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                          What We Can Learn
                          from Marketers
                          Making a Difference
                           BY LINDA MASTAGLIO, ABC, AND MATT HANDAL

    Society for Marketing Professional Services

          reat marketing happens when people open their minds         According to President Timothy Haahs, P.E., AIA, “The thing
          to inventive ideas. We asked the members of SMPS to         that set Rachel apart was her ability to learn, process, and teach
          tell us about people who are unleashing new ideas           architects and engineers about LEED and sustainable design,
to elevate their firms’ marketing programs and cultures. We met       as a non-technical professional. We realized her ability to speak
marketing coordinators, directors, vice presidents, and everyone in   and write on these topics and continue to make this a part of
between. While we can’t highlight every story we heard, following     our strategy for differentiation.”
are a handful that might inspire your own creativity and innovative
thinking in 2013.                                                     Yoka’s research contributed to a 2012 report produced by the
                                                                      United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and
                                                                      the Pacific: “Low Carbon Green Growth Roadmap for Asia and
The Game Changer                                                      the Pacific: Turning Resource Constraints and the Climate Crisis
Five years ago, the green building movement began to gain             into Economic Growth Opportunities.” The report outlines a
steam by showing true return on investment for owners and             series of policies and strategies to promote economic growth in
clients—yet it had not been widely pursued in the parking             developing countries, providing governments and policymakers
industry. Parking—the primary focus of Philadelphia-based             with policy options for pursuing low-carbon green growth and
Timothy Haahs & Associates, Inc. (TimHaahs)—creates                   guidelines for implementing those options.
significant opportunities to support sustainable planning,
design, and construction, yet much of the green building              Yoka was selected as the 2012 Parking Professional of the
industry largely ignored the issue. Rachel Yoka, CPSM,                Year by the International Parking Institute. She continues
TimHaahs’ first vice president of strategic business planning and     to speak, educate, and write on sustainability in the parking
sustainability, decided to leverage this window of opportunity.       and transportation industries as she works on TimHaahs’
                                                                      international expansion.
She pursued the LEED AP designation, earned the BD+C
credential, and then decided to do more than just pursue
continuing education credits. Yoka conducted research, created
                                                                      The Collaborative Communicator
and hosted programs, and motivated her colleagues to pursue           Running a corporate marketing department for a global company
LEED accreditation for technical professionals as well as             with a staff of two is no small feat, but Maribel Castillo, associate
management and leadership. In one year, the firm shifted from         vice president and director of corporate communications, has
a few outlier APs to more than 25% staff accreditation. She           figured out how to do it at T.Y. Lin International (TYLI). Her
launched and spearheaded the firm’s Sustainability Initiative,        team is credited with helping increase revenue from $163 million
educating staff on internal office sustainability programs as well    in 2009 to $250 million in 2011.
as client-driven solutions that are now integrated into the firm’s
projects. These strategies include green roofs and walls, cool        Here is her approach: Assist the company’s 35 marketers
roofing and lighting choices, renewable energy production,            to work together, to collaborate, and to execute strategic
and water management and preservation.                                marketing programs.

“Great marketing happens when people open their minds to inventive ideas.

