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          the evolution of a Shimer student

          Where do readers
          come from?
          Are they born of literary parents? Nurtured in well-
          stocked libraries? Raised on a diet of semiotics
          and structuralism?
             Readers are individuals. They are deep thinkers
          and voracious consumers (of facts, stories,
          philosophies). They actively engage with other
          perspectives and genuinely enjoy wrestling with
          big ideas.
             Shimer students may be many different things –
          vegans, Francophiles, skydivers – but above all,
          they are readers. They love to discuss, and they can’t
          stand busywork. They are drawn to the Great Books
          because the Great Books encourage a meaningful
          examination of, well, just about everything.
             Do you know a Shimer student? Are YOU a
          Shimer student? If you’re ready to evolve your
          reading life and join the Great Conversation – the
          flow of human discourse from Plato to Pascal,
          Simone de Beauvoir to Martin Luther King, Jr. –
          then turn the page.


Stuart:                                                           Mohini:
                                                                            Darwin uses words like “variety” and “species”                    It’s the first page of chapter two. He really gets
                                                                            and “breed.” He seems on the one hand to try to                   into it. And he makes a good point: “No one
                                                                            preserve some principle with his categorizations,                 definition has satisfied all naturalists, yet every
                                                                            but on the other to say it’s a matter of opinion.                 naturalist knows vaguely what he means when he
                                                                            I wonder about that.                                              speaks of a species.” He goes on to say variety is
                                                                                                                                              hard to define, but I know it when I see it.

of original
thought.                                                                                                                                                                                                Landis Masnor
That’s the true purpose of every Shimer
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sapulpa, Oklahoma
class. And the beauty is that at Shimer,                                                                                                                                                                Primary academic interest:
everyone is equally engaged (and respectful                                                                                                                                                             Social Sciences and Theology 
of one another’s opinion). And no two                                                                                                                                                                   I knew I had become a Shimerian when: 
classes are ever the same.                                                                                                                                                                              Missing Assembly* felt irresponsible.
    In the following pages you’ll meet a few
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Chicago or New York? Chicago, no
Shimerians and you’ll see how things unfold                                                                                                                                                             question. It’s the underdog. Batman
when they sit down with a faculty facilitator                                                                                                                                                           lives here. Chicago does sleep. 
to delve into the early chapters of Darwin’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Nature or nurture? Both! Because nurture
The Origin of Species.                                                                                                                                                                                  shapes nature. And if you’re Freud, nature
                                                                                                                                                                                                        shapes nurture, which shapes nature. But
Fair warning: The in-depth nature of a
                                                                                                                                                                                                        I don’t think he figured that last part out.
typical classroom conversation can,
on occasion, cause existential crises,                                                                                                                                                                  Gypsy or jetsetter? Jesus loves ’em both. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                        But there’s a reason he hung out with the
changes in personal philosophy, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        gypsies more. They’re more fun.
intellectual upheaval.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        * ee page 17 for more about democratic
                                                                                                                                                                                                         shared-governance at Shimer.

                                                          “Nor shall I here discuss the various definitions which have been given of the
                                                           term species. No one definition has as yet satisfied all naturalists; yet every
                                                           naturalist knows vaguely what he means when he speaks of a species. Generally
                                                           the term includes the unknown element of a distinct act of creation. The term
                                                          ‘variety’ is almost equally difficult to define; but here community of descent is
                                                           almost universally implied, though it can rarely be proved.” – Charles Darwin

                                                              2                                                                                                                                     3
Vicky Costello
Mazon, Illinois                                                                                                                                            “In considering the Origin of Species,
Primary academic interest:                                                                                                                                  it is quite conceivable that a naturalist,
Social Sciences and/or Humanities
I knew I had become a Shimerian when:
                                                       Stuart:                                       Trillian:                                              reflecting on the mutual affinities of
                                                                                                                                                            organic beings, on their embryological
I started using the phrase “cultural relativity”       Do you think that he wants to demonstrate     I know he discusses that, but I don’t think
to end an argument.                                                                                                                                         relations, their geographical distribution,
                                                       the utility of taxonomy?                      he talks about it here.                                geological succession, and other such
Gypsy or jetsetter? I’m not entirely
sure what a “jetsetter” is. The way I dress                                                                                                                 facts, might come to the conclusion that
screams “gypsy,” so I suppose I could go
with that one. On the other hand, if this
                                                       Mohini:                                       Neel:                                                  each species had not been independently
mysterious “jetsetter” thing is some form of           It puts pressure on taxonomy to be more       Right, that’s where you don’t get different            created, but had descended, like varieties,
jetpack I could put on, I would, of course,            detailed, so when you come across an animal   species; you get different breeds of pigeons.          from other species.”
choose jetsetter. 
                                                       in one color and then in another color, you   So I’m wondering: Does that get rid of species
Kant or Kafka? Neither, please. But allow
me to offer Machiavelli as an alternative.             have to make far harder choices. Where do     altogether, or do you just have to be very
True, he doesn’t have that lovely alliteration
that you all were going for, but he wrote the
                                                       you draw the line for a species? What about   careful? At some point, you have a red bird and
catch-all encyclopedia of how to win the               interbreeding? When animals interbreed are    a blue bird and a purple bird. Are those three
people over. He would easily beat both Kant
and Kafka in a fight.                                  they still in the same species?               different species? Are they two?

