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Unit 5 Assignment Guidelines explained:
LANGUAGE — use concise and clear Standard English that is
LENGTH — no fewer than 2,500 words and no more than 3,000.
The word count includes all
documents from your cover page through to the references page.
SPACING — because this is a business report, single space the
body of your proposal and
double space between paragraphs.
REFERENCES — At least five sources must be cited. At least
one of these must be a peer-
reviewed journal article. Peer reviewed (also known as
refereeing) is the process academic
articles go through to be recognized as valuable contributions to
the field. Peer review is the
process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or
ideas to the scrutiny of others
who are experts in the same field. In the field of business
management, peer-reviewed journals
include the following: Academy of Management, Human
Resource Management Review,
Industrial Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior
Management, Management
Quarterly, among others. The Writing Center includes
additional guidance on peer-reviewed
articles (go to Academic Tools area and select Academic
Support Center, and on the main page
you will see the Writing Center link and additional resources).
You may use no more than two personal interviews. Other
sources may include newspaper or
magazine articles that are not peer reviewed. Or, if you locate
several peer-reviewed articles to
use, that is fine too. You may cite more than five sources; five
is simply the minimum.
Quotes — limit the use of direct quotes in your researched
proposal. Your paper must contain
no more than 15 percent direct quotes. The rest should be
paraphrased information so you can
demonstrate your understanding of what you read, and critical
analysis to demonstrate your
ability to apply your knowledge and research to solve the
problem. Make your voice the most
prominent one.
In-text citations must align with the sources listed in the
references section. Any source you
mention in your paper must be included on your references page
and vice versa.
Distinguish sources — make sure you carefully distinguish your
own words versus words and
ideas taken from other sources. Direct quotes MUST be
contained in quotation marks.
Wikipedia — you may not use information from Wikipedia as it
is not considered a reliable
Dictionaries — may be used to define a term and be listed as
source but may NOT count as one
of the five sources.
management use the American
Psychological Association format for academic and professional
papers. If you were writing a
researched proposal for your supervisor, you would cite your
sources following APA. You would
use in-text citations to let your reader know where your
information comes from. You would use
a references page to list all your sources following APA
This week's reading takes you from the general discussion we
held last week into some more specific details about the role of
both criminal justice and non-criminal justice professionals in
the IT and computer forensics world, as well as why it is
important that you understand the basic principles and concepts
of the criminal justice process. Then we get into the meat of
what you would do and how you would interface with law
enforcement in the event you have to conduct a forensic system
analysis. The readings in module 2 again stress the importance
of understanding the criminal justice process, as well as discuss
different types of devices or file systems that may contain
information critical to your analysis.
Among the basic concepts to understand this week are that there
are many types of evidence one could find in digital data.
Understanding what data you may find, even if it is not
evidence of a crime, is important to preparing a digital
examination/analysis plan. Let’s look at a non-technical
When a law enforcement officer applies for a warrant to search
a residence, the officer must specify for what it is he or she is
searching; if the case involves a stolen car, then the officer’s
search will be limited to only those locations a stolen car, or
pieces of a stolen car (in case it was chopped), could be located.
It would be unwise to just list the stolen car on the warrant, as
(in the interpretation of the court) might only limit the officer
to the whole car, intact. So, the officer has to determine in the
beginning of their search what could have happened to the car
(attempting to account for all the possibilities) so his or her
search is complete (and most likely to yield results). The
officer will also have to justify (in the affidavit) why he or she
believes that the car could be found in smaller pieces.
To that end, an officer with auto theft experience may also be
able to state that, in his or her experience, stolen cars are often
broken down into smaller components, which can be identified
with certainty as belonging to the original stolen car, as well as
where such components could be hidden. It would most likely
not be enough for the officer to simply assert that cars are
broken down and sold for parts, if he or she wants to justify
seizing an ashtray; the ashtray would need some specific
characteristics to do that like a serial number, or other unique
identifying artifact.
