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The final
certifying authority
for our Technology is:
Every Action, there is an Eco-Reaction:
Vision & Rationale:
We must weigh every corporate action against the environmental impact it might incur.
As industrializa on of the world increases exponen ally, the human race is struggling to redress the concomitant
degrada on of natural resources, and its impact on the environment. One of the most cri cal natural resource
challenges is of: water. If we do not exigently take remedial measures, our future genera ons will not have enough
Of the 50 million tonnes of e-waste (electronic waste) generated worldwide in 2016, only 6.5 Million tonnes were
officially recycled. Around 3 million tonnes of toxins were generated from the un-recycled e-waste in the form of
hazardous wastes and toxic gases – pollu ng air, water and soil, and threatening human health. Through
comprehensive and scien fic disposed of e-waste, toxins that endanger the environment human health could be
prevented op mally. Apart from this, metals and rare earths contained in the e-waste could be recovered and
reused, contribu ng to resource conserva on. Every ounce of toxin release prevented, and every gram of used
metalrecovered,ma er.
The irony of the rela onship between the human species and Water is: all of us KNOW that it is one of
Felix Industries is a future-smart corporate movement in Environmental Conserva on, spearheaded by a
philosophy: Recycling, Re-using(waste water),Recovering (products) & Reducing (effluents). Following
this 'Recycle – Reuse – Recover – Reduce' axiom, Felix Iden fies, explores and u lizes ANY opportunity
that enables Water Processing, Purifica on and Recycling – viewing it as a small but strong step that adds
strengthtohumanrace'sfighttoensurewatersufficiencyforfuturegenera ons.
The water reclama on solu ons offered by Felix Industries Ltd include: Water & Wastewater Recycling
Systems (Zero Liquid Discharge Systems, Water Recovery Systems, Effluent Recycling Systems, Reverse
Osmosis Membrane Systems, Ultra-Filtra on & Nano-Filtra on Systems, and Pre-Treatment & Post-
Felix Industries began its corporate voyage in 2010 as an eco-tech start-up. In the ini al phase, its product
& service por olio included design, development & manufacture and import, export & distribu on of
comprehensive,MembraneSepara onTechnology-basedWaterandWasteWaterSolu ons.
The company charted out a rapid pace of growth in know-how, exper se and business, and in 2012, it
transformedintoFelixIndustriesLtd.,assimila ngvariousotherrelatedtechnologiesunderitsaegis(such
asPre-TreatmentandPost-TreatmentofindustrialeffluentsusingMembraneSepara onTechnology).
Today, Felix is widely acknowledged as a reliable, high-performance water reclama on company that
providestotal,sourcetosolu onpackages.
It makes good future sense only if businesses register good growth in a good environment,
where humans of good health live and thrive.
Conduct con nual and intensive Research & Development oriented towards op mal water conserva on,
reclama onandu liza on.
infrastructure capabilities Solutions & Services
Techno-Savvy but Eco-Smart:
Felix Industries Limited has state-of-the-art
manufacturing set-up spread over an area of 2500
Felix follows all Engineering Prac ces as per the
guidelinesfrom ASTM & DIN setstandards.
Felix has an In-house engineering capabili es to
customized each technology to suit its individual
Felix is an India government-approved e-waste
recyclingcompanyopera ngoneofthelargestrecycling
facili es in India, with a processing capacity of 6,000 MT
The e-waste collected from across India is aggregated,
stored, dismantled, segregated and processed for reuse
atthisplantusingidealinfrastructure,backedbyop mal
Apart from the meritocra c work environment, the
knowledge that their everyday work helps reinforce
environmental stability in real terms, mo vates Felix
The Felix spectrum of solu ons include: EPC (Execu on,
Procurement and Construc on) contracts – Lumpsum
Turnkey Contracts & Item Rate Contracts, DBO (Design,
Build & Operate) contracts, BOOT (Build, Own, Operate
&Transfer) contracts, TOT(Transfer, Operate & Transfer)
contracts, O&M standalone (Fixed Price & Variable Price)
contracts, PPP (Public-Private Partnership) projects,
The wide spectrum of industries that employ Felix’s
complete water and waste water solu ons include: steel,
chemical, pharmaceu cal, plas c, paper & pulp, leather,
automo ve,tex le&dyesandfood&dairy.
Whatever Window for the
Whole Vista of Water Management:
Felix: Services & Products Portfolio:
[E-waste Recycling]
[Industrial Piping Solu ons]
[Industrial & Domes c Water/ Waste-water treatment]
[Speciality Chemicals Manufacture]
It's already quite late. We must act fast to redress the
deple on of good (usable) water. This universal
wisdom is underscored by everyone who endorses our
smallbutstrongstepsinthisdirec on.
Salvaging Water In
All Forms, By All Means:
Felix offers a comprehensive range of Water Cycle Management Solu ons,
ranging from produc on and supply of drinking water to collec on, treatment,
recovery and recycling of wastewater. Its evolved exper se in Waste Water
Treatment enables it to develop solu ons that op mally meet the needs of
municipali es,industrialhousesandotherconcerns,including:
Felix, along with its techno-alliance partner, GEA Engineering (USA), holds a
por olioofmorethan450proprietarytechnologies(includingphysicochemical,
biological,membraneandbiomembrane,membranedesalina on,thermaland
hybrid treatments) to tackle the challenges of managing water in all its forms
(drinking water, industrial process water, ultrapure water, wastewater and
 Engineering,designingandbuildingtreatmentplants
 Drinkingwaterandindustrialprocesswaterproduc onplants
 Wastewaterdecontamina onplants
 Wastewaterandindustrialeffluentsrecyclingplants
 Treatmentplants(opera on,maintenanceandop miza on)
 Plants producing 'green' energy from wastewater and sludge (through
anaerobicdiges on,cogenera on,microturbines,etc)
 Productrecoveryplants(fromeffluents)
 PlantsaimingtoachieveZLD(ZeroLiquidDischarge)standards
The MBR System consists of a submerged hollow tube. PVDF micro-porous membrane is used to
separate the treated water from the suspended growth-ac vated sludge process, resul ng in
purified water recovery. MBR Membranes have a pore size of ~0.2µm. Thus, most of the BOD, COD,
WasteWaterrecovery|LeachateTreatment|Waterreclama ontreatment|
Applica on:
MBR (Membrane Bio Reactor) TECHNOLOGY:
ReverseosmosissystemmakesuseofSemi-permeablemembranesepara onchemistry.Duringthis
process, high reverse osmo c pressure (minimum working pressure these plants are 50 bars) of the
is applied on the membrane to force water from High Total Dissolved Solids region towards Lower
Total dissolved solids region resul ng in clean permeate water recovery. By Careful system design
High-puritywatertreatment.|Food&BeverageProduc on|
Boiler and Cooling Tower Pre-treatment | Waste Water recovery | Power Genera on | Desalina on
Applica on:
HPRO (High Performance RO Plant)
module structure is dis nct from the tradi onal spiral wound membrane. With open flow channels,
feed flows through the entrance into the pressure vessel and reach the disk in a short distance. Then
the feed flows 180 degrees from one side of the membrane reverse flow into the other side of the
membrane, into the next disk again and finally runoff from outlet. The special design makes feed
collide with the disk bulge through the membrane surface forming turbulence which increases flow
rateandself-cleaningfunc onandlongservicelifeofthemembrane
High-puritywatertreatment.|Food&BeverageProduc on|
Boiler and Cooling Tower Pre-treatment | Waste Water recovery | Power Genera on | Desalina on
Applica on:
Moving Bed Bio Reactor Systems consist of ac vated sludge aera on systems, where the BOD-COD
consuming bacteria feed and mul ply on the inner and outer surface of the inert media. This media
acts as a large surface area for op mal contact between the bacteria, oxygen and influent water.