                                                                                                                  Marketer/December 2012
     “Her success comes from cultivating a vision that everyone can
     buy into and then encouraging individuals’ strengths so that they
                                                                               The President and COO
     shine in their specific areas of expertise,” says Pam Ching, the firm’s   One of the people we heard about is an unexpected champion
     senior marketing coordinator. “Maribel guides marketers across            of marketing: He is Robert Scaer, P.E., the president and chief
     more than 50 offices to embrace a common purpose and share                operating officer of Gannett Fleming.
     knowledge and resources.”
                                                                               Gannett Fleming’s marketing traditionally had been executed
     By using this platform prudently and practically, TYLI’s corporate        in silos. The various divisions of the company hired their own
     marketing department has successfully implemented strategic               marketing representatives, who rarely communicated, making
     initiatives including a new client relationship management                it difficult to ensure marketing standards across the board and
     database, a global Web site in English and Chinese, an internal           comprehensive messaging across the enterprise. Scaer supported
     communications program, and a social media campaign that                  the consolidation of marketing into one team and changed the
     has generated more than 3,540 followers on Twitter, Facebook,             dynamic of marketing throughout the company.
     and LinkedIn.
                                                                               With all marketing now in one shop, the team is drawing on
     In the past three years, Castillo’s team also has garnered a record-      everyone’s combined talents, energies, and creativity. The team
     breaking number of accolades, including six awards for TYLI’s             provides a consistent and comprehensive message across the
     new Web site, which won an SMPS Marketing Communications                  enterprise. This marketing strategy has been especially valued
     Award (MCA). The team also earned three MCAs in the categories            as companies continue to weather tough economic times.
     of media relations, brochure, and internal newsletter.
                                                                               Scaer told his people that smart marketing would be critical for
     So, what is Castillo’s secret? “She brings the kind of forward-           acquiring work and positioning the firm for better days. He called
     thinking and energy that TYLI needs to compete in the global              his strategy the “chicken-in-every-pot” initiative after a 1928
     market,” says Marwan Nader, a TYLI vice president.                        presidential campaign advertisement. For Gannett Fleming, “a
                                                                               chicken in every pot” means each region has a marketing champion
                                                                               who helps to drive business growth. With marketing and business
                                                                               development working together, the 2,000-person firm created

     Professionals Featured in This Article

     Megen Briars                          Wendy Burke                           Maribel Castillo                     Kelly McNair, CPSM
     Director of Marketing                 Director of Business Development      Associate Vice President,            Marketing Systems Manager
     OKW Architects Inc.                   HOAR Construction                     Director of Corporate                Barton Malow Company
     Chicago, IL                           Houston, TX                                                                Southfield, MI
                                                                                 T.Y. Lin International                                                         
                                                                                 San Francisco, CA

     Society for Marketing Professional Services
54 marketing and business plans in 2011. Scaer offered feedback   The group’s mission is to provide a forum for female sales
for each business plan and helps staff remain accountable for     executives to expand their personal ties and influence and,
executing the plans and achieving revenue and profit goals.       consequently, increase the value of their professional networks—
                                                                  and thus themselves—to their A/E/C firms. They targeted
Now, strategic business planning and strategic marketing are      senior-level saleswomen and limited membership to just 60,
common terms used throughout the company, demonstrating           using a formal application process. Ten percent of the group’s
how the firm values an integrated approach to marketing and       members are younger women who are collectively mentored.
business development to achieve business goals.
                                                                  The group meets monthly and features speakers about half the
When Scaer introduced the firm’s first CRM system, he worked      time, recently including Houston Mayor Annise Parker. “Our
to make sure employees understood how the system supports         speakers focus on their lessons learned and critical success factors,
marketing and business development. He let them know              helping us leverage their experience,” Burke says. In August, a
why they should make the change, instead of just telling          WiSER chapter began in Dallas, and the founders anticipate
them what to change. He also encourages employee involvement      several more chapters in the next few years.
in professional organizations so that they become lifelong
learners. At Gannett Fleming, 14 employees are members of
SMPS; 8 of them are CPSMs.

The Builders
Seeking to help women succeed in the A/E/C business,
Wendy Burke, director of business development with HOAR
Construction in Houston, and Amy Moen, CPSM, vice president
and director of marketing for Haynes Whaley Associates, two
years ago founded WiSER: Women in Sales Executive Roles.
“SMPS is a fantastic organization, but we wanted something
senior-level and totally sales-focused,” Burke says.

