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Issue IV
Family & Living
Spice Up Any Occasion With
Great Cajun Recipes
Exercise and Build Strength With
This Innovative Workout Method
Untangling the Web—
Find Credible Medical Information Online
Tips & Trends
Vacationing With Your Pet
Travel & Leisure
Explore the Freedom of RVing
Embark on a Sea Cruise Adventure
PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:54 AM Page 1
““The rThe race is not alwace is not always to the swiftays to the swift...but to those who k...but to those who keep on runningeep on running..””
“Act as if it were impossible to fail.”
“We come to feel as we behave.”
“The race is not always to the swift...but to those who keep on running.”“The race is not always to the swift...but to those who keep on running.”
––Author UnknoAuthor Unknownwn
–Dorothy Broude
–Paul Pearsall
–Author Unknown
Proud to support individuals
living life in the moment.
PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:54 AM Page 2
32 Phylicia Rashad: The Gift of Grace
Award-winning actress Phylicia Rashad uses her wealth of
talent, grace, and charm to give back to the community.
8 The SuperSlow Workout
Thinking of getting back into exercise? Try SuperSlow: a half-
hour weekly workout that has the potential to increase your
strength, your metabolism, and your well-being.
39 A Cold Weather Survival Guide
for Your Garden
Boost summer’s blooms with some proactive tips for protecting
your garden and bringing the thriving-green outdoors indoors
during the cool months.
23 Getting a Good Read
We offer a wide array of new good reads, including an
inspiring memoir, an intriguing biography, a riveting whodunit,
a collection of great interviews, and a surprising romance.
44 Cajun for Any Occasion
Southern hospitality diva Dianne Cage shares her down-home
recipes and easy tips for preparing classic Cajun cuisine.
48 Good Tunes for Good Times
We’ve picked out an outstanding play list from new artists
and old favorites. Our review of the choicest new releases
from rock, country, and jazz will point you to some good
tunes for good times.
54 An Excellent Read on Book Clubs
If you like great books and discussing them, then you’ll
love book clubs. Joining or starting one is a snap. We
show you how.
11 The Lowdown on Low-Carb Beer:
Choices Are Brewing
Many major breweries are hopping onto the low-carb band-
wagon. Get the skinny on the best brews for carb counters.
15 Paradise Afloat: The Cruise Boom
There’s a great sea cruise out there for almost any taste
or budget. Which one suits your inner sailor, beachcomber,
and bon vivant?
26 Hitting the Road in an RV: Freedom
and Fun Times Await You
Do you like the open road and the freedom of traveling at
your own pace? You’re not alone. In the United States, there
are over seven million recreational vehicles and counting.
Find out why.
58 The Seven Wonders of the Wild
Southwest of Ireland
An ancient seacoast, countless shades of green, breathtaking
views, and 100,000 welcomes. Step into Southwest Ireland’s
friendly, tidy towns and its exuberant wild beauty, and explore
its seven wonders.
6 Take the Treatment Challenge
Is your arthritis pain medication everything it should be?
20 Untangling the Web
Want to zero in on credible medical information on the
Internet, quickly and easily? We’ll show you how with some
simple steps for healthy Web surfing.
29 A Patient Profile
Barbara List and her pain specialist, Jeffrey Gudin, MD, discuss
the modern management of arthritis joint pain and how it’s
improved Barbara’s daily life.
52 An Ounce of Prevention . . .
It’s All in the Mix
Some common drugs, foods, and beverages don’t interact well.
Know which ones don’t, so you’ll be sure to avoid a bad mix.
42 Vacationing With Your Pet
Love to travel but can’t leave behind that four-legged member
of the family? Find out the latest options for bringing your pet
on your next trip.
64 The Etiquette of Gift Giving
You’ve been invited to a wedding you cannot attend, should
you send a gift? America’s leading lady of good manners,
Letitia Baldrige, knows the proper answer to this and other
gift-giving questions.
Cover photo by Matthew Jordan Smith
From the Editor
Welcome to PERFORM™—a magazine dedicated to people who want to live life in
the moment. If we had a motto, it would be this:
There is no such thing in anyone’s life as an unimportant day.
—Alexander Woolcott
We’d add to this that there’s also no such thing as an unimportant reader.
No matter who you are, you want to do what you want to do, when you’d like to do it.
We’ve filled this issue with ideas and tips to help you keep your lifestyle on course.
The cover story in this issue is Phylicia Rashad, an award-winning actress who uses
her wealth of talent, grace, and charm to give back to the community.
In addition to catching up with Broadway’s leading lady, we’ll guide you through
relaxing ways to sail on ships that pamper you and to tour the open vistas of America
and Ireland in comfort—at your own pace. We also have tips to make traveling with
your pets and caring for your garden easy. There are also delicious Cajun recipes
to spice up any occasion. Our Health section will give you helpful Web-surfing
techniques from the National Institutes of Health as well as the science behind
powerful joint pain medicine.
Whatever your lifestyle, career, or passion, PERFORM™ offers articles that will
inspire you to live life in the moment.
PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:54 AM Page 4
Joint pain can make it hard to perform many of the activities you enjoy.
That’s why you must be clear with your doctor about how joint pain
affects your life. Just follow these three simple steps:
Take a moment to think about how you now treat your
joint pain. Then check the Yes or No boxes to the right.
Tell your doctor if you’re not getting all the relief you need.
Your Treatment Challenge answers may suggest that it’s time
to rethink how you manage joint pain.
Important Information. BEXTRA is not for everyone. Prescription BEXTRA should not be taken if you’ve had allergic
reactions to certain drugs called sulfonamides, aspirin or other arthritis medicines or if you’ve had aspirin-sensitive asthma
or are in late pregnancy. It is not recommended if you have advanced kidney disease. Tell your doctor if you have kidney
or liver problems. In rare cases, serious stomach problems such as bleeding can occur without warning. Tell your doctor
right away if you develop blisters in the mouth or a rash, as it can be a sign of a serious skin reaction that may be life threat-
ening. If you experience other unusual symptoms while taking BEXTRA, tell your doctor immediately. The most common
side effects are headache, abdominal pain, indigestion, upper respiratory infection, nausea and diarrhea.
Please see important Product Information on page 66.
1 I could not effectively control my arthritis pain.
2 My arthritis pain seemed worse than usual.
3 My arthritis pain interfered with my ability to:
a. walk on a level surface.
b. go up or down stairs.
c. bend over.
d. get in or out of a car.
e. get in or out of bed.
f. perform light chores.
g. perform heavy chores.
4 My arthritis pain interfered with my ability to:
a. sleep.
b. play my favorite sport(s).
c. perform daily activities such as shopping.
Yes No
For more information, call
toll-free 1-866-864-2600,
visit or mail
the Get More Information card
between pages 62 and 63.
Please see important product information on previous page.
Take the Treatment Challenge now!
How many Yes answers did you have? If one or more, talk
to your doctor today about options for controlling joint pain.
PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:54 AM Page 6
ow many times have you heard this lately? “I just love exercising! I look forward to getting on that treadmill everyday!”
Yes, chances are, unless you’re a marathon runner or a bodybuilder, you’re not looking forward to going to the gym.
Or maybe you’re feeling frustrated because you just aren’t seeing any results. When it comes to baby boomers, exercise
has become something that looms over us as the panacea for staying young—the best way to keep things like osteoporosis and the
other ogres of aging at bay.
Well, what if you could get into super shape by adding a once-a-week, 30-minute workout to your exercise routine, without
even breaking a sweat? Ah, the ears perked right up! Enter the world of SuperSlow®
. The new full-body, weight-based program
promising maximum results in minimum time, with little or no chance of injury. Now, other than someone feeding us bonbons
while we actually do it, that sounds pretty attractive.
That’s why the SuperSlow®
method has famous devotees such as Lesley Stahl and Barbara
Walters. Not only do they like the valuable time they save, but, like so many others, they
delight in the fact that there is no cardio involved. This is a non-dance, non-kick, non-step,
non-time-consuming workout that you can almost look forward to doing once a week. You
could not take more; you do not need more. The concept is simple: the more muscle you
have, the higher your metabolism is, and thus the more calories you’re able to burn. And
that means all the things on our wish list for fitness are right within our grasp—weight loss,
strength, more energy, being able to greet each day ready to go, with little or no aches and
pains. The universal goals of a generation might not seem so far off after all.
Q:“What is the SuperSlow®
method and why are the benefits potentially so profound?”
A: “SuperSlow®
is a form of calculated weight lifting and resistance training done just once a
week for 20 to 30 minutes total. It is done with slow, fluid, deliberate movements with no
stopping between repetitions. By slowing down this process, you achieve greater intensity,
allowing you to reach the point we call muscle ‘failure’—the place where you can lift
no further, but push on another few seconds. That is in fact where the real
benefit occurs. As you become stronger, more weight is added to this circuit. I realize it
sounds funny to say that ‘failure’ is a goal, but that’s the way it is. The nurturing and
rebuilding of the muscles occurs in the following week, before your next session.”
Q:“What actual effect does ‘slow’ have on your muscles and why does it tone better
and produce better results than three or more days a week of lifting free weights?”
A: “The only advantage that free weights have over machines is that they’re cheap,
adjustable, and lack friction. Aside from that, they are basically an adjustable brick.
Yes, they provide resistance, but different body parts have their own unique require-
ments. This is why we need to figure out what the body does, and then build the
equipment to accommodate that. The ‘slow’ effort minimizes momentum, which keeps the
muscle more efficiently loaded, which makes the exercise more efficient. ‘Slow’ also
minimizes acceleration and force, both of which in excess can cause injury. If you can’t lift
it slowly, then don’t try to lift it at all. Explosive movements accomplish nothing.”
Q:“Would you recommend this type of training to people of all ages?”
A: “First, anyone with a medical condition or injury should consult their doctor before look-
ing to begin an exercise program. We have found SuperSlow®
to be appropriate for any
age or fitness level. In fact, the majority of my clients are in their late 40s and 50s.
I even have a few 70-plus clients who come back week after week. Low-force lifting, for a
minimum of time, has an incredibly low potential for injury, making SuperSlow®
a very
safe method of training—not to mention highly effective. It never ceases to surprise
people what they are capable of doing. Many who’ve been scared to do anything find they’re
actually quite strong. It’s quite a confidence builder.”
SuperSlowOr is it too good to be true?
Could this be the exercise method
we’ve all been waiting for?
By Kathie Strauss
PERFORM™ asked a SuperSlow®
trainer and a master-level SuperSlow®
instructor to take us through what this phenomenon is and why it can
deliver such spectacular results.
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The Lowdown on
Low-Carb Beer:
Choices Are Brewing
The Lowdown on
Low-Carb Beer:
Choices Are Brewing
Following a strict low-carb diet?
Now there’s a range of beers to quench
your thirst without breaking your carb bank.
Following a strict low-carb diet?
Now there’s a range of beers to quench
your thirst without breaking your carb bank.
By Rick Gervasio
The SuperSlow®
method was created by Ken Hutchins at Nautilus Industries in Florida as part of an osteoporosis
study. More research is still being done, but many years of experience have demonstrated that the SuperSlow®
method provides a pleasant and rewarding experience. Most importantly, it should give
us all pause to rethink our method of keeping the ogres of aging at bay.
“Low-force lifting, for a minimum of time, has an incredibly low
potential for injury, making SuperSlow®
a very safe method of training.
For more information or to get in touch with a SuperSlow®
trainer, visit
Working with a trainer familiar with SuperSlow®
will ensure you’re
performing your workouts as safely, correctly, and slowly as you should.
SuperSlow is a registered trademark of Ken Hutchins.
Q:“We’ve always been told that sweating is good, that it cleanses the body of unwanted toxins, and that it’s an integral part of
exercise. It emotionally tells you you’ve worked out well. Why is this not as important with this method?”
A: “Whether sweat accumulates or not doesn’t tell us how hard we’re working. You expend the same amount of calories lifting 100 pounds
10 times whether you sweat or not. Sweating doesn’t rid the body of toxins. That’s what the liver and kidneys are for. Sweating is the body’s
cooling system. However, if you get so hot that you begin to sweat a lot, it may be a sign that other deleterious things could happen. The
potential for heat exhaustion exists, where concentration and thinking capacity can become fuzzy and deteriorate. It is much better to remain
as cool as possible when you train. If the subject starts in a chilled condition, and the room is kept cool, well-ventilated, and low in humidity,
then, even if the subject does sweat, that sweat will cool the subject.”
Q:“At the start of each session, do you pick up where you left off? Or immediately jump up to more weight?”
A: “It depends. The usual guidelines call for moving up in weight after being able to do four to eight
repetitions at a given weight. We increase the weight approximately five percent, and repeat the
cycle, sticking with the new weight until eight reps can be performed. Eventually, if the subject
started at 100 pounds for six reps, he can progress, for example, to 200 pounds for six reps,
having doubled his strength. And because the progression occurred in such a way as to be
within the body’s capacity for improvement, safety was never compromised.”
Q:“As you push your clients to achieve higher weight, does it produce a tightening at
the neck or shoulders or in other sensitive muscle groups or joints?”
A: “SuperSlow®
emphasizes minimizing tension in the neck and joints. Therefore, the
potential for injury is reduced as well. This is achieved by maintaining good form
and relaxation of uninvolved body parts. Because we train through a full range of
motion, the muscles never get the opportunity to tighten up throughout each rep-
Q:“We often hear that it is necessary to do some form of exercise every-
day. What is your opinion on this?”
A: “It all boils down to how much should we do? With SuperSlow®
, it is as much
as necessary, and not as much as you can tolerate. If we can get everything out of
one 20-minute session per week, why do more? You don’t get proportionally
greater results from doing more. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy
other forms of exercise, such as taking a long walk or a relaxing yoga class, to
round out your fitness goals.”
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A guide to guilt-free thirst quenching
he low-carb craze is no longer just a fad—millions of
Americans have adopted Atkins®
, South Beach™, the Zone, or
some other variation as their main diet. But what do these
carb counters do when it comes to drinking a beer? What about
those hot, sun-filled days at the beach, the weekend retreats, or
those al fresco dinners with friends? All perfect settings for a crisp,
refreshing, ice-cold beer. Until recently, carbophobes would have
to skip cold beer or offset such an indulgence by cutting out yet
another food from their already restricted diets.
Thankfully, beer manufacturers have hopped onto the low-carb
bandwagon. And now almost every major brewer has added a low-
carb beer to its product line—giving you options for cutting carbs
while stocking the fridge or cooler with brewskies.
With an eye on your waistline, PERFORM™
has done some homework. We’ve laid
out some low-carb options
to show you how these
really compare from a
carb perspective.
The time
has come
to cut carbs
The development
of light beer over the
last few decades was
in response to calorie-
conscious drinkers and
has led to fierce competi-
tion for the “best tasting”
light beer. And now, not
surprisingly, brewers have
formulated “low carb”
beers to meet the evolving
needs of consumers.
The carbs from beer come
from the choice and amount of
grains used in the beer-making
process. Many popular American
beers have a fairly high carbohydrate count. An average bottle of beer
has around 11 grams of carbs in each 12-ounce serving.
Inevitably, the process of removing the carbs from beer also
removes the body that gives it much of its character. But brewers
have been working hard to find ways to preserve or restore the char-
acter of their low-carb beers. Many brewers have been able to pro-
duce a low-carb beverage that still offers most of the refreshing
characteristics people desire in a beer.
You may already be drinking
a low-carb beer
Whether you will like the flavor of low-carb beer will depend,
of course, on your taste in beer. If like me you prefer rich-tasting
microbrews, then you will probably want to focus on other ways to
cut carbs from your diet—because the depth of these beers cannot be
matched by low-carb beers.
However, most Americans enjoy light, simple lagers like
, Coors®
, Miller®
, or Rolling Rock®
, to name just a few.
If that’s true for you, then you may find some of these new low-carb
The Beer Essentials
The Lowdown on Low-Carb Beer
The Lowdown on Low-Carb Beer
brews to be a good way to keep your beer and your diet too! And if
you already drink light beers, such as Amstel Light®
, Bud Light®
, or
Coors Light®
, then you may already be drinking a low-carb beer.
Many beer companies are now promoting their existing
light-beer brands as “low carb” beer choices. Other companies
have developed new brews that offer even fewer carbohydrates
for those who demand the lowest amount available.
All low-carb beers are not created equal
Surprisingly, the carb count in these beers can vary consider-
ably from one brand to another. See the table “Low-Carb Beer
Options” on the previous page. Beware—some “light beers”
have two to three times the carbs of the lowest low-carb beers.
Generally, the lower the carbs per serving the less flavorful and
more “watery” the beer will taste. However, I’ve found that some
low-carb beers taste surprisingly better than others. Plus, there
are several steps you can take to bring out the flavor of the beer
you choose. Take it from me, the only way you’ll know if you like
one of these beers is to try it yourself.
If you’re trying hard to adhere to a low-carb diet, you may
prefer a low-carb beer over no beer at all. You’ll also be happy to
know that low-carb beer has fewer calories than regular beer.
Plus, low-carb beers tend to have lower alcohol content. So next
time you fill up your cooler, throw in some of these beers and see
how they compare.
If you are following a low-carb diet, remember that a low-carb
diet can lower your tolerance for alcohol. So be sure to drink a
lot of water along with your beer and be careful to space your
drinks out over time.
Low-Carb Beer Options
The brands listed here are generally available from major retailers
throughout the U.S. Check with your favorite beverage store to see what
other local or regional low-carb beers may be available in your area.
Amstel Light®
5 g 95 3.5 Heineken USA
Aspen Edge®
2.6 g 94 4.13 Coors Brewing Company
Bud Light®
6.6 g 110 4.2 Anheuser-Busch
Coors Light®
5 g 102 4.2 Coors Brewing Company
Corona Light®
5 g 105 4.5 Grupo Modelo, S.A. de C.V.
Michelob Ultra®
2.6 g 95 4.2 Anheuser-Busch
Miller Lite®
3.2 g 96 4.5 Miller Brewing Company
Natural Light®
3.2 g 95 4.2 Anheuser-Busch
Rock Green Light®
2.4 g 92 N/A Latrobe Brewing Co.
To understand what low-carb beer is and why it tastes the way it does, it’s helpful to
understand the history of beer and how it’s made. Experts believe that beer was among the
first beverages created by man. It may even predate the invention of wine and possibly
even bread. (Fun fact: “brewing” comes from the same German root word as “bread.”)
vb. 1. To make (ale or beer) from malt and hops by infusion, boiling, and fermen-
tation. 2. To make (a beverage) by boiling, steeping, or mixing various ingredients.
3. To concoct; devise. 4. To make ale or beer as an occupation.
n. 1a. A beverage made by brewing. b. A serving of such a beverage. 2. Something
produced as if by brewing; a mix.
Most early beers were made from malted barley mixed with water and fermented with
the aid of cultured yeasts. But the extreme sweetness of the barley malt had to be cut
with something bitter to make it a suitable adult drink. While many different plants and
herbs have been used, since the Middle Ages hops has been the preferred additive.
Amstel Light is a registered trademark of Amstel USA Inc.; Aspen Edge, Coors, and Coors
Light are registered trademarks of Coors Brewing Co.; Atkins is a registered trademark of
Atkins Nutritionals, Inc.; Bud Light, Budweiser, Michelob Ultra, and Natural Light are
registered trademarks of Anheuser-Busch, Inc.; Corona Light is a registered trademark of
Grupo Modelo, S.A. de C.V.; Miller and Miller Lite are registered trademarks of Miller
Brewing Co.; Rock Green Light and Rolling Rock are registered trademarks of Latrobe
Brewing Co.; The South Beach Diet is a trademark of Dr. Arthur Agatston.
One thing is clear: low-carb beers lack
the body and flavor of regular beers.
Here are some tips for getting the
most flavor out of the beer you choose:
• Choose bottled beers over canned—
cans may add a metallic taste that
will mask the beer’s flavor.
• Store bottles away from sunlight
to avoid skunking—light can skunk
a beer within minutes.
• Serve your beer right from the fridge
or cooler—preferably in a frosted mug.
• Add a slice of lemon or lime for
additional flavor and to get your
taste buds tingling.
Low-Carb Beer Options
Historically, beer has always been made up of these four ingredients:
Water: Not as important as some brewers would have you think, but still somewhat important. The salts and mineral
content historically had an impact on the flavor of the brew, although today chemical refinements can make almost any
water suitable for use in brewing.
