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Microsoft Visual C# Default Keybindings
                                        ®                           ®

Editing                                                                               IntelliSense                                                                            Window                                                                              Debugging
Edit.CollapseTo-          CTRL + M, O         Collapses existing regions to           Edit.CompleteWord        CTRL + SPACE or        Completes the current word in           View.ClassView          CTRL + W, C         Displays the Class View window.         Debug.Autos            CTRL + D, A                         Displays the Autos window, which
Definitions                                   provide a high-level view of the                                 CTRL + K, W            the completion list.                                                                                                                                                                   displays variables used in the current
                                              types and members in the                                                                                                        View.CodeDefinition-    CTRL + W, D         Displays the Code Definition                                                                       line of code and the preceding line
                                              source file.                            Edit.ListMembers         CTRL + J or            Invokes the IntelliSense®               Window                                      window.                                                                                            of code.
                                                                                                               CTRL + K, L            completion list.
Edit.ToggleAllOutlining   CTRL + M, L         Toggles all previously collapsed                                                                                                View.Command-           CTRL + W, A         Displays the Command window,            Debug.CallStack        CTRL + D, C                         Displays the Call Stack window,
                                              outlining regions between               Edit.QuickInfo           CTRL + K, I            Displays the complete declaration       Window                                      where commands can be invoked                                                                      which displays a list of all active
                                              collapsed and expanded states.                                                          for the specified identifier in your                                                to manipulate the integrated                                                                       methods or stack frames for the
                                                                                                                                      code in a Quick Info tool tip.                                                      development environment (IDE).                                                                     current thread of execution.
Edit.Toggle-              CTRL + M, M         Toggles the currently selected
OutliningExpansion                            collapsed region between the            Edit.ParameterInfo       CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE   Displays the name, number, and          View.ErrorList          CTRL + W, E         Displays the Error List window.         Debug.Immediate        CTRL + D, I                         Displays the Immediate window,
                                              collapsed and expanded state.                                    or CTRL K, P           type of parameters required for                                                                                                                                                        where expressions can be evaluated.
                                                                                                                                      the specified method.                   View.ObjectBrowser      CTRL + W, J         Displays the Object Browser.
Edit.StopOutlining        CTRL + M, P         Removes all outlining information                                                                                                                                                                                   Debug.Locals           CTRL + D, L                         Displays the Locals window, which
                                              from the whole document.                Make Completion List     CTRL                   Causes a visible completion list to     View.Output             CTRL + W, O         Displays the Output window, where                                                                  displays the local variables and
                                                                                      Transparent                                     become transparent.                                                                 status messages can be viewed at                                                                   their values for each method in the
Edit.CommentSelection     CTRL + K, C or      Inserts // at the beginning of the                                                                                                                                          run time.                                                                                          current stack frame.
                          CTRL + E, C         current line or every line of the
                                              current selection.                      Navigation                                                                              View.PropertiesWindow   CTRL + W, P         Displays the Properties window,         Debug.QuickWatch       CTRL + D, Q                         Displays the QuickWatch dialog
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          which lists the design-time                                                                        box that has the current value of the
Edit.Uncomment-           CTRL + K, U or      Removes the // at the beginning of      Edit.FindAllReferences   SHIFT + F12 or         Displays a list of all references for                                               properties and events for the                                                                      selected expression.
Selection                 CTRL + E, U         the current line or every line of the                            CTRL + K, R            the symbol selected.                                                                currently selected item.
                                              current selection.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Debug.Start            F5                                  Launches the application under the
                                                                                      Edit.GoToBrace           CTRL + ]               Moves the cursor location to the        View.SolutionExplorer   CTRL + W, S         Displays Solution Explorer, which                                                                  debugger based off of the settings
Edit.FormatDocument       CTRL + K, D or      Formats the current document                                                            matching brace in the source file.                                                  lists the projects and files in the                                                                from the startup project. When in
                          CTRL + E, D         according to the indentation and                                                                                                                                            current solution.                                                                                  Break mode, invoking this command
                                              code formatting settings specified      Edit.GoToDefinition      F12                    Navigates to the declaration for the                                                                                                                                                   will run the application until the next
                                              on the Formatting pane under                                                            selected symbol in code.                View.TaskList           CTRL + W, T         Displays the Task List window, which                                                               breakpoint.
                                              Tools | Options | Text Editor | C#.                                                                                                                                         displays custom tasks, comments,
                                                                                      Edit.GoToNextLocation    F8                     Moves the cursor to the next item,                                                  shortcuts, warnings, and error          Debug.                CTRL + F5                            Launches the application without
Edit.FormatSelection      CTRL + K, F or      Formats the current selection                                                           such as a task in the Task List                                                     messages.                               StartWithoutDebugging                                      invoking the debugger.
                          CTRL + E, F         according to the indentation and                                                        window or a search match in the
                                              code formatting settings specified                                                      Find Results window. Subsequent         View.Toolbox            CTRL + W, X         Displays the Toolbox, which contains    Debug.StepInto         F11                                 Executes code one statement at
                                              on the Formatting pane under                                                            invocations will move to the next                                                   controls that can be included or                                                                   a time, following execution into
                                              Tools | Options | Text Editor | C#.                                                     item in the list.                                                                   used with your code.                                                                               method calls.

Edit.InsertSnippet        CTRL + K, X         Displays the Code Snippet Picker.       Edit.IncrementalSearch   CTRL + I               Activates incremental search.           View.ServerExplorer     CTRL + W, L         Displays Server Explorer, which lets    Debug.StepOut          SHIFT + F11                         Executes the remaining lines of
                                              The selected code snippet will be                                                       If incremental search is on, but                                                    you view and manipulate database                                                                   a method in which the current
                                              inserted at the cursor position.                                                        no input is passed, the previous                                                    servers, event logs, message                                                                       execution point is located.
