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China 2010
Invitation letter
                             September 7, 2009
                             Dear Delegates and Faculty Advisors,

                             We are honoured to invite to you WEXPLORE        the most famous historical sites in the world.
                             China, an outstanding learning experience.       From Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an, from the Great
                             It offers you a complete package with the        Wall to the Terra Cotta Warriors, from Chinese
                             possibility to participate both in the Asia’s    language classes to Tai Chi and Chinese Cooking
                             biggest Model United Nations Conference          classes – this tour is especially designed for you
                             in China and to explore China in a new way:      to make the most out of your stay in China. You
                             Learning in China, exploring China and having    will see wondrous places and try things you’ve
                             fun in China!                                    never tried before.

                              •   The 3rd international session of WE Model   China is a world of fascinating contrasts—a
                                  United Nations – WEMUNC 2010 - in           blending of the modern and the traditional.
                                  Beijing from July 25th 2010 to July 29th    Discover its culture and history, but also the
                                  2010 (temporary).                           current economic and social development. This
                              •   The WEXPLORE CHINA 2010 study tour          will help you to understand the role that China is
                                  – from18th of July 2010 to 15th of August   playing in the world and will play in the future.
                                  2010 (temporary).
                                                                              We are looking forward to welcoming you in
                             The conference itself, WEMUNC, has grown         China in July and August 2010 and we hope that
                             and developed over the past 3 years into a       this will simply be the first visit of many more to
                             truly international conference, providing the    come.
                             delegates with an unparalleled substantive,
                             social, and cultural experience. Offering
                             delegates the chance to debate pressing
                             global issues; challenging students to take

                             on new perspectives; and building strong
                             new friendships that span across the globe;
                             WEMUNC prepares its delegates to become the
                             world leaders of tomorrow. More than 2000
                             delegates from over 30 countries gather for 4
                             days of dynamic cross-cultural exchange.
                             The international participants of WEMUNC will
                             as well leave on the WEXPLORE CHINA 2010                                                                          Invitation letter                                 2
                             study tour. The tour will take you to some of
                                                                                                                                               Table of Content                                  3
                                                                                                                                               Why China?                                        4
                                                                                                                                               What can you learn?                               4
                                                                                                                                               Introduction of the Program                       5
                                                                                                                                                    WEMUN                             5
                                                                                                                                                    WEXPLORE                          6
                                                                                                                                    CHINA      Fees                                            10
                             Director of WEXPLORE China                                                                                        Registration & Deadlines                        11
                                                                                                                                               Contact                                         11

2 | WEXPLORE China 2010                                                                                                                                                      WEXPLORE China 2010 | 3
Why China?                  China is not just a country, but it is a different world. It is wonderfully exotic, culturally enriching and
                            it will surely challenge the way you look at things.

                             •   History, culture and different philosophies: China, one of the world’s most ancient civilizations,
                                                                                                                                                                                       of the WEXPLORE China Program
                                 has a recorded 5000 years of history. It is a united multi-ethnic nation of 56 ethnic groups, each of
                                 which has their own clothing style, music, language and ways of living.

                             •   The economic and social development: Now is the time to be in China: The economy is still                     The WEXPLORE-CHINA PROGRAM                     diplomats and participate in a simulated      the WEMUNC participants. It’s aiming at
                                 booming, despite the worldwide recession. Come and discover the entrepreneurial spirit yourself               consists of two parts: The WE Model            session of an intergovernmental               providing a platform for young people
                                 and see the dramatic social changes that are caused by the economic development.                              United Nations Conference (WEMUNC)             organization. Participants research           to discover China in their own way. With
                                                                                                                                               and the WEXPLORE Study Tour through            a country, take on roles as diplomats,        a brand new concept, the tour allows
                                                                                                                                               China.                                         investigate international issues, debate,     YOU to gain your own perspectives about
                             To prepare for your involvement                                                                                                                                  deliberate, consult, and then develop         China. Thus, it requires your involvement,
                             in the future of China                                                   Quoted from MC Kinsey Global Institute   The WEMUN Conference is an academic            solutions to world problems.                  thoughts and active participation.
                                                                                                                                               simulation of the United Nations that
                             Over the next 20 years, Chinese cities will add             ...the population of the entire United States
                             more than 350 million people...                                                                                   aims to educate participants about civics,     In order to enrich the learning experience
                                                                                                                                               effective communication, globalization         of the international students, we put
                             There will be more than 200 Chinese cities with    Europe today there are only 35 cities of that
                                                                                                                                               and multilateral diplomacy. In standard        together the WEXPLORE-CHINA study
                             more than a million inhabitants...                          size
                                                                                                                                               Model UN, students take on roles as            tour, a specially designed program for

