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Why should you climb the English-Skills
Author: Shiva Kumar Ratnam
LinkedIn ID:
Twitter ID: @kumarsun1314
Date: 03/25/2018
Intended Audience–The Professionals
Please check the video “Why are Experts so often poor Communicators?” by Conor Neill.
This presentation is for all professionals:
❖ Who are non-native speakers of English.
❖ Whose workplace communication is in English Language.
❖ Who are struggling at #2–Great Skill but Poor Communication.
Intended Audience–The Students
This presentation is also for all students:
❖ Who are non-native speakers of English.
❖ Who understand the importance of acquiring great communication skills.
The Mountain: A metaphor for English-Skills
Imagine an alternate universe, in which you were born in one the English speaking country, e.g., the
UK or US or Australia. The mountain(a metaphor) is the fluency in all aspects of English language
that your alternate-self would have acquired(naturally through an extremely slow process called
assimilation or internalization) over his or her stay in that country for 30 years. And the 30 year
period includes schooling, university education and a few working years.
Climbing the mountain is trying your absolute best to achieve the same level of competency as that
of your alternate-self(at his/her age of 30) in “English Communication Skills.” This presentation can
be used as a trail map to scale the mountain.
Please watch "Ed Viesturs-The Will to Climb” :
Your Mission . . . Should You Choose to Accept It
Your psychological preparation should match with that of a Mount Everest climber(like “Ed Viesturs”) to achieve the ultimate
objective of reaching the same competency level as your alternate-self in English-Skills; URL below gives a list of a few must-
have attributes. Read more at:
The Acclimatization Process
Moving up in altitude begins a physiological process called acclimatization that helps the
human body adapt to the lack of oxygen at high elevation. The process is not fully
understood, and most acclimatization schedules are based on decades of trial and error of
climbing at extreme altitudes.
You can read more at:
Understanding the Levels–BC,C1,C2,C3,C4,S
BASE CAMP(BC): You’ve arrived at the base camp after you secure a deep insight into all the eight parts of speech in English Grammar along with
Verb Tenses. Also, you have thoroughly understood the principles of good listening, reading, speaking & writing.
CAMP1(C1): You have thoroughly mastered all the grammar concepts which are classified as C1. Also, you will strive to present your
thoughts(speaking & writing) in flawless grammar. Your sentence writing skill is polished.
CAMP2(C2): At this level, you should be able to take the toughest of English grammar quizes and score 100%; can write a paragraph(without using
any grammar tool) which meets all the qualities listed in the site below:
CAMP3(C3): You can speak and write with absolute confidence and flawless grammar. Also, at this level, you should be able to write essays,
blogs, articles. Besides, you can now secure highest possible score in any English C2-Advanced level tests like ECPE, CPE, IELTS(with Band-9 score),
etc. And your accent is almost neutralized.
CAMP4(C4): You and your alternate-self are equal in all respects w.r.t English Communication. In addition, you now have a chance to beat your
counterpart, so you should keep pushing further to the summit.
SUMMIT(S): You are a true grand master in the art of communication; A perfect 10/10 in Listening, Reading, Speaking & Writing. Can speak in
any conference(like TED Talks), and enthrall the audience with your speech.
History of English
Read more at:
English is a West Germanic language that
originated from Anglo-Frisian dialects
brought to Britain in the mid 5th to 7th
centuries AD by Germanic invaders and
settlers from what is now northwest
Germany, west Denmark and the
Netherlands, displacing the Celtic
languages that previously predominated.
Communication Foundation#1–ACTIVE LISTENING
Active listening is the real foundation of all communication; please remember that listening accounts for 45 percent of
all communication. Try to understand the art of listening before beginning your journey to the mountain.
10 Key Qualities Of Good Listeners:
1) Good Listeners - Make eye contact
2) Good Listeners - Ask one question at a time
3) Good Listeners - Pay attention
4) Good Listeners - Do not interrupt in between
5) Good Listeners - Do not assume anything
6) Good Listeners - Take notes
7) Good Listeners - Use white boards to understand better
8) Good Listeners - Give 2 or 3 sec pause time
9) Good Listeners - Focus on subject
10) Good Listeners - Do not show gesture signs to convey that they are ready to talk.
Read more at:
You tube Playlist on Active Listening:
To improve your listening comprehension:
1) Watch documentaries, Audio Books in YouTube.
2) Watch Netflix/Amazon Shows and Movies.
3) Download and listen to NPR/BBC/Australian
Radio/Podcast Story Apps.
4) Register and watch TED Talks:
5) Watch English movies in theater or TV
Communication Foundation#2–READING COMPREHENSION
Wikipedia defines reading comprehension as
“the ability to process text, understand its meaning, and to integrate it with what the reader already knows”
This is a continuous process, so cultivate a habit of regular reading.
Here are some of the sources for reading:
1) Blogs/News Paper/News Website articles ,,
2) Visit your nearest library to borrow Novels/e-Books, and read magazines.
4) Q&A sites like
5) , , , ,
6) Watch movies/TV series/documentaries with sub-titles in Netflix/Amazon/Hulu
7) Check
for additional sources
You tube Playlist on Reading Comprehension:
Communication Foundation#3-EFFECTIVE SPEAKING
Conversation Skills
One of the biggest challenges for someone with social anxiety is starting conversations and
keeping them going. It is normal to struggle a bit when you are trying to make small talk,
because it is not always easy to think of things to say. This is especially true when feeling
anxious. On the other hand, some anxious people talk too much, which can have a negative
impression on others.
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist: Understand more about effective speaking by watching the videos
Communication Foundation#4-EFFECTIVE WRITING
Writing skills are an important part of communication. Good writing skills allow you to
communicate your message with clarity and ease to a far larger audience than through
face-to-face or telephone conversations.
You might be called upon to write a report, plan or strategy at work; write a grant
application or press release within a volunteering role; or you may fancy communicating
your ideas online via a blog. And, of course, a well written CV or résumé with no
spelling or grammatical mistakes is essential if you want a new job.
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
English Grammar – Parts of Speech LEVEL: BC
YouTube Playlist:
The Eight Parts of Speech
There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb,
adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. The part of
speech indicates how the word functions in meaning as well as grammatically
within the sentence. An individual word can function as more than one part of
speech when used in different circumstances. The parts of speech explain how a
word is used in a sentence.
STRATEGY: First watch the videos under the playlist given below, and then
research in grammar related blogs, grammar apps,, grammar
books etc. to get a good understanding of all the parts of speech.
The Fundamental Principle of Good Practice!!
This YouTube video is a classic example of how spirited practice can transform anyone:
Centi-Reading force: why reading a book 100 times is a great idea
Adventure is just bad planning. 15
“I may say that this is the greatest factor: the way in which the expedition is equipped, the
way in which every difficulty is foreseen, and precautions taken for meeting or avoiding it.
