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The State of Marketing 2010
Unica’’s Global Survey of Marketers
2010 is shaping up to be an exciting year for marketers. Unprecedented change, brought on by a volatile economy, the meteoric rise of new channels, and the
increased demand for financial accountability, are creating a new era in marketing –– one that is more immediate, more personal, more social, and more
engaging. To gain a better understanding of the trends in marketing strategy, tactics, and technology usage, Unica partnered with Salloway & Associates, an
independent research company, to survey over 150 online and direct marketers. The marketers surveyed:
    represent companies from multiple industries, geographies, and sizes
    span both executive and middle management roles, but are all involved in technology purchase
    have responsibility for a broad set of marketing functions that include both online and offline marketing

    Here is a snapshot of the key findings:
        Challenges & Bottlenecks –– Marketers highlight turning data into                Adoption of Marketing Technology –– Contact optimization and
        actions as one of their top issues and see IT as their number one                social media monitoring will be the fastest growing marketing
        bottleneck.                                                                      technologies, while Marketing Resource Management (MRM) will
                                                                                         continue to lag. Email marketing, web and customer analytics, and
        Inbound Marketing –– Marketing is in charge of inbound marketing
                                                                                         campaign management are widely adopted, but have varying
        activities, and nearly three quarters (73%) of companies surveyed
                                                                                         maturity. A case in point is the large field of email vendors used by
        are leveraging these customer initiated interactions to serve
                                                                                         survey respondents –– none having more than 10% share –– a strong
        marketing messages and offers.
                                                                                         indicator of a highly fragmented, immature market.
        Centralized Decisioning –– Organizational and financial concerns,
                                                                                         Emerging Marketing Channels –– Mobile, rich media, and social
        rather than technical barriers, are slowing the adoption of
                                                                                         media marketing are all being adopted with enthusiasm by
        centralized decisioning. However, it has already been adopted by
                                                                                         marketers. This adoption is growing both at a fast pace and evenly
        some (25%) forward looking marketers and is poised for growth
                                                                                         across the tactics within each channel.
        (with 40% saying they have plans to adopt).
                                                                                         Mobile Marketing –– Continues its march toward greater
        Integrating Online and Offline Marketing –– Many marketers use
                                                                                         significance. A third of marketers already conduct some type of
        both aggregate web data and offline data when making decisions
                                                                                         mobile marketing. For those marketers who have embraced mobile,
        about marketing offers. Interestingly, email is the channel where
                                                                                         the rich interactivity of mobile websites and mobile applications is
        both online and offline data are most likely to be used in
                                                                                         proving to be an equal draw to text messaging’’s reach.
        decisioning. Note the integration of online and offline data is
        slowed by technical and financial concerns. Based on Unica’’s                    Social Media Marketing –– Is embraced by almost half of marketers,
        market experience, the reported high rates of online/offline                     and adoption is healthy across most social tactics. However,
        integration indicate marketers are using aggregate reporting and                 marketers need to think more about integrating social media with
        web transaction data rather than individual level web behaviors.                 other marketing tactics.

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                                                2

Marketers Struggle with Turning Data into Actions                                Marketers See IT as the #1 Bottleneck

When asked what issues are important to their success, marketers                 While marketers agree that all the survey issues are important, they
responded that everything is important. All answer options scored                express less consensus when asked about bottlenecks in their business.
between 84% and 97% as being either very important or somewhat                   The lack of IT support for marketing’’s technology needs is the number one
important. Marketers highlight turning data into action as one of their          bottleneck; followed by measurement, analysis & learning, and integrating
top issues. They also said measuring results & increasing effectiveness          cross channel efforts.
is a very important issue.

Figure 1: The Importance of Issues to Marketers                                  Figure 2: Level of Bottleneck Experienced in the Marketing Process

Q: How important is each of the following issues for your company’’s marketing   Q: How big a bottleneck does your company experience for each of the following?

Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)                                             Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)

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Three Quarters of Companies Use Customer Initiated                             Inbound Marketing Predominately Owned by Marketing
Interactions as Marketing Opportunities
                                                                               When asked about marketing’’s role in customer initiated interactions, only
Customer initiated interactions provide an excellent opportunity to            2% of companies said that marketing was not involved. There is a very high
personalize marketing communications. A customer who engages with              level of involvement from marketing in delivering targeted/personalized
your brand by their own choice and shares their wants and needs is much        messages in inbound marketing with 65% having primary responsibility and
more receptive to your marketing offers. Almost three quarters (73%) of        another 32% where marketing assists.
marketers say they currently use targeted/personalized messages in at
least one inbound channel. There is notably more net expected usage in         Figure 4: Marketing’’s Role in Delivering Targeted Messages in Customer
call centers and on websites than in physical stores/branches. Surprisingly,   Initiated Interactions
there are currently no significant differences by geography, despite Europe
generally being considered more forward thinking in this area. However,        Q. What is marketing’’s role in delivering targeted/personalized messages in customer
                                                                               initiated interactions?
Europeans do say that in the next 12 months they will be more aggressive
in adopting targeting/personalization on websites (30% in Europe versus
13% in North America).

Figure 3: Usage of Targeted Messages in Customer Initiated Interactions

Q. In which channels is your company delivering or planning to deliver
targeted/personalized messages during customer initiated interactions?

