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26 August 2010
Authored by: Michelle Watson
Using Heraldry in Local
History and Genealogical
A Case for Including a Course on Heraldry in the Current Local and
Family History Program
© Michelle Watson, 2010 –
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................. 2
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 3
2.0 HERALDIC DOCUMENTS..................................................................................... 3
2.1 VISITATIONS .................................................................................................. 3
2.2 ROLLS OF ARMS ............................................................................................ 4
2.3 GRANTS OF ARMS AND PEDIGREES ................................................................. 4
2.4 FUNERAL CERTIFICATES................................................................................. 4
3.0 NON-HERALDIC DOCUMENTS............................................................................. 5
3.1 MANUSCRIPTS AND LEGAL DOCUMENTS .......................................................... 5
3.2 COURT OF CHIVALRY CASE LAW ..................................................................... 5
4.0 CHURCHES....................................................................................................... 6
4.1 EFFIGIES....................................................................................................... 6
4.2 BRASSES ...................................................................................................... 6
4.3 TOMBS.......................................................................................................... 7
4.4 WALL MONUMENTS........................................................................................ 7
4.5 HATCHMENTS ................................................................................................ 7
4.6 STAINED GLASS............................................................................................. 7
5.0 HERALDIC OBJECTS ......................................................................................... 7
5.1 SEALS........................................................................................................... 8
5.2 DOMESTIC OBJECTS ...................................................................................... 8
6.0 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................... 9
7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................... 9
BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................... 13
© Michelle Watson, 2010 –
Executive Summary
Heraldry and genealogy have had a long symbiotic relationship. Heraldry requires a
knowledge of ones genealogy and heraldry has often been used as evidence to
support genealogical conclusions.
Seton calls heraldry the:
“Shorthand of History”, the pictorial chronicle of days gone by, the
evidence of gentle blood, the record of important alliances… and not
unfrequently, the unerring guide in cases of disputed succession.”1
This is a good summary of the role played by heraldry in general, and in genealogical
and local history research in particular. As the franchise for entitlement to heraldic
devices widened, so did the usefulness of heraldry as both historical evidence and as
a research tool.
Heraldry is a useful tool in a number of ways in genealogical research:
 Dating tool – providing evidence for dates of the lives of individuals, families,
and events.
 Identification of individuals and branches of families and relationships
between branches of families, including geographical spread (especially
useful in Scotland).
 Information on marriages – including hints to their political, social and
economic role
 Information on women
 Biographical
 Marriages
 Children
1 George Seton, The Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland (Edinburgh: Edmonton and Douglas,
1863). p. 7
© Michelle Watson, 2010 –
Using Heraldry in Local History
and Genealogical Research
A Case for Including a Course on Heraldry in the Current
Local and Family History Program
1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this report is to support the proposition that heraldry and genealogy
have always been inextricably linked and one can illuminate and illustrate the other
and to encourage the establishment of a short course on heraldry aimed at the family
and local historian.
The basic role of both heraldry and genealogy is to identify and place individuals within
the context of their families and if done well, within the wider historical context in which
they lived.
Despite its perceived exclusivity to royalty and the nobility, many untitled families
through the centuries have been granted arms making heraldry a valuable research
tool for the family historian (see Appendix A).
2.0 Heraldic Documents
Heraldic documents are those where heraldry is the central focus of the document.
Most of the document types listed here had legal significance, thus lending weight to
the validity to their contents. This makes them valuable general historical and
genealogical documents, especially for periods or areas where other types of legal
documents are lacking.
2.1 Visitations
Visitations were conducted by heralds starting in 1450 and continued into the 17th
century. Over 150 visits were made under a variety of commissions to all counties in
England and Wales2.These visitations initially were focused on recording the names
of those with the right to bear arms and to record the arms in question. This was often
accompanied by narrative genealogies used to support claims to armergious status.
During later visitations the focus shifted towards recording more detailed tabular/tree
genealogies with the recording of arms becoming a more secondary task.