Search warrants and searches are, therefore, most often limited
in scope to items for which the searcher is looking (i.e., nearly
always evidence of a crime or wrongdoing). You cannot look
for an elephant in a kitchen drawer! I know that sounds absurd,
but it is an excellent metaphor… However, if you were looking
for narcotics, they could be hidden almost anywhere, and you
could justify a much broader search. In this example, digital
evidence is much more akin to narcotics than you may think,
with evidential data often occurring in hidden, strange, or
unlikely places. As such, warrants to search for digital
evidence often cast a “wide net,” but cannot be so overly broad
as to not be supported by probable cause or violate someone’s
Fourth Amendment protections and implied rights to privacy
under the Constitution.
Do not despair, however, if you are not a law enforcement
officer… The requirement to obtain a search warrant does not
apply to searches by private individuals or non-government
organizations, as long as the individual(s) have the authority to
conduct the search (e.g., IT security personnel are searching a
computer owned by their company for company data, or an
employee gives the company consent to search for their
personal data). Judicially, the Court evaluates whether your
activity was an extension of the government (law-enforcement);
acting on their behalf or assisting them. However, even those
searches may be limited to certain parts of the computer
system(s) or network(s). If a person is allowed to use a
personally-owned flash drive at work, and that drive is
connected to the computer, you still may not be able to search it
without the employee's consent. All of these examples depend
heavily on established company policies and what warnings
were given to the employee.
The readings this week identify several types of devices on
which digital evidence could be found.
For this week’s discussion, please select two of the devices
described in your readings (or other devices, if you prefer). For
each device, answer the following questions below in detail.
Please discuss thoroughly and substantively in your post.
Additionally, respond in a thorough, substantive, intelligent
way to at least one of your fellow classmates that adds to our
discussion and learning of this week’s topic!
· For each, state what types of evidence you would look for on
those devices in detail
· Explain what limitations or hurdles you would have to clear
before searching each of the devices (BOTH as a company IT
professional and a law enforcement officer).
· Identify what, if any, policies would need to be in place for
you to search as a private employee, as well as what limits can
be placed on the search by police.
To: Michele Griffin, VP, ABC Corporation
From: Michelle Freeman, Team Manager
Date: August 8, 2018
Subject: Implementation of Morale Building Activities
I am writing for consideration of my proposal to implement
morale building activities. During my four year tenure at ABC
Corporation there has been a significant decline in employee
morale. Employees are constantly expressing how unhappy they
feel because management does not show appreciation for their
hard work. I , myself have personally experienced the feeling
that management was focused more on performance numbers
instead of addressing employee’s concerns. This lead to me
leaving the company because management did not address my
concerns. My intent is to ensure that no one has this experience
here at ABC Corporation under my leadership by making
employee morale a top priority. This isn’t clear. You left the
company? Then returned? Comment by Catherine Flynn: Avoid
reflexive pronouns. Simply “I” is sufficient. Comment by
Michelle Freeman: Thank you.Comment by Catherine Flynn:
Should be experienced Comment by Michelle Freeman: Thank
Comment by Catherine Flynn: Did you mean led? Comment by
Michelle Freeman:
A strong morale building program can aid in building, boosting
and sustaining essential workplace morale. This creates an
environment that is conducive to growth, where employees have
a desire to contribute and feel motivated to work hard. A
workplace where people feel prideful, motivated and
enthusiastic is one where team effort is high ensuring that the
company’s goals are achieved.
I will provide information on steps that leaders can take to
create an environment that promotes a feeling of community and
caring. I will expand on how the company can foster employee
involvement, work-life balance, growth, employee development,
recognition and health. High morale is necessary in the
workplace to create a more productive environment. By
iImplementing activities to build morale this will show the
employees that they matter and in turn make them want to work
harder to assist the company in achieving company-wide goals.
I look forward to hearing back from you regarding my proposal.
You may reach me at [email protected] or (954) 907-9590.