                                                                               Base: Total Sample Delivering Targeted/Personalized Messages in Customer Initiated
                                                                               Interactions (113 Respondents)

Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)

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Centralized Decisioning Adopted by Forward Looking                              Adoption Slowed by Organizational and Financial Concerns
Marketers and Poised for Growth                                                 Not Technical Barriers

"Centralized Decisioning" technology coordinates outbound and inbound           When asked what prevents marketers from adopting centralized
marketing through a single system maintaining a comprehensive contact           decisioning, the biggest barriers are:
and response history. The more marketers can centralize matching                1. Not being internally ready e.g. organizational structure, corporate
customers to marketing messages and offers, the easier it is to have a well         culture or internal processes
orchestrated dialogue with customers. One quarter of marketers are using        2. Financial barriers lack of budget
centralized decisioning technology. While this is relatively small
penetration, 40% say they plan to adopt it in the future, and more than         Lack of budget was selected as a barrier by almost all European
half of those will adopt in the next 12 months.                                 respondents (86%) and on a wide basis among North America respondents
                                                                                (69%). Not too surprisingly, non marketing executives see the lack of
In the short term there are no differences across geographies, but longer       executive sponsorship as a major barrier; whereas the executives
term, Europe is more receptive to Centralized Decisioning. 25% of               themselves don’’t have this problem.
European marketers plan to use Centralized Decisioning more than 12
months from now (only 11% of North Americans) and 26% of North                  Figure 6: Ranking of the Top 3 Potential Barriers to Achieve
Americans have no plans (only 13% of Europeans).                                "Centralized Decisioning””

Figure 5: Company Expected Usage of "Centralized Decisioning””                  Q. What are your biggest barriers to adopting centralized decisioning?

Q. What is your company doing or planning to do with centralized decisioning?

                                                                                Base: Total Sample Answering Familiar with the Concept, Know What Company Is Doing
                                                                                in This Area AND Rated Item as Being a Barrier (114 Respondents)
Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                                                5
Many Marketers Use Web Data When Making Decisions about Offers

For years marketers have been using demographics and transactional data                     Current use of online visitor data is already widespread in email, direct
to segment customers and improve campaign results. Website data                             mail, and web offers. Moreover, in the next year, many expect it to be
represents a tremendous opportunity to complement this with                                 used in making decisions about marketing offers across all marketing
information about customer interests, intent, and behavior. A very high                     channels (expected channel use ranging from 51% 92%). The biggest
proportion of respondents (75%) use this data when making decisions                         growth will come from web, call center, and mobile offers in particular.
about marketing offers.
                                                                                            Based on Unica’’s market experience, the reported high rates of
Figure 7: Use of Online Data when Making Decisions about                                    online/offline integration indicate marketers are using aggregate analysis
Marketing Offers                                                                            and web transaction data. As their use of web data matures, they will
                                                                                            transition to individual customer analysis and web behavior.
Q. Is your company currently using or planning to use data about your online visitors and
their behavior on your website when making decisions about marketing offers?
                                                                                            Figure 8: Use of Online Data when Making Marketing Decisions about
                                                                                            Marketing Offers by Channel

                                                                                            Q. In which of the following channels is your company using or planning to use data
                                                                                            about your online visitors and their behavior on your site when making decisions about
                                                                                            marketing offers?

Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)

                                                                                            Base: Total Answering Currently Using or Planning to Use Online Visitor Data when Making
                                                                                            Marketing Offers (116 Respondents)

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                                                                    6
Marketers Maintain Use of Offline Data in Offer Decisioning                      Email Is the Channel where Both Online and Offline Data Are
                                                                                 Most Likely Used in Decisioning
Given the seismic shift in marketing caused by the Internet, it’’s interesting
to understand the impact on the use of traditional offline data in               Offline data, like online data, is used consistently across all marketing
marketing. Respondents report high usage of integrated offline data in           channels. Interestingly, email is the channel where both online and offline
offer decisioning (similar to their high use of online data).                    data are most likely to be used in decisioning –– it even ties direct mail for
                                                                                 offline use!
Figure 9: Use of Offline Data when Making Decisions about
Marketing Offers                                                                 Figure 10: Use of Offline Data When Making Decisions about Marketing
                                                                                 Offers by Channel
Q. Is your company currently using or planning to use offline data when making
decisions about marketing offers?
                                                                                 Q. In which of the following channels is your company using or planning to use offline data
                                                                                 when making decisions about marketing offers?

Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)
                                                                                 Base: Total Answering Currently Using or Planning to Use Online Visitor Data when Making
                                                                                 Marketing Offers (116 Respondents)

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Integrating Online & Offline Data Is Slowed by Technical and Financial Concerns

Companies face a multitude of problems when it comes to integrating their online and offline channels. Like centralized decisioning, financial concerns bubble
to the top of the list –– both lack of budget and uncertain ROI. The one major difference is ““not being internally ready,”” which ranked as a lower barrier here
versus centralized decisioning. When ranking top barriers, all of them surfaced on a wide scale basis (50%+ ranking all barriers as a top 3 barrier). There was
also a difference in responses geographically. Essentially all European respondents (90%) ranked lack of budget as a top barrier, compared to a much smaller
percentage of North American respondents (62%).

Figure 11: Ranking of the Top 3 Barriers to Integrating Online & Offline Data

Q. What are your biggest barriers for integrating online and offline data?

Base: Total Sample Currently Using or Planning to Use Offline Data when Making Marketing Offers AND Rated Item as Being a Barrier (106 Respondents)

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                                                   8
Marketers Need to Coordinate Online Marketing with Other Marketing Functions

Surprisingly, only half of online marketing functions report into a centralized corporate marketing organization. Another one in five report into eCommerce.
The remainder is evenly spread in small amounts across a variety of areas within the organization –– an executive office (e.g., reports directly to CEO or COO);
centralized service organization where they provide services to the business line owners; decentralized reporting within the line of business; or in some other
way. When marketing does not own online channels, they must be vigilant about maintaining influence, visibility, and coordination over marketing activities in
these channels.

Even though online marketing doesn’’t always report into one marketing organization, it is still reasonably well aligned with the direct marketing function,
either reporting into the same marketing organization (62%) or reporting into separate marketing organizations, and is dotted line/matrix managed with each
other (21%).

Figure 12: Reporting Structure of Online Marketing                                Figure 13: The Organization of Direct & Online Marketing

Q. Into which department does online marketing department report?                 Q. How are direct marketing and online marketing organized within your company?

