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Being a Christian means behaving in a manner that preserves life; not needlessly, recklessly,
even callously, destroying life, as savages do. The Second Coming of Christ means Judgment
Day has arrived; he will not preserve those who didn't learn to behave as Christians, so as to
sustain all other life in the world, and begin a new Age.
A person can never know God; he is only given a glimpse of His awesome nature so he
remains meek, and humble, and follows His laws without question, no matter the circumstance,
because that is what is right, and pleasing to The Lord.
"To explain all nature is too difficult a task for any one man or even for any one age. ‘Tis
much better to do a little with certainty, & leave the rest for others that come after you, than to
explain all things by conjecture without making sure of anything." Sir Isaac Newton
Bhagavad Gita
Chapter 7: 3; Knowledge of the Absolute
Out of manythousands amongmen,onemay endeavorfor perfection,andof those who have
achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.
The Christian Church
The British people migrated to South Asia, and dispensed teachings that were passed down
orally for many generations, until they were finally compiled in the writings called the Vedas;
(approximately 1500 B.C.); the people who dispensed these teaching are called seers; men
thought to have knowledge of God. The practice of the teachings contained in the Vedas enables
a person to realize himself; once he has destroyed the ignorance that binds him to life; he
extinguishes his life-force, and unites with God; The Father, in heaven. The practice of yoga,
(which means "to yoke"), is most arduous, requiring perseverance, and steadfastness of effort;
few within an Age are able to achieve Self - realization. In Ancient Egypt the people realized the
Pharaohs were gods, made in the image of God, thus, they connected with God; The Father, on
Earth. In the Mesopotamian civilization the people did not realize the prophets were made in the
image of God, but, saw them rather as, "messengers of God", thus, people within this civilization
connected with God by the revealing of His nature within the historical events experienced by
the Jews.
Once all three civilizations were completed, The Trinity was made flesh in the body of Jesus
The continuous pattern of behavior that exists between "shapes"; (savage; hairless; apes); the
Dark, and those with a "living soul"; Light; the British people, throughout recorded history, is
that when "shapes" are able to do as they please, the British are eliminated, and "shapes"
multiply, though, not due to being fruitful. There is no fall of either man; those made in God's
image, or "shapes"; primates who think their men; in the Bible; Genesis describes the absence of
man, and the cause is a "God Complex" that inhabits the minds of both male, and female,
"To prevent the weaker members of the community from being preyed upon by innumerable
vultures, it was needful that there should be an animal of prey stronger than the rest,
commissioned to keep them down." (John Stuart Mill)
Light, and Dark; Good, and Evil, form creation. Light has a living soul, and is planted in a
creature created in the Northern Hemisphere; Dark is made from dust, and returns to dust. It
evolved in Africa, and is a primate hybrid, the result of the mating of a monkey, and an ape, but
it doesn't have a tail, so formally, it should be called an ape. Millions of years ago its natural
habitat was threatened, so it fled the trees, and had to contend with land predators larger, and
stronger, than himself; in order to survive, the form of adaption called neoteny occurred. He was
then born prematurely, which kept his head aligned with his spine, so he could move on two
limbs. This freed his other two limbs, his hands, which he used to construct weapons to defend
himself, as a consequence, his brain then took 23 years to fully mature, which made him reliant
on his parents for care, and security, far longer. Later his habitat was threatened again, and he
managed to survive by consuming creatures that reside in lakes, streams, and ponds. He lost most
of his hair during this phase of evolution, except for his head; which he kept above water to
breathe. This creature; born polymorphous perverse, and self-deluding by nature; for example, he
fools himself into believing he's a carnivore, while, in actually fact, he's an herbivore/fruitvore; is
a savage; hairless; ape; a "shape". When the male and female "shapes", (Adam and Eve), met the
white man from the north they believed, due to their shapes being similar, that they were the
same as men and women who have a living soul. Because "shapes" lack the quality that enables
white man to accomplish great things; an essence; a being, a soul, once he steals it from the
white man, and also kills him, he can delude himself into believing he was responsible for the
work done by the white man, and worthy of the acknowledgment; praise, and accolades, that the
dead white man should have received.
The Truth
In the first chapter of the Bible, Genesis, creation is unveiled; time, and space, are established
due to the formation of a "duality", however, an illusion hides this duality; when a person
understands the nature of the illusion, he can comprehend the entity responsible for the dual
nature of reality; in other words; God.
John 8: 44, (K.J.V.)
Ye are of your father thedevil,andthe lusts of your father ye willdo.He was a murderer from
the beginning,and abodenot in thetruth,because thereis no truthin him.When he speaketha
lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
The duality would be obvious if it were not for the people throughout the centuries who claim to
represent God, and sought to mask the truth for their own devious intentions.
John 8:58, (K.J.V.)
Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
Creation is for the benefit of God alone; its purpose is for God to perceive Himself, therefore, the
Trinity; The Father; who is the Creator; The Son; Preserver, and, The Holy Ghost; Destroyer of
ignorance; is formed by three civilizations; the Indus Valley civilization represents the Holy
Ghost; the Mesopotamian civilization is The Son, and Ancient Egypt is The Creator. The man
responsible for these three civilizations is the first living soul; formed from the dust of the earth.
People have been taught that this man is Adam, but Jesus Christ informs us he is the Son of man;
the duality that forms reality has been exposed.
Jesus Christ was made in the image of God, and can, therefore, never be separate from God.
He first appeared in “Doggerland”, (the British Isles), about 12,000 B.C., and God’s spirit was
placed in a Caucasoid body; which was created in the Northern Hemisphere, and fashioned by
the struggle to survive for countless millennium a climate plagued with ice ages.
His progeny, the British people, created all the great accomplishments in history; 144,000 of
which were assigned a specific task.
Workings of Man
Love Is the Nature of
Dr. Rollo May wrote a book entitled, “The Meaning of Anxiety”, in which he challenged the
belief that mental health can be equated with living without anxiety, but rather contends it is an
essential feature of the struggle to survive; confronting anxiety relieves boredom; sharpens
sensitivity; tension is necessary to preserve life.
People, understandably, sought relief following the Second World War from the horrors, and
carnage, that had taken place; the problem is that people never brought an end to their quest to
relieve themselves of hardship. Ever since “convenience products”, and “consumer goods”, in
increasing numbers, have seeped into the lives of those who live in “First World Countries”,
while the anguish of people in “Third World Countries” has magnified due to working harder;
longer, and, in most cases, less pay, in order to satisfy the needs; wants, and desires, of
“consumers”, who are already over-saturated in material wealth, but, increasingly, fail to
recognize such being the case.
"Love Is the Nature of Existence", explains how madness can be eradicated by remembering,
(the truth isn’t new, but was lost; buried beneath a mountain of lies), how a person becomes
human, and when he invariably; no matter the circumstance; behaves humanely; he achieves
Self-realization; union with God. Someone who is human behaves in a humane manner; he takes
care of himself, while taking care of others, (before a person can respect others; he has to respect
himself); he heightens his consciousness, and awareness by connecting with others; (a face is not
a book). People, on the other hand, are selfish; self-absorbed, and inconsiderate of others, while
taking care of themselves. Civilization then collapses, and people cease to evolve because they
lose the capacity to obtain a soul.
A confluence of entropic forces operating with all civilizations since the beginning of recorded
history, is responsible for the world being in the state it is now; this didn’t happen by chance, but
rather, design; divine in origin.
