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Universities Merging in France
      Global evolution
       A Case Study :
  the University of Lorraine
                               Jean-Pierre Finance,
                  Provisional administrator of UdL
                    Advisor for Europe of the CPU
                               Lisbon, march 2012
of the university -system in France :
          work in progress
Brief History from 1793 to 2012
Birth, death and resurrection

13th Century: First universities in France
1793: suppression of 22 universities
From 1793 to 1968: no real universities in France :
 “Grandes Ecoles” (Polytechnique, Centrale,
 Mines,…) and independent faculties (law,
 medicine, humanities, sciences)

                 Lisbon, 08-03-2012
The “Republic” of Faculties and Écoles:

 Fragmentation of small structures
 Weakness and fragmentation of research units
 Lack of critical mass to face the new challenges of
  research  creation of national research bodies:
  CNRS created in1930, INSERM, INRA …
 Many competitions between institutions with the
  state as single refereee
 Atypical in the context of European and
  international trends (Humboltian university)
Birth, death and resurrection

 1968: New law (Faure) redefines “comprehensive
  universities” as public institutions based on several
  principles including autonomy and multidisciplinarity
 Strengths and weaknesses :
   – Good intentions:
      • The will to create «real universities»
      • The will to democratise (access)
   – But:
      • Over-bureaucratisation and inefficiencies, micro
        management by the ministry
      • Persistence of fragmentation with 3 types of institutions :
        universities (83), “Grandes Ecoles” outside universities
        (180), National research institutions (20)
                           Lisbon, 08-03-2012
A wide distribution of
  HE institutions on the territory

March 1st 2010    Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Trends and Actions
Context evolution
  Massification (from 600 000 students in 1965 to 2,2
   millions today)
  New needs and new hopes (society, students, business,
  Competition between universities : noteasy to be managed
   with a vision of public service
  Laws of decentralization : role of the other stakeholders
   (regions, other local collectivities) ?
   International rankings (Shanghai, Times ...)
  Europe : Bologna process, knowledge triangle

                        Lisbon, 08-03-2012
France has to face many questions to
improve his HE system
  How to manage the balance between Competition and
   cooperation in the framework of a public service ?
  Laws of decentralization : role of the other stakeholders
   (regions, other local collectivities) ?
  Origin of funding and sustainability ?
  How to improve the attractiveness and the visibility of the
   French universities ?
  How to enhance the capacity of initiative and the efficiency
   of the universities ?
  What kind of autonomy for the French universities ?
  How to reconstruct the universities, and more generally
   the HE&R landscape ?

                         Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Main actions developped over the last 20
 Four-year contracts between each university and State
   emergence of institutional strategies, notably in
 Shared labs with the national research bodies
 Creation of :
      doctoral schools (~ 300),
      incubators to support innovative start-ups…
      poles of competitivity
      National Agency for Research (ANR)
      National Agency for University Evaluation (AERES)
 Emergence of a regional development policy
 Bologna process and Lisbon, 08-03-2012
                       the creation of the
  bachelor/master/doctorate (2002 -2005)
Two main Laws for HE&R in France
 LRU : law on autonomy and accountability of the
  universities (august 2007), law of decentralization :
    Statutory changes : governance
    HR & financial autonomy
    Funding increased by 1B€ per year during 5 years (in fact
     from 2008 to 2009, less in the following 3 years due to the
 Law on research (2006) with, in particular, the
  capacity to develop cooperation between universities
  and between universities and “grandes ecoles”
  through the PRES.

                          Lisbon, 08-03-2012
PRES : A strategic approach for
neighbouring institutions
To avoid needless competition  a forum for building
 consensus and regulation
To reinforce visibility  identification and
To reach critical mass and increase scientific impact

                      Lisbon, 08-03-2012
PRES : A large diversity
 Various size of territory :
    City
    Region
   Inter Region
 Several type of missions :
      Mutualize the best jewels (labs, doctoral school ..)
      Organize common facilities and services
      Support joint projects
      Prepare the merging

                           Lisbon, 08-03-2012
State of the PRES Today (about 20)

                Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Two important initiatives of the government
 Main objectives :
    To promote “world champions” at international level
    To enhance the scientific quality of the French HE&R system
 Campus Operation :
    Distinguish 12 “campus of excellence”
    5Md€ mobilized for real estate and site architecture operations
 Investments for the Future :
    35 Md€ mobilized, including 22 Md€ for HE&R
    Many call for projects :
      Excellence laboratories
      Excellence research equipment
      Technological Research Institutes
      Excellence initiative
                           Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Two important initiatives of the government
 Consequences for the university system organisation :
    For the operation campus : the project leader should be a
    For the initiative of excellence :
      The main criteria were the strength of the research, the
        critical mass and the quality of the governance
      Thus, the last criteria implies an engagement of merging
        the institutions concerned, if it was not yet the case.
 Finally, for the 8 winners of IDEX :
    2 of then have already merge : Strasbourg and Marseille
    6 should do the same within the next years (if possible

                          Lisbon, 08-03-2012
The University of Lorraine as a case
   study of universities merging
The original university
organisation in Lorraine


Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Universities in Lorraine
   Creation of the university in 1572 (Art, Theology,
   Medicine and Law)
  1850  1968: 4 faculties (law, medicine -
   pharmacy, sciences, humanities) and 6
   engineering schools,1 school of management and
   3 schools independent of the university (forestry,
   architecture, arts)

                      Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Universities in Lorraine (3 in Nancy)
Nancy: 1970  2008 : Creation of 3 «real»
 universities (public institutions, legal personality)
      • Henri Poincaré, Nancy1: sciences,
        technology (including 3 engineering
        schools), health. 19 000 students, 3 000 staff
        including 1 500 academics
      • Nancy 2: humanities, law, economy,
        management. 18 000 students, 1 300 staff
        including 650 academics
      • INPL: 7 engineering schools, 3 500 students.
        1 100 staff including 650 academics
                    Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Universities in Lorraine ( 1 in Metz)

  Metz (60 km from Nancy):
     –  1970 A branch of the Strasbourg university
     – 1970  2008 : new university, comprehensive (but
       without health sciences), no school within the
       university, 14 000 students

                      Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Universities in Lorraine (1970 2004)
 Facets of competition :
    Creation of new study programmes leading to
     redundancies, especially between Nancy and Metz
    Access to same regional funding sources
 But also aspects of cooperation :
    In Nancy: many research labs are shared
    Graduate schools (écoles doctorales) created in 1999 : 7
     out of 8 are shared by the 4 universities
    In 2004 : shared willingness to make more coherent the
     education curricula

                        Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Why an unique university in Lorraine ?
 To face as one university the national, European and
  international competition
 To enhance recognition, reputation, attractiveness
 To promote regional economic and social
  development ( Lorraine being in trouble from an
  economical and demographical point of view)
 To increase responsiveness based on different
  SWOT analyses (demography, economic context,

                       Lisbon, 08-03-2012
 To develop a full comprehensive university,
  associating engineering and academic domains, with
  two missions :
     International excellence
     Territorial excellence
 To reinforce visibility, transparency and
  attractiveness both for education and research
 To enhance the efficiency
 To increase critical mass and scientific impact
 To share, merge and reinforce services and activities
  in order to do more, better and faster
To coordinate 2008, Nancy-Université, cooperation and competition
          21 June and develop ambitious strategies
                             Lisbon, 08-03-2012
A series of steps

 Implementing a coordinated 4-year contract with
  the state in 2005-2008 focused on a common
  research strategy at regional level
 Creation of the “PRES Nancy-University” in 2007
 A joint project to answer to the “campus call for
  project” (2008)
 A decree changed the PRES into a new one at
  regional level : PRES of “the University of
  Lorraine” (October 2009, still as an “EPCS”)

                     Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Identification of locking risk

 Many fears :
    From the scientific communities (e.g. humanities)
    From the people (e.g. administrative staff)
 Will not lose any privileges/rigths (engineers,
  lawyers, doctors ..)
 Willingness to respect the territorial balances
 Oppositions between various visions of the

                        Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Cautious approach, progressive and
              sustained (1)

 Study the conditions for merging into a new
  university : witch kind of organisation and
  governance ?
 Need to derogate with the general law (LRU)
  partially should be taken into consideration
 Reminding of this project is not imposed by either
  the government or by the communities

                     Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Cautious approach, progressive and
              sustained (2)
 Design principles :
      Assume and manage internal diversity
      Proximity
      Territoriality
      Accountability
      Internal coherence
      Subsidiarity
      Quality of services
      Reactivity
      Academic collegiality and democracy

