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MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 Title Code: DELENG18579 • RNI NO: DELENG/2014/54666 • Postal Registration No.: DN/325/2014-2016 • VOL. 1 • NO. 38 • Page 12 • Price `10
pg 04
pg 02 pg 10
Continued to page 03
pg 07
I've felt
a deep
to Africa
Africa hosts
e was an appropriate pick for the position of Prime Minister along
with the accountabilities that come with that office. Over the years
he has confirmed himself to be proficient, competent and operative
in many provinces – and Ugandans have, no doubt, benefitted from these
He is the new Prime Minister of Uganda Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda.
Ugandans can now be guaranteed, with the choice of President Yoweri that
government business will be lead tremendously efficaciously with him at the
He replaces Kinkiizi West MP Amama Mbabazi who has been the
prime Minister since June 2011.
In a letter written by President Yoweri Museveni to the Speaker of
Parliament, Ms. Rebecca Kadaga, Dr Rugunda who has been the health
minister has been appointed to replace Mr. Amama Mbabazi.
“By virtue of the powers vested in the president of the Republic
of Uganda by article 108A(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of
Uganda, I have with immediate effect decided to appoint Dr. Ruhakana
The Air
A Complete
for Food
in Africa
Pretoria (AFP) - South Africa
hosted an emergency meeting of
regional leaders to negotiate a
peace deal for Lesotho , following
an attempted coup and stalled
peace talks between deadlocked
political parties.
South African President Jacob
Zuma and Zimbabwean President
Robert Mugabe chairman of the
15-member Southern African
Development Community (SADC)
- will sit down with Lesotho's
leaders to hash out a
solution after rival party
leaders failed to patch up
their differences. "For now
we are very confident that
this summit will help us to
move forward on a number
of issues," said Zuma,
opening the meeting.
"One of the current
issues of course is the
current situation in the
kingdom of Lesotho," he
said, voicing optimism for a
"Part of the reason I am
saying we are optimistic,"
says Zuma, "is because we want
Lesotho to get back to normalcy as
soon as possible."
On August 30, an attempted
coup by renegade general Tlali
Kamoli saw the military assault
several police stations, prompting
the Prime Minister to flee the
Prime Minister Tom Thabane
has since returned, protected
by South African guards, but a
Pretoria-brokered peace deal
quickly disintegrated after he
refused to reopen parliament.
Reopening the legislature
- which was shuttered in June
- is seen as a key step toward
restoring normality in the tiny
South Africa hosts Lesotho crisis summit
The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation
responds to the Ebola crisis
IMF, World Bank pledge $300m for
Ebola campaign
The International Monetary Fund and
the World Bank have pledged $300m
in emergency aid for the three most
affected countries in West Africa by
the rapidly spreading Ebola virus.
“The Ebola outbreak is a severe
human, social and economic crisis that
requires a resolute response from the
international community,” Christine
Lagarde, IMF managing director, said
in a statement. Jim Yong Kim, World
Bank president, warned the outbreak
could drain billions of dollars from the
West Africa region. “We really need to
scale up our response. . . time is of the
essence,” he added.
The IMF said it would provide the
three countries $127m to “cover a
sizeable share of the total financing
gap of some $300m estimated over
the next 6 to 9 months”. In addition,
the IMF said it would discuss more
support in October.
The World Bank separately
pledged about $200m in emergency
assistance and Mr Kim said member
countries were ready to provide funds.
The virus has killed 2,500 people
and infected 5,000 people in Guinea,
Liberia and Sierra Leone, according to
the World Health Organisation. Nigeria
and Senegal have suffered a few
cases. The WHO has warned that the
number of dead is now likely to double
every three weeks.
The IMF said growth in Guinea,
Liberia and Sierra Leone would
he Coca-Cola Africa
Foundation (TCCAF), an
entity of The Coca-Cola
Company, has responded to the
Ebola crisis in West Africa by
donating medical equipment and
supplies to healthcare centres
affected by the outbreak. Through
its healthcare partner, MedShare,
doctors and nurses working
tirelessly on the ground to care for
infected patients and prevent the
spread of the disease – at huge risk
to themselves – will have access to
personal protective equipment. The
intervention is making a significant
difference to the lives of healthcare
slow as agriculture, mining and
services, sectors that are crucial to
the economy and employment, are
disrupted by the outbreak.
The IMF said it expected growth in
Sierra Leone to reduce from 11.3 per
cent to 8 per cent this year. In Liberia,
it forecast growth to weaken from 5.9
per cent to 2.5 per cent, and from 3.5
per cent to 2.4 per cent in Guinea.
The IMF and World Bank packages
were announced a day after Barack
Obama said the world must act fast
to fight Ebola and dispatched 3,000
soldiers to West Africa to contain the
“It's spiralling out of control. It is
getting worse. It's spreading faster
and exponentially,” the US president
said. “We have to act fast.”
The outbreak is focusing attention
on how little progress has been made
in tackling the disease since it was
identified 38 years ago by scientists
who analysed a blood sample from a
person struck down by a mysterious
virus in the Democratic Republic of
Congo, near the Ebola River.
The haemorrhagic fever has
gruesome symptoms, including
vomiting, diarrhoea and both internal
and external bleeding. Ebola has
a fatality rate of up to 90 per cent
and there is no cure. The current
outbreak, however, has a fatality rate
of about half.
Modern Ghana
mountainous state.
In Maseru, the political crisis
appears to be intensifying.
A coalition of opposition
parties has joined forces and called
on the ruling tripartite coalition to
reopen parliament, which is likely
to result in an immediate vote of
no-confidence for Thabane.
Politicians also rallied behind
The renegade general has
refused a prime ministerial order
to resign and has apparently
raided government armouries in
preparation for a showdown.
His allies have warned of
a "bloodbath" if he is forcibly
removed."The whole thing is a bit
of a chicken-and-egg situation,"
said defence analyst Helmoed
Romer Heitman.
"I can see the point he is
reluctant to reopen parliament
while there is a risk of his family
being attacked; on the other hand
there is no military solution to the
problem," said Heitman, speaking
from Pretoria. "You can't solve a
political problem with a military
solution," he said. "You can enforce
something for a while, but it can't
professionals in Guinea,
surrounding countries.
The shipments, valued
at USD200 000, include
personal protective
equipment (PPE) such
as latex gloves, surgical
drapes, gowns, face
shields, syringes, face
masks and shoe covers
– essential items to
reduce the risk infection
for healthcare workers
and to improve the level
of service delivered to
patients. Tragically, the
shortage of PPE has
led to many medical
workers treating Ebola
patients becoming
infected themselves and passing
away. Others are just quitting
their posts out of fear of becoming
infected, which leaves patients with
nowhere to go for care.
The World Health Organisation
reports that while the Ebola strain
affecting communities in West
Africa is not the deadliest on
record, this is the most widespread
outbreak witnessed to date.
“The number of fatalities in
this outbreak exceeds the number
of fatalities of all previous Ebola
outbreaks combined and hospitals
have a critical shortage of medical
supplies needed to contain the
disease,” she says.
At the start of the outbreak,
90% of all victims died but since
then the rate of deaths has been
reduced to about 50%. “This change
is due in large part to the doctors
great risk to themselves. However,
another key factor is securing the
materials needed to enable health
care professionals to treat patients
effectively. TCCAF joins them in
these efforts,” she says.
TCCAF exists for the benefit of
its work across the continent The
Coca-Cola Africa Foundation is
helping to address some of the
unmet needs that are a priority for
resources and is collaborating with
other organisations in the public,
private and NGO sector to provide
communities with improved
access to safe drinking water and
sanitation through the Replenish
Africa Initiative (RAIN).
The Foundation is also
strengthening Africa’s health
systems through Project Last
Mile, an initiative that leverages
Coca-Cola’s logistics, supply chain,
and commercial expertise to help
improve health systems across
Africa. TCCAF is also working with
partners to create opportunities for
youth empowerment.
African Herald Express
last forever."
Heitman said it is unlikely that
South Africa will send in troops to
Lesotho. "I don't see South Africa
putting in troops unless they are
pretty certain a political solution
is to follow," he said.
A military intervention would
not be welcome in Lesotho, where
many are traumatised by the
events of 1998, when post-election
violence prompted South African
troops to intervene with SADC
Criminal probe
Police said that
they have launched a
criminal investigation
into the August 30 events,
District Commissioner
Mofokeng Kolo.
The military assault
killed one officer at police
headquarters in Maseru,
injured nine others,
caused significant damage
to two other stations,
and police were "robbed"
of nearly four dozen automatic
weapons, Kolo said.
The dead officer, Sub-Inspector
Mokheseng Ramahloko, was
reportedly guarding the armoury.
"We believe justice must
be done," Kolo told AFP. "We
believe these acts were illegal
and a criminal offence – and we
shouldn't keep quiet about them."
He rejected calls for an
amnesty, which supporters say
could help end the crisis.
"We can even talk about
amnesty before reconciliation,"
Kolo said. "And we can't talk about
reconciliation while we're still in
the middle of this situation."
Modern Ghana
Dr. Susan Mboya-Kidero, President of TCCAF
Tom Thabane, Prime Minister of Lesotho
Wassupafrica 03
FROM PAGE 01 required parliamentary approval. I
thank the Rt. Hon. Amama Mbabazi
for the contribution he has made
to this country,” the letter further
Rugunda as the new Prime Minister
of Uganda,” the September 18,
2014 letter reads in part.
“I therefore hereby forward the
names and curriculum vitae of Dr.
Ruhakana Rugunda to you for the
Prior to Prime Minister of
Uganda Rugunda served as
Uganda’s Minister of Health and
Permanent Representative at the
United Nations, from January 2009
until May 2011.
Rugunda was born in Kabale
District on 7 November 1947. As
a young boy, he would repeatedly
sit and read the newspapers to his
father Surumani Rugunda, and it
is these skills at a tender age that
glimmered his later concern in
Rugunda attended Kigezi High
School and Busoga College Mwiri
where he served as Head Prefect,
before joining Makerere University
Medical School and later the
University of Zambia where he
studied medicine, graduating with
the degree of Bachelor of Medicine
and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB).
He later studied at the University
of California, Berkeley and got
the degree of Master of Science in
Public Health (MSc.Pub.Hlth).
Formerly, Rugunda worked
as Medical Officer in Zambia, as a
physician at DC General Hospital
in Washington DC, and at Kenyatta
National Hospital in Nairobi,
While appearing at Makerere
University in Uganda, Rugunda,
usually denoted to as “Ndugu”
(Swahili for “brother”) by friends,
served as President of the National
Union of Students of Uganda
(NUSU), a politically vibrant youth
movement. As a young political
activist, Rugunda was part of
the Uganda People’s Congress
(UPC) and was said to be close to
President Apollo Milton Obote.
Rugunda was one of a few who
had been seen by Obote as future
leaders of the party and country.
In one of the last interviews
before his death, Obote lamented
as to why the brilliant Rugunda
had gotten himself knotted with
Yoweri Museveni and the National
Resistance Movement.
In 1985 he met with the leaders
of the Ugandan National Resistance
Movement (NRM) at the inn “Zum
grünen Jäger” in Unterolberndorf,
for a conspirative conference to
intricate a political programme for
the liberated Uganda.
He has previously held the
many positions in the Ugandan
Government as the Minister of
Information, Minister of Internal
Affairs, Minister of Health, Minister
of Foreign Affairs, Minister of
Information and Communication
Technology, Minister of Works,
Transport & Communication,
Minister of Water, Lands & the
Environment, Commissioner
for Animal Industry, Game and
Fisheries, Chairman of NRM
Electoral Commission, Member of
Parliament for Kabale Municipality
and President of the Governing
Council of the United Nations
Environment Program (UNEP).
In January 2009, he was
appointed Uganda’s Permanent
Representative to the United
Nations. At the same time, the
position was elevated to a Cabinet
Ministerial level in Uganda. He
twice served as the president
of the Security Council in July
2009 and in October 2010 during
Uganda’s two-year stint on the
Security Council from 2010 – 2011.
In the cabinet reshuffle of 27 May
2011, he was reassigned to the
Information & Communication
Technology Ministry, as full
Cabinet Minister.
In May 2013, he was
transferred to the health ministry
as Minister, replacing Christine
Ondoa, who became an advisor to
the President of Uganda on public
health matters.
Dr. Rugunda is happily married
to Jocelyn Rugunda and take
delight in reading, playing tennis
and chess in his spare time.
wo South African aviation
companies have signed
an agreement with Airbus
which will allow them access
into larger contracts by the giant
European aircraft maker, the firms
announced Tuesday.
Airbus said the alliance would
maker Denel Aero structures and
Aerosud Aviation "to jointly bid for
larger scale manufacturing work
packages on Airbus commercial
airliner programmes" which they
used to compete for separately.
Denel Aerostructures, a
division of arms manufacturer
Denel, supplies the aviation sector
with a range of components and
engineering solutions.
Simon Ward, Airbus vice-
South African aviation firms
join forces with Airbus
president for international
cooperation, described the deal
for Denel as a "transition" from
military components to commercial
aircraft work.
Ward said the two companies
would be offered support in making
bids to Airbus and to manufacture
bigger components.
The South African government
hailed the partnership, saying
it would give the country a
crucial opportunity to "reduce
its dependency on military
aerospace" and help improve skills
Airbus has an order book of
nearly 6,000 aircraft, some eight
to nine years of output at full
production rates.
Modern Ghana
The 13th Edition of the African
Economic Outlook Report
for 2014 was launched with
participation of policy makers,
private sector, universities and
research institutions, Sudanese civil
society and the media.
The occasion took place at
Mamoun Behiery Centre, where the
Government, African Development
Bank Resident Representative, the
UNDP Deputy Country Director,
MBC Director addressed the event.
The African Economic Outlook
(AEO) is one of the African
Development Bank’s flagship
publications, aimed at informing
academics, policy makers and
development practitioners about
the performance of Africa’s
these are impacting on the ordinary
citizens. Each year, the AEO report
focuses on a theme of importance
to continent’s development
aspirations. The theme for 2014 is
“Global Value Chains and Africa’s
Industrialisation”, and the report
covers all of the 54 countries.
For Sudan, the report states that
the country’s real Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) grew by 3.6 percent
in 2013, up from 1.4 percent in
2012, driven by agriculture and
mining aswell as the oil transit
African Economic Outlook Report Focuses
on Industrialisation
fees with South Sudan. However,
inflation remained high (36.2
percent), reflecting the combined
effect of inflationary financing, the
devaluation of the currency and
high energy prices. It is estimated
that real growth will recede slightly
in 2014 to 2.7 percent and is
projected at 3.8 percent in 2015.
Inflation is estimated to drop by
9.4 percentage points in 2014, and
projected at 23.2 percent for 2015.
The challenge for African
economies is to ensure that global
value chains have a positive impact
on socially inclusive development.
Africa’s participation in global
value chains is currently limited
to lower value activities although
opportunities exist for upgrading
to higher ones. African countries
can further integrate into global
value chains by opening to
trade, targeting regional and
emerging markets, modernising
infrastructure, promoting local
entrepreneurship, and investing
in education. Global value chains
require additional considerations:
each value chain has unique
requirements; policies may be
suited for integrating into global
value chains but not conducive to
upgrading; and unnecessary tax
incentive systems can result in a
loss of revenue. Equitable economic
and social transformations and
environmental sustainability
remain core concerns for Africa
to maximise the gains that global
value chains can offer.
Sudan Vision
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its first contribution to the grid by
2013, and Kusile, which will come
on stream in mid-2014.
Blessed with a coastline
almost 3 000 kilometers long, and
numerous dams, lakes, rivers and
Official Name: Republic of South Africa
Capitals: Pretoria (administrative), Cape
Town (legislative), Bloemfontein (judicial)
Size: 1,219,090 km2
Key Economic Sectors: Mining services
and transport, energy, manufacturing,
tourism, agriculture
Population: 51,770,560
Official languages: English, isiZulu,
isiXhosa, isiNdebele, Afrikaans, siSwati,
Sesotho sa Leboa, Sesotho, Setswana,
Tshivenda, Xitsonga
Provinces: Western Cape, Eastern Cape,
KwaZulu-Natal, Northern Cape, Free
State, North West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga,
Currency: Rand (ZAR),100 cents equals
one rand
Time: GMT +2 hours
Distances: Cape Town to Johannesburg
1 400 km (880 miles), Johannesburg to
Durban 600 km (380 miles), Port Elizabeth
to Bloemfontein 700 km (440 miles)
Transportation: Excellent roads, rail
and air facilities (both domestic and
international). Public transport in major
cities include the Gautrain between
Johannesburg and Pretoria and the Bus
Rapid Transport System in Cape Town,
Johannesburg and Pretoria.