                                                                                                                                      search query is used. If search                                                     queues, Web services, and other
Edit.SurroundWith         CTRL + K, S         Displays the Code Snippet Picker.                                                       input has been found, next                                                          operating system services.              Debug.StepOver         F10                                 Executes the next line of code, but
                                              The selected code snippet will be                                                       invocation searches for the next                                                                                                                                                       does not follow execution through
                                              wrapped around the selected text.                                                       occurrence of the input text.           Window.Close-           SHIFT + ESC         Closes the current tool window.                                                                    any method calls.
Edit. Invoke Snippet      TAB                 Inserts the expanded code snippet       View.ClassViewGo-        CTRL + K, CTRL + V     Brings focus to the Class View                                                                                              Debug.Stop-            SHIFT + F5                          Stops running the current
From Shortcut                                 from the shortcut name.                 ToSearch, Combo                                 search box.                             Data.ShowDataSources    SHIFT + ALT + D     Displays the Data Sources window.       Debugging                                                  application under the debugger.

Edit.CycleClipboardRing CTRL + SHIFT + V      Pastes text from the Clipboard ring     View.Forward-            CTRL + SHIFT + 7       Moves to the next item called in        Window.Close-                                                                       Debug.Toggle-          F9                                  Sets or removes a breakpoint at the
                                              to the cursor location in the file.     BrowseContext                                   code in the current file. Uses the Go   Document, Window        CTRL + F4           Closes the current tab.                 Breakpoint                                                 current line.
                                              Subsequent use of the shortcut key                                                      To Definition navigation stack.
                                              iterates through the items in the                                                                                                                                                                                   Debug.Watch            CTRL + D, W                         Displays the Watch window, which
                                              Clipboard ring.                         View.PopBrowse-          CTRL + SHIFT + 8       Moves to the previous item called in    Window.Next-        CTRL + TAB              Displays the IDE Navigator, with the                                                               displays the values of selected
                                                                                      Context                                         code in the current file. Uses the Go   Document, WindowNav                         first document window selected.                                                                    variables or watch expressions.
Edit.Replace              CTRL + H            Displays the replace options in the                                                     To Definition navigation stack.
                                              Quick tab of the Find and Replace                                                                                                                                                                                   Debug.Enable-          CTRL + F9                           Toggles the breakpoint between
                                              dialog box.                             View.Navigate-           CTRL + MINUS           Moves to the previously browsed         Refactoring                                                                         Breakpoint                                                 disabled and enabled.
                                                                                      Backward                 SIGN (-)               line of code.
Edit.ReplaceInFiles       CTRL + SHIFT + H    Displays the replace options on the                                                                                             Refactor.-              CTRL + R, E         Displays the Encapsulate Field          Make Datatip           [CTRL]                              Causes a visible datatip to become
                                              In Files tab of the Find and            View.Navigate-           CTRL + SHIFT +         Moves to the next browsed line          EncapsulateField                            dialog box, which allows creation       Transparent                                                transparent.
                                              Replace dialog box.                     Forward                  MINUS SIGN (-)         of code.                                                                            of a property from an existing field
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and updates all references to use
View.ShowSmartTag         CTRL + . or         Displays the available options on       Edit.FindInFiles         CTRL + SHIFT + F       Displays the In Files tab of the Find                                               the new property.                       Build
                          SHIFT + ALT + F10   the smart tag menu.                                                                     and Replace dialog box.
                                                                                                                                                                              Refactor.Extract-       CTRL + R, I         Displays the Extract Interface          Build.BuildSolution    F6 or CTRL +                       Builds all the projects in the
File                                                                                  Edit.FindSymbol          ALT + F12              Displays the Find Symbol pane of        Interface                                   dialog box, which allows creation                              SHIFT + B                          solution.
                                                                                                                                      the Find and Replace dialog box.                                                    of a new interface with members
File.NewProject           CTRL + SHIFT + N    Displays the New Project                                                                                                                                                    derived from an existing class,         Build.BuildSelection   SHIFT + F6
                                              dialog box.                             View.ViewCode            F7                     Displays the selected item in Code                                                  struct, or interface.                                                                             Builds the selected project and its
                                                                                                                                      view of the editor.                                                                                                                                                                   dependencies.
File.OpenProject          CTRL + SHIFT + O    Displays the Open Project dialog                                                                                                Refactor.               CTRL + R, M         Displays the Extract Method
                                              box, where existing projects can be     View.ViewDesigner        SHIFT + F7             Switches to Design view for the         ExtractMethod                               dialog box, which allows creation
                                              added to the solution.                                                                  current document. Available only in                                                 of a new method from the
                                                                                                                                      Source view.                                                                        selected code.
Project.AddClass          SHIFT + ALT + C     Displays the Add New Item dialog
                                              box and selects Class template as       View.ViewMarkup          SHIFT + F7             Switches to Source view for the         Refactor.Promote-       CTRL + R, P         Moves a variable from a local
                                              default.                                                                                current document. Available only in     LocalVariableto-                            usage to a method, indexer,
                                                                                                                                      Design view.                            Parameter                                   or constructor parameter and
Project.AddExisting-      SHIFT + ALT + A     Displays the Add Existing Item                                                                                                                                              updates all call sites appropriately.