                                                   4                                                                                                   5
Mohini:                                                 Vicky:
              Well, we’re talking about the difficulty in             To be the same species, two animals need to be
              language, in defining. And I don’t think getting        able to breed and produce viable offspring. So,
              rid of the language is going to help. We can            with what you said, Neel, if those blue and red
              either talk about each red bird and each blue bird      and purple birds can all reproduce with each other
              without recognizing they are all the same kind          without having sterile children like lions and
              of bird, they just have different colored feathers,     tigers do, then they’re all part of the same species.
              or we can group them together by difficult              If they can’t, well, then you’ll just have these
              characteristics. Do we lose something by ignoring       useless ligers!
              their individual characteristics? Yes, but do we gain
              something by grouping them together? I think so.

                                                                                                                                                                          Stuart Patterson
                                                                                                                                                                          Scottsdale, Arizona
                                                                                                                                                                          Primary academic interest:
                                                                                                                                                                          Utopia and its discontents.
                                                                                                                                                                          I knew I had become a Shimerian when:
                                                                                                                                                                          I finished my “light paper” (the final essay
                                                                                                                                                                          in Natural Sciences 3, in which I was
                                                                                                                                                                          a student during my first semester as a
                                                                                                                                                                          faculty member).
                                                                                                                                                                          Chicago or New York? Seattle? And I’ve
                                                                                                                                                                          never been to Toronto, but I hear it’s nice
                                                                                                                                                                          there, too.
                                                                                                                                                                          Nature or nurture? Yes? I wouldn’t want
                                                                                                                                                                          to be stuck wholly in one or the other.
                                                                                                                                                                          Gypsy or jetsetter? Cosmopolite. In the
                                                                                                                                                                          ancient sense of the term.
                                                                                                                                                                          Kant or Kafka? Kierkegaard. That is,
                                                                                                                                                                          Kindle or paperback? Memory. I like
                                                                                                                                                                          reading, but I like remembering even more.

                                                                                    “The author of the ‘Vestiges of Creation’ would, I presume, say that, after
                                                                                     a certain unknown number of generations, some bird had given birth to a
                                                                                     woodpecker, and some plant to the misseltoe, and that these had been produced
                                                                                     perfect as we now see them; but this assumption seems to me to be no
                                                                                     explanation, for it leaves the case of the coadaptations of organic beings to each
                                                                                     other and to their physical conditions of life, untouched and unexplained.”

          6                                                                                                                                   7

                                                                                  Back to language for a moment … I’m wondering            Mohini:
                                                                                  if to properly define species, you first have to         We see that to some degree today. We see people
                                                                                  look at your motivation for seeking the definition.      looking for the gene for homosexuality and
                                                                                  Do we make a detailed catalog of all possible            wanting to have designer babies. And is that a
                                                                                  traits because we simply want to categorize them         danger? Are we twisting around nature’s idea
Mohini Lal                                                                        and have a greater knowledge, OR do we want              that has no real purpose?
McKinney, Texas                                                                   to categorize them so we can keep track of what
Primary academic interest:
                                                                                  we think these animals should be like? It seems
Social Sciences (Pre-Law)                                                         as though in this chapter the whole purpose of
I knew I had become a Shimerian when:                                             categorization is to fulfill a desire that humans have
I woke up one morning and was constructing
Punnett squares in my head before I even made                                     to control nature.
it to the sink to brush my teeth.
Chicago or New York? Chicago, hands down.
I live here because I want to live here; Shimer
is an added bonus.
Nature or nurture? Nurture, à la Simone
de Beauvoir.
Kant or Kafka? Conklin, or Kingsolver, maybe.
Kindle or paperback? Whichever is handiest to
get some reading done. Usually I read novels on
my phone’s Google Books app.

Mohini came to Shimer prior to high school
graduation through the Early Entrant program.                                                                                                                                                    Michael Doherty
For more information about this program,
contact the Admission Office.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Evanston, Illinois
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Primary academic interest:
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Using philosophical discourse to inspire
                                                                                                                                                                                                 mindful, positive, and practical change.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 I knew I had become a Shimerian when:
                                                                                                                                                                                                 A book ceased to be a book and became an
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ever-potentially-explosive learning device.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Nature or nurture? Nurture. Two things
                                                                                                                                                                                                 seem to define being human: having life
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and imagination. Nature takes care of birth
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and death, but everything in between – the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 meaning, purpose, and quality of life – is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                 matter of human imagination. If “choice” is
                                                                                                                                                                                                 another word for “being able to imagine and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 create alternatives,” what else is imagination
                                                                                                                                                                                                 but potential imaginaction?

                   “As many more individuals of each species are born than can possibly survive;
                    and as, consequently, there is a frequently recurring struggle for existence,
                    it follows that any being, if it vary however slightly in any manner profitable
                    to itself, under the complex and sometimes varying conditions of life, will
                    have a better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally selected.”

