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Updating the stock of business knowledge
for a better future
Prepared by: Fentaw L. (Ph.D.)
Date: March 27-03- 2021
»Dynamics of the business environment
»Existing theories and practices
»the need for a rethinking business knowledge
»Future Research and points of discussion
Dynamics of the business environment
»The increase in world and local dynamics; environmental change, rising
uncertainty, growing complexity and universal Anxiety is impacting
citizens throughout the globe (Bennet & Bennet, 2004; 2007)
»Having moved from the information age to the knowledge age,
everything moves faster, farther, and gets intertwined with other people,
societies, and technology.
»Companies collaborate instantly around the world, people work from
home, virtual connectivity gets heavier, money moves faster among
nations, and organizations move from control oriented to empowered
Dynamics of the business environment
» Business environment, which refers to all the elements existing outside the
boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect all or part of the
organization, is the most dynamic and uncertain, creates problems for
management (Milliken, 1987).
» Businesses do not operate in a vacuum but rather in a dynamic environment
that has a direct influence on how they operate and whether they will achieve
their objectives.
» This external business environment is composed of numerous outside
organizations and forces that we can group into seven key sub environments:
» economic, political and legal, demographic, social, competitive, global, and
» Each of these sectors creates a unique set of challenges and opportunities for
Dynamics of the business environment
Dynamics of the business environment
» Other forces, such as natural disasters, can also have a major impact on
» The U.S Gulf Coast Hurricane hit in 2005,
» an explosion on the Deep water Horizon oil-rig in April 2010, which killed 11
workers and sent more than 3 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
» The event played out for more than 87 days, severely affected the environment,
businesses, tourism, and people’s livelihoods.
» Global oil conglomerate has spent more than $60 billion in response to the
disaster and clean-up.
» To complete successfully, business owners, managers and leaders at all levels
must deal with the increasing speed, unpredictability, and complexity of their
environment (Alex, David & Lewis, 2015).
Existing theories and practices: management
» Davenport (2001, p.47) proposed that managers in the future must adapt their activities
to the new challenges they face. They must move:
» from overseeing work to doing it
» from organizing hierarchies to organizing communities
» from imposing work designs and methods to understanding them
» from hiring and firing workers to recruiting and retaining them
» from building manual skills to building knowledge skills
» from evaluating visible job performance to assessing invisible knowledge achievements
» from ignoring culture to building a knowledge-friendly culture
» from supporting the bureaucracy to fight it off
Existing theories and practices: management
»Several fields of business research have witnessed occasional calls
for new approaches, along with insightful work on what is wrong with
current approaches.
»Kallio and Nordberg (2006) argued that, despite the growing volume
of research on organizations and the natural environment, “the
environmental dimension remained more or less an adjunct” to
standard management approaches and research.
»They argue that adopting environmental issues in current research
mainly serves to legitimize business-as-usual approaches, but that
“the fundamental orientation of the discourse has not essentially
Existing theories and practices: management
» Gladwin, Kennelly, and Krause (1995) argued for a new paradigm for
management theory and research, positing that
» “our theories have implicitly encouraged organizations to behave in ways that
ultimately destroy their natural and social life-support systems” .
» More recently, the occurrence of corporate scandals has given rise to
contemplation of what “organizational goodness” involves and what role there is
for managerial motivations and moral agency (Heugens, Kaptein, & Van
Oosterhout, 2008; see also Muller & Kolk, 2010).
» The question is whether such calls will help management research move beyond
incremental adaptation of existing approaches and generate sufficient responses
to the changes and challenges that companies and society are facing.
» These and other authors’ arguments appeal for fundamentally rethinking the
foundations of management research.
Existing theories and practices: Accounting
»In the field of accounting in particular, critical accounting has
emerged quite some time ago, with those focusing on social
and environmental accounting being critical of existing models
and their limitations;
»Perhaps more than in management, the gap to the mainstream
here has been particularly wide.
»This gap does not mean that there have not been wider
reflections on the discipline.
Existing theories and practices: Accounting
»Gray (2001) found little evidence over the past 30 years for the
ability of accounting research to examine critical environmental or
social challenges.
»There continues to be a demand for accountants in an ever-
changing global business environment (United States Department of
Labor, 2009).
»Yet, accounting curriculums and pedagogical methods in colleges
and universities are not keeping up with an evolving global business
world, especially with adding learning experiences in accounting
courses that mimic real-world situations accountants’ face.
Existing theories and practices: Accounting
»The current use of lectures does not create learning opportunities
for students to develop or enhance a professional skill set
(Lightweis, 2011; Sharifi, McCombs, Fraser, & McCabe, 2009).
»According to the authors, more attention should be given to
behavioural research leading to the development of core
accounting theories that can handle present realities with the aim
of solving contemporary issues in accounting.
Existing theories and practices: Accounting
»Due to the advent of information technology and research
development, the accounting profession in recent times has
made significant improvements and innovations in the way
financial information are processed and disclosed (e.g., IFRS).
»However, the emergence of cyber-crime in banking transactions
and other online businesses has created a new demand for
accountants to develop extra skills to mitigate the threat as well
as to proficiently report financial information to stakeholders in a
timely and efficient manner (Remi, 2006).
Existing theories and practices: Accounting
»Inanga and Schneider (2005) stated that there exist a wide
divergence between accounting theory and practice due to its
unrealistic nature and lack of applicability in our dynamic
business environment.
»Most of the accounting theories are not applied by practicing
accountants due to some challenges in accommodating them
and how they can be measured, captured, track and analyzed
in monetary terms (Carro, Ocon & Lindemann, (2017); Dandago
(2015) and BelkaouiRiahi (2014) thereby creating a gap in the
Existing theories and practices: accounting
»Based on the foregoing accounting critiques, scholars are interested in
solving the problem of accounting figures distortion caused by
»inflation or deflation, the inability of the traditional or conventional
accounting to address issues relating to environmental cost
accounting, inflation accounting, human Resources accounting,
sustainability accounting, corporate reputation, Islamic accounting,
electronic accounting, auditing practice etc.
»Again, the matter is more complicated in the sense that accounting
researchers have not being able to develop theories that is 100% of the
discipline, rather theories are borrowed from other discipline which make
the preferred accounting research process to lack philosophical grounding
(Aruwa, 2019).
Existing theories and practices: accounting
» conventional management and financial accounting does not meet the needs of
today’s manufacturing and competitive environment.
» as a result of the various criticisms of management accounting practice, the
chartered institute of Management Accountants made recommendations to
address some of the contemporary issues such as
» target costing, Activity based Management (ABM), Advanced manufacturing
Technology(AMT), Computer–aided Design (CAD), Computer aided-
manufacturer (CAM), Total Quality Control (TQC), Materials requirement
planning (MRP), Total Quality Management (TQM), Just In-Time (JIT), Life
Cycle costing etc.
» As to financial accounting, Adoption of IFRS is the one among others.
Existing theories and practices: marketing
»Similar criticisms have been raised in marketing.
»Literature revealed that marketing research have become too
focused on execution, methodological precision, and technological
sophistication (MacInnis, 2005; McAlister, 2005; Stealin, 2005).
»This points to a more generic limitation of the marketing discipline
that has granted only scant attention to quality of life, corporate
citizenship, stakeholders beyond the boundaries of the firm or wider
society (e.g., Sheth & Sisodia, 2005; Sirgy, 2008; Wilkie, 2005).
Existing theories and practices: marketing
»And while the domain of marketing has been labelled as ranging
» the study of the macro to the micro,
» the organization to the consumer,
» capitalist practice to social welfare, and
» the local to the global” (MacInnis, 2005),
»its tendency of “closing in on itself” (Staelin, 2005) does not appear
to encourage new ways of thinking in the mainstream of marketing
research or a move beyond business as usual in marketing practice.
Existing theories and practices: marketing
»the rapid proliferation of media platforms and the rapid change in the
marketplace are the two biggest unifying themes in contemporary
marketing .
»The ever increasing number of marketing options and the
competition for mindshare among consumers and businesses are
real-world challenges that result from these rapid changes.
»Central to the contemporary issues in marketing are the concepts of
» ‘technology’, ‘social media’ and ‘brand management’.
Existing theories and practices: marketing
»Specifically, the following are the five contemporary marketing
issues that are currently affecting managerial and innovative
processes in the business environment and demanding future
research (Gilgoff, 2012; Getz, 2007; Hawthorne, 2018; Plaza,
2009; Thomas, 2011).
»Faith-based marketing (Religious Marketing)
»Event-tourism marketing
»Marketing for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR Marketing)
»Google AdWords Marketing
»Near-Field Communication (NFC Marketing)
the need for a rethinking business knowledge
»Novel perspectives in management and organization theory that
respond to emerging economic, environmental, and social challenges
require fundamental and radical, rather than incremental deviations
from established ways of thinking (Stead & Stead, 1994; Gladwin et al.,
»Ferraro, Pfeffer, and Sutton (2005) argued that social science theories
tend to perpetuate themselves by referring to a set of assumptions and
specific language that become taken for granted.
»Breaking out of this “iron cage” or “normal science straight jacket” (Daft
& Lewin, 1990) is particularly challenging for novel and unconventional
research conceptualizing a new future for business.
the need for a rethinking business knowledge
»The complexity and multiplicity of economic, environmental, and
social challenges make it difficult, if not impossible, to visualize a
“quick fix” to conceiving and establishing alternative and more
inclusive business approaches to cope with these challenges.
»However, examining the implications of using an embedded
perspective of business, nature, and society offers management
scholars a number of important research questions for future study.
the need for a rethinking business knowledge
»In his Article, “Demystifying the Struggles of Private Sector
Paradigmatic Change: Business as an Agent in a Complex Adaptive
System,” Mike Valente (2010) develops a three-phased process
model that provides a preliminary conceptualization of what it might
take to shift the business paradigm.
»The success of this shift is dependent on
» a consequential shift at the societal level,
» The recipient role of business for this broader shift and,
» role of business as an agent in the process of creating new opportunities that
sustain the life-supporting environmental and social systems.
the need for a rethinking business knowledge
» In an article, “Beyond Adaptation: Resilience for Business in Light
of Climate Change and Weather Extremes,” Linnenluecke and Griffiths (2010)
argue that physical impacts from climate change need to be considered in
management studies on organizational resilience and adaptation.
» Even though the physical impacts of climate change can affect many sectors,
including manufacturing, extraction, construction, transportation, agriculture,
tourism, insurance, and banking (e.g., Munich Re, 2009; Pinkse & Kolk, 2009;
Hoffman, 2006; Hoffmann, Sprengel, Ziegler, Kolb, & Abegg, 2009).
» Management scholars, in turn, need to offer the theoretical models that permit
the design of effective organizational responses (Winn et al., in press).
the need for a rethinking business knowledge
»The other issue of prime relevance is the question of the role and objective
function of businesses.
»The predominant focus on shareholder wealth creation seems to have
aggravated rather than alleviated the crisis currently facing (Figge & Hahn,
2008), although no clear alternative approaches have emerged either.
»It appears doubtful that the shareholder wealth thinking that dominates
both the academic and the practitioner discourse is well suited for all types
of business and entrepreneurial activities, given that listed companies,
though often large and prominent, represent only a very small proportion of
ventures (Hahn & Scheermesser, 2006).
the need for a rethinking business knowledge
»Together with the short-term focus of corporate strategy and decision
making (Mosakowski & Earley, 2000), which is difficult to reconcile with
the longer term focus of sustainable development (Held, 2001), rethinking
the role and objective function of businesses in a wider environmental and
societal context appears inevitable.
»In their contribution “Knowledge Management and Performance
Measurement Systems for SMEs’ Economic Sustainability “Cardoni et al.
(2020) argued that in continuously changing and unpredictable
environments, sustainability has become a key goal for business success,
and the sustainable management of financial, human, environmental, and
social resources is a critical issue for business strategy and survival.
the need for a rethinking business knowledge
»In such context, environmental and social sustainability are
equally relevant for financial success.
»Companies are facing a knowledge economy where everything
rapidly changes, demanding a capacity to continuously readapt
themselves to confront the new challenges.
»Knowledge and knowledge management (KM) have become a
primary source to support firms’ innovation and sustain
economic survival (Abiola, 2013).
the need for a rethinking business knowledge
»According to the knowledge-based view, the knowledge located in
various places within the firms,
»Such as employees, organizational culture, routines, policies,
systems, and documents, is the main asset used to reach and
sustain competitive advantages, since it is unique and hard to
replicate and replace.
»Knowledge exploitation and exploration are the two basic
conflictual tensions that must be adequately managed while
implementing knowledge based processes in order to link
innovation and KM.
the need for a rethinking business knowledge
»The former is defined as the use and further development of
existing competencies (Liu, 2006), refers to the processes of
adopting, adapting and applying existing knowledge (March,
1999; Liu, 2006).
»This level of existing knowledge and experience is essential for
adopting incremental knowledge actions (Marengo, 1991, 1993).
»The latter is related to the pursuit of new competencies (March,
1991), reflect the firms’ ability to acquire new knowledge rather
than use the existing level of knowledge and experience (Liu ,
Future Research and points of discussion
»Papers and panel proposals must be cross-disciplinary, research driven,
and demonstrate policy relevance and clarity of thought.
»Whether originating
»from social, ethical, and environmental challenges,
»from reflections on the fundamentals of any particular academic
business discipline and its predominant focus, contribution, and
societal relevance, or
»from the limitations of existing approaches in light of rapid changes in
the nature and context of business,
»the time seems suitable to fundamentally rethink the theoretical
foundations across the broad field of business research and practice.
Future Research and points of discussion
» The need for paradigm shift from Knowledge exploitation to exploration in the
stock of business knowledge.
» the role and purpose of business and management in the light of challenges
such as
» Mitigating physical impact from climate change, Securing social cohesion,
business ethics.
» The conceptualization of business, nature, and society.
» the short-term focus of corporate strategy and decision making vs. the longer
term focus of sustainable development .
» environmental and social sustainability for financial success
» Paradigm shift from management to leadership
Future Research and points of discussion
» Future research seeks to theoretically explain some of the areas, where
knowledge gap exist as a result of the inability of the traditional accounting
theories to address present day reality.
» Contemporary issues in financial and managerial accounting, e.g.,
» social and environmental accounting,
» human resource accounting, inflation accounting,
» sustainability accounting, etc.
» Additional skills required by accountants to respond to the emergence of cyber-
crime in banking transactions and other online businesses.
» Whether the shareholder wealth thinking well suited for all types of business and
entrepreneurial activities.
Future Research and points of discussion
»Contemporary issues in marketing such as
»the rapid change in technology, media platforms and
»marketing options and the competition for mindshare among
consumers and businesses
»brand management,
»Faith-based marketing (Religious Marketing)
»Event-tourism marketing
»Marketing for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR Marketing)
»Google AdWords Marketing
»Near-Field Communication (NFC Marketing)
»In sum, I would be delighted if this conference is to serve as an ignition
spark that inspires scholars toward developing novel approaches,
rethinking theoretical and methodological foundations, and adopting
new perspectives into the role of business in a world full of vital
economic, ecological, and social challenges!

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Updating the stock of business knowledge fo a better future

  • 1. Updating the stock of business knowledge for a better future Prepared by: Fentaw L. (Ph.D.) Date: March 27-03- 2021 BDU
  • 2. 2 Outlines »Dynamics of the business environment »Existing theories and practices »the need for a rethinking business knowledge »Future Research and points of discussion
  • 3. 3 Dynamics of the business environment »The increase in world and local dynamics; environmental change, rising uncertainty, growing complexity and universal Anxiety is impacting citizens throughout the globe (Bennet & Bennet, 2004; 2007) »Having moved from the information age to the knowledge age, everything moves faster, farther, and gets intertwined with other people, societies, and technology. »Companies collaborate instantly around the world, people work from home, virtual connectivity gets heavier, money moves faster among nations, and organizations move from control oriented to empowered workforces.
  • 4. 4 Dynamics of the business environment » Business environment, which refers to all the elements existing outside the boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect all or part of the organization, is the most dynamic and uncertain, creates problems for management (Milliken, 1987). » Businesses do not operate in a vacuum but rather in a dynamic environment that has a direct influence on how they operate and whether they will achieve their objectives. » This external business environment is composed of numerous outside organizations and forces that we can group into seven key sub environments: » economic, political and legal, demographic, social, competitive, global, and technological. » Each of these sectors creates a unique set of challenges and opportunities for businesses.
  • 5. 5 Dynamics of the business environment
  • 6. 6 Dynamics of the business environment » Other forces, such as natural disasters, can also have a major impact on businesses. » The U.S Gulf Coast Hurricane hit in 2005, » an explosion on the Deep water Horizon oil-rig in April 2010, which killed 11 workers and sent more than 3 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. » The event played out for more than 87 days, severely affected the environment, businesses, tourism, and people’s livelihoods. » Global oil conglomerate has spent more than $60 billion in response to the disaster and clean-up. » To complete successfully, business owners, managers and leaders at all levels must deal with the increasing speed, unpredictability, and complexity of their environment (Alex, David & Lewis, 2015).
  • 7. 7 Existing theories and practices: management » Davenport (2001, p.47) proposed that managers in the future must adapt their activities to the new challenges they face. They must move: » from overseeing work to doing it » from organizing hierarchies to organizing communities » from imposing work designs and methods to understanding them » from hiring and firing workers to recruiting and retaining them » from building manual skills to building knowledge skills » from evaluating visible job performance to assessing invisible knowledge achievements » from ignoring culture to building a knowledge-friendly culture » from supporting the bureaucracy to fight it off
  • 8. 8 Existing theories and practices: management »Several fields of business research have witnessed occasional calls for new approaches, along with insightful work on what is wrong with current approaches. »Kallio and Nordberg (2006) argued that, despite the growing volume of research on organizations and the natural environment, “the environmental dimension remained more or less an adjunct” to standard management approaches and research. »They argue that adopting environmental issues in current research mainly serves to legitimize business-as-usual approaches, but that “the fundamental orientation of the discourse has not essentially changed”.
  • 9. 9 Existing theories and practices: management » Gladwin, Kennelly, and Krause (1995) argued for a new paradigm for management theory and research, positing that » “our theories have implicitly encouraged organizations to behave in ways that ultimately destroy their natural and social life-support systems” . » More recently, the occurrence of corporate scandals has given rise to contemplation of what “organizational goodness” involves and what role there is for managerial motivations and moral agency (Heugens, Kaptein, & Van Oosterhout, 2008; see also Muller & Kolk, 2010). » The question is whether such calls will help management research move beyond incremental adaptation of existing approaches and generate sufficient responses to the changes and challenges that companies and society are facing. » These and other authors’ arguments appeal for fundamentally rethinking the foundations of management research.
  • 10. 10 Existing theories and practices: Accounting »In the field of accounting in particular, critical accounting has emerged quite some time ago, with those focusing on social and environmental accounting being critical of existing models and their limitations; »Perhaps more than in management, the gap to the mainstream here has been particularly wide. »This gap does not mean that there have not been wider reflections on the discipline.
  • 11. 11 Existing theories and practices: Accounting »Gray (2001) found little evidence over the past 30 years for the ability of accounting research to examine critical environmental or social challenges. »There continues to be a demand for accountants in an ever- changing global business environment (United States Department of Labor, 2009). »Yet, accounting curriculums and pedagogical methods in colleges and universities are not keeping up with an evolving global business world, especially with adding learning experiences in accounting courses that mimic real-world situations accountants’ face.
  • 12. 12 Existing theories and practices: Accounting »The current use of lectures does not create learning opportunities for students to develop or enhance a professional skill set (Lightweis, 2011; Sharifi, McCombs, Fraser, & McCabe, 2009). »According to the authors, more attention should be given to behavioural research leading to the development of core accounting theories that can handle present realities with the aim of solving contemporary issues in accounting.
  • 13. 13 Existing theories and practices: Accounting »Due to the advent of information technology and research development, the accounting profession in recent times has made significant improvements and innovations in the way financial information are processed and disclosed (e.g., IFRS). »However, the emergence of cyber-crime in banking transactions and other online businesses has created a new demand for accountants to develop extra skills to mitigate the threat as well as to proficiently report financial information to stakeholders in a timely and efficient manner (Remi, 2006).
  • 14. 14 Existing theories and practices: Accounting »Inanga and Schneider (2005) stated that there exist a wide divergence between accounting theory and practice due to its unrealistic nature and lack of applicability in our dynamic business environment. »Most of the accounting theories are not applied by practicing accountants due to some challenges in accommodating them and how they can be measured, captured, track and analyzed in monetary terms (Carro, Ocon & Lindemann, (2017); Dandago (2015) and BelkaouiRiahi (2014) thereby creating a gap in the field.
  • 15. 15 Existing theories and practices: accounting »Based on the foregoing accounting critiques, scholars are interested in solving the problem of accounting figures distortion caused by »inflation or deflation, the inability of the traditional or conventional accounting to address issues relating to environmental cost accounting, inflation accounting, human Resources accounting, sustainability accounting, corporate reputation, Islamic accounting, electronic accounting, auditing practice etc. »Again, the matter is more complicated in the sense that accounting researchers have not being able to develop theories that is 100% of the discipline, rather theories are borrowed from other discipline which make the preferred accounting research process to lack philosophical grounding (Aruwa, 2019).
  • 16. 16 Existing theories and practices: accounting » conventional management and financial accounting does not meet the needs of today’s manufacturing and competitive environment. » as a result of the various criticisms of management accounting practice, the chartered institute of Management Accountants made recommendations to address some of the contemporary issues such as » target costing, Activity based Management (ABM), Advanced manufacturing Technology(AMT), Computer–aided Design (CAD), Computer aided- manufacturer (CAM), Total Quality Control (TQC), Materials requirement planning (MRP), Total Quality Management (TQM), Just In-Time (JIT), Life Cycle costing etc. » As to financial accounting, Adoption of IFRS is the one among others.
  • 17. 17 Existing theories and practices: marketing »Similar criticisms have been raised in marketing. »Literature revealed that marketing research have become too focused on execution, methodological precision, and technological sophistication (MacInnis, 2005; McAlister, 2005; Stealin, 2005). »This points to a more generic limitation of the marketing discipline that has granted only scant attention to quality of life, corporate citizenship, stakeholders beyond the boundaries of the firm or wider society (e.g., Sheth & Sisodia, 2005; Sirgy, 2008; Wilkie, 2005).
  • 18. 18 Existing theories and practices: marketing »And while the domain of marketing has been labelled as ranging from » the study of the macro to the micro, » the organization to the consumer, » capitalist practice to social welfare, and » the local to the global” (MacInnis, 2005), »its tendency of “closing in on itself” (Staelin, 2005) does not appear to encourage new ways of thinking in the mainstream of marketing research or a move beyond business as usual in marketing practice.
  • 19. 19 Existing theories and practices: marketing »the rapid proliferation of media platforms and the rapid change in the marketplace are the two biggest unifying themes in contemporary marketing . »The ever increasing number of marketing options and the competition for mindshare among consumers and businesses are real-world challenges that result from these rapid changes. »Central to the contemporary issues in marketing are the concepts of » ‘technology’, ‘social media’ and ‘brand management’.
  • 20. 20 Existing theories and practices: marketing »Specifically, the following are the five contemporary marketing issues that are currently affecting managerial and innovative processes in the business environment and demanding future research (Gilgoff, 2012; Getz, 2007; Hawthorne, 2018; Plaza, 2009; Thomas, 2011). »Faith-based marketing (Religious Marketing) »Event-tourism marketing »Marketing for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR Marketing) »Google AdWords Marketing »Near-Field Communication (NFC Marketing)
  • 21. 21 the need for a rethinking business knowledge »Novel perspectives in management and organization theory that respond to emerging economic, environmental, and social challenges require fundamental and radical, rather than incremental deviations from established ways of thinking (Stead & Stead, 1994; Gladwin et al., 1995). »Ferraro, Pfeffer, and Sutton (2005) argued that social science theories tend to perpetuate themselves by referring to a set of assumptions and specific language that become taken for granted. »Breaking out of this “iron cage” or “normal science straight jacket” (Daft & Lewin, 1990) is particularly challenging for novel and unconventional research conceptualizing a new future for business.
  • 22. 22 the need for a rethinking business knowledge »The complexity and multiplicity of economic, environmental, and social challenges make it difficult, if not impossible, to visualize a “quick fix” to conceiving and establishing alternative and more inclusive business approaches to cope with these challenges. »However, examining the implications of using an embedded perspective of business, nature, and society offers management scholars a number of important research questions for future study.
  • 23. 23 the need for a rethinking business knowledge »In his Article, “Demystifying the Struggles of Private Sector Paradigmatic Change: Business as an Agent in a Complex Adaptive System,” Mike Valente (2010) develops a three-phased process model that provides a preliminary conceptualization of what it might take to shift the business paradigm. »The success of this shift is dependent on » a consequential shift at the societal level, » The recipient role of business for this broader shift and, » role of business as an agent in the process of creating new opportunities that sustain the life-supporting environmental and social systems.
  • 24. 24 the need for a rethinking business knowledge » In an article, “Beyond Adaptation: Resilience for Business in Light of Climate Change and Weather Extremes,” Linnenluecke and Griffiths (2010) argue that physical impacts from climate change need to be considered in management studies on organizational resilience and adaptation. » Even though the physical impacts of climate change can affect many sectors, including manufacturing, extraction, construction, transportation, agriculture, tourism, insurance, and banking (e.g., Munich Re, 2009; Pinkse & Kolk, 2009; Hoffman, 2006; Hoffmann, Sprengel, Ziegler, Kolb, & Abegg, 2009). » Management scholars, in turn, need to offer the theoretical models that permit the design of effective organizational responses (Winn et al., in press).
  • 25. 25 the need for a rethinking business knowledge »The other issue of prime relevance is the question of the role and objective function of businesses. »The predominant focus on shareholder wealth creation seems to have aggravated rather than alleviated the crisis currently facing (Figge & Hahn, 2008), although no clear alternative approaches have emerged either. »It appears doubtful that the shareholder wealth thinking that dominates both the academic and the practitioner discourse is well suited for all types of business and entrepreneurial activities, given that listed companies, though often large and prominent, represent only a very small proportion of ventures (Hahn & Scheermesser, 2006).
  • 26. 26 the need for a rethinking business knowledge »Together with the short-term focus of corporate strategy and decision making (Mosakowski & Earley, 2000), which is difficult to reconcile with the longer term focus of sustainable development (Held, 2001), rethinking the role and objective function of businesses in a wider environmental and societal context appears inevitable. »In their contribution “Knowledge Management and Performance Measurement Systems for SMEs’ Economic Sustainability “Cardoni et al. (2020) argued that in continuously changing and unpredictable environments, sustainability has become a key goal for business success, and the sustainable management of financial, human, environmental, and social resources is a critical issue for business strategy and survival.
  • 27. 27 the need for a rethinking business knowledge »In such context, environmental and social sustainability are equally relevant for financial success. »Companies are facing a knowledge economy where everything rapidly changes, demanding a capacity to continuously readapt themselves to confront the new challenges. »Knowledge and knowledge management (KM) have become a primary source to support firms’ innovation and sustain economic survival (Abiola, 2013).
  • 28. 28 the need for a rethinking business knowledge »According to the knowledge-based view, the knowledge located in various places within the firms, »Such as employees, organizational culture, routines, policies, systems, and documents, is the main asset used to reach and sustain competitive advantages, since it is unique and hard to replicate and replace. »Knowledge exploitation and exploration are the two basic conflictual tensions that must be adequately managed while implementing knowledge based processes in order to link innovation and KM.
  • 29. 29 the need for a rethinking business knowledge »The former is defined as the use and further development of existing competencies (Liu, 2006), refers to the processes of adopting, adapting and applying existing knowledge (March, 1999; Liu, 2006). »This level of existing knowledge and experience is essential for adopting incremental knowledge actions (Marengo, 1991, 1993). »The latter is related to the pursuit of new competencies (March, 1991), reflect the firms’ ability to acquire new knowledge rather than use the existing level of knowledge and experience (Liu , 2006).
  • 30. 30 Future Research and points of discussion »Papers and panel proposals must be cross-disciplinary, research driven, and demonstrate policy relevance and clarity of thought. »Whether originating »from social, ethical, and environmental challenges, »from reflections on the fundamentals of any particular academic business discipline and its predominant focus, contribution, and societal relevance, or »from the limitations of existing approaches in light of rapid changes in the nature and context of business, »the time seems suitable to fundamentally rethink the theoretical foundations across the broad field of business research and practice.
  • 31. 31 Future Research and points of discussion » The need for paradigm shift from Knowledge exploitation to exploration in the stock of business knowledge. » the role and purpose of business and management in the light of challenges such as » Mitigating physical impact from climate change, Securing social cohesion, business ethics. » The conceptualization of business, nature, and society. » the short-term focus of corporate strategy and decision making vs. the longer term focus of sustainable development . » environmental and social sustainability for financial success » Paradigm shift from management to leadership
  • 32. 32 Future Research and points of discussion » Future research seeks to theoretically explain some of the areas, where knowledge gap exist as a result of the inability of the traditional accounting theories to address present day reality. » Contemporary issues in financial and managerial accounting, e.g., » social and environmental accounting, » human resource accounting, inflation accounting, » sustainability accounting, etc. » Additional skills required by accountants to respond to the emergence of cyber- crime in banking transactions and other online businesses. » Whether the shareholder wealth thinking well suited for all types of business and entrepreneurial activities.
  • 33. 33 Future Research and points of discussion »Contemporary issues in marketing such as »the rapid change in technology, media platforms and marketplace, »marketing options and the competition for mindshare among consumers and businesses »brand management, »Faith-based marketing (Religious Marketing) »Event-tourism marketing »Marketing for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR Marketing) »Google AdWords Marketing »Near-Field Communication (NFC Marketing)
  • 34. 34 Summary »In sum, I would be delighted if this conference is to serve as an ignition spark that inspires scholars toward developing novel approaches, rethinking theoretical and methodological foundations, and adopting new perspectives into the role of business in a world full of vital economic, ecological, and social challenges!

Editor's Notes

  1. Again, the matter is more complicated in the sense that, those accounting researchers who are supposed to be driver of accounting practice, have not being able to develop theories that is 100% of the discipline, rather theories are borrowed from other discipline which make the preferred accounting research process to lack philosophical grounding (Aruwa, 2019).
  2. Market orientation refers to the organization wide generation of market intelligence pertaining to current and future needs of customers, dissemination of intelligence within the organization, and responsiveness to it. The ever increasing number of marketing options and the competition for mindshare among consumers and businesses that are overwhelmed with competing marketing messages, are real-world challenges that result from these rapid changes.
  3. 1) Faith-based marketing (Religious Marketing) = the cross-functionality and integration of religious faith into marketing activities and business ventures (Gilgoff, 2012). 2) Event-tourism marketing = managing a portfolio of events as assets in-order to benefit various objectives and goals for the host city, venue or destination (Getz, 2007). 3) Marketing for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR Marketing) = fusion of technologies and cyber-physical systems interlinked with other digital spheres (Hawthorne, 2018).  4) Google AdWords Marketing = Search engine’s advertising system in which marketing practitioners tag their chosen keywords and attach them onto their ‘paid-for’ message so that their clickable adverts/content can appear at the top of the search engine’s results page (Plaza, 2009). Google Adwords is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform. Unlike other PPC platforms like Facebook, AdWords actually offers advertisers two basic ways to reach people: 1) through the Google Search Network and 2) through the Google Display Network. 5) Near-Field Communication (NFC Marketing) = technology that has the ability to link physical products to the digital world or two unique devices without the need for prior or contractual connection setup (Thomas, 2011).
  4. Technocentrism is a term that denotes a value system that is centered on technology and its ability to control and protect the environment. Technocentrics have absolute faith in technology and industry and firmly believe that humans have control over nature.
  5. Social and environmental accounting is the ability to provide accurate information in the financial statements regarding the estimated social cost occasioned by the production externalities on the environment and how much deliberate intervention cost had been incurred to bridge the gap between the marginal social cost and the marginal private cost by a firm.