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Volume 1, Issue 1                       1st Recruiting Brigade

                                              Victory Newsletter
30 August 2011

                                      Commander Sends
                                                     Team, our mission in the Brigade is          in operations. Social media is another example of lever-
                                                     to recruit—with integrity—highly             aging technology—reach out and communicate with the
                                                     qualified men and women to meet              potential Future Soldiers using their methods of commu-
                                                     Army mission requirements, while             nication. Leveraging technology is one of nine command
                                                     developing and caring for all mem-           imperatives for the Victory Brigade. These imperatives
    Leadership and                                   bers of the command. In this first           are in concert with my vision for the Brigade; an efficient
     learning are                                    newsletter, I would like to address a        organization operating in an environment conducive to
   indispensable to                                  few questions in regards to the bri-         balancing mission success with the wellness needs of all
      each other.                     gade mission and vision as I see it.                        Victory Brigade personnel.
   —John F. Kennedy
                                      What can a Recruiter do in his or her station to            How can a station commander interact with the com-
                                      improve Future Soldier engagement?                          munity?
                                      Get to know your Future Soldiers—this includes              The commanders provide examples of community
 In this issue:                       meeting and working with their influencers, whether it      events, as well as Future Soldier events in their weekly
                                      is a teacher, parent or spouse. This also helps within      updates. Future Soldiers can help with community
Commander Sends             1         the community.                                              events—let them be a face of the Army. Engage your
                                                                                                  COIs and ensure contact is consistent. These are your
CSM Says                    1         What does it mean for a Recruiter to leverage               liaisons to the community.
DCO Corner                  2
                                      Recruiters should use the technology available to           Why is it important for leaders to stress
Station Commander           2         them—everything a Recruiter needs to accomplish             continuous education and personal development?
Insight                               the mission is at his or her fingertips. Processing an      Those of us that have the experience should share it
                                      applicant to managing Future Soldiers… it’s all auto-       with the younger generation of Soldiers—this way, the
Wellness                    3
                                      mated. There are a few key systems that, if lever-          Army continues to be strong.
MRTT                        3         aged correctly, will increase efficiency and precision

DoD News                    3

Legal                       4         CSM Says
A&PA                        4                          Team, in this first newsletter, I’d like    What is one of the greatest challenges Recruiters
                                                       to address the make-up of a great           face?
        Purpose                                        leader and Soldier.                         Simply put, themselves and overcoming ―no.‖ Hearing
                                                                                                   ―no‖ deals a mental blow and they need to not take it
The Victory Brigade is an adaptive                       What characteristics make up a            personally. It goes back to persistence, self-motivation
organization, exemplifying Army
                                                         great Recruiter?                          and resilience.
Values and excellence in recruiting
operations, while simultaneously                         One of the things about a great Re-
providing for the wellness of its                        cruiter that I find in common is self-    What can a leader do to ensure there is account-
Soldiers, Civilians and Families.
                                      motivation and being goal-oriented. They are persis-         ability in his or her area?
The intent of this newsletter is to
create a continuous message be-       tent, self-disciplined and resilient and they truly never    Know everything about your subordinates… Family,
tween the 1st Recruiting Brigade      give up. Great Recruiters come off as being very sin-        anniversaries, birthdays, what makes them tick. It is
and battalions on pertinent items     cere. If you line up 100 Recruiters, I can pick the Re-      all important. You can’t do that by sitting behind a
and issues.
                                      cruiters that are going to be great… they possess a          desk or by email. You have got to be engaged and
Questions or concerns? Please         certain energy, are very focused and those that are          you have got to care about your Soldiers. Make sure
email         really great make excellent teammates.                       the Soldier understands his job and then you can hold
                                                                                                   him accountable. Expect success—have an expecta-
                                      Do you have a motto that motivates you?                      tion that everyone wants to win and then show them
                                      I truly believe the phrase ―lead by example.‖ My par-        how to win.
                                      ents are my role models and I strive to be an example
                                      for my children. Rank will be apparent if you do what        What is one thing a Recruiter can do to better
                                      is required. I believe in taking care of Soldiers,           himself/herself?
                                      Civilians and Families. The privilege to lead drives         It’s a whole-person concept: spiritual, mental and
                                      me—it’s a great responsibility.                              physical fitness. Continue with self-development and
                                                                                                   create proper expectation. It’s a balance of Family,
                                                                                                   friends and self.
Victory Newsletter
Page 2

