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Part 1

Daan van Etten
     October 29, 2010
I think most programmers spend
the first 5 years of their career
mastering complexity, and the rest
of their lives learning simplicity.

                        — BUZZ ANDERSEN
Architecture   Reusability and
overview       maintainability

               Layout / logic
Old to new

BluePrint      Resources
Old to new

Do not use SpringBean in generic UI components.
 (try a constructor argument instead)
Do not use SpringBean in generic UI components.
 (try a constructor argument instead)

(If you do, the @SpringBean will be a hidden
dependency when you add a generic component)
Only use the ‘name’ argument when there
are multiple beans that implement the same

@SpringBean (name = “selector”)
private GenericService m_genericService;
public class SomePanel extends Panel {

	 private UserService m_userService;

	 private TranslationService m_translationService;
for high level layout
24 columns
	 <h1 class="title">Settings</h1>
	 <div class="span-12">
	 	 <div wicket:id="personaldetails"></div>
	 <div class="span-12 last">
	 	 <div wicket:id="emailnotification"></div>
	 <div class="span-12">
	 	 <div wicket:id="changePassword"></div>
	 <div class="span-12 last">	
	 	 <div wicket:id="languagetimezone"></div>
Do not assume too much...
Do not assume too much...
  For example: do not assume that your
  panel is always used with 4 columns.
Principles of Object Oriented Design
Principles of Object Oriented Design

         The first five principles are principles of class design:

         The Single Responsibility Principle
         A class should have one, and only one, reason to change.

         The Open Closed Principle
         You should be able to extend a classes behavior, without modifying it.

         The Liskov Substitution Principle
         Derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes.

         The Dependency Inversion Principle
         Depend on abstractions, not on concretions.

         The Interface Segregation Principle
         Make fine grained interfaces that are client specific.
Composition over Inheritance
Tools for clear responsibilities

Tools for clear responsibilities

  Page           Provides high level layout

               only reusable by extending, so
          do not implement reusable logic in Page!
Tools for clear responsibilities

  Page            Provides high level layout

  Panel           Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page

                Panel is very good for reuse!

          Just make sure your interface is clear, and
            your Panel does not contain too much
Tools for clear responsibilities

  Page            Provides high level layout

  Panel           Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page

               Panel is very good for reuse!

               The interface of a Panel is the
              combination of all the public and
                    protected methods.
                    Think about reuse!

                  “a class should do one thing”

  Single Responsibility Principle
  In the context of the Single Responsibility Principle,
  responsibility is “a reason for change.” If you can think of
  more than one motive for changing a class, then that class
  has more than one responsibility. Another way to put it:
  “a class should do one thing (and be good at it)”
public class ChangePasswordBlock extends HeaderLayoutBlockPanel {

	   public ChangePasswordBlock(String id) {
	   	   super(id, new ResourceModel(PreferencesUITranslations.CHANGE_PASSWORD));

	   	    FeedbackPanel feedbackPanel = new FeedbackPanel("feedbackPanel");

	    	   Form<ChangePassword> passwordForm = createPasswordForm("passwordForm", feedbackPanel);
	    	   PasswordTextField confirmNewPassword = new PasswordTextField("confirmNewPassword");
	    	   confirmNewPassword.add(new RequiredValidator<String>());

	   	    passwordForm.add(new EqualPasswordInputValidator(newPassword, confirmNewPassword));
	   	    passwordForm.add(new DefaultAjaxFallbackButton("changePasswordButton", passwordForm));

	   private Form<ChangePassword> createPasswordForm(String id, final Component feedbackPanel) {
	   	   return new Form<ChangePassword>(id, new CompoundPropertyModel<ChangePassword>(new ChangePassword())) {
	   	   	    protected void onError() {
	   	   	    	   WicketUtil.refresh(AjaxRequestTarget.get(), feedbackPanel);

	   	    	    protected void onSubmit() {
	   	    	    	   changePassword(getModel(), this);
	   	    	    	   WicketUtil.refresh(AjaxRequestTarget.get(), feedbackPanel);

	   private void changePassword(IModel<ChangePassword> changedModel, Component feedbackComponent) {
	   	    ChangePassword changed = changedModel.getObject();
	   	    try {
	   	    } catch (BadCredentialsException e) {
	   	    	   feedbackComponent.error(new ResourceModel(
Tools for clear responsibilities

  Page           Provides high level layout

  Panel          Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page
                 Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle
  Form           logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel.

              Think: should your Form really
             implement the Save of an object?
Tools for clear responsibilities

  Page             Provides high level layout

  Panel            Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page
                   Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle
  Form             logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel.

               Think: should your Form really
              implement the Save of an object?

            Is reuse possible if you want the same Form for:

               creating new object / edit existing object?
Tools for clear responsibilities

  Page           Provides high level layout

  Panel          Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page
                 Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle
  Form           logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel
  Validator      Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form
Tools for clear responsibilities

  Page           Provides high level layout

  Panel          Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page
                 Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle
  Form           logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel
  Validator      Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form

           Validations should only do Validation.
Tools for clear responsibilities

  Page           Provides high level layout

  Panel          Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page
                 Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle
  Form           logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel
  Validator      Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form

           Validations should only do Validation.