When a person decides to see a physician, typically, it’s because something isn't functioning
the way it should; at its optimal level. An appointment is made, and a meeting take place in an
office of some sort. Wouldn’t you consider it strange if a physician took his practice outdoors,
and instead of waiting for people to approach him, he informs those who pass by they require his
There’s no doubt in my mind that most people would consider such a physician mad, and in
need of medical assistance. If anybody required reassurance that their perception was correct; he
could glance around and note that others are responding to the situation the same as him, and
therein lays the key to understanding why the world is in such a deplorable condition; a lack of
individual thought, but rather a willingness to imitate, without question, the behavior of others.
To make an analogy; I greet someone, and say; “Your boots need cleaning; they’re filthy”,
that person might then turn to the person beside him, and note that the color, and style, of their
boots are the same, while cognizant that they bought their boots at the same store, and, hence,
feels entitled to ask; “What on God’s green earth are you talking about?!” I could then respond;
“Wipe your boots with a cloth; you’ll notice they’re green; not brown; you’ve stepped in
manure”. Such is the state of the world today; pretty much everybody is walking around in a fog;
perceiving neither itself, nor their environment, correctly; with little appreciation as to how one
thing affects another.
In order to make such a person aware of his present circumstance, I have to lessen the fog that
is clouding his vision, which means I have to affect the faculty responsible for the fog, and that is
the person’s mind that isn’t aware a fog exists; I do this by heightening his mental acuity - before
a problem can be fixed, it has to be identified.
One method I can use to attack this problem is to be direct, and to the point; stating things as
they are, and not “sugar coating” matters to make them more palatable. The fog was created by
doing the opposite; diverting people’s attention from the truth; confusing people; creating fear,
and doubt; but why was the fog produced? What purpose does it serve? The answer is so
information could be acquired, without people being aware of how, or why, this was being done.
To make an analogy; a man loses his watch, and wants to know the time, but, without others
being aware he doesn’t have a time piece, therefore, he greets an acquaintance, and says; “I
didn’t expect to see you here; I thought you’d still be in a meeting.” The person relies; “The
meeting finished two hours ago.” The other person can now figure out the time, because he
knows the meeting in question was supposed to finish at 1 pm; therefore, the time must now be 3
pm. But what would be the point of doing such a thing?
It could be considered fruitful, if the person without a time piece doesn't want people with the
time to do anything else but inform him of the time. Such a scenario certainly wouldn't be
considered proper, and reasonable, to someone cognizant that all his time is devoted to giving the
time to someone who doesn’t have the time! What an empty; senseless, way to use the time one
has in life; after all, if time is used wisely, a great deal can be accomplished; for instance, many
believe if 10,000 hours of practice is devoted to a craft, (the classical guitar, for example), it can
be mastered; regardless of “natural talent”.
Wasted time, however, can be hidden; for instance, if a person is convinced he’s as talented as
“Joe Blow from Kokamo” at playing the classical guitar whom he's been told is great, he
wouldn't be aware that he's nowhere near as talented as the great, Andres Segovia, whom he
hasn’t heard due to a lack of time, or so he believes.
This fog cluttering people's minds was recently exposed by the extraordinarily talented actress,
Meryl Streep; she presented herself as praising actors, and actresses, in the audience at the 2017
Golden Globes, but was actually disparaging them:
You’re a bunch of people from other countries, (Hollywood is now crawling with outsiders),
who decided to reside in a country that elected as their leader someone who doesn’t have a birth
certificate; my heart’s been broken by the death of a friend I’ve known for decades, (she wasn't a
just a character in a movie; she existed in "real life" person; her name's, Carrie Fisher), yet, you
believe my attention is focused on an exchange between two people I don’t know; lasting a few
seconds. She made sure she got her words right, because she had her script prepared on cards she
barely glanced at. If it weren’t for this “bunch of people”, according to Meryl Streep, we'd have
nothing to watch but football, and mixed martial arts, and they aren’t the arts! What the hell do
the dodo brains in the audience, (many of the "actresses" barely cover their globes), who think
they have talent, and deserving of awards, have to do with art! Judging from the applause given
as she left the stage, she fooled just about everybody in the audience. Oscar winner, Denzel
Washington, may have been an exception; when the camera focused on him for several seconds,
he appeared to be, judging from the look on his face, in a state of shock, but then again, I don’t
know the man, so he’s the person who can say what he was thinking at the time. Bravo, Meryl
Streep; a wonderful performance!
People live in a fog because they, literally, and figuratively, speaking, run around in circles;
engaged in mindless, senseless, endeavors that deprive them of the time to become aware of how
self-defeating their behavior is; people, due to the fog clouding their vision, cannot see the forest
for the trees.
Love Is the Nature of Existence, represents the cloth that can wipe the filth of one’s shoes, so
he can become aware of the magnificent footwear on his feet.
The Trinity Manifesto
Ecclesiastes 6:9; King James Bible
Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire:
this is also vanity and vexation of spirit.
If one considered “Love Is the Nature of Existence” a symphony; the overture is Volume I; “The
Trinity Manifesto”; the entire symphony is encapsulated in the first movement, which answers
the question; what is the nature of the creature who views himself as a man?
Shapes; (savage; hairless; apes), believe they were once given dominion over all life forms on
Earth; in actual fact, they are cretins, who, figuratively speaking, reside in sub-terrain abodes
devoid of life. They fail to recognize this because no light is able to enter this space, and, thus,
serve as a contrast; exposing how deep the darkness is that surrounds them, actually, they are
unaware they’re in the dark, because there’s no light.
An immense amount of knowledge has been granted to people throughout history, however,
those with extraordinary minds, predicted that civilization, on a global scale, will cease; how
were they able to obtain such an accurate vision of the future; which is present, NOW?
Considering the plethora of readily available resources people can use to enrich their minds;
how is it people lead themselves astray? They fail to use what they can to better themselves?
People indulge in self-destructive pursuits, rather than steadfastly adhere to a course of action
that would enable them to master a skill, and recognize the untapped potential within them.
If one were tumbling down a hill; heading toward certain doom; wouldn’t it make sense to
latch onto an outstretched hand that could break one’s fall – no question mark is required. The
key to answering this question is recognizing the possibility that the person falling is not aware
his life is in jeopardy, hence, the hand that can save his life, does not represent a way out of a
dire situation, but, rather, an object obstructing his path. A person interpreting the situation as
such lives in a world that is the opposite of what it should be; up, is now down; down, is now up;
right, is now wrong and wrong, is now right.
If a person became aware he was immersed in such a tragic circumstance, he would feel
compelled, in accordance with his instinct to survive, to alter such a state of affairs. The best way
to avoid this transpiring, is to annihilate the opportunity of the person becoming aware of the
nature of the situation he’s in.
“The Trinity Manifesto” reveals the state of the world, thus, removing the patches that cover
people’s eyes; keeping them in the dark, so they may become aware of what lies before them -
green fields that represent a world in which everyone is nourished, and has the opportunity to
reach their full potential.
Love is The Word and
the Time is Now
From a single word, expansion occurs, and space is created; later contraction takes place, and time came
about. Everything in existence has a reason for being, a cause, and also a purpose; The Lord does not
play a game of chance with the universe.
History is a process of evolution, and throughout people followed a downward course, till, eventually,
as is evident today, he could stoop no lower. There is so much suffering in the world today it is hard to
comprehend its magnitude; those who fail to recognize how dire our collective condition is, and how their
own actions have contributed to this state, are able to do so by avoiding, or ignoring, the signs that
surround them wherever they go, and instead choose to trap themselves in an insulated world that is as
fragile as a balloon that can explode with the prick of a pin.
