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2         Understanding Islam: An Introduction

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Compiled By: Maulana Usaidul Haq Qadri

Edited &       Dr. Amirul Haque
Translated by:

First Edition:      2010


Distributor:        MAKTABA JAAM-E-NOOR
                    422, Matia Mahal, Jama Masjid, Delhi-6

                  For more information, please contact:
                      TAJUL FUHUL ACADEMY
   Madarsa Alia Qadria, Maulvi Mahalla, Budaun-243601, (U.P.) India
                      Phone : 0091 9358563720

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Understanding Islam: An introduction      3

01.   Islam: The primordial religion                 …..   5
02.   Role of Prophets                               …..   6
03.   Islam: What does it mean?                      …..   7
04.   Islam: The religion of peace                   …..   8
05.   Components of Islam                            …..   9
06.   Allah: the proper name of God                  …..   10
07.   Islam rejects philosophy of                    …..   11
08.   The concept of God in Islam                    …..   11
09.   Islamic concept of worship                     …..   13
10.   Ideology of Islam                              …..   14
11.   Objectives of Islam                            …..   15
12.   Message of Islam                               …..   16
13.   Significance of acquiring knowledge in Islam   …..   17
14.   Islam: Easy approach                           …..   18
15.   Islam: Easy by nature                          …..   19
16.   Purpose of life: An Islamic perspective        …..   20
17.   Islam: A guideline for successful life         …..   20
18.   Islamic way of life: Do's and Don'ts           …..   21
19.   Human rights in Islam                          …..   23
20.   Islam favours free will and choice             …..   24
21.   Freedom of thought and expression in Islam     …..   25
22.   Islam preaches universal brotherhood           …..   26
23.   Muhammedanism: a misnomer                      …..   27
24.   Muslim: The believer                           …..   28
25.   Life after death                               …..   29
26.   Conclusion                                     …..   31

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4     Understanding Islam: An Introduction

Say you, ‘Come I will rehearse to you what your Lord has
forbidden to you, ‘that you associate not anyone with Him,
and that you do good to parents, and that you kill not your
children because of poverty. We shall provide for you and
for them, and that you approach not shameful deeds
whichever in them is open and whichever is hidden; and
slay not unjustly the life which Allah has made sacred.
This has He ordered you that you may understand.

And do not approach the property of the orphans but in the
best way, until he reaches the maturity and fill up the
measure and weight with justice. We burden no soul but to
its capacity, and when you speak, then say just, even
though it be a matter of your relative, and fulfil the
covenant of Allah. This He has enjoined you strictly that
haply you may accept admonition.

And that, this is My straight path, then follow it and
follow not other paths for they will deviate you from His
path. This He has ordered you that haply you may be

(The Holy Qur’an, Chapter – 6 Al-Anam, V. 151-153)

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 In the name of Allah, Extremely Compassionate, The Merciful

Islam is a voluntary relationship between an individual and his
Creator – Allah        the Gracious One, who is Absolute, All-
Powerful, the All-Wise, the All-Knowing, the All-Hearing, the
Most Merciful, the Sustainer, the Giver. Islam refuses to accept
any form of creation whatsoever as a deity worthy of worship.

  And do not set another as an object of worship with Allah…
    (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 51 – Al Zāriyāt, Verse 514)

Allah        wants every human being to choose to believe in
Him. He has placed in the Universe numerous pointers and
indicators testifying to His existence, oneness and overall
sovereignty in the Universe. These indicators and pointers are
sufficient to guide anyone who contemplates and thinks
logically to the ultimate conclusion of Allah's existence and
man's need to worship Him alone.

         Islam: The primordial religion

Islam is not a new religion, but the continuation and
culmination of preceding monotheistic religions. The first
Prophet was Prophet Adam                  . Complete submission
before Almighty Lord is the one and only faith consistently
revealed by Allah      from the very beginning through various
Prophets to humankind. Nooh, Sulaiman, Ibraheem, Ismail,
Ishaaq, Yaqoob, Moosa, Isa               were a few of the many
prophets who appeared at different times and places – all
propagated the same faith and conveyed the same message.
Islam is a re-presentation of the same message and guidance
that Allah      revealed to all of His prophets. Allah    says:

          I have chosen Islam for you as a religion…
      (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 5 – Al Ma'idah, Verse 3)

This statement of Allah        is not only for the followers of
Prophet Muhammad                    but all humanity. Many

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people have the misconception that Islam is a new religion that
came into existence over 1400 years ago and that Prophet
Muhammad                   was the founder of the religion. In
fact, Islam has been here since man set foot on this earth and
Prophet Muhammad                    is not the founder of the
religion of Islam but is the last and final messenger of Allah

          The Role of Prophets

          …then know that the duty of our messenger
             is only to deliver the message clearly.
      (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 5 – Al Ma'idah, Verse 92)

The basic message of all the prophets from Allah          was to
further the unity of mankind, along with guidance on how
human beings should live in this world in order to bring peace
and security, and hence ensure our survival and stability. They
demonstrated the Divine Administration's complete sense of
justice, and evaluated punishment in this world and
recompense in the Hereafter. They explained what the
individual's conduct should be; they put their people on the
right path for success in this life and the hereafter, and they
demonstrated how non-believers would meet their end. This
was the religion they brought, and it was the religion (course of
action) which the God wanted mankind to adopt.

…nor does he speak of (his own) desire. It is only the Revelation
                 with which he is inspired.
   (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 53 – An-Najm, Verses 3-4)

Every prophet states clearly that what he receives is not from
him but from Almighty Allah             for the well-being of
mankind. He also confirms what was revealed before him and
what may be revealed after him. A prophet does this to show
that he is simply conveying the message which is entrusted to
him by the One True Lord (Allah      ) of all people in all ages.
Prophets            are necessary for conveying Allah's
instructions and guidance to mankind.

We have no way of knowing why we were created. What will
happen to us after death? Is there any life after death? Are we
accountable for our actions? Is there any reward or punishment
for our deeds in this life? These and so many other questions
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Understanding Islam: An introduction         7

about Allah       , angels, paradise, hell, etc. can not be
answered without revelation from the Creator and Knower of the

    It is not for a human being that Allah should speak to him
                       except as revelation…
        (The Holy Qur’an: Chapter 42 – Al Shura, Verse 51)

The message revealed to Prophet Muhammad                   is
Islam in its comprehensive, complete and final form. Islam is
nothing but genuine acceptance of the teachings and guidance
of Allah          as revealed to His Prophet, Muhammad
             . A man must consciously and deliberately accept
what has been taught by the Prophet                  and act
accordingly. Whosoever does this is a Muslim.

           Islam: What does it mean?

The Arabic word ‘Islam’ means peace, submission, and
obedience. Every thing and every phenomenon in the world,
other than humans and jinns, is administered totally by Allah’s
laws, they are obedient to Allah          and submissive to His
laws, i.e. they are in the state of Islam. Man possesses the
quality of intelligence and choice, thus he is invited to submit to
the good Will of Allah          and obey His law (i.e. become a
Muslim). Submission to the Will of Allah            , together with
obedience to His beneficial law, is Islam. This submission, and
this only, is salvation according to the Holy Qur'ān.

 Whoever submits himself entirely to Allah and he is the doer of
       good to others, he has his reward from the Lord...
    (The Holy Qur’an: Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 112)

This submission requires a fully conscious and willing effort to
submit to the one Almighty God. One must consciously and
carefully give oneself to the service of Allah     . This means to
act on what Allah            enjoins all of us to do (in the Holy
Qur'ān) and what His beloved Prophet Muhammad
encouraged us to do in his Sunnah (Hadith). Once we humble
ourselves, rid ourselves of our egoism and submit totally and
exclusively to Allah        , both in faith and in deeds, we will
certainly feel peace in our hearts which in turn will bring about
peace in our external conduct as well. In short, Islam means
peace acquired by submitting your will to Allah        .
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One of the beautiful names of Allah           is Al Salaam (     )
which means the Provider of Peace. It means more than that:
submission to the One God, and to live in peace with the
Creator, within one's self, with other people and with the
environment. Thus, Islam is a total system of living. A Muslim is
supposed to live in peace and harmony with all these segments;
hence, a Muslim is any person anywhere in the world whose
obedience, allegiance, and loyalty are to Allah      , the Lord of
the Universe.

The Qur'ān declares that those who follow and practice the
guidance of the Qur'ān will be called ‘Muslims’ and their way of
life will be ‘Islam’ i.e. living in full peace and harmony with
people of the world and also with the environment. The
traditional use of the terms 'Islam' and 'Muslim' for the
followers of the Prophet Muhammad                          is a
contradiction with the Qur'ān. Both these terms are universal in
connotation and are meant for entire humanity through all the
ages of the history. Thus, according to the Qur'ān, Allah's
reward is not reserved for any particular group but is open to
anyone who consciously accepts the oneness of Allah             ,
surrenders himself to his Will, and by living righteously gives
practical effect to this attitude.

 Verily the most honoured among you in the sight of Allah is (he
              who is) the most righteous of you…..
     (The Holy Qur’an: Chapter 49 – Al Hujurāt, Verse 13)

          Islam: The religion of peace

            Allah calls towards the abode of peace.
       (The Holy Qur’an: Chapter 10 – Yoonus, Verse 25)

Islam is the religion of peace: its meaning is peace; one of God's
names is peace (Al Salam); the daily greeting of Muslims and
angels is ‘peace’ (‘As Salamo Aleikum’, meaning peace be on
you); paradise is the house of peace (Dar Al Salam). Peace is the
nature, the meaning, the emblem and the objective of Islam.
Every being is entitled to enjoy the peace of Islam and the
kindness of the peaceful Muslims, regardless of religious or

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geographical or racial considerations, as long as there is no
oppression against Islam or the Muslims. If non-Muslims are
peaceful with the Muslims or even indifferent to Islam, there
can be no justification to interfere in their affairs or declare war
on them. There is no religion or constitution that guarantees
peaceful freedom of religion and forbids compulsion in religion
except Islam.
                There is no compulsion in religion.
     (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 256)

           Components of Islam

Islam consists of two components: beliefs and practices. The
beliefs have been stated in the Holy Qur'ān while the practices
are embodied in both the Qur'ān and the Sunnah (Hadith).

 And We have sent down this Qur'ān on you in which everything
   is clearly explained and as guidance and mercy and good
         tidings for those who have surrendered (to Allah).
       (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 16 – An-Nahl, Verse 89)

The Qur'ān is a book to guide mankind to the way in which we
must live on this planet with the least possible conflict (i.e. with
balance and harmony) not only with the people of the world but
also with the natural world. The Qur'ān is the Final Testament
of the Allah          revealed to mankind. It is the only Divine
Book which exists today in its original language and form,
preserved word for word. The Holy Prophet                    taught
the Qur'ān to his Companions               . This Book has been
transferred from the Companions of the Holy Prophet
               , uninterrupted, through successive generations of
Muslims. Hadith is mandatory to perceive the essence of Holy
Qur'ān. The Qur'ān and the Hadith hold a pivotal place as the
sources for understanding Islam. The Hadith and the Qur’an do
not abrogate each other. Hadith does not add to the content of
religion; it offers an explanation of the Holy Qur’an and dictates
sense and reason.

The Holy Qur’an is the collection of divine verses. The Holy
Qur’an is the last and final revelation until the end of human
existence on earth (i.e. final message to humanity) from Allah
     . The words are in Arabic. A human being did not arrange
these words. The words of the Holy Qur’an have been revealed
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by Allah       and descended in verses. God's messages are not
conveyed by sound which is heard by the human ear, but can
only be received by the inner, ‘spiritual’ senses possessed by
Prophets. An angel named Jibra'eel (Gabriel) recited the verses
with these words and letters to the Holy Prophet              ,
who then recited the verses to his Companions. The Qur’an
began revelation on the Night of Power (Laylat Al Qadr, a night
in the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan) and continued
to be revealed for 23 years (during the years 609-632 AD). The
Holy Prophet                   and a majority of Companions
memorised the whole Qur’an.