              Have a clear separation between
                 Validation and Behavior!
Tools for clear responsibilities

  Page           Provides high level layout

  Panel          Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page
                 Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle
  Form           logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel
  Validator      Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form

  Renderer       Render a given Object to a string representation
Tools for clear responsibilities

  Page           Provides high level layout

  Panel          Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page
                 Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle
  Form           logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel
  Validator      Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form

  Renderer       Render a given Object to a string representation

           Renderer: do rendering only! No logic,
              no filtering, nothing. Just render.
Tools for clear responsibilities

  Page           Provides high level layout

  Panel          Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page
                 Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle
  Form           logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel
  Validator      Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form

  Renderer       Render a given Object to a string representation

  DataProvider   Provide the right data based on given input.
Tools for clear responsibilities

  Page           Provides high level layout

  Panel          Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page
                 Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle
  Form           logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel
  Validator      Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form

  Renderer       Render a given Object to a string representation

  DataProvider   Provide the right data based on given input.

               No rendering, no updating of
                FeedbackPanels or Toolbar.
Tools for clear responsibilities

  Page           Provides high level layout

  Panel          Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page
                 Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle
  Form           logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel
  Validator      Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form

  Renderer       Render a given Object to a string representation

  DataProvider   Provide the right data based on given input.

  Behavior       Behaviors are plugins for components. They can
                 provide custom markup, custom pieces of logic.
                 Think of them as decorators.
Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors

   All Known Implementing Classes:
   AbstractAjaxBehavior, AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior,
   AbstractAutoCompleteBehavior, AbstractBehavior,
   AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior, AbstractHeaderContributor,
   AbstractTransformerBehavior, AjaxEditableLabel.EditorAjaxBehavior,
   AjaxEditableLabel.LabelAjaxBehavior, AjaxEventBehavior,
   AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior, AjaxFormSubmitBehavior,
   AjaxFormValidatingBehavior, AjaxIndicatorAppender,
   AjaxPagingNavigationBehavior, AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior,
   AttributeAppender, AttributeModifier, AutoCompleteBehavior,
   BodyTagAttributeModifier, ContainerWithAssociatedMarkupHelper,
   ContextPathGenerator, DatePicker, HeaderContributor, OnChangeAjaxBehavior,
   OrderByLink.CssModifier, SimpleAttributeModifier, StringHeaderContributor,
   TextTemplateHeaderContributor, VelocityContributor,
   VelocityHeaderContributor, VelocityJavascriptContributor,
   WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender, WicketMessageTagHandler.AttributeLocalizer,
Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors

          Learn to write your own in 4 steps!

                1. Choose the most appropriate base class

   All Known Implementing Classes:
   AbstractAjaxBehavior, AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior, AbstractAutoCompleteBehavior, AbstractBehavior,
   AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior, AbstractHeaderContributor, AbstractTransformerBehavior,
   AjaxEditableLabel.EditorAjaxBehavior, AjaxEditableLabel.LabelAjaxBehavior, AjaxEventBehavior,
   AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior, AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior, AjaxFormSubmitBehavior,
   AjaxFormValidatingBehavior, AjaxIndicatorAppender, AjaxPagingNavigationBehavior,
   AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior, AttributeAppender, AttributeModifier, AutoCompleteBehavior,
   BodyTagAttributeModifier, ContainerWithAssociatedMarkupHelper, ContextPathGenerator, DatePicker,
   HeaderContributor, OnChangeAjaxBehavior, OrderByLink.CssModifier, SimpleAttributeModifier,
   StringHeaderContributor, TextTemplateHeaderContributor, VelocityContributor, VelocityHeaderContributor,
   VelocityJavascriptContributor, WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender, WicketMessageTagHandler.AttributeLocalizer,
Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors

      Learn to write your own in 4 steps!

         2. Extend from your chosen base class

    public class MyBehavior extends AbstractBehavior {
Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors

      Learn to write your own in 4 steps!

         3. Decide which methods to implement
Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors

             Learn to write your own in 4 steps!

                   3. Decide which methods to implement
 afterRender(Component component)
           Called when a component that has this behavior
 coupled was rendered.
Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors

             Learn to write your own in 4 steps!

                    3. Decide which methods to implement
 afterRender(Component component)
           Called when a component that has this behavior
 coupled was rendered.

 bind(Component component)
           Bind this handler to the given component.
Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors

             Learn to write your own in 4 steps!

                    3. Decide which methods to implement
 afterRender(Component component)
           Called when a component that has this behavior
 coupled was rendered.

 bind(Component component)
           Bind this handler to the given component.

 beforeRender(Component component)
           Called when a component is about to render.
Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors

             Learn to write your own in 4 steps!

                    3. Decide which methods to implement
 afterRender(Component component)
           Called when a component that has this behavior
 coupled was rendered.

 bind(Component component)
           Bind this handler to the given component.

 beforeRender(Component component)
           Called when a component is about to render.

           This method is called either by onRendered
 (Component) or onException(Component,
 RuntimeException) AFTER they called their respective
 template methods.
Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors

             Learn to write your own in 4 steps!

                    3. Decide which methods to implement
 afterRender(Component component)                           onRendered(Component component)
           Called when a component that has this behavior             Called when a component that has this behavior
 coupled was rendered.                                      coupled was rendered.

 bind(Component component)
           Bind this handler to the given component.

 beforeRender(Component component)
           Called when a component is about to render.

           This method is called either by onRendered
 (Component) or onException(Component,
 RuntimeException) AFTER they called their respective
 template methods.
Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors

             Learn to write your own in 4 steps!

                    3. Decide which methods to implement
 afterRender(Component component)                           onRendered(Component component)
           Called when a component that has this behavior             Called when a component that has this behavior
 coupled was rendered.                                      coupled was rendered.

 bind(Component component)                                  isTemporary()
           Bind this handler to the given component.                  Specifies whether or not this behavior is temporary.

 beforeRender(Component component)
           Called when a component is about to render.