Item                                          dialog box, where existing files can    Window.MoveTo-           CTRL + F2              Moves the cursor to the drop-down
                                              be added to the current project.        NavigationBar                                   bar located at the top of the code      Refactor.Remove-        CTRL + R, V         Displays the Remove Parameters
                                                                                                                                      editor when the editor is in Code       Parameters                                  dialog box, which allows removal
Project.AddNewItem        CTRL + SHIFT + A    Displays the Add New Item dialog                                                        view or Server Code view.                                                           of parameters from methods,
                                              box, where a new file can be                                                                                                                                                indexers, or delegates by changing
                                              added to the current project.           Edit.Find                CTRL + F               Displays the Quick tab of the Find                                                  the declaration at any locations
                                                                                                                                      and Replace dialog box.                                                             where the member is called.
Window.ShowEz-            CTRL + ALT +        Displays a pop-up listing of all
MDIFileList               DOWN ARROW          open documents.                         Edit.GoTo                CTRL + G               Displays the Go To Line dialog box.     Refactor.Rename         CTRL + R, R or F2   Displays the Rename dialog
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          box, which allows renaming all
Edit.OpenFile             CTRL + O            Displays the Open File dialog box       Edit.GoToFindCombo       CTRL + /               Puts the cursor in the Find/                                                        references for an identifier.
                                              where a file can be selected to be                                                      Command box on the Standard
                                              opened. This does not add the file                                                      toolbar.                                Refactor.Reorder-       CTRL + R, O         Displays the Reorder Parameters
                                              to the project.                                                                                                                 Parameters                                  dialog box, which allows changes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to the order of the parameters for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          methods, indexers, and delegates.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Notes: These key bindings are only available through the Visual C# Development
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Settings. To change to the Visual C# Development settings, go to Tools |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Import and Export Settings and select Reset all Settings then select Visual C#
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Development Settings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         To customize the key bindings for these commands, go to Tools | Options |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Environment | Keyboard.
Microsoft Visual C# Default Keybindings
                                        ®                           ®

Editing                                                                               IntelliSense                                                                            Window                                                                              Debugging
Edit.CollapseTo-          CTRL + M, O         Collapses existing regions to           Edit.CompleteWord        CTRL + SPACE or        Completes the current word in           View.ClassView          CTRL + W, C         Displays the Class View window.         Debug.Autos            CTRL + D, A                         Displays the Autos window, which
Definitions                                   provide a high-level view of the                                 CTRL + K, W            the completion list.                                                                                                                                                                   displays variables used in the current
                                              types and members in the                                                                                                        View.CodeDefinition-    CTRL + W, D         Displays the Code Definition                                                                       line of code and the preceding line
                                              source file.                            Edit.ListMembers         CTRL + J or            Invokes the IntelliSense®               Window                                      window.                                                                                            of code.
                                                                                                               CTRL + K, L            completion list.
Edit.ToggleAllOutlining   CTRL + M, L         Toggles all previously collapsed                                                                                                View.Command-           CTRL + W, A         Displays the Command window,            Debug.CallStack        CTRL + D, C                         Displays the Call Stack window,
                                              outlining regions between               Edit.QuickInfo           CTRL + K, I            Displays the complete declaration       Window                                      where commands can be invoked                                                                      which displays a list of all active
                                              collapsed and expanded states.                                                          for the specified identifier in your                                                to manipulate the integrated                                                                       methods or stack frames for the
                                                                                                                                      code in a Quick Info tool tip.                                                      development environment (IDE).                                                                     current thread of execution.
Edit.Toggle-              CTRL + M, M         Toggles the currently selected
OutliningExpansion                            collapsed region between the            Edit.ParameterInfo       CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE   Displays the name, number, and          View.ErrorList          CTRL + W, E         Displays the Error List window.         Debug.Immediate        CTRL + D, I                         Displays the Immediate window,
                                              collapsed and expanded state.                                    or CTRL K, P           type of parameters required for                                                                                                                                                        where expressions can be evaluated.
                                                                                                                                      the specified method.                   View.ObjectBrowser      CTRL + W, J         Displays the Object Browser.
Edit.StopOutlining        CTRL + M, P         Removes all outlining information                                                                                                                                                                                   Debug.Locals           CTRL + D, L                         Displays the Locals window, which
                                              from the whole document.                Make Completion List     CTRL                   Causes a visible completion list to     View.Output             CTRL + W, O         Displays the Output window, where                                                                  displays the local variables and
                                                                                      Transparent                                     become transparent.                                                                 status messages can be viewed at                                                                   their values for each method in the
Edit.CommentSelection     CTRL + K, C or      Inserts // at the beginning of the                                                                                                                                          run time.                                                                                          current stack frame.
                          CTRL + E, C         current line or every line of the
                                              current selection.                      Navigation                                                                              View.PropertiesWindow   CTRL + W, P         Displays the Properties window,         Debug.QuickWatch       CTRL + D, Q                         Displays the QuickWatch dialog
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          which lists the design-time                                                                        box that has the current value of the
Edit.Uncomment-           CTRL + K, U or      Removes the // at the beginning of      Edit.FindAllReferences   SHIFT + F12 or         Displays a list of all references for                                               properties and events for the                                                                      selected expression.
Selection                 CTRL + E, U         the current line or every line of the                            CTRL + K, R            the symbol selected.                                                                currently selected item.
                                              current selection.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Debug.Start            F5                                  Launches the application under the
                                                                                      Edit.GoToBrace           CTRL + ]               Moves the cursor location to the        View.SolutionExplorer   CTRL + W, S         Displays Solution Explorer, which                                                                  debugger based off of the settings
Edit.FormatDocument       CTRL + K, D or      Formats the current document                                                            matching brace in the source file.                                                  lists the projects and files in the                                                                from the startup project. When in
                          CTRL + E, D         according to the indentation and                                                                                                                                            current solution.                                                                                  Break mode, invoking this command
                                              code formatting settings specified      Edit.GoToDefinition      F12                    Navigates to the declaration for the                                                                                                                                                   will run the application until the next
                                              on the Formatting pane under                                                            selected symbol in code.                View.TaskList           CTRL + W, T         Displays the Task List window, which                                                               breakpoint.