There is a reason why all this occurred; so God can perceive the contrast between two conditions; in
the same way, for example, one can appreciate the degree to which ones’ pants are white, when someone
wearing the same type of pants has theirs’ soiled in some manner; but what caused everything to
deteriorate? Quite obviously, people!
The Lord created Man as His instrument to reveal the extent of His goodness; in contrast; if cleanliness
is next to Godliness, for example, there are a lot of people these days, (judging from the pictures placed
on bathroom walls), that need to be reminded of the importance of washing their hands once they’ve been
to the lavatory; a person couldn’t be too bright, (one can conclude), if he/she cannot intuitively appreciate
the worth in keeping germs off their hands.
The magnitude of the mind that created the cosmos is beyond the scope of our wildest imagination; He
also created a creature in His likeness; evidently, there nothing in common these days between the
designer of everything; those made in His image; the Jews, and the imbecilic mutant that can’t remember
whether it is worthwhile to keep fecal matter off his hands.
This is a tragic state of affairs, depending on one’s relation to such occurrences. If you are no way the
same as an imbecile, it can be construed as quite hilarious; never mind a reminder of how magnificent one
is; not only because one can recognize the importance of personal hygiene, but one can also be amazed by
the intellect one must have in order to tie one’s shoe laces; all these factors that serve as a reminder of
how important it is to work at bettering oneself. The expression; “Every day, in every way, I’m getting
better and better”, is indeed the proper perspective one should have on life. Societies that are fashioned in
order to assemble a “culture” have a well-functioning educational system to serve as a foundation; one
that enables the production of a civilized being. In contrast, developing a “civilization” is the last thing
on the agenda of schools today.
Violence within a learning environment can be described as; “anything that jeopardizes the climate of
an affective learning and working environment.” Sexual harassment can be defined as the; “unwanted,
sexual attention”. Willfully damaging public property is, “vandalism”. Which gender displays far greater
violence toward other people, and property? Female; the gender claiming to be subjugated; they, however,
parade around scantily clad, all the while stating men are sexist; isn’t that beyond hilarious? It depends
on the extent one is affected by aberrant/criminal behavior.
Who should be held liable for their conduct? Females; males who do nothing; their parents, and those
affiliated with the school system; are they? NO; hardly anybody believes they should be deemed
responsible, nor held accountable, for their actions these days. “Life is short”; “Get over it”; “Tomorrow
is a new day”; “Nobody’s perfect”; These are common “excuses” given for not making a mountain out of
a colloquial molehill; (for minimizing how dreadful their behavior is); I’ve heard these expressions so
often they’re become stale and rotten from my perspective, and emit a foul, pungent, odor that makes me
feel quite noxious.
We need a fresh start; a new beginning; such nonsense cannot continue. For God’s sake, we need to
start things over, and make a fresh start.
The world is a confusing place to most; there is such a state of chaos and confusion these days, it can
be mind boggling. So many are rushing around from one place to another they rarely give themselves the
time to contemplate how on earth our state of affairs has turned out the way it has. The youth of today are
despondent, and lethargic, while they obsess over the latest gadget. Parents are uneasy about finances,
and worry how they can make ends meet. Each day is cluttered with memories of what might have been;
could have been, and visions of a dark, foreboding, future that potentially lies ahead.
Creation is love; an offering for each of us to partake. History has provided us all we need to make the
world a better place, and make each of our lives a more fulfilling, rewarding, experience. Love is The
Word and the Time is Now, reveals, by using poetry, stories, historical events, psychology, physics, and a
great deal more; how we can take better care of ourselves.
Love is The Word and the Time is Now reveals secrets you never imagined existed, that will widen
your understanding of the nature of reality. You will realize that none of us is separate, but entwined in a
story written long ago, that unfolds over a passage of time, that is never ending, which can only mean the
moment is all we have. Make the most of it by realizing the chance to make things better is still here,
right now, in this place, with you.
Trinity; The Father, the Son, the
Holy Ghost
Life; creation; existence, can be pictured as a story. This story is spoken, in a sense, by The Lord,
He is the one that tells the story to Him; which would necessarily be the case, because The Lord
is everywhere; but why would The Lord do such a thing?
One way of answering this question is to envision God in a dark room all alone; because it is
dark, He does not perceive walls, boundaries, or borders, of any sort; The Lord is infinite,
limitless, eternal, so this is a manner in which one can have a sense of what infinity is like. In
such a place a man can lose sense of who he is; what he is about; his identity, (imagine being in a
“sensory deprivation chamber”); The Lord in response created a story to remind Himself that He
is real; He is present, and also His nature.
If a man were stranded on a desolate island all alone; he would most likely strive to combat
his isolation by doing much the same thing, and, thus, not feel quite so alone, and also feel more
secure and protected as a consequence.
It is interesting to note that children often create imaginary friends, particularly when they’ve
been ostracized for the same reason, or maybe simply to derive pleasure from utilizing a resource
within themselves; (their imagination); when anyone manages to improve a skill, whether it be;
playing the guitar; drawing a picture, or memorizing information; the same sense of satisfaction
will result.
The purpose of creation is as I will describe; The Lord has three roles, or parts, in this story;
He is God; The Father; the originator of the story, (every word is spoken by The Creator); God;
the Son; he is the messenger, and explains the story. In order to better understand his purpose;
picture, if you may, attending a stage production that has an intermission, and during this time
someone appears on stage to remind the audience of what has taken place so far, and what they
have to look forward to once the Play resumes; of course, not giving away the grand finale; just
enough to insure they will return to their seats, and eagerly anticipate what happens next. Just as
the Play is about to end a character appears who explains why the characters “acted” the way
they did; sort of like a detective fitting the pieces of a puzzle together in order to solve a crime;
when this happens the audience will likely begin to remember how they were given the same
clues earlier in the plot. When the past is brought to the present, or the present reaches the past,
much as takes place at the end of the Play; the audience then considers the possibility that the
figure persuading them to do this might be the same as the one who gave them the original clues;
hence, the question surfaces; are the two men the same man? And if so, how is that possible?
The word, “haunt”, according to The American Webster Dictionary, copyright 1972, by
Andrew T, Morehead, means; v.t. 1, reappear to frequently after dying, as a ghost. 2, visit
frequently. – v.i. reappear, as a spector. – n. 1, (often pl) a place frequently visited. 2. (haunt)
(Dial.) a ghost, or a visiting ground. Once considering the purpose of the figure I’ve mentioned
who appears at the end of the Play, and the various definitions of the word, “haunt”; is it
surprising that the character is commonly named the Holy Ghost. The purpose; goal, or motive,
one might say, of the story of creation is for The Lord to realize Himself.
There are, definitely, countless ways The Lord can find to make sure the purpose of the plot is
fulfilled; practicing this craft is done in a ritualistic fashion, in much the same way a person who
wishes to be a concert pianist practices daily in order to enhance his skills. The following is an
I move to a small town in the southern portion of Britain, and decide to open up an art gallery
where I can display my own creations. Over time this venture becomes more and more a
fulfilling; rewarding, experience. Everything I ever wanted to accomplish in life happened due
to my opening this self-run business; consisting solely of products created by my own hands.
When I close my shop; I feel as though I’ve achieved all I was supposed to as an artist.
Many years pass, until I decide to return to the same town to remember the good old days
when I was a respected artisan. I notice the town hasn’t changed much; the same buildings
remain, with just a few additions. I happen to notice, though, that not far from where I had my
gallery, another one is opening up. I discover that a group of young people run this shop, and
happen to have the same ambitions I once had.