Barley: This cereal grass may have been the first grain cultivated by man. Barley comes in two varieties: two-row
(original) and six-row (which can be grown in a greater variety of climates). Before use in brewing, barley is “malted”
by soaking the grains in water to promote germination. It is then dried and sometimes roasted for flavor.
Yeast: Introducing strains of yeast into the malt and water mix (called the “wort”) causes it to ferment. This gives beer
its characteristic flavor and converts the sugar into alcohol.
Hops: The climbing hop vine grows in Europe, Asia, and North America. In the Middle Ages, dried flowers from the hop vine
became the preferred flavoring agent to be added to beer to tone down the excessive sweetness of fermented barley. Hops gives
beer its dry and bitter flavor. The strain of the hops used during brewing contributes a lot to the beer’s flavor and character.
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Vacations at Sea
Paradise AfloatThe Cruise Boom
Whether your dream vacation consists of visiting a tropical or arctic destination, dining
casually or formally, enjoying activity-filled or relaxing days, the choice is yours.
By Susan Breslow Sardone
BEXTRA. Powerful 24-hour relief. One tablet. Once daily.
Ask your doctor if a FREE sample
of BEXTRA is right for you.
One 10-mg BEXTRA Tablet, once a day, provides the kind of 24-hour relief many arthritis sufferers are looking for.
Prescription BEXTRA is tough on joint pain and inflammation. And there’s one convenient dose that’s powerful
enough to tackle both the joint pain of osteoarthritis and adult rheumatoid arthritis.
For more information call 1-866-864-2600 or visit
Important Information. BEXTRA is not for everyone. Prescription BEXTRA should not be taken if you’ve had
allergic reactions to certain drugs called sulfonamides, aspirin or other arthritis medicines or if you’ve had
aspirin-sensitive asthma or are in late pregnancy. It is not recommended if you have advanced kidney disease.
Tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems. In rare cases, serious stomach problems such as bleeding
can occur without warning. Tell your doctor right away if you develop blisters in the mouth or a rash, as it can
be a sign of a serious skin reaction that may be life threatening. If you experience other unusual symptoms
while taking BEXTRA, tell your doctor immediately. The most common side effects are headache, abdominal pain,
indigestion, upper respiratory infection, nausea and diarrhea.
Please see important Product Information on page 66.
PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:54 AM Page 14
Vacations at Sea
Vacations at Sea
ail into the sunset on your next vacation, aboard one of
today’s floating resorts. Thanks to the increased popularity
of cruising, if you’re among the 10.6 million travelers who
travel by ship this year, you’ll have more options than ever.
On the newest ships, amenities equal those of fine hotels:
spas that pamper, swimming pools, even concierge and butler
service. In port, you can participate in land and water sports,
tour historic and cultural points of interest, and shop duty-free.
At night, you can enjoy cocktails on the deck under moonlit
skies, dance to live music, see a Broadway-style show, and try
your luck at the casino. And, with satellite telephone service and
24-hour Internet access, you can stay connected with friends
and family—or cut loose completely.
Whether your dream vacation consists of visiting a tropical or
arctic destination, dining casually or formally, enjoying activity-
filled or relaxing days, the choice is yours.
The Price Is Right
Best of all, cruising can be affordable, offering all-inclusive pricing so vaca-
tioners know in advance what a trip will cost (although shore excursions,
specialty restaurants, and spa treatments can add to the bottom line). “Travelers can
be assured of top-of-the-line service, food, and entertainment, no matter what
level of accommodations they select,” says Bob Sharak, executive director of Cruise
Lines International Association (CLIA), which represents 24 North American cruise lines.
“Budget-conscious travelers can find a cruise for as little as $50 per person per
day,” he points out, “including transportation, meals, accommodations, and most
activities, depending on choice of cabin, ship, and itinerary.”
Cruising for Info Online
While nearly 90 percent of travelers book cruises through a travel agent,
the Internet is an excellent place to research and compare cruises. “The Web
has a wealth of information to help plan a cruise, such as cruise reviews,
schedules, deck plans, photos of cabins and
common areas, lists of shore excursions
and port or onboard activities, and
sample dinner menus,” explains
Linda Garrison, a leading guide
to cruises for
( She
adds that online travel agents
such as Expedia (www.expe- and Travelocity
( “offer
free search capabilities where you
can select a time frame and
destination, and see a list of
available cruises.”
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Vacations at Sea
Entertainment at Sea
Celebrity Cruises®regales passengers with a variety of entertaining programs
on its nine large ships. These can include lectures by stage and screen stars, and
shows that bring Broadway pizzazz to the high seas.
The youngest fleet at sea, Celebrity ships are floating luxury hotels with
contemporary amenities. The 1,950-passenger Constellation, the line’s newest,
features a 25,000-square-foot AquaSpa, complete with a thalassotherapy pool
and a healthy dining spot, a CD music library, in-room Internet access for laptop-
toting guests, and martini and coffee bars.
Perfectly timed to view
fall foliage, Constellation
sails from New York to
Canada this year, calling
at Newport, Rhode Island,
Bar Harbor, Maine, and
Quebec City. Eighty percent
of her staterooms offer an
ocean view, and 74 percent of
those have a balcony. The ship
also has Caribbean and northern
European voyages scheduled.
Those who prefer adults-only cruises
can choose a “Celebrity Escapes”
sailing, limited to passengers over 21.
Grown-up pleasures include free wine
with dinner, extended spa hours, and sea-
day brunches serving complimentary
Bloody Marys and Mimosas.
Luxury at Sea
Oceania Cruises™launched in 2002 with two midsize ships, Regatta and
Insignia, which each accommodate 684 guests. Appealing to the luxe
crowd, this line boasts five-star furnishings, sophisticated adventure-
packed itineraries, and a high staff-to-guest ratio.
Uncommon touches include a “tranquility bed” covered in 350-
thread-count luxury linens with down pillows and a plush duvet,
French-milled toiletries and thick towels, and teakwood decks.
Onboard facilities include a casino, spa, fitness center, jogging track,
and Internet café.
Oceania Cruises’ country-club ambience extends to its four open-
seating restaurants, with menus designed by well-known chef Jacques
Pepin. Yet the ships aren’t stuffy; tuxedos and gowns are never a require-
ment for dining.
Itineraries are tailored to include many overnight port stays, which
allow passengers time to explore local points of interest. In 2005,
Oceania’s itineraries include the Amazon, the Baltic, the Greek Isles, the
Mediterranean, Scandinavia, Central America, the Caribbean, and South
America as well as the Panama Canal and Antarctica.
Celebrity Cruises is a registered trademark of Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Holland America Line is a registered trademark of Holland America. Norwegian
Cruise Line (NCL) is a registered trademark of Norwegian Cruise Line, Ltd. Oceania Cruises is a trademark of Oceania Cruises, Inc. Princess Cruises is a
registered trademark of Carnival Corporation. Radisson and Radisson Seven Seas Cruises are registered trademarks of Carlson Companies, Inc.
Whether you choose to set sail on a large or small ship,
can afford a budget or a premium cruise, or opt to travel
for just a few days or several weeks, you’re likely to meet
many like-minded fellow travelers. That’s because baby
boomers make up an ever-growing segment of the cruise
market. Today, 34 percent of cruisers are between the
ages of 35 and 54, and they’ve discovered that ocean
voyages are where the good times roll.
Vacations at Sea
Freedom at Sea
“Forty percent of North Americans can now embark on a cruise within
a half-day drive of their home,” says Linda Coffman of
( A boon to fearful flyers, Norwegian Cruise Line® (NCL)
offers more roundtrip cruises from U.S. and Canadian ports than any
other cruise line.
The line’s innovative “freestyle cruising” concept—marked by open seating,
extended restaurant hours, multiple alternative dining spots, and resort-casual
attire at night—makes for a relaxing, varied vacation. The stylish 2,224-passenger
Norwegian Dawn, for example, which sails out of New York City year-round,
contains 10 restaurants, including a sushi bar.
NCL’s fleet of a dozen ships sails to 140 ports around the world. Most ships
feature a Monte Carlo-style casino, a spa,
lavish shows, an Internet café, and a
wide array of activities and entertain-
ment from morning to night.
The line’s newest ship is Pride of
Aloha, the first modern vessel to fly a
U.S. flag in 50 years. She recently
began sailing seven-day voyages in
the Hawaiian Islands.
Adventures at Sea
Although Princess’ 14-ship fleet calls at ports in every
continent, the original “Love Boat” line is best known for its
Alaska itineraries. Seven of its ships, ranging from vessels that
hold 1,590 passengers to larger ones that hold 2,670 passen-
gers, ply the chilly waters surrounding the 49th state’s awe-
some scenery.
Roundtrip voyages out of Seattle and San Francisco
to the Northwest’s Inside Passage are among the line’s
most popular. Unique shore excursions, ranging from
rides on helicopters that land atop glacial peaks, to horse-
back riding through Tongass National Forest, to panning
for gold, and dining on freshly caught salmon barbecued
over an open fire, add to the experience immeasurably.
Sapphire Princess, the newest ship, launched June
2004, features a multitude of balcony cabins, ideal for
viewing breaching whales and calving ice packs. This ship
offers both traditional fixed seating and the option of any-
time dining. She contains four themed dining rooms, plus a
main dining room and a trattoria. She also boasts Princess
Concierge Service, a Princess-operated Lotus Spa, the fleet's
largest Internet café, and Club Fusion, a
high-tech entertainment lounge.
In cooler months, Sapphire Princess visits the
Mexican Riviera and offers Australia-New Zealand and
Asia itineraries.
Sail Away
Since every cruise line is different, the following profiles can help you
distinguish one from another and choose a line and a ship that are right for you.
Serenity at Sea
Ranked the number-one cruise line by readers of Condé Nast Traveler,
premium-class Radisson Seven Seas Cruises® provides passengers with a highly
refined and totally relaxing vacation on the water. From the long-stemmed red
roses that greet passengers in spacious cabins to the daily delivery of afternoon
canapés, Radisson ships entertain graciously.
The Seven Seas Navigator, one of the line’s five midsize ships, sails to Bermuda
from East Coast ports. All 490 ocean-view suites feature marble baths. The smallest
accommodations measure 301 square feet and 90 percent have a private balcony.
Cuisine and service at the open-seating Compass Rose are comparable to
those at a four-star restaurant. Throughout the ship, announcements and activi-
ties are kept to a minimum, so passengers can appreciate the sea air, sunshine, and
serene moments without interruption.
For those who desire to cruise to a truly exotic destination, Radisson Seven
Seas recently acquired Explorer II, specifically designed to sail through icy waters.
Beginning in January 2005, she will transport 198 passengers on 11-night cruises
from South America to the Falkland Islands and Antarctica.
Tradition at Sea
For more than 130 years, Holland America Line®ships have cruised the oceans
of the world, carrying passengers to all seven continents. Cabins, which are more
spacious than average, include ample room to hang the dinner jackets and long
gowns or cocktail dresses that are de rigueur on formal nights.
Ships feature three dining venues: a main restaurant, an informal café that
serves a variety of international fare, and an intimate gourmet grill that levies a
surcharge. Assigned seating and fixed dinner times in the main dining room assure
that passengers will meet traveling companions.
Newer vista-class ships feature a spa with a hydrotherapy pool and a well-
equipped fitness area, extensive lounging areas, and a movie theater where the
popcorn is always hot and fresh.
Holland America ships cruise to more than 280 ports of call. Passengers who
select a Caribbean itinerary can visit Half Moon Cay, Bahamas, the line’s lovely
private island. Swim in its warm turquoise waters, snorkel, tour the island in an
open-air tram, rent a catamaran to sail, savor a burger or an ice-cream pop, or sim-
ply soak up the sun on powdery white sands.
PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 18
Medical Info Online
Once you’ve written down your questions, begin big.
Log on to MedlinePlus—the National Library of Medicine
and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Web site for consumer health:
MedlinePlus provides trusted information on over 650 diseases and conditions. The
site also provides a medical encyclopedia and dictionary. Plus, it offers most of this
information in Spanish as well as in English. There are also sections on prescription
and nonprescription drugs, late-breaking health news, and links to trusted medical
organizations. Best of all, MedlinePlus is updated daily.
Before searching the Web, write
down questions you’d like to find
answers to. This way, you’ll have a
road map and a goal to help you
stay focused and to keep yourself
from hopping site to site to no end.
Unlike a general search engine, the Medline search engine zeroes in on relevant, reliable
information. It also organizes the results for you into the following categories:
• Health Topics • Drug Information • Medical Encyclopedia • News • Other
My MedlinePlus search for “arthritis AND knee” generated many “Health Topics.”
These included 43 unique finds on “Knee Injuries and Disorders” from leading
organizations in the field, including the American Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons,, The American College of Rheumatology,, and the Arthritis Foundation,
Go directly to the Web sites of the companies whose products and treatments
your physician prescribes and trusts. U.S. pharmaceutical companies, their
products, and their product information are all regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These companies stake
their reputations on how well they accurately provide the safest and most current medical information and treatments to the
public. Easy to navigate and chock-full of useful information, their Web sites reflect this commitment. And many of these Web sites
provide up-to-the-minute, focused treatment information, as well as:
• Offers for free samples of FDA-approved pharmaceuticals, available with your doctor’s prescription
(not all, but many leading companies offer these)
• Medically sound advice on improving health through exercise, diet, and disease-awareness programs
• Resources to connect you with leading medical organizations and experts
• Money-saving prescription programs for individuals meeting certain criteria
Medical Info Online
PERFORM™ asked me to share my experiences searching the Web for medical infor-
mation. I’m in my late 40s and was recently diagnosed with arthritis in both knees. While
I’m receiving excellent initial treatment from my doctor, I always like to know more about
my condition and current treatments—from credible sources. This knowledge helps
me make the most of my time with my doctor. It also gives me confidence.
A recent Google™ search for “arthritis” generated 6.14 million results. If you were to
spend 5 minutes reviewing each result, it would take you over 58 years! So how do you
untangle the Web? How do you get medical information you need and can trust,
without wasting tons of time? How do you avoid misleading or incorrect information?
Try these simple and efficient ways to tap into credible medical facts online. But always
remember, nothing compares to a talk with your doctor.
You Can Trust
By Pat Mancuso
Google is a trademark of Google Inc.
PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 20
Medical Info Online
•Consider the source. Use recognized authorities.
•Focus on quality. All Web sites are not created equal.
•Be a cyberskeptic. Quackery abounds on the Web.
•Look for the evidence. Rely on medical research, not opinion.
•Check for currency. Look for the latest information.
•Protect your privacy. Health information should be confidential.
•Consult your health professional. Patient/provider partnerships
lead to the best medical decisions.
A recent safety survey by the FDA and
U.S. Customs of several U.S. mail facilities
found that 88% of packages containing
imported pharmaceuticals included
either unapproved or counterfeit phar-
maceuticals that could pose serious
dangers to consumers.*
*Sponsored by Pfizer Inc.
Book Review
Whether you’re a fan of nonfiction, are
looking for expert advice, or are a veteran
of classic whodunits, PERFORM™ gives you
professional reviews on some “must reads”
that will carry you well into 2005.
PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 22
Rocket Man
Robert H. Goddard and the Birth of the Space Age
By David A. Clary
“He spent his evenings in his undershirt on the screened porch, a cigar in one hand and a drink
in the other . . . talking space travel into the night.”
A degree in rocket science isn’t required to appreciate this biography of Robert H. Goddard, father
of the jet plane, rocketry, and space exploration. Goddard was a brilliant scientist and engineer
credited with launching the world’s first liquid-fuel rockets and the first vehicles to break the sound
barrier. Yet the inventor didn’t have an easy ride. Our government ignored his work, until the
Germans stole his ideas and used them in World War II, and then in the name of national security
stripped Goddard of his 214 patents.
Skinny Dip
By Carl Hiaasen
“I’m hearing the same weird duet all day and all night in my head—‘Midnight Rambler’
as performed by Eydie Gorme and Cat Stevens. I’m sure they’re perfectly nice folks, but
frankly I’m ready to shove a sawed-off down my throat.”
It’s always a treat when Hiaasen releases a new laugh-out-loud tale of Miami-area mayhem.
“Skinny Dip,” his tenth comic novel, is populated with a typical cast of Hiaasenesque
characters—the philandering husband, the corrupt developer, the burnt-out ex-cop, and the
Everglades-dwelling eccentric, among them. This time a foiled murder attempt aboard a
cruise ship turns the tables on the perp—and the would-be victim has a delightfully devilish
time getting even. While the author dwells on the despoiling of the Everglades, his delivery is
never heavy-handed—and here, at least, the good guys win.
Book Review
‘Scuse Me While I Whip This Out
Reflections on Country Singers, Presidents, and
Other Troublemakers
By Kinky Friedman
“Before I left the White House that night, as a token of my gratitude, I gave Bill Clinton
a Cuban cigar. I told him, ‘Mr. President, don’t think of it as supporting their economy,
think of it as burning their fields.’”
Known for his hilarious mystery novels and short but memorable rock ’n’ roll career touring
with the likes of Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson, the irreverent Kinky Friedman points his
pen at some well-known figures in this nonfiction collection. Is he serious about running for
governor of Texas in 2006? Only the Kinkster knows.
The Triumph of Love Over Experience
A Memoir of Remarriage
By Wendy Swallow
“I have stepped on an amusement park ride called Remarriage Fantasyland. It’s just
inching out of the station, but already I am both excited and scared, calculating the odds
of crashing as I smile nervously.”
Today 43 percent of all marriages involve at least one previously married partner, and two
out of three second marriages fail. Despite the odds, Swallow decides to give love a second
chance when she finally meets the love of her life at age 45. In this engaging, emotionally rich
memoir, the former journalist sensitively explores the pitfalls and pleasures of remarriage.
All I Did Was Ask
Interviews From “Fresh Air”
By Terry Gross
“Part of me is a lazy guy, but I think that if you don’t do it yourself, especially in comedy,
you’ll never get it right.”
Albert Brooks
Devotees of National Public Radio’s “Fresh Air” program and its inquisitive host Terry Gross
will appreciate this collection of revealing interviews. Concentrating on three dozen well-known
guests in the arts, Gross chats with comics (Albert Brooks, Chris Rock, Conan O’Brien), musi-
cians (Johnny Cash, Eric Clapton, Sonny Rollins), film stars (Nicolas Cage, Jodie Foster, Michael
Caine), authors (Mickey Spillane, Mario Puzo, Walter Mosley), and others.
Book Review
Shem Creek
By Dorothea Benton Frank
“I was even driving myself crazy with my own whining. Then I came to this conclusion.
You don’t like your life? Go get another one and shut the heck up already . . .”
You can practically smell the homemade biscuits in this warm, evocative tale of food and
family set in South Carolina’s scenic Lowcountry. Divorced mother Linda Breland leaves
behind a drab life in New Jersey and returns to her southern roots with two teenage daugh-
ters in tow. Accepting a job as a restaurant manager, she gets more than she bargained for—
and life suddenly takes a deliciously romantic turn. A bonus for hungry readers willing
to bake, “Shem Creek” contains simple recipes for mouthwatering biscuits and pound cake.
PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 24
f you’re like many baby boomers as I am, you may finally be
getting to that lifelong dream of traveling the country. Driving
coast-to-coast, visiting our nation’s natural treasures like the
Grand Canyon, or simply getting your kicks on Route 66. If you’re
considering doing it in a recreational vehicle (RV), one thing is cer-
tain: check-out time is never an issue. The freedom to travel and
explore this great country at your own pace is a powerful incentive,
and a record number of Americans are taking advantage of this
opportunity. According to recent industry information, in the
United States there are approximately 7.2 million RVs, which
include motor homes, travel trailers, folding camping trailers, and
truck campers. An upward trend in RV purchases is projected
through at least 2010. If you’re thinking RVs are
only for the road warriors among us, read on.
What makes today’s RV lifestyle so
appealing is its versatility, freedom,
and, believe it or not, comfort. You
can wake up to a breathtaking sun-
rise overlooking the Great Smoky
Mountains, step out of your RV and
cast a line into a secluded lake, or enjoy
your favorite book in the peaceful
embrace of nature. And a hot shower, a
change of clothes, or your favorite
foods are only an arm’s length away.
Broaden Your Horizons
Another benefit of taking to
the road in an RV is it’s a great
way to meet new people or visit
old friends. The social aspect of
RVing is something that attracts
many people to it. In fact, if you visit
RV manufacturers’ Web sites or do an online search, you can find
information about RV rallies across the country.