 DCO Corner
                    In a recent reading of Benjamin Franklin’s Autobi-        Justice. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that
                    ography, I came across his ―13 Virtues,‖ which fits       are your duty. (In a society plagued with apathy, the world now
                    nicely with most of our leadership traits and the         needs, more than ever, people who will stand up for justice.)
                    work ethic for which we strive in USAREC. Some            Moderation. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as
                    of the language is a bit dated and you may need a         you think they deserve. (Society will tell you that ―more‖ is the an-
                    dictionary to get the full meanings.                      swer, that more money, more stuff, and more pleasure are the keys
                                                                              to gaining satisfaction in life. In reality, the secret to a fulfilling life is
  Temperance. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation. (By con-           moderation.)
  quering your primal urges for food and drink, you’ll have the confi-        Cleanliness. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habita-
  dence to start making improvements in other areas of your life.)            tion. (The reality is that developing cleanliness develops attention to
  Silence. Speak not but what might benefit others or yourself; avoid         detail, discipline and order.)
  trifling conversation. (A person must learn when and when not to            Tranquility. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or
  open the mouth.)                                                            unavoidable. (Controlling one’s anger is the mark of a cool and com-
  Order. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your         posed person. There are many social and health benefits to control-
  business have its time. (Make small changes by rectifying each slip         ling your anger.)
  into disorganization the moment it happens. Do it now.)                     Chastity. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dull-
  Resolution. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail         ness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another’s peace or repu-
  what you resolve.                                                           tation. (Of all the virtues, chastity is probably the least popular these
  Frugality. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself;            days. We live in a society which glamorizes and exploits sex. Sex is
  i.e., waste nothing. (Spend less than you earn, as an individual and        everywhere – on the Internet, on T.V. and in our magazines. Don’t
  as an Army, don’t waste tax dollars.)                                       ruin your career over a weak moment.)
  Industry. Lose no time. Be always employed in something useful.             Humility. Imitate Jesus and Socrates. (Some of the greatest men in
  Cut off all unnecessary actions. (People today are looking for ―get-        history have been the most humble. Humility isn’t weak, submissive
  rich-quick‖ schemes that will afford them a huge payout with mini-          or self-abasing. Humility means having the quiet confidence to allow
  mum effort. In reality, honest work is a beneficial and refining en-        your actions to speak for themselves.)
  deavor that should be embraced, not disdained.)
  Sincerity. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if      All these may not apply to you but are definitely worth your consid-
  you speak, speak accordingly. (Gossip, sarcasm and lying can harm           eration and thought. There is a lot of wisdom to be gained from gray-
  you and others.)                                                            beards. Let their mistakes and learning assist you before you take
                                                                              the same wrong path to error and failure.

