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In next 109 minutes 
We will 
Analyze the Brand 
Evaluate the Tasks & Objectives 
Design the Strategy 
Draft the Content
Why are we here?
What’s Wedoria all about 
Is it a bird? A plane? Or Superman?
Who’s an Wedorian? 
Alex, 30, Journalist, Huffington 
Lila, 29, Post-doc @ Stanford 
Adrian, 35, Script-writer, Broadway 
Della, 28, Student @ Harvard
How does a Wedorian look like? 
Doesn’t seek undue attention. 
Drives a bicycle whenever possible. 
The wardrobe is divided into a casual and a formal. 
Tries to blend in with the ambience. 
Doesn’t display false chauvinism.
What drives a Wedorian? 
After an early exposure to duality of life, right mix of 
values is what drives a Wedorian primarily. 
A need for the right network and a constant search 
for it is the secondary driving force for a Wedorian.
Why/ How Wedoria formed? 
Wedoria was born because of the sheer need for it. 
Wedorians believe they are the key to hidden doors 
called opportunities.
Is there a real need-gap crisis 
which Wedoria claims to be their reason for being 
The networks that exist around us today doesn’t have 
a purpose. 
Wedoria gives a purpose behind the existence of every 
Their claim is thus, dutifully correct.
Our tasks ahead
Understand the real psyche behind Wedoria’s existence.
To provide with a successful digital marketing-communication 
launch plan
Implement and monitor all the decided launch plans. 
Re-strategize / Re-group if needed.
Defining the objectives
The primary objective is to create a perfect sync between the need-gap 
and the existence of Wedoria.
While we know that our prime target is the 1st world market, 
specifically US, we need to identify relevant geographical, 
demographical, cultural and educational hubs which would be 
Create relevant online and offline campaigns to reach Wedoria to the 
desired group
This plan includes the tactical objectives to be used to accomplish the 
following social media goals: 
1. Increase inbound leads at a low cost 
2. Expand reach of thought leadership content 
3. Engage and excite influencers 
4. Better understand, identify, and engage potential TG 
5. Improve TG service and satisfaction 
6. Enhance outbound campaign program effectiveness
Time for the strategies, but before that let’s analyze our strength!
We are certain about, who are we talking to
We know how we will reach ourselves to a wider audience and gain 
maximum popularity.
Time to start building strategy
The Social Media marketing strategy is implemented in 4 phases: 
Phase I - Assessment and immediate action 
Phase II - Growth and Effectiveness 
Phase III - Enlarged Social Sphere – Leadership 
Phase IV – Paid Campaigns 
Short term 
Long term
Phase I - Assessment and immediate action
We will be tapping into the relevant colleges of US. 
By the word ‘relevant’ means who house the creators but does not 
necessarily come under the top bracket. 
San Francisco Art Institute 
Reasons: SFAI has been the epitome of USA culture and history for 
the last 140 years. The illustrious alumni and current faculty that it 
boasts of, makes it one of the esteemed Institutes in the world. 
San Francisco State University 
Reasons: ‚San Francisco State University consistently ranks among the 
top 50 master's–granting universities in the west by U.S. News & 
World Report. SFSU has one of the top ranked Engineering Schools in 
the world by Business Insider.‛ - Wikipedia 
San Francisco College of Engineering 
Reasons: ‚The college is committed to the philosophy that the best 
education of its students comes through involvement in research and 
the solution of real-world problems.‛ – Official website 
absolutely in sync with what Wedorians think! 
We will tap into the relevant festivals across USA. 
Festivals that constitute our primary TG: the creators, the disruptors, 
the innovators, the early adopters 
Comic Con, San Diego 
Reasons: According to Forbes, the convention is the "largest 
convention of its kind in the world‚. In 2010, it filled the San Diego 
Convention Center to capacity with more than 130,000 
attendees which makes it the fourth comic convention in the world for 
number of attendees, after Comiket, Angoulême International Comics 
Festival and Lucca Comics and Games. 
Absolut Chalk Street Painting festival, Pasadena, CA 
Reasons: World’s largest street painting festival with over more than 
600 artists converging annually, this is one event which needs to be 
tapped into.