At the request of PERFORM™, I recently attended a rally host-
ed by the Monaco Northwest Rally Chapter. During the group’s
four-day visit to Yakima, Washington, I played in a golf tourna-
ment, socialized at several barbecues, toured wineries, and met
scores of interesting people. For those seeking bright lights and
a little more action, there is an RV park on the Las Vegas strip.
Talk about going mainstream!
The mother lode of all RV rallies is the annual get-together in
Quartzsite, Arizona. In mid-January each year for the past 21 years,
roughly 200,000 RVers have been gathering
in the desert 125 miles west of Phoenix.
During the 10-day Quartzsite Sports,
Vacation & RV Show, there are rock,
gem, and arts-and-crafts exhibits
and a rock ’n’ roll classic-car show.
It’s an unbelievable experience!
Cash In on the Fun
Being rich or famous is not a
prerequisite for enjoying an RV.
Affordability is another great
advantage of RV travel. And you
don’t necessarily have to own a
recreational vehicle to see if this
lifestyle or vacation alternative is
right for you and your family. In
fact, many seasoned RV vets rec-
ommend that you rent before you
buy an RV. There are over 460 RV
rental outlets throughout the country,
offering state-of-the-art RVs in a range of sizes and styles. Odds
are there’s a home-away-from-home on wheels that’ll fit your needs
and budget.
Motor homes are the most common rental model, typically run-
ning from $90 to $200 per day. These also provide the most crea-
ture comforts, including TVs, showers, beds, and kitchens.
If you’re just looking to get into nature, smaller folding camping
trailers and travel trailers run $28 to $85 per day. These provide
just the basics for reliable and comfortable camping. Around the
country, folks routinely book motor homes to travel to college foot-
ball games. Check out a big-time game in person and you’ll see this
popular pastime firsthand.
What else is there to do in an RV? The National
Sporting Goods Association reports that camping
is one of the major outdoor activities
of RVers. Other popular activities
that RVers enjoy include biking,
hiking, fishing, golfing, hunting,
and skiing. In general, RVs offer
the perfect base camp for nearly
any outdoor activity.
What makes the RV lifestyle
so appealing is its versatility
and freedom.
No matter the destination, an RV is a great option for
getting you there. The pro golfer John Daly travels the
PGA circuit in a fabulous land yacht. He recently
purchased a $1.3 million Featherlite®
luxury coach,
equipped with all the comforts of home. Amenities in
the 45-foot, 20-ton Daly-mobile include the following:
l Three 42-inch flat-screen televisions
l A large gas grill that slides out of the bay for
outdoor cooking
l A dining table that seats seven
l A large microwave, a stove, and a full-size
refrigerator with freezer
l A washer and dryer
Of course, this is the extreme when it comes to buying
and outfitting an RV. Daly is not the only professional
who travels in a recreational vehicle. Just about every
NASCAR driver travels the circuit in an RV, and Clint
Eastwood and Paul Newman are also fans of RVing.
Featherlite is a registered trademark of Featherlite, Inc.
By Rick Stedman
PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 26
BEXTRA patient Barbara List
and her doctor, Jeffrey Gudin,
MD, tell PERFORM™ how
BEXTRA has helped her manage
her arthritis joint pain.
Barbara List taught school for 24 years in New York
City. At 63, she’s retired and living in West Palm Beach,
Florida, with her husband Jerry. Barbara suffers from the
joint pain of osteoarthritis (OA) in both knees. Barbara
recently started taking once-daily BEXTRA to relieve this
arthritis joint pain. For Barbara, BEXTRA has made a big
impact. Now she can lead a more pain-free life and return
to doing many of the things she likes to do.
Q: When did you first notice that your joint pain
might be arthritis?
A: I was a school teacher in New York City for 24
years. My exercise was walking from where I
parked my car to school. I walked up and down
the steps and often was in pain afterwards. I
decided that I was going to go to a rheumatolo-
gist. I was really in a lot of pain.
Q: Did your arthritis joint pain begin all at once or
slowly over time?
A: It wasn’t like 1 day I was fine and the next day
I wasn’t. It was a gradual thing. It hurt me. But
I lived with it, until I would be sitting and I
couldn’t get up. It would take me a few minutes
to get up. My knees were that stiff.
Q: How did your joint pain interfere with everyday
A: As a teacher, I would have to walk up 4 or 5
flights of stairs. There was no elevator. It was 28
steps between each flight. That did not help me.
People say that is good exercise, but it was not for
me because of my knees.
We lived in a townhouse that had many levels. I
couldn’t walk up the steps. I couldn’t go all the
way downstairs, get the laundry and walk it up-
stairs. It was very difficult for me. Because of my
arthritis, we ended up selling the townhouse. We
then moved into a 1-level house.
King of the Road
What’s good enough for a governor just might be worth a try. After
serving eight years as Maine’s governor, Angus King hit the road on a
six-month cross-country RV trip with his family. King and his family
had first rented an RV during their kids’ spring vacation a few years
earlier, spending a week traveling around Arizona, which turned out
to be the inspiration for their trip across America.
During their six-month journey, the Kings traveled 15,000 miles
and visited 34 states. “One of the big attractions of RVing is that
your life simplifies dramatically,” says King. “There were no meet-
ings or deadlines to worry about. We weren’t burdened by the anx-
iety of getting anywhere. Life is simpler on the road. It’s relaxing.”
King says one of the keys to a successful RV trip is not having an
itinerary. “If we liked a place, we’d stay a few extra days. If the
weather was bad, we’d move on. We learned a lot about our coun-
try and were impressed with how big it is.”
A famous American pioneer of RVing was the author John
Steinbeck, who took a cross-country trip back in the fall of 1960.
Extensive planning went into Steinbeck’s journey across America.
He bought a custom-made three-quarter-ton truck equipped
with a self-contained camper, which he affectionately dubbed
“Rocinante” after Don Quixote’s horse. Steinbeck’s traveling
companion was Charley, a tall, cocoa-colored French poodle.
The author’s four-month journey covered 10,000 miles and
included 34 states. The result was his book “Travels With Charley:
In Search of America.”
Perhaps one day soon you may find
yourself curled up with a good book by
Steinbeck as you motor across this
beautiful country. And one thing will be
sure, if you’re in an RV, you’ll be in
good company.
The Modern Management
of Arthritis Joint Pain
Information in this article should not replace
talking with your doctor about your health.
RV Vacation
RVs offer the perfect
base camp for nearly
any outdoor activity.
An RV is the Perfect Vehicle for Getting
Unanchored, Under Way, and Free.
For those thinking about RVing for the first time, the
Recreation Vehicle Industry Association offers these
suggestions for getting started:
Order a free video or CD-ROM. Call 1-888-
Go-RVing for a free video or CD-ROM of RV shop-
ping and travel tips. The Kings found this video very
helpful in planning their cross-country RV trip. Visit, where you can link to lists of
local dealers and campgrounds that cater to RVers.
Rent an RV. Check the local yellow pages under
“Recreation Vehicle—Rentals.” Also visit the Recre-
ational Vehicle Rental Association’s (RVRA) Web site,, which lists more than 340 RV rental
companies in the United States and Canada.
Attend an RV show. There are dozens around the
country throughout the year. For a listing, visit, click “Buying and Renting,” then
select “RV Shows.”
a patient testimoniala patient testimonial
PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 28
Q: How did your joint pain affect your ability to do
the things you normally like to do?
A: There was definitely a lessening of activity. We
used to have a small sailboat. We would get on
the boat, bring it out and back and dock it. There
came a point where I could not even jump off the
boat onto the dock.
I have 2 grandchildren. One of them is going to be
6. The other is 10. The last couple years that
they’ve come to stay with us, my husband has
bathed them. I just can’t get down on my knees to
do it. I just can’t.
Q: Did you think your joint pain would go away by
itself or get worse?
A: You are always optimistic when you first learn
about it. You say, oh well, I will work through
this. You know, summer will come. I will go
swimming. We had a pool, so I would do water
exercises, you know, that kind of thing.
Q: Would you recommend seeing a doctor to other
people who suffer from arthritis?
A: In my opinion, it is very important that you work
closely with your doctor in treating your arthritis.
Based on the kind of arthritis you have, they’ll
prescribe a medication. I know that with what
I have, OA, that BEXTRA works very, very well.
One of my friends has very bad arthritis in her
hand. She lives in California. Her doctor prescribed
BEXTRA to her. Now her hands are so much
better. She can move her fingers and everything.
Q: At what point did you decide it was time to talk
with your doctor about your joint pain?
A: I made sure to see my physician Dr Gudin back
in December. I had been given steroids in
my knees. And I had been taking Tylenol®
the arthritis. Those things really weren’t doing
much for me. Dr Gudin told me that I should
not keep living like this. He said that I could
do something about the arthritis pain. He
recommended a rheumatologist in Florida. I
was really in a lot of pain. So I went to see this
fellow when I moved south.
Jeffrey Gudin, MD. Dr Gudin
is clinical director of the
Pain Management Center at
Englewood Hospital and Medical
Center. It is part of Mount Sinai
University School of Medicine in
Englewood, New Jersey. Dr Gudin is board certified
in both pain management and anesthesiology (giving
anesthesia for surgery). He has helped many arthritis
sufferers lead healthier, more pain-free lives.
Q: What are the early signs of arthritis?
A: There are 3 major signs. First, joint pain. Second,
inflammation. Third, stiffness. Osteoarthritis
(OA) affects the joints. It most often affects joints
in the fingers, knees, hips, and spine. Other joints
it affects are in the wrists, elbows, shoulders, and
ankles. When OA is found in one of these joints,
there is often a record of injury or unusual stress.
About a third of people with OA feel pain.
Among this third, symptoms include:
• Pain in a joint
• Stiffness after sleeping or sitting
• Swelling or tenderness in 1 or more joints
• Crunching feeling or sound of bone rubbing on
bone when the joint moves
If your joints feel hot, red, or tender, you may
have something other than OA. Check with
your doctor about another cause, such as
rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Q: Is the early diagnosis and treatment of arthritis
joint pain important?
A: Yes. It is key to stopping the damage. OA is the
most common form of arthritis in the US. It
affects more than 20 million people here. OA
starts with the breakdown of cartilage in joints.
This results in joint pain and stiffness.
OA risk depends on your age. In general, OA
occurs more in women than in men. There is a
medical link between obesity and the onset of
OA. If you have OA, dieting and exercise can
help. This may help reduce or prevent stress on
joints. Such as your knees. Repeat injury and
physical trauma add to the onset of OA. Then
there’s repeated knee bending. That puts you at
high risk for OA of the knee. You may want to
look for options to lessen the effects of OA in
your daily life.
Q: Are COX-2 inhibitors such as BEXTRA an
important tool you use in treating the joint
pain of arthritis?
A: Yes. They are an important way to treat the
joint pain of arthritis.
COX-2 inhibitors like BEXTRA target and
block out* 1 enzyme in the body. This
enzyme, COX-2, plays a big role in trigger-
ing joint pain. BEXTRA keeps it from doing
that. Hence it is a “COX-2 inhibitor.” Think
of BEXTRA as a key. A key that locks
a door. That locked door keeps out the
agent of arthritis joint pain. BEXTRA
provides powerful, 24-hour relief from the
pain, inflammation, and stiffness of OA and
adult RA.
A COX-2 inhibitor has fewer gastrointes-
tinal side effects than other nonsteroidal
antiinflammatories like ibuprofen. And it’s
taken just once a day. It provides longer-last-
ing relief. BEXTRA users don’t take pain
pills every few hours. They don’t need to.
*At recommended doses.
Q: How long have you been taking BEXTRA?
A: When I moved to West Palm Beach I went
to a rheumatologist. This doctor put me
on something called BEXTRA. You want
to know something? Within a few days I
was feeling better.
I’ve been taking BEXTRA now for at least 4
months. Now, if I sit down, I can get up with-
out the terrible pain that I had.
Q: Does once-daily dosing make BEXTRA
therapy easy to remember?
A: Yes. I take 10 milligrams every night. I also
take other pills for other ailments, so I take it
along with my other pills.
Q: Has taking BEXTRA worked for you?
A: I’m telling you, BEXTRA works for me. I can
start doing the things I like to do: swimming,
going to the beach, eating on the beach, all
that kind of stuff. As soon as I started taking
BEXTRA there was a difference.
Important Information. BEXTRA is not for everyone. Prescription BEXTRA should not be taken if you’ve
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Please see important Product Information on page 66.
Tylenol (acetaminophen) is a registered trademark of McNeil Consumer Healthcare, Division of McNeil-PPC, Inc.
PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 30
One of TV’s all-time favorite moms uses her wealth
of grace, charm, and talent to promote positive
messages and give back to the community.
By Jeffrey Mucciolo
PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:35 AM Page 32
Phylicia Rashad
PRASAD stands for Philanthropic Relief, Altruistic Service and Development. It
is an international not-for-profit committed to improving the quality of life
of economically disadvantaged people by honoring human dignity and foster-
ing self-reliance. “Prasad is also a Sanskrit word that can be translated as the
gift that carries blessings for both the giver and receiver,” Rashad explains.
Now as its official spokesperson, Phylicia Rashad is the public face of
PRASAD. But she’s not just another pretty face. She has traveled throughout
the United States and to India and Mexico to promote and observe PRASAD’s
work in providing on-site medical, dental, and eye care to the needy. By restor-
ing good health, particularly eyesight, to impoverished people, PRASAD helps
thousands lead a better life in which they can support their families and con-
tribute more fruitfully to their communities. For more information, visit the
PRASAD Web site:
Teaching and
Rashad graduated magna cum laude from Howard University in Washington,
DC, and says that education has always been important to her: “I was privileged
to grow up in a place and time when education was important. I was privileged
to have this education, and it was well-rounded in arts and sciences.”
As evidenced by the causes she supports, Rashad holds science and medicine
in high regard: “I always enjoyed scientific study. And I have continued to be
amazed by those human beings who are so driven to a discipline [such as scien-
tific research] to study for hours on end for many years, one single principle.
And really define it, and refine their understanding of it. I am appreciative of
people of this nature.”
Rashad even found time to do some teaching at her alma mater while she
worked on “The Cosby Show”: “I was teaching one day a week. We taped ‘Cosby’
on Thursday, and on Friday morning I’d be on the plane going down to DC and
I would teach a class every Friday for a semester.” She found the whole experi-
ence extremely rewarding. “I received much more than I could ever have given.
I found the students brilliant, and fearless”—which is more than she could say
for herself. “I was scared to death!” admits Rashad. “I thought, ‘What do I have
to say? And how am I going to communicate anything if I don’t even know what
I have to say?’”
The endeavor was well worth it to her: “I discovered that I had a lot to say.
And I learned that teaching is as much about learning as it is about teaching.”
Rashad is also happy to report on the success of her former students: “They are
all doing marvelous things. They are innovative and creative. I’m just as proud
as I can be—I couldn’t be more proud if I was their mother.” She continues to
support education in many different ways and frequently delivers eloquent and
uplifting commencement speeches, including one this year at Syracuse
University, this writer’s alma mater.
Phylicia Rashad
est known for her role as enlightened professional mother Claire Huxtable from the long-running TV hit
“The Cosby Show,” Phylicia Rashad is a woman of rare dignity, grace, and accomplishment. This year she
became the first African-American woman to win a Tony Award® in the leading-actress category. The
award was for her role as the tough-minded matriarch Lena Younger in the critically acclaimed production of
“A Raisin in the Sun,” in which Rashad shared the stage with Audra McDonald and Sean “P. Diddy” Combs. Rashad’s
performance exemplified her own long, successful career portraying characters who offer positive role models for
women and African-Americans.
Rashad is deeply devoted to her craft. She considers only roles that are meaningful to her and that offer a
positive message. “I think the thing that is important for me as a performer is that people should do something
that reflects their own humanity,” says Rashad. PERFORM™ caught up with Phylicia Rashad as she prepares to take
on yet another matriarchal role, this time in August Wilson’s “Gem of the Ocean,” which is currently in rehearsals
for a fall opening on Broadway. Rashad took time from her busy schedule to speak with us about her work, her
views on life, and the charitable causes that matter so much to her.
Putting fame
to work
Rashad considers herself a normal “real” person
who just happens to have a very high-profile job: “I
wake up in the morning and I’ve got to feed the cat
and walk the dog. I wake up my teenager for school
every morning, do homework every night, sign the
forms for school, and do all the things that mothers do.”
“I live in a neighborhood full of families who
have duties and chores, too,” she explains. “I like
that. I make it my business to stay connected to
regular people, because I am regular people.” Unlike
other celebrities, Phylicia Rashad doesn’t want to
play the star: “I can’t imagine anything more boring
than living in the spotlight. That does not feel excit-
ing to me. It’s not something I would want to do.”
When Rashad does leverage her success, it’s to
help people in need. She frequently and generously
supports the arts and education, especially programs
benefiting children. She actively helps a number of
national and international health-related charities,
including the American Diabetes Association (after
her father died of cardiovascular complications
from diabetes) and the Ovarian Cancer National
Alliance (after losing her friend and “Cosby” costar,
Madeline Kahn, to ovarian cancer).
One organization in particular, PRASAD, is close
to her heart. Rashad has spent time at PRASAD's eye
camp in India, where more than 10,000 poverty-
stricken people have been given free eye exams and
sight-restoration surgery—thanks to the marvels of
modern medicine and the support of people like
Phylicia Rashad: “It is wonderful because I have
been to these eye camps and attended screenings to
determine the needs and fitness of the patients. I’ve
also seen how there were a number of instances in
which glasses and contact lenses were just given
away for free to people who didn’t necessarily need
cataract surgery. And I watched physicians come
and scrub down abandoned schools themselves to use
as operating rooms. They brought in state-of-the-art
equipment and performed surgeries in a matter of
10 days. In the last eye camp that I attended, there
were 1,300 surgeries performed!”
Sharing the stage in "A Raisin in the Sun" with Audra McDonald and Sean "P. Diddy" Combs,
Rashad played Lena "Mama" Younger—the role for which she earned her Tony Award.
Tony Award is a registered trademark of the American Theatre Wing.
Rashad holding her 2004 Tony Award for best performance by a leading actress in a play, joined by fellow winners, Idina Menzel, Hugh Jackman,
and Jefferson Mays.
PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:35 AM Page 34
Made her television debut in the 1978 production
of “The Wiz.”
Appeared in the soap operas “One Life to Live”
and “Santa Barbara” prior to “The Cosby Show.”
Before her marriage to sports announcer
Ahmad Rashad, she was married to Victor
Willis, the policeman of the ‘70s pop sensation
The Village People.
Made her stage debut with the Negro Ensemble
Company in "Sons and Fathers of Sons" while
attending Howard University.
Has appeared in several critically acclaimed movies
including “Once Upon a Time…When We Were
Colored” (1996) and “Loving Jezebel” (2000).
Has appeared in numerous made-for-TV dramas,
including “Uncle Tom's Cabin” (1985), “Free of
Eden” (1999), and “The Old Settler” (2001).
Phylicia Rashad
Aging gracefully
In “Gem of the Ocean,” Rashad, who is in her mid-50s, plays Aunt
Esther, an elderly woman living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1904.
Aunt Esther claims to be 285 years old, although she’s actually in her 80s.
What drew her to the role of Aunt Esther, Rashad says, was Aunt Esther’s
beauty: “This particular character is for me, without question, the most
beautiful woman I’ve ever played. And this is what aging is like, because
she is fine and purposeful. She is wise and passionate. She has seen many
things and she holds the memories of thousands of human beings who
did not make it through the middle passage. She knows a lot.”
Rashad sees reaching old age as an opportunity to continue
exploring life with the benefit of more wisdom. She explains: “The way
you live determines many things. If you live a life in fear of aging, then
your aging process, your state of mind, and your state of being is going
to reflect that. If you’ve lived a life of consciousness, a life of service to
others, a life of looking deeply into your own self, so that you really do
understand yourself and offer that understanding in service to others,
then your aging is going to reflect that and that can be very beautiful.”
When asked whether or not she imagines that she’ll still be acting
when she reaches Aunt Esther’s age, Rashad doesn’t hesitate with her
response: “I can’t imagine myself not [acting]—I can’t ever see that. So
in one form or another, God willing, I will be doing it.”
In the starring role of Aunt Esther in the Los Angeles production of August Wilson's latest play,
"Gem of the Ocean."