With sufficient supply of oxygen, the bacteria culture breaks down the organic compounds in the
influent,thusresul nginsubstan alreduc onintheBOD&COD.
Applica on:
MBBR (Moving Bed Bio Reactor) TECHNOLOGY:
SBR System consists of a reactor constructed from a water- ght material such as concrete or mild
steel (with corrosion-resistant coa ng). It carries out opera ons such as Filling, Reac ng, Se ling
and Decan ng, in single or mul ple reactor tanks opera ng in a series. Ini al anaerobic/ anoxic
condi on followed by aerated condi on of the influent water results in be er output quality of
Industrialwatertreatment|Municipalwatertreatment|Spaceconserva vetreatement|
Automa cClosedlooptreatmentsystem
Applica on:
SBR (Sequen al Batch Reactor) TECHNOLOGY:
UASB system stands for UP-flow anaerobic Sludge Blanket, is a reactor constructed from concrete or
any water ght material. It is used for high removal of BOD and COD from the influent water.
Anaerobic bacteria living in the suspended sludge blanket feeds on the organic content of the
influent, breaking the organic content into sludge and Methane gas as influent moves upwards. The
up-flow movement of influent and Methane gas bubble offers homogenous mixing without any
Influent is feed from the bo om inlet of the reactor tank and forced upwards towards the system
outlet where suspended solids and anaerobic bacteria for the Sludge blanket. Sludge blanket
comprises of Microbial granules [usually 1 to 3 mm diameter] made from agglomera ons micro-
Industrialwatertreatment|FoodIndustry|Dis lleriesandfermenta onindustry|
SugarIndustries| Pharmaceu calwastes|Landfillleachate
Applica on:
PVA Gel is a biocarrier used to enhance wastewater treatment and thus protect our Earth's
Environment. Through over a decade of research and development, the product PVA Gel beads has
establishedasaneffec vebiologicalwastewatertreatmenttechnology.PVAgelisaPorousHydrogel
that is ideally suited for immobiliza on of microorganisms essen al for the degrada on of
Treatment with PVA gel yields less excess sludge as compared to conven onal biological
methods.PVA gel has a very high water content due to its extensive porosity, thus allowing for
favorable permeability of oxygen and nutrients to the bacteria colonized inside the
beads.PolymerizedPVAgelisessen allyinsolubleinwaterandisnotknowtobebiodegradable.
Aera ontreatments|Wastewatertreatments|LowAreaEffluentmanagement|
HighConcentra ontreatment
Applica on:
SS SintedFilters:StainlessSteelsinteredpowderfiltercartridgesarerecommendedforthefiltra on
of air or liquid at higher opera ng temperatures & corrosive environment. Sintered S.S. cartridges
are produced by cold isosta c pressing, which gives high porosity to the material and also stability.
They can easily be cleaned or back washed thus having longer shelf life. Sintered filters are able to
withstandhighdifferen alpressureacrossthefilters.
Nopossibilityofmediamigra on
Servicelifecanbeprolongedbycleaningandregenera ngprocess
MicronRa ng0.5,1,3,5,10,25,50,100µ
SpecificMicronSepara on|Borewellwaterpurifica on|CatalystRecovery|
PharmaGradePurifica on
Applica on:
Physical Filtra on Units
Ultra-Filtra on is a pressure driven membrane separa on process in which a Semi-permeable PVDF
membrane is used to separate contaminants like Suspended Solids and solutes of higher molecular
weight from the influent water. However this process cannot remove Ions, Dissolved salts from this
Ultra Filtra on
PP Cartridge Filters: Felix make cartridge that works well as either a pre-filter or final filter in a wide
range of applica ons including industrial, chemical process, food & beverage, cosme cs and water.
Our Felix® filters are manufactured through an exclusive process that thermally bonds pure
polypropylene microfibers. Lower density fibers are at the surface and sequen ally higher density
fibers are used toward the center. This process traps par cles more evenly throughout the cross
sec on.
 Fabricatedwithhighlypurepolypropyleneandpolyestermedia
 CartridgeswithPPorwithoutPPcoreop ons
 Broadchemicalcompa bility
 Hightemperaturefiltra on
 Available in polypropylene, polyester, co on and baked glass for broad chemical compa bility
andtomeetawidevarietyofapplica ons
 Bakedglasshashightemperaturecompa bilityof750°Fforgreaterversa lity
 Single-strand, con nuous winding process offers consistent quality, high par culate reten on
Ac vated Carbon Filter: Ac vated carbon filtra on (ACF) is effec ve in reducing certain organic
chemicals and chlorine in water. It can also reduce the quan ty of lead in water although most lead-
reducing systems use another filter medium in addi on to carbon. Water is passed through granular
or block carbon material to reduce toxic compounds as well as harmless taste- and odor-producing
Pressure Sand Filter: Sand filtra on is frequently used and very robust method to remove
suspendedsolidsfromwater.Thefiltra onmediumconsistsofamul plelayerofsandwithavariety
in size and specific gravity. Sand filters can be supplied in different sizes and materials both hand
operatedorfullyautoma cally.
Oil & Grease Trap: Oil & Grease trap is a device u lized to effect the separa on of grease and oil in
waste water effluents. These filters house are made of ss 304/316 material and a filter bag is
A trickling filter, is a fixed-bed, biological reactor that operates under (mostly) aerobic condi ons.
Pre-se led wastewater is con nuously 'trickled' or sprayed over the filter. As the water migrates
through the pores of the filter, organics are aerobically degraded by the biofilm covering the filter
The trickling filter is filled with a high specific surface area material, such as rocks, gravel, shredded
PVC bo les, or special pre-formed plas c filter media. A high specific surface provides a large area
for biofilm forma on. Organisms that grow in the thin biofilm over the surface of the media oxidize
theorganicloadinthewastewatertocarbondioxideandwater,whilegenera ngnewbiomass.