Amy Moen, CPSM                     Robert Scaer, P.E.               Jeffrey Taub, CPSM                    Rachel Yoka, LEED AP BD+C,
Associate Vice President,          President and Chief              Senior Marketing Specialist           CNU-A, CPSM
Director of Marketing              Operating Officer                VHB                                   Vice President, Strategic Business
Haynes Whaley Associates Inc.      Gannett Fleming                  New York, NY                          Planning and Sustainability
Houston, TX                        Harrisburg, PA                                    Timothy Haahs & Associates                                                      Blue Bell, PA

                                                                                                               Marketer/December 2012
                                                                                The Ethicist
                                                                                Jeffrey Taub, CPSM, senior marketing specialist at VHB, both
                                                                                walks the walk and talks the talk of ethical marketing, including
                                                                                letting clients know the implications of hiring his firm.

                                                                                According to Thomas Phelan, VHB’s Newark, NJ, office manager,
                                                                                professional integrity has been a hallmark of Taub’s 12-year career
                                                                                as a marketer.

                                                                                “As the marketing director of Eng-Wong, Taub & Associates, an
                                                                                MBE-certified firm which merged with VHB in 2011, Jeffrey was
                                                                                in a position of profound ethical responsibility in representing
     In 2011, Maribel Castillo co-led the publication of The Bridge at Hoover   our MBE status to teaming partners,” Phelan says. “New York
     Dam, an award-winning monograph by photographer Jamey Stillings            City’s Local Law 129 stated that no MBE credit would be
     and T.Y. Lin International, which commemorates the opening of the          granted for Asian-American businesses (such as Eng-Wong,
     Mike O’Callaghan-Pat Tillman Bridge, also known as the Hoover Dam
     Bypass Bridge. The book has become a key marketing piece for the
                                                                                Taub & Associates) providing professional services. Jeffrey first
     firm, and it has been distributed to TYLI’s clients around the world.      educated our clients of this statute and proceeded to diligently
                                                                                cite the statute when we were approached by teaming partners—
                                                                                even as our firm continued to be MBE-certified by the city. He
                                                                                could have said nothing but chose instead to warn and educate
     The Big-Picture Thinker                                                    prospective business partners about the law’s implications for
     Kelly McNair, CPSM, marketing systems manager at Barton                    MBE utilization goals in their proposals.”
     Malow, thinks big but uses a soft touch. Marketing director
                                                                                Taub’s articles on marketing ethics and hiring MBE firms have
     Donna Jakubowicz, FSMPS, CPSM, calls McNair the firm’s
                                                                                been published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers and
     “marketing secret weapon.”
                                                                                Real Estate Weekly.
     “Kelly’s overall approach to marketing and communications is
     holistic,” says Jakubowicz. “She looks at the bigger picture to
     determine positive impact to the largest, yet targeted, audience.
     She seeks to fit every assignment into the bigger picture of how
     what she does will further client relationship development and
     thereby positively impact Barton Malow’s bottom line.”

     McNair’s recent initiatives for Barton Malow include implementing
     a cloud-based system for digital asset management (graphics,
     photos, and video) and turning the firm’s desktop-based
     Filemaker database (for boilerplate text, staff resumes, and project
     experience) into one that could be accessed by remote business
     development staff through the Web. (The total one-time cost for
     the latter was approximately $300, which is much less than systems
     used by many firms.)

     According to Jakubowicz, McNair has the ability to “sway hearts
     and minds with her quiet confidence. She researches possible
     outcomes and presents the facts to back up her suggested solutions.
     Like Lyndon B. Johnson, she approaches building consensus by
     working behind the scenes with individuals. By the time the larger
     group of decision-makers convenes, she goes in knowing the
     majority agree with her ideas and solutions.”

