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Why Is Abortion Wrong
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy resulting in an unborn child, also known as "Termination of Pregnancy". Abortion are done in the first trimester
which is before the twelfth week of pregnancy. Women's right to choose to terminate the fetus was sanctioned in the Supreme Court during the case of
Roe V. Wade in 1973. The court upheld this decision, allowing many women to make the one decision that ends the life of afetus. There has been about
1.1 million abortions each year in the United States. The decision to have an abortion is personal and varies from individual to individual. Abortion is a
major common decision in today's society, with the different types of abortion, side effects, and with many individuals supporting and with many against more content...
The fetus is alive whether in the womb or born, it is still human and by termination a life is taken away. Since the unborn child is living, a civil right
is being violated, by a decision the fetus cannot react to or disagree with. After the process is done, and the fetus is aborted, the memory of the
decision never goes away, with time it does not erase what reality is. Abortion becomes a tragedy that is not forgotten by the decision maker, the
mother and the one who was murdered, the fetus. Whether the decision is to support or disagree against abortion, it can be prevented in many
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Essay on Abortion Is Wrong
Each person has their own view concerning abortion, but the majority of people have little knowledge about abortion. Abortion in teens is increasing
every year, since morality concerns no longer seem to carry much weight with teens. There are many medical hazards associated with an abortion
procedure. Americans feel that it is only the mother's choice whether or not to abort the fetus. The legalization of abortions occurred in 1973 after the
Roe v. Wade case was won by Roe1 . Norma McCorrey, ?Jane Roe,? claimed to have been raped and filed a lawsuit against Dallas County District
Attorney, Henry Wade, for not allowing Roe to get theabortion that she wanted (Radl 46). When the case went to trial on January 22, 1973
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The right to life of neither the mother or the fetus can take precedence over that of the other (Callahan 439). The fetus contains the same value as its
mother in the ?Human Life Amendment.? This amendment conflicts with many moral issues since many religions feel that if a mother?s life is in
danger of dying then the child should be aborted causing the mother to have precedence over the fetus. The ?Human Life Amendment? also states that
abortion under any and all circumstances would be considered murder. Even to preserve the life of a mother or in the case of rape or incest abortion
would be against the law of the land (Radl 90–91). If the people voted on this amendment it would be thrown out . There is only a very small number
of people who support the passing of the ?Human Life Amendment.? Only the mother?s life should be weighed against the child?s. Mostly because
the mother has experienced life and the child has not. In society people consider it cruel to kill a fetus at seven months old, but they consider it
moral to kill a fetus at only two months (Mensch and Freeman 44). There is not the least bit of difference between a two month old fetus; and a
seven month old fetus, each is a living human life and has the same exact value. All embryos are babies and all babies have a right to live. Some
people feel that the fourth amendment excludes the protective rights of killing a fetus
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Right or Wrong? In January 2002 a college freshman, Karen Hubbard, bled to death after secretly delivering her baby in a bathroom stall at her dorm.
Up until that night no one knew she was pregnant, not her family or her friends. Karen was a bright respected young girl, who had everything going
for her. She was co–valedictorian at her school and was now on her way to college. In the fall of 2001 Karen went off to the University of Wisconsin,
with high hopes from her parents. She was the last person anyone expected to get pregnant, but, on January 29, that all changed. It was around ten o'
clock at night when Karen's roommate walked into the bathroom and realized Karen was giving birth. She heard a gush of water more
Only a women knows what this means, so shouldn't she have the final say in what takes place in her body? Recently there has been an article put on a
website that talks about pro–life and why pro–life should be the only option. In the article, it states the issues that make a women's right to get an
abortion wrong and that abortions should be outlawed. It says that no one should deny the fetus the right to live, that it is a human being and should
be protected by the law like everyone else. That if one did not want to be pregnant there is safe and effective birth controls out there. And that society
needs to be more excepting of teen mothers. True there are safe birth controls out there, but not one is totally one hundred percent effective. And no
matter how hard people try society is never going to except teen mothers. There are still teens today that are not using a form of birth control. They
are too afraid to bring this subject up with their parents and this can result in unsafe sex. Due to this there are many teens that become pregnant and
chooses not to tell their parents. They feel their parents will look down upon them, because that is how society sees young mothers. So they decide to
fix this problem, the only way they know how, by getting an abortion. As of now, a teenager still has the
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Abortion Is Wrong
I believe that abortion is wrong and it's a social problem. I think that it is wrong to have an abortion because life begins at conception. Abortion is no
different to murder as it is the act of taking a human life. As in California penal code 187 says murder is an unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus
with malice. I think the above definition is an easier and less aggressive way to say that abortion is the murdering of a human being. No civilized society
should permit any person to intentionally hurt or take the life of another human without any type of punishment, and abortion should not be different.
