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Week 5 Discussion The No-Zero Grading Policy Debate
[WLO:1] [CLOs: 2-6]
For this discussion, we engage in a debate that is a hot topic in
our schools: the no-zero grading policy. Consider this scenario:
Steve submitted an assignment to you that was over a week late.
He apologized for the late submission and told you that he had
been dealing with some family issues that prevented him from
getting his assignment submitted on time. Do you accept the
assignment or still give him a zero for submitting it late?
Debate Grouping (by first letter of last name)
For this discussion, your assigned debate group is as follows:
· A-L: Proponents of no-zero grading policy: Accept Steve’s
work and grade it.
· M-Z: Opponents of no-zero grading policy: Do not accept
Steve’s work and give him a zero.
Prior to beginning work on this assignment,
· Read Chapter 11: Grading and Reporting to Students and
· Explore the following web page: What Is a Growth
Mindset? (Links to an external site.)
· Find an article that supports your assigned position from the
Ashford University Library or a reputable and credible website.
This a tip sheet Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible
Sources (Links to an external site.) provides guidance for
locating an appropriate source.
Consider if you have been given a zero before for a missing or
late assignment or if you have given a zero to a student.
Clearly state what your assigned position is for this debate.
Due Thursday, Day 3
Based on your assigned position, formulate a defense statement
supported by the course text as well as the article you located
that includes the following:
· Discuss the theory behind the no-zero grading policy and its
· Provide at least three reasons for your position, based on your
research. You also want to provide solid examples to support
each reason.
· Properly cite and reference your sources within your response
using APA formatting (Links to an external site.).
Due by Saturday, Day 5
Respond to at least one of your peers who has been assigned a
different position from you and has not received a response, and
offer a rebuttal. Be sure to provide evidence from the readings
or articles to support your opposition. Properly cite and
reference your sources within your response using APA
formatting (Links to an external site.).
Due by Monday, Day 7
Respond to your original post and provide the following:
· Your own opinion of the no-zero grading policy based on the
evidence from the research and the responses of your
classmates. How would you personally handle Steve’s situation?
Did your thinking change after reading your classmates’
viewpoints? Why or why not?
· Using the What Is a Growth Mindset? (Links to an external
site.) web page as a point of reference, how might a no-zero
grading policy help to promote a growth mindset for learners.
Explain, and if applicable, share your own experiences as well.
Respond to Peers (Due Monday, Day 7): Post replies to at least
two peers by the close date of this discussion. Refer to your
peers’ responses to their original post, and consider their
viewpoints on the no-zero grading policy, extra credit, and
acceptance of late assignments. Provide additional insights to
their opinions.
Though two replies are the basic expectation, for deeper
engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide
responses to any comments or questions others have given to
you. Remember, continuing to engage with peers and the
instructor will further the conversation and provide you with
opportunities to demonstrate your content expertise, critical
thinking, and real-world experiences with this topic.
Weekly Lesson
Week 5
Welcome to Week 5 of EDU645: Assessment for Learning.
Please be sure to review the Week Five homepage for this
course to see:
· the specific learning outcomes for the week
· the schedule overview
· the required and recommended resources
· the introduction to the week
· a listing of the assessments
Next, be sure to read this entire Weekly Lesson including any
videos or articles shared.
In Week 4, you uncovered the importance and significance of
educators using data in their instructional practice. You also
had an opportunity to reflect on topics that were still a bit
unclear to you where the discussions among your classmates
and instructor hopefully provided greater clarity.
For your discussion this week, you will engage in a debate
about the No-Zero Grading Policy; a highly controversial topic
in education. This week is a light load as you begin compiling
your assignments from Weeks 1 through 4 and reviewing your
instructor feedback as you begin drafting your final assignment
for Week 6.
Week 5 Learning Activities
This section includes additional specific assistance for excelling
in the assessments (learning activities) for Week 5 as a
supplement to the instructions and grading rubrics. If you have
questions about what is expected on any assessment for Week 5,
or any other week, contact your instructor before the due date.
End of Course Survey
Your instructor needs YOU! We can only improve if we hear
from you. Please complete the end of course survey this week.
Watch the short video listed under the week five tab in the
course room that tells the importance of completing this survey.
Your feedback is taken very seriously and directly impacts the
overall quality of the curriculum and instruction you receive in
your program of study.
Discussion 1: The No-Zero Grading Policy
For this discussion, you will engage in a debate that is highly
controversial in education: The No-Zero Grading Policy. A
scenario is provided where you will then be assigned a debate
group based on the first letter of your last name. You will again
put on your research hat and search for a peer-reviewed article
in the Ashford University Library to support your assigned
position for the debate with three specific reasons.