     Society for Marketing Professional Services
The Chapter Leader
In 2008, Megen Briars, director of marketing at OKW Architects,
                                                                       Many thanks…
Inc., accepted the position of communications chair for SMPS           To the many people who
Chicago. “Although her term as chair officially started in 2010,
                                                                       contributed to this article:
she took on chair responsibilities with no questions asked in 2008,”
says chapter member Heather Askew. “She saw there was a need
                                                                       Heather Askew
for structure and an opportunity to strengthen the chapter through
communications, and she has done that.”                                Megen Briars

From scratch, Briars created communications best practices,            Arica Bukowski
a strategic plan, a committee mission statement, and roles and
                                                                       Wendy Burke
responsibilities statements.
                                                                       Matthew Campbell
In 2010, she conducted surveys and found that many member
frustrations could be fixed by effective communications. “She went     Maribel Castillo
through hours and hours of Webinars on event registration systems
                                                                       Pam Ching
and Web site platforms,” adds Askew. She brought the Cvent
registration system to the chapter as well as a new Wordpress Web      Michael Costa, CPA
site designed by SMPS Washington, DC, member Frankie Bailey.
These two communication platforms increased event registration         Ali Detar, CPSM
by more than 20% by improving the user registration experience.        Danielle Feroleto, CPSM
Briars also enhanced the benefits for chapter sponsors with features   Heather Hetherington
such as a “Sponsor Spotlight” in the chapter’s newsletter, premium
space on the home page, unique sponsor logo space on all Web site      Donna Jakubowicz, FSMPS, CPSM
pages, and “Sponsor Shoutout” Wednesdays on Twitter.                   Judy Kienle, MPH, CPSM
                                                                       Peter Kienle, FSMPS, CPSM
What’s Your Story?
                                                                       Megan Kocchi
How will you innovate, influence, or inspire collaboration,
client service, communication, brand, technology, processes, or        Megan Leinart, LEED AP BD+C
profitability in your firm, community, or chapter in 2013? Share
your story with us!                                                    Julie Lougee
                                                                       Kelly McNair, CPSM

About the Authors                                                      Sylvia Montgomery, CPSM
               Contributing Editor Linda Mastaglio, ABC, who           Thomas Phelan
               wrote the “Marketers Perform Their Own Reality
               Checks” cover story in the February 2011 issue,         Robert Scaer, P.E.
               has helped many engineering, architecture, and
               construction firms use public relations and             Lindsay Scherr
               marketing to improve their businesses, their
               reputations, and their bottom lines. Linda can be       Lisa Mary Shamakovh
               reached at 903.963.8923 or
                                                                       Jeffrey Taub, CPSM
                Contributing Editor Matt Handal, who interviewed       Mindy Wolfle
                Cordell Parvin in the August 2012 issue, serves as
                business development manager for Trauner Consulting    Rachel Yoka, LEED AP BD+C, CNU-A, CPSM
                Services, Inc. (, and as
                producer of the Construction Netcast podcast. He can
                be reached at or
      ’s @MattHandal. Subscribe to his articles

                                                                                                 Marketer/December 2012

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What We Can Learn From Marketers Making A Difference, SMPS Marketer, December 2012

