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What is a Hoki?
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Article Details
Written By: S.E. Smith
        Edited By: Bronwyn Harris
        Last Modified Date: 22 February 2013
        Copyright Protected:
        2003-2013 Conjecture Corporation

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Hoki is a type of fish in the hake family, found off the coasts of New Zealand and Australia. The
fish are known by a number of other names, including blue grenadiers, blue hake, whiptails,
whiptail hake, and New Zealand whiting. The fish have dense white flesh that is rich in omega-3
acids, making it a good dietary choice. Studies have also suggested that this type of fish is a
reasonably environmentally sustainable choice for consumers who are concerned about fishery

The fish tend to live in the middle depths of the water, and they feed on small crustaceans.
Larger fish species as well as humans find hoki quite acceptable food, but the fish reproduce in
large numbers, so the population stays relatively stable. They also mature very rapidly, growing
to a size of up to 47 inches (120 centimeters). These factors were considered when the hoki
fishery was evaluated for sustainability, along with other issues like fishing techniques and
accepted practices on fishing boats.

In appearance, the fish have long wedge shaped bodies that become narrower at the tail, with
slim fins and a blue-green to silver color pattern. Their eyes are quite large, and the fish also
have the classic protruding jaw associated with many hake and cod. The large eyes make the fish
appear perpetually startled, and they are probably quite useful in the murky waters that the fish
favor. The scientific name for the fish is Macruronus novazelandiae.

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In New Zealand, hoki comprise the largest commercial fish species. Because of the high volume
of catch, the fishery is closely monitored to ensure that the fish are not being excessively
exploited. Although the population appears to be stable, some concerns have been raised about
bycatch and dumping related to the industry. By aggressively managing the fishery, the New
Zealand government hopes to keep them sustainable and economically viable, though several
international agencies have raised concerns about hoki's sustainability.

This fish is typically available frozen, as it does not keep well otherwise. It can be used in
cooking just like hake or cod would be. The dense flesh holds up very well to saute and grilling,
and it may also be baked or steamed. The flavor is mild and slightly sweet and will pair well with
a wide assortment of sauces and vegetables.

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Discuss this Article
             God is not Austin, Christian or a Jew. God is non denominational. Do you think
             God involves himself on the petty human disputes as here on earth? Religions are a
             human construct -- all of them
Post 60    Eat what you like. It doesn't make any difference and if you follow closely the
           teachings of a religion to the point of rejecting certain foods because you think it
           stops you from getting to heaven, then you're not living your life. You're simply
           waiting to die. --Martin R.
           @WilliB: "Who gets to decide which God is right?" You do, actually. It's up to you
           to decide. but the preceding step is probably something along the lines of why
           should you care if there is a God or not.

             The answer to that question is the same as if you sought to answer:

             "Where did we come from and why?"

           The Big Bang theory is progressing further and further but too many scientists
           avoid asking why it happened, and instead focus on how.
Post 58
             We can trace back the big bang phenomenon as far as we can possibly imagine
             however it still doesn't answer 'why'.

             If I said "God did it" most people's first response is 'who made God then?' Perfectly
             logical if you ignore God to be a being that has always existed. So where's the
             middle of infinity?

             People will bring up reasons to why they should not believe/do not have to believe
in a God such as "if God is such a loving God, why would he let xyz happen?"

             I have never met a person who has asked this and sought out to answer it for
             themselves. they only ask it to convince themselves in poor deductive logic that
             they need not believe in any God.

             I can't convince you that my God is the right God for the same reason that I can't
             describe what red looks like to person who has never seen it before.

             We are all after the same thing really: the truth about where we came from, why
             and where we are going.