Many people will agree that women have the right to choose what she wants to do with her body. The problem with that is more content...
At this point the heart has already begun to beat eighteen to twenty one days after the fertilization. Approximately Four to five weeks after the baby is
conceived, pain receptors begin to form around the baby's mouth. After the pain receptors are fully formed, the nerve tissue begins to form which carry
the messages to the brain to indicate it that something is wrong.
The variances between embryos and adults are the differences of degree not of kind.
Like the terms children and adolescent, the terms fetus and embryo do not indicate to nonhumans but to humans at certain stages of their
development. Baby's inside the mother's womb are usually smaller, less developed, and are dependent than other human beings outside the womb.
They are differences of degree, not differences of kind. We can all point to other people and see that some are bigger, stronger, smarter, or less
dependent than others are, but that doesn't make any life less valuable or any less deserving of protection. Only less than 1% of abortions made are
to protect the life of the mother. Only in very rare cases an abortion is required to save the life of the mother. Obviously, when two lives are in
danger and only one can be saved, doctors will always make the decision to save the mother's life. For instance, abortion for the mother's way of life
and abortion for the health of the mother are usually not the same problem.
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Is Abortion Wrong? Abortion? Essay
Tonitta Tottress Kelly Eliis 11/1/14 Eng. 1302 Is Abortion Wrong? What is abortion? Well some say it's the deliberate termination of a human
pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Maybe it's when the pregnancy is ended so that it does not result in the
birth of a child known as termination birth ( and last but not least from the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, they state that "abortion is
ending a pregnancy before the fetus (unborn child) can live independently outside the mother." Either definition you choose to identify with these
denotations has left the discussion open for a hot debate on abortion. Some people feel that this issue is neither right no wrong, just simply a "to
each his own" idiom. Those who are for abortion tend to believe a woman has a right to decide what goes in her body and if she is capable of
bringing life into this world; and on the other side there is an equal fervent opposition that killing an innocent unborn baby is wrong and unjustly;
murder of first degree of an helpless baby. In this national debate there comes a fine line between what is humane and what is inhumane. For the most
part it is immoral and physically wrong to kill an unsuspecting child because of self–desires and accidental child conceptions. Abortion is wrong when
committing it in a selfish act because of irresponsibility. Imagine if you involuntarily had your life in someone else's hands and they took you r ability
to live? Helpless
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Abortion is Morally Wrong Essay
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth and is morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a fetus. Abortion destroys the
lives of helpless, innocent children and is illegal in many countries. By aborting these unborn infants, humans are hurting themselves; they are not
allowing themselves to meet these new identities and unique personalities. Abortion is very simply wrong. Everyone is raised knowing the difference
between right and wrong. Murder is wrong, so why is not abortion? People argue that it is not murder if the child is unborn. Abortion is murder since
the fetus being destroyed is living, breathing and moving. Why is it that if an infant is destroyed a month before the birth, there is no problem,
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Many argue is it the women's or the foetus' rights and values that are being trampled on? "Pro–choice movements sometimes fall back on an abortion
rhetoric that seems to dehumanize and trivialize the death of a foetus as a way to humanize and make important the reproductive rights of
women." (Wolf p54) "Women can treat an unwanted foetus as a violation of her civil rights and is therefor justified tin using force to expel it"
(McMillan pA12) The decision is not up to the mother because she is not God. Only God, the ultimate creator has the right to choose who may live
and who shall die. Humans do not have the right or the power to control the quality of life and to avoid suffering. "The issue of abortion is not just
life, but how life is created and the extent to which human intention and control the process, both before and after birth. All humans inventions and
interventions may give us a world to regret." (Clark p3) With abortion, we humans give ourselves dominion over a large part of God's plans and our
destiny. Abortion becomes especially evil when the bond between mother and child is broken and it is being used as an alternative birth control when
humans cannot control their irresponsible sexual hungers. If beings are responsible enough to be sexually active, they should also be responsible
