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Subject: Chemistry in natural
Definition of vitamin
Any of a group of
organic compounds
which are essential for
normal growth and
nutrition and are
required in small
quantities in the diet
because they cannot be
synthesized by the body.
Chemistry and
physiological significance
of vitamins
Vitamin A (Retinol)
 Vitamin A, a fat
soluble vitamin.
 Vitamin involved in
immune function,
 Vitamin A & C both
are important for
the immune
Chemistry of vitamin A
Vitamin A (Retinol) is a cyclic polyene alcohol which
resembles the structure of Diterpenoid.
The structre of vitamin A constiture of a ȕ- ionone
four conjugated double bonds in the side chain of
vitamin A.
They are in trans arrangement.
Synthetic retinol is a trans isomer.
ȕ- ionone ring and conjugated double bonds are
essential for the biological activity of vitamin A.
Physiological significance of
vitamin A
Vitamin A is best known of its role in the physiological
functions of vision.
Vitamin A participates in numerous other physiological
functions, it ensures the normal proliferation of
epithelial cells, the development of teeth and bones.
Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a lack of vitamin A in
blood and tissues.
Vitamin A deficiency its early stages causes the so-
called night blindness, a vision problem at twilight or in
poor light.
 Vitamin A is essential for producing rhodopsin,
the photosensitive substance of the retina.
 The deficiency of vitamin A can cause
furthermore dry eye, ataxia, conjunctivitis,
corneal ulcers, skin lesions, disorders of the
epithelia (bronchi, respiratory tracts, salivary
glands), bone formation and nervous system
abnormalities, and increased susceptibility to
 Vitamin A in overdose can lead to bone
disorders, gingivitis, and finally the loss of
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
 Vitamin B1, thiamin, or
thiamine enables the
body to use
carbohydrates as
 It is essential for
glucose metabolism,
and it plays a key role
in nerve, muscle, and
heart function.
 Vitamin B1 is a water-
soluble vitamin, as are
all vitamins of the B
Chemistry of vitamin B1
 Thiamine or vitamin B1 named as the "thio-vitamine"
("sulfur-containing vitamin") is a water-soluble of the B
 It is water soluble vitamin.
 It is anti beriberi vitamin.
 It has specific coenzyme Thiamine pyrophosphate
(TPP) which is mostly associated with carbohydrates
 In 1936 williams and his associates determines the
structure of Thiamine.
 Thiamine contain pyrimidine ring Thiazole ring held by
methylene bridge.
 Thiamine is onlynatural compound which having
thiazole ring.
 Alcohol group of thiamine esterified with phosphate
Physiological significance of
vitamin B1
The active from of vitamin B1 in the body is thiamin
pyrophosphate (TPP) which along with lipoic acid
acts as a prosthetic group for carboxylases.
Thiamine pyrophosphate is formed by the
esterification of alcoholic group of thiamine with
TPP transferase catalyzes the transfer of
pyrophosphate group from ATP to thiamine.
 Citric acid cycle and synthesis of acetylcholine
thus affecting the neurotransmitter
 Transketolation reaction and decarboxylation
of α-ketoglutaric acid to succinic acid.
+ CO2
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
 Riboflavin is a B vitamin.
 It can be found in certain
foods such as milk, meat,
eggs, nuts, enriched flour,
and green vegetables.
 Riboflavin is necessary
for growth and for the
production of red blood
 Riboflavin also plays
an important role in
how our bodies gets
energy from
carbohydrates, fats,
and proteins.
Chemistry of vitamin B2
 The structure of riboflavin consists of 6,7-
dimethyl- isoalloxazine ( heterocyclic three ring
system ) to which a sugar alcohol called
ribitoyal group is attached at 9th position.
It is water soluble vitamin.
It aids in the metabolism your fats,
carbohydrates, protein and ketone bodies.
It is also important for your energy
Physiological significance of
vitamin B2
Riboflavin is the component of two flavin
The flavin mononucleotide (FMN)
The flavin adenine dinucleotide
Both these flavin enzymes take part in various
oxidation-reduction reactions.