                                                                                  Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)
Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                                                   9

Email Marketing, Web & Customer Analytics, and Campaign                        Figure 14: Current and Expected Usage by Software Category
Management Widely Adopted, with Varying Maturity
                                                                               Q. Which of the following marketing software categories does your
Email marketing, web analytics, customer analytics, and campaign               company currently use or is planning to use?
management are expected to be the most widely used categories of
marketing software in the next 12 months (78% 86% expected use for each
of these categories over the next year). However, other questions reveal
that despite similar adoption rates and widespread usage, these
technologies have dramatically different levels of maturity. Over half (58%)
of web analytics adoption consists of free tools like Google Analytics and
Yahoo Analytics (although sometimes in combination with paid tools).
Furthermore, email marketing software is fragmented across many
different vendors. Nine different vendors had 7% to 10% adoption, but no
email vendor has more than 10% adoption. These facts highlight the
relative immaturity of both web analytics and email markets.

Contact Optimization and Social Media Monitoring Are
Growth Winners, while MRM Lags

When looking more broadly across additional marketing technology
categories, no new categories surface as adoption winners. However,
contact optimization (25% growth) and social media monitoring (21%
growth) will be the highest growth categories in the next 12 months.

The lowest rates of technology adoption are in the tactical and process
focused areas: marketing resource management (MRM); marketing mix
optimization; marketing financial management; marketing asset
management; distributed/field marketing; public relations management;          Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)
event detection; and event management (39% 48% current and expected
use for each of these categories).

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Marketers Adopt Emerging Channels with Enthusiasm

The Internet combined with broad consumer adoption of mobile, social,                High use of all the emerging technologies is expected in the next 12
and rich media technologies has set in motion a chain reaction in the                months: social media marketing (e.g., Facebook: 70%); rich media
fragmentation of media and the proliferation of marketing channels. The              marketing (e.g., video or podcasts: 67%); and mobile marketing (e.g.,
list of emerging marketing channels continues to grow at an astounding               mobile websites or mobile applications: 57%).
pace. A very high proportion (84%) of marketers said that they plan to
leverage at least one emerging marketing tactic (rich media, mobile                  Figure 16: Usage of Emerging Marketing Tactics
marketing, or social media) in the next year.
                                                                                     Q. Which of the following marketing tactics is your company currently using or planning
Figure 15: Current or Planned Use of Emerging Marketing Tactics                      to use?

Q. Are you currently using or planning to use any emerging marketing tactics (e.g.
mobile marketing, rich media marketing, or social media marketing)?

                                                                                     Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)
Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                                                         11
Mobile Marches toward Greater Significance                                             The Rich Interactivity of Mobile Websites and Applications
The tremendous success and buzz around Apple’’s iPhone and Google’’s                   Is Proving an Equal Draw to SMS’’s Reach
Android have caused interest in mobile marketing to explode. Given the                 Mobile adoption is increasing worldwide, with anticipated very high year
combination of new devices, faster networks and new location aware                     over year growth in the 30%+ range –– across all mobile marketing tactics.
technology, mobile will continue its steady march toward greater                       Furthermore, usage of these tactics is expected to double in this time
significance. In fact, one third of marketers (33%) are already conducting             period: 75% expected use for SMS/MMS/WAP campaigns; 66% expected
some type of mobile marketing. As expected, adoption is slightly higher in             use for mobile websites; and 63% expected use for mobile applications.
Europe (37%) when compared to North America (29%).

                                                                                       For those marketers already conducting mobile marketing, what’’s
Figure 17: Marketers’’ Adoption of Mobile Marketing                                    surprising is that adoption is relatively even across the different tactics ––
                                                                                       despite SMS’’s broader reach. For those marketers who have embraced
Q. Is your company currently using or planning to use mobile marketing tactics (e.g.   mobile, the rich interactivity of mobile websites and mobile applications is
mobile messaging, mobile applications, or mobile websites)?                            proving to be an equal draw to SMS’’s reach.

                                                                                       Figure 18: Marketers’’ Use of Specific Mobile Channels

                                                                                       Q. Which of the following mobile marketing tactics is your company planning to use?

Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)

                                                                                       Base: Total Sample Who Currently Use or Plan to Use Mobile Marketing
                                                                                       (107 Respondents)

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                                                            12
Press Play: Video Dominates Rich Media Investments

It’’s not a great leap to posit that Google’’s acquisition of YouTube in 2006 set in motion the dominance video enjoys today as the most adopted rich media
marketing tactic. Videos created by marketing (75%) rank first, followed by streaming media (61%); YouTube (61%); podcasts (55%); and ads within online
videos (48%) are the rich media tactics expected to be used most in the coming year. Year over year growth in the next 12 months for all these tactics is
expected to be in the 20% range.

Expected use in the next 12 months is significantly lower for in game ads/product placements (28%), virtual worlds (26%) and advergames (26%). Year over
year growth in these tactics is only in the 10% range.

Figure 19: Marketers’’ Use of Specific Rich Media Channels

Q. Which of the following rich media marketing tactics is your company planning to use?

Base: Total Sample That Currently or Plans to Use Rich Media Marketing in the Next 12 Months (125 Respondents)

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                                             13
Almost Half of Marketers Embrace Social Media Today

Sites like Facebook and Twitter have had a meteoric rise. These channels               However, the adoption differs dramatically by geography. Europeans
are not only used by hundreds of millions of people but also put immense               appear more tentative. More marketers in North America (58%) than
power in the hands of consumers. Blogs, product reviews, and other social              Europe (34%) currently use social media marketing. Europeans are
media are mixed with your marketing messages to shape consumers’’                      expected to catch up as their adoption speeds up this year (30% expected
perceptions of your brand. The mass adoption of social media has created               growth versus North America’’s 18%). Nevertheless, many more in Europe
anguish for most marketers. However, despite this distress, almost half of             remain on the sidelines altogether (20%) with no plans to use social media.
the marketers surveyed (47%) currently use social media for marketing,
and nearly another quarter (23%) plan to use it in the next 12 months.