enough to accept
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Abortion is Morally Wrong Essay
Abortion is Morally Wrong Abortion, the termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of independent life, can either be spontaneous or
induced. It is called "the knowing destruction of the life of an unborn child." (Mass General Laws Chapter 112 Section 12K) When abortion occurs
spontaneously, it is called a miscarriage. However, when the loss of a fetus is caused intentionally, it is regarded as a moral issue. Abortion destroys
the lives of helpless, innocent children and is illegal in many countries. An estimate of 1.2 million are performed each year. In retrospect, an estimate
38,010,378 innocent children were aborted since 1973 when the process was legalized. Abortion is a simple and safe procedure if it is done
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Without food or fluids, the living, helpless fetus dies. This dangerous method is rarely used because of its unpredictable side affects. The second
trimester includes the thirteenth to twenty–eighth week. Dilatation and Evacuation (D&E), similar to D&C, uses forceps with sharp metal jaws to
grasp the parts of the baby and tear them away from the body. The baby's skull is often hardened to bone and must sometimes be crushed or
compressed. The only side affect is profuse bleeding, and impossible cervical laceration. The rest of the procedures can be done during either the
second or third trimester (the twenty–ninth to fortieth week). The first method is Salt Poisoning, otherwise known as saline amniocentesis. A needle
is inserted into the abdomen of the mother. Her amniotic fluid is replaced with a solution of concentrated salt. Upon swallowing the salt, the baby is
instantly poisoned. This can also cause painful burning of the baby's skin and deterioration. The baby will die after about an hour. The mother delivers
the dead baby after a period of 33 – 35 hours. Some common side affects are seizures, coma, and even death. Prostaglandins are naturally produced
chemical compounds which normally aid in the birthing process. However, the injection of artificial prostaglandins at too early a stage induce violent
labor followed by premature birth. Often, various forms
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Is Abortion Wrong
Is Abortion wrong. Personally I don't it is, but in this paper I will point out both sides and let you formulate your own opinion. Abortions are one of
the many things that everyone has a opinion on. Defined by Merriam–Webster dictionary an abortion is, " the termination of a pregnancy after,
accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus as a spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12
weeks of gestation–marriage, the induced expulsion of a human fetus, or the expulsion of a fetus by a domestic animal often due to infection at any
time before completion of pregnancy.'' This topic is so controversial that which everyone will not agree upon it created two groups. The two groups
that emerged from this is the pro–life and pro–choice. The pro–life supporters claim that abortion at any stage is considered murder. They believe that
life is valuable and life of the unborn baby has the same rights as the mother. On the other hand, pro–choice supporters say that it is the woman right to
choose what she does with her body. These pro–choice people claim that pro–life are truly against the rights to women and free choice than the
termination of the fetus. So you can see that these two groups differ in their opinions like specifically concerning when life begins, affects abortion
have on the mother , and how politics and religion play a role in abortions.
To argue an topic one must understand the topic so one knows how to
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Abortion is Wrong and Unjust Essay
Abortion is Wrong and Unjust
Abortion is killing of an unborn baby. It is a procedure that is performed during the early stages of pregnancy. In the past abortion used to be illegal,
however it is now legal and is also a major controversy in our country today. On one hand are the Pro–Choice supporters mostly consisting of feminist,
teen mothers, rape, and incest victims. On the other hand are the Pro–Life supporters, mostly consisting of Christians and Catholics. In spite of the
many arguments in favor of abortion, the murder of unborn infants is wrong, immoral, and should be illegal.
Pro–Life supporters choose life over abortion because they believe that abortion is wrong and unjust, goes more content...
When then is a baby considered human. It is proven that once conceived the baby is alive. Many babies are born from c–sections which is when the
doctor has to take the baby out of the mother?s stomach for premature birth. In recent studies it shows that unborn babies do feel pain. Animals are
given anesthetics when they are killed in late term, yet babies are not given any sort of pain killers, and have to suffer through excruciating pain
when they are being torn apart. Considering the fact that God created us at conception, to kill a baby five seconds after it is born, is the same as killing
a child at five years of age. The principle of violence is still the same in both cases.