The Muslims of the early centuries of Islam were blessed with
great honour by Allah        because they loved and applied the
Holy Qur’an. Because of this meaningful attachment with the
Holy Qur’an, they made great achievements in religious and
worldly spheres. Those who neglected the teachings of Islam
were disgraced and humiliated. May Allah             guide and
enable us to re-establish our contact with the Qur’an so that we
can regain our past glory.

In literal terms, ‘Sunnah’ means to pave the way or make a path
easy to walk on, so that it becomes a commonly followed way by
everyone afterwards. Thus, the Sunnah is the way of the
Prophet                , a law that he brought and taught as an
explanation or further clarification of a divinely revealed book.
Normally, the prophetic way includes references to the prophet’s
sayings, actions, physical features and character traits. From
the Islamic standpoint, Sunnah refers to anything narrated or
related     about    the    Prophet   Muhammad                   ,
authentically traced to him regarding his speech, actions, traits,
and silent approvals, before and after the revelation.

          Allah: the proper name of God

The word ‘Allah’ is the common word used to refer to God in
Arabic. It is a unique term and has no plural or feminine forms.
Arabic speaking Jews and Christians refer to the Supreme
Being as ‘Allah’. It is interesting to note that the Aramaic word
‘El’, which is the word for God in the language that Jesus
spoke, is certainly more similar in sound to the word ‘Allah’
than the English word ‘God’. This also holds true for the various
Hebrew words for God, which are ‘El’ and ‘Elah’, and the plural
form ‘Elohim’. The reason for these similarities is that Aramaic,
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Hebrew and Arabic are all Semitic languages with common

            Islam rejects philosophy of

The Holy Qur’an speaks against all forms of anthropomorphism.
The Glorious Qur’an says in the following verse:

               There is nothing whatever like unto Him
         (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 42 – Al Shura, Verse 11)

Many religions, directly or indirectly, embody the philosophy of
anthropomorphism i.e. God becoming a human being. Their
contention is that Almighty God is so pure and holy that He is
unaware of the hardships, shortcomings and feelings of human
beings. In order to set the rules for human beings, He came
down to earth as a human. Some may argue that God does not
become a human being but only takes a human form. If God
only takes a human form but does not become a human being,
He should not possess any human qualities. We know that all
the ‘God-men’ have human qualities and failings. They have all
the human needs such as the need to eat, sleep, etc. This
deceptive logic has fooled countless millions through the ages.

             The concept of God in Islam

      Say: He is Allah, the One and Only. Allah, the Eternal, the
    Absolute1. He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none
                             like unto Him.
       (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 112 – Al Ikhlas, Verses 1-4)

This four-line definition of Almighty God serves as the
touchstone of the study of the God. Any candidate to divinity
must be subjected to this acid test. Since the attributes of Allah

  The Arabic word ‘Samad’ has a deeper meaning than the closest
English word ‘Absolute’. It means ‘absolute existence’, which can be
attributed only to Allah        , all other existence being temporal or
conditional. It also means that Allah          is not dependant on any
person or thing, but all persons and things are dependant on Him.
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      given in this chapter are unique, false gods and pretenders
to divinity can be easily dismissed using these verses.

The concept of God as it appears in the Qur’an would mean a
being who is supreme but remains hidden from human eyes;
before whose dignity and grandeur human perceptions become
dazed; whose sovereignty extends over the entire Universe;
obedience to whom is obligatory. By accepting Him, one must
accept His sovereignty and obey His laws provided in the Holy

     No vision can grasp Him but His grasp is over all vision: He
    is above all comprehension, yet is acquainted with all things.
         (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 6 – Al An’ām, Verse 103)

God is different from anything that human senses can perceive
or the human mind can imagine. God according to Islam
encompasses all creation, but no mind can fully encompass or
grasp Him. Islam teaches the highest conception of God, and
does not accept any limitation to His power and knowledge. The
Islamic deity is not merely a god (Ilah) but ‘the God’ (Allah). He
is not merely an object of ritualistic worship, but the possessor
of all the dimensions of highest excellence and of absolute
perfection. He is the Omnipotent (All-Powerful), the Omniscient
(All-knowing), the Infinite, and the Absolute One. He neither
incarnates (in human form) nor has He any partner or son or
peer. He is the Creator, the Sustainer, the Nourisher and the
Evolver of everything that constitutes the cosmos.

   He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the Knower of the
 invisible and the visible. He is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is
Allah besides Whom there is no God; the Sovereign Lord, the Holy
   One, the Architect of Peace, the Granter of Security, Guardian
         Over All, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of
Greatness…… He is Allah, the Creator, the Shaper out of naught,
 the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. Whatever is in
    the heavens and the earth declares His glory; and He is the
                          Mighty, the Wise.
      (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 59 – Al Hashr, Verses 22-24)

Islam rejects depicting God as favouring certain individuals or
nations on the basis of wealth, power, colour, race and creed.
He created human beings equal. They may distinguish
themselves and get His favour through virtue and piety only.

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But those who obey Allah's orders and keep away from what He
 has forbidden will be above them (disbelievers) on the Day of
     (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 212)

The unique usage of Allah          as the personal name of God is
a reflection of Islam’s emphasis on the purity of the belief in
One God, the essence of the message of all the prophets.
Because of this, Islam considers associating any deity or
personality with Allah        as a deadly sin that Allah        will
never forgive, despite the fact that He may forgive all other sins.

           Islamic concept of worship

Worship is an all inclusive term for all that Allah         loves of
external and internal sayings and actions of a person. In other
words, worship is everything one says or does for the pleasure
of Allah      . This, of course, includes rituals as well as beliefs,
social activities, and personal contributions to the welfare of
one’s fellow human beings.

Islam does not teach or accept mere ritualism, but rather
emphasizes intention and action. To worship Allah           is to
know and to love Him, to obey His law in every aspect of life, to
enjoin goodness and forbid wrong-doing and oppression, to
practice charity and justice, and to serve Him by serving
mankind. The Qur’an presents this concept in the following
sublime manner:

 It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the East or the
West, but righteous is he who believes in Allah        and the Last
  Day and the angels and the Books and the prophets; and gives
    his wealth for love of Him to kinsfolk and to orphans and the
 needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask; and to set slaves
    free; and observes proper worship and pays the Zakaat. And
those who keep their treaty when they make one, and the patient
   in tribulation and adversity and time of stress, such are those
              who are sincere. Such are the God fearing.
       (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 177)

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As a matter of fact, Islam does not think much of mere rituals
when they are performed mechanically and have no influence
on one’s inner life.

The concept of worship in Islam is a comprehensive concept
that includes all the positive activities of the individual. This, of
course, is in agreement with the all-inclusive nature of Islam as
a way of life. It regulates human life on all levels: individual,
social, economic, political and spiritual. That is why Islam
provides guidance in the smallest details of one’s life on all
these levels. Thus, following these details is following Islamic
instructions in that specific area. It is a very encouraging
element when one realises that all his activities are considered
by Allah          as acts of worship. This should lead the
individual to seek Allah’s pleasure in his actions and always try
to do them in the best possible manner.

           Ideology of Islam

Islam has laid down some universal fundamental rights for
humankind as a whole, which are to be observed and respected
under all circumstances. Whatever leads to the welfare of the
individual or the society is morally good in Islam and whatever
is injurious is morally bad. This is the standard by which a
particular mode of conduct is judged and classified as good or
bad. Before laying down any moral injunctions, Islam seeks to
firmly implant in man's heart the conviction that his dealings
are with Allah       , who sees him at all times and in all places;
that he may hide himself from the whole world, but not from
Him; that he may deceive everyone but cannot deceive Allah
     ; that he can flee from anyone else, but not from his
accountability to Allah          . Thus, by setting Allah's
pleasure as the objective of man's life, Islam has furnished the
highest possible standard of ethics. It stipulates for mankind a
system of life that is based on all that is good and is free from
all that is evil. It encourages the people not only to practice
virtue, but also to establish virtue and eradicate wickedness.

To attain eternal happiness in the Hereafter by following the
ideology of Islam as revealed in the Holy Qur’an, it is necessary
to believe in it first, and then to follow it consciously and
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           Religion Islam: The objectives

So bring yourself to the upright natural religion of Allah, the one
which He created people upon (fitrah). There is no change (in the
laws of) Allah's creation, and that is the right religion, but most
                      people are not aware.
      (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 30 – Al Rum, Verse 30)

Every child is born with a natural belief in Allah              and an
inclination to worship Him alone. In Arabic, this natural
inclination is called ‘fitrah’. If the child were left alone, he would
worship Allah         in his own way, but his parents try to make
him follow their own way and the child is not strong enough in
the early stages of his life to resist or oppose the will of his
parents. The religion which an innocent child follows at this
stage at the behest of his parents is one of custom and
upbringing and Allah              does not hold him to account or
punish him for this religion. Throughout man's life from
childhood until the time of death, signs are shown to him in all
regions of the earth, until it becomes clear that there is only one
true God (Allah         ). Prophets were sent to every nation and
tribe to support man’s natural belief in Allah               and man’s
inborn inclination to worship Him as well as to reinforce the
divine truth in the daily signs revealed by Allah          .

    We have made all the signs manifest unto people who are
                endowed with inner certainty.
     (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 118)

The fundamentals of Islam act as a reminder for human beings.
A reminder about things and concepts which, deep inside, he is
already aware of but tends to forget due to the influence of the
external world, his society and surroundings, the daily chaos of
a fast and busy life. Islam is a direction finder and influences
our way of thinking and steers us to the right path.

     Have we not shown him the two ways [so that he could
              understand the good and the evil]?
      (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 90 – Al Balad, Verse 10)

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The purpose of our life is to please Allah  . To attain this we
need to develop purification. This includes positive
enhancement (conquest of the lower self) and moulding of the
good in our soul and shunning of the bad. The purpose of Islam
is to help us attain purification; both in our individual and
collective lives.

           Message of Islam

Worship Allah         alone and avoid the worship directed to any
person, place or thing other than Allah       – this is simple and
vital message of Islam. Since everything other than Allah
is Allah’s creation; it may be said that Islam, in essence, calls
man away from the worship of creation and invites him to
worship only its Creator.

The message of Islam as brought by the prophets of Allah
is to worship only Allah        and to avoid the worship of his
creation either directly or indirectly. It is the belief that the
essence of Allah       is everywhere in His creation or that His
divine being is present in some aspects of His creation. This
belief provided the justification for the worship of creation;
however, such worship may be called the worship of Allah
through his creation (indirect worship). Allah rejects this
concept of indirect worship and says in the Holy Qur'ān:

      And verily, We have sent in every nation a messenger,
         (proclaiming): Serve Allah and shun false gods.
       (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 16 – An-Nahl, Verse 36)

The next fundamental message of Islam is one of pursuing
knowledge. It was ignorance that Islam sought to end.

        Significance of acquiring

  1. Knowledge of religion (i.e. Qur’an and Hadith)

Every Muslim must honour his obligation towards the
knowledge of Qur’an and the Hadith. A man can be a Brahmin

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without having knowledge of Hinduism and remain a Brahmin.
But a sane and adult person cannot be a true Muslim without
acquiring the knowledge of Islam. This is because he does not
become a true Muslim just by being born in a Muslim family
but from acquiring the knowledge of Islam and practicing its
tenets. Unless he comes to know the teachings of Holy Prophet
Muhammad                 , he can not affirm faith in it and he
cannot act according to it. And if he has not affirmed faith
knowingly and after a complete understanding of it, how can he
become a true Muslim? It’s clear that it is impossible to become
a true Muslim and remain a true Muslim while in a state of
ignorance. If someone is born in a Muslim home, has a Muslim
name, dresses like a Muslim, and calls himself a Muslim,
doesn’t become a Muslim. A true Muslim is a person who knows
what Islam stands for and affirms faith in it with full

  2. Knowledge of modern science

The pursuit of knowledge is a never ending journey and life-long
learning is a responsibility upon every Muslim. It is not a
coincidence that the first word revealed to Prophet Muhammad
             was ‘Read’. Knowledge, ‘ilm’ in Arabic, is praised in
over 300 verses in the Holy Qur’an and is the second most
common word in the book, after Allah             . The Prophet
              said “Seeking knowledge is a (religious) duty on
every Muslim” and advised his companions to seek knowledge
wherever it may be. Learning is obligatory for both men and
women. Moreover, education is not restricted to religious issues;
it includes all fields of knowledge, including Arts, Commerce,
Science and Technology.

