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Week 3 Discussion 1 Website Sharing and Feedback
This discussion provides an opportunity for you to participate in
reciprocal feedback regarding the website created in the Week
Two Assignment. The feedback you give and receive will
support enhancements to your website as you continue to
develop it throughout the course leading up to the final
evaluation in Week Six. Review the Week Three Instructor
Guidance for further details about participating in this
Initial Post: Create an initial post that includes a link to your
website created for the Week Two Assignment and that
addresses the following:
a. Discuss your experience creating the website. Note any
challenges you experienced and how you overcame them.
b. Share something that you learned while constructing your
own website and discuss what you have enjoyed or disliked
most about the process of creating the website thus far.
c. Reflecting on what your finished website will look like,
describe your vision for the website’s design and content and
how you can potentially use this as a personal resource or in
your current or anticipated professional practice.
Guided Response: Respond to a minimum of two peers. Make an
effort to respond to two peers that you didn’t engage with in the
previous discussions. In responses, provide feedback to your
peers about their website’s design and their working definition
of at-risk. Additionally, provide constructive recommendations
for how your peers can enhance their websites and definitions to
meet the expectations for the final submission in Week Six.
Though two replies is the basic expectation, for deeper
engagement and learning you are encouraged to provide
responses to any comments or questions others have given to
Week Three Instructor Guidance
Welcome to Week Three of EDU644: Child and Family
Welfare! Please be sure to review the Week Three homepage
for this course to see the specific learning outcomes for the
week, the schedule overview, the required and recommended
resources for the week, an introduction to the week, and a
listing of the assessments for the week. Next, be sure to read
this entire Instructor Guidance page.
review the Week Three homepage for this course to see the
specific learning outcomes for the week, the schedule overview,
the required and recommended resources for the week, an
introduction to the week, and a listing of the assessments for the
week. Next, be sure to read this entire Instructor Guidance page.
Knowledge gained in Week Two provides you with background
information on the role of child protection agencies.
Furthermore, you examined various resources supporting
families at risk, leading you toward the beginning stages of
construction of your website. In Week Three, you further add
to your website with specific information and resources
pertaining to child maltreatment and homelessness.
Finally, perhaps the most interesting and engaging opportunity
this week involves sharing your early website design with
others in the course, reviewing others’ websites, and engaging
in reciprocal feedback for the purpose of expanding your ideas
and improving upon your website as you progress toward the
Final Project in Week Six.
Remember that the Instructor Guidance provides additional
instruction and resources to assist you with the weekly
assessments. Please be sure to review the Instructor Guidance.
As indicated, this week the discussions focus on sharing your
website with others and create a graphic comparing five factors
pertaining to homeless efforts in two major cities in the United
States; Chicago and New York. The assignment on Child
Maltreatment Policies involves creating an informational
brochure about child maltreatment on a national level and
forming an analysis of the child maltreatment policies in a state
of your choosing. The information shared in the Intellectual
Elaboration section below will help inform your work for this
Intellectual Elaboration
“The first step towards change is awareness. The second step is
acceptance.” Matthew Branden
As we embark this week on our learning of two very serious
topics, child maltreatment and homelessness, consider the quote
above. Consider your role and responsibility in your current
and/or anticipated professional position. Awareness,
acceptance, and change are an integral part of what one can
expect to experience when working with children and families
at risk.
Child Maltreatment
View the Institute of Medicine’s (2014) approximately 2 minute
video New Directions in Child Abuse and Neglect
Research (Links to an external site.)to learn about research in
child abuse and neglect. The information here will help inform
the work you do for this week’s assignment. Note that child
maltreatment continues to be a serious issue for the future of
America’s children.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there are
four types of maltreatment including emotional abuse, physical
abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect (Centers for Disease Control,
2014). While policies, programs, and resources exist for
preventing and treating child maltreatment, the level of support
is lacking while the demand for assistance has been steadily
increasing (Institute of Medicine, 2013).