If the fetus is human, and murder is wrong as the law currently states, then it is a civil issue just like all other crimes. Legislating morality would
make it illegal to not practice a religion ? prohibiting abortion protects the rights of citizens just like every other law. Animals are given anesthetics
when they are killed in late term, yet babies are not given any sort of pain killers, and have to suffer through excruciating pain when they are being
torn apart. If someone were to destroy the Mona Lisa or some other creation by a famous artist, the world would be up in arms about it. ?How could
they do such a thing?? everyone would scream. Where is their outrage, when a baby is butchered inside its mother?s womb? Can there be any
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Abortion Is Wrong Essay
Life offers no guarantees but abortion offers no chances. Abortion is a mass slaughter of the innocent. Abortion is an act of violence against
another human being simply because that human being is considered to be unwanted, an inconvenience, disabled or not conscious of their own
life. The reasoning or justification behind the situation is irrelevant. Abortion is still wrong. Why would anyone want to take their own child life?
No matter how hard life may seem at the moment, it will always get better. I feel that abortions are totally unnecessary and should become illegal
in the United States. Abortions should become illegal because it displease God, bring stress to the mother and takes away someone who could
have impacted the world in a positive way. Many people like to believe that preborn babies are not really humans to make theirself feel better about
going through with abortions. Preborn babies have their own circulatory system, organs, blood type, and fingerprints. Preborn babies should be
considered alive because all living things grow and if it was nonliving it would not grow. Just because preborn human beings cannot stand up for
themselves and cannot speak to say that their lives matter too does not mean it is right or acceptable for us to see them as inferior and kill them for it.
Abortions should not be done because it offends God. The Bible clearly teaches that abortion is wrong. The Bible states that "Thou shalt not kill". God
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Abortion Is Wrong
Abortion is wrong
The question of whether abortion is morally justified or not has taken the minds of many into an emotional state of confusion. The matter at hand is no
longer an issue in which simply only the ethical principles of humankind alone are challenged. It is now an issue that has grown over centuries of
practice – evolved even, into a debate of significant scale where arguments have tirelessly engaged with each other. Whilst many countries have already
decided for abortion to be conditionally legal, this does not constitute abortion to be considered morally justified. The termination of a living human, if
not, something which would eventually be one, is simply, by fact, legal or not – murder.
Before definitively defining why abortion is, in essence, morally wrong, it is imperative to outline the main reasons why the law authorizes abortion in
the first place in spite of the certain conditions required to be met. Despite the seemingly 'morally right thing to do', which is evidently not to kill, there
will inevitably be times of difficult circumstances in which abortion would be the only option. According to the Contraception, Sterilisation and
Abortion Act 1977, 'this act decriminalises abortions on condition of certain specified reasons, providing the procedure is approved by two certifying
consultants and the pregnancy is less than 20 weeks old. Consultants may give approval for the following reasons; to save the life of the woman (even
if after 20 weeks);
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Abortion is Wrong Essay
I have always been convinced that abortion should be illegal. I have always been taught to consider that when a fetus (a baby developing inside the
stomach) is growing it has feelings, emotions, and physical processes that make him or her alive just like people who have been born. To have an
abortion is to kill someone; it is murder. Often, the aftermath of abortion is devastating with guilt, shame, and even death. Since every action has a
consequence, I think we should act in righteousness. Abortion is wrong because it endangers a person's health, creates negative psychological effects,
contradicts my convictions, and goes against the Bible. The first major reason why I am against abortion is that it has too many heath risks involved. more content...
If blood transfusions go wrong, a risk of viral hepatitis can occur and cause death. With these two dangers, I considered that abortion can have
devastating results that can lead to death. Another result of abortion is negative psychological consequences. I also believe abortion causes regret.