There are important branches of knowledge and it is essential
that individuals in every Muslim community should specialise
in these and attain a standard of excellence in diverse
disciplines. To suggest, however, that religious sciences are the
only disciplines of knowledge required by Muslims is wrong. We
cannot achieve any degree of excellence in these branches of
knowledge unless we also acquire a standard of excellence in
other fields and, indeed, in all branches of knowledge. The
Qur'ān invites people to look around them in the Universe and
to try to fathom its secrets. How can they do that unless they
acquire appropriate knowledge?

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Moreover, Allah            has made everything in the Universe
subservient to us. He wants us to use these in order to improve
human life. This is the task required of mankind. How could
they improve human life without knowledge? Moreover, Allah
      calls on people to reflect on His signs all around them. For
them to appreciate these signs requires good knowledge of the
Universe around them. That again requires an in-depth study of
the world and everything relevant to it. If we were to abandon
all branches of knowledge under the pretext that we should
concentrate only on the Qur'ān and the Hadith, then we shrink
into a little shell. An ignorant person can cause only harm to
himself and to his community. If the community is composed of
ignorant people, then they have no hope of a good future. The
task of the Muslim community is to provide a model of
everything good in life. That can only be achieved through
excellence in all fields of knowledge. This was how the early
Muslim generations understood their task. They were able, as a
result, to build a civilization which was unique in the history of
mankind. Islam opens all the horizons of knowledge for its
followers to excel in them, be they men or women.

          Islam: An easy approach

The true religion must lend itself to universal understanding
and practice, not confined to any people, place or time.
Whenever man comes to the realisation that God is one and
distinct from His creation, and submits himself to the true one
God (Allah        ), he becomes a Muslim. Thus, anyone at
anytime in the most remote region of the world can become a
Muslim, a follower of God's religion, Islam, by merely rejecting
the worship of creation and by turning to Allah           alone. A
person’s declaration of faith is sufficient evidence of conversion
to Islam and need not be confirmed by others or by religious

          Islam: Easy by nature

Allah intends for you ease; and He does not want to make things
                         difficult for you.
     (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 185)

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Understanding Islam: An introduction         19

When we look carefully at the religion of Islam we find that care
has been taken by Allah to make it easy for men to follow,
without overstraining themselves. It takes into consideration
the different situations man finds himself in, and the conditions
he faces in different environments. The faith itself is based on
concepts which are easy to grasp; a single God; none like Him;
He has created everything; He has guided everything to realise
the purpose of its existence; He has also sent prophets to
remind people of their role in life and to call them back to their
Lord who has created them. All obligations imposed by this
faith fit in perfectly together; there are no conflicts, no
contradictions. People have to fulfill these obligations according
to their abilities: there need not be any overstraining or heavy
burdens. Prohibitions are also relaxed. The Holy Qur'ān states:

              .….save under compulsion of necessity.
             (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 6, Verse119)

These basic principles provide the limits within which the
Islamic commandments and principles operate.

                He has laid on you no hardships
               in the observance of your religion.
       (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 22 – Al Hajj, Verse 78)

The aforementioned verse states one of the most fundamental
principles of faith and existence. It provides a link between the
nature of the Holy Prophet                     , the nature of Islam
and that of the whole Universe. It is a Universe created by Allah
      with ease; it follows its appointed way with ease and draws
nearer to its final objective with ease. The message of Islam is
made easy for people to follow since it takes into consideration
the limitations of human abilities. It imposes no burdens which
are too heavy. The easy nature of the religion of Islam is readily
identifiable in its spirit as well as in its commandments.

         And We shall smooth your way to perfect ease.
        (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 87 – Al A'la, Verse 8)

The Prophet’s traditions urging the adoption of an easy, gentle
and tolerant attitude in all matters, especially those which
concern religious duties are numerous. Whenever the Prophet
              had a choice, he would always choose the easier
alternative. Abu Hurairah         reported:

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20      Understanding Islam: An Introduction

 The Prophet                said, “The religion (of Islam) is easy,
 and whoever makes the religion a rigour, it will overpower him.
 So, follow a middle course (in worship); if you can't do this, do
something near to it and give glad tidings and seek help (of Allah
         ) at morning and at dusk and some part of the night.”

      Purpose of life: An Islamic perspective

Did you then think that We had created you in vain and that you
                  shall not be returned to Us?
   (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 23 – Al Mo’minoon, Verse 115)

 I created the jinn and humankind only so that they worship Me.
       (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 51 – Az-Zariyat, Verse 56)

The purpose of our life is to worship Allah        . Worshipping
Allah       does not mean we spend our entire lives in constant
seclusion and meditation. To worship Allah           is to live life
according to His commands, not to run away from it. To
worship Allah       is to know Him, to love Him, to please Him,
to obey His commands, to apply His laws in every aspect of life,
to serve His cause by doing right and purging evil and to be just
to Him, to ourselves and to our fellow human beings. Thus, the
purpose of human life is spiritual development of the individual
which ultimately results in bringing order in human society.

      Islam: A guideline for successful life

Islam provides specific guidelines for all people to follow in their
daily lives. Any human activity to please Allah            is Islam.
Islam’s guidance is comprehensive and includes the social,
political, economic, moral, and spiritual aspects of life. The
Qur’an reminds man of the purpose of his life, of his duties and
obligations toward himself, his family and relatives, his
community, his fellow human beings, and his Creator. Man is
given fundamental guidelines about a purposeful life and then
confronted with the challenges of human existence so that he
may put these high ideals into practice.

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Understanding Islam: An introduction         21

Islam provides moral guidance in all walks of life. That is why
Islamic values are not for the ascetic who renounces the world,
but for him who actively participates in different spheres of life,
and works within them. When man decides to submit to the
Will of Allah      , and accepts His law as the supreme law, and
organises his life in accordance with the wish of Allah         as
revealed in the Holy Qur’an, the quality and character of his life
cannot be limited to the precincts of a mosque. It must extend
itself to every sphere of his life.

      Islamic way of life: Do's and Don'ts

If we look carefully at the duties and prohibitions a Muslim is
required to observe, we find that they fall into three main

  Related to basic beliefs, such as the duty of worshipping Allah
        alone, and the prohibition of associating any partner
  with Him.

  The acts of worship such as prayer, fasting, etc. These are
  meant to enhance the good character of a person. When we
  think of prayer and how it provides a real and continuous
  relationship with Allah     , we are bound to recognise that it
  sharpens a Muslim's sense of what is appropriate and what is
  not. The Holy Prophet                says: “A faith which does
  not require its followers to pray is devoid of goodness.”
  Fasting moulds the character of a Muslim to be able to
  withstand any sacrifice which he may be called upon to make.

  Other duties and prohibitions of Islam are related either to
  moral values or to day-to-day transactions between people.
  They ensure that a Muslim does not take advantage of others
  or usurp their right or property. Together, they provide
  safeguards which ensure that every one of us receives what is
  due to him or her. Allah       does not benefit by restricting
  our movements or our actions. The benefit of Islamic duties
  and prohibitions is reaped by us only.

Islamic duties and prohibitions are not difficult to observe.
There is nothing in them which is included arbitrarily. They all
serve a common purpose of making human life easy, happy and
fair. It is true that we may at times yield to temptations that go
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22      Understanding Islam: An Introduction

against Islamic teachings, but we can repent and pray to Allah
       for forgiveness. He is the Most Merciful, the Most
Forgiving. He finds no pleasure in punishing us for our
mistakes. Indeed, He loves that we repent and express our
regret for having committed a sin. When we do that, He forgives
us. When we declare that we believe in Him, we must always try
as hard as we can to observe His teachings. When we make an
error, as we all do, we must try to rectify it. Furthermore, we
know that our observance of what He requires of us will earn for
us a great reward. The total sum of that reward is admittance
into Heaven.

Islam does not confine itself merely to purifying our spiritual
and moral life but its domain extends to the entire gamut of life.
It wants to mould individual life as well as the social order in
healthy patterns, so that universal brotherhood may be truly
established on earth and so that peace, happiness and well-
being may fill the world. The Islamic way of life is based on this
unique approach to life.

Islam does not allow living this life selfishly, with complete
disregard for the sovereign Lord and Creator; nor does it allow
neglecting the world and devote solely to ritual worship. God-
fearing people should be the best in morals and manners. Islam
forbids any action which infringes on the rights of others or
harms oneself. Forbidden to Muslims are dishonesty, theft,
murder, suicide, corruption, forgery, interest and usury,
gambling, lottery, consumption of alcohol or pork, backbiting,
maligning, destruction of property, cruelty to animals, adultery,
fornication, etc. While forbidding these things, Islam enjoins
upon mankind the use of all clean, healthy and useful things,
and asks us not to deprive our bodies of clean food and healthy
amusement. Islam also encourages marriage and stable family
life, modesty, generosity, hospitality, respect for parents,
honourable treatment of women, helping those in need, etc. The
law of Islam forbids public nudity and orders Muslims to dress
up in a decent and dignified manner. Islam enjoins mankind to
manage his sexual desire with responsibility and seek its
fulfillment only within the bonds of marriage. Divorce, while
frowned upon, is permitted in cases where the marital
relationship is irrevocably damaged. In dealing with non-
Muslims, Muslims are instructed not to be intolerant or narrow-

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Understanding Islam: An introduction         23

We must not abuse or speak ill of other religious leaders, nor
say anything insulting. Qur’an says:

  Invite all to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful
preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most
     (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 16 – An-Nahl, Verse 125)

Islam holds that all of creation must be respected and cared for
with love based on the sentiment that love the sinner but hate
the sin.

          Human rights in Islam

When we speak of human rights in Islam we really mean that
these rights have been granted by God; they have not been
granted by any king or by any legislative assembly. Islam has
laid down some universal fundamental rights for humanity as a
whole, which are to be observed and respected under all
circumstances. These fundamental rights have been conferred
by Allah        Himself. No legislative assembly in the world or
any government on earth has the right or authority to make any
amendment or change in the rights conferred by Allah        . No
one has the right to withdraw them. Since Allah           is the
absolute and the sole master of creatures and the Universe, He
is the sovereign Lord, and since He has given each man human
dignity and honour, men are substantially the same and no
distinction can be made among them on account of their
nationality, colour or race.

The Qur'ān very clearly states:

 O believers! Be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness
in equity; and let not the hatred of any people incite you that you
 should become unjust. Always do justice as it is nearer to piety.
       (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 5 – Al Ma'idah, Verse 8)

It is not permissible to oppress women, children, old people, the
sick or the wounded. Women’s honour and chastity are to be
respected under all circumstances. The hungry person must be
fed, the naked clothed and the wounded or diseased treated
irrespective of whether they are Muslim or not.

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24         Understanding Islam: An Introduction

Since its inception, Islam has placed a high value on human
rights. Privacy, freedom, dignity and equality are guaranteed in
Islam. The lives, property and privacy of all citizens in an
Islamic state are considered sacred, whether or not the person
is Muslim. Non-Muslims have freedom of worship and the
practice of their religions, including their own family law and
religious courts. They pay a different tax (jizyah) instead of the
Zakaat, and the state is obligated to provide both protection and
government services to them.

      Islam favours free will and choice

Allah          has granted man free will to choose between good
and evil.

 In this way Allah lets go astray him that He wills (to go astray),
 and guides aright him that He wills (to be guided).And none can
comprehend his Sustainer’s forces save Him alone: and all this is
                  but a reminder to mortal man.
    (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 74 – Al Mudaththir, Verse 31)

Allah        wants every human being to choose to believe in
Him. He has placed in the Universe numerous pointers and
indicators testifying to His existence, oneness and overall
sovereignty in the Universe. These indicators and pointers are
sufficient to guide anyone who contemplates and thinks
logically to the ultimate conclusion of Allah's existence and
man's need to worship Him alone.

