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Values into Value

       Why social innovation is the key to creating value in today’s
                       values-driven marketplace

                              Richard Landry
                             September 2011
Social value is the new global currency

Organizations in every sector are being challenged and reshaped by the emergence
   of a new set of global forces and norms:

•    Digital networks
      –    Radically undercut organizational scale as a strategic advantage
      –    The new “scale” is the reach of support one attracts via digital networks

•    Global tribes
      –    Virtual communities of shared values and concerns that transcend traditional
           social and geographic boundaries
      –    Transform “engagement” into an inherently social experience

•    Social value
      –    A natural outgrowth of the emergence of global tribes across digital networks
      –    Rewards enterprises and innovations that address broadly recognized social needs

“How do we begin reorganizing the industrial economy? By using markets, networks, and communities to alter the
    way resources are managed: To weave a fabric of incentives for sustainable growth and authentic value creation
    into the economy—a new economic fabric that’s meaningful to people.” –Umair Haque, Havas Media Lab

                                               September 17, 2011                                           slide 2
Social innovation:
A new way to create social value

Enterprises and innovations that tap the power of digital networks and virtual
   communities to create a new, sustainable blend of social and financial return

•    Rooted in the pursuit of authentic social value
       –    Social value is at the core of identity, business model, and reputation

•    Catalyze and participate in network effects
       –    Adopt “shaping strategies” that extend social and financial benefits broadly across a network

•    Social enterprises and social innovations
       –    Emerging social enterprises, and social innovations by organizations in digital transition
       –     Media, information technology, business and consumer services, nonprofits

“A shaping strategy is no less than an effort to broadly redefine the terms of competition for a market sector
     through a positive, galvanizing message that promises benefits to all who adopt the new terms.”
     –John Hegel III, Deloitte Center for Edge Innovation

                                                  September 17, 2011                                             slide 3
Social innovation strategy:
A framework for sustainable social value

A strategic framework for designing and scaling social enterprises and social
    innovations that are “built to last” in global markets:

•    Values-based
       –    Adopt business models and practices that explicitly reflect stakeholders’ core values
            and concerns

•    Authentic
       –    Based on HBS Balanced Scorecard strategic management framework for organizational design,
            strategic marketing, impact assessment, and innovation
       –    Values are expressed through every layer of the enterprise and in every interaction with
            stakeholders, both internal and external

•    Open
       –    Innovations arise out of a process of open inquiry, design, assessment, and refinement
            undertaken in direct engagement with the community of stakeholders

“With innovations easily copied and competition from low-cost Asian producers fierce, Philips understands it is no
     longer enough to crank out great products. What it's aiming for is social innovation, or engaging with
     nontraditional partners to develop culturally relevant solutions.” –BusinessWeek

                                                 September 17, 2011                                             slide 4
richmedium social innovation strategic framework

innovation dimension                       core values                         strategies                           initiatives             key performance indicators

                                                                    • What long range paths of action   • What key strategic initiatives   • What criteria are you using to
                                 • What role do you play in
network                                                             are you pursuing to catalyze or     are you pursuing to engage         assess your current performance
                                 catalyzing and contributing to
(systemic impact)                                                   contribute meaningfully to your     stakeholder organizations in       in catalyzing and contributing to
                                 your field?
                                                                    field?                              advancing your field?              your field?

                               • What is the primary social
social                                                                                                                                     • What criteria are you using to
                               purpose of your work?                • What long range paths of action
(authentic cultural, economic,                                                                        • What key strategic initiatives     assess your current performance
                               • What is the desired ultimate       are you pursing to advance your
and ecological impact)                                                                                are you pursuing to advance          in advancing your social purpose?
                               social outcome of your efforts?      social purpose?
                                                                                                      these priorities?

                                                                    • In what ways do you engage                                           • What criteria are you using to
client                           •What are the primary principles                                       • What are your current top
                                                                    clients in the advancement of                                          assess the current performance
(performance, transparency,      and standards you observe in                                           priorities for client engagement
                                                                    your mission and product                                               of your client engagement and
and engagement)                  client interaction and service?                                        and stewardship?
                                                                    strategy?                                                              stewardship initiatives?

cultural                         • What management principles       • In what ways do you                                                  • What criteria are you using to
                                                                                                        • What are your current top
(internal/external goals         and standards do you observe to    intentionally foster a sense of                                        assess the current performance
                                                                                                        organizational development
alignment)                       advance your mission?              shared mission among internal                                          of your organizational
                                                                    stakeholders?                                                          development initiatives?

