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Walmart Customer Service Essay
Knowing the store and products is an important part of customer service and Wal–Mart, just like any other retailer, would benefit from an improvement
in their employees' knowledgeability. Knowledge of corporate safety and compliance is also important for a consistent customer service experience.
Wal–Mart's current safety training program is performed by a third party company, Axonify, (Martin, L.). The survey results collected through show that 75% of survey takers had satisfactory, or better, opinions of Wal
–Mart employees' knowledgeability. (Refer Figure 4).
However, Wal–Mart employees have been feeling that Wal–Mart does not value knowledge and experience. A sweeping pay raise has left some more
veteran Wal–Mart more content...
In another construct in Figure 6, 47.17% stated satisfactory results of Wal–Mart's employees being friendly towards customers and increasing their
customer satisfaction. Overall, 50.94% of our 106 respondents claimed their experience with Wal–Mart was satisfactory in Figure 7.
The survey then ended with an open ended suggestion box giving respondents the opportunity to comment and give additional feedback on Wal–Mart's
customer service.
One comment in particular claimed, "Employees need to be trained better at helping customers".
Consequently employees should be better trained on how to approach customers in need. Every customer has a different perspective on shopping so
being able to approach a wide array of customers differently can be an essential asset to have as a Wal–Mart employee.
Due to the undesirable ratings in customer satisfaction, another aspect of Wal–Mart's customer service that should be enhanced is the need more
available employees. The need for improvement in employee availability within the targeted Wal–Mart stores in Ames can be reasoned from both the
on–site observations and the surveys accumulated from about customer
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Literature Review
Part One: Customer Satisfaction
2.1.1Introduction to Customer Satisfaction:
Customer Satisfaction is one of the main topics rises recently. Before years there was a revelation of a customer service to concentrate on customer, to
treat with him in a better way, to please and fulfill his demands of the customer. In order to achieve that, researchers analyzed the customer population
then took random samples and after that generalized the results and came with procedures to treat and please the customers. The first thing is spark in
the satisfaction of the customer concept added to the private sector, later applied to the other sectors.
Customer satisfaction represents a set of business processes touching on all aspects more content...
Cheefy defined it as ' the extent to which a customers' expectations of product quality, service quality, and price are met.'
The reality of Customer Satisfaction is in the eyes of the beholder – the customer. And all about how to meet the expectation of those customers and
even exceeding those expectations.
According to Business Dictionary definition it is 'the degree of satisfaction provided by the good or service of a company as measured by the number of
repeat customers.'
Or it is "the number of customers or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings)
exceeds specified satisfaction goals." (Paul W. and others, 2010).
Customer satisfaction can be experienced in a variety of situations and connected to both goods and services. It is a highly personal assessment that is
greatly affected by customer expectations. Satisfaction also is based on the customer's experience of both contacts with the organization and personal
Some researchers define a satisfied customer within the private sector as "one who receives significant added value" to his/her bottom line–a definition
that may apply just as well to public services. (Cengiz,
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The Nature Of Customer Service Work
Experience The nature of customer service work is such that employers often place a higher value on a candidate 's experience than on formal
education. Data shows that 30 percent of customer service reps have between six and 10 years of experience in the field, while 19 percent have
between 11 and 15 years experience, and 18 percent have been working in customer service for three to five years. About 25 percent of customer
service reps have been in the field for more than 15 years, while only nine percent have less than five years ' experience. These numbers confirm
that experience is valued in customer service rep positions, and once you have established yourself in the field, there are ample opportunities to
continue in a related job for years to come if you so choose. Skills Customer service reps need to have a varied skill set in order to adapt to the
every–changing demands of the job. Here are some of the skills employers look for in prospective reps: Software skills CRM software – Reps may use
customer relationship management (CRM) software to access and log information. Call center software – Phone support is often provided via a
voice–over–IP (VoIP) system, which connects to a call center software solution used by reps to keep a record of each call. Ticketing platform– Email
and chat support is routed through a system that assigns a ticket to each request and then prioritizes and assigns tickets to reps. Social media –
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CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Various literature, thesis, and theories were carefully read and studied by the researchers to
synthesized and relate different scholarly articles, journals, and other reference material to the present study entitled Customers Satisfaction to the
Service of Dasmarinas Water District. These related literature and studies gave concrete foundation to the research. Related Literature Customer
and Service According to Okoli (2007), customer is anyone who approached the provider to satisfy his/her needs while service is the trade
between provider and customer that has the responsibility to create or destroy the organization. In line with service is quality, which depend on the
result of the customers' comparison between expectations about service and perceived performance (Islam, 2011). Service is different from
product, and it is classified into three service dimensions, such as: intangibility, simultaneous delivery and customer participation (Ojo, 2011). For
Proompow (2013), he defined service quality based on its important factors, where he stated that: "The important factors of the service quality form
the word SERVICE. That is 'S' stands for satisfaction, 'E' stands for expectation, 'R' is readiness, 'V' is value, 'I' is Interest, 'C' is courtesy and 'E' is
efficiency." Customer Service From the words customer and service, customer service means going beyond what is expected in doing ordinary way
and adding value and integrity to
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Customer Service Essay
Customer Service
Customer service consists of the various ways in which a business looks after its customer. A business that wants to provide a comprehensive high
quality customer service must be aware of, and be able to analyse, customer needs, and also to set up systems to ensure that those needs are catered for
from the first enquiry to after–sale service. Customer service consists of a wide range of activities. The purpose of these is to make sure that customers
are happy and will return again and again. Every business should remember that customers are the factors, which affect demand for the product. It is
one of the greatest importance, therefore, for the organisation to know its customers– who they are, what more content...
They also to compete with the likes of Bp and Esso by opening up over
250 petrol stations all over the UK.
Sainsbury's was founded by John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury in 1869, they first launched their first Sainsbury store in Dury Lane as a small
dairy store, it quickly became popular because the economic wealth in the area was at an all time low and by the new Sainsbury store offering low
prices it became one of shoppers favorites.
As the stores success grew so did the branches open up on higher class high streets like in Islington and Kentish Town further growing and then
becoming a Public Limited Company (PLC) which now owns over 500 branches across the UK.
Types of Customer
Lordly Customers – Lordly customers like to be treated as special and important. How they are treated is often just as important to them as what they
are buying. They are impatient. They will refuse to wait in lines or queues, even if it means not buying what they want. Their time is valuable. If they
have questions they want them answered right away. They are status conscious and like to be seen as powerful and up to the minute. They do little
research before they buy and often buy on impulse. They treat staff as just there to serve them and have little interest in staffs feelings or problems.