                                              Tools | Options | Text Editor | C#.                                                                                                                                         displays custom tasks, comments,
                                                                                      Edit.GoToNextLocation    F8                     Moves the cursor to the next item,                                                  shortcuts, warnings, and error          Debug.                CTRL + F5                            Launches the application without
Edit.FormatSelection      CTRL + K, F or      Formats the current selection                                                           such as a task in the Task List                                                     messages.                               StartWithoutDebugging                                      invoking the debugger.
                          CTRL + E, F         according to the indentation and                                                        window or a search match in the
                                              code formatting settings specified                                                      Find Results window. Subsequent         View.Toolbox            CTRL + W, X         Displays the Toolbox, which contains    Debug.StepInto         F11                                 Executes code one statement at
                                              on the Formatting pane under                                                            invocations will move to the next                                                   controls that can be included or                                                                   a time, following execution into
                                              Tools | Options | Text Editor | C#.                                                     item in the list.                                                                   used with your code.                                                                               method calls.

Edit.InsertSnippet        CTRL + K, X         Displays the Code Snippet Picker.       Edit.IncrementalSearch   CTRL + I               Activates incremental search.           View.ServerExplorer     CTRL + W, L         Displays Server Explorer, which lets    Debug.StepOut          SHIFT + F11                         Executes the remaining lines of
                                              The selected code snippet will be                                                       If incremental search is on, but                                                    you view and manipulate database                                                                   a method in which the current
                                              inserted at the cursor position.                                                        no input is passed, the previous                                                    servers, event logs, message                                                                       execution point is located.
                                                                                                                                      search query is used. If search                                                     queues, Web services, and other
Edit.SurroundWith         CTRL + K, S         Displays the Code Snippet Picker.                                                       input has been found, next                                                          operating system services.              Debug.StepOver         F10                                 Executes the next line of code, but
                                              The selected code snippet will be                                                       invocation searches for the next                                                                                                                                                       does not follow execution through
                                              wrapped around the selected text.                                                       occurrence of the input text.           Window.Close-           SHIFT + ESC         Closes the current tool window.                                                                    any method calls.
Edit. Invoke Snippet      TAB                 Inserts the expanded code snippet       View.ClassViewGo-        CTRL + K, CTRL + V     Brings focus to the Class View                                                                                              Debug.Stop-            SHIFT + F5                          Stops running the current
From Shortcut                                 from the shortcut name.                 ToSearch, Combo                                 search box.                             Data.ShowDataSources    SHIFT + ALT + D     Displays the Data Sources window.       Debugging                                                  application under the debugger.

Edit.CycleClipboardRing CTRL + SHIFT + V      Pastes text from the Clipboard ring     View.Forward-            CTRL + SHIFT + 7       Moves to the next item called in        Window.Close-                                                                       Debug.Toggle-          F9                                  Sets or removes a breakpoint at the
                                              to the cursor location in the file.     BrowseContext                                   code in the current file. Uses the Go   Document, Window        CTRL + F4           Closes the current tab.                 Breakpoint                                                 current line.
                                              Subsequent use of the shortcut key                                                      To Definition navigation stack.
                                              iterates through the items in the                                                                                                                                                                                   Debug.Watch            CTRL + D, W                         Displays the Watch window, which
                                              Clipboard ring.                         View.PopBrowse-          CTRL + SHIFT + 8       Moves to the previous item called in    Window.Next-        CTRL + TAB              Displays the IDE Navigator, with the                                                               displays the values of selected
                                                                                      Context                                         code in the current file. Uses the Go   Document, WindowNav                         first document window selected.                                                                    variables or watch expressions.
Edit.Replace              CTRL + H            Displays the replace options in the                                                     To Definition navigation stack.
                                              Quick tab of the Find and Replace                                                                                                                                                                                   Debug.Enable-          CTRL + F9                           Toggles the breakpoint between
                                              dialog box.                             View.Navigate-           CTRL + MINUS           Moves to the previously browsed         Refactoring                                                                         Breakpoint                                                 disabled and enabled.
                                                                                      Backward                 SIGN (-)               line of code.
Edit.ReplaceInFiles       CTRL + SHIFT + H    Displays the replace options on the                                                                                             Refactor.-              CTRL + R, E         Displays the Encapsulate Field          Make Datatip           [CTRL]                              Causes a visible datatip to become
                                              In Files tab of the Find and            View.Navigate-           CTRL + SHIFT +         Moves to the next browsed line          EncapsulateField                            dialog box, which allows creation       Transparent                                                transparent.
                                              Replace dialog box.                     Forward                  MINUS SIGN (-)         of code.                                                                            of a property from an existing field
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and updates all references to use
View.ShowSmartTag         CTRL + . or         Displays the available options on       Edit.FindInFiles         CTRL + SHIFT + F       Displays the In Files tab of the Find                                               the new property.                       Build
                          SHIFT + ALT + F10   the smart tag menu.                                                                     and Replace dialog box.
                                                                                                                                                                              Refactor.Extract-       CTRL + R, I         Displays the Extract Interface          Build.BuildSolution    F6 or CTRL +                       Builds all the projects in the
                                                                                      Edit.FindSymbol          ALT + F12              Displays the Find Symbol pane of        Interface                                   dialog box, which allows creation                              SHIFT + B                          solution.
File                                                                                                                                  the Find and Replace dialog box.                                                    of a new interface with members
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Build.BuildSelection   SHIFT + F6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          derived from an existing class,
File.NewProject           CTRL + SHIFT + N    Displays the New Project                View.ViewCode            F7                     Displays the selected item in Code                                                  struct, or interface.                                                                             Builds the selected project and its
                                              dialog box.                                                                             view of the editor.                                                                                                                                                                   dependencies.