  • 1. 8 What We Can Learn from Marketers Making a Difference BY LINDA MASTAGLIO, ABC, AND MATT HANDAL Society for Marketing Professional Services
  • 2. 9 G reat marketing happens when people open their minds According to President Timothy Haahs, P.E., AIA, “The thing to inventive ideas. We asked the members of SMPS to that set Rachel apart was her ability to learn, process, and teach tell us about people who are unleashing new ideas architects and engineers about LEED and sustainable design, to elevate their firms’ marketing programs and cultures. We met as a non-technical professional. We realized her ability to speak marketing coordinators, directors, vice presidents, and everyone in and write on these topics and continue to make this a part of between. While we can’t highlight every story we heard, following our strategy for differentiation.” are a handful that might inspire your own creativity and innovative thinking in 2013. Yoka’s research contributed to a 2012 report produced by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific: “Low Carbon Green Growth Roadmap for Asia and The Game Changer the Pacific: Turning Resource Constraints and the Climate Crisis Five years ago, the green building movement began to gain into Economic Growth Opportunities.” The report outlines a steam by showing true return on investment for owners and series of policies and strategies to promote economic growth in clients—yet it had not been widely pursued in the parking developing countries, providing governments and policymakers industry. Parking—the primary focus of Philadelphia-based with policy options for pursuing low-carbon green growth and Timothy Haahs & Associates, Inc. (TimHaahs)—creates guidelines for implementing those options. significant opportunities to support sustainable planning, design, and construction, yet much of the green building Yoka was selected as the 2012 Parking Professional of the industry largely ignored the issue. Rachel Yoka, CPSM, Year by the International Parking Institute. She continues TimHaahs’ first vice president of strategic business planning and to speak, educate, and write on sustainability in the parking sustainability, decided to leverage this window of opportunity. and transportation industries as she works on TimHaahs’ international expansion. She pursued the LEED AP designation, earned the BD+C credential, and then decided to do more than just pursue continuing education credits. Yoka conducted research, created The Collaborative Communicator and hosted programs, and motivated her colleagues to pursue Running a corporate marketing department for a global company LEED accreditation for technical professionals as well as with a staff of two is no small feat, but Maribel Castillo, associate management and leadership. In one year, the firm shifted from vice president and director of corporate communications, has a few outlier APs to more than 25% staff accreditation. She figured out how to do it at T.Y. Lin International (TYLI). Her launched and spearheaded the firm’s Sustainability Initiative, team is credited with helping increase revenue from $163 million educating staff on internal office sustainability programs as well in 2009 to $250 million in 2011. as client-driven solutions that are now integrated into the firm’s projects. These strategies include green roofs and walls, cool Here is her approach: Assist the company’s 35 marketers roofing and lighting choices, renewable energy production, to work together, to collaborate, and to execute strategic and water management and preservation. marketing programs. “Great marketing happens when people open their minds to inventive ideas. ” Marketer/December 2012
  • 3. 10 “Her success comes from cultivating a vision that everyone can buy into and then encouraging individuals’ strengths so that they The President and COO shine in their specific areas of expertise,” says Pam Ching, the firm’s One of the people we heard about is an unexpected champion senior marketing coordinator. “Maribel guides marketers across of marketing: He is Robert Scaer, P.E., the president and chief more than 50 offices to embrace a common purpose and share operating officer of Gannett Fleming. knowledge and resources.” Gannett Fleming’s marketing traditionally had been executed By using this platform prudently and practically, TYLI’s corporate in silos. The various divisions of the company hired their own marketing department has successfully implemented strategic marketing representatives, who rarely communicated, making initiatives including a new client relationship management it difficult to ensure marketing standards across the board and database, a global Web site in English and Chinese, an internal comprehensive messaging across the enterprise. Scaer supported communications program, and a social media campaign that the consolidation of marketing into one team and changed the has generated more than 3,540 followers on Twitter, Facebook, dynamic of marketing throughout the company. and LinkedIn. With all marketing now in one shop, the