                                 • What expectations do you and                                         • What top priorities are you
                                                                    • What long range paths of action                                      • What criteria are you using to
operational                      your stakeholders have for                                             pursuing in the current planning
                                                                    are you pursuing to achieve                                            assess the current performance
(sustainable growth and          growth, sustainability and mission                                     period to achieve sustainable
                                                                    sustainable growth and advance                                         of your growth, sustainability, and
mission advancement)             advancement?                                                           growth and advance your
                                                                    your mission?                                                          capacity-building initiatives?

                                                                       September 17, 2011                                                                     slide 5
Shaping strategies

Unlock stakeholder passion and engagement to successfully launch, gain scale,
   accelerate impact, and extend reach

•    Open innovation
       –    Inquiry, design, assessment, refinement, and implementation in direct collaboration
            with the community of stakeholders

•    Open media
       –    A new paradigm for media, marketing, and stewardship

•    Open platforms
       –    Practices, standards, and interfaces that extend social and financial benefits broadly
            within a network

“As people work together, they come to focus on what truly matters to them, and their thinking evolves from a
     reactive problem-solving mode to creating futures they truly desire. With this comes a level of commitment,
     imagination, patience, and perseverance far beyond what happens when we are just reacting to problems.”
     –Peter Senge, The Necessary Revolution

                                                September 17, 2011                                            slide 6
Open innovation

Using design principles and methods to bring organizational intent in alignment
    with stakeholder values

•    Core values inquiry
      –    Engaging stakeholders—directly and transparently—about “what matters most”

•    Strategic framework design
      –    Prototyping innovations that have the potential to deliver a new, sustainable blend of
           social and financial value

•    Assessment and refinement
      –    Iterative design, development, and testing in direct collaboration with stakeholders

•    Implementation
      –    Rolling out innovations that stakeholders actively embrace—because they have collaborated
           in designing them

“Prototyping is modeling or simulating your best current understandings precisely so you can have a shared set of
     understandings that enable communications, especially among people with very different discipline bases. That
     allows you to get to some desired outcome which you could not have predicted in the beginning.” –John Kao

                                                September 17, 2011                                           slide 7
Open media

Digital environments that support the expression and advancement of
    authentic social value

•    Media
       –    Radically downsize the economics of media production, distribution, and monetization, while
            producing cultural products of engaging relevance, depth, and sophistication

•    Marketing
       –    Expose the entire consideration cycle to dialogue, making it possible to dramatically accelerate
            acceptance and engagement

•    Stewardship
       –    Foster learning communities that extend their value via network effects

“The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village.”
     –Marshall McLuhan, The Gutenberg Galaxy

                                                 September 17, 2011                                            slide 8
Open platforms

Accelerate the growth of social innovations and extend their reach beyond the four
   walls of the enterprise

•    Practices
      –    Transform the value chain into a learning community by fostering dialogue and exchange among
           clients, partners, and other stakeholders

•    Standards
      –    Build support for innovations around a shared platform of intellectual property

•    Interfaces
      –    Create points of entry for clients, partners, and other stakeholders to participate in, repurpose,
           and extend innovations

“Open platforms are mass collaboration in action—a bold new way to extend the productive capacity of your business
    without having to infinitely extend your costs.” –Don Tapscott, Wikinomics

                                                September 17, 2011                                          slide 9
Shaping strategies

    social innovation strategic framework

    innovation dimension                     core values               shaping strategies

    network                                 systemic impact

                                                                         open platforms
                                   authentic cultural, economic, and
                                           ecological impact

                                   performance, transparency, and          open media

    cultural                       internal/external goals alignment
                                                                         open innovation

                                   sustainable growth and mission

                                         September 17, 2011                                 slide 10
Framework design process

Strategic framework design process
design phase                 strategic brief     strategic plan     strategic marketing plan   development
internal values audit              √
external stakeholder audit         √                   √
landscape analysis                 √                   √                       √
trends analysis                    √                   √                       √
business model                                         √                       √                   √
implementation                                                                                     √

                                               September 17, 2011                                      slide 11
RSF Social Innovation Strategic Framework