                                                                                                                                                                              Refactor.               CTRL + R, M         Displays the Extract Method
File.OpenProject          CTRL + SHIFT + O    Displays the Open Project dialog        View.ViewDesigner        SHIFT + F7             Switches to Design view for the         ExtractMethod                               dialog box, which allows creation
                                              box, where existing projects can be                                                     current document. Available only in                                                 of a new method from the selected
                                              added to the solution.                                                                  Source view.                                                                        code.

Project.AddClass          SHIFT + ALT + C     Displays the Add New Item dialog        View.ViewMarkup          SHIFT + F7             Switches to Source view for the         Refactor.Promote-       CTRL + R, P         Moves a variable from a local
                                              box and selects Class template as                                                       current document. Available only in     LocalVariableto-                            usage to a method, indexer,
                                              default.                                                                                Design view.                            Parameter                                   or constructor parameter and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          updates all call sites appropriately.
Project.AddExisting-      SHIFT + ALT + A     Displays the Add Existing Item          Window.MoveTo-           CTRL + F2              Moves the cursor to the drop-down
Item                                          dialog box, where existing files can    NavigationBar                                   bar located at the top of the code      Refactor.Remove-        CTRL + R, V         Displays the Remove Parameters
                                              be added to the current project.                                                        editor when the editor is in Code       Parameters                                  dialog box, which allows removal
                                                                                                                                      view or Server Code view.                                                           of parameters from methods,
Project.AddNewItem        CTRL + SHIFT + A    Displays the Add New Item dialog                                                                                                                                            indexers, or delegates by changing
                                              box, where a new file can be            Edit.Find                CTRL + F               Displays the Quick tab of the Find                                                  the declaration at any locations
                                              added to the current project.                                                           and Replace dialog box.                                                             where the member is called.

Window.ShowEz-            CTRL + ALT +        Displays a pop-up listing of all        Edit.GoTo                CTRL + G               Displays the Go To Line dialog box.     Refactor.Rename         CTRL + R, R or F2   Displays the Rename dialog
MDIFileList               DOWN ARROW          open documents.                                                                                                                                                             box, which allows renaming all
                                                                                      Edit.GoToFindCombo       CTRL + /               Puts the cursor in the Find/                                                        references for an identifier.
Edit.OpenFile             CTRL + O            Displays the Open File dialog box                                                       Command box on the Standard
                                              where a file can be selected to be                                                      toolbar.                                Refactor.Reorder-       CTRL + R, O         Displays the Reorder Parameters
                                              opened. This does not add the file                                                                                              Parameters                                  dialog box, which allows changes
                                              to the project.                                                                                                                                                             to the order of the parameters for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          methods, indexers, and delegates.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Notes: These key bindings are only available through the Visual C# Development
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Settings. To change to the Visual C# Development settings, go to Tools |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Import and Export Settings and select Reset all Settings then select Visual C#
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Development Settings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         To customize the key bindings for these commands, go to Tools | Options |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Environment | Keyboard.

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  • 1. Microsoft Visual C# Default Keybindings ® ® Editing IntelliSense Window Debugging Edit.CollapseTo- CTRL + M, O Collapses existing regions to Edit.CompleteWord CTRL + SPACE or Completes the current word in View.ClassView CTRL + W, C Displays the Class View window. Debug.Autos CTRL + D, A Displays the Autos window, which Definitions provide a high-level view of the CTRL + K, W the completion list. displays variables used in the current types and members in the View.CodeDefinition- CTRL + W, D Displays the Code Definition line of code and the preceding line source file. Edit.ListMembers CTRL + J or Invokes the IntelliSense® Window window. of code. CTRL + K, L completion list. Edit.ToggleAllOutlining CTRL + M, L Toggles all previously collapsed View.Command- CTRL + W, A Displays the Command window, Debug.CallStack CTRL + D, C Displays the Call Stack window, outlining regions between Edit.QuickInfo CTRL + K, I Displays the complete declaration Window where commands can be invoked which displays a list of all active collapsed and expanded states. for the specified identifier in your to manipulate the integrated methods or stack frames for the code in a Quick Info tool tip. development environment (IDE). current thread of execution. Edit.Toggle- CTRL + M, M Toggles the currently selected OutliningExpansion collapsed region between the Edit.ParameterInfo CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE Displays the name, number, and View.ErrorList CTRL + W, E Displays the Error List window. Debug.Immediate CTRL + D, I Displays the Immediate window, collapsed and expanded state. or CTRL K, P type of parameters required for where expressions can be evaluated. the specified method. View.ObjectBrowser CTRL + W, J Displays the Object Browser. Edit.StopOutlining CTRL + M, P Removes all outlining information Debug.Locals CTRL + D, L Displays the Locals window, which from the whole document. Make Completion List CTRL Causes a visible completion list to View.Output CTRL + W, O Displays the Output window, where displays the local variables and Transparent become transparent. status messages can be viewed at their values for each method in the Edit.CommentSelection CTRL + K, C or Inserts // at the beginning of the run time. current stack frame. CTRL + E, C current line or every line of the current selection. Navigation View.PropertiesWindow CTRL + W, P Displays the Properties window, Debug.QuickWatch