Robogames, San Francisco 
Reasons: RoboGames is the world's largest open robot 
competition (according to the Guinness Book of World Records). 
RoboGames was selected by Wired for their list of "The Best Ten 
North American Geek Fests". 
No pants subway ride, San Francisco 
Reasons: No Pants has grown from a local prank to world’s largest 
celebration of silliness. And it all started in US of A. And it sees a 
collaboration which is weird yet honest. Wedoria should acknowledge 
Lovevolution, San Francisco 
Reasons: The largest single-day electronic dance music event in 
America, SF LovEvolution is an integral part of the cultural fabric of 
San Francisco. 
We shall start talking to the relevant networks of colleges that house 
our target group 
College networks 
Key influencers 
Alumni networks 
Alma Maters 
They will be discussing about Wedoria 
We shall start talking to the international collaborators who helped 
Wedoria form its final shape. 
These collaborators, who have been a part of Wedoria’s journey, will 
now be official mouthpiece at their personal levels. 
International social media and digital media strategists are to be 
Wedoria will reach out to them in a bid that they start talking about 
this new planet. 
We have to immediately start at this juncture a beta-testing ground. 
The beta-testing will enable a niche user base and help in turn help 
the WOM grow exponentially. 
We will host a boot-camp, something like a Hackathon. 
People will come with their own devices and log on to Wedoria. 
It will be a personal exercise; something which will give a taste of the 
real meat to the users. 
We will create a transitional phase between the short term and the 
long term strategies at this point. 
We shall now prepare to penetrate the social and digital media with 
our content with 
Phase II – Growth & Effectiveness
We shall define the entire marketing initiative into 3 broad heads
What will be the owned media 
Official facebook account 
Official twitter handle 
Official YouTube channel 
The Life Network’s official website
Facebook: possible strategy 
 Insert strategic objective 
 Share a mix of relevant links, engaging content, 
 Videos, and polls 
 Make sure you promote upcoming events and create them in the 
events tab 
 X posts per day 
 Engage with influencers
 Promote content through Twitter 
 Segment influencers and create lists 
 Utilize promoted Tweets 
 Communicate support issues from Social Media to support team, 
ensure follow-up 
 Listen to relevant conversations 
 Build reputation
You Tube:possible strategy 
 Capture and produce videos 
 Peers and influencers groups currently part of ongoing activities
What will be the earned media 
 Official twitter handle 
 Official Wedoria blog 
 Widgets
What will the earned media be 
talking about? 
Twitter as an earned media will be a hetero-media for Wedoria. 
The media will amplify the message about Wedoria and create / 
generate buzz across several strata.
The official blog as an earned media will update bloggers on a regular 
basis about all new thought leadership and new products 
Interact with (plus interview, video, etc) at all relevant marketing 
conferences and local events
Discussion campaigns will be carried on professional platforms like 
LinkedIn and niche social networking sites like Ning et al.
LinkedIn will host discussions in the 
form of. 
 Create a group 
 Insert strategic objective 
 Add something about posting content to the LinkedIn company 
 Identify other groups to follow and participate 
 Encourage employee participation 
 Monitor and participate in Q&A 
 X posts daily
Pinterest campaigns 
Create boards leveraging both content and 
company culture 
Follow other businesses, thought leaders, 
customers, and partners 
Strategy in a nutshell: Distribute as much as content 
regularly so that it can be reflected in Page Likes and 
more engagement on the Page and more traffic.
Google + Strategy 
−−Optimize for SEO 
−−X posts per day 
−−Share engaging content, videos, images, and 
relevant links 
−−Comment on posts 
−−Utilize Google Hangouts 
−−Create and promote upcoming events
Beta testing will continue throughout the short and long term 
phase of the campaign
Phase III – Enlarged Social Sphere - Leadership
Wikipedia page is to be launched at this juncture
A mobile app is to be launched 
We shall call it Purpose. 
Lets see how it may look. 
We can also explore pre-loaded Wedoria app options through 
handset tie-ups (Nike app comes pre-loaded with iPhones), 
bluecasting (say a tie-up with starbucks).