Because this discussion is in the form of a debate, there are
three distinct times during the week that you must make
responses to keep the debate alive. On Thursday, you will
submit your initial response based on the assigned position for
the debate. Then by Saturday, you will need to find at least one
peer who had a different position than you and offer a rebuttal
that is supported by the readings or articles. Then on Monday,
you will circle back to your original post and share your own
opinion of The No-Zero Grading Policy (regardless if your
assigned position was your personal view). Consider your own
personal experiences that may have influenced your opinions on
this policy. It is so important that you adhere to these due dates
so that the debate can stay engaging.
Be sure to also respond to at least two of your classmates.
Consider jumping in on a debate conversation among your peers
and share your own personal views on the no-zero-grading
policy, extra credit and acceptance of late assignments.
Week 5 Lesson
The Artful Critique
As an educator, you will constantly be on the giving end of
criticism and while we can’t control how the one receiving it
will react, we can ensure that it is presented as an “artful
critique” which requires a bit of heart. According to Goleman,
“an artful critique focuses on what a person has done and can do
rather than reading a mark of character into a job poorly done”
(1994, p.153). Have you ever been in a situation where a
teacher, colleague or boss offered you feedback on your
performance in a way that was degrading and unmotivating? An
artful critique does not instill fear or humiliation in those who
are receiving it and we must remember that the purpose of
giving constructive feedback is to only improve performance.
One of the most difficult things when grading learner work is
finding that balance between positive and constructive feedback
when the work submitted by the learner does not show
Harry Levinson (as cited in Goleman, 1994), a psychologist and
corporate consultant, provides us some guidelines on the art of
the critique.
· The first piece of advice is to be specific. In any situation that
you are giving feedback, be sure to tell the one receiving it
exactly what they are doing well, what they are doing poorly
and ways to make improvements. It is important as educators
that you are transparent in what needs to be changed because
without specifics, how do our learners improve?
· Then, offer a solution. Provide suggestions on how to make
improvements because often you might share some ideas that
were never thought of before. This also means guiding and not
just telling; for example, model for your learners how they can
· Third, when giving the feedback, be present. Most like
receiving feedback in a personal and private manner and this
also gives the one receiving the feedback opportunities to ask
clarifying questions. No one ever likes to receive constructive
criticism in public, so be mindful of when and where you are
giving it.
· Finally, be sensitive. Recognize how you are giving the
feedback and how it might impact the one receiving it. Be
empathetic so that the criticism supports improvement and not
So, no matter if you choose to become a school teacher, college
professor, military trainer, or corporate trainer, the way you
provide feedback to your learners is crucial for their success. It
could mean the difference between helping them to develop a
growth mindset where one views intelligence as something that
grows over time versus a fixed mindset where one views
intelligence as fixed; it cannot change. Watch the video on
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset to see its potential implications on
your learners.
Spencer, J. (2017, March 26). Growth mindset vs. fixed
mindset (Links to an external site.). [Video file]. Retrieved
Goleman, D. (1994). Emotional intelligence. New York, NY:
Bantam Books.
Spencer, J. (2017, March 26). Growth mindset vs. fixed
mindset (Links to an external site.). [Video file]. Retrieved
Tips for Success
Submitting your papers to Turnitin is something you should
utilize for every assignment to avoid unintentional plagiarism.
Here is a great module from the Ashford’s Writing Center on
plagiarism (Links to an external site.) that will help you learn
how to avoid it.
Required Resources
Lefrançois, G. R. (2013). Of learning and assessment. Retrieved
· Chapter 11: Grading and Reporting to Students and Parents
Web Page
Teaching Channel. (n.d.). What is a growth mindset? (Links to
an external site.) Retrieved from
· This web page provides information about a growth mindset
and will assist you in The No-Zero Grading Policy Debate
Accessibility Statement does not exist.
Privacy Policy
KWL Chart
For your introduction, you will be completing the “K” and “W”
part of this chart. Be sure to save this file as you will revisit it
in Week 6 and will have to resubmit.
What I know about assessments
What I want to learn about assessments
What I have learned about assessments
Assessment is very critical for every subject a student is
expected to learn. The primary purpose of assessment is to
determine if the material taught is being learned. Pre-
assessment is always necessary to understand student needs and
strengths and also know the nature of their differentiation.
Understanding student needs and strength ensure that the
student instruction is differentiated to accommodate each
student (Krammer, Pflanzl & Mayr, 2018). In differentiated
classroom targets on an individualised assessment that ensures
that every student is assessed equitably.
Krammer, G., Pflanzl, B., & Mayr, J. (2018). Using students’
feedback for teacher education:
Measurement invariance across pre-service teacher-rated and
student-rated aspects of quality of teaching. Assessment &
Evaluation In Higher Education, 44(4), 596-609. doi:
I do not want to reinvent the wheel when there is a wheel
already established; with that being said, I want to know where
I can locate the different types of assessment forms that I can
use with my employees?