                        Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Cautious approach, progressive and
              sustained (3)
 To elaborate an original university model
 To involve many faculties and staff members :
    The 4 councils of the existing universities
    A steering group with the 4 university presidents
    A lot of working groups :
         Governance and organisation
         Human resources
         Research
         Education …
    Many discussions with the community
    Communication with stakeholders and ministry

                        Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Cautious approach, progressive and
              sustained (4)
 In January 2010 : transition from the “mode
  hypothesis” to the “mode project”, with a retro
  schedule leading to January 1st 2012
 Prepare the merging
    Future administrative organisation
    New rules
    Process to follow the evolution

                      Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Elaboration of an original
    university model

Let’s recall : Overall Figures
• Students
    •   Bachelor : 29 500
    •   Masters : 15 700
    •   Engineers : 3 500
    •   PhD : 1 800
    •   Others : 3 000
• staff :
    • Academic and teachers : 3721
    • Administrative and technical : 3064

                            Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Let’s recall : Structuration
46 internal components :
                                               Real Estate :
- 10 Engineers Schools                         58 implantations

- 8 Polytechnics
- 28 Faculties

Research and Doctoral studies :
- 65 labs organized in 10 scientific domains
- 8 Graduate Schools

                          Lisbon, 08-03-2012
First organisational principles

    With    45 faculties, Engineer Schools                   and
    Polytechnics; and about 65 labs it was decided :
       To accept, but not to oblige the fusion of such internal
       structures : more precisely, the fusion should not directly
       modify the basic structures of the university (if they don’t
       want to do)
       To introduce an intermediate structuration in order to be
       able to manage such number of basic components :
           The collegiums, grouping faculties, polytechnics
           and/or Engineers Schools
           The Scientific Poles, grouping labs
                          Lisbon, 08-03-2012
A Two dimensional organisation
                                                       8 Collégiums


10 scientific poles


                                 Engineers   Health                                     Economy
                                 Schools                                                Manag.

                                                      Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Other organisational principles
  Toward a single public institution with legal statut
  Precisely define the internal subsidiarity
  Accept derogation to the law : special statutes of
   “Grand Etablissement”
  Taking the time to gain the support of the faculty,
   staff and students
  Double structuration : collegiums and poles

                       Lisbon, 08-03-2012

 Beyond the simple coordination and harmonization, it
  has a decisive role
 It allocates resources (jobs, credit) that are assigned
  among its constituents, maintaining its own share of
 It approves agreements and conventions to matters that
  concern them
 Administrative services remain light. It is based on
  platforms of site administrative and financial

                        Lisbon, 08-03-2012
The 8 Collegiums
      Engineering Science
     Law, Economy, Management
      Arts, Humanities, Languages
      Social Sciences
      Interface

                     Lisbon, 08-03-2012
The 10 Scientific Poles
 A2F : Agronomy, Agribusiness Forest
 BMS : Biology, Medicine, Health
 CLCS : Knowledge, Language, Communication, Companies
 CPM : Chemistry and Molecular Physics
 EMPP : Energy, Mechanics, Processes, Products
 GSC : Geosciences
 IAEM : Computer Science, Control, Electronics and
 M4: Material, Materials, Metallurgy, Mechanics
 SJPEG : Legal Science, Policy, Economics and Management
 TELL : Time, Space, Literature, Languages
                         Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Central Organisation

   Board :
   President, Vice presidents, heads of the collegiums
   and of the scientific poles
   Administration Council
   Research Council
   Education Council
   Council of the university life

                       Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Evolution of Tools and Methods

  First : 4 different ruling process (notably in GRH) :
    Political decisions
 Huge converging process :
    Process  working group focusing on jobs
    Tools (information system)
    Political choices (bonus,work time, statuts)
    Should be followed in 2012 and more
    Positive point : Arbitration legal framework

                           Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Administrative organisation

  Part of 2011 has been devoted to :
  Préparation of the organising the administrative services
  The setting-up of administrative and financial plate-form to
  welcome the staff to be reallocated
 The new organisation will be set-up progressively in
  16 directions
  Geographical reallocations, new services