 Station Commander Insight
 Families Important to Army’s Success                 these two Families are balanced correctly,        morale of single and married Soldiers alike.
    By Staff Sgt. Nicholas J. Parsons                 the Sol-dier’s morale and job performance         With the morale at a high, Soldiers can focus
    Ithaca Recruiting Station                         should be at its highest point. Through tech-     on the mission at hand. The accomplishment
                                                      nology, we are able to accomplish so much         of the mission strengthens a unit’s success
 Army Families can have many positive effects         more. A prime example of this is today’s          and well-being.
 on the morale of all Soldiers and Families.          social networking and Internet capabilities,
 They support the well-being and strength of          allowing Soldiers to unite with loved ones        Army Families are imperative to the growing
 our units. Army Families volunteer in many           even while fighting on the battlefield. In re-    needs of the Army. They provide support to
 different ways to play key roles in ensuring         turn for our Soldiers’ strong bonds with their    all Soldiers raising morale on and off the bat-
 our Soldiers are taken care of well. Family          Families, the Soldier is willing and ready to     tlefield. Without the FRG, our Family support
 Readiness Groups are essential to mission            face any obstacle to accomplish the mission.      for the mission would diminish, and our Sol-
 success and Soldier stability. Through sup-                                                            diers may not have the poise to complete the
 port, guidance and love, Army Families play a        To build even stronger Families and increase      mission. Without the Soldiers completing their
 vital role to mission success and are of the         the morale of all Soldiers, we have the           missions, our units would suffer severely.
 utmost importance to the Army team.                  FRGs. The FRG not only supports the well-         Without Families bonded with the Army team,
                                                      being of married Sol-diers but also supports      we could face changes. This would be catas-
 A Soldier’s life on and off the battlefield mirror   the well-being of single Soldiers. Through car    trophic to the success of the United States of
 each other. In most cases, a Soldier who is          washes, bake sales, and other events, the         America and its ability to win wars. As we can
 going through tough times with his or her            FRG provides services to all of the unit’s        see, Families are of the utmost importance to
 Family may have trouble concentrating on the         Soldiers. They help Families get established      our nation’s success. They raise the morale
 mission. A strong Army Family, with a sense          and support single Soldiers in many ways.         of Soldiers and provide units with the strength
 of belonging, reflects directly on the service-      They send cards and small gifts through the       that is necessary to complete and dominate
 member. As a Soldier, you have two Families:         holidays while Soldiers are deployed. Be-         the mission together as an Army team.
 the Army Family and the home Family. When            cause of this support, the FRG increases the
Victory Newsletter
Page 3

                    Recruiting! What an awesome task. The hard work            He is the heavenly commander of the Recruiters for
                    that goes into the task of finding those to serve in the   the Kingdom of God. He has directed those that are
                    military can be daunting. During times when the            His to go out and find those for the kingdom. God
                    economy is hurting and so are peoples wallets, the         knows those who will accept the invitation to join and
                    military can be place of employment. With that piece       He knows those who will not. Recruiters have no such
                    comes the discernment to find those who are wanting        luxury. He would want all to join and unlike the Army,
                    to serve with honor and not just for a paycheck.
                                                                               He has no quota.
                    The Recruiter suffers with the recruit’s Family when
                                                                               When a recruit considers the call to serve, he or she
                    the Soldier goes into harm’s way and does not come
                                                                               must consider not only what he or she is taking on,
                    back. The stress scenarios are endless. There are
                    pressures from all sides, even the home front.             but what might be given up. It not is an easy decision,
                                                                               but it is an important one. The Recruiter on the street
                    God knows all that the Recruiter goes through and          must keep this in mind.
                    He cares very much. He Himself is a Recruiter.
                                                                               God Bless You.

                    So you’re in your daily IPR and          This part of the IPR not only helps    drives this Soldier? What does he
                    you’ve gotten to your favorite part,     identify potential or impending        or she value most amongst our
“What drives this   ―Mission Posture‖ but what hap-          issues that could hinder mission       Army Values? What personal
  Soldier? What     pened waaaay back at                     performance, but may also pre-         values does this Soldier have that
                    ―Personnel‖?                             vent dangerous physical, emo-          are different from your other Sol-
 personal values
                                                             tional, financial and Family issues    diers?
does this Soldier   It is vital that you treat the Person-   before they take hold as real risk
  have that are     nel portion of the IPR as the very       factors.                               The next time you ask a question
                    important part of the In-Process                                                during an IPR about your Soldier’s
  different from    Review and with the focus that it        The Personnel portion can be a         Family, weekend activities, or
    your other      deserves. This is a chance to com-       great leadership tool that can drive   professional development, don’t
                    municate with your Soldiers prior to     mission and a Soldier’s effective-     accept a shrug and a ―Not
    Soldiers?”      mentioning or addressing mission.        ness as well. This sort of commu-      much‖…delve…dig…and dis-
                    It should be a sincere leap into the     nication with your Soldiers helps      cover!
                    personal and professional life of        to identify what is truly important
                    your subordinates.                       to our most valuable asset. What

                    Department of Defense News
                    Secretary of the Army John McHugh Announces                 To date, that task force has launched efforts to root
                    Effort to Transform Army Management, Structure              out overlap and redundancies in research and devel-
                                                                                opment, review temporary organizations and task
                    Secretary of the Army John McHugh announced Au-             forces to see if they are still needed, consolidate and
                    gust 15 the creation of the Institutional Army Transfor-    streamline the requirements process, reform installa-
                    mation Commission, a panel charged with finding new         tions management, optimize Army acquisitions, and
                    ways to make the Army a more ―agile, cost-effective         make changes in human capital management.
                                                                                ―This commission will implement changes already
                    ―We’re not just asking people to change the way they        identified through the short-term task force, assess
                    budget,‖ McHugh said. ―We’re asking them to change          and identify new opportunities, and continue to func-
                    the way they think.‖                                        tion for the next three years,‖ McHugh said.

