SlideShare a Scribd company logo
and APIs
joint venture
Plugins for using bitcoins
with Wordpress
The big business
of bitcoins
What is blockchain?
CoinDesk, Bitpay
and Coinbase
Pablo Junco
How to create a Bitcoin
wallet with an open source
JavaScript library
01 The big business of bitcoins:
The bitcoin network was launched in 2009 as a digital revolution.
Following various ups and downs in the value of this cryptocurrency, today
companies such as Coinbase and Bitpay are exploiting the sector by
offering services through APIs.
Bitcoins date back to 2008, with the registration of
the domain and the publication in
October that year of ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer
Electronic Cash System’ by the pseudonymous
Satoshi Nakamoto. The bitcoin network launched
in 2009. This is perhaps one of the greatest digital
achievements of recent times. This business is
moving millions in investment every year. And this
has mainly been made possible through the
creation of application development interfaces
“A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash
would allow online payments to be sent directly
from one party to another without going through a
financial institution”. This was how the creator of
bitcoin outlined the promising concept, which at
the time was just a whitepaper. “We propose a
solution to the double-spending problem [i.e. bank
involvement] using a peer-to-peer network, ”
continues the document that gave rise to this
Bitcoins are still part of the fintech scene, where
new ideas, projects and startups are continuously
emerging, constantly refreshing the market with
original investment opportunities, as ideas
constantly appear and disappear because of tiny
details. The history of bitcoins and their outlook
suggest that the cryptocurrency is in good health
and has a future, although its instability means that
it will never be a global virtual currency.
Some specialists in the sector believe that the
upward trend in bitcoins will hold during 2016,
remaining between 350 and 550 dollars.
01.The big business of bitcoins
However, not surprisingly, some other analysts don't rule out a slip back towards 300 dollars. It is currently
comfortably over 500 dollars (as of 2 June 2016) and has been on a clear upward trend since October
The chart below shows the CoinDesk BPI (bitcoin price index):
01.The big business of bitcoins
Jul ´15 Oct ´15 Jan ´16 Apr ´16
Prudence: with 2013 in mind
We are a long way from the peak when
cryptocurrency was priced at over 1,200 dollars,
in late 2013. During the period, until the virtual
currency fell to well below 300 dollars, some
bitcoiners made money from monetary
speculation, and the large data centers for bitcoin
mining found themselves in a very lucrative field,
until the drop in prices sucked the profitability out
of professional mining and renting servers for this
However, since mid-2015 some interesting factors
have arisen that anticipate an increase in the
volume of investment in bitcoins, and a change in
the type of investors. Some key findings from the
latest CoinDesk outlook report:
• Venture capital investment increased from
362 million dollars at the end of 2014 to 490
million dollars in 2015. The growth rate was
down from 280% in 2014 to 36% in 2015.
• At the end of 2015, the volume of
transactions and the number of major firms
interested in bitcoins was four times higher
than in 2014.
• There are expected to be some 16 million
bitcoin virtual wallets in 2016, a 25% year-on-
year increase.
01.The big business of
01.The big business of bitcoins
16 million bitcoin wallets forecasted by 2016
Business development based on APIs
At present, there are some leading companies
whose main business is the purchase, sale and use
of bitcoins in the various fields requiring
application development interfaces and
blockchains, the technology behind it
(transactions, M2M, prediction and privacy),
including Coinbase, Bitpay, Blockchain,
BlockCypher and
All of these companies have one or more APIs that
provide services in the bitcoin world. Coinbase
offers an interface for the creation of bitcoin
wallets; Bitpay for the management of payments in
the cryptocurrency; Blockchain offers several
interfaces for receiving payments, processing data
blockchains, queries, transactions and virtual
wallets; and BlockCypher and offer several
simple and versatile APIs for the development of
wallets and reliable blockchain applications.
01.The big business of
The Coinbase API enables development of bitcoin
applications and the integration of bitcoin
developments into existing third-party applications.
The functionality offered includes:
• Creation of bitcoin virtual wallets.
• Purchase, sale, delivery and receipt of
• Safe storage of cryptocurrencies.
• Recovery and querying of historic price data.
• Receipt of notifications when a payment
• Payment-management functionality.
The testing process for the Coinbase API takes
places in a testing environment or sandbox. In this
case, the testing environment is executed in
Testnet 3. Testnet is an alternative to the bitcoin
blockchain. This provides developers with a
testing scenario without having to use bitcoins
or real value, and without the risk of causing any
breakage in the chain of blocks on which bitcoin is
based. Testnet 3 was created to simplify the whole
testing process.
01.The big business of
Coinbase currently has a number of mobile SDKs and libraries for application development. These are
available in various programming languages: syntax such as Ruby, Python, Node.js, PHP and Java for
libraries; and SDKs for both Android and iOS operating systems. Libraries are also available for the OAuth
authentication protocol.
Bitpay offers an API REST that its customers use to manage their invoices, issue reimbursements, administer
accounts and obtain real-time information on bitcoin prices. Developers can use the API through HTTP and
HTTPS requests, with the data being returned in JSON format, or, even more simply, by using libraries in
programming languages such as PHP, Node.js and Ruby. The API uses an authentication protocol that they
call BitAuth, under which each customer is assigned a specific identification ID.
01.The big business of
What is blockchain,
the bitcoin ecosystem
based on APIs?
Blockchain is the technology supporting the process of mining and pricing
bitcoins, a procedure whereby the users of this cryptocurrency make
payments and transactions in an encrypted and authenticated form on a
distributed database.
Any issue related to bitcoins is invariably linked to
blockchain, the technology on which the cryptocurrency
is based. The end result is a huge database distributed
in numerous servers all around the world that gathers all
the transactions made in bitcoins. Each one of these
operations, encrypted and authenticated, is added to
the chain of blocks –or blockchain– on which bitcoins
are based. This process would be impossible without
The fact is that today, bitcoin technology offers many
more possibilities and arouses more interest among
developers than other online payment systems such as
PayPal, for example. Currently within the collaborative
development platform GitHub there are almost 3,200
repositories linked to PayPal, whereas there are over
8,000 repositories linked to bitcoin. This fever chart
compiled by CoinDesk shows the annual growth of both
systems since 2009.
02. What is
02. What is blockchain
Dec ´09 Dec ´11 Dec ´13 Dec ´15
Bitcoin payment software developer ecosystem grew 40% in 2015
The consulting company Deloitte recently carried out a survey within the bitcoiner community to discover
the future outlook for the sector. Some of the most interesting questions in the survey include: What fields
related to blockchain had the highest penetration forecasts for 2016? 37% of respondents said the launch of
new products, followed by new cases of use. It looks likely that 2016 will be the year blockchain definitively
enters our lives.
02. What is blockchain
What do you think will be the biggest breakthrough in the blockchain space in 2016?
Deloitte survey on the process of penetration of bitcoins in society. More than 70% believe that the launch
of new products or new cases of use will be the protagonists in 2016.