Innovation Dimension                        Core Values                            Strategies

                                                                        • Build awareness and adoption
                                 Reimagine Money:
                                                                        of social finance innovations
                                 • A transferable portfolio of social
                                                                        • Establish productive
                                 finance innovations
Network                                                                 partnerships in identified focus
                                 • A productive ecosystem of
(Systemic impact)                                                       areas
                                 social finance partners
                                                                        • Create an intentional learning
                                 • A network of local, place-based
                                                                        community to share best

                                                                        • Identify and fund a critical mass
Social                         • Innovations in social finance          of innovative social enterprise
(Authentic economic, cultural, • Innovations in social enterprise       projects in focus areas
and ecological impact)         • Financial transactions that heal       • Support lending efforts
                               human beings and the planet              programmatically with field-of-
                                                                        interest funds

                                 • A listening culture that
                                 responds to emerging client            • Introduce innovative products
                                 needs                                  that serve emerging client needs
                                 • Transparency in financial            • Launch improved client
(Performance, transparency,
                                 transactions                           communications plan
and engagement)
                                 • Financial relationships that are     • Introduce improved client
                                 personal, direct, and                  stewardship practices

                                                                    • Launch internal brand
Cultural                         • Interpret Steiner's philosophy
                                                                    management program
(Internal/external goals         for 21st century financial markets
                                                                    • Launch integrated staff hiring,
alignment)                       • Model our internal work on
                                                                    development, and retention
                                 three-fold social principles

                                                                        • Increase assets and working
                                 • Trusted financial institution        capital base
                                 • Strong assets, adequate              • Improve risk management
(Sustainable growth and
                                 working capital, and skilled           practices
mission advancement)
                                 management                             • Hire skilled candidates in key

                                September 17, 2011                                                            slide 12
can money

 September 17, 2011   slide 13
September 17, 2011   slide 14
Tricycle social innovation framework

innovation dimension                       core values                           strategies

                                                                      • We develop and promote our
                                • As a multiplatform, global          online platform as an open
                                media enterprise, we serve as a       resource to the global dharma
network                         hub for a network of groups and       community
(systemic impact)               movements dedicated to bringing       • Our business activities are
                                authentic Buddhist values to          designed to actively support the
                                contemporary global society           growth and development of
                                                                      aligned dharma institutions

                                                                      • Our content strategy is geared
                                                                      toward a "new presentation" of
                                                                      dharma that is relevant to
                               • As a social change agent, we
social                                                                contemporary life situations
                               showcase and demonstrate the
(authentic cultural, economic,                                        • We actively identify and
                               efficacy of the contemporary
and ecological impact)                                                showcase new, authentic
                               Buddhist path in a diverse,
                                                                      teachers, cultural groups and
                               global, and networked society
                                                                      movements that are dedicated to
                                                                      addressing contemporary issues
                                                                      from a Buddhist perspective

                                • We serve the emerging               • We produce content and
                                community of Buddhist teachers,       community designed to support
                                dharma institutions, and              authentic teachers and teachings
                                practitioners who together are        that reflect a diverse, and
                                giving birth to a contemporary        inclusive view of the dharma
(performance, transparency,
                                presentation of the dharma--          •We bring teachers, dharma
and engagement)
                                grounded in authentic practice        institutions, and practitioners
                                traditions, and well-suited for the   together in a diverse, global,
                                needs of a diverse, inclusive,        virtual practice community
                                global, networked society

                                                                      • We follow explicit and
                                                                      transparent operating policies
                                                                      and that reflect our commitment
                                                                      to Buddhist practice in the
                                • Our business is a practice: We
cultural                                                              workplace
                                approach everything we do as an
(internal/external goals                                              • We recruit, hire, and develop
                                opportunity to help grow and
alignment)                                                            board and staff members who are
                                develop a diverse, inclusive,
                                                                      committed to the Buddhist path
                                global dharma community
                                                                      • We have adopted a mission
                                                                      statement that explicitly
                                                                      communicates how our Buddhist
                                                                      practice informs our work

