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Why Is Witchcraft Important
WITCHCRAFT The first thing you need to learn about witchcraft is that it's not inherently evil. Many modern Neopagans and Wiccans strongly
resemble with this concept, and profess codes that prevent them from performing magic on a person without their request. It is extremely powerful,
extremely dangerous, and often permanent. The concept of a magic–worker influencing another person's body or property against their will was
present in many cultures, as traditions in both folk magic and religious magic have the purpose of countering malicious magic or identifying magic
users. Witchcraft of a socially acceptable sort may then be introduced to identify the supposed evil–doer so that punishment may be carried out. Some
modern more content...
One source, pagan author Judika Illes, tells that herbs picked on Midsummer's Eve were to be most powerful, especially if gathered on Bald Mountain
near Kiev during the witches' annual revels celebration.
Using blood in magic is a pretty ancient concept, just about every culture has some kind of magic involving it. Beliefs related to witchcraft and magic
in these cultures were at times influenced by the prevailing Western concepts. Due to the foresight of White and Burr, the Witchcraft Collection has
become a rich source for students and scholars of the history of superstition and witchcraft persecution in Europe.
Botanicals should be gathered, "During the seventeenth minute of the fourteenth hour, under a dark moon, in the thirteenth field, wearing a red dress,
pick the twelfth flower on the right.". The collection focuses on witchcraft not as folklore or anthropology, but as theology and as religious heresy. In
the introduction of a collection of trial records pieced together by Russian scholar Nikolai Novombergsk, he argues that Muscovite authorities used the
same degree of cruelty and harshness as Western European Catholic and Protestant countries in persecuting witches. Fire. But fire can also be
dangerous, no one would think to tell you not to use it to cook your meals. Mexican Indians gladly
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Witchcraft in the 16th Century Essay
The origins of 16th century witchcraft were changing social, economic and religious conditions in Europe and America. The desire to find a scapegoat
for the change resulted in a genocide known as the Burning Times that lasted more than a century. 

Witches were accused of casting spells on
unfortunate victims and were often sentenced to death by hanging, drowning or by being burned to death.
History of The persecution of people practicing witchcraft in the 16th century began in England in 1589. However, the country's concern with
witchcraft had been growing throughout the century, largely in response to the current social, economic and religious conditions in the country.
Although people accused of practicing witchcraft had more content...
Besides testimony, witches were also identified by midwife's examination. If any black marks were found on the accused's body, the mark was often
considered Satan's mark and proof that she was a witch.

 Significance The 16th–century witch hunts resulted in the deaths of nearly 50,000
people. The majority of the accused and sentenced were poor and elderly women who did not have a stable place in society.
It is theorized that the
witchcraft hysteria was in response to women's growing role in society. During the 16th century, single, unmarried and independent women represented
a societal shift that a large portion of the population was uncomfortable with. The result was genocide and what some have called a holocaust. Society,
including women, rejected the notion of unmarried women living alone, without a husband or family, or women who did not go to church and abide
by prevailing social norms.

In the 17th century, the presence of witches reached incredible attention with accusations and executions of people accused of witchcraft. The fear
caused by these trials and executions spurred many people to become the accuser rather than become the accused. The snowball effect this caused
culminated in a mass hysteria in Europe and the colonies. Today, it is speculated that many of the people who were accused and ultimately executed
for witchcraft were innocent. History Witchcraft has long been a part of our world's history. Fear of witches eventually
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Essay about Witchcraft
Beginning in the Middle Ages and through the seventeenth centuries, an infiltration of witchcraft persevered throughout Europe. The witch craze
resulted in the torture and persecution of witches. More than 100,000 of witches who were tried were centered in the area of southwestern Europe.
The mass hysteria of witches was denounced because of their rejection of God and their pact with the devil, which resulted in harsh punishments and
accusations. One reason for the persecution of witches was they were thought to be the cause of bad harvests, epidemics, natural disasters, and
personal tragedies. Witches also had a part in the religious aspect of Europe. The witches were persecuted because of the lack of a main religion,
which more content...
(Document A7). Roger North, brother of Chief Justice Exeter explains that if a judge were to go against the public opinion, then the townspeople
would think he is not religious and would then possibly be accused. (Document A6) This is an indication that people of all social classes could be
targets. In Europe it can be concluded that many had xenophobia of different people or prejudices, but they were held mostly against older women.
This is because during the Renaissance people had fears of the supernatural and forces of nature or God, which led to the beliefs of superstition.
Therefore, the future mass hysteria of witches would be denounced based on the Renaissance views. In the Middle Ages to the 16th century it can be
finalized that the elderly, female, and poor working class were the majority of the accused (Documents D1, 2,3). Statistics drawn from the
contemporary court records conclude that most of the suspected witches were above the age of 50 and 80% of females were executed for witchcraft.
The trials of witches were centered in southwestern Europe because these bordering areas lacked a strong central authority and were places of social
chaos. W.Fulbecke believed that witches aimed at the destruction of others through the spread of their own diseases to others, based on their pact with
Satan (Document C1). Kramer and Sprenger were two Dominican monks who held a conspicuous bias towards women and the elderly (Document
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Witchcraft Essay
For nearly two centuries, witchcraft seemed to have disappeared. Although it was driven underground for a time, it is now the fastest growing religion
in the United States. There are several reasons for its disappearance and now, for its return.
Until the fifteenth century, witchcraft was not considered an "evil" practice. It was about that time that the Catholic church started labeling witches as
heretics and sinners because of their belief in social rebellion. The idea of social rebellion was also a rebellion against the church, which taught that "It
was the duty of the common people to endure the tyranny of authority, no matter how oppressive." (Donovan 118) There were also the other acts in the
rituals more content...
Some tortures included strapping the accused's feet in a pair of metal boots and then filling the boots with boiling hot oil. The accused were often
whipped for their purification, sometimes they were left out in the open for hours after having been whipped while the torturers went out to lunch.
They had to hang there and wait until they returned and often they received additional torture after their wait just to be certain they had been purified.
Tortures were so extreme that many people took their practices underground to avoid the Inquisition. Tyagi stated on his website on witchcraft that up
to 90% of the people executed probably were not witches. They were innocents who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, or have
some abnormal traits or habits, or even just being the wrong person could be a sufficient reason. It was not until after the Salem witch trials that people
really started to see how foolish the entire witch–hunt was. By then, the entire witchcraft population had been either killed or scared off by the hunters.
But, even after the trials, people still practiced the rituals and beliefs. It became a family religion, passed down from generation to generation. It also
stayed alive in small isolated areas where it was practiced in folk customs and in their celebrations and festivals. It just
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The concept of witchcraft and the belief in its existence has existed since the dawn of human history. It has been present or central at various times, and
in many diverse forms, among cultures and religions worldwide, including both "primitive" and "highly advanced" cultures, and continues to have an
important role in many cultures today.
Historically, the predominant concept of witchcraft in the Western world derives from Old Testament laws against witchcraft, and entered the
mainstream when belief in witchcraft gained Church approval in the Early Modern Period. It posits a theosophical conflict between good and evil,
where witchcraft was generally evil and often associated with the Devil and Devil worship. This culminated more content...