Always eager to offer a helping hand, I tell them about my experiences as an art gallery
owner; the mistakes I made, and the things I considered beneficial while I was operating my
business. As I’m about to leave; after completing my story to my captive audience; I shake
hands with them all, and wish each the best.
Many more years pass, and I reach my golden years, and I’ve determined it would be a wise
to return to the town I had my art gallery, in order to remind myself of my youth, and the
excitement I experienced while I was running my own commercial enterprise.
Once I arrive, I notice the gallery is still open where I offered advice and shared stories about
my life. As I near the building I can’t help but notice the structure is now dilapidated; in dire
need of repairs; the awning over the front entrance is worn and torn, and the windows facing the
street are grimy, and covered with dirt.
Just as I’m about to reach the front door, I look through the front window, and realize the
same people I met before are inside, and the art on the walls reveals that the quality of their work
hasn’t improved; in fact; if anything; their skills appear to have diminished.
A bell rings; announcing that I’ve opened the front door. To my utter dismay, most can only
vaguely recall my visiting their gallery years prior, when I took the time to dispense some
valuable lessons I’d learned about life up to that time. When I began speaking to them, memories
kindled in each of their minds regarding the visit I’d made many years prior. Only a few
appeared able to acknowledge mistakes they’d made that had led to their disappointing current
state of affairs; while the rest seemed oblivious of the fact they’d ignored the wisdom I’d
dispensed, which had obviously contributed to their present misfortunes. As this scenario
unfolds, I can’t help but notice that I am able to better remember how, and why, I managed to
successfully operate my own gallery. The past became clearer than it had ever been before.
The other artists couldn’t help but feel haunted by the past revisiting them; serving as a
reminder of what they’d done wrong; neglected to do; resulting in the current condition of their
gallery; a crumbling building; full of rot; an expression of decay; which paradoxically served as
a reminder to me of how well I kept my own art gallery - there was never a crack in a window, or
a hole in a wall.
People have a tremendous array of extraordinary resources to utilize; the heart wrenching fact
of reality is that all but for a very small portion learn to use these resources wisely; it is as if The
Lord had given each a million bucks, but with just one condition; don’t go to a casino! Most
people, however, decide the temptation is too great, and choose to give in, perceiving it as a
golden opportunity to dramatically increase their wealth. Once a person has decided to follow
this route, he will gamble away everything he owns; the longer a person stays in one of these
establishments, the more likely one is to lose everything he’s got; all casinos are designed that
way. Various words describe such behavior; naïve; reckless; thoughtless; narcissistic; greedy;
foolish; regardless of the word one may use; the cause is ignorance, which, as many wise men
have told us throughout recorded history, is a person’s greatest enemy.
The definition of the word, “ignore”, according to The New American Webster Dictionary is
r; v.t. pass by without notice; pay no heed to.
A state of “ignorance” is the result of continually practicing ignoring things. The trouble with so
many people is that instead of focusing on bettering themselves, they instead seek to be “better”
others; what I mean is; they exploit; degrade, and belittle, other people, which are driven by a
sense of inadequacy. Alfred Adler created the terms; “inferiority complex”, and “superiority
complex”, to describe this condition.
No man need be envious of another; everybody has the potential to be a god; the key is
deciding who your mentors should be. Each should be chosen in accordance with the qualities
one wishes to develop in oneself. What could possibly be more rewarding than becoming a
better you; striving to reach your full potential; being all you can be! The Father; is the Son, and
also the Holy Ghost; all serve The Lord to help Him realize Himself.
The Creator
Creation is a story that unfolds over time; it came from the Creator, therefore, it is the Creator; it
is manifested for much the same reason a person writes his memoirs; in order to reflect upon his
life, and share his experiences with others.
The plot takes place within the pattern civilizations develop; they are an expression of the
three elemental components that form Him; The Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost.
The world is a precarious place, and people have a rudimentary understanding of the things they
perceive as possible endangerments to their health and well-being, therefore, in order to function
with the highest degree of proficiency, individuals seek security, and comfort, and he obtains this
by acquiring power; in other words, he attains a sense of controlling his destiny by making
himself, as much as possible, safe from harmful elements within his environment, and this
necessarily includes members of his own species. The problem is that, as history has proven this
search for power, (security), can get out of control, and becomes an addiction.
History reveals that civilizations always consist of “classes”, and the reason for this is driven
by economics. The quest to accumulate wealth perniciously spreads among social groups, and
leads to inequality. People have always had a tendency to measure themselves in accordance
with the wealth they possess, and perceive others as inanimate objects they can use for their
The rhythm and flow of time reveals that people understandably seek to escape domination by
their fellow man; the most unfortunate trend shown in history, however, is that liberty has never
been sustainable, and this is because people oppress those who’ve oppressed them in the same
manner they were oppressed. People subjugate those they consider a threat, and this judgment is
made on the basis of behavior displayed in the past; the way infringements were made on the
lifestyle they wished to lead. Jewish people, who survived the Holocaust after the Second World
War, are not an exception to this pattern of behavior. They used every resource at their disposal
to control the world, and at the same time jeopardized the planet; the global ecological system
has been dramatically affected by climatic changes caused by the indiscriminate consumption of
consumer products by “consumers”; lakes; seas, and oceans, are now toxic with man-made
pollutants; deforestation, and desertification, have adversely affected the global climate; it is not
just the burning of carbon based resources that affects the amount of radiation in the atmosphere,
leading to global warming, but also C.F.C.s.
Knowledge is the most potent form of power, and as the Bible informs us, when placed in the
hands of those unable to use it wisely, dire repercussions invariably result. The “Garden of
Eden” story shows what happens when every wish; desire, and need, is instantaneously gratified;
without challenges to overcome, the intellect does not develop, and a “God Complex” is instilled
within the psyche; (knowledge can only be of detriment to a person with an uncultivated mind).
The Lord expels Adam and Eve from paradise as a consequence. If people do not learn from
history they will inevitably repeat the same mistakes over, and over.
The proper way for people to live, is in harmony with nature; that means living in accordance
with the “Golden Mean”; one must give as much as one receives. People must feed themselves,
instead of feeding off the works of others; “consumer countries”, will then, once again, become
“First World Countries”.
The revolution conducted by Britain, and the United States,
Will spread around the world.
The Jews
The British are the Jews; the progeny of Jesus Christ; they are a different breed from all others
on Earth; some label them, "Xanthochroid". This word describes their typical visible physical
features; white skin, and wavy blonde hair. What makes the people of the British Isles different
from others is that they were not originally from Africa; they are not a primate hybrid; they are
made in the image of God, and a part of The Lord's creation; His spirit is within them so they
may be able to fulfill the arduous task, relatively speaking, of inhabiting all the world; adapting
to every type of climate, and withstanding the slings, and arrows, thrown at them from those who
dislike a change imposed on them; however, regardless, the British do their duty, and serve The
Lord with all their heart, mind, and soul.
The British originated in Doggerland around 12,000 B.C., and began constructing Stonehenge
around 3100 B.C., at the same time they were built the Indus Valley Civilization; Mesopotamia
Civilization, and the Ancient Egyptian Civilization; which represent the triune nature of The
Lord; The Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost.
The British are responsible for all the great accomplishments in history. They once ruled the
seas, and oceans, as well as lands so distant from one another, the Sun never set upon Her
Empire. Once again, for a thousand years, the same will happen; The Trinity will be built, and
heaven will be on Earth.