                                • Our core function is to organize
                                                                      • We plan to create media
                                a diverse, inclusive, global
                                                                      products and services that reflect
                                spiritual community that provides
                                                                      our stakeholders' expressed
                                authentic teachings and related
                                                                      needs and that attract their
operational                     resources to help stakeholders
                                                                      explicit support
(sustainable growth and         walk the Buddhist path in
                                                                      • We will transparently involve
mission advancement)            contemporary society
                                                                      our stakeholders in setting our
                                • By adopting a diverse and
                                                                      agenda and improving our
                                inclusive approach, we serve the
                                                                      performance based on their
                                broadest range of contemporary
                                Buddhist practitioners possible

                               September 17, 2011                                                          slide 15
September 17, 2011   slide 16
September 17, 2011   slide 17
Earthfire Institute impact framework v.3

impact dimension                           core values                           strategies

                                • A center for integrating a deep
                                ecological perspective within the
                                disciplines of art, business,         • Develop special cross-
                                media, education, science, and        disciplinary initiatives geared
                                spirituality                          toward bringing ecologists and
(systemic impact)
                                • A workshop for creating a new       media makers together to create
                                narrative about the purpose and       and extend the new narrative
                                value of protecting wildlife and

                               • Enrich the movement to protect
                               wild animals and habitat,
                               catalyzed via the learning
                                                                      • Produce media that captures
social                         experience of entering into
                                                                      the insights derived from the
(authentic cultural, economic, personal relationship with them
                                                                      Earthfire learning experience and
and ecological impact)         • Influence the discussion in the
                                                                      exposes them to broader
                               fields of art, business, media,
                               education, and science about the
                               inherent worth of all life and
                               natural settings

                                • Influencers in the fields of art,
                                business, education, media,
                                science, and spirituality who are
                                                                      • Develop peer-led programs that
                                interested in integrating a deep
                                                                      allow influential leaders to
client                          ecological perspective with their
                                                                      explore and deepen the insights
(performance, transparency,     discipline
                                                                      of their respective disciplines
and engagement)                 • Empower leaders to share their
                                                                      through the medium of human-
                                experiences in ways that can
                                                                      wildlife-habitat relations
                                influence dialogue and inspire
                                action among their peers and

                                • A learning community of artists,
                                business people, educators,
                                media makers, scientists, and
cultural                        spiritual thinkers motivated to       • Organize board of advisors
(internal/external goals        share the insights derived from       around the concept of a learning
alignment)                      the Earthfire experience              community; introduce new
                                • Belief in the inherent worth of     members based on this principle
                                the individual and the power of
                                relationship as the bases for
                                systemic change

                                • A wildlife sanctuary that serves    • Develop learning experiences
                                as a laboratory for learning          geared to influencers in art,
                                experiences that explore the          business, education, media,
                                relationship between humans,          science, and spirituality, to whom
                                wildlife, and habitat                 Earthfire represents a laboratory
operational                     • A stable, growing base of           for extending their work in their
(sustainable growth and         influential sponsors who connect      own disciplines and sharing cross-
mission advancement)            personally and professionally with    disciplinary insights
                                the Earthfire experience and are      • Widen the base of support by
                                inspired to share it with others      extending these learning
                                • A revenue stream sufficient to      experiences to influencers'
                                support program expansion and         personal and professional
                                ongoing capital improvements          networks

                              September 17, 2011                                                           slide 18
September 17, 2011   slide 19
Where social innovation is happening

Social innovation strategies are changing the way organizations are launching,
   gaining scale, and entering global markets

•    Markets
      –    Media
      –    Information technology
      –    Business and consumer services
      –    Nonprofits

•    Disciplines
      –    Brand identity
      –    Strategic marketing
      –    Sustainability
      –    Social impact
      –    Digital transition

                                            September 17, 2011                   slide 20
richmedium clients

                     September 17, 2011   slide 21
< richmedium >
 social innovation strategy
for the global marketplace