Morale Building Activities
Proposal Prepared for:
Michele Griffin
Vice President, ABC Corporation
Proposal Prepared by:
Michelle Freeman
Team Manager, ABC Corporation
Cover Memo1
Cover Page2
Executive Summary4
How to get Started 6
During the last few years that has been a significant decline in
employee morale here at ABC Corporation. Employees are
constantly expressing how unhappy they feel because
management does not show appreciation for their hard work. It
would be helpful if you have specific examples of this
unhappiness and how you are aware of it. This is has a
significant effect on the work environment, which in turn
affects productivity along with the company’s bottom line. My
intent is to ensure that no one has this experience here at ABC
Corporation under my leadership by making employee morale a
top priority. A strong morale building program can aid in
building, boosting and sustaining essential workplace morale.
This creates a workplace where people feel prideful, motivated
and enthusiastic is one where team effort is high ensuring that
the company’s goals are achieved. This proposal will cover
steps leaders can take to create an environment that promotes a
feeling of community and caring. I will expand on how the
company can foster employee involvement, work-life balance,
growth, employee development, recognition and health.
High morale is necessary in the workplace to create a more
productive environment. Comment by Catherine Flynn:
Comment by Catherine Flynn: Not clear Comment by Catherine
Flynn: Place a comma in front of a which clause
According to research improving communication and
collaboration in the workplace can increase workers
productivity by 20 to 25 percent (Chui, et al., 2012). Workplace
health programs can improve morale and organizational
reputation ("Workplace Health Promotion", 2015). A more
engaged workforce leads to many benefits such as less
shrinkage and fewer product defects. Research shows that other
positive outcomes consist of 37% lower absenteeism leading to
21% higher productivity (Gallup). Finally traditional
approaches like strategy, job descriptions and monitoring
employee performance, reduces risk however does nothing to
encourage employee engagement.
Improved communication and collaboration could raise the
productivity of interaction workers by 20 to 25 percent.
(Chui, et al.)
According to a recent study by Accenture, 43% of employees
say that lack of recognition is the reason they are not happy
with their employer. Employees want to feel valued by
leadership. Other large organizations are leading the way on
ways to build employee morale. Companies like Google
provide their employees with perks like a game room and on-
site café. Other organizations offer onsite child care and
healthcare services. These incentives create happier employees
and ensures a significantly lower attrition rate. Employees want
to feel valued by their leaders, happy employees will equal
more productive employees.
A Gallup study shows that companies with the highest
percentage of employee engagement outperform their
competitors in many categories, including:
· 10% higher customer ratings
· 21% higher profitability
· 20% higher productivity
· 24%-59% lower turnover
· 41% lower absenteeism
· 40% fewer quality defects
(paycom, n.d.)
This chart shows that there is a significant gap in performance
between companies with high employee engagement and those
without. On average the estimated cost of low engagement in
the US is $450 to $550 billion dollars per year. This is a major
issue for companies because it ultimately affects the bottom
line. People are more likely to quit when they have a bad boss
however the main reason people leave is because of the
workplace environment. They were not enjoying their job.
Traditional approaches like strategy, job descriptions and
monitoring employee performance, reduces risk however does
nothing to encourage employee engagement. Leaders need to
demonstrate the same behavior they expect from the employees.
Provide a clear explanation of how values such as trust and
integrity relates to their daily work. Performance and incentive
systems should provide a clear accountability Implement an
employee incentive program. Plan group events this will build
team spirit and boost morale. Excellent communication is a key
element in keeping morale high in the workplace. Morale is
typically higher when team members understand how the other
Here are some things which that can be done to build employee
morale. Consider a pot luck, this is a great way to build
comradery. Your team needs to be engaged and enthusiastic to
help you achieve your business goals. Doing team building
exercises regularly is a very effective way to keep everyone on
the same page. Be specific about how this could be
implemented in your workplace. What days would work for a
pot luck? Who would organize it? Promote it?