The oxidized flavines are yellow in colour while
upon reduction ( one hydrogen atom at 1 and other
at 10 positions acquisition occurs ) and they become
The reaction can also proceed in the reverse
Hydrogen addition
occurs in 2 steps
Both the coenzymes function with a group of proteins
known as the flavoproteins.
These flavoproteins due to their diverse nature can
act as oxidases, dehydrogenases, hydroxylases
,oxidative decorboxylases.
Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is an essential nutrient in
human nutrition and plays a key role in the production
of energy.
Vitamin B2 is needed to process amino acids and fats,
activate and folic acid, and help convert carbohydrates
into the fuel the body runs on.
 Under some conditions, vitamin B2 can act as
an antioxidant.
 Vitamin B2 is an intermediary the transfer of
electrons in the cellular oxidation-reduction
reactions which generate energy from protein,
carbohydrate and fat.
Vitamin B12
 Vitamin B12 does
a lot of things for
your body.
 It helps make your
DNA and your
red blood cells.
 B12 is the most
complex of all the
Chemistry of vitamin B12
 Vitamin B12 is the only naturally occurring
organic compound which contains cobalt
 It is water soluble, deep red, tasteless,
crystalline compound with a molecular weight
of 1355 and is hence stable at neutral pH but
not at alkaline pH.
The salient features of the structure of Vitamin B12 are given
1.There are many closely related compounds having B12 activity. All
are cobalamins and contain in their molecules a portion called corrin
ring which to a large extent resembles the tetrapyrrole ring structure
of porphyrins.
2.A single cobalt atom having one positive charge is present in the
center of this ring. The Co atom is attached to all the four N atoms of
corrin ring in the same way as Fe++ is attached to 5,6,
dimethylbenzimidazole ribose which is attached to the side chain on
ring IV through Phosphate and aminopropanol.
3.The positive charge on Co atom is balanced by one of the several
groups which give rise to more than one type of vitamin B12. These
different types of vitamin B12 are given below along with their
characteristic groups attached to the Co atom
 B12: Cyanocobalamin: It has CN. It is the
commonly used form of the vitamin B12
 B12-a : hydroxocobalamin: It has OH. It is
claimed to be retained in the body
 B12-b : aquocobalamin: It has H2O
 B12-c: nitrocobalamin: It has NO2
Physiological significance of
vitamin B12
1. Supports Energy
Vitamin B12 plays a key role in how your body creates energy. It
keeps your cells fed, happy, and healthy. Without it, your cells get
hungry and you feel weak, tired, and like you’re dragging all the
time. The nutrient releases energy into the cell and provides you with
the appropriate balance you need for thinking and moving
throughout your day.
2. Protects the Heart
Your heart and entire cardiovascular system needs B12. One of its
jobs is to remove a dangerous protein called homocysteine from the
blood. If homocysteine is allowed to roam through blood, it damages
your arteries leading
to inflammation and heart disease. Get enough B12 and
you’ll keep homocysteine levels down and your heart happy.
 3. Your Bones Need It
Studies have found patients with osteoporosis have
higher levels of homocysteine and low levels of B12
than people with strong, healthy bones.Could B12 be
a viable adjunct to future osteoporosis approache. If
you suffer from osteoporosis or similar bone issues,
speak to your doctor about getting your vitamin B12
levels tested.
4. Prevents Nerve Damage
Your nerves have a protective covering to keep them
safe from toxins and free radicals in your blood.
Without these coverings, called myelin sheaths,
exposed nerves get damaged and may even die.
These dead nerves disrupt signals to and from the
brain and may play a role in nerve-related conditions.
Vitamin B12 supports the way your body
5. Protects Brain Health
Researchers have noted Alzheimer’s patients have much lower
levels of B12 than those of a similar age who have sharp, clear
memory. In the same way B12 helps protect nerve cells, it helps
protect the myelin sheaths of brain cells that are often lacking in
Alzheimer’s patients. Some research suggests that cobalamin
deficiency may cause a type of dementia in elderly patients that is in
fact reversible with the right nutritional intervention.
