more secure way to make digital payments globally. In April and May, Daatty Coin secured relationships with some different exchanges and Ico coin ranking such as: Vindax Exchange, Saturn Network, Ico Holder, Coin codex, Etherscan, and Coin-ranking. Daatty Coin is pursuing integration with more exchanges-particularly ones with higher overall exchange volume such as Bittrex and Probit. 7.6 The Partnerships 74
  • 75. Wallets Daatty Coin can be stored/sent/received on the Meta-mask wallet but as well as other wallets like Atomic Wallet, Trust wallet, My Ether Wallet. All of these wallets are available on the Play store and App store. With our decentralized wallet transactions will be faster and more reliable.   Other Retail Partnerships Daatty Coin is also pursuing partnerships with other wallets and systems that support the spending of cryptocurrency in "real life“ (e.g ATM cards and gift cards). 75
  • 77. 09.Team of Professionals JPC(DAATTY) FOUNDER & CEO Tarique Herekar Co-Founder & Director Victor Sousa Non-Executive Director (UK) 77
  • 78. David Huzum Head of Team Zaka Acumen Head of Planning M Sufyan Malik Project Manager Aaron Barboza Community Manager Jeevan Community Manager Ikram Rahhali Community Manager 78