Where would I find the assessment outlines for me to use in my
What are theother resources that will assist me with using
assessment tools?
Are there coaches who can assist, providing examples of what
can work with utlizing assessment tools?
The pre-assessment strategy is purposely used to expose the
student prior knowledge, interests and feelings before
presenting the subject information. The type of assessment
allows the instructor or teacher to understand the nature of
students and also their needs. The teacher can know each
student's strengths and weaknesses to prepare learning
instruction that accommodates all students’ needs (Goodman &
Bowman, 2014). The type of assessment requires time to plan
for and usually it combines both formal and informal format.
The assessment conducted through individual conference and
surveys. The assessment means of presentation accommodate
diverse learners to ensure a well-structured instruction prepared
for future evaluations. Pre-assessment comes before formative
and summative assessments because it deals with understanding
the student needs before delivering the subject content.
Summative and formative assessments are used to ensure and
check if the students are learning (Havock, 2019).
Goodman, K., & Bowman, N. (2014). Making Diversity Work to
Improve College Student
Learning. New Directions For Student Services, 2014(147), 37-
48. doi: 10.1002/ss.20099.
Havock, J. (2019). Formative Assessment and Its Impact on
Student Success. Nurse
Educator, 44(1), 4. doi: 10.1097/nne.0000000000000530.
Week 6 Discussion Mind Map
For your final discussion, you will reflect on all the learning
you have done in this course by completing the “L” part of your
KWL chart that you started in the Post Your Introduction in
Week 1 and create a mind map. This map is another example of
how you might formatively assess your learners in your
classroom. Additionally, this visual provides a way of
organizing your understanding of assessments.
Prior to beginning work on this discussion,
· Locate the KWL chart you completed for your introduction.
· Explore the concept of mind mapping to utilize for this task
and as a strategy to use in your own classroom. Review the
following mind mapping resources:
· Mind Mapping (Links to an external site.)
· How to Use Mind Maps to Unleash Your Brain’s Creativity
and Potential (Links to an external site.)
· You may create this mind map using the following tools:
· Electronically using tools like Microsoft Word or PowerPoint
· Electronically using the following online tools:
· MindMeister (Links to an external site.)
· MindMup (Links to an external site.)
· Canva (Links to an external site.)
· GoConqr (Links to an external site.)
· Draw a mind map on paper with markers, take a photo or scan
it, and upload it for your classmates to review.
7 Steps to Making a Mind Map
Follow these seven steps listed below from How to Use Mind
Maps to Unleash Your Brain’s Creativity and Potential (Links
to an external site.) as a guide as you create your mind map:
· Step 1: Start in the middle of a blank page.
· By starting in the middle of the page, you can branch out your
ideas in multiple directions.
· Step 2: Select an image, picture or words representing the
“central idea” of your map.
· Images can represent so many words and can contribute to
your creativity as you develop your mind map. If an image just
does not do the trick, certainly use words.
· Step 3: Utilize colors throughout your entire mind map.
· The brain is attracted to color and can enhance learning.
Besides, who doesn’t like to add a little color to their life!
· Step 4: Create branches to the various levels within your mind
map that all end up connecting to your “central idea.”
· The brain likes making patterns and the connection among the
branches will help you to easily remember and retrieve the
acquired knowledge.
· Step 5: Use curved lines instead of straight lines when
connecting your branches
· Your brain responds better to curved lines. They are more
· Step 6: Each branch should have only one key word that
represents your learning.
· This will keep your mind map clear and succinct.
· Step 7: Images should be integrated throughout your mind
· Images are just another way for your brain to make deeper
connections to the acquired knowledge; therefore, making it
more meaningful (Pinola, 2013, September).
Review the various resources, discussions, instructor feedback
and videos throughout the entire course that will help support
you as you create your mind map.
Write (Due Day 3, Thursday)
Complete the following:
· Complete the “L” part of KWL chart and upload to the
· Follow the seven steps for mind mapping and include the
following components:
· Assessment center of your map
· The following key words branched out from the center of your
mind map:
· Purpose of Assessments
· Formative Assessments
· Summative Assessments
· Grading
· High-Stakes Standardized Assessments
· Statistics in Education
· Within each of those branches, provide three to five key words
in addition to images that exhibit what you have learned about
these topics.
· Provide the link for your mind map or upload your scanned
· Then include at least one question that you are still seeking to
get answered about assessments in your discussion response.
Guided Response (Due Monday, Day 7): Post replies to at least
two peers by the close date of this discussion. Examine the
mind maps of your peers and share additional thoughts. Review
the question your peer still has and attempt to provide an
Though two replies are the basic expectation, for deeper
engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide
responses to any comments or questions others have given to
you. Remember, continuing to engage with peers and the
instructor will further the conversation and provide you with
opportunities to demonstrate your content expertise, critical
thinking, and real-world experiences with this topic.