Welcome screen of the app! It will be a mobile / hybrid app.
The app asks for the user’s purpose in life, say film-making.
The app will show the user 
desired / possible 
collaborators / mentors who 
can help her / him fulfill the 
purpose, say film-making.
The app will then show the pathway to her / his desired personality through the proper network. 
The Life Network to fulfill the purpose will be shown to the user
A social book-marking app like Delicious, a photo SM like 
Flickr, video SM like Vimeo and idea SM like Slideshare 
should be introduced at this point.
Phase IV- Paid Campaign
What will be the paid media 
Facebook ads* 
YouTube True-view ads 
Google Display Networks 
*Facebook campaign will be 100% paid. Any organic growth will be 
What will the paid media be 
talking about? 
The paid ads will be contextual based. 
Also, the paid campaigns will not be search-based due to its highly 
competitive nature. 
Let’s get to know more on the paid campaigns.
How will the paid media adds 
shape up? 
Facebook ads: Options 
 Sponsored Stories 
 Page Post or Promoted Post Ad 
 Advertising an App or Event 
 Sponsored Results
Facebook ads will be of primarily 
4 types 
Interest based 
City based 
Age-group based 
Network based
You Tube 
YouTube ads will be True-View ads. 
It can be in-stream or in-search. 
Traditional pre-roll ads will not be considered.
How will the paid media adds 
shape up? 
GDN ads will be of two types: 
Demography based 
Profiling based 
Ad inventory purchased through GDN will be a mix of site opt-out 
and site-wise ad inventory purchasing.
Sites with high CI* but low CPMs* will be considered over sites with 
high CI and high CPMs. 
CI = Composition Index 
CPM = Cost Per Mille (Thousand)
Audience-buying would be both 
Interest based 
Content based
POEM works in a symbiotic and synergetic manner.
Short term 
Short term objectives - 
• Update bloggers on a regular basis about all new thought leadership 
and new products 
• Interact with (plus interview, video, etc) at all relevant marketing 
conferences and local events 
Key Metrics: 
• Usage of widgets (by count) 
• Posts/mentions about social widgets offsite 
• Referrals from offsite widgets (if any)
Short term objectives - 
Post key thought leadership to: 
• Reddit 
• Digg 
• Stumbleupon 
Participate in communities: 
• Review blog sources to identify additional bookmarking sites that 
may drive traffic 
Key Metrics: 
• Referrals from bookmarking/tagging sites 
• Pages ranking on key terms from bookmarking/tagging sites 
• Views and submissions
Peer to Peer Social sharing apps 
Short term objectives - 
• Add a social element to every campaign to expand reach and increase engagement 
• Share videos, reviews, ratings, and polls 
• Use promotions and contests to spread your message like refer-a-friend and flash 
Key Metrics: 
• Social profile data capture 
• Social reach 
• Impressions 
• Social activity and conversions 
• Influencers and fans 
• Campaign performance and ROI 
• Trends over time
Q& A / Community Forum 
Short term objectives – 
• Participate on relevant message boards, blogs, and Q&A platforms 
• Provide insight and thought leadership within your comments 
• Only include a link-back when relevant 
• Work positive comments into your posts and then follow-up with a more detailed 
• Focus on building relationships 
Key Metrics: 
• Increased brand awareness on influential blogs 
• Link-backs and referring traffic 
• Influencer mentions'
Online video 
Short term objectives – 
• Update videos on social video sites and link to 
core site 
• Create video series for YouTube 
Key Metrics: 
• Referrals from social video sites 
• Views of videos on social sites 
• Pages ranking on key terms from YouTube
Photo sharing 
Short term objectives - 
• Encourage employees to share any interesting and marketing relevant photos from 
social marketing or sales events 
• Take pictures of any relevant marketing events 
• Utilize photo sharing sites to share images with links back to blog and core site 
−−Facebook Photo Gallery 
−−Our Blog 
−−Google Plus Photo Albums 
Key Metrics: 
• Referrals from photo sharing sites 
• Views of photos on social sites 
• Pages ranking on key terms from photo sharing sites
Short term objectives – 
• Create list of podcast directories 
• Repurpose webinar content when applicable for resource section, promote through 
podcast directories and iTunes 
• Record relevant phone conferences for use as podcasts, promote through podcast 
Key Metrics: 
• Referrals from podcast directories 
• Views of podcasts if hosted on podcast sites
Presentation sharing 
Short term objectives – 
• Create X Slideshare presentations per quarter 
• Post webinars, slide decks, infographics 
• Optimize for SEO 
• Generate views and leads 
Key Metrics: 
• Followers 
• Presentations 
• Presentation views 
• Number of leads generated 
• Total views 
• Downloads 
• Favorites 
• Tweets 
• Facebook likes
Long term 
Once we are through with the beta-testing and soft 
launch, we will start with keyboard tracking, mouse 
tracking and eye-ball tracking.