                    Earlier this year, McHugh created a short-term task         Since the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq began, the
                    force to examine the Army’s organizations and busi-         operational Army has experienced dramatic and
                    ness practices to identify both short-term improve-         continuous change, quickly adapting to changes in
                    ments and long-term structural changes within the           terrain, mission and the enemy it faces. But the insti-
                    institutional Army -- the so-called Generating Force.       tutional Army looks much the same, structurally, as it
                                                                                has since the early to mid-70s.
Volume 1, Issue 1
                                                                                                                                     Page 4

Participation in charitable events      official capacity, 5 CFR Part 2635       official and authorized purposes.
by recruiting personnel is directly     and the JER (DoD Directive
dependent upon what one’s status        5500.7-R) prohibits Government           3. Solicit in the workplace for
is and who is expending funds or        employees from:                          contributions (asking others in the
resources. It's acceptable for Gov-                                              Government workplace to sponsor
                                                                                                                       “It's acceptable
ernment personnel to engage in          1. Endorsing or showing preferen-        the team or make a donation).
volunteer and personal charitable       tial treatment to any Non-Federal
                                                                                                                       for Government
activities off-duty, not in the work-   Entity or charity (if they support       For a more detailed discussion of     personnel to
place, and not acting in an official    Relay for Life, then Relay for           any of the above, please contact      engage in
capacity. Although one can not          Painted Ponies has valid grounds         one of the Brigade Ethics Coun-       volunteer and
use government funds to pay for         to claim Government favoritism).         selors, Mr. Ken Gornic or Cpt.        personal
entry fees, if a commander wants                                                 Joseph Beazley, at (301) 677-         charitable
to enter a team, that commander         2. Misusing Government re-               2787. We cannot serve as your         activities off-duty,
may pay for these expenses for          sources in support of a charity          personal attorney, but with the       not in the work-
the entire team out of his or her       (e.g., utilizing the rock wall, buying   facts you provide us can advise       place, and not
own pocket.                             the batons, paying team or individ-      the Command as to how to best         acting in an
                                        ual race fees). Government re-           approach an actual or potential       official capacity.”
However, if they are acting in an       sources may be used only for             ethical minefield

Advertising & Public Affairs
Using Social Media to Recruit                                 Effective Recruiting
                                                              Not only is using social media the ―cool way to reach
Staff Sgt. William Partrea, a Recruiter in Mechanics-         out,‖ Partrea said it also enables Recruiters to be
ville, Va., said his morning routine begins with open-        more effective at their jobs. He said he can talk to
ing e-mail and his work Facebook account. Face-               more prospective recruits and then keep in touch
book, Twitter, MySpace — all of these tools are ways          once the recruit enters basic training.
to stay in touch with people, but now
Recruiters can leverage them to reach out to poten-           ―I can talk to three or four interested people at one
tial servicemembers, as well.                                 time (through chat boxes), instead of talking to one
                                                              possibly uninterested person on the phone,‖ Partrea
―Facebook is now a work essential tool,‖ Partrea said.        said.