Victory awaits him who has everything in order, luck, people call it. Defeat is certain for him
who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time, this is called bad luck.”
― Roald Amundsen
Also read:
Deadly Race to the South Pole: A Lesson on Being 110% Prepared
Word order in English – English is a SVO language
LEVEL: BC S-Subject; V-Verb; O-Object
STRATEGY: Always think in “English” before speaking; this will help in internalizing the language quickly, and
you can also switch to the SVO word order easily–in case your native language word order is other than SVO.
YouTube Playlist:
Word Order
The order of words in an English sentence is essential. A change in word order often results in a shift
in meaning, and this is one of the major problem areas for all non-native English learners.
YouTube Playlist:
A noun is a word that names
something: either a person,
place, or thing. In a sentence,
nouns can play the role of
subject, direct object, indirect
object, subject complement,
object complement, appositive,
or adjective.
Pronouns and Pronoun-Antecedent
Agreement LEVEL: BC
Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns: he instead of John or they instead of John
and Joan. We use pronouns instead of repeating the noun:
• John took his keys from the table instead of John took John’s keys from the table.
Pronouns must always agree with their antecedent (the noun or pronoun they refer back to) in
• gender (she is used to refer back to a female; he is used to refer back to a male, for
• number (singular or plural; it is used to refer back to one thing; they is used to refer back to
more than one)
• person (the doer or receiver of the action)
This is called pronoun-antecedent agreement. Ante- means before; therefore, the
word antecedent simply means that which comes before. A pronoun must agree with its
antecedent, the houn of pronoun that comes before it and to which it is referring.
YouTube Playlist:
Determiners LEVEL: BC
What is a Determiner?
A determiner is a word that defines or qualifies the meaning
of a noun by conveying such ideas and concepts as quantity or
certainty. A determiner indicates whether the noun is
referring to a definite or indefinite component, to a
component belonging to a definite person or thing, to a closer
or more distant component, to a particular number or
quantity as they show how many things or people, etc.
Determiners ‘express situation’ which is its main function;
they simplify and explain what a noun is referring to. For
example when one says ‘that book’, the listener knows which
book is being referred to.
Please check this video for a quick overview on determiners :
YouTube Playlist:
Determiners: Articles - 'a', 'an' and 'the’
YouTube Playlist:
What is an article?
An article is an adjective. Like adjectives, articles modify
English has two articles: the and a/an. The is used to refer to
specific or particular nouns; a/an is used to modify non-
specific or non-particular nouns. We call “the” the definite
article and “a/an” the indefinite article.
The zero article(Ø):
We use the term zero article when a noun is not preceded by
a definite article (the) or indefinite article.
Determiners–Quantifiers LEVEL: BC
What is a Quantifier?
We use quantifiers when we want to give
someone information about the number
of something: how much or how many.
Quantifiers can be used with both
countable and uncountable nouns.
❖ There are some books on the desk
❖ He's got only a few dollars.
❖ How much money have you got?
❖ There is a large quantity of fish in this river.
❖ He's got more friends than his sister.
YouTube Playlist:
Adjectives & Adverbs(also known as Modifiers)
YouTube Playlist:
What Are Adjectives?
Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns: enormous, doglike,
silly, yellow, fun, fast. They can also describe the quantity of nouns: many, few, millions,
Read more at:
What are Adverbs?
An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall),
another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an
umbrella). Adverbs often end in -ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly the same as their
adjective counterparts.
Read more at:
Adjectives: Comparatives & Superlatives
YouTube Playlist:
Comparative adjectives are used to compare differences between the two objects they modify (larger, smaller,
faster, higher). They are used in sentences where two nouns are compared
PATTERN=> Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object).
This box is smaller than the one I lost.
Superlative adjectives are used to describe an object which is at the upper or lower limit of a quality (the tallest,
the smallest, the fastest, the highest). They are used in sentences where a subject is compared to a group of
objects. PATTERN=> Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object).
This is the smallest box I've ever seen.
Read more at:
Prepositions LEVEL: BC
YouTube Playlist:
What Is a Preposition?
Prepositions tell us where or when something is in
relation to something else. When monsters are
approaching, it’s good to have these special words to
tell us where those monsters are. Are they behind us or
in front of us? Will they be arriving in three seconds or
at midnight?
Prepositions often tell us where one noun is in relation
to another (e.g., The coffee is on the table beside you).
But they can also indicate more abstract ideas, such as
purpose or contrast (e.g., We went for a walk despite
the rain).
YouTube Playlist:
Uses of Verbs–Grammar
Verbs are words that show ACTION or BEING.
Verbs tell you what the subject of a sentence
or clause is doing (or being). Verbs are
conjugated according to person, number,
gender, tense, aspect, mood, or voice.
Verbs are at the heart of sentences and
clauses; they are indispensable to the
formation of a complete thought.
Verb Tenses & Aspects LEVEL: BC
Verb Tenses
Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future.
For each grammatical tense, there are subcategories called aspects. Aspect refers to the duration
of an event within a particular tense. In other words, the aspect of a tense allows us to describe or
understand how an event unfolds over time. English has four aspects: simple, progressive, perfect,
and perfect progressive.
YouTube Playlist:
Congratulations for completing your trek to the
Every instinct in your body will scream for you to
proceed to Camp1 immediately. DON’T!!
Before attempting Camp1, go back to the starting
point and revisit all the topics/concepts a few more
A few must-have habits at this stage:
i) Visiting a local library at least once a week to borrow /read
books on grammar, fiction or non-fiction novels.
ii) Working out in a gym for 90 minutes every day MON thru SUN
listening to English podcasts or radio channels like NPR, BBC,
iii) Always checking grammar/spell mistakes in email or any
written communication using grammar check apps like
Grammarly, White Smoke or Gingersoftware.
iv) Regular reading of articles in websites like,, etc.
v) For each grammar topic e.g. “Verb Tenses”, referring to
multiple BLOGS to understand it thoroughly. Also, reading all
presentations on that topic in “”
vi) Becoming a permanent member of digital library “SCRIBD.”
Present Tenses – Simple, Continuous,
Perfect, and Perfect-Continuous LEVEL: C1
YouTube Playlist:
Definition of present tense
: the tense of a verb that expresses action or state in the present time
and is used of what occurs or is true at the time of speaking and of what
is habitual or characteristic or is always or necessarily true, that is
sometimes used to refer to action in the past, and that is sometimes used
for future events
Past Tenses – Simple, Continuous, Perfect,
and Perfect-Continuous LEVEL: C1
Definition of PAST TENSE
: a verb tense expressing action or state in or as if in the past:
❖a verb tense expressive of elapsed time (such as wrote in "on arriving I wrote a
❖a verb tense expressing action or state in progress or continuance or habitually
done or customarily occurring at a past time (such as was writing in "I was
writing while he dictated" or loved in "their sons loved fishing")
YouTube Playlist:
Future Tenses – Simple, Continuous, Perfect,
and Perfect-Continuous LEVEL: C1
Definition of FUTURE TENSE
: a verb tense that is used to refer to the future The future tense in
English is formed with "will" or "shall."
