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Unit Two Workshop and Essay
Intro to Philosophy
In the second unit in this class, we have focused on two things;
we’ve looked at various texts in which the authors argue for a
specific view on the mind-body problem and we have attempted
to identify and report arguments. This assignment will bring
these together.
You are asked to consider the following question: how is the
mind related to the body or brain?
Ok, now that you’ve sorted that out, consider the passages
below the instructions, from several of our our authors, namely,
Descartes, Papineau, or Jackson. For this essay, you must
consider one of these authors. Re-read the passage I have
provided, in which he or she answers one of the above two
questions. You might find that the author really answers both
questions at the same time, or not.
Having re-read the passage, you must next try to find not only
the author's answer(s) to the above question(s), but the reasons
offered in support of his view.
What you must write in your Blue Book:
Now - and only now! — is it time to write. Here is what your
paper must contain:
1. First, identify which author you’ll be considering.
2. You must next state, clearly, simply, and accurately, what
your chosen author would say in response to the above
questions. This should not be more than a single paragraph —
get to the point! This might even be called your thesis or
controlling idea. It’s the idea you’ll be exploring in the rest of
the paper.
3. Next provide the reasons why the author believes what you
have just claimed he does. Consider no more than one reason
per paragraph. So, if you find three reasons, then write at least
three paragraphs for this part.
4. In each paragraph, explain each reason simply, clearly, and
accurately. Then elaborate a bit on what that means and try to
show why or how it supports the main claim, How does this
reason help him or her?
5. You must also provide evidence! That is, you must
provide textual evidence supporting your claim that the authors
in question really has this reason you’re discussing. The best
and easiest way to do this is to quote, briefly and accurately, the
sentence in which the author actually says the reason, from the
passage I provided. Then restate it in your own words,
explaining the passage as I described in number 4, just above.
Remember, though, the evidence does not speak for itself. You
must interpret and explain it. But you also must remain true to
the text you’re discussing and the textual evidence will make
that happen.
6. Ideally, the reasons you present will indeed be relevant to the
main claim you presented (i.e., the answer you claim your
author would give to the question(s) above). Don’t provide
reasons that are irrelevant or even contrary to the main claim!
You are trying to support it, remember. Also note that all of
this is reporting what the author said, not what you think.
7. Finally, evaluate what you have just said. The author said it,
but is it right? Do you buy it? Why or why not? Write a single
paragraph evaluating the argument you’ve just presented.
Ideally, if you disagree, you’ll identify the reason or reasons
you think are weak and why.
8. And please do all of the above with good written English,
readable, clear, etc…
Once you have finished, you must take it home, revise it, and
type it up in a Word document and upload it to Canvas, under
the assignment for Essay Two. You have just a few days to do
this. Many sentences, you’ll find, are less clear than you
thought, or need reworking, etc... If you want to be a good
writer, plan on revising at least once.
You’ll note that I have described four to six paragraphs (one to
present your thinker’s view, one to three for the reasons in
support of the view, one to summarize the whole argument, and
one to evaluate it). So how long should the paper be? At least
thee double-spaced, 12 pt font pages, with one inch margins,
etc... and no more than five or so. Recognize that you are likely
to lose points if you turn a paper that is noticeably shorter than
this — and I am talking about three pages of actual essay, not
including cover page or bibliography.
Finally, because I am asking you to provide evidence form the
text for your claims about the text, you must cite your chosen
passage properly. What counts as proper? Well, I’ll be
discussing this at length, in class, but let me say this.
Everything you take verbatim (i.e, word for word quote) must
be cited in some obvious way so that I know it is not your own
words. But listen: you need to do exactly the same thing even if
you are merely paraphrasing the text. If the ideas aren’t yours,
you need to cite it too, in just the same way. This even means
you might have to cite a friend who told you something, or
whatever. If in doubt, cite.
Finally, you can use ONLY ONE SOURCE: ONE OF THE
PASSAGES I PROVIDE BELOW. Do NOT quote my handouts;
do NOT go on the internet to find answers. This assignment
evaluates your ability to read a text, not your ability to use
Google. Using web sources thus constitutes failing to do this
assignment; if I determine that you have done so, I will give
you an F.
After all of that, please upload to Canvas linked on our course
webpage before our next class, according to the deadline listed
on the syllabus. If at any time you have trouble, or questions, or
if you think you might not make the deadline, EMAIL ME!