Tool For Connection                                           Creating a Network
The majority of high school students communicate              Partrea and Lucero said social media has allowed
via text messages and Facebook because of the                 other Future Soldiers to reach out to them, having       “The majority of
speed. Staff Sgt. Mark Lucero, the 1st Brigade band           heard about them from their friends.
Recruiter, said once someone becomes a fan, not
                                                                                                                       high school
only can the Recruiter check out the prospective              Partrea said social media gives him a chance to talk     students
Soldier’s page but the individual can also check out          to more students, noting that access to Facebook         communicate
the Recruiter’s page.                                         opens up referrals.                                      via text
                                                                                                                       messages and
―The biggest thing for them is to see that we’re real,‖       On the flip side, social media supplies more informa-    Facebook
Lucero said. ―It’s more personal for them to see our          tion for recruits. Army Facebook sites (recruiting
photos and read our background.‖ Partrea added                station,, USAREC) allow individuals to
                                                                                                                       because of the
there are elements of honesty and candidness with             connect with other recruits, ask questions and re-       speed. By
Facebook.                                                     ceive an immediate response and click through pho-       realizing this,
                                                              tos and videos.                                          Recruiters can
By leveraging social media tools, Recruiters can stay                                                                  leverage the
up-to-speed with current trends and events in the             Here to Stay
community, as well as stay in touch with a recruit.
                                                                                                                       simplicity and
                                                              By using social media tools, Recruiters can reach
Partrea said he has had past recruits stay in touch           out to more prospective recruits, individuals who        immediacy of
with him and ask about reenlistment opportunities.            have already shown interest in the Army. Social          Facebook.”
                                                              media connects Recruiters to a network of potential
―We can see the big games coming up, and that’s a             Future Soldiers.
great way to connect to the kids,‖ Partrea said.
                                                              ―We can use it to work smarter,‖ Partrea said.

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Victory Newsletter - Vol1 issue1