YouTube Playlist:
Narrative Tenses LEVEL: C1
Narrative tenses are verb tenses that are used to talk about the past. They are often
found in stories and descriptions of past events, such as personal anecdotes.
The following are examples of narrative tenses:
Past simple - 'We left on a rainy day' Past continuous - 'It was pouring down even at
midday' Past perfect - 'It had rained off and on for ten days' Past perfect continuous -
'We had been waiting to escape for what seemed ages'
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
Irregular Verbs LEVEL: C1
In English, regular verbs consist of three main
parts: the root form (present), the (simple) past,
and the past participle. Regular verbs have an -ed
ending added to the root verb for both the simple
past and past participle. Irregular verbs do not
follow this pattern, and instead take on an
alternative pattern.
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
Auxiliary Verbs(Helping Verbs)
Auxiliary (or Helping) verbs are used together with a
main verb to show the verb’s tense or to form a negative
or question. The most common auxiliary verbs are have,
be, and do.
❖ Does Sam write all his own reports?
❖ The secretaries haven’t written all the letters yet.
❖ Terry is writing an e-mail to a client at the moment.
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
Modal Verbs LEVEL: C1
YouTube Playlist:
A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to
express: ability, possibility, permission or obligation. Modal
phrases (or semi-modals) are used to express the same
things as modals, but are a combination of auxiliary verbs
and the preposition to.
The modals and semi-modals in English are:
Can/could/be able to
Must/have to
Subject-Verb Agreement LEVEL: C1
How can you check the agreement of subjects and verbs?
A verb must agree in number (i.e., singular or plural) with its
subject, regardless of intervening phrases that begin with
such words as together, with, including, plus, and as well
The percentage of correct responses as well as the speed of
the responses increase with practice.
The percentage of correct responses as well as the speed of
the responses increases with practice.
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
How to Ask Questions in English? LEVEL: C1
Asking questions is a skill required by people in all roles,
job functions, and professions.
To understand the grammar rules for framing questions
refer to below links:
YouTube Playlist:
Reported Speech LEVEL: C1
When we report someone’s words we can do it
in two ways. We can use direct speech with
quotation marks (“I work in a bank”), or we
can use reported speech (He said he worked
in a bank.)
In reported speech the tenses, word-order
and pronouns may be different from those in
the original sentence.
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
Common Grammar Mistakes in English! LEVEL: C1
Please check these sites:
YouTube Playlists:
Writing Skills: Phrase and Phrase Types
A phrase is a group or words that express a concept
and is used as a unit within a sentence. Eight
common types of phrases are: noun, verb, gerund,
infinitive, appositive, participial, prepositional,
adverb, and absolute.
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
Important Note:
A thorough understanding of
the usage of all the phrase
types is critical for improving
your writing skills.
Verbals (Participles,Gerunds, and Infinitives)
• Verbals are verb forms which act as another part of
speech in a sentence (i.e. as adjectives, nouns, and
• Verbal phrases are verbals and any of the verb form's
modifiers, objects, or complements. The three types
of verbal phrases are participial, gerund,
and infinitive phrases.
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
Writing Skills: Clause and Clause Types
What is a Clause?
Definition: A clause is a group of words that has both a
subject and a predicate. Every complete sentence is made
up of at least one clause.
❖ Michael bought a new computer. (One sentence, one
❖ Michael bought a new computer, but he still has the old
one. (One sentence, two clauses)
❖ Although he still has his old one, Michael now has a new
computer. (One sentence, two clauses)
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
Writing Skills: The Sentence LEVEL: C1
YouTube Playlist:
A sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate,
conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and
sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.
~~Oxford Dictionary
For a list of “Characteristics Of A Good Sentence”, please check below links:
IMPORTANT TIP: Until you become proficient in writing high-quality sentences, please use grammar
checking apps like Grammarly, Ginger-software, White-smoke, etc.
How to make negative statements in English?
A negative sentence (or statement) states that something is not true or incorrect. A
negative adverb has to be added in order to negate or “cancel” the validity of the
❖This “negation” element is created according to the following general rule.
The Negation Rule: In English, in order to claim that something is not true, you form
a negative sentence by adding the word not after the first auxiliary verb in the
positive sentence. If there is no auxiliary verb in the positive sentence, as in the
Present Simple and Past Simple tenses, then you add one (in both these cases, the
auxiliary verb do).
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
What Are Modifiers?
Modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that provide description in sentences.
Modifiers allow writers to take the picture that they have in their heads and
transfer it accurately to the heads of their readers. Essentially, modifiers
breathe life into sentences.
Modifiers can be adjectives, adjective clauses, adverbs, adverb clauses,
absolute phrases, infinitive phrases, participle phrases, and prepositional
IMPORTANT: Placement of Modifiers in a Sentence
Keep related parts of a sentence together to avoid the common mistake of a
misplaced modifier.
If it isn't clear in a sentence which term a modifier applies to, it is a misplaced
Read more at:
Grammatical Moods LEVEL: C1
In grammar, mood is used to refer to a verb category or
form which indicates whether the verb expresses a fact
(the indicative mood), a command (the imperative mood),
a question (the interrogative mood), a condition
(the conditional mood), or a wish or possibility
(the subjunctive mood).
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
The Conditional Mood/Sentences
❖ Conditional sentences have two clauses: a condition (if...) and a
❖ The IF-clause introduces a condition. The main clause is
the result of that condition.
❖ What happens in the main clause is conditional to what happens in
the if-clause. In other words the main clause only happens when the
events in the if-clause happen.
❖ There are 4 main types of conditional clauses (if-clauses)...
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
The Subjunctive Mood LEVEL: C1
The subjunctive mood is the verb form used to express a wish, a suggestion, a command,
or a condition that is contrary to fact.
• I suggest that Lee play the guitar.
• I propose that Lee be asked to play the guitar.
• If I were Lee, I would play the guitar.
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
Passive Voice LEVEL: C1
A passive construction occurs when you make the
object of an action into the subject of a sentence.
That is, whoever or whatever is performing the action
is not the grammatical subject of the sentence.
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
Linking-Words(Sentence Connectors)
Sentence connectors are used to express relationships between
ideas and to combine sentences. The use of these connectors will
add sophistication to your writing style.