The universe is an image of God; the Sun corresponds to The Father; the stellar sphere to the
Son, and the intervening space to the Holy Spirit. The Lord's word is absorbed, and transmitted,
by the planets in our solar system; entwined as one, they tell the story that forms history.
The Jon Anderson, “Olias of Sunhillow” symbol; Triangle/Square/Circle represents Johannes
Kepler's vision of The Lord; God; the Father; God; the Son, and God; the Holy Ghost.
3 + 4 = 7 full circle

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Workings of Man

  • 1. 1 GOD Being a Christian means behaving in a manner that preserves life; not needlessly, recklessly, even callously, destroying life, as savages do. The Second Coming of Christ means Judgment Day has arrived; he will not preserve those who didn't learn to behave as Christians, so as to sustain all other life in the world, and begin a new Age. A person can never know God; he is only given a glimpse of His awesome nature so he remains meek, and humble, and follows His laws without question, no matter the circumstance, because that is what is right, and pleasing to The Lord. "To explain all nature is too difficult a task for any one man or even for any one age. ‘Tis much better to do a little with certainty, & leave the rest for others that come after you, than to explain all things by conjecture without making sure of anything." Sir Isaac Newton Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7: 3; Knowledge of the Absolute Out of manythousands amongmen,onemay endeavorfor perfection,andof those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.
  • 2. 2 The Christian Church The British people migrated to South Asia, and dispensed teachings that were passed down orally for many generations, until they were finally compiled in the writings called the Vedas; (approximately 1500 B.C.); the people who dispensed these teaching are called seers; men thought to have knowledge of God. The practice of the teachings contained in the Vedas enables a person to realize himself; once he has destroyed the ignorance that binds him to life; he extinguishes his life-force, and unites with God; The Father, in heaven. The practice of yoga, (which means "to yoke"), is most arduous, requiring perseverance, and steadfastness of effort; few within an Age are able to achieve Self - realization. In Ancient Egypt the people realized the Pharaohs were gods, made in the image of God, thus, they connected with God; The Father, on Earth. In the Mesopotamian civilization the people did not realize the prophets were made in the image of God, but, saw them rather as, "messengers of God", thus, people within this civilization connected with God by the revealing of His nature within the historical events experienced by the Jews. Once all three civilizations were completed, The Trinity was made flesh in the body of Jesus Christ. The continuous pattern of behavior that exists between "shapes"; (savage; hairless; apes); the Dark, and those with a "living soul"; Light; the British people, throughout recorded history, is that when "shapes" are able to do as they please, the British are eliminated, and "shapes" multiply, though, not due to being fruitful. There is no fall of either man; those made in God's image, or "shapes"; primates who think their men; in the Bible; Genesis describes the absence of man, and the cause is a "God Complex" that inhabits the minds of both male, and female, "shapes".
  • 3. 3 "To prevent the weaker members of the community from being preyed upon by innumerable vultures, it was needful that there should be an animal of prey stronger than the rest, commissioned to keep them down." (John Stuart Mill) Light, and Dark; Good, and Evil, form creation. Light has a living soul, and is planted in a creature created in the Northern Hemisphere; Dark is made from dust, and returns to dust. It evolved in Africa, and is a primate hybrid, the result of the mating of a monkey, and an ape, but it doesn't have a tail, so formally, it should be called an ape. Millions of years ago its natural habitat was threatened, so it fled the trees, and had to contend with land predators larger, and stronger, than himself; in order to survive, the form of adaption called neoteny occurred. He was then born prematurely, which kept his head aligned with his spine, so he could move on two limbs. This freed his other two limbs, his hands, which he used to construct weapons to defend himself, as a consequence, his brain then took 23 years to fully mature, which made him reliant on his parents for care, and security, far longer. Later his habitat was threatened again, and he managed to survive by consuming creatures that reside in lakes, streams, and ponds. He lost most of his hair during this phase of evolution, except for his head; which he kept above water to breathe. This creature; born polymorphous perverse, and self-deluding by nature; for example, he fools himself into believing he's a carnivore, while, in actually fact, he's an herbivore/fruitvore; is a savage; hairless; ape; a "shape". When the male and female "shapes", (Adam and Eve), met the white man from the north they believed, due to their shapes being similar, that they were the same as men and women who have a living soul. Because "shapes" lack the quality that enables white man to accomplish great things; an essence; a being, a soul, once he steals it from the white man, and also kills him, he can delude himself into believing he was responsible for the work done by the white man, and worthy of the acknowledgment; praise, and accolades, that the dead white man should have received. The Truth In the first chapter of the Bible, Genesis, creation is unveiled; time, and space, are established due to the formation of a "duality", however, an illusion hides this duality; when a person understands the nature of the illusion, he can comprehend the entity responsible for the dual nature of reality; in other words; God. John 8: 44, (K.J.V.) Ye are of your father thedevil,andthe lusts of your father ye willdo.He was a murderer from the beginning,and abodenot in thetruth,because thereis no truthin him.When he speaketha lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
  • 4. 4 The duality would be obvious if it were not for the people throughout the centuries who claim to represent God, and sought to mask the truth for their own devious intentions. John 8:58, (K.J.V.) Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. Creation is for the benefit of God alone; its purpose is for God to perceive Himself, therefore, the Trinity; The Father; who is the Creator; The Son; Preserver, and, The Holy Ghost; Destroyer of ignorance; is formed by three civilizations; the Indus Valley civilization represents the Holy Ghost; the Mesopotamian civilization is The Son, and Ancient Egypt is The Creator. The man responsible for these three civilizations is the first living soul; formed from the dust of the earth. People have been taught that this man is Adam, but Jesus Christ informs us he is the Son of man; the duality that forms reality has been exposed. Jesus Christ was made in the image of God, and can, therefore, never be separate from God. He first appeared in “Doggerland”, (the British Isles), about 12,000 B.C., and God’s spirit was placed in a Caucasoid body; which was created in the Northern Hemisphere, and fashioned by the struggle to survive for countless millennium a climate plagued with ice ages. His progeny, the British people, created all the great accomplishments in history; 144,000 of which were assigned a specific task. Workings of Man
  • 5. 5 Love Is the Nature of Existence Dr. Rollo May wrote a book entitled, “The Meaning of Anxiety”, in which he challenged the belief that mental health can be equated with living without anxiety, but rather contends it is an essential feature of the struggle to survive; confronting anxiety relieves boredom; sharpens sensitivity; tension is necessary to preserve life. People, understandably, sought relief following the Second World War from the horrors, and carnage, that had taken place; the problem is that people never brought an end to their quest to relieve themselves of hardship. Ever since “convenience products”, and “consumer goods”, in increasing numbers, have seeped into the lives of those who live in “First World Countries”, while the anguish of people in “Third World Countries” has magnified due to working harder; longer, and, in most cases, less pay, in order to satisfy the needs; wants, and desires, of “consumers”, who are already over-saturated in material wealth, but, increasingly, fail to recognize such being the case. "Love Is the Nature of Existence", explains how madness can be eradicated by remembering, (the truth isn’t new, but was lost; buried beneath a mountain of lies), how a person becomes human, and when he invariably; no matter the circumstance; behaves humanely; he achieves Self-realization; union with God. Someone who is human behaves in a humane manner; he takes care of himself, while taking care of others, (before a person can respect others; he has to respect himself); he heightens his consciousness, and awareness by connecting with others; (a face is not a book). People, on the other hand, are selfish; self-absorbed, and inconsiderate of others, while taking care of themselves. Civilization then collapses, and people cease to evolve because they lose the capacity to obtain a soul. A confluence of entropic forces operating with all civilizations since the beginning of recorded history, is responsible for the world being in the state it is now; this didn’t happen by chance, but rather, design; divine in origin.