Passages for Essay Two
Descartes Passage
“First, I know that if I have a vivid and clear thought of
something, God could have created it in a way that exactly
corresponds to my thought. So the fact that I can vividly and
clearly think of one thing apart from another assures me that the
two things are distinct from one another -- that is, that they are
two -- since they can be separated by God. Never mind how
they could be separated; that does not affect the judgment that
they are distinct. So my mind is a distinct thing from my body.
Furthermore, my mind is me, for the following reason. I know
that I exist and that nothing else belongs to my nature or
essence except that I am a thinking thing; from this it follows
that my essence consists solely in my being a thinking thing,
even though there may be a body that is very closely joined to
me. I have a vivid and clear idea of myself as something that
thinks and isn't extended, and one of body as something that is
extended and does not think. So it is certain that I am really
distinct from my body and can exist without it.” (René
Descartes, Meditations, Sixth Meditation, p.
.pdf (Links to an external site.) )
Papineau Passage
“Let me now outline what I take to be the canonical argument
for materialism. Setting to one side all complications, which can
be discussed later, it can be put as follows.
Many effects that we attribute to conscious causes have full
physical causes. But it would be absurd to suppose that these
effects are caused twice over. So the conscious causes must ·be
identical to some part of those physical causes.
To appreciate the force of this argument, consider some bodily
behaviour which we would standardly attribute to conscious
causes. For example, I walk to the fridge to get a beer, because
I consciously feel thirsty. Now combine this example with the
thought that, according to modern physical science, such bodily
movements are fully caused by prior physical processes in
brains and nerves. The obvious conclusion is that the conscious
thirst must be identical with some part of those physical
processes.” (David Papineau, “The Case for
Materialism”, Thinking About Consciousness, Oxford U Press,
2002, p. 17)
Jackson Passage
MARY is confined to a black-and-white room, is
educated through black-and-white books and through lectures
relayed through black-and-white books and through lectures on
black-and-white television. In this way she learns everything
there is to know about the physical nature of the world. She
knows all the physical facts about us and our environment, in a
wide sense of 'physical' which includes everything in completed
physics, chemistry, and neurophysiology, and all there is to
know about the causal and relational facts consequent upon all
this, including of course functional roles. If physicalism is true,
she knows all there is to know. For to suppose otherwise is to
suppose that there is more to know than every physical fact, and
that is just what physicalism denies.
Physicalism is not the noncontroversial thesis that the actual
world is largely physical, but the challenging thesis that it is
entirely physical. This is why physicalists must hold that
complete physical knowledge is complete knowledge
It seems, however, that Mary does not know all there is to
know. For when she is let out of the black-and-white room or
given a color television, she will learn what it is like to see
something red, say. This is rightly described as learning-she
will not say "ho, hum." Hence, physicalism is false.” (Frank
Jackson, “What Mary Didn’t Know,” The Journal of
Philosophy, Vol. 83, No. 5 (May, 1986), p. 291)
Second Essay Assignment
PHH 2010-U04: Intro to philosophy
In the second unit in this class, we have focused on the mind.
Specifically, we have
asked two questions. First, we considered the question of the
mind-body problem; what
is the mind? how is it related to the body or brain? Second, we
considered the question
of whether machines can think like a human being does.
For your second essay, you must choose one of these two issues
— the mind-body
problem or the question of machine intelligence.
You will first present the problem or debate. What is at issue?
Why does it matter? You
must introduce and frame the question clearly but succinctly
(i.e., briefly!). IN other
words, the reader should know which of the two issues you’re
addressing (mind-body or
machine intelligence). The reader should also be given some
idea of what is at stake
You then must identify the specific view you will be presenting
and defending. So, if you
opt for the mind-body problem, you must present and defend
either substance dualism,
property dualism, functionalism, or materialism. If you choose
the machine intelligence
debate, you must present and defend either John Searle’s
skepticism about the
possibility of compeers thinking, or the Churchland’s positive
view. You must choose
one and only one view to defend in this paper! Do not try to
combine views.
In order to present and defend your view, you must first identify
the relevant arguments
and find the passages in which your author presents them.
Having found the passages,
you must next try to find not only their views, but the reasons
they offer in support of his
Now - and only now! — is it time to write.