Leaders needs to be aware of the motivations that can push
employees to cut corner making this an important part of their
risk management system. Take time to celebrate and provide
positive feedback for accomplishments. Encourage employees to
provide innovative ideas and put them to use. Recognize when
there is a problem and take action. Leaders can get the most out
of team building by being inclusive. When planning group
outings get ideas from everyone to earn maximum buy-in.
Provide family fun discount by partnering with businesses to
offer discounts for the entire family. This shows them that you
care about their family as well. Provide regular training to help
employees develop positive attitudes. Again, provide some
specifics about how this could be implemented in your
In 2009 employee morale became an issue for 4Imprint, a
company based in Oshkosh, WI. The company decided they
would attempt to boost employee morale by setting up classes
for 419 of their employees (Seven Ways to Boost Employee
Morale, 2018). They watched and discussed videos with
inspiring themes. Another way to build morale is through
community service. Volunteering together at places like a
Homeless shelter, is another great way to boost team morale.
American Express uses their famous slogan “Membership has its
privileges” to establish group identity. (Bruce, 2003) This
creates a cohesive spirit and a sense of pride. Ensure that
employees are well trained for the job they are expected to
perform as well as other activities such as seminars and group
discussions can assist in fostering high morale. Comment by
Catherine Flynn: This is not a correct in-text citation. Please
review this guide for accurate in-text formatting. In-Text
Citations: The Basics
Be an authentic manager by acknowledging the emotional needs
of your employees. Create a spirit of Gratitude by saying thank
you when appropriate. Set the example, if you want high
performance then deliver it as well. Finally consider the human
factor and don’t just treat the employees as workers.Comment
by Catherine Flynn: Contractions are considered informal and
should be avoided in academic and business writing.
High morale is necessary in the workplace to create a more
productive environment. By i Implementing activities to build
morale this will show the employees that they matter and in turn
make them want to work harder to assist the company in
achieving company-wide goals. Management has to be
concerned with the employees and their work environment.
They need to understand that it is important to create an
environment that promotes a feeling of community and caring.
Leaders should challenge themselves to build, boost and sustain
workplace morale. In order to get the most out of employees’
high morale needs to be a necessity in the workplace. This
environment is shaped by intelligent managers who recognize
the psychological benefits of high morale. A high morale
workplace can only exist when people feel special. Show the
employees that you care about them by listening to their
Bruce, A. (2003). Building High Morale Workplace. New York:
McGraw-Hill Professional.
Chui, M., Manyika, J., Bughin, J., Dobbs, R., Roxburgh, C.,
Sarrazin, H., . . . Westergren, M. (2012, Julyn.d.). The social
economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social
technologies. Retrieved
Erb, M. (2011, July 19). Seven Ways to Boost Employee
Morale. Retrieved from
Gallup, Inc. (2016, March 29). Managing Employee Risk
Requires a Culture of Compliance. Retrieved
Hall, A. (2013, March 23). Six Ways to Boost Morale That
Won't Cost You a Dime. Retrieved from
Workplace Health Promotion. (2015, December 04). Retrieved
Unit 4 Rough Draft Assignment Grading Rubric
Research proposal draft with graphic addresses checklist items
and provides complete information demonstrating analysis,
critical thinking, correct spelling and grammar.
Points Possible
Points Earned
Contains no fewer than 1500 words; no more than 3000
Clearly identifies the audience and purpose
Shows research has been conducted and preliminary integration
of research material is in place following APA formatted in-text
Demonstrates correct grammar and mechanics
Adheres to assigned format – single spaced, double space
between paragraphs, cover page, table of contents, references
Hi Michelle. I review the rough drafts as rough drafts. I assume
you are still working to polish and perfect your draft. I look for
patterns and omissions in your proposal idea to help guide you
to the finish line. I do not mark all errors but rather show you
where overall concerns lie. The final proofreading/revising lives
with you! Please let me know if you have any questions about
the comments or corrections I made on your paper. Thanks.