team is drawing on In the past three years, Castillo’s team also has garnered a record- everyone’s combined talents, energies, and creativity. The team breaking number of accolades, including six awards for TYLI’s provides a consistent and comprehensive message across the new Web site, which won an SMPS Marketing Communications enterprise. This marketing strategy has been especially valued Award (MCA). The team also earned three MCAs in the categories as companies continue to weather tough economic times. of media relations, brochure, and internal newsletter. Scaer told his people that smart marketing would be critical for So, what is Castillo’s secret? “She brings the kind of forward- acquiring work and positioning the firm for better days. He called thinking and energy that TYLI needs to compete in the global his strategy the “chicken-in-every-pot” initiative after a 1928 market,” says Marwan Nader, a TYLI vice president. presidential campaign advertisement. For Gannett Fleming, “a chicken in every pot” means each region has a marketing champion who helps to drive business growth. With marketing and business development working together, the 2,000-person firm created Professionals Featured in This Article Megen Briars Wendy Burke Maribel Castillo Kelly McNair, CPSM Director of Marketing Director of Business Development Associate Vice President, Marketing Systems Manager OKW Architects Inc. HOAR Construction Director of Corporate Barton Malow Company Communications Chicago, IL Houston, TX Southfield, MI T.Y. Lin International San Francisco, CA Society for Marketing Professional Services
  • 4. 11 54 marketing and business plans in 2011. Scaer offered feedback The group’s mission is to provide a forum for female sales for each business plan and helps staff remain accountable for executives to expand their personal ties and influence and, executing the plans and achieving revenue and profit goals. consequently, increase the value of their professional networks— and thus themselves—to their A/E/C firms. They targeted Now, strategic business planning and strategic marketing are senior-level saleswomen and limited membership to just 60, common terms used throughout the company, demonstrating using a formal application process. Ten percent of the group’s how the firm values an integrated approach to marketing and members are younger women who are collectively mentored. business development to achieve business goals. The group meets monthly and features speakers about half the When Scaer introduced the firm’s first CRM system, he worked time, recently including Houston Mayor Annise Parker. “Our to make sure employees understood how the system supports speakers focus on their lessons learned and critical success factors, marketing and business development. He let them know helping us leverage their experience,” Burke says. In August, a why they should make the change, instead of just telling WiSER chapter began in Dallas, and the founders anticipate them what to change. He also encourages employee involvement several more chapters in the next few years. in professional organizations so that they become lifelong learners. At Gannett Fleming, 14 employees are members of SMPS; 8 of them are CPSMs. The Builders Seeking to help women succeed in the A/E/C business, Wendy Burke, director of business development with HOAR Construction in Houston, and Amy Moen, CPSM, vice president and director of marketing for Haynes Whaley Associates, two years ago founded WiSER: Women in Sales Executive Roles. “SMPS is a fantastic organization, but we wanted something senior-level and totally sales-focused,” Burke says. Amy Moen, CPSM Robert Scaer, P.E. Jeffrey Taub, CPSM Rachel Yoka, LEED AP BD+C, Associate Vice President, President and Chief Senior Marketing Specialist CNU-A, CPSM Director of Marketing Operating Officer VHB Vice President, Strategic Business Haynes Whaley Associates Inc. Gannett Fleming New York, NY Planning and Sustainability Houston, TX Harrisburg, PA Timothy Haahs & Associates Blue Bell, PA Marketer/December 2012
  • 5. 12 The Ethicist Jeffrey Taub, CPSM, senior marketing specialist at VHB, both walks the walk and talks the talk of ethical marketing, including letting clients know the implications of hiring his firm. According to Thomas Phelan, VHB’s Newark, NJ, office manager, professional integrity has been a hallmark of Taub’s 12-year career as a marketer. “As the marketing director of Eng-Wong, Taub & Associates, an MBE-certified firm which merged with VHB in 2011, Jeffrey was in a position of profound ethical responsibility in representing In 2011, Maribel Castillo co-led the publication of The Bridge at Hoover our MBE status to teaming partners,” Phelan says. “New York Dam, an award-winning monograph by photographer Jamey Stillings City’s Local Law 129 stated that no MBE credit would be and T.Y. Lin International, which commemorates the opening of the granted for Asian-American businesses (such as Eng-Wong, Mike O’Callaghan-Pat Tillman Bridge, also known as the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. The