       September 17, 2011     slide 22

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Values into Value

  • 1. Values into Value Why social innovation is the key to creating value in today’s values-driven marketplace Richard Landry September 2011
  • 2. Social value is the new global currency Organizations in every sector are being challenged and reshaped by the emergence of a new set of global forces and norms: •  Digital networks –  Radically undercut organizational scale as a strategic advantage –  The new “scale” is the reach of support one attracts via digital networks •  Global tribes –  Virtual communities of shared values and concerns that transcend traditional social and geographic boundaries –  Transform “engagement” into an inherently social experience •  Social value –  A natural outgrowth of the emergence of global tribes across digital networks –  Rewards enterprises and innovations that address broadly recognized social needs “How do we begin reorganizing the industrial economy? By using markets, networks, and communities to alter the way resources are managed: To weave a fabric of incentives for sustainable growth and authentic value creation into the economy—a new economic fabric that’s meaningful to people.” –Umair Haque, Havas Media Lab September 17, 2011 slide 2
  • 3. Social innovation: A new way to create social value Enterprises and innovations that tap the power of digital networks and virtual communities to create a new, sustainable blend of social and financial return •  Rooted in the pursuit of authentic social value –  Social value is at the core of identity, business model, and reputation •  Catalyze and participate in network effects –  Adopt “shaping strategies” that extend social and financial benefits broadly across a network •  Social enterprises and social innovations –  Emerging social enterprises, and social innovations by organizations in digital transition –  Media, information technology, business and consumer services, nonprofits “A shaping strategy is no less than an effort to broadly redefine the terms of competition for a market sector through a positive, galvanizing message that promises benefits to all who adopt the new terms.” –John Hegel III, Deloitte Center for Edge Innovation September 17, 2011 slide 3
  • 4. Social innovation strategy: A framework for sustainable social value A strategic framework for designing and scaling social enterprises and social innovations that are “built to last” in global markets: •  Values-based –  Adopt business models and practices that explicitly reflect stakeholders’ core values and concerns •  Authentic –  Based on HBS Balanced Scorecard strategic management framework for organizational design, strategic marketing, impact assessment, and innovation –  Values are expressed through every layer of the enterprise and in every interaction with stakeholders, both internal and external •  Open –  Innovations arise out of a process of open inquiry, design, assessment, and refinement undertaken in direct engagement with the community of stakeholders “With innovations easily copied and competition from low-cost Asian producers fierce, Philips understands it is no longer enough to crank out great products. What it's aiming for is social innovation, or engaging with nontraditional partners to develop culturally relevant solutions.” –BusinessWeek September 17, 2011 slide 4
  • 5. richmedium social innovation strategic framework innovation dimension core values strategies initiatives key performance indicators • What long range paths of action • What key strategic initiatives • What criteria are you using to • What role do you play in network are you pursuing to catalyze or are you pursuing to engage assess your current performance catalyzing and contributing to (systemic impact) contribute meaningfully to your stakeholder organizations in in catalyzing and contributing to your field? field? advancing your field? your field? • What is the primary social social • What criteria are you using to purpose of your work? • What long range paths of action (authentic cultural, economic, • What key strategic initiatives assess your current performance • What is the desired ultimate are you pursing to advance your and ecological impact) are you pursuing to advance in advancing your social purpose? social outcome of your efforts? social purpose? these priorities? • In what ways do you engage • What criteria are you using to client •What are the primary principles • What are your current top clients in the advancement of assess the current performance (performance, transparency, and standards you observe in priorities for client engagement your mission and product of your client engagement and and engagement) client interaction and service? and stewardship? strategy? stewardship initiatives? cultural • What management principles • In what ways do you • What criteria are you using to • What are your current top (internal/external goals and standards do you observe to intentionally foster a sense of assess the current performance organizational development alignment) advance your mission? shared mission among internal of your organizational priorities? stakeholders? development initiatives? • What expectations do you and • What top priorities are you • What long range paths of action • What criteria are you using to operational your stakeholders have for pursuing in the current planning are you pursuing to achieve assess the current performance (sustainable growth and growth, sustainability and mission period to achieve sustainable sustainable growth and advance of your growth, sustainability, and mission advancement) advancement? growth and advance your your mission? capacity-building initiatives? mission? September 17, 2011 slide 5