6. Keeps You Looking and Feeling Young
Aging happens when your cells begin to wear and tear, and
they age faster when your DNA doesn’t replicate correctly. Many
factors can affect DNA replication, like free radicals, toxins in the
blood, high blood sugar, and high levels of omega-6 fats in your
diet. B12 supports DNA health, thereby keeping your cells younger.
And when your cells are young, you look and feel young too.
Vitamin C
 Vitamin C is a water
soluble vitamin.
 The use of vitamin C
in megadoses to
cure everything from
common cold to
Chemistry of vitamin C
Chemistry of vitamin C
It is water soluble and is easily destroyed by heat,
alkali and storage.
In the process of cooking, 70% of vitamin C is lost.
The structural formula of ascorbic acid closely
resembles that of carbohydrates.
It has strong reducing property.
It’s a heterocyclic furan-2-one detivative.
Ascorbic acid is a hexose derivative and closely
resembles monosaccharide’s in structure.
 vitamin C exists in two forms
L-ascorbic acid (reduces form)
L-Dehydro ascorbic acid (oxidized form)
oxidized form reduces form
Physiological significance of
vitamin C
Ascorbic acid performs numerous physiological
functions in the human body:
the synthesis of collagen, and neuro-transmitters
the synthesis and catabolism of tyrosine
the metabolism of microsome.
Ascorbic acid is well known for its antioxidant
activity, acting as a reducing agent to reverse
oxidation in liquids.
Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine. It both
prevents histamine release and increases the
detoxification of histamine.
The synthesis and catabolism of tyrosine
Vitamin E
 Vitamin E is a
that dissolves in fat.
 It is found in many
foods including
vegetable oils, meat,
poultry, eggs, fruits,
vegetables, and
wheat germ oil.
 It is also available as
a supplement.
Chemistry of vitamin E
 Vitamin E is the name given to a group of
tocopherols and tocotrienols.
 About four tocopherols (vitmin E vitamers)
have been identified alpha, beta, gama, delta.
 Alpha- tochopherols is the most active.
 The tochopherols are the derivatives of 6-
hydroxy chromane (tocol) ring with isoprenoid
(3units) side chain.
 The antioxidant property is due to chromane
 There are four main forms of tocopherols.
 They are
α-tocopherol : 5,7,8 trimethyl tocol
ȕ-tocopherol : 5,8 dimethyl tocol
Ȗ-tocopherol :7,8 dimethyl tocol
δ-tocopherol : 8 methyl tocopherol
 α-tocopherol is most active and predominant
form of vitamin E .
 T
ocotrienols : There are four related vitamin E
compounds called α, ȕ, Ȗand δ tocotrienols.
Physiological significance of
vitamin E
Vitamin E plays an important role as an antioxidant and protect the
body cells from the damage caused by free radicals.
These free radicals are highly reactive and distructive compounds
formed as a result of oxidative deteriorational (metabolism) of
polyunsaturated fats.
Factors contributing for free radical genaration in the body include
smoking and exposure to Uv-radiations.
Tocopherols (Vitamin E) are equipped to perform a unique function.
They can interrupt free radical chain reactions by capturing the free
radical; this imparts to them their antioxidant properties.
The free hydroxyl group on the aromatic ring is responsible for the
antioxidant properties. The hydrogen from this group is donated to
the free radical, resulting in a relatively stable free radical form of the
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)
 A synthetic form
of folic acid is used in
dietary supplements.
 Folic acid the acts by
helping body
produc e and maintain
new cells.
 In particular, red blood
cell formation is
dependent upon
adequate levels of this
 Folic acid deficiency
is a known cause of
anemia in both adults
and children.
Chemistry of B9
 The word folic acid is derived from latin word
Folium means leaf & it is also isolated from the
leafy vegetable spinach.
 Folic acid mainly consists of three
 Pteridine ring
 PABA (p-amino benzoic acid) )
 Glutamic acid residue (1 to 7 residues)
 Hence it is known as Pteroyl-glutamic acid
Physiological significance of B9
Folic acid in the form of tetrahydrofolic acid is
biologically active as a co-enzyme, with the
following metabolic functions:
1. Transfer of specific C1 units (methyl and formyl
groups), which are important for cell growth, cell
division and cell differentiation in the metabolism
of proteins and of DNA and RNA.