Product launches
New use cases
Existing use cases with new applicability
Allances and consortiums
Anyone can use bitcoins –the only thing you need
is a virtual wallet installed in a device. You don't
even need to have much technical knowledge to
operate with this cryptocurrency, as it works in the
same way as any online payment process. What
you have to take into account is that every
transaction a user makes with bitcoins –once
verified– is added to the blockchain, and at that
precise instant it begins to form part of a shared
accounting system.
This blockchain or shared accounting system is the
result of all the transactions made with bitcoin
wallets by all the users on the Internet. Each
transaction requires a code and a signature that
identifies each user and encrypts and verifies
each transaction. Each transaction enters the
blockchain through a process known as bitcoin
mining, based on a procedure known as proof of
work (POW).
Each transaction, which is always public, must be
verified to avoid problems within the blockchain:
bitcoins must be authentic and not duplicated.
Otherwise, someone loses money. The idea is that
a series of nodes are responsible for verifying the
authenticity of each transaction, a protocol that
usually takes 10 minutes. It is reevaluated every
2016 blocks, so the process always takes around
that time to verify.
How does blockchain work?
02. What is
The idea is that each transaction is verified by consensus, and the transaction authentication process
receives a commission through the proof of work. This system avoids violations without having to depend on
a trustworthy arbiter (for example a bank).
02. What is
Some of the key characteristics of the
blockchain platform:
• Customer-side encryption: all the virtual
wallets used by bitcoiners use JavaScript for
encryption, which gives them protection
against possible server-side violations.
• Open code: all the code relating to the
wallets is open code, which facilitates the
joint work of the community of developers.
• Offline transactions: the wallets can operate
offline with HTML5.
• Conversion of bitcoins into 22 international
• Transaction types: these include e-mail
processes, SMS and Facebook.
• Payment notification: e-mail, SMS, Skype or
HTTP POST calls.
• Possibility of making automatic backups of
the virtual wallet.
02. What is
Simplified bitcoin blockchain
02. What is
The whole transaction process, receipt and issue of payments, transactions with virtual currencies
and data management would not be possible without an application programming interface for each
function. Today blockchain has several APIs for different functionalities. Without some of these,
no one anywhere in the world would be able to make any bitcoin transactions:
• Receive Payments API: Version 2 of this interface has been available since last 1 January 2016.
This is the simplest way for a company or business to begin to accept automated payments in
bitcoins. The API is based on HTTP GET requests and is in charge of creating a single address for
each user and for each invoice issued in each bitcoin transaction, an essential condition for good
• Blockchain Wallet API: Since last 1 January, to use of this API it has been necessary to install a
local server to manage the virtual wallet. The communication method used is based on HTTP
POST or GET calls. The process for creating a virtual wallet is known as create_wallet from this url:
http://localhost:3000/api/v2/create. Each wallet is associated to a password with a minimum
length of 10 characters, an authentication code for the API, a private code for each user, the
folder where the wallet is created, and an e-mail address.
The importance of blockchain APIs
02. What is
• JSON RPC API: Since March 2016, the
universal recommendation for bitcoin users
is to use the new Blockchain Wallet API,
although the interface based on RPC calls
continues to be compatible with the old
Bitcoind RPC to interact with virtual
currencies. It can be installed and used from
libraries in numerous programming
languages: syntax such as Python, Ruby,
PHP, Node.js and .NET.
• Blockchain Data API: This can be used to
consult the data on the transactions and
operations within the blockchain in JSON
• Query API: Plain text API for querying
blockchain data.
• WebSocket API: this app programming
interface gives programmers access to real-
time notifications on transactions and blocks.
• Exchange Rates API: This manages the
information on bitcoin exchange rates and
international currencies in real time and in
• Charts & Statistics API.
02. What is
APIs for developing bitcoin apps
The bitcoin-related services offered by CoinDesk, Bitpay and Coinbase
include APIs for external developers to develop apps and financial
products aimed at performing transactions and obtaining share prices.
It's not a secret that the great advantages of application
programming interfaces as regards new ways of doing
business with third parties and reducing costs. Their
importance is clearly evidenced by the fact that no
company, entrepreneur or developer envisions the
present or the future without them. The same applies to
the community that offers solutions linked to bitcoins.
Without APIs it would be almost impossible to
implement the payment and transaction technology.
Using Programmable Web (the largest and best API
repository in the world with more than 15,000 APIs) as
a reference, we have created this short list of application
programming interfaces linked to the most popular
bitcoin services. However, this has been a hard decision
since there are countless projects and APIs in this
03. Coindesk, Bitpay and
CoinDesk is a platform that offers bitcoin-related
services. Its most used service is probably the
Bitcoin Price Index (BPI) which establishes bitcoin's
exchange price in real time. Hundreds of bitcoin-
related services use this index to calculate their
exchange policy. To include information from this
index in an application or website, external
developers only need to fulfill a single condition:
CoinDesk needs to be credited as the primary
source of the index's financial data.
This interface is a REST API which returns
information in JSON format. As it usually happens
with a REST API, the requests for this data are
made through HTTP requests. Initially, there is no
limitation on using the API or the flow of requests
for information albeit you are warned against
abuse. CoinDesk API has several endpoints from
which external developers can raise requests and
obtain answers.
CoinDesk API
03. Coindesk, Bitpay and
For example, the API offers the exchange price of their index in several currencies to programmers of other
applications through an endpoint with the following URL:
An endpoint is basically a remote procedure call (RPC) service that provides an access method for external
people or customers. Typically, its answer is in JSON format. Example:
03. Coindesk, Bitpay and Coinbase
{"time":{"updated":"Jun 8, 2016 18:11:00 UTC","updatedISO":"2016-06-
08T18:11:00+00:00","updateduk":"Jun 8, 2016 at 19:11 BST"},"disclaimer":"This data
was produced from the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (USD). Non-USD currency data
converted using hourly conversion rate from","bpi":{"USD":{"code":"USD","symbol":"$","rate":"578.9950","desc
ription":"United States
tion":"British Pound
Bitpay is an online payment service that allows you
to carry out transactions with bitcoins. Application
and service developers can connect to Bitpay API
to integrate features such as invoice management,
refunds, transactions, pricing, etc. into their
products. And all this is achieved through HTTP
calls made directly to Bitpay API using
programming languages such as Node.js, PHP and
Ruby. This application programming interface is
based on the REST protocol (REST API).
The API's operation is simple: any developer can
perform a HTTP call to any resource in the API and
the latter returns the requested information in
JSON format. The process can become much
more intuitive because Bitpay offers several
specific libraries for this purpose: as we explained,
libraries in multiple types of syntax; and open-
source plugins that are also available on GitHub,
These can be used to install content management
systems such as Drupal and Wordpress or
e-commerce specific toolboxes such as
Prestashop, Magento and WooCommerce. Since it
is open source, it can be downloaded and
improved by developers.
