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            Wordpress SEO Tips And Tricks | Marius
Table Of Content
CopyRight Info .............................................................................................. 3
Introduction .................................................................................................. 4
Getting Started .............................................................................................. 5
SEO Basics .................................................................................................... 8
  1.1     Build a Site for PEOPLE! ....................................................................... 8
  1.2     Keyword Research .............................................................................. 8
  1.3     Think About SEO Even Before Creating Your Website ............................... 9
  1.4     Basic WordPress Options to Better Optimize Your Blog........................... 10
On Site SEO ................................................................................................ 12
  2.1     Install SEO Plugin ............................................................................. 12
  2.2     Add XML Sitemap .............................................................................. 12
  2.3     Optimize Your Titles and Meta Description ............................................ 13
     2.3.1     Individual Posts Optimization ........................................................ 14
  2.4     Optimize Your Images ....................................................................... 16
  2.5     Optimize Heading Structure (H1, H2, H3… Tags) ................................... 16
  2.6     Noindex Archives to Avoid Duplicate Content ........................................ 17
  2.7     Interlink and Add Related Posts Feature............................................... 18
Off Site SEO ................................................................................................ 19
  3.1     Link Building .................................................................................... 19
     3.1.1     How to build links properly? .......................................................... 19
  3.2.1      The Best Ways to Build Links ........................................................... 20
Other Important SEO Aspects ........................................................................ 22
  4.1     Subscribe to Search Engine Tools ........................................................ 22
  4.2     Speed Up Your Website ..................................................................... 22
  4.3     Remove Broken Links ........................................................................ 22
  4.4     Don’t Write for SEO – Be Useful and Write Great Stories! ....................... 23
  4.5     Overall WordPress SEO Tips ............................................................... 24
Recommended SEO Tools .............................................................................. 25
Conclusion .................................................................................................. 26
Receive More! .............................................................................................. 27

   Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
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  Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
     My     name      is  Marius. I      am    the  owner    of and I am working with internet
website marketing. I am 24 years old student from Lithuania -
not such a big, but, trust me, amazing and very beautiful
country. I’m studying economics, but the most time I spend on
my websites and trying to make them successful.
I’m not an online marketing Guru and my techniques are not
some secrets, which will teach you how to get an unstoppable
flood of traffic to your website. What will lead you to earning
thousands or even millions of dollars from it.
      I am just a simple man, who uses natural techniques as
most of other website owners to gain traffic and to market my
websites. Actually, when you are promoting your website it is not
the most important thing where are you getting traffic from. The
most important thing is HOW you are doing this and what tactics
you are using to increase your website traffic. That’s what I want
to talk about in this eBook.
I hope you’ll enjoy reading.

Best Regards

Marius Kiniulis

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
Getting Started
     Everybody knows – search engine traffic is one of the most
powerful traffic source on the internet. If your site cannot be
found by search engines or your content cannot be put into their
databases, you miss out on the incredible opportunities available
to websites provided via search – people who want what you
have visiting your site.
     If you have an online business, it is very important that you
get it search engine optimized. Why is it so? Internet has over
the years become an extremely competitive market place. Search
Engine Optimization (SEO) is now widely used since it
dramatically helps businesses achieve success by increasing
website      traffic     and    improving        search     engine
popularity. Experience has shown that search engine traffic can
make or even break (!) an organization’s success.
     According to the experts, most websites are still found from
the search engines. Search engines are massive traffic
opportunity, which none of website owner can ignore… For
example, Google in 2011 received over 3 billion daily searches
from around the world. And this number is only growing if we
consider the growth of internet users every day as well.

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
Image source: Seomoz blog

         Not to take this massive traffic opportunity is the mistake
    #1 for every website owner.
         You have to admit the simple truth – Search Engines sends
    super targeted visitors to your website. This means – better
    publicity, deserved respect, higher revenue. If your website is not
    in the first or even in the second page for the relevant keyword,
    than it will never receive any kind of success.

    The Importance of SEO from a Statistical Viewpoint:
    91% of Internet users use search engines to navigate the web
    9 out of 10 searches are done from the top 20 search engines
    8 of 10 searches are done from Google, Yahoo and Bing
    85% of search engine users do not look past the first 40 results.
    77% of Internet users employ search engines more frequently
     than any other online media as the leading vehicle for
     discovering web sites, surpassing banner ads, web links, e-mail
     links, etc.
     Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
    The results from organic search engine optimization are FREE!
     It is an investment with lasting value, not an advertising

         In this article I want to talk about my own experience in
    Search Engine Optimization. And to share with you some
    WordPress SEO tips and tricks I am using to optimize my blogs. I
    hope that at least some stuff will be valuable to you and you will
    use it on your websites.

     Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
SEO Basics

                         1.1 Build a Site for PEOPLE!
      If you want to keep success in SEO then you should know
the brutal truth - you should write for people, not for
robots. Don’t pay too much attention to your keywords. Yes, this
point is very important, but don’t overdo with it. Your content
should be eye-catching and easy to read for your visitors and
search engine optimization should play only a secondary role.
      Keep in mind, that Google recently announced they are
going to penalize sites that overuse SEO. So, your point shouldn’t
be only search engine traffic. Strong content with lots of value
also helps to get lots of links immediately. This leads to more
traffic, better brand creation, and of course better search engine
rankings, what means much more additional traffic!
      Do you catch it? With the only one shot you can achieve
many accomplishments!
                             1.2 Keyword Research
      I’ll be honest here. I don’t think I need to write everyone is
writing about. There are thousands of articles about keyword
research. The point is that – every time you read article about
SEO, you can find some new tricks you can use. But, what relates
keyword research, there isn’t anything new I could tell you.
      I can only recommend you to read The Ultimate Guide to
Keyword Research by Glen Allsopp. This is the most awesome
article about keyword research I have ever read, and I don’t think
I could add anything new here. Yes, I admit, that keyword
research is one of the most important parts in SEO. But if you are
rather new here, just follow the article, which I recommended
      So, if you already got the right key phrase, which you think
will send you lots of search engine traffic, than pay attention to
the list, where you should orientate to use this keyword:

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
1.    Keyword     in the domain name (it is advisable)
  2.    Keyword     in the title
  3.    Keyword     in the tagline
  4.    Keyword     in the header
  5.    Keyword     in the page title (H1 tag) plus subtitles (H2, H3
  6.    Keyword     in the image title (ALt attribute)
  7.    Keyword     saturated throughout the body (not too much of
  8.    Use it as   anchor text on other websites

       In other words – just focus on your key phrase.

          1.3 Think About SEO Even Before Creating Your
    Search Engine Optimization starts right even before creating
a website. You domain name plays also a very important role in
SEO. It is advisable to buy a domain name, which contains some
keywords you expect to rank for.
      Try to take a domain name, which would be If this one is taken try .org or .net.
Either one is good. If that is also taken, try dash (-) like If that is also taken, then add “now”
or “review” or “tips” or something relevant AT THE END and not
at the beginning. It works so much better with your keyword in
the beginning than having another word in front of your keyword.
If you don’t know where to buy a domain name, I could
recommend you Go Daddy services. They are one of the most
popular and trusted domain name selling services with very
simple interface management system.
      Than choose a good hosting provider (site speed is also
important for SEO, so I recommend to take HostGator as your
main hosting company) and install WordPress via CPanel or using

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
1.4 Basic WordPress Options to Better Optimize Your
     You need to think about what you want your site to show up
as, or simply In other
words – do you want your website to appear with www or non-
www. to update this, go to Setting>General in your admin area
and update it according to your decision:

     Than the other step                 you     should     do     is   to   change
your permalink structure.
     You’ll      find       the       permalink                              settings
under Settings>Permalinks. The default permalink                         is ?p=123.
And I recommend you to change it to /post-name/.

     Also try to avoid long permalinks. Remember, that shorter
URL is much better than long URL, so while you are writing your
post, pay attention to the length of your URL. WordPress system
 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
has an awesome option. You can change the URL of your blog
post right in your writing area:

      Try to put few simple words describing the topic you are
talking about. And avoid putting too much words here. This won’t
help you to achieve better rankings.

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
On Site SEO

     What is on site optimization?
     Onsite SEO is simply what you do on your page. Since SEO
is all about keywords, what you’re going to do for on site
optimization is “saturate” your keyword on your page.
     Lots of people are paying bigger attention to off site
optimization than on site optimization. But I think both is very
important. Better understanding on site SEO helps to build a
website that better responds to off site SEO.

                             2.1 Install SEO Plugin
      Recently I found really awesome SEO plugin for WordPress.
The plugin is called WordPress SEO by Yoast. Probably none of
other wordpress plugins has everything is needed for SEO like
this one. Yoast a.k.a. Joost de Valk has a big experience in SEO
and is using only white hat technics. So, he put all the best
features to this plugin. And I can sincerely say, that I had never
seen better WordPress SEO plugin like this one.
      That’s   why      when   I    will  be     talking  about   on
site optimization I’ll be mostly talking about how to optimize your
blog with the help of this plugin. I think this is a must have plugin
for every WordPress user!
                             2.2 Add XML Sitemap
      Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to tell search
engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling.
In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a
site along with additional metadata about each URL (when it was
last updated, how often it usually changes, and how important it
is, relative to other URLs in the site) so that search engines can
more intelligently crawl the site.

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
Yoast WordPress SEO plugin has an XML Sitemap module by
default    that    you    just    have     to     enable. Go
to Settings>XML Sitemaps and click the check box:

     As soon as you’ve checked the check box and hit Save
button, it’ll give you some options but in most cases you won’t
need those. It generates an XML sitemap for all your posts,
pages, custom post types and all your taxonomies like categories
and tags and (if applicable) other custom taxonomies.
      When you publish a new post or page, the XML sitemap is
automatically submitted to Google & Bing allowing them to easily
find your new content.

           2.3 Optimize Your Titles and Meta Description
     Your website title and meta description can be one of the
most important factors for ranking in the search results. You
should make titles and meta description as much informative as
you can. Because it is not only showing in browser tab, but it also
appears in search results.

      To update your titles and meta description go to your
WordPress SEO plugin options (whatever it would be) and do the

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
1. Type in your keyword in home title (try to keep the keyword
     as close to the beginning of the title as possible).
  2. Type in description with your focus keyword in it.
  3. For Meta Keywords, type in your primary keyword and the
     relevant keyword you got from Google Keyword Tool.