           This method is called either by onRendered
 (Component) or onException(Component,
 RuntimeException) AFTER they called their respective
 template methods.
Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors

             Learn to write your own in 4 steps!

                    3. Decide which methods to implement
 afterRender(Component component)                           onRendered(Component component)
           Called when a component that has this behavior             Called when a component that has this behavior
 coupled was rendered.                                      coupled was rendered.

 bind(Component component)                                  isTemporary()
           Bind this handler to the given component.                  Specifies whether or not this behavior is temporary.

                                                            onComponentTag(Component component,
 beforeRender(Component component)                          ComponentTag tag)
           Called when a component is about to render.                Called any time a component that has this behavior
                                                            registered is rendering the component tag.

           This method is called either by onRendered
 (Component) or onException(Component,
 RuntimeException) AFTER they called their respective
 template methods.
Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors

             Learn to write your own in 4 steps!

                    3. Decide which methods to implement
 afterRender(Component component)                           onRendered(Component component)
           Called when a component that has this behavior             Called when a component that has this behavior
 coupled was rendered.                                      coupled was rendered.

 bind(Component component)                                  isTemporary()
           Bind this handler to the given component.                  Specifies whether or not this behavior is temporary.

                                                            onComponentTag(Component component,
 beforeRender(Component component)                          ComponentTag tag)
           Called when a component is about to render.                Called any time a component that has this behavior
                                                            registered is rendering the component tag.

                                                            detach(Component component)
           This method is called either by onRendered
 (Component) or onException(Component,                                Allows the behavior to detach any state it has
 RuntimeException) AFTER they called their respective       attached during request processing.
 template methods.
Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors

           Learn to write your own in 4 steps!

                4. Implement your behavior!
public class AjaxFocusBehavior extends AbstractBehavior {
	   private Component m_component;

	   public void bind(Component component) {
    this.m_component = component;

	   public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
    response.renderOnLoadJavascript("document.getElementById('" + m_component.getMarkupId() + "').focus()");

	     * {@inheritDoc}
	   public boolean isTemporary() {
	   	    return true;
Composing an AutoCompleteField

AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider,
                                                                                 renderer, settings);
Composing an AutoCompleteField

AutoCompleteChoicesProvider<Long, Pizza> choicesProvider = new PizzaAutoCompleteChoicesProvider

AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider,
                                                                                 renderer, settings);
Composing an AutoCompleteField

AutoCompleteChoicesProvider<Long, Pizza> choicesProvider = new PizzaAutoCompleteChoicesProvider
PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer renderer = new PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer();

AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider,
                                                                                 renderer, settings);
Composing an AutoCompleteField

AutoCompleteChoicesProvider<Long, Pizza> choicesProvider = new PizzaAutoCompleteChoicesProvider
PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer renderer = new PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer();

AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider,
                                                                                 renderer, settings);

Composing an AutoCompleteField

AutoCompleteChoicesProvider<Long, Pizza> choicesProvider = new PizzaAutoCompleteChoicesProvider
PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer renderer = new PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer();

AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider,
                                                                                 renderer, settings);


autocomplete.add(new PlaceHolderTextBehavior(Model.of("Search for pizza...")));
Composing an AutoCompleteField

AutoCompleteChoicesProvider<Long, Pizza> choicesProvider = new PizzaAutoCompleteChoicesProvider
PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer renderer = new PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer();

AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider,
                                                                                 renderer, settings);


autocomplete.add(new PlaceHolderTextBehavior(Model.of("Search for pizza...")));
autocomplete.add(new AjaxSelectTextOnClickBehavior());
Composing an AutoCompleteField

AutoCompleteChoicesProvider<Long, Pizza> choicesProvider = new PizzaAutoCompleteChoicesProvider
PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer renderer = new PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer();

AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider,
                                                                                 renderer, settings);


autocomplete.add(new PlaceHolderTextBehavior(Model.of("Search for pizza...")));
autocomplete.add(new AjaxSelectTextOnClickBehavior());
autocomplete.add(new RequiredValidator<Pizza>());
Give your classes clear names.

 If it’s a page, call it Page
  (example: LoginPage instead of Login)

If it’s a panel, call it Panel
  (example: LoginPanel instead of Login)

The same goes for Form,
Validator, Renderer, etcetera.
Use wicket:message instead of Label
     (for simple translations)
Use wicket:message instead of Label
     (for simple translations)

  <wicket:message key="SELECT_LANGUAGE_LABEL"/>
Use wicket:message instead of Label
     (for simple translations)

   <wicket:message key="SELECT_LANGUAGE_LABEL"/>

Put this in your HTML and it will be replaced by
Wicket for the translation in your property file.
Use wicket:message instead of Label
      (for simple translations)

<input type="button" wicket:id="someid" wicket:message="value:CHANGE" />
Use wicket:message instead of Label
      (for simple translations)

<input type="button" wicket:id="someid" wicket:message="value:CHANGE" />

         Wicket will add a ‘value’ attribute and
             set it to the localized value!
Smell 1

      Class names containing:



 public class CheckBoxWithoutLabel extends CheckBox
 public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel>

                      Duplicated code hierarchies are ugly...