The incoming pre-treated wastewater is 'trickled' over the filter, e.g., with the use of a rota ng
sprinkler. In this way, the filter media goes through cycles of being dosed and exposed to air.
Trickling Filter
Applica on:
Advanced oxida on processes (AOPs) were first proposed in the 1980s for drinking water treatment
and later were widely studied for treatment of different wastewaters. During the AOP treatment of
wastewater, hydroxyl radicals (OH·) or sulfate radicals (SO4 ·−) are generated in sufficient quan ty to
remove refractory organic ma ers, traceable organic contaminants, or certain inorganic pollutants,
or to increase wastewater biodegradability as a pre-treatment prior to an ensuing biological
treatment. Generally, the treatment efficiencies rely heavily upon the selected AOP type, physical
and chemical proper es of target pollutants, and opera ng condi ons. It would be noted that other
mechanisms, besides hydroxyl radical or sulfate radical-based oxida on, may occur during the AOP
treatment and contribute to the reduc on of target pollutants. Par cularly, we summarize recent
advances in the AOP treatment of landfill leachate, as well as advanced oxida on of effluent organic
ma ers(EfOM)inbiologicallytreatedsecondaryeffluent(BTSE)forwaterreuse.
Cri calWastewaterTreatment|HighConcentra onEffluentTreatment|
Applica on:
Advance Oxida on Process
Electrocoagula on (EC) is a treatment technology that removes total suspended solids (TSS), heavy
water passes through the electrocoagula on cell, mul ple reac ons take place simultaneously.
First, a metal ion is driven into the water. On the surface of the cathode, water is hydrolyzed into
hydrogen gas and hydroxyl groups. Meanwhile, electrons flow freely to destabilize surface charges
on suspended solids and emulsified oils. As the reac on con nues, large flocs form that entrain
suspended solids, heavy metals, emulsified oils and other contaminants. Finally, the flocs are
removedfromthewaterindownstreamsolidssepara onandfiltra onprocesssteps.
HeavyMetalRemovalfromwastewater|PetroleumWasteTreatment |
ColorforDye-Containingsolu ons| Aqua chumus|FluorinefromwaterTreatment|
Applica on:
Electro Coagula on
Felix Industries Limited has the exper se and the resources to help you plan your project, and provide you with
innova veandcost-effec vesolu onstomeetyourenergy,waterandequipmentneeds.
A er-SalesService:
Over the years, Felix has built a rock solid reputa on for client sa sfac on – before and a er project
implementa on.
Opera on,Maintenance&Supply:
Felix provides operators, supervisors and engineers, and supplies all required material, for successful
comple onandopera onofplants.
Felix Industries has an expert team of experienced young engineers, to provide you with the most innova ve
andcost-efficientsolu ons.
Felix has its own manufacturing unit, where the company designs and fabricates all its plants, backed by its own
Types of Plant:
Packaged Treatment Plants | Commercial Plants (for Large Sizes & Turkey Solu ons)
Recycling– ZLD (ZeroLiquidDischarge):
This system not only helps to reduce water usage, but also concentrates on elimina ng water
discharge up to Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) level. ZLD processes purify and recycle plant
wastewater, change liquid waste into disposable dry solids and deliver effluent water back
Felix design & manufacture Skid Mounted ZLD plants along with pre-treatment with highest
capacity of water to be recycled. Felix collabora on with its partners offers its client the least
capital & least opera on lost solu ons. Technology for Felix is its strength. Felix adapts and
keep-up with latest trends and technology to provide best & end to end solu ons to its
Felixusesvarioustechnologiestoa ainZeroLiquidDischarge.Someoftheseare:
D-HPRO|BatchEvaporator|SingleEffectEvaporator|Mul pleEffectwap|
MechanicalVaporRecompression|GreenhouseEvapora onSystem|SprayDrying|
Felix's capabili es range from carrying out engineering studies to undertaking large turnkey projects.
This is a complex combina on of Floccula on and Clarifica on/ Sedimenta on Systems in a
single compact unit, and works on Par cle Density Difference Chemistry.This is the most
efficient way of 'precipitate water so ening', which works typically between a temperature
CustomizedPhysicalFiltra onSystems:
Felix Industries has In-house design engineering and manufacturing base to give customized
solu ons to each individual client with choice of materials from SS Sintered, PVDF filtra on,
PESfiltra onandmanymore.
TurnkeySolu onProvider:
Felix Industries Limited provides Turnkey Solu ons in from of Designing, Engineering,
Commercializa on,Execu onandOpera ons.
Evapora onSystems:
Felix can understand and has capabili es to provide most op mal technology that in-turn
serves cost-effec ve. Felix has in-house facility to develop these technologies which could
giveop malEvapora onSystemstoitsclient.
Designing&Customiza on:
Felix has a special exper se to understand all complex effluents, each complex effluent
requires phases like mock-up, tes ng, R&D, process engineering, unit opera ons, designing,
turkey commercializa on. Felix has mul ple sources of technologies for best op mum
solu ons.
Anti-Corrosion Commandos
At Your Service:
Enduring service life, minimum down me and op mal
environmental compliance are cri cal for industrial survival,
success and progression. The one obstacle that can affect all three
In view of this, the R&D division of Felix Industries lays special
emphasis on developing innova ve, corrosion-resistant materials.
It offers a diverse array of Thermoplas c Pipes that can withstand a
wide range of chemicals and elevated temperatures without flaws
Many chemicals used in the Process Industry aggressively corrode
most metal equipment, leading to process leaks, flow restric ons
andul mately,prematurefailure.
visavisusageofFerrousandMildSteelasmaterialsofconstruc on.
It can decrease piping life, interrupt produc on and cause power
losses. These industries o en require process piping systems made
Steel, despite being a robust MOC, is cumbersome to handle, and
therefore, difficult to install. Thermoplas c Pipes, cos ng less than
Steel (supply and installa on), and with proven lifespan of >50
years,aretheidealop on.
Felix Industries Limited offers the following range of Pipes, Fi ngs
& Accessories manufactured by ASTRAL POLY TECHNIK LIMITED &
Felix Industries Limited is an authorized dealer for Industrial Piping
&Services ofAstralPipes&Aliaxis.