❖ London is a very exciting city; nevertheless it is also very
❖ Despite the fact that London is very expensive, it is also very
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
Writing Skills: Punctuation Rules in English
The most common punctuation marks in English are: capital letters and
full stops(or periods), question marks, commas, colons and semi-colons,
exclamation marks and quotation marks.
In speaking, we use pauses and the pitch of the voice to make what we
say clear. Punctuation plays a similar role in writing, making it easier to
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
English Vocabulary LEVEL: C1
A language is far more than just words. In order to really learn it, you must subject
yourself to massive amounts of exposure, both written and spoken. You need to
hear the words you've learned used hundreds or thousands of times, in a vast
variety of contexts, situations, and grammar patterns, and you must associate all
of these usages with meanings. It's only in this way that your brain will form the
invisible links and intangible rules that make up the totality of a language.
To speak it well you must do more–in addition to massive listening exposure, you
need to get at least a few hundred hours of natural conversation under your belt.
There are ways to make all of these more efficient and effective, but learning a
language will still take hundreds of hours no matter what you do.
Read more at:
YouTube playlist:
Congratulations for successfully climbing
C1(Camp1) 52
Now is the time to go back to the
starting point(much below Base
Camp) to recuperate fully before
attempting Camp2(C2).
Stay Focused… 53
Writing Skills: Parallel Structure LEVEL: C2
Whenever you include a list of actions or items, you must use equal grammatical units. If
the first item is a noun, then the following items must also be nouns; if the first action is
a simple past tense verb, then make the other items simple past tense verbs as well.
A nonparallel structure looks like this:
❑ Students capped their pens, were closing their notebooks, and zipped their book bags as they tried
to alert Professor Jones, rambling at the lectern, that the end of class had arrived.
Parallel structure, the correct way to write, looks like this:
❑ Students capped their pens, closed their notebooks, and zipped their book bags as they tried to
alert Professor Jones, rambling at the lectern, that the end of class had arrived.
Read more at:
YouTube Playlist:
Writing Skills: Sentence Diagramming LEVEL: C2
Diagramming sentences is a way to visualize how the different parts of a sentence
fit together. Words that modify another word are attached to the word they
modify. The method we use to attach them indicates what the relationship is
between them.
Read more at:
YouTube Playlists:
Writing Skills: The Paragraph LEVEL: C2
A paragraph is a group of words put together to form a group that is usually longer
than a sentence. Paragraphs are often made up of many sentences. They are usually
between four to eight sentences. Paragraphs can begin with an indentation (about five
spaces), or by missing a line out, and then starting again; this makes telling when one
paragraph ends and another begins easier.
YouTube Playlist:
Also check below videos to understand “Paraphrasing”
Advanced Writing Skills: LEVEL: C2
YouTube Playlists for advanced writing skills:
Ways to improve your English Pronunciation
What is Pronunciation?
"Pronunciation" refers to the way in which we make the sound of words.
There are a few important aspects of pronunciation, including:
❖ word stress - emphasis on certain syllables in a word
❖ sentence stress - emphasis on certain words in a sentence
❖ linking - joining certain words together
❖ intonation - the rise and fall of our voice as we speak
❖ contractions - We make contractions by connecting two or more words together. You are → You're → "You're my best friend."
YouTube playlists: (Spoken Contractions)
Phrasal Verbs & Expressions with get, do ...
YouTube Playlists:
Definition of phrasal verb:
A phrase (such as take off or look down on) that
combines a verb with a preposition or adverb or both
and that functions as a verb whose meaning is different
from the combined meanings of the individual words.
English Fluency LEVEL: C2
What is English fluency?
Fluency is a group of essential habits and abilities including:
❖ The ability to speak without hesitation, and at length,
even about unfamiliar topics.
❖ The ability to use natural, conversational words and
expressions like phrasal verbs and slang
❖ And the ability to speak with confidence
Please check below sites for tips on how to achieve fluency.
YouTube Playlist for practice:
Voice & Speech LEVEL: C2
For tips on adding strength and
authority to your voice check below
YouTube Playlist for practice:
The eight-thousanders are the 14 independent mountains on
Earth that are more than 8,000 metres (26,247 ft) high above
sea level. All eight-thousanders are located in the Himalayan
and Karakoram mountain ranges in Asia. They are the
mountains whose summits are in the death zone.
❖ No. 1 – Everest
❖ No. 2 – K2 ~~More dangerous to climb than Everest
❖ No. 3 – Kangchenjunga
❖ No. 4 – Lhotse
❖ No. 5 – Makalu
❖ No. 6 – Cho Oyu
❖ No. 7 – Dhaulagiri
❖ No. 8 – Manaslu
❖ No. 9 – Nanga Parbat
❖ No. 10 – Annapurna ~~Another deadly one to climb
❖ No. 11 – Gasherbrum I
❖ No. 12 – Broad Peak
❖ No. 13 – Gasherbrum II
❖ No. 14 – Shishapangma
Watch below YouTube playlist on them:
A very few climbers like “Ed Viesturs” have scaled all of them, and I
have nothing but admiration for their accomplishment.

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Why should you climb the English-Skills Mountain?