 LabeledComponent<Label> lbl = new
 dopmd.getTranslationKey(), position, label);

               (In DOMRComponentFactory...)
Yes, we also have something like a

 position = LabelPosition.NONE;

 LabeledComponent<Label> lbl = new
 dopmd.getTranslationKey(), position, label);
Smell 2


          public MarkupContainer setDefaultModel(IModel<?> model) {
     	   	 IModel<String> model1 = new Model<String>();
     	   	 if (model != null && !(model instanceof DOMRObjectModel)) {

     	   	   	 Revision revision = (Revision) model.getObject();
     	   	   	 if (revision != null) {
     	   	   	 return super.setDefaultModel(model1);
     	        return super.setDefaultModel(model);

Smell 3

                        many constructors

     public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel> {
     	   private static final long serialVersionUID = -8246992163993958051L;
Smell 3

                                    many constructors

               public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel> {
               	   private static final long serialVersionUID = -8246992163993958051L;

	   public CheckBox(String translationKey, IModel<Boolean> model) {
	   	   this(null, translationKey, model);
Smell 3

                                    many constructors

               public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel> {
               	   private static final long serialVersionUID = -8246992163993958051L;

	   public CheckBox(String id, String translationKey, IModel<Boolean> model) {
	   	   this(id, translationKey, LabelPosition.RIGHT, model);
Smell 3

                                    many constructors

               public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel> {
               	   private static final long serialVersionUID = -8246992163993958051L;

	   public CheckBox(String translationKey, LabelPosition position, IModel<Boolean> model) {
	   	   this(null, translationKey, position, model);
Smell 3

                                    many constructors

               public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel> {
               	   private static final long serialVersionUID = -8246992163993958051L;

	   public CheckBox(String id, String translationKey, LabelPosition position, IModel<Boolean> model) {
	   	   super(id, translationKey, position, new CheckBoxWithoutLabel(id + "CheckBox", model));
Smell 3

                                    many constructors

               public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel> {
               	   private static final long serialVersionUID = -8246992163993958051L;

	   public CheckBox(IModel<Boolean> model) {
	   	   this(null, model);
Smell 4

                        getPage() calls

     Page page = (Page) event.getPage();
     event.refreshComponents(m_grid, page.getFeedbackPanel());
Smell 5

            FeedbackPanel not inside Form

     Page page = (Page) event.getPage();
     event.refreshComponents(m_grid, page.getFeedbackPanel());
Smell 5

          Refreshing FeedbackPanel, Toolbar or
         other classes from unexpected locations

     // Refresh the toolbar
     if (getPage() instanceof Page) {
     	   ToolBar tb = (ToolBar) ((Page) getPage()).getComponent("toolbar");

     	    if (tb != null) {
Smell 6


     // Refresh the toolbar
     if (getPage() instanceof Page) {
     	   ToolBar tb = (ToolBar) ((Page) getPage()).getComponent("toolbar");

     	   if (tb != null) {
Smell 7

                             Using getParent()

    	   public void setButtonBar(ButtonBar buttonBar) {
    	   	   if (!buttonBar.getId().equals(s_buttonPanel)) {
    	   	   	   throw new WicketRuntimeException("Buttonbar id is wrong.");

    	   	   if   (m_buttonBarPanel.getParent() == null) {
    	   	   	     if (m_form.get(s_buttonPanel) != null) {
    	   	   	     } else {

Smell 8

                     Getting components
                       from the Page

   ToolBar tb = (ToolBar) ((Page) getPage()).getComponent("toolbar");
Smell 9

                      Doing layout and styling in Java

 	   	   ColumnLayoutContainer pptfContainer = new ColumnLayoutContainer("proofPaidTuitionFeeContainer")
 	   	   	   .addComponent(sourceLabel, Size.percent(30))
 	   	   	   .addComponent(amountLabel, Size.percent(30))
 	   	   	   .addComponent(factory.createDateTimeLabel("dateTime", m_dateTimeModel,
                  LabelPosition.TOP, m_controller.getTimeZoneCurrentUser()))
Smell 10

                 Using onBeforeRender() too often
 	   protected void onBeforeRender() {

 	   	   if (isEnabled()) {
 	   	   	   AjaxRequestTarget target = AjaxRequestTarget.get();
 	   	   	   if (target != null) {
 	   	   	   } else {

                           tip: check onConfigure()
                          (and in this case: check IHeaderContributor)
Smell 11

           Calling ResourceModel.getObject() ResourceModel(XTranslation.PROPERTY).getObject());
Smell 11

           Calling ResourceModel.getObject() ResourceModel(XTranslation.PROPERTY).getObject());
Smell 11

           Calling ResourceModel.getObject() ResourceModel(XTranslation.PROPERTY).getObject());;
Smell 11

           Calling ResourceModel.getObject() ResourceModel(XTranslation.PROPERTY).getObject());;

           Call getString only outside constructor!
                (check methods that are called by the constructor)
Smell 11

                      Calling ResourceModel.getObject()


                       Call getString only outside constructor!
                                (check methods that are called by the constructor)

 Tried to retrieve a localized string for a component that has not yet been added to the page. This can sometimes lead to an invalid or
 no localized resource returned. Make sure you are not calling Component#getString() inside your Component's constructor. Offending
 component: [MarkupContainer [Component id = panelmenu, page = <No Page>, path = panelmenu.PanelMenu]]
Smell 12

           Hidden Javascript dependencies

     AjaxRequestTarget target = AjaxRequestTarget.get();
     if (target != null) {
Smell 13

            Transient fields

           (expect Exceptions!)
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Wicket KT part 1