           Essentially you only have two choices; to believe in something, or believe in
           nothing (Nihilism).
           Whoever does or does not eat kosher is not immortal or is not spared from aging or
           ailments so if you like something, eat it. but just do it in limits and you will die a
Post 57
           peaceful death.
Related    Fishery
Topics     Filets
           @anon44805: Do you think the Hindu gods agree with your statement that cows are
WilliB     "made of steak"?
Post 56
           Who gets to decide which God is right?
           Wow I just came to find out what Hoki was. I never knew people did or didn't eat
           skin or scale fish for religious reasons or otherwise. As a vegetarian I don't eat any
Post 55
           of the things mentioned here - I'm so not used to be the uncomplicated one!
anon105862 @anon44812: here is your information from? Common tuna and salmon both have
Post 54    scales. There is a particular tuna called the dogtooth tuna which has no scales.
           Smoked Fish
           Fillet Fish
           Fish Omega 3
           Batter Fried Fish
           Fishing Red Fish
anon96777 God does not make you do what he wants. people are grown and are able to make
Post 52    their on decisions, so leave God out of it.
           To anon69728 who thinks he understands the atheist's thought process, you are
           completely wrong. Unlike religious people, our beliefs are truly our own and not
           influenced by others the way yours are. You are completely brainwashed by a cult
           belief system with no basis in fact and you believe it simply because your parents,
           siblings and neighbors are all sheep and believe it, too.
Post 50
             Secondly, your argument that atheists are stupid because all we have to do is be
             religious all our lives and hedge our bets just in case we're wrong, then in heaven
             we can say "whew, glad i covered my butt on that one!" How silly! Why don't you
believe unicorns created the universe then just in case?

             Then when we die and the unicorn superbeings pierce you with their mighty horns
             because you didn't believe I will laugh and say I told you so.

          So get busy believing and following all the possible crazy crap out there that people
          believe because you never know and you've got to cover all the possibilities just in
          case. Have a fun life.
          Thank you for the information i have been looking for other names for a few of my
          favorite fruits and vegetables since i moved from NZ to USA and had recently
Post 49
          added hoki to the list since most of the time it's my favorite fish to fry.
Related   Filets
Topics    Fishery
anon76977 I have always known that half the population were below average intelligence, but
Post 48   I'm astonished at the number of ignorant, religiously oriented comments here.
          Hoki has no scales because it resides in the sunless depths of the Pacific.
Post 47
          Go Fish
          Fish Keep
          Cooking Recipe
          Fish Sandwich Tuna
          Recipe Recipes
          There is more "nastiness" done in the name of religion than eating (goddess forbid)
anon69752 a "skin" fish. Those worried about kosher should keep in mind all the
Post 46   slaughterhouse mistreatment of animals, yes even in a kosher slaughterhouse. Eat
          the damn fish and be happy you have food.
Related   Fishery
Topics    Filets
          Religion needs to die! Eat whatever you want. Just keep in mind the unhealthy
          aspects of what you're eating, such as tuna with the high levels of mercury.
Post 45
          Personally, if you are religious, if a book written decades after this guy named Jesus
          died makes you have to choose what foods to eat, you are all full of crap!
          someone said..."Listening to this about bible, kosher, skin, scales etc. is another
          reason to be an atheist!"

          Interesting how many atheists base their beliefs on someone they never met. They
          never met any of the people who claim something is true/not true according to
          God/the Bible and base their whole non-belief system on a fallible human.
Post 44
          Christians base their belief system on an infallible God. (And some christians are
          very fallible and that is why we need a savior who died on the cross to pay for our

             And if there is not a God, nor heaven/hell and we all go to the same nothingness
when we die, then what does it matter what you believe while alive?

          Hitler and an innocent child dying at birth all go to the same nothingness. An
          atheist cannot even say I told you so if he is right, but, if there is a God and heaven
          and hell, then the Christian can say "I told ya so!", though not happily as it will be
          too late for the atheist after death.
          Hoki might be kosher. If it is like Mahi, then it is. Mature Mahi have no scales,
          however, they do when young. Rabbinical sources have therefore declared that
Post 43
          Mahi is kosher.
          Australia Fish
          High Recipe
          Dried Fish
          My Fish
          Fish Fry
          Hoki is Kosher. the full list of kosher fish can be found at the Kashrut authority
          from Australia.
Post 41
          Hoki is Kosher. For a moment I started feeling guilty, because we consume a lot in
          this household especially for gefilte fish. Cheers Raoul
          Of course Hoki is not kosher.
Post 40
          Yes! God is interested in what we eat as well as what we drink or anything that we
          do. 1Corinthians 10:31 says we should do it all for the glory of God.

