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<clients name removed for privacy> – WHO WE ARE
At <clients name removed for privacy>we are innovators when it comes to today’s technology.
In the <clients location removed for privacy> area, we are the ones to turn to when it comes to
design services and online tech support. Our standards set us apart in this industry. We
understand that technology is advancing and evolving. However the end user is often forgotten in
the process. That’s why we work diligently to assure that our designs and processes are
streamlined so that technology is efficient and effortless.
Nestled in the heart of <clients location removed for privacy>, <clients location removed for
privacy>, we want to be the company you turn to for computer support, web and social media
design as well as SEO services. At <clients name removed for privacy>we’re not just a voice on
the other end of the phone. We’re your partner in business. Developing a solid relationship with
our clients is the foundation and the heart of our business.
We are a full service design and computer support business whose services include but are not
limited to the following:
 Website Design  Logo Design  Social Media Design
 Graphic Design  Web Support Services  Online Tech Support
 SEO Website Design
 eCommerce Design
Why Work With XXXXXXX?
Working with the staff of <clients name removed for privacy>is different than any other business
you’ve ever dealt with. We are a team of highly skilled and dedicated professionals who
understand that not everyone was born to be a computer genius. We value our customers and we
are an extension of you. We’re here to make your computer services effortless. From design
conception to development and support, we’re with you every step of the way.
When it comes to computer support in <clients location removed for privacy> our experienced
and knowledgeable staff makes troubleshooting and repairs a seamless transition for you. With
unsurpassed customer support, <clients name removed for privacy>offers the highest quality at
the most affordable prices around. While many companies state “you get what you pay for.” We
say, “You get what you paid for and so much more.”
Work with us because we are a force to be reckoned with in the computer industry. Our services
are affordable yet comprehensive. Every client we serve is an extension of us. You are the face
of our business. With certified technicians and designers we strive to maintain a reputation of
excellence in this industry.
We offer you:
 Experienced and Certified Customer Support Technicians.
 Quality and Dependability.
 A Reputation of Excellence.
 Superior Services; Affordable Prices.
 Top Notch Graphic and Web Design Services.
At <clients name removed for privacy>we have the solution for you. We value the investment
that you are making not only in us but in your business.
Take the first step by contacting us to discuss your needs at XXXXXXXXXXXXX. One of our
knowledgeable staff will work with you to determine the best course of action for your business.
From conception to implementation and support; we are here for you. We want <clients name
removed for privacy>to be the only company you turn to when it comes to website design and
computer support services.
<clientsname removedforprivacy>– WEBSITE DESIGN
At <clients name removed for privacy>getting a complete website design solution for your
business is as easy as 1-2-3. When it comes to web development companies in the <clients
location removed for privacy> area we stand out from the competition. Why? Because we
believe that the foundation of our design services begins and ends with you, our customer.
From simple, static designs to comprehensive and multi-dimensional website design services,
we’re here for you. We’ll take your vision and translate that into an easy to use yet dynamic web
Your website is an extension of your business. It’s your calling card to the world. So what your
website says not only in content but in design speaks volumes. Go with an inferior web design
and you risk sending the wrong message to the world. Our talented web design team listens to
what you have to say. Your vision; your goals matter to us because it’s those facets of your
business that transform an ordinary website design into something truly unforgettable.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a small business looking for website design services or a company
who needs a user friendly ecommerce website, the design team at <clients name removed for
privacy>can make it a reality.
We live in a technological era that is constantly advancing so creating a website needs to be
effective on all applications today. Missing the mark when it comes to technology can end up
costing more than just time; it will cost you money. If you’re not reaching your target audience
or your website isn’t functional and easy to use, your potential customers are going to head to the
competitions door.
We strive for excellence because you, our customer, are worth it. You’re the reason <clients
name removed for privacy>exists and in return we want to create a website that delivers your
message loud and clear. You have something to say and your website speaks for you. We want to
make sure that the platform that delivers your message is easy to navigate and communicates the
mission of your business.
Can your customers access your website from their mobile device or tablet? This is probably
something you need to consider in this era of technological advancements. We work with you to
make sure your website is available across all mediums. At <clients name removed for
privacy>we take the time to truly understand who you are and what your business does. Our goal
is to create a one of a kind and truly stunning website for you.
It begins with a conversation to discuss your needs, to determine the purpose of your potential
website and to see how we can translate your mission and goals into a design that unmistakably
The end result is an unforgettable web presence and a lasting relationship with our team of
designers and tech support team members. There’s no better time than today to get started
making a global name for business. Contact us at XXXXXXXXXXXXX and our staff will be
happy to answer any question you may have.
<clientsname removedforprivacy>– ECOMMERCE WEBSITE DESIGN
The Internet has transformed the way we do business today. Every day mom and pop businesses
are going global by developing a dynamic web presence. Custom designed websites are at the
heart of our business.