                          Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Agenda (1)
  September 2008 : first steps
 January 2010 : « mode project »
 January 26th 2011 : affirmative            vote of the 4
 administration councils
 July 26th 2011 : Positive opinion of the State
 September 24th 2001: publication of the decree
 creating the Université de lorraine
 October   2011 : Provisional administrator, provisional

                        Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Agenda (2)
  January 1st, 2012 : the Université de Lorraine, is the
 single university in Lorraine
 January, February, March : elections

                        Lisbon, 08-03-2012
By way of a conclusion

       Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Some remarks on the process (1/2)
Summon     up all Presidents’ energy on political project
and on arbitration on organisation
Fears of various members of the Academic communities
 Against LRU in 2007, then … don’t accept any derogation
 in 2011! (paradoxe)
 Some students : against well established institutions
 « grand établissements » because of the registration fees and
 selection (December 2011 : summary proceedings from
 UNEF at the Council of State)
 Fears of changing even if a lot guarantees have been given
 Arbitration to intervene on time scheduled and
composative policy

                          Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Some remarks on the process (2/2)
Complex    process, risk of major deadlocks several
times (sit-in in the Management board, National
Councilof the universities, appeals from the students
against the decree, appeals against elections)
A lot of supports :
   Local/ regional Authorities
   EPST (RTO)
Demand to slow down the process but the Agenda
has been respected

                        Lisbon, 08-03-2012
PRES of the University of Lorraine :
                 Missions (1)

As a facilitator to build the future university :
   – To accompany the political approach leaded by the presidents
     of the 4 universities
   – To support the design and the implementation of the future
   – To manage many working groups
   – To organize the communication
   – To Speed up the merger of administrative services

                          Lisbon, 08-03-2012
PRES of the University of Lorraine :
                 Missions (2)

As a federation of universities :
   – Organise the strategic development on behalf of the four
   – Ensure the implementation and management of shared
     services, resources and equipment
   – Prepare the next 4-years contract with the State
   – Negotiate contracts with partners, on behalf of the founding
   – Develop activities to increase international visibility
   – Promote student mobility within Lorraine and coordinate
     student support service

                           Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Expected results

Capacity to take into account the great diversity of
 French universities :
   – Each university should be able to develop its own
     strategy, according to the local , national and
     international context
   – Developing several type of excellence (question :
     place of international rankings ?)
   – BUT : maintaining a national general framework
     based on shared values (education is a public good,
     public service …)

                     Lisbon, 08-03-2012
Au départ : une analyse croisée
   Plus ou moins                                                     Secteurs scientifiques
                                                             GSC A2F     CPM MMM   EMPP   IAEM   BMS    SJPE   L2SH
   de transversalité                                                                                    G

        Répartie                                   s

                         « Grandes » composantes
           1                                       Ecoles
          10                                         Santé
          0                                         Droit
          Effectifs EC



                                                             Lisbon, 08-03-2012

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Universities merging in France: the University of Lorraine as a case