                             There will be up to 50,000 new skyscrapers...               ...the equivalent of building ten New York cities

                             There could be up to 170 new mass transit
                                                                                Europe today there are about 70

                             By 2025, two-thirds of China’s citizens will live in

                                                                                                                                                The WEMUN Conference
                                                                                         ...that’s nearly 1 billion people

                                                                                                                                               The WE Model United Nations Conference         research and preparation required, the        opportunity, but also the experience to
                             •   Acquiring and improving your skills: During the conference you employ a variety of                            (WEMUNC) was initiated in 2007 by              adoption of views and attitudes other         communicate and cooperate with young
                                 communication and critical thinking skills in order to represent the policies of your represented             WELAND International. It was the very          than their own, the involvement and           people from different backgrounds and
                                 country. You will also improve your cross-cultural communication skills and gain more conference              first international Model United Nations       interaction with so many other young          cultures. During a conference, participants
                                 in your own abilities                                                                                         conference in China. In 2008, it already       people from around the world, all             must employ a variety of communication
                                                                                                                                               welcomed students from 27 different            combine to give the young people a deep       and critical thinking skills in order to
   Can You Learn?

                             •   Being a global citizen: Practice your international leadership, communication and teamwork skills             countries in 23 committees.                    insight into the world's problems.            represent the policies of their country.
                                 and improve your knowledge about the functioning of the international society
                                                                                                                                               The object of the Model United Nations         By given the name WE, the conferences
                             •   Challenging your world view: China will be very different from your own culture. Learning how to              Conference is to seek, through discussion,     aim is to unite the young people all
                                 adapt to a different culture and how to accept the differences will enable you to see the world in a          negotiation and debate, solutions to           over the world. Thus WEMUNC does not
                                 new way                                                                                                       the various problems of the world. The         only provide a professional educational

                                                                                                                                               Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon sent the following
                                                                                                                                               message to WEMUNC last year:

                                                                                                                                                                   As you participate         This exercise is no empty role play. Half     real power to shape and change our
                                 I think it’s a fantastic opportunity for these young students                                                                     in this Model United       the world’s population is under 25. You       world.
                                 to learn more about international relations.                                                                                      Nations, you will          are their representatives. Many of you will   Hopefully your time at this Model United
                                                                                                                                                                   get a taste for            move on to positions of real leadership.      Nations will help you become the models
                                                                                                                                                                   the complexity of          All of you, by your choices as consumers,     the world needs to fulfill the ideals of this

                                                                                    Mr Jonathan Fritz – (Economic Councilor, US Embassy)                           international relations.   by your decisions as voters, will assume      indispensable organization.

  4 | WEXPLORE China 2010                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      WEXPLORE China 2010 | 5
The WEMUN Conference
              Introduction of the WEXPLORE China Program
                                                             Important information for you
                                                             about WEMUNC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Introduction of the WEXPLORE China Program

                                                                                                                                                                     WEXPLORE China
                                                            We are very much looking forward welcoming              unforgettable conference for you. Here some
                                                            you to WEMUNC 2010 and will do our very                 of the most frequently asked questions and its
                                                            best to support you before and during                   answers for you.
                                                            the conference, in order to make this an