Figure 20: Current and Planned Usage of Social Media Marketing                         Figure 21: Social Marketing Usage by Geography

Q. Is your company currently using or planning to use social media marketing tactics   Q. Is your company currently using or planning to use social media marketing tactics
(e.g., Blogs, Facebook, User Communities)?                                             (e.g., Blogs, Facebook, User Communities)?

Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)

                                                                                       Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                                                             14
Adoption is Healthy across Tactics for Social Media Marketing

When asked about specific social media marketing tactics, there is high expected usage across most tactics. Third party social networking sites, like Facebook
and MySpace, as well as blogs are mainstays in the marketing mix.

While marketers rely heavily on these proven channels, they embrace Microblogging sites like Twitter, a newer tactic that, not surprisingly, sees strong growth.
Results also indicate noteworthy growth this year in social tactics that help marketers leverage consumers to extend the reach of their brands and reinforce
their messages (Viral Content/Word of Mouth, User Generated Content, and Voting Features/Product Reviews).

Figure 22: Social Media Marketing Tactics Currently or Plan to Use

Q. Which of the following social media marketing tactics is your company planning to use?

Base: Total Sample That Currently Uses or Plans to Use Social Media Marketing (125 Respondents)

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                                                15
Marketers’’ To Do List: Integrating Social Media with Other Marketing Tactics

Marketers were also asked if they run social media programs as part of integrated campaigns, siloed and discrete from other campaigns, or on ad hoc basis.

Often emerging channels are not well integrated with existing marketing campaigns. Surprisingly, more marketers say they are trying to integrate these
campaigns with other marketing campaigns/programs, although this does vary significantly by channel. The most widely integrated tactics are voting
features/product reviews, user generated content, and RSS feeds. Marketers are primarily integrating social campaigns in terms of timing, creative themes and
branding. As marketers expand their efforts to promote their brands, they should start to leverage integrated analysis and customer awareness, campaign
decisioning, and marketing execution to make the most effective use of social media.

Figure 23: Social Media Tactics that Marketers Integrate with Other Marketing Campaigns/Programs

Q. How integrated are the following social media tactics with other company marketing campaigns and programs?

Base: Respondents Who Currently Use Social Media Marketing (32 68 Respondents)

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                                            16

Respondents Include a Wide Range of Industries, Geographies, and Sizes

The online and direct marketers that responded to the survey represent a wide range of industries. There are slightly more respondents from North America
(54%) than from Europe (46%). Also, slightly more than half are from large companies that are above $1B+ in revenue.

Figure 24: Respondents by Industries, Geography, and Revenue

Figure 24 1: Respondents by Industry                                             Figure 24 2: Respondents by Geography

                                                                                 Figure 24 3: Respondents by Revenue

Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Online and Direct Marketers

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                                           17
More than One Third Are Marketing Executives, and   Respondents Are Responsible for a Broad Set of Marketing
All Are Involved in the Purchase Process            Functions that Span Online & Offline Marketing

Figure 25: Respondents by Role                      Figure 26: Respondents’’ Responsibilities

Figure 25 1: Role in the Organization               Table 26 1: Responsibility by Marketing Function

                                                       Percent    Function
                                                          54%     Email Marketing
                                                           53%    Direct or Database Marketing
                                                           48%    Customer Insight or Analysis
                                                           45%    Marketing Operations
                                                           35%    Web Analytics
                                                           35%    Cross Channel Customer Experience Management
                                                           30%    Online Customer Experience
                                                           28%    Online Advertising
                                                           25%    Event Management
Figure 25 2: Role in the Purchase of Technology
                                                           23%    Search Engine Marketing (SEO, PPC)
                                                           21%    Field or Channel Marketing, Sales Support, and/or Trade Promotions
                                                           14%    Corporate Communications and/or Public Relations
                                                            7%    All Marketing Functions

                                                    Figure 26 2: Responsibility by Channel

Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents)

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                      18

   Unica Global Marketing Survey was fielded to over 150 online and direct marketing professionals.
   Online surveys were completed in Q4 2009 within 2 geographic regions among Unica customers and prospective customers.
   North America represents respondents from the U.S. & Canada. Europe represents respondents from 12 European countries that are large technology
   The average survey response time was 16 minutes.
   All respondents were rigorously screened to ensure participation by the right respondents within the right companies according to the screening
   requirements below:
           Responsible for at least one targeted marketing function: all marketing functions; cross channel customer experience management; customer
           insight or analysis; direct or database marketing; email marketing; field or channel marketing, sales support, and/or trade promotions; marketing
           operations; online advertising; search engine marketing (SEO, PPC); web analytics; or online customer experience.
           Involved in the purchase process for marketing software.
           Work for companies with annual revenues of US$250M+ to represent mid size and large company markets. Surveys were conducted among very
           large, large, and mid size companies.
   Sample sources for the study include: large research panels that are representative of the target market audiences for the study and Unica supplied
   sample of customers and prospects from their internal resources.
   All surveys were conducted in English.
   The incidence of the random research panel samples was 9% and, for Unica supplied samples, it was 49%. Incidence represents the number of people
   reached that qualified to participate in the research.
   To encourage study participation, Unica disclosed its sponsorship and offered respondents who completed a survey a copy of the survey results.
   The margin of error for this sample at the 90% confidence level with a 50% response is +7%.