  • 1. Universities Merging in France Global evolution A Case Study : the University of Lorraine Jean-Pierre Finance, Provisional administrator of UdL Advisor for Europe of the CPU Lisbon, march 2012
  • 2. Transformation of the university -system in France : work in progress
  • 3. Brief History from 1793 to 2012
  • 4. Birth, death and resurrection 13th Century: First universities in France 1793: suppression of 22 universities From 1793 to 1968: no real universities in France : “Grandes Ecoles” (Polytechnique, Centrale, Mines,…) and independent faculties (law, medicine, humanities, sciences) Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 5. The “Republic” of Faculties and Écoles:  Fragmentation of small structures  Weakness and fragmentation of research units  Lack of critical mass to face the new challenges of research  creation of national research bodies: CNRS created in1930, INSERM, INRA …  Many competitions between institutions with the state as single refereee  Atypical in the context of European and international trends (Humboltian university)
  • 6. Birth, death and resurrection  1968: New law (Faure) redefines “comprehensive universities” as public institutions based on several principles including autonomy and multidisciplinarity  Strengths and weaknesses : – Good intentions: • The will to create «real universities» • The will to democratise (access) – But: • Over-bureaucratisation and inefficiencies, micro management by the ministry • Persistence of fragmentation with 3 types of institutions : universities (83), “Grandes Ecoles” outside universities (180), National research institutions (20) Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 7. A wide distribution of HE institutions on the territory March 1st 2010 Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 9. Context evolution Massification (from 600 000 students in 1965 to 2,2 millions today) New needs and new hopes (society, students, business, compagnies) Competition between universities : noteasy to be managed with a vision of public service Laws of decentralization : role of the other stakeholders (regions, other local collectivities) ?  International rankings (Shanghai, Times ...) Europe : Bologna process, knowledge triangle Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 10. France has to face many questions to improve his HE system How to manage the balance between Competition and cooperation in the framework of a public service ? Laws of decentralization : role of the other stakeholders (regions, other local collectivities) ? Origin of funding and sustainability ? How to improve the attractiveness and the visibility of the French universities ? How to enhance the capacity of initiative and the efficiency of the universities ? What kind of autonomy for the French universities ? How to reconstruct the universities, and more generally the HE&R landscape ? Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 11. Main actions developped over the last 20 years  Four-year contracts between each university and State  emergence of institutional strategies, notably in research  Shared labs with the national research bodies  Creation of :  doctoral schools (~ 300),  incubators to support innovative start-ups…  poles of competitivity  National Agency for Research (ANR)  National Agency for University Evaluation (AERES)  Emergence of a regional development policy  Bologna process and Lisbon, 08-03-2012 the creation of the bachelor/master/doctorate (2002 -2005)
  • 12. Two main Laws for HE&R in France  LRU : law on autonomy and accountability of the universities (august 2007), law of decentralization :  Statutory changes : governance  HR & financial autonomy  Funding increased by 1B€ per year during 5 years (in fact from 2008 to 2009, less in the following 3 years due to the crisis)  Law on research (2006) with, in particular, the capacity to develop cooperation between universities and between universities and “grandes ecoles” through the PRES. Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 13. PRES : A strategic approach for neighbouring institutions To avoid needless competition  a forum for building consensus and regulation To reinforce visibility  identification and communication To reach critical mass and increase scientific impact Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 14. PRES : A large diversity  Various size of territory :  City  Region Inter Region Transfrontier  Several type of missions :  Mutualize the best jewels (labs, doctoral school ..)  Organize common facilities and services  Support joint projects  Prepare the merging Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 15. State of the PRES Today (about 20) Lisbon, 08-03-2012 15
  • 16. Two important initiatives of the government  Main objectives :  To promote “world champions” at international level  To enhance the scientific quality of the French HE&R system  Campus Operation :  Distinguish 12 “campus of excellence”  5Md€ mobilized for real estate and site architecture operations  Investments for the Future :  35 Md€ mobilized, including 22 Md€ for HE&R  Many call for projects :  Excellence laboratories  Excellence research equipment  Technological Research Institutes  Excellence initiative Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 17. Two important initiatives of the government (follow)  Consequences for the university system organisation :  For the operation campus : the project leader should be a PRES  For the initiative of excellence :  The main criteria were the strength of the research, the critical mass and the quality of the governance  Thus, the last criteria implies an engagement of merging the institutions concerned, if it was not yet the case.  Finally, for the 8 winners of IDEX :  2 of then have already merge : Strasbourg and Marseille  6 should do the same within the next years (if possible ???) Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 18. The University of Lorraine as a case study of universities merging