Telecommunications: World-class
infrastructure. Internet access is widely
available. There are five mobile (cellular)
Economy: The country has a well-
capitalised banking system, abundant
natural resources and well-developed
regulatory systems.
the north lie the neighbouring
countries of Namibia, Botswana
and Zimbabwe; to the east are
Mozambique and Swaziland; and
within it lies Lesotho, an enclave
surrounded by South African
territory. The country is called
the Rainbow nation because this
means unity of multi-culturalism
and the coming-together of people
of many different races. Within
South African indigenous cultures,
the rainbow is allied with hope and
a bright future (as in Xhosa culture).
The colors are basically said
to signify the assortment of South
Africa's usually unspecified cultural,
ethnic or racial groups. Whether
they are pink, yellow, black, blue or
white they are all equal and stand
to have a good future.
Today's South Africa has one
of the most sophisticated, diverse
and promising emerging markets
globally. Strategically located at the
tip of the African continent, South
Africa is a key investment location,
both for the market opportunities
that lie within its borders and as a
gateway to the rest of the continent,
a market of about1- billion people.
South Africa is the economic
powerhouse of Africa and forms
partofthe BRICSgroupofcountries
with Brazil, Russia, India and China.
It has a favourable demographic
profile and its rapidly expanding
middle class has growing spending
South Africa has a wealth
of natural resources (including
coal, platinum, coal, gold, iron ore,
manganese nickel, uranium and
chromium) and it enjoys increased
attention from international
exploration companies, particularly
in the oil and gas sector.
exciting innovation, research and
development capabilities and
an established manufacturing
base. It is at the forefront of the
development and rollout of new
green technologies and industries,
creating new and sustainable
jobs in the process and reducing
environmental impact.
South Africa has
sophisticated financial, legal and
telecommunications sectors, and a
number of global business process
outsourcing (BPO) operations are
Advertiser's Index
Modern Agro
Engineering Works ..........0Page 02
Chadha Power .................0Page 02
PHEL ................................0Page 03
K. T. ..................................0Page 03
The Times of Africa ..........0Page 05
IFK ............................0Page 08
Mill India Ltd. ...................0Page 10
Laxmi Publications ..........0Page 11
Prakash Amusement .......0Page 11
Zimbabwe Mining & Infrastructure
Indaba 2014 .................... Page 12
located in the country.
It has political and macro-
economic stability, an abundant
supply of semiskilled and unskilled
labour, and it compares favourably
to other emerging markets in
terms of the overall cost of doing
business. For professional jobs,
labour costs are less than half of
the cost of European countries. For
manufacturing jobs, labour costs
The South African Government
has introduced wide-ranging
legislation to promote training and
skills development and fast-track
the building of world-class skills
and competences.
One of the main reasons for
South Africa becoming one of the
most popular trade and investment
destinations in the world is due to
the country ensuring that it can
meet specific trade and investment
requirements of prospective
South Africa has a host of
investment incentives and
industrial financing interventions
that are aimed at encouraging
commercial activity and its trade
rules favour a further expansion in
South Africa's burgeoning levels of
international trade.
South Africa's unrivalled
scenic beauty and reputation for
delivering value-for money make
it an attractive leisure and business
travel destination.
Agriculture in South Africa
contributes around 10% of formal
employment, relatively low
compared to other parts of Africa,
as well as providing work for casual
labourers and contributing around
2.6 percent of GDP for the nation.
Due to the aridity of the land, only
13.5 percent can be used for crop
production, and only 3 percent is
considered high potential land.
According to FAOSTAT, South
Africa is one of world's largest
producers of: chicory roots (4th);
grapefruit (4th); cereals (5th);
green maize and maize (7th);
castor oil seed (9th); pears (9th);
sisal (10th); fibre crops (10th).
The dairy industry consists of
around 4,300 milk producers
providing employment for 60,000
farm workers and contributing to
the livelihoods of around 40,000
Energy in South Africa
describes energy and electricity
production, consumption and
export in South Africa. South Africa
was 6th top hard coal producer in
2009. Hard coal production was
1,620 TWh in 2009 and total energy
production 1,995 TWh in 2008.
South Africa's steady economic
growth as it increasingly focuses
on industrialization, together with
its mass electrification programme
to take power into deep rural
areas, has seen a steep increase in
the demand for electricity. In fact,
South Africa's energy demand is
expected to be twice the current
levels by 2030.
Years of underinvestment in
the country's power infrastructure
has meant that energy demands
are rising faster than Eskom, the
state-owned company in charge of
the majority of energy generation
and distribution, can meet them.
Together with Eskom, the
government's Department of
Energy has embarked on a
massive programme to bring the
electricity supply and distribution
system into balance. With an
infrastructural price tag of around
R340-billion, Eskom is building
new power stations, including
Medupi in Limpopo that will make
streams, South Africa has plenty
to offer the fishing enthusiast.
From game fish in two oceans to
trout in mountain streams, there
is something to challenge and
entertain everyone.
Automotive Industry
South Africa's automotive
industry is a global, turbo-charged
engine for the manufacture and
export of vehicles and components.
Many of the major multinational
firms use South Africa to source
components and assemble vehicles
for the local and international
The sector is one of South
Africa’s most important,
contributing at least 6% to the
country’s GDP and accounting
for almost 12% of South Africa's
manufacturing exports, making it a
crucial cog in the economy. In 2010,
271 000 vehicles were exported.
More than 28 000 people are
directly employed in automotive
manufacturing, with 65 000
employed in the component
manufacturing industry. About
200 000 are employed in retail and
aftermarket activities, with 6 600
employed in the tire manufacturing
industry (Automotive Industry
Export Council, 2010).
The automotive and
components industry is well placed
for investment opportunities.
Vehicle manufacturers such as
BMW, Ford (incorporating
Mazda), General Motors,
Mercedes Benz, Nissan, Renault,
Toyota and Volkswagen have
production plants in South
Africa, while component
manufacturers such as Arvin
Exhaust, Bloxwitch, Corning,
Senior Flexonics have
established production bases
Companies with production
plants in South Africa are
placed to take advantage of the
low production costs, coupled
with access to new markets as
a result of trade agreements
with the European Union
and the Southern African
Development Community
free trade area. Opportunities
also lie in the production of
materials (automotive steel and
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By Kanishka Chanda
BusinessBuzz 05
Airtel boosts financial
inclusion drive
Vodafone Ghana Upgrades Customers' Phones
BGI Donates Towards Street-Lighting Project
overnment’s efforts
geared at ensuring that all
Rwandans access financial
services have been boosted by
Airtel Rwanda, which has scrapped
charges on Airtel Money service
Teddy Bhullar, the telecom
firm’s boss, said the move seeks
to deepen financial inclusion
and improve access to financial
“The ‘It’s Now Free’ promotion
will give customers an opportunity
to use Airtel Money services, like
sending or receiving money, and
paying electricity bills, at no cost,”
he said at the launch of the drive.
The National Bank of Rwanda
targets 80 per cent of the adult
population having access to
financial services by 2017.
Bhullar said the promotion will
BG International (BGI), the first
U.S. based development firm
to open an office in Ghana, has
donated $10,000 towards a street-
lighting project at Gbawe, a suburb
of Accra.
The donation was made at a
grand durbar at Gbawe during the
recent celebration of the Homowo
festival by the Gbawe family.
A speech read by Irwin Barkan,
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of
BGI, on behalf of Daniel Rose, a
Development Chief of Gbawe
under the stool name Nii Kwatei
Aku 1, stated that the donation
was to restart the street-lighting
project which began some years
ago but was never completed.
Mr. Rose assured the people
that he would provide additional
funding 'until all the 130 light
poles are shining bright at night on
the 14 streets
and roadways'
that have been
He noted
that this would
'bring much
h a p p i n e s s
and joy to the
220,000 people
of Gbawe and a
sense of safety
and security on
the streets of
part of its customer handset upgrade
scheme under its loyalty programme.
Beneficiaries of the scheme
received different brands of
smartphones including Samsung
Note 3, Samsung S5 and HTC One.
'At first my phone couldn't
browse well and it was affecting
my communication with friends and
family because of the internet. But
now I am enjoying the best internet
service,' said Prisca Peters, a
customer of Vodafone, adding that
'I am happy for the upgrade from
Vodafone - the internet speed is
'When I was called to pick up a
new phone I was really happy, but I
was surprised the service was for free,'
said Liza Esi Adams, a customer who
COMESA Court Opens in Khartoum
COMESA has opened its court seated in
Khartoum. The court would look into legal
disputes between member-states to settle
them. Court chief justice, Somba Ibook has
affirmed that the court will rule on trade
disputes between member- states as well as
it will deal with disputes between companies
and member- states such as those relating to
taxes, customs and border trade.
“Sudan has met its obligation regarding
the construction of the court premises which
will contribute to relations among African
countries,” he said, adding, the court has at
its first session looked into article 35 defining
significantly help in the realisation
of this objective, besides making
financial transactions affordable.
Phillip Onzoma, the head
of Airtel Money and corporate
business, said the telecom firm will
also start campaigns to educate
customers on the benefits of
using mobile commerce solutions
to further improve business
operations and quality of life.
Airtel money service currently
has a customer base of over
680,000. About 3.9 million
subscribers use the service on all
the three telecom firms.
The firm’s mobile solutions
platform was launched in 2012,
and can be used to buy data
bundles using airtel money, as
well as paying for construction
permits at city hall.
New Times
its area of concern and powers of its chief and its
Justice Ibook said deliberations by experts,
committees and ministerial levels focused on
easing of flow of trade among member-states,
in addition to the establishment of a data base
to facilitate trade exchange and investment. For
his part, Sudan representative said the COMESA
court has earned much attention by member-
states. The COMESA grouping is considered
one of the major African groupings, including
19 states, all capable of increasing development
Sudan Vision
has been on the Vodafone network for
over two years.
According to the
telecommunications giant, the
scheme was introduced to offer
improved mobile internet experience
for loyal data customers, who are
unable to access the full potential of
the internet due to the features of their
old handsets.
The company said it was honoring
its promise of giving loyal customers
guaranteed free benefits from time-
to-time, adding that it will continue
to empower customers by providing
quality service.
It said it will always monitor and
implement measures to ensure quality
service for all its customers.
Modern Ghana
Vodafone Ghana has given over 100
customers across the country new
and advanced smartphones for free as
Harris Broumidis, CEO of
Vodafone Ghana
Mr. Rose added that on
completion of the street-lighting
project, he and his team would
look at other projects including
the Community/Business Center
project that would serve the
people of Mallam with educational,
vocational and technical facilities
and attract investors and
businesses into the community.
The Street Lights Project
is jointly sponsored by the
Helping Africa Foundation (HAF)
founded by Daniel Rose and BG
International of which Mr Rose
serves as Chairman.
This donation is a community
service initiative being
undertaken by BGI, real estate
developers, which is in the process
of developing a mall at the Mallam
junction in Accra.
The mall will bring an
assortment of leading North
American, European and African
brands to Accra and will also
contain a state-of-the-art dining
and entertainment complex.
Earlier in the year, BGI and Safe
Water Network inaugurated water
projects in the village of Yaw Kwei
in the Asante Akyem South District
of the Eastern region.
BGI, with offices in New
York City, is the first U.S. based
development firm to open an
office in Ghana and is currently
developing projects throughout
Ghana and Nigeria.
The principals of BGI
have developed hundreds of
commercial projects throughout
the world and are led by its
Chairman, Daniel Rose, its CEO,
Irwin Barkan and its President,
Morley Gordon.
Modern Ghana
frica is flaunted as the continent of opportunities,
where there are plentiful assets available for
economic evolution and makeover. Resources of
Africa pair from minerals such as gold, diamond, bauxite,
ore and presently the cumulative detection of oil in large
quantities in countries across the continent with cocoa,
soya, millet, maize, cattle and livestock amongst the
numerous possessions that Africa is gifted with.
For Africa to hold its equitable position in the
world’s global economy, then it must dream of becoming
borderless in terms of doing business. If Africa can
form a sole economic space and can eradicate the
supervisory and managerial physical barriers; then
Africa can be on the upsurge of taking its fair position
in the global economy. Africa is still struggling with
unfortunate infrastructure, unwieldy techniques and
tariffs and an erratic power supply. Challenges such as
poor infrastructure make trade physically problematic.
Intra-African trade is pathetic because central features
of trade logistics such as transport, energy and ICT
persist to be as a severe challenge. Africa must tackle its
infrastructure in this case not only physical as in roads,
ports, rails but the guidelines and measures that comes
with taking goods across the borders.
The enhancing of intra-African trade necessitates the
implementation and execution of existing trade policies
at the national, regional and continental levels, which
should be pitched precisely
towards the advancement of
intra-African trade.
For regional markets to
function competently there
is the requisite for strong
regional and domestic
outline regulations on
trade related subjects
of intellectual property
rights, competition policies,
investment, government’s
procurement, trade and the
environment. Non-tariff
barriers such as surprising
transaction cost, difficult
immigration processes, limited capacities of border
officials, costly import and export licensing procedures
and lack of investments in trade association. 10% of
Africa’s trade is within Africa whiles it stands at about
60% in other regions as the European Union. Trade
is truly an engine of growth and if Africa is to sustain
the current growth momenta which presently stand at
averagely more than 5%, Africa should confirm that it
upsurge the volume of trade within the continent.
Imprecise policies also impede trade across the
continent. African leaders must device current policies
and prevailing legislation that aid to diminish the
challenges obstructing trade in Africa. Africa at the
moment is giving up to 40% extra on transport itself
of goods at the consumer end. When you look at this
cost at the rest of the world it is averaging about 10%.
So Africa remains uncompetitive not because of any
insuperable explanations but things that Africa can
eradicate without extra investments. Studies show that
if Africa remove these types of barriers to trade and have
trade facilitation procedures, it can have an additional
Miller Matola
CEO, International
Marketing Council of
South Africa
Dr. Rob Davies
Trade and Industry Minister,
South Africa
By kirit sobti,
editor, iat
The East African Community (EAC)
secretariat and its member states
were called by a regional business
lobby to tackle with the challenges
that are halting trade within the
alliance of the East African Business
Council. The council insisted for a
greater involvement of the private
sector and civil sector regionally. Felix
Mosha, chairperson of EABC, asked the
significant strategies and etiquettes to
run the trade easily. “Some of these
challenges include the slow pace of
implementation of the EAC common
market protocol and harmonization of
laws and policies in the region,” said Mr
Mosha, in a statement of annual forum,
in Entebbe, Uganda.
Mr. Mosha analyzed that new non-
tariff barriers (NTBs) still avails after
elimination of the regional competition,
boomed General Richard Sezibera, EAC
Secretary. “To date, 55 NTBs have been
resolved, 22 remain unresolved and
six new ones have been identified,” he
said. Compactness of communal safety
assistance in the EAC common market
is also one of the obstacles. “There is a
challenge of food security and climate
change mitigation and adaptation,” Mr.
Mosha noted.
Lacking in infrastructure and
partial participation of small –scale
officers are the obstacles faced by the
agricultural sector were also recognized
affecting trade. The EABC has appealed
for countless participation by the
private sector and civil society through
interchange of frameworks enhancing
trade and investment in regional
projects. People-centered and private
sector-driven combination should be
highlighted for the assurance of citizen
proprietorship, said Mr. Mosha.
Trade will be a
border free business
$34billion of trade annually. This will help Africa’s
prosperous informal trade into the formal economy.
Africa seeks to attain a continental Free
Trade Zones of which the starting point is then
development of intra-African trade. FTZ pronounce
a preparation where different trading entities,
generally member countries, settle to cut or scrap
taxes in order to lower business costs and eradicate
bureaucracy. That is, an area of a country where
tariffs and quotas are abolished and bureaucratic
requirements are lowered in order to fascinate
companies by raising the incentives for doing
business there.
The intention is to give a huge simulated lift to
trade, particularly between raw material producers
and manufacturing based economies. Free Trade
Zone in Africa would mean to fetch about greater
trade interactions and strategic coordination of the
continent’s free trade and economic development
zones, and through this, maximize and cheapen the
flow of goods and services.
The Free Trade Zone, (FTZ) offers greater
quality infrastructure, counting, but not limited
to, land, office space, utilities, logistics services,
business services and other similar facilities.
Corporations established within a FTZ may have
access to a streamlined customs process with less
bureaucracy and red tape. Firms looking for secured
establishments within a FTZ typically obtain support
from a single source service provider in order to
obtain the necessary permits and applications. In
addition, the legislation governing the day-to-day
operations of firms operating within the FTZ (e.g.,
labour law) is usually more flexible relative to the
laws applicable in the host country outside the FTZ.
Corporations often choose FTZs for moving
their business activities away from the ultimate
destination market into
a location with a low
cost structure. FTZs
usually cater to export
oriented corporations that
produce goods destined
for foreign jurisdictions
outside of the host country.
Corporate establishment
within a FTZ is often
coupled with an attractive
incentive package, which
may include any of the
following, an exemption
and/or deferral of
customs duties; grants for
developing and employing local human resources;
exemption and/or deferral of sales taxes; and other
tax incentives and holidays
A number of challenges have been documented
as hampering the continental Free Trade
Zone agenda. These include undiversified und
underdeveloped production structures, inadequate
infrastructure, and prevalence of non-tariff barriers
and lack of trade governance structures. Increased
intra-African trade will enable the continent create
a large market of close to one billion people as well
as hearten the diversification of economies. In the
post-independence period, integration has being a
core element of the development strategy of African
countries. The importance that African countries
attach to regional integration has been reflected
in the high number of integration schemes on
the continent. The integration is pitched towards
endowing Africa to take its equitable place in the
global economy and the more reason why, Africa
should seek to trade more with its own members.
Although some development has been
attained on the procedure of Intra-African
trade, the aim of African market integration
is far from being realized. Serious efforts
must be made to help Africa develop a
culture where eventually, we would want
to see Africa being borderless particularly
in terms of doing business. We must
encourage ourselves to do trade across the
Africa is chasing a continental Free
Trade Zone plan as a shared expansion
and revolution approach leading to the
ultimate creation of continent and market.
African countries need to put in place
trade simplification measures in terms of
financing through borders. About 80% of
African countries exports are to markets
outside the continent and similar amount
of the continent’s imports come from
external sources. Boosting intra-African
trade is about suitable and timely given the
current economic boom that the continent
is undergoing.
Free trade area would
promote greater interaction
between BRICS and Africa,
especially in light of the
International Monetary Fund's
optimism about Africa's growth
potential, and the likelihood
that the free trade area would
draw other African countries into
joining. While Africa is a growing
opportunity and experiencing
the third-fastest growth behind
China and India, a mere 10% of
Africa's trade is between fellow
countries on the continent.
We want to work towards
improving the quality of our
trade, moving away from
supplying primary products
like commodities to being
able to export value-added
products. We want to see
principles like mutual benefits
and reciprocity put into the
trading values between Africa
and the emerging markets
and to have a more balanced
trading relationship.
Africa is
chasing a
Free Trade
Zone plan
as a shared
and revolution
leading to
the ultimate
creation of
continent and
TRAVEL&tourism 07
f someone is crazy about safari or beautiful
beaches they should go to Kenya. Kenya lies
near the equator and has a warm, humid
climate along its Indian Ocean coastline,
with wildlife rich savannah grassland inland
towards the capital. The weather is always
pleasing, which allow you to do many outdoor
activities. Therefore you do not need an air
conditioning. It is a medium-sized country
by continental standards; covering an area
of about 586,600km sq. Kenya is bordered
by Somalia and the Indian Ocean to the east,
Ethiopia to the north, Sudan to the northwest,
Uganda to the west and Tanzania to the south.
The main tourist attractions are photo safaris.
Other attractions include the mosques at
Mombasa; the renowned scenery of the Great
Rift Valley; the coffee plantations at Thika; a
view of Mt. Kilimanjaro, across the border into
Tanzania; and its beaches along the Indian
Ocean. Historical sites are there like Hindu
temples, Gede ruins in Malindi, and even Fort
One of the things that craft Kenya such
an attractive and fascinating destination is
its extensive array of scenery and wildlife
habitats as we have mentioned above.
Dominated as it is by The Great Rift Valley,
Kenya offers its traveler the option between
rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, savannah,
bush and beach. Most of these
hold an
amazingly wide range
of game. Kenya has unremittingly
epitomized everything that is Africa. It
entertained the first real wildlife holidays
and its assortment of landscape, people and
wildlife has craved more people to safari in
Kenya than any other country in Africa.
The country has been damned with 90% of
best sites in the world to view the wild animals
in their own forest. The zeal and eagerness
of Safari is all the time in the hearts of people
t h e r e .
With its well-
earned status as a
classic big game country, Kenya
i s a wonderful safari destination.
The saga of evening drinks all around
a campfire and nights beneath canvas with
the distant roar of a lion in the African night
can still be found in Kenya. A safari in Kenya
means more than just seeing wild animals.
It provides the person a chance to witness
the wild world where the appealing natural
environment and the contact between the
species keep you hypnotized. Kenya is well-
known for Africa’s Big Five (Lion. Elephant,
Rhino, Leopard and Buffalo) and this is the
finest place in the whole continent to watch
these five wonderful species.
There is such a vast pick of national park
and private concession areas in Kenya that it is
feasible for the visitor to look up to incredible
scenery and dense game populations in calm
ambiance. Some of the most well-known
national parks of Kenya are Masai Mara,
Mount Kenya, Meru National Park, Sibiloi
National Park, Amboseli National Park. Below
are the top tourist destinations in Kenya. Each
location is unique and there are tailored tours
to help you make the most of your visit.
Nairobi:Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya
is the chief tourist hub. It has world-class
hotels, a number of nature parks, museums
and it is the only city in the world positioned
next to a National Park - Nairobi National Park.
Mombasa: Mombasa, the second largest
city in Kenya has 500 kilometers of spotless
beaches, striking marine life and a prosperous
history you can discover in The Old
Town and Fort Jesus.
	Masai Mara: Masai
Mara is the most renowned safari
destination in Africa. This safari assures
seeing the Big Five. You can take a balloon
safari, visit the Masai tribesmen and observe
the vast wildebeest migration between July
and October.
Samburu: Samburu National Reserve
is a pearl
with a pleasant
glory of enormity and
privacy. Here you will spot all the
big five and several bird species. The grevy's
zebra, kudu, reticulated giraffe and gerenuk
are exclusive to the park.
Lamu: Lamu has an atmosphere and
ambience of gothic romance and it's the ideal
destination for those looking for a vacation in
a calm and peaceful tropical island.
Kisumu: Kisumu has a number of tourist
magnets including Lake Victoria - Africa's
largest lake, Kisumu Museum and Impala
A b e r d a r e s :
This is one of the top
tourist attractions
in Kenya. The park
is a birdwatcher's
heaven. It is home
to all the big five and
world-famous lodges
ex., Treetops and
The Ark.
Lake Nakuru:
Lake Nakuru is
famed for its huge
population of pink
flamingos and
pelicans. Explore the
Great Rift Valley, see
more than 500 species of birds and numerous
wild animals.
Amboseli: Dubbed as 'Land of the Giants'
Amboseli has a large population of African
elephants, and is a park which is home to all
the Big Five. It extends spectacular eyeshot
of Mount Kilimanjaro (Africa's
highest mountain).
Tsavo: Tsavo East
and Tsavo West
national parks
are world-
destinations. All
the big five can be seen here,
geophysical features.
Maralal: This Kenya tourist destination
is considered a frontier town. It marks the
start of the Great Northern wilderness and
its many adventures. It's in Mararal that
Sir Wilfred Patrick Thesiger, he of The Last
Explorer fame, found home.
Kakamega: Kakamega is one of the
tourist attractions in Kenya not to be missed
by birds and butterfly watchers. Kakamega
forest aka, "Canopy of Natural Beauty" is
home to more than 400 species of birds, 300
butterfly species, 27 snake species 7 primate
species, and over 350 tree species.
Mount Kenya: Among the Kenya tourist
destinations that are popular with hikers and
mountaineers, Mount Kenya (the second-
highest mountain in Africa) offers easy or
challenging ascents with superb scenery.
Kenya is a country which is a mixture of
culture and beauty, where there is wildlife,
parks and reserves, mountains and valleys,
where safari is the most tourist
attraction and where people
can visit when they want
to go to an
adventurous journey.
The Air Conditioned
frica is blessed with
immense agro resources,
which includes abundance
of citrus fruits, pineapple &
banana, tomato, coffee, cocoa,
soya and milk, but ironically
the available resources are not
best utilized because of the slow
growth of the processed food
sector in Africa, resulting in the
colossal wastage of the natural
food and fruit resources.
The need of the hour
for Africa is to develop food
processing segment through
the aid of cost effective & highly
energy efficient plant and
machineries which matches
with the European standard but
helps in lowering the cost of
production. This will help Africa
to have the competitive edge in
the global processed food & fruit
processing market in terms of
quality and profitability.
of Food & Fruit processing
industry is offered by SSP PVT
LIMITED. All the projects offered
by SSP are customized and can be
manufactured keeping in mind
the necessity & requirement of
the industry.
catering to the need of Africa's
food processing industry since
2005 and has covered most of
the African continent which
includes Algeria, Libya, Nigeria,
Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Syria,
Chad, Egypt, Tanzania, Cote de
Ivory & South Africa. More than
21 turnkey projects has been
supplied with respect to milk
processing, honey processing,
fruit juice processing and salt
refinery in the span of nine years.
The process technology for
food, fruit & dairy processing is
indigenously developed by "SSP".
SSP Pvt. Limited has its own
Research & Development Centre,
which is recognized by DSIR,
Ministry of Science & Technology,
Govt. of India.
Its aim is to develop new
technologies of international
standards and process solution
to industrial problems. With an
initiative for creating awareness
in the African market, we are
going to publish project write
ups in series, with respect to
Fruit Processing, Tomato Paste
ketchup puree, Honey Processing,
Salt Processing & Milk Processing.
Instant Coffee Processing
“SSP” offers the most
energy efficient, soluble coffee
processing technology and are in
a position to supply upto 15TPD
instant coffee production plant.
Plants with smaller capacities
are also available in the range of
50 kg/hr to 250 kg/hr of instant
powder production.
Coffee produced from SSP's
plants has excellent aroma and
very good instantibility.
SSP offers the following
Projects on Turnkey Basis:
• Instant Coffee Powder Plant
• Agglomerated Coffee Plant
• Freeze Dried Coffee Plant.
SSP's Core Competency with
respect to Instant Coffee
• Evaporator
• Dryer
• Aroma Recovery System
• Continuous Type High
Pressure Extraction System
Coffee Cleaning  Blending:
The first step is thorough
cleaning and removal of defective
beans, followed by blending of
different types and size to ensure
best flavor.
Roasting  Grinding: The
second step is roasting through
either batch or continuous
roasters. Roasted coffee is
reduced by grinding to suitable
Extraction: The third step
is extraction of ground coffee
through a batch or continuous
system either using a pressure
vessel with hot water or an
alternate approach of counter-
current column battery unit.
Aroma Recovery: The
extracted coffee liquor is passed
through the aroma recovery
plant. In the plant the volatile
aroma is stripped off from
the coffee before it enters
the evaporator. The flavor is
returned to coffee just prior to it
entering the spray dryer.
Concentration: The fifth step
is concentration of the extract
through multi-effect evaporators
with TVR system.
A Complete Solution for
Food Processing
in Africa
Spray Drying: The sixth step
is conversion of concentrate to
instant coffee powder by spray
drying. Drying is done under
controlled conditions to protect
and preserve aroma and flavor.
Fluidized bed dryer is coupled
with the system.
Agglomeration: Spray
dried powder then converted
into soluble granules in an
agglomerator tower.
Freeze Drying: Freeze
dryer retains aroma, improves
appearance and taste because
freeze drying takes place at
a low temperature which
minimizes heat damage and
retains volatile components
(aroma). It also increases the
shelf life of the dried product as
compared to standard drying
practices. Freeze drying involves
dehydration of food products at
low temperature and pressure.
As a result only the moisture is
removed, leaving the molecular
structure intact. The end product
is light in weight with least or no
change in volume.
Worldwide freeze-drying
technology is considered as
the ultimate amongst all other
dehydration methods. Hence this
technique is currently being used
for the production of instant
Packing  Filling: The
Instant Coffee Powder is taken to
the filling and packing stage. For
filling into tins or jars, vacuum
operated filling system is used.
For filling into sachets, a form
fill-sealing machine is used.
The filled containers / flexible
packings are then packed in the
shipping cartons and sent for
dispatch to the finished goods
	•	 1 teaspoon canola oil or peanut oil
	•	 1 onion, finely chopped
	•	 1-2 garlic clove, minced
	• 	1 1/2 tablespoons fresh ginger, grated
	• 	1 jalapeno pepper, diced
		 (or serrano if you like it more spicy)
	• 	2 chicken breasts, finely chopped
	• 	2 -3 medium tomatoes, chopped
	• 	1 carrot, peeled and grated
	• 	1/2-1 teaspoon turmeric
	• 	1 teaspoon berbere, spice powder
		 (or cayenne)
	• 	1/2 teaspoon ground cloves black pepper, 	
		 to taste
	• 	1 -2 teaspoon sugar
	• 	3 -4 cups water or 3 -4 cups broth
	• 	1/2-1 cup crunchy peanut butter
		 (adjust to taste), peanuts (optional)
Wear the old coat and buy the new book
West African Peanut Stew
A full flavored dish with distinctive taste
Embracing the other
We live in a conflict ridden
world. Social evils such as
racism, cynicism, nepotism and
terrorism are wide spreading. In
this violence soaked world, it
is important for us to hold on
to the teachings of Gandhiji.
His teachings on peace and
non-violence are relevant to
the present day world.We the
members of a number of civil
society organizations in New Delhi
come together to hold Gandhi
Jayanti Seminar to commemorate
International Day of Non-Violence.
We invite scholars and peace
activists to contribute papers on
this year’s theme “Embracing
the other”. Organizers hope to
bring together students of peace
to share on pressing issues of
the world and to discuss the
philosophies on “Embracing
the other”. The Seminar is of
interdisciplinary nature and
contributors are welcome to
look at the sub-themes and
other topics conforming to the
parameters of the main theme of
the Seminar.
Date: 02 Oct 2014
Venue: Conference Hall, in dialogue Centre,
New Delhi, India
The I.S.O.I Annual
It organized by the Aattis
Technologies. The conference
will cover areas like a surgical
and restorative blueprint for
ideal implant esthetics: a vision
for success and change. Some
prominent speakers include Dr.
Brahm Miller, Dr. Sonia Leziy.
Date: 02-04 Oct 2014
Venue: The Leela Palace Chennai, Chennai,
Conference on
Advances in Materials
and Manufacturing
It is organized by the Chitkara
University Punjab. The conference
will cover areas like Manufacturing
Processes, Surface Engineering,
Nano Materials, Thermal Spray
Coatings, Engineering Materials,
Quality Engineering and
Metrology, Metallurgy and Heat
Treatment, Process Modeling
and Surface Engineering,
Computation for Material and
Manufacturing, Supply Chain
Management, Heat Transfer in
Date: 03-04 Oct 2014
Venue: Chitkara University, Chandigarh
Conference on Advanced
Computer Science and
Information Technology
It is organized by the Institute of
Technology  Research (ITR). The
conference will cover areas like
Neural Networks, Parallel and
Distributed Computing.
Date: 05 Oct 2014
Venue: Hotel Akshaya, Vizag, India
Conference on Electrical,
Electronics, Computer
Science and Mechanical
It is organized by the IRAJ
Research Forum. The conference
will cover areas like Radio
Engineering, Telecommunications,
Control Systems, Signal
Processing, Systems
Engineering, Control Engineering,
Microelectronics, and Signal
Date: 05 Oct 2014
Venue: Hotel Raj Palace, Chennai, India
The Cape Floral
Kingdom claims
nearly 7000 plants
found nowhere else
in the world.
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi releasing the logo at the inauguration of the “MAKE IN INDIA”, in New
Delhi on September 25, 2014.
picture of the week
	•	 1 dash lemons (optional) or 1 dash lime juice
Prepration Method
1.	Heat the oil in a medium saucepan. Add the
onions, garlic and ginger; cook until the onion
is translucent. Add the chili pepper(s), heat for
several more minutes.
2.	Add the chicken, turmeric, berbere, and cloves.
Cook over medium heat until the chicken is done.
3.	Add the tomatoes, grated carrot and any other
vegetables you want to use. Cook for 5 more
minutes, stirring occasionally.
4.	Add the water or broth to the saucepan and bring
to a boil. Add the peanut butter and reduce heat
to medium-low. Stir well for 5-10 minutes, or
until the peanut butter dissolves. Add the sugar
and lemon/lime juice (if using). Taste, and
adjust any ingredients to taste. Simmer for 5-10
minutes longer. Serve hot with toasted bread.
•	They are great for diabetics
Being home to the largest diabetic
population in the world, Indians must
realize the importance of including
almonds in their diet. ‘Eating almonds
has a positive effect on reducing low
density cholesterol (cholesterol which
blocks the arteries) and also improves
insulin sensitivity; so it does help in
pushing diabetes away.
•	They can be a great snack to
have before hitting the gym
A handful of almonds is considered
a great pre-workout snack as they
contain 15 essential nutrients.
•	They are an excellent early
morning energy booster
Start your day morning with 10 pieces
of almonds (soaked overnight).
The almonds are a rich source of
antioxidants, proteins and essential
fats and help in maintaining cholesterol
•	They boost your immunity
A lack of vitamin E can affect the
immune system’s ability to fight
infections. Chew on a handful of
almonds which are rich in vitamin E;
this will keep your immune system
running in smooth order.
A recent study found that consuming
just 1.5 ounces or 43 grams of
almonds a day are a great way to
keep your	 hunger pangs in check.
The unpretentious nut is extremely
low on calories with ten almonds
accounting for just 78 calories.
Handy French
1.	 I have an exam tomorrow.
	 Demain j’ai un examen.
2.	Where is your home?
	 Où est votre maison?
3.	You’re my best friend.
	 Tu es mon/ma meilleur(e) ami(e).
4.	Where do you stay?
Où habitez-vous?
5.	It’s an awesome weather.
	 Il fait très beau temps.
6. Why are you so late?
	 Pourquoi êtes-vous en retard?
diet tips
to lose
belly fat
Cut down salt: Stick to the recommended 1500 mg of
salt intake a day. Don’t put salt on the table to add
to your dinner and limit the amount whilst cooking.
Avoiding ready meals is a must too as these are
laden with salt for flavor.
Eat more fibre: Eating a combination of soluble and
insoluble fibre is an effective way to stay fit
and avoid the bloated feeling that comes
with constipation. Foods that are rich in
fibre include oranges, mushrooms,
raspberries, broccoli
and cabbage.
Focus on potassium-
rich foods: As sodium
makes body retain
water, potassium
helps it to get rid of
excess water. Eating
potassium-rich foods
like bananas and
sweet potatoes can help minimize your middle
waist. But make sure to exercise right as these
can be fattening too.
Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water ensures that
fibre can do its job to ease constipation too. Not
drinking enough water can also aggravate your
sodium and potassium levels.
Avoid digestive stress: Stay away from foods that
are difficult to digest like sugary or fatty foods.
Focus instead on simple meals which are made
with whole foods and steamed vegetables to
heal the digestive system.
Ditch artificial sweeteners: Found in flavoured
water, diet, low-carbs and sugar-free foods,
artificial sweeteners aren’t completely digested
by body. Bacteria in the large intestine tend to
ferment them, causing gas and bloating. Always
check food labels to avoid sorbitol, mannitol,
xylitol and lacitol.
igeria’s entertainment
and media revenues
will reach an estimated
US$8.5bn in 2018, more
than doubling from the
2013 figure of US$4.0bn
at a CAGR of 16.1%. This
represents one of the fastest
growth rates in the world.
The Internet will be
the key driver for Nigeria,
where the number of mobile
Internet subscribers is
forecast to surge from 7.7
million in 2013 to 50.4
million in 2018.
Television in the
form of advertising and
subscriptions and licence
fees, will also become a
US$1 billion-plus market in
2018, while the market will
grow steadily
African Herald Express
CAGR 16.1%
in 2013
and media
will reach
an estimated
Mobile Internet
in 2018 in 2018 in 2018
I've felt a deep connection to Africa, says Angelina Jolie
Richard Leakey, an
environmentalist, battle with
robbers of ivory is to be directed
by Angelina Jolie. Eric Roth, an
Oscar winning Script writer for the
movie Forrest Gump, has written
the screenplay of this movie.
Leakey used to deal with the illegal
business of ivory and is the former
head of the Kenya Wildlife Service.
I've felt a deep connection to
Africa and its culture for much of
my life, said Jolie.
Kenya’s elephant and rhino
populations has been recovered
from border of calamity after
Leakey’s measures were taken
to deal with the ivory robbers
including sending helicopter
behind them. He was in
international bulletins in 1989
Akon, hip-hop singer wants
something to give back to the
continent where he grew up. He
recently took an initiative with
a project ‘Kibera’ which will
provide electricity to millions of
people brightening their future
who are carrying out their daily
needs without electricity and this
campaign will be known as ’Akon
Lighting Africa Campaign’.
Akon, the proud owner of a
formidable voice in Africa, is using
his popularity to reach to the
countrymen by providing them
with electricity. Akon was praised
by the President for being a role
model to African younger people
and the President also said to the
younger ones to get inspiration
and to invest in their mother
countries. Almost 25 countries of
Africa are experiencing an energy
crisis according to the World Bank.
The star was born and brought
up in the West African country,
after 12 tons of ivory was burned
in Nairobi National Park. Jolie said
Africa is about a man drawn into
the violent conflict with elephant
poachers, who emerged with a
deeper understanding of man's
footprint and a profound sense
of responsibility for the world
around him.
Leakey is ‘inspirational’ and
‘Africa is a story that deserves
to be told’ says producer David
Ellison, whose company Skydance
co-produced films like True Gift
and Jack Reacher. Unbroken, Jolie’s
upcoming movie with British actor
Jack O’Connell will be in cinemas
later this year. By The Sea, written
by Jolie herself will be directed
opposite her husband Brad Pitt.
Senegal, and there is a connectivity
that he can feel with the sufferings
of the people living there. After
achieving big name and fame in the
music industry, he wanted to give
back something to his country.
Akon lighting project is connected
with the greatest resource of
Africa, the Sun, to generate power.
The project includes to lighten up
the streets, to provide residential
solar systems in African villages as
well as providing solar equipment.
This will enable thousands of
children studying in lights and
encouraging them to brighten
their future.
Give1Project, and ADS Global
Corporation SA will be partner of
the Akon’s project Lighting Africa.
But don't call it a charity. I get
tired of hearing that Africa is a
charity case, Akon commented.
Africa is wide open for business,
and we've found a good business
model. Africa will never run out of
sun. Akon knows that this project
will not light entire Africa but he
is happy for his step in the right
Angelina Jolie
High-profile Argentine
trio apply for vacant
Black Stars coaching job
Ghana midfielder Mubarak Wakaso makes
debut for Scottish side Celtic
Habineza urges federations to focus on spotting talent
Brian Lara’s charity match raises
Rwf44 million for cricket stadium
icardo Gareca, one of
Argentina's flagship
coaches, has applied for the
vacant Black Stars coaching job,
can exclusively report that his
compatriots Roberto Trotta and
Omar De Fellippe also submitted
Gareca, 56, is conclusively
a top contender to replace the
sacked Kwesi Appiah because of
his high-profile status.
Until recently, he was the
coach of Brazilian side Palmeiras
and also had stints other top clubs
across South America.
The former Argentina
international forward won four
Argentina league titles with
Independiente and Velez Sarsfield.
Additionally, he won Peruvian
and Colombian league titles and
Ghana midfielder Mubarak
Wakaso made his debut for the
Scottish champions Celtic on
when they played in the Europa
League against Austrian giants
Red Bull.
The Ghanaian started in his
first match for the Scottish giants
in the match against the Salzburg-
based team in Austria.
The 24-year-old joined the
club on loan from Russian side
Rubin Kazan last month but had
not played for them until the
European competition match.
Wakaso was yet to make
his Celtic bow having returned
too late from international duty
with Ghana to feature against
The Minister of Sports and
Culture Joseph Habineza has
urged sports federations
to focus on empowering
grassroots identification so as
to have competent sportsmen
and women in future.
Habineza made the
remarks after meeting
presidents of all national
sports federations and
associations at Amahoro
National Stadium.
He said: “We should
lay strategies that assist in
producing young and capable
players because at the moment
we don’t have any. You should
go down to the grassroots
and identify young players,
the coveted now
defunct Copa
Trotta is a
defender and
now manager of
Club Athletico
S a r m i e n t o ,
a team in
A r g e n t i n a ' s
s e c o n d - t i e r
league the
Primera B Nacional.
The 45-year-old had coaching
stints with giants Independiente
and was assistant to Diego
Maradona at UAE side Al Wasl.
Omar De Fellippe
De Fellippe, 52, is currently on
the coaching staff of Independiente
and renowned for qualifying
teams for premier divisions.
He gained promotion for
Quilmes Atletic Club (2011/12)
and Independiente (2013/14).
The Ghana Football
Association set September 19,
2014 as deadline for application
and the new coach is expected to
be named before the next round of
the 2015 AFCON qualifiers.
So far 9 coaches have applied
for the job which is one of the most
coveted in African football.
Modern Ghana
Over £50,000 (about Rwf44.3m)
of West Indies legend Brian Lara
in a charity match played at the
picturesque Wormsley Cricket
Ground on the Getty Family Estate
in Buckinghamshire.
The funds will go to Rwanda
a charity established to build an
international cricket stadium in
The Lara XI, playing in the
colours of Rwanda included Ashes
winning former England captain
Andrew Strauss, Matthew Hoggard
and England women’s vice-captain
Heather Knight.
They reached a total of 218/7
before the Warwickshire All-Stars
responded with 189 runs.
The game came to a dramatic
conclusion as 11-year-old
Oxfordshire boy Dee Jarvis, a
from the crowd by Hoggard, took a
hat-trick in the penultimate over, a
performance which won him the
Man of the Match award.
Lara, one of the greatest
batsmen the game has ever seen, is
a patron of the charity, and feels a
strong link with Rwanda as 1994
brought a stark contrast between
‘the best of times and the worst of
Lara said: “It’s been a great
day and it’s great to see so much
support for the project. There’s
a huge enthusiasm for the game
in Rwanda, and it’s vital that we
support the Rwandan Cricket
Association in harnessing the huge
talent available.”
“The last 20 years have seen
the country make huge strides and
on that progress. When complete,
the stadium and facilities, along
with the local supporters, will help
to create a lasting legacy for the
game in this wonderful country,”
added Lara.
Edward Pearson, the
Director, Rwanda Cricket Stadium
Foundation (RCSF) said: “Thanks
to all those that came along today,
we’ve made a huge step towards
reaching our fundraising goal.”
“The amount of support that
we’ve had has been overwhelming
and we look forward to seeing
everyone at further events,” added
The RCSF was set up to raise
funds to design and build an
international standard stadium,
with the aim of it being ready
for play by September 2015 and
sustainable for the long term.
The stadium will form the focal
point for the ongoing development
of both the men’s and women’s
game in Rwanda, which is already
burgeoning despite the lack of
New Times
for the Hoops starting line-up
after Aleksander Tonev failed to
make any real impression on his
“That's important Wakaso is
expected to benefit,” manager
Rony Deila told the club's website
before the match played in
“Wakaso had not even trained
with the team until this week
because of the break. That's why
he was on the bench for all of
Saturday's game.”
The 24-year-old former
Espanyol kingpin joined the
Scottish champions on loan from
Rubin Kazan this summer and has
an option to make it permanent.
Modern Ghana
who will be productive for the
country in future.”
Habineza urged the
federations and associations to
work closely with the Rwanda
schools sports federation by
preparing a long term strategy.
He gave them until end of
November to have completed
the ‘homework’.
The meeting also
emphasised the need to have a
programme to identify talented
young players at the grassroots
and to improve the capabilities
of coaches. Also, federations
without legal status were urged
to sort out that before the end
of November.
New Times
Ricardo Gareca
Mubarak Wakaso
Brian Lara (Right) with a cricket fan
Joseph Habineza, Minister of Sports and
Culture, Rwanda
Owner / Publisher / Editor: Mr. Kirit Sobti from 3rd Floor, Plot No. 3, Block PSP-IV, Service Centre Opp. Sector-11 (Extn.), Rohini, Delhi-85
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Explain in brief the concept framed
for Virtue Baby?
A moment of shift is motherhood,
when a woman prepares to bring in
a new life into the world to become a
mother. Virtue Baby stands ahead of the
curve as a public benefit organization
running by a team of health care
professionals, spiritual guides, yoga
experts and physiotherapists offering
inspiration, information, and assistance
to expecting parents with regards to
the nourishment of baby in womb so
as to get a better generation, which is
emotionally strong and morally uplifted.
It maps out the path that we wish
all women to follow as they prepare for
Motherhood! Pregnancy is a time for a
mother to prepare and care for herself
physically, emotionally and spiritually,
in order to become the best mother and
role model she can be. We endeavor
to carve a special path for expected
mothers to create space in their busy
lives that would enable them to connect
with their self and babies growing inside
the quietude of their womb.
What is the main motive behind this
innovative idea?
Pregnancy comes in as a beautiful
stage in woman’s life. Basic motive of
every pregnant woman and her doctor
is to give birth to a healthy baby. Every
couple wants to ensure that their child
gets the best possible start in life.
Experience we usually have, while
encountering and counseling couples has
led us to the conclusion that although
everyone wishes to have a perfect
start for the new life joining them but
anxiousness, stress and worries about
a lot many things are quite normally
perceived by them in everyday things.
Hence, the welcoming and positive
energy for that new life coming in
seems lost. What we conclude is that
the influence of environment begins in
the womb, and how the mother feels
during pregnancy can change and have
a lasting effect on the development of
her child. Therefore, it is important to
support and look after pregnant women,
both for their sake and that of coming
generations. Conclusively, conscious
parenting today gives way to an
enlightened and more joyful tomorrow!
With our initiative, we wish to
bring forward the set of changes that
people should follow so as to have a
more positive outlook and an optimistic
approach towards life and a mystical
phase; that is, pregnancy.
What are the key contents you will
be providing in Virtue Baby for the
benefit of would-be-parents?
Instead of focusing on 'material'
preparations for having a baby, Virtue
Baby project aims to educate, support
and empower would-be parents for
making an informed decision of birthing
from a positive, confident and balanced
perspective. Interactive educational
sessions with gynecologists, mental
health experts, spiritual leaders, yoga
experts, dietician, pediatrician sharing
knowledge about the baby’s physical,
mental as well as emotional health!
Every day is a new beginning with
experiences, memories, activities, and
occasions that define who we are.
Capturing those moments is a reflective
and challenging process. Hence, we
design a Scrapbook for expected mothers,
which she will be filling for her unborn
baby. Celebrating the most memorable
nine months of a mother’s life, it will be
a chit chat book for Mom and baby, from
the time she thought of conceiving till
final birth.
Relaxation Videos  Meditation
Commentaries for all would be mothers
to give them some “down time” to rest
physically and mentally. Educational and
entertaining to watch, our Information
Documentary shows journey of would-be
parents from Conception to Birth.
What changes you are expecting in the
mindset of people from this initiative.
Will they accept this new thinking
with ease?
With our initiative, we wish to
bring forward the set of changes that
people should follow so as to have a
more positive outlook and an optimistic
approach towards life and a mystical
phase; that is, pregnancy. Babies
are wise and conscious beings. They,
undoubtedly, pick up cues even before
they are born. Broadly acknowledged
and revered tales of the mythological
character Abhimanyu; learning the
secrets of warfare while in his mother's
womb might have some sensible basis
after all.
This is really important to note
that a positive experience during this
phase is really significant for the foetus.
Therefore, pregnant mothers are usually
encouraged and motivated to read and
talk positively to their babies. It has
been seen that parents who read and
talk positive to the foetus have babies
reflecting positive emotions too.
Hence, we strongly believe to have
a positive reciprocation from people,
who go through these instances and
explanations. Our effort is to benefit your
bundle of joy with all happiness, love,
peace, purity and bless.
Pregnancy symbolizes purity. It is truly amazing how a woman gives birth to a child and bring a new
life to the world. But it’s a big challenge for the mother as well as its doctor to give birth to a healthy
baby. In an exclusive interview to Indo Africa Times, Dr. Nitika Sobti articulated that the moods and
habits of the mother largely affects the child in the womb. She brought into limelight various ways
that will help in a positive pregnancy like interactive educational sessions with gynecologists, mental
health experts guiding about baby’s physical, mental as well as emotional health.
Pregnancy comes in as a
beautiful stage in woman’s life
Nitika Sobti
Senior Consultant,
Obstetrics  Gynaecology

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Volume 1 issue 38

  • 1. MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 Title Code: DELENG18579 • RNI NO: DELENG/2014/54666 • Postal Registration No.: DN/325/2014-2016 • VOL. 1 • NO. 38 • Page 12 • Price `10 pg08 pg 04 pg 02 pg 10 Continued to page 03 pg 07 I've felt a deep connection to Africa South Africa hosts Lesotho crisis summit H e was an appropriate pick for the position of Prime Minister along with the accountabilities that come with that office. Over the years he has confirmed himself to be proficient, competent and operative in many provinces – and Ugandans have, no doubt, benefitted from these assets. He is the new Prime Minister of Uganda Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda. Ugandans can now be guaranteed, with the choice of President Yoweri that government business will be lead tremendously efficaciously with him at the helm. He replaces Kinkiizi West MP Amama Mbabazi who has been the prime Minister since June 2011. In a letter written by President Yoweri Museveni to the Speaker of Parliament, Ms. Rebecca Kadaga, Dr Rugunda who has been the health minister has been appointed to replace Mr. Amama Mbabazi. “By virtue of the powers vested in the president of the Republic of Uganda by article 108A(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, I have with immediate effect decided to appoint Dr. Ruhakana UGANDANS BLESSED TO HAVE A NEW PREMIER THE RAINBOW NATION: SOUTH AFRICA The Air Conditioned Country: KENYA A Complete Solution for Food Processing in Africa
  • 2. Wassupafrica02 Pretoria (AFP) - South Africa hosted an emergency meeting of regional leaders to negotiate a peace deal for Lesotho , following an attempted coup and stalled peace talks between deadlocked political parties. South African President Jacob Zuma and Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe chairman of the 15-member Southern African Development Community (SADC) - will sit down with Lesotho's leaders to hash out a solution after rival party leaders failed to patch up their differences. "For now we are very confident that this summit will help us to move forward on a number of issues," said Zuma, opening the meeting. "One of the current issues of course is the current situation in the kingdom of Lesotho," he said, voicing optimism for a resolution. "Part of the reason I am saying we are optimistic," says Zuma, "is because we want Lesotho to get back to normalcy as soon as possible." On August 30, an attempted coup by renegade general Tlali Kamoli saw the military assault several police stations, prompting the Prime Minister to flee the country. Prime Minister Tom Thabane has since returned, protected by South African guards, but a Pretoria-brokered peace deal quickly disintegrated after he refused to reopen parliament. Reopening the legislature - which was shuttered in June - is seen as a key step toward restoring normality in the tiny South Africa hosts Lesotho crisis summit The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation responds to the Ebola crisis IMF, World Bank pledge $300m for Ebola campaign The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have pledged $300m in emergency aid for the three most affected countries in West Africa by the rapidly spreading Ebola virus. “The Ebola outbreak is a severe human, social and economic crisis that requires a resolute response from the international community,” Christine Lagarde, IMF managing director, said in a statement. Jim Yong Kim, World Bank president, warned the outbreak could drain billions of dollars from the West Africa region. “We really need to scale up our response. . . time is of the essence,” he added. The IMF said it would provide the three countries $127m to “cover a sizeable share of the total financing gap of some $300m estimated over the next 6 to 9 months”. In addition, the IMF said it would discuss more support in October. The World Bank separately pledged about $200m in emergency assistance and Mr Kim said member countries were ready to provide funds. The virus has killed 2,500 people and infected 5,000 people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, according to the World Health Organisation. Nigeria and Senegal have suffered a few cases. The WHO has warned that the number of dead is now likely to double every three weeks. The IMF said growth in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone would T he Coca-Cola Africa Foundation (TCCAF), an entity of The Coca-Cola Company, has responded to the Ebola crisis in West Africa by donating medical equipment and supplies to healthcare centres affected by the outbreak. Through its healthcare partner, MedShare, doctors and nurses working tirelessly on the ground to care for infected patients and prevent the spread of the disease – at huge risk to themselves – will have access to personal protective equipment. The intervention is making a significant difference to the lives of healthcare slow as agriculture, mining and services, sectors that are crucial to the economy and employment, are disrupted by the outbreak. The IMF said it expected growth in Sierra Leone to reduce from 11.3 per cent to 8 per cent this year. In Liberia, it forecast growth to weaken from 5.9 per cent to 2.5 per cent, and from 3.5 per cent to 2.4 per cent in Guinea. The IMF and World Bank packages were announced a day after Barack Obama said the world must act fast to fight Ebola and dispatched 3,000 soldiers to West Africa to contain the outbreak. “It's spiralling out of control. It is getting worse. It's spreading faster and exponentially,” the US president said. “We have to act fast.” The outbreak is focusing attention on how little progress has been made in tackling the disease since it was identified 38 years ago by scientists who analysed a blood sample from a person struck down by a mysterious virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo, near the Ebola River. The haemorrhagic fever has gruesome symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhoea and both internal and external bleeding. Ebola has a fatality rate of up to 90 per cent and there is no cure. The current outbreak, however, has a fatality rate of about half. Modern Ghana mountainous state. In Maseru, the political crisis appears to be intensifying. A coalition of opposition parties has joined forces and called on the ruling tripartite coalition to reopen parliament, which is likely to result in an immediate vote of no-confidence for Thabane. Politicians also rallied behind Kamoli. The renegade general has refused a prime ministerial order to resign and has apparently raided government armouries in preparation for a showdown. His allies have warned of a "bloodbath" if he is forcibly removed."The whole thing is a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation," said defence analyst Helmoed Romer Heitman. "I can see the point he is reluctant to reopen parliament while there is a risk of his family being attacked; on the other hand there is no military solution to the problem," said Heitman, speaking from Pretoria. "You can't solve a political problem with a military solution," he said. "You can enforce something for a while, but it can't professionals in Guinea, SierraLeone,Liberiaand surrounding countries. The shipments, valued at USD200 000, include personal protective equipment (PPE) such as latex gloves, surgical drapes, gowns, face shields, syringes, face masks and shoe covers – essential items to reduce the risk infection for healthcare workers and to improve the level of service delivered to patients. Tragically, the shortage of PPE has led to many medical workers treating Ebola patients becoming infected themselves and passing away. Others are just quitting their posts out of fear of becoming infected, which leaves patients with nowhere to go for care. The World Health Organisation reports that while the Ebola strain affecting communities in West Africa is not the deadliest on record, this is the most widespread outbreak witnessed to date. “The number of fatalities in this outbreak exceeds the number of fatalities of all previous Ebola outbreaks combined and hospitals have a critical shortage of medical supplies needed to contain the disease,” she says. At the start of the outbreak, 90% of all victims died but since then the rate of deaths has been reduced to about 50%. “This change is due in large part to the doctors andnurseswhofighttosavelives,at great risk to themselves. However, another key factor is securing the materials needed to enable health care professionals to treat patients effectively. TCCAF joins them in these efforts,” she says. TCCAF exists for the benefit of communitiesacrossAfrica.Through its work across the continent The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation is helping to address some of the unmet needs that are a priority for communities.TCCAFhascommitted resources and is collaborating with other organisations in the public, private and NGO sector to provide communities with improved access to safe drinking water and sanitation through the Replenish Africa Initiative (RAIN). The Foundation is also strengthening Africa’s health systems through Project Last Mile, an initiative that leverages Coca-Cola’s logistics, supply chain, and commercial expertise to help improve health systems across Africa. TCCAF is also working with partners to create opportunities for youth empowerment. African Herald Express last forever." Heitman said it is unlikely that South Africa will send in troops to Lesotho. "I don't see South Africa putting in troops unless they are pretty certain a political solution is to follow," he said. A military intervention would not be welcome in Lesotho, where many are traumatised by the events of 1998, when post-election violence prompted South African troops to intervene with SADC approval. Criminal probe launched Police said that they have launched a criminal investigation into the August 30 events, accordingtoMaseruPolice District Commissioner Mofokeng Kolo. The military assault killed one officer at police headquarters in Maseru, injured nine others, caused significant damage to two other stations, and police were "robbed" of nearly four dozen automatic weapons, Kolo said. The dead officer, Sub-Inspector Mokheseng Ramahloko, was reportedly guarding the armoury. "We believe justice must be done," Kolo told AFP. "We believe these acts were illegal and a criminal offence – and we shouldn't keep quiet about them." He rejected calls for an amnesty, which supporters say could help end the crisis. "We can even talk about amnesty before reconciliation," Kolo said. "And we can't talk about reconciliation while we're still in the middle of this situation." Modern Ghana Dr. Susan Mboya-Kidero, President of TCCAF  Tom Thabane, Prime Minister of Lesotho  MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 29, 2014
  • 3. Wassupafrica 03 FROM PAGE 01 required parliamentary approval. I thank the Rt. Hon. Amama Mbabazi for the contribution he has made to this country,” the letter further Rugunda as the new Prime Minister of Uganda,” the September 18, 2014 letter reads in part. “I therefore hereby forward the names and curriculum vitae of Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda to you for the reads. Prior to Prime Minister of Uganda Rugunda served as Uganda’s Minister of Health and Permanent Representative at the United Nations, from January 2009 until May 2011. Rugunda was born in Kabale District on 7 November 1947. As a young boy, he would repeatedly sit and read the newspapers to his father Surumani Rugunda, and it is these skills at a tender age that glimmered his later concern in politics. Rugunda attended Kigezi High School and Busoga College Mwiri where he served as Head Prefect, before joining Makerere University Medical School and later the University of Zambia where he studied medicine, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB). He later studied at the University of California, Berkeley and got the degree of Master of Science in Public Health (MSc.Pub.Hlth). Formerly, Rugunda worked as Medical Officer in Zambia, as a physician at DC General Hospital in Washington DC, and at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya. While appearing at Makerere University in Uganda, Rugunda, usually denoted to as “Ndugu” (Swahili for “brother”) by friends, served as President of the National Union of Students of Uganda (NUSU), a politically vibrant youth movement. As a young political activist, Rugunda was part of the Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) and was said to be close to President Apollo Milton Obote. Rugunda was one of a few who had been seen by Obote as future leaders of the party and country. In one of the last interviews before his death, Obote lamented as to why the brilliant Rugunda had gotten himself knotted with Yoweri Museveni and the National Resistance Movement. In 1985 he met with the leaders of the Ugandan National Resistance Movement (NRM) at the inn “Zum grünen Jäger” in Unterolberndorf, for a conspirative conference to intricate a political programme for the liberated Uganda. He has previously held the many positions in the Ugandan Government as the Minister of Information, Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Health, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Minister of Works, Transport & Communication, Minister of Water, Lands & the Environment, Commissioner for Animal Industry, Game and Fisheries, Chairman of NRM Electoral Commission, Member of Parliament for Kabale Municipality and President of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). In January 2009, he was appointed Uganda’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations. At the same time, the position was elevated to a Cabinet Ministerial level in Uganda. He twice served as the president of the Security Council in July 2009 and in October 2010 during Uganda’s two-year stint on the Security Council from 2010 – 2011. In the cabinet reshuffle of 27 May 2011, he was reassigned to the Information & Communication Technology Ministry, as full Cabinet Minister. In May 2013, he was transferred to the health ministry as Minister, replacing Christine Ondoa, who became an advisor to the President of Uganda on public health matters. Dr. Rugunda is happily married to Jocelyn Rugunda and take delight in reading, playing tennis and chess in his spare time. T wo South African aviation companies have signed an agreement with Airbus which will allow them access into larger contracts by the giant European aircraft maker, the firms announced Tuesday. Airbus said the alliance would enablethestate-ownedcomponents maker Denel Aero structures and Aerosud Aviation "to jointly bid for larger scale manufacturing work packages on Airbus commercial airliner programmes" which they used to compete for separately. Denel Aerostructures, a division of arms manufacturer Denel, supplies the aviation sector with a range of components and engineering solutions. Simon Ward, Airbus vice- South African aviation firms join forces with Airbus president for international cooperation, described the deal for Denel as a "transition" from military components to commercial aircraft work. Ward said the two companies would be offered support in making bids to Airbus and to manufacture bigger components. The South African government hailed the partnership, saying it would give the country a crucial opportunity to "reduce its dependency on military aerospace" and help improve skills development. Airbus has an order book of nearly 6,000 aircraft, some eight to nine years of output at full production rates. Modern Ghana The 13th Edition of the African Economic Outlook Report for 2014 was launched with participation of policy makers, internationaldevelopmentpartners, private sector, universities and research institutions, Sudanese civil society and the media. The occasion took place at Mamoun Behiery Centre, where the Government, African Development Bank Resident Representative, the UNDP Deputy Country Director, MBC Director addressed the event. The African Economic Outlook (AEO) is one of the African Development Bank’s flagship publications, aimed at informing academics, policy makers and development practitioners about the performance of Africa’s macroeconomicaggregatesandhow these are impacting on the ordinary citizens. Each year, the AEO report focuses on a theme of importance to continent’s development aspirations. The theme for 2014 is “Global Value Chains and Africa’s Industrialisation”, and the report covers all of the 54 countries. For Sudan, the report states that the country’s real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 3.6 percent in 2013, up from 1.4 percent in 2012, driven by agriculture and mining aswell as the oil transit African Economic Outlook Report Focuses on Industrialisation fees with South Sudan. However, inflation remained high (36.2 percent), reflecting the combined effect of inflationary financing, the devaluation of the currency and high energy prices. It is estimated that real growth will recede slightly in 2014 to 2.7 percent and is projected at 3.8 percent in 2015. Inflation is estimated to drop by 9.4 percentage points in 2014, and projected at 23.2 percent for 2015. The challenge for African economies is to ensure that global value chains have a positive impact on socially inclusive development. Africa’s participation in global value chains is currently limited to lower value activities although opportunities exist for upgrading to higher ones. African countries can further integrate into global value chains by opening to trade, targeting regional and emerging markets, modernising infrastructure, promoting local entrepreneurship, and investing in education. Global value chains require additional considerations: each value chain has unique requirements; policies may be suited for integrating into global value chains but not conducive to upgrading; and unnecessary tax incentive systems can result in a loss of revenue. Equitable economic and social transformations and environmental sustainability remain core concerns for Africa to maximise the gains that global value chains can offer. Sudan Vision ( )I N D U S T R I E S I N D I A Adapter Sleeve Withdrawal Sleeve Locknuts & Washers E-mail: Web: mONDAY | SEPTEMBER 29, 2014
  • 4. its first contribution to the grid by 2013, and Kusile, which will come on stream in mid-2014. Fisheries Blessed with a coastline almost 3 000 kilometers long, and numerous dams, lakes, rivers and CountryoftheWeek04 SOUTH AFRICA AT A GLANCE Official Name: Republic of South Africa Capitals: Pretoria (administrative), Cape Town (legislative), Bloemfontein (judicial) Size: 1,219,090 km2 Key Economic Sectors: Mining services and transport, energy, manufacturing, tourism, agriculture Population: 51,770,560 Official languages: English, isiZulu, isiXhosa, isiNdebele, Afrikaans, siSwati, Sesotho sa Leboa, Sesotho, Setswana, Tshivenda, Xitsonga Provinces: Western Cape, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Northern Cape, Free State, North West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo Currency: Rand (ZAR),100 cents equals one rand Time: GMT +2 hours Distances: Cape Town to Johannesburg 1 400 km (880 miles), Johannesburg to Durban 600 km (380 miles), Port Elizabeth to Bloemfontein 700 km (440 miles) Transportation: Excellent roads, rail and air facilities (both domestic and international). Public transport in major cities include the Gautrain between Johannesburg and Pretoria and the Bus Rapid Transport System in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria. Telecommunications: World-class infrastructure. Internet access is widely available. There are five mobile (cellular) networks. Economy: The country has a well- capitalised banking system, abundant natural resources and well-developed regulatory systems. S outhAfricaisacountrylocated atthesoutherntipofAfrica.To the north lie the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe; to the east are Mozambique and Swaziland; and within it lies Lesotho, an enclave surrounded by South African territory. The country is called the Rainbow nation because this means unity of multi-culturalism and the coming-together of people of many different races. Within South African indigenous cultures, the rainbow is allied with hope and a bright future (as in Xhosa culture). The colors are basically said to signify the assortment of South Africa's usually unspecified cultural, ethnic or racial groups. Whether they are pink, yellow, black, blue or white they are all equal and stand to have a good future. Today's South Africa has one of the most sophisticated, diverse and promising emerging markets globally. Strategically located at the tip of the African continent, South Africa is a key investment location, both for the market opportunities that lie within its borders and as a gateway to the rest of the continent, a market of about1- billion people. South Africa is the economic powerhouse of Africa and forms partofthe BRICSgroupofcountries with Brazil, Russia, India and China. It has a favourable demographic profile and its rapidly expanding middle class has growing spending power. South Africa has a wealth of natural resources (including coal, platinum, coal, gold, iron ore, manganese nickel, uranium and chromium) and it enjoys increased attention from international exploration companies, particularly in the oil and gas sector. Ithasworld-classinfrastructure, exciting innovation, research and development capabilities and an established manufacturing base. It is at the forefront of the development and rollout of new green technologies and industries, creating new and sustainable jobs in the process and reducing environmental impact. South Africa has sophisticated financial, legal and telecommunications sectors, and a number of global business process outsourcing (BPO) operations are Advertiser's Index Modern Agro Engineering Works ..........0Page 02 Chadha Power .................0Page 02 PHEL ................................0Page 03 K. T. ..................................0Page 03 The Times of Africa ..........0Page 05 32nd IFK ............................0Page 08 Mill India Ltd. ...................0Page 10 Laxmi Publications ..........0Page 11 Prakash Amusement .......0Page 11 Zimbabwe Mining & Infrastructure Indaba 2014 .................... Page 12 located in the country. It has political and macro- economic stability, an abundant supply of semiskilled and unskilled labour, and it compares favourably to other emerging markets in terms of the overall cost of doing business. For professional jobs, labour costs are less than half of the cost of European countries. For manufacturing jobs, labour costs arearoundone-thirdcostofEurope. The South African Government has introduced wide-ranging legislation to promote training and skills development and fast-track the building of world-class skills and competences. One of the main reasons for South Africa becoming one of the most popular trade and investment destinations in the world is due to the country ensuring that it can meet specific trade and investment requirements of prospective investors. South Africa has a host of investment incentives and industrial financing interventions that are aimed at encouraging commercial activity and its trade rules favour a further expansion in South Africa's burgeoning levels of international trade. South Africa's unrivalled scenic beauty and reputation for delivering value-for money make it an attractive leisure and business travel destination. Agriculture Agriculture in South Africa contributes around 10% of formal employment, relatively low compared to other parts of Africa, as well as providing work for casual labourers and contributing around 2.6 percent of GDP for the nation. Due to the aridity of the land, only 13.5 percent can be used for crop production, and only 3 percent is considered high potential land. According to FAOSTAT, South Africa is one of world's largest producers of: chicory roots (4th); grapefruit (4th); cereals (5th); green maize and maize (7th); castor oil seed (9th); pears (9th); sisal (10th); fibre crops (10th). The dairy industry consists of around 4,300 milk producers providing employment for 60,000 farm workers and contributing to the livelihoods of around 40,000 others. Energy Energy in South Africa describes energy and electricity production, consumption and export in South Africa. South Africa was 6th top hard coal producer in 2009. Hard coal production was 1,620 TWh in 2009 and total energy production 1,995 TWh in 2008. South Africa's steady economic growth as it increasingly focuses on industrialization, together with its mass electrification programme to take power into deep rural areas, has seen a steep increase in the demand for electricity. In fact, South Africa's energy demand is expected to be twice the current levels by 2030. Years of underinvestment in the country's power infrastructure has meant that energy demands are rising faster than Eskom, the state-owned company in charge of the majority of energy generation and distribution, can meet them. Together with Eskom, the government's Department of Energy has embarked on a massive programme to bring the electricity supply and distribution system into balance. With an infrastructural price tag of around R340-billion, Eskom is building new power stations, including Medupi in Limpopo that will make streams, South Africa has plenty to offer the fishing enthusiast. From game fish in two oceans to trout in mountain streams, there is something to challenge and entertain everyone. Automotive Industry South Africa's automotive industry is a global, turbo-charged engine for the manufacture and export of vehicles and components. Many of the major multinational firms use South Africa to source components and assemble vehicles for the local and international markets. The sector is one of South Africa’s most important, contributing at least 6% to the country’s GDP and accounting for almost 12% of South Africa's manufacturing exports, making it a crucial cog in the economy. In 2010, 271 000 vehicles were exported. More than 28 000 people are directly employed in automotive manufacturing, with 65 000 employed in the component manufacturing industry. About 200 000 are employed in retail and aftermarket activities, with 6 600 employed in the tire manufacturing industry (Automotive Industry Export Council, 2010). The automotive and components industry is well placed for investment opportunities. Vehicle manufacturers such as BMW, Ford (incorporating Mazda), General Motors, Mercedes Benz, Nissan, Renault, Toyota and Volkswagen have production plants in South Africa, while component manufacturers such as Arvin Exhaust, Bloxwitch, Corning, Senior Flexonics have established production bases here. Companies with production plants in South Africa are placed to take advantage of the low production costs, coupled with access to new markets as a result of trade agreements with the European Union and the Southern African Development Community free trade area. Opportunities also lie in the production of materials (automotive steel and components). Advertisement please email to or call at +91 8595166674 +91 9350564995 To book your THE RAINBOW NATION SOUTH AFRICA By Kanishka Chanda MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 29, 2014
  • 5. BusinessBuzz 05 Airtel boosts financial inclusion drive Vodafone Ghana Upgrades Customers' Phones BGI Donates Towards Street-Lighting Project G overnment’s efforts geared at ensuring that all Rwandans access financial services have been boosted by Airtel Rwanda, which has scrapped charges on Airtel Money service transactions. Teddy Bhullar, the telecom firm’s boss, said the move seeks to deepen financial inclusion and improve access to financial services. “The ‘It’s Now Free’ promotion will give customers an opportunity to use Airtel Money services, like sending or receiving money, and paying electricity bills, at no cost,” he said at the launch of the drive. The National Bank of Rwanda targets 80 per cent of the adult population having access to financial services by 2017. Bhullar said the promotion will BG International (BGI), the first U.S. based development firm to open an office in Ghana, has donated $10,000 towards a street- lighting project at Gbawe, a suburb of Accra. The donation was made at a grand durbar at Gbawe during the recent celebration of the Homowo festival by the Gbawe family. A speech read by Irwin Barkan, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of BGI, on behalf of Daniel Rose, a Development Chief of Gbawe under the stool name Nii Kwatei Aku 1, stated that the donation was to restart the street-lighting project which began some years ago but was never completed. Mr. Rose assured the people that he would provide additional funding 'until all the 130 light poles are shining bright at night on the 14 streets and roadways' that have been identified. He noted that this would 'bring much h a p p i n e s s and joy to the 220,000 people of Gbawe and a sense of safety and security on the streets of part of its customer handset upgrade scheme under its loyalty programme. Beneficiaries of the scheme received different brands of smartphones including Samsung Note 3, Samsung S5 and HTC One. 'At first my phone couldn't browse well and it was affecting my communication with friends and family because of the internet. But now I am enjoying the best internet service,' said Prisca Peters, a customer of Vodafone, adding that 'I am happy for the upgrade from Vodafone - the internet speed is super.' 'When I was called to pick up a new phone I was really happy, but I was surprised the service was for free,' said Liza Esi Adams, a customer who COMESA Court Opens in Khartoum COMESA has opened its court seated in Khartoum. The court would look into legal disputes between member-states to settle them. Court chief justice, Somba Ibook has affirmed that the court will rule on trade disputes between member- states as well as it will deal with disputes between companies and member- states such as those relating to taxes, customs and border trade. “Sudan has met its obligation regarding the construction of the court premises which will contribute to relations among African countries,” he said, adding, the court has at its first session looked into article 35 defining significantly help in the realisation of this objective, besides making financial transactions affordable. Phillip Onzoma, the head of Airtel Money and corporate business, said the telecom firm will also start campaigns to educate customers on the benefits of using mobile commerce solutions to further improve business operations and quality of life. Airtel money service currently has a customer base of over 680,000. About 3.9 million subscribers use the service on all the three telecom firms. The firm’s mobile solutions platform was launched in 2012, and can be used to buy data bundles using airtel money, as well as paying for construction permits at city hall. New Times its area of concern and powers of its chief and its secretariat-general. Justice Ibook said deliberations by experts, committees and ministerial levels focused on easing of flow of trade among member-states, in addition to the establishment of a data base to facilitate trade exchange and investment. For his part, Sudan representative said the COMESA court has earned much attention by member- states. The COMESA grouping is considered one of the major African groupings, including 19 states, all capable of increasing development rates. Sudan Vision has been on the Vodafone network for over two years. According to the telecommunications giant, the scheme was introduced to offer improved mobile internet experience for loyal data customers, who are unable to access the full potential of the internet due to the features of their old handsets. The company said it was honoring its promise of giving loyal customers guaranteed free benefits from time- to-time, adding that it will continue to empower customers by providing quality service. It said it will always monitor and implement measures to ensure quality service for all its customers. Modern Ghana Vodafone Ghana has given over 100 customers across the country new and advanced smartphones for free as  Harris Broumidis, CEO of Vodafone Ghana Mallam.' Mr. Rose added that on completion of the street-lighting project, he and his team would look at other projects including the Community/Business Center project that would serve the people of Mallam with educational, vocational and technical facilities and attract investors and businesses into the community. The Street Lights Project is jointly sponsored by the Helping Africa Foundation (HAF) founded by Daniel Rose and BG International of which Mr Rose serves as Chairman. This donation is a community service initiative being undertaken by BGI, real estate developers, which is in the process of developing a mall at the Mallam junction in Accra. The mall will bring an assortment of leading North American, European and African brands to Accra and will also contain a state-of-the-art dining and entertainment complex. Earlier in the year, BGI and Safe Water Network inaugurated water projects in the village of Yaw Kwei in the Asante Akyem South District of the Eastern region. BGI, with offices in New York City, is the first U.S. based development firm to open an office in Ghana and is currently developing projects throughout Ghana and Nigeria. The principals of BGI have developed hundreds of commercial projects throughout the world and are led by its Chairman, Daniel Rose, its CEO, Irwin Barkan and its President, Morley Gordon. Modern Ghana mONDAY | SEPTEMBER 29, 2014
  • 6. FRANKLY SPEAKING06 A frica is flaunted as the continent of opportunities, where there are plentiful assets available for economic evolution and makeover. Resources of Africa pair from minerals such as gold, diamond, bauxite, ore and presently the cumulative detection of oil in large quantities in countries across the continent with cocoa, soya, millet, maize, cattle and livestock amongst the numerous possessions that Africa is gifted with. For Africa to hold its equitable position in the world’s global economy, then it must dream of becoming borderless in terms of doing business. If Africa can form a sole economic space and can eradicate the supervisory and managerial physical barriers; then Africa can be on the upsurge of taking its fair position in the global economy. Africa is still struggling with unfortunate infrastructure, unwieldy techniques and tariffs and an erratic power supply. Challenges such as poor infrastructure make trade physically problematic. Intra-African trade is pathetic because central features of trade logistics such as transport, energy and ICT persist to be as a severe challenge. Africa must tackle its infrastructure in this case not only physical as in roads, ports, rails but the guidelines and measures that comes with taking goods across the borders. The enhancing of intra-African trade necessitates the implementation and execution of existing trade policies at the national, regional and continental levels, which should be pitched precisely towards the advancement of intra-African trade. For regional markets to function competently there is the requisite for strong regional and domestic outline regulations on trade related subjects of intellectual property rights, competition policies, investment, government’s procurement, trade and the environment. Non-tariff barriers such as surprising transaction cost, difficult immigration processes, limited capacities of border officials, costly import and export licensing procedures and lack of investments in trade association. 10% of Africa’s trade is within Africa whiles it stands at about 60% in other regions as the European Union. Trade is truly an engine of growth and if Africa is to sustain the current growth momenta which presently stand at averagely more than 5%, Africa should confirm that it upsurge the volume of trade within the continent. Imprecise policies also impede trade across the continent. African leaders must device current policies and prevailing legislation that aid to diminish the challenges obstructing trade in Africa. Africa at the moment is giving up to 40% extra on transport itself of goods at the consumer end. When you look at this cost at the rest of the world it is averaging about 10%. So Africa remains uncompetitive not because of any insuperable explanations but things that Africa can eradicate without extra investments. Studies show that if Africa remove these types of barriers to trade and have trade facilitation procedures, it can have an additional Miller Matola CEO, International Marketing Council of South Africa Dr. Rob Davies Trade and Industry Minister, South Africa By kirit sobti, editor, iat The East African Community (EAC) secretariat and its member states were called by a regional business lobby to tackle with the challenges that are halting trade within the alliance of the East African Business Council. The council insisted for a greater involvement of the private sector and civil sector regionally. Felix Mosha, chairperson of EABC, asked the significant strategies and etiquettes to run the trade easily. “Some of these challenges include the slow pace of implementation of the EAC common market protocol and harmonization of laws and policies in the region,” said Mr Mosha, in a statement of annual forum, in Entebbe, Uganda. Mr. Mosha analyzed that new non- tariff barriers (NTBs) still avails after elimination of the regional competition, boomed General Richard Sezibera, EAC Secretary. “To date, 55 NTBs have been resolved, 22 remain unresolved and six new ones have been identified,” he said. Compactness of communal safety assistance in the EAC common market is also one of the obstacles. “There is a challenge of food security and climate change mitigation and adaptation,” Mr. Mosha noted. Lacking in infrastructure and partial participation of small –scale officers are the obstacles faced by the agricultural sector were also recognized affecting trade. The EABC has appealed for countless participation by the private sector and civil society through interchange of frameworks enhancing trade and investment in regional projects. People-centered and private sector-driven combination should be highlighted for the assurance of citizen proprietorship, said Mr. Mosha. Trade will be a border free business $34billion of trade annually. This will help Africa’s prosperous informal trade into the formal economy. Africa seeks to attain a continental Free Trade Zones of which the starting point is then development of intra-African trade. FTZ pronounce a preparation where different trading entities, generally member countries, settle to cut or scrap taxes in order to lower business costs and eradicate bureaucracy. That is, an area of a country where tariffs and quotas are abolished and bureaucratic requirements are lowered in order to fascinate companies by raising the incentives for doing business there. The intention is to give a huge simulated lift to trade, particularly between raw material producers and manufacturing based economies. Free Trade Zone in Africa would mean to fetch about greater trade interactions and strategic coordination of the continent’s free trade and economic development zones, and through this, maximize and cheapen the flow of goods and services. The Free Trade Zone, (FTZ) offers greater quality infrastructure, counting, but not limited to, land, office space, utilities, logistics services, business services and other similar facilities. Corporations established within a FTZ may have access to a streamlined customs process with less bureaucracy and red tape. Firms looking for secured establishments within a FTZ typically obtain support from a single source service provider in order to obtain the necessary permits and applications. In addition, the legislation governing the day-to-day operations of firms operating within the FTZ (e.g., labour law) is usually more flexible relative to the laws applicable in the host country outside the FTZ. Corporations often choose FTZs for moving their business activities away from the ultimate destination market into a location with a low cost structure. FTZs usually cater to export oriented corporations that produce goods destined for foreign jurisdictions outside of the host country. Corporate establishment within a FTZ is often coupled with an attractive incentive package, which may include any of the following, an exemption and/or deferral of customs duties; grants for developing and employing local human resources; exemption and/or deferral of sales taxes; and other tax incentives and holidays A number of challenges have been documented as hampering the continental Free Trade Zone agenda. These include undiversified und underdeveloped production structures, inadequate infrastructure, and prevalence of non-tariff barriers and lack of trade governance structures. Increased intra-African trade will enable the continent create a large market of close to one billion people as well as hearten the diversification of economies. In the post-independence period, integration has being a core element of the development strategy of African countries. The importance that African countries attach to regional integration has been reflected in the high number of integration schemes on the continent. The integration is pitched towards endowing Africa to take its equitable place in the global economy and the more reason why, Africa should seek to trade more with its own members. Although some development has been attained on the procedure of Intra-African trade, the aim of African market integration is far from being realized. Serious efforts must be made to help Africa develop a culture where eventually, we would want to see Africa being borderless particularly in terms of doing business. We must encourage ourselves to do trade across the continent. Africa is chasing a continental Free Trade Zone plan as a shared expansion and revolution approach leading to the ultimate creation of continent and market. African countries need to put in place trade simplification measures in terms of financing through borders. About 80% of African countries exports are to markets outside the continent and similar amount of the continent’s imports come from external sources. Boosting intra-African trade is about suitable and timely given the current economic boom that the continent is undergoing. Free trade area would promote greater interaction between BRICS and Africa, especially in light of the International Monetary Fund's optimism about Africa's growth potential, and the likelihood that the free trade area would draw other African countries into joining. While Africa is a growing opportunity and experiencing the third-fastest growth behind China and India, a mere 10% of Africa's trade is between fellow countries on the continent. We want to work towards improving the quality of our trade, moving away from supplying primary products like commodities to being able to export value-added products. We want to see principles like mutual benefits and reciprocity put into the trading values between Africa and the emerging markets and to have a more balanced trading relationship. AFRICA’S DREAM OF BECOMING BORDERLESS Africa is chasing a continental Free Trade Zone plan as a shared expansion and revolution approach leading to the ultimate creation of continent and market. MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 29, 2014
  • 7. TRAVEL&tourism 07 I f someone is crazy about safari or beautiful beaches they should go to Kenya. Kenya lies near the equator and has a warm, humid climate along its Indian Ocean coastline, with wildlife rich savannah grassland inland towards the capital. The weather is always pleasing, which allow you to do many outdoor activities. Therefore you do not need an air conditioning. It is a medium-sized country by continental standards; covering an area of about 586,600km sq. Kenya is bordered by Somalia and the Indian Ocean to the east, Ethiopia to the north, Sudan to the northwest, Uganda to the west and Tanzania to the south. The main tourist attractions are photo safaris. Other attractions include the mosques at Mombasa; the renowned scenery of the Great Rift Valley; the coffee plantations at Thika; a view of Mt. Kilimanjaro, across the border into Tanzania; and its beaches along the Indian Ocean. Historical sites are there like Hindu temples, Gede ruins in Malindi, and even Fort Jesus. One of the things that craft Kenya such an attractive and fascinating destination is its extensive array of scenery and wildlife habitats as we have mentioned above. Dominated as it is by The Great Rift Valley, Kenya offers its traveler the option between rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, savannah, bush and beach. Most of these destinations hold an amazingly wide range of game. Kenya has unremittingly epitomized everything that is Africa. It entertained the first real wildlife holidays and its assortment of landscape, people and wildlife has craved more people to safari in Kenya than any other country in Africa. The country has been damned with 90% of thewildlifeintheworld.Nodoubt,itisoneofthe best sites in the world to view the wild animals in their own forest. The zeal and eagerness of Safari is all the time in the hearts of people t h e r e . With its well- earned status as a classic big game country, Kenya i s a wonderful safari destination. The saga of evening drinks all around a campfire and nights beneath canvas with the distant roar of a lion in the African night can still be found in Kenya. A safari in Kenya means more than just seeing wild animals. It provides the person a chance to witness the wild world where the appealing natural environment and the contact between the species keep you hypnotized. Kenya is well- known for Africa’s Big Five (Lion. Elephant, Rhino, Leopard and Buffalo) and this is the finest place in the whole continent to watch these five wonderful species. There is such a vast pick of national park and private concession areas in Kenya that it is feasible for the visitor to look up to incredible scenery and dense game populations in calm ambiance. Some of the most well-known national parks of Kenya are Masai Mara, Mount Kenya, Meru National Park, Sibiloi National Park, Amboseli National Park. Below are the top tourist destinations in Kenya. Each location is unique and there are tailored tours to help you make the most of your visit. Nairobi:Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya is the chief tourist hub. It has world-class hotels, a number of nature parks, museums and it is the only city in the world positioned next to a National Park - Nairobi National Park. Mombasa: Mombasa, the second largest city in Kenya has 500 kilometers of spotless beaches, striking marine life and a prosperous history you can discover in The Old Town and Fort Jesus. Masai Mara: Masai Mara is the most renowned safari destination in Africa. This safari assures seeing the Big Five. You can take a balloon safari, visit the Masai tribesmen and observe the vast wildebeest migration between July and October. Samburu: Samburu National Reserve is a pearl with a pleasant glory of enormity and privacy. Here you will spot all the big five and several bird species. The grevy's zebra, kudu, reticulated giraffe and gerenuk are exclusive to the park. Lamu: Lamu has an atmosphere and ambience of gothic romance and it's the ideal destination for those looking for a vacation in a calm and peaceful tropical island. Kisumu: Kisumu has a number of tourist magnets including Lake Victoria - Africa's largest lake, Kisumu Museum and Impala Sanctuary. A b e r d a r e s : This is one of the top tourist attractions in Kenya. The park is a birdwatcher's heaven. It is home to all the big five and world-famous lodges ex., Treetops and The Ark. Lake Nakuru: Lake Nakuru is famed for its huge population of pink flamingos and pelicans. Explore the Great Rift Valley, see more than 500 species of birds and numerous wild animals. Amboseli: Dubbed as 'Land of the Giants' Amboseli has a large population of African elephants, and is a park which is home to all the Big Five. It extends spectacular eyeshot of Mount Kilimanjaro (Africa's highest mountain). Tsavo: Tsavo East and Tsavo West national parks are world- famous safari destinations. All the big five can be seen here, morethan500speciesofbirdsandspectacular geophysical features. Maralal: This Kenya tourist destination is considered a frontier town. It marks the start of the Great Northern wilderness and its many adventures. It's in Mararal that Sir Wilfred Patrick Thesiger, he of The Last Explorer fame, found home. Kakamega: Kakamega is one of the tourist attractions in Kenya not to be missed by birds and butterfly watchers. Kakamega forest aka, "Canopy of Natural Beauty" is home to more than 400 species of birds, 300 butterfly species, 27 snake species 7 primate species, and over 350 tree species. Mount Kenya: Among the Kenya tourist destinations that are popular with hikers and mountaineers, Mount Kenya (the second- highest mountain in Africa) offers easy or challenging ascents with superb scenery. Kenya is a country which is a mixture of culture and beauty, where there is wildlife, parks and reserves, mountains and valleys, where safari is the most tourist attraction and where people can visit when they want to go to an adventurous journey. The Air Conditioned Country KENYA mONDAY | SEPTEMBER 29, 2014
  • 8. TALKINGTECHNOLOGY08 A frica is blessed with immense agro resources, which includes abundance of citrus fruits, pineapple & banana, tomato, coffee, cocoa, soya and milk, but ironically the available resources are not best utilized because of the slow growth of the processed food sector in Africa, resulting in the colossal wastage of the natural food and fruit resources. The need of the hour for Africa is to develop food processing segment through the aid of cost effective & highly energy efficient plant and machineries which matches with the European standard but helps in lowering the cost of production. This will help Africa to have the competitive edge in the global processed food & fruit processing market in terms of quality and profitability. Suchprojectsfordevelopment of Food & Fruit processing industry is offered by SSP PVT LIMITED. All the projects offered by SSP are customized and can be manufactured keeping in mind the necessity & requirement of the industry. SSP PVT LIMITED is catering to the need of Africa's food processing industry since 2005 and has covered most of the African continent which includes Algeria, Libya, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Syria, Chad, Egypt, Tanzania, Cote de Ivory & South Africa. More than 21 turnkey projects has been supplied with respect to milk processing, honey processing, fruit juice processing and salt refinery in the span of nine years. The process technology for food, fruit & dairy processing is indigenously developed by "SSP". SSP Pvt. Limited has its own Research & Development Centre, which is recognized by DSIR, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India. Its aim is to develop new technologies of international standards and process solution to industrial problems. With an initiative for creating awareness in the African market, we are going to publish project write ups in series, with respect to Fruit Processing, Tomato Paste ketchup puree, Honey Processing, Salt Processing & Milk Processing. Instant Coffee Processing Plant: “SSP” offers the most energy efficient, soluble coffee processing technology and are in a position to supply upto 15TPD instant coffee production plant. Plants with smaller capacities are also available in the range of 50 kg/hr to 250 kg/hr of instant powder production. Coffee produced from SSP's plants has excellent aroma and very good instantibility. SSP offers the following Projects on Turnkey Basis: • Instant Coffee Powder Plant • Agglomerated Coffee Plant • Freeze Dried Coffee Plant. SSP's Core Competency with respect to Instant Coffee •Processing • Evaporator • Dryer • Aroma Recovery System • Continuous Type High Pressure Extraction System THE PROCESS:- Coffee Cleaning Blending: The first step is thorough cleaning and removal of defective beans, followed by blending of different types and size to ensure best flavor. Roasting Grinding: The second step is roasting through either batch or continuous roasters. Roasted coffee is reduced by grinding to suitable size. Extraction: The third step is extraction of ground coffee through a batch or continuous system either using a pressure vessel with hot water or an alternate approach of counter- current column battery unit. Aroma Recovery: The extracted coffee liquor is passed through the aroma recovery plant. In the plant the volatile aroma is stripped off from the coffee before it enters the evaporator. The flavor is returned to coffee just prior to it entering the spray dryer. Concentration: The fifth step is concentration of the extract through multi-effect evaporators with TVR system. A Complete Solution for Food Processing in Africa Spray Drying: The sixth step is conversion of concentrate to instant coffee powder by spray drying. Drying is done under controlled conditions to protect and preserve aroma and flavor. Fluidized bed dryer is coupled with the system. Agglomeration: Spray dried powder then converted into soluble granules in an agglomerator tower. Freeze Drying: Freeze dryer retains aroma, improves appearance and taste because freeze drying takes place at a low temperature which minimizes heat damage and retains volatile components (aroma). It also increases the shelf life of the dried product as compared to standard drying practices. Freeze drying involves dehydration of food products at low temperature and pressure. As a result only the moisture is removed, leaving the molecular structure intact. The end product is light in weight with least or no change in volume. Worldwide freeze-drying technology is considered as the ultimate amongst all other dehydration methods. Hence this technique is currently being used for the production of instant coffee. Packing Filling: The Instant Coffee Powder is taken to the filling and packing stage. For filling into tins or jars, vacuum operated filling system is used. For filling into sachets, a form fill-sealing machine is used. The filled containers / flexible packings are then packed in the shipping cartons and sent for dispatch to the finished goods warehouse. MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 29, 2014
  • 9. TRYSOMETHINGNEW 09 Ingredients • 1 teaspoon canola oil or peanut oil • 1 onion, finely chopped • 1-2 garlic clove, minced • 1 1/2 tablespoons fresh ginger, grated • 1 jalapeno pepper, diced (or serrano if you like it more spicy) • 2 chicken breasts, finely chopped • 2 -3 medium tomatoes, chopped • 1 carrot, peeled and grated • 1/2-1 teaspoon turmeric • 1 teaspoon berbere, spice powder (or cayenne) • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves black pepper, to taste • 1 -2 teaspoon sugar • 3 -4 cups water or 3 -4 cups broth • 1/2-1 cup crunchy peanut butter (adjust to taste), peanuts (optional) upcoming Wear the old coat and buy the new book THOUGHT OF THE WEEK West African Peanut Stew A full flavored dish with distinctive taste Embracing the other We live in a conflict ridden world. Social evils such as racism, cynicism, nepotism and terrorism are wide spreading. In this violence soaked world, it is important for us to hold on to the teachings of Gandhiji. His teachings on peace and non-violence are relevant to the present day world.We the members of a number of civil society organizations in New Delhi come together to hold Gandhi Jayanti Seminar to commemorate International Day of Non-Violence. We invite scholars and peace activists to contribute papers on this year’s theme “Embracing the other”. Organizers hope to bring together students of peace to share on pressing issues of the world and to discuss the philosophies on “Embracing the other”. The Seminar is of interdisciplinary nature and contributors are welcome to look at the sub-themes and other topics conforming to the parameters of the main theme of the Seminar. Date: 02 Oct 2014 Venue: Conference Hall, in dialogue Centre, New Delhi, India The I.S.O.I Annual Conference It organized by the Aattis Technologies. The conference will cover areas like a surgical and restorative blueprint for ideal implant esthetics: a vision for success and change. Some prominent speakers include Dr. Brahm Miller, Dr. Sonia Leziy. Date: 02-04 Oct 2014 Venue: The Leela Palace Chennai, Chennai, India International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technology It is organized by the Chitkara University Punjab. The conference will cover areas like Manufacturing Processes, Surface Engineering, Nano Materials, Thermal Spray Coatings, Engineering Materials, Quality Engineering and Metrology, Metallurgy and Heat Treatment, Process Modeling and Surface Engineering, Computation for Material and Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, Heat Transfer in Materials. Date: 03-04 Oct 2014 Venue: Chitkara University, Chandigarh International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology It is organized by the Institute of Technology Research (ITR). The conference will cover areas like Neural Networks, Parallel and Distributed Computing. Date: 05 Oct 2014 Venue: Hotel Akshaya, Vizag, India International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering It is organized by the IRAJ Research Forum. The conference will cover areas like Radio Engineering, Telecommunications, Control Systems, Signal Processing, Systems Engineering, Control Engineering, Microelectronics, and Signal Processing. Date: 05 Oct 2014 Venue: Hotel Raj Palace, Chennai, India The Cape Floral Kingdom claims nearly 7000 plants found nowhere else in the world. SOUTH AFRICA The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi releasing the logo at the inauguration of the “MAKE IN INDIA”, in New Delhi on September 25, 2014.  picture of the week • 1 dash lemons (optional) or 1 dash lime juice (optional) Prepration Method 1. Heat the oil in a medium saucepan. Add the onions, garlic and ginger; cook until the onion is translucent. Add the chili pepper(s), heat for several more minutes. 2. Add the chicken, turmeric, berbere, and cloves. Cook over medium heat until the chicken is done. 3. Add the tomatoes, grated carrot and any other vegetables you want to use. Cook for 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally. 4. Add the water or broth to the saucepan and bring to a boil. Add the peanut butter and reduce heat to medium-low. Stir well for 5-10 minutes, or until the peanut butter dissolves. Add the sugar and lemon/lime juice (if using). Taste, and adjust any ingredients to taste. Simmer for 5-10 minutes longer. Serve hot with toasted bread. • They are great for diabetics Being home to the largest diabetic population in the world, Indians must realize the importance of including almonds in their diet. ‘Eating almonds has a positive effect on reducing low density cholesterol (cholesterol which blocks the arteries) and also improves insulin sensitivity; so it does help in pushing diabetes away. • They can be a great snack to have before hitting the gym A handful of almonds is considered a great pre-workout snack as they contain 15 essential nutrients. • They are an excellent early morning energy booster Start your day morning with 10 pieces of almonds (soaked overnight). The almonds are a rich source of antioxidants, proteins and essential fats and help in maintaining cholesterol levels. • They boost your immunity A lack of vitamin E can affect the immune system’s ability to fight infections. Chew on a handful of almonds which are rich in vitamin E; this will keep your immune system running in smooth order. A recent study found that consuming just 1.5 ounces or 43 grams of almonds a day are a great way to keep your hunger pangs in check. The unpretentious nut is extremely low on calories with ten almonds accounting for just 78 calories. Benefits of Almonds Handy French 1. I have an exam tomorrow. Demain j’ai un examen. 2. Where is your home? Où est votre maison? 3. You’re my best friend. Tu es mon/ma meilleur(e) ami(e). 4. Where do you stay? Où habitez-vous? 5. It’s an awesome weather. Il fait très beau temps. 6. Why are you so late? Pourquoi êtes-vous en retard? diet tips to lose belly fat Cut down salt: Stick to the recommended 1500 mg of salt intake a day. Don’t put salt on the table to add to your dinner and limit the amount whilst cooking. Avoiding ready meals is a must too as these are laden with salt for flavor. Eat more fibre: Eating a combination of soluble and insoluble fibre is an effective way to stay fit and avoid the bloated feeling that comes with constipation. Foods that are rich in fibre include oranges, mushrooms, raspberries, broccoli and cabbage. Focus on potassium- rich foods: As sodium makes body retain water, potassium helps it to get rid of excess water. Eating potassium-rich foods like bananas and sweet potatoes can help minimize your middle waist. But make sure to exercise right as these can be fattening too. Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water ensures that fibre can do its job to ease constipation too. Not drinking enough water can also aggravate your sodium and potassium levels. Avoid digestive stress: Stay away from foods that are difficult to digest like sugary or fatty foods. Focus instead on simple meals which are made with whole foods and steamed vegetables to heal the digestive system. Ditch artificial sweeteners: Found in flavoured water, diet, low-carbs and sugar-free foods, artificial sweeteners aren’t completely digested by body. Bacteria in the large intestine tend to ferment them, causing gas and bloating. Always check food labels to avoid sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol and lacitol. mONDAY | SEPTEMBER 29, 2014
  • 10. THEFASHIONISTAS10 N igeria’s entertainment and media revenues will reach an estimated US$8.5bn in 2018, more than doubling from the 2013 figure of US$4.0bn at a CAGR of 16.1%. This represents one of the fastest growth rates in the world. The Internet will be the key driver for Nigeria, where the number of mobile Internet subscribers is forecast to surge from 7.7 million in 2013 to 50.4 million in 2018. Television in the form of advertising and subscriptions and licence fees, will also become a US$1 billion-plus market in 2018, while the market will grow steadily African Herald Express CAGR 16.1% 16.1% US$ 4.0bn in 2013 Nigeria’s entertainment and media revenues will reach an estimated US$8.5bn Mobile Internet Subscribers Television Market Media Revenue in 2018 in 2018 in 2018 50.4 million US$1 billion-plus US$8.5 billion I've felt a deep connection to Africa, says Angelina Jolie Akon Lighting Africa Richard Leakey, an environmentalist, battle with robbers of ivory is to be directed by Angelina Jolie. Eric Roth, an Oscar winning Script writer for the movie Forrest Gump, has written the screenplay of this movie. Leakey used to deal with the illegal business of ivory and is the former head of the Kenya Wildlife Service. I've felt a deep connection to Africa and its culture for much of my life, said Jolie. Kenya’s elephant and rhino populations has been recovered from border of calamity after Leakey’s measures were taken to deal with the ivory robbers including sending helicopter behind them. He was in international bulletins in 1989 Akon, hip-hop singer wants something to give back to the continent where he grew up. He recently took an initiative with a project ‘Kibera’ which will provide electricity to millions of people brightening their future who are carrying out their daily needs without electricity and this campaign will be known as ’Akon Lighting Africa Campaign’. Akon, the proud owner of a formidable voice in Africa, is using his popularity to reach to the countrymen by providing them with electricity. Akon was praised by the President for being a role model to African younger people and the President also said to the younger ones to get inspiration and to invest in their mother countries. Almost 25 countries of Africa are experiencing an energy crisis according to the World Bank. The star was born and brought up in the West African country, after 12 tons of ivory was burned in Nairobi National Park. Jolie said Africa is about a man drawn into the violent conflict with elephant poachers, who emerged with a deeper understanding of man's footprint and a profound sense of responsibility for the world around him. Leakey is ‘inspirational’ and ‘Africa is a story that deserves to be told’ says producer David Ellison, whose company Skydance co-produced films like True Gift and Jack Reacher. Unbroken, Jolie’s upcoming movie with British actor Jack O’Connell will be in cinemas later this year. By The Sea, written by Jolie herself will be directed opposite her husband Brad Pitt. Senegal, and there is a connectivity that he can feel with the sufferings of the people living there. After achieving big name and fame in the music industry, he wanted to give back something to his country. Akon lighting project is connected with the greatest resource of Africa, the Sun, to generate power. The project includes to lighten up the streets, to provide residential solar systems in African villages as well as providing solar equipment. This will enable thousands of children studying in lights and encouraging them to brighten their future. Give1Project, and ADS Global Corporation SA will be partner of the Akon’s project Lighting Africa. But don't call it a charity. I get tired of hearing that Africa is a charity case, Akon commented. Africa is wide open for business, and we've found a good business model. Africa will never run out of sun. Akon knows that this project will not light entire Africa but he is happy for his step in the right direction.  Angelina Jolie  Akon MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 29, 2014
  • 11. SPORTS2WATCH 11 High-profile Argentine trio apply for vacant Black Stars coaching job Ghana midfielder Mubarak Wakaso makes debut for Scottish side Celtic Habineza urges federations to focus on spotting talent Brian Lara’s charity match raises Rwf44 million for cricket stadium R icardo Gareca, one of Argentina's flagship coaches, has applied for the vacant Black Stars coaching job, Africanfootball.comhasexclusively reported. can exclusively report that his compatriots Roberto Trotta and Omar De Fellippe also submitted applications. Gareca, 56, is conclusively a top contender to replace the sacked Kwesi Appiah because of his high-profile status. Until recently, he was the coach of Brazilian side Palmeiras and also had stints other top clubs across South America. The former Argentina international forward won four Argentina league titles with Independiente and Velez Sarsfield. Additionally, he won Peruvian and Colombian league titles and Ghana midfielder Mubarak Wakaso made his debut for the Scottish champions Celtic on when they played in the Europa League against Austrian giants Red Bull. The Ghanaian started in his first match for the Scottish giants in the match against the Salzburg- based team in Austria. The 24-year-old joined the club on loan from Russian side Rubin Kazan last month but had not played for them until the European competition match. Wakaso was yet to make his Celtic bow having returned too late from international duty with Ghana to feature against The Minister of Sports and Culture Joseph Habineza has urged sports federations to focus on empowering grassroots identification so as to have competent sportsmen and women in future. Habineza made the remarks after meeting presidents of all national sports federations and associations at Amahoro National Stadium. He said: “We should lay strategies that assist in producing young and capable players because at the moment we don’t have any. You should go down to the grassroots and identify young players, the coveted now defunct Copa CONMEBOL. Roberto Trotta Trotta is a formerArgentina defender and now manager of Club Athletico S a r m i e n t o , a team in A r g e n t i n a ' s s e c o n d - t i e r league the Primera B Nacional. The 45-year-old had coaching stints with giants Independiente and was assistant to Diego Maradona at UAE side Al Wasl. Omar De Fellippe De Fellippe, 52, is currently on the coaching staff of Independiente and renowned for qualifying teams for premier divisions. He gained promotion for OlimpodeBahiaBlanca(2009/10), Quilmes Atletic Club (2011/12) and Independiente (2013/14). The Ghana Football Association set September 19, 2014 as deadline for application and the new coach is expected to be named before the next round of the 2015 AFCON qualifiers. So far 9 coaches have applied for the job which is one of the most coveted in African football. Modern Ghana Over £50,000 (about Rwf44.3m) wasraisedasateamofcricketstars cametogetherundertheleadership of West Indies legend Brian Lara in a charity match played at the picturesque Wormsley Cricket Ground on the Getty Family Estate in Buckinghamshire. The funds will go to Rwanda CricketStadiumFoundation(RCSF), a charity established to build an international cricket stadium in Kigali. The Lara XI, playing in the colours of Rwanda included Ashes winning former England captain Andrew Strauss, Matthew Hoggard and England women’s vice-captain Heather Knight. They reached a total of 218/7 before the Warwickshire All-Stars responded with 189 runs. The game came to a dramatic conclusion as 11-year-old Oxfordshire boy Dee Jarvis, a substitutebowlerwhowasplucked from the crowd by Hoggard, took a hat-trick in the penultimate over, a performance which won him the Man of the Match award. Lara, one of the greatest batsmen the game has ever seen, is a patron of the charity, and feels a strong link with Rwanda as 1994 brought a stark contrast between ‘the best of times and the worst of times’. Lara said: “It’s been a great day and it’s great to see so much support for the project. There’s a huge enthusiasm for the game in Rwanda, and it’s vital that we support the Rwandan Cricket Association in harnessing the huge talent available.” “The last 20 years have seen the country make huge strides and sportcanplayakeypartinbuilding on that progress. When complete, the stadium and facilities, along with the local supporters, will help to create a lasting legacy for the game in this wonderful country,” added Lara. Edward Pearson, the Director, Rwanda Cricket Stadium Foundation (RCSF) said: “Thanks to all those that came along today, we’ve made a huge step towards reaching our fundraising goal.” “The amount of support that we’ve had has been overwhelming and we look forward to seeing everyone at further events,” added Pearson. The RCSF was set up to raise funds to design and build an international standard stadium, with the aim of it being ready for play by September 2015 and sustainable for the long term. The stadium will form the focal point for the ongoing development of both the men’s and women’s game in Rwanda, which is already burgeoning despite the lack of facilities. New Times Aberdeen. Theleftwingerwasconsidered for the Hoops starting line-up after Aleksander Tonev failed to make any real impression on his debut. “That's important Wakaso is expected to benefit,” manager Rony Deila told the club's website before the match played in Salzburg “Wakaso had not even trained with the team until this week because of the break. That's why he was on the bench for all of Saturday's game.” The 24-year-old former Espanyol kingpin joined the Scottish champions on loan from Rubin Kazan this summer and has an option to make it permanent. Modern Ghana who will be productive for the country in future.” Habineza urged the federations and associations to work closely with the Rwanda schools sports federation by preparing a long term strategy. He gave them until end of November to have completed the ‘homework’. The meeting also emphasised the need to have a programme to identify talented young players at the grassroots and to improve the capabilities of coaches. Also, federations without legal status were urged to sort out that before the end of November. New Times  Ricardo Gareca  Mubarak Wakaso  Brian Lara (Right) with a cricket fan  Joseph Habineza, Minister of Sports and Culture, Rwanda mONDAY | SEPTEMBER 29, 2014
  • 12. ENCOUNTER WITH EDITOR12 Owner / Publisher / Editor: Mr. Kirit Sobti from 3rd Floor, Plot No. 3, Block PSP-IV, Service Centre Opp. Sector-11 (Extn.), Rohini, Delhi-85 Printed at LIPEE SCAN PVT. LTD. 89 DSIDC SHED Okhala Phase 1, New Delhi 6th Zimbabwe mining inFRaSTRUCTURe indaba 2014 8 - 10 OCTObeR 2014 mInInG: a CatalYst for afrICa’s InfrastrUCtUre DeVeloPment The Meikles hoTel • harare, ZiMbabwe Contact: or Explain in brief the concept framed for Virtue Baby? A moment of shift is motherhood, when a woman prepares to bring in a new life into the world to become a mother. Virtue Baby stands ahead of the curve as a public benefit organization running by a team of health care professionals, spiritual guides, yoga experts and physiotherapists offering inspiration, information, and assistance to expecting parents with regards to the nourishment of baby in womb so as to get a better generation, which is emotionally strong and morally uplifted. It maps out the path that we wish all women to follow as they prepare for Motherhood! Pregnancy is a time for a mother to prepare and care for herself physically, emotionally and spiritually, in order to become the best mother and role model she can be. We endeavor to carve a special path for expected mothers to create space in their busy lives that would enable them to connect with their self and babies growing inside the quietude of their womb. What is the main motive behind this innovative idea? Pregnancy comes in as a beautiful stage in woman’s life. Basic motive of every pregnant woman and her doctor is to give birth to a healthy baby. Every couple wants to ensure that their child gets the best possible start in life. Experience we usually have, while encountering and counseling couples has led us to the conclusion that although everyone wishes to have a perfect start for the new life joining them but anxiousness, stress and worries about a lot many things are quite normally perceived by them in everyday things. Hence, the welcoming and positive energy for that new life coming in seems lost. What we conclude is that the influence of environment begins in the womb, and how the mother feels during pregnancy can change and have a lasting effect on the development of her child. Therefore, it is important to support and look after pregnant women, both for their sake and that of coming generations. Conclusively, conscious parenting today gives way to an enlightened and more joyful tomorrow! With our initiative, we wish to bring forward the set of changes that people should follow so as to have a more positive outlook and an optimistic approach towards life and a mystical phase; that is, pregnancy. What are the key contents you will be providing in Virtue Baby for the benefit of would-be-parents? Instead of focusing on 'material' preparations for having a baby, Virtue Baby project aims to educate, support and empower would-be parents for making an informed decision of birthing from a positive, confident and balanced perspective. Interactive educational sessions with gynecologists, mental health experts, spiritual leaders, yoga experts, dietician, pediatrician sharing knowledge about the baby’s physical, mental as well as emotional health! Every day is a new beginning with experiences, memories, activities, and occasions that define who we are. Capturing those moments is a reflective and challenging process. Hence, we design a Scrapbook for expected mothers, which she will be filling for her unborn baby. Celebrating the most memorable nine months of a mother’s life, it will be a chit chat book for Mom and baby, from the time she thought of conceiving till final birth. Relaxation Videos Meditation Commentaries for all would be mothers to give them some “down time” to rest physically and mentally. Educational and entertaining to watch, our Information Documentary shows journey of would-be parents from Conception to Birth. What changes you are expecting in the mindset of people from this initiative. Will they accept this new thinking with ease? With our initiative, we wish to bring forward the set of changes that people should follow so as to have a more positive outlook and an optimistic approach towards life and a mystical phase; that is, pregnancy. Babies are wise and conscious beings. They, undoubtedly, pick up cues even before they are born. Broadly acknowledged and revered tales of the mythological character Abhimanyu; learning the secrets of warfare while in his mother's womb might have some sensible basis after all. This is really important to note that a positive experience during this phase is really significant for the foetus. Therefore, pregnant mothers are usually encouraged and motivated to read and talk positively to their babies. It has been seen that parents who read and talk positive to the foetus have babies reflecting positive emotions too. Hence, we strongly believe to have a positive reciprocation from people, who go through these instances and explanations. Our effort is to benefit your bundle of joy with all happiness, love, peace, purity and bless. Pregnancy symbolizes purity. It is truly amazing how a woman gives birth to a child and bring a new life to the world. But it’s a big challenge for the mother as well as its doctor to give birth to a healthy baby. In an exclusive interview to Indo Africa Times, Dr. Nitika Sobti articulated that the moods and habits of the mother largely affects the child in the womb. She brought into limelight various ways that will help in a positive pregnancy like interactive educational sessions with gynecologists, mental health experts guiding about baby’s physical, mental as well as emotional health. Pregnancy comes in as a beautiful stage in woman’s life Nitika Sobti Senior Consultant, Obstetrics Gynaecology  MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 29, 2014