The Malleus Maleficarum, (Latin for "Hammer of The Witches) was a witch–hunting manual written in 1486 by two German monks, Heinrich Kramer
and Jacob Sprenger. It was used by both Catholics and Protestants[26] for several hundred years, outlining how to identify a witch, what makes a
woman more likely than a man to be a witch, how to put a witch on trial, and how to punish a witch. The book defines a witch as evil and typically
female. The book became the handbook for secular courts throughout Renaissance Europe, but was not used by the Inquisition, which even cautioned
against relying on the work,[27] and was later officially condemned by the Catholic Church in 1490. * White witches
Folk magicians throughout Europe were often viewed ambivalently by communities, and were considered as capable of harming as of healing,[30]
which could lead to their being accused as "witches" in the negative sense. Many English "witches" convicted of consorting with demons seem to have
been cunning folk whose fairy familiars had been demonised;[31] many French devins–guerisseurs("diviner–healers") were accused of witchcraft,[32]
and over one half the accused witches in Hungary seem to have been healers.[33]Some of the healers and diviners historically accused of witchcraft
have considered themselves mediators between the mundane and spiritual worlds, roughly equivalent to shamans.[34] Such people described their
contacts with fairies, spirits often
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Witchcraft Essay Examples
"Witchcraft is all about power, imagined and real" (Rieti 3). The concept of witches (and witchcraft) has widely been gendered, with most depictions of
such creatures being female entities. Interestingly, the imaginary power of female witchcraft has inhabited the minds of many, with both positive and
negative connotations gaining popularity in films. Thus, the seduction of feminine power has become a threat to mankind, entailing the demonization
of such power. Accordingly, feminine power must be contained or be expelled in order to maintain a harmonious society. Brian De Palmer's Carrie
depicts the challenges of an adolescent woman who doesn't subscribe to societal norms and experiences taunts, which provokes the emergence of her more content...
However, Carrie defies the norms of teenage girls, showing a lack of interest in boys, albeit her circumstances doesn't allow the start of heterosexual
relationships. Additionally, Carrie has no father figure, leading to her mother, Margaret, being the dominant authority in her life. Essentially, all the
main characters are women, with men acting as pawns for their significant other. Thus, the expected gender dynamics of male dominance over women
cannot take place. Ultimately, the maternal figure that is present is destructive and fails to relinquish control of her daughter to a proper male
authority. For instance, Margaret denies Carrie's request of going to the prom with Tommy, claiming "After the blood, comes the boys, sniffing,
slobbering like dogs" (Carrie 1976). However, Margret is not enough to control Carrie, leading her daughter revealing her powers and granting her
agency. Consequently, Carrie's agency comes at a price, her choice of attending prom leads her to ultimate humiliation. At prom, Pigs' blood is
dumped on her when she was crowned Prom Queen. As a result, Carrie hallucinates everyone laughing at her and unleashes her power onto the
crowd. In a way, Carrie White creates a true equality as she kills men, women and children, regardless if they are innocent or not. The film acts as a
cautionary tale of what happens when female power is uncontrolled and available to the discretion of the female user, demonizing
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Witchcraft In The 16th Century Essay
There are many assortments of beliefs on who was more likely to be accused of witchcraft in the 16th century. I personally believe that women,
particularly widows, and the poor were the first and most likely to be accused of witchcraft in their communities rather than the rich or people with
authority. In these male dominated societies in the 16th century women were not very respected. Arthur Miller's The Crucible and The European Witch
Hunts wrongly accused many people from the outskirts of society of witchcraft, causing fear of many people's lives.
Women were discriminated against greatly during the 16th century during the peak of witch trials and hunts. Women had no say in the community that
they lived in unless they were married to a man with authority in their town, village, or city. The men dominated society for up until 1920 when women
were granted the ability to vote. Women acted as house wives more content...
The majority of the poor people that lived on the streets of various cities and towns during this time were accused of witchcraft. As depicted in Arthur
Miller's The Crucible, the two poor widowed women of Salem were the first to be accused. Both women admitted to witchcraft so that they would go
to jail instead of being executed in front of the town. Many of the accusations around the world for witchcraft came from the disliking of other
people. in the Crucible, Abby started to accuse anyone she did not like of witchcraft just so she could see them out in jail or executed, so that she
wouldn't have to deal with them anymore. As she accused John Proctor of witchcraft because she wanted him to hang, so the word of her committing
adultery with John did not come to the attention of the court. In The Crucible it was all about who knows who, and these things cannot be supported
by examples or facts, but I bet that it was a popularity contest everywhere
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Witchcraft As A Religion
What is witchcraft? Witchcraft is the practice of magic, black magic and the use of supernatural beings.Though witchcraft is associated with demons
and Satan it's just misunderstood. And though it has some downsides to it, as a whole, it's just praising and praying to different gods and most witches
use it as a way of work to make money, medicine, and healing. People have wondered about whether witchcraft is a religion and have asked the
question "Is witchcraft considered a religion?" Witchcraft is part of the religion "Wicca, which is a modern form of paganism mainly found in the
20th century England."(Wigington) Many assume witchcraft to be a religion but the fact is that different people have different answers because
it all depends on who you ask. Though it really does not matter to the Pagans or Wiccans. Wondering how witchcraft came about? Well, Raymond
says "witchcraft started as a way for people in ancient times to gain more food. They would carve a bison from the wood being killed by a spear,
then pray to the god of hunting and the brave warriors that went out would come back with their kill, with a spear in the same place as the wooden
bison. Back during their time there was also a large mortality rate so people would pray to the goddess of fertility and cast spells by doing the same
thing as when they would go out to kill bison, but they would carve the animals mating so that the birth rate could help balance out the high deaths"
(Buckland 12).
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Witchcraft Research Paper Topics
In Depth Research of Witchcraft
For my final project, I choose the non–ordinary topic of witchcraft. I was not and am not, interested in researching this to learn how to become a
witch and to practice the craft. My intent in doing this project stemmed from the fact that I am a Christian. This class has showed me how to have a
more open mind, and how gaining knowledge provides understanding. I wanted to see what is fact and what is false about the myths and stereotypes
about witches and witchcraft. To fully explore this subject I have found information on the history of witchcraft and its evolution into the religion of
Wicca that is practiced today. I have also looked into how the media today and in the past has presented witches and more content...
Starting in about the thirteenth century the concept of what a witch was changed that a person who was called a witch was believed to have it in with
Satan and practicing evil. The idea of there being good witches was no longer accepted, and a series of witch trials began to continued on until around
the end of the 1600's, spreading from Europe to the New World of America. Execution of accused witches occurred in many counties throughout
Europe. Some of common things that witches were blamed for causing were destructive storms; non–producing crops or animals, diseases, sterility,
death, possession of humans and making them do outrageous acts. The Romans and Greeks were also known to put some people to death for being
witches. People who were in witches in those societies were believed to move around at night causing the evils of humanity. In most of Europe, though,
a witch was someone who was conspiring with the devil, which during the mid–evil times was a great offense. The people of this era were very devout
in their religion, and the devil was highly feared. To have a person who was supposed to be connected to the devil was something that just could not
be accepted. Some of the first executions in Europe that occurred for the crime of witchcraft took place between the years of 1347–1400 in France.