  • 22. Universities in Lorraine Nancy:  Creation of the university in 1572 (Art, Theology, Medicine and Law) 1850  1968: 4 faculties (law, medicine - pharmacy, sciences, humanities) and 6 engineering schools,1 school of management and 3 schools independent of the university (forestry, architecture, arts) Lisbon, 08-03-2012 22
  • 23. Universities in Lorraine (3 in Nancy) Nancy: 1970  2008 : Creation of 3 «real» universities (public institutions, legal personality) • Henri Poincaré, Nancy1: sciences, technology (including 3 engineering schools), health. 19 000 students, 3 000 staff including 1 500 academics • Nancy 2: humanities, law, economy, management. 18 000 students, 1 300 staff including 650 academics • INPL: 7 engineering schools, 3 500 students. 1 100 staff including 650 academics Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 24. Universities in Lorraine ( 1 in Metz) Metz (60 km from Nancy): –  1970 A branch of the Strasbourg university – 1970  2008 : new university, comprehensive (but without health sciences), no school within the university, 14 000 students Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 25. Universities in Lorraine (1970 2004)  Facets of competition :  Creation of new study programmes leading to redundancies, especially between Nancy and Metz  Access to same regional funding sources  But also aspects of cooperation :  In Nancy: many research labs are shared  Graduate schools (écoles doctorales) created in 1999 : 7 out of 8 are shared by the 4 universities  In 2004 : shared willingness to make more coherent the education curricula Lisbon, 08-03-2012 25
  • 26. Why an unique university in Lorraine ?  To face as one university the national, European and international competition  To enhance recognition, reputation, attractiveness  To promote regional economic and social development ( Lorraine being in trouble from an economical and demographical point of view)  To increase responsiveness based on different SWOT analyses (demography, economic context, competition...) Lisbon, 08-03-2012 26
  • 27. Objectives  To develop a full comprehensive university, associating engineering and academic domains, with two missions :  International excellence  Territorial excellence  To reinforce visibility, transparency and attractiveness both for education and research  To enhance the efficiency  To increase critical mass and scientific impact  To share, merge and reinforce services and activities in order to do more, better and faster To coordinate 2008, Nancy-Université, cooperation and competition 21 June and develop ambitious strategies Lisbon, 08-03-2012 27
  • 28. A series of steps  Implementing a coordinated 4-year contract with the state in 2005-2008 focused on a common research strategy at regional level  Creation of the “PRES Nancy-University” in 2007  A joint project to answer to the “campus call for project” (2008)  A decree changed the PRES into a new one at regional level : PRES of “the University of Lorraine” (October 2009, still as an “EPCS”) Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 29. Identification of locking risk  Many fears :  From the scientific communities (e.g. humanities)  From the people (e.g. administrative staff)  Will not lose any privileges/rigths (engineers, lawyers, doctors ..)  Willingness to respect the territorial balances  Oppositions between various visions of the university Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 30. Cautious approach, progressive and sustained (1)  Study the conditions for merging into a new university : witch kind of organisation and governance ?  Need to derogate with the general law (LRU) partially should be taken into consideration  Reminding of this project is not imposed by either the government or by the communities Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 31. Cautious approach, progressive and sustained (2)  Design principles :  Assume and manage internal diversity  Proximity  Territoriality  Accountability  Internal coherence  Subsidiarity  Quality of services  Reactivity  Academic collegiality and democracy Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 32. Cautious approach, progressive and sustained (3)  To elaborate an original university model  To involve many faculties and staff members :  The 4 councils of the existing universities  A steering group with the 4 university presidents  A lot of working groups :  Governance and organisation  Human resources  Research  Education …  Many discussions with the community  Communication with stakeholders and ministry Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 33. Cautious approach, progressive and sustained (4)  In January 2010 : transition from the “mode hypothesis” to the “mode project”, with a retro schedule leading to January 1st 2012  Prepare the merging  Future administrative organisation  New rules  Process to follow the evolution Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 34. Elaboration of an original university model 34
  • 35. Let’s recall : Overall Figures • Students • Bachelor : 29 500 • Masters : 15 700 • Engineers : 3 500 • PhD : 1 800 • Others : 3 000 • staff : • Academic and teachers : 3721 • Administrative and technical : 3064 Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 36. Let’s recall : Structuration 46 internal components : Real Estate : - 10 Engineers Schools 58 implantations - 8 Polytechnics - 28 Faculties Research and Doctoral studies : - 65 labs organized in 10 scientific domains - 8 Graduate Schools Lisbon, 08-03-2012 -