The wrong website design can drastically affect your business and in most cases results in going
back to the drawing board and starting over. So instead of making money, you end up spending
more money. That’s what happens when you work with a company that is basically a web design
mill. Meaning your website is just one in a long string of sites to them. You’re a website to them;
not a name or a face.
At <clients name removed for privacy>we understand that every business is unique. So when it
comes to marketing your products and services you need an ecommerce site that will serve as an
extension of your business. Without an eCommerce website, your business is like a person
treading water; you’re floating and surviving but never really going anywhere. The only way to
get ahead of your competition is to get your products and services into the hands of as many
customers as you possibly can. You can do that easily when you have an eCommerce business
Whether you’re looking for a new eCommerce web design or you need us to redesign your
existing eCommerce site, the designers at <clients name removed for privacy>have the
knowledge and expertise to give you a professional eCommerce solution. From conception to
actuality; our team will develop a fully functioning and easy to use website.
Your customers need a website that is easy to use as well as appealing. If they can’t navigate
your site to purchase the products and services they want and need then they’ll look for a
business website where they can. <clients name removed for privacy>has created hundreds of
eCommerce websites. Each one customized and design for that particular business and industry.
We understand the dynamics of online sales and we know what an eCommerce website design
needs in order to stand out in the crowd.
From a visually stunning design and layout to a streamlined and secure checkout process,
<clients name removed for privacy>is here for you. There’s no limit to your success when it
comes to online sales. It all begins with your eCommerce site so make sure it represents your
business well.
Our Ecommerce sites feature:
 Custom designs for each business we represent.
 Full Functionality
 Smooth Online Transactions
 Visual Layout that is Appealing.
 Secure Checkout.
 Seamless and undetected transition to your shopping cart.
 Ability to add product videos.
 Ability to Highlight Feature Products.
 And more………..
At <clients name removed for privacy>we’re here to assist you in growing your business. So
when your business has outgrown your website we’ll be by your side to assist you with
upgrading your site so that you’re never limited by functionality or space. When it comes to
eCommerce website design in <clients location removed for privacy> and the surrounding area,
let <clients name removed for privacy>be the first and only name you turn to.
Contact us at XXXXXXXXXXXXX and our staff will be happy to show you how an
eCommerce website can help you increase sales.
At <clients name removed for privacy>we understand that in the business world you need to
have a face. What does that mean exactly? Think of it in terms of the traveling salesman. They
represent the company that the work for. The problem with the traveling salesman is that when
he’s out on the road he blends in with everyone else. When someone sees him; he hands them his
business card that contains his name and his company’s logo. The more people that he gets his
card in the hands of; the more people recognize him and the company that he represents.
This is the same principle when it comes to your online presence. Your website is one of millions
of websites floating in the Internet sea. So how are people going to recognize you amongst
everyone else? That is where creating your business identity is important because it’s what sets
you apart from all the rest.
At <clients name removed for privacy>we have an elite team of logo and graphic design
specialists. Developing your identity needs to be consistent and it needs to transcend across all
virtual mediums. Your brand image is going to be the way your potential customers put a face
with the name.
<clients name removed for privacy>offers our customers:
 Logo Design Services
 Stationary Design Services
 Marketing Collateral Design Services
Our designs are customized with your business in mind. We help you create a brand image that
has longevity. So even if you’re a small business and ten years down the road you’re a large
corporation; your brand is still consistent with the face of your business.
When it comes to design, your identity needs to work for you in all elements. So Tech Support
Genie’s graphic designers will create you a logo that will be visually appealing on your website,
your business cards, your company stationary as well as all other electronic and print marketing
collateral. We understand the latest trends when it comes to visual imagery.
The team at <clients name removed for privacy>will help you establish your businesses identity
on the web. It begins from the moment we sit down with you to discuss your vision and goals for
your business. Knowing this will help our team create an identity that represents your business
However, our design services are a partnership with you. After our consultation with you, our
designers will go to the drawing board and develop your brand image. When they’ve developed a
few options for you, they’ll once again sit down with you and go over each design concept. The
processes isn’t finished until we have fully achieved what you visualized for your brand image.
Your satisfaction is important to us because without you; we don’t have a business.
If you need to create a powerful identity for your business then take the first step and let the
design team at <clients name removed for privacy>assist you. You only get one chance to make
a first impression. What impression is your business making?
Contact us at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and our staff will be happy to show you how create a
business identity that lasts.
Society today is living in a highly advanced; technology based world. Social media platforms
like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are a few of the hottest mediums today for social
When it comes to the business sector, social media has become a powerful marketing tool. At
<clients name removed for privacy>we understand the power that social media holds for the
business world. Social media is about engaging an audience. Our social media specialists know
how to take the power of social media and turn it into a dynamic Social Media Strategy for your
Social Media Design is considered a vital component in today’s global business world. Social
media is no longer just something that college students use to keep up with one another. That
may have been how this medium started but it has evolved into something more than anyone
could have ever imagined.