  • 6. 6 When a person decides to see a physician, typically, it’s because something isn't functioning the way it should; at its optimal level. An appointment is made, and a meeting take place in an office of some sort. Wouldn’t you consider it strange if a physician took his practice outdoors, and instead of waiting for people to approach him, he informs those who pass by they require his assistance? There’s no doubt in my mind that most people would consider such a physician mad, and in need of medical assistance. If anybody required reassurance that their perception was correct; he could glance around and note that others are responding to the situation the same as him, and therein lays the key to understanding why the world is in such a deplorable condition; a lack of individual thought, but rather a willingness to imitate, without question, the behavior of others. To make an analogy; I greet someone, and say; “Your boots need cleaning; they’re filthy”, that person might then turn to the person beside him, and note that the color, and style, of their boots are the same, while cognizant that they bought their boots at the same store, and, hence, feels entitled to ask; “What on God’s green earth are you talking about?!” I could then respond; “Wipe your boots with a cloth; you’ll notice they’re green; not brown; you’ve stepped in manure”. Such is the state of the world today; pretty much everybody is walking around in a fog; perceiving neither itself, nor their environment, correctly; with little appreciation as to how one thing affects another. In order to make such a person aware of his present circumstance, I have to lessen the fog that is clouding his vision, which means I have to affect the faculty responsible for the fog, and that is the person’s mind that isn’t aware a fog exists; I do this by heightening his mental acuity - before a problem can be fixed, it has to be identified. One method I can use to attack this problem is to be direct, and to the point; stating things as they are, and not “sugar coating” matters to make them more palatable. The fog was created by doing the opposite; diverting people’s attention from the truth; confusing people; creating fear, and doubt; but why was the fog produced? What purpose does it serve? The answer is so information could be acquired, without people being aware of how, or why, this was being done. To make an analogy; a man loses his watch, and wants to know the time, but, without others being aware he doesn’t have a time piece, therefore, he greets an acquaintance, and says; “I didn’t expect to see you here; I thought you’d still be in a meeting.” The person relies; “The meeting finished two hours ago.” The other person can now figure out the time, because he knows the meeting in question was supposed to finish at 1 pm; therefore, the time must now be 3 pm. But what would be the point of doing such a thing? It could be considered fruitful, if the person without a time piece doesn't want people with the time to do anything else but inform him of the time. Such a scenario certainly wouldn't be considered proper, and reasonable, to someone cognizant that all his time is devoted to giving the time to someone who doesn’t have the time! What an empty; senseless, way to use the time one has in life; after all, if time is used wisely, a great deal can be accomplished; for instance, many believe if 10,000 hours of practice is devoted to a craft, (the classical guitar, for example), it can be mastered; regardless of “natural talent”.
  • 7. 7 Wasted time, however, can be hidden; for instance, if a person is convinced he’s as talented as “Joe Blow from Kokamo” at playing the classical guitar whom he's been told is great, he wouldn't be aware that he's nowhere near as talented as the great, Andres Segovia, whom he hasn’t heard due to a lack of time, or so he believes. This fog cluttering people's minds was recently exposed by the extraordinarily talented actress, Meryl Streep; she presented herself as praising actors, and actresses, in the audience at the 2017 Golden Globes, but was actually disparaging them: You’re a bunch of people from other countries, (Hollywood is now crawling with outsiders), who decided to reside in a country that elected as their leader someone who doesn’t have a birth certificate; my heart’s been broken by the death of a friend I’ve known for decades, (she wasn't a just a character in a movie; she existed in "real life" person; her name's, Carrie Fisher), yet, you believe my attention is focused on an exchange between two people I don’t know; lasting a few seconds. She made sure she got her words right, because she had her script prepared on cards she barely glanced at. If it weren’t for this “bunch of people”, according to Meryl Streep, we'd have nothing to watch but football, and mixed martial arts, and they aren’t the arts! What the hell do the dodo brains in the audience, (many of the "actresses" barely cover their globes), who think they have talent, and deserving of awards, have to do with art! Judging from the applause given as she left the stage, she fooled just about everybody in the audience. Oscar winner, Denzel Washington, may have been an exception; when the camera focused on him for several seconds, he appeared to be, judging from the look on his face, in a state of shock, but then again, I don’t know the man, so he’s the person who can say what he was thinking at the time. Bravo, Meryl Streep; a wonderful performance! People live in a fog because they, literally, and figuratively, speaking, run around in circles; engaged in mindless, senseless, endeavors that deprive them of the time to become aware of how self-defeating their behavior is; people, due to the fog clouding their vision, cannot see the forest for the trees. Love Is the Nature of Existence, represents the cloth that can wipe the filth of one’s shoes, so he can become aware of the magnificent footwear on his feet.
  • 8. 8 The Trinity Manifesto Ecclesiastes 6:9; King James Bible Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire: this is also vanity and vexation of spirit. If one considered “Love Is the Nature of Existence” a symphony; the overture is Volume I; “The Trinity Manifesto”; the entire symphony is encapsulated in the first movement, which answers the question; what is the nature of the creature who views himself as a man? Shapes; (savage; hairless; apes), believe they were once given dominion over all life forms on Earth; in actual fact, they are cretins, who, figuratively speaking, reside in sub-terrain abodes devoid of life. They fail to recognize this because no light is able to enter this space, and, thus, serve as a contrast; exposing how deep the darkness is that surrounds them, actually, they are unaware they’re in the dark, because there’s no light. An immense amount of knowledge has been granted to people throughout history, however, those with extraordinary minds, predicted that civilization, on a global scale, will cease; how were they able to obtain such an accurate vision of the future; which is present, NOW? Considering the plethora of readily available resources people can use to enrich their minds; how is it people lead themselves astray? They fail to use what they can to better themselves? People indulge in self-destructive pursuits, rather than steadfastly adhere to a course of action that would enable them to master a skill, and recognize the untapped potential within them. If one were tumbling down a hill; heading toward certain doom; wouldn’t it make sense to latch onto an outstretched hand that could break one’s fall – no question mark is required. The key to answering this question is recognizing the possibility that the person falling is not aware his life is in jeopardy, hence, the hand that can save his life, does not represent a way out of a dire situation, but, rather, an object obstructing his path. A person interpreting the situation as
  • 9. 9 such lives in a world that is the opposite of what it should be; up, is now down; down, is now up; right, is now wrong and wrong, is now right. If a person became aware he was immersed in such a tragic circumstance, he would feel compelled, in accordance with his instinct to survive, to alter such a state of affairs. The best way to avoid this transpiring, is to annihilate the opportunity of the person becoming aware of the nature of the situation he’s in. “The Trinity Manifesto” reveals the state of the world, thus, removing the patches that cover people’s eyes; keeping them in the dark, so they may become aware of what lies before them - green fields that represent a world in which everyone is nourished, and has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Love is The Word and the Time is Now From a single word, expansion occurs, and space is created; later contraction takes place, and time came about. Everything in existence has a reason for being, a cause, and also a purpose; The Lord does not play a game of chance with the universe. History is a process of evolution, and throughout people followed a downward course, till, eventually, as is evident today, he could stoop no lower. There is so much suffering in the world today it is hard to comprehend its magnitude; those who fail to recognize how dire our collective condition is, and how their own actions have contributed to this state, are able to do so by avoiding, or ignoring, the signs that surround them wherever they go, and instead choose to trap themselves in an insulated world that is as fragile as a balloon that can explode with the prick of a pin. There is a reason why all this occurred; so God can perceive the contrast between two conditions; in the same way, for example, one can appreciate the degree to which ones’ pants are white, when someone