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Unit 5 Assignment Guidelines explained LANGUAGE — use co.docx

  • 1. Unit 5 Assignment Guidelines explained: LANGUAGE — use concise and clear Standard English that is organized. LENGTH — no fewer than 2,500 words and no more than 3,000. The word count includes all documents from your cover page through to the references page. SPACING — because this is a business report, single space the body of your proposal and double space between paragraphs. REFERENCES — At least five sources must be cited. At least one of these must be a peer- reviewed journal article. Peer reviewed (also known as refereeing) is the process academic articles go through to be recognized as valuable contributions to the field. Peer review is the process of subjecting an author's scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in the same field. In the field of business management, peer-reviewed journals include the following: Academy of Management, Human Resource Management Review, Industrial Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, Management Quarterly, among others. The Writing Center includes additional guidance on peer-reviewed articles (go to Academic Tools area and select Academic Support Center, and on the main page you will see the Writing Center link and additional resources).
  • 2. You may use no more than two personal interviews. Other sources may include newspaper or magazine articles that are not peer reviewed. Or, if you locate several peer-reviewed articles to use, that is fine too. You may cite more than five sources; five is simply the minimum. Quotes — limit the use of direct quotes in your researched proposal. Your paper must contain no more than 15 percent direct quotes. The rest should be paraphrased information so you can demonstrate your understanding of what you read, and critical analysis to demonstrate your ability to apply your knowledge and research to solve the problem. Make your voice the most prominent one. In-text citations must align with the sources listed in the references section. Any source you mention in your paper must be included on your references page and vice versa. Distinguish sources — make sure you carefully distinguish your own words versus words and ideas taken from other sources. Direct quotes MUST be contained in quotation marks. Wikipedia — you may not use information from Wikipedia as it is not considered a reliable source. Dictionaries — may be used to define a term and be listed as source but may NOT count as one of the five sources.
  • 3. APA FORMAT FOR CITING SOURCES — business and management use the American Psychological Association format for academic and professional papers. If you were writing a researched proposal for your supervisor, you would cite your sources following APA. You would use in-text citations to let your reader know where your information comes from. You would use a references page to list all your sources following APA guidelines. This week's reading takes you from the general discussion we held last week into some more specific details about the role of both criminal justice and non-criminal justice professionals in the IT and computer forensics world, as well as why it is important that you understand the basic principles and concepts of the criminal justice process. Then we get into the meat of what you would do and how you would interface with law enforcement in the event you have to conduct a forensic system analysis. The readings in module 2 again stress the importance of understanding the criminal justice process, as well as discuss different types of devices or file systems that may contain information critical to your analysis. Among the basic concepts to understand this week are that there are many types of evidence one could find in digital data. Understanding what data you may find, even if it is not evidence of a crime, is important to preparing a digital examination/analysis plan. Let’s look at a non-technical example… When a law enforcement officer applies for a warrant to search a residence, the officer must specify for what it is he or she is searching; if the case involves a stolen car, then the officer’s search will be limited to only those locations a stolen car, or pieces of a stolen car (in case it was chopped), could be located.
  • 4. It would be unwise to just list the stolen car on the warrant, as (in the interpretation of the court) might only limit the officer to the whole car, intact. So, the officer has to determine in the beginning of their search what could have happened to the car (attempting to account for all the possibilities) so his or her search is complete (and most likely to yield results). The officer will also have to justify (in the affidavit) why he or she believes that the car could be found in smaller pieces. To that end, an officer with auto theft experience may also be able to state that, in his or her experience, stolen cars are often broken down into smaller components, which can be identified with certainty as belonging to the original stolen car, as well as where such components could be hidden. It would most likely not be enough for the officer to simply assert that cars are broken down and sold for parts, if he or she wants to justify seizing an ashtray; the ashtray would need some specific characteristics to do that like a serial number, or other unique identifying artifact. Search warrants and searches are, therefore, most often limited in scope to items for which the searcher is looking (i.e., nearly always evidence of a crime or wrongdoing). You cannot look for an elephant in a kitchen drawer! I know that sounds absurd, but it is an excellent metaphor… However, if you were looking for narcotics, they could be hidden almost anywhere, and you could justify a much broader search. In this example, digital evidence is much more akin to narcotics than you may think, with evidential data often occurring in hidden, strange, or unlikely places. As such, warrants to search for digital evidence often cast a “wide net,” but cannot be so overly broad as to not be supported by probable cause or violate someone’s Fourth Amendment protections and implied rights to privacy under the Constitution. Do not despair, however, if you are not a law enforcement officer… The requirement to obtain a search warrant does not apply to searches by private individuals or non-government organizations, as long as the individual(s) have the authority to
  • 5. conduct the search (e.g., IT security personnel are searching a computer owned by their company for company data, or an employee gives the company consent to search for their personal data). Judicially, the Court evaluates whether your activity was an extension of the government (law-enforcement); acting on their behalf or assisting them. However, even those searches may be limited to certain parts of the computer system(s) or network(s). If a person is allowed to use a personally-owned flash drive at work, and that drive is connected to the computer, you still may not be able to search it without the employee's consent. All of these examples depend heavily on established company policies and what warnings were given to the employee. The readings this week identify several types of devices on which digital evidence could be found. For this week’s discussion, please select two of the devices described in your readings (or other devices, if you prefer). For each device, answer the following questions below in detail. Please discuss thoroughly and substantively in your post. Additionally, respond in a thorough, substantive, intelligent way to at least one of your fellow classmates that adds to our discussion and learning of this week’s topic! · For each, state what types of evidence you would look for on those devices in detail · Explain what limitations or hurdles you would have to clear before searching each of the devices (BOTH as a company IT professional and a law enforcement officer). · Identify what, if any, policies would need to be in place for you to search as a private employee, as well as what limits can be placed on the search by police. Memo
  • 6. To: Michele Griffin, VP, ABC Corporation From: Michelle Freeman, Team Manager Date: August 8, 2018 Subject: Implementation of Morale Building Activities I am writing for consideration of my proposal to implement morale building activities. During my four year tenure at ABC Corporation there has been a significant decline in employee morale. Employees are constantly expressing how unhappy they feel because management does not show appreciation for their hard work. I , myself have personally experienced the feeling that management was focused more on performance numbers instead of addressing employee’s concerns. This lead to me leaving the company because management did not address my concerns. My intent is to ensure that no one has this experience here at ABC Corporation under my leadership by making employee morale a top priority. This isn’t clear. You left the company? Then returned? Comment by Catherine Flynn: Avoid reflexive pronouns. Simply “I” is sufficient. Comment by Michelle Freeman: Thank you.Comment by Catherine Flynn: Should be experienced Comment by Michelle Freeman: Thank you Comment by Catherine Flynn: Did you mean led? Comment by Michelle Freeman: A strong morale building program can aid in building, boosting and sustaining essential workplace morale. This creates an environment that is conducive to growth, where employees have a desire to contribute and feel motivated to work hard. A workplace where people feel prideful, motivated and enthusiastic is one where team effort is high ensuring that the company’s goals are achieved.