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  With a mix of different activities, the
                                                                                                                                                                          Example WEXPLORE agenda
                                                            Who will be there?                                                                                                                                    WEXPLORE CHINA tour will not only
                                                                                                                                                                          – The Second Day in Beijing
                                                             •   We except over a 2000 students from all over the world, between 14-25 years old, to participate                                                  enable you to see, but to experience China
                                                                 as delegates in the conference.                                                                                                                  by yourself and discover the country in an
                                                                                                                                                                     •   8.00-9.00 Wake up call, breakfast in
                                                             •   Experienced MUNers and teachers will support the students throughout the conference.                                                             interactive and fun way.
                                                                                                                                                                         the 4 star hotel
                                                             •   In addition, experts from Universities, government offices, UN organizations and NGOs are
                                                                 invited to present lectures on different topics.                                                                                                 WEXPLORE CHINA consists of 3 parts:             Further important information
                                                                                                                                                                     •   9.30-11.00 Chinese language class –
                                                            What will I be doing?                                                                                        3 different levels depending on your
                                                                                                                                                                         previous knowledge                        •    WEXPLORE Beijing: Discover the            Accommodation: The delegates stay in
                                                            As a delegate you will resume the role of a foreign diplomat, representing a specific country. In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        beautiful city of Beijing and its         3 & 4-star hotels. For the camping next to
                                                            addition, you will be assigned to a committee before you arrive at the conference. Each committee
                                                                                                                                                                         11.00 – 12.30 Cycling in the ancient           historical surroundings, i.e. camping     the Great Wall, tents and sleeping bags
                                                            is staffed by a Chair, Vice Chair, and Chief of Staff that will lead and organize the committee. Each    •
                                                                                                                                                                         Chinese residence “Hutong” with                at the Great Wall – 8 days.               will be provided. A special opportunity is
                                                            committee will discuss between two to three topics during the conference. Such a committee could
                                                                                                                                                                         a tour guide – Visit old houses, learn                                                   the home-stay, where you will be able to
                                                            for example be the Human Rights Council, UNICEF, UNAIDS, etc.
                                                                                                                                                                         how to make dumplings and have            •    WEXPLORE Shanghai: Explore the            live in a Chinese family one night to have
                                                            Who is eligible for participation?                                                                           lunch in a traditional surrounding             largest city in China with a population   a real cultural exchange experience.
                                                            WEMUNC 2010 welcomes young people all over the world who posses interests in international                                                                  of over 20 million people – 3 days.
                                                            politics and passions for learning different cultures. Previous MUN experience is not compulsory.            12.30 – 14.30 Lunch break                                                                Meals: The meals are included in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   •    WEXPLORE Xi’an: Travel the ancient        program. Most of them are organized
                                                            Do you accept individual applicants?
                                                                                                                                                                         14.30-17.00 Visit the forbidden                city of Xi’an and discovery its terra     in advanced, others you will be able to
                                                            Yes, individual delegates can register online. Individual will be assigned the seats in special                                                             cotta army – 3 days.                      select by yourself in smaller travel groups.
                                                                                                                                                                         City with a tour guide - the former
                                                            committees or in other school delegation.                                                                                                                                                             For this you will receive a daily budget,
                                                                                                                                                                         imperial palace
                                                            What is the working language of WEMUNC?                                                                                                               Depending on how much time you have,            except for the last day that is reserved for

                                                                                                                                                                         18.00 – 20.00 Beijing Hot Pot Dinner     you can choose only to see Beijing, or          shopping.
                                                            English is the working language at the conference; however, Chinese committees will also be a            •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to add Shanghai and/or Xi’an on your
                                                            feature of our conference. For international delegates who apply for Chinese committees, you should
                                                                                                                                                                         Home Stay in a Chinese Family            itinerary.
                                                            be fluent in Chinese.                                                                                    •

                                                            With a land mass the size of Europe, China is           WEXPLORE CHINA offers you a complete
                                                            the third largest country in the world and is a         CHINA experience:
                                                            country like no other - the scale, the grandeur,
                                                            the history, the mystery, the people and their               EXPLORING CHINA – Sightseeing, guided


                                                            ever-increasing importance in world affairs -                tours & other attractions
                                                            all offer the most fascinating and spectacular           •   HAVING FUN IN CHINA – Outdoor, cultural
                                                            experience. From the great contrasting cities                & fun activities
                                                            of Beijing and Shanghai, to the ancient history          •   LEARNING IN CHINA – Language Classes,
                                                            of the Terracotta Warriors in Xian – this tour               workshops & presentations
                                                            offers you a complete CHINA experience.

 6 | WEXPLORE China 2010                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            WEXPLORE China 2010 | 7
                                                     WEXPLORE – BEIJING PROGRAM                        WEXPLORE – SHANGHAI PROGRAM                        WEXPLORE - XI’AN PROGRAM
                                                     1st Round: 18.7.2010 - 25.7.2010 temporary        1st Round: 29.7.2010 - 6.8.2010 temporary          1st Round: 29.7.2010 - 6.8.2010 temporary
                                                     2nd Round: 29.7.2010 - 15.8.2010 temporary        2nd Round: 29.7.2010 - 15.8.2010 temporary         2nd Round: 29.7.2010 - 15.8.2010 temporary

