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Roland Schenke

Head of Web Development

translated into english

Patrick Lobacher

TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2

The Compendium

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Feedback requested
• Dear Neos Enthusiast!

I try to keep the TYPO3 Neos Compendium on an up-to-date Level. To
achieve this I need your Input! If you have ideas regarding Code Examples,
FAQ Entries or just want to praise or criticize please do not hesitate to
contact me at the following address:

patrick [AT]

Have fun with the Compendium!

Patrick Lobacher & Roland Schenke

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Date Changes
2013-08-08 Initial Version / Thanks to Christian Schwerdt for domainFACTORY specific Input
2013-08-09 included proof corrections by Roland Schenke and Michael Oehlhof - Thanks!
2013-08-10 added Nginx-Config - Thanks to Christian Kuhn, Christian Müller and Anja Leichsenring
2013-08-10 added Troubleshoot Section
2013-08-18 included proof corrections by Roland Schenke - Thanks!
2013-08-18 translated from german into english by Roland Schenke - Thanks a lot!
2013-12-12 updated to TYPO3 Neos 1.0 final
2013-12-15 updated to TYPO3 Neos 1.0.1
2014-01-07 Link for the installation under Shared Hosting and proof corrections (Thanks to Christian Glass!)
2014-03-03 migrated to „LOBACHER.“ CI
2014-03-05 updated to TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2
2014-03-07 added installation on a Server. Thanks to Mario Janetzko!
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Date Changes
2014-04-26 He did it again! Many thanks to Roland Schenke for updating the english translation to Neos 1.0.2!!!
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
What is
TYPO3 Neos?
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TYPO3 Neos - the next generation CMS
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TYPO3 Neos - the next generation CMS
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TYPO3 Neos - the next generation CMS
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TYPO3 Neos - the next generation CMS
Neos (greek νέος) is just “new”
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
The History of TYPO3 Neos starts with TYPO3 CMS
• TYPO3 CMS is a „Enterprise Open Source 

Content Management Framework“
• TYPO3 CMS exists since 1998 / invented by the Dane Kaspar Skårhøj
• approx. 500.000 Installations worldwide / > 5 Mio Downloads
• Usage in DE e.g. at > 50% all DAX 500 Enterprises, > 50% all „German
Soccer League“ Clubs, discounter, car rentals, public agencies
• > 6.000 Extensions
• > 100.000 Developers worldwide
• > 1500 Agencies worldwide
• funded and backed by the TYPO3 Association
The History of TYPO3 Neos starts with TYPO3 CMS
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Phoenix
• At the very first T3DD (TYPO3 Developer Days) in 2006, the decision
was made to rewrite TYPO3 from scratch.
• Codename: TYPO3 Phoenix (resp. TYPO3 5.0)
• some necessary PHP Features were not available at this time and had
to be implemented from the ground up: Content Respository, Aspect
Oriented Programming, Dependency Injection, ...
• The "Berlin Manifesto" of 2008 states the differentiation

to the TYPO3 CMS

(In the meantime Parts of the manifesto became obsolete.)

The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Phoenix
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Flow and Ne0s
• Many base functionalities of a CMS are not specific to a CMS (Session-
Handling, Datenbank-Handling, Templating, ...) => therefore
outsourcing into an own Framework TYPO3 Flow
• The introduction of Extbase in 2009 made it possible to write TYPO3
CMS extensions which are executable in TYPO3 Flow with minor
• On 20 October 2011 the Application Framework TYPO3 Flow (once
FLOW3) has been released as Final
• TYPO3 Neos ist an Application based on TYPO3 Flow
• TYPO3 Neos Alpha 7 in October 2013 / Beta 1 on Nov. 12, 2013
• First final Version on 10 December 2013

The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Flow and Ne0s
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Version History TYPO3 Neos
The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Flow and Ne0s
Version Datum
TYPO3 Phoenix Sprint Release 1 2010-05-31
... ...
TYPO3 Phoenix Sprint Release 9 2012-08-02
TYPO3 Neos alpha 1 2012-10-05
TYPO3 Neos alpha 2 2012-12-19
TYPO3 Neos alpha 3 2012-02-16
TYPO3 Neos alpha 4 2013-07-07
TYPO3 Neos alpha 5 2013-08-07
TYPO3 Neos alpha 6 2013-10-15
TYPO3 Neos alpha 7 2013-10-30
TYPO3 Neos beta 1 2013-11-12
TYPO3 Neos beta 2 2013-12-03
TYPO3 Neos 1.0 final 2013-12-10
TYPO3 Neos 1.0.1 2013-12-13
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
The TYPO3 World - since October 2012

• Umbrella Brand TYPO3


(no distinct Logo)
• TYPO3 Flow
• TYPO3 Neos

The History of TYPO3 Neos: Die TYPO3 World
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TYPO3 Neos: Positioning

• Since December 2013 two independent CMS are offered by TYPO3:
• TYPO3 CMS 6.x (4.7, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 LTS Beta)
• TYPO3 Neos 1.0
• from a technology point of view they share NOTHING but the name
and are as different as different can be
• There are NO migration paths from one system to the other
• TYPO3 Neos is NOT the successor of TYPO3 CMS, 

but a self-contained CMS with a different focus

The History of TYPO3 Neos: Die TYPO3 World
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
The Architecture
of TYPO3 Neos
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos - Backend

The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos - Backend

Modern Templating Engine


Content Repository (JCR / Sling)


TypoScript 2.0 - next Generation


Form API & Form Builder


Extensible admin interface


Embedded Expression Language


TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos - Frontend

The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos - Frontend

JavaScript Web Application


Web Editing Interface

Aloha / Hallo



Semantic Interaction Framework


JavaScript file and module loader

(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
of TYPO3 Neos
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Requirements of TYPO3 Neos
• Webserver (recommended: Apache 2.x with activated mod_rewrite Module)
• PHP 5.3.7 - 5.4.x (the bare minimum PHP 5.3.2 might cause problems)
• following funktions must be activated and allowed in PHP: system(), shell_exec(),
escapeshellcmd() und escapeshellarg()
• php.ini: memory_limit = 256M or higher
• php.ini: xdebug.max_nesting_level = 500 (in case xdebug is used)
• php.ini: add the following Options to the end of the file: detect_unicode = Off
• php.ini: additionally Magic_Quotes must be deactivated: magic_quotes_gpc = Off
• php.ini: the command line of Flow requires a timezone definition:

date.timezone= "Europe/Berlin" (or applicable)
Requirements of TYPO3 Neos
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Requirements of TYPO3 Neos
• It is important that the CLI Version of PHP is at least version 5.3.7 as well (and has
the appropriate and mentioned settings) - one can check the version with the
following command

php --version

• MySQL 5.1.50 - 5.x.x (as an example - basically every Doctrine DBAL compatible
database can be used)

• root access to the commandline / shell
Requirements of TYPO3 Neos
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Directory Structure
• Directory structure where the installation is meant to occur.





|---Web (Document Root)

• All Neos-Files are in the directory TYPO3-Neos (this will be added by
„Composer“ in the next steps.)
• There will be no distinction between Core and UserSpace (like TYPO3 CMS)
• The Document Root is to be mapped to /path/to/Webserver/TYPO3-
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Directory Structure
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Composer
• Installation is done via „Composer“ 

(Dependency Manager for PHP) - that‘s the shell access for

cd /pfad/zum/webserver/

curl -sS | php

• This creates the composer.phar file in the current directory
• If one would like to use Composer system wide, it can be copied or
moved (this will be assumed in the following)

mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Composer
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Composer
• Download TYPO3 Neos via Composer (one single line!):

php /path/to/composer.phar create-project 

typo3/neos-base-distribution TYPO3-Neos

• This takes care of the Installation of TYPO3 Flow, Neos and necessary
Modules (incl. 3rd Party like Doctrine 2, Aloha, ...)
• Afterwards one gets directory named TYPO3-Neos, which holds the
latest version of Neos
• The installation of Composer under Windows is covered here:
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Composer
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
[Alternative:] use archives
• the latest version is offered to download on sourceforge as zip, tar.gz
and tar.bz2:

Installation of TYPO3 Neos - use archives
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
[Alternative:] use git version of TYPO3 Neos
• cloning the latest version of TYPO3 Neos via git: 

git clone git://
Base.git TYPO3-Neos && cd TYPO3-Neos

subsequently these dependencies have to be loaded:

composer install --dev

Installation of TYPO3 Neos - GIT Version
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - rights & VirtualHost
• This console command sets the filesystem rights:

cd TYPO3-Neos

sudo ./flow flow:core:setfilepermissions shelluser wwwuser wwwgroup

(additional Info:

• shelluser

That is the User you‘re logged in on the shell with - can be found out with whoami

• wwwuser

The group the Webserver Process runs with (see file httpd.conf) - under Mac OS X e.g. _www

• wwwgroup

The group the Webserver Process runs with (see file httpd.conf) - under Mac OS X e.g. _www

Installation of TYPO3 Neos - rights & VirtualHost
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - VirtualHost
• Virtual Host Entry (e.g. Apache)

NameVirtualHost *:80 # if needed

<VirtualHost *:80>

DocumentRoot "/path/to/webserver/TYPO3-Neos/Web/"

# during development this line should be kept

# commented out, because this changes the Context to

# „Production“ - meaning: no Logging, with Caching, ...

Setenv FLOW_CONTEXT Production

ServerName neos.demo


• Entry in /etc/hosts (e.g.: C:windowssystem32driversetchosts) neos.demo
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - VirtualHost
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
• Call the Setup routine


Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
• The Password is located in the file at the path shown below. (remember!)


Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
The file containing the password
is deleted afterwards.

In case of Oblivion, i.e. it is
forgotten, the file


is to be deleted and setup called
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
• setup of the database
• MySQL is preset
• the driver can be changed by adjusting

the file:

• If as „DB Host“ does not

work, try to enter localhost instead.
• you can choose between using an

existing database or create a new one

Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
• create an administrator account

• User Management provides the

possibility for the creation of

subsequent user

• that includes adding additional user data

• creation is also possible via console:

./flow typo3.neos:user:create username password firstname lastname
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
• one can import a demo site


• or start with a blank website

• as soon as something

is entered into the form fields,

a new site is created
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
• Once the installation cycle

succeeded, the corresponding

advice appears

• You will find the documentation at

Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation of TYPO3 Neos
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
The Frontend looks like the left-
handed image, if the Demo-Site 

TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org is
If an empty site has been created,
the following screen is shown

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation of TYPO3 Neos
Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup
Access to the Installation:
• Frontend

• Backend

• Setup


(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation on a
domainFACTORY Server
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
domainFACTORY Server require a slightly modified Installation
• Credits to: Christian Schwerdt (die Medienagenten oHG)
• An english manual can also be found here:
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
• load Composer

curl -s | /usr/local/bin/php5-53STABLE-CLI
• load TYPO3 Neos 1.0:

/usr/local/bin/php5-53LATEST-CLI composer.phar create-project --dev --
stability alpha typo3/neos-base-distribution TYPO3-Neos-1.0.0

• Inside the domainFACTORY-Settings the Domain has to be configured to
point to the /Web directory.

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
• change the PHP-Path inside the Flow-CLI

cd TYPO3-Neos-1.0

vi flow

The first line has to be changed from

#!/usr/bin/env php

to the following:


Save with


or choose any plain text editor you‘re familiar with

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
• adjusting Settings.yaml in Configuration/

cd Configuration/

cp Settings.yaml.example Settings.yaml

vi Settings.yaml

//set database host

db: 'mysql5.<>'

//uncomment core: & phpBinaryPathAndFilename

//and change phpBinaryPathAndFilename to: 


phpBinaryPathAndFilename: '/usr/local/bin/php5-53STABLE-CLI'

save with:

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
• adjusting Settings.yaml in Development

cd Development/

cp Settings.yaml.example Settings.yaml

vi Settings.yaml

//set dbname, dbuser, dbpassword:

dbname: '<dbname>'

user: '<dbuser>'

password: '<password>'

save with:

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
• Flow Help

./flow help

• migrate Database

./flow doctrine:migrate 

• kickstart a Site

Syntax: ./flow site:kickstart [PackageKey] [SiteName]

./flow site:kickstart Your.Demopage Your.Demopage

• list Sites

./flow site:list
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
Installation on a domainFACTORY Server
• add Neos Backend User

./flow user:create <username> <password> <firstname> <lastname> 

• add Admin Userrole

./flow user:addrole <username> Administrator
• Finished :-)
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation on a Server
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation on a Server
Installation on a Server
On the servers of „ALL-INKL.COM - Neue Medien Münnich“ you have to
follow a slightly different installation instruction.

• Credits to: Mario Janetzko (die Medienagenten oHG)
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation on a Server
Installation on a Server
• Prior to installation the following steps have to executed
• open the file Bootstrap.php at /Packages/Framework/

• add the following after namespace TYPO3FlowCore;


namespace TYPO3FlowCore;



TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation on a Server
Installation on a Server
• comment out the lines 557 - 560 in the file Bootstrap.php


if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '<') && get_magic_quotes_gpc() === 1) {

echo('Flow requires the PHP setting "magic_quotes_gpc" set to Off. (Error




/* if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '<') && get_magic_quotes_gpc() === 1) {

echo('Flow requires the PHP setting "magic_quotes_gpc" set to Off. (Error


} */

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Installation on a Server
Installation on a Server
• add the following lines to the file Web/index.php starting at 

line 23:


require($rootPath . 'Packages/Framework/TYPO3.Flow/Classes/TYPO3/Flow/Core/

putenv ("FLOW_REWRITEURLS=1");

putenv ("FLOW_CONTEXT=Production");

if (substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],0,4) === 'dev.') {

putenv ("FLOW_CONTEXT=Development");


$context = getenv('FLOW_CONTEXT') ?: (getenv('REDIRECT_FLOW_CONTEXT') ?:


• The installation can be started now! 

(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
FAQ / Help
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
alternative methods of Installation and Support

please note: some of the links might be in german!
• TYPO3 Neos Vagrant Box
• TYPO3 Neos Installation on Mac OS X Snow Leopard and MAMP
• .git ignore File
• Launchr (test TYPO3 Neos online)
• Mittwald Hosting - 30 days trial TYPO3 Neos Account
• Manual Installation by

Troubleshoot / FAQ / Help
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
problems that may arise during installation
• In the PHP log or on the console while issuing ./flow help or on the frontend an error
message which is similar to the following appears:
• ...'"typo3eel" is not a valid package key... 

Workaround: use a patched Composer file:

• There is an error message which is similar to the following:

...Class 'PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint' not found in... 


...imagine... (something refers / hints to imagine)

Solution: Deletion of the PackageStates file

rm Configuration/PackageStates.php

Troubleshoot / FAQ / Help
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Nginx Config
for TYPO3 Neos
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos
Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos
• Credits to:
• Christian Kuhn
• Christian Müller
• Anja Leichsenring

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos
Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos
• File /etc/nginx/sites-available/neos.demo (Domain assumed neos.demo)

# Upstream to abstract backend connection(s) for php

upstream neos.demo {

server unix:/var/run/neos.demo_fpm.sock;


server {

server_name neos.demo;

root /path/to/webserver/TYPO3-Neos/Web;

index index.php; 

error_log /path/to/webserver/TYPO3-Neos/logs/error_log;

access_log /path/to/webserver/TYPO3-Neos/logs/access_log;

## Disable .htaccess and other hidden files

location ~ /. {

deny all;

access_log off;

log_not_found off;


location = /favicon.ico {

log_not_found off;

access_log off;


location = /robots.txt {

allow all;

log_not_found off;

access_log off;

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos
Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos
• File /etc/nginx/sites-available/neos.demo (...continued...)

location /_Resources/ {

access_log off;

log_not_found off;

expires max;



location /_Resources/Persistent/ {

access_log off;

log_not_found off;

expires max;

rewrite "(.{40})/.+.(.+)" /_Resources/Persistent/$1.$2 break;

rewrite "([a-z0-9]+/(.+/)?[a-f0-9]{40})/.+.(.+)" /_Resources/Persistent/$1.$2 break;



# stop rewriting by existing files | is instead of -> location / { rewrite ".*" /index.php last; }

# use this if you want to run other PHP-Applications in TYPO3-Flow/Web directory


try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos
Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos
• File /etc/nginx/sites-available/neos.demo (...last part...)

location ~ .php$ {

fastcgi_index index.php; 


# for FLOW3 <= 1.1.x only | see note #15 on


# fastcgi_param FLOW3_CONTEXT Development;

# fastcgi_param FLOW3_CONTEXT Production;

# fastcgi_param FLOW3_REWRITEURLS 1;

# Make sure that you set the environment vars for new versions 

# of TYPO3-XXXXX(TYPO3-Neos) products properly

# see note #15 on


fastcgi_param FLOW_CONTEXT Development;

fastcgi_param FLOW_REWRITEURLS 1;

fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+.php)(.*)$;

fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;

fastcgi_pass neos.domain.tld;

include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;


TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos
Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos
• File /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/neos.demo.pool.conf 


listen = /var/run/neos.demo.sock

listen.owner = neos.demo = demo

listen.mode = 0660 

user = neos.demo

group = demo 

pm = dynamic 

pm.max_children = 50 

pm.start_servers = 5 

pm.min_spare_servers = 3

pm.max_spare_servers = 10

pm.max_requests = 200

request_terminate_timeout = 360s

chdir = /

php_admin_value[session.save_path] = "/path/to/webserver/TYPO3-Neos/sessions"

# During installation this might not be sufficient, cleaned it up afterwards. 

# Neos mentions it, add it, restart php-fpm, go on. Sufficient for operation.

php_admin_value[open_basedir] = "/path/to/webserver/TYPO3-Neos/:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php:/tmp:/usr/local/
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos
Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos
• File Configuration/Settings.yaml 





dbname: ...

user: ...

password: ...



subRequestPhpIniPathAndFilename: /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
of TYPO3 Neos
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Upgrade von TYPO3 Neos
Upgrade von TYPO3 Neos
lifting an existing 1.0 installation to the latest patch level can be achieved as

cd /pfad/zum/webserver/
composer update --no-dev "typo3/*"
# flush Cache!
./flow flow:cache:flush --force
./flow doctrine:migrate

If necessary php composer.phar has to be used!
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Upgrade of TYPO3 Neos
Upgrade of TYPO3 Neos
If there is an existing Neos, it can be updated to a given version quite
comfortable using Composer:
cd /path/to/webserver/
composer require "typo3/neos:1.0.*"

composer require "typo3/neos-nodetypes:1.0.*"
composer require "typo3/neosdemotypo3org:1.0.*"
composer require "typo3/neos-kickstarter:1.0.*"
# flush Cache!
./flow flow:cache:flush --force

./flow doctrine:migrate

If necessary php composer.phar has to be used!
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Usage of Development Master
Usage of Development Master
If by all means one would like to use the latest (trunk in git lingo) TYPO3
Neos, one can switch to the Development Master
cd /path/to/webserver/
composer update

update database:

./flow doctrine:migrate

flush cache:

./flow flow:cache:flush --force

If necessary php composer.phar has to be used!
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Virtual Machines
Virtual Machines
A few projects are offering virtual machines for TYPO3 Neos (and Flow):

• Vagrant (TYPO3 Neos / Flow oder CMS has to be installed yourself)

• Vagrant (TYPO3 Neos / Flow oder CMS has to be installed yourself)

• fully working TYPO3 Neos
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Release Notes
Release Notes TYPO3 Neos 1.0.1 (2013-12-13)
• [TASK] Update references in documentation
• [BUGFIX] Handle inline loading of pages without metadata correctly
• [BUGFIX] Use FQ TypoScript paths for lastVisitedNode functionality
• [BUGFIX] Add a safeguard to the LIBXML_PARSEHUGE constant
• [BUGFIX] Fix wrong type annotation that causes compilation problems
• [BUGFIX] Fix built-in Menu TypoScript object template
• [BUGFIX] Protypes don't use FQN
• [BUGFIX] Correctly link the Neos logo with the NodeViewHelper

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Release Notes
Release Notes TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 (2014-03-04) - Part 1

• [TASK] Update references in documentation
• [BUGFIX] Secondary inspector is rendered outside viewport in FF
• [BUGFIX] A better way of parsing the HTML of asynchronous page loads
• [TASK] Optimize typical filter usages of EEL children operation
• [BUGFIX] Default attributes property of menu TypoScript object
• [BUGFIX] "node" used in label for create new dialog
• [BUGFIX] Security policies in Neos are too strict
• [BUGFIX] Link inceptor handling of local links
• [BUGFIX] Node tree filter too wide in Firefox
• [BUGFIX] Sites management module widget action button
• [TASK] Improve usability of position menus in navigate component
• [BUGFIX] Title missing for paste/new buttons in navigate component
• [BUGFIX] Shortcut to siteroot has no active state
• [TASK] Fix minor errors in documentation
• [!!!][BUGFIX] Only accepts URLs with the configured URI suffix
• [BUGFIX] YAML indention and typo in integrators cookbook
• [TASK] Fix various CGL violations
• [BUGFIX] Opacity of datetime editor inspector field
• [TASK] Add missing grunt-trimtrailingspaces dependency
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Release Notes
Release Notes TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 (2014-03-04) - Part 2
• [FEATURE] Reworked MenuImplementation
• [TASK] Minor coding fixes for users management module
• [BUGFIX] Remove obsolete route that might break routing
• [TASK] Fix Page documentation in TS reference
• [BUGFIX] Correctly rename site root nodes
• [BUGFIX] Menu section collapse arrow styling
• [BUGFIX] Headline alignment is not persisted
• [BUGFIX] Shortcut rendering is broken in combination with layout
• [BUGFIX] Dateselector should do "previous" too

• [BUGFIX] Node references do not respect context workspace
• [BUGFIX] Prevent database error with too long index
• [BUGFIX] materialize NodeData in removeProperty()
• [TASK] Fix wrong hint in method docblock
• [BUGFIX] isEven & isOdd not supported in TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
of TYPO3 Neos
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos

• most extensible Enterprise CMF - Content Management Framework
• based on the stable TYPO3 Flow Framework, already available in Version 2.0
• easy und flexible Content Export/Import (until now only via command line)
• Multi-Domain Support
• state-of-the-art Technology und Paradigms under the hood (DDD, AOP, RequireJS,
EmberJS, ...)
• Intuitive User Interface
• Wireframe Mode - Content-Editing without Template
• web based Package Management
Features of TYPO3 Neos
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos

• In-place Content-Editing
• own Content Elements (incl. In-place Content-Editing) easily possible
• Integration of TYPO3 Flow Applications as Plugins (packages)
• TypoScript2 / Eel / FlowQuery
• Workspaces (currently no multi user capabilities)
• Custom Single-Sign-On / Custom Authentification through custom plugins
• Audit Logging
• TYPO3 Surf for the automatic Deployment (Integration with CI Server like Jenkins)
Features of TYPO3 Neos
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
so far missing features
• Web based Installer (currently needs command line with Root Access)
• Multilingualism (Content & User Interface)
• User / Roles without Admin Rights (Editors, well there is an„Editor User“, but so far
it’s just a a „Non-Admin“)
• User Rights / User Groups
• ACLs (Access Control Lists)
• Public Extensions (no Package Repository yet)
• Shared Workspaces
• Versioning (UI-Interface)
• Non-Core-Features: News, connection to 3rd-Party-Systems, Slider, SSL, Google
Analytics Integration, ...
Features of TYPO3 Neos
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
so far missing features
• Logs (User, Admin, ...)
• SEO-Features (page properties: noindex, nofollow, keywords,
description, canonical, ...)
• proper RWD-Interface (Interface only works at approx. 1000px
and bigger)
• RWD-Rendering of Images (responsive web design)
• Digital Asset Management (there’s no media browser)
• Form Designer (currently one can only choose programmatically
prepared forms)
• Content Synchronization and Syndication
• Admin Interface to edit arbitrary records
• ...
Features of TYPO3 Neos
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Structure of the Neos
user interface
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
Structure of the Admin-Interface
Operations Menu
Page Browser



Logout and Settings

Publish, possibility of
„auto publishing“
when clicking on the

content specific
properties like
page properties or
the like
Preview Mode

Display of how

the page would
look live
Preview Central

e.g. display
without design

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
Properties Panel
selected element

e.g. Headline, Content-Collection, Page, ...

context sensitive

properties, e.g. 

page properties
and the like
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
operations menu

switch between the different sites


Media Browser

User Management

Package Management

Sites Management

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
administration of Workspaces Publish

selection of


Node Type

type of

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
administration of Workspaces
Pages that
are marked
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
user administration Edit




new user

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
user administration - new user
To add a new user simply provide username, password and personal data.
Additionally the Role (Admin or Editor) is chosen.
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
User Administration - editing
Here userdata can be edited and
extended with a title or an alias.
Additionally one can add an arbitrary
amount of "electronic addresses" like
Email addresses, Skype, etc.
By chosing "primary" one selects the
main address.
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
User Administration - Info
The „Info“ Function gives an overview of all entered data.
A Click on „Delete“ opens a Lightbox,
in which the requested action is
confirmed and the user warned
about the result.

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
Package Administration


& Activate


& Unfreeze



on the

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
Site Administration Overview


& Activate


Add new Site
Status of this Site
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
Site Administration - Editing


edit Domain



TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
Raw Content Mode - Display of the Elements without Design
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
Preview Central - alternative displays
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
double click to change
page title
filter the pagetree by Type
(Page, Shortcut, …)

to move Page
click on the page title
to view the page in the
preview to the right

delete the

selected page
insert (inside)

edit page title
toggle visibility
copy page
search in pagetree
add new page
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
structure tree
The structure tree lists all
elements (visible and hidden)
of the current page

The same Icons for functions
like „New“, „Hide“, „Copy“ are
available here as well.

A click on the Heading opens its
properties in the inspector to
the right and places the
InPlace-Editor appropriately.
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
add new Content
Element after the

Content Element

Content Element

Content Element

Content Element
„Insert“ appears as
soon as one clicks
„Copy“ or „Cut“
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
Content Functions




(format free) Clipboard

self-explanatory? ;-)
Paragraph Styles

TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
add a Content Element
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
Multi-Column Content Elements
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
choose forms
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
Media Browser
Upload View
tag a file by
drag&drop it onto
the tag
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
Media Browser
Meta Data
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
Image Handling
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots
Cropping (unobstrusive)
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Internals of
TYPO3 Neos
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Node Structure
• TYPO3CR Node
• Node Name

(serves as Identification)
• Node Type

(e.g. Document, Folder, AbstractNode, Content, 

• Properties

(dependent on NodeType)

• easily extendible and easily configurable
Content Section
Content Element
Site root
TYPO3 Neos Internals: Node Structure
Domain Model
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Node Type
• each TYPO3CR Node has a so-called

Node Type

• Node Types are declared in each Package
by defining them in the file Configuration/

• Each Node Type can have one or more
parent types. If specified, all properties and
settings of the parent types are inherited

TYPO3 Neos Internals: Node Type
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
predefined Node Types:
• TYPO3.Neos:Node

This is the base type that should be extended by all Content-Types that are used in the
Context of TYPO3 Neos. There are no properties whatsoever.

• TYPO3.Neos:Document

An important differentiation is made between Nodes that act (and look) as a Page and
„normal content“ like Text that is rendered on a page. Nodes that act like a page are
called „Document Nodes“ in Neos which, for instance, have a unique and publicly
visible URL in Neos. The default Page within Neos is implemented by the Node Type
TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Page which is directly extended from TYPO3.Neos:Document.
TYPO3 Neos Internals: Node Type
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
predefined Node Types:
• TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection and TYPO3.Neos:Content

Any content that acts as a page and resides in such a node is implemented through two
different Node Types:

• TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection type

This Node Type serves structuring and usually does not contain any properties, but
an ordered list of sub-nodes instead which are rendered inside this node. Currently
one should not extend from this type when defining own node types.
• TYPO3.Neos:Content 

This is the node type for all standard elements like „text“, „image“, „youtube“, ...
TYPO3 Neos Internals: Node Type
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Node Access
• Access to the Nodes is happens through „NodePaths“
• Each Page is a node, so is every element on that page.
TYPO3 Neos Internals: Node Zugriff
site root
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
• TypoScript is a hierarchic, object oriented and

prototype based processing language
• Is used by Neos for flexible rendering of content
• Objects are e.g. Array, Collection, Case, Menu, Page, Template, Plugin,
Value, ...
• Objects have properties that „configure“ the object
• TypoScript has access to the respective „Context“ (e.g. pagetree of the
Object „menu“ oder page properties of the object „page“)
• There are "processors" that can change the value of properties (similar to
the stdWrap functions of TYPO3 CMS)
TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TypoScript: Fluid Template
<!DOCTYPE html>
{namespace neos=TYPO3NeosViewHelpers}
{namespace ts=TYPO3TypoScriptViewHelpers}
<f:section name="stylesheets">
<!-- put your stylesheet inclusions here, they will be included in your website by
TypoScript -->
<f:section name="scripts">
<!-- put your scripts inclusions here, they will be included in your website by TypoScript
<f:section name="body">
<nav class="menu">
{ -> f:format.raw()}
<nav class="breadcrumb">
{parts.breadcrumb -> f:format.raw()}
<div class="content">
{content.main -> f:format.raw()}
TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript - Fluid Template
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TypoScript: Example - Part 1
include: NodeTypes/Carousel.ts2
namespace: TypoScript=TYPO3.TypoScript
* Root TypoScript template for the Neos website
page = Page {
head { = TypoScript:Template {
templatePath = 'resource://TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org/Private/Templates/Page/Default.html'
sectionName = 'stylesheets'
metadata = TypoScript:Template {
templatePath = 'resource://TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org/Private/Templates/Page/Default.html'
sectionName = 'metadata'
titleTag {
// Overwrite the title tags content with a collection to create a breadcrumb
content = TYPO3.TypoScript:Collection {
// Retrieve all parent document nodes excluding the homepage
collection = ${q(documentNode).add(q(documentNode).parents()).slice(0, -1).get()}
itemName = 'node'
iterationName = 'nodeIterator'
// Implode node titles with a dash
TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript - Example - Part 1
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TypoScript: Example - Part 2
// This query checks if the second level menu has items and sets an additional class for the body
bodyTag.attributes.class = ${q(node).parents().count() >= 1 && q(node).children('[instanceof
TYPO3.Neos:Document]').filter('[_hiddenInIndex=false]').count() > 0 ? 'has-subpages' : ''}
body {
templatePath = 'resource://TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org/Private/Templates/Page/Default.html'
sectionName = 'body'
parts {
mainMenu = Menu {
entryLevel = 1
templatePath = 'resource://TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org/Private/Templates/
maximumLevels = 3
secondLevelMenu = Menu {
entryLevel = 2
templatePath = 'resource://TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org/Private/Templates/
maximumLevels = 1
TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript - Example - Part 2
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TypoScript: Processors
• Beispiel:

myObject = MyObject {

property = 'Rocky'

property.@process.1 = ${'My ' value + ' is the best!'}


# results in 'My Rocky is the best!'

• can also be written as:

myObject = MyObject {

property = 'some value'

property.@process.someWrap {

expression = ${'before ' + value + ' after'}

@position = 'start'



• Processor are Eel Expressions or TypoScript Objects, which are applied to the value of the context. 

The current Object can be accessed via this.
TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript - Prozessoren
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Eel - Embedded Expression Language
• While TypoScript contains Assignments and Processors, with Eel one can form expressions
in the style of = ${q(node).property('bar')}
• The Embedded Expression Language (Eel) is a component to create

Domain Specific Languages (DSL).
• Eel provides a comprehensive Syntax to create arbitrary expressions, so the author of the
DSL can focus on the semantics

${} // Traversal

${} // Method call

${} // Chained method call

${"arg1", true, 42)} // Method call with arguments

${12 + 18.5} // Calculations are possible

${foo == bar} // ... and comparisons

${, foo == bar)} // everything combined

${[foo, bar]} // Array Literal

${{foo: bar, baz: test}} // Object Literal
TYPO3 Neos Internals: Eel - Embedded Expression Language
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
• FlowQuery is a kind of jQuery for TYPO3 Flow
• FlowQuery provides a way to process content (which is a TYPO3CR Node in Neos) with Eel
• There are operations in FlowQuery:
• property

access to the properties of a node
• filter

filter expressions in „Fizzle“
• children

returns all children of a TYPO3CR Node
• parents

returns all parents of a TYPO3CR Node
• additional operations: add, count, first, get, is, last, ...

TYPO3 Neos Internals: FlowQuery
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FlowQuery - Examples
• amount of comments = amount of child elements of the current node whose name is
"comments", having a property "spam" set to "false"

numberOfComments = ${q(node).children('comments').children("[spam =
• breadcrumb menu = current page + all parent pages

prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Breadcrumb) < prototype(TYPO3.TypoScript:Template) {

templatePath = 'resource://TYPO3.Neos/Private/Templates/TypoScriptObjects/

node = ${node}

items = ${q(node).add(q(node).parents('[instanceof TYPO3.Neos:Document]'))}


{namespace neos=TYPO3NeosViewHelpers}

<f:if condition="{items}">

<ul class="breadcrumbs">

<f:for each="{items}" as="item" reverse="TRUE">

<f:if condition="{item.hiddenInIndex} == 0">

<neos:link.node node="{item}">{item.label}</neos:link.node>



TYPO3 Neos Internals: FlowQuery - Examples
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
technical details
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(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TypoScript 2.0 - Overview

• because of the usage of TypoScript in TYPO3 CMS, TypoScript in TYPO3 Neos 

(and so in TYPO3 Flow) is referred to as TypoScript 2.0
• ultimately both versions merely share the name as they are implemented differently
and therefore incompatible among each other
• TypoScript is exclusively used for the rendering of content in the frontend (no more
backend configuration as known before by TSconfig)
• TypoScript is hierarchic, because it renders hierarchic content
• TypoScript ist prototype based (like JavaScript), as it allows to change the properties of
all instances at once
• TypoScript is a processing language, because it processes the values in a context and
transforms it into a single return value
Technical Details - TypoScript
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TypoScript: Objects

• TypoScript is a language to describe TypoScript Objects
• A TypoScript Object has properties
• TypoScript Objects have access to a „Context“, which in the end is a list of Variables
• TypoScript transforms this Context by using the properties into some output
• TypoScript can change this content internally and initiate the rendering of nested
objects (TypoScript Tree)
• TypoScript objects are realized by PHP Classes which are instantiated at runtime. Here
one class can be the base of several different objects.
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TypoScript: Objects

• Valid TypoScript would be like the following
• Here TypoScript Paths are always noted in lowerCamelCase and Objects (Prototypes)
in UpperCamelCase

foo = Page

my.object = Text

my.image = TYPO3.Neos.ContentTypes:Image

• Value assignments

foo.myProperty1 = 'Some Property which Page can access'

my.object.myProperty1 = "Some other property"

my.image.width = ${q(node).property('foo')}
• Values that describe strings have to be enclosed by quotation marks (single or
double). Eel expressions are valid values as well.
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TypoScript: Syntax

• One can note TypoScript in curly braces, i.e. the path before the opening brace is
prepended to all paths inside the braces.

my {

image = Image

image.width = 200

object {

myProperty1 = 'some property'


• This is identical to the following Code

my.image = Image

my.image.width = 200

my.object.myProperty1 = 'some property'
Technical Details - TypoScript
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TypoScript: Object Instantiation

• Besides, it's possible to assign values at instantiation as shown in the third example
(all examples act the same):

someImage = Image = 'bar'

someImage = Image

someImage {

foo = 'bar'


someImage = Image {

foo = 'bar'

Technical Details - TypoScript
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TypoScript Objects are free of side-effects

• While TypoScript Objects can change their context they are free of side-effects. 

• The context is "cleaned" after the usage of a TypoScript object, even if it has been
altered before.
• TypoScript objects can only alter nested TypoScript objects, but not objects "before" or
"after" them

• So a TypoScript path in combination with its context always acts the same, no matter
at which place it's called
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TypoScript: Prototypes

• When a TypoScript Object is instantiated (because someone issued

someImage = Image), then the prototype of this object is copied and is used as the
base of this new object (someImage).
• A Prototype is defined as followed:

prototype(MyImage) {

width = '500px'

height = '600px'

• Now one can use this object:

# The Object someImage has a width of 500px and a height of

600 px

someImage = MyImage

# Now the width is 100px (and the height stays at 600px)

someImage.width = '100px'
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TypoScript: Prototypes

• Prototypes are modifiable: 

prototype(MyYouTube) {

width = '100px'

height = '500px'


# with this the width for all Instances

# is changed to 400px

prototype(MyYouTube).width = '400px'

# One can also define new properties

prototype(MyYouTube).showFullScreen = ${true}

# Prototypen can also be „inherited“

prototype(MyImage) < prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Content)
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TypoScript: Prototypes

• By Inheritance, prototypes are "bound" to each other. If one property changes in one
instance, it is also changed in the other.

prototype(TYPO3.Neos.Content).fruit = 'apple'

prototype(TYPO3.Neos.Content).meal = 'dinner'

# MyImage now has the properties "fruit = apple" and "meal = dinner"

prototype(MyImage) < prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Content)

# Because of MyImage *extending* the Object Template, 

# MyImage.fruit likewise has the value 'Banana'

prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Content).fruit = 'Banana'

• # Because the property „meal“ is overwritten in the child class, 

# an overwriting in the parent class no longer has any effect

prototype(MyImage).meal = 'breakfast'

prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Content).meal = 'supper'
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TypoScript: Prototypes

• Prototype inheritance is only possible on a global scope

prototype(Foo) < prototype(Bar)

• therefore the following instructions would not be possible

prototype(Foo) < some.prototype(Bar)

other.prototype(Foo) < prototype(Bar)

prototype(Foo).prototype(Bar) < prototype(Baz)
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TypoScript: Prototypes

• hierarchic TypoScript Prototypes

# Set the property „bar“ (resp. „some.thing“) for all objects of type „Foo“

prototype(Foo).bar = 'baz'

prototype(Foo).some.thing = 'baz2'

# Set the property „some“ for all objects of type „Foo“, which are inside the 

# path „some.path“

some.path.prototype(Foo).some = 'baz2'

# Set the property „some“ for all objects of type „Bar“

# which are inside of objects of type „Foo“

prototype(Foo).prototype(Bar).some = 'baz2'

# combination of all possibilities above

prototype(Foo).left.prototype(Bar).some = 'baz2'
Technical Details - TypoScript
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TypoScript: Namespaces

• Namespaces can be used at declaration

# defines a Namespace „Acme.Demo“ for the prototype „YouTube“

prototype(Acme.Demo:YouTube) {

width = '100px'

height = '500px'


• This Namespace is by convention the package key of the package where the TypoScript

• Full Qualified Namespaces can be used:

prototype(TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection.Default) <
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TypoScript: Namespaces

• By omitting a Namespace, the default Namespace TYPO3.Neos is used instead.
• A Namespace directive can be used to create an own Namespace:

namespace Foo = Acme.Demo

# The following instructions are identical

video = Acme.Demo:YouTube

video = Foo:YouTube
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TypoScript: Properties

• Even though TypoScript objects can access the context directly,

one should use properties

# We assume a property in the current context

# "foo=bar"

myObject = MyObject

# the value of the current context's variable "foo"

# is explicitly assigned to the "foo" property of "myObject" = ${foo}

• Objects shall exclusively use own properties to generate Output

• Merely at prototype definition one can access the context directly:

prototype(MyObject).foo = ${foo}
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TypoScript: manipulation of the context

• The TypoScript Context kann be manipulated directly by using

the meta property @override:

myObject = MyObject = ${foo * 2}

• The above code creates an additional context variable with the name bar and the
doubled value of foo.
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TypoScript: Processors

• Processors allow to manipulate TypoScript properties:

myObject = MyObject {

property = 'some value'

property.@process.1 = ${'before ' + value + ' after'}


# results in 'before some value after'
• usage of multiple processors is possible
• The order follows the numerical position in the TypoScript (after @process). Following
above's example, @process.2 further processes the result of @process.1.
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TypoScript: Processors
• An extended Syntax can be used for processors

myObject = MyObject {

property = 'some value'

property.@process.someWrap {

expression = ${'before ' + value + ' after'}

@position = 'start'



# results in 'before some value after'
• A name (here „someWrap“) can be used using this syntax.
• Processors are Eel Expressions resp. TypoScript Objects which are applied to value of the
context. The current object can be accessed via this
Technical Details - TypoScript
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Neos TypoScript
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TYPO3.TypoScript:Array (Part 1)

• renders the nested TypoScript Objects and concatenates its Output
• the @position argument specifies the order of precedence
• for this argument the following ranking order applies
• start [priority]

The higher the priority the earlier the object is added. If there is no priority given, the
element will be sorted after any elements with priority.
• [numeric ordering] 

Position (sorted ascending)
• end [priority] 

The higher the priority the later the object is added. If there is no priority given, the
element will be sorted before any elements with priority.
Neos TypoScript - Reference
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TYPO3.TypoScript:Array (Part 2)

• furthermore an element can be defined to be sorted before or after a specific element:

• before [namedElement] [optionalPriority]

Adds this element before the element „namedElement“; in case of multiple statements
the higher the priority, the more it will be placed before „namedElement“. Statements
without priority will be placed furthest in front of the element. If „namedElement“
doesn’t exist, the element will be placed after all „start“ positions.
• after [namedElement] [optionalPriority]

analogously to „before“, but the other way round („after namedElement“, „before all end
positions“, …)
Neos TypoScript - Reference
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TYPO3.TypoScript:Array (Part 3)

(o = lower case letter / „order“)

myArray = TYPO3.TypoScript:Array {
o1 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text
o1.@position = 'start 12'
o2 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text
o2.@position = 'start 5'
o2 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text
o2.@position = 'start'
o3 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text
o3.@position = '10'
o4 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text
o4.@position = '20'
o5 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text
o5.@position = 'before o6'
o6 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text
o6.@position = 'end'
o7 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text
o7.@position = 'end 20'
o8 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text
o8.@position = 'end 30'
Neos TypoScript - Reference
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TYPO3.TypoScript:Collection (Part 1)

• iterates on an Array-like „collection“ and renders each element through itemRenderer

Neos TypoScript - Reference
(array/iterable, required) 

The Array or the Iterable over which is iterated.
(string, required) 
 The name under which the element of the current iteration
can be accessed.
 Contains meta information of the Iteration: index (begins at
0), cycle (begins at 1), isFirst, isLast.
itemRenderer (nested TypoScript object)
This TypoScript Object is called on each iteration and its
result is concatenated.
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TYPO3.TypoScript:Collection (Part 2)

myCollection = TYPO3.TypoScript:Collection {
collection = ${[1, 2, 3]}
itemName = 'element'
itemRenderer = TYPO3.TypoScript:Template
itemRenderer.templatePath = '...'
itemRenderer.element = ${element}
Neos TypoScript - Reference
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• Evaluates all nested Conditions until the first returns TRUE.

This acts like PHP’s switch/case structure and continues if myCase is equal to a specified
type. „fallback“ is executed accordingly to PHP’s switch/case „default“.

myCase = TYPO3.TypoScript:Case

myCase {

someCondition {

condition = ${... some eel expression evaluating to TRUE or
FALSE ... }

type = 'MyNamespace:My.Special.Type'


fallback {

condition = ${true}

type = 'MyNamespace:My.Default.Type'


Neos TypoScript - Reference
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TYPO3.TypoScript:Template (Part 1)

• renders a Fluid-Template, referenced through templatePath

Neos TypoScript - Reference
(string, required) 

the template, prefixed with e.g. resource://

the path where the Partials can be found

the path where the Layouts can be found
sectionName (string)
the Fluid Section <f:section> that is to be rendered (if such
a section exists)
[variables] (any) all other strings are passed as variables to the View
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
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TYPO3.TypoScript:Template (Part 2)

myTemplate = TYPO3.TypoScript:Template {

templatePath = 'resource://My.Package/Private/path/to/

someDataAvailableInsideFluid = 'my data'

Neos TypoScript - Reference
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• this is a wrapper for a value

myValue = Value {
value = 'Hello World'

Neos TypoScript - Reference
(mixed, required) 

the value
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Technical Details
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Eel - Embedded Expression Language

• next to easy TypoScript assignments like = 'bar' it‘s easy to form
expressions like = ${q(node).property('bar')} using Eel.
• every Eel expression is noted by ${...
• Eel is similar to JavaScript
• Eel does not support variable assignments or control structures
• Eel supports the usual JavaScript Operators for arithmetic and comparisons
• Eel supports the ternary operator: <condition> ? <ifTrue> : <ifFalse>
• as soon as Eel accesses an object property, the respective getter is called
• object access via the offset notation is supported as follows: foo['bar']
Technical Details - Eel
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Eel - examples

• the following are examples of valid expressions:
• Eel itself does not define own functions or variables, instead it uses the Eel Context
Array where functions and objects, one would like to access, can be defined
• Therefore Eel is perfect for the construction of a "domain specific language" which
defines the syntax, but does not provide the semantics of such a DSL
• For Eel inside of TypoScript the semantics is defined as follows:
• all Variables of the TypoScript Context are accessible inside the Eel Context
• the special variable this always points to the current TypoScript Object Implementation
• there is a function q(), which wraps its arguments into a FlowQuery object
Technical Details - Eel
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Eel - Sematic

• the following are examples of valid expressions:

${} // Traversal

${} // Method call

${} // Chained method call

${"arg1", true, 42)} // Method call with arguments

${12 + 18.5} // Calculations are possible

${foo == bar} // ... and comparisons

${, foo == bar)} // everything combined

${[foo, bar]} // Array Literal

${{foo: bar, baz: test}} // Object Literal
Technical Details - Eel
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Technical Details
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(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
FlowQuery - jQuery for Flow

• FlowQuery represents the idea of jQuery for Flow and as such has been strongly
inspired by it
• FlowQuery is a way to process content (which is a TYPO3CR Node inside of Neos)

in an Eel Context
• FlowQuery Operations are implemented through PHP Classes
• the respective package containing a specific FlowQuery Operation has to be installed
• each Package can add its own FlowQuery Operations
• the TYPO3.Eel Package contains a set of basic operations
Technical Details - FlowQuery
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FlowQuery - Examples

• access a Context Variable


• access the current node


• access node properties

${q(node).getProperty('foo')} // possible, but not recommended

${q(node).property('foo')} // better: use FlowQuery

• assign to a variable 

text = ${q(node).property('text')}
Technical Details - FlowQuery
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(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
FlowQuery - Examples

• discover all parent nodes of a node


• discover the first node inside a sub-node with the name „left“



• discover all parent nodes and add the current node


• discover the amount of nodes whose children inside of „comments“ having a property
„spam“ set to „false“:

numberOfComments = ${q(node).children('comments').children("[spam =
Technical Details - FlowQuery
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(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
FlowQuery - add Operation (TYPO3.Eel)

• the add operation adds an additional flowQuery Object to the current

• Example:

items = ${q(node).add(q(node).parents())}

Here, the current node is determined and all parent nodes are added. This, for example, is used
to create a breadcrumb navigation. It is achieved by the help of the statement above which
provides a rootline of the nodes.
Technical Details - FlowQuery
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(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
FlowQuery - count Operation (TYPO3.Eel)

• The count operation returns the amount of objects (or Array items)

• Example:

test.value = ${q(node).add(q(node).parents()).count()}

The rootline is determined and enumerated by count() whose value is returned.
Technical Details - FlowQuery
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FlowQuery - first Operation (TYPO3.Eel)

• the „first“ operation returns the first object

• Example:

test.value = ${q(node).add(q(node).parents())


At first the rootline is determined, afterwards the first element is selected by first() and this
element's property 'title' is returned.

If there are two pages: Home > Compendium, then „Compendium“ is returned.
Technical Details - FlowQuery
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FlowQuery - get Operation (TYPO3.Eel)

• If FlowQuery is used, the result is again a FlowQuery object. The get operation "frees"
the result from the "Flow Query".

• Example:

test.value = ${q(node).add(q(node).parents()).first().get(0)}

The rootline is determined and by first() the first element is selected. Using get() the result is
now transformed into an array (without it would be a FlowQuery object) and the first element
is returned.

If there are two pages: Home > Compendium, the following is returned:

Node /sites/demo/homepage/Compendium[TYPO3.Neos:Page]
Technical Details - FlowQuery
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FlowQuery - if Operation (TYPO3.Eel)

• checks if at least one of the elements in the current context matches a given filter

• Example:

test.value = ${q(node).if('[instanceof TYPO3.Neos:Page]') 

? 'Page' : 'No Page'}

The if operator first checks if the current node is an instance of type

TYPO3.Neos:Page (a normal page). If that is the case "Page" is returned otherwise "No Page".
Technical Details - FlowQuery
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FlowQuery - last Operation (TYPO3.Eel)

• the last operation returns the last object

• Example:

test.value = ${q(node).add(q(node).parents())


At first the rootline is determined, afterwards the last element is selected by last() and this
element's property 'title' is returned.

If there are two pages: Home > Compendium, then „Home“ is returned.
Technical Details - FlowQuery
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FlowQuery - slice Operation (TYPO3.Eel)

• applies the „Slice“ Operation to a Set of Results

• Beispiel:





Namespace.Plugin.Blog:Post]').slice(0, 2)}

The last two statements return the two last blog posts.
Technical Details - FlowQuery
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FlowQuery - property Operation (TYPO3.Eel)

• the property operation returns a property of an object
• if the property begins with _ (an underscore), internal values are returned, e.g.:
• _path (Node Path)
• (Node Type)

• Example:

test.value = ${q(node).property('_path')}

returns the property „title“ of the current node.

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FlowQuery - children Operation (TYPO3.Eel)

• The children operation returns the child objects of the current object. Inside a page
these are the sections or content areas.
• It is possible to a filter option: ...children('main')...

• Example:

test.value = ${q(node).children().property('_path')}



Technical Details - FlowQuery
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FlowQuery - filter Operation (TYPO3.Eel)

• The filter operation limits the result‘s set of objects. The filter expression is noted in
Fizzle and supports the following operators:
• = (equality)
• $= (value ends with the operand)
• ^= (value begins with the operand)
• *= (value contains the operand)
• instanceof (checks if the value is an instance of the operator)

• Example:

test.value = ${q(node).children().filter('main').


Returns the property „_path“ of the first child node in the path „main“.
Technical Details - FlowQuery
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Technical Details
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
• filter Operations (e.g. filter() in FlowQuery) are written in Fizzle
• Property Name Filters
• This can be the first part of a filter, like foo, or
• Attribute Filter
• baz[foo]
• baz[answer = 42]
• baz[foo = "Bar"]
• baz[foo = 'Bar']
• baz[foo ^= "Bar"]
• baz[foo $= "Bar"]
• baz[foo *= "Bar"]
• Operators
• = (equality)
• $= (value ends with the operand)
• ^= (value begins with the operand)
• *= (value contains the operand)
• instanceof (checks if the value is an instance of the operator)
Technical Details - Fizzle
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Technical Details
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Structure of the File:

• Each TYPO3CR Node (subsequently just
named Node) has a specific Node
• Configuration of Node Types is done
via the Package’s (resp. the Site’s)
• Each Node can has one or more parent
types. All Properties and Settings are
inherited from the parents.
Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Node-Declaration: the body of a node

• Start-Declaration of a Node:




• The Start-Declaration can have the following properties:
• superTypes:
• childNodes:
• abstract:
• ui:
• properties:
• validation:
Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Node-Declaration: superTypes

• This is an Array of parent nodes which the current node extends.




• Examples:


superTypes: ['TYPO3.Neos:Content']



- 'TYPO3.Neos:Node'

- 'TYPO3.Neos:Hidable'

Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Node-Declaration: childNodes

• A list of child nodes that are automatically added when a Node of this type is
added. For each child node the respective node type has to be specified.

• Examples:



type: 'TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection'


superTypes: ['TYPO3.Neos:Content']



type: 'TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection'
Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Node-Declaration: ui

• available options for the Node Type’s


• label:

The label that is shown
• group:

Name of the group inside the „New Content Element“ Dialog, in which the Element
is sorted. Possible default values are: general, structure, plugins

• icon:

Defines the Icon - The Range is restricted to „Font Awesome“ (http:// - e.g. icon-align-center
• inlineEditable:

indicates if a direct interaction possibility with the node

Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Node-Declaration: ui

• available options for the Node Type’s


• inspector:

configures the Inspector inside the NEOS UI for this Node Type
• groups:

defines an Inspector Group, for grouping the settings later
• label:

the Label for the Inspector Group
• position:

declares the position of the Inspector Group - the lower the number, the higher
its position (and vice versa)

Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Node-Declaration: properties

• Contains a list of named properties. For each of these properties the following
settings apply.
• type:

Defines the Datentype of the property. Possible values are Simple Type (PHP), an
FQCN (Fully qualified class name), or one of the three special types: data, reference
or references. Use „data“ for DateTime, for a reference to other Nodes
„reference“ (for one) or „references (für many).
• defaultValue:

Default Value
• validation:

Declaration of the validation class (e.g. TYPO3.Neos/Validation/
NotEmptyValidator) - incl. their options
Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Node-Declaration: properties

• Contains a list of named properties. For each of these properties the following
settings apply.

• ui:
• label:

the label that is shown
• reloadIfChanged:

Angabe, ob das Elemente bei Änderungen neu gerendert wird
• inlineEditable:

direct changes of the element are possible
• aloha:

configures the options of the Aloha-Editor (which functions are permitted and
which are not)
Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Node-Declaration: properties

• Contains a list of named properties. For each of these properties the following
settings apply.

• ui:
• inspector:
• group:

the group, the Element will be sorted in (this is defined via
• position:

position of the element - the lower the number, the higher its position
• editor:

Name of the JavaScript Editor class
• editorOptions:

Options for the Editor
Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Node-Declaration: Examples

Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Node-Declaration: Examples

Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
Structure of the
TYPO3 Neos Rendering
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
The directory structure of a TYPO3 Flow base:
The directory structure of a TYPO3 Flow base
Files for the build process (Behat, Phing, ...)

Neos Configuration (Context, Routes, Settings, PackageStates...)

Data (Logs, Setup-Key, Caches, ...)
Packages (Application, Framework, Libraries, Sites)
Tests (Selenium-Tests)
Document Root

Flow Command Line Interface
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
The directory structure of a TYPO3 Neos Site:
The directory structure of a TYPO3 Neos Site
starting point of the TYPO3 Neos Site

Classes (e.g. regisitration Classes)

Configuration (e.g. Node Types)

Private Ressources (e.g. Content, Templates, TypoScript, ...)

public Ressources (Assets, like CSS, Fonts, Images, JS, ...)
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TypoScript - sequence of loading - Root.ts2
• the rendering in TYPO3 Neos is completely realized in TypoScript 2
• At first the following file is loaded and its content interpreted:


Warning: The resource path omits the „Resources“ part of the physical path! 

$mergedTypoScriptCode = $this->readExternalTypoScriptFile('resource://
TYPO3.Neos/Private/TypoScript/Root.ts2') . $siteRootTypoScriptCode;

• Afterwards the following file is loaded - it contains the TypoScript Code of the own Site:

TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript Sequence of Execution
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TypoScript: Root.ts2 (TYPO3.Neos)
• the file Root.ts2 (Packages/Application/TYPO3.Neos/Resources/Private/
TypoScript/Root.ts2) in the TYPO3.Neos Resources directory subsequently loads
the following files:

include: resource://TYPO3.TypoScript/Private/TypoScript/Root.ts2

include: resource://TYPO3.Neos/Private/TypoScript/DefaultTypoScript.ts2

include: resource://TYPO3.Neos/Private/TypoScript/RawContentMode.ts2

include: resource://TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes/Private/TypoScript/Root.ts2

TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript Sequence of Execution
TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium
(c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 |
TypoScript: Root.ts2 (TYPO3.TypoScript) - Part 1
• The file Root.ts2 in the TYPO3.TypoScript Resources directory defines 9 classes for
the respective objects Array, RawArray, Template, Collection, Case, Matcher, Value, Tag
and UriBuilder. The classes are located at


prototype(TYPO3.TypoScript:Array).@class = 'TYPO3TypoScript

prototype(TYPO3.TypoScript:RawArray).@class = 'TYPO3TypoScript

prototype(TYPO3.TypoScript:Template).@class = 'TYPO3TypoScript

prototype(TYPO3.TypoScript:Collection).@class = 'TYPO3TypoScript
TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript Sequence of Execution
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)
TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)

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TYPO3 Neos - the compendium (version 1.0.2)

  • 1. 2014-04-26
 Roland Schenke
 Head of Web Development
 translated into english 
 Patrick Lobacher
 LOBACHER. TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2
 The Compendium

  • 2. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Feedback requested ! • Dear Neos Enthusiast!
 I try to keep the TYPO3 Neos Compendium on an up-to-date Level. To achieve this I need your Input! If you have ideas regarding Code Examples, FAQ Entries or just want to praise or criticize please do not hesitate to contact me at the following address:
 patrick [AT]
 Have fun with the Compendium!
 Patrick Lobacher & Roland Schenke
 Feedback 2
  • 3. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Changelog Changelog Date Changes 2013-08-08 Initial Version / Thanks to Christian Schwerdt for domainFACTORY specific Input 2013-08-09 included proof corrections by Roland Schenke and Michael Oehlhof - Thanks! 2013-08-10 added Nginx-Config - Thanks to Christian Kuhn, Christian Müller and Anja Leichsenring 2013-08-10 added Troubleshoot Section 2013-08-18 included proof corrections by Roland Schenke - Thanks! 2013-08-18 translated from german into english by Roland Schenke - Thanks a lot! 2013-12-12 updated to TYPO3 Neos 1.0 final 2013-12-15 updated to TYPO3 Neos 1.0.1 2014-01-07 Link for the installation under Shared Hosting and proof corrections (Thanks to Christian Glass!) 2014-03-03 migrated to „LOBACHER.“ CI 2014-03-05 updated to TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 2014-03-07 added installation on a Server. Thanks to Mario Janetzko! 3
  • 4. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Changelog Changelog Date Changes 2014-04-26 He did it again! Many thanks to Roland Schenke for updating the english translation to Neos 1.0.2!!! 4
  • 5. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. What is TYPO3 Neos? 5
  • 6. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3 Neos - the next generation CMS 6
  • 7. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3 Neos - the next generation CMS 7
  • 8. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3 Neos - the next generation CMS 8
  • 9. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3 Neos - the next generation CMS Neos (greek νέος) is just “new” 9
  • 10. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | The History of TYPO3 Neos starts with TYPO3 CMS ! • TYPO3 CMS is a „Enterprise Open Source 
 Content Management Framework“ • TYPO3 CMS exists since 1998 / invented by the Dane Kaspar Skårhøj • approx. 500.000 Installations worldwide / > 5 Mio Downloads • Usage in DE e.g. at > 50% all DAX 500 Enterprises, > 50% all „German Soccer League“ Clubs, discounter, car rentals, public agencies • > 6.000 Extensions • > 100.000 Developers worldwide • > 1500 Agencies worldwide • funded and backed by the TYPO3 Association The History of TYPO3 Neos starts with TYPO3 CMS 10
  • 11. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Phoenix ! • At the very first T3DD (TYPO3 Developer Days) in 2006, the decision was made to rewrite TYPO3 from scratch. • Codename: TYPO3 Phoenix (resp. TYPO3 5.0) • some necessary PHP Features were not available at this time and had to be implemented from the ground up: Content Respository, Aspect Oriented Programming, Dependency Injection, ... • The "Berlin Manifesto" of 2008 states the differentiation
 to the TYPO3 CMS
 (In the meantime Parts of the manifesto became obsolete.)
 The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Phoenix 11
  • 12. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Flow and Ne0s • Many base functionalities of a CMS are not specific to a CMS (Session- Handling, Datenbank-Handling, Templating, ...) => therefore outsourcing into an own Framework TYPO3 Flow • The introduction of Extbase in 2009 made it possible to write TYPO3 CMS extensions which are executable in TYPO3 Flow with minor adjustments • On 20 October 2011 the Application Framework TYPO3 Flow (once FLOW3) has been released as Final • TYPO3 Neos ist an Application based on TYPO3 Flow • TYPO3 Neos Alpha 7 in October 2013 / Beta 1 on Nov. 12, 2013 • First final Version on 10 December 2013
 The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Flow and Ne0s 12
  • 13. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Version History TYPO3 Neos The History of TYPO3 Neos: TYPO3 Flow and Ne0s Version Datum TYPO3 Phoenix Sprint Release 1 2010-05-31 ... ... TYPO3 Phoenix Sprint Release 9 2012-08-02 TYPO3 Neos alpha 1 2012-10-05 TYPO3 Neos alpha 2 2012-12-19 TYPO3 Neos alpha 3 2012-02-16 TYPO3 Neos alpha 4 2013-07-07 TYPO3 Neos alpha 5 2013-08-07 TYPO3 Neos alpha 6 2013-10-15 TYPO3 Neos alpha 7 2013-10-30 TYPO3 Neos beta 1 2013-11-12 TYPO3 Neos beta 2 2013-12-03 TYPO3 Neos 1.0 final 2013-12-10 TYPO3 Neos 1.0.1 2013-12-13 13
  • 14. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | The TYPO3 World - since October 2012
 • Umbrella Brand TYPO3
 (no distinct Logo) • TYPO3 Flow • TYPO3 Neos 
 The History of TYPO3 Neos: Die TYPO3 World 14
  • 15. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3 Neos: Positioning
 • Since December 2013 two independent CMS are offered by TYPO3: • TYPO3 CMS 6.x (4.7, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 LTS Beta) • TYPO3 Neos 1.0 • from a technology point of view they share NOTHING but the name and are as different as different can be • There are NO migration paths from one system to the other • TYPO3 Neos is NOT the successor of TYPO3 CMS, 
 but a self-contained CMS with a different focus 
 The History of TYPO3 Neos: Die TYPO3 World 15
  • 16. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos 16
  • 17. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos - Backend ! 
 The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos - Backend Fluid
 Modern Templating Engine
 Content Repository (JCR / Sling)
 TypoScript 2.0 - next Generation
 Form API & Form Builder
 Extensible admin interface
 Embedded Expression Language
  • 18. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos - Frontend ! 
 The Architecture of TYPO3 Neos - Frontend EmberJS
 JavaScript Web Application Framework
 Web Editing Interface
 Aloha / Hallo
 VIE =
 Semantic Interaction Framework
 JavaScript file and module loader
  • 19. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Installation of TYPO3 Neos 19
  • 20. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Requirements of TYPO3 Neos ! • Webserver (recommended: Apache 2.x with activated mod_rewrite Module) • PHP 5.3.7 - 5.4.x (the bare minimum PHP 5.3.2 might cause problems) • following funktions must be activated and allowed in PHP: system(), shell_exec(), escapeshellcmd() und escapeshellarg() • php.ini: memory_limit = 256M or higher • php.ini: xdebug.max_nesting_level = 500 (in case xdebug is used) • php.ini: add the following Options to the end of the file: detect_unicode = Off • php.ini: additionally Magic_Quotes must be deactivated: magic_quotes_gpc = Off • php.ini: the command line of Flow requires a timezone definition:
 date.timezone= "Europe/Berlin" (or applicable) Requirements of TYPO3 Neos 20
  • 21. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Requirements of TYPO3 Neos ! • It is important that the CLI Version of PHP is at least version 5.3.7 as well (and has the appropriate and mentioned settings) - one can check the version with the following command
 php --version
 • MySQL 5.1.50 - 5.x.x (as an example - basically every Doctrine DBAL compatible database can be used)
 • root access to the commandline / shell Requirements of TYPO3 Neos 21
  • 22. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Directory Structure • Directory structure where the installation is meant to occur.
 |---Web (Document Root)
 • All Neos-Files are in the directory TYPO3-Neos (this will be added by „Composer“ in the next steps.) • There will be no distinction between Core and UserSpace (like TYPO3 CMS) • The Document Root is to be mapped to /path/to/Webserver/TYPO3- Neos/Web Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Directory Structure 22
  • 23. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Composer • Installation is done via „Composer“ 
 (Dependency Manager for PHP) - that‘s the shell access for
 cd /pfad/zum/webserver/
 curl -sS | php
 • This creates the composer.phar file in the current directory • If one would like to use Composer system wide, it can be copied or moved (this will be assumed in the following)
 mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Composer 23
  • 24. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Composer • Download TYPO3 Neos via Composer (one single line!):
 php /path/to/composer.phar create-project 
 typo3/neos-base-distribution TYPO3-Neos
 • This takes care of the Installation of TYPO3 Flow, Neos and necessary Modules (incl. 3rd Party like Doctrine 2, Aloha, ...) • Afterwards one gets directory named TYPO3-Neos, which holds the latest version of Neos • The installation of Composer under Windows is covered here: Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Composer 24
  • 25. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | [Alternative:] use archives • the latest version is offered to download on sourceforge as zip, tar.gz and tar.bz2: TYPO3%20Neos/1.0.1/ • 
 Installation of TYPO3 Neos - use archives 25
  • 26. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | [Alternative:] use git version of TYPO3 Neos • cloning the latest version of TYPO3 Neos via git: 
 git clone git:// Base.git TYPO3-Neos && cd TYPO3-Neos
 subsequently these dependencies have to be loaded:
 composer install --dev
 Installation of TYPO3 Neos - GIT Version 26
  • 27. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation of TYPO3 Neos - rights & VirtualHost • This console command sets the filesystem rights:
 cd TYPO3-Neos
 sudo ./flow flow:core:setfilepermissions shelluser wwwuser wwwgroup
 (additional Info: TheDefinitiveGuide/PartII/Installation.html#file-permissions)
 • shelluser
 That is the User you‘re logged in on the shell with - can be found out with whoami
 • wwwuser
 The group the Webserver Process runs with (see file httpd.conf) - under Mac OS X e.g. _www
 • wwwgroup
 The group the Webserver Process runs with (see file httpd.conf) - under Mac OS X e.g. _www
 Installation of TYPO3 Neos - rights & VirtualHost 27
  • 28. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation of TYPO3 Neos - VirtualHost • Virtual Host Entry (e.g. Apache)
 NameVirtualHost *:80 # if needed
 <VirtualHost *:80>
 DocumentRoot "/path/to/webserver/TYPO3-Neos/Web/"
 # during development this line should be kept
 # commented out, because this changes the Context to
 # „Production“ - meaning: no Logging, with Caching, ...
 Setenv FLOW_CONTEXT Production
 ServerName neos.demo
 • Entry in /etc/hosts (e.g.: C:windowssystem32driversetchosts) neos.demo Installation of TYPO3 Neos - VirtualHost 28
  • 29. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup • Call the Setup routine
 Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup 29
  • 30. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup • The Password is located in the file at the path shown below. (remember!)
 Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup The file containing the password is deleted afterwards.
 In case of Oblivion, i.e. it is forgotten, the file
 /path/to/webserver/TYPO3- Neos/Data/Persistent/ FileBasedSimpleKeyService /SetupKey
 is to be deleted and setup called again. 30
  • 31. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup ! • setup of the database • MySQL is preset • the driver can be changed by adjusting
 the file:
 Configuration/Settings.yaml • If as „DB Host“ does not
 work, try to enter localhost instead. • you can choose between using an
 existing database or create a new one
 Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup 31
  • 32. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup ! • create an administrator account
 • User Management provides the
 possibility for the creation of
 subsequent user
 • that includes adding additional user data
 • creation is also possible via console:
 ./flow typo3.neos:user:create username password firstname lastname Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup 32
  • 33. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup ! • one can import a demo site
 • or start with a blank website
 • as soon as something
 is entered into the form fields,
 a new site is created Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup 33
  • 34. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup ! • Once the installation cycle
 succeeded, the corresponding
 advice appears
 • You will find the documentation at
 Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup 34
  • 35. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation of TYPO3 Neos Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup The Frontend looks like the left- handed image, if the Demo-Site 
 TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org is imported ! If an empty site has been created, the following screen is shown
  • 36. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation of TYPO3 Neos Installation of TYPO3 Neos - Setup ! Access to the Installation: ! • Frontend
 http://neos.demo/ ! • Backend
 http://neos.demo/neos/ ! • Setup
  • 37. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Installation on a domainFACTORY Server 37
  • 38. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation on a domainFACTORY Server Installation on a domainFACTORY Server ! domainFACTORY Server require a slightly modified Installation ! • Credits to: Christian Schwerdt (die Medienagenten oHG) ! • An english manual can also be found here: 38
  • 39. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation on a domainFACTORY Server Installation on a domainFACTORY Server ! • load Composer
 curl -s | /usr/local/bin/php5-53STABLE-CLI ! • load TYPO3 Neos 1.0:
 /usr/local/bin/php5-53LATEST-CLI composer.phar create-project --dev -- stability alpha typo3/neos-base-distribution TYPO3-Neos-1.0.0
 • Inside the domainFACTORY-Settings the Domain has to be configured to point to the /Web directory.
  • 40. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation on a domainFACTORY Server Installation on a domainFACTORY Server ! • change the PHP-Path inside the Flow-CLI
 cd TYPO3-Neos-1.0
 vi flow
 The first line has to be changed from
 #!/usr/bin/env php
 to the following:
 Save with
 or choose any plain text editor you‘re familiar with
  • 41. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation on a domainFACTORY Server Installation on a domainFACTORY Server ! • adjusting Settings.yaml in Configuration/
 cd Configuration/
 cp Settings.yaml.example Settings.yaml
 vi Settings.yaml
 //set database host
 db: 'mysql5.<>'
 //uncomment core: & phpBinaryPathAndFilename
 //and change phpBinaryPathAndFilename to: 
 phpBinaryPathAndFilename: '/usr/local/bin/php5-53STABLE-CLI'
 save with:
 :wq! ! 41
  • 42. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation on a domainFACTORY Server Installation on a domainFACTORY Server ! • adjusting Settings.yaml in Development
 cd Development/
 cp Settings.yaml.example Settings.yaml
 vi Settings.yaml
 //set dbname, dbuser, dbpassword:
 dbname: '<dbname>'
 user: '<dbuser>'
 password: '<password>'
 save with:
 :wq! ! 42
  • 43. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation on a domainFACTORY Server Installation on a domainFACTORY Server ! • Flow Help
 ./flow help
 • migrate Database
 ./flow doctrine:migrate 
 • kickstart a Site
 Syntax: ./flow site:kickstart [PackageKey] [SiteName]
 ./flow site:kickstart Your.Demopage Your.Demopage
 • list Sites
 ./flow site:list ! ! 43
  • 44. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation on a domainFACTORY Server Installation on a domainFACTORY Server ! • add Neos Backend User
 ./flow user:create <username> <password> <firstname> <lastname> 
 • add Admin Userrole
 ./flow user:addrole <username> Administrator ! • Finished :-) ! 44
  • 45. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Installation on a Server 45
  • 46. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation on a Server Installation on a Server ! On the servers of „ALL-INKL.COM - Neue Medien Münnich“ you have to follow a slightly different installation instruction.
 • Credits to: Mario Janetzko (die Medienagenten oHG) 46
  • 47. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation on a Server Installation on a Server ! • Prior to installation the following steps have to executed ! • open the file Bootstrap.php at /Packages/Framework/ TYPO3.Flow/Classes/TYPO3/Flow/Core/
 • add the following after namespace TYPO3FlowCore;
 namespace TYPO3FlowCore;
 … 47
  • 48. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation on a Server Installation on a Server ! • comment out the lines 557 - 560 in the file Bootstrap.php
 if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '<') && get_magic_quotes_gpc() === 1) {
 echo('Flow requires the PHP setting "magic_quotes_gpc" set to Off. (Error #1224003190)’);
 /* if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '<') && get_magic_quotes_gpc() === 1) {
 echo('Flow requires the PHP setting "magic_quotes_gpc" set to Off. (Error #1224003190)’);
 } */
  • 49. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Installation on a Server Installation on a Server ! • add the following lines to the file Web/index.php starting at 
 line 23:
 require($rootPath . 'Packages/Framework/TYPO3.Flow/Classes/TYPO3/Flow/Core/ Bootstrap.php');
 putenv ("FLOW_REWRITEURLS=1");
 putenv ("FLOW_CONTEXT=Production");
 if (substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],0,4) === 'dev.') {
 putenv ("FLOW_CONTEXT=Development");
 $context = getenv('FLOW_CONTEXT') ?: (getenv('REDIRECT_FLOW_CONTEXT') ?: 'Development');
 • The installation can be started now! 
  • 50. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Troubleshoot FAQ / Help 50
  • 51. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | alternative methods of Installation and Support
 please note: some of the links might be in german! • TYPO3 Neos Vagrant Box • TYPO3 Neos Installation on Mac OS X Snow Leopard and MAMP • .git ignore File HEAD:/.gitignore • Launchr (test TYPO3 Neos online) • Mittwald Hosting - 30 days trial TYPO3 Neos Account • Manual Installation by installation.html
 Troubleshoot / FAQ / Help 51
  • 52. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | problems that may arise during installation • In the PHP log or on the console while issuing ./flow help or on the frontend an error message which is similar to the following appears: • ...'"typo3eel" is not a valid package key... 
 Workaround: use a patched Composer file:
 • There is an error message which is similar to the following:
 ...Class 'PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint' not found in... 
 ...imagine... (something refers / hints to imagine)
 Solution: Deletion of the PackageStates file
 rm Configuration/PackageStates.php
 Troubleshoot / FAQ / Help 52
  • 53. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos 53
  • 54. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos ! • Credits to: • Christian Kuhn • Christian Müller • Anja Leichsenring
  • 55. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos ! • File /etc/nginx/sites-available/neos.demo (Domain assumed neos.demo)
 # Upstream to abstract backend connection(s) for php
 upstream neos.demo {
 server unix:/var/run/neos.demo_fpm.sock;
 server {
 server_name neos.demo;
 root /path/to/webserver/TYPO3-Neos/Web;
 index index.php; 
 error_log /path/to/webserver/TYPO3-Neos/logs/error_log;
 access_log /path/to/webserver/TYPO3-Neos/logs/access_log;
 ## Disable .htaccess and other hidden files
 location ~ /. {
 deny all;
 access_log off;
 log_not_found off;
 location = /favicon.ico {
 log_not_found off;
 access_log off;
 location = /robots.txt {
 allow all;
 log_not_found off;
 access_log off;
 } 55
  • 56. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos ! • File /etc/nginx/sites-available/neos.demo (...continued...)
 location /_Resources/ {
 access_log off;
 log_not_found off;
 expires max;
 location /_Resources/Persistent/ {
 access_log off;
 log_not_found off;
 expires max;
 rewrite "(.{40})/.+.(.+)" /_Resources/Persistent/$1.$2 break;
 rewrite "([a-z0-9]+/(.+/)?[a-f0-9]{40})/.+.(.+)" /_Resources/Persistent/$1.$2 break;
 # stop rewriting by existing files | is instead of -> location / { rewrite ".*" /index.php last; }
 # use this if you want to run other PHP-Applications in TYPO3-Flow/Web directory
 try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args; 56
  • 57. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos ! • File /etc/nginx/sites-available/neos.demo (...last part...)
 location ~ .php$ {
 fastcgi_index index.php; 
 # for FLOW3 <= 1.1.x only | see note #15 on
 # fastcgi_param FLOW3_CONTEXT Development;
 # fastcgi_param FLOW3_CONTEXT Production;
 # fastcgi_param FLOW3_REWRITEURLS 1;
 ### # Make sure that you set the environment vars for new versions 
 # of TYPO3-XXXXX(TYPO3-Neos) products properly
 # see note #15 on
 fastcgi_param FLOW_CONTEXT Development;
 fastcgi_param FLOW_REWRITEURLS 1;
 fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+.php)(.*)$;
 fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
 fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
 fastcgi_pass neos.domain.tld;
 include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
 } 57
  • 58. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos ! • File /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/neos.demo.pool.conf 
 listen = /var/run/neos.demo.sock
 listen.owner = neos.demo = demo
 listen.mode = 0660 
 user = neos.demo
 group = demo 
 pm = dynamic 
 pm.max_children = 50 
 pm.start_servers = 5 
 pm.min_spare_servers = 3
 pm.max_spare_servers = 10
 pm.max_requests = 200
 request_terminate_timeout = 360s
 chdir = /
 php_admin_value[session.save_path] = "/path/to/webserver/TYPO3-Neos/sessions"
 # During installation this might not be sufficient, cleaned it up afterwards. 
 # Neos mentions it, add it, restart php-fpm, go on. Sufficient for operation.
 php_admin_value[open_basedir] = "/path/to/webserver/TYPO3-Neos/:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php:/tmp:/usr/local/ lib/php:/usr/bin/php" 58
  • 59. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos Nginx Config for TYPO3 Neos ! • File Configuration/Settings.yaml 
 dbname: ...
 user: ...
 password: ...
 subRequestPhpIniPathAndFilename: /etc/php5/cli/php.ini ! 59
  • 60. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Upgrade of TYPO3 Neos 60
  • 61. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Upgrade von TYPO3 Neos Upgrade von TYPO3 Neos ! lifting an existing 1.0 installation to the latest patch level can be achieved as follows:
 cd /pfad/zum/webserver/ composer update --no-dev "typo3/*" # flush Cache! ./flow flow:cache:flush --force ./flow doctrine:migrate
 If necessary php composer.phar has to be used! 61
  • 62. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Upgrade of TYPO3 Neos Upgrade of TYPO3 Neos ! If there is an existing Neos, it can be updated to a given version quite comfortable using Composer: ! cd /path/to/webserver/ composer require "typo3/neos:1.0.*"
 composer require "typo3/neos-nodetypes:1.0.*" composer require "typo3/neosdemotypo3org:1.0.*" composer require "typo3/neos-kickstarter:1.0.*" # flush Cache! ./flow flow:cache:flush --force
 ./flow doctrine:migrate
 If necessary php composer.phar has to be used! 62
  • 63. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Usage of Development Master Usage of Development Master ! If by all means one would like to use the latest (trunk in git lingo) TYPO3 Neos, one can switch to the Development Master cd /path/to/webserver/ composer update
 update database:
 ./flow doctrine:migrate
 flush cache:
 ./flow flow:cache:flush --force
 If necessary php composer.phar has to be used! 63
  • 64. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Virtual Machines 64
  • 65. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Virtual Machines Virtual Machines ! A few projects are offering virtual machines for TYPO3 Neos (and Flow):
 • Vagrant (TYPO3 Neos / Flow oder CMS has to be installed yourself)
 • Vagrant (TYPO3 Neos / Flow oder CMS has to be installed yourself)
 • fully working TYPO3 Neos 65
  • 66. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Release Notes 66
  • 67. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Release Notes Release Notes TYPO3 Neos 1.0.1 (2013-12-13) ! • [TASK] Update references in documentation • [BUGFIX] Handle inline loading of pages without metadata correctly • [BUGFIX] Use FQ TypoScript paths for lastVisitedNode functionality • [BUGFIX] Add a safeguard to the LIBXML_PARSEHUGE constant • [BUGFIX] Fix wrong type annotation that causes compilation problems • [BUGFIX] Fix built-in Menu TypoScript object template • [BUGFIX] Protypes don't use FQN • [BUGFIX] Correctly link the Neos logo with the NodeViewHelper ! • e87653620afa44112fc8b32414c9d90d464b3b00:/Documentation/Appendixes/ ChangeLogs/101.rst
  • 68. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Release Notes Release Notes TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 (2014-03-04) - Part 1 
 TYPO3.Neos • [TASK] Update references in documentation • [BUGFIX] Secondary inspector is rendered outside viewport in FF • [BUGFIX] A better way of parsing the HTML of asynchronous page loads • [TASK] Optimize typical filter usages of EEL children operation • [BUGFIX] Default attributes property of menu TypoScript object • [BUGFIX] "node" used in label for create new dialog • [BUGFIX] Security policies in Neos are too strict • [BUGFIX] Link inceptor handling of local links • [BUGFIX] Node tree filter too wide in Firefox • [BUGFIX] Sites management module widget action button • [TASK] Improve usability of position menus in navigate component • [BUGFIX] Title missing for paste/new buttons in navigate component • [BUGFIX] Shortcut to siteroot has no active state • [TASK] Fix minor errors in documentation • [!!!][BUGFIX] Only accepts URLs with the configured URI suffix • [BUGFIX] YAML indention and typo in integrators cookbook • [TASK] Fix various CGL violations • [BUGFIX] Opacity of datetime editor inspector field • [TASK] Add missing grunt-trimtrailingspaces dependency 68
  • 69. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Release Notes Release Notes TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 (2014-03-04) - Part 2 • [FEATURE] Reworked MenuImplementation • [TASK] Minor coding fixes for users management module • [BUGFIX] Remove obsolete route that might break routing • [TASK] Fix Page documentation in TS reference • [BUGFIX] Correctly rename site root nodes • [BUGFIX] Menu section collapse arrow styling • [BUGFIX] Headline alignment is not persisted • [BUGFIX] Shortcut rendering is broken in combination with layout • [BUGFIX] Dateselector should do "previous" too 
 TYPO3.TYPO3CR ! • [BUGFIX] Node references do not respect context workspace • [BUGFIX] Prevent database error with too long index • [BUGFIX] materialize NodeData in removeProperty() • [TASK] Fix wrong hint in method docblock ! TYPO3.TypoScript • [BUGFIX] isEven & isOdd not supported in TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection 69
  • 70. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Features of TYPO3 Neos 70
  • 71. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos
 • most extensible Enterprise CMF - Content Management Framework • based on the stable TYPO3 Flow Framework, already available in Version 2.0 • easy und flexible Content Export/Import (until now only via command line) • Multi-Domain Support • state-of-the-art Technology und Paradigms under the hood (DDD, AOP, RequireJS, EmberJS, ...) • Intuitive User Interface • Wireframe Mode - Content-Editing without Template • web based Package Management Features of TYPO3 Neos 71
  • 72. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos
 • In-place Content-Editing • own Content Elements (incl. In-place Content-Editing) easily possible • Integration of TYPO3 Flow Applications as Plugins (packages) • TypoScript2 / Eel / FlowQuery • Workspaces (currently no multi user capabilities) • Custom Single-Sign-On / Custom Authentification through custom plugins • Audit Logging • TYPO3 Surf for the automatic Deployment (Integration with CI Server like Jenkins) Features of TYPO3 Neos 72
  • 73. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | so far missing features ! • Web based Installer (currently needs command line with Root Access) • Multilingualism (Content & User Interface) • User / Roles without Admin Rights (Editors, well there is an„Editor User“, but so far it’s just a a „Non-Admin“) • User Rights / User Groups • ACLs (Access Control Lists) • Public Extensions (no Package Repository yet) • Shared Workspaces • Versioning (UI-Interface) • Non-Core-Features: News, connection to 3rd-Party-Systems, Slider, SSL, Google Analytics Integration, ... • REST Features of TYPO3 Neos 73
  • 74. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | so far missing features ! • Logs (User, Admin, ...) • SEO-Features (page properties: noindex, nofollow, keywords, description, canonical, ...) • proper RWD-Interface (Interface only works at approx. 1000px and bigger) • RWD-Rendering of Images (responsive web design) • Digital Asset Management (there’s no media browser) • Form Designer (currently one can only choose programmatically prepared forms) • Content Synchronization and Syndication • Admin Interface to edit arbitrary records • ... Features of TYPO3 Neos 74
  • 75. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Structure of the Neos user interface 75
  • 76. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Login 76
  • 77. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Structure of the Admin-Interface Operations Menu Page Browser
 Logout and Settings Publish
 Publish, possibility of „auto publishing“ when clicking on the arrow Inspector
 content specific properties like page properties or the like Preview Mode
 Display of how
 the page would look live Preview Central
 e.g. display without design structural
 view Apply 77
  • 78. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Properties Panel selected element
 e.g. Headline, Content-Collection, Page, ... Properties
 context sensitive
 properties, e.g. 
 page properties and the like 78
  • 79. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots operations menu Content
 switch between the different sites
 Media Browser
 User Management
 Package Management
 Sites Management
  • 80. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots administration of Workspaces Publish
 selection of single changes
 declaration of
 Node Type
 type of change
  • 81. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots administration of Workspaces Pages that contain modifications are marked orange 81
  • 82. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots user administration Edit
 new user
  • 83. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots user administration - new user To add a new user simply provide username, password and personal data. Additionally the Role (Admin or Editor) is chosen. 83
  • 84. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots User Administration - editing Here userdata can be edited and extended with a title or an alias. ! Additionally one can add an arbitrary amount of "electronic addresses" like Email addresses, Skype, etc. ! By chosing "primary" one selects the main address. 84
  • 85. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots User Administration - Info The „Info“ Function gives an overview of all entered data. A Click on „Delete“ opens a Lightbox, in which the requested action is confirmed and the user warned about the result.
  • 86. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Package Administration Delete
 & Activate
 & Unfreeze
 on the selection
  • 87. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Site Administration Overview Delete
 & Activate
 Add new Site Status of this Site 87
  • 88. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Site Administration - Editing deactivate Domain
 delete Domain
 edit Domain
  • 89. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Raw Content Mode - Display of the Elements without Design 89
  • 90. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Preview Central - alternative displays 90
  • 91. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Pagetree double click to change page title filter the pagetree by Type (Page, Shortcut, …) Drag&Drop
 to move Page click on the page title to view the page in the preview to the right refresh
 delete the
 selected page insert (inside) Cut
 edit page title toggle visibility copy page search in pagetree add new page 91
  • 92. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots structure tree The structure tree lists all elements (visible and hidden) of the current page hierarchically.
 The same Icons for functions like „New“, „Hide“, „Copy“ are available here as well.
 A click on the Heading opens its properties in the inspector to the right and places the InPlace-Editor appropriately. 92
  • 93. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Content-Funktionen add new Content Element after the selected copy
 Content Element delete
 Content Element hide
 Content Element cut
 Content Element „Insert“ appears as soon as one clicks „Copy“ or „Cut“ 93
  • 94. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Content Functions add
 Table add
 (format free) Clipboard
 self-explanatory? ;-) Paragraph Styles
  • 95. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features of TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots add a Content Element 95
  • 96. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Multi-Column Content Elements 96
  • 97. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots choose forms 97
  • 98. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Media Browser Tagging Upload View tag a file by drag&drop it onto the tag 98
  • 99. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Media Browser Meta Data Actions 99
  • 100. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Image Handling UploadMedia- Browser Crop 100
  • 101. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Features von TYPO3 Neos - Screenshots Cropping (unobstrusive) 101
  • 102. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Internals of TYPO3 Neos 102
  • 103. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Node Structure ! • TYPO3CR Node • Node Name
 (serves as Identification) • Node Type
 (e.g. Document, Folder, AbstractNode, Content, 
 ContentCollection...) • Properties
 (dependent on NodeType)
 • easily extendible and easily configurable Page Content Section Content Element Site root TYPO3 Neos Internals: Node Structure Domain Model 103
  • 104. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Node Type ! • each TYPO3CR Node has a so-called
 Node Type
 • Node Types are declared in each Package by defining them in the file Configuration/ NodeTypes.yaml
 • Each Node Type can have one or more parent types. If specified, all properties and settings of the parent types are inherited 
 TYPO3 Neos Internals: Node Type 104
  • 105. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | predefined Node Types: ! • TYPO3.Neos:Node
 This is the base type that should be extended by all Content-Types that are used in the Context of TYPO3 Neos. There are no properties whatsoever.
 • TYPO3.Neos:Document
 An important differentiation is made between Nodes that act (and look) as a Page and „normal content“ like Text that is rendered on a page. Nodes that act like a page are called „Document Nodes“ in Neos which, for instance, have a unique and publicly visible URL in Neos. The default Page within Neos is implemented by the Node Type TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Page which is directly extended from TYPO3.Neos:Document. TYPO3 Neos Internals: Node Type 105
  • 106. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | predefined Node Types: ! • TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection and TYPO3.Neos:Content
 Any content that acts as a page and resides in such a node is implemented through two different Node Types:
 • TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection type
 This Node Type serves structuring and usually does not contain any properties, but an ordered list of sub-nodes instead which are rendered inside this node. Currently one should not extend from this type when defining own node types. • TYPO3.Neos:Content 
 This is the node type for all standard elements like „text“, „image“, „youtube“, ... TYPO3 Neos Internals: Node Type 106
  • 107. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Node Access ! • Access to the Nodes is happens through „NodePaths“ • Each Page is a node, so is every element on that page. TYPO3 Neos Internals: Node Zugriff /sites/typo3org/home/subpage/main/text1 content section pages site root 107
  • 108. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript ! • TypoScript is a hierarchic, object oriented and
 prototype based processing language • Is used by Neos for flexible rendering of content • Objects are e.g. Array, Collection, Case, Menu, Page, Template, Plugin, Value, ... • Objects have properties that „configure“ the object • TypoScript has access to the respective „Context“ (e.g. pagetree of the Object „menu“ oder page properties of the object „page“) • There are "processors" that can change the value of properties (similar to the stdWrap functions of TYPO3 CMS) ! TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript 108
  • 109. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Fluid Template <!DOCTYPE html> {namespace neos=TYPO3NeosViewHelpers} {namespace ts=TYPO3TypoScriptViewHelpers} <html> <head> <f:section name="stylesheets"> <!-- put your stylesheet inclusions here, they will be included in your website by TypoScript --> </f:section> <f:section name="scripts"> <!-- put your scripts inclusions here, they will be included in your website by TypoScript --> </f:section> </head> <body> <f:section name="body"> <nav class="menu"> { -> f:format.raw()} </nav> <nav class="breadcrumb"> {parts.breadcrumb -> f:format.raw()} </nav> <div class="content"> {content.main -> f:format.raw()} </div> TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript - Fluid Template 109
  • 110. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Example - Part 1 include: NodeTypes/Carousel.ts2 namespace: TypoScript=TYPO3.TypoScript /** * Root TypoScript template for the Neos website */ page = Page { head { = TypoScript:Template { templatePath = 'resource://TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org/Private/Templates/Page/Default.html' sectionName = 'stylesheets' } ! metadata = TypoScript:Template { templatePath = 'resource://TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org/Private/Templates/Page/Default.html' sectionName = 'metadata' } ! titleTag { // Overwrite the title tags content with a collection to create a breadcrumb content = TYPO3.TypoScript:Collection { // Retrieve all parent document nodes excluding the homepage collection = ${q(documentNode).add(q(documentNode).parents()).slice(0, -1).get()} itemName = 'node' iterationName = 'nodeIterator' // Implode node titles with a dash TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript - Example - Part 1 110
  • 111. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Example - Part 2 ! // This query checks if the second level menu has items and sets an additional class for the body bodyTag.attributes.class = ${q(node).parents().count() >= 1 && q(node).children('[instanceof TYPO3.Neos:Document]').filter('[_hiddenInIndex=false]').count() > 0 ? 'has-subpages' : ''} ! body { templatePath = 'resource://TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org/Private/Templates/Page/Default.html' sectionName = 'body' ! parts { mainMenu = Menu { entryLevel = 1 templatePath = 'resource://TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org/Private/Templates/ TypoScriptObjects/MainMenu.html' maximumLevels = 3 } secondLevelMenu = Menu { entryLevel = 2 templatePath = 'resource://TYPO3.NeosDemoTypo3Org/Private/Templates/ TypoScriptObjects/SecondLevelMenu.html' maximumLevels = 1 } TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript - Example - Part 2 111
  • 112. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Processors • Beispiel:
 myObject = MyObject {
 property = 'Rocky'
 property.@process.1 = ${'My ' value + ' is the best!'}
 # results in 'My Rocky is the best!' 
 • can also be written as:
 myObject = MyObject {
 property = 'some value'
 property.@process.someWrap {
 expression = ${'before ' + value + ' after'}
 @position = 'start'
 • Processor are Eel Expressions or TypoScript Objects, which are applied to the value of the context. 
 The current Object can be accessed via this. TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript - Prozessoren 112
  • 113. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Eel - Embedded Expression Language • While TypoScript contains Assignments and Processors, with Eel one can form expressions in the style of = ${q(node).property('bar')} • The Embedded Expression Language (Eel) is a component to create
 Domain Specific Languages (DSL). • Eel provides a comprehensive Syntax to create arbitrary expressions, so the author of the DSL can focus on the semantics
 ${} // Traversal
 ${} // Method call
 ${} // Chained method call
 ${"arg1", true, 42)} // Method call with arguments
 ${12 + 18.5} // Calculations are possible
 ${foo == bar} // ... and comparisons
 ${, foo == bar)} // everything combined
 ${[foo, bar]} // Array Literal
 ${{foo: bar, baz: test}} // Object Literal TYPO3 Neos Internals: Eel - Embedded Expression Language 113
  • 114. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery • FlowQuery is a kind of jQuery for TYPO3 Flow • FlowQuery provides a way to process content (which is a TYPO3CR Node in Neos) with Eel • There are operations in FlowQuery: • property
 access to the properties of a node • filter
 filter expressions in „Fizzle“ • children
 returns all children of a TYPO3CR Node • parents
 returns all parents of a TYPO3CR Node • additional operations: add, count, first, get, is, last, ...
 TYPO3 Neos Internals: FlowQuery 114
  • 115. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - Examples • amount of comments = amount of child elements of the current node whose name is "comments", having a property "spam" set to "false"
 numberOfComments = ${q(node).children('comments').children("[spam = false]").count()} • breadcrumb menu = current page + all parent pages
 prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Breadcrumb) < prototype(TYPO3.TypoScript:Template) {
 templatePath = 'resource://TYPO3.Neos/Private/Templates/TypoScriptObjects/ BreadcrumbMenu.html'
 node = ${node}
 items = ${q(node).add(q(node).parents('[instanceof TYPO3.Neos:Document]'))}
 {namespace neos=TYPO3NeosViewHelpers}
 <f:if condition="{items}">
 <ul class="breadcrumbs">
 <f:for each="{items}" as="item" reverse="TRUE">
 <f:if condition="{item.hiddenInIndex} == 0"> <li>
 <neos:link.node node="{item}">{item.label}</neos:link.node>
 </f:for> TYPO3 Neos Internals: FlowQuery - Examples 115
  • 116. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. technical details TypoScript 116
  • 117. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript 2.0 - Overview
 • because of the usage of TypoScript in TYPO3 CMS, TypoScript in TYPO3 Neos 
 (and so in TYPO3 Flow) is referred to as TypoScript 2.0 • ultimately both versions merely share the name as they are implemented differently and therefore incompatible among each other • TypoScript is exclusively used for the rendering of content in the frontend (no more backend configuration as known before by TSconfig) • TypoScript is hierarchic, because it renders hierarchic content • TypoScript ist prototype based (like JavaScript), as it allows to change the properties of all instances at once • TypoScript is a processing language, because it processes the values in a context and transforms it into a single return value Technical Details - TypoScript 117
  • 118. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Objects
 • TypoScript is a language to describe TypoScript Objects • A TypoScript Object has properties • TypoScript Objects have access to a „Context“, which in the end is a list of Variables • TypoScript transforms this Context by using the properties into some output • TypoScript can change this content internally and initiate the rendering of nested objects (TypoScript Tree) • TypoScript objects are realized by PHP Classes which are instantiated at runtime. Here one class can be the base of several different objects. Technical Details - TypoScript 118