Unica Corporation |                                                                                                                         19
About Unica
 Unica Corporation (NASDAQ: UNCA) is the recognized leader in marketing software solutions. Unica’’s
 advanced set of enterprise marketing management and on demand marketing solutions empowers
 organizations and individuals to turn their passion for marketing into valuable customer relationships and
 more profitable, timely, and measurable business outcomes. These solutions integrate and streamline all
 aspects of online and offline marketing. Unica’’s unique interactive marketing approach incorporates
 customer analytics and web analytics, centralized decisioning, cross channel execution, and integrated
 marketing operations. More than 1,000 organizations worldwide depend on Unica for their marketing
 management solutions.

 Unica is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts with offices around the globe.
 For more information, visit

Unica Corporation
Worldwide Headquarters
Reservoir Place North
170 Tracer Lane
Waltham, MA 02451
T +1.781.839.8000
F +1.781.890.0012

Unica is a registered trademark of Unica Corporation with the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office. The Unica logo and MARKETING
SUCCESS STARTS WITH U are trademarks of Unica Corporation. All
other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

© 2010 Unica Corporation. All rights reserved.

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  • 1. The State of Marketing 2010 Unica’’s Global Survey of Marketers
  • 2. 2010 is shaping up to be an exciting year for marketers. Unprecedented change, brought on by a volatile economy, the meteoric rise of new channels, and the increased demand for financial accountability, are creating a new era in marketing –– one that is more immediate, more personal, more social, and more engaging. To gain a better understanding of the trends in marketing strategy, tactics, and technology usage, Unica partnered with Salloway & Associates, an independent research company, to survey over 150 online and direct marketers. The marketers surveyed: represent companies from multiple industries, geographies, and sizes span both executive and middle management roles, but are all involved in technology purchase have responsibility for a broad set of marketing functions that include both online and offline marketing Here is a snapshot of the key findings: Challenges & Bottlenecks –– Marketers highlight turning data into Adoption of Marketing Technology –– Contact optimization and actions as one of their top issues and see IT as their number one social media monitoring will be the fastest growing marketing bottleneck. technologies, while Marketing Resource Management (MRM) will continue to lag. Email marketing, web and customer analytics, and Inbound Marketing –– Marketing is in charge of inbound marketing campaign management are widely adopted, but have varying activities, and nearly three quarters (73%) of companies surveyed maturity. A case in point is the large field of email vendors used by are leveraging these customer initiated interactions to serve survey respondents –– none having more than 10% share –– a strong marketing messages and offers. indicator of a highly fragmented, immature market. Centralized Decisioning –– Organizational and financial concerns, Emerging Marketing Channels –– Mobile, rich media, and social rather than technical barriers, are slowing the adoption of media marketing are all being adopted with enthusiasm by centralized decisioning. However, it has already been adopted by marketers. This adoption is growing both at a fast pace and evenly some (25%) forward looking marketers and is poised for growth across the tactics within each channel. (with 40% saying they have plans to adopt). Mobile Marketing –– Continues its march toward greater Integrating Online and Offline Marketing –– Many marketers use significance. A third of marketers already conduct some type of both aggregate web data and offline data when making decisions mobile marketing. For those marketers who have embraced mobile, about marketing offers. Interestingly, email is the channel where the rich interactivity of mobile websites and mobile applications is both online and offline data are most likely to be used in proving to be an equal draw to text messaging’’s reach. decisioning. Note the integration of online and offline data is slowed by technical and financial concerns. Based on Unica’’s Social Media Marketing –– Is embraced by almost half of marketers, market experience, the reported high rates of online/offline and adoption is healthy across most social tactics. However, integration indicate marketers are using aggregate reporting and marketers need to think more about integrating social media with web transaction data rather than individual level web behaviors. other marketing tactics. Unica Corporation | 2
  • 3. MARKETING PRACTICES & BUSINESS PROBLEMS Marketers Struggle with Turning Data into Actions Marketers See IT as the #1 Bottleneck When asked what issues are important to their success, marketers While marketers agree that all the survey issues are important, they responded that everything is important. All answer options scored express less consensus when asked about bottlenecks in their business. between 84% and 97% as being either very important or somewhat The lack of IT support for marketing’’s technology needs is the number one important. Marketers highlight turning data into action as one of their bottleneck; followed by measurement, analysis & learning, and integrating top issues. They also said measuring results & increasing effectiveness cross channel efforts. is a very important issue. Figure 1: The Importance of Issues to Marketers Figure 2: Level of Bottleneck Experienced in the Marketing Process Q: How important is each of the following issues for your company’’s marketing Q: How big a bottleneck does your company experience for each of the following? organization? Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 3
  • 4. INTERACTIVE MARKETING Three Quarters of Companies Use Customer Initiated Inbound Marketing Predominately Owned by Marketing Interactions as Marketing Opportunities When asked about marketing’’s role in customer initiated interactions, only Customer initiated interactions provide an excellent opportunity to 2% of companies said that marketing was not involved. There is a very high personalize marketing communications. A customer who engages with level of involvement from marketing in delivering targeted/personalized your brand by their own choice and shares their wants and needs is much messages in inbound marketing with 65% having primary responsibility and more receptive to your marketing offers. Almost three quarters (73%) of another 32% where marketing assists. marketers say they currently use targeted/personalized messages in at least one inbound channel. There is notably more net expected usage in Figure 4: Marketing’’s Role in Delivering Targeted Messages in Customer call centers and on websites than in physical stores/branches. Surprisingly, Initiated Interactions there are currently no significant differences by geography, despite Europe generally being considered more forward thinking in this area. However, Q. What is marketing’’s role in delivering targeted/personalized messages in customer initiated interactions? Europeans do say that in the next 12 months they will be more aggressive in adopting targeting/personalization on websites (30% in Europe versus 13% in North America). Figure 3: Usage of Targeted Messages in Customer Initiated Interactions Q. In which channels is your company delivering or planning to deliver targeted/personalized messages during customer initiated interactions? Base: Total Sample Delivering Targeted/Personalized Messages in Customer Initiated Interactions (113 Respondents) Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 4