2 Adrian Ailes, "The Development of the Heralds' Visitations in England and Wales 1450-1600," Coat of
Arms 5, no. 217 (2009). p. 7
© Michelle Watson, 2010 –
Early visitation records cover only titled families (and their non-titled descendents), but
as arms and status became more fluid in the 16th century, many families of non-titled
origin who had prospered in trade or land, applied for and had their arms recorded
during the visitation process. This greatly increases the usefulness of the visitation
records to genealogical research.
Many of the original visitations books remain there to this day, with copies held in the
British Library. Many of these works have been transcribed and published by the
Harleian Society and are a valuable resource for family historians as they are much
more accessible than the originals at the College of Arms or the copies at the British
2.2 Rolls of Arms
Rolls of arms are lists of heraldry (painted, drawn or written in
blazon). These documents recorded people in attendance at
specific events, associated with a particular institution or place,
or general rolls which were compiled as reference works
(detailing heraldic themes by colour or charge using examples
of real world arms).
2.3 Grants of Arms and Pedigrees
These documents record the granting of arms to a specific
individual or group (corporation, educational institution etc).
Often details of the life of the person are recorded, such as
offices held, achievements, participation in important events and
sometimes mention of parents or other relatives if they were of
After the cessation of the visitations, many amateur family
historians and professional genealogists continued to research
family lines. The results of this research was often deposited for
preservation and recording with the College of Heralds. These
pedigrees were often done in support of a petition for granting of
2.4 Funeral Certificates
© Michelle Watson, 2010 –
Funeral certificates date from the late 16th century to the early 18th century. They were
documents created by the heralds which record the details of those who were given
heraldic funerals. Heraldic funerals were elaborate, formalized displays organized by
the family of the deceased. The funeral certificate would contain information about the
heraldry of the deceased individual in addition to details about their death, place of
burial, marriage information and details of children.
3.0 Non-Heraldic Documents
These documents reference or include heraldry, but have a different primary focus.
3.1 Manuscripts and Legal Documents
Many manuscripts (family histories, institutional records etc) and various legal
documents often contain a heraldic element. Documents such as wills, deeds,
indentures, contracts and other agreements often include heraldry as part of the
identification of the involved parties or as validation of agreement in the form of seals.
3.2 Court of Chivalry Case Law
The Court of Chivalry is a civil court dating back to the 14th century. Its jurisdiction was
the use and misuse of heraldic devices. There is an extensive archive of cases
© Michelle Watson, 2010 –
available at The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640 website3. Each record contains a great
deal of biographical information on plaintiffs, defendants and witnesses.
The Court of Chivalry was also covered (to varying degrees) in the newspapers of the
day from the 18th century onwards. These often give details of attitudes and tidbits of
information (often gossip) not seen in the official proceedings.
4.0 Churches
Heraldic evidence in located in churches provides a more local and often, more
personal focus on the role of individuals and families within their community.
4.1 Effigies
Effigies are three-dimensional figures placed in
churches, the earliest date to the 13th century.
Early examples depict those of the military class
who are depicted in armour, including their
heraldry on a shield (in some cases a real shield
was used). Women are also depicted in effigies,
though they wear heraldic surcoats, cotehardies
or kirtles.
In addition to heraldic clothing, the head of the
deceased often rests on a cushion which
incorporates their heraldic devices. Later period
effigies and tombs often have additional heraldic display around their sides.
4.2 Brasses
Early monumental brasses were near life size
depictions of individuals, often in armour holding
a shield. This type of brass relied on the shield
to act as identifier for the deceased.
Later brasses, especially in the Tudor and
Elizabethan periods, are much more useful as
sources for family history. They often depict
husband, wife and children, the arms of both
spouses and many include the names of spouses, parents, children and details about
dates of death and offices held by the husband.
3 The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640, University of Birmingham - http://www.court-of-
© Michelle Watson, 2010 –
The use of brasses declined after the Elizabethan period as other forms of memorials
such as wall monuments and hatchments become more widely used.