  • 1. Volume 1, Issue 1 1st Recruiting Brigade Victory Newsletter 30 August 2011 Commander Sends Team, our mission in the Brigade is in operations. Social media is another example of lever- to recruit—with integrity—highly aging technology—reach out and communicate with the qualified men and women to meet potential Future Soldiers using their methods of commu- Army mission requirements, while nication. Leveraging technology is one of nine command developing and caring for all mem- imperatives for the Victory Brigade. These imperatives Leadership and bers of the command. In this first are in concert with my vision for the Brigade; an efficient learning are newsletter, I would like to address a organization operating in an environment conducive to indispensable to few questions in regards to the bri- balancing mission success with the wellness needs of all each other. gade mission and vision as I see it. Victory Brigade personnel. —John F. Kennedy What can a Recruiter do in his or her station to How can a station commander interact with the com- improve Future Soldier engagement? munity? Get to know your Future Soldiers—this includes The commanders provide examples of community In this issue: meeting and working with their influencers, whether it events, as well as Future Soldier events in their weekly is a teacher, parent or spouse. This also helps within updates. Future Soldiers can help with community Commander Sends 1 the community. events—let them be a face of the Army. Engage your COIs and ensure contact is consistent. These are your CSM Says 1 What does it mean for a Recruiter to leverage liaisons to the community. technology? DCO Corner 2 Recruiters should use the technology available to Why is it important for leaders to stress Station Commander 2 them—everything a Recruiter needs to accomplish continuous education and personal development? Insight the mission is at his or her fingertips. Processing an Those of us that have the experience should share it applicant to managing Future Soldiers… it’s all auto- with the younger generation of Soldiers—this way, the Wellness 3 mated. There are a few key systems that, if lever- Army continues to be strong. MRTT 3 aged correctly, will increase efficiency and precision DoD News 3 Legal 4 CSM Says A&PA 4 Team, in this first newsletter, I’d like What is one of the greatest challenges Recruiters to address the make-up of a great face? Purpose leader and Soldier. Simply put, themselves and overcoming ―no.‖ Hearing ―no‖ deals a mental blow and they need to not take it The Victory Brigade is an adaptive What characteristics make up a personally. It goes back to persistence, self-motivation organization, exemplifying Army great Recruiter? and resilience. Values and excellence in recruiting operations, while simultaneously One of the things about a great Re- providing for the wellness of its cruiter that I find in common is self- What can a leader do to ensure there is account- Soldiers, Civilians and Families. motivation and being goal-oriented. They are persis- ability in his or her area? The intent of this newsletter is to create a continuous message be- tent, self-disciplined and resilient and they truly never Know everything about your subordinates… Family, tween the 1st Recruiting Brigade give up. Great Recruiters come off as being very sin- anniversaries, birthdays, what makes them tick. It is and battalions on pertinent items cere. If you line up 100 Recruiters, I can pick the Re- all important. You can’t do that by sitting behind a and issues. cruiters that are going to be great… they possess a desk or by email. You have got to be engaged and Questions or concerns? Please certain energy, are very focused and those that are you have got to care about your Soldiers. Make sure email really great make excellent teammates. the Soldier understands his job and then you can hold him accountable. Expect success—have an expecta- Do you have a motto that motivates you? tion that everyone wants to win and then show them I truly believe the phrase ―lead by example.‖ My par- how to win. ents are my role models and I strive to be an example for my children. Rank will be apparent if you do what What is one thing a Recruiter can do to better is required. I believe in taking care of Soldiers, himself/herself? Civilians and Families. The privilege to lead drives It’s a whole-person concept: spiritual, mental and me—it’s a great responsibility. physical fitness. Continue with self-development and create proper expectation. It’s a balance of Family, friends and self.
  • 2. Victory Newsletter Page 2 DCO Corner In a recent reading of Benjamin Franklin’s Autobi- Justice. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that ography, I came across his ―13 Virtues,‖ which fits are your duty. (In a society plagued with apathy, the world now nicely with most of our leadership traits and the needs, more than ever, people who will stand up for justice.) work ethic for which we strive in USAREC. Some Moderation. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as of the language is a bit dated and you may need a you think they deserve. (Society will tell you that ―more‖ is the an- dictionary to get the full meanings. swer, that more money, more stuff, and more pleasure are the keys to gaining satisfaction in life. In reality, the secret to a fulfilling life is Temperance. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation. (By con- moderation.) quering your primal urges for food and drink, you’ll have the confi- Cleanliness. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habita- dence to start making improvements in other areas of your life.) tion. (The reality is that developing cleanliness develops attention to Silence. Speak not but what might benefit others or yourself; avoid detail, discipline and order.) trifling conversation. (A person must learn when and when not to Tranquility. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or open the mouth.) unavoidable. (Controlling one’s anger is the mark of a cool and com- Order. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your posed person. There are many social and health benefits to control- business have its time. (Make small changes by rectifying each slip ling your anger.) into disorganization the moment it happens. Do it now.) Chastity. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dull- Resolution. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail ness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another’s peace or repu- what you resolve. tation. (Of all the virtues, chastity is probably the least popular these Frugality. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; days. We live in a society which glamorizes and exploits sex. Sex is i.e., waste nothing. (Spend less than you earn, as an individual and everywhere – on the Internet, on T.V. and in our magazines. Don’t as an Army, don’t waste tax dollars.) ruin your career over a weak moment.) Industry. Lose no time. Be always employed in something useful. Humility. Imitate Jesus and Socrates. (Some of the greatest men in Cut off all unnecessary actions. (People today are looking for ―get- history have been the most humble. Humility isn’t weak, submissive rich-quick‖ schemes that will afford them a huge payout with mini- or self-abasing. Humility means having the quiet confidence to allow mum effort. In reality, honest work is a beneficial and refining en- your actions to speak for themselves.) deavor that should be embraced, not disdained.) Sincerity. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if All these may not apply to you but are definitely worth your consid- you speak, speak accordingly. (Gossip, sarcasm and lying can harm eration and thought. There is a lot of wisdom to be gained from gray- you and others.) beards. Let their mistakes and learning assist you before you take the same wrong path to error and failure. Station Commander Insight Families Important to Army’s Success these two Families are balanced correctly, morale of single and married Soldiers alike. By Staff Sgt. Nicholas J. Parsons the Sol-dier’s morale and job performance With the morale at a high, Soldiers can focus Ithaca Recruiting Station should be at its highest point. Through tech- on the mission at hand. The accomplishment nology, we are able to accomplish so much of the mission strengthens a unit’s success Army Families can have many positive effects more. A prime example of this is today’s and well-being. on the morale of all Soldiers and Families. social networking and Internet capabilities, They support the well-being and strength of allowing Soldiers to unite with loved ones Army Families are imperative to the growing our units. Army Families volunteer in many even while fighting on the battlefield. In re- needs of the Army. They provide support to different ways to play key roles in ensuring turn for our Soldiers’ strong bonds with their all Soldiers raising morale on and off the bat- our Soldiers are taken care of well. Family Families, the Soldier is willing and ready to tlefield. Without the FRG, our Family support Readiness Groups are essential to mission face any obstacle to accomplish the mission. for the mission would diminish, and our Sol- success and Soldier stability. Through sup- diers may not have the poise to complete the port, guidance and love, Army Families play a To build even stronger Families and increase mission. Without the Soldiers completing their vital role to mission success and are of the the morale of all Soldiers, we have the missions, our units would suffer severely. utmost importance to the Army team. FRGs. The FRG not only supports the well- Without Families bonded with the Army team, being of married Sol-diers but also supports we could face changes. This would be catas- A Soldier’s life on and off the battlefield mirror the well-being of single Soldiers. Through car trophic to the success of the United States of each other. In most cases, a Soldier who is washes, bake sales, and other events, the America and its ability to win wars. As we can going through tough times with his or her FRG provides services to all of the unit’s see, Families are of the utmost importance to Family may have trouble concentrating on the Soldiers. They help Families get established our nation’s success. They raise the morale mission. A strong Army Family, with a sense and support single Soldiers in many ways. of Soldiers and provide units with the strength of belonging, reflects directly on the service- They send cards and small gifts through the that is necessary to complete and dominate member. As a Soldier, you have two Families: holidays while Soldiers are deployed. Be- the mission together as an Army team. the Army Family and the home Family. When cause of this support, the FRG increases the
  • 3. Victory Newsletter Page 3 Wellness—Chaplain Recruiting! What an awesome task. The hard work He is the heavenly commander of the Recruiters for that goes into the task of finding those to serve in the the Kingdom of God. He has directed those that are military can be daunting. During times when the His to go out and find those for the kingdom. God economy is hurting and so are peoples wallets, the knows those who will accept the invitation to join and military can be place of employment. With that piece He knows those who will not. Recruiters have no such comes the discernment to find those who are wanting luxury. He would want all to join and unlike the Army, to serve with honor and not just for a paycheck. He has no quota. The Recruiter suffers with the recruit’s Family when When a recruit considers the call to serve, he or she the Soldier goes into harm’s way and does not come must consider not only what he or she is taking on, back. The stress scenarios are endless. There are pressures from all sides, even the home front. but what might be given up. It not is an easy decision, but it is an important one. The Recruiter on the street God knows all that the Recruiter goes through and must keep this in mind. He cares very much. He Himself is a Recruiter. God Bless You. MRTT So you’re in your daily IPR and This part of the IPR not only helps drives this Soldier? What does he you’ve gotten to your favorite part, identify potential or impending or she value most amongst our “What drives this ―Mission Posture‖ but what hap- issues that could hinder mission Army Values? What personal Soldier? What pened waaaay back at performance, but may also pre- values does this Soldier have that ―Personnel‖? vent dangerous physical, emo- are different from your other Sol- personal values tional, financial and Family issues diers? does this Soldier It is vital that you treat the Person- before they take hold as real risk have that are nel portion of the IPR as the very factors. The next time you ask a question important part of the In-Process during an IPR about your Soldier’s different from Review and with the focus that it The Personnel portion can be a Family, weekend activities, or your other deserves. This is a chance to com- great leadership tool that can drive professional