Islam specifically asks not to have blind faith, but rather use
God given gifts of reason and free will to study all of creation,
understand its glory and realise that it was not an accident. We
feel that by profoundly understanding any given discipline, one
could see the vast interconnectedness of our reality. The signs
of Allah       are all around us. Think about it. If the Earth was
1% closer to the sun, we would all be burnt to a crisp and if we
were 1% farther would be freeze-dried. Our bodies are so
carefully calibrated that in every second, with every heartbeat
and every breath, all the systems of our anatomy work together
to keep us alive. Everything in this world is in balance;
everything exists in a perfectly delicate harmony. It is this
harmony and balance that we are called upon to imitate in our

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Understanding Islam: An introduction          25

own lives. Islam has always been about moderation, balance,
and taking the middle road.

               There is no compulsion in religion
     (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 256)

It is up to each individual to investigate religion, and personally
make a decision as to its validity and their faith in it. Muslims
are not in a position to force anything on anyone; the job of
guidance belongs to Allah          alone. Muslims are absolutely
forbidden from forcing their faith on others.

If it had been your Lord's Will, they would all have believed, all
who are on earth! Will you then compel mankind, against their
will, to believe?! No soul can believe, except by the Will of Allah.
     (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 10 – Yoonus, Verses 99-100)

A man is free to choose and follow his course of life. If man
follows the course of piety and Godliness he will succeed in this
world and in the next. In this world he will live a life of peace
and happiness, and in the Hereafter he will qualify himself for
the heaven of eternal bliss, Paradise (Jannah). And if he
chooses to follow the other course, that of Godlessness and evil,
his life will be one of corruption, disruption and frustration in
this world and he will meet misfortune in the life to come - that
abode of pain and misery which is called Hell (Jahannam).

  And whoso desires another religion than Islam, it shall not be
    accepted for him and he will be a loser in the Hereafter.
      (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 3 – Al Imran, Verse 85)

   Freedom of thought and expression in

Islam gives the right of freedom of thought and expression on
the condition that it should be used for the propagation of
virtue and truth and not for spreading evil and wickedness.
Under no circumstances would Islam allow evil and wickedness
to be propagated. It also does not give anybody the right to use
abusive or offensive language in the name of criticism.

      Islam preaches universal brotherhood
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26      Understanding Islam: An Introduction

                  Mankind was one community
      (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 213)

The above verse makes the purpose of Islam very clear: it is to
gather human beings into one united nation. And this is only
possible under a true Islamic belief, based on the fundamental
guidance of the Qur'ān.

  The Believers are brothers, so make peace and reconciliation
            between your two (contending) brothers
     (The Holy Qur’an: Chapter 49 – Al Hujurāt, Verse 10)

Since Allah            is the absolute and the sole master of
creatures and the Universe, He is the sovereign Lord, and since
He has given each man human dignity and honour, men are
substantially the same and no distinction can be made among
them, on account of their nationality, colour or race. Islam
rejects the idea that human beings have been created in castes
or in different levels.

 O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a
  female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may
know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily the
most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most
   Righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well
                  acquainted (with all things).
     (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 49 – Al Hujurāt, Verse 13)

The Islamic teaching that all Muslims are equal before Allah
      , provides the basis for a collective sense of loyalty to Allah
        that transcends class, race, nationality, and even
differences in religious practice. Thus, all Muslims belong to one
community, the Ummah, irrespective of their ethnic or national

Islam has prescribed a moral code in order to ensure that
universal brotherhood prevails in the world. If any person kills
an innocent human being whether it is a Muslim or a non-
Muslim (irrespective of the race, caste, colour or creed), it is as
though he has killed the whole of humanity. And if anyone
saves another human being, whether it be a Muslim or a non-
Muslim (irrespective of any race, caste, colour or creed), it is as
though he has saved the whole of humankind. Islam has a
system of paying alms called Zakaat. If every human being in
the whole world gives Zakaat, poverty will be eradicated from
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Understanding Islam: An introduction       27

this world and there will not be a single human being who dies
of hunger. A person should not steal, a person should give
charity, a person should provide neighbourly assistance, a
person should not squander wealth – all these are moral
conducts prescribed by Islam. Islam commands humans to
abstain from intoxicants, alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc.
Intoxicants are one of the main causes for various evils in
society. It obstructs universal brotherhood from prevailing.

The best example of universal brotherhood is Hajj – the
pilgrimage prescribed by Islam. Hajj is the biggest annual
gathering of the world. Two and a half million people gather
every year. Irrespective whether they are rich or poor, black or
white and no matter which part of the world they have come
from, all are dressed in the same attire. Men are dressed up in
two pieces of unsown cloth that is preferably white. One cannot
identify nor ascertain whether the person standing next to him
he is a king or a pauper.

Muslims demonstrate universal brotherhood five times a day in
their congregational prayer. When we offer congregational
prayer, we practically demonstrate universal brotherhood.
Irrespective of whether you are rich or poor, a king or a pauper,
when you stand for prayers, you stand shoulder to shoulder, so
that brotherhood increases and it is practically demonstrated
that all are equal and the differences of race, caste, ethnicity,
creed and wealth do not come between you.

      Muhammadanism: a misnomer

Every religion of the world has been given a name either after
the name of its founder or after the territory in which that
religion originated from. For instance, Christianity takes its
designation from the name of its prophet Jesus Christ;
Buddhism from its founder Gautam Buddha, Hindu is referred
to those people who lived in the area watered by the river
Sindhu. Many non-Muslims call the Muslims ‘Muhammadans’,
which they think is synonymous. The religion of Islam cannot
be termed as ‘Muhammadanism’ because it was not a religion
that was brought by Prophet Muhammad                    . Islam
was there since time immemorial. Prophet Muhammad
              was not the first prophet but he was the last and
final prophet. The word ‘Muhammadan’ means a person who
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28      Understanding Islam: An Introduction

worships Muhammad             . Muslims revere him but do
not worship Prophet Muhammad                 ; it is not
permitted in Islam. So the words ‘Muhammadan’ or
‘Muhammadanism’ are misnomers.

           Muslim: The believer

        O you who believe! Enter into Islam wholeheartedly
      (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 208)

A Muslim, who has real faith in Allah        , makes every aspect
of his life subservient to the Will of Allah     . His entire life is
one of obedience and surrender and he never behaves in an
arrogant or an autonomous way, except in a moment of
forgetfulness. In case of a lapse, as soon as he becomes
conscious of it, he re-addresses himself to his Lord and repents
for his error. Similarly, a society which consists of true Muslims
can never break away from the Law of their Lord. Its political,
social, cultural and economic policy, its legal system, and its
international strategy must all be in tune with the Code of
Guidance revealed by Allah           and must not contravene it.
And if ever, through error or omission, any contravention is
committed, they must, on realising this, correct it immediately
and return forthwith to the state of subservience to the Law of
Allah       .

                   He has named you Muslims
        (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 22 – Al Hajj, Verse 78)

A person who is born in a Muslim family or community does not
automatically become a Muslim. He is a Muslim because of
accepting Islam, and if he renounces Islam, he ceases to be a
Muslim. The person who consciously believes in the oneness of
Allah      , associating no partners with Him in any sense or
form, and also believes in the fact that Prophet Muhammad
              is Allah’s      Prophet, that he is a Messenger
chosen by Him, and says this with the heart and believes that
he transmitted the information from Allah                 through
revelations (wahee) and pronounces the Islamic creed (kalimat-
e-shahadat) is a Muslim. In brief, a believer (mo’min) is one who
believes in six fundamental tenets (principles) of faith (imaan);
who admits to belong to the Islamic faith; his beliefs are firmly

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Understanding Islam: An introduction         29

entrenched in his heart and he gives practical credence to these
through his actions.

Every person is born Muslim. Every person is endowed by Allah
      with the spiritual potential and intellectual inclination that
can make him a good Muslim. Every person's birth takes place
according to the Will of Allah         in realisation of His plans
and in submission to His commands. Every person is born free
from sin. When the person reaches the age of maturity and if he
is sane, he becomes accountable for all his deeds and intentions
henceforth. Man is free from sin until he commits sin. There is
no inherited sin, and no ‘original’ sin. Sin means a trespass
committed against Allah           by means of breaking the rules
of Islam.

A Muslim is one who is an honest and serious-minded man. A
true Muslim always carries out the orders of Allah            . It
would be a sin if we did not obey even one of the orders of Allah
     . A Muslim tries to honour the rights a human has on him,
and also his debts to the state. He never resists the laws of his
state or nation. It would be a crime to violate the laws of one’s
motherland. A Muslim commits neither sins nor crimes. He is a
good law-abiding citizen, loyal to his nation. He is kind and
generous to everyone. He advises those who act wrongly. Such
Muslims are loved both by Allah            and by His Prophet
             . They lead a happy and peaceful life.

           Life after death

  From it (the earth) We created you, and into it We shall return
      you, and from it We shall bring you out once again.
       (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 20 – Tā Hā, Verse 55)

 Say (O Muhammad               ): He will give life to them Who
                 created them the first time!
      (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 36 – Yā Seen, Verse 79)

   (The unbelievers say) Is this not strange that we should be
 brought back after dying and turning to dust? Such a return is
impossible. But We are fully aware of what the earth takes from
them and with Us is a Book preserved (i.e. the Book of Decrees).
        (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 50 – Qāf, Verses 3-5)
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30      Understanding Islam: An Introduction

    Does man (a disbeliever) think that We are not capable of
reassembling his decayed bones? We are able even to restore the
            tips of his fingers to their previous state.
    (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 75 – Al Qiyāmah, Verses 3-4)

Every living creature is destined to die. This is the natural law
i.e. law of Allah      . Human beings are no exception. Death is
the cessation of ordinary human existence. Prevailing Islamic
doctrine conceives death as a disengagement of the soul from
the body, the outward sign of which is the cessation of
breathing. This event marks the end of the predetermined
period of mundane life that is to be accounted for on the Day of
Judgment (Qiyamah), when the body and soul will be reunited
and resurrected for consignment to the splendid gardens of
Paradise or the torturous fire of Hell. Thus death is a passing
state for human beings between earthly existence and immortal
life in the Hereafter (Aakhirah). Between death and resurrection,
individuals are subjected to a preliminary trial in the grave by
the angels Munkar and Nakeer and given a preview of their
destiny in the Hereafter.

The Qur'ān reveals that this Universe, which was created in
accordance with physical laws, will be demolished in one stroke.
Allah        will then resurrect all the human beings who were
born from the beginning of creation down to its end, and will
make them appear (resurrect) before Himself on the day of
Qiyamah. The records of all the deeds of individuals,
communities, and mankind at large, will be there without the
slightest error or omission. Also, there will be complete reports
of the effects and consequences of all human actions in the
material world. All of the generations of men affected by them
will be present in the witness box. Every particle affected, in any
way, by the deeds or words of men will tell its own story. And
the limbs, the ears, the eyes and all other parts of the human
body will stand witness as to how they were used or abused in
life. On the basis of this unimpeachable evidence and those
complete records, Allah will decide each case with perfect
justice and pronounce the reward or penalty as the case may
be. The reward, as well as the punishment, will be of a
magnitude that cannot even be estimated by the limited
standards of the material world. The virtues whose beneficent
effects extend over several centuries in this world will be fully
rewarded there, and neither death nor illness, nor old age, will
be able to cut short the enjoyment of the reward. On the other
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Understanding Islam: An introduction           31

hand, the evil deeds whose effects and consequences blight the
lives of millions in this world for hundreds of years will be
punished fully, and neither death nor coma will be able to
relieve the pain and suffering of the guilty.


Islam is the way of life for mankind wherein the supreme
authority belongs to Allah       , the Sustainer of the Universe.
Islam is a comprehensive institution which includes all the
guidelines necessary for all aspects of life. Therefore, the best
way to understand Islam is to look at it as more than a religion
– to see it as a complete way of life. Islam is a system which
regulates every aspect of life, dealing with all issues – social,
economic, educational, judicial, health, and even defense. Thus,
it is suitable for all human beings and for all times, since it is
the final religion.

