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                      WASC Annual
                      For Seoul Foreign School,
                            2011‐ 2012

WASCAnnualUpdate                      12


  Schooladdress                           HeadofSchool

SeoulForeignSchool                               Dr.JohnEngstrom


  Seodaemun‐ gu

  Seoul,120‐ 113,SouthKorea                      Enrollmentfor2011‐ 2012:

  Telephone:82‐ 2‐ 330‐ 310                      BritishSchool          347

  Facsimile:82‐ 2‐ 332‐ 87                       ElementarySchool       459
  75           MiddleSchool           252

  Website:          HighSchool             477

                                                 Total:                1535


  expatriatechildreninSeoul. In the 2011/12 academic year SFS celebrated
  its100 anniversary.Ithascontinuedasanon‐ profit,non‐ denominationalschoolwithadistinctChristianphiloso
  phy.Theschoolhaswestern‐ styleElementary (K-Gr. 5),Middle Gr. 6-8)andHighSchool divisions (Gr. 9-12)
  andaBritishSchoolprovidingKeyStages1‐ 3 (K-Yr. 9)

  Korea‟sfirstinternationalschool,SeoulForeignSchoolbeganwithonefull‐ timeteacher,
  educationalprogramprovidedinauniquelynon‐ denominationalChristianenvironment,the
  schoolhasgrowntobecomethepre‐ eminentschoolinKoreafortheEnglish‐ speakingbusiness
  anddiplomaticcommunities.TodaySFSisa community‐ oriented,western‐ styleco‐ educational

SFSislocatedina 25‐ acresettingneartheheartofSeoulandfeaturesmodernfacilitiesthathave
fivecomputerlabs,threegymnasiums,a performingartscenter,anartificialturfathleticfield


Organization/Governing Structure/FinancialBase
InAugust2009,Dr.JohnEngstromtookoverasHeadofSchool.A one‐ yearInterimHeadofSchool,Dr.
NancyPrice,servedforthe2008‐ 2009schoolyear,succeedingDr.HarlanLysowholedtheschoolfor
almost20years.The schoolhasthreegoverninggroups:

    a. An11‐ memberBoardofDirectorswhoappointstheHeadofSchoolandsetpolicy.
    b. TheCouncil,an11‐ membergroupwhoappointstheBoardmembers,approvesthebudget,and
    c. TheJaidan,afive‐ memberbodywhoareconsideredtheregistered“owners”oftheproperties

studentsholdU.S.or Canadianpassports.While42%ofthestudentshaveattendedSFSfortwoyearsor
less(asistypicalofaninternationalschool),thereisarecenttrendoflonger‐ termenrollment.Currently,27%ofitsst
udentshavebeenatSFSfor5 ormoreyears.Fortheschoolyear2011‐ 2012,the
studentenrollmenthasbeenabout1535inPre‐ SchoolthroughGrade12.

SFSemploysatotalof186teachingfacultyand39TeachingAssistants.Divisionalstaffconsistsof3 assistant
principals, 1 deputy head, 7 counselors,4librarians,a
HighSchoolregistrar,anIBDiplomaCoordinator,andapart‐ timeIGCSE Coordinator and HS Athletic Director.
In 2012/13 the number of assistant principals will increase to 4 with the addition of this position in the
Elementary School.


School-wide positions include a Curriculum Coordinator, an IT Director, an Educational Technology
Coordinator, two Admissions Directors, anAquaticsDirector, a
Director,K‐ 12DramaDirector,DirectorofPerformingArts,SchoolPsychologist, anda SchoolNurse.

SFSemploys124classifiedstaff.Membersofitsfullandpart‐ timeclassifiedstaffareemployed
safetyandotherservicescriticaltothefunctioningofthecampus. Classifiedstaffemployeesarehiredlocally.



includestheInternationalBaccalaureateDiplomaprogram, anditsdynamiclearningenvironment,

ertificateof SecondaryEducation.Asidefromthesetwoprograms,othercurriculumintheschoolis
predominantlyAmericaninorigin. These programs are implemented using the inquiry based model embedded
within the Understanding by Design curriculum development framework.


TheoriginalActionPlanintheSelf‐ Studywasrevised,submittedtoWASCJune1,2010,andapproved
byWASCaspartofa six‐ yeartermof accreditation2010–2016.ThefivemaingoalsoftheAction Planare:

Goal1:Create,implement,andregularlyreviewacoherent,accessible,articulated,standards‐ based
       K‐ 12curriculumtoensureimprovedstudentlearning.



Goal4:Createacomprehensive,SFS‐ wideProfessionalDevelopmentPlanthatorganizesand



Accomplishmentofeachschool‐ wideactionplansection:

ndards‐ basedK‐ 12curriculumtoensureimprovedstudentlearning.

STANDARDS BASED CURRICULUM: Work continues on adopting and implementing a
standards based curriculum for the Elementary, Middle, High School sections. The 2011/12
academic yearbuilt on the standards adopted in 2010-11 for the majority of the curriculum and has
included: The National Standards for Social Studies for Gr. 4-8, with Foreign Languages, French,
Spanish and Korean adopting the UK Modern LanguagesStandards to cover their programs.These
standards have been used to devise Korean placement test for students moving into the Middle
School Program.Christian Studies have also developed and adopted a comprehensive set of
standards across the school.

CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT FUNDAMENTALS: With the adoption of standards largely
completed to cover the courses offered at SFS considerable work was done on refocusing school
systems to support the further development of the curriculum. This involved refocusing the use
ofthe Understanding by Design (UbD) Curriculum Development Model as the inquiry base for
curriculum development and rejuvenation of Atlas Rubicon the school‟s curriculum mapping
program to support curriculum development.

      services of school based UbD trainers were accessed to provide a comprehensive training
      program for a core team of 45 teachers representing grade and subject levels across the
      school. The role of these teachers was to support their colleagues in using UbD as the basis
      of their unit planning across the school.

    2. CURRICULUM MAPPING – ATLAS RUBICON:Atlas Rubicon, the school‟s curriculum
      mapping program was rejuvenated to further support the UbD Inquiry model.
      Representatives from Rubicon came to the school to initially work with the curriculum
      coordinator and assistant coordinator to review and update data in the system. The
      template was redesigned to include UbD updates and school initiatives. These initiatives
      included more program specific information for the IB Diploma, IGCSE and the school-wide
      introduction of the IB Leaner Profile and Trans-disciplinary skills. The latter involved the
      adoption of skill setswhich supported the development of the IB Learner Profile, the school‟s
      ESLRs and skills necessary for the 21 Century. Grade level specific skills based
      benchmarks are to be developed in 202/13. In May ‟12 Core Team Training occurred in the
      use of Atlas. This core team of 33 teachers was trained over 2 days in the use of Atlas to
      develop greater awareness of how this program is useful not just in documenting the
      curriculum but in analyzing and refining it to promote curriculum articulation. Again this core
      team is responsible to support their colleagues in this use of Atlas.

  The Core teams in both cases mentioned above were very supportive of the school‟s
  administrationdecision to allow this training to occur during the normal daily schedule.

CURRICULUM DOCUMENTATION GOAL:With the adoption of standards based curriculum,
refocusing of UbD as the school‟s curriculum development model and Atlas as a curriculum
mapping program, the building blocks for building and documenting the dynamic SFS curriculum
have been laid. In 2011/12 all teachers were expected to apply their learning to develop 1 quality
unit based on UbD and have it documented in Atlas. The time line for the documentation of the
standards based / UbD curriculum has collaboratively been set for June 2015. Each year leading
up to this time subject areas will be expected to identify unit planning expectations to meet this
deadline. Management structures are in place to monitor progress on these developments. In
setting this goal it is also understood that the curriculum is dynamic and will be continually revised
as part of the normal teacher planning process and according to the more formal review cycle.

CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT ACTION PLANNNG: In the two whole faculty work days set for
the year subjects areas meetacross divisions to develop action plans aimed at addressing school
wide initiatives as well as identifying their own subject specific initiatives. School-wide initiatives
came from WASC recommendations and included 1. Curriculum Articulation; 2. Professional
development. These formed the focus of further meetings throughout the year.

CURRICULUM REVIEW:Curriculum Review continues in-line with the school‟s established
curriculum review cycle.
    1. MATHEMATICS REVIEW: This year Mathematics progressed through the adoption phase.
       This entailed development of a vision statementbased on current research and best
       practices. This statement outlines the values and beliefs about what is to be taught and how
       it will be taught and how the school mission statement can be implemented in this subject
       area. These beliefs guided the adoption of programs and resources to support the direction
       set for the teaching of Mathematics at SFS. At this stage Mathematics is adopting the new
       „Maths In Focus‟ program K-8. The pedagogical base of this program supported the school‟s
       focus on a standards based program,the use of manipulatives, a variety of activities and
       authentic problem solvingto develop a solid conceptual understanding.

    2. SCIENCE REVIEW: Science as part of the review process of the curriculum review cycle,
      has drafted a vision statement for the purposes outlined above. A focus being the use of
      scientific inquiry to support student learning. Several teachers attended conferences in the
      US to gain insights into programs available to support this direction.

    3. FOREIGN LANGUAGES REVIEW: This is an out-of-cycle review initiated by the HOS. A
      task force was establish consisting of AHOS- Academics, the curriculum coordinator, IB
      coordinator, IGCSE coordinator, curriculum leaders for Korea, Spanish & French, the British
      school principal, and parent representatives from each of the four divisions. The focus of
      this task force was to: 1. Consider the provision of our current foreign languages courses
      i.e. should we consider offering more – possibly Mandarin; 2. How effective are the
      practices and structure of our current foreign languages program in promoting continuity of
      learning. This task force commenced its task in April and will continue into 2012/13. A
      language consultant, Greg Duncan has been contracted to work with the task force on this

WHOLE SCHOOL LANGUAGE POLICY: The school‟s language policy is being revised. The
policy recognises that all teachers are language teachers. The policy will state the vision of
languages at SFS. Sections within the document will identify philosophy and practices related to: 1
The language of Instruction; 2 Support for the Language of Instruction; 3. Support for the language
of the Host country; 4. Provision of Foreign Languages; 5. Professional development.

ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURES: The work on developing organizational structures to support
curriculum development within and across divisions is in progress with clear job descriptions,
equity across divisions in expectations and allocations being considered as part of a school wide
focus to promote career opportunities within the school as well as curriculum articulation.               5
Transition to a structure to support positions of responsibilityis planned for over the next three

ASSESSMENT. With the adoption of standards based curriculum a focus this year has been to
connect these standards with a variety of assessment tasks. To help guide this practice the high
school has developed an assessment policy while the Middle School has been revising their
assessment methods. Both these divisions have adopted 5 common types/ Approaches To
Assessment (observations, performance / contextual product, designated responses, academic
prompts, self assessment). These will be used to guide the development of the assessment tasks
and then track these across the divisions to ensure this variety in assessment tasks. The
Elementary and British School are also considering adopting these. Assessment will continue to
be a focus of our curriculum development. In 2012/13 the focus will be assessment and
standardisation practices with 2013/14 focusing on restructuring the reporting process.


STATISTICAL REPORT: TheHeadofSchool again communicated a statistical report detailing the
school‟s academic performance with regards to standardized tests such as the Educational Record
Bureau (ERB) scores; the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT); IB results and results from the Standardised
Assessment Tasks (SATs) and SOSCA for the British School.Thisdocumentalso communicated
student‟s performance in sporting events, participation in Christian Ministry events and student and staff

ATLAS ANALYTICAL TRAINING: As mentioned in the curricula section of this report, training has
been undertaken in the use of Atlas as a mapping tool to analyse the curriculum. Using this tool, the
standards for each curriculum area can be analysed to determine how they are being used to focus
student learning and gather evidence of this learning. This tool allows subject groups to readily
analyse their curriculum to identify trends to aid them in the program reviews.

STUDENT DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: The school has undertaken a process to acquire a
student data management system (SDMS) that integrates with its existing student data system,
Power School. The preferred system being considered is the „Inform‟ system offered through
Pearson. It is planned to implement this system in the 2012/13 academic year. This system will
integrate existing student demographics and achievement results currently contained within Power
School and collate this with standardized results from MAP, ERB, SAT and PSAT, results from IB
Diploma and IGCSE as well as common internal assessment tasks. The ability to compile these
over several years willgive us a clearer indication of trends in subject, grade, class and individual
academic performance. Analysis of such data will assist in identifying and remediating trends
promptly and hence optimize student learning opportunities.


ONE-TO-ONE LAPTOP PROGRAM: The one –to-one laptop program was initiated this year for Gr.
5, 6 and Yr. 6, 7 in the British School. The program was overseen by the newly appointed ET
coordinator and two technology integrationalists. These ET personnel worked closely with the Metiri
Advisory group contracted to implement the program and support teachers in integrating technology
to enhance student learning. They further supported the cohort trained prior to this year‟s
implementation and also trained a new cohort responsible for the expansion of the program to Gr. 8 /
Yr. 9 in 2012/13. With the expansion of the program in 2012/13 two additional personnel have been
appointed to the ET dept.

TECHNOLOGY TRAINING: In addition the ET dept. sourced reputable professionals to develop
skills and awareness in the use of technology in education. These included Jeff Utecht and Susan
Brookes –Young. These presenters worked with teachers and parents to develop a community
understanding of the direction the school is taking with regards to technology. The ET team also
provided regular ongoing optional training for all teachers through-out the year on tools and devices to
support learning. They have also developed podcasts to highlight developments and effective
classroom projects that embraced technology. Where possible school personnel have been sourced
to provide this training for their colleagues with funds being provided to presenters in recognition of
their willingness to share their expertise.

EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY PLAN: As part of the school‟s strategic plan an Educational
Technology Plan has been developed to outline the school‟s developments in technology. This
program is developed until 2016 when it will be revised. A group consisting of the Curriculum
Coordinator; ET/ IT coordinators; parent, board, administrators and teacher representatives worked
for the majority of the year to identify strengths and needs, and develop an action plan covering the
next four years. Information from the MetiriGroup and the International Society for Technology
Education (ISTE) were valuable for research and advice on structures and initiatives to support the
development of this plan.

Goal4:Createacomprehensive,SFS‐ wideProfessionalDevelopmentPlanthatorganizesandex
to be sourced to provide online and onsite training for teachers and advice on further development
encapsulated in the school recently developed Educational technology Plan to promote effective use of
technology to promote learning.

CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT FUNDAMENTALS – With the adoption of standards based
curriculum, training was undertaken to refocus UbD as the school‟s curriculum development model and
Atlas as a curriculum mapping program. These programs form the building blocks for the development of
a dynamic curriculum at SFS.