  • 1. Why should you climb the English-Skills Mountain? Author: Shiva Kumar Ratnam Email: LinkedIn ID: Twitter ID: @kumarsun1314 Date: 03/25/2018 Version#1.0 1
  • 2. Intended Audience–The Professionals Please check the video “Why are Experts so often poor Communicators?” by Conor Neill. This presentation is for all professionals: ❖ Who are non-native speakers of English. ❖ Whose workplace communication is in English Language. ❖ Who are struggling at #2–Great Skill but Poor Communication. 2
  • 3. Intended Audience–The Students This presentation is also for all students: ❖ Who are non-native speakers of English. ❖ Who understand the importance of acquiring great communication skills. 3
  • 4. The Mountain: A metaphor for English-Skills gap Imagine an alternate universe, in which you were born in one the English speaking country, e.g., the UK or US or Australia. The mountain(a metaphor) is the fluency in all aspects of English language that your alternate-self would have acquired(naturally through an extremely slow process called assimilation or internalization) over his or her stay in that country for 30 years. And the 30 year period includes schooling, university education and a few working years. Climbing the mountain is trying your absolute best to achieve the same level of competency as that of your alternate-self(at his/her age of 30) in “English Communication Skills.” This presentation can be used as a trail map to scale the mountain. Please watch "Ed Viesturs-The Will to Climb” : 4
  • 5. Your Mission . . . Should You Choose to Accept It Your psychological preparation should match with that of a Mount Everest climber(like “Ed Viesturs”) to achieve the ultimate objective of reaching the same competency level as your alternate-self in English-Skills; URL below gives a list of a few must- have attributes. Read more at: 5
  • 6. The Acclimatization Process Moving up in altitude begins a physiological process called acclimatization that helps the human body adapt to the lack of oxygen at high elevation. The process is not fully understood, and most acclimatization schedules are based on decades of trial and error of climbing at extreme altitudes. You can read more at: 6
  • 7. Understanding the Levels–BC,C1,C2,C3,C4,S BASE CAMP(BC): You’ve arrived at the base camp after you secure a deep insight into all the eight parts of speech in English Grammar along with Verb Tenses. Also, you have thoroughly understood the principles of good listening, reading, speaking & writing. CAMP1(C1): You have thoroughly mastered all the grammar concepts which are classified as C1. Also, you will strive to present your thoughts(speaking & writing) in flawless grammar. Your sentence writing skill is polished. CAMP2(C2): At this level, you should be able to take the toughest of English grammar quizes and score 100%; can write a paragraph(without using any grammar tool) which meets all the qualities listed in the site below: CAMP3(C3): You can speak and write with absolute confidence and flawless grammar. Also, at this level, you should be able to write essays, blogs, articles. Besides, you can now secure highest possible score in any English C2-Advanced level tests like ECPE, CPE, IELTS(with Band-9 score), etc. And your accent is almost neutralized. CAMP4(C4): You and your alternate-self are equal in all respects w.r.t English Communication. In addition, you now have a chance to beat your counterpart, so you should keep pushing further to the summit. SUMMIT(S): You are a true grand master in the art of communication; A perfect 10/10 in Listening, Reading, Speaking & Writing. Can speak in any conference(like TED Talks), and enthrall the audience with your speech. 7
  • 8. History of English Read more at: english English is a West Germanic language that originated from Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain in the mid 5th to 7th centuries AD by Germanic invaders and settlers from what is now northwest Germany, west Denmark and the Netherlands, displacing the Celtic languages that previously predominated. 8
  • 9. Communication Foundation#1–ACTIVE LISTENING Active listening is the real foundation of all communication; please remember that listening accounts for 45 percent of all communication. Try to understand the art of listening before beginning your journey to the mountain. 10 Key Qualities Of Good Listeners: 1) Good Listeners - Make eye contact 2) Good Listeners - Ask one question at a time 3) Good Listeners - Pay attention 4) Good Listeners - Do not interrupt in between 5) Good Listeners - Do not assume anything 6) Good Listeners - Take notes 7) Good Listeners - Use white boards to understand better 8) Good Listeners - Give 2 or 3 sec pause time 9) Good Listeners - Focus on subject 10) Good Listeners - Do not show gesture signs to convey that they are ready to talk. Read more at: personal-life/ You tube Playlist on Active Listening: 9 To improve your listening comprehension: 1) Watch documentaries, Audio Books in YouTube. 2) Watch Netflix/Amazon Shows and Movies. 3) Download and listen to NPR/BBC/Australian Radio/Podcast Story Apps. 4) Register and watch TED Talks: 5) Watch English movies in theater or TV
  • 10. Communication Foundation#2–READING COMPREHENSION Wikipedia defines reading comprehension as “the ability to process text, understand its meaning, and to integrate it with what the reader already knows” This is a continuous process, so cultivate a habit of regular reading. Here are some of the sources for reading: 1) Blogs/News Paper/News Website articles ,, 2) Visit your nearest library to borrow Novels/e-Books, and read magazines. 4) Q&A sites like 5) , , , , 6) Watch movies/TV series/documentaries with sub-titles in Netflix/Amazon/Hulu 7) Check for additional sources You tube Playlist on Reading Comprehension: 10
  • 11. Communication Foundation#3-EFFECTIVE SPEAKING Conversation Skills One of the biggest challenges for someone with social anxiety is starting conversations and keeping them going. It is normal to struggle a bit when you are trying to make small talk, because it is not always easy to think of things to say. This is especially true when feeling anxious. On the other hand, some anxious people talk too much, which can have a negative impression on others. Read more at: YouTube Playlist: Understand more about effective speaking by watching the videos 11
  • 12. Communication Foundation#4-EFFECTIVE WRITING Writing skills are an important part of communication. Good writing skills allow you to communicate your message with clarity and ease to a far larger audience than through face-to-face or telephone conversations. You might be called upon to write a report, plan or strategy at work; write a grant application or press release within a volunteering role; or you may fancy communicating your ideas online via a blog. And, of course, a well written CV or résumé with no spelling or grammatical mistakes is essential if you want a new job. Read more at: YouTube Playlist: 12
  • 13. English Grammar – Parts of Speech LEVEL: BC YouTube Playlist: The Eight Parts of Speech There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. The part of speech indicates how the word functions in meaning as well as grammatically within the sentence. An individual word can function as more than one part of speech when used in different circumstances. The parts of speech explain how a word is used in a sentence. STRATEGY: First watch the videos under the playlist given below, and then research in grammar related blogs, grammar apps,, grammar books etc. to get a good understanding of all the parts of speech. 13
  • 14. The Fundamental Principle of Good Practice!! This YouTube video is a classic example of how spirited practice can transform anyone: Centi-Reading force: why reading a book 100 times is a great idea idea 14