  • 5. Centralized Decisioning Adopted by Forward Looking Adoption Slowed by Organizational and Financial Concerns Marketers and Poised for Growth Not Technical Barriers "Centralized Decisioning" technology coordinates outbound and inbound When asked what prevents marketers from adopting centralized marketing through a single system maintaining a comprehensive contact decisioning, the biggest barriers are: and response history. The more marketers can centralize matching 1. Not being internally ready e.g. organizational structure, corporate customers to marketing messages and offers, the easier it is to have a well culture or internal processes orchestrated dialogue with customers. One quarter of marketers are using 2. Financial barriers lack of budget centralized decisioning technology. While this is relatively small penetration, 40% say they plan to adopt it in the future, and more than Lack of budget was selected as a barrier by almost all European half of those will adopt in the next 12 months. respondents (86%) and on a wide basis among North America respondents (69%). Not too surprisingly, non marketing executives see the lack of In the short term there are no differences across geographies, but longer executive sponsorship as a major barrier; whereas the executives term, Europe is more receptive to Centralized Decisioning. 25% of themselves don’’t have this problem. European marketers plan to use Centralized Decisioning more than 12 months from now (only 11% of North Americans) and 26% of North Figure 6: Ranking of the Top 3 Potential Barriers to Achieve Americans have no plans (only 13% of Europeans). "Centralized Decisioning”” Figure 5: Company Expected Usage of "Centralized Decisioning”” Q. What are your biggest barriers to adopting centralized decisioning? Q. What is your company doing or planning to do with centralized decisioning? Base: Total Sample Answering Familiar with the Concept, Know What Company Is Doing in This Area AND Rated Item as Being a Barrier (114 Respondents) Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 5
  • 6. Many Marketers Use Web Data When Making Decisions about Offers For years marketers have been using demographics and transactional data Current use of online visitor data is already widespread in email, direct to segment customers and improve campaign results. Website data mail, and web offers. Moreover, in the next year, many expect it to be represents a tremendous opportunity to complement this with used in making decisions about marketing offers across all marketing information about customer interests, intent, and behavior. A very high channels (expected channel use ranging from 51% 92%). The biggest proportion of respondents (75%) use this data when making decisions growth will come from web, call center, and mobile offers in particular. about marketing offers. Based on Unica’’s market experience, the reported high rates of Figure 7: Use of Online Data when Making Decisions about online/offline integration indicate marketers are using aggregate analysis Marketing Offers and web transaction data. As their use of web data matures, they will transition to individual customer analysis and web behavior. Q. Is your company currently using or planning to use data about your online visitors and their behavior on your website when making decisions about marketing offers? Figure 8: Use of Online Data when Making Marketing Decisions about Marketing Offers by Channel Q. In which of the following channels is your company using or planning to use data about your online visitors and their behavior on your site when making decisions about marketing offers? Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Base: Total Answering Currently Using or Planning to Use Online Visitor Data when Making Marketing Offers (116 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 6
  • 7. Marketers Maintain Use of Offline Data in Offer Decisioning Email Is the Channel where Both Online and Offline Data Are Most Likely Used in Decisioning Given the seismic shift in marketing caused by the Internet, it’’s interesting to understand the impact on the use of traditional offline data in Offline data, like online data, is used consistently across all marketing marketing. Respondents report high usage of integrated offline data in channels. Interestingly, email is the channel where both online and offline offer decisioning (similar to their high use of online data). data are most likely to be used in decisioning –– it even ties direct mail for offline use! Figure 9: Use of Offline Data when Making Decisions about Marketing Offers Figure 10: Use of Offline Data When Making Decisions about Marketing Offers by Channel Q. Is your company currently using or planning to use offline data when making decisions about marketing offers? Q. In which of the following channels is your company using or planning to use offline data when making decisions about marketing offers? Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Base: Total Answering Currently Using or Planning to Use Online Visitor Data when Making Marketing Offers (116 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 7
  • 8. Integrating Online & Offline Data Is Slowed by Technical and Financial Concerns Companies face a multitude of problems when it comes to integrating their online and offline channels. Like centralized decisioning, financial concerns bubble to the top of the list –– both lack of budget and uncertain ROI. The one major difference is ““not being internally ready,”” which ranked as a lower barrier here versus centralized decisioning. When ranking top barriers, all of them surfaced on a wide scale basis (50%+ ranking all barriers as a top 3 barrier). There was also a difference in responses geographically. Essentially all European respondents (90%) ranked lack of budget as a top barrier, compared to a much smaller percentage of North American respondents (62%). Figure 11: Ranking of the Top 3 Barriers to Integrating Online & Offline Data Q. What are your biggest barriers for integrating online and offline data? Base: Total Sample Currently Using or Planning to Use Offline Data when Making Marketing Offers AND Rated Item as Being a Barrier (106 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 8
  • 9. Marketers Need to Coordinate Online Marketing with Other Marketing Functions Surprisingly, only half of online marketing functions report into a centralized corporate marketing organization. Another one in five report into eCommerce. The remainder is evenly spread in small amounts across a variety of areas within the organization –– an executive office (e.g., reports directly to CEO or COO); centralized service organization where they provide services to the business line owners; decentralized reporting within the line of business; or in some other way. When marketing does not own online channels, they must be vigilant about maintaining influence, visibility, and coordination over marketing activities in these channels. Even though online marketing doesn’’t always report into one marketing organization, it is still reasonably well aligned with the direct marketing function, either reporting into the same marketing organization (62%) or reporting into separate marketing organizations, and is dotted line/matrix managed with each other (21%). Figure 12: Reporting Structure of Online Marketing Figure 13: The Organization of Direct & Online Marketing Q. Into which department does online marketing department report? Q. How are direct marketing and online marketing organized within your company? Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 9