                                                     Facts & figures:                                  Facts & figures:                                   Facts & figures:
                                                                                                       •   Shanghai is the largest city of the People's   •   Xi'an (xian) is the most historic city in
                                                     •   Beijing is the second biggest city of China
                                                                                                           Republic of China and the eighth largest           China.
                                                         and it was the Olympic city in 2008.
                                                                                                           city in the world.                             •   Population: 7.7 million
                                                     •   Population: 10.6 Million
                                                                                                       •   Population: 14.6 Million                       •   In ancient time, Xi’an was always the
                                                     •   Beijing is the political, cultural and
                                                                                                       •   Shanghai serves as one of the most                 political centre of China. More than
                                                         educational nerve center of China.
                                                                                                           important cultural, commercial, financial,         12 Chinese ancient dynasties set Xi’an
                                                                                                           industrial and communications centres              as their capital.
                                                     EXPLORING CHINA - Sightseeing activities:
                                                                                                           of China.                                      EXPLORING CHINA - Sightseeing
                                                     •   Visit the Tiananmen Square                                                                       activities:
                                                     •   See the Olympic Bird Nest                     EXPLORING CHINA - Sightseeing activities:              Terracotta Warriors
                                                     •   Discover the forbidden city                       Sightseeing tour in Shanghai                   •   Drump Tower
                                                     •   Camp at the Great Wall                            Boat trip around the bund                      •   Buddhist Temple and Tower – the
                                                     •   See the summer palace                                                                                Xi’an Museum
                                                                                                       HAVING FUN IN CHINA - Outdoor & fun
        Introduction of the WEXPLORE China Program

                                                     HAVING FUN IN CHINA - Outdoor & fun               activities:                                        HAVING FUN IN CHINA - Outdoor & fun
                                                     activities:                                           Visit the Shanghai EXPO 2010                   activities:
                                                     •   Cycling in the Chinese ancient residence      •   Learn how to cook Chinese food                 •   Biking on the city wall – the most
                                                         Hutong                                                                                               complete city wall in China
                                                     •   Team challenge in Beijing City – Treasure     LEARNING IN CHINA - Workshops & classes:               Special Chinese performance
                                                         hunt                                              Visit the urban planning centre to learn       •   KTV – surprise party
                                                     •   Chinese Kongfu lessons                            about Shanghai’s development
                                                                                                                                                          LEARNING IN CHINA - Workshops &
                                                     •   Learn how to make dumplings
                                                     •   Sales experience in China – Bargaining at
                                                                                                                                                          •   Tai Chi lessons
                                                         a local market
                                                                                                                                                          •   Making Chinese noodles and
                                                     •   Village visit
                                                     •   Open fire at night and camping at the
                                                         foot of the Great Wall

                                                     •   Tea tasting at a Chinese tea house
                                                     •   Shopping day
                                                     •   Chinese acrobatic show

                                                     LEARNING IN CHINA - Workshops & classes:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Introduction of the
                                                     •   Chinese language classes every day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WEXPLORE China Program
                                                     •   Chinese culture presentation
                                                     •   Chinese Economic Development class
                                                     •   Chinese business workshop

                                                                                                                                                                                                          In a very short time I discovered so much about
                                                                                                                                                                                                          China in a very interactive and fun way. I really got
                                                                                                                                                                                                          a good understanding of the culture and its people.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          I would recommend this tour to anyone who really
                                                                                                                                                                                                          wants to experience China.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Nicole William Horlic High School, US

8 | WEXPLORE China 2010                                                                                                                                                                                                                               WEXPLORE China 2010 | 9
         WEXPLORE Fees
                            WEMUNC FEES                                                                                 USD EURO

                                                                                                                                                                                            & Deadlines
                           School application fee per delegation*                                                        200     140

                           Participation fee per delegate (coming with a delegation)
                                                                                                                         280     190
                           (excluding accommodation, excluding transportation, excluding meals)


                           Participation fee per delegate including service (coming with a delegation)
                                                                                                                         420     290   Registration
                           (including accommodation, excluding transportation, excluding meals)
                                                                                                                                        •   Please register under
                           Participation fee per individual delegation (coming without a delegation)                                    •   The confirmation of the school that they will participate with a delegation has to be sent until the 31st of December 2009.
                                                                                                                         300     205
                           (excluding accommodation, excluding transportation, excluding meals)                                         •   The delegates themselves have to register until latest the 28th of February 2010.
                           Or                                                                                                          The earlier you register, the better!

                           Participation fee per individual delegate including service (coming without a
                           delegation)                                                                                   440     300
                                                                                                                                        •   School Application Fee for WEMUNC 2010 must be paid before February 28th, 2010. The remainder of the fees must be paid before
                           (including accommodation, excluding transportation, excluding meals)
                                                                                                                                            April 1st, 2010.
                           Transportation service (Airport Pick-up and Send-off – both ways)                             40      28
                                                                                                                                        •   No refund will be made for participants or chaperones who, for any reason, inform the WEMUNC Office after July 1st, 2010 of a
                                                                                                                                            decision not to attend WEMUNC.
                           * One delegation consists of at least 6-7 students; the cost for the teacher is included in this fee and
                                                                                                                                       If you pay before December 31st 2009, we will offer you a free airport pick-up and send-off service and we will be able to guarantee
                           he/she is therefore participating for free
                                                                                                                                       you a good country assignment as well.