Phylicia Rashad
Although Rashad had already
been acting in films and on
stage and TV for years, her big
breakthrough was her eight-
year role as Claire Huxtable on
“The Cosby Show.” When asked
how being on “Cosby” changed
her life, she focuses on what it
allowed her to do for the people
most important to her: “This was a great opening to many things, all of
which were great. Not only for me, but for people close to me. Financially, I
was in a position to take care of people in my family who needed it. I had a
great aunt who was in a nursing home. I was able to refurbish her home and
bring her home, so that her last days were spent in her home. I thought that
was one of the greatest things I’ll ever do in my life. I was also able to help
nieces and nephews with their education. And help my own mother. You
earn money, but what’s important is how you use it, what you do with it.”
Phylicia Rashad’s deeply held beliefs about the importance of family and
community have attracted her to roles that feature strong, matriarchal
women of great integrity and honesty. She draws on the strong characters
in her own family for inspiration: “There have been a number of inspirations.
My own mother, Vivian Ayers Allen, is the first. These women were educated
in the communities in which I grew. I grew up in Houston, Texas. My moth-
er was from Chester, South Carolina. My father was from Port Allen,
Louisiana. All the women were beautiful and resourceful, and they cared for
their families. They embodied the best qualities, and really showered their
love on family members.”
Rashad is also inspired by her sister, the actor, director, and producer,
Debbie Allen. “She is such a dynamic human being.” And this award-winning
actress is inspired by other performers too: “I think Viola Davis is, without
question, one of the grandest actresses today. I love Meryl Streep, Nicole
Kidman, and that beautiful Scarlett Johansson. I love her.”
Inspired outlook
What does Rashad do when she’s not performing? “When I get
the chance to sit down, I love to read lots of different things. I
also like sitting out in nature.” She is also inspired by travel, and
hopes to see even more of the world when time allows. “There are
so many places I would like to see,” Rashad admits. “I would like
to see ancient sites in Greece. I’d like to visit Bangkok. There are
so many beautiful things in this world, and I would like to see
these things and the people living in it.”
Taking care of family matters
Rashad with her sister—actor, director, and producer—
Debbie Allen.
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By Sheri L. Ziemann
Seasonal Garden Tips
For most people, gardens are much more than plants that look
pretty. They’re more than containers on a balcony, pots of flowers,
or patches of vegetables. A garden offers comfort, peace, self-
expression, and hope with each cycle of its renewal. Whether you
live in an area where it snows in winter, like Chicago or New York,
or in an area with a more temperate winter, like Phoenix, there are
a few easy steps you can take to help protect your plants during
the cool months.
A Cold Weather
Survival Guide for
Your Garden
“The race is not always to the swift...but to those who keep on running.”
“Act as if it were impossible to fail.”
““WWe come to feel as we behae come to feel as we behaveve..””
“I bend but do not break.”
“Forever is composed of nows.”
–Author Unknown
–Dorothy Broude
––PPaul Paul Pearsallearsall
–Jean de La Fontaine
–Emily Dickinson
“We come to feel as we behave.”
–Paul Pearsall
Proud to support individuals
living life in the moment.
PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:35 AM Page 38
Bring Your Garden Indoors
Before the first frost, hire some helpers to
save your favorite plants. Many plants,
from herbs to small annuals like impa-
tiens and marigolds, can be dug up and
planted in pots. Set them in a sunny
window inside. They’ll add
beauty to your home,
and the herbs will be
handy when it comes to
seasoning your favorite
winter recipes.
Plant Ahead
Plant spring bulbs such as
daffodils, tulips, and cro-
cuses. Depending on
where you live, you
may plant them
throughout the fall,
starting in September
(in colder regions) and
ending in December (in
warmer areas).The key is to plant
them while the soil can be worked
easily, before the ground hardens. If time and
effort are issues, have friends or landscapers
help you with this.If you plan to plant dozens of
bulbs to achieve the look you’ve been dream-
ing of, ask friends for help, because that can
be a lot of work for one person.
Don’t Wait on Weeds
Don’t give weeds a
head start. Weeding
now will save you
work come spring.
There are many effec-
tive products available
at gardening stores
that make it easy
to zap weeds
before they have
a chance to take
over your garden.
If using weed killer isn’t
possible,you’ll find weeding
here and there in short bursts, over
a week or two, more man-
agable than spending a
weekend trying to pull
out every weed—not
to mention easier on
the fingers, knees,
and back.
Avoid the Cold Prune
While pruning time varies among plants,
avoid pruning during the fall or winter
because the new growth produced as
a result of pruning will be subject to
cold injury. The exception to this rule is
trimming off only dead or damaged
foliage or branches.
Seasonal Garden Tips
PERFORM™ has included the following
fall checklist for both cool and warm
Cool Climates
Snow protects and endangers plants.
A good blanket of snow will insulate the
soil like mulch. However, heavy snow
on evergreen branches will weigh them
down, which can cause breakage. Start
by working upward, knocking snow from
the bottom branches first. Otherwise, the
snow from above will increase the weight
on the burdened lower branches. If
branches are wrapped in ice, don’t try
freeing them. Let the ice melt and release
the boughs gradually.
◆ After a killing frost, clean up perennial
beds and borders. Cut off dead
flower stems.
◆ Dig up tender bulbs such as dahlia,
canna, and gladiolus. Wrap or cover
them with moist material and store in
sand in a cool, dark place.
◆ Collect seeds of favorite plants that will
breed true to type.
◆ Harvest pumpkins, potatoes, sweet pota-
toes, and onions. Brussels sprouts, carrots,
and other root crops can stay in the
ground through light frosts.
◆ Mulch root-vegetable beds with thick
layers of straw or chopped leaves.
Warm Climates
◆ Clean up perennial beds and borders.Weed areas that weren’t mulched.
◆ Divide large clumps of spring- and summer-blooming plants to control size
and renew blooming.
◆ Plant seeds of hardy annuals for extended winter bloom. Collect seeds of
favorite warm-weather plants that will breed true to type.
◆ Keep polyspun garden fabric handy to cover annuals if light frost threatens.
◆ Renew beds for fall planting by adding compost and fertilizer.
◆ Sow carrots and other root crops as well as lettuce for winter harvest.
Devoting the same love and attention to your garden in the fall that you
do in the spring and summer can not only save time but also ensure a
beautiful bloom when the weather heats up.
Early Spring . . . It’s Not Too Late!
February, March, and April are great months for planning and setting
priorities for the wonderful growing season just ahead:
◆ Browse mail-order catalogs to discover what’s new. Begin setting your
sights on what changes you may want to make to your garden this year.
◆ Be prepared. Early spring is also a good time to check your gardening
tools. Making necessary repairs or replacements now can save you from
headaches later. In early spring, garden stores are well-stocked with the
items you’ll need throughout the growing season.
◆ For early blooming plants like forsythia,prune as soon as blooms have passed.
◆ Remove dead flowers from bulbs, leaving the remainder of the plant as is.
◆ If you’ve neglected your compost over the winter, now’s the time to tend
to it. If you haven’t established a compost bin yet, spring is a great time to
do so.
Seasonal Garden Tips
The fall signals the end of your garden’s growing season. This is when you need
to begin winterizing your garden so your plants weather the winter months com-
fortably. It may appear that all activity in your garden has stopped, but there is a
lot going on in the autumn soil.
According to the leading gardening experts at PERFORM™, it’s very important
that you add new mulch to your garden in the fall, when the ground is frozen or
near frozen. Apply a thick, winter layer of mulch to protect plants and soil from frost
and weather damage. The point of this is to keep the temperature even, more
than it is to keep the soil warm. If you don’t want to buy mulch, you can use
chopped leaves. Apply about six inches of leaves. Don’t use whole leaves for
mulching, they will pack down your garden and keep air from getting to the soil.
Helpful Tips
Here are some ways you can winterize your garden in the fall that will
make the unveiling of next spring all the more exciting.
PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:35 AM Page 40
That dog that stays by your side or that kitty that naps in your lap is more than just a pet. Caring for your cuddly companion can be good
for your overall well-being. A number of studies conducted over the past 25 years point to specific health benefits that attend pet
ownership. It has been shown that people with pets have lower blood pressure, better cholesterol readings, an increased survival rate
from coronary bypass surgery, fewer visits to the doctor, and higher levels of physical activity.
Given the healthy rewards of animal companionship, you may want to bring your pet with you on your next vacation. A 2003 survey
by the American Animal Hospital Association revealed that nearly 62 percent of Americans who own pets travel with a pet.
Just like people, some animals are good travelers . . . and some are not. “Cats in general do better in their own surroundings,” says
Illinois veterinarian Cheryl Roge. Being moved to an unfamiliar environment can be stressful for any species. Still, a dog can be a
terrific travel companion, especially on car trips.
Taking a few common-sense precautions can help ensure happy trails and happy tails:
• Before a long trip, have your dog checked by the vet. Get shots updated and request a health certificate.
• Make sure your dog wears a secure collar with ID. For added peace of mind, have your dog microchipped by the vet to ensure your
dog can be found easily if you two become separated unexpectedly.
• Keep your dog in the back seat when you’re driving and use a seat belt or harness for the animal.
• Make frequent stops to walk and water the dog.
• Carry a full supply of your dog’s food.
• Never leave your dog alone in a locked car for more than a few minutes.
Great Places to Sit, Stay, Lie Down, and Roll Over
Inexpensive hotel and motel chains, including Motel 6®
, LaQuinta®
, and Red Roof Inn®
, have had the “pets welcome” mat
out for years. More recently, many midrange and upscale properties, including Sheraton®
, Westin®
, W Hotels®
, Four
, Loews®
, and Affinia®
, have become especially accommodating to guests with well-behaved pets.
The “Loews Loves Pets” program, available at the chain’s 20 properties in the United States and
Canada, provides pets with bowls for food and water, placemats, toys and treats, a “Do Not Disturb”
sign that lets housekeeping know a pet is in the room, and a room-service menu developed by a
licensed vet. In addition, pet-walking and sitting services can be arranged through the concierge.
Affinia’s luxury hotels in New York City go all out to attract canines and their human
companions. Affinia’s new “Jet Set Pet” program provides signature food and water bowls,
an assortment of healthy snacks and toys, and a “howlistic” bone-shaped amenity kit,
which includes a leash, a temporary ID tag, therapeutic doggie massage
cream, relaxing lavender spray, and a doggy guidebook.
To find out more about pet-friendly accommoda-
tions, check out these Web sites: Pets Welcome
(, Pets on the Go
(, and Dog Friendly
Since vacations consist of more than
sleeping and eating, dog owners can find
out where to walk and swim with pets
at Hike With Your Dog (www.hikewith An Ohio company, Rovin’ with
Rover (, arranges bus
tours for people and their canine companions.
If you don’t have a pet but the idea of traveling
with one has you thinking about getting one, there are
more places than ever to find a dog or cat. According to
a survey by About Dogs (, most people
head for the nearest animal shelter, visit a breeder, or adopt a
stray. Before they pick up a leash or a carrier, though, increasing
numbers of would-be pet owners start their search for a new best
friend online.
Petfinder (, the oldest and largest searchable
directory of adoptable pets on the Web, links to more than 7,000
shelters and rescue groups in the United States and Canada. You enter
a few search criteria—type of animal, size, gender, breed, and age.
Then, based on these and your ZIP code, Petfinder’s search engine
generates a list of pets available for adoption.
While mutts are said to be generally healthier than pedigrees since they’re
less prone to inbreeding, many people still prefer pricey purebreds.
Yet they’re not always easy to acquire through adoption. Shelters
overeager to find homes for dogs have been known to exaggerate a dog’s
provenance, ascribing breed characteristics more imagined than real.
The American Kennel Club ( main-
tains a list of pedigree rescue groups, making it possible
to adopt one without spending a fortune. These rescue groups
harbor animals ranging from full pedigrees spirited out of shel-
ters to show dogs past their prime. While it’s unlikely you
can acquire a pedigreed puppy from a rescue organization,
adult and senior dogs are plentiful. Adoption fees
generally start at $150, a small price to pay for a friend
who offers unconditional love.
Fetching a
New Best Friend
Affinia is a registered trademark of Denihan Ownership Company LLC. Four Seasons is a registered trademark of Four Seasons Hotel Limited Corporation.
La Quinta is a registered trademark of La Quinta Worldwide LLC. Motel 6 is a registered trademark of Societe de Participations et D’Investissements de Motels.
Red Roof Inn is a registered trademark of RRI Financial Inc. Sheraton, Westin, and W Hotels are registered trademarks of Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide Inc.
Photo courtesy
of Loews Hotels
By Laura Miller
PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:36 AM Page 42
Cajun Cooking
Have the shrimp peeled and deveined
and the sausage sliced into half-inch-
thick pieces at the market.
Following these tips and recipes, you’ll be relaxed and refreshed when your guests arrive—not hunched over and scrambling in the
kitchen with your oven mitts on. After all, why shouldn’t you enjoy the party as much as your guests? Go Cajun for your next occasion!
GUMBO Gumbo is a thick stew made from mainstay Cajun vegetables, such as okra, tomatoes, and onions, and one
or several meats or shellfish, such as chicken, sausage, ham, shrimp, crab, or oysters. The one thing all good gumbos
begin with is a dark roux, which adds an unmistakable, incomparably rich flavor. Gumbo is a wonderful way to transform
leftovers (ham, a ham bone, chicken, turkey, duck, sausage, seafood, or bacon) into a savory meal.
JAMBALAYA A quintessential Louisiana dish, jambalaya (pronounced juhm-buh-LI-yah or jam-buh-LI-yah) is a hearty
and versatile dish that combines cooked rice with a variety of ingredients, including tomatoes, green peppers, chili powder,
garlic, onions, and any kind of shellfish, meat, or poultry desired. Jambalaya is a variation of Spanish paella.
ROUX A roux (pronounced ROO) is a mixture of oil and flour browned slowly to a desired color
(a dark-chocolate color for gumbos and stews, a caramel color for étouffés or gravies) that is used
as the basis for many Cajun dishes, such as gumbos, stews, and gravies.
“ ”
TRADITIONAL ROUX – 1 cup cooking oil, 1 cup flour.
In a heavy pot, heat the oil over low-to-medium heat. Stir in the
flour and continue stirring constantly to prevent burning. Should
you notice some black specks in your roux, throw out the roux and
start over—otherwise, black specks will give your roux a bitter,
burned taste. When the roux reaches the desired color, add
chopped onions, stirring well. Master making this and have fun!
Dianne recommends making the gumbo 24 hours in advance and
refrigerating it in a covered ceramic or glass container, so that all
the ingredients can absorb the seasonings . . . then just reheat
and serve buffet-style. Likewise, Dianne’s jambalaya, beans and
rice, and pecan-pie recipes can all be prepared a day ahead.
Cajun Cooking
Cajunfor Any
ouisiana evokes images of ancient oaks draped in Spanish moss, snaking bayous,
and ornate wrought-iron balconies in the French Quarter of New Orleans.
Louisiana cooking elicits an equally alluring array of images and textures, from
savory gumbos to exotic jambalayas to pecan-based desserts. This eclectic cuisine
knows no boundaries, having African, French, German, Native American, and Spanish
influences at its piquant core. While some culinary purists may try to split hairs on the
differences between the Creole and Cajun cookery, the old distinctions are now
quite blurred, so much so that “Cajun” has become a catchall term for
traditional Louisiana cooking.
Whether hosting a large group for a get-together, throwing a
special celebration, or whipping up a savory supper from
leftovers, bring home the bayou with these Cajun recipes
from Louisiana hospitality diva Dianne Cage. You’ll be
able to prepare each recipe in under an hour, with a
lot less work than you might think . . . thanks to a
few work-sparing tips from Dianne.
PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:36 AM Page 44
Cajun Cooking
Cajun Cooking
(Serves 20)
Seasoning Mix: To be done ahead
4 bay leaves
4 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon white pepper
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper (or less)
1 teaspoon thyme leaves
⁄2 teaspoon oregano leaves
1 teaspoon filé (powdered sassafras leaf)
Vegetables: To be done ahead
4 cups chopped onion
3 cups chopped green pepper
2 cups chopped celery
1 cup chopped green onion
2 tablespoons minced garlic
⁄2 cups vegetable oil
⁄2 cups flour
12 cups (more or less) seafood or chicken stock
Peeled medium shrimp (as much as desired)
Crabmeat (claw) (as much as desired)
Okra (frozen or fresh), chopped (as much as desired)
In a large iron skillet, heat oil until it just begins to smoke; add flour and whisk continuously over high
heat until dark red-brown. Do not burn. Add half the vegetables, continue whisking (or stirring with a
wooden spoon) for a minute more. Add remaining vegetables and seasoning mix. Continue stirring con-
stantly to prevent burning. Reduce heat a little and stir approximately five minutes. Remove from heat.
In another large pot, bring stock to a boil. Add roux, one spoonful at a time, stirring after each addition.
Bring to a low boil.Add seafood or other meats in the order in which each degree of doneness is desired.
1. Sausage, duck, or chicken. First simmer 20 to 25 minutes, stirring occasionally.
2. Crabs. Until meat comes from cavities.
3. Okra. Takes 10 to 15 minutes.
4. Crabmeat. Add 5 minutes before finished cooking.
5. Add shrimp and oysters last. Have at a boil, cover, remove from heat, and let
stand until shrimp are pink and oysters curl.
If oil foam forms, this may be skimmed off.
Serve hot over rice.
Preparing ahead: Refrigerate gumbo for at least 24 hours, reheat, and serve
over hot cooked rice.
Recipes adapted from “Cooking and Gardening With Dianne” by Dianne Cage.
Published by arrangement with the Wimmer Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
1 pound smoked sausage, thinly sliced
3 tablespoons olive oil
⁄3 cup chopped green pepper
2 cloves garlic, minced
⁄4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1 cup chopped celery
2 16-ounce cans of tomatoes
2 cups chicken broth
1 cup chopped green onions
⁄2 teaspoons thyme
2 bay leaves
2 teaspoons oregano
1 tablespoon Creole seasoning*
⁄2 teaspoon salt
⁄4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
⁄4 teaspoon black pepper
2 cups long-grain converted rice, washed
3 pounds raw shrimp, peeled and deveined
In a four-quart heavy pot, sauté sausage. Remove with slotted spoon. Add oil to
drippings and sauté green pepper, parsley, and celery for five minutes. Chop tomatoes
and reserve liquid. Add tomatoes and liquid, broth, and onions. Stir in spices. Add rice.
Add sausage and cook 30 minutes, covered, over low heat, stirring occasionally.
After most liquid has been absorbed by rice, add shrimp and cook until pink. Transfer
mixture to an oblong baking dish; bake approximately 25 minutes and serve.
*A mixture of salt, red pepper, black pepper, chili powder, and garlic powder.
Preparing ahead: Cover baking dish tightly with plastic wrap or foil and refrigerate
overnight. When ready to reheat, remove plastic wrap or foil, and place the jambalaya-
filled baking dish in a 400°F oven for 20 minutes. Serve.
1 stick butter
1 cup light corn syrup
1 cup sugar
3 large eggs, beaten
⁄2 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 dash of salt
1 cup chopped pecans
1 8- or 9-inch unbaked pie crust
Brown butter in a saucepan until golden brown. Do not burn. Let
browned butter cool. In separate bowl, add remaining ingredients
in order and stir. Blend butter into mixture well. Pour into unbaked
pie crust and bake at 425°F for 10 minutes; then lower to 325°F
and bake for 40 minutes. Serve warm with fresh whipped cream or
vanilla ice cream.
1 pound or 1 16-ounce can of red kidney or pinto beans
⁄4 cup chopped ham or leftover cooked pork
2 large onions, chopped
1 bell pepper, chopped
2 ribs celery, chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
Pinch of sugar
1 bay leaf
2 pounds link spicy sausage sliced into half-inch-thick pieces
⁄4 cup parsley, chopped
3 cups cooked rice
If you’re using dry beans, soak overnight and rinse before adding
to a medium-size pot. If you’re using canned beans, rinse them and
add to a medium-size pot. To the bean pot, add ham (fat trimmed
off), onion, bell pepper, celery, garlic, salt, pepper, sugar, and bay
leaf. Cook over medium heat for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring occa-
sionally. While beans are cooking, fry sausage pieces in a skillet;
drain and stir sausage into bean pot. Serve over hot cooked rice.