Here is what your paper must contain:
1. First, state briefly which view you’ll be presenting and
defending. Don't leave the
reader in suspense; this is not a murder mystery. All of this
should be one in
paragraph. This can be called your thesis statement or
controlling idea. It’s the idea
you’ll be exploring in the rest of the paper. You should state the
thesis or main
point in a single sentence that is clearly identified as your main
2. Next provide the reasons why the author believes what you
have just claimed he
does. Consider no more than one reason per paragraph. So, if
you find three
reasons or premises, then write at least three paragraphs for this
3. In each paragraph, explain each reason simply, clearly, and
accurately. Then
elaborate a bit on what that means and try to show why or how
it supports the main
claim, How does this reason help him? The paragraphs should
each be distinct,
taking up a separate reason. No paragraph should be discussing
a reason or
issue that did not appear in the initial summary of the argument.
And each
paragraph should be distinct from those around it; talk about a
topic in a
paragraph and move to a new paragraph when you move to a
new topic. If
you find yourself revisiting a topic form a previous paragraph,
you need to
rethink your organization.
4. You must also provide evidence! That is, you must provide
textual evidence
supporting your claim that the authors in question really has
this reason you’re
discussing. The best and easiest way to do this is to quote,
briefly and accurately,
the passage where the author actually says the reason. The
restate it in your own
word, explaining the passage as I described in number 4, just
above. Remember,
though, the evidence does not speak for itself. You must
interpret and explain it. But
you also must remain true to the text you’re discussing and the
textual evidence will
make that happen. Let me be clear: a paper without any specific
quotes or
citations is a paper that has not provided any evidence!
5. Ideally, the reasons you present will indeed be relevant to the
main claim you
presented (i.e., the answer you claim your author would give to
the question(s)
above). Don’t provide reasons that are irrelevant or even
contrary to the main claim!
You are trying to support it, remember.
6. Next, after having presented your author’s view and the
reasons for holding it,
consider one serious objection against this view. In other
words, you should now
consider reasons why an intelligent person might object to one
of the reasons you
have just explained. Choose one of your reasons and now, in a
paragraph or two,
try to argue against it. Your objection may be taken form the
texts you’ve read, or
you can imagine what someone holding another view might say.
So, if you are
defending substance dualism, for example, imagine what the
materialist might say to
object (or vice versa).
7. After that, try to defend yourself — the original view — from
this objection. How
might the defender of the original view defend his or her
position against this
objection? Try to present a response to the objection that would
persuade an
educated but undecided person (a person who had read all the
texts but hadn’t yet
made up his or her mind). That person is your target audience!
You should attempt
to convince the reader to take your side in this debate,
providing rationally
persuasive reasons -- that is, an argument.
8. Finally, in your last paragraph, evaluate the state of the
debate. Decide
whether the objection or the reply to the objection is stronger
and why. In this
paragraph, you should play the role of judge and determine
which side of the debate
(i.e., which of the previous few paragraphs) has made the
stronger case.
9. And please do all of the above with good written English,
readable, clear, etc…
What’s more, the essay should be well-organized, such that I
can identify the
main point of the paper by pointing to a single sentence (your
statement) and I can identify the main point of each paragraph
by pointing to a
topic sentence in each one. Finally, each of these topic
sentences should
together jointly capture the problem, your argument, the
objection, and your
reply. In other words, I would be able to take these topic
sentences, put them
together, and have an abstract of your paper.
Once you have finished, set it aside for as long as possible —
ideally two or three days.
Return to it and re-read it.
You’ll note that I have described five to seven paragraphs (one
to introduce the thesis,
one to three for the reasons in support of your view, one for an
objection, one for a
reply, and one for the final evaluation). So how long should the
paper be? At least four
double-spaced, 12 pt font pages, with one inch margins, etc…
and no more than six or
so. I am lenient on these specifications, however.
Finally, because I am asking you to provide evidence form the
text for your claims about
the text, you must cite those passages properly. What counts as
proper? Well, We
discussed this at length in class, but let me say this. Everything
you take verbatim (i.e,
word for word quote) must be cited in some obvious way so that
I know it is not your
own words and so that I can go and look at the source you got it
from. So if you are
quoting a webpage, give me the address and date you accessed
it; quoting a book?
Give me the title, author, publisher, year, and page number.