book has become a key marketing piece for the Taub & Associates) providing professional services. Jeffrey first firm, and it has been distributed to TYLI’s clients around the world. educated our clients of this statute and proceeded to diligently cite the statute when we were approached by teaming partners— even as our firm continued to be MBE-certified by the city. He could have said nothing but chose instead to warn and educate The Big-Picture Thinker prospective business partners about the law’s implications for Kelly McNair, CPSM, marketing systems manager at Barton MBE utilization goals in their proposals.” Malow, thinks big but uses a soft touch. Marketing director Taub’s articles on marketing ethics and hiring MBE firms have Donna Jakubowicz, FSMPS, CPSM, calls McNair the firm’s been published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers and “marketing secret weapon.” Real Estate Weekly. “Kelly’s overall approach to marketing and communications is holistic,” says Jakubowicz. “She looks at the bigger picture to determine positive impact to the largest, yet targeted, audience. She seeks to fit every assignment into the bigger picture of how what she does will further client relationship development and thereby positively impact Barton Malow’s bottom line.” McNair’s recent initiatives for Barton Malow include implementing a cloud-based system for digital asset management (graphics, photos, and video) and turning the firm’s desktop-based Filemaker database (for boilerplate text, staff resumes, and project experience) into one that could be accessed by remote business development staff through the Web. (The total one-time cost for the latter was approximately $300, which is much less than systems used by many firms.) According to Jakubowicz, McNair has the ability to “sway hearts and minds with her quiet confidence. She researches possible outcomes and presents the facts to back up her suggested solutions. Like Lyndon B. Johnson, she approaches building consensus by working behind the scenes with individuals. By the time the larger group of decision-makers convenes, she goes in knowing the majority agree with her ideas and solutions.” Society for Marketing Professional Services
  • 6. 13 The Chapter Leader In 2008, Megen Briars, director of marketing at OKW Architects, Many thanks… Inc., accepted the position of communications chair for SMPS To the many people who Chicago. “Although her term as chair officially started in 2010, contributed to this article: she took on chair responsibilities with no questions asked in 2008,” says chapter member Heather Askew. “She saw there was a need Heather Askew for structure and an opportunity to strengthen the chapter through communications, and she has done that.” Megen Briars From scratch, Briars created communications best practices, Arica Bukowski a strategic plan, a committee mission statement, and roles and Wendy Burke responsibilities statements. Matthew Campbell In 2010, she conducted surveys and found that many member frustrations could be fixed by effective communications. “She went Maribel Castillo through hours and hours of Webinars on event registration systems Pam Ching and Web site platforms,” adds Askew. She brought the Cvent registration system to the chapter as well as a new Wordpress Web Michael Costa, CPA site designed by SMPS Washington, DC, member Frankie Bailey. These two communication platforms increased event registration Ali Detar, CPSM by more than 20% by improving the user registration experience. Danielle Feroleto, CPSM Briars also enhanced the benefits for chapter sponsors with features Heather Hetherington such as a “Sponsor Spotlight” in the chapter’s newsletter, premium space on the home page, unique sponsor logo space on all Web site Donna Jakubowicz, FSMPS, CPSM pages, and “Sponsor Shoutout” Wednesdays on Twitter. Judy Kienle, MPH, CPSM Peter Kienle, FSMPS, CPSM What’s Your Story? Megan Kocchi How will you innovate, influence, or inspire collaboration, client service, communication, brand, technology, processes, or Megan Leinart, LEED AP BD+C profitability in your firm, community, or chapter in 2013? Share your story with us! Julie Lougee Kelly McNair, CPSM About the Authors Sylvia Montgomery, CPSM Contributing Editor Linda Mastaglio, ABC, who Thomas Phelan wrote the “Marketers Perform Their Own Reality Checks” cover story in the February 2011 issue, Robert Scaer, P.E. has helped many engineering, architecture, and construction firms use public relations and Lindsay Scherr marketing to improve their businesses, their reputations, and their bottom lines. Linda can be Lisa Mary Shamakovh reached at 903.963.8923 or Jeffrey Taub, CPSM Contributing Editor Matt Handal, who interviewed Mindy Wolfle Cordell Parvin in the August 2012 issue, serves as business development manager for Trauner Consulting Rachel Yoka, LEED AP BD+C, CNU-A, CPSM Services, Inc. (, and as producer of the Construction Netcast podcast. He can be reached at or’s @MattHandal. Subscribe to his articles at Marketer/December 2012