  • 1. Part 1 Daan van Etten October 29, 2010
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. I think most programmers spend the first 5 years of their career mastering complexity, and the rest of their lives learning simplicity. — BUZZ ANDERSEN
  • 5.
  • 6. Architecture Reusability and overview maintainability Layout / logic Old to new separation BluePrint Resources
  • 12. Do not use SpringBean in generic UI components. (try a constructor argument instead)
  • 13. Do not use SpringBean in generic UI components. (try a constructor argument instead) (If you do, the @SpringBean will be a hidden dependency when you add a generic component)
  • 14. Only use the ‘name’ argument when there are multiple beans that implement the same interface. @SpringBean (name = “selector”) private GenericService m_genericService;
  • 15. public class SomePanel extends Panel { @SpringBean private UserService m_userService; @SpringBean private TranslationService m_translationService;
  • 17. for high level layout
  • 19. <wicket:extend> <h1 class="title">Settings</h1> <div class="span-12"> <div wicket:id="personaldetails"></div> </div> <div class="span-12 last"> <div wicket:id="emailnotification"></div> </div> <div class="span-12"> <div wicket:id="changePassword"></div> </div> <div class="span-12 last"> <div wicket:id="languagetimezone"></div> </div> </wicket:extend>
  • 22. Do not assume too much...
  • 23. Do not assume too much... For example: do not assume that your panel is always used with 4 columns.
  • 26. Principles of Object Oriented Design
  • 27. Principles of Object Oriented Design The first five principles are principles of class design: SRP The Single Responsibility Principle A class should have one, and only one, reason to change. OCP The Open Closed Principle You should be able to extend a classes behavior, without modifying it. LSP The Liskov Substitution Principle Derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes. DIP The Dependency Inversion Principle Depend on abstractions, not on concretions. ISP The Interface Segregation Principle Make fine grained interfaces that are client specific.
  • 29. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Panel Form Validator Renderer DataProvider Behavior
  • 30. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Provides high level layout only reusable by extending, so do not implement reusable logic in Page!
  • 31. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Provides high level layout Panel Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page Panel is very good for reuse! Just make sure your interface is clear, and your Panel does not contain too much knowledge.
  • 32. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Provides high level layout Panel Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page Panel is very good for reuse! The interface of a Panel is the combination of all the public and protected methods. Think about reuse!
  • 33. Panel “a class should do one thing” Single Responsibility Principle In the context of the Single Responsibility Principle, responsibility is “a reason for change.” If you can think of more than one motive for changing a class, then that class has more than one responsibility. Another way to put it: “a class should do one thing (and be good at it)”
  • 34. public class ChangePasswordBlock extends HeaderLayoutBlockPanel { public ChangePasswordBlock(String id) { super(id, new ResourceModel(PreferencesUITranslations.CHANGE_PASSWORD)); FeedbackPanel feedbackPanel = new FeedbackPanel("feedbackPanel"); feedbackPanel.setOutputMarkupId(true); Form<ChangePassword> passwordForm = createPasswordForm("passwordForm", feedbackPanel); add(passwordForm); passwordForm.add(feedbackPanel); [..] PasswordTextField confirmNewPassword = new PasswordTextField("confirmNewPassword"); confirmNewPassword.add(new RequiredValidator<String>()); passwordForm.add(confirmNewPassword); passwordForm.add(new EqualPasswordInputValidator(newPassword, confirmNewPassword)); passwordForm.add(new DefaultAjaxFallbackButton("changePasswordButton", passwordForm)); } private Form<ChangePassword> createPasswordForm(String id, final Component feedbackPanel) { return new Form<ChangePassword>(id, new CompoundPropertyModel<ChangePassword>(new ChangePassword())) { protected void onError() { WicketUtil.refresh(AjaxRequestTarget.get(), feedbackPanel); }; protected void onSubmit() { changePassword(getModel(), this); WicketUtil.refresh(AjaxRequestTarget.get(), feedbackPanel); }; }; } private void changePassword(IModel<ChangePassword> changedModel, Component feedbackComponent) { ChangePassword changed = changedModel.getObject(); try { m_userService.changePasswordForCurrentUser(changed.getCurrentPassword(), changed.getNewPassword()); ResourceModel (PreferencesUITranslations.CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESSFULL).getObject()); } catch (BadCredentialsException e) { feedbackComponent.error(new ResourceModel( PreferencesUITranslations.CURRENT_PASSWORD_INCORRECT).getObject()); } }
  • 35. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Provides high level layout Panel Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle Form logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel. Think: should your Form really implement the Save of an object?
  • 36. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Provides high level layout Panel Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle Form logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel. Think: should your Form really implement the Save of an object? Is reuse possible if you want the same Form for: creating new object / edit existing object?
  • 37. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Provides high level layout Panel Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle Form logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel Validator Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form
  • 38. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Provides high level layout Panel Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle Form logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel Validator Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form Validations should only do Validation.
  • 39. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Provides high level layout Panel Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle Form logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel Validator Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form Validations should only do Validation. Have a clear separation between Validation and Behavior!