anon67728 The Bible is specific as to what is we should eat
Post 37
          (fins and scales). It hasn't changed. Peter's vision in Acts 10 was referring to people
          not food. To the Atheist: Your beliefs, thoughts and feelings do not change God nor
          His laws.
Related   Fishery
Topics    Filets
          Glad to see everyone is so passionate about their diets!
Post 36
          good riddance on whether the hoki fish can or cannot be eaten. so the saying goes,
          you are what you eat. take for example catfish or shrimp who do not have fins and
          scales but are bottom dwelling.
          i for one do not want to eat something that sits in mud (catfish) and eats poop,
Post 35
          leftovers, and who knows what else (shrimp). if you think you can eat whatever you
          want and don't go by whether a fish as fins and scales and a animal has a cloven
          hoof and chews cud, then why not just eat people. people obviously don't have
          fins/scales and don't have a cloven hoof/chew cud. and no, i am not a cannibal.
          Hoki is not kosher!
Post 34
Food Recipe
             Easy Lunch Recipe
             Fishing Charter Shark
             Recipe Seafood
             Catfish Bait Recipe
          Hoki is the fish McDonald's uses in their fish sandwiches!
Post 33
          i love fillet o fish so keep using that hoki!
Post 30
          Hoki have scales for a while but lose them as they get older. So unless you actually
          see the fish caught during the period it does have the scales then I'd say you
anon55974 probably better count it as a fish without scales just to feel assured.
Post 29
          Since most people never see the fish caught, there's no way of knowing whether it
          had already lost its scales or not before it was caught.
Related   Fishery
Topics    Filets
anon46426 Listening to this about bible, kosher, skin, scales etc. is another reason to be an
Post 27   atheist!
          Hoki is *not* kosher.
Post 24
          Is it a kosher fish or not? please say yes or no.
Post 23
Related   Filets
Topics    Fishery
          This is all so stupid. We all have *way* too much time on our hands.
Post 22
          In the New Covenant of grace, the Bible is far more concerned with how much we
          eat than what we eat. Physical appetites are an analogy of our ability to control
anon44939 ourselves. If we are unable to control our eating habits, we are probably also unable
Post 21   to control other habits such as those of the mind (lust, covetousness, unrighteous
          hatred/anger) and unable to keep our mouths from gossip or strife. We are not to let
          our appetites control us; rather, we are to control them.
          Fish Mercury
          Fish List Sustainable
          Cod Fillet Recipe
          Course Fish Management
          Fish Human
          Hoki is Hake and must (Like almost all fish ) be inspected for black parasite
          infection. Other than that they are checked two times before they are available Yes
          they are a scaley skin fish but this means they are better eatin'. I help process the
Post 20
          McDonalds fish along with millions of pounds of Hoki(Hake/ Whiting) for
          America in Washinton. They even smell good before they are cooked. HAH
Related   Filets
Topics    Fishery
Scale fish is safer than skin fish because the skin fish was created to be a scavenger
          to clean the ocean. God is the creator and He knows what's the best for us. If you
          are the creator of a machine that can be fueled by gasoline, is it okay if others put a
          diesel or different kind of fuel in it? if its fuel is gasoline then put gasoline, if its
Post 19
          fuel is diesel then put diesel. God give us the scale fish not the skin fish. not
          everything you can eat is food, you can eat rat killer bait but it can cause you to
          Well, I am glad to have learned that Hoki reproduce in large numbers *and* mature
          quickly. If a fishing moratorium were placed on this species, it would be short
          lived. Unfortunately while the population regenerated (exponentially, mind you)
          mass fishing for less regenerative species would be required.
          With regard to you devout/orthodox religious souls, let me say that while I
Post 18
          commend your personal devotion, please refrain from using this forum as a tool to
          propagate your personal opinion, and yes religion is a personal opinion/belief.