                                                                            8                                                                                                                9
                                                       I don’t know if Darwin offers an
                                                       explicit answer one way or the
                                                       other, but it brings us back to an
                                                       earlier question. Do we think we     Landis:
                                                       can compartmentalize species or       Darwin is mapping species                                                                           Neel Rana
                                                       do we keep things as a spectrum       differently from Lamarck,                                                                           Livermore, California
                                                       so that when you bring up             who puts humans at the                                                                              Primary academic interest:
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ethics in general, in particular Utilitarian
                                                       humans it’s like, “Ah well,           top. According to Lamarck,                                                                          and Pragmatic.
                                                       humans seem to display these          all creatures are striving to                                                                       I knew I had become a Shimerian when:
                                                       traits, so …” Maybe humans are        become what humans have                                                                             What I was reading and what I was discussing
                                                                                                                                                                                                 became so genuinely interesting that it no
                                                       uncomfortable with things being       become. What Darwin is                                                                              longer seemed like work.
Trillian Bergmann                                      one big spectrum. Maybe we            saying is that humans aren’t                                                                        Gypsy or jetsetter? Gypsy. To reference a
Madison, Wisconsin                                     need extreme categorization.         “purposed” – whatever form                                                                           recent Dr. Who episode: You always want to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 go to Apalapucia, not the Planet of the Coffee
Primary academic interest:                                                                   species have taken is incidental.                                                                   Shops. Sure, going off the beaten path may
Basically everything, but specifically
Humanities and the overlap of Humanities               Mohini:                               Darwin does invoke a Creator,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 get you into trouble (in the Doctor’s case it
                                                                                                                                                                                                 always does), but in the end the experience is
                                                                                             but he’s removing choice from                                                                       worth so much more.
and Natural Sciences.                                  Well, it’s the deconstruction
                                                                                             the creation of species.                                                                            Kant or Kafka? Kafka’s brilliant, don’t get
I knew I had become a Shimerian when:                  of a hierarchy. We can so                                                                                                                 me wrong, but as someone who’s interested
I started getting (and making) the jokes.
                                                       easily change the animals                                                                                                                 in ethics, and as fundamentally a structural
Nature or nurture? I prefer to see it as                                                    It seems like Darwin is                                                                              thinker, Kant is just the best. 
a combination. Biology isn’t destiny and               when we start applying these
not everything is socially determined.                                                      turning away from the idea
                                                       principles to humans as
Looking at it this way gives you the most                                                   that there is a conscious
freedom and choice.                                    organisms. It’s the destruction
                                                                                            design behind creation. In
Kindle or paperback? The only drawback to              of a hierarchy because we’re
books is that there’s a limit to how many I can                                             Chapter 1, he starts with an
bring home with me. I’ve always loved the              not up above animals. We’re
                                                                                            analogy that likens natural
feeling of being surrounded by bound paper.            one of the animals with very
                                                                                            selection to conscious
                                                       interconnected rules.
                                                                                            breeding. That is, it looks like
                                                                                            intention in speciation, but
                                                                                            nature isn’t conscious, and
                                                                                            therefore can’t act consciously.


                                                                                                             “No one ought to feel surprise at much remaining as yet unexplained in
                                                                                                              regard to the origin of species and varieties, if he makes due allowance for our
                                                                                                              profound ignorance in regard to the mutual relations of all the beings which
                                                                                                              live around us.”

                                                  10                                                                                                                 11
Trillian:                                         Stuart:
I think this connects to something we were        And the outcomes of breeding
discussing earlier: Darwin’s idea of conscious    can be surprising.
breeding leads us back to the question of how
to properly define species.                       Landis:
                                                  In discussing this it’s hard not to draw from other
Stuart:                                           sources, like Mendel. This conversation has made
How so?                                           me see that Darwin is expounding on his theory
                                                  of a process, and yet he still doesn’t know how the
Trillian:                                         process originates. Mendel gives more of an answer.
With breeding, you see how different kinds of     Darwin looks like he’s falling back on ideas like
animals are able produce viable offspring. If     creators, and his doubts in that first chapter show
the parents are TOO different, however, it’s      him working out a new idea – one he himself still
not successful. So, it seems that the conscious   has questions about.
decision-making in breeding and what
Darwin’s talking about . . .

You mean chance in natural selection?

Yes – they’re similar because they’re both
constrained. Neither breeders nor nature
can successfully combine animals that
are too different. But the constraints aren’t
always obvious.

And after four years of PROFOUND intellectual inquiry?

   You’ll Be
Ready for More.
                       (Shimer is in the top 1% of U.S. colleges in the rate at
                            which our graduates go on to get PhDs.)

Shimer more closely resembles a graduate              the Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social
program than your typical undergraduate               Sciences, and Integrative Studies. If you
experience. You won’t find big, anonymous             see yourself majoring in something really
lecture-style classes here; instead, you’ll           specific – engineering or medieval history,
sit around a table with eight or nine other           say – Shimer is probably not for you. On
students (and one faculty member, who’s               the other hand, if you’re looking for a
really more of a facilitator than a professor)        broad intellectual foundation, one that will
and engage in free-flowing inquiry. You’ll            serve you well on any life path, then this is
use the power of thoughtful discourse to              the place!
unlock the meaning of the text – and to                   And if you’re concerned that a Great
spur a mind-opening series of questions               Books education might be too “classical,”
and answers.                                          think again. A significant part of your
    Shimer students study original source             coursework is made up of electives, and
material, the Great Books of Western                  you can register for those classes either
civilization. And in light of the present-day         at Shimer or at other colleges in the area
estimation of who’s made Western civilization         (such as the Illinois Institute of Technology,
“great,” you’ll also read contemporary, non-          our host campus, or the VanderCook College
Western, female, and ethnically diverse               of Music).
thinkers. (As one of our faculty members                  As a Shimer graduate, you’ll have the
has been known to say, “This is Reformed              confidence and intellectual flexibility to be
Great Books, not Orthodox.”) Most                     successful in any arena you choose, from
important, the program encourages a                   politics to business to social activism.1 You
critical reading of these works. The author           definitely won’t suffer from not having
is another “voice” at the table, one whose            taken any “Intro to” or “Survey of ” classes.
opinion is to be respected, but who isn’t off         (Or from missing out on four years of tests
limits to questioning.                                and lectures; turns out there aren’t many
    Great books and great ideas don’t fit             tests and lectures in the “real” world.)
into tidy categories: to be understood, they          You’ll be accustomed to encountering
demand their readers make connections                 different perspectives and comprehending
between many disparate fields of knowledge.           new things. You’ll have fine-tuned your
So, Shimer doesn’t offer traditional majors.          values. And you’ll be ready to live a creative,
Rather, you can concentrate your studies in           fulfilling life.