Weekly Lesson
Week 6
Welcome to the final week of EDU645: Assessment for
Learning. Please be sure to review the Week 6 homepage for
this course to see:
· the specific learning outcomes for the week
· the schedule overview
· the required and recommended resources
· the introduction to the week
· a listing of the assessments
Next, be sure to read this entire Weekly Lesson including any
videos or articles shared.
This final week of the course provides you a chance to reflect
on everything you have learned in this course by creating a
mind map which allows you to present what you have learned in
a creative manner. Then, you will end with the final assignment
which is primarily a compilation of your assignments from
weeks 1 through 4 followed by a personal evaluation on your
own performance using the rubric.
Week 6 Learning Activities
This section includes additional, specific assistance for exceling
in the assessments (learning activities) for Week 6 as a
supplement to the instructions and grading rubrics. If you have
questions about what is expected on any assessment for Week
Six, contact your instructor before the due date.
Discussion: Mind Map
Mind Map Art [Online image]. (n.d.) Retrieved from
genovese/ (Links to an external site.)
This final discussion is an opportunity for you to explore what
you have learned in this course by using a mind map. The above
image is a mind map about mind mapping. Be sure to review
your assignment instructions as well that clearly outline the
steps involved in creating a high-quality mind map. Mind maps
are another great assessment tool that you could use in your
instructional practice to determine what knowledge learners
have acquired in a fun and engaging manner that will be
meaningful for your learners. So, don’t be afraid to use color
and get as creative as you want; have some fun with this task!
Also, don’t forget to complete the “L” portion of your KWL
chart from Week 1 Introduction. While this is another way to
assess learner knowledge, it will also provide you with a great
way to brainstorm as you develop your mind map. Additionally,
you are asked to provide at least one question about assessments
that you are still looking to get answered and you guessed it…it
is yet another way that you can assess learner knowledge. Your
classmates and instructors will hopefully provide some answers
as you engage in your last opportunity for discussions.
Final Paper: Assessment Design
The Final Assignment is your chance to highlight the depth of
understanding you have now acquired about assessments. Be
sure to review all the feedback your instructor has given you on
assignments for Weeks 1 through 4, making any necessary
changes for improvement. Please note that there are slight
variations of what you are asked to present for each section of
the final paper. It is not entirely a “copy and paste” from your
Week 1 through 4 assignments. Use the Week 6 Assessment
Design Final Paper Template found in the assignment
instructions to guide your writing. The finale of your Final
Assignment will require you to engage in your own self-
assessment by evaluating your own work based on the rubric
that is used by your instructor to assess your work and examine
the benefits of such a practice.
Week 6 Lesson
Wrapping it Up!
Congratulations! You completed five intense weeks learning
about assessments. It is hoped that this course has provided you
greater insights on assessments and its significance for the
learning process. Without assessments, effective instruction
cannot occur. Therefore, it is critical to plan your instruction
using the backward design model so that you do not focus on
what you want to instruct, but rather on what you want your
learners to learn. Each week, you progressed through the steps
of the backward design model that allowed you to focus on the
learning of your students and you never actually created an
instructional plan to teach the standard and learning
objectives/outcomes/targets you developed, which is the final
step of the backward design model. We will not complete that
final stage of the backward design model in this course, but
perhaps it is a lesson that you could develop one day.
For your final assignment, you are asked to evaluate your own
performance using the rubric to determine your proficiency
levels based on the rating scales. This strategy encourages
learners to become self-regulated learners because it allows
them to set goals and monitor their progress. The outcome is
that learners begin to realize what strategies are effective and
ineffective for their learning process. The hope is that this
process will motivate learners to continually work on their
Here is a video on one such strategy that promotes self-
regulation through reflection called “Be Sure To”. Consider
how this powerful reflection tool can support the success of
your learners and even the success for your own educational
journey here at Ashford University.
Teaching Channel. (n.d.). “Be sure to strategy”: A powerful
reflection strategy (Links to an external site.) [Video file].
Retrieved from
Teaching Channel. (n.d.). “Be sure to strategy”: A powerful
reflection strategy (Links to an external site.) [Video file].
Retrieved from
goal-setting (Links to an external site.)
Tips for Success
Do you know all the services that are available to you from the
writing center? Studies have shown that students who use these
services have a higher success rate in their courses. Consider
using some of these services to support your success on your
final assignment!
· 24/7 Writing Tutoring Service (Links to an external site.)
· Paper Review (Links to an external site.)
· Write On! Series & Webinars (Links to an external site.)