             I hold my own beliefs, and will not look down on others because they don't *act*
             according to my *opinion*.
anon44817    Is there something wrong with me if I think "skin fish" sounds like a euphemism for
Post 16      something else?
Related      Fishery
Topics       Filets
             i think that all you who are worried about skin fish or scale fish -- a fish is a fish.
             look-- i live in southern louisiana and we eat both skin and scale. we eat red fish
anon44812    that is a scale fish and we eat cat fish that is a skin fish. this is to all of y'all who eat
Post 15      tuna --that is a skin fish -- or salmon or even ling -- they are all skin fish. so y'all
             need to not worry. you won't get hurt if you eat a skin fish because 90 percent of the
             fish you eat in restaurants is skin fish.
             If God didn't want us to eat cows, He wouldn't have made them out of steak. If God
             didn't want us to eat hoki, He wouldn't have made them out of McDonald's Filet-O-
Post 14
             No one questions the wisdom of a parent when they tell their children to not touch
             the hot stove yet we love to doubt the validity of God telling us that somethings are
             harmful to us and we would be better off going without. There are poisonous
             mushrooms that look similar to good ones yet the difference is life and death.
             "Garbage in-garbage out" is universally acknowledged fact in regards to computers,
             and "you are what you eat" is widely recognized as worthwhile wisdom for
             humans. Scavengers are the earth's wastebasket and sewer processing plants. I don't
Post 12
             eat out of my sewer nor do I eat the animals that eat that stuff either. Cows have
             like four stomachs while chickens have a gizzard. Some animals have healthier
             menus and are healthier on the menu while the animals that God has declared
             "clean" to eat invariably have biological features that aid in their being better for us.
             God loves us and wants us to be happy; oddly enough He somehow thinks that we'd
             be happier if we were healthier. What do you think?
Related      Fishery
Topics       Filets
          Does the fish have scales?
Post 11
          This is the fish McDonalds uses! Yummy!
Post 10
          with respect to anon40377's post, research shows fish with fins and scales are
          generally safer for humans to eat; scavengers, etc. - not so safe. Many individuals
          make dietary decisions based on health and other factors - not because they're
Post 9
          bound by anything; it's all about choice; and btw, taste is a matter of preference
          whether kosher or not.
Related   Filets
Topics    Fishery
          The scaled or scaleless thing is strictly a religious thing imposed on people beliving
anon44778 in a certain religious faith. their loss. What is funny is all your McDonald's filet of
Post 8    fish sandwiches are made with hoki fish, so how many of these religious types have
          eaten them?
          A skin fish should not be eaten because the Lord said so. That's all I have, but it's
          the most important (to me). He made us so He's the expert. Their meat must be not
          be able to process any toxic substances it eats. Like a chicken can eat almost
Post 7
          anything and will filter it out before it hits the meat, a pig will eat a rat and three
          hours later you can have it as ribs on your plate.
          Is this fish kosher or not?
Post 6
Related   Fishery
Topics    Filets
          Regarding the "skin fish" thing, I'm guessing anon11975 is concerned whether or
anon40377 not the fish is kosher. If it comes from the water and has fins and scales it's kosher,
Post 5    but if it doesn't have fins and scales it's not. Luckily for those of us not bound by
          kosher restrictions, non-kosher can still be tasty.
          I had smoked Hoki today for lunch.
          It was delicious. I was so intrigued that I Googled Hoki and ended up here.
Post 4
          Why shouldnt skinned fish be eaten? I too am intrigued by the posting.
          You say it is the same as a Blue Grenadier, but the shop where I bought BG last
          week had a different looking fillet in the next tray, called Hoki. The Hoki was
Post 3
          thinner and had smaller "leaves" than the Blue G.
Related   Filets
Topics    Fishery
          Why shouldn't skin fish should be eaten?
Post 2
          It is very important to many that what a fish looks like should be stated. In other
anon11975 words, "is it a skin fish?" or does it have scales? (very important to those of us who
Post 1    do not eat skin fish) I believe "HOKI" is a skin fish and thus should not be eaten,
          but it is not clearly stated whether it is or not. Thank you.