                            Packages for WEMUNC + WEXPLORE                                                              USD EURO

                           WE Model UN Conference Participation fee including accommodation
                                                                                                                        1580    1080
                           + WEXPLORE Beijing **

                           WE Model UN Conference Participation fee including accommodation
                                                                                                                        2200    1510
                           + WEXPLORE Beijing, Shanghai **

                           WE Model UN Conference Participation fee including accommodation                                            WELAND International
                                                                                                                        2500    1715
                           + WEXPLORE Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an **
                                                                                                                                        •   Room 1115, Zuo An Gong She, Bei Si Huan Xi Lu No.68,
                                                                                                                                            Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China, 100080
                           ** Per six/seven students, one professor is covered and therefore participating for free at both
                                                                                                                                        •   TEL. +86-10-62636880             FAX. +86-10-82626361
                           WEMUNC and WEXPLORE.
                                                                                                                                        •   Email. 

                                                                                                                                                               Yichan Yuan (Ô¬Òæ¿)
                                          Price for package includes                            Price for package excludes
                                                                                                                                                               Director of International expansion, WELAND International
                                                                                                                                                               Mobile: +86-13488696159

                                WEMUN Conference Fee                                                                                                           Fax: +86-10-82626361
                                                                                         •   International flight
                            •   Air tickets from Beijing-Shanghai, Xi’an-Beijing                                                                               Email:
                                                                                         •   VISA fee
                            •   Overnight train ticket from Shanghai-Xi’an
                                                                                         •   Meals during the conference (you will
                            •   Three & Four star hotels in Beijing, Shanghai and
                                Xi’an, one overnight stay on the train
                                                                                             be able to eat with around 5USD/3.50                              Sara Enstedt (°²É¯)
                                                                                             EURO a day)                                                       Head of Europe, WELAND International
                            •   All the meals listed in the itinerary                                                                                                                                                                                                WEXPLORE
                                                                                         •   Travel Insurance, pls. make sure                                  Mobile: +41-764887273                                                                                 CHINA
                            •   Entrance fees for all sites mentioned in the
                                                                                             that you have bought your insurance
                                itinerary                                                                                                                      Fax: +86-10-82626361
                                                                                             before you come to China
                            •   Mineral water supply everyday                                                                                                  Email:

10 | WEXPLORE China 2010                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WEXPLORE China 2010 | 11
WEXPLORE China Brochure