Sixty–seven were burned for being involved with the craft. In the 1400's, the Catholic Church became a key player and influencer in the persecution of
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Witchcraft And Religion
Witchcraft and worshipping is frowned up by society but why? Where are the standards held to it? According to the Bible, Witchcraft and worshipping
Satan is condemned and deems no entry into heaven. Witchcraft is the practice of black magic, the use of spells and invocation of spirits. Witchcraft,
Fortune tellers, and necromancy (communication with the dead) are all Satan's counterfeits to holy spirituality. Deuteronomy 18:9–12 says "Let no one
be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft or casts
spells or who is a medium or spiritists or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the lord." The word sorcery is
translated from the Greek word pharmakeia meaning pharmacy. Witchcraft and spiritsm involves ritualistic use ofmagic potions more
Satan is only as powerful as God allows him to be but that is still pretty substantial. First Samuel 15:23 says, "For rebellion is as the sin of
witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry." Witchcraft is the most powerful way for Satan to excel in counterfeiting what God does.
Satan was created by God to be the most powerful of angelic beings. He soon later rebelled and took one third of the angels (or demons) with him
in his rebellion. Satan was created to be a perfect being however pride caused him to fall since he wanted the praise and worship reserved for God
alone. Satan's ultimate goal is to oppose God in any and every way possible which makes Witchcraft such a sinister crime, because you are
denouncing God and accepting Satan as your spiritual guide. God loves all his children as a spiritual father, so worshipping a being whose one drive
is hatred is frowned upon to society. The bible is very direct on its stance on Witchcraft and Satan and that is why it is so scandalous and stigma is so
stinging in
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Witchcraft Essay
Witchcraft is a fascinating subject that comes out of many regions of the world. There have been time periods in which witchcraft was a prominent
feature in society, and there has been times when it has died down. One of the most interesting things about witchcraft is how it has physically
changed, how the concept of witchcraft has changed, and how people perceive and view it has changed over centuries.What many people do not
know is that witchcraft is actually still practiced today in the US and all over the world. After a Religious Identification Survey by the City University
of New York in 2001, it was found thatWicca, which is what current day witches call themselves, was the country's fastest–growing religion, with
134,000 people, more content...
This was largely meant to discourage people for practicing these villainous acts of treachery. Thebible even goes as straightforward as to say "Do not
practice divination or sorcery" (Leviticus 19:26). Many other primary and secondary sources cite the bible for their argument, in fact arguments are
largely based around them.
An example of using a bible to prove a point is on a website called Harry Potter Power. It is about witchcraft in terms modern era literature. Many
authors such as JK Rowling have written using heavily influenced witchcraft in their work, and it is essential to the plot of the book. C.S. Lewis has
similar magical stories, but he does not think witchcraft to be good, or valid. He says, "People all across America are being deluged with books on
witchcraft. And the situation is going to get worse, not better. For witchcraft brings you into contact with demons" (Harry Potter Power/destroy). One
might think that a website with the name, Harry Potter Power would talk of the power a fantastic book can imbue someone with, but in reality, the
website talks about how books such as
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Witchcraft Research Paper
Witchcraft has been around since the beginning of time. People used this as an explanation for good and bad things that they didn't understand
otherwise. Ancient to Modern day, there have always been very diverse theories on the idea of witchcraft. The word "witchcraft" derives from the
Saxon wicca and translates to "wise person." Wicca is the religion started by Gerald B. Gardner in the 1940s and has definable beliefs. The believe in
the worship in a God or Goddess.. Its Indo–European root comes from the word "weik" and is related to words in multiple western regions like "magic'
and "religion." Through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the interpretation of "witches" or "witchcraft" has varied. Whether they are evil or
magical is very harshly debated and argued.
In some traditions, they are believed to be evil and dishonest devil worshippers or possessed by more content...
They studied verdicts and punishments. Between 1650 and 1710, about 40 people were executed in English colonies. Half of these victims perished as
a result of the Salem trials of 1692. Organized witchcraft trials continued to be held throughout Europe and even the English colonies in North
America. These so called "witches" were burned at the stake or hung in front of whole villages. If not burned at the stake or hung, they were tortured
to get "confessions." Modern day, total deaths in western Europe range from 40,000 to 50,000.
Some examples of witchcraft would be, the children's movie " The Wizard of Oz." In this movie, witches fly on brooms and wear tall pointed hats.
This movie is a prime example of both sides of witchcraft. One of the witches, the Wicked witch of the West, is the evil witch. However, glenda, the
good witch of the South, is a nice witch. This movie explains both sides of witchcraft very well. Another example is the 1987 play " Which Witch" and
the musical
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The Importance Of Witchcraft In The World
Witchcraft is a term used to describe the belief and practice of magic. (Muscato) It can be found in a variety cultures and religion across history. In
the Catholic faith, witchcraft is forbidden by God. (Witchcraft) "The evil eye is a most neglected topic in research on the ancient Israelite language
and religion. Despite the ubiquity of this belief in the ancient Near East, some scholars still deny its existence in the Hebrew Bible. This essay attempts
to demonstrate that the malevolent eye is attested in the language of the ancient Israelites. A cognitive linguistic analysis of several figurative
expressions in the wisdom literature reveals that these were motivated by the conviction that the eye of certain people served as a magical instrument
of harm. Especially noteworthy is the fact that the evil eye is ascribed to the black magician." (Witchcraft)
S– In initiating a witchcraft ceremony, we need to understand what exactly happens in a ceremony. First, there is casting in a circle. Then there is
calling of the elements. Calling upon the Gods. Building of elements. State the purpose of the ritual. Thanking the Gods. Release the circle.
(Witchcraft: World ofWicca) One needs to know whether or not they want to be part of the witchcraft ceremony. The reason as to why witchcraft
happens is so that the people performing witchcraft can connect with the gods and goddesses they people in a witchcraft ceremony "pray". This is
occurring because we want to connect with gods and
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Witchcraft Essay
Black magic, voodoo, witchery and Satanism are all various meanings, or supernatural practices or beliefs that refer to the term witchcraft. There are
many different definitions referring to the term witchcraft, but the most commonly accepted definition was provided by Evans–Pritchard 1937.
(Oxford 2017) He distinguishes between witchcraft and sorcery by their technique, and defines witchcraft as an inherited ability to cause misfortune or
death. The user of witchcraft is considered to be evil or dangerous. Prior to the Enlightenment witchcraft was used as a way for people to explain the
In the early 1900's the difference between two types of human mystical evil was acknowledged, amplifications on these two types, more
The medieval European witch, who was the most intricate manifestation, is virtually identical to those witches that resided in Oceania, Africa, Asia and
the Americas. In witchcraft uncertainties worldwide, women prevail, but it is commonly available to men and women equally. (InSearch 2017) It took
anthropology some time to recognize its circulation and its significance since the idea of a witch is so strange. Ethnographies and explanatory studies
amplified exponentially once anthropology grasped on to the idea. Witchcraft's anthropological and historical literature today is massive.