     1. UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN (UBD) TRAINING. The services of school based UbD
        trainers were accessed to provide a comprehensive training program for a core team of 45
        teachers representing grade and subject levels across the school. The role of these teachers
        was to support their colleagues in using UbD as the basis of their unit planning across the

     2. ATLAS CURRICULUM MAPPING TRAINING.In May ‟12 a Rubicon trainer trained a core team
       of 33 teachers over 2 days in the use of Atlas to develop greater awareness of how this program
       is useful not just in documenting the curriculum but in analyzing and refining it to promote
       curriculum articulation. Again this core team is responsible to support their colleagues in this use
       of Atlas.


 integration;Mathematics,Science,theIGCSEand InternationalBaccalaureate programs, contentand

  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTION PLANNING: In the two whole faculty work days set for
  the year subject areas meet across divisions to develop action plans aimed at addressing school wide
  initiatives as well as identifying their own subject specific initiatives. School-wide initiatives came from
  WASC recommendations and included 1. Curriculum Articulation; 2. Professional development. These
  formed the focus of further meetings throughout the year.

 plan has been developed based on needs identified from administrators and specific subject area needs
 as identified in their action plans. These are offered at a school level with several being opened to
 EARCOS schools.

           o   Aug. 9-13        Math Training to support the new „Math in Focus‟ program K-8 – Dr. Yeap
               (author of the program).
           o Oct. 18-20         Best Practices in Assessment – Bambi Betts –School wide and also
               open to EARCOS schools
           o Oct. 22-26        P.E. Multi-skills Program: 4 day workshop SFS PE staff and also open to
           local schools, 1 day KORCOS workshops. Developing coaching standards
           and movement skills across all ages.
           o Oct 26-27          Brain Gym: Optional - Introduces 26 physical movements to promote cognitive
           o Jan. date TBAMath Training follow-up
           o April 5,6Leadership Training for Middle Managers:Supporting SFS middle
               managers in their leadership responsibilities. School wide. Open to
                                EARCOS schools.

2013/14 – Identified training options. Dates TBA
          o Assessment – Reporting – Bambi Betts – school-wide
          o ESL in the mainstream –VirginaRohas – school-wide
          o Teaching strategies – Dr. Spencer Kagan – school-wide

 Development Google website has been createdto enhance communication of training opportunities. This
 site gives details of workshops available locally, and internationally.

Although we have not been able to make any substantial changes to our governance structure per se, I believe
we are positioning ourselves for improved structure and alignment. Here are the various points of discussion
and change:
   1.    The British Division‟s Governors have agreed with the SFS Board to place British Governor
         representatives on each of our Board standing Committees including the Development Committee and
         the Academic/Personnel Committee. The Fiscal/Property Committee and the Planning Committee
         already had a representative from the Governors.
   2.    The Governors are piloting the viability of their group serving as a standing committee of the SFS
   Board versus a “governance” body. They recognize that they can address many of their concerns in
   that structure. They also understand, rightly so, that they would be more influential in the direction of
   our school while participating in this fashion. This would be a good way of streamlining our school
   3.    The School Board has implemented changes in the way it conducts business which has streamline its
         functions. In the 2011/2012 school year the frequency of meetings was reduced to five full-board
         meetings (from ten full-board meetings). The committee meetings (aside from Fiscal-Property) were
         reduced to four meetings per year/per committee (from ten committee meetings per year). This creates
         a more effective Board governance structure and paves the way for evaluating ways to improve the
         effectiveness of the entire governance structure.

  At this point, there has been no change in the Council or Juridical Person governing groups.


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WASC Progress Report Summary