4.3 Tombs
Free standing tomb chests from the 13th century on were often had painted (stone) or
gilded (enameled brass) shields affixed to them. Weepers often surrounded the sides
of the tomb, representing the deceased’s family or eminent individuals who they were
related to by marriage or blood. These weepers were sometimes indentified by small
4.4 Wall Monuments
By the late 16th century tomb chests had been superceded by a variety of wall
monuments. Wall monuments could be flat brasses, or three-dimensional depictions
of families. Both types of monuments used heraldic display as part of the decoration
on the monument, often in colour. These monuments include nscriptions detailing
information about the individual and/or the family.
4.5 Hatchments
A hatchment is a diamond shaped board bearing armorial
display. These are often found attached to the walls of
churches or occasionally in private homes. Hatchments
were used in heraldic funerals in the mid-19th century and
then placed in the local church or other church of
significance to the deceased.
4.6 Stained Glass
Many churches have heraldic stained glass provided by
local parishioners. Some examples made their way into
private homes after the dissolution of monasteries. These
glasses are good records of marriages as they were often
donated to commemorate the event or on the death of a
5.0 Heraldic Objects
© Michelle Watson, 2010 –
5.1 Seals
One of the earliest uses and indeed, for runner of heraldry
itself was the seal. Developed in 12th century, it became
an increasingly important form of validation, performing
the same role as the modern signature. They provide
important information on the roles undertaken by the
owner of the seal, place them in specific places within a
datable historical context and reflect changing family
5.2 Domestic Objects
The heraldry on everyday objects also provides
important information to researchers. It can identify
the owner of the object, help to give a date for the
creation of the object and give information on the
social and economic standing of the owner.
Heraldic decoration can be found commonly on the
following items:
 Paintings
 Horse Furniture
 Ceramics
 Gold and Silverware
 Furniture
 Home fabrics such as bedding, wall
hangings, cushions etc.
© Michelle Watson, 2010 –
6.0 Conclusion
Heraldry supports the study of family and local history in a number of ways:
 Dating tool - providing evidence for dates of the lives of individuals, families,
and events.
 Identification of individuals and branches of families
 Relationships between branches of families
 Geographical spread
In many instances, heraldic evidence may be the only record remaining about a
specific individual or event. This is particularly true when applied to women, who are
often not represented in written historical records.
Thus, it is of importance that those undertaking any sort of historical inquiry (whether
family or local) are aware of the evidence provided by heraldry and have been provided
with the necessary skills to make use of this important source of evidence.
7.0 Recommendations
It is recommended that:
7.1 The records office provides a course on heraldry as part of its local and
family history program (see Appendix B).
7.2 An audit be conducted of heraldry related holdings in the Local Records
Office and a research aid be developed.
© Michelle Watson, 2010 –
Appendix A – Joint Heraldic and Genealogical
The relationship between heraldry and genealogy can be demonstrated by the
number of joint societies for the study of these two areas:
 Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies -
 The Heraldry & Genealogy Society of Canberra Inc
 South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society Inc.
 The Luxembourg Society of Genealogy and Heraldry
 Cambridge University Heraldic and Genealogical Society -
 Association Royale Office Généalogique et Héraldique de Belgique -
 The Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry
 The Czech Genealogy and Heraldry Society -
 The Romanian Institute of Genealogy and Heraldry
© Michelle Watson, 2010 –
Appendix B – Curricula - Heraldry for the
Local and Family Historian
Week 1
 History and Development of Heraldry
 The Heralds and Granting Authorities
 Heraldry in:
o England
o Scotland
o France
o Ireland
Week 2
Technical Aspects of Heraldry
 Parts of an Achievement of Arms
 Blazon
o Tinctures, Metals and Furs
o Hatching/Tricking
o Ordinaries, Sub-ordinaries
o Lines of Division
o Charges
Week 3
 Cadency
o England
o Scotland
o Other Areas
 Arms of Women
o England
o Scotland
o Other Areas
 Marshalling
 Heraldic Inheritance
Week 4
© Michelle Watson, 2010 –
 Records Office Resources
 Books and Articles
 Granting Authorities
 Heraldic Records
o Visitations
o Rolls of Arms
o Pedigrees
o Funeral Certificates
 Church Evidence
o Hatchments and Wall Monuments
o Effigies, Brasses and Tombs
o Stained Glass
 Societies
 Websites
© Michelle Watson, 2010 –
Ailes, Adrian. "The Development of the Heralds' Visitations in England and Wales
1450-1600." Coat of Arms 5, no. 217 (2009): 7-23.