  • 7. I will provide information on steps that leaders can take to create an environment that promotes a feeling of community and caring. I will expand on how the company can foster employee involvement, work-life balance, growth, employee development, recognition and health. High morale is necessary in the workplace to create a more productive environment. By iImplementing activities to build morale this will show the employees that they matter and in turn make them want to work harder to assist the company in achieving company-wide goals. I look forward to hearing back from you regarding my proposal. You may reach me at [email protected] or (954) 907-9590. CREATING A MORALE BUILDING PROGRAM AT ABC CORPORATION Morale Building Activities
  • 8. Proposal Prepared for: Michele Griffin Vice President, ABC Corporation Proposal Prepared by: Michelle Freeman Team Manager, ABC Corporation
  • 9. TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Memo1 Cover Page2 Executive Summary4 Research4 Issue5 Solution 5 How to get Started 6 Conclusion6 References8
  • 10. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY During the last few years that has been a significant decline in employee morale here at ABC Corporation. Employees are constantly expressing how unhappy they feel because
  • 11. management does not show appreciation for their hard work. It would be helpful if you have specific examples of this unhappiness and how you are aware of it. This is has a significant effect on the work environment, which in turn affects productivity along with the company’s bottom line. My intent is to ensure that no one has this experience here at ABC Corporation under my leadership by making employee morale a top priority. A strong morale building program can aid in building, boosting and sustaining essential workplace morale. This creates a workplace where people feel prideful, motivated and enthusiastic is one where team effort is high ensuring that the company’s goals are achieved. This proposal will cover steps leaders can take to create an environment that promotes a feeling of community and caring. I will expand on how the company can foster employee involvement, work-life balance, growth, employee development, recognition and health. High morale is necessary in the workplace to create a more productive environment. Comment by Catherine Flynn: Comment by Catherine Flynn: Not clear Comment by Catherine Flynn: Place a comma in front of a which clause RESEARCH
  • 12. According to research improving communication and collaboration in the workplace can increase workers productivity by 20 to 25 percent (Chui, et al., 2012). Workplace health programs can improve morale and organizational reputation ("Workplace Health Promotion", 2015). A more engaged workforce leads to many benefits such as less shrinkage and fewer product defects. Research shows that other positive outcomes consist of 37% lower absenteeism leading to 21% higher productivity (Gallup). Finally traditional approaches like strategy, job descriptions and monitoring employee performance, reduces risk however does nothing to encourage employee engagement. Improved communication and collaboration could raise the productivity of interaction workers by 20 to 25 percent. Exhibit (Chui, et al.)
  • 13. PROBLEM According to a recent study by Accenture, 43% of employees say that lack of recognition is the reason they are not happy with their employer. Employees want to feel valued by leadership. Other large organizations are leading the way on ways to build employee morale. Companies like Google provide their employees with perks like a game room and on- site café. Other organizations offer onsite child care and healthcare services. These incentives create happier employees and ensures a significantly lower attrition rate. Employees want to feel valued by their leaders, happy employees will equal more productive employees. A Gallup study shows that companies with the highest percentage of employee engagement outperform their competitors in many categories, including: · 10% higher customer ratings · 21% higher profitability · 20% higher productivity · 24%-59% lower turnover · 41% lower absenteeism · 40% fewer quality defects (paycom, n.d.)
  • 14. This chart shows that there is a significant gap in performance between companies with high employee engagement and those without. On average the estimated cost of low engagement in the US is $450 to $550 billion dollars per year. This is a major issue for companies because it ultimately affects the bottom line. People are more likely to quit when they have a bad boss however the main reason people leave is because of the workplace environment. They were not enjoying their job. SOLUTION Traditional approaches like strategy, job descriptions and monitoring employee performance, reduces risk however does nothing to encourage employee engagement. Leaders need to demonstrate the same behavior they expect from the employees. Provide a clear explanation of how values such as trust and integrity relates to their daily work. Performance and incentive systems should provide a clear accountability Implement an employee incentive program. Plan group events this will build team spirit and boost morale. Excellent communication is a key element in keeping morale high in the workplace. Morale is typically higher when team members understand how the other