· Video Tutorials
Required Resources
Pinola, M. (2013, September 9). How to use mind maps to
unleash your brain’s creativity and potential (Links to an
external site.). Retrieved from
· This article provides information about mind mapping and will
assist you in your Mind Map discussion this week.
Accessibility Statement does not exist.
Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)
Mindmapping (Links to an external site.).
· This website provides information about mind mapping and
will assist you in your Mind Map discussion this week.
Accessibility Statement does not exist.
Privacy Policy does not exist.

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Week 5 Discussion The No-Zero Grading Policy Debate[WLO1] [CLOs.docx

  • 1. Week 5 Discussion The No-Zero Grading Policy Debate [WLO:1] [CLOs: 2-6] For this discussion, we engage in a debate that is a hot topic in our schools: the no-zero grading policy. Consider this scenario: Steve submitted an assignment to you that was over a week late. He apologized for the late submission and told you that he had been dealing with some family issues that prevented him from getting his assignment submitted on time. Do you accept the assignment or still give him a zero for submitting it late? Debate Grouping (by first letter of last name) For this discussion, your assigned debate group is as follows: · A-L: Proponents of no-zero grading policy: Accept Steve’s work and grade it. · M-Z: Opponents of no-zero grading policy: Do not accept Steve’s work and give him a zero. Prepare Prior to beginning work on this assignment, · Read Chapter 11: Grading and Reporting to Students and Parents. · Explore the following web page: What Is a Growth Mindset? (Links to an external site.) · Find an article that supports your assigned position from the Ashford University Library or a reputable and credible website. This a tip sheet Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) provides guidance for locating an appropriate source. Reflect Consider if you have been given a zero before for a missing or late assignment or if you have given a zero to a student. Write Clearly state what your assigned position is for this debate. Due Thursday, Day 3 Based on your assigned position, formulate a defense statement supported by the course text as well as the article you located
  • 2. that includes the following: · Discuss the theory behind the no-zero grading policy and its purpose. · Provide at least three reasons for your position, based on your research. You also want to provide solid examples to support each reason. · Properly cite and reference your sources within your response using APA formatting (Links to an external site.). Due by Saturday, Day 5 Respond to at least one of your peers who has been assigned a different position from you and has not received a response, and offer a rebuttal. Be sure to provide evidence from the readings or articles to support your opposition. Properly cite and reference your sources within your response using APA formatting (Links to an external site.). Due by Monday, Day 7 Respond to your original post and provide the following: · Your own opinion of the no-zero grading policy based on the evidence from the research and the responses of your classmates. How would you personally handle Steve’s situation? Did your thinking change after reading your classmates’ viewpoints? Why or why not? · Using the What Is a Growth Mindset? (Links to an external site.) web page as a point of reference, how might a no-zero grading policy help to promote a growth mindset for learners. Explain, and if applicable, share your own experiences as well. Respond to Peers (Due Monday, Day 7): Post replies to at least two peers by the close date of this discussion. Refer to your peers’ responses to their original post, and consider their viewpoints on the no-zero grading policy, extra credit, and acceptance of late assignments. Provide additional insights to their opinions. Though two replies are the basic expectation, for deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you. Remember, continuing to engage with peers and the
  • 3. instructor will further the conversation and provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your content expertise, critical thinking, and real-world experiences with this topic. Weekly Lesson Week 5 Welcome to Week 5 of EDU645: Assessment for Learning. Please be sure to review the Week Five homepage for this course to see: · the specific learning outcomes for the week · the schedule overview · the required and recommended resources · the introduction to the week · a listing of the assessments Next, be sure to read this entire Weekly Lesson including any videos or articles shared. Introduction In Week 4, you uncovered the importance and significance of educators using data in their instructional practice. You also had an opportunity to reflect on topics that were still a bit unclear to you where the discussions among your classmates and instructor hopefully provided greater clarity. For your discussion this week, you will engage in a debate about the No-Zero Grading Policy; a highly controversial topic in education. This week is a light load as you begin compiling your assignments from Weeks 1 through 4 and reviewing your instructor feedback as you begin drafting your final assignment for Week 6. Week 5 Learning Activities This section includes additional specific assistance for excelling in the assessments (learning activities) for Week 5 as a supplement to the instructions and grading rubrics. If you have questions about what is expected on any assessment for Week 5, or any other week, contact your instructor before the due date. End of Course Survey