Felix has an experienced team of engineers, for designing Pipings
Installa onServices:
Felix provides pipe installa on services in all categories of various
different industries as per the design needs and usage
A Special Taste for e-Waste Technologies:
e-WasteManagementSolu ons:
Felix is a leading player in the management of e-waste across the en re waste life cycle, from collec on to
recycling and material recovery. The company's R&D Division con nually works to develop innova ve techno-
solu ons and new collec on systems that can be adapted to suit the clients' specific economic and loca onal
requirements. New hybrid frameworks also have been developed by Felix for collec on of various scales and
Felix'sgoalistoprocesswastewithaviewtoreintroducingitintotheindustrialproduc oncycleandachieving
thehighestpossiblerateof recovery.Thecompanyalsoprovidesrecyclingservicesforcomplexwastessuch as
Felix'sexper seine-wasterecyclingandmanagementallowsittodevelopservicesandsolu onsthatrespond
totheneedsoftheenvironmentandthegenerators(municipali es,industriesandthepublic).
Today, Felix is a na onal standard-bearer for all e-waste solu ons, from recycling to processing and recovery,
along with other compliance services. It has served 35+ companies in disposing their e-waste in an
environmentally wise manner, and has recovered and made available secondary metal and non-metal
resourcesbacktotheIndianeconomy,reducingtheburdenofextrac ngprimaryresources.
Accredita ons:
Felix is a fully accredited provider of electronic
recycling services registered with the Gujarat
Pollu on Control Board. It is an ISO 9001 and ISO
14001-cer fied company, and follows the
Felix has built its services around the awareness
that its every ac on has an impact on the
environment, and it takes its core ac vity – to
reclaim and recycle whatever, whenever and
Felix Industries, an electronic and electrical
waste management firm with global
perspec ves, strives to be a part of human
kind's worldwide efforts to mi gate the
problem of e-waste, which has gained
enormous propor ons. The Felix spectrum of
performance does not comprise just efficient
recycling; but also a happier environment and
 End-to-end e-waste management, comprising: consulta on, logis cs, event planning, management
assistance,responsibleprocessingandpromo on.
 Compliantrecyclingprograms.
 Permanentdrop-offloca ons.
 Recyclingcer fica onsissuedforeveryloadprocessed.
 Single point of contact that delivers streamlined communica ons and quick responsiveness, and ensures
 ElectronicmanufacturerpartnershipforEPR.
 Transparentcollec onandrecyclingprocess,backedbydocumenta on.
 Balancingeco-normscompliance,convenienceandfinancialreturns.
 Guaranteedadherencetogovernmentstandards.
Data Destruc on: Whether you prefer data destruc on or reuse / regenera on of value
through resell, Felix has evolved techniques to handle it. The company's teams with deep
exper se in control and shredding of digital data containing devices eliminate all risk of data
Data Shredding: Felix's high-power shears can destroy sensi ve data-containing storage
media devices that are no longer needed, rendering them inaccessible and unreadable. The
company ensures high integrity of data shredding through video monitoring, which the
respec veclientscanviewinreal me,ifsodesired,
Data Wiping: Felix's electronic data wiping services are executed through world class
so ware that totally erase all program files, data files and opera ng systems. They also
remove all corporate iden fica on tags, securing client privacy. Sensi ve e-waste are
collectedinlockedcontainers,transportedtoFelix,andsystema callywiped.
Op mized Collec on & Logis cs: Felix op mizes its collec on and logis cs (C&L) through
effec ve planning, maximized collec on runs and return haulage, with a view to reducing
Audi ng & Consulta on: Felix's audi ng and consulta on services help you meet your e-
waste requirements – realizing maximum value, developing efficient onsite e-waste handling
systems, infusing a recycling awareness in your organiza on, and compiling evidence of your
recyclingefforts(tobepresentedtogovernmentauthori es).
E-waste Audit: As the first step in preparing a recycling plan for clients, Felix conducts a waste
streamaudittoiden fyandsegregatee-wastebymaterialtypesandvolumes.E-wasteaudits
offers Felix's clients be er value realiza on and more efficient recycling. Strategic stages of
this process are: 1. Planning a formal mee ng. 2. Site visit and data collec on. 3. Assessment
of posi ve op ons. 4. Iden fica on of waste revenue poten als. 5. Delivery of audit reports
andpresenta ons.6.Proposalpresenta onandcontract-signing.
Consulta on: Felix's consulta on services help its clients meet their internal and external
Typical e-waste:
Computers & Laptops Medical Equipments Circuit Boards
Cell towers Mobile phones & Tablets Radar Systems ATM Machines
Sound Equipment Infrastructure Devices Television / LCD displays Auto Electronic
Business Sector: Government Sector: Corporate Houses:
Residences: Industries: OEMs:
Reports & Cer fica ons | Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) | Community Outreach
Take-Back Schemes | Hos ng Collec on Drives | e-waste Dona on | Educa on / Awareness Events
Telecommunica on
Refurbishment Services: Felix's refurbishment services put a decent value to your used
CFL Recycling: Felix has in place world class lamp recycling systems to effec vely handle
ligh ng equipment of all forms and sizes. Felix's fully automated lamp recycling system is
equippedwithac vatedcarbonmodulesthatcapturemercuryemissionsfromCFLwaste.
r ae nt da WW aste-W
Felix Industries Limited
208, Devshruti Complex, Mithakhali CrossRoad Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad - 380006 Gujarat, INDIA.