Click-tracking system to be purchased and monitored internally; a 
pre- cautionary measure to cross check with the publishers.
Extensive keyword search and optimization will happen as a part of the 
long term plan.
Summing up 
It is easier said than done. However, 
this is a view from the Crow’s Nest.
Summing up 
When the initial social and digital media activity is complete, regular activity must 
be sustained according to the social media marketing plan.
Phase IV- Content – Our Arsenal
Infographic Animation: Straight up
Cool infographics
Brand Film storyboard: Philosophy
Shorts: Values & Purpose
Skewed shorts: Need
An exclusive ‘Purpose’ channel
Graphic novel series. 
How do you fight 
questions? how do you 
create answers? How do 
you build solutions? 
You fight questions with visions. For 
answers, you ask friends. 
For solutions, you collaborate. 
We at Wedoria think its a synergy. 
Meet Mr.W for your purpose in life
Purpose Lab through branded 
A game will be developed that will help an online avatar of a person achieve her / his dreams 
through realizing the purpose.
Embedded Music Videos
Key insight for audio visual 
Ivy league 
Q R Code marketing
Intelligent usage of IVR
Location based advertising
Wedoria spokespeople 
To serve as online ‚voices‛
Spokesperson’s duties 
Make each spokesperson responsible for one to two blog posts a week 
(200 to 500 words each) that fall under one of the categories above (News, 
Opportunities, Events and Resources), or: 
• Repurpose older content 
• Respond to issues in the news 
• Cover and comment on events
What’s next: How we do it 
At the time of campaign initiation, we will identify the most popular industry sites 
and define activities involved in the campaign that would produce the desired 
We will determine the overall direction of the campaign. We will develop a 
complete story; identify the primary messages, themes and topics of discussion. 
 We will identify all participants; develop profiles & biographies and the 
responsible of each participant. We will set goals and objectives, and time lines for 
Determine Social Media Strategy: Review the Client the short term and long goals 
in using social media. Create an overall plan for initial and on-going social media 
activities and responsibilities and for key messaging strategies.
We will use the network of
We will monitor 
Keyword tracking 
Keyboard tracking is also known as keystroke logging, and more often 
keylogging.Keyboard tracking can be used in a number of ways to keep 
track of what others are doing on the computer. 
Sentiment analysis and reports 
Create reports on the number of posts, comments, level of engagement, 
most active fans and sentiment analysis. 
Web traffic monitoring 
bounce rate, demography, campaign measurement, remarketing, SEO 
Social media engagement 
Competitor keyword analysis
No need to constantly check your wall comments. Unwanted posts and spams will get 
deleted automatically. 
Workflow management 
An easy to use set of workflow management tools that helps assign moderation 
responsibilities within your team. 
Create Email Alerts 
Administrative email alerts are sent every time a keyword on your watch-list is 
Top 5 Social Media Marketing Trends 
that Will Dominate 2014 
Investment in Social Media will become a necessity, not a luxury 
Google + will become a major factor 
Image-Centric networks will see huge success 
MySpace, Love it or Hate it, will grow 
LinkedIn will become a major player for B2B business growth
Moral of the story 
Digital media management is an investment; not an expense
What we are bringing to the 
© Fame Per Second.