Brooke-Little, J. P. An Heraldic Alphabet. New York: Arco Publishing Co, Inc, 1975.
Cornwall, Julian. "The Early Tudor Gentry." The Economic History Review 17, no. 3
(1965): 456-75.
Friar, Stephen. Heraldry for the Local Historian and Genealogist. Stroud: Sutton
Publishing Ltd, 1997.
Seton, George. The Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland. Edinburgh: Edmonton
and Douglas, 1863.

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Using Heraldry in Local History and Genealogical Research_Michelle_Watson

  • 1. 26 August 2010 Authored by: Michelle Watson Using Heraldry in Local History and Genealogical Research A Case for Including a Course on Heraldry in the Current Local and Family History Program
  • 2. © Michelle Watson, 2010 – 1 UsingHeraldryinLocalHistoryandGenealogicalResearch26/8/2010 Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................. 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 3 2.0 HERALDIC DOCUMENTS..................................................................................... 3 2.1 VISITATIONS .................................................................................................. 3 2.2 ROLLS OF ARMS ............................................................................................ 4 2.3 GRANTS OF ARMS AND PEDIGREES ................................................................. 4 2.4 FUNERAL CERTIFICATES................................................................................. 4 3.0 NON-HERALDIC DOCUMENTS............................................................................. 5 3.1 MANUSCRIPTS AND LEGAL DOCUMENTS .......................................................... 5 3.2 COURT OF CHIVALRY CASE LAW ..................................................................... 5 4.0 CHURCHES....................................................................................................... 6 4.1 EFFIGIES....................................................................................................... 6 4.2 BRASSES ...................................................................................................... 6 4.3 TOMBS.......................................................................................................... 7 4.4 WALL MONUMENTS........................................................................................ 7 4.5 HATCHMENTS ................................................................................................ 7 4.6 STAINED GLASS............................................................................................. 7 5.0 HERALDIC OBJECTS ......................................................................................... 7 5.1 SEALS........................................................................................................... 8 5.2 DOMESTIC OBJECTS ...................................................................................... 8 6.0 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................... 9 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................... 9 APPENDIX A – JOINT HERALDIC AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETIES ............................. 10 APPENDIX B – CURRICULA - HERALDRY FOR THE LOCAL AND FAMILY HISTORIAN ..... 11 BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................... 13
  • 3. © Michelle Watson, 2010 – 2 UsingHeraldryinLocalHistoryandGenealogicalResearch26/8/2010 Executive Summary Heraldry and genealogy have had a long symbiotic relationship. Heraldry requires a knowledge of ones genealogy and heraldry has often been used as evidence to support genealogical conclusions. Seton calls heraldry the: “Shorthand of History”, the pictorial chronicle of days gone by, the evidence of gentle blood, the record of important alliances… and not unfrequently, the unerring guide in cases of disputed succession.”1 This is a good summary of the role played by heraldry in general, and in genealogical and local history research in particular. As the franchise for entitlement to heraldic devices widened, so did the usefulness of heraldry as both historical evidence and as a research tool. Heraldry is a useful tool in a number of ways in genealogical research:  Dating tool – providing evidence for dates of the lives of individuals, families, and events.  Identification of individuals and branches of families and relationships between branches of families, including geographical spread (especially useful in Scotland).  Information on marriages – including hints to their political, social and economic role  Information on women  Biographical  Marriages  Children 1 George Seton, The Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland (Edinburgh: Edmonton and Douglas, 1863). p. 7
  • 4. © Michelle Watson, 2010 – 3 UsingHeraldryinLocalHistoryandGenealogicalResearch26/8/2010 Using Heraldry in Local History and Genealogical Research A Case for Including a Course on Heraldry in the Current Local and Family History Program 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this report is to support the proposition that heraldry and genealogy have always been inextricably linked and one can illuminate and illustrate the other and to encourage the establishment of a short course on heraldry aimed at the family and local historian. The basic role of both heraldry and genealogy is to identify and place individuals within the context of their families and if done well, within the wider historical context in which they lived. Despite its perceived exclusivity to royalty and the nobility, many untitled families through the centuries have been granted arms making heraldry a valuable research tool for the family historian (see Appendix A). 2.0 Heraldic Documents Heraldic documents are those where heraldry is the central focus of the document. Most of the document types listed here had legal significance, thus lending weight to the validity to their contents. This makes them valuable general historical and genealogical documents, especially for periods or areas where other types of legal documents are lacking. 2.1 Visitations Visitations were conducted by heralds starting in 1450 and continued into the 17th century. Over 150 visits were made under a variety of commissions to all counties in England and Wales2.These visitations initially were focused on recording the names of those with the right to bear arms and to record the arms in question. This was often accompanied by narrative genealogies used to support claims to armergious status. During later visitations the focus shifted towards recording more detailed tabular/tree genealogies with the recording of arms becoming a more secondary task. 2 Adrian Ailes, "The Development of the Heralds' Visitations in England and Wales 1450-1600," Coat of Arms 5, no. 217 (2009). p. 7
  • 5. © Michelle Watson, 2010 – 4 UsingHeraldryinLocalHistoryandGenealogicalResearch26/8/2010 Early visitation records cover only titled families (and their non-titled descendents), but as arms and status became more fluid in the 16th century, many families of non-titled origin who had prospered in trade or land, applied for and had their arms recorded during the visitation process. This greatly increases the usefulness of the visitation records to genealogical research. Many of the original visitations books remain there to this day, with copies held in the British Library. Many of these works have been transcribed and published by the Harleian Society and are a valuable resource for family historians as they are much more accessible than the originals at the College of Arms or the copies at the British Library. 2.2 Rolls of Arms Rolls of arms are lists of heraldry (painted, drawn or written in blazon). These documents recorded people in attendance at specific events, associated with a particular institution or place, or general rolls which were compiled as reference works (detailing heraldic themes by colour or charge using examples of real world arms). 2.3 Grants of Arms and Pedigrees These documents record the granting of arms to a specific individual or group (corporation, educational institution etc). Often details of the life of the person are recorded, such as offices held, achievements, participation in important events and sometimes mention of parents or other relatives if they were of note. After the cessation of the visitations, many amateur family historians and professional genealogists continued to research family lines. The results of this research was often deposited for preservation and recording with the College of Heralds. These pedigrees were often done in support of a petition for granting of arms. 2.4 Funeral Certificates FIGURE 2 – BYRON GENEALOGICAL ROLL (MS557) – SCHOYEN COLLECTION FIGURE 1 - DERING ROLL, 13TH C - BRITISH LIBRARY
  • 6. © Michelle Watson, 2010 – 5 UsingHeraldryinLocalHistoryandGenealogicalResearch26/8/2010 Funeral certificates date from the late 16th century to the early 18th century. They were documents created by the heralds which record the details of those who were given heraldic funerals. Heraldic funerals were elaborate, formalized displays organized by the family of the deceased. The funeral certificate would contain information about the heraldry of the deceased individual in addition to details about their death, place of burial, marriage information and details of children. 3.0 Non-Heraldic Documents These documents reference or include heraldry, but have a different primary focus. 3.1 Manuscripts and Legal Documents Many manuscripts (family histories, institutional records etc) and various legal documents often contain a heraldic element. Documents such as wills, deeds, indentures, contracts and other agreements often include heraldry as part of the identification of the involved parties or as validation of agreement in the form of seals. 3.2 Court of Chivalry Case Law The Court of Chivalry is a civil court dating back to the 14th century. Its jurisdiction was the use and misuse of heraldic devices. There is an extensive archive of cases FIGURE 3 - MODERN ILLUSTRATION OF 16TH C FUNERAL CERTIFICATE
  • 7. © Michelle Watson, 2010 – 6 UsingHeraldryinLocalHistoryandGenealogicalResearch26/8/2010 available at The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640 website3. Each record contains a great deal of biographical information on plaintiffs, defendants and witnesses. The Court of Chivalry was also covered (to varying degrees) in the newspapers of the day from the 18th century onwards. These often give details of attitudes and tidbits of information (often gossip) not seen in the official proceedings. 4.0 Churches Heraldic evidence in located in churches provides a more local and often, more personal focus on the role of individuals and families within their community. 4.1 Effigies Effigies are three-dimensional figures placed in churches, the earliest date to the 13th century. Early examples depict those of the military class who are depicted in armour, including their heraldry on a shield (in some cases a real shield was used). Women are also depicted in effigies, though they wear heraldic surcoats, cotehardies or kirtles. In addition to heraldic clothing, the head of the deceased often rests on a cushion which incorporates their heraldic devices. Later period effigies and tombs often have additional heraldic display around their sides. 4.2 Brasses Early monumental brasses were near life size depictions of individuals, often in armour holding a shield. This type of brass relied on the shield to act as identifier for the deceased. Later brasses, especially in the Tudor and Elizabethan periods, are much more useful as sources for family history. They often depict husband, wife and children, the arms of both spouses and many include the names of spouses, parents, children and details about dates of death and offices held by the husband. 3 The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640, University of Birmingham - http://www.court-of- FIGURE 5 - ANTHONY FORSTER, CUMNOR, OXFORD – 16TH C FIGURE 4 - EFFIGY OF REV ARTHUR TOOTH – 19TH CENTURY
  • 8. © Michelle Watson, 2010 – 7 UsingHeraldryinLocalHistoryandGenealogicalResearch26/8/2010 The use of brasses declined after the Elizabethan period as other forms of memorials such as wall monuments and hatchments become more widely used. 4.3 Tombs Free standing tomb chests from the 13th century on were often had painted (stone) or gilded (enameled brass) shields affixed to them. Weepers often surrounded the sides of the tomb, representing the deceased’s family or eminent individuals who they were related to by marriage or blood. These weepers were sometimes indentified by small shields. 4.4 Wall Monuments By the late 16th century tomb chests had been superceded by a variety of wall monuments. Wall monuments could be flat brasses, or three-dimensional depictions of families. Both types of monuments used heraldic display as part of the decoration on the monument, often in colour. These monuments include nscriptions detailing information about the individual and/or the family. 4.5 Hatchments A hatchment is a diamond shaped board bearing armorial display. These are often found attached to the walls of churches or occasionally in private homes. Hatchments were used in heraldic funerals in the mid-19th century and then placed in the local church or other church of significance to the deceased. 4.6 Stained Glass Many churches have heraldic stained glass provided by local parishioners. Some examples made their way into private homes after the dissolution of monasteries. These glasses are good records of marriages as they were often donated to commemorate the event or on the death of a spouse. 5.0 Heraldic Objects FIGURE 6 - SET OF HATCHMENTS, ST MARY AND ST NICHOLAS, CHETWODE FIGURE 7 - LEVETT/BAGOT FAMILY ARMS IN BLITHFIELD, STAFFORDSHIRE
  • 9. © Michelle Watson, 2010 – 8 UsingHeraldryinLocalHistoryandGenealogicalResearch26/8/2010 5.1 Seals One of the earliest uses and indeed, for runner of heraldry itself was the seal. Developed in 12th century, it became an increasingly important form of validation, performing the same role as the modern signature. They provide important information on the roles undertaken by the owner of the seal, place them in specific places within a datable historical context and reflect changing family alliances. 5.2 Domestic Objects The heraldry on everyday objects also provides important information to researchers. It can identify the owner of the object, help to give a date for the creation of the object and give information on the social and economic standing of the owner. Heraldic decoration can be found commonly on the following items:  Paintings  Horse Furniture  Ceramics  Gold and Silverware  Furniture  Home fabrics such as bedding, wall hangings, cushions etc. FIGURE 8 - SEAL USED BY JOHN DE WARENNE, EARL OF SURREY, 1318/19 FIGURE 9 - BED HANGING SHOWING CAVENDISH AND BRUCE ARMS, 16TH C
  • 10. © Michelle Watson, 2010 – 9 UsingHeraldryinLocalHistoryandGenealogicalResearch26/8/2010 6.0 Conclusion Heraldry supports the study of family and local history in a number of ways:  Dating tool - providing evidence for dates of the lives of individuals, families, and events.  Identification of individuals and branches of families  Relationships between branches of families  Geographical spread In many instances, heraldic evidence may be the only record remaining about a specific individual or event. This is particularly true when applied to women, who are often not represented in written historical records. Thus, it is of importance that those undertaking any sort of historical inquiry (whether family or local) are aware of the evidence provided by heraldry and have been provided with the necessary skills to make use of this important source of evidence. 7.0 Recommendations It is recommended that: 7.1 The records office provides a course on heraldry as part of its local and family history program (see Appendix B). 7.2 An audit be conducted of heraldry related holdings in the Local Records Office and a research aid be developed.
  • 11. © Michelle Watson, 2010 – 10 UsingHeraldryinLocalHistoryandGenealogicalResearch26/8/2010 Appendix A – Joint Heraldic and Genealogical Societies The relationship between heraldry and genealogy can be demonstrated by the number of joint societies for the study of these two areas:  Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies -  The Heraldry & Genealogy Society of Canberra Inc -  South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society Inc. -  The Luxembourg Society of Genealogy and Heraldry  Cambridge University Heraldic and Genealogical Society -  Association Royale Office Généalogique et Héraldique de Belgique -  The Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry -  The Czech Genealogy and Heraldry Society -  The Romanian Institute of Genealogy and Heraldry
  • 12. © Michelle Watson, 2010 – 11 UsingHeraldryinLocalHistoryandGenealogicalResearch26/8/2010 Appendix B – Curricula - Heraldry for the Local and Family Historian Week 1 Introduction  History and Development of Heraldry  The Heralds and Granting Authorities  Heraldry in: o England o Scotland o France o Ireland Week 2 Technical Aspects of Heraldry  Parts of an Achievement of Arms  Blazon o Tinctures, Metals and Furs o Hatching/Tricking o Ordinaries, Sub-ordinaries o Lines of Division o Charges Week 3 Differencing  Cadency o England o Scotland o Other Areas  Arms of Women o England o Scotland o Other Areas  Marshalling  Heraldic Inheritance Week 4
  • 13. © Michelle Watson, 2010 – 12 UsingHeraldryinLocalHistoryandGenealogicalResearch26/8/2010 Sources  Records Office Resources  Books and Articles  Granting Authorities  Heraldic Records o Visitations o Rolls of Arms o Pedigrees o Funeral Certificates  Church Evidence o Hatchments and Wall Monuments o Effigies, Brasses and Tombs o Stained Glass  Societies  Websites
  • 14. © Michelle Watson, 2010 – 13 UsingHeraldryinLocalHistoryandGenealogicalResearch26/8/2010 Bibliography Ailes, Adrian. "The Development of the Heralds' Visitations in England and Wales 1450-1600." Coat of Arms 5, no. 217 (2009): 7-23. Brooke-Little, J. P. An Heraldic Alphabet. New York: Arco Publishing Co, Inc, 1975. Cornwall, Julian. "The Early Tudor Gentry." The Economic History Review 17, no. 3 (1965): 456-75. Friar, Stephen. Heraldry for the Local Historian and Genealogist. Stroud: Sutton Publishing Ltd, 1997. Seton, George. The Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland. Edinburgh: Edmonton and Douglas, 1863.