1. What, don’t believe us? If there’s a particular career you think you might want to pursue, contact
the admissions office and they can put you in touch with a Shimer alum who’s working in the field
that interests you.

                                                 14                                                     15
Shimer may seem small,
                       but the truth is you’ll have access to

           All the
        Resources of A
     Large Urban Campus,
                          not to mention a diverse, historic city as your backyard.

       Shimer is a community within a community:              exactly the same weight. In other words, we
       a small, private liberal arts college housed           don’t just talk about democracy at Shimer;
       in a much larger university (the Illinois              we practice it!
       Institute of Technology). Shimer is located                 There is a genuine feeling of camaraderie
       on IIT’s main campus – designed by Mies                here, and not just because of our small size.
       van der Rohe, for you architecture buffs –             Shimer is a community because our students
       in the historic Bronzeville neighborhood of            share an intellectual life. When you reference
       southside Chicago.                                     an idea from Plato’s Symposium or a concept
            As a Shimer student you’ll take most              from Einstein’s Relativity, your fellow students
       of your classes with fellow Shimerians, but            will know what you’re talking about and will
       outside of class, the social scene is as big as        respond with their own ideas – ones that will
       you care to make it. You’ll have access to             help you discover new connections. You may
       all of IIT’s student facilities, as well as the        not always agree with your classmates, but
       university’s 150 clubs and organizations.              you’ll know that they’ve done the reading
       (Then again, some of the most fun you’ll have          and are trying their best to comprehend the
       at Shimer is the unplanned kind. Like getting          material, just as you are. They’ll respect you
       together with your classmates to watch                 for standing by your opinion. And even more
       terrifically bad movies. Or trawling the city          for changing your mind.
       for vintage clothing and vegan soulfood.)                   All this takes place against the backdrop
            Shimer students also have a role in               of Chicago, one of the most historic, high-
       running the institution, something you                 energy, and culturally rich cities in the
       won’t find at most colleges. Since the late            U.S. Whether you’re passionate about art
       1970s, Shimer students, faculty, staff,                or theater or film or food, there’s plenty
       administrators, and trustees have all been             to discover. Wander the halls of the Art
       enfranchised in the school’s governance                Institute or the Museum of Contemporary
       through the College’s Assembly, a democratic           Art. Stargaze at the Adler Planetarium. Lose
       body that meets regularly. Through a series            yourself in a deep-dish pizza at Malnati’s or
       of committees, the voting members of the               Gino’s East. You could be here for decades
       Assembly have a say in the business of the             and never get to the bottom of this city!
       College – and every person’s voice carries

       Shimer tends to attract its share of artistic people, and you’ll have ample opportunity to
       showcase your creative side. Check out YouTube videos of Orange Horse, our annual Vaudevillian
       extravaganza, and you’ll see what we mean.

16                                                       17
                 Where does every brainy, creative, scholarly student
                        really, really want to study?                                                                                      It’s the oldest English-
                                                                                                                                           speaking university in the
                                                                                                                                           world (and could be your

                                                                                                                                           home away from home).

              of course.
                                Shimer will send you there
                                  (among other places).

One of our recent graduates said it best:               lay a foundation for future plans. Summer
“Shimer-in-Oxford is the longest, most                  student internships have included a stint at
inspiring, most educational vacation I’ve ever          Loyola University’s Women and Leadership
taken.” Imagine poring over ancient texts in            Archives; a trip to Haiti to work with a
the Bodleian Library, or gazing at Egyptian             microfinance organization; and an internship
Antiquities at the Ashmolean Museum.                    with an eco-friendly bed and breakfast in
Maybe even nipping over to the Eagle and                Montezuma, Costa Rica.

                                                                                                          R enee M eschi .
Child (the very pub once frequented by J.R.R.                And back in Chicago, on campus, the
Tolkien and C.S. Lewis) for fish and chips.             scholarship is equally far-reaching. Twice
     Juniors and seniors are eligible for the           during your time at Shimer you’ll take
Oxford program and can choose to go for a               comprehensive exams, which are intensive

                                                                                                          pupa , and self - portrait by
semester or an entire year. The program follows         weeklong events designed to showcase how
the classic “Oxbridge” (Oxford and Cambridge)           well you’ve absorbed and understood the
system of tutorials: You’ll meet once a week            material. When you’re not “comping” at the
with your professor, called a tutor, and between        end of a semester, you’ll complete a semester
meetings will study, write, and read more               project. It must in some way relate to the core
than you’ve ever read before. But don’t                 curriculum, but other than that, the sky’s
worry – your first and second years at Shimer           the limit. You can embark on a journey of                                                                       Costa Rica