  • 4. Your instructor needs YOU! We can only improve if we hear from you. Please complete the end of course survey this week. Watch the short video listed under the week five tab in the course room that tells the importance of completing this survey. Your feedback is taken very seriously and directly impacts the overall quality of the curriculum and instruction you receive in your program of study. Discussion 1: The No-Zero Grading Policy For this discussion, you will engage in a debate that is highly controversial in education: The No-Zero Grading Policy. A scenario is provided where you will then be assigned a debate group based on the first letter of your last name. You will again put on your research hat and search for a peer-reviewed article in the Ashford University Library to support your assigned position for the debate with three specific reasons. Because this discussion is in the form of a debate, there are three distinct times during the week that you must make responses to keep the debate alive. On Thursday, you will submit your initial response based on the assigned position for the debate. Then by Saturday, you will need to find at least one peer who had a different position than you and offer a rebuttal that is supported by the readings or articles. Then on Monday, you will circle back to your original post and share your own opinion of The No-Zero Grading Policy (regardless if your assigned position was your personal view). Consider your own personal experiences that may have influenced your opinions on this policy. It is so important that you adhere to these due dates so that the debate can stay engaging. Be sure to also respond to at least two of your classmates. Consider jumping in on a debate conversation among your peers and share your own personal views on the no-zero-grading policy, extra credit and acceptance of late assignments. Week 5 Lesson The Artful Critique As an educator, you will constantly be on the giving end of
  • 5. criticism and while we can’t control how the one receiving it will react, we can ensure that it is presented as an “artful critique” which requires a bit of heart. According to Goleman, “an artful critique focuses on what a person has done and can do rather than reading a mark of character into a job poorly done” (1994, p.153). Have you ever been in a situation where a teacher, colleague or boss offered you feedback on your performance in a way that was degrading and unmotivating? An artful critique does not instill fear or humiliation in those who are receiving it and we must remember that the purpose of giving constructive feedback is to only improve performance. One of the most difficult things when grading learner work is finding that balance between positive and constructive feedback when the work submitted by the learner does not show proficiency. Harry Levinson (as cited in Goleman, 1994), a psychologist and corporate consultant, provides us some guidelines on the art of the critique. · The first piece of advice is to be specific. In any situation that you are giving feedback, be sure to tell the one receiving it exactly what they are doing well, what they are doing poorly and ways to make improvements. It is important as educators that you are transparent in what needs to be changed because without specifics, how do our learners improve? · Then, offer a solution. Provide suggestions on how to make improvements because often you might share some ideas that were never thought of before. This also means guiding and not just telling; for example, model for your learners how they can improve. · Third, when giving the feedback, be present. Most like receiving feedback in a personal and private manner and this also gives the one receiving the feedback opportunities to ask clarifying questions. No one ever likes to receive constructive criticism in public, so be mindful of when and where you are giving it. · Finally, be sensitive. Recognize how you are giving the
  • 6. feedback and how it might impact the one receiving it. Be empathetic so that the criticism supports improvement and not resentment. So, no matter if you choose to become a school teacher, college professor, military trainer, or corporate trainer, the way you provide feedback to your learners is crucial for their success. It could mean the difference between helping them to develop a growth mindset where one views intelligence as something that grows over time versus a fixed mindset where one views intelligence as fixed; it cannot change. Watch the video on Growth vs. Fixed Mindset to see its potential implications on your learners. Spencer, J. (2017, March 26). Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset (Links to an external site.). [Video file]. Retrieved from References Goleman, D. (1994). Emotional intelligence. New York, NY: Bantam Books. Spencer, J. (2017, March 26). Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset (Links to an external site.). [Video file]. Retrieved from Tips for Success Submitting your papers to Turnitin is something you should utilize for every assignment to avoid unintentional plagiarism. Here is a great module from the Ashford’s Writing Center on plagiarism (Links to an external site.) that will help you learn how to avoid it. Required Resources Text Lefrançois, G. R. (2013). Of learning and assessment. Retrieved from · Chapter 11: Grading and Reporting to Students and Parents Web Page
  • 7. Teaching Channel. (n.d.). What is a growth mindset? (Links to an external site.) Retrieved from · This web page provides information about a growth mindset and will assist you in The No-Zero Grading Policy Debate discussion. Accessibility Statement does not exist. Privacy Policy KWL Chart For your introduction, you will be completing the “K” and “W” part of this chart. Be sure to save this file as you will revisit it in Week 6 and will have to resubmit. K What I know about assessments W What I want to learn about assessments L What I have learned about assessments Assessment is very critical for every subject a student is expected to learn. The primary purpose of assessment is to determine if the material taught is being learned. Pre- assessment is always necessary to understand student needs and strengths and also know the nature of their differentiation. Understanding student needs and strength ensure that the student instruction is differentiated to accommodate each student (Krammer, Pflanzl & Mayr, 2018). In differentiated classroom targets on an individualised assessment that ensures that every student is assessed equitably.