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  • 1.
  • 2. In next 109 minutes We will Analyze the Brand Evaluate the Tasks & Objectives Design the Strategy Draft the Content
  • 3. Why are we here?
  • 4. What’s Wedoria all about Is it a bird? A plane? Or Superman?
  • 6. Who’s an Wedorian? Alex, 30, Journalist, Huffington Lila, 29, Post-doc @ Stanford Adrian, 35, Script-writer, Broadway Della, 28, Student @ Harvard
  • 7. How does a Wedorian look like? Doesn’t seek undue attention. Drives a bicycle whenever possible. The wardrobe is divided into a casual and a formal. Tries to blend in with the ambience. Doesn’t display false chauvinism.
  • 8. What drives a Wedorian? After an early exposure to duality of life, right mix of values is what drives a Wedorian primarily. A need for the right network and a constant search for it is the secondary driving force for a Wedorian.
  • 9. Why/ How Wedoria formed? Wedoria was born because of the sheer need for it. Wedorians believe they are the key to hidden doors called opportunities.
  • 10. Is there a real need-gap crisis which Wedoria claims to be their reason for being born? The networks that exist around us today doesn’t have a purpose. Wedoria gives a purpose behind the existence of every Wedorians. Their claim is thus, dutifully correct.
  • 12. Understand the real psyche behind Wedoria’s existence.
  • 13. To provide with a successful digital marketing-communication launch plan
  • 14. Implement and monitor all the decided launch plans. Re-strategize / Re-group if needed.
  • 15. Wedoria Defining the objectives
  • 16. The primary objective is to create a perfect sync between the need-gap and the existence of Wedoria.
  • 17. While we know that our prime target is the 1st world market, specifically US, we need to identify relevant geographical, demographical, cultural and educational hubs which would be appropriate.
  • 18. Create relevant online and offline campaigns to reach Wedoria to the desired group
  • 20. This plan includes the tactical objectives to be used to accomplish the following social media goals: 1. Increase inbound leads at a low cost 2. Expand reach of thought leadership content 3. Engage and excite influencers 4. Better understand, identify, and engage potential TG 5. Improve TG service and satisfaction 6. Enhance outbound campaign program effectiveness
  • 21. Wedoria Time for the strategies, but before that let’s analyze our strength!
  • 22. We are certain about, who are we talking to
  • 23. We know how we will reach ourselves to a wider audience and gain maximum popularity.
  • 24. Wedoria Time to start building strategy
  • 25. The Social Media marketing strategy is implemented in 4 phases: Phase I - Assessment and immediate action Phase II - Growth and Effectiveness Phase III - Enlarged Social Sphere – Leadership Phase IV – Paid Campaigns Short term Long term
  • 26. Wedoria Phase I - Assessment and immediate action
  • 27. We will be tapping into the relevant colleges of US. By the word ‘relevant’ means who house the creators but does not necessarily come under the top bracket. .
  • 28. San Francisco Art Institute Reasons: SFAI has been the epitome of USA culture and history for the last 140 years. The illustrious alumni and current faculty that it boasts of, makes it one of the esteemed Institutes in the world. .
  • 29. San Francisco State University Reasons: ‚San Francisco State University consistently ranks among the top 50 master's–granting universities in the west by U.S. News & World Report. SFSU has one of the top ranked Engineering Schools in the world by Business Insider.‛ - Wikipedia .
  • 30. San Francisco College of Engineering Reasons: ‚The college is committed to the philosophy that the best education of its students comes through involvement in research and the solution of real-world problems.‛ – Official website absolutely in sync with what Wedorians think! .
  • 31. We will tap into the relevant festivals across USA. Festivals that constitute our primary TG: the creators, the disruptors, the innovators, the early adopters .
  • 32. Comic Con, San Diego Reasons: According to Forbes, the convention is the "largest convention of its kind in the world‚. In 2010, it filled the San Diego Convention Center to capacity with more than 130,000 attendees which makes it the fourth comic convention in the world for number of attendees, after Comiket, Angoulême International Comics Festival and Lucca Comics and Games. .