  • 6. Shaping strategies Unlock stakeholder passion and engagement to successfully launch, gain scale, accelerate impact, and extend reach •  Open innovation –  Inquiry, design, assessment, refinement, and implementation in direct collaboration with the community of stakeholders •  Open media –  A new paradigm for media, marketing, and stewardship •  Open platforms –  Practices, standards, and interfaces that extend social and financial benefits broadly within a network “As people work together, they come to focus on what truly matters to them, and their thinking evolves from a reactive problem-solving mode to creating futures they truly desire. With this comes a level of commitment, imagination, patience, and perseverance far beyond what happens when we are just reacting to problems.” –Peter Senge, The Necessary Revolution September 17, 2011 slide 6
  • 7. Open innovation Using design principles and methods to bring organizational intent in alignment with stakeholder values •  Core values inquiry –  Engaging stakeholders—directly and transparently—about “what matters most” •  Strategic framework design –  Prototyping innovations that have the potential to deliver a new, sustainable blend of social and financial value •  Assessment and refinement –  Iterative design, development, and testing in direct collaboration with stakeholders •  Implementation –  Rolling out innovations that stakeholders actively embrace—because they have collaborated in designing them “Prototyping is modeling or simulating your best current understandings precisely so you can have a shared set of understandings that enable communications, especially among people with very different discipline bases. That allows you to get to some desired outcome which you could not have predicted in the beginning.” –John Kao September 17, 2011 slide 7
  • 8. Open media Digital environments that support the expression and advancement of authentic social value •  Media –  Radically downsize the economics of media production, distribution, and monetization, while producing cultural products of engaging relevance, depth, and sophistication •  Marketing –  Expose the entire consideration cycle to dialogue, making it possible to dramatically accelerate acceptance and engagement •  Stewardship –  Foster learning communities that extend their value via network effects “The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village.” –Marshall McLuhan, The Gutenberg Galaxy September 17, 2011 slide 8
  • 9. Open platforms Accelerate the growth of social innovations and extend their reach beyond the four walls of the enterprise •  Practices –  Transform the value chain into a learning community by fostering dialogue and exchange among clients, partners, and other stakeholders •  Standards –  Build support for innovations around a shared platform of intellectual property •  Interfaces –  Create points of entry for clients, partners, and other stakeholders to participate in, repurpose, and extend innovations “Open platforms are mass collaboration in action—a bold new way to extend the productive capacity of your business without having to infinitely extend your costs.” –Don Tapscott, Wikinomics September 17, 2011 slide 9
  • 10. Shaping strategies social innovation strategic framework innovation dimension core values shaping strategies network systemic impact open platforms authentic cultural, economic, and social ecological impact performance, transparency, and open media client engagement cultural internal/external goals alignment open innovation sustainable growth and mission operational advancement September 17, 2011 slide 10
  • 11. Framework design process Strategic framework design process design phase strategic brief strategic plan strategic marketing plan development internal values audit √ external stakeholder audit √ √ landscape analysis √ √ √ trends analysis √ √ √ business model √ √ √ implementation √ September 17, 2011 slide 11
  • 12. RSF Social Innovation Strategic Framework Innovation Dimension Core Values Strategies • Build awareness and adoption Reimagine Money: of social finance innovations • A transferable portfolio of social • Establish productive finance innovations Network partnerships in identified focus • A productive ecosystem of (Systemic impact) areas social finance partners • Create an intentional learning • A network of local, place-based community to share best economies practices • Identify and fund a critical mass Social • Innovations in social finance of innovative social enterprise (Authentic economic, cultural, • Innovations in social enterprise projects in focus areas and ecological impact) • Financial transactions that heal • Support lending efforts human beings and the planet programmatically with field-of- interest funds • A listening culture that responds to emerging client • Introduce innovative products needs that serve emerging client needs Client • Transparency in financial • Launch improved client (Performance, transparency, transactions communications plan and engagement) • Financial relationships that are • Introduce improved client personal, direct, and stewardship practices transformative • Launch internal brand Cultural • Interpret Steiner's philosophy management program (Internal/external goals for 21st century financial markets • Launch integrated staff hiring, alignment) • Model our internal work on development, and retention three-fold social principles program • Increase assets and working • Trusted financial institution capital base Operational • Strong assets, adequate • Improve risk management (Sustainable growth and working capital, and skilled practices mission advancement) management • Hire skilled candidates in key positions September 17, 2011 slide 12
  • 13. can money heal? September 17, 2011 slide 13
  • 14. September 17, 2011 slide 14