     The last point isn’t so important in SEO, but it won’t happen
anything bad if you still write (or ignore it if you want). The meta
keywords tag had value at one time, but is no longer valuable or
important to search engine optimization.
     Remember that search engines put more weight on
early words, so try to type your keywords near the start of
the page title and meta description.
    But I remember you one more time, don’t overplay with
                      2.3.1 Individual Posts Optimization
     Individual posts optimization plays also a very important role
in your website optimization for search engines.
     You should already know that creating fresh, engaging
content with lots of value helps to build a loyal fan base and
attract links. However, if you’re looking to improve your SEO with
no budget, you can tweak your existing articles to prime it for
high search engine rankings.
      First thing, what you have to do is to use Google keyword
tool and find the relevant keyword with low competition. Don’t go
to a very popular keyword, which receives lots of searches
(mostly, those keywords have high competition as well). Better
take a keyword which doesn’t receive very much searches and
does have lots of websites competing.
      If you found the appropriate keyword, we can move on

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
There is no easier way to optimize your posts than with
Yoast SEO plugin. As you can see, the plugin automatically tests
the important area’s of your content for usage of the focus
keyword, so you can truly optimize your page for the term you
need. Pay attention to a preview snippet, which displays how
does exactly your article appears in Google search results. This
preview will automatically take the values you have already filled
in your blog post and apply them to your template, but you can
also override the title completely using the title field just below it.
And the counter will show you how many characters you’ve got
left. Use it to completely optimize your post title and meta
     Try to add the focus keyword, which you think suits the
      most for current post or page at the beginning of the title.
     Include the same keyword in your meta description as well.
  Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
2.4 Optimize Your Images
      Have you ever noticed that Google is putting so much
emphasis to the ALT attribute, not to ranking images highly, but
also ranking your posts highly as well?
      The ALT tag is to tell for search engines what your image is
about. As I noticed sometimes it helps to rank higher not only for
Google Images, but it puts some value for overall rankings as
well. By doing stuff like writing good alt tags for images and
thinking of how you name the files, you can get yourself a bit of
extra traffic from the different image search engines.

      2.5 Optimize Heading Structure (H1, H2, H3… Tags)
     Better Heading structure of your website can increase your
opportunity to rank higher in SERP. The headings structure is also
a very important part in your on-site optimization. It defines
which parts of your content are important, and how they are
    Before we do anything with your headings let’s find out the
most important things:
  1. The most important heading is H1 and it should be only one
     per page.
  2. Sub-heading should be H2 , sub-sub-heading H3 and so on…
  3. Each heading should contain with valuable keyword.
     Remember that the home page of your website has always
     have H1 tag! Than goes other headings.
     With post optimization is a bit different. When you are
     optimizing your blog posts you should know, that your post
     TITLE should always have H1 tag. That means that your post
     headlines should be with H2 attributes, sub-headlines with
     H3 attributes, etc. (for example this headline named
     Heading Structure Optimization (H1, H2, H3… Tags) is
     tagged as sub-sub-heading, so it has H3 attribute).

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
2.6 Noindex Archives to Avoid Duplicate Content
      WordPress system comes with lots different types of
taxonomy – date based archives, categories and tag pages. It
might be great for user navigation, but for search engines it is
just lots of unwanted pages.
     For that reason it is better to apply Noindex option to them.

    This is my indexation setting in Yoast WordPress plugin. I
completely disabled author and date-based archives.
     As I am the only one author on one of my websites, so I
don’t need author archives. And as I don’t use date-based
archives, this part is disabled as well at me.

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
I only allow to index my category pages, but noindexed all
other categories as I don’t need it be indexed.

            2.7 Interlink and Add Related Posts Feature
      Interlinking simply means that you link from your blog posts
to other blog posts. This way you are doing “small link building”
for articles on your website. Also this way you are using anchor
texts, what helps to add more value for a specified keyword in
search engine rankings. This is not only useful in terms of SEO,
but it also helps to keep your older posts readability. Because you
are sending visitors to your older posts, what can bring it to the
new life.
      Another way of increasing your WordPress SEO capability
and older articles readability is using related posts future. To add
this future to my blogs I am using nRelate Related Content
plugin. What this plugin does is that it search through your posts
database to find posts with the same subject, and add links to
these posts. This way, it helps to get links to (and from) similar
articles on your blog and increase the readability of your older

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
Off Site SEO

     Offsite optimization could simply call it is what you do
OUTSIDE your blog or website. Once you’ve done ONSITE
optimization, all you need to focus on from now is to build links.
                                  3.1 Link Building
     Link building is crucial part of SEO. Links from other sites to
your site are basically like a vote for your site that tell search
engines you are trusted and you are a good resource for
whatever your content is about. Without links it is impossible to
rank high in search result for a selected keyword.
     Search engines are improving their algorithms all the time to
rank websites as they are worth to. That’s why it is becoming
increasingly difficult to build back links to your site properly. That
means if you will be using unwanted methods (for example black
hat) to build links to your website, sooner or later you will get
penalized. So it is important to pay big attention to the most
important principles of link building.

                        3.1.1 How to build links properly?
     One of the most important thing in link building is your link
anchor text. The anchor text, is the visible, clickable text in
a hyperlink.
     In all SEO tutorials you’ll find that you have to type your
specified keyword in hyperlink as anchor text. That’s absolutely
      Here is a little trick for you to prove that. Probably one of
the most popular anchor text on the internet is “Click here“. As
you can see there are some websites, which are ranking high for
this keyword and they have nothing to do with it. That is because
search engines are using anchor texts to determine fo what
keyword websites has to rank better in SERP.

  Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
But that doesn’t mean you have to use the same keyword in
all hyperlinks as your anchor text. The problem is that if you’ll do
so, your link look spammy and you’ll be penalized by Google. The
solution could be keyword alternation focusing on your main

      Different types of anchor text puts some weight in search
engine rankings as well. So you shouldn’t carry very much of
linking to your website with different anchor texts. On the
contrary, that’s what you should be doing! Simply, it is important
 that your keyword appear somewhere in anchor text. And it is
nothing wrong to combine it together with other words. This isn’t
just valuable to the search engines; it’s also a far better user
experience and overall information architecture.