Islam is careful to remind us that it is not a religion of mere lip
service; rather it must be practiced continuously. The Muslim
must practice the five pillars of the religion: the declaration of
faith in the oneness of Allah              and the prophethood of
Muhammad                     , prayer, fasting the month of
Ramadan, paying alms-tax, and the pilgrimage to Makkah; and
believe in the six articles of faith: belief in God, the Holy Books,
the prophets, the angels, the Day of Judgment and God's
decree, whether for good or ill. There are other injunctions and
commandments which concern virtually all facets of one's
personal, family and civic life. These include such matters as
diet, clothing, personal hygiene, interpersonal relations,
business ethics, responsibilities towards parents, spouse and
children, marriage, divorce and inheritance, civil and criminal
law, fighting in defense of Islam, relations with non-Muslims,
and so much more. The Prophet of Islam                       and his
companions               developed and established a complete
model of Islam on this earth for mankind to follow.

      Surely, the true Religion in the sight of Allah is Islam
       (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 3 – Al Imran, Verse 19)

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Understanding Islam

  • 1. M.S. (Ophthalmology) Visit Us @
  • 2. 2 Understanding Islam: An Introduction © All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing by the publisher. UNDERSTANDING ISLAM Compiled By: Maulana Usaidul Haq Qadri Edited & Dr. Amirul Haque Translated by: First Edition: 2010 Publisher: TAJUL FUHUL ACADEMY BUDAUN Distributor: MAKTABA JAAM-E-NOOR 422, Matia Mahal, Jama Masjid, Delhi-6 For more information, please contact: TAJUL FUHUL ACADEMY Madarsa Alia Qadria, Maulvi Mahalla, Budaun-243601, (U.P.) India Phone : 0091 9358563720 Visit Us @
  • 3. Understanding Islam: An introduction 3 VÉÇàxÇàá 01. Islam: The primordial religion ….. 5 02. Role of Prophets ….. 6 03. Islam: What does it mean? ….. 7 04. Islam: The religion of peace ….. 8 05. Components of Islam ….. 9 06. Allah: the proper name of God ….. 10 07. Islam rejects philosophy of ….. 11 anthropomorphism 08. The concept of God in Islam ….. 11 09. Islamic concept of worship ….. 13 10. Ideology of Islam ….. 14 11. Objectives of Islam ….. 15 12. Message of Islam ….. 16 13. Significance of acquiring knowledge in Islam ….. 17 14. Islam: Easy approach ….. 18 15. Islam: Easy by nature ….. 19 16. Purpose of life: An Islamic perspective ….. 20 17. Islam: A guideline for successful life ….. 20 18. Islamic way of life: Do's and Don'ts ….. 21 19. Human rights in Islam ….. 23 20. Islam favours free will and choice ….. 24 21. Freedom of thought and expression in Islam ….. 25 22. Islam preaches universal brotherhood ….. 26 23. Muhammedanism: a misnomer ….. 27 24. Muslim: The believer ….. 28 25. Life after death ….. 29 26. Conclusion ….. 31 Visit Us @
  • 4. 4 Understanding Islam: An Introduction ÇáÑ|Ütà|ÉÇ Say you, ‘Come I will rehearse to you what your Lord has forbidden to you, ‘that you associate not anyone with Him, and that you do good to parents, and that you kill not your children because of poverty. We shall provide for you and for them, and that you approach not shameful deeds whichever in them is open and whichever is hidden; and slay not unjustly the life which Allah has made sacred. This has He ordered you that you may understand. And do not approach the property of the orphans but in the best way, until he reaches the maturity and fill up the measure and weight with justice. We burden no soul but to its capacity, and when you speak, then say just, even though it be a matter of your relative, and fulfil the covenant of Allah. This He has enjoined you strictly that haply you may accept admonition. And that, this is My straight path, then follow it and follow not other paths for they will deviate you from His path. This He has ordered you that haply you may be selfrestrained. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter – 6 Al-Anam, V. 151-153) Visit Us @
  • 5. Understanding Islam: An introduction 5 In the name of Allah, Extremely Compassionate, The Merciful Islam is a voluntary relationship between an individual and his Creator – Allah the Gracious One, who is Absolute, All- Powerful, the All-Wise, the All-Knowing, the All-Hearing, the Most Merciful, the Sustainer, the Giver. Islam refuses to accept any form of creation whatsoever as a deity worthy of worship. And do not set another as an object of worship with Allah… (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 51 – Al Zāriyāt, Verse 514) Allah wants every human being to choose to believe in Him. He has placed in the Universe numerous pointers and indicators testifying to His existence, oneness and overall sovereignty in the Universe. These indicators and pointers are sufficient to guide anyone who contemplates and thinks logically to the ultimate conclusion of Allah's existence and man's need to worship Him alone. Islam: The primordial religion Islam is not a new religion, but the continuation and culmination of preceding monotheistic religions. The first Prophet was Prophet Adam . Complete submission before Almighty Lord is the one and only faith consistently revealed by Allah from the very beginning through various Prophets to humankind. Nooh, Sulaiman, Ibraheem, Ismail, Ishaaq, Yaqoob, Moosa, Isa were a few of the many prophets who appeared at different times and places – all propagated the same faith and conveyed the same message. Islam is a re-presentation of the same message and guidance that Allah revealed to all of His prophets. Allah says: I have chosen Islam for you as a religion… (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 5 – Al Ma'idah, Verse 3) This statement of Allah is not only for the followers of Prophet Muhammad but all humanity. Many Visit Us @
  • 6. 6 Understanding Islam: An Introduction people have the misconception that Islam is a new religion that came into existence over 1400 years ago and that Prophet Muhammad was the founder of the religion. In fact, Islam has been here since man set foot on this earth and Prophet Muhammad is not the founder of the religion of Islam but is the last and final messenger of Allah . The Role of Prophets …then know that the duty of our messenger is only to deliver the message clearly. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 5 – Al Ma'idah, Verse 92) The basic message of all the prophets from Allah was to further the unity of mankind, along with guidance on how human beings should live in this world in order to bring peace and security, and hence ensure our survival and stability. They demonstrated the Divine Administration's complete sense of justice, and evaluated punishment in this world and recompense in the Hereafter. They explained what the individual's conduct should be; they put their people on the right path for success in this life and the hereafter, and they demonstrated how non-believers would meet their end. This was the religion they brought, and it was the religion (course of action) which the God wanted mankind to adopt. …nor does he speak of (his own) desire. It is only the Revelation with which he is inspired. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 53 – An-Najm, Verses 3-4) Every prophet states clearly that what he receives is not from him but from Almighty Allah for the well-being of mankind. He also confirms what was revealed before him and what may be revealed after him. A prophet does this to show that he is simply conveying the message which is entrusted to him by the One True Lord (Allah ) of all people in all ages. Prophets are necessary for conveying Allah's instructions and guidance to mankind. We have no way of knowing why we were created. What will happen to us after death? Is there any life after death? Are we accountable for our actions? Is there any reward or punishment for our deeds in this life? These and so many other questions Visit Us @
  • 7. Understanding Islam: An introduction 7 about Allah , angels, paradise, hell, etc. can not be answered without revelation from the Creator and Knower of the unseen. It is not for a human being that Allah should speak to him except as revelation… (The Holy Qur’an: Chapter 42 – Al Shura, Verse 51) The message revealed to Prophet Muhammad is Islam in its comprehensive, complete and final form. Islam is nothing but genuine acceptance of the teachings and guidance of Allah as revealed to His Prophet, Muhammad . A man must consciously and deliberately accept what has been taught by the Prophet and act accordingly. Whosoever does this is a Muslim. Islam: What does it mean? The Arabic word ‘Islam’ means peace, submission, and obedience. Every thing and every phenomenon in the world, other than humans and jinns, is administered totally by Allah’s laws, they are obedient to Allah and submissive to His laws, i.e. they are in the state of Islam. Man possesses the quality of intelligence and choice, thus he is invited to submit to the good Will of Allah and obey His law (i.e. become a Muslim). Submission to the Will of Allah , together with obedience to His beneficial law, is Islam. This submission, and this only, is salvation according to the Holy Qur'ān. Whoever submits himself entirely to Allah and he is the doer of good to others, he has his reward from the Lord... (The Holy Qur’an: Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 112) This submission requires a fully conscious and willing effort to submit to the one Almighty God. One must consciously and carefully give oneself to the service of Allah . This means to act on what Allah enjoins all of us to do (in the Holy Qur'ān) and what His beloved Prophet Muhammad encouraged us to do in his Sunnah (Hadith). Once we humble ourselves, rid ourselves of our egoism and submit totally and exclusively to Allah , both in faith and in deeds, we will certainly feel peace in our hearts which in turn will bring about peace in our external conduct as well. In short, Islam means peace acquired by submitting your will to Allah . Visit Us @
  • 8. 8 Understanding Islam: An Introduction One of the beautiful names of Allah is Al Salaam ( ) which means the Provider of Peace. It means more than that: submission to the One God, and to live in peace with the Creator, within one's self, with other people and with the environment. Thus, Islam is a total system of living. A Muslim is supposed to live in peace and harmony with all these segments; hence, a Muslim is any person anywhere in the world whose obedience, allegiance, and loyalty are to Allah , the Lord of the Universe. The Qur'ān declares that those who follow and practice the guidance of the Qur'ān will be called ‘Muslims’ and their way of life will be ‘Islam’ i.e. living in full peace and harmony with people of the world and also with the environment. The traditional use of the terms 'Islam' and 'Muslim' for the followers of the Prophet Muhammad is a contradiction with the Qur'ān. Both these terms are universal in connotation and are meant for entire humanity through all the ages of the history. Thus, according to the Qur'ān, Allah's reward is not reserved for any particular group but is open to anyone who consciously accepts the oneness of Allah , surrenders himself to his Will, and by living righteously gives practical effect to this attitude. Verily the most honoured among you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you….. (The Holy Qur’an: Chapter 49 – Al Hujurāt, Verse 13) Islam: The religion of peace Allah calls towards the abode of peace. (The Holy Qur’an: Chapter 10 – Yoonus, Verse 25) Islam is the religion of peace: its meaning is peace; one of God's names is peace (Al Salam); the daily greeting of Muslims and angels is ‘peace’ (‘As Salamo Aleikum’, meaning peace be on you); paradise is the house of peace (Dar Al Salam). Peace is the nature, the meaning, the emblem and the objective of Islam. Every being is entitled to enjoy the peace of Islam and the kindness of the peaceful Muslims, regardless of religious or Visit Us @
  • 9. Understanding Islam: An introduction 9 geographical or racial considerations, as long as there is no oppression against Islam or the Muslims. If non-Muslims are peaceful with the Muslims or even indifferent to Islam, there can be no justification to interfere in their affairs or declare war on them. There is no religion or constitution that guarantees peaceful freedom of religion and forbids compulsion in religion except Islam. There is no compulsion in religion. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 256) Components of Islam Islam consists of two components: beliefs and practices. The beliefs have been stated in the Holy Qur'ān while the practices are embodied in both the Qur'ān and the Sunnah (Hadith). And We have sent down this Qur'ān on you in which everything is clearly explained and as guidance and mercy and good tidings for those who have surrendered (to Allah). (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 16 – An-Nahl, Verse 89) The Qur'ān is a book to guide mankind to the way in which we must live on this planet with the least possible conflict (i.e. with balance and harmony) not only with the people of the world but also with the natural world. The Qur'ān is the Final Testament of the Allah revealed to mankind. It is the only Divine Book which exists today in its original language and form, preserved word for word. The Holy Prophet taught the Qur'ān to his Companions . This Book has been transferred from the Companions of the Holy Prophet , uninterrupted, through successive generations of Muslims. Hadith is mandatory to perceive the essence of Holy Qur'ān. The Qur'ān and the Hadith hold a pivotal place as the sources for understanding Islam. The Hadith and the Qur’an do not abrogate each other. Hadith does not add to the content of religion; it offers an explanation of the Holy Qur’an and dictates sense and reason. The Holy Qur’an is the collection of divine verses. The Holy Qur’an is the last and final revelation until the end of human existence on earth (i.e. final message to humanity) from Allah . The words are in Arabic. A human being did not arrange these words. The words of the Holy Qur’an have been revealed Visit Us @