M: +91- 8469010908 | Ph: +91- 079 26463658/59 | Email:

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Marketplace and Quality Assurance Presentation - Vincent Chirchir


  • 2. The final certifying authority for our Technology is: Ecology. CAUTION: For Every Action, there is an Eco-Reaction: Vision & Rationale: We must weigh every corporate action against the environmental impact it might incur. Water&WasteWaterRecycling: As industrializa on of the world increases exponen ally, the human race is struggling to redress the concomitant degrada on of natural resources, and its impact on the environment. One of the most cri cal natural resource challenges is of: water. If we do not exigently take remedial measures, our future genera ons will not have enough ofthispreciousnaturalresource,inausableform.Everydropsaved,counts. E-wasteRecycling: Of the 50 million tonnes of e-waste (electronic waste) generated worldwide in 2016, only 6.5 Million tonnes were officially recycled. Around 3 million tonnes of toxins were generated from the un-recycled e-waste in the form of hazardous wastes and toxic gases – pollu ng air, water and soil, and threatening human health. Through comprehensive and scien fic disposed of e-waste, toxins that endanger the environment human health could be prevented op mally. Apart from this, metals and rare earths contained in the e-waste could be recovered and reused, contribu ng to resource conserva on. Every ounce of toxin release prevented, and every gram of used metalrecovered,ma er. The irony of the rela onship between the human species and Water is: all of us KNOW that it is one of PlanetEarth'smostpreciousnaturalresources,butisalsoistheMOSTtaken-for-granted. Felix Industries is a future-smart corporate movement in Environmental Conserva on, spearheaded by a philosophy: Recycling, Re-using(waste water),Recovering (products) & Reducing (effluents). Following this 'Recycle – Reuse – Recover – Reduce' axiom, Felix Iden fies, explores and u lizes ANY opportunity that enables Water Processing, Purifica on and Recycling – viewing it as a small but strong step that adds strengthtohumanrace'sfighttoensurewatersufficiencyforfuturegenera ons. The water reclama on solu ons offered by Felix Industries Ltd include: Water & Wastewater Recycling Systems (Zero Liquid Discharge Systems, Water Recovery Systems, Effluent Recycling Systems, Reverse Osmosis Membrane Systems, Ultra-Filtra on & Nano-Filtra on Systems, and Pre-Treatment & Post- TreatmentChemicals),andE-WasteRecyclingSystems. Felix Industries began its corporate voyage in 2010 as an eco-tech start-up. In the ini al phase, its product & service por olio included design, development & manufacture and import, export & distribu on of comprehensive,MembraneSepara onTechnology-basedWaterandWasteWaterSolu ons. The company charted out a rapid pace of growth in know-how, exper se and business, and in 2012, it transformedintoFelixIndustriesLtd.,assimila ngvariousotherrelatedtechnologiesunderitsaegis(such asPre-TreatmentandPost-TreatmentofindustrialeffluentsusingMembraneSepara onTechnology). Today, Felix is widely acknowledged as a reliable, high-performance water reclama on company that providestotal,sourcetosolu onpackages. It makes good future sense only if businesses register good growth in a good environment, where humans of good health live and thrive. Mission&Methodology: Conduct con nual and intensive Research & Development oriented towards op mal water conserva on, reclama onandu liza on.
  • 3. infrastructure capabilities Solutions & Services Techno-Savvy but Eco-Smart: Felix Industries Limited has state-of-the-art manufacturing set-up spread over an area of 2500 sqmtr. Felix follows all Engineering Prac ces as per the guidelinesfrom ASTM & DIN setstandards. Felix has an In-house engineering capabili es to customized each technology to suit its individual customerrequirements. Felix is an India government-approved e-waste recyclingcompanyopera ngoneofthelargestrecycling facili es in India, with a processing capacity of 6,000 MT peryear. The e-waste collected from across India is aggregated, stored, dismantled, segregated and processed for reuse atthisplantusingidealinfrastructure,backedbyop mal safetyproceduresanddedicatedteamsofexperts. Apart from the meritocra c work environment, the knowledge that their everyday work helps reinforce environmental stability in real terms, mo vates Felix personnelataverypersonallevel. The Felix spectrum of solu ons include: EPC (Execu on, Procurement and Construc on) contracts – Lumpsum Turnkey Contracts & Item Rate Contracts, DBO (Design, Build & Operate) contracts, BOOT (Build, Own, Operate &Transfer) contracts, TOT(Transfer, Operate & Transfer) contracts, O&M standalone (Fixed Price & Variable Price) contracts, PPP (Public-Private Partnership) projects, EquipmentSupply,etc. The wide spectrum of industries that employ Felix’s complete water and waste water solu ons include: steel, chemical, pharmaceu cal, plas c, paper & pulp, leather, automo ve,tex le&dyesandfood&dairy. Whatever Window for the Whole Vista of Water Management: Felix: Services & Products Portfolio: E-REC DIVISION [E-waste Recycling] PIP-SOL DIVISION [Industrial Piping Solu ons] WATERTECH DIVISION [Industrial & Domes c Water/ Waste-water treatment] SPEC-CHEMDIVISION [Speciality Chemicals Manufacture] It's already quite late. We must act fast to redress the deple on of good (usable) water. This universal wisdom is underscored by everyone who endorses our smallbutstrongstepsinthisdirec on.
  • 4. Salvaging Water In All Forms, By All Means: Felix offers a comprehensive range of Water Cycle Management Solu ons, ranging from produc on and supply of drinking water to collec on, treatment, recovery and recycling of wastewater. Its evolved exper se in Waste Water Treatment enables it to develop solu ons that op mally meet the needs of municipali es,industrialhousesandotherconcerns,including: Felix, along with its techno-alliance partner, GEA Engineering (USA), holds a por olioofmorethan450proprietarytechnologies(includingphysicochemical, biological,membraneandbiomembrane,membranedesalina on,thermaland hybrid treatments) to tackle the challenges of managing water in all its forms (drinking water, industrial process water, ultrapure water, wastewater and seawater,sewage,effluent,etal).  Engineering,designingandbuildingtreatmentplants  Drinkingwaterandindustrialprocesswaterproduc onplants  Wastewaterdecontamina onplants  Wastewaterandindustrialeffluentsrecyclingplants  Treatmentplants(opera on,maintenanceandop miza on)  Plants producing 'green' energy from wastewater and sludge (through anaerobicdiges on,cogenera on,microturbines,etc)  Productrecoveryplants(fromeffluents)  PlantsaimingtoachieveZLD(ZeroLiquidDischarge)standards Technologies: The MBR System consists of a submerged hollow tube. PVDF micro-porous membrane is used to separate the treated water from the suspended growth-ac vated sludge process, resul ng in purified water recovery. MBR Membranes have a pore size of ~0.2µm. Thus, most of the BOD, COD, TSS,etcoftheinfluentareseparatedfromtheproductstream. WasteWaterrecovery|LeachateTreatment|Waterreclama ontreatment| Municipaltreatment|Industrialwatertreatment Applica on: MBR (Membrane Bio Reactor) TECHNOLOGY: ReverseosmosissystemmakesuseofSemi-permeablemembranesepara onchemistry.Duringthis process, high reverse osmo c pressure (minimum working pressure these plants are 50 bars) of the is applied on the membrane to force water from High Total Dissolved Solids region towards Lower Total dissolved solids region resul ng in clean permeate water recovery. By Careful system design andwateranalysisstudy,upto80-90%waterrecoverycanbeachievedinsomesystems. High-puritywatertreatment.