CTRL + D, Q Displays the QuickWatch dialog which lists the design-time box that has the current value of the Edit.Uncomment- CTRL + K, U or Removes the // at the beginning of Edit.FindAllReferences SHIFT + F12 or Displays a list of all references for properties and events for the selected expression. Selection CTRL + E, U the current line or every line of the CTRL + K, R the symbol selected. currently selected item. current selection. Debug.Start F5 Launches the application under the Edit.GoToBrace CTRL + ] Moves the cursor location to the View.SolutionExplorer CTRL + W, S Displays Solution Explorer, which debugger based off of the settings Edit.FormatDocument CTRL + K, D or Formats the current document matching brace in the source file. lists the projects and files in the from the startup project. When in CTRL + E, D according to the indentation and current solution. Break mode, invoking this command code formatting settings specified Edit.GoToDefinition F12 Navigates to the declaration for the will run the application until the next on the Formatting pane under selected symbol in code. View.TaskList CTRL + W, T Displays the Task List window, which breakpoint. Tools | Options | Text Editor | C#. displays custom tasks, comments, Edit.GoToNextLocation F8 Moves the cursor to the next item, shortcuts, warnings, and error Debug. CTRL + F5 Launches the application without Edit.FormatSelection CTRL + K, F or Formats the current selection such as a task in the Task List messages. StartWithoutDebugging invoking the debugger. CTRL + E, F according to the indentation and window or a search match in the code formatting settings specified Find Results window. Subsequent View.Toolbox CTRL + W, X Displays the Toolbox, which contains Debug.StepInto F11 Executes code one statement at on the Formatting pane under invocations will move to the next controls that can be included or a time, following execution into Tools | Options | Text Editor | C#. item in the list. used with your code. method calls. Edit.InsertSnippet CTRL + K, X Displays the Code Snippet Picker. Edit.IncrementalSearch CTRL + I Activates incremental search. View.ServerExplorer CTRL + W, L Displays Server Explorer, which lets Debug.StepOut SHIFT + F11 Executes the remaining lines of The selected code snippet will be If incremental search is on, but you view and manipulate database a method in which the current inserted at the cursor position. no input is passed, the previous servers, event logs, message execution point is located. search query is used. If search queues, Web services, and other Edit.SurroundWith CTRL + K, S Displays the Code Snippet Picker. input has been found, next operating system services. Debug.StepOver F10 Executes the next line of code, but The selected code snippet will be invocation searches for the next does not follow execution through wrapped around the selected text. occurrence of the input text. Window.Close- SHIFT + ESC Closes the current tool window. any method calls. ToolWindow Edit. Invoke Snippet TAB Inserts the expanded code snippet View.ClassViewGo- CTRL + K, CTRL + V Brings focus to the Class View Debug.Stop- SHIFT + F5 Stops running the current From Shortcut from the shortcut name. ToSearch, Combo search box. Data.ShowDataSources SHIFT + ALT + D Displays the Data Sources window. Debugging application under the debugger. Edit.CycleClipboardRing CTRL + SHIFT + V Pastes text from the Clipboard ring View.Forward- CTRL + SHIFT + 7 Moves to the next item called in Window.Close- Debug.Toggle- F9 Sets or removes a breakpoint at the to the cursor location in the file. BrowseContext code in the current file. Uses the Go Document, Window CTRL + F4 Closes the current tab. Breakpoint current line. Subsequent use of the shortcut key To Definition navigation stack. iterates through the items in the Debug.Watch CTRL + D, W Displays the Watch window, which Clipboard ring. View.PopBrowse- CTRL + SHIFT + 8 Moves to the previous item called in Window.Next- CTRL + TAB Displays the IDE Navigator, with the displays the values of selected Context code in the current file. Uses the Go Document, WindowNav first document window selected. variables or watch expressions. Edit.Replace CTRL + H Displays the replace options in the To Definition navigation stack. Quick tab of the Find and Replace Debug.Enable- CTRL + F9 Toggles the breakpoint between dialog box. View.Navigate- CTRL + MINUS Moves to the previously browsed Refactoring Breakpoint disabled and enabled. Backward SIGN (-) line of code. Edit.ReplaceInFiles CTRL + SHIFT + H Displays the replace options on the Refactor.- CTRL + R, E Displays the Encapsulate Field Make Datatip [CTRL] Causes a visible datatip to become In Files tab of the Find and View.Navigate- CTRL + SHIFT + Moves to the next browsed line EncapsulateField dialog box, which allows creation Transparent transparent. Replace dialog box. Forward MINUS SIGN (-) of code. of a property from an existing field and updates all references to use View.ShowSmartTag CTRL + . or Displays the available options on Edit.FindInFiles CTRL + SHIFT + F Displays the In Files tab of the Find the new property. Build SHIFT + ALT + F10 the smart tag menu. and Replace dialog box. Refactor.Extract- CTRL + R, I Displays the Extract Interface Build.BuildSolution F6 or CTRL + Builds all the projects in the File Edit.FindSymbol ALT + F12 Displays the Find Symbol pane of Interface dialog box, which allows creation SHIFT + B solution. the Find and Replace dialog box. of a new interface with members File.NewProject CTRL + SHIFT + N Displays the New Project derived from an existing class, Build.BuildSelection SHIFT + F6 dialog box. View.ViewCode F7 Displays the selected item in Code struct, or interface. Builds the selected project and its view of the editor. dependencies. File.OpenProject CTRL + SHIFT + O Displays the Open Project dialog Refactor. CTRL + R, M Displays the Extract Method box, where existing projects can be View.ViewDesigner SHIFT + F7 Switches to Design view for the ExtractMethod dialog box, which allows creation added to the solution. current document. Available only in of a new method from the Source view. selected code. Project.AddClass SHIFT + ALT + C Displays the Add New Item dialog box and selects Class template as View.ViewMarkup SHIFT + F7 Switches to Source view for the Refactor.Promote- CTRL + R, P Moves a variable from a local default. current document. Available only in LocalVariableto- usage to a method, indexer, Design view. Parameter or constructor parameter and Project.AddExisting- SHIFT + ALT + A Displays the Add Existing Item updates all call sites appropriately. Item dialog box, where existing files can Window.MoveTo- CTRL + F2 Moves the cursor to the drop-down be added to the current project. NavigationBar bar located at the top of the code Refactor.Remove- CTRL + R, V Displays the Remove Parameters editor when the editor is in Code Parameters dialog box, which allows removal Project.AddNewItem CTRL + SHIFT + A Displays the Add New Item dialog view or Server Code view. of parameters from methods, box, where a new file can be indexers, or delegates by changing added to the current project. Edit.Find CTRL + F Displays the Quick tab of the Find the declaration at any locations and Replace dialog box. where the member is called. Window.ShowEz- CTRL + ALT + Displays a pop-up listing of all MDIFileList DOWN ARROW open documents. Edit.GoTo CTRL + G Displays the Go To Line dialog box. Refactor.Rename CTRL + R, R or F2 Displays the Rename dialog box, which allows renaming all Edit.OpenFile CTRL + O Displays the Open File dialog box Edit.GoToFindCombo CTRL + / Puts the cursor in the Find/ references for an identifier. where a file can be selected to be Command box on the Standard opened. This does not add the file toolbar. Refactor.Reorder- CTRL + R, O Displays the Reorder Parameters to the project. Parameters dialog box, which allows changes to the order of the parameters for methods, indexers, and delegates. Notes: These key bindings are only available through the Visual C# Development Settings. To change to the Visual C# Development settings, go to Tools | Import and Export Settings and select Reset all Settings then select Visual C# Development Settings. To customize the key bindings for these commands, go to Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard.