Establishing a social media presence today is not an option; it’s a must. If a business hasn’t
established a strong presence in the realm of social media then they are quickly getting left
behind. It’s like handing your customers over to the competition on a silver platter.
While a business may not consider social media important; it’s actually one of the most powerful
tools today to get the exposure you’ve been looking for. Our team at <clients name removed for
privacy>have years of experience and have helped develop a powerful social media presence for
numerous businesses.
Why Should My Business EstablishaSocial Media Presence?
At <clients name removed for privacy>we think the bigger question is “why haven’t you already
begun to use social media?” Social media has two major benefits:
 Social Media Connects You to Your Audience and Makes You Approachable.
Businesses today are deemed as more approachable due to the use of social media.
Before social media was developed businesses didn’t get much of a chance to really
connect with their potential customers. Their website gave a great face to their business
and allowed them to be found on the Internet but they didn’t get a chance to truly be
“social” with their audience. With social media, today’s businesses are truly interacting
with their audience. Their sharing ideas and giving advice. Being approachable makes
people come back for more.
 Social Media is Another Way to Remain in the Public Eye. Consider social media as a
part of your web presence. It’s an extension of your website. So it’s gives businesses
additional visibility. The more people see you; the more apt they are to use your services
and buy your products.
At <clients name removed for privacy>we can enhance your web presence by developing a
social media face for your business. Our team will create a customized web presence for you on
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We’ll give you a social image that will stand out in the crowd.
We lay the foundation to assist you in gaining fans and followers as well as develop a platform
for you to engage your audience. At <clients name removed for privacy>we know that today’s
businesses can’t afford to be without a social media presence. We’re here to take you to the next
level in the world of social media.
Contact us at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and our staff will be happy to show you how create a
social media presence that will get you noticed.
The evolution of the Internet has given businesses a new outlet to getting the exposure they need.
Average companies have been able to gain a global face because of the World Wide Web.
Websites have given a face to the companies they represent. While this is good news there’s one
problem: millions of companies are doing the same thing.
That’s why at <clients name removed for privacy>we have the expertise you need to set yourself
apart from the rest of the competition. Through the utilization of SEO (search engine
optimization) and PPC (pay per click) services, we will help you get a competitive edge.
What is SEO?
Search engine optimization is an effective method of utilizing relevant phrases and keywords to
enhance a business’s visibility on the web. Using these phrases and keywords, we can enhance
the architecture of your website and its contents to make it more visible to search engines like
Google, Bing and Yahoo. What does that mean for your business? It means <clients name
removed for privacy>gives your website the boost it needs to achieve high rankings within the
search engines. This means that your potential customers will be able to find you quickly.
For example, if your business sells shoes, how many other shoe companies do you think are on
the Internet? There are millions. So how does your shoe company stand out? Think about it, if
you’re number 1,243,987 in the search engines, what are the chances anyone will ever find you?
Slim to none. By working with Tech Support Genie, an SEO web design company, we will target
and isolate the keywords and key phrases that your customers are using to search for businesses
in your industry. We target the words that will get you to the top of the leader board within the
search engines because there’s a big difference in being found on page 1 through 3 of Google
and being found on page 2,354 and beyond. Our methods will drive traffic to your website and
point your potential customers in your direction.
What is PPC?
PPC or Pay Per Click is a unique way businesses can advertise their products and services on the
Internet. Instead of paying a certain fee for advertising and hoping that people see the ad and
click on it; the business only pays for advertising when the ad is clicked on. This helps not only
increase your sites ranking on the search engines but it also allows you to focus your advertising
PPC allows you to place ads on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. while giving you
the ability to structure your advertising budget. At <clients name removed for privacy>our team
of SEO and PPC specialists will assist you by:
 Analyzing your website and business niche thoroughly.
 Targeting and isolating the keywords and key phrases that your business needs to use in
order to enhance your visibility.
 Create dynamic PPC ads to enhance your ranking within the search engines was well as
drive more traffic to your website.
 Analyzing the performance of your SEO and PPC campaigns so that you are achieving
How<clients name removedfor privacy>Helps
When it comes to SEO website services in <clients location removed for privacy> and the
surrounding areas, <clients name removed for privacy>is the name people turn to when they
need their advertising dollars to work for them. Our technical expertise and experience gives us
the competitive edge in this industry. We know what works and we know what doesn’t. Our
track record of excellence is what sets us apart from everyone else. We execute ad campaigns
that will not only have an impact but that get your business noticed. We stay up with the latest
industry trends and standards so we know the techniques and processes that you need to get
Contact us at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and our staff will be happy to show you how SEO and
PPC advertising can get you the exposure you need.