development, don’t municate with your Soldiers prior to mission and a Soldier’s effective- accept a shrug and a ―Not Soldiers?” mentioning or addressing mission. ness as well. This sort of commu- much‖…delve…dig…and dis- It should be a sincere leap into the nication with your Soldiers helps cover! personal and professional life of to identify what is truly important your subordinates. to our most valuable asset. What Department of Defense News Secretary of the Army John McHugh Announces To date, that task force has launched efforts to root Effort to Transform Army Management, Structure out overlap and redundancies in research and devel- opment, review temporary organizations and task Secretary of the Army John McHugh announced Au- forces to see if they are still needed, consolidate and gust 15 the creation of the Institutional Army Transfor- streamline the requirements process, reform installa- mation Commission, a panel charged with finding new tions management, optimize Army acquisitions, and ways to make the Army a more ―agile, cost-effective make changes in human capital management. organization.‖ ―This commission will implement changes already ―We’re not just asking people to change the way they identified through the short-term task force, assess budget,‖ McHugh said. ―We’re asking them to change and identify new opportunities, and continue to func- the way they think.‖ tion for the next three years,‖ McHugh said. Earlier this year, McHugh created a short-term task Since the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq began, the force to examine the Army’s organizations and busi- operational Army has experienced dramatic and ness practices to identify both short-term improve- continuous change, quickly adapting to changes in ments and long-term structural changes within the terrain, mission and the enemy it faces. But the insti- institutional Army -- the so-called Generating Force. tutional Army looks much the same, structurally, as it has since the early to mid-70s.
  • 4. Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 4 Legal Participation in charitable events official capacity, 5 CFR Part 2635 official and authorized purposes. by recruiting personnel is directly and the JER (DoD Directive dependent upon what one’s status 5500.7-R) prohibits Government 3. Solicit in the workplace for is and who is expending funds or employees from: contributions (asking others in the resources. It's acceptable for Gov- Government workplace to sponsor “It's acceptable ernment personnel to engage in 1. Endorsing or showing preferen- the team or make a donation). volunteer and personal charitable tial treatment to any Non-Federal for Government activities off-duty, not in the work- Entity or charity (if they support For a more detailed discussion of personnel to place, and not acting in an official Relay for Life, then Relay for any of the above, please contact engage in capacity. Although one can not Painted Ponies has valid grounds one of the Brigade Ethics Coun- volunteer and use government funds to pay for to claim Government favoritism). selors, Mr. Ken Gornic or Cpt. personal entry fees, if a commander wants Joseph Beazley, at (301) 677- charitable to enter a team, that commander 2. Misusing Government re- 2787. We cannot serve as your activities off-duty, may pay for these expenses for sources in support of a charity personal attorney, but with the not in the work- the entire team out of his or her (e.g., utilizing the rock wall, buying facts you provide us can advise place, and not own pocket. the batons, paying team or individ- the Command as to how to best acting in an ual race fees). Government re- approach an actual or potential official capacity.” However, if they are acting in an sources may be used only for ethical minefield Advertising & Public Affairs Using Social Media to Recruit Effective Recruiting Not only is using social media the ―cool way to reach Staff Sgt. William Partrea, a Recruiter in Mechanics- out,‖ Partrea said it also enables Recruiters to be ville, Va., said his morning routine begins with open- more effective at their jobs. He said he can talk to ing e-mail and his work Facebook account. Face- more prospective recruits and then keep in touch book, Twitter, MySpace — all of these tools are ways once the recruit enters basic training. to stay in touch with people, but now Recruiters can leverage them to reach out to poten- ―I can talk to three or four interested people at one tial servicemembers, as well. time (through chat boxes), instead of talking to one possibly uninterested person on the phone,‖ Partrea ―Facebook is now a work essential tool,‖ Partrea said. said. Tool For Connection Creating a Network The majority of high school students communicate Partrea and Lucero said social media has allowed via text messages and Facebook because of the other Future Soldiers to reach out to them, having “The majority of speed. Staff Sgt. Mark Lucero, the 1st Brigade band heard about them from their friends. Recruiter, said once someone becomes a fan, not high school only can the Recruiter check out the prospective Partrea said social media gives him a chance to talk students Soldier’s page but the individual can also check out to more students, noting that access to Facebook communicate the Recruiter’s page. opens up referrals. via text messages and ―The biggest thing for them is to see that we’re real,‖ On the flip side, social media supplies more informa- Facebook Lucero said. ―It’s more personal for them to see our tion for recruits. Army Facebook sites (recruiting photos and read our background.‖ Partrea added station,, USAREC) allow individuals to because of the there are elements of honesty and candidness with connect with other recruits, ask questions and re- speed. By Facebook. ceive an immediate response and click through pho- realizing this, tos and videos. Recruiters can By leveraging social media tools, Recruiters can stay leverage the up-to-speed with current trends and events in the Here to Stay community, as well as stay in touch with a recruit. simplicity and By using social media tools, Recruiters can reach Partrea said he has had past recruits stay in touch out to more prospective recruits, individuals who immediacy of with him and ask about reenlistment opportunities. have already shown interest in the Army. Social Facebook.” media connects Recruiters to a network of potential ―We can see the big games coming up, and that’s a Future Soldiers. great way to connect to the kids,‖ Partrea said. ―We can use it to work smarter,‖ Partrea said.