  • 15. thinks. HOW TO GET STARTED Here are some things which that can be done to build employee morale. Consider a pot luck, this is a great way to build comradery. Your team needs to be engaged and enthusiastic to help you achieve your business goals. Doing team building exercises regularly is a very effective way to keep everyone on the same page. Be specific about how this could be implemented in your workplace. What days would work for a pot luck? Who would organize it? Promote it? Leaders needs to be aware of the motivations that can push employees to cut corner making this an important part of their risk management system. Take time to celebrate and provide positive feedback for accomplishments. Encourage employees to provide innovative ideas and put them to use. Recognize when there is a problem and take action. Leaders can get the most out of team building by being inclusive. When planning group outings get ideas from everyone to earn maximum buy-in. Provide family fun discount by partnering with businesses to offer discounts for the entire family. This shows them that you
  • 16. care about their family as well. Provide regular training to help employees develop positive attitudes. Again, provide some specifics about how this could be implemented in your workplace In 2009 employee morale became an issue for 4Imprint, a company based in Oshkosh, WI. The company decided they would attempt to boost employee morale by setting up classes for 419 of their employees (Seven Ways to Boost Employee Morale, 2018). They watched and discussed videos with inspiring themes. Another way to build morale is through community service. Volunteering together at places like a Homeless shelter, is another great way to boost team morale. American Express uses their famous slogan “Membership has its privileges” to establish group identity. (Bruce, 2003) This creates a cohesive spirit and a sense of pride. Ensure that employees are well trained for the job they are expected to perform as well as other activities such as seminars and group discussions can assist in fostering high morale. Comment by Catherine Flynn: This is not a correct in-text citation. Please review this guide for accurate in-text formatting. In-Text Citations: The Basics Be an authentic manager by acknowledging the emotional needs
  • 17. of your employees. Create a spirit of Gratitude by saying thank you when appropriate. Set the example, if you want high performance then deliver it as well. Finally consider the human factor and don’t just treat the employees as workers.Comment by Catherine Flynn: Contractions are considered informal and should be avoided in academic and business writing. CONCLUSION High morale is necessary in the workplace to create a more productive environment. By i Implementing activities to build morale this will show the employees that they matter and in turn make them want to work harder to assist the company in achieving company-wide goals. Management has to be concerned with the employees and their work environment. They need to understand that it is important to create an environment that promotes a feeling of community and caring. Leaders should challenge themselves to build, boost and sustain workplace morale. In order to get the most out of employees’ high morale needs to be a necessity in the workplace. This environment is shaped by intelligent managers who recognize the psychological benefits of high morale. A high morale workplace can only exist when people feel special. Show the employees that you care about them by listening to their concerns.
  • 18. References Bruce, A. (2003). Building High Morale Workplace. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. Chui, M., Manyika, J., Bughin, J., Dobbs, R., Roxburgh, C., Sarrazin, H., . . . Westergren, M. (2012, Julyn.d.). The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies. Retrieved from insights/the-social-economy Erb, M. (2011, July 19). Seven Ways to Boost Employee Morale. Retrieved from Gallup, Inc. (2016, March 29). Managing Employee Risk Requires a Culture of Compliance. Retrieved
  • 19. from employee-risk-requires-culture-compliance.aspx Hall, A. (2013, March 23). Six Ways to Boost Morale That Won't Cost You a Dime. Retrieved from boost-morale-that-wont-cost-you-a-dime-2/#36dd0e24fd72 Workplace Health Promotion. (2015, December 04). Retrieved from costs/benefits/morale.html Unit 4 Rough Draft Assignment Grading Rubric
  • 20. Research proposal draft with graphic addresses checklist items and provides complete information demonstrating analysis, critical thinking, correct spelling and grammar. Points Possible Points Earned Contains no fewer than 1500 words; no more than 3000 10 10 Clearly identifies the audience and purpose 10 10 Shows research has been conducted and preliminary integration of research material is in place following APA formatted in-text citations 45 45 Demonstrates correct grammar and mechanics 20 20 Adheres to assigned format – single spaced, double space between paragraphs, cover page, table of contents, references 15 15 Hi Michelle. I review the rough drafts as rough drafts. I assume you are still working to polish and perfect your draft. I look for
  • 21. patterns and omissions in your proposal idea to help guide you to the finish line. I do not mark all errors but rather show you where overall concerns lie. The final proofreading/revising lives with you! Please let me know if you have any questions about the comments or corrections I made on your paper. Thanks. 100 100