The term uncertainty in anthropology is used in an undefined manner to indicate random outcomes, often the negative kind, rendering life risky. It
commonly refers to accidents, the addition of bad fortune, severe illness, sudden death or other liable event, which are expected but do not exist within
ones bubble of control. (OMICS 2017) Witchcraft surpassed scientific theories of cause and effect, thus providing explanations for otherwise
unexplainable happenings. Systems such as witchcraft provide explanations for everything leaving no space for uncertainty. Anthropologists have
noted that the feelings of uncertainty, insecurity, and anxiety deriving from the dangerous volatility disorder, and opaqueness of the market are
frequently articulated through the medium of popular religion, shamanism, witchcraft, and spirit possession. (OMICS 2017)
Death rates went up
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Importance Of Witchcraft In Society
The gradual acceptance of witches in society.:
What do you think about when you think of witches? Quite some time ago, witches were portrayed as evil, hideous creatures with green skin, an
abnormal big nose, generally wearing a black cloak and a pointed hat, and riding a broom across the sky cackling like an old delirious woman. Today,
they are seen as good, beautiful women with fair skin, nice features and a good figure. What about witchcraft? Witchcraft has been around as long as
human civilization. It is an earth base religion, one in sync with nature. Witches today generally practice good magic. Their belief is that the magic
you practice will come back to you in threefold whether good or bad. Witches are accepted in present more content...
The Catholic Church began as a persecuted religious community in the Roman Empire. It was illegal to practice Catholicism in the Roman Empire in
its earliest days, but with the new emperor, Constantine, it became legal and was the official religion of the Empire. Today we can find many
similarities between the catholic mass and witchcraft rituals such as: The burning of candles and incense.
The alter in the catholic church is at the front and center is used to celebrate the "Mysteries of the Mass". The alter is similarly used in witchcraft, to
casted certain spells, to hand tools and magic and to perform sacrifice.
Both Catholics and Witches pray to images and statues.
The conclusion is undeniable that occult is within the foundation of the Catholic Church. The acceptance of witchcraft can not be denied. The catholic
church does embrace the rituals of witchcraft, but not the demonic practices of witchcraft.
The practicing of witchcraft gave women the power to heal, the power over life and death, and respect within the community. oftentimes, having these
powers elevated ones' status within the community. But all of this wasn't always so. Several centuries ago the Salem witch trials occurred, creating a
fear of witches. Witches were blamed for sicknesses and natural disasters. People kept pointing fingers
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Why Do Witchcraft Exist
Witchcraft still does exist today, just in different forms. The most popular type of witchcraft is called Wicca. Wicca is the older name for Witchcraft.
Most people think that witches will harm a human with their "supernatural powers", which most people know as black magic. In modern day the
Wiccans distance themselves from Christianity because it is a mostly male– dominated religion.The Wiccans are matriarchal and stand up for women's
rights. They have fought to eliminate Christianity in schools and government and have even sought to have pagan holidays, such as Halloween and
winter solstice, observed as Wiccan holidays.
In the past men have been sorcerers in some pagan groups, such as Druids. Today witchcraft is a female dominated
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Causes and Effects of Witchcraft.
Beliefs and practice of magic and witchcraft is a phenomenon that has captured the minds of millions since the beginning of history. These so called
witches have caused fear, hatred, interest, widespread panic and variety of other emotions in other people from all over the world. Every society and
civilization on this planet have all some form of witchcraft in their history, witchcraft itself ha e deep history of its own causing it to be recognized in
literature and modern society.
Beliefs in witchcraft is a common phenomenon in some developing nations, particularly, Tanzania as well as sub–Saharan Africa. This belief has a very
pronounced effect on the day to day lives of the believers. It burdens the economies of more content...
v. Contract with the Devil (Satan) It is believed that the devil (Satan) makes contract with humans and such contract has to be fulfilled through
life–destroying requirements from the devil to his/her clients. Human beings make contracts with the devils (Satan) for the purpose of earning riches,
money and prosperity through performing evil deeds such as the offering of ones sons, daughters, wife, husband, relatives or other human blood. These
are considered to be the terms and conditions of the devils contract and devil worship. In today's situation, this is highly spread among Tanzanians
particularly rich people and business class in Tanzania and Africa in General.
vi. The trend of albino murders in recent years The trend of albino murders in recent years is a very clear example of the damage that can be done by
witchcraft, in this case affecting the livelihoods and lives of an already–disadvantaged group.
Less high profile, but probably more destructive overall, is the damage done to ordinary Tanzanian citizens through witchcraft–related threats. I have
come across many examples where Tanzanians, usually those who have had some financial or social success, are held to ransom, threatened with
curses. I have seen up close how this can hold people back from achieving their full potential – they can spend a lot of time (and money) fighting off
these threats and they can have very damaging psychological effects. If success is punished in this way,
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Essay about Witchcraft
Many religions have been misunderstood by people. Sometimes their ignorance and beliefs cannot be opened up to the truth. Witchcraft is one of
those religions. The majority of people have sometimes compared Witchcraft to Satanism or any religion dealing with the occult. In fact, Witchcraft is
sometimes referred to as the "Old Religion", and is completely different from the misconceptions of people. It is certainly one of the most
misunderstood religions. It will continue to remain to be misunderstood if people insist on keeping a closed mind on the subject and believe the stories
and rumors that have been misconstrued over the years. Witchcraft is considered to be one of the oldest religions dating back more content...
Gardner. In the mid–1960's several Americans went to England and brought back the teachings of Gerald Gardner thereby forming the modern
Witchcraft of today. "The word 'witch' is derived from the Old English meaning wicca, it is pronounced 'witcha' meaning male witch , and wicce,
pronounced 'witcheh' meaning female witch" (Russell 12). Witches believe in the Goddess and the God. They are believed to be the sole creator of
the universe. The Goddess represents Mother Nature or Mother Earth. She is associated with the moon, fertility, the hunt, and Modern Witchcraft. She
has many names but is commonly known as Diana. She has many names and many shapes, but over all, the Goddess is anything a witch wants her to
be. The God is named "The Horned God". He represents the sun, grain, and is seen in the woodlands. The witches associate The God with Pan, the
Greek god of fertility. This is one of the reasons that many Christians believe Witchcraft to be evil. During the time of the persecution of witches, the
Christians mistook the worshipping of the fertility god, Pan, as the worshipping of Satan, who the Christians believed to be horned, have a tail, hairy
legs, and hooves. The misconceptions of Witchcraft have been inaccurate and misleading. The biggest misunderstanding about Witchcraft is its
affiliation with Satanism. Satan is a demonic figure from the Christian belief, not from Witchcraft. In Witchcraft there is no deity that is
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Examples Of Witchcraft
From my understanding witchcraft is what is basically used to explain situations that human kind believe is unexplainable in terms of science or nature;
or simplified reasons of human understanding of the world around us. These understandings of which most are found in rural or secluded areas, and in
places where wealth is distributed unequally. I also gather from the readings of; Evan Pritchard, that witchcraft explains functionalism in primitive
though lines and in contrast to Fraser McNeil and Daniel Jordan Smith's readings witchcraft in another context explains structuralism.
Among the Azande's witchcraft serves as an explanation to functionalism in one's life or the way they choose to live. For example certain things
happen to certain people at a certain time for a certain reason. If he reason is not clear they contribute or associate it with witchcraft. The person has
therefore been bewitched if the reason is not attributed to breaking taboo. Witchcraft is an explanation of misfortunes in the Azande community which
also helps regulate human conduct (Pritchard: 18). From my understanding this is what maintains order in the Azande communities as people avoid
things that will bring bad luck upon them and generational curses. The Azande do not entirely dismiss the actual more content...