They are not afraid to complain and can do so
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Essay On Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography can be the establishment for an alternate, bigger venture, similar to a Research Paper or a dissertation. Taking a shot at an
annotated bibliography will be able to assist you for making a paper, and it will help you to compose a vastly improved one. When you make an
annotated bibliography, you free up your memory for different things. The clarified reference index will remind how every source can help you bolster
your position. To compose right Annotated Bibliography one ought to have and a lot of scholarly aptitudes, for example, investigation, brief
composition of the information accessible. Structure of an annotated bibliography: Annotated bibliographies can be orchestrated in order or
sequentially. Every more content...
A few custom essay writers make them to help stay informed regarding wellsprings of interest and gather their contemplations about the thing,
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Good or Bad Customer Service Essay
A large part of being a good service provider is ensuring customer convenience.
Study findings show that strong leadership systems focus on customers, motivate employees, and implement their customer service vision. They also
focus great attention on gathering the information needed to track customer satisfaction, and employees overall performance. Customer service should
be designed and delivered seamlessly from the customer's point of view. Customer–driven operations lead to success. Decentralized, uncoordinated
customer service provision makes for a most frustrating experience for customers.
Great food, high–traffic location, and super decor –– all are important to the restaurant business. If you take a close look at more content...
I took my family to our local McDonalds for lunch a week ago (after 1 pm) and waited in line for over 25 minutes with only 4 other customers in
line before us. Of the two cash registers originally open, one lady (unable to read name covered by apron) left without informing the people in line
directly in front of her that she was closing. The assistant manager (I assume since he had no name tag but was wearing a striped shirt (everyone
else was wearing green shirts)) was called to the front 4 times to correct erroneous orders, and finally opened another register. Unfortunately, he
waited on us. We ordered salad shakers that ended up being (at best) warm. He needed to return to the register for each item, and even then had the
order messed up. He literally threw my children's orders of French fries on the tray as well as their burgers. While we were waiting, I watched one
rather slovenly worker (with a large grease stain and cheese on his BACK) throw a "to–go" bag and complain to the people in the back
about being busy. There appeared to be more than enough people working, but planning and management were severely lacking.
I recently visited another McDonalds in my area with my kids and my little cousin, then I have another disappointment. I ordered the kid meal for
him; it came with a toy and a drink with the meal. I asked for milk, which to me is more nutritious than soda. Soda does have gobs of sugar in them,
which is not healthy for any human young or
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Essay on Salon Services
In the hair salon industry there are salon services and retail products that make up the output. Because the services generate most of the salon's business
that is what I will consider as the final output. Possible services include haircuts, hair colors, perms, etc.
There are many things that could affect the supply and demand for these services. People's income is a huge factor. When the economy is down and
people are making less money or don't have jobs, the "extras" like highlights and hairstyles are going to be less in demand. The tastes and preferences
of customers is another thing that impacts the demand for services (Supply and Demand). Perms are no longer in as much demand as they were in the
eighties because people's more content...
Almost 50 percent of workers are self–employed and salons average about 150 weekly visits (Beauty Salons). This is why the hair salon industry is
an example of monopolistic competition. There are salons all over the place and they each offer services that can be differentiated. Market
strategies for hair salons focus on service differentiation (Hair Care). Some salons offer walk in services with no frills for a low price while others
offer appointment only luxury services at a higher price point. The success of the salon's service options relies on the demographics of the area as
well as on the competition. If most salons in the area offer luxury services you might have more success offering value based services.
The week 3 readings helped my understanding of my industry because I read about the different market structures. By learning the different market
structures I was able to decide which structure my industry best fit in. I learned that in monopolistic competition there is free entry and exit of firms
which means that if other firms are making a profit then someone else can open a similar firm offering similar services (Online lectures). Advertising is
also necessary to create consumer awareness. My research in week 3 taught me that differentiation of services is very important in monopolistic
Being a hairstylist and working in the industry has given me insight into how i can help my company's
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Essay about Service Marketing
In an ideal situation, customers would not have to wait for the delivery of products and services. However, in the real world, organizations cannot
always match exact capability and demand; therefore, waiting is frequently inevitable while purchasing, especially in service marketing, as service
firms can barely inventory their "stock" for sale at a later date (Lovelock, 1992, p.154). In general, waiting in lines – known as "queuing", happens
when the number of customers arrive at a facility exceeds the capability of the system to serve them (Lovelock & Wirtz, 2011, p.260). Basically, this
essay will state the relationship between queuing and customer satisfaction, as well as relationship between customer satisfaction more
When the consumer is waiting alone and have nothing to do, especially in an unfamiliar facility, the feeling of boring, uncertain about waiting time,
stress and anxiety will be increasingly enlarged with time passing. Queuing also seems more burdensome if people feel physically uncomfortable.
Moreover, because of a fear of "been forgotten", the senses of "get started" of customers are fervent. It is claimed that the anxiety level is much
higher while waiting to be served than it is while being served, even though the latter queuing will be longer (Lovelock & Wirtz, 2011, p.267; Maister,
Unpleasant waiting experience might accompany with customers go through the whole service process, which could lower the overall evaluation of
service quality easily. Not only the queuing experience, a number of studies also investigated that queuing time in a service organization significantly
influences consumer satisfaction. In general, increasing in waiting time is associated with decreasing in customer satisfaction (Katz, M.Larson &
C.Larson, 1991). The graph (Dube, Renaghan & Miller, 1994) below shows the effect of waiting time on customer satisfaction in restaurant industry,
and suggests that most consumers do not satisfied if the waiting time is longer than 8 minutes. In addition, another study (Jones & Dent, 1994)
examined that 70% of respondents considered waiting time as a major
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Customs and courtesies Essay
US Army Customs and Courtesies A custom is a social norm stemming from tradition and enforced as an unwritten law. A courtesy is a respectful
behavior often linked to a custom. A military courtesy is such behavior extended to a person or thing that honors them in some way. Military customs
and courtesies define the profession of arms. When you display military customs and courtesies in various situations, you demonstrate to yourself and
others your commitment to duty, honor, and country. And your professionalism and pride. As a new soldier and future Army leader, you must
recognize that military customs and courtesies are your constant means of showing that the standard of conduct for officers and Soldiers is high and more content...