How many times have you sat on the line waiting for a web support agent to come on only to get
disconnected or worse you’re on hold forever only to hear them tell you that you need more
extensive services that they can handle? This actually happens more often then you may think in
this industry. The need for superior tech support services that people could truly rely on is the
reason that <clients name removed for privacy>is the first and only choice when it comes to web
support. We don’t believe in wasting our customer time because we know that your time is
precious. At <clients name removed for privacy>we are experts when it comes to web support in
the computer industry. Whether your business is in the <clients location removed for privacy>-
<clients location removed for privacy> Metro area or beyond, our team of tech support
specialists are the top in their field.
<clients name removed for privacy>provides the solutions you need in order to stay productive.
We offer only the highest quality when it comes to website support. Our services assist you in
making sure your computer systems are stable, productive and provide extreme reliability.
At <clients name removed for privacy>we don’t believe in computer systems being “down”. In
your business, downtime means loss of productivity, loss of revenue and a competitive
advantage for your competition. That’s why our tech support team will work to get your systems
back online and running smoothly in no time.
Our tech support team believes in working quickly yet efficiently. We know every minute your
systems aren’t functioning at full capacity is a minute that you can’t get back. Time is money so
our team will work to provide the solution that will get you back to full working capacity as
quickly as possible.
One thing to remember is that while our tech support team works quickly that doesn’t mean we
sacrifice quality. Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We’ve been a solid reputation of
excellence. We’re known for superior service in this industry and it’s something we strive to
maintain each and every day.
That’s because <clients name removed for privacy>is the premier web support technology
company. Our experience and education allow us to handle the most complex web support
issues. So whether your issue is a simple fix or an in-depth problem, we’ll find the most effective
solution for you. Our goal is to exceed your expectations by meeting all your needs at affordable
Our Web Support Services
At <clients name removed for privacy>we offer a variety of options when it comes to our web
support services. These include:
 Subscriptions Plans- With our subscriptions plans you can purchase monthly plans that
give you the freedom of knowing that support services are there for you when you need
 One-Time Support Requests – Don’t need monthly services? No problem. With our
One-Time Support Request system you can contact us when you need us. Even if it’s
once every six months; we’re still here for you.
Contact us at XXXXXXXXXXXX and our staff will be happy to show you how affordable our
web support services are.
As a business owner you understand the value that having a web presence can bring to your
business. You want to develop an amazing website for your business. You’re tech savvy and
while you don’t have a lot of coding skills, you have what it takes to develop the website you’ve
envisioned. The big question is where do you begin? If you’ve asked yourself, “How can I build
my own website?” then <clients name removed for privacy>has the answer for you.
With the DIY Solutions offered by XXXXXXXXXXXX, you will have the resources you need
to create a customized website for your business. We offer site builders that are fully hosted,
which gives you the ability to create your website and manage it conveniently from one easy to
use application.
With our DIY Solutions you don’t have to worry about having expert coding skills because our
solutions give you the tools and resources you need and there are no coding skills required. We
literally offer you hundreds of templates that allow you to customize the look and feel of your
website. With an easy to use design interface, we give you the tools to create a website that
allows your business to stand out in the crowd.
Our DIY Solutions are unrivaled in this industry. We give you the help you need to create a
dynamic web presence. Best of all you don’t have to worry if you don’t know all the
technological language or html coding features of websites today.
With our solutions you get numerous features, including but not limited to:
 Wide variety of color schemes.
 Multiple layout options.
 Professional templates with no software to download.
 Interactive editors that require no html knowledge to use.
 Easy integration of shopping carts for ecommerce use.
 Built-in list managers.
 Access to real-time stats.
 A complete image library for your use.
 Easy to use file management system.
 Forms Builder
 The options to easily add social media and videos to your site.
 SEO tools.
 And more………
At <clients name removed for privacy>we understand that there are times when you are going to
want to some things yourself like build your own business website. While we are web design
specialists, we want to give those who want to do it themselves all the tools and resources they
need to create a stunning website presence.
Our DIY SolutionPackages
With our DIY Solutions you get the web hosting and support you need to jump start the
evolution of your business website. We offer two packages to assist you:
 Standard Site Builder – Our Standard Site Builder is only $15 a month in which you get
a 10 page website as well as 5GB of hosted space with unlimited data and 5 emails
 Advanced Site Builder – Our Advanced Site Builder is only $25 a month in which you
get a site with as many pages as you need (and yes you can always add more later) as
well as 15GB of hosted space with unlimited data and unlimited emails accounts.
DIY Solutions are a popular choice for small businesses or those just starting out. Either way the
team at <clients name removed for privacy>is here to assist you. Contact us at XXXXXXXXXX
and our staff will show you how to get started with your own DIY website.