  • 1. SEOULFOREIGNSCHO OL WASC Annual Update For Seoul Foreign School, 2011‐ 2012 ReportonprogressonGoalsofActionPlan.
  • 2. WASCAnnualUpdate 12 2012 WASCProgressReportforSeoulForeignSchool2011-12 GeneralData Schooladdress HeadofSchool SeoulForeignSchool Dr.JohnEngstrom 55YonhiDong Seodaemun‐ gu Seoul,120‐ 113,SouthKorea Enrollmentfor2011‐ 2012: Telephone:82‐ 2‐ 330‐ 310 BritishSchool 347 0 Facsimile:82‐ 2‐ 332‐ 87 ElementarySchool 459 75 MiddleSchool 252 Website: HighSchool 477 Total: 1535 BriefDescription TypeofSchool SeoulForeignSchool(SFS)wasfoundedin1912byChristianmissionaryparentstoservetheneedsof expatriatechildreninSeoul. In the 2011/12 academic year SFS celebrated th its100 anniversary.Ithascontinuedasanon‐ profit,non‐ denominationalschoolwithadistinctChristianphiloso phy.Theschoolhaswestern‐ styleElementary (K-Gr. 5),Middle Gr. 6-8)andHighSchool divisions (Gr. 9-12) andaBritishSchoolprovidingKeyStages1‐ 3 (K-Yr. 9) Korea‟sfirstinternationalschool,SeoulForeignSchoolbeganwithonefull‐ timeteacher, eighteenstudentsandasingleclassroom.Buildingonitsearlycommitmenttoachallenging educationalprogramprovidedinauniquelynon‐ denominationalChristianenvironment,the schoolhasgrowntobecomethepre‐ eminentschoolinKoreafortheEnglish‐ speakingbusiness anddiplomaticcommunities.TodaySFSisa community‐ oriented,western‐ styleco‐ educational dayschoolservingover1500childrenfrom55nationsinpreschoolthroughtwelfthgrade. SFSislocatedina 25‐ acresettingneartheheartofSeoulandfeaturesmodernfacilitiesthathave beendesignedtosupportstudentlearningincludingthreemediacenter/libraries,anauditorium, fivecomputerlabs,threegymnasiums,a performingartscenter,anartificialturfathleticfield andanindoorswimmingpool. 1
  • 3. WASCAnnualUpdate 2012 Organization/Governing Structure/FinancialBase SeoulForeignSchoolreliesontuitionasitssolesourceofrevenue.Inrecentyearstheschool„sfacilities havebeenbuiltorrefurbishedfrombudgetedcashreserves,andtheschoolhasnotincurredanydebt. InAugust2009,Dr.JohnEngstromtookoverasHeadofSchool.A one‐ yearInterimHeadofSchool,Dr. NancyPrice,servedforthe2008‐ 2009schoolyear,succeedingDr.HarlanLysowholedtheschoolfor almost20years.The schoolhasthreegoverninggroups: a. An11‐ memberBoardofDirectorswhoappointstheHeadofSchoolandsetpolicy. b. TheCouncil,an11‐ membergroupwhoappointstheBoardmembers,approvesthebudget,and actsastheguardiansoftheChristiannatureoftheschool. c. TheJaidan,afive‐ memberbodywhoareconsideredtheregistered“owners”oftheproperties ofSeoulForeignSchool.ThisgroupincludestheHeadofSchool. StudentBody StudentsatSFScomefrom55countriesaroundtheworld.60%ofthestudentpopulationareU.S. passportholders.Ethnically,overhalfofitsstudentsareKorean,althoughthevastmajorityofthese studentsholdU.S.or Canadianpassports.While42%ofthestudentshaveattendedSFSfortwoyearsor less(asistypicalofaninternationalschool),thereisarecenttrendoflonger‐ termenrollment.Currently,27%ofitsst udentshavebeenatSFSfor5 ormoreyears.Fortheschoolyear2011‐ 2012,the studentenrollmenthasbeenabout1535inPre‐ SchoolthroughGrade12. Faculty SFSemploysatotalof186teachingfacultyand39TeachingAssistants.Divisionalstaffconsistsof3 assistant principals, 1 deputy head, 7 counselors,4librarians,a HighSchoolregistrar,anIBDiplomaCoordinator,andapart‐ timeIGCSE Coordinator and HS Athletic Director. In 2012/13 the number of assistant principals will increase to 4 with the addition of this position in the Elementary School. Administration Theschool‟seightadministratorsincludetheHeadofSchool,AssistantHeadofSchool– Operations,AssistantHeadofSchool–Academics,fourdivisionPrincipals,andtheDirectorof CommunicationsandDevelopment. School-wide positions include a Curriculum Coordinator, an IT Director, an Educational Technology Coordinator, two Admissions Directors, anAquaticsDirector, a ChristianMinistriesCoordinator,ActivitiesDirector,HumanResource Director,K‐ 12DramaDirector,DirectorofPerformingArts,SchoolPsychologist, anda SchoolNurse. ClassifiedStaff SFSemploys124classifiedstaff.Membersofitsfullandpart‐ timeclassifiedstaffareemployed acrosstheareasofmaintenance,housingservices,transportation,generalaccounting,secretarial, safetyandotherservicescriticaltothefunctioningofthecampus. Classifiedstaffemployeesarehiredlocally. 2
  • 4. WASCAnnualUpdate 2012 Curricularprogram SeoulForeignSchooliscommittedtoacademicexcellence.Itscollegepreparatorycurriculum,which includestheInternationalBaccalaureateDiplomaprogram, anditsdynamiclearningenvironment, challengesstudentstoachievetheirfullintellectualpotential.Equally,itscommunitycherishesChristian valueswhichencourageitsstudentstodevelopstrongcharacter,liveandworkwithintegrity,and acceptresponsibilityforthemselvesandothers.SFSenrollsstudentsfromallreligiousfaithsand backgrounds,andprovidesanurturingChristianatmosphereofacceptanceandtolerance. TheBritishSchoolusestheUKNationalCurriculum.ThehighschoolofferstheIBDiplomaandInternationalGeneralC ertificateof SecondaryEducation.Asidefromthesetwoprograms,othercurriculumintheschoolis predominantlyAmericaninorigin. These programs are implemented using the inquiry based model embedded within the Understanding by Design curriculum development framework. TheActionPlan TheoriginalActionPlanintheSelf‐ Studywasrevised,submittedtoWASCJune1,2010,andapproved byWASCaspartofa six‐ yeartermof accreditation2010–2016.ThefivemaingoalsoftheAction Planare: Goal1:Create,implement,andregularlyreviewacoherent,accessible,articulated,standards‐ based K‐ 12curriculumtoensureimprovedstudentlearning. Goal2:ImplementsystemsthatanalyzeSFSdatainthecategoriesofstudentlearningand achievement,schoolprogramsandprocesses,perceptions,anddemographics. Goal3:Identifyapproachesthatwillacceleratetheintegrationoftechnologytoimprovelearning. Goal4:Createacomprehensive,SFS‐ wideProfessionalDevelopmentPlanthatorganizesand expandsprofessionalandstaffdevelopmentandalignswithschoolgoals. Goal5:Endeavortostreamlinetheschool’sgovernancestructureswhichincludetheBoard,the Council,theJaidan,andtheGovernors. 3