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WEXPLORE China Brochure

  • 2. Invitation letter September 7, 2009 Dear Delegates and Faculty Advisors, We are honoured to invite to you WEXPLORE the most famous historical sites in the world. China, an outstanding learning experience. From Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an, from the Great It offers you a complete package with the Wall to the Terra Cotta Warriors, from Chinese possibility to participate both in the Asia’s language classes to Tai Chi and Chinese Cooking biggest Model United Nations Conference classes – this tour is especially designed for you in China and to explore China in a new way: to make the most out of your stay in China. You Learning in China, exploring China and having will see wondrous places and try things you’ve fun in China! never tried before. • The 3rd international session of WE Model China is a world of fascinating contrasts—a United Nations – WEMUNC 2010 - in blending of the modern and the traditional. Beijing from July 25th 2010 to July 29th Discover its culture and history, but also the 2010 (temporary). current economic and social development. This • The WEXPLORE CHINA 2010 study tour will help you to understand the role that China is – from18th of July 2010 to 15th of August playing in the world and will play in the future. 2010 (temporary). We are looking forward to welcoming you in The conference itself, WEMUNC, has grown China in July and August 2010 and we hope that and developed over the past 3 years into a this will simply be the first visit of many more to truly international conference, providing the come. delegates with an unparalleled substantive, social, and cultural experience. Offering delegates the chance to debate pressing global issues; challenging students to take Contents on new perspectives; and building strong new friendships that span across the globe; WEMUNC prepares its delegates to become the world leaders of tomorrow. More than 2000 delegates from over 30 countries gather for 4 days of dynamic cross-cultural exchange. The international participants of WEMUNC will as well leave on the WEXPLORE CHINA 2010 Invitation letter 2 study tour. The tour will take you to some of Table of Content 3 Why China? 4 What can you learn? 4 Sincerely, Introduction of the Program 5 WEMUN 5 WEXPLORE 6 WEXPLORE CHINA Fees 10 Director of WEXPLORE China Registration & Deadlines 11 Contact 11 2 | WEXPLORE China 2010 WEXPLORE China 2010 | 3
  • 3. Why China? China is not just a country, but it is a different world. It is wonderfully exotic, culturally enriching and it will surely challenge the way you look at things. • History, culture and different philosophies: China, one of the world’s most ancient civilizations, Introduction of the WEXPLORE China Program has a recorded 5000 years of history. It is a united multi-ethnic nation of 56 ethnic groups, each of which has their own clothing style, music, language and ways of living. • The economic and social development: Now is the time to be in China: The economy is still The WEXPLORE-CHINA PROGRAM diplomats and participate in a simulated the WEMUNC participants. It’s aiming at booming, despite the worldwide recession. Come and discover the entrepreneurial spirit yourself consists of two parts: The WE Model session of an intergovernmental providing a platform for young people and see the dramatic social changes that are caused by the economic development. United Nations Conference (WEMUNC) organization. Participants research to discover China in their own way. With and the WEXPLORE Study Tour through a country, take on roles as diplomats, a brand new concept, the tour allows China. investigate international issues, debate, YOU to gain your own perspectives about To prepare for your involvement deliberate, consult, and then develop China. Thus, it requires your involvement, in the future of China Quoted from MC Kinsey Global Institute The WEMUN Conference is an academic solutions to world problems. thoughts and active participation. simulation of the United Nations that Over the next 20 years, Chinese cities will add ...the population of the entire United States more than 350 million people... aims to educate participants about civics, In order to enrich the learning experience effective communication, globalization of the international students, we put There will be more than 200 Chinese cities with Europe today there are only 35 cities of that and multilateral diplomacy. In standard together the WEXPLORE-CHINA study more than a million inhabitants... size Model UN, students take on roles as tour, a specially designed program for There will be up to 50,000 new skyscrapers... ...the equivalent of building ten New York cities There could be up to 170 new mass transit Europe today there are about 70 systems... By 2025, two-thirds of China’s citizens will live in The WEMUN Conference ...that’s nearly 1 billion people cities... The WE Model United Nations Conference research and preparation required, the opportunity, but also the experience to • Acquiring and improving your skills: During the conference you employ a variety of (WEMUNC) was initiated in 2007 by adoption of views and attitudes other communicate and cooperate with young communication and critical thinking skills in order to represent the policies of your represented WELAND International. It was the very than their own, the involvement and people from different backgrounds and country. You will also improve your cross-cultural communication skills and gain more conference first international Model United Nations interaction with so many other young cultures. During a conference, participants in your own abilities conference in China. In 2008, it already people from around the world, all must employ a variety of communication welcomed students from 27 different combine to give the young people a deep and critical thinking skills in order to Can You Learn? • Being a global citizen: Practice your international leadership, communication and teamwork skills countries in 23 committees. insight into the world's problems. represent the policies of their