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  • 1. <clients name removed for privacy> – WHO WE ARE At <clients name removed for privacy>we are innovators when it comes to today’s technology. In the <clients location removed for privacy> area, we are the ones to turn to when it comes to design services and online tech support. Our standards set us apart in this industry. We understand that technology is advancing and evolving. However the end user is often forgotten in the process. That’s why we work diligently to assure that our designs and processes are streamlined so that technology is efficient and effortless. Nestled in the heart of <clients location removed for privacy>, <clients location removed for privacy>, we want to be the company you turn to for computer support, web and social media design as well as SEO services. At <clients name removed for privacy>we’re not just a voice on the other end of the phone. We’re your partner in business. Developing a solid relationship with our clients is the foundation and the heart of our business. We are a full service design and computer support business whose services include but are not limited to the following:  Website Design  Logo Design  Social Media Design  Graphic Design  Web Support Services  Online Tech Support  SEO Website Design Services  eCommerce Design Why Work With XXXXXXX? Working with the staff of <clients name removed for privacy>is different than any other business you’ve ever dealt with. We are a team of highly skilled and dedicated professionals who understand that not everyone was born to be a computer genius. We value our customers and we are an extension of you. We’re here to make your computer services effortless. From design conception to development and support, we’re with you every step of the way. When it comes to computer support in <clients location removed for privacy> our experienced and knowledgeable staff makes troubleshooting and repairs a seamless transition for you. With unsurpassed customer support, <clients name removed for privacy>offers the highest quality at the most affordable prices around. While many companies state “you get what you pay for.” We say, “You get what you paid for and so much more.” Work with us because we are a force to be reckoned with in the computer industry. Our services are affordable yet comprehensive. Every client we serve is an extension of us. You are the face of our business. With certified technicians and designers we strive to maintain a reputation of excellence in this industry. We offer you:  Experienced and Certified Customer Support Technicians.
  • 2.  Quality and Dependability.  A Reputation of Excellence.  Superior Services; Affordable Prices.  Top Notch Graphic and Web Design Services. At <clients name removed for privacy>we have the solution for you. We value the investment that you are making not only in us but in your business. Take the first step by contacting us to discuss your needs at XXXXXXXXXXXXX. One of our knowledgeable staff will work with you to determine the best course of action for your business. From conception to implementation and support; we are here for you. We want <clients name removed for privacy>to be the only company you turn to when it comes to website design and computer support services.
  • 3. <clientsname removedforprivacy>– WEBSITE DESIGN At <clients name removed for privacy>getting a complete website design solution for your business is as easy as 1-2-3. When it comes to web development companies in the <clients location removed for privacy> area we stand out from the competition. Why? Because we believe that the foundation of our design services begins and ends with you, our customer. From simple, static designs to comprehensive and multi-dimensional website design services, we’re here for you. We’ll take your vision and translate that into an easy to use yet dynamic web design. Your website is an extension of your business. It’s your calling card to the world. So what your website says not only in content but in design speaks volumes. Go with an inferior web design and you risk sending the wrong message to the world. Our talented web design team listens to what you have to say. Your vision; your goals matter to us because it’s those facets of your business that transform an ordinary website design into something truly unforgettable. It doesn’t matter if you’re a small business looking for website design services or a company who needs a user friendly ecommerce website, the design team at <clients name removed for privacy>can make it a reality. We live in a technological era that is constantly advancing so creating a website needs to be effective on all applications today. Missing the mark when it comes to technology can end up costing more than just time; it will cost you money. If you’re not reaching your target audience or your website isn’t functional and easy to use, your potential customers are going to head to the competitions door. We strive for excellence because you, our customer, are worth it. You’re the reason <clients name removed for privacy>exists and in return we want to create a website that delivers your message loud and clear. You have something to say and your website speaks for you. We want to make sure that the platform that delivers your message is easy to navigate and communicates the mission of your business. Can your customers access your website from their mobile device or tablet? This is probably something you need to consider in this era of technological advancements. We work with you to make sure your website is available across all mediums. At <clients name removed for privacy>we take the time to truly understand who you are and what your business does. Our goal is to create a one of a kind and truly stunning website for you. It begins with a conversation to discuss your needs, to determine the purpose of your potential website and to see how we can translate your mission and goals into a design that unmistakably yours.
  • 4. The end result is an unforgettable web presence and a lasting relationship with our team of designers and tech support team members. There’s no better time than today to get started making a global name for business. Contact us at XXXXXXXXXXXXX and our staff will be happy to answer any question you may have.