There are still gaps in the economy of South Africa post apartheid. This is due to the migrant labour decrease which resulted to increased
unemployment. Certain parts of the country being independent states which were former homelands of migrant labourers have lost large amounts of
their income resulting to the great obscurity. The social and political manoeuvres post apartheid and the re–incorporation of Venda into the now known,
Limpopo created the now visible economic inequality or rather uneven distribution of wealth (McNeil). The people of Venda like of Owerri associate
quick wealth with
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Why Is Witchcraft Important

  • 1. Why Is Witchcraft Important WITCHCRAFT The first thing you need to learn about witchcraft is that it's not inherently evil. Many modern Neopagans and Wiccans strongly resemble with this concept, and profess codes that prevent them from performing magic on a person without their request. It is extremely powerful, extremely dangerous, and often permanent. The concept of a magic–worker influencing another person's body or property against their will was present in many cultures, as traditions in both folk magic and religious magic have the purpose of countering malicious magic or identifying magic users. Witchcraft of a socially acceptable sort may then be introduced to identify the supposed evil–doer so that punishment may be carried out. Some modern more content... One source, pagan author Judika Illes, tells that herbs picked on Midsummer's Eve were to be most powerful, especially if gathered on Bald Mountain near Kiev during the witches' annual revels celebration. Using blood in magic is a pretty ancient concept, just about every culture has some kind of magic involving it. Beliefs related to witchcraft and magic in these cultures were at times influenced by the prevailing Western concepts. Due to the foresight of White and Burr, the Witchcraft Collection has become a rich source for students and scholars of the history of superstition and witchcraft persecution in Europe. Botanicals should be gathered, "During the seventeenth minute of the fourteenth hour, under a dark moon, in the thirteenth field, wearing a red dress, pick the twelfth flower on the right.". The collection focuses on witchcraft not as folklore or anthropology, but as theology and as religious heresy. In the introduction of a collection of trial records pieced together by Russian scholar Nikolai Novombergsk, he argues that Muscovite authorities used the same degree of cruelty and harshness as Western European Catholic and Protestant countries in persecuting witches. Fire. But fire can also be dangerous, no one would think to tell you not to use it to cook your meals. Mexican Indians gladly Get more content on
  • 2. Witchcraft in the 16th Century Essay The origins of 16th century witchcraft were changing social, economic and religious conditions in Europe and America. The desire to find a scapegoat for the change resulted in a genocide known as the Burning Times that lasted more than a century. 

Witches were accused of casting spells on unfortunate victims and were often sentenced to death by hanging, drowning or by being burned to death. History of The persecution of people practicing witchcraft in the 16th century began in England in 1589. However, the country's concern with witchcraft had been growing throughout the century, largely in response to the current social, economic and religious conditions in the country. Although people accused of practicing witchcraft had more content... Besides testimony, witches were also identified by midwife's examination. If any black marks were found on the accused's body, the mark was often considered Satan's mark and proof that she was a witch.

 Significance The 16th–century witch hunts resulted in the deaths of nearly 50,000 people. The majority of the accused and sentenced were poor and elderly women who did not have a stable place in society.
It is theorized that the witchcraft hysteria was in response to women's growing role in society. During the 16th century, single, unmarried and independent women represented a societal shift that a large portion of the population was uncomfortable with. The result was genocide and what some have called a holocaust. Society, including women, rejected the notion of unmarried women living alone, without a husband or family, or women who did not go to church and abide by prevailing social norms.

 In the 17th century, the presence of witches reached incredible attention with accusations and executions of people accused of witchcraft. The fear caused by these trials and executions spurred many people to become the accuser rather than become the accused. The snowball effect this caused culminated in a mass hysteria in Europe and the colonies. Today, it is speculated that many of the people who were accused and ultimately executed for witchcraft were innocent. History Witchcraft has long been a part of our world's history. Fear of witches eventually Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Witchcraft Beginning in the Middle Ages and through the seventeenth centuries, an infiltration of witchcraft persevered throughout Europe. The witch craze resulted in the torture and persecution of witches. More than 100,000 of witches who were tried were centered in the area of southwestern Europe. The mass hysteria of witches was denounced because of their rejection of God and their pact with the devil, which resulted in harsh punishments and accusations. One reason for the persecution of witches was they were thought to be the cause of bad harvests, epidemics, natural disasters, and personal tragedies. Witches also had a part in the religious aspect of Europe. The witches were persecuted because of the lack of a main religion, which more content... (Document A7). Roger North, brother of Chief Justice Exeter explains that if a judge were to go against the public opinion, then the townspeople would think he is not religious and would then possibly be accused. (Document A6) This is an indication that people of all social classes could be targets. In Europe it can be concluded that many had xenophobia of different people or prejudices, but they were held mostly against older women. This is because during the Renaissance people had fears of the supernatural and forces of nature or God, which led to the beliefs of superstition. Therefore, the future mass hysteria of witches would be denounced based on the Renaissance views. In the Middle Ages to the 16th century it can be finalized that the elderly, female, and poor working class were the majority of the accused (Documents D1, 2,3). Statistics drawn from the contemporary court records conclude that most of the suspected witches were above the age of 50 and 80% of females were executed for witchcraft. The trials of witches were centered in southwestern Europe because these bordering areas lacked a strong central authority and were places of social chaos. W.Fulbecke believed that witches aimed at the destruction of others through the spread of their own diseases to others, based on their pact with Satan (Document C1). Kramer and Sprenger were two Dominican monks who held a conspicuous bias towards women and the elderly (Document Get more content on
  • 4. Witchcraft Essay Witchcraft For nearly two centuries, witchcraft seemed to have disappeared. Although it was driven underground for a time, it is now the fastest growing religion in the United States. There are several reasons for its disappearance and now, for its return. Until the fifteenth century, witchcraft was not considered an "evil" practice. It was about that time that the Catholic church started labeling witches as heretics and sinners because of their belief in social rebellion. The idea of social rebellion was also a rebellion against the church, which taught that "It was the duty of the common people to endure the tyranny of authority, no matter how oppressive." (Donovan 118) There were also the other acts in the rituals more content... Some tortures included strapping the accused's feet in a pair of metal boots and then filling the boots with boiling hot oil. The accused were often whipped for their purification, sometimes they were left out in the open for hours after having been whipped while the torturers went out to lunch. They had to hang there and wait until they returned and often they received additional torture after their wait just to be certain they had been purified. Tortures were so extreme that many people took their practices underground to avoid the Inquisition. Tyagi stated on his website on witchcraft that up to 90% of the people executed probably were not witches. They were innocents who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, or have some abnormal traits or habits, or even just being the wrong person could be a sufficient reason. It was not until after the Salem witch trials that people really started to see how foolish the entire witch–hunt was. By then, the entire witchcraft population had been either killed or scared off by the hunters. But, even after the trials, people still practiced the rituals and beliefs. It became a family religion, passed down from generation to generation. It also stayed alive in small isolated areas where it was practiced in folk customs and in their celebrations and festivals. It just Get more content on