Due to the impact of families in crises, the level of child
maltreatment has been an increasing problem. Even though the
extent of physical child abuse may be declining, the impact of
emotional child abuse and neglect presents an ever-increasing
problem (IOM, 2013). In fact, one of the most prevalent issues
is child neglect in regards to medicine, education, and food.
Think about the impact these issues have on school-aged
children and their ability to learn and achieve academic success.
Every state in the U.S has laws requiring certain professionals
to report concerns of child abuse or neglect. Such professionals
often include teachers, social workers, medical and mental
health professionals, and child care providers. Additionally,
specific procedures are typically established for mandated
reporters to make referrals to child protective services (Child
Welfare Information Gateway, 2014).
Professionals working with children and families who may be at
risk must be aware of what constitutes child maltreatment,
abuse, or neglect and understand the laws of their state for
mandatory reporting. Further, having knowledge of and access
to a variety of support systems and resources for children and
families is an essential part of one’s practice. Consider a second
quote, this time by Mahatma Gandhi; “Be the change that you
want to see in the world”. How can you spread awareness and
create change as it pertains to child maltreatment and neglect?
The assignment this week gives you the opportunity to exercise
this in a simple, yet potentially effective way.
A related issue to child maltreatment for children and families
at risk has been homelessness. Even families with full-time
jobs are not always able to provide adequate shelter or care for
their families. The result is a higher level of government
subsidies for housing and more families in homeless shelters.
Homelessness Defined
The face of homelessness in the United States is changing. As
such, the issue pertaining to homelessness in society as well as
consideration for homeless people must change. There are
several common and rather derogatory terms for someone who is
homeless. According to Joel John Roberts, CEO of People
Assisting the Homeless (PATH Partners), it is appropriate and
non-offensive to use the terms homeless Americans or simply,
homeless when describing one living on the streets (Poverty
Insights, May 29, 2012). Others find it more appropriate to put
the person before the condition and instead, refer to this
classification of people as one who is homeless. Regardless of
the terminology, children and families that are homeless are
prevalent in the United States and require support from
knowledgeable educators, medical providers, and social services
in order to thrive.
Varying definitions of homelessness
According to the National Health Care for the Homeless
Council, there is more than one “official” definition of
homelessness but health centers that are funded by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) define a
homeless individual as one “without permanent housing who
may live on the streets; stay in a shelter, mission, single room
occupancy facilities, abandoned building or vehicle; or in any
other unstable or non-permanent situation” (NHCHC, 2014).
The United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) classifies homelessness two ways;
chronically homeless and episodic or fluctuating homelessness.
HUD defines one who is chronically homeless as “a person
sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation (e.g. living
on the streets) or living in a homeless emergency shelter”
(2007, p.3). An episode of homelessness is “A separate,
distinct, and sustained stay on the streets and/or in a homeless
emergency shelter” (p.4).
Review the video from RT (2013) America's Working Destitute:
Full-Time Jobs, Yet Homeless (Links to an external site.). The
video is approximately three-minutes long and explores the
plight of Americans who are employed yet homeless.
Then, view the video from The Economist (2013) (Links to an
external site.)to further explore homelessness in the United
Now, consider your impressions of what homelessness looks
like in America. Do your impressions align with either of the
images below? As the videos explain, the homeless have many
different voices and faces in the United States today.
Homeless man
Homeless veteran
Homeless woman
Assessment Guidance
This section includes additional specific assistance for excelling
in the discussions and assignment for Week Three beyond what
is given with the instructions for the assessments. If you have
questions about what is expected on any assessment for Week
Three, contact your instructor using the Ask Your Instructor
discussion before the due date.
Discussion 1: Website Sharing and Feedback
This discussion is another opportunity to demonstrate your
mastery with the first two course learning outcomes:
“Distinguish groups and behaviors considered at risk” and
“Evaluate various resources and organizations that provide
information and support for families at risk.”