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  • 1. Issue IV Family & Living Spice Up Any Occasion With Great Cajun Recipes Fitness SuperSlow: Exercise and Build Strength With This Innovative Workout Method Health Untangling the Web— Find Credible Medical Information Online Tips & Trends Vacationing With Your Pet Travel & Leisure Explore the Freedom of RVing Embark on a Sea Cruise Adventure PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:54 AM Page 1
  • 2. ““The rThe race is not alwace is not always to the swiftays to the swift...but to those who k...but to those who keep on runningeep on running..”” “Act as if it were impossible to fail.” “We come to feel as we behave.” “The race is not always to the swift...but to those who keep on running.”“The race is not always to the swift...but to those who keep on running.” ––Author UnknoAuthor Unknownwn –Dorothy Broude –Paul Pearsall –Author Unknown Proud to support individuals living life in the moment. PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:54 AM Page 2
  • 3. COVER STORY 32 Phylicia Rashad: The Gift of Grace Award-winning actress Phylicia Rashad uses her wealth of talent, grace, and charm to give back to the community. FITNESS 8 The SuperSlow Workout Thinking of getting back into exercise? Try SuperSlow: a half- hour weekly workout that has the potential to increase your strength, your metabolism, and your well-being. GARDENING & NATURE 39 A Cold Weather Survival Guide for Your Garden Boost summer’s blooms with some proactive tips for protecting your garden and bringing the thriving-green outdoors indoors during the cool months. FAMILY & LIVING 23 Getting a Good Read We offer a wide array of new good reads, including an inspiring memoir, an intriguing biography, a riveting whodunit, a collection of great interviews, and a surprising romance. 44 Cajun for Any Occasion Southern hospitality diva Dianne Cage shares her down-home recipes and easy tips for preparing classic Cajun cuisine. 48 Good Tunes for Good Times We’ve picked out an outstanding play list from new artists and old favorites. Our review of the choicest new releases from rock, country, and jazz will point you to some good tunes for good times. 54 An Excellent Read on Book Clubs If you like great books and discussing them, then you’ll love book clubs. Joining or starting one is a snap. We show you how. TRAVEL & LEISURE 11 The Lowdown on Low-Carb Beer: Choices Are Brewing Many major breweries are hopping onto the low-carb band- wagon. Get the skinny on the best brews for carb counters. 15 Paradise Afloat: The Cruise Boom There’s a great sea cruise out there for almost any taste or budget. Which one suits your inner sailor, beachcomber, and bon vivant? 26 Hitting the Road in an RV: Freedom and Fun Times Await You Do you like the open road and the freedom of traveling at your own pace? You’re not alone. In the United States, there are over seven million recreational vehicles and counting. Find out why. 58 The Seven Wonders of the Wild Southwest of Ireland An ancient seacoast, countless shades of green, breathtaking views, and 100,000 welcomes. Step into Southwest Ireland’s friendly, tidy towns and its exuberant wild beauty, and explore its seven wonders. HEALTH 6 Take the Treatment Challenge Is your arthritis pain medication everything it should be? 20 Untangling the Web Want to zero in on credible medical information on the Internet, quickly and easily? We’ll show you how with some simple steps for healthy Web surfing. 29 A Patient Profile Barbara List and her pain specialist, Jeffrey Gudin, MD, discuss the modern management of arthritis joint pain and how it’s improved Barbara’s daily life. 52 An Ounce of Prevention . . . It’s All in the Mix Some common drugs, foods, and beverages don’t interact well. Know which ones don’t, so you’ll be sure to avoid a bad mix. TIPS & TRENDS 42 Vacationing With Your Pet Love to travel but can’t leave behind that four-legged member of the family? Find out the latest options for bringing your pet on your next trip. 64 The Etiquette of Gift Giving You’ve been invited to a wedding you cannot attend, should you send a gift? America’s leading lady of good manners, Letitia Baldrige, knows the proper answer to this and other gift-giving questions. Contents 4444 15 32 1111 15 32 2929 2626 5858 Cover photo by Matthew Jordan Smith 4242 From the Editor Welcome to PERFORM™—a magazine dedicated to people who want to live life in the moment. If we had a motto, it would be this: There is no such thing in anyone’s life as an unimportant day. —Alexander Woolcott We’d add to this that there’s also no such thing as an unimportant reader. No matter who you are, you want to do what you want to do, when you’d like to do it. We’ve filled this issue with ideas and tips to help you keep your lifestyle on course. The cover story in this issue is Phylicia Rashad, an award-winning actress who uses her wealth of talent, grace, and charm to give back to the community. In addition to catching up with Broadway’s leading lady, we’ll guide you through relaxing ways to sail on ships that pamper you and to tour the open vistas of America and Ireland in comfort—at your own pace. We also have tips to make traveling with your pets and caring for your garden easy. There are also delicious Cajun recipes to spice up any occasion. Our Health section will give you helpful Web-surfing techniques from the National Institutes of Health as well as the science behind powerful joint pain medicine. Whatever your lifestyle, career, or passion, PERFORM™ offers articles that will inspire you to live life in the moment. PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:54 AM Page 4
  • 4. Joint pain can make it hard to perform many of the activities you enjoy. That’s why you must be clear with your doctor about how joint pain affects your life. Just follow these three simple steps: ANSWER THE TREATMENT CHALLENGE QUESTIONS TO THE RIGHT. Take a moment to think about how you now treat your joint pain. Then check the Yes or No boxes to the right. SHARE THE RESULTS WITH YOUR DOCTOR. Tell your doctor if you’re not getting all the relief you need. DISCUSS HOW YOU WILL TREAT YOUR ARTHRITIS JOINT PAIN. Your Treatment Challenge answers may suggest that it’s time to rethink how you manage joint pain. Important Information. BEXTRA is not for everyone. Prescription BEXTRA should not be taken if you’ve had allergic reactions to certain drugs called sulfonamides, aspirin or other arthritis medicines or if you’ve had aspirin-sensitive asthma or are in late pregnancy. It is not recommended if you have advanced kidney disease. Tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems. In rare cases, serious stomach problems such as bleeding can occur without warning. Tell your doctor right away if you develop blisters in the mouth or a rash, as it can be a sign of a serious skin reaction that may be life threat- ening. If you experience other unusual symptoms while taking BEXTRA, tell your doctor immediately. The most common side effects are headache, abdominal pain, indigestion, upper respiratory infection, nausea and diarrhea. Please see important Product Information on page 66. 1 I could not effectively control my arthritis pain. 2 My arthritis pain seemed worse than usual. 3 My arthritis pain interfered with my ability to: a. walk on a level surface. b. go up or down stairs. c. bend over. d. get in or out of a car. e. get in or out of bed. f. perform light chores. g. perform heavy chores. 4 My arthritis pain interfered with my ability to: a. sleep. b. play my favorite sport(s). c. perform daily activities such as shopping. HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED ANY OF THE FOLLOWING IN THE PAST MONTH? Yes No For more information, call toll-free 1-866-864-2600, visit or mail the Get More Information card between pages 62 and 63. Please see important product information on previous page. Take the Treatment Challenge now! How many Yes answers did you have? If one or more, talk to your doctor today about options for controlling joint pain. SO MUCH POWER, SO MUCH RELIEF™ PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:54 AM Page 6
  • 5. 8 PERFORM SuperSlow FITNESS PERFORM 9 H ow many times have you heard this lately? “I just love exercising! I look forward to getting on that treadmill everyday!” Yes, chances are, unless you’re a marathon runner or a bodybuilder, you’re not looking forward to going to the gym. Or maybe you’re feeling frustrated because you just aren’t seeing any results. When it comes to baby boomers, exercise has become something that looms over us as the panacea for staying young—the best way to keep things like osteoporosis and the other ogres of aging at bay. Well, what if you could get into super shape by adding a once-a-week, 30-minute workout to your exercise routine, without even breaking a sweat? Ah, the ears perked right up! Enter the world of SuperSlow® . The new full-body, weight-based program promising maximum results in minimum time, with little or no chance of injury. Now, other than someone feeding us bonbons while we actually do it, that sounds pretty attractive. That’s why the SuperSlow® method has famous devotees such as Lesley Stahl and Barbara Walters. Not only do they like the valuable time they save, but, like so many others, they delight in the fact that there is no cardio involved. This is a non-dance, non-kick, non-step, non-time-consuming workout that you can almost look forward to doing once a week. You could not take more; you do not need more. The concept is simple: the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism is, and thus the more calories you’re able to burn. And that means all the things on our wish list for fitness are right within our grasp—weight loss, strength, more energy, being able to greet each day ready to go, with little or no aches and pains. The universal goals of a generation might not seem so far off after all. Q:“What is the SuperSlow® method and why are the benefits potentially so profound?” A: “SuperSlow® is a form of calculated weight lifting and resistance training done just once a week for 20 to 30 minutes total. It is done with slow, fluid, deliberate movements with no stopping between repetitions. By slowing down this process, you achieve greater intensity, allowing you to reach the point we call muscle ‘failure’—the place where you can lift no further, but push on another few seconds. That is in fact where the real benefit occurs. As you become stronger, more weight is added to this circuit. I realize it sounds funny to say that ‘failure’ is a goal, but that’s the way it is. The nurturing and rebuilding of the muscles occurs in the following week, before your next session.” Q:“What actual effect does ‘slow’ have on your muscles and why does it tone better and produce better results than three or more days a week of lifting free weights?” A: “The only advantage that free weights have over machines is that they’re cheap, adjustable, and lack friction. Aside from that, they are basically an adjustable brick. Yes, they provide resistance, but different body parts have their own unique require- ments. This is why we need to figure out what the body does, and then build the equipment to accommodate that. The ‘slow’ effort minimizes momentum, which keeps the muscle more efficiently loaded, which makes the exercise more efficient. ‘Slow’ also minimizes acceleration and force, both of which in excess can cause injury. If you can’t lift it slowly, then don’t try to lift it at all. Explosive movements accomplish nothing.” Q:“Would you recommend this type of training to people of all ages?” A: “First, anyone with a medical condition or injury should consult their doctor before look- ing to begin an exercise program. We have found SuperSlow® to be appropriate for any age or fitness level. In fact, the majority of my clients are in their late 40s and 50s. I even have a few 70-plus clients who come back week after week. Low-force lifting, for a minimum of time, has an incredibly low potential for injury, making SuperSlow® a very safe method of training—not to mention highly effective. It never ceases to surprise people what they are capable of doing. Many who’ve been scared to do anything find they’re actually quite strong. It’s quite a confidence builder.” SuperSlowOr is it too good to be true? Could this be the exercise method we’ve all been waiting for? By Kathie Strauss PERFORM™ asked a SuperSlow® trainer and a master-level SuperSlow® instructor to take us through what this phenomenon is and why it can deliver such spectacular results. PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:54 AM Page 8
  • 6. 10 PERFORM SuperSlow FITNESS PERFORM 11 The Lowdown on Low-Carb Beer: Choices Are Brewing The Lowdown on Low-Carb Beer: Choices Are Brewing Following a strict low-carb diet? Now there’s a range of beers to quench your thirst without breaking your carb bank. Following a strict low-carb diet? Now there’s a range of beers to quench your thirst without breaking your carb bank. By Rick Gervasio The SuperSlow® method was created by Ken Hutchins at Nautilus Industries in Florida as part of an osteoporosis study. More research is still being done, but many years of experience have demonstrated that the SuperSlow® method provides a pleasant and rewarding experience. Most importantly, it should give us all pause to rethink our method of keeping the ogres of aging at bay. “Low-force lifting, for a minimum of time, has an incredibly low potential for injury, making SuperSlow® a very safe method of training. ” For more information or to get in touch with a SuperSlow® trainer, visit Working with a trainer familiar with SuperSlow® will ensure you’re performing your workouts as safely, correctly, and slowly as you should. SuperSlow is a registered trademark of Ken Hutchins. Q:“We’ve always been told that sweating is good, that it cleanses the body of unwanted toxins, and that it’s an integral part of exercise. It emotionally tells you you’ve worked out well. Why is this not as important with this method?” A: “Whether sweat accumulates or not doesn’t tell us how hard we’re working. You expend the same amount of calories lifting 100 pounds 10 times whether you sweat or not. Sweating doesn’t rid the body of toxins. That’s what the liver and kidneys are for. Sweating is the body’s cooling system. However, if you get so hot that you begin to sweat a lot, it may be a sign that other deleterious things could happen. The potential for heat exhaustion exists, where concentration and thinking capacity can become fuzzy and deteriorate. It is much better to remain as cool as possible when you train. If the subject starts in a chilled condition, and the room is kept cool, well-ventilated, and low in humidity, then, even if the subject does sweat, that sweat will cool the subject.” Q:“At the start of each session, do you pick up where you left off? Or immediately jump up to more weight?” A: “It depends. The usual guidelines call for moving up in weight after being able to do four to eight repetitions at a given weight. We increase the weight approximately five percent, and repeat the cycle, sticking with the new weight until eight reps can be performed. Eventually, if the subject started at 100 pounds for six reps, he can progress, for example, to 200 pounds for six reps, having doubled his strength. And because the progression occurred in such a way as to be within the body’s capacity for improvement, safety was never compromised.” Q:“As you push your clients to achieve higher weight, does it produce a tightening at the neck or shoulders or in other sensitive muscle groups or joints?” A: “SuperSlow® emphasizes minimizing tension in the neck and joints. Therefore, the potential for injury is reduced as well. This is achieved by maintaining good form and relaxation of uninvolved body parts. Because we train through a full range of motion, the muscles never get the opportunity to tighten up throughout each rep- etition.” Q:“We often hear that it is necessary to do some form of exercise every- day. What is your opinion on this?” A: “It all boils down to how much should we do? With SuperSlow® , it is as much as necessary, and not as much as you can tolerate. If we can get everything out of one 20-minute session per week, why do more? You don’t get proportionally greater results from doing more. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy other forms of exercise, such as taking a long walk or a relaxing yoga class, to round out your fitness goals.” PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:54 AM Page 10
  • 7. A guide to guilt-free thirst quenching T he low-carb craze is no longer just a fad—millions of Americans have adopted Atkins® , South Beach™, the Zone, or some other variation as their main diet. But what do these carb counters do when it comes to drinking a beer? What about those hot, sun-filled days at the beach, the weekend retreats, or those al fresco dinners with friends? All perfect settings for a crisp, refreshing, ice-cold beer. Until recently, carbophobes would have to skip cold beer or offset such an indulgence by cutting out yet another food from their already restricted diets. Thankfully, beer manufacturers have hopped onto the low-carb bandwagon. And now almost every major brewer has added a low- carb beer to its product line—giving you options for cutting carbs while stocking the fridge or cooler with brewskies. With an eye on your waistline, PERFORM™ has done some homework. We’ve laid out some low-carb options to show you how these really compare from a carb perspective. The time has come to cut carbs The development of light beer over the last few decades was in response to calorie- conscious drinkers and has led to fierce competi- tion for the “best tasting” light beer. And now, not surprisingly, brewers have formulated “low carb” beers to meet the evolving needs of consumers. The carbs from beer come from the choice and amount of grains used in the beer-making process. Many popular American beers have a fairly high carbohydrate count. An average bottle of beer has around 11 grams of carbs in each 12-ounce serving. Inevitably, the process of removing the carbs from beer also removes the body that gives it much of its character. But brewers have been working hard to find ways to preserve or restore the char- acter of their low-carb beers. Many brewers have been able to pro- duce a low-carb beverage that still offers most of the refreshing characteristics people desire in a beer. You may already be drinking a low-carb beer Whether you will like the flavor of low-carb beer will depend, of course, on your taste in beer. If like me you prefer rich-tasting microbrews, then you will probably want to focus on other ways to cut carbs from your diet—because the depth of these beers cannot be matched by low-carb beers. However, most Americans enjoy light, simple lagers like Budweiser® , Coors® , Miller® , or Rolling Rock® , to name just a few. If that’s true for you, then you may find some of these new low-carb The Beer Essentials PERFORM 13 The Lowdown on Low-Carb Beer TRAVEL & LEISURE 12 PERFORM The Lowdown on Low-Carb Beer TRAVEL & LEISURE brews to be a good way to keep your beer and your diet too! And if you already drink light beers, such as Amstel Light® , Bud Light® , or Coors Light® , then you may already be drinking a low-carb beer. Many beer companies are now promoting their existing light-beer brands as “low carb” beer choices. Other companies have developed new brews that offer even fewer carbohydrates for those who demand the lowest amount available. All low-carb beers are not created equal Surprisingly, the carb count in these beers can vary consider- ably from one brand to another. See the table “Low-Carb Beer Options” on the previous page. Beware—some “light beers” have two to three times the carbs of the lowest low-carb beers. Generally, the lower the carbs per serving the less flavorful and more “watery” the beer will taste. However, I’ve found that some low-carb beers taste surprisingly better than others. Plus, there are several steps you can take to bring out the flavor of the beer you choose. Take it from me, the only way you’ll know if you like one of these beers is to try it yourself. If you’re trying hard to adhere to a low-carb diet, you may prefer a low-carb beer over no beer at all. You’ll also be happy to know that low-carb beer has fewer calories than regular beer. Plus, low-carb beers tend to have lower alcohol content. So next time you fill up your cooler, throw in some of these beers and see how they compare. If you are following a low-carb diet, remember that a low-carb diet can lower your tolerance for alcohol. So be sure to drink a lot of water along with your beer and be careful to space your drinks out over time. Low-Carb Beer Options The brands listed here are generally available from major retailers throughout the U.S. Check with your favorite beverage store to see what other local or regional low-carb beers may be available in your area. CARB % BEER COUNT CALORIES ALCOHOL BREWER Amstel Light® 5 g 95 3.5 Heineken USA Aspen Edge® 2.6 g 94 4.13 Coors Brewing Company Bud Light® 6.6 g 110 4.2 Anheuser-Busch Coors Light® 5 g 102 4.2 Coors Brewing Company Corona Light® 5 g 105 4.5 Grupo Modelo, S.A. de C.V. Michelob Ultra® 2.6 g 95 4.2 Anheuser-Busch Miller Lite® 3.2 g 96 4.5 Miller Brewing Company Natural Light® 3.2 g 95 4.2 Anheuser-Busch Rock Green Light® 2.4 g 92 N/A Latrobe Brewing Co. A BRIEF HISTORY OF BEER To understand what low-carb beer is and why it tastes the way it does, it’s helpful to understand the history of beer and how it’s made. Experts believe that beer was among the first beverages created by man. It may even predate the invention of wine and possibly even bread. (Fun fact: “brewing” comes from the same German root word as “bread.”) BREW vb. 1. To make (ale or beer) from malt and hops by infusion, boiling, and fermen- tation. 2. To make (a beverage) by boiling, steeping, or mixing various ingredients. 3. To concoct; devise. 4. To make ale or beer as an occupation. n. 1a. A beverage made by brewing. b. A serving of such a beverage. 2. Something produced as if by brewing; a mix. Most early beers were made from malted barley mixed with water and fermented with the aid of cultured yeasts. But the extreme sweetness of the barley malt had to be cut with something bitter to make it a suitable adult drink. While many different plants and herbs have been used, since the Middle Ages hops has been the preferred additive. Amstel Light is a registered trademark of Amstel USA Inc.; Aspen Edge, Coors, and Coors Light are registered trademarks of Coors Brewing Co.; Atkins is a registered trademark of Atkins Nutritionals, Inc.; Bud Light, Budweiser, Michelob Ultra, and Natural Light are registered trademarks of Anheuser-Busch, Inc.; Corona Light is a registered trademark of Grupo Modelo, S.A. de C.V.; Miller and Miller Lite are registered trademarks of Miller Brewing Co.; Rock Green Light and Rolling Rock are registered trademarks of Latrobe Brewing Co.; The South Beach Diet is a trademark of Dr. Arthur Agatston. One thing is clear: low-carb beers lack the body and flavor of regular beers. Here are some tips for getting the most flavor out of the beer you choose: • Choose bottled beers over canned— cans may add a metallic taste that will mask the beer’s flavor. • Store bottles away from sunlight to avoid skunking—light can skunk a beer within minutes. • Serve your beer right from the fridge or cooler—preferably in a frosted mug. • Add a slice of lemon or lime for additional flavor and to get your taste buds tingling. Low-Carb Beer Options Historically, beer has always been made up of these four ingredients: Water: Not as important as some brewers would have you think, but still somewhat important. The salts and mineral content historically had an impact on the flavor of the brew, although today chemical refinements can make almost any water suitable for use in brewing. Barley: This cereal grass may have been the first grain cultivated by man. Barley comes in two varieties: two-row (original) and six-row (which can be grown in a greater variety of climates). Before use in brewing, barley is “malted” by soaking the grains in water to promote germination. It is then dried and sometimes roasted for flavor. Yeast: Introducing strains of yeast into the malt and water mix (called the “wort”) causes it to ferment. This gives beer its characteristic flavor and converts the sugar into alcohol. Hops: The climbing hop vine grows in Europe, Asia, and North America. In the Middle Ages, dried flowers from the hop vine became the preferred flavoring agent to be added to beer to tone down the excessive sweetness of fermented barley. Hops gives beer its dry and bitter flavor. The strain of the hops used during brewing contributes a lot to the beer’s flavor and character. PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:54 AM Page 12