  • 5. Witchcraft The concept of witchcraft and the belief in its existence has existed since the dawn of human history. It has been present or central at various times, and in many diverse forms, among cultures and religions worldwide, including both "primitive" and "highly advanced" cultures, and continues to have an important role in many cultures today. Historically, the predominant concept of witchcraft in the Western world derives from Old Testament laws against witchcraft, and entered the mainstream when belief in witchcraft gained Church approval in the Early Modern Period. It posits a theosophical conflict between good and evil, where witchcraft was generally evil and often associated with the Devil and Devil worship. This culminated more content... The Malleus Maleficarum, (Latin for "Hammer of The Witches) was a witch–hunting manual written in 1486 by two German monks, Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger. It was used by both Catholics and Protestants[26] for several hundred years, outlining how to identify a witch, what makes a woman more likely than a man to be a witch, how to put a witch on trial, and how to punish a witch. The book defines a witch as evil and typically female. The book became the handbook for secular courts throughout Renaissance Europe, but was not used by the Inquisition, which even cautioned against relying on the work,[27] and was later officially condemned by the Catholic Church in 1490. * White witches Folk magicians throughout Europe were often viewed ambivalently by communities, and were considered as capable of harming as of healing,[30] which could lead to their being accused as "witches" in the negative sense. Many English "witches" convicted of consorting with demons seem to have been cunning folk whose fairy familiars had been demonised;[31] many French devins–guerisseurs("diviner–healers") were accused of witchcraft,[32] and over one half the accused witches in Hungary seem to have been healers.[33]Some of the healers and diviners historically accused of witchcraft have considered themselves mediators between the mundane and spiritual worlds, roughly equivalent to shamans.[34] Such people described their contacts with fairies, spirits often Get more content on
  • 6. Witchcraft Essay Examples "Witchcraft is all about power, imagined and real" (Rieti 3). The concept of witches (and witchcraft) has widely been gendered, with most depictions of such creatures being female entities. Interestingly, the imaginary power of female witchcraft has inhabited the minds of many, with both positive and negative connotations gaining popularity in films. Thus, the seduction of feminine power has become a threat to mankind, entailing the demonization of such power. Accordingly, feminine power must be contained or be expelled in order to maintain a harmonious society. Brian De Palmer's Carrie depicts the challenges of an adolescent woman who doesn't subscribe to societal norms and experiences taunts, which provokes the emergence of her more content... However, Carrie defies the norms of teenage girls, showing a lack of interest in boys, albeit her circumstances doesn't allow the start of heterosexual relationships. Additionally, Carrie has no father figure, leading to her mother, Margaret, being the dominant authority in her life. Essentially, all the main characters are women, with men acting as pawns for their significant other. Thus, the expected gender dynamics of male dominance over women cannot take place. Ultimately, the maternal figure that is present is destructive and fails to relinquish control of her daughter to a proper male authority. For instance, Margaret denies Carrie's request of going to the prom with Tommy, claiming "After the blood, comes the boys, sniffing, slobbering like dogs" (Carrie 1976). However, Margret is not enough to control Carrie, leading her daughter revealing her powers and granting her agency. Consequently, Carrie's agency comes at a price, her choice of attending prom leads her to ultimate humiliation. At prom, Pigs' blood is dumped on her when she was crowned Prom Queen. As a result, Carrie hallucinates everyone laughing at her and unleashes her power onto the crowd. In a way, Carrie White creates a true equality as she kills men, women and children, regardless if they are innocent or not. The film acts as a cautionary tale of what happens when female power is uncontrolled and available to the discretion of the female user, demonizing Get more content on
  • 7. Witchcraft In The 16th Century Essay There are many assortments of beliefs on who was more likely to be accused of witchcraft in the 16th century. I personally believe that women, particularly widows, and the poor were the first and most likely to be accused of witchcraft in their communities rather than the rich or people with authority. In these male dominated societies in the 16th century women were not very respected. Arthur Miller's The Crucible and The European Witch Hunts wrongly accused many people from the outskirts of society of witchcraft, causing fear of many people's lives. Women were discriminated against greatly during the 16th century during the peak of witch trials and hunts. Women had no say in the community that they lived in unless they were married to a man with authority in their town, village, or city. The men dominated society for up until 1920 when women were granted the ability to vote. Women acted as house wives more content... The majority of the poor people that lived on the streets of various cities and towns during this time were accused of witchcraft. As depicted in Arthur Miller's The Crucible, the two poor widowed women of Salem were the first to be accused. Both women admitted to witchcraft so that they would go to jail instead of being executed in front of the town. Many of the accusations around the world for witchcraft came from the disliking of other people. in the Crucible, Abby started to accuse anyone she did not like of witchcraft just so she could see them out in jail or executed, so that she wouldn't have to deal with them anymore. As she accused John Proctor of witchcraft because she wanted him to hang, so the word of her committing adultery with John did not come to the attention of the court. In The Crucible it was all about who knows who, and these things cannot be supported by examples or facts, but I bet that it was a popularity contest everywhere Get more content on
  • 8. Witchcraft As A Religion Witchcraft What is witchcraft? Witchcraft is the practice of magic, black magic and the use of supernatural beings.Though witchcraft is associated with demons and Satan it's just misunderstood. And though it has some downsides to it, as a whole, it's just praising and praying to different gods and most witches use it as a way of work to make money, medicine, and healing. People have wondered about whether witchcraft is a religion and have asked the question "Is witchcraft considered a religion?" Witchcraft is part of the religion "Wicca, which is a modern form of paganism mainly found in the 20th century England."(Wigington) Many assume witchcraft to be a religion but the fact is that different people have different answers because it all depends on who you ask. Though it really does not matter to the Pagans or Wiccans. Wondering how witchcraft came about? Well, Raymond says "witchcraft started as a way for people in ancient times to gain more food. They would carve a bison from the wood being killed by a spear, then pray to the god of hunting and the brave warriors that went out would come back with their kill, with a spear in the same place as the wooden bison. Back during their time there was also a large mortality rate so people would pray to the goddess of fertility and cast spells by doing the same thing as when they would go out to kill bison, but they would carve the animals mating so that the birth rate could help balance out the high deaths" (Buckland 12). Get more content on
  • 9. Witchcraft Research Paper Topics In Depth Research of Witchcraft For my final project, I choose the non–ordinary topic of witchcraft. I was not and am not, interested in researching this to learn how to become a witch and to practice the craft. My intent in doing this project stemmed from the fact that I am a Christian. This class has showed me how to have a more open mind, and how gaining knowledge provides understanding. I wanted to see what is fact and what is false about the myths and stereotypes about witches and witchcraft. To fully explore this subject I have found information on the history of witchcraft and its evolution into the religion of Wicca that is practiced today. I have also looked into how the media today and in the past has presented witches and more content... Starting in about the thirteenth century the concept of what a witch was changed that a person who was called a witch was believed to have it in with Satan and practicing evil. The idea of there being good witches was no longer accepted, and a series of witch trials began to continued on until around the end of the 1600's, spreading from Europe to the New World of America. Execution of accused witches occurred in many counties throughout Europe. Some of common things that witches were blamed for causing were destructive storms; non–producing crops or animals, diseases, sterility, death, possession of humans and making them do outrageous acts. The Romans and Greeks were also known to put some people to death for being witches. People who were in witches in those societies were believed to move around at night causing the evils of humanity. In most of Europe, though, a witch was someone who was conspiring with the devil, which during the mid–evil times was a great offense. The people of this era were very devout in their religion, and the devil was highly feared. To have a person who was supposed to be connected to the devil was something that just could not be accepted. Some of the first executions in Europe that occurred for the crime of witchcraft took place between the years of 1347–1400 in France. Sixty–seven were burned for being involved with the craft. In the 1400's, the Catholic Church became a key player and influencer in the persecution of Get more content on