In Discussion 1, you will obtain feedback on your website
designed in the Week Two Assignment. Thus, you can continue
to refine your website based on the comments and suggestions
provided by fellow students in the class. By following the
direction provided in the Guided Response prompt, each student
should acquire specific feedback on both the content currently
represented in their website as well as observations and
suggestions regarding the overall website design and
Discussion 2: Tale of Two Cities and Homelessness
This discussion is an opportunity to demonstrate your mastery
with the third course learning outcome, “Examine social
services policies that support families at risk.” The purpose of
this discussion is to expose you to a variety of effective
resources for two diversely populated U.S. cities; Chicago and
New York and make comparisons between each regarding the
statistical data, and the policies, programs, and resources
available. Doing so will expand your current knowledge of the
issue of homelessness in the United States and guide you toward
making a recommendation to one of the cities for serving groups
and individuals that are homeless. You might also elect to
discuss a particular policy or resource you discovered during
your investigation that could potentially benefit a different city
in the U.S. such as the place in which you reside.
You will learn through this discussion that policies to support
youth homelessness vary by local, state, and federal programs
and resources. The potential for the uneven distribution of
assistance to the homeless youth or lack of resources can lead to
glaring problems in the care and the support with these policies.
For example, the homeless youth may or may not be able to
improve their situation based on the local, state, or federal
Last, you will use your choice of software or digital tool
organize the information you glean from each of the resources
for both cities that are detailed in the Week Two Assignment
description. Since you are tasked with comparing and
contrasting between the two cities, you should create a graphic
organizer that supports this concept such as a Venn diagram.
When posting your response you will attach the graphic
organizer you create and add a 1-2 paragraph description.
Follow the Guided Response prompt so as to engage in critical
thinking with your peers as it pertains to the comparisons and
contrasts made from each city. Figure 1 below shows a simple
example of how a Venn diagram might be structured for this
assignment using the SmartArt tools in Microsoft Word.
Figure 1
Categories to compare and contrast include:
· Prevalence of youth homelessness (stats)
· Populations of homeless people (stats)
· Policies offering support
· Your choice of additional interesting and/or important
information you discovered
Assignment: Child Maltreatment Policies Brochure
This assignment is another opportunity to demonstrate your
mastery with the third course learning outcome, “Examine
social services policies that support families at risk.” The
purpose of this assignment is two-fold; first, to show what you
know about issues and resources pertaining to child
maltreatment, and second to communicate the information in
such a way as to reach people who may need the information.
As such, you have another opportunity to be creative by using a
digital software program of your choice to construct an
informative brochure on the subject. Think of places you
typically find brochures and the purpose they serve. Also,
consider the kinds of brochures that catch your eye and
ultimately provide you with the most essential information
needed. You will create a 3-panel, two-sided brochure so as to
include graphics and required information outlined in the
assignment overview. Figure 2 below shows an example of a 3-
panel brochure:
Figure 2
There are numerous related links within each website provided
in the assignment instructions that can provide even more
information to support your work as well as additional
recommended resources listed for this week. Consider these or
conduct a new search from your state of residence to add
information about the topic specifically pertaining to your state.
Ad Additionally, take note of the design of these websites
reviewed for this discussion and the features you enjoy about
the sites as this will further assist you with the website you are
Your finished brochure will also be included in your website
and later reviewed by fellow classmates during Week Five so as
to gain feedback for the purpose of improving your work in
preparation for the Final Project in Week Six.
Child Welfare Information Gateway (2014). Mandated
Reporting. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Administration for Children and Families. Retrieved from
Defining chronic homelessness: A technical guide for HUD
Programs. (September, 2007). HUD’s Homeless Assistance
Program. Office of Community Planning and Development and
the Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs. Retrieved
Figure 2. Retrieved from
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Sciences
(2014, September 12). New directions in child abuse and
neglect research [Video file]. Retrieved from
National Health Care for the Homeless Council (2014). What is
the official definition of homelessness? Retrieved from
Roberts, Joel J. (2012, May 29). Homeless Americans: What’s
in a name? Poverty Insights: A National dialogue on poverty,
homelessness, and housing. Retrieved from
RT. (2013, October 22). America's working destitute: Full-time
jobs, yet homeless [Video file]. Retrieved from
The Economist. (2013, July 23). Poverty's new address in
America [Video file]. Retrieved from
Understanding Child Maltreatment (2014). Fact Sheet. Centers
for Disease Control. Retrieved from
Required Resources
Hirst, E. J. (2013, May 27). Number of homeless youths on the
rise, suggests shelter, hotline data (Links to an external site.).
Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from
· This newspaper article discusses the data suggesting a rise in
homelessness in the city of Chicago. This is a required resource
for the Week Three Discussion 2 where you compare Chicago
and New York policies and services for groups who are
Saulny, S. (2012, December 8). After recession, more young
adults are living on street (Links to an external site.). The New
York Times. Retrieved from
· This newspaper article discusses the rise in homeless youth in
New York after the recession of the 2000s. This is a required
resource for the Week Three Discussion 2 where you will
compare homeless policies and services in Chicago and New
Steinberg, N. (2012, April 29). Few options for homeless young
people in Chicago (Links to an external site.). Chicago Sun
Times. Retrieved from
· This newspaper article discusses the plight of youth who are
homeless in the city of Chicago. This is a required resource for
the Week Three Discussion 2 where you compare Chicago and
New York policies and services for groups who are homeless.
all Chicago (Links to an external
site.). (
· This website is to the All Chicago organization that works to
eradicate homelessness in the city of Chicago. This is a required
resource for the Week Three Discussion 2 where you compare
Chicago and New York policies and services for groups who are
California Department of Health Care Services.
(n.d.). Children’s and youth health (Links to an external site.).
Retrieved from
· This website of the California Department of Health Care
Services provides links to a variety of resources about
children’s and youth health services. This website is a required
resource for the Week Three Assignment about child
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Child
maltreatment prevention (Links to an external site.). Retrieved
· This comprehensive website provides a succinct introduction
to the topic of child maltreatment and numerous resources for
the prevention of and policies related to child maltreatment.
This website is a required resource for the Week Three
Assignment about child maltreatment.
Chicago Coalition for the Homeless. (2014). No youth
alone (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from
· This is the website for the Chicago Coalition for the
Homeless. This is a required resource for the Week Three
Discussion 2 where you compare Chicago and New York
policies and services for groups who are homeless.
Child Abuse Prevention Association (Links to an external site.).
· This website page focuses on the programs and services
available from the CAPA organization. This website is a
required resource for the Week Three Assignment about child
Child Help. (n.d.). The childhelp approach to ending child
abuse (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from
· This website page provides links to programs offered by the
Child Help Organization. This website is a required resource for
the Week Three Assignment about child maltreatment.
Covenant House New York. (2014). Helping homeless kids in
New York (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from
· This organizational website is for the Covenant House, which
is an organization working to address issues of homelessness in
New York. This is a required resource for the Week Three
Discussion 2 where you will compare homeless policies and
services in Chicago and New York.
Safe Horizon. (n.d.). Homeless youth statistics & facts (Links to
an external site.). Retrieved from
· This website explores homelessness in New York providing
facts and figures about the rates of homelessness and services
available for homeless youth. This is a required resource for the
Week Three Discussion 2 where you will compare homeless
policies and services in Chicago and New York.
Recommended Resources
Rubin, A. (2012). Clinician’s guide to evidence-based practice:
Programs and interventions for maltreated children and families
at risk. Retrieved from
· Chapter 15: The HOMEBUILDERS® model of intensive
family-preservation services
· Chapter 18: Parenting wisely: Enhancing wise practice for
service provides
Dilov-Schultheis, D. (n.d.). How to use Microsoft Office to
create flyers (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from
· This how-to website gives step-by-step instructions for
creating a flyer in Microsoft Publisher. This website is a
recommended resource for the Week Three Assignment where
students create a flyer about child maltreatment in the United
States. (Links to an external site.).