Anne Baker, a counselor at Hope Clinic in Granite City, Illinois, stated that whenever she counseled a woman who went through an abortion they
often felt guilty because they did not consider the consequences often; they felt a in their life (Welch). Another instance was where Mrs. Mestraud,
went through an abortion and she said, "I feel like a murderer,..." After the abortion Mestraud said that she couldn't talk to anyone. It is evident
from these instances that abortions can cause people to feel remorse for their actions. The other reason I am against abortion is that it's illogical and
immoral. I believe that abortions occur because of irresponsibility of people. Since I live in a place that has an abundance of people committing
fornication and having unsafe sex, a lot of people get pregnant and don't want to take responsibility for what they have done. Instead of abortion
occurring, birth should take place and either the biological parents or the adoptive parents should take care of the baby. This way a woman can avoid
taking the of a life of an innocent unborn. I think that life starts when the baby is developing in the womb or it would not develop
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Why Is Abortion Wrong

  • 1. Why Is Abortion Wrong Abortion is the ending of pregnancy resulting in an unborn child, also known as "Termination of Pregnancy". Abortion are done in the first trimester which is before the twelfth week of pregnancy. Women's right to choose to terminate the fetus was sanctioned in the Supreme Court during the case of Roe V. Wade in 1973. The court upheld this decision, allowing many women to make the one decision that ends the life of afetus. There has been about 1.1 million abortions each year in the United States. The decision to have an abortion is personal and varies from individual to individual. Abortion is a major common decision in today's society, with the different types of abortion, side effects, and with many individuals supporting and with many against more content... The fetus is alive whether in the womb or born, it is still human and by termination a life is taken away. Since the unborn child is living, a civil right is being violated, by a decision the fetus cannot react to or disagree with. After the process is done, and the fetus is aborted, the memory of the decision never goes away, with time it does not erase what reality is. Abortion becomes a tragedy that is not forgotten by the decision maker, the mother and the one who was murdered, the fetus. Whether the decision is to support or disagree against abortion, it can be prevented in many Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Abortion Is Wrong Each person has their own view concerning abortion, but the majority of people have little knowledge about abortion. Abortion in teens is increasing every year, since morality concerns no longer seem to carry much weight with teens. There are many medical hazards associated with an abortion procedure. Americans feel that it is only the mother's choice whether or not to abort the fetus. The legalization of abortions occurred in 1973 after the Roe v. Wade case was won by Roe1 . Norma McCorrey, ?Jane Roe,? claimed to have been raped and filed a lawsuit against Dallas County District Attorney, Henry Wade, for not allowing Roe to get theabortion that she wanted (Radl 46). When the case went to trial on January 22, 1973 more content... The right to life of neither the mother or the fetus can take precedence over that of the other (Callahan 439). The fetus contains the same value as its mother in the ?Human Life Amendment.? This amendment conflicts with many moral issues since many religions feel that if a mother?s life is in danger of dying then the child should be aborted causing the mother to have precedence over the fetus. The ?Human Life Amendment? also states that abortion under any and all circumstances would be considered murder. Even to preserve the life of a mother or in the case of rape or incest abortion would be against the law of the land (Radl 90–91). If the people voted on this amendment it would be thrown out . There is only a very small number of people who support the passing of the ?Human Life Amendment.? Only the mother?s life should be weighed against the child?s. Mostly because the mother has experienced life and the child has not. In society people consider it cruel to kill a fetus at seven months old, but they consider it moral to kill a fetus at only two months (Mensch and Freeman 44). There is not the least bit of difference between a two month old fetus; and a seven month old fetus, each is a living human life and has the same exact value. All embryos are babies and all babies have a right to live. Some people feel that the fourth amendment excludes the protective rights of killing a fetus Get more content on
  • 3. Abortion Right or Wrong? In January 2002 a college freshman, Karen Hubbard, bled to death after secretly delivering her baby in a bathroom stall at her dorm. Up until that night no one knew she was pregnant, not her family or her friends. Karen was a bright respected young girl, who had everything going for her. She was co–valedictorian at her school and was now on her way to college. In the fall of 2001 Karen went off to the University of Wisconsin, with high hopes from her parents. She was the last person anyone expected to get pregnant, but, on January 29, that all changed. It was around ten o' clock at night when Karen's roommate walked into the bathroom and realized Karen was giving birth. She heard a gush of water more content... Only a women knows what this means, so shouldn't she have the final say in what takes place in her body? Recently there has been an article put on a website that talks about pro–life and why pro–life should be the only option. In the article, it states the issues that make a women's right to get an abortion wrong and that abortions should be outlawed. It says that no one should deny the