                                                                                                          J onathan T imm . B utterfly ,
will have prepared you well! Past topics of             experimental cuisine, create an original work
                                                                                                                                                                        Student Renee Meschi
student tutorials have ranged from “Principles          of art, or write anything from a research                                                                       immerses herself in the
                                                                                                                                                                        meditative rhythms of life
of Architecture” to “Plato on the Afterlife” to         paper to a collection of poetry.                                                                                in Montezuma.
“Evolutionary Biology.” (Darwin would have                   Your final magnum opus at Shimer is
been so proud…) You’ll also continue to take            a Senior Thesis, a yearlong project that you
upper-level Shimer core courses.                        will work on with two faculty advisors. The

                                                                                                                and bookshelf by
     Oxford is an academic adventure like               Thesis does not have to directly relate to your
no other – but it’s not the only exceptional            course of study; instead, it’s an opportunity
experience you’ll have at Shimer. The highly            for you to explore a topic of your choosing
competitive Shimer Internship Program is                and demonstrate the critical, analytical, and
another opportunity for a select number                 creative abilities you’ve developed during
                                                                                                          O xford C amera

of students to broaden their horizons and               your years at Shimer.
                                                                                                          P hotos : I nterior

When not hitting the books, Shimer-in-Oxford students have plenty of time to explore, with
excursions to London, Stonehenge, and Stratford-Upon-Avon.

                                                   18                                                                                                                                      19
If you think you have
Shimerian genes (we think
you do, or you wouldn’t be
reading this),
come visit.
It’s the best way to see if
Shimer is right for you.
You can tour the campus, meet students
and professors, and sit in on a class or two.
     If you’ve already been to campus, it’s
time to apply. We admit students for both the
fall and spring semesters and no minimum
grade point average or test score is required.
(We care more about your interview and
writing samples.)
     You can learn more about admission,
campus visits, tuition, and financial aid at
     In the meantime, if you have questions,
feel free to give us a call at (312) 235-3500
or email us at

You might just be
a Shimer student.

Shimer College is an equal opportunity educator and employer. The College does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, gender, gender identification/expression, national origin,
sexual orientation, or disability in admittance of students, granting of financial aid, or hiring and retention of faculty, administrative staff, and other employees. Shimer College is firmly committed
to the development and maintenance of equal opportunity and affirmative action in all aspects of the College.
3424 S. State St., Chicago, IL 60616
phone: 312.235.3500
fax: 888-808-3133