  • 2. Microsoft Visual C# Default Keybindings ® ® Editing IntelliSense Window Debugging Edit.CollapseTo- CTRL + M, O Collapses existing regions to Edit.CompleteWord CTRL + SPACE or Completes the current word in View.ClassView CTRL + W, C Displays the Class View window. Debug.Autos CTRL + D, A Displays the Autos window, which Definitions provide a high-level view of the CTRL + K, W the completion list. displays variables used in the current types and members in the View.CodeDefinition- CTRL + W, D Displays the Code Definition line of code and the preceding line source file. Edit.ListMembers CTRL + J or Invokes the IntelliSense® Window window. of code. CTRL + K, L completion list. Edit.ToggleAllOutlining CTRL + M, L Toggles all previously collapsed View.Command- CTRL + W, A Displays the Command window, Debug.CallStack CTRL + D, C Displays the Call Stack window, outlining regions between Edit.QuickInfo CTRL + K, I Displays the complete declaration Window where commands can be invoked which displays a list of all active collapsed and expanded states. for the specified identifier in your to manipulate the integrated methods or stack frames for the code in a Quick Info tool tip. development environment (IDE). current thread of execution. Edit.Toggle- CTRL + M, M Toggles the currently selected OutliningExpansion collapsed region between the Edit.ParameterInfo CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE Displays the name, number, and View.ErrorList CTRL + W, E Displays the Error List window. Debug.Immediate CTRL + D, I Displays the Immediate window, collapsed and expanded state. or CTRL K, P type of parameters required for where expressions can be evaluated. the specified method. View.ObjectBrowser CTRL + W, J Displays the Object Browser. Edit.StopOutlining CTRL + M, P Removes all outlining information Debug.Locals CTRL + D, L Displays the Locals window, which from the whole document. Make Completion List CTRL Causes a visible completion list to View.Output CTRL + W, O Displays the Output window, where displays the local variables and Transparent become transparent. status messages can be viewed at their values for each method in the Edit.CommentSelection CTRL + K, C or Inserts // at the beginning of the run time. current stack frame. CTRL + E, C current line or every line of the current selection. Navigation View.PropertiesWindow CTRL + W, P Displays the Properties window, Debug.QuickWatch CTRL + D, Q Displays the QuickWatch dialog which lists the design-time box that has the current value of the Edit.Uncomment- CTRL + K, U or Removes the // at the beginning of Edit.FindAllReferences SHIFT + F12 or Displays a list of all references for properties and events for the selected expression. Selection CTRL + E, U the current line or every line of the CTRL + K, R the symbol selected. currently selected item. current selection. Debug.Start F5 Launches the application under the Edit.GoToBrace CTRL + ] Moves the cursor location to the View.SolutionExplorer CTRL + W, S Displays Solution Explorer, which debugger based off of the settings Edit.FormatDocument CTRL + K, D or Formats the current document matching brace in the source file. lists the projects and files in the from the startup project. When in CTRL + E, D according to the indentation and current solution. Break mode, invoking this command code formatting settings specified Edit.GoToDefinition F12 Navigates to the declaration for the will run the application until the next on the Formatting pane under selected symbol in code. View.TaskList CTRL + W, T Displays the Task List window, which breakpoint. Tools | Options | Text Editor | C#. displays custom tasks, comments, Edit.GoToNextLocation F8 Moves the cursor to the next item, shortcuts, warnings, and error Debug. CTRL + F5 Launches the application without Edit.FormatSelection CTRL + K, F or Formats the current selection such as a task in the Task List messages. StartWithoutDebugging invoking the debugger. CTRL + E, F according to the indentation and window or a search match in the code formatting settings specified Find Results window. Subsequent View.Toolbox CTRL + W, X Displays the Toolbox, which contains Debug.StepInto F11 Executes code one statement at on the Formatting pane under invocations will move to the next controls that can be included or a time, following execution into Tools | Options | Text Editor | C#. item in the list. used with your code. method calls. Edit.InsertSnippet CTRL + K, X Displays the Code Snippet Picker. Edit.IncrementalSearch CTRL + I Activates incremental search. View.ServerExplorer CTRL + W, L Displays Server Explorer, which lets Debug.StepOut SHIFT + F11 Executes the remaining lines of The selected code snippet will be If incremental search is on, but you view and manipulate database a method in which the current inserted at the cursor position. no input is passed, the previous servers, event logs, message execution point is located. search query is used. If search queues, Web services, and other Edit.SurroundWith CTRL + K, S Displays the Code Snippet Picker. input has been found, next operating system services. Debug.StepOver F10 Executes the next line of code, but The selected code snippet will be invocation searches for the next does not follow execution through wrapped around the selected text. occurrence of the input text. Window.Close- SHIFT + ESC Closes the current tool