  • 8. SO MUCH POWER, SO MUCH RELIEF™ PERFORM 15 Vacations at Sea TRAVEL & LEISURE Paradise AfloatThe Cruise Boom Whether your dream vacation consists of visiting a tropical or arctic destination, dining casually or formally, enjoying activity-filled or relaxing days, the choice is yours. By Susan Breslow Sardone ARE YOU READY TO CHALLENGE THE JOINT PAIN OF ARTHRITIS? BEXTRA. Powerful 24-hour relief. One tablet. Once daily. Ask your doctor if a FREE sample of BEXTRA is right for you. One 10-mg BEXTRA Tablet, once a day, provides the kind of 24-hour relief many arthritis sufferers are looking for. Prescription BEXTRA is tough on joint pain and inflammation. And there’s one convenient dose that’s powerful enough to tackle both the joint pain of osteoarthritis and adult rheumatoid arthritis. For more information call 1-866-864-2600 or visit Important Information. BEXTRA is not for everyone. Prescription BEXTRA should not be taken if you’ve had allergic reactions to certain drugs called sulfonamides, aspirin or other arthritis medicines or if you’ve had aspirin-sensitive asthma or are in late pregnancy. It is not recommended if you have advanced kidney disease. Tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems. In rare cases, serious stomach problems such as bleeding can occur without warning. Tell your doctor right away if you develop blisters in the mouth or a rash, as it can be a sign of a serious skin reaction that may be life threatening. If you experience other unusual symptoms while taking BEXTRA, tell your doctor immediately. The most common side effects are headache, abdominal pain, indigestion, upper respiratory infection, nausea and diarrhea. Please see important Product Information on page 66. PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:54 AM Page 14
  • 9. PERFORM 17 Vacations at Sea TRAVEL & LEISURE 16 PERFORM Vacations at Sea TRAVEL & LEISURE 16 PERFORM S ail into the sunset on your next vacation, aboard one of today’s floating resorts. Thanks to the increased popularity of cruising, if you’re among the 10.6 million travelers who travel by ship this year, you’ll have more options than ever. On the newest ships, amenities equal those of fine hotels: spas that pamper, swimming pools, even concierge and butler service. In port, you can participate in land and water sports, tour historic and cultural points of interest, and shop duty-free. At night, you can enjoy cocktails on the deck under moonlit skies, dance to live music, see a Broadway-style show, and try your luck at the casino. And, with satellite telephone service and 24-hour Internet access, you can stay connected with friends and family—or cut loose completely. Whether your dream vacation consists of visiting a tropical or arctic destination, dining casually or formally, enjoying activity- filled or relaxing days, the choice is yours. The Price Is Right Best of all, cruising can be affordable, offering all-inclusive pricing so vaca- tioners know in advance what a trip will cost (although shore excursions, specialty restaurants, and spa treatments can add to the bottom line). “Travelers can be assured of top-of-the-line service, food, and entertainment, no matter what level of accommodations they select,” says Bob Sharak, executive director of Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), which represents 24 North American cruise lines. “Budget-conscious travelers can find a cruise for as little as $50 per person per day,” he points out, “including transportation, meals, accommodations, and most activities, depending on choice of cabin, ship, and itinerary.” Cruising for Info Online While nearly 90 percent of travelers book cruises through a travel agent, the Internet is an excellent place to research and compare cruises. “The Web has a wealth of information to help plan a cruise, such as cruise reviews, schedules, deck plans, photos of cabins and common areas, lists of shore excursions and port or onboard activities, and sample dinner menus,” explains Linda Garrison, a leading guide to cruises for ( She adds that online travel agents such as Expedia (www.expe- and Travelocity ( “offer free search capabilities where you can select a time frame and destination, and see a list of available cruises.” PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 16
  • 10. PERFORM 19 Vacations at Sea TRAVEL & LEISURE Entertainment at Sea CELEBRITY CRUISES Celebrity Cruises®regales passengers with a variety of entertaining programs on its nine large ships. These can include lectures by stage and screen stars, and shows that bring Broadway pizzazz to the high seas. The youngest fleet at sea, Celebrity ships are floating luxury hotels with contemporary amenities. The 1,950-passenger Constellation, the line’s newest, features a 25,000-square-foot AquaSpa, complete with a thalassotherapy pool and a healthy dining spot, a CD music library, in-room Internet access for laptop- toting guests, and martini and coffee bars. Perfectly timed to view fall foliage, Constellation sails from New York to Canada this year, calling at Newport, Rhode Island, Bar Harbor, Maine, and Quebec City. Eighty percent of her staterooms offer an ocean view, and 74 percent of those have a balcony. The ship also has Caribbean and northern European voyages scheduled. Those who prefer adults-only cruises can choose a “Celebrity Escapes” sailing, limited to passengers over 21. Grown-up pleasures include free wine with dinner, extended spa hours, and sea- day brunches serving complimentary Bloody Marys and Mimosas. Luxury at Sea OCEANIA CRUISES Oceania Cruises™launched in 2002 with two midsize ships, Regatta and Insignia, which each accommodate 684 guests. Appealing to the luxe crowd, this line boasts five-star furnishings, sophisticated adventure- packed itineraries, and a high staff-to-guest ratio. Uncommon touches include a “tranquility bed” covered in 350- thread-count luxury linens with down pillows and a plush duvet, French-milled toiletries and thick towels, and teakwood decks. Onboard facilities include a casino, spa, fitness center, jogging track, and Internet café. Oceania Cruises’ country-club ambience extends to its four open- seating restaurants, with menus designed by well-known chef Jacques Pepin. Yet the ships aren’t stuffy; tuxedos and gowns are never a require- ment for dining. Itineraries are tailored to include many overnight port stays, which allow passengers time to explore local points of interest. In 2005, Oceania’s itineraries include the Amazon, the Baltic, the Greek Isles, the Mediterranean, Scandinavia, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America as well as the Panama Canal and Antarctica. Celebrity Cruises is a registered trademark of Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. Holland America Line is a registered trademark of Holland America. Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) is a registered trademark of Norwegian Cruise Line, Ltd. Oceania Cruises is a trademark of Oceania Cruises, Inc. Princess Cruises is a registered trademark of Carnival Corporation. Radisson and Radisson Seven Seas Cruises are registered trademarks of Carlson Companies, Inc. Whether you choose to set sail on a large or small ship, can afford a budget or a premium cruise, or opt to travel for just a few days or several weeks, you’re likely to meet many like-minded fellow travelers. That’s because baby boomers make up an ever-growing segment of the cruise market. Today, 34 percent of cruisers are between the ages of 35 and 54, and they’ve discovered that ocean voyages are where the good times roll. Vacations at Sea TRAVEL & LEISURE Freedom at Sea NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINE “Forty percent of North Americans can now embark on a cruise within a half-day drive of their home,” says Linda Coffman of ( A boon to fearful flyers, Norwegian Cruise Line® (NCL) offers more roundtrip cruises from U.S. and Canadian ports than any other cruise line. The line’s innovative “freestyle cruising” concept—marked by open seating, extended restaurant hours, multiple alternative dining spots, and resort-casual attire at night—makes for a relaxing, varied vacation. The stylish 2,224-passenger Norwegian Dawn, for example, which sails out of New York City year-round, contains 10 restaurants, including a sushi bar. NCL’s fleet of a dozen ships sails to 140 ports around the world. Most ships feature a Monte Carlo-style casino, a spa, lavish shows, an Internet café, and a wide array of activities and entertain- ment from morning to night. The line’s newest ship is Pride of Aloha, the first modern vessel to fly a U.S. flag in 50 years. She recently began sailing seven-day voyages in the Hawaiian Islands. Adventures at Sea PRINCESS CRUISES Although Princess’ 14-ship fleet calls at ports in every continent, the original “Love Boat” line is best known for its Alaska itineraries. Seven of its ships, ranging from vessels that hold 1,590 passengers to larger ones that hold 2,670 passen- gers, ply the chilly waters surrounding the 49th state’s awe- some scenery. Roundtrip voyages out of Seattle and San Francisco to the Northwest’s Inside Passage are among the line’s most popular. Unique shore excursions, ranging from rides on helicopters that land atop glacial peaks, to horse- back riding through Tongass National Forest, to panning for gold, and dining on freshly caught salmon barbecued over an open fire, add to the experience immeasurably. Sapphire Princess, the newest ship, launched June 2004, features a multitude of balcony cabins, ideal for viewing breaching whales and calving ice packs. This ship offers both traditional fixed seating and the option of any- time dining. She contains four themed dining rooms, plus a main dining room and a trattoria. She also boasts Princess Concierge Service, a Princess-operated Lotus Spa, the fleet's largest Internet café, and Club Fusion, a high-tech entertainment lounge. In cooler months, Sapphire Princess visits the Mexican Riviera and offers Australia-New Zealand and Asia itineraries. Sail Away Since every cruise line is different, the following profiles can help you distinguish one from another and choose a line and a ship that are right for you. Serenity at Sea RADISSON SEVEN SEAS CRUISES Ranked the number-one cruise line by readers of Condé Nast Traveler, premium-class Radisson Seven Seas Cruises® provides passengers with a highly refined and totally relaxing vacation on the water. From the long-stemmed red roses that greet passengers in spacious cabins to the daily delivery of afternoon canapés, Radisson ships entertain graciously. The Seven Seas Navigator, one of the line’s five midsize ships, sails to Bermuda from East Coast ports. All 490 ocean-view suites feature marble baths. The smallest accommodations measure 301 square feet and 90 percent have a private balcony. Cuisine and service at the open-seating Compass Rose are comparable to those at a four-star restaurant. Throughout the ship, announcements and activi- ties are kept to a minimum, so passengers can appreciate the sea air, sunshine, and serene moments without interruption. For those who desire to cruise to a truly exotic destination, Radisson Seven Seas recently acquired Explorer II, specifically designed to sail through icy waters. Beginning in January 2005, she will transport 198 passengers on 11-night cruises from South America to the Falkland Islands and Antarctica. Tradition at Sea HOLLAND AMERICA LINE For more than 130 years, Holland America Line®ships have cruised the oceans of the world, carrying passengers to all seven continents. Cabins, which are more spacious than average, include ample room to hang the dinner jackets and long gowns or cocktail dresses that are de rigueur on formal nights. Ships feature three dining venues: a main restaurant, an informal café that serves a variety of international fare, and an intimate gourmet grill that levies a surcharge. Assigned seating and fixed dinner times in the main dining room assure that passengers will meet traveling companions. Newer vista-class ships feature a spa with a hydrotherapy pool and a well- equipped fitness area, extensive lounging areas, and a movie theater where the popcorn is always hot and fresh. Holland America ships cruise to more than 280 ports of call. Passengers who select a Caribbean itinerary can visit Half Moon Cay, Bahamas, the line’s lovely private island. Swim in its warm turquoise waters, snorkel, tour the island in an open-air tram, rent a catamaran to sail, savor a burger or an ice-cream pop, or sim- ply soak up the sun on powdery white sands. 18 PERFORM PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 18
  • 11. PERFORM 21 Medical Info Online HEALTH BEGIN BIG Once you’ve written down your questions, begin big. Log on to MedlinePlus—the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Web site for consumer health: MedlinePlus provides trusted information on over 650 diseases and conditions. The site also provides a medical encyclopedia and dictionary. Plus, it offers most of this information in Spanish as well as in English. There are also sections on prescription and nonprescription drugs, late-breaking health news, and links to trusted medical organizations. Best of all, MedlinePlus is updated daily. MAKE A LIST Before searching the Web, write down questions you’d like to find answers to. This way, you’ll have a road map and a goal to help you stay focused and to keep yourself from hopping site to site to no end. SEARCH SMART Unlike a general search engine, the Medline search engine zeroes in on relevant, reliable information. It also organizes the results for you into the following categories: • Health Topics • Drug Information • Medical Encyclopedia • News • Other My MedlinePlus search for “arthritis AND knee” generated many “Health Topics.” These included 43 unique finds on “Knee Injuries and Disorders” from leading organizations in the field, including the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,, The American College of Rheumatology,, and the Arthritis Foundation, FOCUS ON RELIABLE SOURCES Go directly to the Web sites of the companies whose products and treatments your physician prescribes and trusts. U.S. pharmaceutical companies, their products, and their product information are all regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These companies stake their reputations on how well they accurately provide the safest and most current medical information and treatments to the public. Easy to navigate and chock-full of useful information, their Web sites reflect this commitment. And many of these Web sites provide up-to-the-minute, focused treatment information, as well as: • Offers for free samples of FDA-approved pharmaceuticals, available with your doctor’s prescription (not all, but many leading companies offer these) • Medically sound advice on improving health through exercise, diet, and disease-awareness programs • Resources to connect you with leading medical organizations and experts • Money-saving prescription programs for individuals meeting certain criteria 20 PERFORM Medical Info Online HEALTH Untangling Webthe PERFORM™ asked me to share my experiences searching the Web for medical infor- mation. I’m in my late 40s and was recently diagnosed with arthritis in both knees. While I’m receiving excellent initial treatment from my doctor, I always like to know more about my condition and current treatments—from credible sources. This knowledge helps me make the most of my time with my doctor. It also gives me confidence. A recent Google™ search for “arthritis” generated 6.14 million results. If you were to spend 5 minutes reviewing each result, it would take you over 58 years! So how do you untangle the Web? How do you get medical information you need and can trust, without wasting tons of time? How do you avoid misleading or incorrect information? Try these simple and efficient ways to tap into credible medical facts online. But always remember, nothing compares to a talk with your doctor. Finding Medical Information You Can Trust By Pat Mancuso Google is a trademark of Google Inc. PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 20
  • 12. 22 PERFORM Medical Info Online HEALTH THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH RECOMMENDS THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES FOR HEALTHY WEB SURFING: •Consider the source. Use recognized authorities. •Focus on quality. All Web sites are not created equal. •Be a cyberskeptic. Quackery abounds on the Web. •Look for the evidence. Rely on medical research, not opinion. •Check for currency. Look for the latest information. •Protect your privacy. Health information should be confidential. •Consult your health professional. Patient/provider partnerships lead to the best medical decisions. BEWARE OF DANGEROUS FRAUDS A recent safety survey by the FDA and U.S. Customs of several U.S. mail facilities found that 88% of packages containing imported pharmaceuticals included either unapproved or counterfeit phar- maceuticals that could pose serious dangers to consumers.* POPULAR ONLINE SEARCH DESTINATIONS *Sponsored by Pfizer Inc. PERFORM 23 Book Review FAMILY & LIVING Whether you’re a fan of nonfiction, are looking for expert advice, or are a veteran of classic whodunits, PERFORM™ gives you professional reviews on some “must reads” that will carry you well into 2005. PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 22
  • 13. Rocket Man Robert H. Goddard and the Birth of the Space Age By David A. Clary “He spent his evenings in his undershirt on the screened porch, a cigar in one hand and a drink in the other . . . talking space travel into the night.” A degree in rocket science isn’t required to appreciate this biography of Robert H. Goddard, father of the jet plane, rocketry, and space exploration. Goddard was a brilliant scientist and engineer credited with launching the world’s first liquid-fuel rockets and the first vehicles to break the sound barrier. Yet the inventor didn’t have an easy ride. Our government ignored his work, until the Germans stole his ideas and used them in World War II, and then in the name of national security stripped Goddard of his 214 patents. Skinny Dip By Carl Hiaasen “I’m hearing the same weird duet all day and all night in my head—‘Midnight Rambler’ as performed by Eydie Gorme and Cat Stevens. I’m sure they’re perfectly nice folks, but frankly I’m ready to shove a sawed-off down my throat.” It’s always a treat when Hiaasen releases a new laugh-out-loud tale of Miami-area mayhem. “Skinny Dip,” his tenth comic novel, is populated with a typical cast of Hiaasenesque characters—the philandering husband, the corrupt developer, the burnt-out ex-cop, and the Everglades-dwelling eccentric, among them. This time a foiled murder attempt aboard a cruise ship turns the tables on the perp—and the would-be victim has a delightfully devilish time getting even. While the author dwells on the despoiling of the Everglades, his delivery is never heavy-handed—and here, at least, the good guys win. PERFORM 25 Book Review FAMILY & LIVING ‘Scuse Me While I Whip This Out Reflections on Country Singers, Presidents, and Other Troublemakers By Kinky Friedman “Before I left the White House that night, as a token of my gratitude, I gave Bill Clinton a Cuban cigar. I told him, ‘Mr. President, don’t think of it as supporting their economy, think of it as burning their fields.’” Known for his hilarious mystery novels and short but memorable rock ’n’ roll career touring with the likes of Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson, the irreverent Kinky Friedman points his pen at some well-known figures in this nonfiction collection. Is he serious about running for governor of Texas in 2006? Only the Kinkster knows. The Triumph of Love Over Experience A Memoir of Remarriage By Wendy Swallow “I have stepped on an amusement park ride called Remarriage Fantasyland. It’s just inching out of the station, but already I am both excited and scared, calculating the odds of crashing as I smile nervously.” Today 43 percent of all marriages involve at least one previously married partner, and two out of three second marriages fail. Despite the odds, Swallow decides to give love a second chance when she finally meets the love of her life at age 45. In this engaging, emotionally rich memoir, the former journalist sensitively explores the pitfalls and pleasures of remarriage. All I Did Was Ask Interviews From “Fresh Air” By Terry Gross “Part of me is a lazy guy, but I think that if you don’t do it yourself, especially in comedy, you’ll never get it right.” —actor/writer/director Albert Brooks Devotees of National Public Radio’s “Fresh Air” program and its inquisitive host Terry Gross will appreciate this collection of revealing interviews. Concentrating on three dozen well-known guests in the arts, Gross chats with comics (Albert Brooks, Chris Rock, Conan O’Brien), musi- cians (Johnny Cash, Eric Clapton, Sonny Rollins), film stars (Nicolas Cage, Jodie Foster, Michael Caine), authors (Mickey Spillane, Mario Puzo, Walter Mosley), and others. 24 PERFORM Book Review FAMILY & LIVING Shem Creek By Dorothea Benton Frank “I was even driving myself crazy with my own whining. Then I came to this conclusion. You don’t like your life? Go get another one and shut the heck up already . . .” You can practically smell the homemade biscuits in this warm, evocative tale of food and family set in South Carolina’s scenic Lowcountry. Divorced mother Linda Breland leaves behind a drab life in New Jersey and returns to her southern roots with two teenage daugh- ters in tow. Accepting a job as a restaurant manager, she gets more than she bargained for— and life suddenly takes a deliciously romantic turn. A bonus for hungry readers willing to bake, “Shem Creek” contains simple recipes for mouthwatering biscuits and pound cake. PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 24