PARADE REST: Like "Attention", Parade Rest is a form of respect given to NCOs by those junior in rank. When a Senior NCO enters an area of
junior enlisted soldiers or cadets, the room is called to "at ease". All personnelshould immediately go to the position of "stand at–ease" until told to
"carry–on". Likewise, when speaking to an NCO, soldiers junior in rank or cadets, will maintain the position of "parade rest" until instructed to "stand
at ease", "at ease", or "rest"/relax. Things you should never do or say: Never criticize the Army or a leader in public. Never go "over the heads" of
superiors–don't jump the chain of command. Never offer excuses. Never "wear" a superior's rank by saying something like, "the first sergeant
wants this done now," when in fact the first sergeant said no such thing. Speak with your own voice. Never turn and walk away to avoid giving the
hand salute. Never run indoors or pretend you don't hear (while driving, for example) to avoid standing reveille or retreat. Never appear in uniform
while under the influence of alcohol. If you don't know the answer to a superior's question, you will never go wrong with the response, "I don't know
sir, but I'll find
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What Makes Your Product Or Service? Essay
Are you ready for the future, but not the capital to buy a company or open a shop, consider starting an online business. When you shop online, you can
reach millions of customers but who happened to walk – you do not have to pay retail space. However, as with any business, you need a solid product
in a new market. See step 1 to learn what it takes to offer money online. Setting up your business Describe your product or service. Starting an online
business that gives you the value that comes with millions of customers, and a lot more competition. But it 's what you 're trying to sell, you can and
in hundreds of other online retailers such ideas. The difference your product from other similar products? To help your products stand apart from the
others, you will need to find a niche. Let 's say you and a few million more. What makes you different? If the one–of–a–kind ornaments (or other
products) gig, make sure that it is really the first. She expertise in the area. Even if the product itself is quite unique, the experience can be a strong
selling point. If you are selling a line of skincare products, for example, it helps if you have a degree in a related field. Check out the contest. Figure
out what is already being offered, and find a way to fill the hole in your product. The name of your business. Your business needs to be registered in
the book as state laws. Choose a business name and fill out tiresome paperwork your business. Before you register your business, it
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Importance of customer service
IntroductionNowadays, many medium sized service companies have appeared in our market society. What factors have led them to success? Of
course, the most important one is doing as best as they can on customer service. Customer service is not only a quick table wipe and a glass of ice
water. There are many mechanisms to control it. In this essay, I am going to describe the importance ofcustomer service, and then I am going to talk
about how customer service works in the system. Follow that I want to focus on the analysis on how to use this method to make companies to achieve
success. Finally, I will illustrate what is my feeling in EIBT, what is its strengths and ways to improve.
Importance of customer serviceThe meaning of more content...
However, implement of an improvement project be planned, but internal resources are not sufficient or capable of managing the change, the
appointment on a fixed term contract of a consultant or interim manger may be a desirable option. Change can be implemented with less interruption
on staff conducting their normal duties. Changes should be consisted completely.
Successful serviceA successful service must have a pleasant environment. The most important factors are friendly and well–groomed staff and
informed staff with helpful supervisors. Otherwise, it should have willing assistance, speed of delivery and politeness.
Customer valueThere are four types of customer value. First one is basic service. It is the very basic services or products offered to customers. The
next stage is expected service which is customers expected what the service looks like. Then, desired service which means it will have some add
value for customers. The final part is unexpected service. Once customers become used to superior levels of service, they may expect something more
or different. Thus it is necessary to find ways of giving the customer a different and better service that give unanticipated value.
ConclusionCustomer service plays an important role in business world to allow them to achieve their success in the market. Customer service involves
a complicated process, in which it needs to be thoroughly planned to be
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Military Customs and Courtesy Essay
Today's Army in an extremely nostalgic organization with a copious amount traditions and has about a million different methods of conducting its
business. Some are old and some are new, but possibly the oldest one that has been around since before the Army was officially established and still
lives today is the Army's rules, regulations and policies on customs and courtesies. In this form of a remedial block of instruction given to me, due to
what I believe to be false targeting, I am to explain the Army's customs and courtesies and their importance. Customs and Courtesies are among the
main fundamentals of military life, the other being the Seven Army Values, upon which Soldiers are expected to live and rely upon both on and off duty. more content...
A leader unwilling to sacrifice individual goals for the good of the unit cannot convince other unit members to do so. The mission suffers with
potentially devastating effects. While personal goals often coincide with Army goals, there is no room for personal agendas at the expense of the
institution or the American people. It is a standard in the hierarchy of military customs and courtesies that the leader must display to his subordinates
that he is willing to put in extra effort, sacrifice personal time, and show initiative and motivation in order to achieve the same from his Soldiers.
Tardiness is not tolerated in the military. It reflects inattention to duty. In addition to being extremely impolite, on active duty, it is punishable under
the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Never keep a senior officer waiting because of your forgetfulness or lack of planning. If an unexpected event
delays you, call ahead and give an explanation. The same rule applies to appointments and meetings you have arranged with subordinates. Don't keep
them waiting. If your subordinates think of you as a "latecomer," you have not set a good example for them. In today's society, some people resign
themselves to just getting by. Because we've been entrusted with our nation's security and a good portion of the national treasury –– because our
mission often involves the risk of human life and sometimes national survival
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Abstract The following essay explores the quality of customer service at the Marriott Hotel and Resort brands. This essay will introduce the
definition of quality customer service, followed by the key players involved. Furthermore, the Marriott's strategies for enhancing quality customer
service and the results and competitive advantage will be discussed. Going forward, this essay will make use of the present term "Customer Care" in
replacement of the outdated term "Customer Service". Also, to clear the term "product" from any misconception, it will take on the proper meaning of
goods, services, or ideas. The main goal of this essay is to provide a basic interpretation of the Marriott's core values and prove how these have affected
their position in the global hospitality industry. It is also the author's intention that her understanding of the concept of Customer Care be seen
throughout the content of the paper. Excellent Quality Customer Care: The Marriott Way The Marriott Hotel and Resort has grown into a massive
company over its 80+ years of operations. This multi–billion dollar empire chaired by J.W. "Bill" Marriott Jr. (here on referred to as Bill Marriott Jr.)
has the broadest portfolio of brands in the industry (just over 18) and many franchise partners. Each hotel and resort under the Marriott's umbrella has
consistently provided excellent quality service to their guests. The company innovatively distinguishes its Customer Care model from its competitors by
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Customer Service Essay examples
Companies are misguided nowadays by the notion that customers depend on them, when the truth of the matter is that companies are dependent on
those customers. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is now essential for a business or company to survive. So what is the difference between
customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and how to companies and or business achieve this? Also when you have difficult customers how do you
achieve customer satisfaction?
It's essential that companies or businesses today listen to their customers. No company or business today can afford to disregard the importance of
customer satisfaction and loyalty. Aren't they the same thing? No, they are absolutely not and they are more content...
Customer loyalty is much harder to obtain that customer service satisfaction. The most important first step is to satisfy the customer by meeting their
expectations. Customers only give a company one chance and if they aren't satisfied they will not do business with that company again, as well as tell
others of their experience. The next step would be to exceed the customer's expectations. If a business goes above and beyond to assist the customer
they begin to build loyalty. The next step is to truly surprise the customer. In order to dominate the marketplace the company must find a way to make
them selves stand out with their product or service, accompanied with phenomenal customer service. Once this has been done customer satisfaction
and loyalty will be gained. "Acquiring a new customer can cost four or five times more than keeping a current customer" (Bestmark, 2013). So it's
essential to keep the current customer's happy and coming back for more.