country. and improve your knowledge about the functioning of the international society The object of the Model United Nations By given the name WE, the conferences • Challenging your world view: China will be very different from your own culture. Learning how to Conference is to seek, through discussion, aim is to unite the young people all adapt to a different culture and how to accept the differences will enable you to see the world in a negotiation and debate, solutions to over the world. Thus WEMUNC does not new way the various problems of the world. The only provide a professional educational What Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon sent the following message to WEMUNC last year: As you participate This exercise is no empty role play. Half real power to shape and change our I think it’s a fantastic opportunity for these young students in this Model United the world’s population is under 25. You world. to learn more about international relations. Nations, you will are their representatives. Many of you will Hopefully your time at this Model United get a taste for move on to positions of real leadership. Nations will help you become the models the complexity of All of you, by your choices as consumers, the world needs to fulfill the ideals of this Mr Jonathan Fritz – (Economic Councilor, US Embassy) international relations. by your decisions as voters, will assume indispensable organization. 4 | WEXPLORE China 2010 WEXPLORE China 2010 | 5
  • 4. The WEMUN Conference Introduction of the WEXPLORE China Program Important information for you about WEMUNC Introduction of the WEXPLORE China Program WEXPLORE China We are very much looking forward welcoming unforgettable conference for you. Here some you to WEMUNC 2010 and will do our very of the most frequently asked questions and its best to support you before and during answers for you. the conference, in order to make this an With a mix of different activities, the Example WEXPLORE agenda Who will be there? WEXPLORE CHINA tour will not only – The Second Day in Beijing • We except over a 2000 students from all over the world, between 14-25 years old, to participate enable you to see, but to experience China as delegates in the conference. by yourself and discover the country in an • 8.00-9.00 Wake up call, breakfast in • Experienced MUNers and teachers will support the students throughout the conference. interactive and fun way. the 4 star hotel • In addition, experts from Universities, government offices, UN organizations and NGOs are invited to present lectures on different topics. WEXPLORE CHINA consists of 3 parts: Further important information • 9.30-11.00 Chinese language class – What will I be doing? 3 different levels depending on your previous knowledge • WEXPLORE Beijing: Discover the Accommodation: The delegates stay in As a delegate you will resume the role of a foreign diplomat, representing a specific country. In beautiful city of Beijing and its 3 & 4-star hotels. For the camping next to addition, you will be assigned to a committee before you arrive at the conference. Each committee 11.00 – 12.30 Cycling in the ancient historical surroundings, i.e. camping the Great Wall, tents and sleeping bags is staffed by a Chair, Vice Chair, and Chief of Staff that will lead and organize the committee. Each • Chinese residence “Hutong” with at the Great Wall – 8 days. will be provided. A special opportunity is committee will discuss between two to three topics during the conference. Such a committee could a tour guide – Visit old houses, learn the home-stay, where you will be able to for example be the Human Rights Council, UNICEF, UNAIDS, etc. how to make dumplings and have • WEXPLORE Shanghai: Explore the live in a Chinese family one night to have Who is eligible for participation? lunch in a traditional surrounding largest city in China with a population a real cultural exchange experience. WEMUNC 2010 welcomes young people all over the world who posses interests in international of over 20 million people – 3 days. politics and passions for learning different cultures. Previous MUN experience is not compulsory. 12.30 – 14.30 Lunch break Meals: The meals are included in the • • WEXPLORE Xi’an: Travel the ancient program. Most of them are organized Do you accept individual applicants? 14.30-17.00 Visit the forbidden city of Xi’an and discovery its terra in advanced, others you will be able to • Yes, individual delegates can register online. Individual will be assigned the seats in special cotta army – 3 days. select by yourself in smaller travel groups. City with a tour guide - the former committees or in other school delegation. For this you will receive a daily budget, imperial palace What is the working language of WEMUNC? Depending on how much time you have, except for the last day that is reserved for 18.00 – 20.00 Beijing Hot Pot Dinner you can choose only to see Beijing, or shopping. English is the working language at the conference; however, Chinese committees will also be a • to add Shanghai and/or Xi’an on your feature of our conference. For international delegates who apply for Chinese committees, you should Home Stay in a Chinese Family itinerary. be fluent in Chinese. • With a land mass the size of Europe, China is WEXPLORE CHINA offers you a complete the third largest country in the world and is a CHINA experience: country like no other - the scale, the grandeur, the history, the mystery, the people and their EXPLORING CHINA – Sightseeing, guided WEXPLORE • China ever-increasing importance in world affairs - tours & other attractions all offer the most fascinating and spectacular • HAVING FUN IN CHINA – Outdoor, cultural experience. From the great contrasting cities & fun activities of Beijing and Shanghai, to the ancient history • LEARNING IN CHINA – Language Classes, of the Terracotta Warriors in Xian – this tour workshops & presentations offers you a complete CHINA experience. 6 | WEXPLORE China 2010 WEXPLORE China 2010 | 7