|Food&BeverageProduc on| Boiler and Cooling Tower Pre-treatment | Waste Water recovery | Power Genera on | Desalina on treatment|Ultrapuretreatement Applica on: HPRO (High Performance RO Plant) DisktubularmembranetechnologyreferredtoasD,commonfordisktubularROandthemembrane module structure is dis nct from the tradi onal spiral wound membrane. With open flow channels, feed flows through the entrance into the pressure vessel and reach the disk in a short distance. Then the feed flows 180 degrees from one side of the membrane reverse flow into the other side of the membrane, into the next disk again and finally runoff from outlet. The special design makes feed collide with the disk bulge through the membrane surface forming turbulence which increases flow rateandself-cleaningfunc onandlongservicelifeofthemembrane High-puritywatertreatment.|Food&BeverageProduc on| Boiler and Cooling Tower Pre-treatment | Waste Water recovery | Power Genera on | Desalina on treatment|Ultrapuretreatement Applica on: D-HPRO Moving Bed Bio Reactor Systems consist of ac vated sludge aera on systems, where the BOD-COD consuming bacteria feed and mul ply on the inner and outer surface of the inert media. This media acts as a large surface area for op mal contact between the bacteria, oxygen and influent water. With sufficient supply of oxygen, the bacteria culture breaks down the organic compounds in the influent,thusresul nginsubstan alreduc onintheBOD&COD. Municipalwastewatertreatment|Industrialwatertreatment|Aquaculture| HighConcentratedEffluentTreatment Applica on: MBBR (Moving Bed Bio Reactor) TECHNOLOGY:
  • 5. SBR System consists of a reactor constructed from a water- ght material such as concrete or mild steel (with corrosion-resistant coa ng). It carries out opera ons such as Filling, Reac ng, Se ling and Decan ng, in single or mul ple reactor tanks opera ng in a series. Ini al anaerobic/ anoxic condi on followed by aerated condi on of the influent water results in be er output quality of productwater. Industrialwatertreatment|Municipalwatertreatment|Spaceconserva vetreatement| Automa cClosedlooptreatmentsystem Applica on: SBR (Sequen al Batch Reactor) TECHNOLOGY: UASB system stands for UP-flow anaerobic Sludge Blanket, is a reactor constructed from concrete or any water ght material. It is used for high removal of BOD and COD from the influent water. Anaerobic bacteria living in the suspended sludge blanket feeds on the organic content of the influent, breaking the organic content into sludge and Methane gas as influent moves upwards. The up-flow movement of influent and Methane gas bubble offers homogenous mixing without any mechanicalassistance. Influent is feed from the bo om inlet of the reactor tank and forced upwards towards the system outlet where suspended solids and anaerobic bacteria for the Sludge blanket. Sludge blanket comprises of Microbial granules [usually 1 to 3 mm diameter] made from agglomera ons micro- organismsthatbecauseoftheirweight,resistbeingwashedoutintheup-flow. Industrialwatertreatment|FoodIndustry|Dis lleriesandfermenta onindustry| SugarIndustries| Pharmaceu calwastes|Landfillleachate Applica on: UASB PVA Gel is a biocarrier used to enhance wastewater treatment and thus protect our Earth's Environment. Through over a decade of research and development, the product PVA Gel beads has establishedasaneffec vebiologicalwastewatertreatmenttechnology.PVAgelisaPorousHydrogel that is ideally suited for immobiliza on of microorganisms essen al for the degrada on of environmentalpollutants. Treatment with PVA gel yields less excess sludge as compared to conven onal biological methods.PVA gel has a very high water content due to its extensive porosity, thus allowing for favorable permeability of oxygen and nutrients to the bacteria colonized inside the beads.PolymerizedPVAgelisessen allyinsolubleinwaterandisnotknowtobebiodegradable. Aera ontreatments|Wastewatertreatments|LowAreaEffluentmanagement| HighConcentra ontreatment Applica on: PVAGEL SS SintedFilters:StainlessSteelsinteredpowderfiltercartridgesarerecommendedforthefiltra on of air or liquid at higher opera ng temperatures & corrosive environment. Sintered S.S. cartridges are produced by cold isosta c pressing, which gives high porosity to the material and also stability. They can easily be cleaned or back washed thus having longer shelf life. Sintered filters are able to withstandhighdifferen alpressureacrossthefilters. FEATURES & BENEFITS: Highmechanicalstrength&goodintegrity Goodcorrosionandthermalresistance Nopossibilityofmediamigra on Goodpermeability Servicelifecanbeprolongedbycleaningandregenera ngprocess MicronRa ng0.5,1,3,5,10,25,50,100µ ROPretreatment|TotalSuspendedSolidsRemoval|TurbidityRemoval| SpecificMicronSepara on|Borewellwaterpurifica on|CatalystRecovery| PharmaGradePurifica on Applica on: Physical Filtra on Units Ultra-Filtra on is a pressure driven membrane separa on process in which a Semi-permeable PVDF membrane is used to separate contaminants like Suspended Solids and solutes of higher molecular weight from the influent water. However this process cannot remove Ions, Dissolved salts from this influent.PoresizeoftheopeningsonmembraneisusedtodefinethecharacterizetheMembranes. Ultra Filtra on PP Cartridge Filters: Felix make cartridge that works well as either a pre-filter or final filter in a wide range of applica ons including industrial, chemical process, food & beverage, cosme cs and water. Our Felix® filters are manufactured through an exclusive process that thermally bonds pure polypropylene microfibers. Lower density fibers are at the surface and sequen ally higher density fibers are used toward the center. This process traps par cles more evenly throughout the cross sec on. Features:  Fabricatedwithhighlypurepolypropyleneandpolyestermedia  CartridgeswithPPorwithoutPPcoreop ons  Broadchemicalcompa bility  Hightemperaturefiltra on  Available in polypropylene, polyester, co on and baked glass for broad chemical compa bility andtomeetawidevarietyofapplica ons  Bakedglasshashightemperaturecompa bilityof750°Fforgreaterversa lity  Single-strand, con nuous winding process offers consistent quality, high par culate reten on andreducedbypassforclearerresultsandlonglife Ac vated Carbon Filter: Ac vated carbon filtra on (ACF) is effec ve in reducing certain organic chemicals and chlorine in water. It can also reduce the quan ty of lead in water although most lead- reducing systems use another filter medium in addi on to carbon. Water is passed through granular or