  • 5. WASCAnnualUpdate 2012 Accomplishmentofeachschool‐ wideactionplansection: Goal1:Create,implement,andregularlyreviewacoherent,accessible,articulated,sta ndards‐ basedK‐ 12curriculumtoensureimprovedstudentlearning. STANDARDS BASED CURRICULUM: Work continues on adopting and implementing a standards based curriculum for the Elementary, Middle, High School sections. The 2011/12 academic yearbuilt on the standards adopted in 2010-11 for the majority of the curriculum and has included: The National Standards for Social Studies for Gr. 4-8, with Foreign Languages, French, Spanish and Korean adopting the UK Modern LanguagesStandards to cover their programs.These standards have been used to devise Korean placement test for students moving into the Middle School Program.Christian Studies have also developed and adopted a comprehensive set of standards across the school. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT FUNDAMENTALS: With the adoption of standards largely completed to cover the courses offered at SFS considerable work was done on refocusing school systems to support the further development of the curriculum. This involved refocusing the use ofthe Understanding by Design (UbD) Curriculum Development Model as the inquiry base for curriculum development and rejuvenation of Atlas Rubicon the school‟s curriculum mapping program to support curriculum development. 1. UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN – INQUIRY BASED DEVELOPMENT MODEL:The services of school based UbD trainers were accessed to provide a comprehensive training program for a core team of 45 teachers representing grade and subject levels across the school. The role of these teachers was to support their colleagues in using UbD as the basis of their unit planning across the school. 2. CURRICULUM MAPPING – ATLAS RUBICON:Atlas Rubicon, the school‟s curriculum mapping program was rejuvenated to further support the UbD Inquiry model. Representatives from Rubicon came to the school to initially work with the curriculum coordinator and assistant coordinator to review and update data in the system. The template was redesigned to include UbD updates and school initiatives. These initiatives included more program specific information for the IB Diploma, IGCSE and the school-wide introduction of the IB Leaner Profile and Trans-disciplinary skills. The latter involved the adoption of skill setswhich supported the development of the IB Learner Profile, the school‟s st ESLRs and skills necessary for the 21 Century. Grade level specific skills based benchmarks are to be developed in 202/13. In May ‟12 Core Team Training occurred in the use of Atlas. This core team of 33 teachers was trained over 2 days in the use of Atlas to develop greater awareness of how this program is useful not just in documenting the curriculum but in analyzing and refining it to promote curriculum articulation. Again this core team is responsible to support their colleagues in this use of Atlas. The Core teams in both cases mentioned above were very supportive of the school‟s administrationdecision to allow this training to occur during the normal daily schedule. 4
  • 6. WASCAnnualUpdate CURRICULUM DOCUMENTATION GOAL:With the adoption of standards based curriculum, 2012 refocusing of UbD as the school‟s curriculum development model and Atlas as a curriculum mapping program, the building blocks for building and documenting the dynamic SFS curriculum have been laid. In 2011/12 all teachers were expected to apply their learning to develop 1 quality unit based on UbD and have it documented in Atlas. The time line for the documentation of the standards based / UbD curriculum has collaboratively been set for June 2015. Each year leading up to this time subject areas will be expected to identify unit planning expectations to meet this deadline. Management structures are in place to monitor progress on these developments. In setting this goal it is also understood that the curriculum is dynamic and will be continually revised as part of the normal teacher planning process and according to the more formal review cycle. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT ACTION PLANNNG: In the two whole faculty work days set for the year subjects areas meetacross divisions to develop action plans aimed at addressing school wide initiatives as well as identifying their own subject specific initiatives. School-wide initiatives came from WASC recommendations and included 1. Curriculum Articulation; 2. Professional development. These formed the focus of further meetings throughout the year. CURRICULUM REVIEW:Curriculum Review continues in-line with the school‟s established curriculum review cycle. 1. MATHEMATICS REVIEW: This year Mathematics progressed through the adoption phase. This entailed development of a vision statementbased on current research and best practices. This statement outlines the values and beliefs about what is to be taught and how it will be taught and how the school mission statement can be implemented in this subject area. These beliefs guided the adoption of programs and resources to support the direction set for the teaching of Mathematics at SFS. At this stage Mathematics is adopting the new „Maths In Focus‟ program K-8. The pedagogical base of this program supported the school‟s focus on a standards based program,the use of manipulatives, a variety of activities and authentic problem solvingto develop a solid conceptual understanding. 2. SCIENCE REVIEW: Science as part of the review process of the curriculum review cycle, has drafted a vision statement for the purposes outlined above. A focus being the use of scientific inquiry to support student learning. Several teachers attended conferences in the US to gain insights into programs available to support this direction. 