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Viewbook2012 online

  • 1.
  • 2. Preface: the evolution of a Shimer student Where do readers come from? Are they born of literary parents? Nurtured in well- stocked libraries? Raised on a diet of semiotics and structuralism? Readers are individuals. They are deep thinkers and voracious consumers (of facts, stories, philosophies). They actively engage with other perspectives and genuinely enjoy wrestling with big ideas. Shimer students may be many different things – vegans, Francophiles, skydivers – but above all, they are readers. They love to discuss, and they can’t stand busywork. They are drawn to the Great Books because the Great Books encourage a meaningful examination of, well, just about everything. Do you know a Shimer student? Are YOU a Shimer student? If you’re ready to evolve your reading life and join the Great Conversation – the flow of human discourse from Plato to Pascal, Simone de Beauvoir to Martin Luther King, Jr. – then turn the page. PD-1923 1 PD-1923
  • 3. Stuart: Mohini: Darwin uses words like “variety” and “species” It’s the first page of chapter two. He really gets and “breed.” He seems on the one hand to try to into it. And he makes a good point: “No one preserve some principle with his categorizations, definition has satisfied all naturalists, yet every but on the other to say it’s a matter of opinion. naturalist knows vaguely what he means when he I wonder about that. speaks of a species.” He goes on to say variety is hard to define, but I know it when I see it. The evolution of original thought. Landis Masnor That’s the true purpose of every Shimer Sapulpa, Oklahoma class. And the beauty is that at Shimer, Primary academic interest: everyone is equally engaged (and respectful Social Sciences and Theology  of one another’s opinion). And no two I knew I had become a Shimerian when:  classes are ever the same. Missing Assembly* felt irresponsible. In the following pages you’ll meet a few Chicago or New York? Chicago, no Shimerians and you’ll see how things unfold question. It’s the underdog. Batman when they sit down with a faculty facilitator lives here. Chicago does sleep.  to delve into the early chapters of Darwin’s Nature or nurture? Both! Because nurture The Origin of Species. shapes nature. And if you’re Freud, nature shapes nurture, which shapes nature. But Fair warning: The in-depth nature of a I don’t think he figured that last part out. typical classroom conversation can, on occasion, cause existential crises, Gypsy or jetsetter? Jesus loves ’em both.  But there’s a reason he hung out with the changes in personal philosophy, and gypsies more. They’re more fun. intellectual upheaval. * ee page 17 for more about democratic S shared-governance at Shimer. “Nor shall I here discuss the various definitions which have been given of the term species. No one definition has as yet satisfied all naturalists; yet every naturalist knows vaguely what he means when he speaks of a species. Generally the term includes the unknown element of a distinct act of creation. The term ‘variety’ is almost equally difficult to define; but here community of descent is almost universally implied, though it can rarely be proved.” – Charles Darwin PD-1923 2 3
  • 4. Vicky Costello Mazon, Illinois “In considering the Origin of Species, Primary academic interest: it is quite conceivable that a naturalist, Social Sciences and/or Humanities I knew I had become a Shimerian when: Stuart: Trillian: reflecting on the mutual affinities of organic beings, on their embryological I started using the phrase “cultural relativity” Do you think that he wants to demonstrate I know he discusses that, but I don’t think to end an argument. relations, their geographical distribution, the utility of taxonomy? he talks about it here. geological succession, and other such Gypsy or jetsetter? I’m not entirely sure what a “jetsetter” is. The way I dress facts, might come to the conclusion that screams “gypsy,” so I suppose I could go with that one. On the other hand, if this Mohini: Neel: each species had not been independently mysterious “jetsetter” thing is some form of It puts pressure on taxonomy to be more Right, that’s where you don’t get different created, but had descended, like varieties, jetpack I could put on, I would, of course, detailed, so when you come across an animal species; you get different breeds of pigeons. from other species.” choose jetsetter.  in one color and then in another color, you So I’m wondering: Does that get rid of species Kant or Kafka? Neither, please. But allow me to offer Machiavelli as an alternative. have to make far harder choices. Where do altogether, or do you just have to be very True, he doesn’t have that lovely alliteration that you all were going for, but he wrote the you draw the line for a species? What about careful? At some point, you have a red bird and catch-all encyclopedia of how to win the interbreeding? When animals interbreed are a blue bird and a purple bird. Are those three people over. He would easily beat both Kant and Kafka in a fight. they still in the same species? different species? Are they two? 4 5
  • 5. Mohini: Vicky: Well, we’re talking about the difficulty in To be the same species, two animals need to be language, in defining. And I don’t think getting able to breed and produce viable offspring. So, rid of the language is going to help. We can with what you said, Neel, if those blue and red either talk about each red bird and each blue bird and purple birds can all reproduce with each other without recognizing they are all the same kind without having sterile children like lions and of bird, they just have different colored feathers, tigers do, then they’re all part of the same species. or we can group them together by difficult If they can’t, well, then you’ll just have these characteristics. Do we lose something by ignoring useless ligers! their individual characteristics? Yes, but do we gain something by grouping them together? I think so. Stuart Patterson Scottsdale, Arizona Primary academic interest: Utopia and its discontents. I knew I had become a Shimerian when: I finished my “light paper” (the final essay in Natural Sciences 3, in which I was a student during my first semester as a faculty member). PD-1923 Chicago or New York? Seattle? And I’ve never been to Toronto, but I hear it’s nice there, too. Nature or nurture? Yes? I wouldn’t want to be stuck wholly in one or the other. Gypsy or jetsetter? Cosmopolite. In the ancient sense of the term. Kant or Kafka? Kierkegaard. That is, both/and. Kindle or paperback? Memory. I like reading, but I like remembering even more. “The author of the ‘Vestiges of Creation’ would, I presume, say that, after a certain unknown number of generations, some bird had given birth to a woodpecker, and some plant to the misseltoe, and that these had been produced PD-1923 perfect as we now see them; but this assumption seems to me to be no explanation, for it leaves the case of the coadaptations of organic beings to each other and to their physical conditions of life, untouched and unexplained.” 6 7