  • 14. I f you’re like many baby boomers as I am, you may finally be getting to that lifelong dream of traveling the country. Driving coast-to-coast, visiting our nation’s natural treasures like the Grand Canyon, or simply getting your kicks on Route 66. If you’re considering doing it in a recreational vehicle (RV), one thing is cer- tain: check-out time is never an issue. The freedom to travel and explore this great country at your own pace is a powerful incentive, and a record number of Americans are taking advantage of this opportunity. According to recent industry information, in the United States there are approximately 7.2 million RVs, which include motor homes, travel trailers, folding camping trailers, and truck campers. An upward trend in RV purchases is projected through at least 2010. If you’re thinking RVs are only for the road warriors among us, read on. What makes today’s RV lifestyle so appealing is its versatility, freedom, and, believe it or not, comfort. You can wake up to a breathtaking sun- rise overlooking the Great Smoky Mountains, step out of your RV and cast a line into a secluded lake, or enjoy your favorite book in the peaceful embrace of nature. And a hot shower, a change of clothes, or your favorite foods are only an arm’s length away. Broaden Your Horizons Another benefit of taking to the road in an RV is it’s a great way to meet new people or visit old friends. The social aspect of RVing is something that attracts many people to it. In fact, if you visit RV manufacturers’ Web sites or do an online search, you can find information about RV rallies across the country. At the request of PERFORM™, I recently attended a rally host- ed by the Monaco Northwest Rally Chapter. During the group’s four-day visit to Yakima, Washington, I played in a golf tourna- ment, socialized at several barbecues, toured wineries, and met scores of interesting people. For those seeking bright lights and a little more action, there is an RV park on the Las Vegas strip. Talk about going mainstream! The mother lode of all RV rallies is the annual get-together in Quartzsite, Arizona. In mid-January each year for the past 21 years, roughly 200,000 RVers have been gathering in the desert 125 miles west of Phoenix. During the 10-day Quartzsite Sports, Vacation & RV Show, there are rock, gem, and arts-and-crafts exhibits and a rock ’n’ roll classic-car show. It’s an unbelievable experience! Cash In on the Fun Being rich or famous is not a prerequisite for enjoying an RV. Affordability is another great advantage of RV travel. And you don’t necessarily have to own a recreational vehicle to see if this lifestyle or vacation alternative is right for you and your family. In fact, many seasoned RV vets rec- ommend that you rent before you buy an RV. There are over 460 RV rental outlets throughout the country, PERFORM 27 offering state-of-the-art RVs in a range of sizes and styles. Odds are there’s a home-away-from-home on wheels that’ll fit your needs and budget. Motor homes are the most common rental model, typically run- ning from $90 to $200 per day. These also provide the most crea- ture comforts, including TVs, showers, beds, and kitchens. If you’re just looking to get into nature, smaller folding camping trailers and travel trailers run $28 to $85 per day. These provide just the basics for reliable and comfortable camping. Around the country, folks routinely book motor homes to travel to college foot- ball games. Check out a big-time game in person and you’ll see this popular pastime firsthand. What else is there to do in an RV? The National Sporting Goods Association reports that camping is one of the major outdoor activities of RVers. Other popular activities that RVers enjoy include biking, hiking, fishing, golfing, hunting, and skiing. In general, RVs offer the perfect base camp for nearly any outdoor activity. What makes the RV lifestyle so appealing is its versatility and freedom. No matter the destination, an RV is a great option for getting you there. The pro golfer John Daly travels the PGA circuit in a fabulous land yacht. He recently purchased a $1.3 million Featherlite® luxury coach, equipped with all the comforts of home. Amenities in the 45-foot, 20-ton Daly-mobile include the following: l Three 42-inch flat-screen televisions l A large gas grill that slides out of the bay for outdoor cooking l A dining table that seats seven l A large microwave, a stove, and a full-size refrigerator with freezer l A washer and dryer Of course, this is the extreme when it comes to buying and outfitting an RV. Daly is not the only professional who travels in a recreational vehicle. Just about every NASCAR driver travels the circuit in an RV, and Clint Eastwood and Paul Newman are also fans of RVing. FABULOUS LAND YACHT Featherlite is a registered trademark of Featherlite, Inc. 26 PERFORM By Rick Stedman PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 26
  • 15. BEXTRA patient Barbara List and her doctor, Jeffrey Gudin, MD, tell PERFORM™ how BEXTRA has helped her manage her arthritis joint pain. Barbara List taught school for 24 years in New York City. At 63, she’s retired and living in West Palm Beach, Florida, with her husband Jerry. Barbara suffers from the joint pain of osteoarthritis (OA) in both knees. Barbara recently started taking once-daily BEXTRA to relieve this arthritis joint pain. For Barbara, BEXTRA has made a big impact. Now she can lead a more pain-free life and return to doing many of the things she likes to do. Q: When did you first notice that your joint pain might be arthritis? A: I was a school teacher in New York City for 24 years. My exercise was walking from where I parked my car to school. I walked up and down the steps and often was in pain afterwards. I decided that I was going to go to a rheumatolo- gist. I was really in a lot of pain. Q: Did your arthritis joint pain begin all at once or slowly over time? A: It wasn’t like 1 day I was fine and the next day I wasn’t. It was a gradual thing. It hurt me. But I lived with it, until I would be sitting and I couldn’t get up. It would take me a few minutes to get up. My knees were that stiff. Q: How did your joint pain interfere with everyday activities? A: As a teacher, I would have to walk up 4 or 5 flights of stairs. There was no elevator. It was 28 steps between each flight. That did not help me. People say that is good exercise, but it was not for me because of my knees. We lived in a townhouse that had many levels. I couldn’t walk up the steps. I couldn’t go all the way downstairs, get the laundry and walk it up- stairs. It was very difficult for me. Because of my arthritis, we ended up selling the townhouse. We then moved into a 1-level house. King of the Road What’s good enough for a governor just might be worth a try. After serving eight years as Maine’s governor, Angus King hit the road on a six-month cross-country RV trip with his family. King and his family had first rented an RV during their kids’ spring vacation a few years earlier, spending a week traveling around Arizona, which turned out to be the inspiration for their trip across America. During their six-month journey, the Kings traveled 15,000 miles and visited 34 states. “One of the big attractions of RVing is that your life simplifies dramatically,” says King. “There were no meet- ings or deadlines to worry about. We weren’t burdened by the anx- iety of getting anywhere. Life is simpler on the road. It’s relaxing.” King says one of the keys to a successful RV trip is not having an itinerary. “If we liked a place, we’d stay a few extra days. If the weather was bad, we’d move on. We learned a lot about our coun- try and were impressed with how big it is.” A famous American pioneer of RVing was the author John Steinbeck, who took a cross-country trip back in the fall of 1960. Extensive planning went into Steinbeck’s journey across America. He bought a custom-made three-quarter-ton truck equipped with a self-contained camper, which he affectionately dubbed “Rocinante” after Don Quixote’s horse. Steinbeck’s traveling companion was Charley, a tall, cocoa-colored French poodle. The author’s four-month journey covered 10,000 miles and included 34 states. The result was his book “Travels With Charley: In Search of America.” Perhaps one day soon you may find yourself curled up with a good book by Steinbeck as you motor across this beautiful country. And one thing will be sure, if you’re in an RV, you’ll be in good company. PERFORM 29 The Modern Management of Arthritis Joint Pain Information in this article should not replace talking with your doctor about your health. 28 PERFORM RV Vacation TRAVEL & LEISURE RVs offer the perfect base camp for nearly any outdoor activity. An RV is the Perfect Vehicle for Getting Unanchored, Under Way, and Free. For those thinking about RVing for the first time, the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association offers these suggestions for getting started: Order a free video or CD-ROM. Call 1-888- Go-RVing for a free video or CD-ROM of RV shop- ping and travel tips. The Kings found this video very helpful in planning their cross-country RV trip. Visit, where you can link to lists of local dealers and campgrounds that cater to RVers. Rent an RV. Check the local yellow pages under “Recreation Vehicle—Rentals.” Also visit the Recre- ational Vehicle Rental Association’s (RVRA) Web site,, which lists more than 340 RV rental companies in the United States and Canada. Attend an RV show. There are dozens around the country throughout the year. For a listing, visit, click “Buying and Renting,” then select “RV Shows.” 28 PERFORM a patient testimoniala patient testimonial PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 28
  • 16. Q: How did your joint pain affect your ability to do the things you normally like to do? A: There was definitely a lessening of activity. We used to have a small sailboat. We would get on the boat, bring it out and back and dock it. There came a point where I could not even jump off the boat onto the dock. I have 2 grandchildren. One of them is going to be 6. The other is 10. The last couple years that they’ve come to stay with us, my husband has bathed them. I just can’t get down on my knees to do it. I just can’t. Q: Did you think your joint pain would go away by itself or get worse? A: You are always optimistic when you first learn about it. You say, oh well, I will work through this. You know, summer will come. I will go swimming. We had a pool, so I would do water exercises, you know, that kind of thing. Q: Would you recommend seeing a doctor to other people who suffer from arthritis? A: In my opinion, it is very important that you work closely with your doctor in treating your arthritis. Based on the kind of arthritis you have, they’ll prescribe a medication. I know that with what I have, OA, that BEXTRA works very, very well. One of my friends has very bad arthritis in her hand. She lives in California. Her doctor prescribed BEXTRA to her. Now her hands are so much better. She can move her fingers and everything. Q: At what point did you decide it was time to talk with your doctor about your joint pain? A: I made sure to see my physician Dr Gudin back in December. I had been given steroids in my knees. And I had been taking Tylenol® for the arthritis. Those things really weren’t doing much for me. Dr Gudin told me that I should not keep living like this. He said that I could do something about the arthritis pain. He recommended a rheumatologist in Florida. I was really in a lot of pain. So I went to see this fellow when I moved south. Jeffrey Gudin, MD. Dr Gudin is clinical director of the Pain Management Center at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center. It is part of Mount Sinai University School of Medicine in Englewood, New Jersey. Dr Gudin is board certified in both pain management and anesthesiology (giving anesthesia for surgery). He has helped many arthritis sufferers lead healthier, more pain-free lives. Q: What are the early signs of arthritis? A: There are 3 major signs. First, joint pain. Second, inflammation. Third, stiffness. Osteoarthritis (OA) affects the joints. It most often affects joints in the fingers, knees, hips, and spine. Other joints it affects are in the wrists, elbows, shoulders, and ankles. When OA is found in one of these joints, there is often a record of injury or unusual stress. About a third of people with OA feel pain. Among this third, symptoms include: • Pain in a joint • Stiffness after sleeping or sitting • Swelling or tenderness in 1 or more joints • Crunching feeling or sound of bone rubbing on bone when the joint moves If your joints feel hot, red, or tender, you may have something other than OA. Check with your doctor about another cause, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Q: Is the early diagnosis and treatment of arthritis joint pain important? A: Yes. It is key to stopping the damage. OA is the most common form of arthritis in the US. It affects more than 20 million people here. OA starts with the breakdown of cartilage in joints. This results in joint pain and stiffness. OA risk depends on your age. In general, OA occurs more in women than in men. There is a medical link between obesity and the onset of OA. If you have OA, dieting and exercise can help. This may help reduce or prevent stress on joints. Such as your knees. Repeat injury and physical trauma add to the onset of OA. Then there’s repeated knee bending. That puts you at high risk for OA of the knee. You may want to look for options to lessen the effects of OA in your daily life. PERFORM 31 Q: Are COX-2 inhibitors such as BEXTRA an important tool you use in treating the joint pain of arthritis? A: Yes. They are an important way to treat the joint pain of arthritis. COX-2 inhibitors like BEXTRA target and block out* 1 enzyme in the body. This enzyme, COX-2, plays a big role in trigger- ing joint pain. BEXTRA keeps it from doing that. Hence it is a “COX-2 inhibitor.” Think of BEXTRA as a key. A key that locks a door. That locked door keeps out the agent of arthritis joint pain. BEXTRA provides powerful, 24-hour relief from the pain, inflammation, and stiffness of OA and adult RA. A COX-2 inhibitor has fewer gastrointes- tinal side effects than other nonsteroidal antiinflammatories like ibuprofen. And it’s taken just once a day. It provides longer-last- ing relief. BEXTRA users don’t take pain pills every few hours. They don’t need to. *At recommended doses. 30 PERFORM Q: How long have you been taking BEXTRA? A: When I moved to West Palm Beach I went to a rheumatologist. This doctor put me on something called BEXTRA. You want to know something? Within a few days I was feeling better. I’ve been taking BEXTRA now for at least 4 months. Now, if I sit down, I can get up with- out the terrible pain that I had. Q: Does once-daily dosing make BEXTRA therapy easy to remember? A: Yes. I take 10 milligrams every night. I also take other pills for other ailments, so I take it along with my other pills. Q: Has taking BEXTRA worked for you? A: I’m telling you, BEXTRA works for me. I can start doing the things I like to do: swimming, going to the beach, eating on the beach, all that kind of stuff. As soon as I started taking BEXTRA there was a difference. Important Information. BEXTRA is not for everyone. Prescription BEXTRA should not be taken if you’ve had allergic reactions to certain drugs called sulfonamides, aspirin or other arthritis medicines or if you’ve had aspirin-sensitive asthma or are in late pregnancy. It is not recommended if you have advanced kidney disease. Tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems. In rare cases, serious stomach problems such as bleeding can occur without warning. Tell your doctor right away if you develop blisters in the mouth or a rash, as it can be a sign of a serious skin reaction that may be life threatening. If you experience other unusual symptoms while taking BEXTRA, tell your doctor immediately. The most common side effects are headache, abdominal pain, indigestion, upper respiratory infection, nausea and diarrhea. Please see important Product Information on page 66. Tylenol (acetaminophen) is a registered trademark of McNeil Consumer Healthcare, Division of McNeil-PPC, Inc. PFBX5X04 A 2/10/05 10:55 AM Page 30
  • 17. PERFORM 3332 PERFORM One of TV’s all-time favorite moms uses her wealth of grace, charm, and talent to promote positive messages and give back to the community. Phylicia Rashad TheGiftofGrace By Jeffrey Mucciolo PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:35 AM Page 32
  • 18. PERFORM 35 Phylicia Rashad COVER STORY PRASAD PRASAD stands for Philanthropic Relief, Altruistic Service and Development. It is an international not-for-profit committed to improving the quality of life of economically disadvantaged people by honoring human dignity and foster- ing self-reliance. “Prasad is also a Sanskrit word that can be translated as the gift that carries blessings for both the giver and receiver,” Rashad explains. Now as its official spokesperson, Phylicia Rashad is the public face of PRASAD. But she’s not just another pretty face. She has traveled throughout the United States and to India and Mexico to promote and observe PRASAD’s work in providing on-site medical, dental, and eye care to the needy. By restor- ing good health, particularly eyesight, to impoverished people, PRASAD helps thousands lead a better life in which they can support their families and con- tribute more fruitfully to their communities. For more information, visit the PRASAD Web site: Teaching and learning Rashad graduated magna cum laude from Howard University in Washington, DC, and says that education has always been important to her: “I was privileged to grow up in a place and time when education was important. I was privileged to have this education, and it was well-rounded in arts and sciences.” As evidenced by the causes she supports, Rashad holds science and medicine in high regard: “I always enjoyed scientific study. And I have continued to be amazed by those human beings who are so driven to a discipline [such as scien- tific research] to study for hours on end for many years, one single principle. And really define it, and refine their understanding of it. I am appreciative of people of this nature.” Rashad even found time to do some teaching at her alma mater while she worked on “The Cosby Show”: “I was teaching one day a week. We taped ‘Cosby’ on Thursday, and on Friday morning I’d be on the plane going down to DC and I would teach a class every Friday for a semester.” She found the whole experi- ence extremely rewarding. “I received much more than I could ever have given. I found the students brilliant, and fearless”—which is more than she could say for herself. “I was scared to death!” admits Rashad. “I thought, ‘What do I have to say? And how am I going to communicate anything if I don’t even know what I have to say?’” The endeavor was well worth it to her: “I discovered that I had a lot to say. And I learned that teaching is as much about learning as it is about teaching.” Rashad is also happy to report on the success of her former students: “They are all doing marvelous things. They are innovative and creative. I’m just as proud as I can be—I couldn’t be more proud if I was their mother.” She continues to support education in many different ways and frequently delivers eloquent and uplifting commencement speeches, including one this year at Syracuse University, this writer’s alma mater. 34 PERFORM Phylicia Rashad COVER STORY B est known for her role as enlightened professional mother Claire Huxtable from the long-running TV hit “The Cosby Show,” Phylicia Rashad is a woman of rare dignity, grace, and accomplishment. This year she became the first African-American woman to win a Tony Award® in the leading-actress category. The award was for her role as the tough-minded matriarch Lena Younger in the critically acclaimed production of “A Raisin in the Sun,” in which Rashad shared the stage with Audra McDonald and Sean “P. Diddy” Combs. Rashad’s performance exemplified her own long, successful career portraying characters who offer positive role models for women and African-Americans. Rashad is deeply devoted to her craft. She considers only roles that are meaningful to her and that offer a positive message. “I think the thing that is important for me as a performer is that people should do something that reflects their own humanity,” says Rashad. PERFORM™ caught up with Phylicia Rashad as she prepares to take on yet another matriarchal role, this time in August Wilson’s “Gem of the Ocean,” which is currently in rehearsals for a fall opening on Broadway. Rashad took time from her busy schedule to speak with us about her work, her views on life, and the charitable causes that matter so much to her. Putting fame to work Rashad considers herself a normal “real” person who just happens to have a very high-profile job: “I wake up in the morning and I’ve got to feed the cat and walk the dog. I wake up my teenager for school every morning, do homework every night, sign the forms for school, and do all the things that mothers do.” “I live in a neighborhood full of families who have duties and chores, too,” she explains. “I like that. I make it my business to stay connected to regular people, because I am regular people.” Unlike other celebrities, Phylicia Rashad doesn’t want to play the star: “I can’t imagine anything more boring than living in the spotlight. That does not feel excit- ing to me. It’s not something I would want to do.” When Rashad does leverage her success, it’s to help people in need. She frequently and generously supports the arts and education, especially programs benefiting children. She actively helps a number of national and international health-related charities, including the American Diabetes Association (after her father died of cardiovascular complications from diabetes) and the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance (after losing her friend and “Cosby” costar, Madeline Kahn, to ovarian cancer). One organization in particular, PRASAD, is close to her heart. Rashad has spent time at PRASAD's eye camp in India, where more than 10,000 poverty- stricken people have been given free eye exams and sight-restoration surgery—thanks to the marvels of modern medicine and the support of people like Phylicia Rashad: “It is wonderful because I have been to these eye camps and attended screenings to determine the needs and fitness of the patients. I’ve also seen how there were a number of instances in which glasses and contact lenses were just given away for free to people who didn’t necessarily need cataract surgery. And I watched physicians come and scrub down abandoned schools themselves to use as operating rooms. They brought in state-of-the-art equipment and performed surgeries in a matter of 10 days. In the last eye camp that I attended, there were 1,300 surgeries performed!” Sharing the stage in "A Raisin in the Sun" with Audra McDonald and Sean "P. Diddy" Combs, Rashad played Lena "Mama" Younger—the role for which she earned her Tony Award. Tony Award is a registered trademark of the American Theatre Wing. Rashad holding her 2004 Tony Award for best performance by a leading actress in a play, joined by fellow winners, Idina Menzel, Hugh Jackman, and Jefferson Mays. PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:35 AM Page 34
  • 19. Phylicia Made her television debut in the 1978 production of “The Wiz.” Appeared in the soap operas “One Life to Live” and “Santa Barbara” prior to “The Cosby Show.” Before her marriage to sports announcer Ahmad Rashad, she was married to Victor Willis, the policeman of the ‘70s pop sensation The Village People. Made her stage debut with the Negro Ensemble Company in "Sons and Fathers of Sons" while attending Howard University. Has appeared in several critically acclaimed movies including “Once Upon a Time…When We Were Colored” (1996) and “Loving Jezebel” (2000). Has appeared in numerous made-for-TV dramas, including “Uncle Tom's Cabin” (1985), “Free of Eden” (1999), and “The Old Settler” (2001). PERFORM 37 Phylicia Rashad COVER STORY AT A GLANCE Aging gracefully In “Gem of the Ocean,” Rashad, who is in her mid-50s, plays Aunt Esther, an elderly woman living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1904. Aunt Esther claims to be 285 years old, although she’s actually in her 80s. What drew her to the role of Aunt Esther, Rashad says, was Aunt Esther’s beauty: “This particular character is for me, without question, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever played. And this is what aging is like, because she is fine and purposeful. She is wise and passionate. She has seen many things and she holds the memories of thousands of human beings who did not make it through the middle passage. She knows a lot.” Rashad sees reaching old age as an opportunity to continue exploring life with the benefit of more wisdom. She explains: “The way you live determines many things. If you live a life in fear of aging, then your aging process, your state of mind, and your state of being is going to reflect that. If you’ve lived a life of consciousness, a life of service to others, a life of looking deeply into your own self, so that you really do understand yourself and offer that understanding in service to others, then your aging is going to reflect that and that can be very beautiful.” When asked whether or not she imagines that she’ll still be acting when she reaches Aunt Esther’s age, Rashad doesn’t hesitate with her response: “I can’t imagine myself not [acting]—I can’t ever see that. So in one form or another, God willing, I will be doing it.” In the starring role of Aunt Esther in the Los Angeles production of August Wilson's latest play, "Gem of the Ocean." 36 PERFORM Phylicia Rashad COVER STORY Although Rashad had already been acting in films and on stage and TV for years, her big breakthrough was her eight- year role as Claire Huxtable on “The Cosby Show.” When asked how being on “Cosby” changed her life, she focuses on what it allowed her to do for the people most important to her: “This was a great opening to many things, all of which were great. Not only for me, but for people close to me. Financially, I was in a position to take care of people in my family who needed it. I had a great aunt who was in a nursing home. I was able to refurbish her home and bring her home, so that her last days were spent in her home. I thought that was one of the greatest things I’ll ever do in my life. I was also able to help nieces and nephews with their education. And help my own mother. You earn money, but what’s important is how you use it, what you do with it.” Phylicia Rashad’s deeply held beliefs about the importance of family and community have attracted her to roles that feature strong, matriarchal women of great integrity and honesty. She draws on the strong characters in her own family for inspiration: “There have been a number of inspirations. My own mother, Vivian Ayers Allen, is the first. These women were educated in the communities in which I grew. I grew up in Houston, Texas. My moth- er was from Chester, South Carolina. My father was from Port Allen, Louisiana. All the women were beautiful and resourceful, and they cared for their families. They embodied the best qualities, and really showered their love on family members.” Rashad is also inspired by her sister, the actor, director, and producer, Debbie Allen. “She is such a dynamic human being.” And this award-winning actress is inspired by other performers too: “I think Viola Davis is, without question, one of the grandest actresses today. I love Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, and that beautiful Scarlett Johansson. I love her.” Inspired outlook What does Rashad do when she’s not performing? “When I get the chance to sit down, I love to read lots of different things. I also like sitting out in nature.” She is also inspired by travel, and hopes to see even more of the world when time allows. “There are so many places I would like to see,” Rashad admits. “I would like to see ancient sites in Greece. I’d like to visit Bangkok. There are so many beautiful things in this world, and I would like to see these things and the people living in it.” Taking care of family matters Rashad with her sister—actor, director, and producer— Debbie Allen. PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:35 AM Page 36
  • 20. By Sheri L. Ziemann PERFORM 39 Seasonal Garden Tips GARDENING & NATURE For most people, gardens are much more than plants that look pretty. They’re more than containers on a balcony, pots of flowers, or patches of vegetables. A garden offers comfort, peace, self- expression, and hope with each cycle of its renewal. Whether you live in an area where it snows in winter, like Chicago or New York, or in an area with a more temperate winter, like Phoenix, there are a few easy steps you can take to help protect your plants during the cool months. A Cold Weather Survival Guide for Your Garden “The race is not always to the swift...but to those who keep on running.” “Act as if it were impossible to fail.” ““WWe come to feel as we behae come to feel as we behaveve..”” “I bend but do not break.” “Forever is composed of nows.” –Author Unknown –Dorothy Broude ––PPaul Paul Pearsallearsall –Jean de La Fontaine –Emily Dickinson “We come to feel as we behave.” –Paul Pearsall Proud to support individuals living life in the moment. PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:35 AM Page 38
  • 21. Bring Your Garden Indoors Before the first frost, hire some helpers to save your favorite plants. Many plants, from herbs to small annuals like impa- tiens and marigolds, can be dug up and planted in pots. Set them in a sunny window inside. They’ll add beauty to your home, and the herbs will be handy when it comes to seasoning your favorite winter recipes. Plant Ahead Plant spring bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, and cro- cuses. Depending on where you live, you may plant them throughout the fall, starting in September (in colder regions) and ending in December (in warmer areas).The key is to plant them while the soil can be worked easily, before the ground hardens. If time and effort are issues, have friends or landscapers help you with this.If you plan to plant dozens of bulbs to achieve the look you’ve been dream- ing of, ask friends for help, because that can be a lot of work for one person. Don’t Wait on Weeds Don’t give weeds a head start. Weeding now will save you work come spring. There are many effec- tive products available at gardening stores that make it easy to zap weeds before they have a chance to take over your garden. If using weed killer isn’t possible,you’ll find weeding here and there in short bursts, over a week or two, more man- agable than spending a weekend trying to pull out every weed—not to mention easier on the fingers, knees, and back. Avoid the Cold Prune While pruning time varies among plants, avoid pruning during the fall or winter because the new growth produced as a result of pruning will be subject to cold injury. The exception to this rule is trimming off only dead or damaged foliage or branches. PERFORM 41 Seasonal Garden Tips GARDENING & NATURE PERFORM™ has included the following fall checklist for both cool and warm climates: Cool Climates Snow protects and endangers plants. A good blanket of snow will insulate the soil like mulch. However, heavy snow on evergreen branches will weigh them down, which can cause breakage. Start by working upward, knocking snow from the bottom branches first. Otherwise, the snow from above will increase the weight on the burdened lower branches. If branches are wrapped in ice, don’t try freeing them. Let the ice melt and release the boughs gradually. Perennials ◆ After a killing frost, clean up perennial beds and borders. Cut off dead flower stems. ◆ Dig up tender bulbs such as dahlia, canna, and gladiolus. Wrap or cover them with moist material and store in sand in a cool, dark place. Annuals ◆ Collect seeds of favorite plants that will breed true to type. Vegetables ◆ Harvest pumpkins, potatoes, sweet pota- toes, and onions. Brussels sprouts, carrots, and other root crops can stay in the ground through light frosts. ◆ Mulch root-vegetable beds with thick layers of straw or chopped leaves. Warm Climates Perennials ◆ Clean up perennial beds and borders.Weed areas that weren’t mulched. ◆ Divide large clumps of spring- and summer-blooming plants to control size and renew blooming. Annuals ◆ Plant seeds of hardy annuals for extended winter bloom. Collect seeds of favorite warm-weather plants that will breed true to type. ◆ Keep polyspun garden fabric handy to cover annuals if light frost threatens. Vegetables ◆ Renew beds for fall planting by adding compost and fertilizer. ◆ Sow carrots and other root crops as well as lettuce for winter harvest. Devoting the same love and attention to your garden in the fall that you do in the spring and summer can not only save time but also ensure a beautiful bloom when the weather heats up. Early Spring . . . It’s Not Too Late! February, March, and April are great months for planning and setting priorities for the wonderful growing season just ahead: ◆ Browse mail-order catalogs to discover what’s new. Begin setting your sights on what changes you may want to make to your garden this year. ◆ Be prepared. Early spring is also a good time to check your gardening tools. Making necessary repairs or replacements now can save you from headaches later. In early spring, garden stores are well-stocked with the items you’ll need throughout the growing season. ◆ For early blooming plants like forsythia,prune as soon as blooms have passed. ◆ Remove dead flowers from bulbs, leaving the remainder of the plant as is. ◆ If you’ve neglected your compost over the winter, now’s the time to tend to it. If you haven’t established a compost bin yet, spring is a great time to do so. GARDENING & NATURE 40 PERFORM Seasonal Garden Tips The fall signals the end of your garden’s growing season. This is when you need to begin winterizing your garden so your plants weather the winter months com- fortably. It may appear that all activity in your garden has stopped, but there is a lot going on in the autumn soil. According to the leading gardening experts at PERFORM™, it’s very important that you add new mulch to your garden in the fall, when the ground is frozen or near frozen. Apply a thick, winter layer of mulch to protect plants and soil from frost and weather damage. The point of this is to keep the temperature even, more than it is to keep the soil warm. If you don’t want to buy mulch, you can use chopped leaves. Apply about six inches of leaves. Don’t use whole leaves for mulching, they will pack down your garden and keep air from getting to the soil. Helpful Tips Here are some ways you can winterize your garden in the fall that will make the unveiling of next spring all the more exciting. PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:35 AM Page 40
  • 22. That dog that stays by your side or that kitty that naps in your lap is more than just a pet. Caring for your cuddly companion can be good for your overall well-being. A number of studies conducted over the past 25 years point to specific health benefits that attend pet ownership. It has been shown that people with pets have lower blood pressure, better cholesterol readings, an increased survival rate from coronary bypass surgery, fewer visits to the doctor, and higher levels of physical activity. Given the healthy rewards of animal companionship, you may want to bring your pet with you on your next vacation. A 2003 survey by the American Animal Hospital Association revealed that nearly 62 percent of Americans who own pets travel with a pet. Just like people, some animals are good travelers . . . and some are not. “Cats in general do better in their own surroundings,” says Illinois veterinarian Cheryl Roge. Being moved to an unfamiliar environment can be stressful for any species. Still, a dog can be a terrific travel companion, especially on car trips. Taking a few common-sense precautions can help ensure happy trails and happy tails: • Before a long trip, have your dog checked by the vet. Get shots updated and request a health certificate. • Make sure your dog wears a secure collar with ID. For added peace of mind, have your dog microchipped by the vet to ensure your dog can be found easily if you two become separated unexpectedly. • Keep your dog in the back seat when you’re driving and use a seat belt or harness for the animal. • Make frequent stops to walk and water the dog. • Carry a full supply of your dog’s food. • Never leave your dog alone in a locked car for more than a few minutes. Great Places to Sit, Stay, Lie Down, and Roll Over Inexpensive hotel and motel chains, including Motel 6® , LaQuinta® , and Red Roof Inn® , have had the “pets welcome” mat out for years. More recently, many midrange and upscale properties, including Sheraton® , Westin® , W Hotels® , Four Seasons® , Loews® , and Affinia® , have become especially accommodating to guests with well-behaved pets. The “Loews Loves Pets” program, available at the chain’s 20 properties in the United States and Canada, provides pets with bowls for food and water, placemats, toys and treats, a “Do Not Disturb” sign that lets housekeeping know a pet is in the room, and a room-service menu developed by a licensed vet. In addition, pet-walking and sitting services can be arranged through the concierge. Affinia’s luxury hotels in New York City go all out to attract canines and their human companions. Affinia’s new “Jet Set Pet” program provides signature food and water bowls, an assortment of healthy snacks and toys, and a “howlistic” bone-shaped amenity kit, which includes a leash, a temporary ID tag, therapeutic doggie massage cream, relaxing lavender spray, and a doggy guidebook. To find out more about pet-friendly accommoda- tions, check out these Web sites: Pets Welcome (, Pets on the Go (, and Dog Friendly ( Since vacations consist of more than sleeping and eating, dog owners can find out where to walk and swim with pets at Hike With Your Dog (www.hikewith An Ohio company, Rovin’ with Rover (, arranges bus tours for people and their canine companions. Pets TIPS & TRENDS If you don’t have a pet but the idea of traveling with one has you thinking about getting one, there are more places than ever to find a dog or cat. According to a survey by About Dogs (, most people head for the nearest animal shelter, visit a breeder, or adopt a stray. Before they pick up a leash or a carrier, though, increasing numbers of would-be pet owners start their search for a new best friend online. Petfinder (, the oldest and largest searchable directory of adoptable pets on the Web, links to more than 7,000 shelters and rescue groups in the United States and Canada. You enter a few search criteria—type of animal, size, gender, breed, and age. Then, based on these and your ZIP code, Petfinder’s search engine generates a list of pets available for adoption. While mutts are said to be generally healthier than pedigrees since they’re less prone to inbreeding, many people still prefer pricey purebreds. Yet they’re not always easy to acquire through adoption. Shelters overeager to find homes for dogs have been known to exaggerate a dog’s provenance, ascribing breed characteristics more imagined than real. The American Kennel Club ( main- tains a list of pedigree rescue groups, making it possible to adopt one without spending a fortune. These rescue groups harbor animals ranging from full pedigrees spirited out of shel- ters to show dogs past their prime. While it’s unlikely you can acquire a pedigreed puppy from a rescue organization, adult and senior dogs are plentiful. Adoption fees generally start at $150, a small price to pay for a friend who offers unconditional love. Fetching a New Best Friend PERFORM 43 Affinia is a registered trademark of Denihan Ownership Company LLC. Four Seasons is a registered trademark of Four Seasons Hotel Limited Corporation. La Quinta is a registered trademark of La Quinta Worldwide LLC. Motel 6 is a registered trademark of Societe de Participations et D’Investissements de Motels. Red Roof Inn is a registered trademark of RRI Financial Inc. Sheraton, Westin, and W Hotels are registered trademarks of Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide Inc. Photo courtesy of Loews Hotels 42 PERFORM Pets TIPS & TRENDS By Laura Miller PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:36 AM Page 42
  • 23. PERFORM 45 Cajun Cooking FAMILY & LIVING 2TIP 1TIP DON’T DO THE DIRTY WORK Have the shrimp peeled and deveined and the sausage sliced into half-inch- thick pieces at the market. Following these tips and recipes, you’ll be relaxed and refreshed when your guests arrive—not hunched over and scrambling in the kitchen with your oven mitts on. After all, why shouldn’t you enjoy the party as much as your guests? Go Cajun for your next occasion! CAJUN-INSPIRED RECIPES ARE A GREAT WAY TO ADD DOWN-HOME FLAIR AND LOADS OF FLAVOR TO ANY OCCASION. THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME ESSENTIAL TERMS FROM THE LEXICON OF CAJUN COOKING: GUMBO Gumbo is a thick stew made from mainstay Cajun vegetables, such as okra, tomatoes, and onions, and one or several meats or shellfish, such as chicken, sausage, ham, shrimp, crab, or oysters. The one thing all good gumbos begin with is a dark roux, which adds an unmistakable, incomparably rich flavor. Gumbo is a wonderful way to transform leftovers (ham, a ham bone, chicken, turkey, duck, sausage, seafood, or bacon) into a savory meal. JAMBALAYA A quintessential Louisiana dish, jambalaya (pronounced juhm-buh-LI-yah or jam-buh-LI-yah) is a hearty and versatile dish that combines cooked rice with a variety of ingredients, including tomatoes, green peppers, chili powder, garlic, onions, and any kind of shellfish, meat, or poultry desired. Jambalaya is a variation of Spanish paella. ROUX A roux (pronounced ROO) is a mixture of oil and flour browned slowly to a desired color (a dark-chocolate color for gumbos and stews, a caramel color for étouffés or gravies) that is used as the basis for many Cajun dishes, such as gumbos, stews, and gravies. “ ” TRADITIONAL ROUX – 1 cup cooking oil, 1 cup flour. In a heavy pot, heat the oil over low-to-medium heat. Stir in the flour and continue stirring constantly to prevent burning. Should you notice some black specks in your roux, throw out the roux and start over—otherwise, black specks will give your roux a bitter, burned taste. When the roux reaches the desired color, add chopped onions, stirring well. Master making this and have fun! DON’T BE AFRAID TO REHEAT THESE DISHES Dianne recommends making the gumbo 24 hours in advance and refrigerating it in a covered ceramic or glass container, so that all the ingredients can absorb the seasonings . . . then just reheat and serve buffet-style. Likewise, Dianne’s jambalaya, beans and rice, and pecan-pie recipes can all be prepared a day ahead. 44 PERFORM Cajun Cooking FAMILY & LIVING Cajunfor Any Occasion L ouisiana evokes images of ancient oaks draped in Spanish moss, snaking bayous, and ornate wrought-iron balconies in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Louisiana cooking elicits an equally alluring array of images and textures, from savory gumbos to exotic jambalayas to pecan-based desserts. This eclectic cuisine knows no boundaries, having African, French, German, Native American, and Spanish influences at its piquant core. While some culinary purists may try to split hairs on the differences between the Creole and Cajun cookery, the old distinctions are now quite blurred, so much so that “Cajun” has become a catchall term for traditional Louisiana cooking. Whether hosting a large group for a get-together, throwing a special celebration, or whipping up a savory supper from leftovers, bring home the bayou with these Cajun recipes from Louisiana hospitality diva Dianne Cage. You’ll be able to prepare each recipe in under an hour, with a lot less work than you might think . . . thanks to a few work-sparing tips from Dianne. PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:36 AM Page 44
  • 24. 46 PERFORM Cajun Cooking FAMILY & LIVING Cajun Cooking FAMILY & LIVING (Serves 20) Seasoning Mix: To be done ahead 4 bay leaves 4 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon white pepper 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper (or less) 1 teaspoon thyme leaves 1 ⁄2 teaspoon oregano leaves 1 teaspoon filé (powdered sassafras leaf) Vegetables: To be done ahead 4 cups chopped onion 3 cups chopped green pepper 2 cups chopped celery 1 cup chopped green onion 2 tablespoons minced garlic 11 ⁄2 cups vegetable oil 11 ⁄2 cups flour 12 cups (more or less) seafood or chicken stock Peeled medium shrimp (as much as desired) Crabmeat (claw) (as much as desired) Okra (frozen or fresh), chopped (as much as desired) In a large iron skillet, heat oil until it just begins to smoke; add flour and whisk continuously over high heat until dark red-brown. Do not burn. Add half the vegetables, continue whisking (or stirring with a wooden spoon) for a minute more. Add remaining vegetables and seasoning mix. Continue stirring con- stantly to prevent burning. Reduce heat a little and stir approximately five minutes. Remove from heat. In another large pot, bring stock to a boil. Add roux, one spoonful at a time, stirring after each addition. Bring to a low boil.Add seafood or other meats in the order in which each degree of doneness is desired. 1. Sausage, duck, or chicken. First simmer 20 to 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. 2. Crabs. Until meat comes from cavities. 3. Okra. Takes 10 to 15 minutes. 4. Crabmeat. Add 5 minutes before finished cooking. 5. Add shrimp and oysters last. Have at a boil, cover, remove from heat, and let stand until shrimp are pink and oysters curl. If oil foam forms, this may be skimmed off. Serve hot over rice. Preparing ahead: Refrigerate gumbo for at least 24 hours, reheat, and serve over hot cooked rice. FILÉ GUMBO Recipes adapted from “Cooking and Gardening With Dianne” by Dianne Cage. Published by arrangement with the Wimmer Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. PERFORM 47 SHRIMP AND SAUSAGE JAMBALAYA 1 pound smoked sausage, thinly sliced 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 ⁄3 cup chopped green pepper 2 cloves garlic, minced 3 ⁄4 cup chopped fresh parsley 1 cup chopped celery 2 16-ounce cans of tomatoes 2 cups chicken broth 1 cup chopped green onions 11 ⁄2 teaspoons thyme 2 bay leaves 2 teaspoons oregano 1 tablespoon Creole seasoning* 1 ⁄2 teaspoon salt 1 ⁄4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 ⁄4 teaspoon black pepper 2 cups long-grain converted rice, washed 3 pounds raw shrimp, peeled and deveined In a four-quart heavy pot, sauté sausage. Remove with slotted spoon. Add oil to drippings and sauté green pepper, parsley, and celery for five minutes. Chop tomatoes and reserve liquid. Add tomatoes and liquid, broth, and onions. Stir in spices. Add rice. Add sausage and cook 30 minutes, covered, over low heat, stirring occasionally. After most liquid has been absorbed by rice, add shrimp and cook until pink. Transfer mixture to an oblong baking dish; bake approximately 25 minutes and serve. *A mixture of salt, red pepper, black pepper, chili powder, and garlic powder. Preparing ahead: Cover baking dish tightly with plastic wrap or foil and refrigerate overnight. When ready to reheat, remove plastic wrap or foil, and place the jambalaya- filled baking dish in a 400°F oven for 20 minutes. Serve. THE BEST PECAN PIE 1 stick butter 1 cup light corn syrup 1 cup sugar 3 large eggs, beaten 1 ⁄2 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 dash of salt 1 cup chopped pecans 1 8- or 9-inch unbaked pie crust Brown butter in a saucepan until golden brown. Do not burn. Let browned butter cool. In separate bowl, add remaining ingredients in order and stir. Blend butter into mixture well. Pour into unbaked pie crust and bake at 425°F for 10 minutes; then lower to 325°F and bake for 40 minutes. Serve warm with fresh whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. RED BEANS, OR PINTO BEANS, AND RICE 1 pound or 1 16-ounce can of red kidney or pinto beans 1 ⁄4 cup chopped ham or leftover cooked pork 2 large onions, chopped 1 bell pepper, chopped 2 ribs celery, chopped 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped Salt and pepper to taste Pinch of sugar 1 bay leaf 2 pounds link spicy sausage sliced into half-inch-thick pieces 1 ⁄4 cup parsley, chopped 3 cups cooked rice If you’re using dry beans, soak overnight and rinse before adding to a medium-size pot. If you’re using canned beans, rinse them and add to a medium-size pot. To the bean pot, add ham (fat trimmed off), onion, bell pepper, celery, garlic, salt, pepper, sugar, and bay leaf. Cook over medium heat for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring occa- sionally. While beans are cooking, fry sausage pieces in a skillet; drain and stir sausage into bean pot. Serve over hot cooked rice. PFBX5X04 B 2/10/05 11:36 AM Page 46