  • 15. Adventure is just bad planning. 15 “I may say that this is the greatest factor: the way in which the expedition is equipped, the way in which every difficulty is foreseen, and precautions taken for meeting or avoiding it. Victory awaits him who has everything in order, luck, people call it. Defeat is certain for him who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time, this is called bad luck.” ― Roald Amundsen Also read: Deadly Race to the South Pole: A Lesson on Being 110% Prepared
  • 16. Word order in English – English is a SVO language LEVEL: BC S-Subject; V-Verb; O-Object STRATEGY: Always think in “English” before speaking; this will help in internalizing the language quickly, and you can also switch to the SVO word order easily–in case your native language word order is other than SVO. YouTube Playlist: Word Order The order of words in an English sentence is essential. A change in word order often results in a shift in meaning, and this is one of the major problem areas for all non-native English learners. 16
  • 17. Nouns LEVEL: BC YouTube Playlist: A noun is a word that names something: either a person, place, or thing. In a sentence, nouns can play the role of subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, or adjective. 17
  • 18. Pronouns and Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement LEVEL: BC Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns: he instead of John or they instead of John and Joan. We use pronouns instead of repeating the noun: • John took his keys from the table instead of John took John’s keys from the table. Pronouns must always agree with their antecedent (the noun or pronoun they refer back to) in • gender (she is used to refer back to a female; he is used to refer back to a male, for example) • number (singular or plural; it is used to refer back to one thing; they is used to refer back to more than one) • person (the doer or receiver of the action) This is called pronoun-antecedent agreement. Ante- means before; therefore, the word antecedent simply means that which comes before. A pronoun must agree with its antecedent, the houn of pronoun that comes before it and to which it is referring. YouTube Playlist: 18
  • 19. Determiners LEVEL: BC What is a Determiner? A determiner is a word that defines or qualifies the meaning of a noun by conveying such ideas and concepts as quantity or certainty. A determiner indicates whether the noun is referring to a definite or indefinite component, to a component belonging to a definite person or thing, to a closer or more distant component, to a particular number or quantity as they show how many things or people, etc. Determiners ‘express situation’ which is its main function; they simplify and explain what a noun is referring to. For example when one says ‘that book’, the listener knows which book is being referred to. Please check this video for a quick overview on determiners : YouTube Playlist: _5IYGsNobRh5v8_GZLnTo7 19
  • 20. Determiners: Articles - 'a', 'an' and 'the’ LEVEL: BC YouTube Playlist: What is an article? An article is an adjective. Like adjectives, articles modify nouns. English has two articles: the and a/an. The is used to refer to specific or particular nouns; a/an is used to modify non- specific or non-particular nouns. We call “the” the definite article and “a/an” the indefinite article. The zero article(Ø): We use the term zero article when a noun is not preceded by a definite article (the) or indefinite article. article.htm 20
  • 21. Determiners–Quantifiers LEVEL: BC What is a Quantifier? 21 We use quantifiers when we want to give someone information about the number of something: how much or how many. Quantifiers can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns. Examples: ❖ There are some books on the desk ❖ He's got only a few dollars. ❖ How much money have you got? ❖ There is a large quantity of fish in this river. ❖ He's got more friends than his sister. YouTube Playlist: PLpD7thjx3b-_eOvs74y1cjqgwsayYaJMF
  • 22. Adjectives & Adverbs(also known as Modifiers) LEVEL: BC YouTube Playlist: What Are Adjectives? Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns: enormous, doglike, silly, yellow, fun, fast. They can also describe the quantity of nouns: many, few, millions, eleven. Read more at: What are Adverbs? An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall), another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella). Adverbs often end in -ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly the same as their adjective counterparts. Read more at: 22
  • 23. Adjectives: Comparatives & Superlatives LEVEL: BC YouTube Playlist: COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES Comparative adjectives are used to compare differences between the two objects they modify (larger, smaller, faster, higher). They are used in sentences where two nouns are compared PATTERN=> Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object). Example: This box is smaller than the one I lost. SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES Superlative adjectives are used to describe an object which is at the upper or lower limit of a quality (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). They are used in sentences where a subject is compared to a group of objects. PATTERN=> Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object). Example: This is the smallest box I've ever seen. Read more at: 23
  • 24. Prepositions LEVEL: BC YouTube Playlist: What Is a Preposition? Prepositions tell us where or when something is in relation to something else. When monsters are approaching, it’s good to have these special words to tell us where those monsters are. Are they behind us or in front of us? Will they be arriving in three seconds or at midnight? Prepositions often tell us where one noun is in relation to another (e.g., The coffee is on the table beside you). But they can also indicate more abstract ideas, such as purpose or contrast (e.g., We went for a walk despite the rain). 24
  • 25. Verbs LEVEL: BC YouTube Playlist: Uses of Verbs–Grammar Verbs are words that show ACTION or BEING. Verbs tell you what the subject of a sentence or clause is doing (or being). Verbs are conjugated according to person, number, gender, tense, aspect, mood, or voice. Verbs are at the heart of sentences and clauses; they are indispensable to the formation of a complete thought. 25
  • 26. Verb Tenses & Aspects LEVEL: BC Verb Tenses Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. Aspects For each grammatical tense, there are subcategories called aspects. Aspect refers to the duration of an event within a particular tense. In other words, the aspect of a tense allows us to describe or understand how an event unfolds over time. English has four aspects: simple, progressive, perfect, and perfect progressive. YouTube Playlist: 26
  • 27. Congratulations for completing your trek to the BASE CAMP(BC)!! 27 IMPORTANT MOUNTAIN CLIMBING TIP: Every instinct in your body will scream for you to proceed to Camp1 immediately. DON’T!! Before attempting Camp1, go back to the starting point and revisit all the topics/concepts a few more times. A few must-have habits at this stage: i) Visiting a local library at least once a week to borrow /read books on grammar, fiction or non-fiction novels. ii) Working out in a gym for 90 minutes every day MON thru SUN listening to English podcasts or radio channels like NPR, BBC, RADIO-AUSTRALIA, RADIO-UK, and others. iii) Always checking grammar/spell mistakes in email or any written communication using grammar check apps like Grammarly, White Smoke or Gingersoftware. iv) Regular reading of articles in websites like,, etc. v) For each grammar topic e.g. “Verb Tenses”, referring to multiple BLOGS to understand it thoroughly. Also, reading all presentations on that topic in “” vi) Becoming a permanent member of digital library “SCRIBD.” Scribd-