Quoting one of my
handouts? Give me the file name and date you accessed it. But
listen: you need to do
exactly the same thing even if you are merely paraphrasing the
text. If the ideas aren’t
yours, you need to cite it too, in just the same way. This even
means you might have to
cite a friend who told you something, or whatever. If in doubt,
The paper is to be submitted via Canvas, before midnight of the
the deadline listed on
the syllabus.
If at any time you have trouble, or questions, or if you think
you might not make the
deadline, EMAIL ME!

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  • 1. Unit Two Workshop and Essay Intro to Philosophy Instructions In the second unit in this class, we have focused on two things; we’ve looked at various texts in which the authors argue for a specific view on the mind-body problem and we have attempted to identify and report arguments. This assignment will bring these together. You are asked to consider the following question: how is the mind related to the body or brain? Ok, now that you’ve sorted that out, consider the passages below the instructions, from several of our our authors, namely, Descartes, Papineau, or Jackson. For this essay, you must consider one of these authors. Re-read the passage I have provided, in which he or she answers one of the above two questions. You might find that the author really answers both questions at the same time, or not. Having re-read the passage, you must next try to find not only the author's answer(s) to the above question(s), but the reasons offered in support of his view. What you must write in your Blue Book: Now - and only now! — is it time to write. Here is what your paper must contain: 1. First, identify which author you’ll be considering. 2. You must next state, clearly, simply, and accurately, what your chosen author would say in response to the above questions. This should not be more than a single paragraph — get to the point! This might even be called your thesis or controlling idea. It’s the idea you’ll be exploring in the rest of the paper. 3. Next provide the reasons why the author believes what you
  • 2. have just claimed he does. Consider no more than one reason per paragraph. So, if you find three reasons, then write at least three paragraphs for this part. 4. In each paragraph, explain each reason simply, clearly, and accurately. Then elaborate a bit on what that means and try to show why or how it supports the main claim, How does this reason help him or her? 5. You must also provide evidence! That is, you must provide textual evidence supporting your claim that the authors in question really has this reason you’re discussing. The best and easiest way to do this is to quote, briefly and accurately, the sentence in which the author actually says the reason, from the passage I provided. Then restate it in your own words, explaining the passage as I described in number 4, just above. Remember, though, the evidence does not speak for itself. You must interpret and explain it. But you also must remain true to the text you’re discussing and the textual evidence will make that happen. 6. Ideally, the reasons you present will indeed be relevant to the main claim you presented (i.e., the answer you claim your author would give to the question(s) above). Don’t provide reasons that are irrelevant or even contrary to the main claim! You are trying to support it, remember. Also note that all of this is reporting what the author said, not what you think. 7. Finally, evaluate what you have just said. The author said it, but is it right? Do you buy it? Why or why not? Write a single paragraph evaluating the argument you’ve just presented. Ideally, if you disagree, you’ll identify the reason or reasons you think are weak and why. 8. And please do all of the above with good written English, readable, clear, etc… Once you have finished, you must take it home, revise it, and type it up in a Word document and upload it to Canvas, under the assignment for Essay Two. You have just a few days to do this. Many sentences, you’ll find, are less clear than you
  • 3. thought, or need reworking, etc... If you want to be a good writer, plan on revising at least once. You’ll note that I have described four to six paragraphs (one to present your thinker’s view, one to three for the reasons in support of the view, one to summarize the whole argument, and one to evaluate it). So how long should the paper be? At least thee double-spaced, 12 pt font pages, with one inch margins, etc... and no more than five or so. Recognize that you are likely to lose points if you turn a paper that is noticeably shorter than this — and I am talking about three pages of actual essay, not including cover page or bibliography. Finally, because I am asking you to provide evidence form the text for your claims about the text, you must cite your chosen passage properly. What counts as proper? Well, I’ll be discussing this at length, in class, but let me say this. Everything you take verbatim (i.e, word for word quote) must be cited in some obvious way so that I know it is not your own words. But listen: you need to do exactly the same thing even if you are merely paraphrasing the text. If the ideas aren’t yours, you need to cite it too, in just the same way. This even means you might have to cite a friend who told you something, or whatever. If in doubt, cite. Finally, you can use ONLY ONE SOURCE: ONE OF THE PASSAGES I PROVIDE BELOW. Do NOT quote my handouts; do NOT go on the internet to find answers. This assignment evaluates your ability to read a text, not your ability to use Google. Using web sources thus constitutes failing to do this assignment; if I determine that you have done so, I will give you an F. After all of that, please upload to Canvas linked on our course webpage before our next class, according to the deadline listed on the syllabus. If at any time you have trouble, or questions, or if you think you might not make the deadline, EMAIL ME! Passages for Essay Two Descartes Passage