                       3.2.1 The Best Ways to Build Links
     Guest Posting. This is all recognized way to build back
      links. You can usually customise the anchor text of the link
      to be anything you want. Using this method you can build
      links easy way and it won’t look spammy. This is not only

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
good way for building links, but also is known as one of the
      best methods to get lots of valuable traffic.
     Blog Commenting. Commenting on other blogs is also
      known as worth attention link building method. But you
      shouldn’t overuse it as it can be treated sometimes as
      spamming. If you are visiting other blogs, probably you like
      to comment on them. So it is nothing wrong with leaving the
      link to your website as it can be sometimes a good method
      for driving direct traffic to your website as well.
     Link Out. If you are writing articles to your blog, don’t be
      afraid to link to others. It is one of the best ways to build
      good relationship with others. Other website owners
      sometimes like to link back to the sites, who linked to their
      site. And who knows, maybe someday other big blog owner
      will send their 5-figure audience your way.
     Become Involved in Forum Discussions. I think that
      commenting on forums can bring much more value than any
       other place. The first thing what you get, with becoming
      involved in forum discussions is INFORMATION. Yes that’s
      true… People are sharing lots of information here. Ones tries
      to get the answer – other helps to do that. And if you are
      sharing something with others, you can use your website as
      a better source to answer the question (of course it has to
      be done naturally). This way you are getting links and lots of
      targeted traffic.

     Oh, and don’t forget signature links and profile back links –
these also counts!
     This is just a few most popular link building techniques. And
there are always lots of space to look for other opportunities.
      Maybe I will try to expand this topic in later posts.

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
Other Important SEO Aspects

                  4.1 Subscribe to Search Engine Tools
    There are two main search engine tools, which you should
know about:
  1. Google Webmaster Tools
  2. Bing Webmaster Center

      These two tools will help you to get the most important
diagnosis and statistics about your website. This way search
engines provides tools that allow webmasters to interact with
their search results. Google Webmaster Tools was created to
better analysis of Google search results and Bing Webmaster
Tools helps to get all the data needed to optimize your website
for Bing and Yahoo search engines.
                         4.2 Speed Up Your Website
     Recently website speed became a very important factor
measuring ranking results in search engines. So if your website is
slow it can influence lower rankings in search engine positions.
That means, now you can’t ignore your website speed anymore.
You can read this article to find out more how to optimize your
website for faster loading.

                          4.3 Remove Broken Links
     It is also very important to avoid broken links on your
website. Broken links can get negative impact on your website’s
ratings with major Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.
Also it can damage your online reputation.
     The easiest way to monitor your broken links is to
use Broken Link Checker WordPress Plugin. This plugin monitors

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
all your links and lets you know if it founds something, with easy
way to delete it.
      Or you can use free online tool – Broken Link Check.
       4.4 Don’t Write for SEO – Be Useful and Write Great
      Yes, yes, yes… I was already writing, that you should build a
website for people and not for search engines. Now, to discuss
everything I want to come back to this part and to show you, how
writing good content affects not only your popularity and social
respect, but also your search engine rankings.

      As you can see from the image above – great and valuable
content can create a huge buzz around your article. This means
lots of shares on social media sites and lots of new links linking to
you, what brings you tons of fresh new traffic. In addition, it
gives a sign to search engines that something interesting is going
on. If lots people started to talk about your article, it means that
probably it has something interesting and valuable in it. Thus,
 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
rankings has to go up. And again – fresh traffic to your article
from search engines, people reading your article, sharing it, and
the circle is turning further…
     Good and valuable content is becoming more and more
important in all aspects of internet marketing, so you can’t ignore
the power of it. Nowadays it is the key #1 if you want to succeed
on the internet.
                      4.5 Overall WordPress SEO Tips
     As you see there are lots of things to know, so I recommend
to focus the most on these 6 SEO tips, which gives
  1. Do something cool: Make sure your site stands out from the
  2. Include relevant words in your copy: Try to put yourself in
     the shoes of searchers.
  3. Be smart about your tags and site architecture.
  4. Sign up for email forwarding in Webmaster Tools to get
     notified by Google if anything is wrong.
  5. Attract buzz: Natural links, +1s, likes, follows… all these can
  6. Stay fresh and relevant: Keep content up-to-date on your
     site to keep receiving organic traffic.

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
Recommended SEO Tools
   Google Keyword Tool. Google tool to get information
    about how popular are some keywords for a specific key
    phrase. Also it is a great tool to get keyword suggestions.
   Google Webmaster Tools. Google Webmaster Tools is a
    free service that provides a wealth of information directly
    from Google. Once you have verified a site with Google,
    they’ll give you access to all sorts of information.
   Bing Webmaster Center. With this tool you will get some
    great information about your website from Bing and Yahoo
    search engines.
   WordPress SEO by Yoast. Forget all those All in one SEO
    pack Wordpress plugins. I am not saying that they are bad,
    but this is something really much better. This is a MUST use
    SEO plugin for every website owner.
   Google XML Sitemaps. If you are using WordPress SEO
    plugin by Yoast you don’t need it anymore, but I am still
    recommending it as it is very great and helpful WordPress
   SEOquake. This is a toolbar for your browser. This tool
    shows a lot of useful information about website, which you
    are browsing directly in your browser.
   Search Google Position. Check how does your website
    ranks on Google with a keyword selected.
   Broken Link Checker WordPress Plugin. Monitor your
    broken links with this awesome WordPress plugin.

Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.

     That’s all WordPress SEO tips I wanted to share with you. I
hope it will be at least something useful for you and it will help
you to achieve better results in SEO.
Note: Everything, what was written here is based on my own
experience. And, as you probably know, lots of things in terms
of SEO is very debatable. So feel free to only implement certain
things here at your own choice or you use your own methods.

 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
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Wordpress SEO: The Only Guide You Need

  • 2. Table Of Content CopyRight Info .............................................................................................. 3 Introduction .................................................................................................. 4 Getting Started .............................................................................................. 5 SEO Basics .................................................................................................... 8 1.1 Build a Site for PEOPLE! ....................................................................... 8 1.2 Keyword Research .............................................................................. 8 1.3 Think About SEO Even Before Creating Your Website ............................... 9 1.4 Basic WordPress Options to Better Optimize Your Blog........................... 10 On Site SEO ................................................................................................ 12 2.1 Install SEO Plugin ............................................................................. 12 2.2 Add XML Sitemap .............................................................................. 12 2.3 Optimize Your Titles and Meta Description ............................................ 13 2.3.1 Individual Posts Optimization ........................................................ 14 2.4 Optimize Your Images ....................................................................... 16 2.5 Optimize Heading Structure (H1, H2, H3… Tags) ................................... 16 2.6 Noindex Archives to Avoid Duplicate Content ........................................ 17 2.7 Interlink and Add Related Posts Feature............................................... 18 Off Site SEO ................................................................................................ 19 3.1 Link Building .................................................................................... 19 3.1.1 How to build links properly? .......................................................... 19 3.2.1 The Best Ways to Build Links ........................................................... 20 Other Important SEO Aspects ........................................................................ 22 4.1 Subscribe to Search Engine Tools ........................................................ 22 4.2 Speed Up Your Website ..................................................................... 22 4.3 Remove Broken Links ........................................................................ 22 4.4 Don’t Write for SEO – Be Useful and Write Great Stories! ....................... 23 4.5 Overall WordPress SEO Tips ............................................................... 24 Recommended SEO Tools .............................................................................. 25 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 26 Receive More! .............................................................................................. 27 Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 3. CopyRight Info - NO Sell Private Label Rights - NO Private Label Rights - NO Claim Full Copyright - NO Can be Broken Down Into Articles  YES Sell Master Resale Rights  YES Edit/Alter the Sales Materials  YES Added to Paid Membership Sites  YES Added to Free Membership Sites  YES Can be Packaged with Other Products  YES Sell at Auction Sites  YES Offered Through Dime Sale Events  YES Offered as Free Bonus (including Email Opt-Ins)  YES Given Away for Free Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved. No part of this report may be altered in any form whatsoever, electronic or mechanical -- including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated, and signed permission from Marius Kiniulis and, the author. Disclaimer and Legal Notices: This report is for informational purposes only and the author, his agents, heirs, and assignees do not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities, actual or alleged, resulting form the use of this information. This report is not “professional advice.” The author encourages the reader to seek advice from a professional where any reasonably prudent person would do so. While every reasonable attempt has been made to verify the information contained in this eBook, the author and his affiliates cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions, including omissions in transmission or reproduction. Any references to people, events, organizations, or business entities are for educational and illustrative purposes only, and no intent to falsely characterize, recommend, disparage, or injure is intended or should be so construed. Any results stated or implied are consistent with general results, but this means results can and will vary. The author, his agents, and assigns, make no promises or guarantees, stated or implied. Individual results will vary and this work is supplied strictly on an “at your own risk” basis. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 4. Introduction Hi, My name is Marius. I am the owner of and I am working with internet website marketing. I am 24 years old student from Lithuania - not such a big, but, trust me, amazing and very beautiful country. I’m studying economics, but the most time I spend on my websites and trying to make them successful. I’m not an online marketing Guru and my techniques are not some secrets, which will teach you how to get an unstoppable flood of traffic to your website. What will lead you to earning thousands or even millions of dollars from it. I am just a simple man, who uses natural techniques as most of other website owners to gain traffic and to market my websites. Actually, when you are promoting your website it is not the most important thing where are you getting traffic from. The most important thing is HOW you are doing this and what tactics you are using to increase your website traffic. That’s what I want to talk about in this eBook. I hope you’ll enjoy reading. Best Regards Marius Kiniulis Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 5. Getting Started Everybody knows – search engine traffic is one of the most powerful traffic source on the internet. If your site cannot be found by search engines or your content cannot be put into their databases, you miss out on the incredible opportunities available to websites provided via search – people who want what you have visiting your site. If you have an online business, it is very important that you get it search engine optimized. Why is it so? Internet has over the years become an extremely competitive market place. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is now widely used since it dramatically helps businesses achieve success by increasing website traffic and improving search engine popularity. Experience has shown that search engine traffic can make or even break (!) an organization’s success. According to the experts, most websites are still found from the search engines. Search engines are massive traffic opportunity, which none of website owner can ignore… For example, Google in 2011 received over 3 billion daily searches from around the world. And this number is only growing if we consider the growth of internet users every day as well. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 6. Image source: Seomoz blog Not to take this massive traffic opportunity is the mistake #1 for every website owner. You have to admit the simple truth – Search Engines sends super targeted visitors to your website. This means – better publicity, deserved respect, higher revenue. If your website is not in the first or even in the second page for the relevant keyword, than it will never receive any kind of success. The Importance of SEO from a Statistical Viewpoint:  91% of Internet users use search engines to navigate the web  9 out of 10 searches are done from the top 20 search engines  8 of 10 searches are done from Google, Yahoo and Bing  85% of search engine users do not look past the first 40 results.  77% of Internet users employ search engines more frequently than any other online media as the leading vehicle for discovering web sites, surpassing banner ads, web links, e-mail links, etc. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 7. The results from organic search engine optimization are FREE! It is an investment with lasting value, not an advertising expense. In this article I want to talk about my own experience in Search Engine Optimization. And to share with you some WordPress SEO tips and tricks I am using to optimize my blogs. I hope that at least some stuff will be valuable to you and you will use it on your websites. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 8. SEO Basics 1.1 Build a Site for PEOPLE! If you want to keep success in SEO then you should know the brutal truth - you should write for people, not for robots. Don’t pay too much attention to your keywords. Yes, this point is very important, but don’t overdo with it. Your content should be eye-catching and easy to read for your visitors and search engine optimization should play only a secondary role. Keep in mind, that Google recently announced they are going to penalize sites that overuse SEO. So, your point shouldn’t be only search engine traffic. Strong content with lots of value also helps to get lots of links immediately. This leads to more traffic, better brand creation, and of course better search engine rankings, what means much more additional traffic! Do you catch it? With the only one shot you can achieve many accomplishments! 1.2 Keyword Research I’ll be honest here. I don’t think I need to write everyone is writing about. There are thousands of articles about keyword research. The point is that – every time you read article about SEO, you can find some new tricks you can use. But, what relates keyword research, there isn’t anything new I could tell you. I can only recommend you to read The Ultimate Guide to Keyword Research by Glen Allsopp. This is the most awesome article about keyword research I have ever read, and I don’t think I could add anything new here. Yes, I admit, that keyword research is one of the most important parts in SEO. But if you are rather new here, just follow the article, which I recommended you. So, if you already got the right key phrase, which you think will send you lots of search engine traffic, than pay attention to the list, where you should orientate to use this keyword: Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 9. 1. Keyword in the domain name (it is advisable) 2. Keyword in the title 3. Keyword in the tagline 4. Keyword in the header 5. Keyword in the page title (H1 tag) plus subtitles (H2, H3 tags) 6. Keyword in the image title (ALt attribute) 7. Keyword saturated throughout the body (not too much of course) 8. Use it as anchor text on other websites In other words – just focus on your key phrase. 1.3 Think About SEO Even Before Creating Your Website Search Engine Optimization starts right even before creating a website. You domain name plays also a very important role in SEO. It is advisable to buy a domain name, which contains some keywords you expect to rank for. Try to take a domain name, which would be If this one is taken try .org or .net. Either one is good. If that is also taken, try dash (-) like If that is also taken, then add “now” or “review” or “tips” or something relevant AT THE END and not at the beginning. It works so much better with your keyword in the beginning than having another word in front of your keyword. If you don’t know where to buy a domain name, I could recommend you Go Daddy services. They are one of the most popular and trusted domain name selling services with very simple interface management system. Than choose a good hosting provider (site speed is also important for SEO, so I recommend to take HostGator as your main hosting company) and install WordPress via CPanel or using FTP. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 10. 1.4 Basic WordPress Options to Better Optimize Your Blog You need to think about what you want your site to show up as, or simply In other words – do you want your website to appear with www or non- www. to update this, go to Setting>General in your admin area and update it according to your decision: Than the other step you should do is to change your permalink structure. You’ll find the permalink settings under Settings>Permalinks. The default permalink is ?p=123. And I recommend you to change it to /post-name/. Also try to avoid long permalinks. Remember, that shorter URL is much better than long URL, so while you are writing your post, pay attention to the length of your URL. WordPress system Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 11. has an awesome option. You can change the URL of your blog post right in your writing area: Try to put few simple words describing the topic you are talking about. And avoid putting too much words here. This won’t help you to achieve better rankings. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 12. On Site SEO What is on site optimization? Onsite SEO is simply what you do on your page. Since SEO is all about keywords, what you’re going to do for on site optimization is “saturate” your keyword on your page. Lots of people are paying bigger attention to off site optimization than on site optimization. But I think both is very important. Better understanding on site SEO helps to build a website that better responds to off site SEO. 2.1 Install SEO Plugin Recently I found really awesome SEO plugin for WordPress. The plugin is called WordPress SEO by Yoast. Probably none of other wordpress plugins has everything is needed for SEO like this one. Yoast a.k.a. Joost de Valk has a big experience in SEO and is using only white hat technics. So, he put all the best features to this plugin. And I can sincerely say, that I had never seen better WordPress SEO plugin like this one. That’s why when I will be talking about on site optimization I’ll be mostly talking about how to optimize your blog with the help of this plugin. I think this is a must have plugin for every WordPress user! 2.2 Add XML Sitemap Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to tell search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL (when it was last updated, how often it usually changes, and how important it is, relative to other URLs in the site) so that search engines can more intelligently crawl the site. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 13. Yoast WordPress SEO plugin has an XML Sitemap module by default that you just have to enable. Go to Settings>XML Sitemaps and click the check box: As soon as you’ve checked the check box and hit Save button, it’ll give you some options but in most cases you won’t need those. It generates an XML sitemap for all your posts, pages, custom post types and all your taxonomies like categories and tags and (if applicable) other custom taxonomies. When you publish a new post or page, the XML sitemap is automatically submitted to Google & Bing allowing them to easily find your new content. 2.3 Optimize Your Titles and Meta Description Your website title and meta description can be one of the most important factors for ranking in the search results. You should make titles and meta description as much informative as you can. Because it is not only showing in browser tab, but it also appears in search results. To update your titles and meta description go to your WordPress SEO plugin options (whatever it would be) and do the following: Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 14. 