  • 5. <clientsname removedforprivacy>– ECOMMERCE WEBSITE DESIGN The Internet has transformed the way we do business today. Every day mom and pop businesses are going global by developing a dynamic web presence. Custom designed websites are at the heart of our business. The wrong website design can drastically affect your business and in most cases results in going back to the drawing board and starting over. So instead of making money, you end up spending more money. That’s what happens when you work with a company that is basically a web design mill. Meaning your website is just one in a long string of sites to them. You’re a website to them; not a name or a face. At <clients name removed for privacy>we understand that every business is unique. So when it comes to marketing your products and services you need an ecommerce site that will serve as an extension of your business. Without an eCommerce website, your business is like a person treading water; you’re floating and surviving but never really going anywhere. The only way to get ahead of your competition is to get your products and services into the hands of as many customers as you possibly can. You can do that easily when you have an eCommerce business website. Whether you’re looking for a new eCommerce web design or you need us to redesign your existing eCommerce site, the designers at <clients name removed for privacy>have the knowledge and expertise to give you a professional eCommerce solution. From conception to actuality; our team will develop a fully functioning and easy to use website. Your customers need a website that is easy to use as well as appealing. If they can’t navigate your site to purchase the products and services they want and need then they’ll look for a business website where they can. <clients name removed for privacy>has created hundreds of eCommerce websites. Each one customized and design for that particular business and industry. We understand the dynamics of online sales and we know what an eCommerce website design needs in order to stand out in the crowd. From a visually stunning design and layout to a streamlined and secure checkout process, <clients name removed for privacy>is here for you. There’s no limit to your success when it comes to online sales. It all begins with your eCommerce site so make sure it represents your business well. Our Ecommerce sites feature:  Custom designs for each business we represent.  Full Functionality  Smooth Online Transactions  Visual Layout that is Appealing.  Secure Checkout.  Seamless and undetected transition to your shopping cart.  Ability to add product videos.
  • 6.  Ability to Highlight Feature Products.  And more……….. At <clients name removed for privacy>we’re here to assist you in growing your business. So when your business has outgrown your website we’ll be by your side to assist you with upgrading your site so that you’re never limited by functionality or space. When it comes to eCommerce website design in <clients location removed for privacy> and the surrounding area, let <clients name removed for privacy>be the first and only name you turn to. Contact us at XXXXXXXXXXXXX and our staff will be happy to show you how an eCommerce website can help you increase sales.
  • 7. <CLIENTS NAME REMOVED FOR PRIVACY>– IDENTITY DESIGN At <clients name removed for privacy>we understand that in the business world you need to have a face. What does that mean exactly? Think of it in terms of the traveling salesman. They represent the company that the work for. The problem with the traveling salesman is that when he’s out on the road he blends in with everyone else. When someone sees him; he hands them his business card that contains his name and his company’s logo. The more people that he gets his card in the hands of; the more people recognize him and the company that he represents. This is the same principle when it comes to your online presence. Your website is one of millions of websites floating in the Internet sea. So how are people going to recognize you amongst everyone else? That is where creating your business identity is important because it’s what sets you apart from all the rest. At <clients name removed for privacy>we have an elite team of logo and graphic design specialists. Developing your identity needs to be consistent and it needs to transcend across all virtual mediums. Your brand image is going to be the way your potential customers put a face with the name. <clients name removed for privacy>offers our customers:  Logo Design Services  Stationary Design Services  Marketing Collateral Design Services Our designs are customized with your business in mind. We help you create a brand image that has longevity. So even if you’re a small business and ten years down the road you’re a large corporation; your brand is still consistent with the face of your business. When it comes to design, your identity needs to work for you in all elements. So Tech Support Genie’s graphic designers will create you a logo that will be visually appealing on your website, your business cards, your company stationary as well as all other electronic and print marketing collateral. We understand the latest trends when it comes to visual imagery. The team at <clients name removed for privacy>will help you establish your businesses identity on the web. It begins from the moment we sit down with you to discuss your vision and goals for your business. Knowing this will help our team create an identity that represents your business well. However, our design services are a partnership with you. After our consultation with you, our designers will go to the drawing board and develop your brand image. When they’ve developed a few options for you, they’ll once again sit down with you and go over each design concept. The processes isn’t finished until we have fully achieved what you visualized for your brand image. Your satisfaction is important to us because without you; we don’t have a business.
  • 8. If you need to create a powerful identity for your business then take the first step and let the design team at <clients name removed for privacy>assist you. You only get one chance to make a first impression. What impression is your business making? Contact us at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and our staff will be happy to show you how create a business identity that lasts.