2. Together with vitamin B12, it converts
homocysteine into methionine.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
 Having enough
niacin, or vitamin
B3, in the body is
important for general
good health.
 As a treatment,
higher amounts of
niacin can
improve cholesterol
levels and lower
cardiovascular risks.
Chemistry of B3
The coenzymes of Niacin (NAD+ & NADP+) can
be synthesized by the essential amino acid
The term "Niacin" is used for Nicotinic acid.
The amide form of Niacin is known as niacinamide
or nicotinamide.
The conversion of Niacin to niacinamide takes
place in the kidney, brain slices and liver slices.
Physiological significance of
 Vitamin B3 (niacin) is important for the body
because it helps to: Convert food into glucose,
used to produce energy. Produce
macromolecules, including fatty acids and
 Niacin is a B vitamin that helps activate over
200 enzymes, the majority of which regulate
the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and
proteins, which the body then uses for energy
and for keeping the nervous system, digestive
system, skin, hair and eyes healthy.
1. Feeding And Nutrition Of Companion And Hobby Animals ,János Tossenberger
(2011) , Kaposvar University
Vitamin B1 [Thiamine] Medicinal Chemistry By P. Ravisankar [ Source]
Vitaminb2[riboflavin] Medicinal Chemistry,by P.Ravisankar [Sources Of Vitamin
B2,chemistry Of
By Dr.
Vitamin B2,physiological
Vitamin B2 Deficiency
Group Dc, Np,
Importance,synthesis Of
4. Dacbn, Dcbcn, Dabfm
Published On March 19, 2015, Last Updated On April 24, 2017
Michael B. Davies, John Austin, David A. Partridge: Vitamin C- Its Chemistry
And Biochemistry
Dr. P. Ravisankar M. Pharm., Ph.D
Ossama Motawae, Marketing Manager

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Vitamins are essential organic compounds that the human body needs in small amounts for various physiological functions. They play crucial roles in maintaining .ppt

  • 2. Definition of vitamin 2 Any of a group of organic compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body.
  • 4. Vitamin A (Retinol)  Vitamin A, a fat soluble vitamin.  Vitamin involved in immune function, vision, reproduction.  Vitamin A & C both are important for the immune system. 4
  • 6. 6 Vitamin A (Retinol) is a cyclic polyene alcohol which resembles the structure of Diterpenoid. The structre of vitamin A constiture of a ȕ- ionone ring. four conjugated double bonds in the side chain of vitamin A. They are in trans arrangement. Synthetic retinol is a trans isomer. ȕ- ionone ring and conjugated double bonds are essential for the biological activity of vitamin A.
  • 7. Physiological significance of vitamin A 7 Vitamin A is best known of its role in the physiological functions of vision. Vitamin A participates in numerous other physiological functions, it ensures the normal proliferation of epithelial cells, the development of teeth and bones. Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a lack of vitamin A in blood and tissues. Vitamin A deficiency its early stages causes the so- called night blindness, a vision problem at twilight or in poor light.
  • 8.  Vitamin A is essential for producing rhodopsin, the photosensitive substance of the retina.  The deficiency of vitamin A can cause furthermore dry eye, ataxia, conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, skin lesions, disorders of the epithelia (bronchi, respiratory tracts, salivary glands), bone formation and nervous system abnormalities, and increased susceptibility to diseases.  Vitamin A in overdose can lead to bone disorders, gingivitis, and finally the loss of 8
  • 9. Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)  Vitamin B1, thiamin, or thiamine enables the body to use carbohydrates as energy.  It is essential for glucose metabolism, and it plays a key role in nerve, muscle, and heart function.  Vitamin B1 is a water- soluble vitamin, as are all vitamins of the B complex. 9
  • 11.  Thiamine or vitamin B1 named as the "thio-vitamine" ("sulfur-containing vitamin") is a water-soluble of the B complex.  It is water soluble vitamin.  It is anti beriberi vitamin.  It has specific coenzyme Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) which is mostly associated with carbohydrates metabolism.  In 1936 williams and his associates determines the structure of Thiamine.  Thiamine contain pyrimidine ring Thiazole ring held by methylene bridge.  Thiamine is onlynatural compound which having thiazole ring.  Alcohol group of thiamine esterified with phosphate 11
  • 12. Physiological significance of vitamin B1 12 The active from of vitamin B1 in the body is thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP) which along with lipoic acid acts as a prosthetic group for carboxylases. Thiamine pyrophosphate is formed by the esterification of alcoholic group of thiamine with phosphate. TPP transferase catalyzes the transfer of pyrophosphate group from ATP to thiamine.