  • 6. PD-1923 Michael: Back to language for a moment … I’m wondering Mohini: if to properly define species, you first have to We see that to some degree today. We see people look at your motivation for seeking the definition. looking for the gene for homosexuality and Do we make a detailed catalog of all possible wanting to have designer babies. And is that a traits because we simply want to categorize them danger? Are we twisting around nature’s idea Mohini Lal and have a greater knowledge, OR do we want that has no real purpose? McKinney, Texas to categorize them so we can keep track of what Primary academic interest: we think these animals should be like? It seems Social Sciences (Pre-Law) as though in this chapter the whole purpose of I knew I had become a Shimerian when: categorization is to fulfill a desire that humans have I woke up one morning and was constructing Punnett squares in my head before I even made to control nature. it to the sink to brush my teeth. Chicago or New York? Chicago, hands down. I live here because I want to live here; Shimer is an added bonus. Nature or nurture? Nurture, à la Simone de Beauvoir. Kant or Kafka? Conklin, or Kingsolver, maybe. Kindle or paperback? Whichever is handiest to get some reading done. Usually I read novels on my phone’s Google Books app. Mohini came to Shimer prior to high school graduation through the Early Entrant program. Michael Doherty For more information about this program, contact the Admission Office. Evanston, Illinois Primary academic interest: Using philosophical discourse to inspire mindful, positive, and practical change. I knew I had become a Shimerian when: A book ceased to be a book and became an ever-potentially-explosive learning device. Nature or nurture? Nurture. Two things seem to define being human: having life and imagination. Nature takes care of birth and death, but everything in between – the meaning, purpose, and quality of life – is a matter of human imagination. If “choice” is another word for “being able to imagine and create alternatives,” what else is imagination but potential imaginaction? “As many more individuals of each species are born than can possibly survive; and as, consequently, there is a frequently recurring struggle for existence, it follows that any being, if it vary however slightly in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex and sometimes varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally selected.” 8 9
  • 7. Michael: I don’t know if Darwin offers an explicit answer one way or the other, but it brings us back to an earlier question. Do we think we Landis: can compartmentalize species or Darwin is mapping species Neel Rana do we keep things as a spectrum differently from Lamarck, Livermore, California so that when you bring up who puts humans at the Primary academic interest: Ethics in general, in particular Utilitarian humans it’s like, “Ah well, top. According to Lamarck, and Pragmatic. humans seem to display these all creatures are striving to I knew I had become a Shimerian when: traits, so …” Maybe humans are become what humans have What I was reading and what I was discussing became so genuinely interesting that it no uncomfortable with things being become. What Darwin is longer seemed like work. Trillian Bergmann one big spectrum. Maybe we saying is that humans aren’t Gypsy or jetsetter? Gypsy. To reference a Madison, Wisconsin need extreme categorization. “purposed” – whatever form recent Dr. Who episode: You always want to go to Apalapucia, not the Planet of the Coffee Primary academic interest: species have taken is incidental. Shops. Sure, going off the beaten path may Basically everything, but specifically Humanities and the overlap of Humanities Mohini: Darwin does invoke a Creator, get you into trouble (in the Doctor’s case it always does), but in the end the experience is but he’s removing choice from worth so much more. and Natural Sciences. Well, it’s the deconstruction the creation of species. Kant or Kafka? Kafka’s brilliant, don’t get I knew I had become a Shimerian when: of a hierarchy. We can so me wrong, but as someone who’s interested I started getting (and making) the jokes. easily change the animals in ethics, and as fundamentally a structural Nature or nurture? I prefer to see it as It seems like Darwin is thinker, Kant is just the best.  a combination. Biology isn’t destiny and when we start applying these not everything is socially determined. turning away from the idea principles to humans as Looking at it this way gives you the most that there is a conscious freedom and choice. organisms. It’s the destruction design behind creation. In Kindle or paperback? The only drawback to of a hierarchy because we’re books is that there’s a limit to how many I can Chapter 1, he starts with an bring home with me. I’ve always loved the not up above animals. We’re analogy that likens natural feeling of being surrounded by bound paper. one of the animals with very selection to conscious interconnected rules. breeding. That is, it looks like intention in speciation, but nature isn’t conscious, and therefore can’t act consciously. PD-1923 “No one ought to feel surprise at much remaining as yet unexplained in regard to the origin of species and varieties, if he makes due allowance for our profound ignorance in regard to the mutual relations of all the beings which live around us.” 10 11
  • 8. Trillian: Stuart: I think this connects to something we were And the outcomes of breeding discussing earlier: Darwin’s idea of conscious can be surprising. breeding leads us back to the question of how to properly define species. Landis: In discussing this it’s hard not to draw from other Stuart: sources, like Mendel. This conversation has made How so? me see that Darwin is expounding on his theory of a process, and yet he still doesn’t know how the Trillian: process originates. Mendel gives more of an answer. With breeding, you see how different kinds of Darwin looks like he’s falling back on ideas like animals are able produce viable offspring. If creators, and his doubts in that first chapter show the parents are TOO different, however, it’s him working out a new idea – one he himself still not successful. So, it seems that the conscious has questions about. decision-making in breeding and what Darwin’s talking about . . . Stuart: You mean chance in natural selection? Trillian: Yes – they’re similar because they’re both constrained. Neither breeders nor nature can successfully combine animals that are too different. But the constraints aren’t always obvious. PD-1923
  • 9. And after four years of PROFOUND intellectual inquiry? You’ll Be Ready for More. (Shimer is in the top 1% of U.S. colleges in the rate at which our graduates go on to get PhDs.) Shimer more closely resembles a graduate the Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social program than your typical undergraduate Sciences, and Integrative Studies. If you experience. You won’t find big, anonymous see yourself majoring in something really lecture-style classes here; instead, you’ll specific – engineering or medieval history, sit around a table with eight or nine other say – Shimer is probably not for you. On students (and one faculty member, who’s the other hand, if you’re looking for a really more of a facilitator than a professor) broad intellectual foundation, one that will and engage in free-flowing inquiry. You’ll serve you well on any life path, then this is use the power of thoughtful discourse to the place! unlock the meaning of the text – and to And if you’re concerned that a Great spur a mind-opening series of questions Books education might be too “classical,” and answers. think again. A significant part of your Shimer students study original source coursework is made up of electives, and material, the Great Books of Western you can register for those classes either civilization. And in light of the present-day at Shimer or at other colleges in the area estimation of who’s made Western civilization (such as the Illinois Institute of Technology, “great,” you’ll also read contemporary, non- our host campus, or the VanderCook College Western, female, and ethnically diverse of Music). thinkers. (As one of our faculty members As a Shimer graduate, you’ll have the has been known to say, “This is Reformed confidence and intellectual flexibility to be Great Books, not Orthodox.”) Most successful in any arena you choose, from important, the program encourages a politics to business to social activism.1 You critical reading of these works. The author definitely won’t suffer from not having is another “voice” at the table, one whose taken any “Intro to” or “Survey of ” classes. opinion is to be respected, but who isn’t off (Or from missing out on four years of tests limits to questioning. and lectures; turns out there aren’t many Great books and great ideas don’t fit tests and lectures in the “real” world.) into tidy categories: to be understood, they You’ll be accustomed to encountering demand their readers make connections different perspectives and comprehending between many disparate fields of knowledge. new things. You’ll have fine-tuned your So, Shimer doesn’t offer traditional majors. values. And you’ll be ready to live a creative, Rather, you can concentrate your studies in fulfilling life. 1. What, don’t believe us? If there’s a particular career you think you might want to pursue, contact the admissions office and they can put you in touch with a Shimer alum who’s working in the field that interests you. 14 15