  • 4. “First, I know that if I have a vivid and clear thought of something, God could have created it in a way that exactly corresponds to my thought. So the fact that I can vividly and clearly think of one thing apart from another assures me that the two things are distinct from one another -- that is, that they are two -- since they can be separated by God. Never mind how they could be separated; that does not affect the judgment that they are distinct. So my mind is a distinct thing from my body. Furthermore, my mind is me, for the following reason. I know that I exist and that nothing else belongs to my nature or essence except that I am a thinking thing; from this it follows that my essence consists solely in my being a thinking thing, even though there may be a body that is very closely joined to me. I have a vivid and clear idea of myself as something that thinks and isn't extended, and one of body as something that is extended and does not think. So it is certain that I am really distinct from my body and can exist without it.” (René Descartes, Meditations, Sixth Meditation, p. 29, .pdf (Links to an external site.) ) Papineau Passage “Let me now outline what I take to be the canonical argument for materialism. Setting to one side all complications, which can be discussed later, it can be put as follows. Many effects that we attribute to conscious causes have full physical causes. But it would be absurd to suppose that these effects are caused twice over. So the conscious causes must ·be identical to some part of those physical causes. To appreciate the force of this argument, consider some bodily behaviour which we would standardly attribute to conscious causes. For example, I walk to the fridge to get a beer, because I consciously feel thirsty. Now combine this example with the thought that, according to modern physical science, such bodily movements are fully caused by prior physical processes in brains and nerves. The obvious conclusion is that the conscious
  • 5. thirst must be identical with some part of those physical processes.” (David Papineau, “The Case for Materialism”, Thinking About Consciousness, Oxford U Press, 2002, p. 17) Jackson Passage MARY is confined to a black-and-white room, is educated through black-and-white books and through lectures relayed through black-and-white books and through lectures on black-and-white television. In this way she learns everything there is to know about the physical nature of the world. She knows all the physical facts about us and our environment, in a wide sense of 'physical' which includes everything in completed physics, chemistry, and neurophysiology, and all there is to know about the causal and relational facts consequent upon all this, including of course functional roles. If physicalism is true, she knows all there is to know. For to suppose otherwise is to suppose that there is more to know than every physical fact, and that is just what physicalism denies. Physicalism is not the noncontroversial thesis that the actual world is largely physical, but the challenging thesis that it is entirely physical. This is why physicalists must hold that complete physical knowledge is complete knowledge simpliciter… It seems, however, that Mary does not know all there is to know. For when she is let out of the black-and-white room or given a color television, she will learn what it is like to see something red, say. This is rightly described as learning-she will not say "ho, hum." Hence, physicalism is false.” (Frank Jackson, “What Mary Didn’t Know,” The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 83, No. 5 (May, 1986), p. 291)
  • 6. Second Essay Assignment PHH 2010-U04: Intro to philosophy Instructions In the second unit in this class, we have focused on the mind. Specifically, we have asked two questions. First, we considered the question of the mind-body problem; what is the mind? how is it related to the body or brain? Second, we considered the question of whether machines can think like a human being does. For your second essay, you must choose one of these two issues — the mind-body problem or the question of machine intelligence. You will first present the problem or debate. What is at issue? Why does it matter? You must introduce and frame the question clearly but succinctly (i.e., briefly!). IN other words, the reader should know which of the two issues you’re addressing (mind-body or machine intelligence). The reader should also be given some idea of what is at stake here. You then must identify the specific view you will be presenting and defending. So, if you opt for the mind-body problem, you must present and defend either substance dualism, property dualism, functionalism, or materialism. If you choose the machine intelligence debate, you must present and defend either John Searle’s skepticism about the possibility of compeers thinking, or the Churchland’s positive view. You must choose
  • 7. one and only one view to defend in this paper! Do not try to combine views. In order to present and defend your view, you must first identify the relevant arguments and find the passages in which your author presents them. Having found the passages, you must next try to find not only their views, but the reasons they offer in support of his view. Now - and only now! — is it time to write. Here is what your paper must contain: 1. First, state briefly which view you’ll be presenting and defending. Don't leave the reader in suspense; this is not a murder mystery. All of this should be one in paragraph. This can be called your thesis statement or controlling idea. It’s the idea you’ll be exploring in the rest of the paper. You should state the thesis or main point in a single sentence that is clearly identified as your main point! 2. Next provide the reasons why the author believes what you have just claimed he does. Consider no more than one reason per paragraph. So, if you find three reasons or premises, then write at least three paragraphs for this part. 3. In each paragraph, explain each reason simply, clearly, and