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Wise geek

  • 1. wiseGEEK clear answers for common questions Feedback About wiseGEEK Login Category: Environment ▼ What is a Hoki? AdChoices Fish Recipe Fish Species Fish Type Fish Salmon Fish Fresh Frozen Fishery Filets Hoki. Watch the Did-You-Know slideshow AdChoices Aquarium Fish Live Cooking Fish Baked Cod Fish Fish Salt Water Eat Fish Skin Eating Fish Follow @wiseGEEK Article Details
  • 2. Written By: S.E. Smith Edited By: Bronwyn Harris Last Modified Date: 22 February 2013 Copyright Protected: 2003-2013 Conjecture Corporation Free Widgets for your Site/Blog Did You Know? About 20% of Americans don't use the Internet. more... get widget This Day in History March 14 , 1942 : Penicillin was first successfully used to treat a patient. more... get widget Subscribe to wiseGEEK Learn something new every day More Info... by email enter email ad Hoki is a type of fish in the hake family, found off the coasts of New Zealand and Australia. The fish are known by a number of other names, including blue grenadiers, blue hake, whiptails, whiptail hake, and New Zealand whiting. The fish have dense white flesh that is rich in omega-3 acids, making it a good dietary choice. Studies have also suggested that this type of fish is a reasonably environmentally sustainable choice for consumers who are concerned about fishery management. The fish tend to live in the middle depths of the water, and they feed on small crustaceans. Larger fish species as well as humans find hoki quite acceptable food, but the fish reproduce in large numbers, so the population stays relatively stable. They also mature very rapidly, growing to a size of up to 47 inches (120 centimeters). These factors were considered when the hoki fishery was evaluated for sustainability, along with other issues like fishing techniques and accepted practices on fishing boats. In appearance, the fish have long wedge shaped bodies that become narrower at the tail, with slim fins and a blue-green to silver color pattern. Their eyes are quite large, and the fish also have the classic protruding jaw associated with many hake and cod. The large eyes make the fish appear perpetually startled, and they are probably quite useful in the murky waters that the fish favor. The scientific name for the fish is Macruronus novazelandiae. AdChoices Every Pound Lost Is A Positive Step Choose S-recipes™ For Quick Weight Loss Made Easy. Results Cara Beli Jus Mate 5 Order Produk Jus Mate 5 TULEN Dari Wakil Pengedar Sah HPM ASLI Sekarang
  • 3. Potty Train Your Dog Within 6 days, your dog will never pee and poop inside again - ever. Fast Learn more about PD and read about other people's experiences Diagnosis Parkinson's? How To Lose Weight Using Herbalife Shakes And Personal Coach. Register Now... Fast In New Zealand, hoki comprise the largest commercial fish species. Because of the high volume of catch, the fishery is closely monitored to ensure that the fish are not being excessively exploited. Although the population appears to be stable, some concerns have been raised about bycatch and dumping related to the industry. By aggressively managing the fishery, the New Zealand government hopes to keep them sustainable and economically viable, though several international agencies have raised concerns about hoki's sustainability. This fish is typically available frozen, as it does not keep well otherwise. It can be used in cooking just like hake or cod would be. The dense flesh holds up very well to saute and grilling, and it may also be baked or steamed. The flavor is mild and slightly sweet and will pair well with a wide assortment of sauces and vegetables. AdChoices Quality seafood supplier in SG. Establised since 2003. The Fish Net Leader in Acne, Scars, Pigmentation Skin Treatment. Consult doctor KL Acne & Pigment now. Clinic Jika Anda Belum Berkahwin. Suami Isteri Je. Klik Utk Info. Tolong Jangan Klik Over 250 Pet Supplies Guaranteed to Turn Heads. Promotional Sale Dog Training in MY Now. Related Videos AdChoices About Fish Feed Fish Machine Fish Food Fish How To Related wiseGEEK Articles What Is a Blue Cod? What Is Hake? What are Some Animals in New Zealand?
  • 4. What is a Crappie? What is a Basa Fish? What is a Parrotfish? What is the Evolutionary History of Fish? AdChoices Global trading house - focus on Shrimp, Halibut, Cod, APO, Redfish Frozen seafood Here is a Prayer For You This Prayer Can Change Your Life. Jesus Loves You Quit smoking in 1 hypnotic session. Be healthy. Call 012 3300413 Quit Smoking 1 Session now. KL Replace painful, slippery dentures with FixedTeeth & change your Say Goodbye to Dentures life! Discuss this Article God is not Austin, Christian or a Jew. God is non denominational. Do you think God involves himself on the petty human disputes as here on earth? Religions are a human construct -- all of them anon318949 Post 60 Eat what you like. It doesn't make any difference and if you follow closely the teachings of a religion to the point of rejecting certain foods because you think it stops you from getting to heaven, then you're not living your life. You're simply waiting to die. --Martin R. @WilliB: "Who gets to decide which God is right?" You do, actually. It's up to you to decide. but the preceding step is probably something along the lines of why should you care if there is a God or not. The answer to that question is the same as if you sought to answer: "Where did we come from and why?" The Big Bang theory is progressing further and further but too many scientists anon144200 avoid asking why it happened, and instead focus on how. Post 58 We can trace back the big bang phenomenon as far as we can possibly imagine however it still doesn't answer 'why'. If I said "God did it" most people's first response is 'who made God then?' Perfectly logical if you ignore God to be a being that has always existed. So where's the middle of infinity? People will bring up reasons to why they should not believe/do not have to believe
  • 5. in a God such as "if God is such a loving God, why would he let xyz happen?" I have never met a person who has asked this and sought out to answer it for themselves. they only ask it to convince themselves in poor deductive logic that they need not believe in any God. I can't convince you that my God is the right God for the same reason that I can't describe what red looks like to person who has never seen it before. We are all after the same thing really: the truth about where we came from, why and where we are going. Essentially you only have two choices; to believe in something, or believe in nothing (Nihilism). Whoever does or does not eat kosher is not immortal or is not spared from aging or anon132165 ailments so if you like something, eat it. but just do it in limits and you will die a Post 57 peaceful death. Related Fishery Topics Filets @anon44805: Do you think the Hindu gods agree with your statement that cows are WilliB "made of steak"? Post 56 Who gets to decide which God is right? Wow I just came to find out what Hoki was. I never knew people did or didn't eat anon115686 skin or scale fish for religious reasons or otherwise. As a vegetarian I don't eat any Post 55 of the things mentioned here - I'm so not used to be the uncomplicated one! anon105862 @anon44812: here is your information from? Common tuna and salmon both have Post 54 scales. There is a particular tuna called the dogtooth tuna which has no scales. AdChoices Smoked Fish Fillet Fish Fish Omega 3 Batter Fried Fish Fishing Red Fish anon96777 God does not make you do what he wants. people are grown and are able to make Post 52 their on decisions, so leave God out of it. To anon69728 who thinks he understands the atheist's thought process, you are completely wrong. Unlike religious people, our beliefs are truly our own and not influenced by others the way yours are. You are completely brainwashed by a cult belief system with no basis in fact and you believe it simply because your parents, anon87327 siblings and neighbors are all sheep and believe it, too. Post 50 Secondly, your argument that atheists are stupid because all we have to do is be religious all our lives and hedge our bets just in case we're wrong, then in heaven we can say "whew, glad i covered my butt on that one!" How silly! Why don't you
  • 6. believe unicorns created the universe then just in case? Then when we die and the unicorn superbeings pierce you with their mighty horns because you didn't believe I will laugh and say I told you so. So get busy believing and following all the possible crazy crap out there that people believe because you never know and you've got to cover all the possibilities just in case. Have a fun life. Thank you for the information i have been looking for other names for a few of my anon82442 favorite fruits and vegetables since i moved from NZ to USA and had recently Post 49 added hoki to the list since most of the time it's my favorite fish to fry. Related Filets Topics Fishery anon76977 I have always known that half the population were below average intelligence, but Post 48 I'm astonished at the number of ignorant, religiously oriented comments here. anon70345 Hoki has no scales because it resides in the sunless depths of the Pacific. Post 47 AdChoices Go Fish Fish Keep Cooking Recipe Fish Sandwich Tuna Recipe Recipes There is more "nastiness" done in the name of religion than eating (goddess forbid) anon69752 a "skin" fish. Those worried about kosher should keep in mind all the Post 46 slaughterhouse mistreatment of animals, yes even in a kosher slaughterhouse. Eat the damn fish and be happy you have food. Related Fishery Topics Filets Religion needs to die! Eat whatever you want. Just keep in mind the unhealthy aspects of what you're eating, such as tuna with the high levels of mercury. anon69734 Post 45 Personally, if you are religious, if a book written decades after this guy named Jesus died makes you have to choose what foods to eat, you are all full of crap! someone said..."Listening to this about bible, kosher, skin, scales etc. is another reason to be an atheist!" Interesting how many atheists base their beliefs on someone they never met. They never met any of the people who claim something is true/not true according to anon69728 God/the Bible and base their whole non-belief system on a fallible human. Post 44 Christians base their belief system on an infallible God. (And some christians are very fallible and that is why we need a savior who died on the cross to pay for our sins!) And if there is not a God, nor heaven/hell and we all go to the same nothingness
  • 7. when we die, then what does it matter what you believe while alive? Hitler and an innocent child dying at birth all go to the same nothingness. An atheist cannot even say I told you so if he is right, but, if there is a God and heaven and hell, then the Christian can say "I told ya so!", though not happily as it will be too late for the atheist after death. Hoki might be kosher. If it is like Mahi, then it is. Mature Mahi have no scales, anon69647 however, they do when young. Rabbinical sources have therefore declared that Post 43 Mahi is kosher. AdChoices Australia Fish High Recipe Dried Fish My Fish Fish Fry Hoki is Kosher. the full list of kosher fish can be found at the Kashrut authority from Australia. anon69536 Post 41 Hoki is Kosher. For a moment I started feeling guilty, because we consume a lot in this household especially for gefilte fish. Cheers Raoul anon69102 Of course Hoki is not kosher. Post 40 Yes! God is interested in what we eat as well as what we drink or anything that we do. 1Corinthians 10:31 says we should do it all for the glory of God. anon67728 The Bible is specific as to what is we should eat Post 37 (fins and scales). It hasn't changed. Peter's vision in Acts 10 was referring to people not food. To the Atheist: Your beliefs, thoughts and feelings do not change God nor His laws. Related Fishery Topics Filets anon66561 Glad to see everyone is so passionate about their diets! Post 36 good riddance on whether the hoki fish can or cannot be eaten. so the saying goes, you are what you eat. take for example catfish or shrimp who do not have fins and scales but are bottom dwelling. anon66419 i for one do not want to eat something that sits in mud (catfish) and eats poop, Post 35 leftovers, and who knows what else (shrimp). if you think you can eat whatever you want and don't go by whether a fish as fins and scales and a animal has a cloven hoof and chews cud, then why not just eat people. people obviously don't have fins/scales and don't have a cloven hoof/chew cud. and no, i am not a cannibal. anon66404 Hoki is not kosher! Post 34 AdChoices
  • 8. Food Recipe Easy Lunch Recipe Fishing Charter Shark Recipe Seafood Catfish Bait Recipe anon66260 Hoki is the fish McDonald's uses in their fish sandwiches! Post 33 anon58283 i love fillet o fish so keep using that hoki! Post 30 Hoki have scales for a while but lose them as they get older. So unless you actually see the fish caught during the period it does have the scales then I'd say you anon55974 probably better count it as a fish without scales just to feel assured. Post 29 Since most people never see the fish caught, there's no way of knowing whether it had already lost its scales or not before it was caught. Related Fishery Topics Filets anon46426 Listening to this about bible, kosher, skin, scales etc. is another reason to be an Post 27 atheist! kfish Hoki is *not* kosher. Post 24 anon44977 Is it a kosher fish or not? please say yes or no. Post 23 Related Filets Topics Fishery anon44965 This is all so stupid. We all have *way* too much time on our hands. Post 22 In the New Covenant of grace, the Bible is far more concerned with how much we eat than what we eat. Physical appetites are an analogy of our ability to control anon44939 ourselves. If we are unable to control our eating habits, we are probably also unable Post 21 to control other habits such as those of the mind (lust, covetousness, unrighteous hatred/anger) and unable to keep our mouths from gossip or strife. We are not to let our appetites control us; rather, we are to control them. AdChoices Fish Mercury Fish List Sustainable Cod Fillet Recipe Course Fish Management Fish Human Hoki is Hake and must (Like almost all fish ) be inspected for black parasite infection. Other than that they are checked two times before they are available Yes anon44896 they are a scaley skin fish but this means they are better eatin'. I help process the Post 20 McDonalds fish along with millions of pounds of Hoki(Hake/ Whiting) for America in Washinton. They even smell good before they are cooked. HAH Related Filets Topics Fishery
  • 9. Scale fish is safer than skin fish because the skin fish was created to be a scavenger to clean the ocean. God is the creator and He knows what's the best for us. If you are the creator of a machine that can be fueled by gasoline, is it okay if others put a anon44841 diesel or different kind of fuel in it? if its fuel is gasoline then put gasoline, if its Post 19 fuel is diesel then put diesel. God give us the scale fish not the skin fish. not everything you can eat is food, you can eat rat killer bait but it can cause you to poisoned. Well, I am glad to have learned that Hoki reproduce in large numbers *and* mature quickly. If a fishing moratorium were placed on this species, it would be short lived. Unfortunately while the population regenerated (exponentially, mind you) mass fishing for less regenerative species would be required. anon44822 With regard to you devout/orthodox religious souls, let me say that while I Post 18 commend your personal devotion, please refrain from using this forum as a tool to propagate your personal opinion, and yes religion is a personal opinion/belief. I hold my own beliefs, and will not look down on others because they don't *act* according to my *opinion*. anon44817 Is there something wrong with me if I think "skin fish" sounds like a euphemism for Post 16 something else? Related Fishery Topics Filets i think that all you who are worried about skin fish or scale fish -- a fish is a fish. look-- i live in southern louisiana and we eat both skin and scale. we eat red fish anon44812 that is a scale fish and we eat cat fish that is a skin fish. this is to all of y'all who eat Post 15 tuna --that is a skin fish -- or salmon or even ling -- they are all skin fish. so y'all need to not worry. you won't get hurt if you eat a skin fish because 90 percent of the fish you eat in restaurants is skin fish. If God didn't want us to eat cows, He wouldn't have made them out of steak. If God anon44805 didn't want us to eat hoki, He wouldn't have made them out of McDonald's Filet-O- Post 14 Fish! No one questions the wisdom of a parent when they tell their children to not touch the hot stove yet we love to doubt the validity of God telling us that somethings are harmful to us and we would be better off going without. There are poisonous mushrooms that look similar to good ones yet the difference is life and death. "Garbage in-garbage out" is universally acknowledged fact in regards to computers, and "you are what you eat" is widely recognized as worthwhile wisdom for anon44795 humans. Scavengers are the earth's wastebasket and sewer processing plants. I don't Post 12 eat out of my sewer nor do I eat the animals that eat that stuff either. Cows have like four stomachs while chickens have a gizzard. Some animals have healthier menus and are healthier on the menu while the animals that God has declared "clean" to eat invariably have biological features that aid in their being better for us. God loves us and wants us to be happy; oddly enough He somehow thinks that we'd be happier if we were healthier. What do you think? Related Fishery Topics Filets
  • 10. anon44794 Does the fish have scales? Post 11 anon44789 This is the fish McDonalds uses! Yummy! Post 10 with respect to anon40377's post, research shows fish with fins and scales are generally safer for humans to eat; scavengers, etc. - not so safe. Many individuals anon44784 make dietary decisions based on health and other factors - not because they're Post 9 bound by anything; it's all about choice; and btw, taste is a matter of preference whether kosher or not. Related Filets Topics Fishery The scaled or scaleless thing is strictly a religious thing imposed on people beliving anon44778 in a certain religious faith. their loss. What is funny is all your McDonald's filet of Post 8 fish sandwiches are made with hoki fish, so how many of these religious types have eaten them? A skin fish should not be eaten because the Lord said so. That's all I have, but it's the most important (to me). He made us so He's the expert. Their meat must be not anon44772 be able to process any toxic substances it eats. Like a chicken can eat almost Post 7 anything and will filter it out before it hits the meat, a pig will eat a rat and three hours later you can have it as ribs on your plate. anon44771 Is this fish kosher or not? Post 6 Related Fishery Topics Filets Regarding the "skin fish" thing, I'm guessing anon11975 is concerned whether or anon40377 not the fish is kosher. If it comes from the water and has fins and scales it's kosher, Post 5 but if it doesn't have fins and scales it's not. Luckily for those of us not bound by kosher restrictions, non-kosher can still be tasty. I had smoked Hoki today for lunch. anon38563 It was delicious. I was so intrigued that I Googled Hoki and ended up here. Post 4 Why shouldnt skinned fish be eaten? I too am intrigued by the posting. You say it is the same as a Blue Grenadier, but the shop where I bought BG last anon36506 week had a different looking fillet in the next tray, called Hoki. The Hoki was Post 3 thinner and had smaller "leaves" than the Blue G. Related Filets Topics Fishery anon25712 Why shouldn't skin fish should be eaten? Post 2 It is very important to many that what a fish looks like should be stated. In other anon11975 words, "is it a skin fish?" or does it have scales? (very important to those of us who Post 1 do not eat skin fish) I believe "HOKI" is a skin fish and thus should not be eaten, but it is not clearly stated whether it is or not. Thank you. Post your comments
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