Bitpay API
03. Coindesk, Bitpay and
API sessions are an interesting concept within
Bitpay's interface. This feature increases its security
and privacy against replay attacks; also, it ensures
that requests for information are processed in
order of arrival even if the service is interrupted.
Every HTTP call to the API is associated with a
session ID (sessionID) and a request number
(requestNumber). This process is bidirectional:
• Each additional HTTP request to the API
results in a change to the requestNumber.
The first one is assigned the number 1; the
second is assigned the number 2.
• If a customer makes a request and the service
doesn't return any information because the
service has been interrupted, the developer
can run the call again using the same
requestNumber. The API returns the
information if this has been cached;
alternatively, it sends it from scratch.
03. Coindesk, Bitpay and
Coinbase is possibly one of the most well-known
platforms for buying, selling and using bitcoins. A
big part of its success is based on its range of APIs:
Merchants API, Exchange API and Network (Toshi)
API (currently in beta phase).
• Merchants API: this REST API allows external
developers to access and integrate all features
offered by Coinbase Merchants into their
applications; these features include accepting
online payments in bitcoins and managing
invoices. The API supports two types of
authentication: an API key for customers to
access their own accounts, and an OAuth2
protocol which creates access tokens for
external developers.
Coinbase APIs
03. Coindesk, Bitpay and
• Exchange API: application programming
interface that allows other developers to design
trading products using bitcoins and benefiting
from secure and reliable access to the U.S.
stock market. To capture data in real time
programmers can resort to two libraries in two
different types of syntax: one library is in
Node.js (simplifies the return of information in
JSON format and the execution of requests
through the API's endpoints) and the other
library is in Ruby.
• Network (Toshi) API: Toshi is an open-source
bitcoin node developed by Coinbase to design
online apps on a large scale. It allows you to
access aggregate blockchain data: retrieve the
latest bitcoin blocks; carry out all kinds of
transactions; and obtain information about
transactions and balances.
03. Coindesk, Bitpay and
Pablo Junco
“The banking industry is the sector
most interested in Blockchain”
Microsoft’s Strategy manager, Pablo Junco, discusses in this interview the
combination of Blockchain technology and APIs for creating platforms
aimed at driving a wide range of businesses in the financial sector.
Pablo Junco, Strategy manager of Microsoft, says
in this interview that the banking industry is the
sector most interested in Blockchain. The
combination of APIs and block technology results
in savings in costs and transaction times, among
other services.
He stresses that APIs are critical for success. "APIs
allow us to reach a mass of people, a kind of
customer that we had not originally considered,
and thus continue to make progress".
Like BBVA, Microsoft is committed to APIs and to
opening them to third parties. In the case of BBVA,
they are driven through its open platform, which
offers its financial APIs to help companies,
startups, customers and developers who want to
improve or transform their products and services
or create new lines of business.
This commitment to innovation is also firm at
Microsoft, through open platforms and Blockchain.
For example, using Azure BlockChain as a Service
(or Azure BaaS) -with multiple Blockchain partners
as smart contract platforms) like Ethereum, Eris
and Tendermint-, the R3 consortium has created a
peer-to-peer distributed ledger to connect banks.
04. Pablo
Don't miss Pablo Junco's views on APIs and blockchain technology in the interview below.
04. Pablo
Bitcoin wallet
How to create it with an open
source JavaScript library
Bitcore is a JavaScript library for application development within
the Bitcoin sector. The platform is ready to work with Node.js on
the server side, in a browser on the client side and to interact
with Bitcoin nodes.
The world related to cryptocurrencies is always expanding. It has become a fruitful development
environment for all kinds of applications. Mobile wallets, connectors with the Bitcoin network, business
geolocators that accept virtual currency, video games with bitcoins etc. This is an interesting field for any
developer who wants to undertake something. In short, it has become a perfect breeding ground for doing
It's certainly true that between late 2013 and early 2014 the price of Bitcoin shot up and, since then, the
price has first declined and then its valuation has stabilized (as can be seen in the graph). In any case, it's a
field of evident entrepreneurship.
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
05. Bitcoin
Today there is a platform that combines the best of
bitcoins and JavaScript, which facilitates the
development of applications for this virtual
currency. Bitcore is an open source library that
works under the Bitcoin protocol. Being an open
source solution is a concept advantage: it facilitates
the creation of a community that constantly
enriches the tool, both independent developers and
Bitcoin businesses themselves.
The creator of Bitcore is Bitpay, which in the
document launching the tool stated that its
objective is that "developers contemplating new
Bitcoin projects should not have to resort to using
proprietary APIs hosted on services running closed
software." The Bitcore platform is ready to work
with Node.js on the server side, in a web browser
on the client side and with the ability to interact
with Bitcoin nodes.
05. Bitcoin
Before you start you need to meet a set of
minimum requirements without which it would be
impossible for a Bitcore node to connect through
Bitcoin. The computer needs 100GB of disk
space and 4GB of RAM for storing data on bitcoin
blockchains (this is a public accounting system
shared between all nodes in the Bitcoin network).
In addition, a 64-bit GNU/Linux or Mac OS X
(Apple) is required. These would be the steps to
-Install Node.js. Bitpay recommends installing
Node Version Manager, that allows for updating
versions of Node.js easily. The latest version of
Node Version Manager is v.0.29.0. Link for
-Install Bitcore and create a node. It has a
command line to create and manage a full Bitcoin
• Installation command: npm install -g bitcore.
This command not only installs Bitcore, it also
synchronizes with blockchain and executes
Insight Block Explorer, an open source Bitcoin
blockchain explorer with REST and WebSocket
APIs that enables developers and Bitcoin
businesses to write in virtual wallet code and
other applications that need to function and
make blockchain queries.
• Command for creating additional nodes: a
programmer can create new nodes that are not
found within the global NPM installation
directory (the one used in the previous step) or
run the Bitcore Wallet Service.
How to install and start developing with Bitcore
05. Bitcoin
In that case, the developer must do the following:
• Command bitcore create mynodo.
• Creating a node in testnet, an alternative block
chain is used for testing. Therefore we would
have a TestNet cryptocurrency, which it is
different from Bitcoin. It is a way to have a
virtual currency to test on. Command for a
testnet node: bitcore create mynodo --testnet.
Both steps make it possible to create a "mynodo"
directory, to which dependencies and
configuration files can be installed to start
operating with the additional node.
• Creating an additional node when there is
already a Bitcoin directory for use. bitcore
create -d <path-to-datadirectory> mynode
05. Bitcoin
One of the first objectives that a developer can
have with Bitcore is to configure the bitcoins virtual
wallet service. This service uses the same backend
that Bitpay Bitcoin wallets use, which in some ways
is very similar to what a traditional SPV (Simplified
Payment Verification) backend would be (secure
connection system with Bitcoin nodes).