  • 8. Reference Krammer, G., Pflanzl, B., & Mayr, J. (2018). Using students’ feedback for teacher education: Measurement invariance across pre-service teacher-rated and student-rated aspects of quality of teaching. Assessment & Evaluation In Higher Education, 44(4), 596-609. doi: 10.1080/02602938.2018.1525338. I do not want to reinvent the wheel when there is a wheel already established; with that being said, I want to know where I can locate the different types of assessment forms that I can use with my employees? Where would I find the assessment outlines for me to use in my team? What are theother resources that will assist me with using assessment tools? Are there coaches who can assist, providing examples of what can work with utlizing assessment tools? The pre-assessment strategy is purposely used to expose the student prior knowledge, interests and feelings before presenting the subject information. The type of assessment allows the instructor or teacher to understand the nature of students and also their needs. The teacher can know each student's strengths and weaknesses to prepare learning instruction that accommodates all students’ needs (Goodman & Bowman, 2014). The type of assessment requires time to plan for and usually it combines both formal and informal format. The assessment conducted through individual conference and surveys. The assessment means of presentation accommodate diverse learners to ensure a well-structured instruction prepared for future evaluations. Pre-assessment comes before formative
  • 9. and summative assessments because it deals with understanding the student needs before delivering the subject content. Summative and formative assessments are used to ensure and check if the students are learning (Havock, 2019). References Goodman, K., & Bowman, N. (2014). Making Diversity Work to Improve College Student Learning. New Directions For Student Services, 2014(147), 37- 48. doi: 10.1002/ss.20099. Havock, J. (2019). Formative Assessment and Its Impact on Student Success. Nurse Educator, 44(1), 4. doi: 10.1097/nne.0000000000000530. Week 6 Discussion Mind Map For your final discussion, you will reflect on all the learning you have done in this course by completing the “L” part of your KWL chart that you started in the Post Your Introduction in Week 1 and create a mind map. This map is another example of how you might formatively assess your learners in your classroom. Additionally, this visual provides a way of organizing your understanding of assessments. Prepare Prior to beginning work on this discussion, · Locate the KWL chart you completed for your introduction. · Explore the concept of mind mapping to utilize for this task and as a strategy to use in your own classroom. Review the following mind mapping resources: · Mind Mapping (Links to an external site.)
  • 10. · How to Use Mind Maps to Unleash Your Brain’s Creativity and Potential (Links to an external site.) · You may create this mind map using the following tools: · Electronically using tools like Microsoft Word or PowerPoint · Electronically using the following online tools: · MindMeister (Links to an external site.) · MindMup (Links to an external site.) · Canva (Links to an external site.) · GoConqr (Links to an external site.) · Draw a mind map on paper with markers, take a photo or scan it, and upload it for your classmates to review. 7 Steps to Making a Mind Map Follow these seven steps listed below from How to Use Mind Maps to Unleash Your Brain’s Creativity and Potential (Links to an external site.) as a guide as you create your mind map: · Step 1: Start in the middle of a blank page. · By starting in the middle of the page, you can branch out your ideas in multiple directions. · Step 2: Select an image, picture or words representing the “central idea” of your map. · Images can represent so many words and can contribute to your creativity as you develop your mind map. If an image just does not do the trick, certainly use words. · Step 3: Utilize colors throughout your entire mind map. · The brain is attracted to color and can enhance learning. Besides, who doesn’t like to add a little color to their life! · Step 4: Create branches to the various levels within your mind map that all end up connecting to your “central idea.” · The brain likes making patterns and the connection among the branches will help you to easily remember and retrieve the acquired knowledge. · Step 5: Use curved lines instead of straight lines when connecting your branches · Your brain responds better to curved lines. They are more interesting! · Step 6: Each branch should have only one key word that
  • 11. represents your learning. · This will keep your mind map clear and succinct. · Step 7: Images should be integrated throughout your mind map. · Images are just another way for your brain to make deeper connections to the acquired knowledge; therefore, making it more meaningful (Pinola, 2013, September). Reflect Review the various resources, discussions, instructor feedback and videos throughout the entire course that will help support you as you create your mind map. Write (Due Day 3, Thursday) Complete the following: · Complete the “L” part of KWL chart and upload to the discussion. · Follow the seven steps for mind mapping and include the following components: · Assessment center of your map · The following key words branched out from the center of your mind map: · Purpose of Assessments · Formative Assessments · Summative Assessments · Grading · High-Stakes Standardized Assessments · Statistics in Education · Within each of those branches, provide three to five key words in addition to images that exhibit what you have learned about these topics. · Provide the link for your mind map or upload your scanned document. · Then include at least one question that you are still seeking to get answered about assessments in your discussion response. Guided Response (Due Monday, Day 7): Post replies to at least two peers by the close date of this discussion. Examine the mind maps of your peers and share additional thoughts. Review