1. Type in your keyword in home title (try to keep the keyword as close to the beginning of the title as possible). 2. Type in description with your focus keyword in it. 3. For Meta Keywords, type in your primary keyword and the relevant keyword you got from Google Keyword Tool. The last point isn’t so important in SEO, but it won’t happen anything bad if you still write (or ignore it if you want). The meta keywords tag had value at one time, but is no longer valuable or important to search engine optimization. Remember that search engines put more weight on early words, so try to type your keywords near the start of the page title and meta description. But I remember you one more time, don’t overplay with keywords! 2.3.1 Individual Posts Optimization Individual posts optimization plays also a very important role in your website optimization for search engines. You should already know that creating fresh, engaging content with lots of value helps to build a loyal fan base and attract links. However, if you’re looking to improve your SEO with no budget, you can tweak your existing articles to prime it for high search engine rankings. First thing, what you have to do is to use Google keyword tool and find the relevant keyword with low competition. Don’t go to a very popular keyword, which receives lots of searches (mostly, those keywords have high competition as well). Better take a keyword which doesn’t receive very much searches and does have lots of websites competing. If you found the appropriate keyword, we can move on further… Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 15. There is no easier way to optimize your posts than with Yoast SEO plugin. As you can see, the plugin automatically tests the important area’s of your content for usage of the focus keyword, so you can truly optimize your page for the term you need. Pay attention to a preview snippet, which displays how does exactly your article appears in Google search results. This preview will automatically take the values you have already filled in your blog post and apply them to your template, but you can also override the title completely using the title field just below it. And the counter will show you how many characters you’ve got left. Use it to completely optimize your post title and meta description.  Try to add the focus keyword, which you think suits the most for current post or page at the beginning of the title.  Include the same keyword in your meta description as well. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 16. 2.4 Optimize Your Images Have you ever noticed that Google is putting so much emphasis to the ALT attribute, not to ranking images highly, but also ranking your posts highly as well? The ALT tag is to tell for search engines what your image is about. As I noticed sometimes it helps to rank higher not only for Google Images, but it puts some value for overall rankings as well. By doing stuff like writing good alt tags for images and thinking of how you name the files, you can get yourself a bit of extra traffic from the different image search engines. 2.5 Optimize Heading Structure (H1, H2, H3… Tags) Better Heading structure of your website can increase your opportunity to rank higher in SERP. The headings structure is also a very important part in your on-site optimization. It defines which parts of your content are important, and how they are interconnected. Before we do anything with your headings let’s find out the most important things: 1. The most important heading is H1 and it should be only one per page. 2. Sub-heading should be H2 , sub-sub-heading H3 and so on… 3. Each heading should contain with valuable keyword. Remember that the home page of your website has always have H1 tag! Than goes other headings. With post optimization is a bit different. When you are optimizing your blog posts you should know, that your post TITLE should always have H1 tag. That means that your post headlines should be with H2 attributes, sub-headlines with H3 attributes, etc. (for example this headline named Heading Structure Optimization (H1, H2, H3… Tags) is tagged as sub-sub-heading, so it has H3 attribute). Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 17. 2.6 Noindex Archives to Avoid Duplicate Content WordPress system comes with lots different types of taxonomy – date based archives, categories and tag pages. It might be great for user navigation, but for search engines it is just lots of unwanted pages. For that reason it is better to apply Noindex option to them. This is my indexation setting in Yoast WordPress plugin. I completely disabled author and date-based archives. As I am the only one author on one of my websites, so I don’t need author archives. And as I don’t use date-based archives, this part is disabled as well at me. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 18. I only allow to index my category pages, but noindexed all other categories as I don’t need it be indexed. 2.7 Interlink and Add Related Posts Feature Interlinking simply means that you link from your blog posts to other blog posts. This way you are doing “small link building” for articles on your website. Also this way you are using anchor texts, what helps to add more value for a specified keyword in search engine rankings. This is not only useful in terms of SEO, but it also helps to keep your older posts readability. Because you are sending visitors to your older posts, what can bring it to the new life. Another way of increasing your WordPress SEO capability and older articles readability is using related posts future. To add this future to my blogs I am using nRelate Related Content plugin. What this plugin does is that it search through your posts database to find posts with the same subject, and add links to these posts. This way, it helps to get links to (and from) similar articles on your blog and increase the readability of your older posts. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 19. Off Site SEO Offsite optimization could simply call it is what you do OUTSIDE your blog or website. Once you’ve done ONSITE optimization, all you need to focus on from now is to build links. 3.1 Link Building Link building is crucial part of SEO. Links from other sites to your site are basically like a vote for your site that tell search engines you are trusted and you are a good resource for whatever your content is about. Without links it is impossible to rank high in search result for a selected keyword. Search engines are improving their algorithms all the time to rank websites as they are worth to. That’s why it is becoming increasingly difficult to build back links to your site properly. That means if you will be using unwanted methods (for example black hat) to build links to your website, sooner or later you will get penalized. So it is important to pay big attention to the most important principles of link building. 3.1.1 How to build links properly? One of the most important thing in link building is your link anchor text. The anchor text, is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. In all SEO tutorials you’ll find that you have to type your specified keyword in hyperlink as anchor text. That’s absolutely correct! Here is a little trick for you to prove that. Probably one of the most popular anchor text on the internet is “Click here“. As you can see there are some websites, which are ranking high for this keyword and they have nothing to do with it. That is because search engines are using anchor texts to determine fo what keyword websites has to rank better in SERP. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 20. But that doesn’t mean you have to use the same keyword in all hyperlinks as your anchor text. The problem is that if you’ll do so, your link look spammy and you’ll be penalized by Google. The solution could be keyword alternation focusing on your main keyword. Different types of anchor text puts some weight in search engine rankings as well. So you shouldn’t carry very much of linking to your website with different anchor texts. On the contrary, that’s what you should be doing! Simply, it is important that your keyword appear somewhere in anchor text. And it is nothing wrong to combine it together with other words. This isn’t just valuable to the search engines; it’s also a far better user experience and overall information architecture. 3.2.1 The Best Ways to Build Links  Guest Posting. This is all recognized way to build back links. You can usually customise the anchor text of the link to be anything you want. Using this method you can build links easy way and it won’t look spammy. This is not only Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 21. good way for building links, but also is known as one of the best methods to get lots of valuable traffic.  Blog Commenting. Commenting on other blogs is also known as worth attention link building method. But you shouldn’t overuse it as it can be treated sometimes as spamming. If you are visiting other blogs, probably you like to comment on them. So it is nothing wrong with leaving the link to your website as it can be sometimes a good method for driving direct traffic to your website as well.  Link Out. If you are writing articles to your blog, don’t be afraid to link to others. It is one of the best ways to build good relationship with others. Other website owners sometimes like to link back to the sites, who linked to their site. And who knows, maybe someday other big blog owner will send their 5-figure audience your way.  Become Involved in Forum Discussions. I think that commenting on forums can bring much more value than any other place. The first thing what you get, with becoming involved in forum discussions is INFORMATION. Yes that’s true… People are sharing lots of information here. Ones tries to get the answer – other helps to do that. And if you are sharing something with others, you can use your website as a better source to answer the question (of course it has to be done naturally). This way you are getting links and lots of targeted traffic. Oh, and don’t forget signature links and profile back links – these also counts! This is just a few most popular link building techniques. And there are always lots of space to look for other opportunities. Maybe I will try to expand this topic in later posts. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 22. Other Important SEO Aspects 4.1 Subscribe to Search Engine Tools There are two main search engine tools, which you should know about: 1. Google Webmaster Tools 2. Bing Webmaster Center These two tools will help you to get the most important diagnosis and statistics about your website. This way search engines provides tools that allow webmasters to interact with their search results. Google Webmaster Tools was created to better analysis of Google search results and Bing Webmaster Tools helps to get all the data needed to optimize your website for Bing and Yahoo search engines. 4.2 Speed Up Your Website Recently website speed became a very important factor measuring ranking results in search engines. So if your website is slow it can influence lower rankings in search engine positions. That means, now you can’t ignore your website speed anymore. You can read this article to find out more how to optimize your website for faster loading. 4.3 Remove Broken Links It is also very important to avoid broken links on your website. Broken links can get negative impact on your website’s ratings with major Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. Also it can damage your online reputation. The easiest way to monitor your broken links is to use Broken Link Checker WordPress Plugin. This plugin monitors Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 23. all your links and lets you know if it founds something, with easy way to delete it. Or you can use free online tool – Broken Link Check. 4.4 Don’t Write for SEO – Be Useful and Write Great Stories! Yes, yes, yes… I was already writing, that you should build a website for people and not for search engines. Now, to discuss everything I want to come back to this part and to show you, how writing good content affects not only your popularity and social respect, but also your search engine rankings. As you can see from the image above – great and valuable content can create a huge buzz around your article. This means lots of shares on social media sites and lots of new links linking to you, what brings you tons of fresh new traffic. In addition, it gives a sign to search engines that something interesting is going on. If lots people started to talk about your article, it means that probably it has something interesting and valuable in it. Thus, Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 24. rankings has to go up. And again – fresh traffic to your article from search engines, people reading your article, sharing it, and the circle is turning further… Good and valuable content is becoming more and more important in all aspects of internet marketing, so you can’t ignore the power of it. Nowadays it is the key #1 if you want to succeed on the internet. 4.5 Overall WordPress SEO Tips As you see there are lots of things to know, so I recommend to focus the most on these 6 SEO tips, which gives us 1. Do something cool: Make sure your site stands out from the competition. 2. Include relevant words in your copy: Try to put yourself in the shoes of searchers. 3. Be smart about your tags and site architecture. 4. Sign up for email forwarding in Webmaster Tools to get notified by Google if anything is wrong. 5. Attract buzz: Natural links, +1s, likes, follows… all these can help. 6. Stay fresh and relevant: Keep content up-to-date on your site to keep receiving organic traffic. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 25. Recommended SEO Tools  Google Keyword Tool. Google tool to get information about how popular are some keywords for a specific key phrase. Also it is a great tool to get keyword suggestions.  Google Webmaster Tools. Google Webmaster Tools is a free service that provides a wealth of information directly from Google. Once you have verified a site with Google, they’ll give you access to all sorts of information.  Bing Webmaster Center. With this tool you will get some great information about your website from Bing and Yahoo search engines.  WordPress SEO by Yoast. Forget all those All in one SEO pack Wordpress plugins. I am not saying that they are bad, but this is something really much better. This is a MUST use SEO plugin for every website owner.  Google XML Sitemaps. If you are using WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast you don’t need it anymore, but I am still recommending it as it is very great and helpful WordPress plugin.  SEOquake. This is a toolbar for your browser. This tool shows a lot of useful information about website, which you are browsing directly in your browser.  Search Google Position. Check how does your website ranks on Google with a keyword selected.  Broken Link Checker WordPress Plugin. Monitor your broken links with this awesome WordPress plugin. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
  • 26. Conclusion That’s all WordPress SEO tips I wanted to share with you. I hope it will be at least something useful for you and it will help you to achieve better results in SEO. Note: Everything, what was written here is based on my own experience. And, as you probably know, lots of things in terms of SEO is very debatable. So feel free to only implement certain things here at your own choice or you use your own methods. Copyright © 2012 Marius Kiniulis and All Rights Reserved.
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