· Lucidpress provides a way to quickly create digital documents
such as brochures for sharing and viewing on a computer,
tablet, or smartphone and is perfect for print. Free accounts are
available as well as a range of account options for purchase.
Review the privacy policy (Links to an external site.) before
deciding to use this digital source.

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Week 3 Discussion 1 Website Sharing and FeedbackThis discussion

  • 1. Week 3 Discussion 1 Website Sharing and Feedback This discussion provides an opportunity for you to participate in reciprocal feedback regarding the website created in the Week Two Assignment. The feedback you give and receive will support enhancements to your website as you continue to develop it throughout the course leading up to the final evaluation in Week Six. Review the Week Three Instructor Guidance for further details about participating in this discussion. Initial Post: Create an initial post that includes a link to your website created for the Week Two Assignment and that addresses the following: a. Discuss your experience creating the website. Note any challenges you experienced and how you overcame them. b. Share something that you learned while constructing your own website and discuss what you have enjoyed or disliked most about the process of creating the website thus far. c. Reflecting on what your finished website will look like, describe your vision for the website’s design and content and how you can potentially use this as a personal resource or in your current or anticipated professional practice. Guided Response: Respond to a minimum of two peers. Make an effort to respond to two peers that you didn’t engage with in the previous discussions. In responses, provide feedback to your peers about their website’s design and their working definition of at-risk. Additionally, provide constructive recommendations for how your peers can enhance their websites and definitions to meet the expectations for the final submission in Week Six. Though two replies is the basic expectation, for deeper engagement and learning you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you. Week Three Instructor Guidance
  • 2. Welcome to Week Three of EDU644: Child and Family Welfare! Please be sure to review the Week Three homepage for this course to see the specific learning outcomes for the week, the schedule overview, the required and recommended resources for the week, an introduction to the week, and a listing of the assessments for the week. Next, be sure to read this entire Instructor Guidance page. Overview review the Week Three homepage for this course to see the specific learning outcomes for the week, the schedule overview, the required and recommended resources for the week, an introduction to the week, and a listing of the assessments for the week. Next, be sure to read this entire Instructor Guidance page. Knowledge gained in Week Two provides you with background information on the role of child protection agencies. Furthermore, you examined various resources supporting families at risk, leading you toward the beginning stages of construction of your website. In Week Three, you further add to your website with specific information and resources pertaining to child maltreatment and homelessness. Finally, perhaps the most interesting and engaging opportunity this week involves sharing your early website design with others in the course, reviewing others’ websites, and engaging in reciprocal feedback for the purpose of expanding your ideas and improving upon your website as you progress toward the Final Project in Week Six. Remember that the Instructor Guidance provides additional instruction and resources to assist you with the weekly assessments. Please be sure to review the Instructor Guidance. As indicated, this week the discussions focus on sharing your website with others and create a graphic comparing five factors pertaining to homeless efforts in two major cities in the United States; Chicago and New York. The assignment on Child
  • 3. Maltreatment Policies involves creating an informational brochure about child maltreatment on a national level and forming an analysis of the child maltreatment policies in a state of your choosing. The information shared in the Intellectual Elaboration section below will help inform your work for this week. Intellectual Elaboration “The first step towards change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.” Matthew Branden As we embark this week on our learning of two very serious topics, child maltreatment and homelessness, consider the quote above. Consider your role and responsibility in your current and/or anticipated professional position. Awareness, acceptance, and change are an integral part of what one can expect to experience when working with children and families at risk. Child Maltreatment View the Institute of Medicine’s (2014) approximately 2 minute video New Directions in Child Abuse and Neglect Research (Links to an external site.)to learn about research in child abuse and neglect. The information here will help inform the work you do for this week’s assignment. Note that child maltreatment continues to be a serious issue for the future of America’s children. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there are four types of maltreatment including emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect (Centers for Disease Control, 2014). While policies, programs, and resources exist for preventing and treating child maltreatment, the level of support is lacking while the demand for assistance has been steadily increasing (Institute of Medicine, 2013).