Some of the ways that businesses can build loyalty would be by offering loyalty programs, Interacting with customers, surveys, creating institutional
ties, and personalized marketing. Another way to build loyalty is to treat your employees so well that they treat your customers well. If you have
happy employees they will treat your customers happy. "The link between satisfaction and loyalty however is not proportional" (Kotler, Keller, 2009,
p71), so businesses must
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Customer Satisfaction And Service Quality Essay
Customer satisfaction and service quality are the two important components that direct anyone's attention in every concept related to marketing,
services, etc. (Spreng and Mackoy, 2006). In today's competitive era, the success lies in delivering quality services related to the industry which further
leads to rise in the level of satisfaction (Shemwell, Yavas and Bilgin, 2012). Therefore, service quality and customer satisfaction are the most important
topic for research in today's era so that every organisation in the market retains and satisfies their customers via an improvement of service quality
(Gilbert and Veloutsou, 2006). So, the research question is explained below:
What is the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality with reference to Stamford Plaza, Auckland?
The objectives of the research question are as follows:
To examine the service quality dimensions that perceived by the customers.
To investigate the characteristics of the relationship between the customer satisfaction and the service quality.
3.1 Service Quality
Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985) expressed service quality as the result of evaluation between expectation of the services and what is
perceived as an outcome to be received by the customer. According to one of the marketing study which emphasise on service quality in
accommodation sector and further divided into two kinds i.e.
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Essay on Customer Service
October 31, 2010
Unit 10: Reflection Writing Assignment
1. The key concepts and topics in this course that have made me a stronger candidate to continue in the business world would be what I have learned
from the units dealing with:
Diversity, Customer Behavior, Customer Loyalty, and Exceptional Service:
I have learned that customer comments, good or bad should always be taken into consideration, addressed and handled appropriately. Comments can
provide insight to the thought process of the customer and it could help improve not only the customer service department but the product as well. The
success of a company relies on the customer. Relationship Building and Solving Customer Problems:
Satisfied customers more content...
Customer service representatives (CSRs) play a big role in keeping, and bringing customers to a business. That is why it is essential to train customer
service representatives in effective communications styles and skills because they are the liaison between the customer and the business. The CSR's
communication skills can impact the decision of a customer's loyalty and the right communication style can be helpful in avoiding conflicts.
Communication styles are methods in which a particular individual converses with another individual. Great service requires effective communication
styles, and skills. Having a combination of these elements will guarantee that the right message is conveyed in a way that ensures the customer
receives and understands it correctly and as intended. 2. Discuss how this course has affected you in your professional development as a student and
as a person as well as encouraging you on your academic path.
This was a very beneficial, educational and informative class. I have chosen the legal
field, more specifically, paralegal studies. I currently work for a bankruptcy law firm and I have learned a great deal since I have been employed there.
I have 30 plus years work experience and a great work ethic. With what I have learned in this class, my work ethic, and common sense, I believe I will
be successful as a paralegal. I have learned the importance of
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Improving Customer Service Essay example
Improving Customer Service
There are many methods in Asda can improve there Customer service. Nowadays every Supermarket has there own way of saying Thank you to the
customer this then shows the customer that they are respected and the are wanted back and they are welcome to shop at your supermarket as long as
they like.
Here are some of the methods that can be used to improve the Customer service at Asda:
1. Free Gifts
2. Loyalty Cards
3. BOG OF (Buy One Get One Free)
4. Special Offers
5. Reward Schemes
6. Improve facilities
7. Make it a friendly Atmosphere
Free Gifts ==========
Free Gifts attracts many customers but it can be very expensive, more content...
If customers feel they may like the offers then they will tell other people who live around them to come and see what is on offer.
Special Offers ==============
Special Offers attract many customers and they can prove to be the talking point around the Asda area. Special Offers attract customers who shop at
supermarkets like Tesco's and Sainsbury's there competitors and by Asda doing Special Offers they are gaining more publicity.
Reward Schemes ==============
Reward Schemes can be mixed in with the loyalty cards but they are more likely to be bonuses, this is because reward schemes are like an extra thing
to have, something that you have been given, this could be due to the fact your loyalty to the store. Schemes could include sending vouchers to
amusement parks and discounts on in store products this will make the customer happy as they are receiving rewards for shopping at Asda.
Improve Facilities ==================
By Asda improving facilities they could gain much more customers. If Asda were to update the toiletry facilities and disabled facilities they could
really gain more and more customers. All this will prove costly and it will take a lot of time and effort, but the benefits are there will be more
customers and much more facilities. For example there could an
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Importance of Customer Service Essay example
Importance of Customer Service
Today's organizations fail to realize the value of their customers when it comes to the success of their business. Without customer loyalty the success of
your business will always be uncertain. Organizations must sensitively tailor the designs of a successful firm to the particular challenges of
understanding, attracting, and keeping valuable customers. "Having satisfied customers just aren't good enough". Kenneth Blanchard and Sheldon
Bowles, co–authors of Raving Fans, believe this concept is needed to have a successful business. I agree with this concept of customers being the
focal point of any business. I would want more than just a satisfied customer; I want a "Raving Fan" more content...
Discover What the Customer Wants
After creating your vision, try to discover what the customer wants or what their vision is. The customer will focus on just one or two things and it
will be up to you to fill in the gap with your vision. You will then pick and choose which ideas you want to use to complete or build up your vision.
Not every idea of the customer will be used or has to be used. Some ideas may not be feasible or even applicable to what you have envisioned.
Deliver the Vision Plus One Percent
This is where the vision becomes reality; make it happen just as you envisioned it. Work out the bugs and keep doing what ever it takes to make this
vision come alive. Start out with something small that you know you can maintain and be consistent with it. Once you have mastered that idea, add to
it, make it better by just one percent. Continue to do this with each new idea, always producing better ideas by one percent. This way the customer is
not promised something that you will not deliver and you're not promising something too big or complex to consistently follow through with.
Consistency is critical; it creates credibility.
I have always believed customers are the focal point of any business. I found that having satisfied customers does not mean you are doing a good job.