  • 10. Witchcraft And Religion Witchcraft and worshipping is frowned up by society but why? Where are the standards held to it? According to the Bible, Witchcraft and worshipping Satan is condemned and deems no entry into heaven. Witchcraft is the practice of black magic, the use of spells and invocation of spirits. Witchcraft, Fortune tellers, and necromancy (communication with the dead) are all Satan's counterfeits to holy spirituality. Deuteronomy 18:9–12 says "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft or casts spells or who is a medium or spiritists or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the lord." The word sorcery is translated from the Greek word pharmakeia meaning pharmacy. Witchcraft and spiritsm involves ritualistic use ofmagic potions more content... Satan is only as powerful as God allows him to be but that is still pretty substantial. First Samuel 15:23 says, "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry." Witchcraft is the most powerful way for Satan to excel in counterfeiting what God does. Satan was created by God to be the most powerful of angelic beings. He soon later rebelled and took one third of the angels (or demons) with him in his rebellion. Satan was created to be a perfect being however pride caused him to fall since he wanted the praise and worship reserved for God alone. Satan's ultimate goal is to oppose God in any and every way possible which makes Witchcraft such a sinister crime, because you are denouncing God and accepting Satan as your spiritual guide. God loves all his children as a spiritual father, so worshipping a being whose one drive is hatred is frowned upon to society. The bible is very direct on its stance on Witchcraft and Satan and that is why it is so scandalous and stigma is so stinging in Get more content on
  • 11. Witchcraft Essay Witchcraft is a fascinating subject that comes out of many regions of the world. There have been time periods in which witchcraft was a prominent feature in society, and there has been times when it has died down. One of the most interesting things about witchcraft is how it has physically changed, how the concept of witchcraft has changed, and how people perceive and view it has changed over centuries.What many people do not know is that witchcraft is actually still practiced today in the US and all over the world. After a Religious Identification Survey by the City University of New York in 2001, it was found thatWicca, which is what current day witches call themselves, was the country's fastest–growing religion, with 134,000 people, more content... This was largely meant to discourage people for practicing these villainous acts of treachery. Thebible even goes as straightforward as to say "Do not practice divination or sorcery" (Leviticus 19:26). Many other primary and secondary sources cite the bible for their argument, in fact arguments are largely based around them. An example of using a bible to prove a point is on a website called Harry Potter Power. It is about witchcraft in terms modern era literature. Many authors such as JK Rowling have written using heavily influenced witchcraft in their work, and it is essential to the plot of the book. C.S. Lewis has similar magical stories, but he does not think witchcraft to be good, or valid. He says, "People all across America are being deluged with books on witchcraft. And the situation is going to get worse, not better. For witchcraft brings you into contact with demons" (Harry Potter Power/destroy). One might think that a website with the name, Harry Potter Power would talk of the power a fantastic book can imbue someone with, but in reality, the website talks about how books such as Get more content on
  • 12. Witchcraft Research Paper Witchcraft has been around since the beginning of time. People used this as an explanation for good and bad things that they didn't understand otherwise. Ancient to Modern day, there have always been very diverse theories on the idea of witchcraft. The word "witchcraft" derives from the Saxon wicca and translates to "wise person." Wicca is the religion started by Gerald B. Gardner in the 1940s and has definable beliefs. The believe in the worship in a God or Goddess.. Its Indo–European root comes from the word "weik" and is related to words in multiple western regions like "magic' and "religion." Through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the interpretation of "witches" or "witchcraft" has varied. Whether they are evil or magical is very harshly debated and argued. In some traditions, they are believed to be evil and dishonest devil worshippers or possessed by more content... They studied verdicts and punishments. Between 1650 and 1710, about 40 people were executed in English colonies. Half of these victims perished as a result of the Salem trials of 1692. Organized witchcraft trials continued to be held throughout Europe and even the English colonies in North America. These so called "witches" were burned at the stake or hung in front of whole villages. If not burned at the stake or hung, they were tortured to get "confessions." Modern day, total deaths in western Europe range from 40,000 to 50,000. Some examples of witchcraft would be, the children's movie " The Wizard of Oz." In this movie, witches fly on brooms and wear tall pointed hats. This movie is a prime example of both sides of witchcraft. One of the witches, the Wicked witch of the West, is the evil witch. However, glenda, the good witch of the South, is a nice witch. This movie explains both sides of witchcraft very well. Another example is the 1987 play " Which Witch" and the musical Get more content on
  • 13. The Importance Of Witchcraft In The World Witchcraft is a term used to describe the belief and practice of magic. (Muscato) It can be found in a variety cultures and religion across history. In the Catholic faith, witchcraft is forbidden by God. (Witchcraft) "The evil eye is a most neglected topic in research on the ancient Israelite language and religion. Despite the ubiquity of this belief in the ancient Near East, some scholars still deny its existence in the Hebrew Bible. This essay attempts to demonstrate that the malevolent eye is attested in the language of the ancient Israelites. A cognitive linguistic analysis of several figurative expressions in the wisdom literature reveals that these were motivated by the conviction that the eye of certain people served as a magical instrument of harm. Especially noteworthy is the fact that the evil eye is ascribed to the black magician." (Witchcraft) S– In initiating a witchcraft ceremony, we need to understand what exactly happens in a ceremony. First, there is casting in a circle. Then there is calling of the elements. Calling upon the Gods. Building of elements. State the purpose of the ritual. Thanking the Gods. Release the circle. (Witchcraft: World ofWicca) One needs to know whether or not they want to be part of the witchcraft ceremony. The reason as to why witchcraft happens is so that the people performing witchcraft can connect with the gods and goddesses they people in a witchcraft ceremony "pray". This is occurring because we want to connect with gods and Get more content on
  • 14. Witchcraft Essay Black magic, voodoo, witchery and Satanism are all various meanings, or supernatural practices or beliefs that refer to the term witchcraft. There are many different definitions referring to the term witchcraft, but the most commonly accepted definition was provided by Evans–Pritchard 1937. (Oxford 2017) He distinguishes between witchcraft and sorcery by their technique, and defines witchcraft as an inherited ability to cause misfortune or death. The user of witchcraft is considered to be evil or dangerous. Prior to the Enlightenment witchcraft was used as a way for people to explain the unexplainable. In the early 1900's the difference between two types of human mystical evil was acknowledged, amplifications on these two types, more content... The medieval European witch, who was the most intricate manifestation, is virtually identical to those witches that resided in Oceania, Africa, Asia and the Americas. In witchcraft uncertainties worldwide, women prevail, but it is commonly available to men and women equally. (InSearch 2017) It took anthropology some time to recognize its circulation and its significance since the idea of a witch is so strange. Ethnographies and explanatory studies amplified exponentially once anthropology grasped on to the idea. Witchcraft's anthropological and historical literature today is massive. The term uncertainty in anthropology is used in an undefined manner to indicate random outcomes, often the negative kind, rendering life risky. It commonly refers to accidents, the addition of bad fortune, severe illness, sudden death or other liable event, which are expected but do not exist within ones bubble of control. (OMICS 2017) Witchcraft surpassed scientific theories of cause and effect, thus providing explanations for otherwise unexplainable happenings. Systems such as witchcraft provide explanations for everything leaving no space for uncertainty. Anthropologists have noted that the feelings of uncertainty, insecurity, and anxiety deriving from the dangerous volatility disorder, and opaqueness of the market are frequently articulated through the medium of popular religion, shamanism, witchcraft, and spirit possession. (OMICS 2017) Death rates went up Get more content on