  • 10. 10 Understanding Islam: An Introduction by Allah and descended in verses. God's messages are not conveyed by sound which is heard by the human ear, but can only be received by the inner, ‘spiritual’ senses possessed by Prophets. An angel named Jibra'eel (Gabriel) recited the verses with these words and letters to the Holy Prophet , who then recited the verses to his Companions. The Qur’an began revelation on the Night of Power (Laylat Al Qadr, a night in the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan) and continued to be revealed for 23 years (during the years 609-632 AD). The Holy Prophet and a majority of Companions memorised the whole Qur’an. The Muslims of the early centuries of Islam were blessed with great honour by Allah because they loved and applied the Holy Qur’an. Because of this meaningful attachment with the Holy Qur’an, they made great achievements in religious and worldly spheres. Those who neglected the teachings of Islam were disgraced and humiliated. May Allah guide and enable us to re-establish our contact with the Qur’an so that we can regain our past glory. In literal terms, ‘Sunnah’ means to pave the way or make a path easy to walk on, so that it becomes a commonly followed way by everyone afterwards. Thus, the Sunnah is the way of the Prophet , a law that he brought and taught as an explanation or further clarification of a divinely revealed book. Normally, the prophetic way includes references to the prophet’s sayings, actions, physical features and character traits. From the Islamic standpoint, Sunnah refers to anything narrated or related about the Prophet Muhammad , authentically traced to him regarding his speech, actions, traits, and silent approvals, before and after the revelation. Allah: the proper name of God The word ‘Allah’ is the common word used to refer to God in Arabic. It is a unique term and has no plural or feminine forms. Arabic speaking Jews and Christians refer to the Supreme Being as ‘Allah’. It is interesting to note that the Aramaic word ‘El’, which is the word for God in the language that Jesus spoke, is certainly more similar in sound to the word ‘Allah’ than the English word ‘God’. This also holds true for the various Hebrew words for God, which are ‘El’ and ‘Elah’, and the plural form ‘Elohim’. The reason for these similarities is that Aramaic, Visit Us @
  • 11. Understanding Islam: An introduction 11 Hebrew and Arabic are all Semitic languages with common origins. Islam rejects philosophy of anthropomorphism The Holy Qur’an speaks against all forms of anthropomorphism. The Glorious Qur’an says in the following verse: There is nothing whatever like unto Him (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 42 – Al Shura, Verse 11) Many religions, directly or indirectly, embody the philosophy of anthropomorphism i.e. God becoming a human being. Their contention is that Almighty God is so pure and holy that He is unaware of the hardships, shortcomings and feelings of human beings. In order to set the rules for human beings, He came down to earth as a human. Some may argue that God does not become a human being but only takes a human form. If God only takes a human form but does not become a human being, He should not possess any human qualities. We know that all the ‘God-men’ have human qualities and failings. They have all the human needs such as the need to eat, sleep, etc. This deceptive logic has fooled countless millions through the ages. The concept of God in Islam Say: He is Allah, the One and Only. Allah, the Eternal, the Absolute1. He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 112 – Al Ikhlas, Verses 1-4) This four-line definition of Almighty God serves as the touchstone of the study of the God. Any candidate to divinity must be subjected to this acid test. Since the attributes of Allah 1 The Arabic word ‘Samad’ has a deeper meaning than the closest English word ‘Absolute’. It means ‘absolute existence’, which can be attributed only to Allah , all other existence being temporal or conditional. It also means that Allah is not dependant on any person or thing, but all persons and things are dependant on Him. Visit Us @
  • 12. 12 Understanding Islam: An Introduction given in this chapter are unique, false gods and pretenders to divinity can be easily dismissed using these verses. The concept of God as it appears in the Qur’an would mean a being who is supreme but remains hidden from human eyes; before whose dignity and grandeur human perceptions become dazed; whose sovereignty extends over the entire Universe; obedience to whom is obligatory. By accepting Him, one must accept His sovereignty and obey His laws provided in the Holy Qur’an. No vision can grasp Him but His grasp is over all vision: He is above all comprehension, yet is acquainted with all things. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 6 – Al An’ām, Verse 103) God is different from anything that human senses can perceive or the human mind can imagine. God according to Islam encompasses all creation, but no mind can fully encompass or grasp Him. Islam teaches the highest conception of God, and does not accept any limitation to His power and knowledge. The Islamic deity is not merely a god (Ilah) but ‘the God’ (Allah). He is not merely an object of ritualistic worship, but the possessor of all the dimensions of highest excellence and of absolute perfection. He is the Omnipotent (All-Powerful), the Omniscient (All-knowing), the Infinite, and the Absolute One. He neither incarnates (in human form) nor has He any partner or son or peer. He is the Creator, the Sustainer, the Nourisher and the Evolver of everything that constitutes the cosmos. He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the Knower of the invisible and the visible. He is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is Allah besides Whom there is no God; the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One, the Architect of Peace, the Granter of Security, Guardian Over All, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of Greatness…… He is Allah, the Creator, the Shaper out of naught, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory; and He is the Mighty, the Wise. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 59 – Al Hashr, Verses 22-24) Islam rejects depicting God as favouring certain individuals or nations on the basis of wealth, power, colour, race and creed. He created human beings equal. They may distinguish themselves and get His favour through virtue and piety only. Visit Us @
  • 13. Understanding Islam: An introduction 13 But those who obey Allah's orders and keep away from what He has forbidden will be above them (disbelievers) on the Day of Resurrection. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 212) The unique usage of Allah as the personal name of God is a reflection of Islam’s emphasis on the purity of the belief in One God, the essence of the message of all the prophets. Because of this, Islam considers associating any deity or personality with Allah as a deadly sin that Allah will never forgive, despite the fact that He may forgive all other sins. Islamic concept of worship Worship is an all inclusive term for all that Allah loves of external and internal sayings and actions of a person. In other words, worship is everything one says or does for the pleasure of Allah . This, of course, includes rituals as well as beliefs, social activities, and personal contributions to the welfare of one’s fellow human beings. Islam does not teach or accept mere ritualism, but rather emphasizes intention and action. To worship Allah is to know and to love Him, to obey His law in every aspect of life, to enjoin goodness and forbid wrong-doing and oppression, to practice charity and justice, and to serve Him by serving mankind. The Qur’an presents this concept in the following sublime manner: It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the East or the West, but righteous is he who believes in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Books and the prophets; and gives his wealth for love of Him to kinsfolk and to orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask; and to set slaves free; and observes proper worship and pays the Zakaat. And those who keep their treaty when they make one, and the patient in tribulation and adversity and time of stress, such are those who are sincere. Such are the God fearing. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 177) Visit Us @
  • 14. 14 Understanding Islam: An Introduction As a matter of fact, Islam does not think much of mere rituals when they are performed mechanically and have no influence on one’s inner life. The concept of worship in Islam is a comprehensive concept that includes all the positive activities of the individual. This, of course, is in agreement with the all-inclusive nature of Islam as a way of life. It regulates human life on all levels: individual, social, economic, political and spiritual. That is why Islam provides guidance in the smallest details of one’s life on all these levels. Thus, following these details is following Islamic instructions in that specific area. It is a very encouraging element when one realises that all his activities are considered by Allah as acts of worship. This should lead the individual to seek Allah’s pleasure in his actions and always try to do them in the best possible manner. Ideology of Islam Islam has laid down some universal fundamental rights for humankind as a whole, which are to be observed and respected under all circumstances. Whatever leads to the welfare of the individual or the society is morally good in Islam and whatever is injurious is morally bad. This is the standard by which a particular mode of conduct is judged and classified as good or bad. Before laying down any moral injunctions, Islam seeks to firmly implant in man's heart the conviction that his dealings are with Allah , who sees him at all times and in all places; that he may hide himself from the whole world, but not from Him; that he may deceive everyone but cannot deceive Allah ; that he can flee from anyone else, but not from his accountability to Allah . Thus, by setting Allah's pleasure as the objective of man's life, Islam has furnished the highest possible standard of ethics. It stipulates for mankind a system of life that is based on all that is good and is free from all that is evil. It encourages the people not only to practice virtue, but also to establish virtue and eradicate wickedness. To attain eternal happiness in the Hereafter by following the ideology of Islam as revealed in the Holy Qur’an, it is necessary to believe in it first, and then to follow it consciously and intentionally. Visit Us @
  • 15. Understanding Islam: An introduction 15 Religion Islam: The objectives So bring yourself to the upright natural religion of Allah, the one which He created people upon (fitrah). There is no change (in the laws of) Allah's creation, and that is the right religion, but most people are not aware. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 30 – Al Rum, Verse 30) Every child is born with a natural belief in Allah and an inclination to worship Him alone. In Arabic, this natural inclination is called ‘fitrah’. If the child were left alone, he would worship Allah in his own way, but his parents try to make him follow their own way and the child is not strong enough in the early stages of his life to resist or oppose the will of his parents. The religion which an innocent child follows at this stage at the behest of his parents is one of custom and upbringing and Allah does not hold him to account or punish him for this religion. Throughout man's life from childhood until the time of death, signs are shown to him in all regions of the earth, until it becomes clear that there is only one true God (Allah ). Prophets were sent to every nation and tribe to support man’s natural belief in Allah and man’s inborn inclination to worship Him as well as to reinforce the divine truth in the daily signs revealed by Allah . We have made all the signs manifest unto people who are endowed with inner certainty. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 118) The fundamentals of Islam act as a reminder for human beings. A reminder about things and concepts which, deep inside, he is already aware of but tends to forget due to the influence of the external world, his society and surroundings, the daily chaos of a fast and busy life. Islam is a direction finder and influences our way of thinking and steers us to the right path. Have we not shown him the two ways [so that he could understand the good and the evil]? (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 90 – Al Balad, Verse 10) Visit Us @
  • 16. 16 Understanding Islam: An Introduction The purpose of our life is to please Allah . To attain this we need to develop purification. This includes positive enhancement (conquest of the lower self) and moulding of the good in our soul and shunning of the bad. The purpose of Islam is to help us attain purification; both in our individual and collective lives. Message of Islam Worship Allah alone and avoid the worship directed to any person, place or thing other than Allah – this is simple and vital message of Islam. Since everything other than Allah is Allah’s creation; it may be said that Islam, in essence, calls man away from the worship of creation and invites him to worship only its Creator. The message of Islam as brought by the prophets of Allah is to worship only Allah and to avoid the worship of his creation either directly or indirectly. It is the belief that the essence of Allah is everywhere in His creation or that His divine being is present in some aspects of His creation. This belief provided the justification for the worship of creation; however, such worship may be called the worship of Allah through his creation (indirect worship). Allah rejects this concept of indirect worship and says in the Holy Qur'ān: And verily, We have sent in every nation a messenger, (proclaiming): Serve Allah and shun false gods. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 16 – An-Nahl, Verse 36) The next fundamental message of Islam is one of pursuing knowledge. It was ignorance that Islam sought to end. Significance of acquiring knowledge 1. Knowledge of religion (i.e. Qur’an and Hadith) Every Muslim must honour his obligation towards the knowledge of Qur’an and the Hadith. A man can be a Brahmin Visit Us @
  • 17. Understanding Islam: An introduction 17 without having knowledge of Hinduism and remain a Brahmin. But a sane and adult person cannot be a true Muslim without acquiring the knowledge of Islam. This is because he does not become a true Muslim just by being born in a Muslim family but from acquiring the knowledge of Islam and practicing its tenets. Unless he comes to know the teachings of Holy Prophet Muhammad , he can not affirm faith in it and he cannot act according to it. And if he has not affirmed faith knowingly and after a complete understanding of it, how can he become a true Muslim? It’s clear that it is impossible to become a true Muslim and remain a true Muslim while in a state of ignorance. If someone is born in a Muslim home, has a Muslim name, dresses like a Muslim, and calls himself a Muslim, doesn’t become a Muslim. A true Muslim is a person who knows what Islam stands for and affirms faith in it with full consciousness. 2. Knowledge of modern science The pursuit of knowledge is a never ending journey and life-long learning is a responsibility upon every Muslim. It is not a coincidence that the first word revealed to Prophet Muhammad was ‘Read’. Knowledge, ‘ilm’ in Arabic, is praised in over 300 verses in the Holy Qur’an and is the second most common word in the book, after Allah . The Prophet said “Seeking knowledge is a (religious) duty on every Muslim” and advised his companions to seek knowledge wherever it may be. Learning is obligatory for both men and women. Moreover, education is not restricted to religious issues; it includes all fields of knowledge, including Arts, Commerce, Science and Technology. There are important branches of knowledge and it is essential that individuals in every Muslim community should specialise in these and attain a standard of excellence in diverse disciplines. To suggest, however, that religious sciences are the only disciplines of knowledge required by Muslims is wrong. We cannot achieve any degree of excellence in these branches of knowledge unless we also acquire a standard of excellence in other fields and, indeed, in all branches of knowledge. The Qur'ān invites people to look around them in the Universe and to try to fathom its secrets. How can they do that unless they acquire appropriate knowledge? Visit Us @