It may mean the customers are satisfied because their expectations are so low and there is no one else doing any better. Having
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Walmart Customer Service Essay

  • 1. Walmart Customer Service Essay Knowing the store and products is an important part of customer service and Wal–Mart, just like any other retailer, would benefit from an improvement in their employees' knowledgeability. Knowledge of corporate safety and compliance is also important for a consistent customer service experience. Wal–Mart's current safety training program is performed by a third party company, Axonify, (Martin, L.). The survey results collected through show that 75% of survey takers had satisfactory, or better, opinions of Wal –Mart employees' knowledgeability. (Refer Figure 4). However, Wal–Mart employees have been feeling that Wal–Mart does not value knowledge and experience. A sweeping pay raise has left some more veteran Wal–Mart more content... In another construct in Figure 6, 47.17% stated satisfactory results of Wal–Mart's employees being friendly towards customers and increasing their customer satisfaction. Overall, 50.94% of our 106 respondents claimed their experience with Wal–Mart was satisfactory in Figure 7. The survey then ended with an open ended suggestion box giving respondents the opportunity to comment and give additional feedback on Wal–Mart's customer service. One comment in particular claimed, "Employees need to be trained better at helping customers". Consequently employees should be better trained on how to approach customers in need. Every customer has a different perspective on shopping so being able to approach a wide array of customers differently can be an essential asset to have as a Wal–Mart employee. Availability Due to the undesirable ratings in customer satisfaction, another aspect of Wal–Mart's customer service that should be enhanced is the need more available employees. The need for improvement in employee availability within the targeted Wal–Mart stores in Ames can be reasoned from both the on–site observations and the surveys accumulated from about customer Get more content on
  • 2. Literature Review Part One: Customer Satisfaction 2.1.1Introduction to Customer Satisfaction: Customer Satisfaction is one of the main topics rises recently. Before years there was a revelation of a customer service to concentrate on customer, to treat with him in a better way, to please and fulfill his demands of the customer. In order to achieve that, researchers analyzed the customer population then took random samples and after that generalized the results and came with procedures to treat and please the customers. The first thing is spark in the satisfaction of the customer concept added to the private sector, later applied to the other sectors. Customer satisfaction represents a set of business processes touching on all aspects more content... Cheefy defined it as ' the extent to which a customers' expectations of product quality, service quality, and price are met.' The reality of Customer Satisfaction is in the eyes of the beholder – the customer. And all about how to meet the expectation of those customers and even exceeding those expectations. According to Business Dictionary definition it is 'the degree of satisfaction provided by the good or service of a company as measured by the number of repeat customers.' Or it is "the number of customers or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals." (Paul W. and others, 2010). Customer satisfaction can be experienced in a variety of situations and connected to both goods and services. It is a highly personal assessment that is greatly affected by customer expectations. Satisfaction also is based on the customer's experience of both contacts with the organization and personal outcomes. Some researchers define a satisfied customer within the private sector as "one who receives significant added value" to his/her bottom line–a definition that may apply just as well to public services. (Cengiz, Get more content on
  • 3. The Nature Of Customer Service Work Experience The nature of customer service work is such that employers often place a higher value on a candidate 's experience than on formal education. Data shows that 30 percent of customer service reps have between six and 10 years of experience in the field, while 19 percent have between 11 and 15 years experience, and 18 percent have been working in customer service for three to five years. About 25 percent of customer service reps have been in the field for more than 15 years, while only nine percent have less than five years ' experience. These numbers confirm that experience is valued in customer service rep positions, and once you have established yourself in the field, there are ample opportunities to continue in a related job for years to come if you so choose. Skills Customer service reps need to have a varied skill set in order to adapt to the every–changing demands of the job. Here are some of the skills employers look for in prospective reps: Software skills CRM software – Reps may use customer relationship management (CRM) software to access and log information. Call center software – Phone support is often provided via a voice–over–IP (VoIP) system, which connects to a call center software solution used by reps to keep a record of each call. Ticketing platform– Email and chat support is routed through a system that assigns a ticket to each request and then prioritizes and assigns tickets to reps. Social media – Get more content on
  • 4. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Various literature, thesis, and theories were carefully read and studied by the researchers to synthesized and relate different scholarly articles, journals, and other reference material to the present study entitled Customers Satisfaction to the Service of Dasmarinas Water District. These related literature and studies gave concrete foundation to the research. Related Literature Customer and Service According to Okoli (2007), customer is anyone who approached the provider to satisfy his/her needs while service is the trade between provider and customer that has the responsibility to create or destroy the organization. In line with service is quality, which depend on the result of the customers' comparison between expectations about service and perceived performance (Islam, 2011). Service is different from product, and it is classified into three service dimensions, such as: intangibility, simultaneous delivery and customer participation (Ojo, 2011). For Proompow (2013), he defined service quality based on its important factors, where he stated that: "The important factors of the service quality form the word SERVICE. That is 'S' stands for satisfaction, 'E' stands for expectation, 'R' is readiness, 'V' is value, 'I' is Interest, 'C' is courtesy and 'E' is efficiency." Customer Service From the words customer and service, customer service means going beyond what is expected in doing ordinary way and adding value and integrity to Get more content on
  • 5. Customer Service Essay Customer Service Customer service consists of the various ways in which a business looks after its customer. A business that wants to provide a comprehensive high quality customer service must be aware of, and be able to analyse, customer needs, and also to set up systems to ensure that those needs are catered for from the first enquiry to after–sale service. Customer service consists of a wide range of activities. The purpose of these is to make sure that customers are happy and will return again and again. Every business should remember that customers are the factors, which affect demand for the product. It is one of the greatest importance, therefore, for the organisation to know its customers– who they are, what more content... They also to compete with the likes of Bp and Esso by opening up over 250 petrol stations all over the UK. Sainsbury's was founded by John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury in 1869, they first launched their first Sainsbury store in Dury Lane as a small dairy store, it quickly became popular because the economic wealth in the area was at an all time low and by the new Sainsbury store offering low prices it became one of shoppers favorites. As the stores success grew so did the branches open up on higher class high streets like in Islington and Kentish Town further growing and then becoming a Public Limited Company (PLC) which now owns over 500 branches across the UK. Types of Customer Lordly Customers – Lordly customers like to be treated as special and important. How they are treated is often just as important to them as what they are buying. They are impatient. They will refuse to wait in lines or queues, even if it means not buying what they want. Their time is valuable. If they have questions they want them answered right away. They are status conscious and like to be seen as powerful and up to the minute. They do little research before they buy and often buy on impulse. They treat staff as just there to serve them and have little interest in staffs feelings or problems. They are not afraid to complain and can do so