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  • 14.  Citric acid cycle and synthesis of acetylcholine thus affecting the neurotransmitter transmission.  Transketolation reaction and decarboxylation of α-ketoglutaric acid to succinic acid. 14
  • 16. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)  Riboflavin is a B vitamin.  It can be found in certain foods such as milk, meat, eggs, nuts, enriched flour, and green vegetables.  Riboflavin is necessary for growth and for the production of red blood cells.  Riboflavin also plays an important role in how our bodies gets energy from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. 16
  • 18.  The structure of riboflavin consists of 6,7- dimethyl- isoalloxazine ( heterocyclic three ring system ) to which a sugar alcohol called ribitoyal group is attached at 9th position. It is water soluble vitamin. It aids in the metabolism your fats, carbohydrates, protein and ketone bodies. It is also important for your energy metabolism 18
  • 19. Physiological significance of vitamin B2 19 Riboflavin is the component of two flavin enzymes The flavin mononucleotide (FMN) The flavin adenine dinucleotide Both these flavin enzymes take part in various oxidation-reduction reactions. The oxidized flavines are yellow in colour while upon reduction ( one hydrogen atom at 1 and other at 10 positions acquisition occurs ) and they become colourless.
  • 20. The reaction can also proceed in the reverse direction. Hydrogen addition occurs in 2 steps - 20
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  • 23. 23 Both the coenzymes function with a group of proteins known as the flavoproteins. These flavoproteins due to their diverse nature can act as oxidases, dehydrogenases, hydroxylases ,oxidative decorboxylases. Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is an essential nutrient in human nutrition and plays a key role in the production of energy. Vitamin B2 is needed to process amino acids and fats, activate and folic acid, and help convert carbohydrates into the fuel the body runs on.
  • 24.  Under some conditions, vitamin B2 can act as an antioxidant.  Vitamin B2 is an intermediary the transfer of electrons in the cellular oxidation-reduction reactions which generate energy from protein, carbohydrate and fat. 24
  • 25. Vitamin B12  Vitamin B12 does a lot of things for your body.  It helps make your DNA and your red blood cells.  B12 is the most chemically complex of all the vitamins 25
  • 27.  Vitamin B12 is the only naturally occurring organic compound which contains cobalt (35%).  It is water soluble, deep red, tasteless, crystalline compound with a molecular weight of 1355 and is hence stable at neutral pH but not at alkaline pH. 27
  • 28. 28 The salient features of the structure of Vitamin B12 are given below: 1.There are many closely related compounds having B12 activity. All are cobalamins and contain in their molecules a portion called corrin ring which to a large extent resembles the tetrapyrrole ring structure of porphyrins. 2.A single cobalt atom having one positive charge is present in the center of this ring. The Co atom is attached to all the four N atoms of corrin ring in the same way as Fe++ is attached to 5,6, dimethylbenzimidazole ribose which is attached to the side chain on ring IV through Phosphate and aminopropanol. 3.The positive charge on Co atom is balanced by one of the several groups which give rise to more than one type of vitamin B12. These different types of vitamin B12 are given below along with their characteristic groups attached to the Co atom
  • 29.  B12: Cyanocobalamin: It has CN. It is the commonly used form of the vitamin B12  B12-a : hydroxocobalamin: It has OH. It is claimed to be retained in the body  B12-b : aquocobalamin: It has H2O  B12-c: nitrocobalamin: It has NO2 29
  • 30. Physiological significance of vitamin B12 30 1. Supports Energy Vitamin B12 plays a key role in how your body creates energy. It keeps your cells fed, happy, and healthy. Without it, your cells get hungry and you feel weak, tired, and like you’re dragging all the time. The nutrient releases energy into the cell and provides you with the appropriate balance you need for thinking and moving throughout your day. 2. Protects the Heart Your heart and entire cardiovascular system needs B12. One of its jobs is to remove a dangerous protein called homocysteine from the blood. If homocysteine is allowed to roam through blood, it damages your arteries leading to inflammation and heart disease. Get enough B12 and you’ll keep homocysteine levels down and your heart happy.