fetus the right to live, that it is a human being and should be protected by the law like everyone else. That if one did not want to be pregnant there is safe and effective birth controls out there. And that society needs to be more excepting of teen mothers. True there are safe birth controls out there, but not one is totally one hundred percent effective. And no matter how hard people try society is never going to except teen mothers. There are still teens today that are not using a form of birth control. They are too afraid to bring this subject up with their parents and this can result in unsafe sex. Due to this there are many teens that become pregnant and chooses not to tell their parents. They feel their parents will look down upon them, because that is how society sees young mothers. So they decide to fix this problem, the only way they know how, by getting an abortion. As of now, a teenager still has the Get more content on
  • 4. Abortion Is Wrong I believe that abortion is wrong and it's a social problem. I think that it is wrong to have an abortion because life begins at conception. Abortion is no different to murder as it is the act of taking a human life. As in California penal code 187 says murder is an unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus with malice. I think the above definition is an easier and less aggressive way to say that abortion is the murdering of a human being. No civilized society should permit any person to intentionally hurt or take the life of another human without any type of punishment, and abortion should not be different. Many people will agree that women have the right to choose what she wants to do with her body. The problem with that is more content... At this point the heart has already begun to beat eighteen to twenty one days after the fertilization. Approximately Four to five weeks after the baby is conceived, pain receptors begin to form around the baby's mouth. After the pain receptors are fully formed, the nerve tissue begins to form which carry the messages to the brain to indicate it that something is wrong. The variances between embryos and adults are the differences of degree not of kind. Like the terms children and adolescent, the terms fetus and embryo do not indicate to nonhumans but to humans at certain stages of their development. Baby's inside the mother's womb are usually smaller, less developed, and are dependent than other human beings outside the womb. They are differences of degree, not differences of kind. We can all point to other people and see that some are bigger, stronger, smarter, or less dependent than others are, but that doesn't make any life less valuable or any less deserving of protection. Only less than 1% of abortions made are to protect the life of the mother. Only in very rare cases an abortion is required to save the life of the mother. Obviously, when two lives are in danger and only one can be saved, doctors will always make the decision to save the mother's life. For instance, abortion for the mother's way of life and abortion for the health of the mother are usually not the same problem. Get more content on
  • 5. Is Abortion Wrong? Abortion? Essay Tonitta Tottress Kelly Eliis 11/1/14 Eng. 1302 Is Abortion Wrong? What is abortion? Well some say it's the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Maybe it's when the pregnancy is ended so that it does not result in the birth of a child known as termination birth ( and last but not least from the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, they state that "abortion is ending a pregnancy before the fetus (unborn child) can live independently outside the mother." Either definition you choose to identify with these denotations has left the discussion open for a hot debate on abortion. Some people feel that this issue is neither right no wrong, just simply a "to each his own" idiom. Those who are for abortion tend to believe a woman has a right to decide what goes in her body and if she is capable of bringing life into this world; and on the other side there is an equal fervent opposition that killing an innocent unborn baby is wrong and unjustly; murder of first degree of an helpless baby. In this national debate there comes a fine line between what is humane and what is inhumane. For the most part it is immoral and physically wrong to kill an unsuspecting child because of self–desires and accidental child conceptions. Abortion is wrong when committing it in a selfish act because of irresponsibility. Imagine if you involuntarily had your life in someone else's hands and they took you r ability to live? Helpless Get more content on
  • 6. Abortion is Morally Wrong Essay Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth and is morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a fetus. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children and is illegal in many countries. By aborting these unborn infants, humans are hurting themselves; they are not allowing themselves to meet these new identities and unique personalities. Abortion is very simply wrong. Everyone is raised knowing the difference between right and wrong. Murder is wrong, so why is not abortion? People argue that it is not murder if the child is unborn. Abortion is murder since the fetus being destroyed is living, breathing and moving. Why is it that if an infant is destroyed a month before the birth, there is no problem, more content... Many argue is it the women's or the foetus' rights and values that are being trampled on? "Pro–choice movements sometimes fall back on an abortion rhetoric that seems to dehumanize and trivialize the death of a foetus as a way to humanize and make important the reproductive rights of women." (Wolf p54) "Women can treat an unwanted foetus as a violation of her civil rights and is therefor justified tin using force to expel it" (McMillan pA12) The decision is not up to the mother because she is not God. Only God, the ultimate creator has the right to choose who may live and who shall die. Humans do not have the right or the power to control the quality of life and to avoid suffering. "The issue of abortion is not just life, but how life is created and the extent to which human intention and control the process, both before and after birth. All humans inventions and interventions may give us a world to regret." (Clark p3) With abortion, we humans give ourselves dominion over a large part of God's plans and our destiny. Abortion becomes especially evil when the bond between mother and child is broken and it is being used as an alternative birth control when humans cannot control their irresponsible sexual hungers. If beings are responsible enough to be sexually active, they should also be responsible enough to accept Get more content on