  • 10. 10 wearing the same type of pants has theirs’ soiled in some manner; but what caused everything to deteriorate? Quite obviously, people! The Lord created Man as His instrument to reveal the extent of His goodness; in contrast; if cleanliness is next to Godliness, for example, there are a lot of people these days, (judging from the pictures placed on bathroom walls), that need to be reminded of the importance of washing their hands once they’ve been to the lavatory; a person couldn’t be too bright, (one can conclude), if he/she cannot intuitively appreciate the worth in keeping germs off their hands. The magnitude of the mind that created the cosmos is beyond the scope of our wildest imagination; He also created a creature in His likeness; evidently, there nothing in common these days between the designer of everything; those made in His image; the Jews, and the imbecilic mutant that can’t remember whether it is worthwhile to keep fecal matter off his hands. This is a tragic state of affairs, depending on one’s relation to such occurrences. If you are no way the same as an imbecile, it can be construed as quite hilarious; never mind a reminder of how magnificent one is; not only because one can recognize the importance of personal hygiene, but one can also be amazed by the intellect one must have in order to tie one’s shoe laces; all these factors that serve as a reminder of how important it is to work at bettering oneself. The expression; “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better”, is indeed the proper perspective one should have on life. Societies that are fashioned in order to assemble a “culture” have a well-functioning educational system to serve as a foundation; one that enables the production of a civilized being. In contrast, developing a “civilization” is the last thing on the agenda of schools today. Violence within a learning environment can be described as; “anything that jeopardizes the climate of an affective learning and working environment.” Sexual harassment can be defined as the; “unwanted, sexual attention”. Willfully damaging public property is, “vandalism”. Which gender displays far greater violence toward other people, and property? Female; the gender claiming to be subjugated; they, however, parade around scantily clad, all the while stating men are sexist; isn’t that beyond hilarious? It depends on the extent one is affected by aberrant/criminal behavior. Who should be held liable for their conduct? Females; males who do nothing; their parents, and those affiliated with the school system; are they? NO; hardly anybody believes they should be deemed responsible, nor held accountable, for their actions these days. “Life is short”; “Get over it”; “Tomorrow is a new day”; “Nobody’s perfect”; These are common “excuses” given for not making a mountain out of a colloquial molehill; (for minimizing how dreadful their behavior is); I’ve heard these expressions so often they’re become stale and rotten from my perspective, and emit a foul, pungent, odor that makes me feel quite noxious. We need a fresh start; a new beginning; such nonsense cannot continue. For God’s sake, we need to start things over, and make a fresh start. The world is a confusing place to most; there is such a state of chaos and confusion these days, it can be mind boggling. So many are rushing around from one place to another they rarely give themselves the time to contemplate how on earth our state of affairs has turned out the way it has. The youth of today are despondent, and lethargic, while they obsess over the latest gadget. Parents are uneasy about finances, and worry how they can make ends meet. Each day is cluttered with memories of what might have been; could have been, and visions of a dark, foreboding, future that potentially lies ahead. Creation is love; an offering for each of us to partake. History has provided us all we need to make the world a better place, and make each of our lives a more fulfilling, rewarding, experience. Love is The
  • 11. 11 Word and the Time is Now, reveals, by using poetry, stories, historical events, psychology, physics, and a great deal more; how we can take better care of ourselves. Love is The Word and the Time is Now reveals secrets you never imagined existed, that will widen your understanding of the nature of reality. You will realize that none of us is separate, but entwined in a story written long ago, that unfolds over a passage of time, that is never ending, which can only mean the moment is all we have. Make the most of it by realizing the chance to make things better is still here, right now, in this place, with you. Trinity; The Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost Life; creation; existence, can be pictured as a story. This story is spoken, in a sense, by The Lord, He is the one that tells the story to Him; which would necessarily be the case, because The Lord is everywhere; but why would The Lord do such a thing? One way of answering this question is to envision God in a dark room all alone; because it is dark, He does not perceive walls, boundaries, or borders, of any sort; The Lord is infinite, limitless, eternal, so this is a manner in which one can have a sense of what infinity is like. In such a place a man can lose sense of who he is; what he is about; his identity, (imagine being in a “sensory deprivation chamber”); The Lord in response created a story to remind Himself that He is real; He is present, and also His nature. If a man were stranded on a desolate island all alone; he would most likely strive to combat his isolation by doing much the same thing, and, thus, not feel quite so alone, and also feel more secure and protected as a consequence. It is interesting to note that children often create imaginary friends, particularly when they’ve been ostracized for the same reason, or maybe simply to derive pleasure from utilizing a resource within themselves; (their imagination); when anyone manages to improve a skill, whether it be;
  • 12. 12 playing the guitar; drawing a picture, or memorizing information; the same sense of satisfaction will result. The purpose of creation is as I will describe; The Lord has three roles, or parts, in this story; He is God; The Father; the originator of the story, (every word is spoken by The Creator); God; the Son; he is the messenger, and explains the story. In order to better understand his purpose; picture, if you may, attending a stage production that has an intermission, and during this time someone appears on stage to remind the audience of what has taken place so far, and what they have to look forward to once the Play resumes; of course, not giving away the grand finale; just enough to insure they will return to their seats, and eagerly anticipate what happens next. Just as the Play is about to end a character appears who explains why the characters “acted” the way they did; sort of like a detective fitting the pieces of a puzzle together in order to solve a crime; when this happens the audience will likely begin to remember how they were given the same clues earlier in the plot. When the past is brought to the present, or the present reaches the past, much as takes place at the end of the Play; the audience then considers the possibility that the figure persuading them to do this might be the same as the one who gave them the original clues; hence, the question surfaces; are the two men the same man? And if so, how is that possible? The word, “haunt”, according to The American Webster Dictionary, copyright 1972, by Andrew T, Morehead, means; v.t. 1, reappear to frequently after dying, as a ghost. 2, visit frequently. – v.i. reappear, as a spector. – n. 1, (often pl) a place frequently visited. 2. (haunt) (Dial.) a ghost, or a visiting ground. Once considering the purpose of the figure I’ve mentioned who appears at the end of the Play, and the various definitions of the word, “haunt”; is it surprising that the character is commonly named the Holy Ghost. The purpose; goal, or motive, one might say, of the story of creation is for The Lord to realize Himself. There are, definitely, countless ways The Lord can find to make sure the purpose of the plot is fulfilled; practicing this craft is done in a ritualistic fashion, in much the same way a person who wishes to be a concert pianist practices daily in order to enhance his skills. The following is an analogy; I move to a small town in the southern portion of Britain, and decide to open up an art gallery where I can display my own creations. Over time this venture becomes more and more a fulfilling; rewarding, experience. Everything I ever wanted to accomplish in life happened due to my opening this self-run business; consisting solely of products created by my own hands. When I close my shop; I feel as though I’ve achieved all I was supposed to as an artist. Many years pass, until I decide to return to the same town to remember the good old days when I was a respected artisan. I notice the town hasn’t changed much; the same buildings remain, with just a few additions. I happen to notice, though, that not far from where I had my gallery, another one is opening up. I discover that a group of young people run this shop, and happen to have the same ambitions I once had. Always eager to offer a helping hand, I tell them about my experiences as an art gallery owner; the mistakes I made, and the things I considered beneficial while I was operating my