  • 18. 18 Understanding Islam: An Introduction Moreover, Allah has made everything in the Universe subservient to us. He wants us to use these in order to improve human life. This is the task required of mankind. How could they improve human life without knowledge? Moreover, Allah calls on people to reflect on His signs all around them. For them to appreciate these signs requires good knowledge of the Universe around them. That again requires an in-depth study of the world and everything relevant to it. If we were to abandon all branches of knowledge under the pretext that we should concentrate only on the Qur'ān and the Hadith, then we shrink into a little shell. An ignorant person can cause only harm to himself and to his community. If the community is composed of ignorant people, then they have no hope of a good future. The task of the Muslim community is to provide a model of everything good in life. That can only be achieved through excellence in all fields of knowledge. This was how the early Muslim generations understood their task. They were able, as a result, to build a civilization which was unique in the history of mankind. Islam opens all the horizons of knowledge for its followers to excel in them, be they men or women. Islam: An easy approach The true religion must lend itself to universal understanding and practice, not confined to any people, place or time. Whenever man comes to the realisation that God is one and distinct from His creation, and submits himself to the true one God (Allah ), he becomes a Muslim. Thus, anyone at anytime in the most remote region of the world can become a Muslim, a follower of God's religion, Islam, by merely rejecting the worship of creation and by turning to Allah alone. A person’s declaration of faith is sufficient evidence of conversion to Islam and need not be confirmed by others or by religious authorities. Islam: Easy by nature Allah intends for you ease; and He does not want to make things difficult for you. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 185) Visit Us @
  • 19. Understanding Islam: An introduction 19 When we look carefully at the religion of Islam we find that care has been taken by Allah to make it easy for men to follow, without overstraining themselves. It takes into consideration the different situations man finds himself in, and the conditions he faces in different environments. The faith itself is based on concepts which are easy to grasp; a single God; none like Him; He has created everything; He has guided everything to realise the purpose of its existence; He has also sent prophets to remind people of their role in life and to call them back to their Lord who has created them. All obligations imposed by this faith fit in perfectly together; there are no conflicts, no contradictions. People have to fulfill these obligations according to their abilities: there need not be any overstraining or heavy burdens. Prohibitions are also relaxed. The Holy Qur'ān states: .….save under compulsion of necessity. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 6, Verse119) These basic principles provide the limits within which the Islamic commandments and principles operate. He has laid on you no hardships in the observance of your religion. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 22 – Al Hajj, Verse 78) The aforementioned verse states one of the most fundamental principles of faith and existence. It provides a link between the nature of the Holy Prophet , the nature of Islam and that of the whole Universe. It is a Universe created by Allah with ease; it follows its appointed way with ease and draws nearer to its final objective with ease. The message of Islam is made easy for people to follow since it takes into consideration the limitations of human abilities. It imposes no burdens which are too heavy. The easy nature of the religion of Islam is readily identifiable in its spirit as well as in its commandments. And We shall smooth your way to perfect ease. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 87 – Al A'la, Verse 8) The Prophet’s traditions urging the adoption of an easy, gentle and tolerant attitude in all matters, especially those which concern religious duties are numerous. Whenever the Prophet had a choice, he would always choose the easier alternative. Abu Hurairah reported: Visit Us @
  • 20. 20 Understanding Islam: An Introduction The Prophet said, “The religion (of Islam) is easy, and whoever makes the religion a rigour, it will overpower him. So, follow a middle course (in worship); if you can't do this, do something near to it and give glad tidings and seek help (of Allah ) at morning and at dusk and some part of the night.” (Al-Bukharee) Purpose of life: An Islamic perspective Did you then think that We had created you in vain and that you shall not be returned to Us? (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 23 – Al Mo’minoon, Verse 115) I created the jinn and humankind only so that they worship Me. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 51 – Az-Zariyat, Verse 56) The purpose of our life is to worship Allah . Worshipping Allah does not mean we spend our entire lives in constant seclusion and meditation. To worship Allah is to live life according to His commands, not to run away from it. To worship Allah is to know Him, to love Him, to please Him, to obey His commands, to apply His laws in every aspect of life, to serve His cause by doing right and purging evil and to be just to Him, to ourselves and to our fellow human beings. Thus, the purpose of human life is spiritual development of the individual which ultimately results in bringing order in human society. Islam: A guideline for successful life Islam provides specific guidelines for all people to follow in their daily lives. Any human activity to please Allah is Islam. Islam’s guidance is comprehensive and includes the social, political, economic, moral, and spiritual aspects of life. The Qur’an reminds man of the purpose of his life, of his duties and obligations toward himself, his family and relatives, his community, his fellow human beings, and his Creator. Man is given fundamental guidelines about a purposeful life and then confronted with the challenges of human existence so that he may put these high ideals into practice. Visit Us @
  • 21. Understanding Islam: An introduction 21 Islam provides moral guidance in all walks of life. That is why Islamic values are not for the ascetic who renounces the world, but for him who actively participates in different spheres of life, and works within them. When man decides to submit to the Will of Allah , and accepts His law as the supreme law, and organises his life in accordance with the wish of Allah as revealed in the Holy Qur’an, the quality and character of his life cannot be limited to the precincts of a mosque. It must extend itself to every sphere of his life. Islamic way of life: Do's and Don'ts If we look carefully at the duties and prohibitions a Muslim is required to observe, we find that they fall into three main categories. Related to basic beliefs, such as the duty of worshipping Allah alone, and the prohibition of associating any partner with Him. The acts of worship such as prayer, fasting, etc. These are meant to enhance the good character of a person. When we think of prayer and how it provides a real and continuous relationship with Allah , we are bound to recognise that it sharpens a Muslim's sense of what is appropriate and what is not. The Holy Prophet says: “A faith which does not require its followers to pray is devoid of goodness.” Fasting moulds the character of a Muslim to be able to withstand any sacrifice which he may be called upon to make. Other duties and prohibitions of Islam are related either to moral values or to day-to-day transactions between people. They ensure that a Muslim does not take advantage of others or usurp their right or property. Together, they provide safeguards which ensure that every one of us receives what is due to him or her. Allah does not benefit by restricting our movements or our actions. The benefit of Islamic duties and prohibitions is reaped by us only. Islamic duties and prohibitions are not difficult to observe. There is nothing in them which is included arbitrarily. They all serve a common purpose of making human life easy, happy and fair. It is true that we may at times yield to temptations that go Visit Us @
  • 22. 22 Understanding Islam: An Introduction against Islamic teachings, but we can repent and pray to Allah for forgiveness. He is the Most Merciful, the Most Forgiving. He finds no pleasure in punishing us for our mistakes. Indeed, He loves that we repent and express our regret for having committed a sin. When we do that, He forgives us. When we declare that we believe in Him, we must always try as hard as we can to observe His teachings. When we make an error, as we all do, we must try to rectify it. Furthermore, we know that our observance of what He requires of us will earn for us a great reward. The total sum of that reward is admittance into Heaven. Islam does not confine itself merely to purifying our spiritual and moral life but its domain extends to the entire gamut of life. It wants to mould individual life as well as the social order in healthy patterns, so that universal brotherhood may be truly established on earth and so that peace, happiness and well- being may fill the world. The Islamic way of life is based on this unique approach to life. Islam does not allow living this life selfishly, with complete disregard for the sovereign Lord and Creator; nor does it allow neglecting the world and devote solely to ritual worship. God- fearing people should be the best in morals and manners. Islam forbids any action which infringes on the rights of others or harms oneself. Forbidden to Muslims are dishonesty, theft, murder, suicide, corruption, forgery, interest and usury, gambling, lottery, consumption of alcohol or pork, backbiting, maligning, destruction of property, cruelty to animals, adultery, fornication, etc. While forbidding these things, Islam enjoins upon mankind the use of all clean, healthy and useful things, and asks us not to deprive our bodies of clean food and healthy amusement. Islam also encourages marriage and stable family life, modesty, generosity, hospitality, respect for parents, honourable treatment of women, helping those in need, etc. The law of Islam forbids public nudity and orders Muslims to dress up in a decent and dignified manner. Islam enjoins mankind to manage his sexual desire with responsibility and seek its fulfillment only within the bonds of marriage. Divorce, while frowned upon, is permitted in cases where the marital relationship is irrevocably damaged. In dealing with non- Muslims, Muslims are instructed not to be intolerant or narrow- minded. Visit Us @
  • 23. Understanding Islam: An introduction 23 We must not abuse or speak ill of other religious leaders, nor say anything insulting. Qur’an says: Invite all to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious… (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 16 – An-Nahl, Verse 125) Islam holds that all of creation must be respected and cared for with love based on the sentiment that love the sinner but hate the sin. Human rights in Islam When we speak of human rights in Islam we really mean that these rights have been granted by God; they have not been granted by any king or by any legislative assembly. Islam has laid down some universal fundamental rights for humanity as a whole, which are to be observed and respected under all circumstances. These fundamental rights have been conferred by Allah Himself. No legislative assembly in the world or any government on earth has the right or authority to make any amendment or change in the rights conferred by Allah . No one has the right to withdraw them. Since Allah is the absolute and the sole master of creatures and the Universe, He is the sovereign Lord, and since He has given each man human dignity and honour, men are substantially the same and no distinction can be made among them on account of their nationality, colour or race. The Qur'ān very clearly states: O believers! Be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not the hatred of any people incite you that you should become unjust. Always do justice as it is nearer to piety. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 5 – Al Ma'idah, Verse 8) It is not permissible to oppress women, children, old people, the sick or the wounded. Women’s honour and chastity are to be respected under all circumstances. The hungry person must be fed, the naked clothed and the wounded or diseased treated irrespective of whether they are Muslim or not. Visit Us @
  • 24. 24 Understanding Islam: An Introduction Since its inception, Islam has placed a high value on human rights. Privacy, freedom, dignity and equality are guaranteed in Islam. The lives, property and privacy of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred, whether or not the person is Muslim. Non-Muslims have freedom of worship and the practice of their religions, including their own family law and religious courts. They pay a different tax (jizyah) instead of the Zakaat, and the state is obligated to provide both protection and government services to them. Islam favours free will and choice Allah has granted man free will to choose between good and evil. In this way Allah lets go astray him that He wills (to go astray), and guides aright him that He wills (to be guided).And none can comprehend his Sustainer’s forces save Him alone: and all this is but a reminder to mortal man. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 74 – Al Mudaththir, Verse 31) Allah wants every human being to choose to believe in Him. He has placed in the Universe numerous pointers and indicators testifying to His existence, oneness and overall sovereignty in the Universe. These indicators and pointers are sufficient to guide anyone who contemplates and thinks logically to the ultimate conclusion of Allah's existence and man's need to worship Him alone. Islam specifically asks not to have blind faith, but rather use God given gifts of reason and free will to study all of creation, understand its glory and realise that it was not an accident. We feel that by profoundly understanding any given discipline, one could see the vast interconnectedness of our reality. The signs of Allah are all around us. Think about it. If the Earth was 1% closer to the sun, we would all be burnt to a crisp and if we were 1% farther would be freeze-dried. Our bodies are so carefully calibrated that in every second, with every heartbeat and every breath, all the systems of our anatomy work together to keep us alive. Everything in this world is in balance; everything exists in a perfectly delicate harmony. It is this harmony and balance that we are called upon to imitate in our Visit Us @