Steps to follow:
• Installing dependencies: the main dependency
that would have to be installed is MongoDB, an
open source NoSQL data database system in
JavaScript and document-oriented. In this case
we always talk about implementing solutions in
this programming language. How do you install
MongoDB on Linux or Mac OS X? Here is a
• Add the virtual wallet service to the newly-
created node: this is possible because it already
has a node created and synchronized with the
Bitcoin blockchain. Command to execute the
virtual wallet:
How to configure a bitcoins virtual wallet with Bitcore
cd <your node>
bitcore install bitcore-wallet-service
bitcore install insight-api
05. Bitcoin
There are a number of services that can be deployed in any node created with Bitcore through the Insight
API. As an example, the web service lets you create an application that provides users with direct interaction
with the Bitcore node through an http or https port.
A practical example of the implementation of this service:
The new Bitcore API
MyService.pro = function(app, express)
// Set up routes
app.get('/hello', function(req, res) {
// Serve static content
app.use('/static', express.static(__dirname + '/static'));
MyService.prototype.getRoutePrefix = function() {
return 'my-service'
05. Bitcoin
There are also other additional services that are available in API documentation itself. You can see the
presentation of the new Bitcore application programming interface at a developer seminar in the below
If you're a JavaScript developer and want to configure a bitcoin wallet, the services offered by Bitcore can be
an effective solution. Check them out.
Furthermore, if you're interested in open source topics, here is a free ebook to download.
05. Bitcoin
for using bitcoins with Wordpress
Wordpress is almost certainly the most widely used content
management system on the market. There are numerous plugins
available today that allow payment of products in bitcoins on websites
with online stores developed in this CMS.
The ultimate aim of any currency, whether real or
virtual, is for it to be widely used so it becomes a
stable and reliable currency for most users. The more
companies and businesses use bitcoins to make
payments and transactions, the greater its impact
and the more possibilities it will have of becoming a
global currency. Today, this scenario is still far in the
future, but the bitcoin community is always looking
for ways to make life easier for developers and
entrepreneurs. This is why we are continually seeing
the appearance of new plugins to bring bitcoins to
Wordpress is the CMS (Content Management System)
par excellence. Most business projects use it to
launch their websites on the Internet. The fact of
encouraging the online coexistence of these projects
with the collection, payment, invoicing and all kinds
transactions in bitcoins is a quick way of viralizing
their use. This is a list of the best plugins to add
features linked to this cryptocurrency to any project
in Wordpress:
Bitcoin Payments for WooCommerce is possibly
one of the most downloaded plugins in the
repository of new Wordpress features. It allows
acceptance of payment in bitcoins in online stores
based on WooCommerce, one of the most widely
used free toolboxes for Wordpress, essentially in
the form of design templates with everything you
need to sell products, from product description
pages through to a shopping cart system. The
closest rivals within the e-commerce market are:
Prestashop and Magento.
By early June 2016, this plugin had been
downloaded more than 24,400 times, with an
average of 20 a day. It is now on version 4.08,
and requires Wordpress version 3.0.1 or later to
install. Graphics offered by Wordpress:
The most interesting features of Bitcoin Payments
for WooCommerce:
Bitcoin Payments for WooCommerce
• Compatible with the Electrum bitcoin wallet:
this client has some interesting advantages such
as the use of a remote server without the need
to download the whole blockchain; portfolio of
totally recoverable addresses from a seed or
private key; sensitive security information is
never sent through the server to avoid
violations; and it is also an open code solution.
• Electrum eliminates any dependence on third
• MPK system to increase security: even if the
server and database are compromised, no one
can steal the bitcoins.
• It accepts payment in bitcoins directly in the
personal wallet.
• It calculates the exchange rate through the
• Zero fees for processing third-party payments.
• Support for many international currencies. It's
important for an online store to have this
advantage if it has international customers.
• Conversion of bitcoins with real-time exchange
GoUrl Bitcoin Payment is another plugin linked to the top downloaded cryptocurrency on Wordpress. It is
one of the most successful payment gateways in bitcoin transactions. Today this feature has been
downloaded over 25,900 times by Wordpress users, with an average of 45 downloads every day.
GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway & Paid Downloads & Membership
Some of its key features include:
• Open code plugin available on GitHub. This
means that any developer can download the
payment gateway on their equipment and
make any adjustments they deem necessary
for their own store.
• It doesn't require the user to associate it to a
bank account.
• Payments can be obtained directly in the
bitcoin wallets.
• It accepts not only bitcoin, but also Litecoin,
Paycoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Speedcoin,
Reddcoin, Feathercoin, Vertcoin, Vericoin and
Peercoin, a large number of cryptocurrencies
based on P2P technologies.
• It supports third-party plugins such as
• It integrates payment gateways in bitcoins in
other plugins developed by other
programmers for Wordpress users.
• This gateway allows different types of
payment: pay-per-product, pay-per-download,
pay-per-membership and pay-per-view.
GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway & Paid Downloads & Membership
Stripe Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon allows the Stripe payment gateway to be installed in the
features of an online store in a Wordpress. Stripe is one of the most successful payment platforms within the
developers community, largely because of the simplicity and utility of the application programming interface
(API). At the beginning of 2015 Stripe set up its integration with the Bitcoin payment system through this
Stripe Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon
Mollie Payments for WooCommerce is one of the
most downloaded Wordpress plugins for the
integration of a payment gateway that accepts
bitcoins, although it also incorporates other
commercial transaction systems like PayPal or
credit cards from any bank. You need to open an
Features of this plugin:
• It supports several languages: English,
Dutch, German and French.
• The order, title and description can be
edited for each payment method.
• Money reimbursements for WooCommerce
2.2 and later versions.
Mollie Payments for WooCommerce
Digital Paybox is a payment plugin for Wordpress, with two types of license: a basic one for 22 dollars, and
an extended one for 110 dollars. You can add a feature that allows the end user to choose the amount and
the payment gateway when purchasing a product, either through PayPal, debit and credit cards with Stripe
or bitcoins with BitPay. Once the user has made the transaction, the plugin sends an encrypted and
temporary download link to the payer's e-mail address.
Its key features are:
• It accepts all kinds of cards, both debit and credit, and from any of the regular market providers: Visa,
MasterCard or American Express.
• It combines flexible and fixed payments and minimum payment limits.
• Payment system based on AJAX and CSS3.
• Support for several languages.
If you're a developer and you want to try financial APIs, go to BBVA's open platform.