  • 10. Shimer may seem small, but the truth is you’ll have access to All the Resources of A Large Urban Campus, not to mention a diverse, historic city as your backyard. Shimer is a community within a community: exactly the same weight. In other words, we a small, private liberal arts college housed don’t just talk about democracy at Shimer; in a much larger university (the Illinois we practice it! Institute of Technology). Shimer is located There is a genuine feeling of camaraderie on IIT’s main campus – designed by Mies here, and not just because of our small size. van der Rohe, for you architecture buffs – Shimer is a community because our students in the historic Bronzeville neighborhood of share an intellectual life. When you reference southside Chicago. an idea from Plato’s Symposium or a concept As a Shimer student you’ll take most from Einstein’s Relativity, your fellow students of your classes with fellow Shimerians, but will know what you’re talking about and will outside of class, the social scene is as big as respond with their own ideas – ones that will you care to make it. You’ll have access to help you discover new connections. You may all of IIT’s student facilities, as well as the not always agree with your classmates, but university’s 150 clubs and organizations. you’ll know that they’ve done the reading (Then again, some of the most fun you’ll have and are trying their best to comprehend the at Shimer is the unplanned kind. Like getting material, just as you are. They’ll respect you together with your classmates to watch for standing by your opinion. And even more terrifically bad movies. Or trawling the city for changing your mind. for vintage clothing and vegan soulfood.) All this takes place against the backdrop Shimer students also have a role in of Chicago, one of the most historic, high- running the institution, something you energy, and culturally rich cities in the won’t find at most colleges. Since the late U.S. Whether you’re passionate about art 1970s, Shimer students, faculty, staff, or theater or film or food, there’s plenty administrators, and trustees have all been to discover. Wander the halls of the Art enfranchised in the school’s governance Institute or the Museum of Contemporary through the College’s Assembly, a democratic Art. Stargaze at the Adler Planetarium. Lose body that meets regularly. Through a series yourself in a deep-dish pizza at Malnati’s or of committees, the voting members of the Gino’s East. You could be here for decades Assembly have a say in the business of the and never get to the bottom of this city! College – and every person’s voice carries Shimer tends to attract its share of artistic people, and you’ll have ample opportunity to showcase your creative side. Check out YouTube videos of Orange Horse, our annual Vaudevillian extravaganza, and you’ll see what we mean. 16 17
  • 11. oxford university Where does every brainy, creative, scholarly student really, really want to study? It’s the oldest English- speaking university in the world (and could be your Oxford, home away from home). of course. Shimer will send you there (among other places). One of our recent graduates said it best: lay a foundation for future plans. Summer “Shimer-in-Oxford is the longest, most student internships have included a stint at inspiring, most educational vacation I’ve ever Loyola University’s Women and Leadership taken.” Imagine poring over ancient texts in Archives; a trip to Haiti to work with a the Bodleian Library, or gazing at Egyptian microfinance organization; and an internship Antiquities at the Ashmolean Museum. with an eco-friendly bed and breakfast in Maybe even nipping over to the Eagle and Montezuma, Costa Rica. R enee M eschi . Child (the very pub once frequented by J.R.R. And back in Chicago, on campus, the Tolkien and C.S. Lewis) for fish and chips. scholarship is equally far-reaching. Twice Juniors and seniors are eligible for the during your time at Shimer you’ll take Oxford program and can choose to go for a comprehensive exams, which are intensive pupa , and self - portrait by semester or an entire year. The program follows weeklong events designed to showcase how the classic “Oxbridge” (Oxford and Cambridge) well you’ve absorbed and understood the system of tutorials: You’ll meet once a week material. When you’re not “comping” at the with your professor, called a tutor, and between end of a semester, you’ll complete a semester meetings will study, write, and read more project. It must in some way relate to the core than you’ve ever read before. But don’t curriculum, but other than that, the sky’s worry – your first and second years at Shimer the limit. You can embark on a journey of Costa Rica J onathan T imm . B utterfly , will have prepared you well! Past topics of experimental cuisine, create an original work Student Renee Meschi student tutorials have ranged from “Principles of art, or write anything from a research immerses herself in the meditative rhythms of life of Architecture” to “Plato on the Afterlife” to paper to a collection of poetry. in Montezuma. “Evolutionary Biology.” (Darwin would have Your final magnum opus at Shimer is been so proud…) You’ll also continue to take a Senior Thesis, a yearlong project that you upper-level Shimer core courses. will work on with two faculty advisors. The and bookshelf by Oxford is an academic adventure like Thesis does not have to directly relate to your no other – but it’s not the only exceptional course of study; instead, it’s an opportunity experience you’ll have at Shimer. The highly for you to explore a topic of your choosing competitive Shimer Internship Program is and demonstrate the critical, analytical, and another opportunity for a select number creative abilities you’ve developed during O xford C amera of students to broaden their horizons and your years at Shimer. of P hotos : I nterior When not hitting the books, Shimer-in-Oxford students have plenty of time to explore, with excursions to London, Stonehenge, and Stratford-Upon-Avon. 18 19
  • 12. If you think you have Shimerian genes (we think you do, or you wouldn’t be reading this), come visit. It’s the best way to see if Shimer is right for you. You can tour the campus, meet students and professors, and sit in on a class or two. If you’ve already been to campus, it’s time to apply. We admit students for both the fall and spring semesters and no minimum grade point average or test score is required. (We care more about your interview and writing samples.) You can learn more about admission, campus visits, tuition, and financial aid at In the meantime, if you have questions, feel free to give us a call at (312) 235-3500 or email us at You might just be a Shimer student. Shimer College is an equal opportunity educator and employer. The College does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, gender, gender identification/expression, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability in admittance of students, granting of financial aid, or hiring and retention of faculty, administrative staff, and other employees. Shimer College is firmly committed to the development and maintenance of equal opportunity and affirmative action in all aspects of the College. 20
  • 13. 3424 S. State St., Chicago, IL 60616 phone: 312.235.3500 fax: 888-808-3133