  • 31.  3. Your Bones Need It Studies have found patients with osteoporosis have higher levels of homocysteine and low levels of B12 than people with strong, healthy bones.Could B12 be a viable adjunct to future osteoporosis approache. If you suffer from osteoporosis or similar bone issues, speak to your doctor about getting your vitamin B12 levels tested. 4. Prevents Nerve Damage Your nerves have a protective covering to keep them safe from toxins and free radicals in your blood. Without these coverings, called myelin sheaths, exposed nerves get damaged and may even die. These dead nerves disrupt signals to and from the brain and may play a role in nerve-related conditions. Vitamin B12 supports the way your body 31
  • 32. 32 5. Protects Brain Health Researchers have noted Alzheimer’s patients have much lower levels of B12 than those of a similar age who have sharp, clear memory. In the same way B12 helps protect nerve cells, it helps protect the myelin sheaths of brain cells that are often lacking in Alzheimer’s patients. Some research suggests that cobalamin deficiency may cause a type of dementia in elderly patients that is in fact reversible with the right nutritional intervention. 6. Keeps You Looking and Feeling Young Aging happens when your cells begin to wear and tear, and they age faster when your DNA doesn’t replicate correctly. Many factors can affect DNA replication, like free radicals, toxins in the blood, high blood sugar, and high levels of omega-6 fats in your diet. B12 supports DNA health, thereby keeping your cells younger. And when your cells are young, you look and feel young too.
  • 33. Vitamin C  Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin.  The use of vitamin C in megadoses to cure everything from common cold to cancer. 33
  • 35. Chemistry of vitamin C 35 It is water soluble and is easily destroyed by heat, alkali and storage. In the process of cooking, 70% of vitamin C is lost. The structural formula of ascorbic acid closely resembles that of carbohydrates. It has strong reducing property. It’s a heterocyclic furan-2-one detivative. Ascorbic acid is a hexose derivative and closely resembles monosaccharide’s in structure.
  • 36.  vitamin C exists in two forms L-ascorbic acid (reduces form) L-Dehydro ascorbic acid (oxidized form) oxidized form reduces form 36
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  • 38. Physiological significance of vitamin C 38 Ascorbic acid performs numerous physiological functions in the human body: the synthesis of collagen, and neuro-transmitters the synthesis and catabolism of tyrosine the metabolism of microsome. Ascorbic acid is well known for its antioxidant activity, acting as a reducing agent to reverse oxidation in liquids. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine. It both prevents histamine release and increases the detoxification of histamine.
  • 39. The synthesis and catabolism of tyrosine 39
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  • 41. Vitamin E  Vitamin E is a vitamin that dissolves in fat.  It is found in many foods including vegetable oils, meat, poultry, eggs, fruits, vegetables, and wheat germ oil.  It is also available as a supplement. 41
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  • 44.  Vitamin E is the name given to a group of tocopherols and tocotrienols.  About four tocopherols (vitmin E vitamers) have been identified alpha, beta, gama, delta.  Alpha- tochopherols is the most active.  The tochopherols are the derivatives of 6- hydroxy chromane (tocol) ring with isoprenoid (3units) side chain.  The antioxidant property is due to chromane ring. 44
  • 45.  There are four main forms of tocopherols.  They are α-tocopherol : 5,7,8 trimethyl tocol ȕ-tocopherol : 5,8 dimethyl tocol Ȗ-tocopherol :7,8 dimethyl tocol δ-tocopherol : 8 methyl tocopherol  α-tocopherol is most active and predominant form of vitamin E . 45
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  • 47. 47  T ocotrienols : There are four related vitamin E compounds called α, ȕ, Ȗand δ tocotrienols.