  • 10. ADOPTION OF MARKETING TECHNOLOGY Email Marketing, Web & Customer Analytics, and Campaign Figure 14: Current and Expected Usage by Software Category Management Widely Adopted, with Varying Maturity Q. Which of the following marketing software categories does your Email marketing, web analytics, customer analytics, and campaign company currently use or is planning to use? management are expected to be the most widely used categories of marketing software in the next 12 months (78% 86% expected use for each of these categories over the next year). However, other questions reveal that despite similar adoption rates and widespread usage, these technologies have dramatically different levels of maturity. Over half (58%) of web analytics adoption consists of free tools like Google Analytics and Yahoo Analytics (although sometimes in combination with paid tools). Furthermore, email marketing software is fragmented across many different vendors. Nine different vendors had 7% to 10% adoption, but no email vendor has more than 10% adoption. These facts highlight the relative immaturity of both web analytics and email markets. Contact Optimization and Social Media Monitoring Are Growth Winners, while MRM Lags When looking more broadly across additional marketing technology categories, no new categories surface as adoption winners. However, contact optimization (25% growth) and social media monitoring (21% growth) will be the highest growth categories in the next 12 months. The lowest rates of technology adoption are in the tactical and process focused areas: marketing resource management (MRM); marketing mix optimization; marketing financial management; marketing asset management; distributed/field marketing; public relations management; Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) event detection; and event management (39% 48% current and expected use for each of these categories). Unica Corporation | 10
  • 11. EMERGING MARKETING CHANNELS Marketers Adopt Emerging Channels with Enthusiasm The Internet combined with broad consumer adoption of mobile, social, High use of all the emerging technologies is expected in the next 12 and rich media technologies has set in motion a chain reaction in the months: social media marketing (e.g., Facebook: 70%); rich media fragmentation of media and the proliferation of marketing channels. The marketing (e.g., video or podcasts: 67%); and mobile marketing (e.g., list of emerging marketing channels continues to grow at an astounding mobile websites or mobile applications: 57%). pace. A very high proportion (84%) of marketers said that they plan to leverage at least one emerging marketing tactic (rich media, mobile Figure 16: Usage of Emerging Marketing Tactics marketing, or social media) in the next year. Q. Which of the following marketing tactics is your company currently using or planning Figure 15: Current or Planned Use of Emerging Marketing Tactics to use? Q. Are you currently using or planning to use any emerging marketing tactics (e.g. mobile marketing, rich media marketing, or social media marketing)? Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 11
  • 12. Mobile Marches toward Greater Significance The Rich Interactivity of Mobile Websites and Applications The tremendous success and buzz around Apple’’s iPhone and Google’’s Is Proving an Equal Draw to SMS’’s Reach Android have caused interest in mobile marketing to explode. Given the Mobile adoption is increasing worldwide, with anticipated very high year combination of new devices, faster networks and new location aware over year growth in the 30%+ range –– across all mobile marketing tactics. technology, mobile will continue its steady march toward greater Furthermore, usage of these tactics is expected to double in this time significance. In fact, one third of marketers (33%) are already conducting period: 75% expected use for SMS/MMS/WAP campaigns; 66% expected some type of mobile marketing. As expected, adoption is slightly higher in use for mobile websites; and 63% expected use for mobile applications. Europe (37%) when compared to North America (29%). For those marketers already conducting mobile marketing, what’’s Figure 17: Marketers’’ Adoption of Mobile Marketing surprising is that adoption is relatively even across the different tactics –– despite SMS’’s broader reach. For those marketers who have embraced Q. Is your company currently using or planning to use mobile marketing tactics (e.g. mobile, the rich interactivity of mobile websites and mobile applications is mobile messaging, mobile applications, or mobile websites)? proving to be an equal draw to SMS’’s reach. Figure 18: Marketers’’ Use of Specific Mobile Channels Q. Which of the following mobile marketing tactics is your company planning to use? Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Base: Total Sample Who Currently Use or Plan to Use Mobile Marketing (107 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 12
  • 13. Press Play: Video Dominates Rich Media Investments It’’s not a great leap to posit that Google’’s acquisition of YouTube in 2006 set in motion the dominance video enjoys today as the most adopted rich media marketing tactic. Videos created by marketing (75%) rank first, followed by streaming media (61%); YouTube (61%); podcasts (55%); and ads within online videos (48%) are the rich media tactics expected to be used most in the coming year. Year over year growth in the next 12 months for all these tactics is expected to be in the 20% range. Expected use in the next 12 months is significantly lower for in game ads/product placements (28%), virtual worlds (26%) and advergames (26%). Year over year growth in these tactics is only in the 10% range. Figure 19: Marketers’’ Use of Specific Rich Media Channels Q. Which of the following rich media marketing tactics is your company planning to use? Base: Total Sample That Currently or Plans to Use Rich Media Marketing in the Next 12 Months (125 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 13
  • 14. Almost Half of Marketers Embrace Social Media Today Sites like Facebook and Twitter have had a meteoric rise. These channels However, the adoption differs dramatically by geography. Europeans are not only used by hundreds of millions of people but also put immense appear more tentative. More marketers in North America (58%) than power in the hands of consumers. Blogs, product reviews, and other social Europe (34%) currently use social media marketing. Europeans are media are mixed with your marketing messages to shape consumers’’ expected to catch up as their adoption speeds up this year (30% expected perceptions of your brand. The mass adoption of social media has created growth versus North America’’s 18%). Nevertheless, many more in Europe anguish for most marketers. However, despite this distress, almost half of remain on the sidelines altogether (20%) with no plans to use social media. the marketers surveyed (47%) currently use social media for marketing, and nearly another quarter (23%) plan to use it in the next 12 months. Figure 20: Current and Planned Usage of Social Media Marketing Figure 21: Social Marketing Usage by Geography Q. Is your company currently using or planning to use social media marketing tactics Q. Is your company currently using or planning to use social media marketing tactics (e.g., Blogs, Facebook, User Communities)? (e.g., Blogs, Facebook, User Communities)? Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 14