  • 33. Absolut Chalk Street Painting festival, Pasadena, CA Reasons: World’s largest street painting festival with over more than 600 artists converging annually, this is one event which needs to be tapped into.
  • 34. Robogames, San Francisco Reasons: RoboGames is the world's largest open robot competition (according to the Guinness Book of World Records). RoboGames was selected by Wired for their list of "The Best Ten North American Geek Fests". .
  • 35. No pants subway ride, San Francisco Reasons: No Pants has grown from a local prank to world’s largest celebration of silliness. And it all started in US of A. And it sees a collaboration which is weird yet honest. Wedoria should acknowledge that. .
  • 36. Lovevolution, San Francisco Reasons: The largest single-day electronic dance music event in America, SF LovEvolution is an integral part of the cultural fabric of San Francisco. .
  • 37. We shall start talking to the relevant networks of colleges that house our target group College networks Key influencers Alumni networks Alma Maters They will be discussing about Wedoria .
  • 38. We shall start talking to the international collaborators who helped Wedoria form its final shape. These collaborators, who have been a part of Wedoria’s journey, will now be official mouthpiece at their personal levels. .
  • 39. International social media and digital media strategists are to be tapped. Wedoria will reach out to them in a bid that they start talking about this new planet. .
  • 40. We have to immediately start at this juncture a beta-testing ground. The beta-testing will enable a niche user base and help in turn help the WOM grow exponentially. .
  • 41. We will host a boot-camp, something like a Hackathon. People will come with their own devices and log on to Wedoria. It will be a personal exercise; something which will give a taste of the real meat to the users. .
  • 42. We will create a transitional phase between the short term and the long term strategies at this point. We shall now prepare to penetrate the social and digital media with our content with Wedoria.
  • 43. Wedoria Phase II – Growth & Effectiveness
  • 44. We shall define the entire marketing initiative into 3 broad heads
  • 45.
  • 46. What will be the owned media components? Official facebook account Official twitter handle Official YouTube channel The Life Network’s official website
  • 47. Facebook: possible strategy  Insert strategic objective  Share a mix of relevant links, engaging content,  Videos, and polls  Make sure you promote upcoming events and create them in the events tab  X posts per day  Engage with influencers
  • 48. Micro-blogging/Twitter:possible strategy  Promote content through Twitter  Segment influencers and create lists  Utilize promoted Tweets  Communicate support issues from Social Media to support team, ensure follow-up  Listen to relevant conversations  Build reputation
  • 49. You Tube:possible strategy  Capture and produce videos  Peers and influencers groups currently part of ongoing activities
  • 50. What will be the earned media components?  Official twitter handle  Official Wedoria blog  Widgets
  • 51. What will the earned media be talking about? Twitter as an earned media will be a hetero-media for Wedoria. The media will amplify the message about Wedoria and create / generate buzz across several strata.
  • 52. Contd. The official blog as an earned media will update bloggers on a regular basis about all new thought leadership and new products Interact with (plus interview, video, etc) at all relevant marketing conferences and local events
  • 53. Discussion campaigns will be carried on professional platforms like LinkedIn and niche social networking sites like Ning et al.
  • 54. LinkedIn will host discussions in the form of.  Create a group  Insert strategic objective  Add something about posting content to the LinkedIn company page  Identify other groups to follow and participate  Encourage employee participation  Monitor and participate in Q&A  X posts daily
  • 55. Pinterest campaigns Create boards leveraging both content and company culture Follow other businesses, thought leaders, customers, and partners Strategy in a nutshell: Distribute as much as content regularly so that it can be reflected in Page Likes and more engagement on the Page and more traffic.
  • 56. Google + Strategy −−Optimize for SEO −−X posts per day −−Share engaging content, videos, images, and relevant links −−Comment on posts −−Utilize Google Hangouts −−Create and promote upcoming events
  • 57. Beta testing will continue throughout the short and long term phase of the campaign
  • 58. Wedoria Phase III – Enlarged Social Sphere - Leadership
  • 59. Wikipedia page is to be launched at this juncture
  • 60. A mobile app is to be launched We shall call it Purpose. Lets see how it may look. We can also explore pre-loaded Wedoria app options through handset tie-ups (Nike app comes pre-loaded with iPhones), bluecasting (say a tie-up with starbucks).