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  • 49. Physiological significance of vitamin E 49 Vitamin E plays an important role as an antioxidant and protect the body cells from the damage caused by free radicals. These free radicals are highly reactive and distructive compounds formed as a result of oxidative deteriorational (metabolism) of polyunsaturated fats. Factors contributing for free radical genaration in the body include smoking and exposure to Uv-radiations. Tocopherols (Vitamin E) are equipped to perform a unique function. They can interrupt free radical chain reactions by capturing the free radical; this imparts to them their antioxidant properties. The free hydroxyl group on the aromatic ring is responsible for the antioxidant properties. The hydrogen from this group is donated to the free radical, resulting in a relatively stable free radical form of the vitamin.
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  • 51. Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)  A synthetic form of folic acid is used in dietary supplements.  Folic acid the acts by helping body produc e and maintain new cells.  In particular, red blood cell formation is dependent upon adequate levels of this vitamin.  Folic acid deficiency is a known cause of anemia in both adults and children. 51
  • 53.  The word folic acid is derived from latin word Folium means leaf & it is also isolated from the leafy vegetable spinach.  Folic acid mainly consists of three components  Pteridine ring  PABA (p-amino benzoic acid) )  Glutamic acid residue (1 to 7 residues)  Hence it is known as Pteroyl-glutamic acid 53
  • 54. Physiological significance of B9 54 Folic acid in the form of tetrahydrofolic acid is biologically active as a co-enzyme, with the following metabolic functions: 1. Transfer of specific C1 units (methyl and formyl groups), which are important for cell growth, cell division and cell differentiation in the metabolism of proteins and of DNA and RNA. 2. Together with vitamin B12, it converts homocysteine into methionine.
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  • 57. Vitamin B3 (Niacin)  Having enough niacin, or vitamin B3, in the body is important for general good health.  As a treatment, higher amounts of niacin can improve cholesterol levels and lower cardiovascular risks. 57
  • 58. Chemistry of B3 58 The coenzymes of Niacin (NAD+ & NADP+) can be synthesized by the essential amino acid tryptophan. The term "Niacin" is used for Nicotinic acid. The amide form of Niacin is known as niacinamide or nicotinamide. The conversion of Niacin to niacinamide takes place in the kidney, brain slices and liver slices.
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  • 60. Physiological significance of B3  Vitamin B3 (niacin) is important for the body because it helps to: Convert food into glucose, used to produce energy. Produce macromolecules, including fatty acids and cholesterol.  Niacin is a B vitamin that helps activate over 200 enzymes, the majority of which regulate the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which the body then uses for energy and for keeping the nervous system, digestive system, skin, hair and eyes healthy. 60
  • 61. References 1. Feeding And Nutrition Of Companion And Hobby Animals ,János Tossenberger (2011) , Kaposvar University Vitamin B1 [Thiamine] Medicinal Chemistry By P. Ravisankar [ Source] Vitaminb2[riboflavin] Medicinal Chemistry,by P.Ravisankar [Sources Of Vitamin 2. 3. B2,chemistry Of Riboflavin,reactions, Riboflavin. By Dr. Edw ard Vitamin B2,physiological Vitamin B2 Deficiency Group Dc, Np, Importance,synthesis Of Symptoms,functions,uses Of 4. Dacbn, Dcbcn, Dabfm Published On March 19, 2015, Last Updated On April 24, 2017 Michael B. Davies, John Austin, David A. Partridge: Vitamin C- Its Chemistry And Biochemistry Dr. P. Ravisankar M. Pharm., Ph.D Ossama Motawae, Marketing Manager Https://Www.Dsm.Com/Markets/Foodandbeverages/En_us/Products/.../Vitamin- b3.Html 5. 6. 7. 8. 61
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