  • 13. 13 business. As I’m about to leave; after completing my story to my captive audience; I shake hands with them all, and wish each the best. Many more years pass, and I reach my golden years, and I’ve determined it would be a wise to return to the town I had my art gallery, in order to remind myself of my youth, and the excitement I experienced while I was running my own commercial enterprise. Once I arrive, I notice the gallery is still open where I offered advice and shared stories about my life. As I near the building I can’t help but notice the structure is now dilapidated; in dire need of repairs; the awning over the front entrance is worn and torn, and the windows facing the street are grimy, and covered with dirt. Just as I’m about to reach the front door, I look through the front window, and realize the same people I met before are inside, and the art on the walls reveals that the quality of their work hasn’t improved; in fact; if anything; their skills appear to have diminished. A bell rings; announcing that I’ve opened the front door. To my utter dismay, most can only vaguely recall my visiting their gallery years prior, when I took the time to dispense some valuable lessons I’d learned about life up to that time. When I began speaking to them, memories kindled in each of their minds regarding the visit I’d made many years prior. Only a few appeared able to acknowledge mistakes they’d made that had led to their disappointing current state of affairs; while the rest seemed oblivious of the fact they’d ignored the wisdom I’d dispensed, which had obviously contributed to their present misfortunes. As this scenario unfolds, I can’t help but notice that I am able to better remember how, and why, I managed to successfully operate my own gallery. The past became clearer than it had ever been before. The other artists couldn’t help but feel haunted by the past revisiting them; serving as a reminder of what they’d done wrong; neglected to do; resulting in the current condition of their gallery; a crumbling building; full of rot; an expression of decay; which paradoxically served as a reminder to me of how well I kept my own art gallery - there was never a crack in a window, or a hole in a wall. People have a tremendous array of extraordinary resources to utilize; the heart wrenching fact of reality is that all but for a very small portion learn to use these resources wisely; it is as if The Lord had given each a million bucks, but with just one condition; don’t go to a casino! Most people, however, decide the temptation is too great, and choose to give in, perceiving it as a golden opportunity to dramatically increase their wealth. Once a person has decided to follow this route, he will gamble away everything he owns; the longer a person stays in one of these establishments, the more likely one is to lose everything he’s got; all casinos are designed that way. Various words describe such behavior; naïve; reckless; thoughtless; narcissistic; greedy; foolish; regardless of the word one may use; the cause is ignorance, which, as many wise men have told us throughout recorded history, is a person’s greatest enemy. The definition of the word, “ignore”, according to The New American Webster Dictionary is r; v.t. pass by without notice; pay no heed to. A state of “ignorance” is the result of continually practicing ignoring things. The trouble with so many people is that instead of focusing on bettering themselves, they instead seek to be “better”
  • 14. 14 others; what I mean is; they exploit; degrade, and belittle, other people, which are driven by a sense of inadequacy. Alfred Adler created the terms; “inferiority complex”, and “superiority complex”, to describe this condition. No man need be envious of another; everybody has the potential to be a god; the key is deciding who your mentors should be. Each should be chosen in accordance with the qualities one wishes to develop in oneself. What could possibly be more rewarding than becoming a better you; striving to reach your full potential; being all you can be! The Father; is the Son, and also the Holy Ghost; all serve The Lord to help Him realize Himself. The Creator Creation is a story that unfolds over time; it came from the Creator, therefore, it is the Creator; it is manifested for much the same reason a person writes his memoirs; in order to reflect upon his life, and share his experiences with others. The plot takes place within the pattern civilizations develop; they are an expression of the three elemental components that form Him; The Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost. The world is a precarious place, and people have a rudimentary understanding of the things they perceive as possible endangerments to their health and well-being, therefore, in order to function with the highest degree of proficiency, individuals seek security, and comfort, and he obtains this by acquiring power; in other words, he attains a sense of controlling his destiny by making himself, as much as possible, safe from harmful elements within his environment, and this necessarily includes members of his own species. The problem is that, as history has proven this search for power, (security), can get out of control, and becomes an addiction. History reveals that civilizations always consist of “classes”, and the reason for this is driven by economics. The quest to accumulate wealth perniciously spreads among social groups, and
  • 15. 15 leads to inequality. People have always had a tendency to measure themselves in accordance with the wealth they possess, and perceive others as inanimate objects they can use for their amusement. The rhythm and flow of time reveals that people understandably seek to escape domination by their fellow man; the most unfortunate trend shown in history, however, is that liberty has never been sustainable, and this is because people oppress those who’ve oppressed them in the same manner they were oppressed. People subjugate those they consider a threat, and this judgment is made on the basis of behavior displayed in the past; the way infringements were made on the lifestyle they wished to lead. Jewish people, who survived the Holocaust after the Second World War, are not an exception to this pattern of behavior. They used every resource at their disposal to control the world, and at the same time jeopardized the planet; the global ecological system has been dramatically affected by climatic changes caused by the indiscriminate consumption of consumer products by “consumers”; lakes; seas, and oceans, are now toxic with man-made pollutants; deforestation, and desertification, have adversely affected the global climate; it is not just the burning of carbon based resources that affects the amount of radiation in the atmosphere, leading to global warming, but also C.F.C.s. Knowledge is the most potent form of power, and as the Bible informs us, when placed in the hands of those unable to use it wisely, dire repercussions invariably result. The “Garden of Eden” story shows what happens when every wish; desire, and need, is instantaneously gratified; without challenges to overcome, the intellect does not develop, and a “God Complex” is instilled within the psyche; (knowledge can only be of detriment to a person with an uncultivated mind). The Lord expels Adam and Eve from paradise as a consequence. If people do not learn from history they will inevitably repeat the same mistakes over, and over. The proper way for people to live, is in harmony with nature; that means living in accordance with the “Golden Mean”; one must give as much as one receives. People must feed themselves, instead of feeding off the works of others; “consumer countries”, will then, once again, become “First World Countries”. The revolution conducted by Britain, and the United States, Will spread around the world.
  • 16. 16 The Jews The British are the Jews; the progeny of Jesus Christ; they are a different breed from all others on Earth; some label them, "Xanthochroid". This word describes their typical visible physical features; white skin, and wavy blonde hair. What makes the people of the British Isles different from others is that they were not originally from Africa; they are not a primate hybrid; they are made in the image of God, and a part of The Lord's creation; His spirit is within them so they may be able to fulfill the arduous task, relatively speaking, of inhabiting all the world; adapting to every type of climate, and withstanding the slings, and arrows, thrown at them from those who dislike a change imposed on them; however, regardless, the British do their duty, and serve The Lord with all their heart, mind, and soul. The British originated in Doggerland around 12,000 B.C., and began constructing Stonehenge around 3100 B.C., at the same time they were built the Indus Valley Civilization; Mesopotamia Civilization, and the Ancient Egyptian Civilization; which represent the triune nature of The Lord; The Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost. The British are responsible for all the great accomplishments in history. They once ruled the seas, and oceans, as well as lands so distant from one another, the Sun never set upon Her Empire. Once again, for a thousand years, the same will happen; The Trinity will be built, and heaven will be on Earth.
  • 17. 17 The universe is an image of God; the Sun corresponds to The Father; the stellar sphere to the Son, and the intervening space to the Holy Spirit. The Lord's word is absorbed, and transmitted, by the planets in our solar system; entwined as one, they tell the story that forms history. The Jon Anderson, “Olias of Sunhillow” symbol; Triangle/Square/Circle represents Johannes Kepler's vision of The Lord; God; the Father; God; the Son, and God; the Holy Ghost. 3 + 4 = 7 full circle
  • 18. 18