  • 40. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Provides high level layout Panel Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle Form logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel Validator Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form Renderer Render a given Object to a string representation
  • 41. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Provides high level layout Panel Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle Form logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel Validator Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form Renderer Render a given Object to a string representation Renderer: do rendering only! No logic, no filtering, nothing. Just render.
  • 42. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Provides high level layout Panel Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle Form logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel Validator Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form Renderer Render a given Object to a string representation DataProvider Provide the right data based on given input.
  • 43. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Provides high level layout Panel Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle Form logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel Validator Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form Renderer Render a given Object to a string representation DataProvider Provide the right data based on given input. No rendering, no updating of FeedbackPanels or Toolbar.
  • 44. Tools for clear responsibilities Page Provides high level layout Panel Implement logic of a clearly separated part of a page Form, put your FeedbackPanel in here and handle Form logic of submitting and refreshing FeedbackPanel Validator Handle validation of a FormComponent or a Form Renderer Render a given Object to a string representation DataProvider Provide the right data based on given input. Behavior Behaviors are plugins for components. They can provide custom markup, custom pieces of logic. Think of them as decorators.
  • 45. Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors All Known Implementing Classes: AbstractAjaxBehavior, AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior, AbstractAutoCompleteBehavior, AbstractBehavior, AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior, AbstractHeaderContributor, AbstractTransformerBehavior, AjaxEditableLabel.EditorAjaxBehavior, AjaxEditableLabel.LabelAjaxBehavior, AjaxEventBehavior, AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior, AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior, AjaxFormSubmitBehavior, AjaxFormValidatingBehavior, AjaxIndicatorAppender, AjaxPagingNavigationBehavior, AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior, AttributeAppender, AttributeModifier, AutoCompleteBehavior, BodyTagAttributeModifier, ContainerWithAssociatedMarkupHelper, ContextPathGenerator, DatePicker, HeaderContributor, OnChangeAjaxBehavior, OrderByLink.CssModifier, SimpleAttributeModifier, StringHeaderContributor, TextTemplateHeaderContributor, VelocityContributor, VelocityHeaderContributor, VelocityJavascriptContributor, WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender, WicketMessageTagHandler.AttributeLocalizer, XsltTransformerBehavior
  • 46. Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors Learn to write your own in 4 steps! 1. Choose the most appropriate base class All Known Implementing Classes: AbstractAjaxBehavior, AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior, AbstractAutoCompleteBehavior, AbstractBehavior, AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior, AbstractHeaderContributor, AbstractTransformerBehavior, AjaxEditableLabel.EditorAjaxBehavior, AjaxEditableLabel.LabelAjaxBehavior, AjaxEventBehavior, AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior, AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior, AjaxFormSubmitBehavior, AjaxFormValidatingBehavior, AjaxIndicatorAppender, AjaxPagingNavigationBehavior, AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior, AttributeAppender, AttributeModifier, AutoCompleteBehavior, BodyTagAttributeModifier, ContainerWithAssociatedMarkupHelper, ContextPathGenerator, DatePicker, HeaderContributor, OnChangeAjaxBehavior, OrderByLink.CssModifier, SimpleAttributeModifier, StringHeaderContributor, TextTemplateHeaderContributor, VelocityContributor, VelocityHeaderContributor, VelocityJavascriptContributor, WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender, WicketMessageTagHandler.AttributeLocalizer, XsltTransformerBehavior
  • 47. Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors Learn to write your own in 4 steps! 2. Extend from your chosen base class public class MyBehavior extends AbstractBehavior { .. }
  • 48. Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors Learn to write your own in 4 steps! 3. Decide which methods to implement
  • 49. Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors Learn to write your own in 4 steps! 3. Decide which methods to implement afterRender(Component component)           Called when a component that has this behavior coupled was rendered.
  • 50. Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors Learn to write your own in 4 steps! 3. Decide which methods to implement afterRender(Component component)           Called when a component that has this behavior coupled was rendered. bind(Component component)           Bind this handler to the given component.
  • 51. Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors Learn to write your own in 4 steps! 3. Decide which methods to implement afterRender(Component component)           Called when a component that has this behavior coupled was rendered. bind(Component component)           Bind this handler to the given component. beforeRender(Component component)           Called when a component is about to render.
  • 52. Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors Learn to write your own in 4 steps! 3. Decide which methods to implement afterRender(Component component)           Called when a component that has this behavior coupled was rendered. bind(Component component)           Bind this handler to the given component. beforeRender(Component component)           Called when a component is about to render. cleanup()           This method is called either by onRendered (Component) or onException(Component, RuntimeException) AFTER they called their respective template methods.