  • 61. Welcome screen of the app! It will be a mobile / hybrid app.
  • 62. The app asks for the user’s purpose in life, say film-making.
  • 63. The app will show the user desired / possible collaborators / mentors who can help her / him fulfill the purpose, say film-making.
  • 64. The app will then show the pathway to her / his desired personality through the proper network. The Life Network to fulfill the purpose will be shown to the user
  • 65. A social book-marking app like Delicious, a photo SM like Flickr, video SM like Vimeo and idea SM like Slideshare should be introduced at this point.
  • 66. Wedoria Phase IV- Paid Campaign
  • 67. What will be the paid media components? Facebook ads* YouTube True-view ads Google Display Networks *Facebook campaign will be 100% paid. Any organic growth will be welcomed.
  • 68. What will the paid media be talking about? The paid ads will be contextual based. Also, the paid campaigns will not be search-based due to its highly competitive nature. Let’s get to know more on the paid campaigns.
  • 69. How will the paid media adds shape up? Facebook ads: Options  Sponsored Stories  Page Post or Promoted Post Ad  Advertising an App or Event  Sponsored Results
  • 70. Facebook ads will be of primarily 4 types Interest based City based Age-group based Network based
  • 71. You Tube YouTube ads will be True-View ads. It can be in-stream or in-search. Traditional pre-roll ads will not be considered.
  • 73. How will the paid media adds shape up? GDN ads will be of two types: Demography based Profiling based Ad inventory purchased through GDN will be a mix of site opt-out and site-wise ad inventory purchasing.
  • 74. Contd. Sites with high CI* but low CPMs* will be considered over sites with high CI and high CPMs. CI = Composition Index CPM = Cost Per Mille (Thousand)
  • 75. Contd. Audience-buying would be both Interest based & Content based
  • 76. POEM works in a symbiotic and synergetic manner.
  • 78. Widgets: Short term objectives - • Update bloggers on a regular basis about all new thought leadership and new products • Interact with (plus interview, video, etc) at all relevant marketing conferences and local events Key Metrics: • Usage of widgets (by count) • Posts/mentions about social widgets offsite • Referrals from offsite widgets (if any)
  • 79. Bookmarking/Tagging Short term objectives - Post key thought leadership to: • Reddit • Digg • Stumbleupon Participate in communities: • Review blog sources to identify additional bookmarking sites that may drive traffic Key Metrics: • Referrals from bookmarking/tagging sites • Pages ranking on key terms from bookmarking/tagging sites • Views and submissions
  • 80. Peer to Peer Social sharing apps Short term objectives - • Add a social element to every campaign to expand reach and increase engagement • Share videos, reviews, ratings, and polls • Use promotions and contests to spread your message like refer-a-friend and flash deals. Key Metrics: • Social profile data capture • Social reach • Impressions • Social activity and conversions • Influencers and fans • Campaign performance and ROI • Trends over time
  • 81. Q& A / Community Forum Short term objectives – • Participate on relevant message boards, blogs, and Q&A platforms • Provide insight and thought leadership within your comments • Only include a link-back when relevant • Work positive comments into your posts and then follow-up with a more detailed plan • Focus on building relationships Key Metrics: • Increased brand awareness on influential blogs • Link-backs and referring traffic • Influencer mentions'
  • 82. Online video Short term objectives – • Update videos on social video sites and link to core site −−YouTube −−Facebook • Create video series for YouTube Key Metrics: • Referrals from social video sites • Views of videos on social sites • Pages ranking on key terms from YouTube
  • 83. Photo sharing Short term objectives - • Encourage employees to share any interesting and marketing relevant photos from social marketing or sales events • Take pictures of any relevant marketing events • Utilize photo sharing sites to share images with links back to blog and core site −−Flickr −−Facebook Photo Gallery −−Our Blog −−Google Plus Photo Albums Key Metrics: • Referrals from photo sharing sites • Views of photos on social sites • Pages ranking on key terms from photo sharing sites
  • 84. Podcasting Short term objectives – • Create list of podcast directories • Repurpose webinar content when applicable for resource section, promote through podcast directories and iTunes • Record relevant phone conferences for use as podcasts, promote through podcast directories Key Metrics: • Referrals from podcast directories • Views of podcasts if hosted on podcast sites
  • 85. Presentation sharing Short term objectives – • Create X Slideshare presentations per quarter • Post webinars, slide decks, infographics • Optimize for SEO • Generate views and leads Key Metrics: • Followers • Presentations • Presentation views • Number of leads generated • Total views • Downloads • Favorites • Tweets • Facebook likes
  • 87. Once we are through with the beta-testing and soft launch, we will start with keyboard tracking, mouse tracking and eye-ball tracking.