  • 37. First organisational principles With 45 faculties, Engineer Schools and Polytechnics; and about 65 labs it was decided : To accept, but not to oblige the fusion of such internal structures : more precisely, the fusion should not directly modify the basic structures of the university (if they don’t want to do) To introduce an intermediate structuration in order to be able to manage such number of basic components : The collegiums, grouping faculties, polytechnics and/or Engineers Schools The Scientific Poles, grouping labs Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 38. A Two dimensional organisation 8 Collégiums IAEM BMS 10 scientific poles MMM Law Engineers Health Economy Humanities Schools Manag. 38 Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 39. Other organisational principles Toward a single public institution with legal statut Precisely define the internal subsidiarity Accept derogation to the law : special statutes of “Grand Etablissement” Taking the time to gain the support of the faculty, staff and students Double structuration : collegiums and poles Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 40. Collegium  Beyond the simple coordination and harmonization, it has a decisive role  It allocates resources (jobs, credit) that are assigned among its constituents, maintaining its own share of budget  It approves agreements and conventions to matters that concern them  Administrative services remain light. It is based on platforms of site administrative and financial Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 41. The 8 Collegiums  Engineering Science Technology Health Sciences Law, Economy, Management  Arts, Humanities, Languages  Social Sciences  Interface Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 42. The 10 Scientific Poles  A2F : Agronomy, Agribusiness Forest  BMS : Biology, Medicine, Health  CLCS : Knowledge, Language, Communication, Companies  CPM : Chemistry and Molecular Physics  EMPP : Energy, Mechanics, Processes, Products  GSC : Geosciences  IAEM : Computer Science, Control, Electronics and Mathematics  M4: Material, Materials, Metallurgy, Mechanics  SJPEG : Legal Science, Policy, Economics and Management  TELL : Time, Space, Literature, Languages Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 43. Central Organisation Board : President, Vice presidents, heads of the collegiums and of the scientific poles Administration Council Research Council Education Council Council of the university life Senate Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 44. Evolution of Tools and Methods  First : 4 different ruling process (notably in GRH) : Process Political decisions Huge converging process : Process  working group focusing on jobs Tools (information system) Political choices (bonus,work time, statuts) Should be followed in 2012 and more Positive point : Arbitration legal framework Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 45. Administrative organisation  Part of 2011 has been devoted to : Préparation of the organising the administrative services The setting-up of administrative and financial plate-form to welcome the staff to be reallocated The new organisation will be set-up progressively in 2012 16 directions Geographical reallocations, new services Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 46. Agenda (1)  September 2008 : first steps January 2010 : « mode project » January 26th 2011 : affirmative vote of the 4 administration councils July 26th 2011 : Positive opinion of the State Council September 24th 2001: publication of the decree creating the Université de lorraine October 2011 : Provisional administrator, provisional council Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 47. Agenda (2)  January 1st, 2012 : the Université de Lorraine, is the single university in Lorraine January, February, March : elections Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 48. By way of a conclusion Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 49. Some remarks on the process (1/2) Summon up all Presidents’ energy on political project and on arbitration on organisation Fears of various members of the Academic communities Against LRU in 2007, then … don’t accept any derogation in 2011! (paradoxe) Some students : against well established institutions « grand établissements » because of the registration fees and selection (December 2011 : summary proceedings from UNEF at the Council of State) Fears of changing even if a lot guarantees have been given  Arbitration to intervene on time scheduled and composative policy Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 50. Some remarks on the process (2/2) Complex process, risk of major deadlocks several times (sit-in in the Management board, National Councilof the universities, appeals from the students against the decree, appeals against elections) A lot of supports : Local/ regional Authorities Ministry EPST (RTO) Demand to slow down the process but the Agenda has been respected Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 51. PRES of the University of Lorraine : Missions (1) As a facilitator to build the future university : – To accompany the political approach leaded by the presidents of the 4 universities – To support the design and the implementation of the future university – To manage many working groups – To organize the communication – To Speed up the merger of administrative services Lisbon, 08-03-2012 51
  • 52. PRES of the University of Lorraine : Missions (2) As a federation of universities : – Organise the strategic development on behalf of the four institutions – Ensure the implementation and management of shared services, resources and equipment – Prepare the next 4-years contract with the State – Negotiate contracts with partners, on behalf of the founding institutions – Develop activities to increase international visibility – Promote student mobility within Lorraine and coordinate student support service Lisbon, 08-03-2012 52
  • 54. Expected results Capacity to take into account the great diversity of French universities : – Each university should be able to develop its own strategy, according to the local , national and international context – Developing several type of excellence (question : place of international rankings ?) – BUT : maintaining a national general framework based on shared values (education is a public good, public service …) Lisbon, 08-03-2012
  • 55. Au départ : une analyse croisée Plus ou moins Secteurs scientifiques GSC A2F CPM MMM EMPP IAEM BMS SJPE L2SH de transversalité G IUFM Science Répartie s « Grandes » composantes 1 Ecoles 1 IUT 0 5 0 10 Santé 0 20 0 Droit Eco. Effectifs EC Gestio n SH Concentrée L.L. Lisbon, 08-03-2012 08-07-201030-04-2010 55