  • 15. Tricycle social innovation framework innovation dimension core values strategies • We develop and promote our • As a multiplatform, global online platform as an open media enterprise, we serve as a resource to the global dharma network hub for a network of groups and community (systemic impact) movements dedicated to bringing • Our business activities are authentic Buddhist values to designed to actively support the contemporary global society growth and development of aligned dharma institutions • Our content strategy is geared toward a "new presentation" of dharma that is relevant to • As a social change agent, we social contemporary life situations showcase and demonstrate the (authentic cultural, economic, • We actively identify and efficacy of the contemporary and ecological impact) showcase new, authentic Buddhist path in a diverse, teachers, cultural groups and global, and networked society movements that are dedicated to addressing contemporary issues from a Buddhist perspective • We serve the emerging • We produce content and community of Buddhist teachers, community designed to support dharma institutions, and authentic teachers and teachings practitioners who together are that reflect a diverse, and client giving birth to a contemporary inclusive view of the dharma (performance, transparency, presentation of the dharma-- •We bring teachers, dharma and engagement) grounded in authentic practice institutions, and practitioners traditions, and well-suited for the together in a diverse, global, needs of a diverse, inclusive, virtual practice community global, networked society • We follow explicit and transparent operating policies and that reflect our commitment to Buddhist practice in the • Our business is a practice: We cultural workplace approach everything we do as an (internal/external goals • We recruit, hire, and develop opportunity to help grow and alignment) board and staff members who are develop a diverse, inclusive, committed to the Buddhist path global dharma community • We have adopted a mission statement that explicitly communicates how our Buddhist practice informs our work • Our core function is to organize • We plan to create media a diverse, inclusive, global products and services that reflect spiritual community that provides our stakeholders' expressed authentic teachings and related needs and that attract their operational resources to help stakeholders explicit support (sustainable growth and walk the Buddhist path in • We will transparently involve mission advancement) contemporary society our stakeholders in setting our • By adopting a diverse and agenda and improving our inclusive approach, we serve the performance based on their broadest range of contemporary feedback Buddhist practitioners possible September 17, 2011 slide 15
  • 16. September 17, 2011 slide 16
  • 17. September 17, 2011 slide 17
  • 18. Earthfire Institute impact framework v.3 impact dimension core values strategies • A center for integrating a deep ecological perspective within the disciplines of art, business, • Develop special cross- media, education, science, and disciplinary initiatives geared network spirituality toward bringing ecologists and (systemic impact) • A workshop for creating a new media makers together to create narrative about the purpose and and extend the new narrative value of protecting wildlife and habitat • Enrich the movement to protect wild animals and habitat, catalyzed via the learning • Produce media that captures social experience of entering into the insights derived from the (authentic cultural, economic, personal relationship with them Earthfire learning experience and and ecological impact) • Influence the discussion in the exposes them to broader fields of art, business, media, audiences education, and science about the inherent worth of all life and natural settings • Influencers in the fields of art, business, education, media, science, and spirituality who are • Develop peer-led programs that interested in integrating a deep allow influential leaders to client ecological perspective with their explore and deepen the insights (performance, transparency, discipline of their respective disciplines and engagement) • Empower leaders to share their through the medium of human- experiences in ways that can wildlife-habitat relations influence dialogue and inspire action among their peers and colleagues • A learning community of artists, business people, educators, media makers, scientists, and cultural spiritual thinkers motivated to • Organize board of advisors (internal/external goals share the insights derived from around the concept of a learning alignment) the Earthfire experience community; introduce new • Belief in the inherent worth of members based on this principle the individual and the power of relationship as the bases for systemic change • A wildlife sanctuary that serves • Develop learning experiences as a laboratory for learning geared to influencers in art, experiences that explore the business, education, media, relationship between humans, science, and spirituality, to whom wildlife, and habitat Earthfire represents a laboratory operational • A stable, growing base of for extending their work in their (sustainable growth and influential sponsors who connect own disciplines and sharing cross- mission advancement) personally and professionally with disciplinary insights the Earthfire experience and are • Widen the base of support by inspired to share it with others extending these learning • A revenue stream sufficient to experiences to influencers' support program expansion and personal and professional ongoing capital improvements networks September 17, 2011 slide 18
  • 19. September 17, 2011 slide 19
  • 20. Where social innovation is happening Social innovation strategies are changing the way organizations are launching, gaining scale, and entering global markets •  Markets –  Media –  Information technology –  Business and consumer services –  Nonprofits •  Disciplines –  Brand identity –  Strategic marketing –  Sustainability –  Social impact –  Digital transition September 17, 2011 slide 20
  • 21. richmedium clients September 17, 2011 slide 21
  • 22. < richmedium > social innovation strategy for the global marketplace September 17, 2011 slide 22