  • 15. Importance Of Witchcraft In Society The gradual acceptance of witches in society.: What do you think about when you think of witches? Quite some time ago, witches were portrayed as evil, hideous creatures with green skin, an abnormal big nose, generally wearing a black cloak and a pointed hat, and riding a broom across the sky cackling like an old delirious woman. Today, they are seen as good, beautiful women with fair skin, nice features and a good figure. What about witchcraft? Witchcraft has been around as long as human civilization. It is an earth base religion, one in sync with nature. Witches today generally practice good magic. Their belief is that the magic you practice will come back to you in threefold whether good or bad. Witches are accepted in present more content... The Catholic Church began as a persecuted religious community in the Roman Empire. It was illegal to practice Catholicism in the Roman Empire in its earliest days, but with the new emperor, Constantine, it became legal and was the official religion of the Empire. Today we can find many similarities between the catholic mass and witchcraft rituals such as: The burning of candles and incense. The alter in the catholic church is at the front and center is used to celebrate the "Mysteries of the Mass". The alter is similarly used in witchcraft, to casted certain spells, to hand tools and magic and to perform sacrifice. Both Catholics and Witches pray to images and statues. The conclusion is undeniable that occult is within the foundation of the Catholic Church. The acceptance of witchcraft can not be denied. The catholic church does embrace the rituals of witchcraft, but not the demonic practices of witchcraft. The practicing of witchcraft gave women the power to heal, the power over life and death, and respect within the community. oftentimes, having these powers elevated ones' status within the community. But all of this wasn't always so. Several centuries ago the Salem witch trials occurred, creating a fear of witches. Witches were blamed for sicknesses and natural disasters. People kept pointing fingers Get more content on
  • 16. Why Do Witchcraft Exist Witchcraft still does exist today, just in different forms. The most popular type of witchcraft is called Wicca. Wicca is the older name for Witchcraft. Most people think that witches will harm a human with their "supernatural powers", which most people know as black magic. In modern day the Wiccans distance themselves from Christianity because it is a mostly male– dominated religion.The Wiccans are matriarchal and stand up for women's rights. They have fought to eliminate Christianity in schools and government and have even sought to have pagan holidays, such as Halloween and winter solstice, observed as Wiccan holidays. In the past men have been sorcerers in some pagan groups, such as Druids. Today witchcraft is a female dominated Get more content on
  • 17. Causes and Effects of Witchcraft. INTRODUCTION Beliefs and practice of magic and witchcraft is a phenomenon that has captured the minds of millions since the beginning of history. These so called witches have caused fear, hatred, interest, widespread panic and variety of other emotions in other people from all over the world. Every society and civilization on this planet have all some form of witchcraft in their history, witchcraft itself ha e deep history of its own causing it to be recognized in literature and modern society. Beliefs in witchcraft is a common phenomenon in some developing nations, particularly, Tanzania as well as sub–Saharan Africa. This belief has a very pronounced effect on the day to day lives of the believers. It burdens the economies of more content... v. Contract with the Devil (Satan) It is believed that the devil (Satan) makes contract with humans and such contract has to be fulfilled through life–destroying requirements from the devil to his/her clients. Human beings make contracts with the devils (Satan) for the purpose of earning riches, money and prosperity through performing evil deeds such as the offering of ones sons, daughters, wife, husband, relatives or other human blood. These are considered to be the terms and conditions of the devils contract and devil worship. In today's situation, this is highly spread among Tanzanians particularly rich people and business class in Tanzania and Africa in General. vi. The trend of albino murders in recent years The trend of albino murders in recent years is a very clear example of the damage that can be done by witchcraft, in this case affecting the livelihoods and lives of an already–disadvantaged group. Less high profile, but probably more destructive overall, is the damage done to ordinary Tanzanian citizens through witchcraft–related threats. I have come across many examples where Tanzanians, usually those who have had some financial or social success, are held to ransom, threatened with curses. I have seen up close how this can hold people back from achieving their full potential – they can spend a lot of time (and money) fighting off these threats and they can have very damaging psychological effects. If success is punished in this way, Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about Witchcraft Witchcraft Many religions have been misunderstood by people. Sometimes their ignorance and beliefs cannot be opened up to the truth. Witchcraft is one of those religions. The majority of people have sometimes compared Witchcraft to Satanism or any religion dealing with the occult. In fact, Witchcraft is sometimes referred to as the "Old Religion", and is completely different from the misconceptions of people. It is certainly one of the most misunderstood religions. It will continue to remain to be misunderstood if people insist on keeping a closed mind on the subject and believe the stories and rumors that have been misconstrued over the years. Witchcraft is considered to be one of the oldest religions dating back more content... Gardner. In the mid–1960's several Americans went to England and brought back the teachings of Gerald Gardner thereby forming the modern Witchcraft of today. "The word 'witch' is derived from the Old English meaning wicca, it is pronounced 'witcha' meaning male witch , and wicce, pronounced 'witcheh' meaning female witch" (Russell 12). Witches believe in the Goddess and the God. They are believed to be the sole creator of the universe. The Goddess represents Mother Nature or Mother Earth. She is associated with the moon, fertility, the hunt, and Modern Witchcraft. She has many names but is commonly known as Diana. She has many names and many shapes, but over all, the Goddess is anything a witch wants her to be. The God is named "The Horned God". He represents the sun, grain, and is seen in the woodlands. The witches associate The God with Pan, the Greek god of fertility. This is one of the reasons that many Christians believe Witchcraft to be evil. During the time of the persecution of witches, the Christians mistook the worshipping of the fertility god, Pan, as the worshipping of Satan, who the Christians believed to be horned, have a tail, hairy legs, and hooves. The misconceptions of Witchcraft have been inaccurate and misleading. The biggest misunderstanding about Witchcraft is its affiliation with Satanism. Satan is a demonic figure from the Christian belief, not from Witchcraft. In Witchcraft there is no deity that is Get more content on
  • 19. Examples Of Witchcraft From my understanding witchcraft is what is basically used to explain situations that human kind believe is unexplainable in terms of science or nature; or simplified reasons of human understanding of the world around us. These understandings of which most are found in rural or secluded areas, and in places where wealth is distributed unequally. I also gather from the readings of; Evan Pritchard, that witchcraft explains functionalism in primitive though lines and in contrast to Fraser McNeil and Daniel Jordan Smith's readings witchcraft in another context explains structuralism. Among the Azande's witchcraft serves as an explanation to functionalism in one's life or the way they choose to live. For example certain things happen to certain people at a certain time for a certain reason. If he reason is not clear they contribute or associate it with witchcraft. The person has therefore been bewitched if the reason is not attributed to breaking taboo. Witchcraft is an explanation of misfortunes in the Azande community which also helps regulate human conduct (Pritchard: 18). From my understanding this is what maintains order in the Azande communities as people avoid things that will bring bad luck upon them and generational curses. The Azande do not entirely dismiss the actual more content... There are still gaps in the economy of South Africa post apartheid. This is due to the migrant labour decrease which resulted to increased unemployment. Certain parts of the country being independent states which were former homelands of migrant labourers have lost large amounts of their income resulting to the great obscurity. The social and political manoeuvres post apartheid and the re–incorporation of Venda into the now known, Limpopo created the now visible economic inequality or rather uneven distribution of wealth (McNeil). The people of Venda like of Owerri associate quick wealth with Get more content on