  • 4. Due to the impact of families in crises, the level of child maltreatment has been an increasing problem. Even though the extent of physical child abuse may be declining, the impact of emotional child abuse and neglect presents an ever-increasing problem (IOM, 2013). In fact, one of the most prevalent issues is child neglect in regards to medicine, education, and food. Think about the impact these issues have on school-aged children and their ability to learn and achieve academic success. Every state in the U.S has laws requiring certain professionals to report concerns of child abuse or neglect. Such professionals often include teachers, social workers, medical and mental health professionals, and child care providers. Additionally, specific procedures are typically established for mandated reporters to make referrals to child protective services (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2014). Professionals working with children and families who may be at risk must be aware of what constitutes child maltreatment, abuse, or neglect and understand the laws of their state for mandatory reporting. Further, having knowledge of and access to a variety of support systems and resources for children and families is an essential part of one’s practice. Consider a second quote, this time by Mahatma Gandhi; “Be the change that you want to see in the world”. How can you spread awareness and create change as it pertains to child maltreatment and neglect? The assignment this week gives you the opportunity to exercise this in a simple, yet potentially effective way. A related issue to child maltreatment for children and families at risk has been homelessness. Even families with full-time jobs are not always able to provide adequate shelter or care for their families. The result is a higher level of government subsidies for housing and more families in homeless shelters. Homelessness Defined
  • 5. The face of homelessness in the United States is changing. As such, the issue pertaining to homelessness in society as well as consideration for homeless people must change. There are several common and rather derogatory terms for someone who is homeless. According to Joel John Roberts, CEO of People Assisting the Homeless (PATH Partners), it is appropriate and non-offensive to use the terms homeless Americans or simply, homeless when describing one living on the streets (Poverty Insights, May 29, 2012). Others find it more appropriate to put the person before the condition and instead, refer to this classification of people as one who is homeless. Regardless of the terminology, children and families that are homeless are prevalent in the United States and require support from knowledgeable educators, medical providers, and social services in order to thrive. Varying definitions of homelessness According to the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, there is more than one “official” definition of homelessness but health centers that are funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) define a homeless individual as one “without permanent housing who may live on the streets; stay in a shelter, mission, single room occupancy facilities, abandoned building or vehicle; or in any other unstable or non-permanent situation” (NHCHC, 2014). The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) classifies homelessness two ways; chronically homeless and episodic or fluctuating homelessness. HUD defines one who is chronically homeless as “a person sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation (e.g. living on the streets) or living in a homeless emergency shelter” (2007, p.3). An episode of homelessness is “A separate, distinct, and sustained stay on the streets and/or in a homeless emergency shelter” (p.4).
  • 6. Review the video from RT (2013) America's Working Destitute: Full-Time Jobs, Yet Homeless (Links to an external site.). The video is approximately three-minutes long and explores the plight of Americans who are employed yet homeless. Then, view the video from The Economist (2013) (Links to an external site.)to further explore homelessness in the United States. Now, consider your impressions of what homelessness looks like in America. Do your impressions align with either of the images below? As the videos explain, the homeless have many different voices and faces in the United States today. Homeless man Homeless veteran Homeless woman Assessment Guidance This section includes additional specific assistance for excelling in the discussions and assignment for Week Three beyond what is given with the instructions for the assessments. If you have questions about what is expected on any assessment for Week Three, contact your instructor using the Ask Your Instructor discussion before the due date. Discussion 1: Website Sharing and Feedback This discussion is another opportunity to demonstrate your mastery with the first two course learning outcomes: “Distinguish groups and behaviors considered at risk” and “Evaluate various resources and organizations that provide information and support for families at risk.”