block carbon material to reduce toxic compounds as well as harmless taste- and odor-producing chemicals. Pressure Sand Filter: Sand filtra on is frequently used and very robust method to remove suspendedsolidsfromwater.Thefiltra onmediumconsistsofamul plelayerofsandwithavariety in size and specific gravity. Sand filters can be supplied in different sizes and materials both hand operatedorfullyautoma cally. Oil & Grease Trap: Oil & Grease trap is a device u lized to effect the separa on of grease and oil in waste water effluents. These filters house are made of ss 304/316 material and a filter bag is providedinhousetocollecttheoil&Greasetrapped. A trickling filter, is a fixed-bed, biological reactor that operates under (mostly) aerobic condi ons. Pre-se led wastewater is con nuously 'trickled' or sprayed over the filter. As the water migrates through the pores of the filter, organics are aerobically degraded by the biofilm covering the filter material. The trickling filter is filled with a high specific surface area material, such as rocks, gravel, shredded PVC bo les, or special pre-formed plas c filter media. A high specific surface provides a large area for biofilm forma on. Organisms that grow in the thin biofilm over the surface of the media oxidize theorganicloadinthewastewatertocarbondioxideandwater,whilegenera ngnewbiomass. The incoming pre-treated wastewater is 'trickled' over the filter, e.g., with the use of a rota ng sprinkler. In this way, the filter media goes through cycles of being dosed and exposed to air. However,oxygenisdepletedwithinthebiomassandtheinnerlayersmaybeanoxicoranaerobic. Trickling Filter MunicipalWaterTreatment|LowEnergyTreatment|IndustrialEffluentTreatment Applica on:
  • 6. Advanced oxida on processes (AOPs) were first proposed in the 1980s for drinking water treatment and later were widely studied for treatment of different wastewaters. During the AOP treatment of wastewater, hydroxyl radicals (OH·) or sulfate radicals (SO4 ·−) are generated in sufficient quan ty to remove refractory organic ma ers, traceable organic contaminants, or certain inorganic pollutants, or to increase wastewater biodegradability as a pre-treatment prior to an ensuing biological treatment. Generally, the treatment efficiencies rely heavily upon the selected AOP type, physical and chemical proper es of target pollutants, and opera ng condi ons. It would be noted that other mechanisms, besides hydroxyl radical or sulfate radical-based oxida on, may occur during the AOP treatment and contribute to the reduc on of target pollutants. Par cularly, we summarize recent advances in the AOP treatment of landfill leachate, as well as advanced oxida on of effluent organic ma ers(EfOM)inbiologicallytreatedsecondaryeffluent(BTSE)forwaterreuse. Cri calWastewaterTreatment|HighConcentra onEffluentTreatment| ComplexEffluenttreatment. Applica on: Advance Oxida on Process Electrocoagula on (EC) is a treatment technology that removes total suspended solids (TSS), heavy metals,emulsifiedoils,bacteriaandothercontaminantsfromwater. water passes through the electrocoagula on cell, mul ple reac ons take place simultaneously. First, a metal ion is driven into the water. On the surface of the cathode, water is hydrolyzed into hydrogen gas and hydroxyl groups. Meanwhile, electrons flow freely to destabilize surface charges on suspended solids and emulsified oils. As the reac on con nues, large flocs form that entrain suspended solids, heavy metals, emulsified oils and other contaminants. Finally, the flocs are removedfromthewaterindownstreamsolidssepara onandfiltra onprocesssteps. HeavyMetalRemovalfromwastewater|PetroleumWasteTreatment | ColorforDye-Containingsolu ons| Aqua chumus|FluorinefromwaterTreatment| UrbanWastewaterTreatment Applica on: Electro Coagula on SERVICES: Consultancy&Planning: Felix Industries Limited has the exper se and the resources to help you plan your project, and provide you with innova veandcost-effec vesolu onstomeetyourenergy,waterandequipmentneeds. A er-SalesService: Over the years, Felix has built a rock solid reputa on for client sa sfac on – before and a er project implementa on. Opera on,Maintenance&Supply: Felix provides operators, supervisors and engineers, and supplies all required material, for successful comple onandopera onofplants. Engineering&Design: Felix Industries has an expert team of experienced young engineers, to provide you with the most innova ve andcost-efficientsolu ons. Design&Build: Felix has its own manufacturing unit, where the company designs and fabricates all its plants, backed by its own warehousetostoreallprocuredequipment. Types of Plant: Packaged Treatment Plants | Commercial Plants (for Large Sizes & Turkey Solu ons) CAPABILITIES:CAPABILITIES: Recycling– ZLD (ZeroLiquidDischarge): This system not only helps to reduce water usage, but also concentrates on elimina ng water discharge up to Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) level. ZLD processes purify and recycle plant wastewater, change liquid waste into disposable dry solids and deliver effluent water back intotheplantprocessstream,tobereused. Felix design & manufacture Skid Mounted ZLD plants along with pre-treatment with highest capacity of water to be recycled. Felix collabora on with its partners offers its client the least capital & least opera on lost solu ons. Technology for Felix is its strength. Felix adapts and keep-up with latest trends and technology to provide best & end to end solu ons to its clients.Felixhasacompletein-housesetupforfeasibility,trails,analysisandmanufacturing. Felixusesvarioustechnologiestoa ainZeroLiquidDischarge.Someoftheseare: D-HPRO|BatchEvaporator|SingleEffectEvaporator|Mul pleEffectwap| MechanicalVaporRecompression|GreenhouseEvapora onSystem|SprayDrying| ATFD(AgitatedThinFilmDryer) Felix's capabili es range from carrying out engineering studies to undertaking large turnkey projects. UltraPureWater: This is a complex combina on of Floccula on and Clarifica on/ Sedimenta on Systems in a single compact unit, and works on Par cle Density Difference Chemistry.This is the most efficient way of 'precipitate water so ening', which works typically between a temperature rangeof85to110°C. CustomizedPhysicalFiltra onSystems: Felix Industries has In-house design engineering and manufacturing base to give customized solu ons to each individual client with choice of materials from SS Sintered, PVDF filtra on, PESfiltra onandmanymore. TurnkeySolu onProvider: Felix Industries Limited provides Turnkey Solu ons in from of Designing, Engineering, Commercializa on,Execu onandOpera ons. Evapora onSystems: Felix can understand and has capabili es to provide most op mal technology that in-turn serves cost-effec ve. Felix has in-house facility to develop these technologies which could giveop malEvapora onSystemstoitsclient. Designing&Customiza on: Felix has a special exper se to understand all complex effluents, each complex effluent requires phases like mock-up, tes ng, R&D, process engineering, unit opera ons, designing, turkey commercializa on. Felix has mul ple sources of technologies for best op mum solu ons.