  • 53. Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors Learn to write your own in 4 steps! 3. Decide which methods to implement afterRender(Component component) onRendered(Component component)           Called when a component that has this behavior           Called when a component that has this behavior coupled was rendered. coupled was rendered. bind(Component component)           Bind this handler to the given component. beforeRender(Component component)           Called when a component is about to render. cleanup()           This method is called either by onRendered (Component) or onException(Component, RuntimeException) AFTER they called their respective template methods.
  • 54. Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors Learn to write your own in 4 steps! 3. Decide which methods to implement afterRender(Component component) onRendered(Component component)           Called when a component that has this behavior           Called when a component that has this behavior coupled was rendered. coupled was rendered. bind(Component component) isTemporary()           Bind this handler to the given component.           Specifies whether or not this behavior is temporary. beforeRender(Component component)           Called when a component is about to render. cleanup()           This method is called either by onRendered (Component) or onException(Component, RuntimeException) AFTER they called their respective template methods.
  • 55. Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors Learn to write your own in 4 steps! 3. Decide which methods to implement afterRender(Component component) onRendered(Component component)           Called when a component that has this behavior           Called when a component that has this behavior coupled was rendered. coupled was rendered. bind(Component component) isTemporary()           Bind this handler to the given component.           Specifies whether or not this behavior is temporary. onComponentTag(Component component, beforeRender(Component component) ComponentTag tag)           Called when a component is about to render.           Called any time a component that has this behavior registered is rendering the component tag. cleanup()           This method is called either by onRendered (Component) or onException(Component, RuntimeException) AFTER they called their respective template methods.
  • 56. Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors Learn to write your own in 4 steps! 3. Decide which methods to implement afterRender(Component component) onRendered(Component component)           Called when a component that has this behavior           Called when a component that has this behavior coupled was rendered. coupled was rendered. bind(Component component) isTemporary()           Bind this handler to the given component.           Specifies whether or not this behavior is temporary. onComponentTag(Component component, beforeRender(Component component) ComponentTag tag)           Called when a component is about to render.           Called any time a component that has this behavior registered is rendering the component tag. cleanup() detach(Component component)           This method is called either by onRendered (Component) or onException(Component,           Allows the behavior to detach any state it has RuntimeException) AFTER they called their respective attached during request processing. template methods.
  • 57. Tools for clear responsibilities: Behaviors Learn to write your own in 4 steps! 4. Implement your behavior! public class AjaxFocusBehavior extends AbstractBehavior { private Component m_component; @Override public void bind(Component component) { this.m_component = component; component.setOutputMarkupId(true); } @Override public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) { super.renderHead(response); response.renderOnLoadJavascript("document.getElementById('" + m_component.getMarkupId() + "').focus()"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isTemporary() { return true; }
  • 58.
  • 59. Composing an AutoCompleteField AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider, renderer, settings);
  • 60. Composing an AutoCompleteField AutoCompleteChoicesProvider<Long, Pizza> choicesProvider = new PizzaAutoCompleteChoicesProvider (m_pizzaService); AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider, renderer, settings);
  • 61. Composing an AutoCompleteField AutoCompleteChoicesProvider<Long, Pizza> choicesProvider = new PizzaAutoCompleteChoicesProvider (m_pizzaService); PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer renderer = new PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer(); AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider, renderer, settings);
  • 62. Composing an AutoCompleteField AutoCompleteChoicesProvider<Long, Pizza> choicesProvider = new PizzaAutoCompleteChoicesProvider (m_pizzaService); PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer renderer = new PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer(); AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider, renderer, settings); renderer.setOnSelectJavascriptProvider(autocomplete);
  • 63. Composing an AutoCompleteField AutoCompleteChoicesProvider<Long, Pizza> choicesProvider = new PizzaAutoCompleteChoicesProvider (m_pizzaService); PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer renderer = new PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer(); AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider, renderer, settings); renderer.setOnSelectJavascriptProvider(autocomplete); autocomplete.add(new PlaceHolderTextBehavior(Model.of("Search for pizza...")));
  • 64. Composing an AutoCompleteField AutoCompleteChoicesProvider<Long, Pizza> choicesProvider = new PizzaAutoCompleteChoicesProvider (m_pizzaService); PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer renderer = new PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer(); AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider, renderer, settings); renderer.setOnSelectJavascriptProvider(autocomplete); autocomplete.add(new PlaceHolderTextBehavior(Model.of("Search for pizza..."))); autocomplete.add(new AjaxSelectTextOnClickBehavior());
  • 65. Composing an AutoCompleteField AutoCompleteChoicesProvider<Long, Pizza> choicesProvider = new PizzaAutoCompleteChoicesProvider (m_pizzaService); PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer renderer = new PizzaAutoSuggestRenderer(); AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza> autocomplete = new AutoCompleteField<Long, Pizza>(id, model, choicesProvider, renderer, settings); renderer.setOnSelectJavascriptProvider(autocomplete); autocomplete.add(new PlaceHolderTextBehavior(Model.of("Search for pizza..."))); autocomplete.add(new AjaxSelectTextOnClickBehavior()); autocomplete.add(new RequiredValidator<Pizza>());
  • 66. Give your classes clear names. If it’s a page, call it Page (example: LoginPage instead of Login) If it’s a panel, call it Panel (example: LoginPanel instead of Login) The same goes for Form, Validator, Renderer, etcetera.