  • 8. accurately. Then elaborate a bit on what that means and try to show why or how it supports the main claim, How does this reason help him? The paragraphs should each be distinct, taking up a separate reason. No paragraph should be discussing a reason or issue that did not appear in the initial summary of the argument. And each paragraph should be distinct from those around it; talk about a topic in a paragraph and move to a new paragraph when you move to a new topic. If you find yourself revisiting a topic form a previous paragraph, you need to rethink your organization. 4. You must also provide evidence! That is, you must provide textual evidence supporting your claim that the authors in question really has this reason you’re discussing. The best and easiest way to do this is to quote, briefly and accurately, the passage where the author actually says the reason. The restate it in your own word, explaining the passage as I described in number 4, just above. Remember, though, the evidence does not speak for itself. You must interpret and explain it. But you also must remain true to the text you’re discussing and the textual evidence will make that happen. Let me be clear: a paper without any specific quotes or citations is a paper that has not provided any evidence! 5. Ideally, the reasons you present will indeed be relevant to the
  • 9. main claim you presented (i.e., the answer you claim your author would give to the question(s) above). Don’t provide reasons that are irrelevant or even contrary to the main claim! You are trying to support it, remember. 6. Next, after having presented your author’s view and the reasons for holding it, consider one serious objection against this view. In other words, you should now consider reasons why an intelligent person might object to one of the reasons you have just explained. Choose one of your reasons and now, in a paragraph or two, try to argue against it. Your objection may be taken form the texts you’ve read, or you can imagine what someone holding another view might say. So, if you are defending substance dualism, for example, imagine what the materialist might say to object (or vice versa). 7. After that, try to defend yourself — the original view — from this objection. How might the defender of the original view defend his or her position against this objection? Try to present a response to the objection that would persuade an educated but undecided person (a person who had read all the texts but hadn’t yet made up his or her mind). That person is your target audience! You should attempt to convince the reader to take your side in this debate, providing rationally persuasive reasons -- that is, an argument.
  • 10. 8. Finally, in your last paragraph, evaluate the state of the debate. Decide whether the objection or the reply to the objection is stronger and why. In this paragraph, you should play the role of judge and determine which side of the debate (i.e., which of the previous few paragraphs) has made the stronger case. 9. And please do all of the above with good written English, readable, clear, etc… What’s more, the essay should be well-organized, such that I can identify the main point of the paper by pointing to a single sentence (your thesis statement) and I can identify the main point of each paragraph by pointing to a topic sentence in each one. Finally, each of these topic sentences should together jointly capture the problem, your argument, the objection, and your reply. In other words, I would be able to take these topic sentences, put them together, and have an abstract of your paper. Once you have finished, set it aside for as long as possible — ideally two or three days. Return to it and re-read it. You’ll note that I have described five to seven paragraphs (one to introduce the thesis, one to three for the reasons in support of your view, one for an
  • 11. objection, one for a reply, and one for the final evaluation). So how long should the paper be? At least four double-spaced, 12 pt font pages, with one inch margins, etc… and no more than six or so. I am lenient on these specifications, however. Finally, because I am asking you to provide evidence form the text for your claims about the text, you must cite those passages properly. What counts as proper? Well, We discussed this at length in class, but let me say this. Everything you take verbatim (i.e, word for word quote) must be cited in some obvious way so that I know it is not your own words and so that I can go and look at the source you got it from. So if you are quoting a webpage, give me the address and date you accessed it; quoting a book? Give me the title, author, publisher, year, and page number. Quoting one of my handouts? Give me the file name and date you accessed it. But listen: you need to do exactly the same thing even if you are merely paraphrasing the text. If the ideas aren’t yours, you need to cite it too, in just the same way. This even means you might have to cite a friend who told you something, or whatever. If in doubt, cite. The paper is to be submitted via Canvas, before midnight of the the deadline listed on the syllabus. If at any time you have trouble, or questions, or if you think you might not make the