  • 7. Anti-Corrosion Commandos At Your Service: Enduring service life, minimum down me and op mal environmental compliance are cri cal for industrial survival, success and progression. The one obstacle that can affect all three ofthesefactorsis:Corrosion. In view of this, the R&D division of Felix Industries lays special emphasis on developing innova ve, corrosion-resistant materials. It offers a diverse array of Thermoplas c Pipes that can withstand a wide range of chemicals and elevated temperatures without flaws orfailure. Many chemicals used in the Process Industry aggressively corrode most metal equipment, leading to process leaks, flow restric ons andul mately,prematurefailure. Corrosionisthesingle-biggestproblemfacedbythePipingIndustry, visavisusageofFerrousandMildSteelasmaterialsofconstruc on. It can decrease piping life, interrupt produc on and cause power losses. These industries o en require process piping systems made ofmaterialthatcanwithstandtoughindustrialenvironments. Steel, despite being a robust MOC, is cumbersome to handle, and therefore, difficult to install. Thermoplas c Pipes, cos ng less than Steel (supply and installa on), and with proven lifespan of >50 years,aretheidealop on. IndustrialPipingSystems: Felix Industries Limited offers the following range of Pipes, Fi ngs & Accessories manufactured by ASTRAL POLY TECHNIK LIMITED & ALIAXIS C-PVC | U-PVC | PVDF | PP-H | HDPE Services: Sales&Service: Felix Industries Limited is an authorized dealer for Industrial Piping &Services ofAstralPipes&Aliaxis. DesigningServices: Felix has an experienced team of engineers, for designing Pipings preciselyasperclientrequirements. Installa onServices: Felix provides pipe installa on services in all categories of various different industries as per the design needs and usage requirementsofclients. A Special Taste for e-Waste Technologies: e-WasteManagementSolu ons: Felix is a leading player in the management of e-waste across the en re waste life cycle, from collec on to recycling and material recovery. The company's R&D Division con nually works to develop innova ve techno- solu ons and new collec on systems that can be adapted to suit the clients' specific economic and loca onal requirements. New hybrid frameworks also have been developed by Felix for collec on of various scales and sizes. Felix'sgoalistoprocesswastewithaviewtoreintroducingitintotheindustrialproduc oncycleandachieving thehighestpossiblerateof recovery.Thecompanyalsoprovidesrecyclingservicesforcomplexwastessuch as electricalandelectronicdevicesandfluorescentbulbs. Felix'sexper seine-wasterecyclingandmanagementallowsittodevelopservicesandsolu onsthatrespond totheneedsoftheenvironmentandthegenerators(municipali es,industriesandthepublic). Today, Felix is a na onal standard-bearer for all e-waste solu ons, from recycling to processing and recovery, along with other compliance services. It has served 35+ companies in disposing their e-waste in an environmentally wise manner, and has recovered and made available secondary metal and non-metal resourcesbacktotheIndianeconomy,reducingtheburdenofextrac ngprimaryresources. Accredita ons: Felix is a fully accredited provider of electronic recycling services registered with the Gujarat Pollu on Control Board. It is an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001-cer fied company, and follows the industrialaxiomof'Reduce,Reuse&Recycle'. CorporatePhilosophy&EnvironmentalPolicy: Felix has built its services around the awareness that its every ac on has an impact on the environment, and it takes its core ac vity – to reclaim and recycle whatever, whenever and whereverpossible–VERYseriously. Felix Industries, an electronic and electrical waste management firm with global perspec ves, strives to be a part of human kind's worldwide efforts to mi gate the problem of e-waste, which has gained enormous propor ons. The Felix spectrum of performance does not comprise just efficient recycling; but also a happier environment and peaceofmindfortheclient. VISION: FELIX: EXPERTISE PORTFOLIO:  End-to-end e-waste management, comprising: consulta on, logis cs, event planning, management assistance,responsibleprocessingandpromo on.  Compliantrecyclingprograms.  Permanentdrop-offloca ons.  Recyclingcer fica onsissuedforeveryloadprocessed.  Single point of contact that delivers streamlined communica ons and quick responsiveness, and ensures accountabilityinservices.  ElectronicmanufacturerpartnershipforEPR.  Transparentcollec onandrecyclingprocess,backedbydocumenta on.  Balancingeco-normscompliance,convenienceandfinancialreturns.  Guaranteedadherencetogovernmentstandards.
  • 8. FELIX: RECYCLING SERVIFELIX: RECYCLING SERVICES REPERTOIRE: FELIX RANGE OF SOLUTIONS:FELIX RANGE OF SOLUTIONS: Data Destruc on: Whether you prefer data destruc on or reuse / regenera on of value through resell, Felix has evolved techniques to handle it. The company's teams with deep exper se in control and shredding of digital data containing devices eliminate all risk of data disclosure. Data Shredding: Felix's high-power shears can destroy sensi ve data-containing storage media devices that are no longer needed, rendering them inaccessible and unreadable. The company ensures high integrity of data shredding through video monitoring, which the respec veclientscanviewinreal me,ifsodesired, Data Wiping: Felix's electronic data wiping services are executed through world class so ware that totally erase all program files, data files and opera ng systems. They also remove all corporate iden fica on tags, securing client privacy. Sensi ve e-waste are collectedinlockedcontainers,transportedtoFelix,andsystema callywiped. Op mized Collec on & Logis cs: Felix op mizes its collec on and logis cs (C&L) through effec ve planning, maximized collec on runs and return haulage, with a view to reducing environmentalimpactfromemission. Audi ng & Consulta on: Felix's audi ng and consulta on services help you meet your e- waste requirements – realizing maximum value, developing efficient onsite e-waste handling systems, infusing a recycling awareness in your organiza on, and compiling evidence of your recyclingefforts(tobepresentedtogovernmentauthori es). E-waste Audit: As the first step in preparing a recycling plan for clients, Felix conducts a waste streamaudittoiden fyandsegregatee-wastebymaterialtypesandvolumes.E-wasteaudits offers Felix's clients be er value realiza on and more efficient recycling. Strategic stages of this process are: 1. Planning a formal mee ng. 2. Site visit and data collec on. 3. Assessment of posi ve op ons. 4. Iden fica on of waste revenue poten als. 5. Delivery of audit reports andpresenta ons.6.Proposalpresenta onandcontract-signing. Consulta on: Felix's consulta on services help its clients meet their internal and external requirementsrelatedtoe-wastetheygenerate. Typical e-waste: Computers & Laptops Medical Equipments Circuit Boards Cell towers Mobile phones & Tablets Radar Systems ATM Machines Sound Equipment Infrastructure Devices Television / LCD displays Auto Electronic Business Sector: Government Sector: Corporate Houses: Residences: Industries: OEMs: COMPLIANCE SERVICES: Reports & Cer fica ons | Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) | Community Outreach Take-Back Schemes | Hos ng Collec on Drives | e-waste Dona on | Educa on / Awareness Events Telecommunica on ATM Refurbishment Services: Felix's refurbishment services put a decent value to your used equipment,refurbishandremarketthemthroughthecompany'sresalenetwork. CFL Recycling: Felix has in place world class lamp recycling systems to effec vely handle ligh ng equipment of all forms and sizes. Felix's fully automated lamp recycling system is equippedwithac vatedcarbonmodulesthatcapturemercuryemissionsfromCFLwaste.
  • 9. r ae nt da WW aste-W aterEngineering: E-wasteRecycling&Managem ent: Felix Industries Limited 208, Devshruti Complex, Mithakhali CrossRoad Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad - 380006 Gujarat, INDIA. M: +91- 8469010908 | Ph: +91- 079 26463658/59 | Email: LET'S BE WISE, EARTH-WISE.