Digital Paybox
Ebook: Fintech revolutions Ebook: APIs & Internet of ThingsEbook: Introduction to the word
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Other ebooks in BBVA Open4U
Identity Accounts PayStats
Money Transfers Cards BBVA Connect
A Company Without APIs Is Like A Computer Without Internet
49BBVA is not responsible for the opinions expressed in this ebook
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Union of bitcoin and APIs

  • 1. Bitcoin and APIs joint venture Plugins for using bitcoins with Wordpress 06 The big business of bitcoins 01 What is blockchain? 02 CoinDesk, Bitpay and Coinbase 03 INTERVIEW Pablo Junco 04 How to create a Bitcoin wallet with an open source JavaScript library 05
  • 2. 01 The big business of bitcoins: MAKE MONEY WITH APIS The bitcoin network was launched in 2009 as a digital revolution. Following various ups and downs in the value of this cryptocurrency, today companies such as Coinbase and Bitpay are exploiting the sector by offering services through APIs.
  • 3. Bitcoins date back to 2008, with the registration of the domain and the publication in October that year of ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System’ by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto. The bitcoin network launched in 2009. This is perhaps one of the greatest digital achievements of recent times. This business is moving millions in investment every year. And this has mainly been made possible through the creation of application development interfaces (APIs). “A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution”. This was how the creator of bitcoin outlined the promising concept, which at the time was just a whitepaper. “We propose a solution to the double-spending problem [i.e. bank involvement] using a peer-to-peer network, ” continues the document that gave rise to this cryptocurrency. Bitcoins are still part of the fintech scene, where new ideas, projects and startups are continuously emerging, constantly refreshing the market with original investment opportunities, as ideas constantly appear and disappear because of tiny details. The history of bitcoins and their outlook suggest that the cryptocurrency is in good health and has a future, although its instability means that it will never be a global virtual currency. Some specialists in the sector believe that the upward trend in bitcoins will hold during 2016, remaining between 350 and 550 dollars. 01.The big business of bitcoins
  • 4. However, not surprisingly, some other analysts don't rule out a slip back towards 300 dollars. It is currently comfortably over 500 dollars (as of 2 June 2016) and has been on a clear upward trend since October 2015. The chart below shows the CoinDesk BPI (bitcoin price index): 01.The big business of bitcoins $500 $400 $300 $200 Jul ´15 Oct ´15 Jan ´16 Apr ´16
  • 5. Prudence: with 2013 in mind We are a long way from the peak when cryptocurrency was priced at over 1,200 dollars, in late 2013. During the period, until the virtual currency fell to well below 300 dollars, some bitcoiners made money from monetary speculation, and the large data centers for bitcoin mining found themselves in a very lucrative field, until the drop in prices sucked the profitability out of professional mining and renting servers for this purpose. However, since mid-2015 some interesting factors have arisen that anticipate an increase in the volume of investment in bitcoins, and a change in the type of investors. Some key findings from the latest CoinDesk outlook report: • Venture capital investment increased from 362 million dollars at the end of 2014 to 490 million dollars in 2015. The growth rate was down from 280% in 2014 to 36% in 2015. • At the end of 2015, the volume of transactions and the number of major firms interested in bitcoins was four times higher than in 2014. • There are expected to be some 16 million bitcoin virtual wallets in 2016, a 25% year-on- year increase. 01.The big business of
  • 6. 01.The big business of bitcoins 16 million bitcoin wallets forecasted by 2016
  • 7. Business development based on APIs At present, there are some leading companies whose main business is the purchase, sale and use of bitcoins in the various fields requiring application development interfaces and blockchains, the technology behind it (transactions, M2M, prediction and privacy), including Coinbase, Bitpay, Blockchain, BlockCypher and All of these companies have one or more APIs that provide services in the bitcoin world. Coinbase offers an interface for the creation of bitcoin wallets; Bitpay for the management of payments in the cryptocurrency; Blockchain offers several interfaces for receiving payments, processing data blockchains, queries, transactions and virtual wallets; and BlockCypher and offer several simple and versatile APIs for the development of wallets and reliable blockchain applications. 01.The big business of
  • 8. Coinbase The Coinbase API enables development of bitcoin applications and the integration of bitcoin developments into existing third-party applications. The functionality offered includes: • Creation of bitcoin virtual wallets. • Purchase, sale, delivery and receipt of bitcoins. • Safe storage of cryptocurrencies. • Recovery and querying of historic price data. • Receipt of notifications when a payment occurs. • Payment-management functionality. The testing process for the Coinbase API takes places in a testing environment or sandbox. In this case, the testing environment is executed in Testnet 3. Testnet is an alternative to the bitcoin blockchain. This provides developers with a testing scenario without having to use bitcoins or real value, and without the risk of causing any breakage in the chain of blocks on which bitcoin is based. Testnet 3 was created to simplify the whole testing process. 01.The big business of
  • 9. Coinbase currently has a number of mobile SDKs and libraries for application development. These are available in various programming languages: syntax such as Ruby, Python, Node.js, PHP and Java for libraries; and SDKs for both Android and iOS operating systems. Libraries are also available for the OAuth authentication protocol. Bitpay Bitpay offers an API REST that its customers use to manage their invoices, issue reimbursements, administer accounts and obtain real-time information on bitcoin prices. Developers can use the API through HTTP and HTTPS requests, with the data being returned in JSON format, or, even more simply, by using libraries in programming languages such as PHP, Node.js and Ruby. The API uses an authentication protocol that they call BitAuth, under which each customer is assigned a specific identification ID. 01.The big business of
  • 10. What is blockchain, the bitcoin ecosystem based on APIs? Blockchain is the technology supporting the process of mining and pricing bitcoins, a procedure whereby the users of this cryptocurrency make payments and transactions in an encrypted and authenticated form on a distributed database. 02
  • 11. Any issue related to bitcoins is invariably linked to blockchain, the technology on which the cryptocurrency is based. The end result is a huge database distributed in numerous servers all around the world that gathers all the transactions made in bitcoins. Each one of these operations, encrypted and authenticated, is added to the chain of blocks –or blockchain– on which bitcoins are based. This process would be impossible without APIs. The fact is that today, bitcoin technology offers many more possibilities and arouses more interest among developers than other online payment systems such as PayPal, for example. Currently within the collaborative development platform GitHub there are almost 3,200 repositories linked to PayPal, whereas there are over 8,000 repositories linked to bitcoin. This fever chart compiled by CoinDesk shows the annual growth of both systems since 2009. 02. What is
  • 12. 02. What is blockchain 7.000 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0 Dec ´09 Dec ´11 Dec ´13 Dec ´15 Bitcoin Paypal Bitcoin payment software developer ecosystem grew 40% in 2015
  • 13. The consulting company Deloitte recently carried out a survey within the bitcoiner community to discover the future outlook for the sector. Some of the most interesting questions in the survey include: What fields related to blockchain had the highest penetration forecasts for 2016? 37% of respondents said the launch of new products, followed by new cases of use. It looks likely that 2016 will be the year blockchain definitively enters our lives. 02. What is blockchain What do you think will be the biggest breakthrough in the blockchain space in 2016? Deloitte survey on the process of penetration of bitcoins in society. More than 70% believe that the launch of new products or new cases of use will be the protagonists in 2016. 37% 35% 20% 19% 15% Product launches New use cases Existing use cases with new applicability Allances and consortiums Other