  • 9. <CLIENTS NAME REMOVED FOR PRIVACY>– SOCIAL MEDIA DESIGN Society today is living in a highly advanced; technology based world. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are a few of the hottest mediums today for social interaction. When it comes to the business sector, social media has become a powerful marketing tool. At <clients name removed for privacy>we understand the power that social media holds for the business world. Social media is about engaging an audience. Our social media specialists know how to take the power of social media and turn it into a dynamic Social Media Strategy for your business. Social Media Design is considered a vital component in today’s global business world. Social media is no longer just something that college students use to keep up with one another. That may have been how this medium started but it has evolved into something more than anyone could have ever imagined. Establishing a social media presence today is not an option; it’s a must. If a business hasn’t established a strong presence in the realm of social media then they are quickly getting left behind. It’s like handing your customers over to the competition on a silver platter. While a business may not consider social media important; it’s actually one of the most powerful tools today to get the exposure you’ve been looking for. Our team at <clients name removed for privacy>have years of experience and have helped develop a powerful social media presence for numerous businesses. Why Should My Business EstablishaSocial Media Presence? At <clients name removed for privacy>we think the bigger question is “why haven’t you already begun to use social media?” Social media has two major benefits:  Social Media Connects You to Your Audience and Makes You Approachable. Businesses today are deemed as more approachable due to the use of social media. Before social media was developed businesses didn’t get much of a chance to really connect with their potential customers. Their website gave a great face to their business and allowed them to be found on the Internet but they didn’t get a chance to truly be “social” with their audience. With social media, today’s businesses are truly interacting with their audience. Their sharing ideas and giving advice. Being approachable makes people come back for more.  Social Media is Another Way to Remain in the Public Eye. Consider social media as a part of your web presence. It’s an extension of your website. So it’s gives businesses additional visibility. The more people see you; the more apt they are to use your services and buy your products.
  • 10. At <clients name removed for privacy>we can enhance your web presence by developing a social media face for your business. Our team will create a customized web presence for you on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We’ll give you a social image that will stand out in the crowd. We lay the foundation to assist you in gaining fans and followers as well as develop a platform for you to engage your audience. At <clients name removed for privacy>we know that today’s businesses can’t afford to be without a social media presence. We’re here to take you to the next level in the world of social media. Contact us at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and our staff will be happy to show you how create a social media presence that will get you noticed.
  • 11. <CLIENTS NAME REMOVED FOR PRIVACY>– SEO PACKAGES AND PPC The evolution of the Internet has given businesses a new outlet to getting the exposure they need. Average companies have been able to gain a global face because of the World Wide Web. Websites have given a face to the companies they represent. While this is good news there’s one problem: millions of companies are doing the same thing. That’s why at <clients name removed for privacy>we have the expertise you need to set yourself apart from the rest of the competition. Through the utilization of SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay per click) services, we will help you get a competitive edge. What is SEO? Search engine optimization is an effective method of utilizing relevant phrases and keywords to enhance a business’s visibility on the web. Using these phrases and keywords, we can enhance the architecture of your website and its contents to make it more visible to search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. What does that mean for your business? It means <clients name removed for privacy>gives your website the boost it needs to achieve high rankings within the search engines. This means that your potential customers will be able to find you quickly. For example, if your business sells shoes, how many other shoe companies do you think are on the Internet? There are millions. So how does your shoe company stand out? Think about it, if you’re number 1,243,987 in the search engines, what are the chances anyone will ever find you? Slim to none. By working with Tech Support Genie, an SEO web design company, we will target and isolate the keywords and key phrases that your customers are using to search for businesses in your industry. We target the words that will get you to the top of the leader board within the search engines because there’s a big difference in being found on page 1 through 3 of Google and being found on page 2,354 and beyond. Our methods will drive traffic to your website and point your potential customers in your direction. What is PPC? PPC or Pay Per Click is a unique way businesses can advertise their products and services on the Internet. Instead of paying a certain fee for advertising and hoping that people see the ad and click on it; the business only pays for advertising when the ad is clicked on. This helps not only increase your sites ranking on the search engines but it also allows you to focus your advertising dollars. PPC allows you to place ads on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. while giving you the ability to structure your advertising budget. At <clients name removed for privacy>our team of SEO and PPC specialists will assist you by:  Analyzing your website and business niche thoroughly.
  • 12.  Targeting and isolating the keywords and key phrases that your business needs to use in order to enhance your visibility.  Create dynamic PPC ads to enhance your ranking within the search engines was well as drive more traffic to your website.  Analyzing the performance of your SEO and PPC campaigns so that you are achieving results. How<clients name removedfor privacy>Helps When it comes to SEO website services in <clients location removed for privacy> and the surrounding areas, <clients name removed for privacy>is the name people turn to when they need their advertising dollars to work for them. Our technical expertise and experience gives us the competitive edge in this industry. We know what works and we know what doesn’t. Our track record of excellence is what sets us apart from everyone else. We execute ad campaigns that will not only have an impact but that get your business noticed. We stay up with the latest industry trends and standards so we know the techniques and processes that you need to get noticed. Contact us at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and our staff will be happy to show you how SEO and PPC advertising can get you the exposure you need.