  • 28. Present Tenses – Simple, Continuous, Perfect, and Perfect-Continuous LEVEL: C1 YouTube Playlist: Definition of present tense : the tense of a verb that expresses action or state in the present time and is used of what occurs or is true at the time of speaking and of what is habitual or characteristic or is always or necessarily true, that is sometimes used to refer to action in the past, and that is sometimes used for future events Merriam-Webster 28
  • 29. Past Tenses – Simple, Continuous, Perfect, and Perfect-Continuous LEVEL: C1 Definition of PAST TENSE : a verb tense expressing action or state in or as if in the past: ❖a verb tense expressive of elapsed time (such as wrote in "on arriving I wrote a letter") ❖a verb tense expressing action or state in progress or continuance or habitually done or customarily occurring at a past time (such as was writing in "I was writing while he dictated" or loved in "their sons loved fishing") Merriam-Webster YouTube Playlist: 29
  • 30. Future Tenses – Simple, Continuous, Perfect, and Perfect-Continuous LEVEL: C1 Definition of FUTURE TENSE : a verb tense that is used to refer to the future The future tense in English is formed with "will" or "shall." YouTube Playlist: 44Z38_KocZlZSjxqI 30
  • 31. Narrative Tenses LEVEL: C1 Narrative tenses are verb tenses that are used to talk about the past. They are often found in stories and descriptions of past events, such as personal anecdotes. Example The following are examples of narrative tenses: Past simple - 'We left on a rainy day' Past continuous - 'It was pouring down even at midday' Past perfect - 'It had rained off and on for ten days' Past perfect continuous - 'We had been waiting to escape for what seemed ages' Read more at: YouTube Playlist: 31
  • 32. Irregular Verbs LEVEL: C1 In English, regular verbs consist of three main parts: the root form (present), the (simple) past, and the past participle. Regular verbs have an -ed ending added to the root verb for both the simple past and past participle. Irregular verbs do not follow this pattern, and instead take on an alternative pattern. Read more at: m YouTube Playlist: x3b-9WrbjyqD1BLquwAUxrG91j 32
  • 33. Auxiliary Verbs(Helping Verbs) LEVEL: C1 Auxiliary (or Helping) verbs are used together with a main verb to show the verb’s tense or to form a negative or question. The most common auxiliary verbs are have, be, and do. ❖ Does Sam write all his own reports? ❖ The secretaries haven’t written all the letters yet. ❖ Terry is writing an e-mail to a client at the moment. Read more at: rules/verbs/auxiliary-or-helping-verbs/ YouTube Playlist: 9JSQPAChYYbdIG5SOKLuAQ 33
  • 34. Modal Verbs LEVEL: C1 YouTube Playlist: A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to express: ability, possibility, permission or obligation. Modal phrases (or semi-modals) are used to express the same things as modals, but are a combination of auxiliary verbs and the preposition to. The modals and semi-modals in English are: Can/could/be able to May/might Shall/should Must/have to Will/would 34
  • 35. Subject-Verb Agreement LEVEL: C1 How can you check the agreement of subjects and verbs? A verb must agree in number (i.e., singular or plural) with its subject, regardless of intervening phrases that begin with such words as together, with, including, plus, and as well as. Incorrect: The percentage of correct responses as well as the speed of the responses increase with practice. Correct: The percentage of correct responses as well as the speed of the responses increases with practice. Read more at: agreement.aspx YouTube Playlist: u7SWZbMWhrhFe_k6g31gi 35
  • 36. How to Ask Questions in English? LEVEL: C1 Asking questions is a skill required by people in all roles, job functions, and professions. To understand the grammar rules for framing questions refer to below links: almost-any-question-in-english/ grammar/question-forms-subjectobject-questions YouTube Playlist: qI2gOyk 36
  • 37. Reported Speech LEVEL: C1 When we report someone’s words we can do it in two ways. We can use direct speech with quotation marks (“I work in a bank”), or we can use reported speech (He said he worked in a bank.) In reported speech the tenses, word-order and pronouns may be different from those in the original sentence. Read more at: ck-grammar/reported-speech-1 YouTube Playlist: thjx3b-87hG9RNuNSxnb2CRnJAmpZ 37
  • 38. Common Grammar Mistakes in English! LEVEL: C1 Please check these sites: what-is-a-grammar-error/ mistakes-to-avoid-making-1485787315 mistakes/ YouTube Playlists: 3b-_Br2pH_p6FC44l2RIStw1T PA2yypqf4OyfAgnu0aLRineCO 38
  • 39. Writing Skills: Phrase and Phrase Types LEVEL: C1 A phrase is a group or words that express a concept and is used as a unit within a sentence. Eight common types of phrases are: noun, verb, gerund, infinitive, appositive, participial, prepositional, adverb, and absolute. Read more at: examples.html phrase.html YouTube Playlist: --wfq6XDdWCKSgJaEhzsmuE 39 Important Note: A thorough understanding of the usage of all the phrase types is critical for improving your writing skills.
  • 40. Verbals (Participles,Gerunds, and Infinitives) LEVEL: C1 • Verbals are verb forms which act as another part of speech in a sentence (i.e. as adjectives, nouns, and adverbs). • Verbal phrases are verbals and any of the verb form's modifiers, objects, or complements. The three types of verbal phrases are participial, gerund, and infinitive phrases. Read more at: http://www.grammar- YouTube Playlist: 9JSQPAChYYbdIG5SOKLuAQ 40
  • 41. Writing Skills: Clause and Clause Types LEVEL: C1 What is a Clause? Definition: A clause is a group of words that has both a subject and a predicate. Every complete sentence is made up of at least one clause. ❖ Michael bought a new computer. (One sentence, one clause) ❖ Michael bought a new computer, but he still has the old one. (One sentence, two clauses) ❖ Although he still has his old one, Michael now has a new computer. (One sentence, two clauses) Read more at: 9/clauses/lesson-1/what-is-a-clause YouTube Playlist: 9Xahv_pccK8RIHzDc3RD78 41
  • 42. Writing Skills: The Sentence LEVEL: C1 YouTube Playlist: A sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses. ~~Oxford Dictionary 42 For a list of “Characteristics Of A Good Sentence”, please check below links: IMPORTANT TIP: Until you become proficient in writing high-quality sentences, please use grammar checking apps like Grammarly, Ginger-software, White-smoke, etc.
  • 43. How to make negative statements in English? LEVEL: C1 A negative sentence (or statement) states that something is not true or incorrect. A negative adverb has to be added in order to negate or “cancel” the validity of the sentence. ❖This “negation” element is created according to the following general rule. The Negation Rule: In English, in order to claim that something is not true, you form a negative sentence by adding the word not after the first auxiliary verb in the positive sentence. If there is no auxiliary verb in the positive sentence, as in the Present Simple and Past Simple tenses, then you add one (in both these cases, the auxiliary verb do). Read more at: YouTube Playlist: 43
  • 44. MODIFIERS LEVEL: C1 What Are Modifiers? Modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that provide description in sentences. Modifiers allow writers to take the picture that they have in their heads and transfer it accurately to the heads of their readers. Essentially, modifiers breathe life into sentences. Modifiers can be adjectives, adjective clauses, adverbs, adverb clauses, absolute phrases, infinitive phrases, participle phrases, and prepositional phrases. IMPORTANT: Placement of Modifiers in a Sentence Keep related parts of a sentence together to avoid the common mistake of a misplaced modifier. If it isn't clear in a sentence which term a modifier applies to, it is a misplaced modifier. Read more at: errors/placement-of-modifiers-in-a-sentence 44