  • 7. Abortion is Morally Wrong Essay Abortion is Morally Wrong Abortion, the termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of independent life, can either be spontaneous or induced. It is called "the knowing destruction of the life of an unborn child." (Mass General Laws Chapter 112 Section 12K) When abortion occurs spontaneously, it is called a miscarriage. However, when the loss of a fetus is caused intentionally, it is regarded as a moral issue. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children and is illegal in many countries. An estimate of 1.2 million are performed each year. In retrospect, an estimate 38,010,378 innocent children were aborted since 1973 when the process was legalized. Abortion is a simple and safe procedure if it is done more content... Without food or fluids, the living, helpless fetus dies. This dangerous method is rarely used because of its unpredictable side affects. The second trimester includes the thirteenth to twenty–eighth week. Dilatation and Evacuation (D&E), similar to D&C, uses forceps with sharp metal jaws to grasp the parts of the baby and tear them away from the body. The baby's skull is often hardened to bone and must sometimes be crushed or compressed. The only side affect is profuse bleeding, and impossible cervical laceration. The rest of the procedures can be done during either the second or third trimester (the twenty–ninth to fortieth week). The first method is Salt Poisoning, otherwise known as saline amniocentesis. A needle is inserted into the abdomen of the mother. Her amniotic fluid is replaced with a solution of concentrated salt. Upon swallowing the salt, the baby is instantly poisoned. This can also cause painful burning of the baby's skin and deterioration. The baby will die after about an hour. The mother delivers the dead baby after a period of 33 – 35 hours. Some common side affects are seizures, coma, and even death. Prostaglandins are naturally produced chemical compounds which normally aid in the birthing process. However, the injection of artificial prostaglandins at too early a stage induce violent labor followed by premature birth. Often, various forms Get more content on
  • 8. Is Abortion Wrong Is Abortion wrong. Personally I don't it is, but in this paper I will point out both sides and let you formulate your own opinion. Abortions are one of the many things that everyone has a opinion on. Defined by Merriam–Webster dictionary an abortion is, " the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus as a spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation–marriage, the induced expulsion of a human fetus, or the expulsion of a fetus by a domestic animal often due to infection at any time before completion of pregnancy.'' This topic is so controversial that which everyone will not agree upon it created two groups. The two groups that emerged from this is the pro–life and pro–choice. The pro–life supporters claim that abortion at any stage is considered murder. They believe that life is valuable and life of the unborn baby has the same rights as the mother. On the other hand, pro–choice supporters say that it is the woman right to choose what she does with her body. These pro–choice people claim that pro–life are truly against the rights to women and free choice than the termination of the fetus. So you can see that these two groups differ in their opinions like specifically concerning when life begins, affects abortion have on the mother , and how politics and religion play a role in abortions. To argue an topic one must understand the topic so one knows how to Get more content on
  • 9. Abortion is Wrong and Unjust Essay Abortion is Wrong and Unjust Abortion is killing of an unborn baby. It is a procedure that is performed during the early stages of pregnancy. In the past abortion used to be illegal, however it is now legal and is also a major controversy in our country today. On one hand are the Pro–Choice supporters mostly consisting of feminist, teen mothers, rape, and incest victims. On the other hand are the Pro–Life supporters, mostly consisting of Christians and Catholics. In spite of the many arguments in favor of abortion, the murder of unborn infants is wrong, immoral, and should be illegal. Pro–Life supporters choose life over abortion because they believe that abortion is wrong and unjust, goes more content... When then is a baby considered human. It is proven that once conceived the baby is alive. Many babies are born from c–sections which is when the doctor has to take the baby out of the mother?s stomach for premature birth. In recent studies it shows that unborn babies do feel pain. Animals are given anesthetics when they are killed in late term, yet babies are not given any sort of pain killers, and have to suffer through excruciating pain when they are being torn apart. Considering the fact that God created us at conception, to kill a baby five seconds after it is born, is the same as killing a child at five years of age. The principle of violence is still the same in both cases. If the fetus is human, and murder is wrong as the law currently states, then it is a civil issue just like all other crimes. Legislating morality would make it illegal to not practice a religion ? prohibiting abortion protects the rights of citizens just like every other law. Animals are given anesthetics when they are killed in late term, yet babies are not given any sort of pain killers, and have to suffer through excruciating pain when they are being torn apart. If someone were to destroy the Mona Lisa or some other creation by a famous artist, the world would be up in arms about it. ?How could they do such a thing?? everyone would scream. Where is their outrage, when a baby is butchered inside its mother?s womb? Can there be any comparison Get more content on