  • 13. <CLIENTS NAME REMOVED FOR PRIVACY>– WEBSITE SUPPORT How many times have you sat on the line waiting for a web support agent to come on only to get disconnected or worse you’re on hold forever only to hear them tell you that you need more extensive services that they can handle? This actually happens more often then you may think in this industry. The need for superior tech support services that people could truly rely on is the reason that <clients name removed for privacy>is the first and only choice when it comes to web support. We don’t believe in wasting our customer time because we know that your time is precious. At <clients name removed for privacy>we are experts when it comes to web support in the computer industry. Whether your business is in the <clients location removed for privacy>- <clients location removed for privacy> Metro area or beyond, our team of tech support specialists are the top in their field. <clients name removed for privacy>provides the solutions you need in order to stay productive. We offer only the highest quality when it comes to website support. Our services assist you in making sure your computer systems are stable, productive and provide extreme reliability. At <clients name removed for privacy>we don’t believe in computer systems being “down”. In your business, downtime means loss of productivity, loss of revenue and a competitive advantage for your competition. That’s why our tech support team will work to get your systems back online and running smoothly in no time. Our tech support team believes in working quickly yet efficiently. We know every minute your systems aren’t functioning at full capacity is a minute that you can’t get back. Time is money so our team will work to provide the solution that will get you back to full working capacity as quickly as possible. One thing to remember is that while our tech support team works quickly that doesn’t mean we sacrifice quality. Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We’ve been a solid reputation of excellence. We’re known for superior service in this industry and it’s something we strive to maintain each and every day. That’s because <clients name removed for privacy>is the premier web support technology company. Our experience and education allow us to handle the most complex web support issues. So whether your issue is a simple fix or an in-depth problem, we’ll find the most effective solution for you. Our goal is to exceed your expectations by meeting all your needs at affordable prices. Our Web Support Services At <clients name removed for privacy>we offer a variety of options when it comes to our web support services. These include:
  • 14.  Subscriptions Plans- With our subscriptions plans you can purchase monthly plans that give you the freedom of knowing that support services are there for you when you need them.  One-Time Support Requests – Don’t need monthly services? No problem. With our One-Time Support Request system you can contact us when you need us. Even if it’s once every six months; we’re still here for you. Contact us at XXXXXXXXXXXX and our staff will be happy to show you how affordable our web support services are.
  • 15. <CLIENTS NAME REMOVED FOR PRIVACY>– DIY SOLUTIONS As a business owner you understand the value that having a web presence can bring to your business. You want to develop an amazing website for your business. You’re tech savvy and while you don’t have a lot of coding skills, you have what it takes to develop the website you’ve envisioned. The big question is where do you begin? If you’ve asked yourself, “How can I build my own website?” then <clients name removed for privacy>has the answer for you. With the DIY Solutions offered by XXXXXXXXXXXX, you will have the resources you need to create a customized website for your business. We offer site builders that are fully hosted, which gives you the ability to create your website and manage it conveniently from one easy to use application. With our DIY Solutions you don’t have to worry about having expert coding skills because our solutions give you the tools and resources you need and there are no coding skills required. We literally offer you hundreds of templates that allow you to customize the look and feel of your website. With an easy to use design interface, we give you the tools to create a website that allows your business to stand out in the crowd. Our DIY Solutions are unrivaled in this industry. We give you the help you need to create a dynamic web presence. Best of all you don’t have to worry if you don’t know all the technological language or html coding features of websites today. With our solutions you get numerous features, including but not limited to:  Wide variety of color schemes.  Multiple layout options.  Professional templates with no software to download.  Interactive editors that require no html knowledge to use.  Easy integration of shopping carts for ecommerce use.  Built-in list managers.  Access to real-time stats.  A complete image library for your use.  Easy to use file management system.  Forms Builder  The options to easily add social media and videos to your site.  SEO tools.  And more……… At <clients name removed for privacy>we understand that there are times when you are going to want to some things yourself like build your own business website. While we are web design specialists, we want to give those who want to do it themselves all the tools and resources they need to create a stunning website presence.
  • 16. Our DIY SolutionPackages With our DIY Solutions you get the web hosting and support you need to jump start the evolution of your business website. We offer two packages to assist you:  Standard Site Builder – Our Standard Site Builder is only $15 a month in which you get a 10 page website as well as 5GB of hosted space with unlimited data and 5 emails accounts.  Advanced Site Builder – Our Advanced Site Builder is only $25 a month in which you get a site with as many pages as you need (and yes you can always add more later) as well as 15GB of hosted space with unlimited data and unlimited emails accounts. DIY Solutions are a popular choice for small businesses or those just starting out. Either way the team at <clients name removed for privacy>is here to assist you. Contact us at XXXXXXXXXX and our staff will show you how to get started with your own DIY website.