  • 45. Grammatical Moods LEVEL: C1 In grammar, mood is used to refer to a verb category or form which indicates whether the verb expresses a fact (the indicative mood), a command (the imperative mood), a question (the interrogative mood), a condition (the conditional mood), or a wish or possibility (the subjunctive mood). Read more at: 3/verbs/lesson-12/moods-of-verbs YouTube Playlist: 9bXljmRyGavpztWVu8DoJr 45
  • 46. The Conditional Mood/Sentences LEVEL: C1 ❖ Conditional sentences have two clauses: a condition (if...) and a result. ❖ The IF-clause introduces a condition. The main clause is the result of that condition. ❖ What happens in the main clause is conditional to what happens in the if-clause. In other words the main clause only happens when the events in the if-clause happen. ❖ There are 4 main types of conditional clauses (if-clauses)... Read more at: YouTube Playlist: 5f7vePJ7Uw 46
  • 47. The Subjunctive Mood LEVEL: C1 The subjunctive mood is the verb form used to express a wish, a suggestion, a command, or a condition that is contrary to fact. Examples: • I suggest that Lee play the guitar. • I propose that Lee be asked to play the guitar. • If I were Lee, I would play the guitar. Read more at: YouTube Playlist: 47
  • 48. Passive Voice LEVEL: C1 A passive construction occurs when you make the object of an action into the subject of a sentence. That is, whoever or whatever is performing the action is not the grammatical subject of the sentence. Read more at: voice/ YouTube Playlist: -cehsw13UEKVdHVktZ5jLv 48
  • 49. Linking-Words(Sentence Connectors) LEVEL: C1 Sentence connectors are used to express relationships between ideas and to combine sentences. The use of these connectors will add sophistication to your writing style. Example: ❖ London is a very exciting city; nevertheless it is also very expensive. ❖ Despite the fact that London is very expensive, it is also very exciting” Read more at: sentences-showing-comparison-1212355 to-sentence-connectors/ YouTube Playlist: c0tP3dFw28h2nirVzs2Fl 49
  • 50. Writing Skills: Punctuation Rules in English LEVEL: C1 Punctuation: The most common punctuation marks in English are: capital letters and full stops(or periods), question marks, commas, colons and semi-colons, exclamation marks and quotation marks. In speaking, we use pauses and the pitch of the voice to make what we say clear. Punctuation plays a similar role in writing, making it easier to read. Read more at: grammar/writing/punctuation important?utm_term=.vh07xwovMY#.ruxMWvdE2D YouTube Playlist: v8HT94f7gU 50
  • 51. English Vocabulary LEVEL: C1 A language is far more than just words. In order to really learn it, you must subject yourself to massive amounts of exposure, both written and spoken. You need to hear the words you've learned used hundreds or thousands of times, in a vast variety of contexts, situations, and grammar patterns, and you must associate all of these usages with meanings. It's only in this way that your brain will form the invisible links and intangible rules that make up the totality of a language. To speak it well you must do more–in addition to massive listening exposure, you need to get at least a few hundred hours of natural conversation under your belt. There are ways to make all of these more efficient and effective, but learning a language will still take hundreds of hours no matter what you do. Read more at: master-a-word- YouTube playlist: 82LUpn5tj5Yg2ZLSJRzP97 51
  • 52. Congratulations for successfully climbing C1(Camp1) 52 Now is the time to go back to the starting point(much below Base Camp) to recuperate fully before attempting Camp2(C2).
  • 54. Writing Skills: Parallel Structure LEVEL: C2 Whenever you include a list of actions or items, you must use equal grammatical units. If the first item is a noun, then the following items must also be nouns; if the first action is a simple past tense verb, then make the other items simple past tense verbs as well. A nonparallel structure looks like this: ❑ Students capped their pens, were closing their notebooks, and zipped their book bags as they tried to alert Professor Jones, rambling at the lectern, that the end of class had arrived. Parallel structure, the correct way to write, looks like this: ❑ Students capped their pens, closed their notebooks, and zipped their book bags as they tried to alert Professor Jones, rambling at the lectern, that the end of class had arrived. Read more at: YouTube Playlist: 54
  • 55. Writing Skills: Sentence Diagramming LEVEL: C2 Diagramming sentences is a way to visualize how the different parts of a sentence fit together. Words that modify another word are attached to the word they modify. The method we use to attach them indicates what the relationship is between them. Read more at: YouTube Playlists: 55
  • 56. Writing Skills: The Paragraph LEVEL: C2 A paragraph is a group of words put together to form a group that is usually longer than a sentence. Paragraphs are often made up of many sentences. They are usually between four to eight sentences. Paragraphs can begin with an indentation (about five spaces), or by missing a line out, and then starting again; this makes telling when one paragraph ends and another begins easier. ~~Wikipedia YouTube Playlist: Also check below videos to understand “Paraphrasing” 56
  • 57. Advanced Writing Skills: LEVEL: C2 YouTube Playlists for advanced writing skills: h39CdJ76F_A8Em4wSzVNJ 9QJ2_g70WILQQjtlf4aoyI ZLXc_LdMarbd 57
  • 58. Ways to improve your English Pronunciation LEVEL: C2 What is Pronunciation? "Pronunciation" refers to the way in which we make the sound of words. There are a few important aspects of pronunciation, including: ❖ word stress - emphasis on certain syllables in a word ❖ sentence stress - emphasis on certain words in a sentence ❖ linking - joining certain words together ❖ intonation - the rise and fall of our voice as we speak ❖ contractions - We make contractions by connecting two or more words together. You are → You're → "You're my best friend." Source: YouTube playlists: (Spoken Contractions) 58
  • 59. Phrasal Verbs & Expressions with get, do ... LEVEL: C2 YouTube Playlists: TW2E2Jy_vlGlXDDLmjXB j7SqioomcqLwSsh5raXws Definition of phrasal verb: A phrase (such as take off or look down on) that combines a verb with a preposition or adverb or both and that functions as a verb whose meaning is different from the combined meanings of the individual words. 59
  • 60. English Fluency LEVEL: C2 What is English fluency? Fluency is a group of essential habits and abilities including: ❖ The ability to speak without hesitation, and at length, even about unfamiliar topics. ❖ The ability to use natural, conversational words and expressions like phrasal verbs and slang ❖ And the ability to speak with confidence Please check below sites for tips on how to achieve fluency. YouTube Playlist for practice: cZf7Jkq_nJMbAKl5GSu8v 60
  • 61. Voice & Speech LEVEL: C2 For tips on adding strength and authority to your voice check below sites: /B7D5C3F93FC3439589BCBF5DBF521132. ashx YouTube Playlist for practice: PLpD7thjx3b-8gM-tEgx3445pjAVdntV2Q 61
  • 62. TO BE CONTINUED… 62 The eight-thousanders are the 14 independent mountains on Earth that are more than 8,000 metres (26,247 ft) high above sea level. All eight-thousanders are located in the Himalayan and Karakoram mountain ranges in Asia. They are the mountains whose summits are in the death zone. ❖ No. 1 – Everest ❖ No. 2 – K2 ~~More dangerous to climb than Everest ❖ No. 3 – Kangchenjunga ❖ No. 4 – Lhotse ❖ No. 5 – Makalu ❖ No. 6 – Cho Oyu ❖ No. 7 – Dhaulagiri ❖ No. 8 – Manaslu ❖ No. 9 – Nanga Parbat ❖ No. 10 – Annapurna ~~Another deadly one to climb ❖ No. 11 – Gasherbrum I ❖ No. 12 – Broad Peak ❖ No. 13 – Gasherbrum II ❖ No. 14 – Shishapangma Watch below YouTube playlist on them: mLDGgdAGZR A very few climbers like “Ed Viesturs” have scaled all of them, and I have nothing but admiration for their accomplishment.