  • 14. Anyone can use bitcoins –the only thing you need is a virtual wallet installed in a device. You don't even need to have much technical knowledge to operate with this cryptocurrency, as it works in the same way as any online payment process. What you have to take into account is that every transaction a user makes with bitcoins –once verified– is added to the blockchain, and at that precise instant it begins to form part of a shared accounting system. This blockchain or shared accounting system is the result of all the transactions made with bitcoin wallets by all the users on the Internet. Each transaction requires a code and a signature that identifies each user and encrypts and verifies each transaction. Each transaction enters the blockchain through a process known as bitcoin mining, based on a procedure known as proof of work (POW). Each transaction, which is always public, must be verified to avoid problems within the blockchain: bitcoins must be authentic and not duplicated. Otherwise, someone loses money. The idea is that a series of nodes are responsible for verifying the authenticity of each transaction, a protocol that usually takes 10 minutes. It is reevaluated every 2016 blocks, so the process always takes around that time to verify. How does blockchain work? 02. What is
  • 15. The idea is that each transaction is verified by consensus, and the transaction authentication process receives a commission through the proof of work. This system avoids violations without having to depend on a trustworthy arbiter (for example a bank). 02. What is
  • 16. Some of the key characteristics of the blockchain platform: • Customer-side encryption: all the virtual wallets used by bitcoiners use JavaScript for encryption, which gives them protection against possible server-side violations. • Open code: all the code relating to the wallets is open code, which facilitates the joint work of the community of developers. • Offline transactions: the wallets can operate offline with HTML5. • Conversion of bitcoins into 22 international currencies. • Transaction types: these include e-mail processes, SMS and Facebook. • Payment notification: e-mail, SMS, Skype or HTTP POST calls. • Possibility of making automatic backups of the virtual wallet. 02. What is
  • 17. Simplified bitcoin blockchain 02. What is
  • 18. The whole transaction process, receipt and issue of payments, transactions with virtual currencies and data management would not be possible without an application programming interface for each function. Today blockchain has several APIs for different functionalities. Without some of these, no one anywhere in the world would be able to make any bitcoin transactions: • Receive Payments API: Version 2 of this interface has been available since last 1 January 2016. This is the simplest way for a company or business to begin to accept automated payments in bitcoins. The API is based on HTTP GET requests and is in charge of creating a single address for each user and for each invoice issued in each bitcoin transaction, an essential condition for good praxis. • Blockchain Wallet API: Since last 1 January, to use of this API it has been necessary to install a local server to manage the virtual wallet. The communication method used is based on HTTP POST or GET calls. The process for creating a virtual wallet is known as create_wallet from this url: http://localhost:3000/api/v2/create. Each wallet is associated to a password with a minimum length of 10 characters, an authentication code for the API, a private code for each user, the folder where the wallet is created, and an e-mail address. The importance of blockchain APIs 02. What is
  • 19. • JSON RPC API: Since March 2016, the universal recommendation for bitcoin users is to use the new Blockchain Wallet API, although the interface based on RPC calls continues to be compatible with the old Bitcoind RPC to interact with virtual currencies. It can be installed and used from libraries in numerous programming languages: syntax such as Python, Ruby, PHP, Node.js and .NET. • Blockchain Data API: This can be used to consult the data on the transactions and operations within the blockchain in JSON format. • Query API: Plain text API for querying blockchain data. • WebSocket API: this app programming interface gives programmers access to real- time notifications on transactions and blocks. • Exchange Rates API: This manages the information on bitcoin exchange rates and international currencies in real time and in JSON. • Charts & Statistics API. 02. What is
  • 20. COINDESK, BITPAY AND COINBASE APIs for developing bitcoin apps The bitcoin-related services offered by CoinDesk, Bitpay and Coinbase include APIs for external developers to develop apps and financial products aimed at performing transactions and obtaining share prices. 03
  • 21. It's not a secret that the great advantages of application programming interfaces as regards new ways of doing business with third parties and reducing costs. Their importance is clearly evidenced by the fact that no company, entrepreneur or developer envisions the present or the future without them. The same applies to the community that offers solutions linked to bitcoins. Without APIs it would be almost impossible to implement the payment and transaction technology. Using Programmable Web (the largest and best API repository in the world with more than 15,000 APIs) as a reference, we have created this short list of application programming interfaces linked to the most popular bitcoin services. However, this has been a hard decision since there are countless projects and APIs in this sector. 03. Coindesk, Bitpay and
  • 22. CoinDesk is a platform that offers bitcoin-related services. Its most used service is probably the Bitcoin Price Index (BPI) which establishes bitcoin's exchange price in real time. Hundreds of bitcoin- related services use this index to calculate their exchange policy. To include information from this index in an application or website, external developers only need to fulfill a single condition: CoinDesk needs to be credited as the primary source of the index's financial data. This interface is a REST API which returns information in JSON format. As it usually happens with a REST API, the requests for this data are made through HTTP requests. Initially, there is no limitation on using the API or the flow of requests for information albeit you are warned against abuse. CoinDesk API has several endpoints from which external developers can raise requests and obtain answers. CoinDesk API 03. Coindesk, Bitpay and
  • 23. For example, the API offers the exchange price of their index in several currencies to programmers of other applications through an endpoint with the following URL: http(s):// An endpoint is basically a remote procedure call (RPC) service that provides an access method for external people or customers. Typically, its answer is in JSON format. Example: /> 03. Coindesk, Bitpay and Coinbase {"time":{"updated":"Jun 8, 2016 18:11:00 UTC","updatedISO":"2016-06- 08T18:11:00+00:00","updateduk":"Jun 8, 2016 at 19:11 BST"},"disclaimer":"This data was produced from the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (USD). Non-USD currency data converted using hourly conversion rate from","bpi":{"USD":{"code":"USD","symbol":"$","rate":"578.9950","desc ription":"United States Dollar","rate_float":578.995},"GBP":{"code":"GBP","symbol":"£","rate":"398.7741","descrip tion":"British Pound Sterling","rate_float":398.7741},"EUR":{"code":"EUR","symbol":"€","rate":"507.7566","des cription":"Euro","rate_float":507.7566}}}
  • 24. Bitpay is an online payment service that allows you to carry out transactions with bitcoins. Application and service developers can connect to Bitpay API to integrate features such as invoice management, refunds, transactions, pricing, etc. into their products. And all this is achieved through HTTP calls made directly to Bitpay API using programming languages such as Node.js, PHP and Ruby. This application programming interface is based on the REST protocol (REST API). The API's operation is simple: any developer can perform a HTTP call to any resource in the API and the latter returns the requested information in JSON format. The process can become much more intuitive because Bitpay offers several specific libraries for this purpose: as we explained, libraries in multiple types of syntax; and open- source plugins that are also available on GitHub, These can be used to install content management systems such as Drupal and Wordpress or e-commerce specific toolboxes such as Prestashop, Magento and WooCommerce. Since it is open source, it can be downloaded and improved by developers. Bitpay API 03. Coindesk, Bitpay and
  • 25. API sessions are an interesting concept within Bitpay's interface. This feature increases its security and privacy against replay attacks; also, it ensures that requests for information are processed in order of arrival even if the service is interrupted. Every HTTP call to the API is associated with a session ID (sessionID) and a request number (requestNumber). This process is bidirectional: • Each additional HTTP request to the API results in a change to the requestNumber. The first one is assigned the number 1; the second is assigned the number 2. • If a customer makes a request and the service doesn't return any information because the service has been interrupted, the developer can run the call again using the same requestNumber. The API returns the information if this has been cached; alternatively, it sends it from scratch. 03. Coindesk, Bitpay and
  • 26. Coinbase is possibly one of the most well-known platforms for buying, selling and using bitcoins. A big part of its success is based on its range of APIs: Merchants API, Exchange API and Network (Toshi) API (currently in beta phase). • Merchants API: this REST API allows external developers to access and integrate all features offered by Coinbase Merchants into their applications; these features include accepting online payments in bitcoins and managing invoices. The API supports two types of authentication: an API key for customers to access their own accounts, and an OAuth2 protocol which creates access tokens for external developers. Coinbase APIs 03. Coindesk, Bitpay and
  • 27. • Exchange API: application programming interface that allows other developers to design trading products using bitcoins and benefiting from secure and reliable access to the U.S. stock market. To capture data in real time programmers can resort to two libraries in two different types of syntax: one library is in Node.js (simplifies the return of information in JSON format and the execution of requests through the API's endpoints) and the other library is in Ruby. • Network (Toshi) API: Toshi is an open-source bitcoin node developed by Coinbase to design online apps on a large scale. It allows you to access aggregate blockchain data: retrieve the latest bitcoin blocks; carry out all kinds of transactions; and obtain information about transactions and balances. 03. Coindesk, Bitpay and
  • 28. Pablo Junco “The banking industry is the sector most interested in Blockchain” Microsoft’s Strategy manager, Pablo Junco, discusses in this interview the combination of Blockchain technology and APIs for creating platforms aimed at driving a wide range of businesses in the financial sector. 04INTERVIEW
  • 29. Pablo Junco, Strategy manager of Microsoft, says in this interview that the banking industry is the sector most interested in Blockchain. The combination of APIs and block technology results in savings in costs and transaction times, among other services. He stresses that APIs are critical for success. "APIs allow us to reach a mass of people, a kind of customer that we had not originally considered, and thus continue to make progress". Like BBVA, Microsoft is committed to APIs and to opening them to third parties. In the case of BBVA, they are driven through its open platform, which offers its financial APIs to help companies, startups, customers and developers who want to improve or transform their products and services or create new lines of business. This commitment to innovation is also firm at Microsoft, through open platforms and Blockchain. For example, using Azure BlockChain as a Service (or Azure BaaS) -with multiple Blockchain partners as smart contract platforms) like Ethereum, Eris and Tendermint-, the R3 consortium has created a peer-to-peer distributed ledger to connect banks. 04. Pablo
  • 30. Don't miss Pablo Junco's views on APIs and blockchain technology in the interview below. 04. Pablo
  • 31. Bitcoin wallet How to create it with an open source JavaScript library Bitcore is a JavaScript library for application development within the Bitcoin sector. The platform is ready to work with Node.js on the server side, in a browser on the client side and to interact with Bitcoin nodes. 05
  • 32. The world related to cryptocurrencies is always expanding. It has become a fruitful development environment for all kinds of applications. Mobile wallets, connectors with the Bitcoin network, business geolocators that accept virtual currency, video games with bitcoins etc. This is an interesting field for any developer who wants to undertake something. In short, it has become a perfect breeding ground for doing business. It's certainly true that between late 2013 and early 2014 the price of Bitcoin shot up and, since then, the price has first declined and then its valuation has stabilized (as can be seen in the graph). In any case, it's a field of evident entrepreneurship. $1000 $800 $600 $400 $200 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 05. Bitcoin
  • 33. Today there is a platform that combines the best of bitcoins and JavaScript, which facilitates the development of applications for this virtual currency. Bitcore is an open source library that works under the Bitcoin protocol. Being an open source solution is a concept advantage: it facilitates the creation of a community that constantly enriches the tool, both independent developers and Bitcoin businesses themselves. The creator of Bitcore is Bitpay, which in the document launching the tool stated that its objective is that "developers contemplating new Bitcoin projects should not have to resort to using proprietary APIs hosted on services running closed software." The Bitcore platform is ready to work with Node.js on the server side, in a web browser on the client side and with the ability to interact with Bitcoin nodes. 05. Bitcoin
  • 34. Before you start you need to meet a set of minimum requirements without which it would be impossible for a Bitcore node to connect through Bitcoin. The computer needs 100GB of disk space and 4GB of RAM for storing data on bitcoin blockchains (this is a public accounting system shared between all nodes in the Bitcoin network). In addition, a 64-bit GNU/Linux or Mac OS X (Apple) is required. These would be the steps to begin: -Install Node.js. Bitpay recommends installing Node Version Manager, that allows for updating versions of Node.js easily. The latest version of Node Version Manager is v.0.29.0. Link for installation. -Install Bitcore and create a node. It has a command line to create and manage a full Bitcoin node. • Installation command: npm install -g bitcore. This command not only installs Bitcore, it also synchronizes with blockchain and executes Insight Block Explorer, an open source Bitcoin blockchain explorer with REST and WebSocket APIs that enables developers and Bitcoin businesses to write in virtual wallet code and other applications that need to function and make blockchain queries. • Command for creating additional nodes: a programmer can create new nodes that are not found within the global NPM installation directory (the one used in the previous step) or run the Bitcore Wallet Service. How to install and start developing with Bitcore 05. Bitcoin
  • 35. In that case, the developer must do the following: • Command bitcore create mynodo. • Creating a node in testnet, an alternative block chain is used for testing. Therefore we would have a TestNet cryptocurrency, which it is different from Bitcoin. It is a way to have a virtual currency to test on. Command for a testnet node: bitcore create mynodo --testnet. Both steps make it possible to create a "mynodo" directory, to which dependencies and configuration files can be installed to start operating with the additional node. • Creating an additional node when there is already a Bitcoin directory for use. bitcore create -d <path-to-datadirectory> mynode 05. Bitcoin