  • 25. Understanding Islam: An introduction 25 own lives. Islam has always been about moderation, balance, and taking the middle road. There is no compulsion in religion (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 256) It is up to each individual to investigate religion, and personally make a decision as to its validity and their faith in it. Muslims are not in a position to force anything on anyone; the job of guidance belongs to Allah alone. Muslims are absolutely forbidden from forcing their faith on others. If it had been your Lord's Will, they would all have believed, all who are on earth! Will you then compel mankind, against their will, to believe?! No soul can believe, except by the Will of Allah. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 10 – Yoonus, Verses 99-100) A man is free to choose and follow his course of life. If man follows the course of piety and Godliness he will succeed in this world and in the next. In this world he will live a life of peace and happiness, and in the Hereafter he will qualify himself for the heaven of eternal bliss, Paradise (Jannah). And if he chooses to follow the other course, that of Godlessness and evil, his life will be one of corruption, disruption and frustration in this world and he will meet misfortune in the life to come - that abode of pain and misery which is called Hell (Jahannam). And whoso desires another religion than Islam, it shall not be accepted for him and he will be a loser in the Hereafter. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 3 – Al Imran, Verse 85) Freedom of thought and expression in Islam Islam gives the right of freedom of thought and expression on the condition that it should be used for the propagation of virtue and truth and not for spreading evil and wickedness. Under no circumstances would Islam allow evil and wickedness to be propagated. It also does not give anybody the right to use abusive or offensive language in the name of criticism. Islam preaches universal brotherhood Visit Us @
  • 26. 26 Understanding Islam: An Introduction Mankind was one community (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 213) The above verse makes the purpose of Islam very clear: it is to gather human beings into one united nation. And this is only possible under a true Islamic belief, based on the fundamental guidance of the Qur'ān. The Believers are brothers, so make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers (The Holy Qur’an: Chapter 49 – Al Hujurāt, Verse 10) Since Allah is the absolute and the sole master of creatures and the Universe, He is the sovereign Lord, and since He has given each man human dignity and honour, men are substantially the same and no distinction can be made among them, on account of their nationality, colour or race. Islam rejects the idea that human beings have been created in castes or in different levels. O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most Righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 49 – Al Hujurāt, Verse 13) The Islamic teaching that all Muslims are equal before Allah , provides the basis for a collective sense of loyalty to Allah that transcends class, race, nationality, and even differences in religious practice. Thus, all Muslims belong to one community, the Ummah, irrespective of their ethnic or national background. Islam has prescribed a moral code in order to ensure that universal brotherhood prevails in the world. If any person kills an innocent human being whether it is a Muslim or a non- Muslim (irrespective of the race, caste, colour or creed), it is as though he has killed the whole of humanity. And if anyone saves another human being, whether it be a Muslim or a non- Muslim (irrespective of any race, caste, colour or creed), it is as though he has saved the whole of humankind. Islam has a system of paying alms called Zakaat. If every human being in the whole world gives Zakaat, poverty will be eradicated from Visit Us @
  • 27. Understanding Islam: An introduction 27 this world and there will not be a single human being who dies of hunger. A person should not steal, a person should give charity, a person should provide neighbourly assistance, a person should not squander wealth – all these are moral conducts prescribed by Islam. Islam commands humans to abstain from intoxicants, alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc. Intoxicants are one of the main causes for various evils in society. It obstructs universal brotherhood from prevailing. The best example of universal brotherhood is Hajj – the pilgrimage prescribed by Islam. Hajj is the biggest annual gathering of the world. Two and a half million people gather every year. Irrespective whether they are rich or poor, black or white and no matter which part of the world they have come from, all are dressed in the same attire. Men are dressed up in two pieces of unsown cloth that is preferably white. One cannot identify nor ascertain whether the person standing next to him he is a king or a pauper. Muslims demonstrate universal brotherhood five times a day in their congregational prayer. When we offer congregational prayer, we practically demonstrate universal brotherhood. Irrespective of whether you are rich or poor, a king or a pauper, when you stand for prayers, you stand shoulder to shoulder, so that brotherhood increases and it is practically demonstrated that all are equal and the differences of race, caste, ethnicity, creed and wealth do not come between you. Muhammadanism: a misnomer Every religion of the world has been given a name either after the name of its founder or after the territory in which that religion originated from. For instance, Christianity takes its designation from the name of its prophet Jesus Christ; Buddhism from its founder Gautam Buddha, Hindu is referred to those people who lived in the area watered by the river Sindhu. Many non-Muslims call the Muslims ‘Muhammadans’, which they think is synonymous. The religion of Islam cannot be termed as ‘Muhammadanism’ because it was not a religion that was brought by Prophet Muhammad . Islam was there since time immemorial. Prophet Muhammad was not the first prophet but he was the last and final prophet. The word ‘Muhammadan’ means a person who Visit Us @
  • 28. 28 Understanding Islam: An Introduction worships Muhammad . Muslims revere him but do not worship Prophet Muhammad ; it is not permitted in Islam. So the words ‘Muhammadan’ or ‘Muhammadanism’ are misnomers. Muslim: The believer O you who believe! Enter into Islam wholeheartedly (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2 – Al Baqarah, Verse 208) A Muslim, who has real faith in Allah , makes every aspect of his life subservient to the Will of Allah . His entire life is one of obedience and surrender and he never behaves in an arrogant or an autonomous way, except in a moment of forgetfulness. In case of a lapse, as soon as he becomes conscious of it, he re-addresses himself to his Lord and repents for his error. Similarly, a society which consists of true Muslims can never break away from the Law of their Lord. Its political, social, cultural and economic policy, its legal system, and its international strategy must all be in tune with the Code of Guidance revealed by Allah and must not contravene it. And if ever, through error or omission, any contravention is committed, they must, on realising this, correct it immediately and return forthwith to the state of subservience to the Law of Allah . He has named you Muslims (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 22 – Al Hajj, Verse 78) A person who is born in a Muslim family or community does not automatically become a Muslim. He is a Muslim because of accepting Islam, and if he renounces Islam, he ceases to be a Muslim. The person who consciously believes in the oneness of Allah , associating no partners with Him in any sense or form, and also believes in the fact that Prophet Muhammad is Allah’s Prophet, that he is a Messenger chosen by Him, and says this with the heart and believes that he transmitted the information from Allah through revelations (wahee) and pronounces the Islamic creed (kalimat- e-shahadat) is a Muslim. In brief, a believer (mo’min) is one who believes in six fundamental tenets (principles) of faith (imaan); who admits to belong to the Islamic faith; his beliefs are firmly Visit Us @
  • 29. Understanding Islam: An introduction 29 entrenched in his heart and he gives practical credence to these through his actions. Every person is born Muslim. Every person is endowed by Allah with the spiritual potential and intellectual inclination that can make him a good Muslim. Every person's birth takes place according to the Will of Allah in realisation of His plans and in submission to His commands. Every person is born free from sin. When the person reaches the age of maturity and if he is sane, he becomes accountable for all his deeds and intentions henceforth. Man is free from sin until he commits sin. There is no inherited sin, and no ‘original’ sin. Sin means a trespass committed against Allah by means of breaking the rules of Islam. A Muslim is one who is an honest and serious-minded man. A true Muslim always carries out the orders of Allah . It would be a sin if we did not obey even one of the orders of Allah . A Muslim tries to honour the rights a human has on him, and also his debts to the state. He never resists the laws of his state or nation. It would be a crime to violate the laws of one’s motherland. A Muslim commits neither sins nor crimes. He is a good law-abiding citizen, loyal to his nation. He is kind and generous to everyone. He advises those who act wrongly. Such Muslims are loved both by Allah and by His Prophet . They lead a happy and peaceful life. Life after death From it (the earth) We created you, and into it We shall return you, and from it We shall bring you out once again. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 20 – Tā Hā, Verse 55) Say (O Muhammad ): He will give life to them Who created them the first time! (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 36 – Yā Seen, Verse 79) (The unbelievers say) Is this not strange that we should be brought back after dying and turning to dust? Such a return is impossible. But We are fully aware of what the earth takes from them and with Us is a Book preserved (i.e. the Book of Decrees). (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 50 – Qāf, Verses 3-5) Visit Us @
  • 30. 30 Understanding Islam: An Introduction Does man (a disbeliever) think that We are not capable of reassembling his decayed bones? We are able even to restore the tips of his fingers to their previous state. (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 75 – Al Qiyāmah, Verses 3-4) Every living creature is destined to die. This is the natural law i.e. law of Allah . Human beings are no exception. Death is the cessation of ordinary human existence. Prevailing Islamic doctrine conceives death as a disengagement of the soul from the body, the outward sign of which is the cessation of breathing. This event marks the end of the predetermined period of mundane life that is to be accounted for on the Day of Judgment (Qiyamah), when the body and soul will be reunited and resurrected for consignment to the splendid gardens of Paradise or the torturous fire of Hell. Thus death is a passing state for human beings between earthly existence and immortal life in the Hereafter (Aakhirah). Between death and resurrection, individuals are subjected to a preliminary trial in the grave by the angels Munkar and Nakeer and given a preview of their destiny in the Hereafter. The Qur'ān reveals that this Universe, which was created in accordance with physical laws, will be demolished in one stroke. Allah will then resurrect all the human beings who were born from the beginning of creation down to its end, and will make them appear (resurrect) before Himself on the day of Qiyamah. The records of all the deeds of individuals, communities, and mankind at large, will be there without the slightest error or omission. Also, there will be complete reports of the effects and consequences of all human actions in the material world. All of the generations of men affected by them will be present in the witness box. Every particle affected, in any way, by the deeds or words of men will tell its own story. And the limbs, the ears, the eyes and all other parts of the human body will stand witness as to how they were used or abused in life. On the basis of this unimpeachable evidence and those complete records, Allah will decide each case with perfect justice and pronounce the reward or penalty as the case may be. The reward, as well as the punishment, will be of a magnitude that cannot even be estimated by the limited standards of the material world. The virtues whose beneficent effects extend over several centuries in this world will be fully rewarded there, and neither death nor illness, nor old age, will be able to cut short the enjoyment of the reward. On the other Visit Us @
  • 31. Understanding Islam: An introduction 31 hand, the evil deeds whose effects and consequences blight the lives of millions in this world for hundreds of years will be punished fully, and neither death nor coma will be able to relieve the pain and suffering of the guilty. Conclusion Islam is the way of life for mankind wherein the supreme authority belongs to Allah , the Sustainer of the Universe. Islam is a comprehensive institution which includes all the guidelines necessary for all aspects of life. Therefore, the best way to understand Islam is to look at it as more than a religion – to see it as a complete way of life. Islam is a system which regulates every aspect of life, dealing with all issues – social, economic, educational, judicial, health, and even defense. Thus, it is suitable for all human beings and for all times, since it is the final religion. Islam is careful to remind us that it is not a religion of mere lip service; rather it must be practiced continuously. The Muslim must practice the five pillars of the religion: the declaration of faith in the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad , prayer, fasting the month of Ramadan, paying alms-tax, and the pilgrimage to Makkah; and believe in the six articles of faith: belief in God, the Holy Books, the prophets, the angels, the Day of Judgment and God's decree, whether for good or ill. There are other injunctions and commandments which concern virtually all facets of one's personal, family and civic life. These include such matters as diet, clothing, personal hygiene, interpersonal relations, business ethics, responsibilities towards parents, spouse and children, marriage, divorce and inheritance, civil and criminal law, fighting in defense of Islam, relations with non-Muslims, and so much more. The Prophet of Islam and his companions developed and established a complete model of Islam on this earth for mankind to follow. Surely, the true Religion in the sight of Allah is Islam (The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 3 – Al Imran, Verse 19) Visit Us @