  • 12. the question your peer still has and attempt to provide an answer. Though two replies are the basic expectation, for deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you. Remember, continuing to engage with peers and the instructor will further the conversation and provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your content expertise, critical thinking, and real-world experiences with this topic. Weekly Lesson Week 6 Welcome to the final week of EDU645: Assessment for Learning. Please be sure to review the Week 6 homepage for this course to see: · the specific learning outcomes for the week · the schedule overview · the required and recommended resources · the introduction to the week · a listing of the assessments Next, be sure to read this entire Weekly Lesson including any videos or articles shared. Introduction This final week of the course provides you a chance to reflect on everything you have learned in this course by creating a mind map which allows you to present what you have learned in a creative manner. Then, you will end with the final assignment which is primarily a compilation of your assignments from weeks 1 through 4 followed by a personal evaluation on your own performance using the rubric. Week 6 Learning Activities This section includes additional, specific assistance for exceling in the assessments (learning activities) for Week 6 as a supplement to the instructions and grading rubrics. If you have questions about what is expected on any assessment for Week
  • 13. Six, contact your instructor before the due date. Discussion: Mind Map Mind Map Art [Online image]. (n.d.) Retrieved from genovese/ (Links to an external site.) This final discussion is an opportunity for you to explore what you have learned in this course by using a mind map. The above image is a mind map about mind mapping. Be sure to review your assignment instructions as well that clearly outline the steps involved in creating a high-quality mind map. Mind maps are another great assessment tool that you could use in your instructional practice to determine what knowledge learners have acquired in a fun and engaging manner that will be meaningful for your learners. So, don’t be afraid to use color and get as creative as you want; have some fun with this task! Also, don’t forget to complete the “L” portion of your KWL chart from Week 1 Introduction. While this is another way to assess learner knowledge, it will also provide you with a great way to brainstorm as you develop your mind map. Additionally, you are asked to provide at least one question about assessments that you are still looking to get answered and you guessed it…it is yet another way that you can assess learner knowledge. Your classmates and instructors will hopefully provide some answers as you engage in your last opportunity for discussions. Final Paper: Assessment Design The Final Assignment is your chance to highlight the depth of understanding you have now acquired about assessments. Be sure to review all the feedback your instructor has given you on assignments for Weeks 1 through 4, making any necessary changes for improvement. Please note that there are slight variations of what you are asked to present for each section of the final paper. It is not entirely a “copy and paste” from your Week 1 through 4 assignments. Use the Week 6 Assessment Design Final Paper Template found in the assignment instructions to guide your writing. The finale of your Final Assignment will require you to engage in your own self-
  • 14. assessment by evaluating your own work based on the rubric that is used by your instructor to assess your work and examine the benefits of such a practice. Week 6 Lesson Wrapping it Up! Congratulations! You completed five intense weeks learning about assessments. It is hoped that this course has provided you greater insights on assessments and its significance for the learning process. Without assessments, effective instruction cannot occur. Therefore, it is critical to plan your instruction using the backward design model so that you do not focus on what you want to instruct, but rather on what you want your learners to learn. Each week, you progressed through the steps of the backward design model that allowed you to focus on the learning of your students and you never actually created an instructional plan to teach the standard and learning objectives/outcomes/targets you developed, which is the final step of the backward design model. We will not complete that final stage of the backward design model in this course, but perhaps it is a lesson that you could develop one day. For your final assignment, you are asked to evaluate your own performance using the rubric to determine your proficiency levels based on the rating scales. This strategy encourages learners to become self-regulated learners because it allows them to set goals and monitor their progress. The outcome is that learners begin to realize what strategies are effective and ineffective for their learning process. The hope is that this process will motivate learners to continually work on their performance. Here is a video on one such strategy that promotes self- regulation through reflection called “Be Sure To”. Consider how this powerful reflection tool can support the success of your learners and even the success for your own educational journey here at Ashford University. Teaching Channel. (n.d.). “Be sure to strategy”: A powerful
  • 15. reflection strategy (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from goal-setting References Teaching Channel. (n.d.). “Be sure to strategy”: A powerful reflection strategy (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from goal-setting (Links to an external site.) Tips for Success Do you know all the services that are available to you from the writing center? Studies have shown that students who use these services have a higher success rate in their courses. Consider using some of these services to support your success on your final assignment! · 24/7 Writing Tutoring Service (Links to an external site.) · Paper Review (Links to an external site.) · Write On! Series & Webinars (Links to an external site.) · Video Tutorials Required Resources Article Pinola, M. (2013, September 9). How to use mind maps to unleash your brain’s creativity and potential (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from use-mind-maps-to-unleash-your-brains-creativity-1348869811 · This article provides information about mind mapping and will assist you in your Mind Map discussion this week. Accessibility Statement does not exist. Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.) Website Mindmapping (Links to an external site.). (
  • 16. · This website provides information about mind mapping and will assist you in your Mind Map discussion this week. Accessibility Statement does not exist. Privacy Policy does not exist.