3. FOREIGN LANGUAGES REVIEW: This is an out-of-cycle review initiated by the HOS. A task force was establish consisting of AHOS- Academics, the curriculum coordinator, IB coordinator, IGCSE coordinator, curriculum leaders for Korea, Spanish & French, the British school principal, and parent representatives from each of the four divisions. The focus of this task force was to: 1. Consider the provision of our current foreign languages courses i.e. should we consider offering more – possibly Mandarin; 2. How effective are the practices and structure of our current foreign languages program in promoting continuity of learning. This task force commenced its task in April and will continue into 2012/13. A language consultant, Greg Duncan has been contracted to work with the task force on this review. WHOLE SCHOOL LANGUAGE POLICY: The school‟s language policy is being revised. The policy recognises that all teachers are language teachers. The policy will state the vision of languages at SFS. Sections within the document will identify philosophy and practices related to: 1 The language of Instruction; 2 Support for the Language of Instruction; 3. Support for the language of the Host country; 4. Provision of Foreign Languages; 5. Professional development. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURES: The work on developing organizational structures to support curriculum development within and across divisions is in progress with clear job descriptions, equity across divisions in expectations and allocations being considered as part of a school wide focus to promote career opportunities within the school as well as curriculum articulation. 5 Transition to a structure to support positions of responsibilityis planned for over the next three years.
  • 7. WASCAnnualUpdate 2012 ASSESSMENT. With the adoption of standards based curriculum a focus this year has been to connect these standards with a variety of assessment tasks. To help guide this practice the high school has developed an assessment policy while the Middle School has been revising their assessment methods. Both these divisions have adopted 5 common types/ Approaches To Assessment (observations, performance / contextual product, designated responses, academic prompts, self assessment). These will be used to guide the development of the assessment tasks and then track these across the divisions to ensure this variety in assessment tasks. The Elementary and British School are also considering adopting these. Assessment will continue to be a focus of our curriculum development. In 2012/13 the focus will be assessment and standardisation practices with 2013/14 focusing on restructuring the reporting process. Goal2:ImplementsystemsthatanalyzeSFSdatainthecategoriesofstudentlearningandachie vement,schoolprogramsandprocesses,perceptions,anddemographics. STATISTICAL REPORT: TheHeadofSchool again communicated a statistical report detailing the school‟s academic performance with regards to standardized tests such as the Educational Record Bureau (ERB) scores; the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT); IB results and results from the Standardised Assessment Tasks (SATs) and SOSCA for the British School.Thisdocumentalso communicated student‟s performance in sporting events, participation in Christian Ministry events and student and staff demographics. ATLAS ANALYTICAL TRAINING: As mentioned in the curricula section of this report, training has been undertaken in the use of Atlas as a mapping tool to analyse the curriculum. Using this tool, the standards for each curriculum area can be analysed to determine how they are being used to focus student learning and gather evidence of this learning. This tool allows subject groups to readily analyse their curriculum to identify trends to aid them in the program reviews. STUDENT DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: The school has undertaken a process to acquire a student data management system (SDMS) that integrates with its existing student data system, Power School. The preferred system being considered is the „Inform‟ system offered through Pearson. It is planned to implement this system in the 2012/13 academic year. This system will integrate existing student demographics and achievement results currently contained within Power School and collate this with standardized results from MAP, ERB, SAT and PSAT, results from IB Diploma and IGCSE as well as common internal assessment tasks. The ability to compile these over several years willgive us a clearer indication of trends in subject, grade, class and individual academic performance. Analysis of such data will assist in identifying and remediating trends promptly and hence optimize student learning opportunities. 6
  • 8. WASCAnnualUpdate 2012 Goal3:Identifyapproachesthatwillacceleratetheintegrationoftechnologytoimprovelearning. ONE-TO-ONE LAPTOP PROGRAM: The one –to-one laptop program was initiated this year for Gr. 5, 6 and Yr. 6, 7 in the British School. The program was overseen by the newly appointed ET coordinator and two technology integrationalists. These ET personnel worked closely with the Metiri Advisory group contracted to implement the program and support teachers in integrating technology to enhance student learning. They further supported the cohort trained prior to this year‟s implementation and also trained a new cohort responsible for the expansion of the program to Gr. 8 / Yr. 9 in 2012/13. With the expansion of the program in 2012/13 two additional personnel have been appointed to the ET dept. TECHNOLOGY TRAINING: In addition the ET dept. sourced reputable professionals to develop skills and awareness in the use of technology in education. These included Jeff Utecht and Susan Brookes –Young. These presenters worked with teachers and parents to develop a community understanding of the direction the school is taking with regards to technology. The ET team also provided regular ongoing optional training for all teachers through-out the year on tools and devices to support learning. They have also developed podcasts to highlight developments and effective classroom projects that embraced technology. Where possible school personnel have been sourced to provide this training for their colleagues with funds being provided to presenters in recognition of their willingness to share their expertise. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY PLAN: As part of the school‟s strategic plan an Educational Technology Plan has been developed to outline the school‟s developments in technology. This program is developed until 2016 when it will be revised. A group consisting of the Curriculum Coordinator; ET/ IT coordinators; parent, board, administrators and teacher representatives worked for the majority of the year to identify strengths and needs, and develop an action plan covering the next four years. Information from the MetiriGroup and the International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) were valuable for research and advice on structures and initiatives to support the development of this plan. Goal4:Createacomprehensive,SFS‐ wideProfessionalDevelopmentPlanthatorganizesandex pandsprofessionalandstaffdevelopmentandalignswithschoolgoals. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY TRAINING: TheMetiriGroup( continued to be sourced to provide online and onsite training for teachers and advice on further development encapsulated in the school recently developed Educational technology Plan to promote effective use of technology to promote learning. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT FUNDAMENTALS – With the adoption of standards based curriculum, training was undertaken to refocus UbD as the school‟s curriculum development model and Atlas as a curriculum mapping program. These programs form the building blocks for the development of a dynamic curriculum at SFS. 1. UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN (UBD) TRAINING. The services of school based UbD trainers were accessed to provide a comprehensive training program for a core team of 45 teachers representing grade and subject levels across the school. The role of these teachers was to support their colleagues in using UbD as the basis of their unit planning across the school. 2. ATLAS CURRICULUM MAPPING TRAINING.In May ‟12 a Rubicon trainer trained a core team of 33 teachers over 2 days in the use of Atlas to develop greater awareness of how this program is useful not just in documenting the curriculum but in analyzing and refining it to promote curriculum articulation. Again this core team is responsible to support their colleagues in this use of Atlas. 7
  • 9. WASCAnnualUpdate SUBJECT SPECIFIC TRAINING: 2012 Smallgroupsofteachersweresponsoredtoattendtrainingorconferenceson:technology integration;Mathematics,Science,theIGCSEand InternationalBaccalaureate programs, contentand assessmentworkshops. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTION PLANNING: In the two whole faculty work days set for the year subject areas meet across divisions to develop action plans aimed at addressing school wide initiatives as well as identifying their own subject specific initiatives. School-wide initiatives came from WASC recommendations and included 1. Curriculum Articulation; 2. Professional development. These formed the focus of further meetings throughout the year. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - FUTURE INITIATIVES:A Professional Development long-term plan has been developed based on needs identified from administrators and specific subject area needs as identified in their action plans. These are offered at a school level with several being opened to EARCOS schools. 2012/13 o Aug. 9-13 Math Training to support the new „Math in Focus‟ program K-8 – Dr. Yeap (author of the program). o Oct. 18-20 Best Practices in Assessment – Bambi Betts –School wide and also open to EARCOS schools o Oct. 22-26 P.E. Multi-skills Program: 4 day workshop SFS PE staff and also open to local schools, 1 day KORCOS workshops. Developing coaching standards and movement skills across all ages. o Oct 26-27 Brain Gym: Optional - Introduces 26 physical movements to promote cognitive Development. o Jan. date TBAMath Training follow-up o April 5,6Leadership Training for Middle Managers:Supporting SFS middle managers in their leadership responsibilities. School wide. Open to EARCOS schools. 2013/14 – Identified training options. Dates TBA o Assessment – Reporting – Bambi Betts – school-wide o ESL in the mainstream –VirginaRohas – school-wide o Teaching strategies – Dr. Spencer Kagan – school-wide PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - SCHOOL BASED WEBSITE. A School Based Professional Development Google website has been createdto enhance communication of training opportunities. This site gives details of workshops available locally, and internationally. 8
  • 10. WASCAnnualUpdate Goal5:Endeavortostreamlinetheschool’sgovernancestructureswhichincludetheBoard,theCo uncil,theJaidan,andtheGovernors. 2012 Although we have not been able to make any substantial changes to our governance structure per se, I believe we are positioning ourselves for improved structure and alignment. Here are the various points of discussion and change: 1. The British Division‟s Governors have agreed with the SFS Board to place British Governor representatives on each of our Board standing Committees including the Development Committee and the Academic/Personnel Committee. The Fiscal/Property Committee and the Planning Committee already had a representative from the Governors. 2. The Governors are piloting the viability of their group serving as a standing committee of the SFS Board versus a “governance” body. They recognize that they can address many of their concerns in that structure. They also understand, rightly so, that they would be more influential in the direction of our school while participating in this fashion. This would be a good way of streamlining our school governance. 3. The School Board has implemented changes in the way it conducts business which has streamline its functions. In the 2011/2012 school year the frequency of meetings was reduced to five full-board meetings (from ten full-board meetings). The committee meetings (aside from Fiscal-Property) were reduced to four meetings per year/per committee (from ten committee meetings per year). This creates a more effective Board governance structure and paves the way for evaluating ways to improve the effectiveness of the entire governance structure. At this point, there has been no change in the Council or Juridical Person governing groups. 9