  • 6. Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Annotated Bibliography An annotated bibliography can be the establishment for an alternate, bigger venture, similar to a Research Paper or a dissertation. Taking a shot at an annotated bibliography will be able to assist you for making a paper, and it will help you to compose a vastly improved one. When you make an annotated bibliography, you free up your memory for different things. The clarified reference index will remind how every source can help you bolster your position. To compose right Annotated Bibliography one ought to have and a lot of scholarly aptitudes, for example, investigation, brief composition of the information accessible. Structure of an annotated bibliography: Annotated bibliographies can be orchestrated in order or sequentially. Every more content... A few custom essay writers make them to help stay informed regarding wellsprings of interest and gather their contemplations about the thing, frequently as an antecedent to composing an article or book. Annotated bibliographies are frequently shared or distributed as a method for social occasion the most pertinent sources around an issue in one spot and imparting the data to others. Readers utilize the annotations to help them choose whether or not a source merits seeking after; so it is critical that the annotation be precise and useful. Searching for the assistance of the expert author to set up the best Annotated Bibliography? It is unnecessarily for you to look further and proceed with your pursuit. Our custom essay services online is the best administration for composing the abnormal state scholastic papers for the students all through the world. You can likewise utilize your reference works to create your list of sources in my essay, same day essay. You can select the freelance authors who have the ability to fabricate your portfolio by discovering web setting so as to come work, deal with your business fitting rates for your work, and comprehend your assessment commitments as an independently employed independent Get more content on
  • 8. Good or Bad Customer Service Essay A large part of being a good service provider is ensuring customer convenience. Study findings show that strong leadership systems focus on customers, motivate employees, and implement their customer service vision. They also focus great attention on gathering the information needed to track customer satisfaction, and employees overall performance. Customer service should be designed and delivered seamlessly from the customer's point of view. Customer–driven operations lead to success. Decentralized, uncoordinated customer service provision makes for a most frustrating experience for customers. Great food, high–traffic location, and super decor –– all are important to the restaurant business. If you take a close look at more content... I took my family to our local McDonalds for lunch a week ago (after 1 pm) and waited in line for over 25 minutes with only 4 other customers in line before us. Of the two cash registers originally open, one lady (unable to read name covered by apron) left without informing the people in line directly in front of her that she was closing. The assistant manager (I assume since he had no name tag but was wearing a striped shirt (everyone else was wearing green shirts)) was called to the front 4 times to correct erroneous orders, and finally opened another register. Unfortunately, he waited on us. We ordered salad shakers that ended up being (at best) warm. He needed to return to the register for each item, and even then had the order messed up. He literally threw my children's orders of French fries on the tray as well as their burgers. While we were waiting, I watched one rather slovenly worker (with a large grease stain and cheese on his BACK) throw a "to–go" bag and complain to the people in the back about being busy. There appeared to be more than enough people working, but planning and management were severely lacking. I recently visited another McDonalds in my area with my kids and my little cousin, then I have another disappointment. I ordered the kid meal for him; it came with a toy and a drink with the meal. I asked for milk, which to me is more nutritious than soda. Soda does have gobs of sugar in them, which is not healthy for any human young or Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Salon Services In the hair salon industry there are salon services and retail products that make up the output. Because the services generate most of the salon's business that is what I will consider as the final output. Possible services include haircuts, hair colors, perms, etc. There are many things that could affect the supply and demand for these services. People's income is a huge factor. When the economy is down and people are making less money or don't have jobs, the "extras" like highlights and hairstyles are going to be less in demand. The tastes and preferences of customers is another thing that impacts the demand for services (Supply and Demand). Perms are no longer in as much demand as they were in the eighties because people's more content... Almost 50 percent of workers are self–employed and salons average about 150 weekly visits (Beauty Salons). This is why the hair salon industry is an example of monopolistic competition. There are salons all over the place and they each offer services that can be differentiated. Market strategies for hair salons focus on service differentiation (Hair Care). Some salons offer walk in services with no frills for a low price while others offer appointment only luxury services at a higher price point. The success of the salon's service options relies on the demographics of the area as well as on the competition. If most salons in the area offer luxury services you might have more success offering value based services. The week 3 readings helped my understanding of my industry because I read about the different market structures. By learning the different market structures I was able to decide which structure my industry best fit in. I learned that in monopolistic competition there is free entry and exit of firms which means that if other firms are making a profit then someone else can open a similar firm offering similar services (Online lectures). Advertising is also necessary to create consumer awareness. My research in week 3 taught me that differentiation of services is very important in monopolistic competition. Being a hairstylist and working in the industry has given me insight into how i can help my company's Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about Service Marketing Introduction In an ideal situation, customers would not have to wait for the delivery of products and services. However, in the real world, organizations cannot always match exact capability and demand; therefore, waiting is frequently inevitable while purchasing, especially in service marketing, as service firms can barely inventory their "stock" for sale at a later date (Lovelock, 1992, p.154). In general, waiting in lines – known as "queuing", happens when the number of customers arrive at a facility exceeds the capability of the system to serve them (Lovelock & Wirtz, 2011, p.260). Basically, this essay will state the relationship between queuing and customer satisfaction, as well as relationship between customer satisfaction more content... When the consumer is waiting alone and have nothing to do, especially in an unfamiliar facility, the feeling of boring, uncertain about waiting time, stress and anxiety will be increasingly enlarged with time passing. Queuing also seems more burdensome if people feel physically uncomfortable. Moreover, because of a fear of "been forgotten", the senses of "get started" of customers are fervent. It is claimed that the anxiety level is much higher while waiting to be served than it is while being served, even though the latter queuing will be longer (Lovelock & Wirtz, 2011, p.267; Maister, 1985). Unpleasant waiting experience might accompany with customers go through the whole service process, which could lower the overall evaluation of service quality easily. Not only the queuing experience, a number of studies also investigated that queuing time in a service organization significantly influences consumer satisfaction. In general, increasing in waiting time is associated with decreasing in customer satisfaction (Katz, M.Larson & C.Larson, 1991). The graph (Dube, Renaghan & Miller, 1994) below shows the effect of waiting time on customer satisfaction in restaurant industry, and suggests that most consumers do not satisfied if the waiting time is longer than 8 minutes. In addition, another study (Jones & Dent, 1994) examined that 70% of respondents considered waiting time as a major Get more content on
  • 11. Customs and courtesies Essay US Army Customs and Courtesies A custom is a social norm stemming from tradition and enforced as an unwritten law. A courtesy is a respectful behavior often linked to a custom. A military courtesy is such behavior extended to a person or thing that honors them in some way. Military customs and courtesies define the profession of arms. When you display military customs and courtesies in various situations, you demonstrate to yourself and others your commitment to duty, honor, and country. And your professionalism and pride. As a new soldier and future Army leader, you must recognize that military customs and courtesies are your constant means of showing that the standard of conduct for officers and Soldiers is high and more content... PARADE REST: Like "Attention", Parade Rest is a form of respect given to NCOs by those junior in rank. When a Senior NCO enters an area of junior enlisted soldiers or cadets, the room is called to "at ease". All personnelshould immediately go to the position of "stand at–ease" until told to "carry–on". Likewise, when speaking to an NCO, soldiers junior in rank or cadets, will maintain the position of "parade rest" until instructed to "stand at ease", "at ease", or "rest"/relax. Things you should never do or say: Never criticize the Army or a leader in public. Never go "over the heads" of superiors–don't jump the chain of command. Never offer excuses. Never "wear" a superior's rank by saying something like, "the first sergeant wants this done now," when in fact the first sergeant said no such thing. Speak with your own voice. Never turn and walk away to avoid giving the hand salute. Never run indoors or pretend you don't hear (while driving, for example) to avoid standing reveille or retreat. Never appear in uniform while under the influence of alcohol. If you don't know the answer to a superior's question, you will never go wrong with the response, "I don't know sir, but I'll find Get more content on
  • 12. What Makes Your Product Or Service? Essay Are you ready for the future, but not the capital to buy a company or open a shop, consider starting an online business. When you shop online, you can reach millions of customers but who happened to walk – you do not have to pay retail space. However, as with any business, you need a solid product in a new market. See step 1 to learn what it takes to offer money online. Setting up your business Describe your product or service. Starting an online business that gives you the value that comes with millions of customers, and a lot more competition. But it 's what you 're trying to sell, you can and in hundreds of other online retailers such ideas. The difference your product from other similar products? To help your products stand apart from the others, you will need to find a niche. Let 's say you and a few million more. What makes you different? If the one–of–a–kind ornaments (or other products) gig, make sure that it is really the first. She expertise in the area. Even if the product itself is quite unique, the experience can be a strong selling point. If you are selling a line of skincare products, for example, it helps if you have a degree in a related field. Check out the contest. Figure out what is already being offered, and find a way to fill the hole in your product. The name of your business. Your business needs to be registered in the book as state laws. Choose a business name and fill out tiresome paperwork your business. Before you register your business, it Get more content on
  • 13. Importance of customer service IntroductionNowadays, many medium sized service companies have appeared in our market society. What factors have led them to success? Of course, the most important one is doing as best as they can on customer service. Customer service is not only a quick table wipe and a glass of ice water. There are many mechanisms to control it. In this essay, I am going to describe the importance ofcustomer service, and then I am going to talk about how customer service works in the system. Follow that I want to focus on the analysis on how to use this method to make companies to achieve success. Finally, I will illustrate what is my feeling in EIBT, what is its strengths and ways to improve. Importance of customer serviceThe meaning of more content... However, implement of an improvement project be planned, but internal resources are not sufficient or capable of managing the change, the appointment on a fixed term contract of a consultant or interim manger may be a desirable option. Change can be implemented with less interruption on staff conducting their normal duties. Changes should be consisted completely. Successful serviceA successful service must have a pleasant environment. The most important factors are friendly and well–groomed staff and informed staff with helpful supervisors. Otherwise, it should have willing assistance, speed of delivery and politeness. Customer valueThere are four types of customer value. First one is basic service. It is the very basic services or products offered to customers. The next stage is expected service which is customers expected what the service looks like. Then, desired service which means it will have some add value for customers. The final part is unexpected service. Once customers become used to superior levels of service, they may expect something more or different. Thus it is necessary to find ways of giving the customer a different and better service that give unanticipated value. ConclusionCustomer service plays an important role in business world to allow them to achieve their success in the market. Customer service involves a complicated process, in which it needs to be thoroughly planned to be Get more content on
  • 14. Military Customs and Courtesy Essay Today's Army in an extremely nostalgic organization with a copious amount traditions and has about a million different methods of conducting its business. Some are old and some are new, but possibly the oldest one that has been around since before the Army was officially established and still lives today is the Army's rules, regulations and policies on customs and courtesies. In this form of a remedial block of instruction given to me, due to what I believe to be false targeting, I am to explain the Army's customs and courtesies and their importance. Customs and Courtesies are among the main fundamentals of military life, the other being the Seven Army Values, upon which Soldiers are expected to live and rely upon both on and off duty. more content... A leader unwilling to sacrifice individual goals for the good of the unit cannot convince other unit members to do so. The mission suffers with potentially devastating effects. While personal goals often coincide with Army goals, there is no room for personal agendas at the expense of the institution or the American people. It is a standard in the hierarchy of military customs and courtesies that the leader must display to his subordinates that he is willing to put in extra effort, sacrifice personal time, and show initiative and motivation in order to achieve the same from his Soldiers. Tardiness is not tolerated in the military. It reflects inattention to duty. In addition to being extremely impolite, on active duty, it is punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Never keep a senior officer waiting because of your forgetfulness or lack of planning. If an unexpected event delays you, call ahead and give an explanation. The same rule applies to appointments and meetings you have arranged with subordinates. Don't keep them waiting. If your subordinates think of you as a "latecomer," you have not set a good example for them. In today's society, some people resign themselves to just getting by. Because we've been entrusted with our nation's security and a good portion of the national treasury –– because our mission often involves the risk of human life and sometimes national survival Get more content on
  • 15. Abstract The following essay explores the quality of customer service at the Marriott Hotel and Resort brands. This essay will introduce the definition of quality customer service, followed by the key players involved. Furthermore, the Marriott's strategies for enhancing quality customer service and the results and competitive advantage will be discussed. Going forward, this essay will make use of the present term "Customer Care" in replacement of the outdated term "Customer Service". Also, to clear the term "product" from any misconception, it will take on the proper meaning of goods, services, or ideas. The main goal of this essay is to provide a basic interpretation of the Marriott's core values and prove how these have affected their position in the global hospitality industry. It is also the author's intention that her understanding of the concept of Customer Care be seen throughout the content of the paper. Excellent Quality Customer Care: The Marriott Way The Marriott Hotel and Resort has grown into a massive company over its 80+ years of operations. This multi–billion dollar empire chaired by J.W. "Bill" Marriott Jr. (here on referred to as Bill Marriott Jr.) has the broadest portfolio of brands in the industry (just over 18) and many franchise partners. Each hotel and resort under the Marriott's umbrella has consistently provided excellent quality service to their guests. The company innovatively distinguishes its Customer Care model from its competitors by Get more content on