  • 15. Adoption is Healthy across Tactics for Social Media Marketing When asked about specific social media marketing tactics, there is high expected usage across most tactics. Third party social networking sites, like Facebook and MySpace, as well as blogs are mainstays in the marketing mix. While marketers rely heavily on these proven channels, they embrace Microblogging sites like Twitter, a newer tactic that, not surprisingly, sees strong growth. Results also indicate noteworthy growth this year in social tactics that help marketers leverage consumers to extend the reach of their brands and reinforce their messages (Viral Content/Word of Mouth, User Generated Content, and Voting Features/Product Reviews). Figure 22: Social Media Marketing Tactics Currently or Plan to Use Q. Which of the following social media marketing tactics is your company planning to use? Base: Total Sample That Currently Uses or Plans to Use Social Media Marketing (125 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 15
  • 16. Marketers’’ To Do List: Integrating Social Media with Other Marketing Tactics Marketers were also asked if they run social media programs as part of integrated campaigns, siloed and discrete from other campaigns, or on ad hoc basis. Often emerging channels are not well integrated with existing marketing campaigns. Surprisingly, more marketers say they are trying to integrate these campaigns with other marketing campaigns/programs, although this does vary significantly by channel. The most widely integrated tactics are voting features/product reviews, user generated content, and RSS feeds. Marketers are primarily integrating social campaigns in terms of timing, creative themes and branding. As marketers expand their efforts to promote their brands, they should start to leverage integrated analysis and customer awareness, campaign decisioning, and marketing execution to make the most effective use of social media. Figure 23: Social Media Tactics that Marketers Integrate with Other Marketing Campaigns/Programs Q. How integrated are the following social media tactics with other company marketing campaigns and programs? Base: Respondents Who Currently Use Social Media Marketing (32 68 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 16
  • 17. RESPONDENT PROFILES Respondents Include a Wide Range of Industries, Geographies, and Sizes The online and direct marketers that responded to the survey represent a wide range of industries. There are slightly more respondents from North America (54%) than from Europe (46%). Also, slightly more than half are from large companies that are above $1B+ in revenue. Figure 24: Respondents by Industries, Geography, and Revenue Figure 24 1: Respondents by Industry Figure 24 2: Respondents by Geography Figure 24 3: Respondents by Revenue Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Online and Direct Marketers Unica Corporation | 17
  • 18. More than One Third Are Marketing Executives, and Respondents Are Responsible for a Broad Set of Marketing All Are Involved in the Purchase Process Functions that Span Online & Offline Marketing Figure 25: Respondents by Role Figure 26: Respondents’’ Responsibilities Figure 25 1: Role in the Organization Table 26 1: Responsibility by Marketing Function Percent Function 54% Email Marketing 53% Direct or Database Marketing 48% Customer Insight or Analysis 45% Marketing Operations 35% Web Analytics 35% Cross Channel Customer Experience Management 30% Online Customer Experience 28% Online Advertising 25% Event Management Figure 25 2: Role in the Purchase of Technology 23% Search Engine Marketing (SEO, PPC) 21% Field or Channel Marketing, Sales Support, and/or Trade Promotions 14% Corporate Communications and/or Public Relations 7% All Marketing Functions Figure 26 2: Responsibility by Channel Base: Total Sample (155 Respondents) Unica Corporation | 18
  • 19. SURVEY METHODOLOGY Unica Global Marketing Survey was fielded to over 150 online and direct marketing professionals. Online surveys were completed in Q4 2009 within 2 geographic regions among Unica customers and prospective customers. North America represents respondents from the U.S. & Canada. Europe represents respondents from 12 European countries that are large technology markets. The average survey response time was 16 minutes. All respondents were rigorously screened to ensure participation by the right respondents within the right companies according to the screening requirements below: Responsible for at least one targeted marketing function: all marketing functions; cross channel customer experience management; customer insight or analysis; direct or database marketing; email marketing; field or channel marketing, sales support, and/or trade promotions; marketing operations; online advertising; search engine marketing (SEO, PPC); web analytics; or online customer experience. Involved in the purchase process for marketing software. Work for companies with annual revenues of US$250M+ to represent mid size and large company markets. Surveys were conducted among very large, large, and mid size companies. Sample sources for the study include: large research panels that are representative of the target market audiences for the study and Unica supplied sample of customers and prospects from their internal resources. All surveys were conducted in English. The incidence of the random research panel samples was 9% and, for Unica supplied samples, it was 49%. Incidence represents the number of people reached that qualified to participate in the research. To encourage study participation, Unica disclosed its sponsorship and offered respondents who completed a survey a copy of the survey results. The margin of error for this sample at the 90% confidence level with a 50% response is +7%. Unica Corporation | 19
  • 20. About Unica Unica Corporation (NASDAQ: UNCA) is the recognized leader in marketing software solutions. Unica’’s advanced set of enterprise marketing management and on demand marketing solutions empowers organizations and individuals to turn their passion for marketing into valuable customer relationships and more profitable, timely, and measurable business outcomes. These solutions integrate and streamline all aspects of online and offline marketing. Unica’’s unique interactive marketing approach incorporates customer analytics and web analytics, centralized decisioning, cross channel execution, and integrated marketing operations. More than 1,000 organizations worldwide depend on Unica for their marketing management solutions. Unica is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts with offices around the globe. For more information, visit Unica Corporation Worldwide Headquarters Reservoir Place North 170 Tracer Lane Waltham, MA 02451 USA T +1.781.839.8000 F +1.781.890.0012 E Unica is a registered trademark of Unica Corporation with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The Unica logo and MARKETING SUCCESS STARTS WITH U are trademarks of Unica Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2010 Unica Corporation. All rights reserved.