  • 10. Abortion Is Wrong Essay Life offers no guarantees but abortion offers no chances. Abortion is a mass slaughter of the innocent. Abortion is an act of violence against another human being simply because that human being is considered to be unwanted, an inconvenience, disabled or not conscious of their own life. The reasoning or justification behind the situation is irrelevant. Abortion is still wrong. Why would anyone want to take their own child life? No matter how hard life may seem at the moment, it will always get better. I feel that abortions are totally unnecessary and should become illegal in the United States. Abortions should become illegal because it displease God, bring stress to the mother and takes away someone who could have impacted the world in a positive way. Many people like to believe that preborn babies are not really humans to make theirself feel better about going through with abortions. Preborn babies have their own circulatory system, organs, blood type, and fingerprints. Preborn babies should be considered alive because all living things grow and if it was nonliving it would not grow. Just because preborn human beings cannot stand up for themselves and cannot speak to say that their lives matter too does not mean it is right or acceptable for us to see them as inferior and kill them for it. Abortions should not be done because it offends God. The Bible clearly teaches that abortion is wrong. The Bible states that "Thou shalt not kill". God created Get more content on
  • 11. Abortion Is Wrong Abortion is wrong The question of whether abortion is morally justified or not has taken the minds of many into an emotional state of confusion. The matter at hand is no longer an issue in which simply only the ethical principles of humankind alone are challenged. It is now an issue that has grown over centuries of practice – evolved even, into a debate of significant scale where arguments have tirelessly engaged with each other. Whilst many countries have already decided for abortion to be conditionally legal, this does not constitute abortion to be considered morally justified. The termination of a living human, if not, something which would eventually be one, is simply, by fact, legal or not – murder. Before definitively defining why abortion is, in essence, morally wrong, it is imperative to outline the main reasons why the law authorizes abortion in the first place in spite of the certain conditions required to be met. Despite the seemingly 'morally right thing to do', which is evidently not to kill, there will inevitably be times of difficult circumstances in which abortion would be the only option. According to the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977, 'this act decriminalises abortions on condition of certain specified reasons, providing the procedure is approved by two certifying consultants and the pregnancy is less than 20 weeks old. Consultants may give approval for the following reasons; to save the life of the woman (even if after 20 weeks); Get more content on
  • 12. Abortion is Wrong Essay I have always been convinced that abortion should be illegal. I have always been taught to consider that when a fetus (a baby developing inside the stomach) is growing it has feelings, emotions, and physical processes that make him or her alive just like people who have been born. To have an abortion is to kill someone; it is murder. Often, the aftermath of abortion is devastating with guilt, shame, and even death. Since every action has a consequence, I think we should act in righteousness. Abortion is wrong because it endangers a person's health, creates negative psychological effects, contradicts my convictions, and goes against the Bible. The first major reason why I am against abortion is that it has too many heath risks involved. more content... If blood transfusions go wrong, a risk of viral hepatitis can occur and cause death. With these two dangers, I considered that abortion can have devastating results that can lead to death. Another result of abortion is negative psychological consequences. I also believe abortion causes regret. Anne Baker, a counselor at Hope Clinic in Granite City, Illinois, stated that whenever she counseled a woman who went through an abortion they often felt guilty because they did not consider the consequences often; they felt a in their life (Welch). Another instance was where Mrs. Mestraud, went through an abortion and she said, "I feel like a murderer,..." After the abortion Mestraud said that she couldn't talk to anyone. It is evident from these instances that abortions can cause people to feel remorse for their actions. The other reason I am against abortion is that it's illogical and immoral. I believe that abortions occur because of irresponsibility of people. Since I live in a place that has an abundance of people committing fornication and having unsafe sex, a lot of people get pregnant and don't want to take responsibility for what they have done. Instead of abortion occurring, birth should take place and either the biological parents or the adoptive parents should take care of the baby. This way a woman can avoid taking the of a life of an innocent unborn. I think that life starts when the baby is developing in the womb or it would not develop Get more content on