window. any method calls. ToolWindow Edit. Invoke Snippet TAB Inserts the expanded code snippet View.ClassViewGo- CTRL + K, CTRL + V Brings focus to the Class View Debug.Stop- SHIFT + F5 Stops running the current From Shortcut from the shortcut name. ToSearch, Combo search box. Data.ShowDataSources SHIFT + ALT + D Displays the Data Sources window. Debugging application under the debugger. Edit.CycleClipboardRing CTRL + SHIFT + V Pastes text from the Clipboard ring View.Forward- CTRL + SHIFT + 7 Moves to the next item called in Window.Close- Debug.Toggle- F9 Sets or removes a breakpoint at the to the cursor location in the file. BrowseContext code in the current file. Uses the Go Document, Window CTRL + F4 Closes the current tab. Breakpoint current line. Subsequent use of the shortcut key To Definition navigation stack. iterates through the items in the Debug.Watch CTRL + D, W Displays the Watch window, which Clipboard ring. View.PopBrowse- CTRL + SHIFT + 8 Moves to the previous item called in Window.Next- CTRL + TAB Displays the IDE Navigator, with the displays the values of selected Context code in the current file. Uses the Go Document, WindowNav first document window selected. variables or watch expressions. Edit.Replace CTRL + H Displays the replace options in the To Definition navigation stack. Quick tab of the Find and Replace Debug.Enable- CTRL + F9 Toggles the breakpoint between dialog box. View.Navigate- CTRL + MINUS Moves to the previously browsed Refactoring Breakpoint disabled and enabled. Backward SIGN (-) line of code. Edit.ReplaceInFiles CTRL + SHIFT + H Displays the replace options on the Refactor.- CTRL + R, E Displays the Encapsulate Field Make Datatip [CTRL] Causes a visible datatip to become In Files tab of the Find and View.Navigate- CTRL + SHIFT + Moves to the next browsed line EncapsulateField dialog box, which allows creation Transparent transparent. Replace dialog box. Forward MINUS SIGN (-) of code. of a property from an existing field and updates all references to use View.ShowSmartTag CTRL + . or Displays the available options on Edit.FindInFiles CTRL + SHIFT + F Displays the In Files tab of the Find the new property. Build SHIFT + ALT + F10 the smart tag menu. and Replace dialog box. Refactor.Extract- CTRL + R, I Displays the Extract Interface Build.BuildSolution F6 or CTRL + Builds all the projects in the Edit.FindSymbol ALT + F12 Displays the Find Symbol pane of Interface dialog box, which allows creation SHIFT + B solution. File the Find and Replace dialog box. of a new interface with members Build.BuildSelection SHIFT + F6 derived from an existing class, File.NewProject CTRL + SHIFT + N Displays the New Project View.ViewCode F7 Displays the selected item in Code struct, or interface. Builds the selected project and its dialog box. view of the editor. dependencies. Refactor. CTRL + R, M Displays the Extract Method File.OpenProject CTRL + SHIFT + O Displays the Open Project dialog View.ViewDesigner SHIFT + F7 Switches to Design view for the ExtractMethod dialog box, which allows creation box, where existing projects can be current document. Available only in of a new method from the selected added to the solution. Source view. code. Project.AddClass SHIFT + ALT + C Displays the Add New Item dialog View.ViewMarkup SHIFT + F7 Switches to Source view for the Refactor.Promote- CTRL + R, P Moves a variable from a local box and selects Class template as current document. Available only in LocalVariableto- usage to a method, indexer, default. Design view. Parameter or constructor parameter and updates all call sites appropriately. Project.AddExisting- SHIFT + ALT + A Displays the Add Existing Item Window.MoveTo- CTRL + F2 Moves the cursor to the drop-down Item dialog box, where existing files can NavigationBar bar located at the top of the code Refactor.Remove- CTRL + R, V Displays the Remove Parameters be added to the current project. editor when the editor is in Code Parameters dialog box, which allows removal view or Server Code view. of parameters from methods, Project.AddNewItem CTRL + SHIFT + A Displays the Add New Item dialog indexers, or delegates by changing box, where a new file can be Edit.Find CTRL + F Displays the Quick tab of the Find the declaration at any locations added to the current project. and Replace dialog box. where the member is called. Window.ShowEz- CTRL + ALT + Displays a pop-up listing of all Edit.GoTo CTRL + G Displays the Go To Line dialog box. Refactor.Rename CTRL + R, R or F2 Displays the Rename dialog MDIFileList DOWN ARROW open documents. box, which allows renaming all Edit.GoToFindCombo CTRL + / Puts the cursor in the Find/ references for an identifier. Edit.OpenFile CTRL + O Displays the Open File dialog box Command box on the Standard where a file can be selected to be toolbar. Refactor.Reorder- CTRL + R, O Displays the Reorder Parameters opened. This does not add the file Parameters dialog box, which allows changes to the project. to the order of the parameters for methods, indexers, and delegates. Notes: These key bindings are only available through the Visual C# Development Settings. To change to the Visual C# Development settings, go to Tools | Import and Export Settings and select Reset all Settings then select Visual C# Development Settings. To customize the key bindings for these commands, go to Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard.