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                                                         DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ

Horizonte 2018: A proposal for an Ibero-American Higher Education Area

         The internationalization of Higher Education is an essential challenge

that demands immediate attention if we wish the new generations to be

prepared to tackle a world where the economy, businesses, politics and

culture are now, de facto, governed under global terms.

         In 2018, the University of Salamanca is to celebrate its VIII Centenary

of Scholarship, and with this the Ibero-American Education System, since the

University of Salamanca was the “alma mater” of the first Ibero-American

universities, these taking the statutes of the Salamancan Studium as a model.

         This could therefore be a timely moment to present a definitive final

project for the Ibero-American Higher Education Area (Span. acronym EIES):

we have time to work on cooperative programs; we have the time to create a

network able to finance the measures we wish to take, and we have time to

search for synergies and adapt our individual peculiarities so that this can be

a project for all of us.

         The strengths, experience and capacity of the International Association

of Universities, IAU, could play a crucial role in the coordination of this

initiative, since in its ranks there are many agents who would eventually

become involved in this new EIES.

         It thus seems appropriate that this could offer a benchmark to be

taken into account in the construction of the EIES, which, however, has

Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca.                      
Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94                  
                                                            DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ

indeed already started to take actions in a more isolated fashion but actions

that still pursue the spirit we are trying to convey from the VIII Centenary of

the University of Salamanca.

A Brief History.

         The uninterrupted course of the University of Salamanca began in 1218

with the creation by King Alfonso IX of Leon of the first Schools in Salamanca.

Years later, in 1255, Pope Alexander IV conceded these Schools the rank of

“Estudio General”, endowing the University with a status comparable to that

of Paris, Bologna, Cambridge and Oxford, with the right of its teachers to

impart their knowledge across the whole world.

         The growth of the Salamancan Studium reached its apogee between

the 15th and 16th centuries, which saw the large expeditions leaving for the

American continent. This influence became extended across the whole of

Europe and scholars flocked to Salamanca to participate in this climate of

lofty scholarship and humanistic and scientific advances.

         It is within this context that the German physician, humanist and

cartographer Hieronymus Münzer visited Salamanca and wrote about what he

saw there: “Nowhere in Spain can one find such eminent General Studies as in

Salamanca. I have been told that some 5,000 students are enrolled in the

different Schools there. The fertility of the land, thanks to which food can be

bought cheaply, together with the excellence of the teachers imparting

Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca.                       
Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94                   
                                                           DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ

classes in different disciplines are undoubtedly the reasons why such an

extraordinary number of students attend the lectures there (…)”.

         In that period, the University of Salamanca was witness to the birth of

the the Derecho de gentes (lit. The Law of Peoples), thanks to the tight

relations between the American continent and the important works of

Francisco de Vitoria, these latter in fact being the main precursors of current

International Law.

         All this work carried out over the centuries has resulted in a rich

heritage that includes an old library (the oldest after Oxford and Bologna)

with 3,000 manuscripts (some from the 11th century), hand-written

parchments, incunabulae and some 40,000 books published since the start of

mechanical printing up to the 18th century.

              The universal nature of the Studium was further strengthened when

the Spanish Crown established the first universities on American soil. Eighty

percent of those universities assumed a scaffold of statutes inspired by those

of Salamanca, this latter becoming the “alma mater” of old institutions in

Lima (1536), Santo Domingo (1538), Mexico (1551), La Plata (1552), Santiago

de la Paz (1558); Ntra. Sra. del Rosario (1619), San Francisco Xavier de

Chuquisaca (1621), San Carlos de Guatemala (1671); La Habana and Caracas

(1721), Santiago de Chile (1738), and a long etcétera lasting until 1812.

Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca.                      
Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94                  
                                                              DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ

              This international vocation was built up over the years and currently

our Institution has cooperative agreements with agencies across the world.

However, special attention is paid to the Ibero-American scenario, where its

network of agreements is especially intense, and it is now looking to further

bolster such projects with concrete initiatives such as the Network of

Brazilian Universities, of which I shall speak later.

              In Salamanca, as in so many other universities, the efforts made

towards internationalization and the combination of tradition and future

vision have resulted in very good levels of scientific and academic excellence.

Nevertheless, recent decades have shown us that an adequate preparation of

future generations requires us to delve deeper into internationalization and

collaboration within the sphere of higher education. This international

dimension has given rise to a new need: to measure, in some way, the quality

of teaching and research and the ability to transfer knowledge. This has been

standardized by means of rankings, in which, in the long run, very different

models of the university must compete.

              Rankings assess the strengths and weaknesses, without attending to

particularities but searching for common elements that do not always

describe the institution in question satisfactorily. In the case of higher

education systems the particularities of each institution mark the differences

among them, such that the construction of an EIES would help to provide

uniformity in assessable aspects. Thus, the “still shot” resulting from

Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca.                         
Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94                     
                                                                       DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ

assessments made in the international arena could be adjusted and made

more realistic, allowing a better starting point for collaborative efforts.

              An example of success in this sense can be seen in the setting up

some years ago of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), whose

achievements           are     now       recognized,   and   indeed   lauded,    within      the

international context.

              The creation of an Ibero-American Knowledge Area that would

include higher education, investigation and innovation, represents a

fundamental contribution to the future of thousands of young people who in

the coming years will be responsible for overseeing the region. In this sense,

one could speak of the first steps for the construction of an EIES in terms of

an original initiative encompassed within the Declaration of Salamanca

(2005), under the auspices of the Organization of Ibero-American States and

the Ibero-American General Secretariat, which permitted the formal creation

of work aimed at creating an EIES.

              Before this, however, there were other minor proposals that

emerged from Institutions seeking collaboration with other Universities and

that had their own normative frameworks. This has given rise to different

models of integration, sometimes based on a formal integration through

intergovernmental agreements, sometimes based on real integration, and

others on integration derived from the daily activities of the universities


Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca.                                  
Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94                              
                                                            DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ

              The Ibero-American Summits provided partial agreements despite

certain unpropitious circumstances, such as the fact that in the nineties the

idea that the creation of networks such as these represented more of an

expense than an investment was widespread; this meant that their inclusion

in cooperative policies was discouraged.

              Some of the first and best known programs with components related

to mobility in Ibero-America have been as follows:

             The Mutis Program (1992) for third cycle university mobility for

         Ibero-American students, approved at the II Ibero-American Summit of

         Heads of State held in Madrid.

             The Intercampus Program of the Spanish Agency for International

         Cooperation (Span. Acronym AECI) for the mobility of students,

         professors, and managers between Spanish and Ibero-American


             The Mistral Program (1995) for student mobility, posited at the V

         Ibero-American Summit at Bariloche, which never passed beyond the

         design stage.

              The universities themselves began to develop their own cooperative

    projects with other entities and the institutions themselves propitiated

    the creation of agencies such as the Ibero-American University Council

    (Span. Acronym: CUIB) in 2002; the Ibero-American Network of Quality

    Accreditation, or the Program for Exchange and Academic Mobility (Span.

Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca.                       
Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94                   
                                                              DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ

    Acronym: PIMA) launched by the Organización de Estados Ibero-

    Americanos, OEI, whose aim is to promote interuniversity cooperation

    with a view to achieving a better integration among the participating

    universities and developing the Ibero-American dimension of higher


              Currently, the project also involves a commission for the creation of

    the Ibero-American Knowledge Area, designated in 2005 by the

    Organization of Ibero-American States under the mandate of the Summit

    of Heads of State and Government.

              The Commissioner, Félix García Lausin, has expressed his interest in

    strengthening programs that have already been initiated under the

    tutelage of the OEI, such as those related to innovation, industrial

    property, the promotion of development, academic mobility, enterprise,

    small and medium-sized businesses and youth employment.

              Seven years have passed since that first step aimed at the creation

    of an EIES was taken in Salamanca, and this has now attained a degree of

    maturity that allows us to consider the possibility that, with the work that

    can be developed from this point onwards, it will become a pole of

    influence in the fields of education, investigation and innovation.

              Such endeavours must necessarily confront some of the main

    problems detected in the advancement of consolidation. One such aspect

    is the absence of a unified system of accreditation that would provide

    harmonized assessments and that would generate confidence among the

Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca.                         
Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94                     
                                                                          DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ

    various institutions. In the EHEA, this was solved by means of the

    introduction of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits. This

    brought important changes and adaptations in the higher education

    systems of the integrating countries. Without a reliable assessment

    system, and one that will not generate rejection among the institutions,

    the recognition of degrees is not possible and this therefore hinders the

    activities of professors abroad from their respective frontiers, which in

    turn perverts the aims of internationalization.

              Mobility is another determinant element, and increasingly so, in

    higher education policies, but also in those addressing the cooperation and

    integration of nations and regions, since it allows the globalization

    phenomenon to be tackled better. However, a large number of agents

    have been involved, which has thus generated a highly varied tone in

    programs already ongoing. International mobility has been promoted from

    different         areas      of     action:    universities,   governmental        agencies,

    cooperation agencies, and international agencies, with very disparate

    results. Likewise, these mobility programs have moved from having

    students as the core aim to incorporating professors, researchers and,

    more recently, administrative staff. With this, we have managed to reach

    a state where internationalization affects not only education but also the

    ways in which the various institutions are organized, allowing us to

    improve         certain       processes       and   other   crucial   aspects     aimed       at

    consolidating strong and efficient institutions.

Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca.                                     
Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94                                 
                                                            DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ

              Finally, there is an element that could also act as a bolstering

    mechanism if it is accorded its due importance: this is the language shared

    by the Ibero-American community, mainly Spanish, but also Portuguese,

    both of which are accessible owing to their closeness with the whole of

    the Ibero-American community.

              In this sense, the supremacy of English as the language of science

    has forged a tendency to value the education and research presented in

    that language in a more positive light. Spanish, by contrast, is also one of

    the most widely spoken languages in the world, which should provide an

    element of cohesion in the development of a new pole of attraction.

    However, this is something that is simply not happening, as shown by the

    figures relating to mobility and exchanges among the countries in Ibero-

    America, which are very low, and according to data taken from the

    UNESCO in 2010 Ibero-Americans still prefer the United States as their

    destination, together with France and even Germany.

              These are only some of the problems which the construction of the

    Ibero-American Knowledge Area (Span. Acronym EIC) must face up to. It is

    therefore necessary to immediately set up itineraries able to generate

    policies that will surpass individual barriers, even those from our

    respective legislations, and contribute to providing a definitive boost to

    the EIC but at the same time respect the particularities of its integrating


Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca.                       
Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94                   
                                                              DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ

              The University of Salamanca wishes to support such actions and is

    prepared to offer all its experience to a project whose results could

    benefit millions of people. With this starting premise, we have already

    begun work in this area, such that in 2018 it will be possible to release a

    new Declaration inspired in the Bologna Accord, which finally gave rise to

    the EHEA, but adapted to the specific geographic and cultural spaces of


              Our extensive experience in the field of internationalization, which

    as mentioned above can be said to have started in the 16th century, could

    help by placing emphasizing and developing further the endeavours made

    so far and offering greater insight into experiences that have already been

    deemed successful. Examples are our Centre for Brazilian Studies and the

    Ibero-American Institute, which have generated large numbers of

    graduates and much research work, or the Japanese Cultural Centre and

    the exchange programs in the Asia-Pacific zone. These actions show that

    our horizons should be open and collaborative.

              It is in this search for horizons and the wish to bring Ibero-America

    up to the status of being a region of influence that we find the Salamanca

    Network of Brazilian Universities, which became a reality in 2012 after

    several efforts linked to the development of the Campus of International

    Excellence of the University of Salamanca. This network comprises 11

    Brazilian universities and that of Salamanca and is based on the mutual

    recognition of degrees, the opening up of joint lines of research, and the

Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca.                         
Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94                     
                                                             DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ

    exchange of students with automatic recognition by host universities. I

    believe that the construction of the EHEA(está bien o es el EIC?)= can be

    forged via concrete models, such as that represented by this network,

    where it is possible to come into contact with new ideas, detect

    problems, and find solutions to them.

    However, this is merely another initiative, to which one could add the

    agreement recently signed between Columbian and Spanish Universities to

    the same ends, and other initiatives that reveal the pathway that the

    various institutions wish to follow and that clearly point to (the creation

    of) an Ibero-American Knowledge Area.

              This brief overview only aims to provide a framework for reflection

    since its format leaves no scope for more. Nevertheless, it is clear that we

    need a broad debate orchestrated around work teams formed ad hoc in

    order to advance along the project, as has been posited by the

    Commissioner. However, I believe that it was important to speak of these

    matters in a forum such as this one, where an intense mingling of broad

    experiences in international university associationism prevails: something

    that will be crucial for putting the EIC definitively on track. The

    integration of the broad experience of the IAU in the development of an

    initiative such as the Ibero-American Higher Education Area could help to

    speed up and set up actions whose possibilities of success have already

    been tested.

Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca.                        
Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94                    
                                                              DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ

    Thus, although I have not gone into too much depth here it seems

    reasonable to mention other aspects pending reflection, among others the

    harmonization and recognition of educational systems; the creation of

    networks within the sphere of research; the creation of an attractive

    framework for patent filing and the diffusion of research and innovation

    results; the creation of a pole of attraction directed at talent under the

    auspices of the EIC, and funding.

              The settling and debate of these aspects, as well as others that will

    transpire during the construction of the EIC, require a timing and general

    framework that will facilitate its implementation. This framework could

    be the year 2018, and to help in its development it would be desirable to

    see the creation of a commission that within the IAU will integrate the

    representation of the member states and experts and agencies that, like

    the Commission (OK?) of the IEC, are already working on the construction

    of this space.

    With the creation of this work team it will be possible to set up a realistic

    calendar for the initiation of contacts and integration with the

    governments of the member states. These are crucial aspects if the

    proposals for advancement are to be realistic and to open the doors to a

    new area for the development of knowledge linked to Ibero-America and

    the millions of Ibero-Americans who see in education and research a

    model of progress for forthcoming generations.

Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca.                         
Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94                     

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University of salamanca

  • 1. RECTOR DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ Horizonte 2018: A proposal for an Ibero-American Higher Education Area The internationalization of Higher Education is an essential challenge that demands immediate attention if we wish the new generations to be prepared to tackle a world where the economy, businesses, politics and culture are now, de facto, governed under global terms. In 2018, the University of Salamanca is to celebrate its VIII Centenary of Scholarship, and with this the Ibero-American Education System, since the University of Salamanca was the “alma mater” of the first Ibero-American universities, these taking the statutes of the Salamancan Studium as a model. This could therefore be a timely moment to present a definitive final project for the Ibero-American Higher Education Area (Span. acronym EIES): we have time to work on cooperative programs; we have the time to create a network able to finance the measures we wish to take, and we have time to search for synergies and adapt our individual peculiarities so that this can be a project for all of us. The strengths, experience and capacity of the International Association of Universities, IAU, could play a crucial role in the coordination of this initiative, since in its ranks there are many agents who would eventually become involved in this new EIES. It thus seems appropriate that this could offer a benchmark to be taken into account in the construction of the EIES, which, however, has Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca. Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94
  • 2. RECTOR DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ indeed already started to take actions in a more isolated fashion but actions that still pursue the spirit we are trying to convey from the VIII Centenary of the University of Salamanca. A Brief History. The uninterrupted course of the University of Salamanca began in 1218 with the creation by King Alfonso IX of Leon of the first Schools in Salamanca. Years later, in 1255, Pope Alexander IV conceded these Schools the rank of “Estudio General”, endowing the University with a status comparable to that of Paris, Bologna, Cambridge and Oxford, with the right of its teachers to impart their knowledge across the whole world. The growth of the Salamancan Studium reached its apogee between the 15th and 16th centuries, which saw the large expeditions leaving for the American continent. This influence became extended across the whole of Europe and scholars flocked to Salamanca to participate in this climate of lofty scholarship and humanistic and scientific advances. It is within this context that the German physician, humanist and cartographer Hieronymus Münzer visited Salamanca and wrote about what he saw there: “Nowhere in Spain can one find such eminent General Studies as in Salamanca. I have been told that some 5,000 students are enrolled in the different Schools there. The fertility of the land, thanks to which food can be bought cheaply, together with the excellence of the teachers imparting Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca. Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94
  • 3. RECTOR DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ classes in different disciplines are undoubtedly the reasons why such an extraordinary number of students attend the lectures there (…)”. In that period, the University of Salamanca was witness to the birth of the the Derecho de gentes (lit. The Law of Peoples), thanks to the tight relations between the American continent and the important works of Francisco de Vitoria, these latter in fact being the main precursors of current International Law. All this work carried out over the centuries has resulted in a rich heritage that includes an old library (the oldest after Oxford and Bologna) with 3,000 manuscripts (some from the 11th century), hand-written parchments, incunabulae and some 40,000 books published since the start of mechanical printing up to the 18th century. The universal nature of the Studium was further strengthened when the Spanish Crown established the first universities on American soil. Eighty percent of those universities assumed a scaffold of statutes inspired by those of Salamanca, this latter becoming the “alma mater” of old institutions in Lima (1536), Santo Domingo (1538), Mexico (1551), La Plata (1552), Santiago de la Paz (1558); Ntra. Sra. del Rosario (1619), San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca (1621), San Carlos de Guatemala (1671); La Habana and Caracas (1721), Santiago de Chile (1738), and a long etcétera lasting until 1812. Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca. Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94
  • 4. RECTOR DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ This international vocation was built up over the years and currently our Institution has cooperative agreements with agencies across the world. However, special attention is paid to the Ibero-American scenario, where its network of agreements is especially intense, and it is now looking to further bolster such projects with concrete initiatives such as the Network of Brazilian Universities, of which I shall speak later. In Salamanca, as in so many other universities, the efforts made towards internationalization and the combination of tradition and future vision have resulted in very good levels of scientific and academic excellence. Nevertheless, recent decades have shown us that an adequate preparation of future generations requires us to delve deeper into internationalization and collaboration within the sphere of higher education. This international dimension has given rise to a new need: to measure, in some way, the quality of teaching and research and the ability to transfer knowledge. This has been standardized by means of rankings, in which, in the long run, very different models of the university must compete. Rankings assess the strengths and weaknesses, without attending to particularities but searching for common elements that do not always describe the institution in question satisfactorily. In the case of higher education systems the particularities of each institution mark the differences among them, such that the construction of an EIES would help to provide uniformity in assessable aspects. Thus, the “still shot” resulting from Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca. Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94
  • 5. RECTOR DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ assessments made in the international arena could be adjusted and made more realistic, allowing a better starting point for collaborative efforts. An example of success in this sense can be seen in the setting up some years ago of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), whose achievements are now recognized, and indeed lauded, within the international context. The creation of an Ibero-American Knowledge Area that would include higher education, investigation and innovation, represents a fundamental contribution to the future of thousands of young people who in the coming years will be responsible for overseeing the region. In this sense, one could speak of the first steps for the construction of an EIES in terms of an original initiative encompassed within the Declaration of Salamanca (2005), under the auspices of the Organization of Ibero-American States and the Ibero-American General Secretariat, which permitted the formal creation of work aimed at creating an EIES. Before this, however, there were other minor proposals that emerged from Institutions seeking collaboration with other Universities and that had their own normative frameworks. This has given rise to different models of integration, sometimes based on a formal integration through intergovernmental agreements, sometimes based on real integration, and others on integration derived from the daily activities of the universities themselves. Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca. Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94
  • 6. RECTOR DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ The Ibero-American Summits provided partial agreements despite certain unpropitious circumstances, such as the fact that in the nineties the idea that the creation of networks such as these represented more of an expense than an investment was widespread; this meant that their inclusion in cooperative policies was discouraged. Some of the first and best known programs with components related to mobility in Ibero-America have been as follows:  The Mutis Program (1992) for third cycle university mobility for Ibero-American students, approved at the II Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State held in Madrid.  The Intercampus Program of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (Span. Acronym AECI) for the mobility of students, professors, and managers between Spanish and Ibero-American universities.  The Mistral Program (1995) for student mobility, posited at the V Ibero-American Summit at Bariloche, which never passed beyond the design stage. The universities themselves began to develop their own cooperative projects with other entities and the institutions themselves propitiated the creation of agencies such as the Ibero-American University Council (Span. Acronym: CUIB) in 2002; the Ibero-American Network of Quality Accreditation, or the Program for Exchange and Academic Mobility (Span. Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca. Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94
  • 7. RECTOR DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ Acronym: PIMA) launched by the Organización de Estados Ibero- Americanos, OEI, whose aim is to promote interuniversity cooperation with a view to achieving a better integration among the participating universities and developing the Ibero-American dimension of higher education. Currently, the project also involves a commission for the creation of the Ibero-American Knowledge Area, designated in 2005 by the Organization of Ibero-American States under the mandate of the Summit of Heads of State and Government. The Commissioner, Félix García Lausin, has expressed his interest in strengthening programs that have already been initiated under the tutelage of the OEI, such as those related to innovation, industrial property, the promotion of development, academic mobility, enterprise, small and medium-sized businesses and youth employment. Seven years have passed since that first step aimed at the creation of an EIES was taken in Salamanca, and this has now attained a degree of maturity that allows us to consider the possibility that, with the work that can be developed from this point onwards, it will become a pole of influence in the fields of education, investigation and innovation. Such endeavours must necessarily confront some of the main problems detected in the advancement of consolidation. One such aspect is the absence of a unified system of accreditation that would provide harmonized assessments and that would generate confidence among the Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca. Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94
  • 8. RECTOR DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ various institutions. In the EHEA, this was solved by means of the introduction of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits. This brought important changes and adaptations in the higher education systems of the integrating countries. Without a reliable assessment system, and one that will not generate rejection among the institutions, the recognition of degrees is not possible and this therefore hinders the activities of professors abroad from their respective frontiers, which in turn perverts the aims of internationalization. Mobility is another determinant element, and increasingly so, in higher education policies, but also in those addressing the cooperation and integration of nations and regions, since it allows the globalization phenomenon to be tackled better. However, a large number of agents have been involved, which has thus generated a highly varied tone in programs already ongoing. International mobility has been promoted from different areas of action: universities, governmental agencies, cooperation agencies, and international agencies, with very disparate results. Likewise, these mobility programs have moved from having students as the core aim to incorporating professors, researchers and, more recently, administrative staff. With this, we have managed to reach a state where internationalization affects not only education but also the ways in which the various institutions are organized, allowing us to improve certain processes and other crucial aspects aimed at consolidating strong and efficient institutions. Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca. Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94
  • 9. RECTOR DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ Finally, there is an element that could also act as a bolstering mechanism if it is accorded its due importance: this is the language shared by the Ibero-American community, mainly Spanish, but also Portuguese, both of which are accessible owing to their closeness with the whole of the Ibero-American community. In this sense, the supremacy of English as the language of science has forged a tendency to value the education and research presented in that language in a more positive light. Spanish, by contrast, is also one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, which should provide an element of cohesion in the development of a new pole of attraction. However, this is something that is simply not happening, as shown by the figures relating to mobility and exchanges among the countries in Ibero- America, which are very low, and according to data taken from the UNESCO in 2010 Ibero-Americans still prefer the United States as their destination, together with France and even Germany. These are only some of the problems which the construction of the Ibero-American Knowledge Area (Span. Acronym EIC) must face up to. It is therefore necessary to immediately set up itineraries able to generate policies that will surpass individual barriers, even those from our respective legislations, and contribute to providing a definitive boost to the EIC but at the same time respect the particularities of its integrating elements. Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca. Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94
  • 10. RECTOR DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ The University of Salamanca wishes to support such actions and is prepared to offer all its experience to a project whose results could benefit millions of people. With this starting premise, we have already begun work in this area, such that in 2018 it will be possible to release a new Declaration inspired in the Bologna Accord, which finally gave rise to the EHEA, but adapted to the specific geographic and cultural spaces of Ibero-America. Our extensive experience in the field of internationalization, which as mentioned above can be said to have started in the 16th century, could help by placing emphasizing and developing further the endeavours made so far and offering greater insight into experiences that have already been deemed successful. Examples are our Centre for Brazilian Studies and the Ibero-American Institute, which have generated large numbers of graduates and much research work, or the Japanese Cultural Centre and the exchange programs in the Asia-Pacific zone. These actions show that our horizons should be open and collaborative. It is in this search for horizons and the wish to bring Ibero-America up to the status of being a region of influence that we find the Salamanca Network of Brazilian Universities, which became a reality in 2012 after several efforts linked to the development of the Campus of International Excellence of the University of Salamanca. This network comprises 11 Brazilian universities and that of Salamanca and is based on the mutual recognition of degrees, the opening up of joint lines of research, and the Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca. Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94
  • 11. RECTOR DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ exchange of students with automatic recognition by host universities. I believe that the construction of the EHEA(está bien o es el EIC?)= can be forged via concrete models, such as that represented by this network, where it is possible to come into contact with new ideas, detect problems, and find solutions to them. However, this is merely another initiative, to which one could add the agreement recently signed between Columbian and Spanish Universities to the same ends, and other initiatives that reveal the pathway that the various institutions wish to follow and that clearly point to (the creation of) an Ibero-American Knowledge Area. This brief overview only aims to provide a framework for reflection since its format leaves no scope for more. Nevertheless, it is clear that we need a broad debate orchestrated around work teams formed ad hoc in order to advance along the project, as has been posited by the Commissioner. However, I believe that it was important to speak of these matters in a forum such as this one, where an intense mingling of broad experiences in international university associationism prevails: something that will be crucial for putting the EIC definitively on track. The integration of the broad experience of the IAU in the development of an initiative such as the Ibero-American Higher Education Area could help to speed up and set up actions whose possibilities of success have already been tested. Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca. Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94
  • 12. RECTOR DANIEL HERNÁNDEZ RUIPÉREZ Thus, although I have not gone into too much depth here it seems reasonable to mention other aspects pending reflection, among others the harmonization and recognition of educational systems; the creation of networks within the sphere of research; the creation of an attractive framework for patent filing and the diffusion of research and innovation results; the creation of a pole of attraction directed at talent under the auspices of the EIC, and funding. The settling and debate of these aspects, as well as others that will transpire during the construction of the EIC, require a timing and general framework that will facilitate its implementation. This framework could be the year 2018, and to help in its development it would be desirable to see the creation of a commission that within the IAU will integrate the representation of the member states and experts and agencies that, like the Commission (OK?) of the IEC, are already working on the construction of this space. With the creation of this work team it will be possible to set up a realistic calendar for the initiation of contacts and integration with the governments of the member states. These are crucial aspects if the proposals for advancement are to be realistic and to open the doors to a new area for the development of knowledge linked to Ibero-America and the millions of Ibero-Americans who see in education and research a model of progress for forthcoming generations. Patio de Escuelas, nº 1 37071. Salamanca. Tel.: +34 923 29 44 11 Fax:+34 923 29 44 94