  • 7. In Discussion 1, you will obtain feedback on your website designed in the Week Two Assignment. Thus, you can continue to refine your website based on the comments and suggestions provided by fellow students in the class. By following the direction provided in the Guided Response prompt, each student should acquire specific feedback on both the content currently represented in their website as well as observations and suggestions regarding the overall website design and organization. Discussion 2: Tale of Two Cities and Homelessness This discussion is an opportunity to demonstrate your mastery with the third course learning outcome, “Examine social services policies that support families at risk.” The purpose of this discussion is to expose you to a variety of effective resources for two diversely populated U.S. cities; Chicago and New York and make comparisons between each regarding the statistical data, and the policies, programs, and resources available. Doing so will expand your current knowledge of the issue of homelessness in the United States and guide you toward making a recommendation to one of the cities for serving groups and individuals that are homeless. You might also elect to discuss a particular policy or resource you discovered during your investigation that could potentially benefit a different city in the U.S. such as the place in which you reside. You will learn through this discussion that policies to support youth homelessness vary by local, state, and federal programs and resources. The potential for the uneven distribution of assistance to the homeless youth or lack of resources can lead to glaring problems in the care and the support with these policies. For example, the homeless youth may or may not be able to improve their situation based on the local, state, or federal approaches.
  • 8. Last, you will use your choice of software or digital tool organize the information you glean from each of the resources for both cities that are detailed in the Week Two Assignment description. Since you are tasked with comparing and contrasting between the two cities, you should create a graphic organizer that supports this concept such as a Venn diagram. When posting your response you will attach the graphic organizer you create and add a 1-2 paragraph description. Follow the Guided Response prompt so as to engage in critical thinking with your peers as it pertains to the comparisons and contrasts made from each city. Figure 1 below shows a simple example of how a Venn diagram might be structured for this assignment using the SmartArt tools in Microsoft Word. Figure 1 Categories to compare and contrast include: · Prevalence of youth homelessness (stats) · Populations of homeless people (stats) · Policies offering support · Your choice of additional interesting and/or important information you discovered Assignment: Child Maltreatment Policies Brochure This assignment is another opportunity to demonstrate your mastery with the third course learning outcome, “Examine social services policies that support families at risk.” The purpose of this assignment is two-fold; first, to show what you know about issues and resources pertaining to child maltreatment, and second to communicate the information in such a way as to reach people who may need the information. As such, you have another opportunity to be creative by using a digital software program of your choice to construct an
  • 9. informative brochure on the subject. Think of places you typically find brochures and the purpose they serve. Also, consider the kinds of brochures that catch your eye and ultimately provide you with the most essential information needed. You will create a 3-panel, two-sided brochure so as to include graphics and required information outlined in the assignment overview. Figure 2 below shows an example of a 3- panel brochure: Figure 2 There are numerous related links within each website provided in the assignment instructions that can provide even more information to support your work as well as additional recommended resources listed for this week. Consider these or conduct a new search from your state of residence to add information about the topic specifically pertaining to your state. Ad Additionally, take note of the design of these websites reviewed for this discussion and the features you enjoy about the sites as this will further assist you with the website you are creating. Your finished brochure will also be included in your website and later reviewed by fellow classmates during Week Five so as to gain feedback for the purpose of improving your work in preparation for the Final Project in Week Six. References Child Welfare Information Gateway (2014). Mandated Reporting. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. Retrieved from
  • 10. Defining chronic homelessness: A technical guide for HUD Programs. (September, 2007). HUD’s Homeless Assistance Program. Office of Community Planning and Development and the Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs. Retrieved from ronicHomeless.pdf Figure 2. Retrieved from Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Sciences (2014, September 12). New directions in child abuse and neglect research [Video file]. Retrieved from and-Neglect-Research.aspx National Health Care for the Homeless Council (2014). What is the official definition of homelessness? Retrieved from Roberts, Joel J. (2012, May 29). Homeless Americans: What’s in a name? Poverty Insights: A National dialogue on poverty, homelessness, and housing. Retrieved from americans-whats-in-a-name/ RT. (2013, October 22). America's working destitute: Full-time jobs, yet homeless [Video file]. Retrieved from The Economist. (2013, July 23). Poverty's new address in America [Video file]. Retrieved from Understanding Child Maltreatment (2014). Fact Sheet. Centers for Disease Control. Retrieved from