  • 5. WEXPLORE China WEXPLORE – BEIJING PROGRAM WEXPLORE – SHANGHAI PROGRAM WEXPLORE - XI’AN PROGRAM 1st Round: 18.7.2010 - 25.7.2010 temporary 1st Round: 29.7.2010 - 6.8.2010 temporary 1st Round: 29.7.2010 - 6.8.2010 temporary 2nd Round: 29.7.2010 - 15.8.2010 temporary 2nd Round: 29.7.2010 - 15.8.2010 temporary 2nd Round: 29.7.2010 - 15.8.2010 temporary Facts & figures: Facts & figures: Facts & figures: • Shanghai is the largest city of the People's • Xi'an (xian) is the most historic city in • Beijing is the second biggest city of China Republic of China and the eighth largest China. and it was the Olympic city in 2008. city in the world. • Population: 7.7 million • Population: 10.6 Million • Population: 14.6 Million • In ancient time, Xi’an was always the • Beijing is the political, cultural and • Shanghai serves as one of the most political centre of China. More than educational nerve center of China. important cultural, commercial, financial, 12 Chinese ancient dynasties set Xi’an industrial and communications centres as their capital. EXPLORING CHINA - Sightseeing activities: of China. EXPLORING CHINA - Sightseeing • Visit the Tiananmen Square activities: • See the Olympic Bird Nest EXPLORING CHINA - Sightseeing activities: Terracotta Warriors • • Discover the forbidden city Sightseeing tour in Shanghai • Drump Tower • • Camp at the Great Wall Boat trip around the bund • Buddhist Temple and Tower – the • • See the summer palace Xi’an Museum HAVING FUN IN CHINA - Outdoor & fun Introduction of the WEXPLORE China Program HAVING FUN IN CHINA - Outdoor & fun activities: HAVING FUN IN CHINA - Outdoor & fun activities: Visit the Shanghai EXPO 2010 activities: • • Cycling in the Chinese ancient residence • Learn how to cook Chinese food • Biking on the city wall – the most Hutong complete city wall in China • Team challenge in Beijing City – Treasure LEARNING IN CHINA - Workshops & classes: Special Chinese performance • hunt Visit the urban planning centre to learn • KTV – surprise party • • Chinese Kongfu lessons about Shanghai’s development LEARNING IN CHINA - Workshops & • Learn how to make dumplings classes: • Sales experience in China – Bargaining at • Tai Chi lessons a local market • Making Chinese noodles and • Village visit dumplings • Open fire at night and camping at the foot of the Great Wall WEXPLORE • Tea tasting at a Chinese tea house • Shopping day • Chinese acrobatic show China LEARNING IN CHINA - Workshops & classes: Introduction of the • Chinese language classes every day WEXPLORE China Program • Chinese culture presentation • Chinese Economic Development class • Chinese business workshop In a very short time I discovered so much about China in a very interactive and fun way. I really got a good understanding of the culture and its people. I would recommend this tour to anyone who really wants to experience China. Nicole William Horlic High School, US 8 | WEXPLORE China 2010 WEXPLORE China 2010 | 9
  • 6. Registration WEXPLORE Fees WEMUNC FEES USD EURO & Deadlines School application fee per delegation* 200 140 Participation fee per delegate (coming with a delegation) 280 190 (excluding accommodation, excluding transportation, excluding meals) Or Participation fee per delegate including service (coming with a delegation) 420 290 Registration (including accommodation, excluding transportation, excluding meals) • Please register under Participation fee per individual delegation (coming without a delegation) • The confirmation of the school that they will participate with a delegation has to be sent until the 31st of December 2009. 300 205 (excluding accommodation, excluding transportation, excluding meals) • The delegates themselves have to register until latest the 28th of February 2010. Or The earlier you register, the better! Participation fee per individual delegate including service (coming without a Payment delegation) 440 300 • School Application Fee for WEMUNC 2010 must be paid before February 28th, 2010. The remainder of the fees must be paid before (including accommodation, excluding transportation, excluding meals) April 1st, 2010. Transportation service (Airport Pick-up and Send-off – both ways) 40 28 • No refund will be made for participants or chaperones who, for any reason, inform the WEMUNC Office after July 1st, 2010 of a decision not to attend WEMUNC. * One delegation consists of at least 6-7 students; the cost for the teacher is included in this fee and If you pay before December 31st 2009, we will offer you a free airport pick-up and send-off service and we will be able to guarantee he/she is therefore participating for free you a good country assignment as well. Packages for WEMUNC + WEXPLORE USD EURO Contacts WE Model UN Conference Participation fee including accommodation 1580 1080 + WEXPLORE Beijing ** WE Model UN Conference Participation fee including accommodation 2200 1510 + WEXPLORE Beijing, Shanghai ** WE Model UN Conference Participation fee including accommodation WELAND International 2500 1715 + WEXPLORE Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an ** • Room 1115, Zuo An Gong She, Bei Si Huan Xi Lu No.68, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China, 100080 ** Per six/seven students, one professor is covered and therefore participating for free at both • TEL. +86-10-62636880 FAX. +86-10-82626361 WEMUNC and WEXPLORE. • Email. Yichan Yuan (Ô¬Òæ¿) Price for package includes Price for package excludes Director of International expansion, WELAND International Mobile: +86-13488696159 WEMUN Conference Fee Fax: +86-10-82626361 • • International flight • Air tickets from Beijing-Shanghai, Xi’an-Beijing Email: • VISA fee • Overnight train ticket from Shanghai-Xi’an • Meals during the conference (you will • Three & Four star hotels in Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an, one overnight stay on the train be able to eat with around 5USD/3.50 Sara Enstedt (°²É¯) EURO a day) Head of Europe, WELAND International • All the meals listed in the itinerary WEXPLORE • Travel Insurance, pls. make sure Mobile: +41-764887273 CHINA • Entrance fees for all sites mentioned in the that you have bought your insurance itinerary Fax: +86-10-82626361 before you come to China • Mineral water supply everyday Email: 10 | WEXPLORE China 2010 WEXPLORE China 2010 | 11