  • 67. Use wicket:message instead of Label (for simple translations)
  • 68. Use wicket:message instead of Label (for simple translations) <wicket:message key="SELECT_LANGUAGE_LABEL"/>
  • 69. Use wicket:message instead of Label (for simple translations) <wicket:message key="SELECT_LANGUAGE_LABEL"/> Put this in your HTML and it will be replaced by Wicket for the translation in your property file.
  • 70. Use wicket:message instead of Label (for simple translations) <input type="button" wicket:id="someid" wicket:message="value:CHANGE" />
  • 71. Use wicket:message instead of Label (for simple translations) <input type="button" wicket:id="someid" wicket:message="value:CHANGE" /> Wicket will add a ‘value’ attribute and set it to the localized value!
  • 73.
  • 75.
  • 76. Smell 1 Class names containing: *With* *Without* public class CheckBoxWithoutLabel extends CheckBox public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel> Duplicated code hierarchies are ugly...
  • 77. LabelWithLabel: LabeledComponent<Label> lbl = new LabeledComponent<Label>(property, dopmd.getTranslationKey(), position, label); (In DOMRComponentFactory...)
  • 78. Yes, we also have something like a LabelWithoutLabel: position = LabelPosition.NONE; LabeledComponent<Label> lbl = new LabeledComponent<Label>(property, dopmd.getTranslationKey(), position, label);
  • 79. Smell 2 instanceof @Override public MarkupContainer setDefaultModel(IModel<?> model) { IModel<String> model1 = new Model<String>(); if (model != null && !(model instanceof DOMRObjectModel)) { Revision revision = (Revision) model.getObject(); if (revision != null) { model1.setObject(revision.getId().toString()); } return super.setDefaultModel(model1); } return super.setDefaultModel(model); } CatalogAutoSuggestField
  • 80. Smell 3 many constructors public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8246992163993958051L;
  • 81. Smell 3 many constructors public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8246992163993958051L; public CheckBox(String translationKey, IModel<Boolean> model) { this(null, translationKey, model); }
  • 82. Smell 3 many constructors public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8246992163993958051L; public CheckBox(String id, String translationKey, IModel<Boolean> model) { this(id, translationKey, LabelPosition.RIGHT, model); }
  • 83. Smell 3 many constructors public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8246992163993958051L; public CheckBox(String translationKey, LabelPosition position, IModel<Boolean> model) { this(null, translationKey, position, model); }
  • 84. Smell 3 many constructors public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8246992163993958051L; public CheckBox(String id, String translationKey, LabelPosition position, IModel<Boolean> model) { super(id, translationKey, position, new CheckBoxWithoutLabel(id + "CheckBox", model)); getLabel().addCssClass("checkBoxWithLabel"); }
  • 85. Smell 3 many constructors public class CheckBox extends LabeledComponent<CheckBoxWithoutLabel> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8246992163993958051L; public CheckBox(IModel<Boolean> model) { this(null, model); }
  • 86. Smell 4 getPage() calls Page page = (Page) event.getPage(); event.refreshComponents(m_grid, page.getFeedbackPanel());
  • 87. Smell 5 FeedbackPanel not inside Form Page page = (Page) event.getPage(); event.refreshComponents(m_grid, page.getFeedbackPanel());
  • 88. Smell 5 Refreshing FeedbackPanel, Toolbar or other classes from unexpected locations // Refresh the toolbar if (getPage() instanceof Page) { ToolBar tb = (ToolBar) ((Page) getPage()).getComponent("toolbar"); if (tb != null) { target.addComponent(tb); } }
  • 89. Smell 6 Casting // Refresh the toolbar if (getPage() instanceof Page) { ToolBar tb = (ToolBar) ((Page) getPage()).getComponent("toolbar"); if (tb != null) { target.addComponent(tb); } }
  • 90. Smell 7 Using getParent() public void setButtonBar(ButtonBar buttonBar) { if (!buttonBar.getId().equals(s_buttonPanel)) { throw new WicketRuntimeException("Buttonbar id is wrong."); } if (m_buttonBarPanel.getParent() == null) { if (m_form.get(s_buttonPanel) != null) { m_form.get(s_buttonPanel) .replaceWith(m_buttonBarPanel); } else { m_form.add(m_buttonBarPanel); } } m_buttonBarPanel.replaceWith(buttonBar); }
  • 91. Smell 8 Getting components from the Page ToolBar tb = (ToolBar) ((Page) getPage()).getComponent("toolbar");
  • 92. Smell 9 Doing layout and styling in Java ColumnLayoutContainer pptfContainer = new ColumnLayoutContainer("proofPaidTuitionFeeContainer") .addComponent(sourceLabel, Size.percent(30)) .addComponent(amountLabel, Size.percent(30)) .addComponent(factory.createDateTimeLabel("dateTime", m_dateTimeModel, LabelPosition.TOP, m_controller.getTimeZoneCurrentUser())) .newLine();
  • 93. Smell 10 Using onBeforeRender() too often protected void onBeforeRender() { super.onBeforeRender(); if (isEnabled()) { AjaxRequestTarget target = AjaxRequestTarget.get(); if (target != null) { target.appendJavascript(TextTemplateHeaderContributor.forPlainJs(s_textTemplate, getHeaderContributor(false)).toString()); } else { add(TextTemplateHeaderContributor.forJavaScript(s_textTemplate, getHeaderContributor(true))); } } } tip: check onConfigure() (and in this case: check IHeaderContributor)
  • 94. Smell 11 Calling ResourceModel.getObject() ResourceModel(XTranslation.PROPERTY).getObject());
  • 95. Smell 11 Calling ResourceModel.getObject() ResourceModel(XTranslation.PROPERTY).getObject());
  • 96. Smell 11 Calling ResourceModel.getObject() ResourceModel(XTranslation.PROPERTY).getObject());;
  • 97. Smell 11 Calling ResourceModel.getObject() ResourceModel(XTranslation.PROPERTY).getObject());; Call getString only outside constructor! (check methods that are called by the constructor)
  • 98. Smell 11 Calling ResourceModel.getObject() ResourceModel(XTranslation.PROPERTY).getObject());; Call getString only outside constructor! (check methods that are called by the constructor) Tried to retrieve a localized string for a component that has not yet been added to the page. This can sometimes lead to an invalid or no localized resource returned. Make sure you are not calling Component#getString() inside your Component's constructor. Offending component: [MarkupContainer [Component id = panelmenu, page = <No Page>, path = panelmenu.PanelMenu]]
  • 99. Smell 12 Hidden Javascript dependencies AjaxRequestTarget target = AjaxRequestTarget.get(); if (target != null) { target.appendJavascript("clickFeedbackRefreshLink();"); }
  • 100. Smell 13 Transient fields (expect Exceptions!)
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