  • 11. factsheet.pdf Required Resources Articles Hirst, E. J. (2013, May 27). Number of homeless youths on the rise, suggests shelter, hotline data (Links to an external site.). Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from homeless-youth-chicago-20130528_1_youths-hotline-shelter · This newspaper article discusses the data suggesting a rise in homelessness in the city of Chicago. This is a required resource for the Week Three Discussion 2 where you compare Chicago and New York policies and services for groups who are homeless. Saulny, S. (2012, December 8). After recession, more young adults are living on street (Links to an external site.). The New York Times. Retrieved from young-americans-are-homeless.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1& · This newspaper article discusses the rise in homeless youth in New York after the recession of the 2000s. This is a required resource for the Week Three Discussion 2 where you will compare homeless policies and services in Chicago and New York. Steinberg, N. (2012, April 29). Few options for homeless young people in Chicago (Links to an external site.). Chicago Sun Times. Retrieved from options-for-homeless-young-people-in-chicago.html · This newspaper article discusses the plight of youth who are homeless in the city of Chicago. This is a required resource for the Week Three Discussion 2 where you compare Chicago and New York policies and services for groups who are homeless. Websites all Chicago (Links to an external site.). (
  • 12. · This website is to the All Chicago organization that works to eradicate homelessness in the city of Chicago. This is a required resource for the Week Three Discussion 2 where you compare Chicago and New York policies and services for groups who are homeless. California Department of Health Care Services. (n.d.). Children’s and youth health (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from · This website of the California Department of Health Care Services provides links to a variety of resources about children’s and youth health services. This website is a required resource for the Week Three Assignment about child maltreatment. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Child maltreatment prevention (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from · This comprehensive website provides a succinct introduction to the topic of child maltreatment and numerous resources for the prevention of and policies related to child maltreatment. This website is a required resource for the Week Three Assignment about child maltreatment. Chicago Coalition for the Homeless. (2014). No youth alone (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from campaigns/advocacy-public-policy/no-youth-alone/ · This is the website for the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless. This is a required resource for the Week Three Discussion 2 where you compare Chicago and New York policies and services for groups who are homeless. Child Abuse Prevention Association (Links to an external site.). ( · This website page focuses on the programs and services available from the CAPA organization. This website is a required resource for the Week Three Assignment about child maltreatment.
  • 13. Child Help. (n.d.). The childhelp approach to ending child abuse (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from programs · This website page provides links to programs offered by the Child Help Organization. This website is a required resource for the Week Three Assignment about child maltreatment. Covenant House New York. (2014). Helping homeless kids in New York (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from · This organizational website is for the Covenant House, which is an organization working to address issues of homelessness in New York. This is a required resource for the Week Three Discussion 2 where you will compare homeless policies and services in Chicago and New York. Safe Horizon. (n.d.). Homeless youth statistics & facts (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from facts-69.html · This website explores homelessness in New York providing facts and figures about the rates of homelessness and services available for homeless youth. This is a required resource for the Week Three Discussion 2 where you will compare homeless policies and services in Chicago and New York. Recommended Resources Text Rubin, A. (2012). Clinician’s guide to evidence-based practice: Programs and interventions for maltreated children and families at risk. Retrieved from · Chapter 15: The HOMEBUILDERS® model of intensive family-preservation services · Chapter 18: Parenting wisely: Enhancing wise practice for service provides Websites Dilov-Schultheis, D. (n.d.). How to use Microsoft Office to create flyers (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from
  • 14. create-flyers.html · This how-to website gives step-by-step instructions for creating a flyer in Microsoft Publisher. This website is a recommended resource for the Week Three Assignment where students create a flyer about child maltreatment in the United States. (Links to an external site.). ( · Lucidpress provides a way to quickly create digital documents such as brochures for sharing and viewing on a computer, tablet, or smartphone and is perfect for print. Free accounts are available as well as a range of account options for purchase. Review the privacy policy (Links to an external site.) before deciding to use this digital source.