  • 36. One of the first objectives that a developer can have with Bitcore is to configure the bitcoins virtual wallet service. This service uses the same backend that Bitpay Bitcoin wallets use, which in some ways is very similar to what a traditional SPV (Simplified Payment Verification) backend would be (secure connection system with Bitcoin nodes). Steps to follow: • Installing dependencies: the main dependency that would have to be installed is MongoDB, an open source NoSQL data database system in JavaScript and document-oriented. In this case we always talk about implementing solutions in this programming language. How do you install MongoDB on Linux or Mac OS X? Here is a tutorial. • Add the virtual wallet service to the newly- created node: this is possible because it already has a node created and synchronized with the Bitcoin blockchain. Command to execute the virtual wallet: How to configure a bitcoins virtual wallet with Bitcore /> cd <your node> bitcore install bitcore-wallet-service bitcore install insight-api 05. Bitcoin
  • 37. There are a number of services that can be deployed in any node created with Bitcore through the Insight API. As an example, the web service lets you create an application that provides users with direct interaction with the Bitcore node through an http or https port. A practical example of the implementation of this service: The new Bitcore API /> MyService.pro = function(app, express) { // Set up routes app.get('/hello', function(req, res) { res.send('world'); }); // Serve static content app.use('/static', express.static(__dirname + '/static')); }; MyService.prototype.getRoutePrefix = function() { return 'my-service' }; 05. Bitcoin
  • 38. There are also other additional services that are available in API documentation itself. You can see the presentation of the new Bitcore application programming interface at a developer seminar in the below video. If you're a JavaScript developer and want to configure a bitcoin wallet, the services offered by Bitcore can be an effective solution. Check them out. Furthermore, if you're interested in open source topics, here is a free ebook to download. 05. Bitcoin
  • 39. Plugins for using bitcoins with Wordpress Wordpress is almost certainly the most widely used content management system on the market. There are numerous plugins available today that allow payment of products in bitcoins on websites with online stores developed in this CMS. 06
  • 40. The ultimate aim of any currency, whether real or virtual, is for it to be widely used so it becomes a stable and reliable currency for most users. The more companies and businesses use bitcoins to make payments and transactions, the greater its impact and the more possibilities it will have of becoming a global currency. Today, this scenario is still far in the future, but the bitcoin community is always looking for ways to make life easier for developers and entrepreneurs. This is why we are continually seeing the appearance of new plugins to bring bitcoins to Wordpress. Wordpress is the CMS (Content Management System) par excellence. Most business projects use it to launch their websites on the Internet. The fact of encouraging the online coexistence of these projects with the collection, payment, invoicing and all kinds transactions in bitcoins is a quick way of viralizing their use. This is a list of the best plugins to add features linked to this cryptocurrency to any project in Wordpress: 06.
  • 41. Bitcoin Payments for WooCommerce is possibly one of the most downloaded plugins in the repository of new Wordpress features. It allows acceptance of payment in bitcoins in online stores based on WooCommerce, one of the most widely used free toolboxes for Wordpress, essentially in the form of design templates with everything you need to sell products, from product description pages through to a shopping cart system. The closest rivals within the e-commerce market are: Prestashop and Magento. By early June 2016, this plugin had been downloaded more than 24,400 times, with an average of 20 a day. It is now on version 4.08, and requires Wordpress version 3.0.1 or later to install. Graphics offered by Wordpress: The most interesting features of Bitcoin Payments for WooCommerce: Bitcoin Payments for WooCommerce 06.
  • 42. • Compatible with the Electrum bitcoin wallet: this client has some interesting advantages such as the use of a remote server without the need to download the whole blockchain; portfolio of totally recoverable addresses from a seed or private key; sensitive security information is never sent through the server to avoid violations; and it is also an open code solution. • Electrum eliminates any dependence on third parties. • MPK system to increase security: even if the server and database are compromised, no one can steal the bitcoins. • It accepts payment in bitcoins directly in the personal wallet. • It calculates the exchange rate through the settings. • Zero fees for processing third-party payments. • Support for many international currencies. It's important for an online store to have this advantage if it has international customers. • Conversion of bitcoins with real-time exchange information. 06.
  • 43. GoUrl Bitcoin Payment is another plugin linked to the top downloaded cryptocurrency on Wordpress. It is one of the most successful payment gateways in bitcoin transactions. Today this feature has been downloaded over 25,900 times by Wordpress users, with an average of 45 downloads every day. GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway & Paid Downloads & Membership 06.
  • 44. Some of its key features include: • Open code plugin available on GitHub. This means that any developer can download the payment gateway on their equipment and make any adjustments they deem necessary for their own store. • It doesn't require the user to associate it to a bank account. • Payments can be obtained directly in the bitcoin wallets. • It accepts not only bitcoin, but also Litecoin, Paycoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Speedcoin, Reddcoin, Feathercoin, Vertcoin, Vericoin and Peercoin, a large number of cryptocurrencies based on P2P technologies. • It supports third-party plugins such as WooCommerce. • It integrates payment gateways in bitcoins in other plugins developed by other programmers for Wordpress users. • This gateway allows different types of payment: pay-per-product, pay-per-download, pay-per-membership and pay-per-view. GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway & Paid Downloads & Membership 06.
  • 45. Stripe Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon allows the Stripe payment gateway to be installed in the features of an online store in a Wordpress. Stripe is one of the most successful payment platforms within the developers community, largely because of the simplicity and utility of the application programming interface (API). At the beginning of 2015 Stripe set up its integration with the Bitcoin payment system through this API. Stripe Payment Gateway WooCommerce Addon 06.
  • 46. Mollie Payments for WooCommerce is one of the most downloaded Wordpress plugins for the integration of a payment gateway that accepts bitcoins, although it also incorporates other commercial transaction systems like PayPal or credit cards from any bank. You need to open an account. Features of this plugin: • It supports several languages: English, Dutch, German and French. • The order, title and description can be edited for each payment method. • Money reimbursements for WooCommerce 2.2 and later versions. Mollie Payments for WooCommerce 06.
  • 47. Digital Paybox is a payment plugin for Wordpress, with two types of license: a basic one for 22 dollars, and an extended one for 110 dollars. You can add a feature that allows the end user to choose the amount and the payment gateway when purchasing a product, either through PayPal, debit and credit cards with Stripe or bitcoins with BitPay. Once the user has made the transaction, the plugin sends an encrypted and temporary download link to the payer's e-mail address. Its key features are: • It accepts all kinds of cards, both debit and credit, and from any of the regular market providers: Visa, MasterCard or American Express. • It combines flexible and fixed payments and minimum payment limits. • Payment system based on AJAX and CSS3. • Support for several languages. If you're a developer and you want to try financial APIs, go to BBVA's open platform. Digital Paybox 06.
  • 48. Ebook: Fintech revolutions Ebook: APIs & Internet of ThingsEbook: Introduction to the word of APIs SIGN UP to the BBVA Open4U newsletter and receive tips, tools and the most innovative events directly in your inbox. Other ebooks in BBVA Open4U Share
  • 49. “ “ Identity Accounts PayStats Money Transfers Cards BBVA Connect A Company Without APIs Is Like A Computer Without Internet BRIAN KOLE 49BBVA is not responsible for the opinions expressed in this ebook Try BBVA's APIs at