  • 16. Customer Service Essay examples Companies are misguided nowadays by the notion that customers depend on them, when the truth of the matter is that companies are dependent on those customers. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is now essential for a business or company to survive. So what is the difference between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and how to companies and or business achieve this? Also when you have difficult customers how do you achieve customer satisfaction? It's essential that companies or businesses today listen to their customers. No company or business today can afford to disregard the importance of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Aren't they the same thing? No, they are absolutely not and they are more content... Customer loyalty is much harder to obtain that customer service satisfaction. The most important first step is to satisfy the customer by meeting their expectations. Customers only give a company one chance and if they aren't satisfied they will not do business with that company again, as well as tell others of their experience. The next step would be to exceed the customer's expectations. If a business goes above and beyond to assist the customer they begin to build loyalty. The next step is to truly surprise the customer. In order to dominate the marketplace the company must find a way to make them selves stand out with their product or service, accompanied with phenomenal customer service. Once this has been done customer satisfaction and loyalty will be gained. "Acquiring a new customer can cost four or five times more than keeping a current customer" (Bestmark, 2013). So it's essential to keep the current customer's happy and coming back for more. Some of the ways that businesses can build loyalty would be by offering loyalty programs, Interacting with customers, surveys, creating institutional ties, and personalized marketing. Another way to build loyalty is to treat your employees so well that they treat your customers well. If you have happy employees they will treat your customers happy. "The link between satisfaction and loyalty however is not proportional" (Kotler, Keller, 2009, p71), so businesses must Get more content on
  • 17. Customer Satisfaction And Service Quality Essay RESEARCH QUESTION AND AIMS 2.1 RESEARCH QUESTION Customer satisfaction and service quality are the two important components that direct anyone's attention in every concept related to marketing, services, etc. (Spreng and Mackoy, 2006). In today's competitive era, the success lies in delivering quality services related to the industry which further leads to rise in the level of satisfaction (Shemwell, Yavas and Bilgin, 2012). Therefore, service quality and customer satisfaction are the most important topic for research in today's era so that every organisation in the market retains and satisfies their customers via an improvement of service quality (Gilbert and Veloutsou, 2006). So, the research question is explained below: What is the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality with reference to Stamford Plaza, Auckland? 2.2 OBJECTIVES The objectives of the research question are as follows: To examine the service quality dimensions that perceived by the customers. To investigate the characteristics of the relationship between the customer satisfaction and the service quality. 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 3.1 Service Quality Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985) expressed service quality as the result of evaluation between expectation of the services and what is perceived as an outcome to be received by the customer. According to one of the marketing study which emphasise on service quality in accommodation sector and further divided into two kinds i.e. Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Customer Service October 31, 2010 Unit 10: Reflection Writing Assignment 1. The key concepts and topics in this course that have made me a stronger candidate to continue in the business world would be what I have learned from the units dealing with: Diversity, Customer Behavior, Customer Loyalty, and Exceptional Service: I have learned that customer comments, good or bad should always be taken into consideration, addressed and handled appropriately. Comments can provide insight to the thought process of the customer and it could help improve not only the customer service department but the product as well. The success of a company relies on the customer. Relationship Building and Solving Customer Problems: Satisfied customers more content... Customer service representatives (CSRs) play a big role in keeping, and bringing customers to a business. That is why it is essential to train customer service representatives in effective communications styles and skills because they are the liaison between the customer and the business. The CSR's communication skills can impact the decision of a customer's loyalty and the right communication style can be helpful in avoiding conflicts. Communication styles are methods in which a particular individual converses with another individual. Great service requires effective communication styles, and skills. Having a combination of these elements will guarantee that the right message is conveyed in a way that ensures the customer receives and understands it correctly and as intended. 2. Discuss how this course has affected you in your professional development as a student and as a person as well as encouraging you on your academic path. This was a very beneficial, educational and informative class. I have chosen the legal field, more specifically, paralegal studies. I currently work for a bankruptcy law firm and I have learned a great deal since I have been employed there. I have 30 plus years work experience and a great work ethic. With what I have learned in this class, my work ethic, and common sense, I believe I will be successful as a paralegal. I have learned the importance of
  • 19. Get more content on
  • 20. Improving Customer Service Essay example Improving Customer Service There are many methods in Asda can improve there Customer service. Nowadays every Supermarket has there own way of saying Thank you to the customer this then shows the customer that they are respected and the are wanted back and they are welcome to shop at your supermarket as long as they like. Here are some of the methods that can be used to improve the Customer service at Asda: 1. Free Gifts 2. Loyalty Cards 3. BOG OF (Buy One Get One Free) 4. Special Offers 5. Reward Schemes 6. Improve facilities 7. Make it a friendly Atmosphere Free Gifts ========== Free Gifts attracts many customers but it can be very expensive, more content... If customers feel they may like the offers then they will tell other people who live around them to come and see what is on offer.
  • 21. Special Offers ============== Special Offers attract many customers and they can prove to be the talking point around the Asda area. Special Offers attract customers who shop at supermarkets like Tesco's and Sainsbury's there competitors and by Asda doing Special Offers they are gaining more publicity. Reward Schemes ============== Reward Schemes can be mixed in with the loyalty cards but they are more likely to be bonuses, this is because reward schemes are like an extra thing to have, something that you have been given, this could be due to the fact your loyalty to the store. Schemes could include sending vouchers to amusement parks and discounts on in store products this will make the customer happy as they are receiving rewards for shopping at Asda. Improve Facilities ================== By Asda improving facilities they could gain much more customers. If Asda were to update the toiletry facilities and disabled facilities they could really gain more and more customers. All this will prove costly and it will take a lot of time and effort, but the benefits are there will be more customers and much more facilities. For example there could an Get more content on
  • 22. Importance of Customer Service Essay example Importance of Customer Service Introduction Today's organizations fail to realize the value of their customers when it comes to the success of their business. Without customer loyalty the success of your business will always be uncertain. Organizations must sensitively tailor the designs of a successful firm to the particular challenges of understanding, attracting, and keeping valuable customers. "Having satisfied customers just aren't good enough". Kenneth Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles, co–authors of Raving Fans, believe this concept is needed to have a successful business. I agree with this concept of customers being the focal point of any business. I would want more than just a satisfied customer; I want a "Raving Fan" more content... Discover What the Customer Wants After creating your vision, try to discover what the customer wants or what their vision is. The customer will focus on just one or two things and it will be up to you to fill in the gap with your vision. You will then pick and choose which ideas you want to use to complete or build up your vision. Not every idea of the customer will be used or has to be used. Some ideas may not be feasible or even applicable to what you have envisioned. Deliver the Vision Plus One Percent This is where the vision becomes reality; make it happen just as you envisioned it. Work out the bugs and keep doing what ever it takes to make this vision come alive. Start out with something small that you know you can maintain and be consistent with it. Once you have mastered that idea, add to it, make it better by just one percent. Continue to do this with each new idea, always producing better ideas by one percent. This way the customer is not promised something that you will not deliver and you're not promising something too big or complex to consistently follow through with. Consistency is critical; it creates credibility. Conclusion I have always believed customers are the focal point of any business. I found that having satisfied customers does not mean you are doing a good job.
  • 23. It may mean the customers are satisfied because their expectations are so low and there is no one else doing any better. Having Get more content on