  • 88. Click-tracking system to be purchased and monitored internally; a pre- cautionary measure to cross check with the publishers.
  • 89. Extensive keyword search and optimization will happen as a part of the long term plan.
  • 90. Summing up It is easier said than done. However, this is a view from the Crow’s Nest.
  • 91. Summing up When the initial social and digital media activity is complete, regular activity must be sustained according to the social media marketing plan.
  • 92. Wedoria Phase IV- Content – Our Arsenal
  • 93.
  • 99. Shorts: Values & Purpose
  • 100. Contd.
  • 102. Contd.
  • 104. Graphic novel series. How do you fight questions? how do you create answers? How do you build solutions? You fight questions with visions. For answers, you ask friends. For solutions, you collaborate. We at Wedoria think its a synergy. Meet Mr.W for your purpose in life
  • 105. Purpose Lab through branded content
  • 106. Games A game will be developed that will help an online avatar of a person achieve her / his dreams through realizing the purpose.
  • 107. Contd.
  • 109. Key insight for audio visual Bicycle Green Innovation Sports Hash Dropout Leadership Ivy league Creative Active Involved
  • 110. Q R Code marketing
  • 113. Wedoria spokespeople To serve as online ‚voices‛
  • 114. Spokesperson’s duties Make each spokesperson responsible for one to two blog posts a week (200 to 500 words each) that fall under one of the categories above (News, Opportunities, Events and Resources), or: • Repurpose older content • Respond to issues in the news • Cover and comment on events
  • 115.
  • 116.
  • 117.
  • 119.
  • 120. What’s next: How we do it At the time of campaign initiation, we will identify the most popular industry sites and define activities involved in the campaign that would produce the desired results. We will determine the overall direction of the campaign. We will develop a complete story; identify the primary messages, themes and topics of discussion.  We will identify all participants; develop profiles & biographies and the responsible of each participant. We will set goals and objectives, and time lines for each. Determine Social Media Strategy: Review the Client the short term and long goals in using social media. Create an overall plan for initial and on-going social media activities and responsibilities and for key messaging strategies.
  • 121. We will use the network of
  • 122. We will monitor Keyword tracking Keyboard tracking is also known as keystroke logging, and more often keylogging.Keyboard tracking can be used in a number of ways to keep track of what others are doing on the computer. Sentiment analysis and reports Create reports on the number of posts, comments, level of engagement, most active fans and sentiment analysis. Web traffic monitoring bounce rate, demography, campaign measurement, remarketing, SEO Social media engagement Competitor keyword analysis
  • 123. Contd. Auto-moderation No need to constantly check your wall comments. Unwanted posts and spams will get deleted automatically. Workflow management An easy to use set of workflow management tools that helps assign moderation responsibilities within your team. Create Email Alerts Administrative email alerts are sent every time a keyword on your watch-list is mentioned.
  • 124.
  • 125. Top 5 Social Media Marketing Trends that Will Dominate 2014 Investment in Social Media will become a necessity, not a luxury Google + will become a major factor Image-Centric networks will see huge success MySpace, Love it or Hate it, will grow LinkedIn will become a major player for B2B business growth
  • 126. Moral of the story Digital media management is an investment; not an expense
  • 127. What we are bringing to the table
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  • 138. Thnx © Fame Per Second.