  • 119. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Objects
 • Valid TypoScript would be like the following • Here TypoScript Paths are always noted in lowerCamelCase and Objects (Prototypes) in UpperCamelCase
 foo = Page
 my.object = Text
 my.image = TYPO3.Neos.ContentTypes:Image
 • Value assignments
 foo.myProperty1 = 'Some Property which Page can access'
 my.object.myProperty1 = "Some other property"
 my.image.width = ${q(node).property('foo')} ! • Values that describe strings have to be enclosed by quotation marks (single or double). Eel expressions are valid values as well. Technical Details - TypoScript 119
  • 120. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Syntax
 • One can note TypoScript in curly braces, i.e. the path before the opening brace is prepended to all paths inside the braces.
 my {
 image = Image
 image.width = 200
 object {
 myProperty1 = 'some property'
 } • This is identical to the following Code
 my.image = Image
 my.image.width = 200
 my.object.myProperty1 = 'some property' ! Technical Details - TypoScript 120
  • 121. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Object Instantiation
 • Besides, it's possible to assign values at instantiation as shown in the third example (all examples act the same):
 someImage = Image = 'bar'
 someImage = Image
 someImage {
 foo = 'bar'
 someImage = Image {
 foo = 'bar'
 } Technical Details - TypoScript 121
  • 122. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript Objects are free of side-effects
 • While TypoScript Objects can change their context they are free of side-effects. 
 • The context is "cleaned" after the usage of a TypoScript object, even if it has been altered before. ! • TypoScript objects can only alter nested TypoScript objects, but not objects "before" or "after" them
 • So a TypoScript path in combination with its context always acts the same, no matter at which place it's called Technical Details - TypoScript 122
  • 123. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Prototypes
 • When a TypoScript Object is instantiated (because someone issued
 someImage = Image), then the prototype of this object is copied and is used as the base of this new object (someImage). • A Prototype is defined as followed:
 prototype(MyImage) {
 width = '500px'
 height = '600px'
 } • Now one can use this object:
 # The Object someImage has a width of 500px and a height of
 600 px
 someImage = MyImage
 # Now the width is 100px (and the height stays at 600px)
 someImage.width = '100px' Technical Details - TypoScript 123
  • 124. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Prototypes
 • Prototypes are modifiable: 
 prototype(MyYouTube) {
 width = '100px'
 height = '500px'
 # with this the width for all Instances
 # is changed to 400px
 prototype(MyYouTube).width = '400px'
 # One can also define new properties
 prototype(MyYouTube).showFullScreen = ${true}
 # Prototypen can also be „inherited“
 prototype(MyImage) < prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Content) Technical Details - TypoScript 124
  • 125. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Prototypes
 • By Inheritance, prototypes are "bound" to each other. If one property changes in one instance, it is also changed in the other.
 prototype(TYPO3.Neos.Content).fruit = 'apple'
 prototype(TYPO3.Neos.Content).meal = 'dinner'
 # MyImage now has the properties "fruit = apple" and "meal = dinner"
 prototype(MyImage) < prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Content)
 # Because of MyImage *extending* the Object Template, 
 # MyImage.fruit likewise has the value 'Banana'
 prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Content).fruit = 'Banana'
 • # Because the property „meal“ is overwritten in the child class, 
 # an overwriting in the parent class no longer has any effect
 prototype(MyImage).meal = 'breakfast'
 prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Content).meal = 'supper' Technical Details - TypoScript 125
  • 126. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Prototypes
 • Prototype inheritance is only possible on a global scope
 prototype(Foo) < prototype(Bar)
 • therefore the following instructions would not be possible
 prototype(Foo) < some.prototype(Bar)
 other.prototype(Foo) < prototype(Bar)
 prototype(Foo).prototype(Bar) < prototype(Baz) Technical Details - TypoScript 126
  • 127. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Prototypes
 • hierarchic TypoScript Prototypes
 # Set the property „bar“ (resp. „some.thing“) for all objects of type „Foo“
 prototype(Foo).bar = 'baz'
 prototype(Foo).some.thing = 'baz2'
 # Set the property „some“ for all objects of type „Foo“, which are inside the 
 # path „some.path“
 some.path.prototype(Foo).some = 'baz2'
 # Set the property „some“ for all objects of type „Bar“
 # which are inside of objects of type „Foo“
 prototype(Foo).prototype(Bar).some = 'baz2'
 # combination of all possibilities above
 prototype(Foo).left.prototype(Bar).some = 'baz2' Technical Details - TypoScript 127
  • 128. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Namespaces
 • Namespaces can be used at declaration
 # defines a Namespace „Acme.Demo“ for the prototype „YouTube“
 prototype(Acme.Demo:YouTube) {
 width = '100px'
 height = '500px'
 • This Namespace is by convention the package key of the package where the TypoScript resides
 • Full Qualified Namespaces can be used:
 prototype(TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection.Default) < prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Collection) Technical Details - TypoScript 128
  • 129. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Namespaces
 • By omitting a Namespace, the default Namespace TYPO3.Neos is used instead. • A Namespace directive can be used to create an own Namespace:
 namespace Foo = Acme.Demo
 # The following instructions are identical
 video = Acme.Demo:YouTube
 video = Foo:YouTube Technical Details - TypoScript 129
  • 130. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Properties
 • Even though TypoScript objects can access the context directly,
 one should use properties
 # We assume a property in the current context
 # "foo=bar"
 myObject = MyObject
 # the value of the current context's variable "foo"
 # is explicitly assigned to the "foo" property of "myObject" = ${foo}
 • Objects shall exclusively use own properties to generate Output
 • Merely at prototype definition one can access the context directly:
 prototype(MyObject).foo = ${foo} Technical Details - TypoScript 130
  • 131. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: manipulation of the context
 • The TypoScript Context kann be manipulated directly by using
 the meta property @override:
 myObject = MyObject = ${foo * 2} 
 • The above code creates an additional context variable with the name bar and the doubled value of foo. ! ! ! ! Technical Details - TypoScript 131
  • 132. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Processors
 • Processors allow to manipulate TypoScript properties:
 myObject = MyObject {
 property = 'some value'
 property.@process.1 = ${'before ' + value + ' after'}
 # results in 'before some value after' ! ! • usage of multiple processors is possible • The order follows the numerical position in the TypoScript (after @process). Following above's example, @process.2 further processes the result of @process.1. ! ! Technical Details - TypoScript 132
  • 133. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Processors • An extended Syntax can be used for processors
 myObject = MyObject {
 property = 'some value'
 property.@process.someWrap {
 expression = ${'before ' + value + ' after'}
 @position = 'start'
 # results in 'before some value after' ! • A name (here „someWrap“) can be used using this syntax. • Processors are Eel Expressions resp. TypoScript Objects which are applied to value of the context. The current object can be accessed via this Technical Details - TypoScript 133
  • 134. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Neos TypoScript Reference 134
  • 135. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3.TypoScript:Array (Part 1)
 • renders the nested TypoScript Objects and concatenates its Output • the @position argument specifies the order of precedence • for this argument the following ranking order applies • start [priority]
 The higher the priority the earlier the object is added. If there is no priority given, the element will be sorted after any elements with priority. • [numeric ordering] 
 Position (sorted ascending) • end [priority] 
 The higher the priority the later the object is added. If there is no priority given, the element will be sorted before any elements with priority. Neos TypoScript - Reference 135
  • 136. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3.TypoScript:Array (Part 2)
 • furthermore an element can be defined to be sorted before or after a specific element:
 • before [namedElement] [optionalPriority]
 Adds this element before the element „namedElement“; in case of multiple statements the higher the priority, the more it will be placed before „namedElement“. Statements without priority will be placed furthest in front of the element. If „namedElement“ doesn’t exist, the element will be placed after all „start“ positions. • after [namedElement] [optionalPriority]
 analogously to „before“, but the other way round („after namedElement“, „before all end positions“, …) Neos TypoScript - Reference 136
  • 137. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3.TypoScript:Array (Part 3)
 (o = lower case letter / „order“)
 myArray = TYPO3.TypoScript:Array { o1 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text o1.@position = 'start 12' o2 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text o2.@position = 'start 5' o2 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text o2.@position = 'start' ! o3 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text o3.@position = '10' o4 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text o4.@position = '20' ! o5 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text o5.@position = 'before o6' ! o6 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text o6.@position = 'end' o7 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text o7.@position = 'end 20' o8 = TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text o8.@position = 'end 30' ! Neos TypoScript - Reference 137
  • 138. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3.TypoScript:Collection (Part 1)
 • iterates on an Array-like „collection“ and renders each element through itemRenderer 
 Neos TypoScript - Reference collection (array/iterable, required) 
 The Array or the Iterable over which is iterated. itemName (string, required) 
 The name under which the element of the current iteration can be accessed. iterationName (string) 
 Contains meta information of the Iteration: index (begins at 0), cycle (begins at 1), isFirst, isLast. itemRenderer (nested TypoScript object) This TypoScript Object is called on each iteration and its result is concatenated. 138
  • 139. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3.TypoScript:Collection (Part 2)
 myCollection = TYPO3.TypoScript:Collection { collection = ${[1, 2, 3]} itemName = 'element' itemRenderer = TYPO3.TypoScript:Template itemRenderer.templatePath = '...' itemRenderer.element = ${element} } Neos TypoScript - Reference 139
  • 140. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3.TypoScript:Case ! • Evaluates all nested Conditions until the first returns TRUE.
 This acts like PHP’s switch/case structure and continues if myCase is equal to a specified type. „fallback“ is executed accordingly to PHP’s switch/case „default“.
 myCase = TYPO3.TypoScript:Case
 myCase {
 someCondition {
 condition = ${... some eel expression evaluating to TRUE or FALSE ... }
 type = 'MyNamespace:My.Special.Type'
 fallback {
 condition = ${true}
 type = 'MyNamespace:My.Default.Type'
 } Neos TypoScript - Reference 140
  • 141. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3.TypoScript:Template (Part 1)
 • renders a Fluid-Template, referenced through templatePath
 Neos TypoScript - Reference templatePath (string, required) 
 the template, prefixed with e.g. resource:// partialRootPath (string) 
 the path where the Partials can be found layoutRootPath (string) 
 the path where the Layouts can be found sectionName (string) the Fluid Section <f:section> that is to be rendered (if such a section exists) [variables] (any) all other strings are passed as variables to the View 141
  • 142. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3.TypoScript:Template (Part 2)
 myTemplate = TYPO3.TypoScript:Template {
 templatePath = 'resource://My.Package/Private/path/to/ Template.html'
 someDataAvailableInsideFluid = 'my data' } 
 Neos TypoScript - Reference 142
  • 143. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TYPO3.TypoScript:Value
 • this is a wrapper for a value 
 myValue = Value { value = 'Hello World' } 
 Neos TypoScript - Reference value (mixed, required) 
 the value 143
  • 144. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Technical Details Eel 144
  • 145. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Eel - Embedded Expression Language
 • next to easy TypoScript assignments like = 'bar' it‘s easy to form expressions like = ${q(node).property('bar')} using Eel. • every Eel expression is noted by ${... • Eel is similar to JavaScript • Eel does not support variable assignments or control structures • Eel supports the usual JavaScript Operators for arithmetic and comparisons • Eel supports the ternary operator: <condition> ? <ifTrue> : <ifFalse> • as soon as Eel accesses an object property, the respective getter is called • object access via the offset notation is supported as follows: foo['bar'] Technical Details - Eel 145
  • 146. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Eel - examples
 • the following are examples of valid expressions: • Eel itself does not define own functions or variables, instead it uses the Eel Context Array where functions and objects, one would like to access, can be defined • Therefore Eel is perfect for the construction of a "domain specific language" which defines the syntax, but does not provide the semantics of such a DSL • For Eel inside of TypoScript the semantics is defined as follows: • all Variables of the TypoScript Context are accessible inside the Eel Context • the special variable this always points to the current TypoScript Object Implementation • there is a function q(), which wraps its arguments into a FlowQuery object ! Technical Details - Eel 146
  • 147. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Eel - Sematic
 • the following are examples of valid expressions:
 ${} // Traversal
 ${} // Method call
 ${} // Chained method call
 ${"arg1", true, 42)} // Method call with arguments
 ${12 + 18.5} // Calculations are possible
 ${foo == bar} // ... and comparisons
 ${, foo == bar)} // everything combined
 ${[foo, bar]} // Array Literal
 ${{foo: bar, baz: test}} // Object Literal ! Technical Details - Eel 147
  • 148. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Technical Details FlowQuery 148
  • 149. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - jQuery for Flow
 • FlowQuery represents the idea of jQuery for Flow and as such has been strongly inspired by it • FlowQuery is a way to process content (which is a TYPO3CR Node inside of Neos)
 in an Eel Context • FlowQuery Operations are implemented through PHP Classes • the respective package containing a specific FlowQuery Operation has to be installed • each Package can add its own FlowQuery Operations • the TYPO3.Eel Package contains a set of basic operations Technical Details - FlowQuery 149
  • 150. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - Examples
 • access a Context Variable
 • access the current node
 • access node properties
 ${q(node).getProperty('foo')} // possible, but not recommended
 ${q(node).property('foo')} // better: use FlowQuery
 • assign to a variable 
 text = ${q(node).property('text')} Technical Details - FlowQuery 150
  • 151. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - Examples
 • discover all parent nodes of a node
 • discover the first node inside a sub-node with the name „left“
 • discover all parent nodes and add the current node
 • discover the amount of nodes whose children inside of „comments“ having a property „spam“ set to „false“:
 numberOfComments = ${q(node).children('comments').children("[spam = false]").count()} Technical Details - FlowQuery 151
  • 152. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - add Operation (TYPO3.Eel)
 • the add operation adds an additional flowQuery Object to the current
 • Example:
 items = ${q(node).add(q(node).parents())}
 Here, the current node is determined and all parent nodes are added. This, for example, is used to create a breadcrumb navigation. It is achieved by the help of the statement above which provides a rootline of the nodes. Technical Details - FlowQuery 152
  • 153. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - count Operation (TYPO3.Eel)
 • The count operation returns the amount of objects (or Array items)
 • Example:
 test.value = ${q(node).add(q(node).parents()).count()}
 The rootline is determined and enumerated by count() whose value is returned. Technical Details - FlowQuery 153
  • 154. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - first Operation (TYPO3.Eel)
 • the „first“ operation returns the first object
 • Example:
 test.value = ${q(node).add(q(node).parents())
 At first the rootline is determined, afterwards the first element is selected by first() and this element's property 'title' is returned.
 If there are two pages: Home > Compendium, then „Compendium“ is returned. Technical Details - FlowQuery 154
  • 155. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - get Operation (TYPO3.Eel)
 • If FlowQuery is used, the result is again a FlowQuery object. The get operation "frees" the result from the "Flow Query".
 • Example:
 test.value = ${q(node).add(q(node).parents()).first().get(0)}
 The rootline is determined and by first() the first element is selected. Using get() the result is now transformed into an array (without it would be a FlowQuery object) and the first element is returned.
 If there are two pages: Home > Compendium, the following is returned:
 Node /sites/demo/homepage/Compendium[TYPO3.Neos:Page] Technical Details - FlowQuery 155
  • 156. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - if Operation (TYPO3.Eel)
 • checks if at least one of the elements in the current context matches a given filter
 • Example:
 test.value = ${q(node).if('[instanceof TYPO3.Neos:Page]') 
 ? 'Page' : 'No Page'}
 The if operator first checks if the current node is an instance of type
 TYPO3.Neos:Page (a normal page). If that is the case "Page" is returned otherwise "No Page". Technical Details - FlowQuery 156
  • 157. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - last Operation (TYPO3.Eel)
 • the last operation returns the last object
 • Example:
 test.value = ${q(node).add(q(node).parents())
 At first the rootline is determined, afterwards the last element is selected by last() and this element's property 'title' is returned.
 If there are two pages: Home > Compendium, then „Home“ is returned. Technical Details - FlowQuery 157
  • 158. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - slice Operation (TYPO3.Eel)
 • applies the „Slice“ Operation to a Set of Results
 • Beispiel:
 ${q(site).find('fr/blog').children('[instanceof Namespace.Plugin.Blog:Post]').slice()}
 Namespace.Plugin.Blog:Post]').slice(0, 2)}
 The last two statements return the two last blog posts. Technical Details - FlowQuery 158
  • 159. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - property Operation (TYPO3.Eel)
 • the property operation returns a property of an object • if the property begins with _ (an underscore), internal values are returned, e.g.: • _path (Node Path) • (Node Type)
 • Example:
 test.value = ${q(node).property('_path')}
 returns the property „title“ of the current node.
 Technical Details - FlowQuery 159
  • 160. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - children Operation (TYPO3.Eel)
 • The children operation returns the child objects of the current object. Inside a page these are the sections or content areas. • It is possible to a filter option: ...children('main')...
 • Example:
 test.value = ${q(node).children().property('_path')}
 Technical Details - FlowQuery 160
  • 161. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | FlowQuery - filter Operation (TYPO3.Eel)
 • The filter operation limits the result‘s set of objects. The filter expression is noted in Fizzle and supports the following operators: • = (equality) • $= (value ends with the operand) • ^= (value begins with the operand) • *= (value contains the operand) • instanceof (checks if the value is an instance of the operator)
 • Example:
 test.value = ${q(node).children().filter('main').
 Returns the property „_path“ of the first child node in the path „main“. Technical Details - FlowQuery 161
  • 162. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Technical Details Fizzle 162
  • 163. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Fizzle • filter Operations (e.g. filter() in FlowQuery) are written in Fizzle • Property Name Filters • This can be the first part of a filter, like foo, or • Attribute Filter • baz[foo] • baz[answer = 42] • baz[foo = "Bar"] • baz[foo = 'Bar'] • baz[foo ^= "Bar"] • baz[foo $= "Bar"] • baz[foo *= "Bar"] • Operators • = (equality) • $= (value ends with the operand) • ^= (value begins with the operand) • *= (value contains the operand) • instanceof (checks if the value is an instance of the operator) Technical Details - Fizzle 163
  • 164. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Technical Details NodeTypes.yaml 164
  • 165. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Structure of the File: NodeTypes.yaml
 • Each TYPO3CR Node (subsequently just named Node) has a specific Node Type. • Configuration of Node Types is done via the Package’s (resp. the Site’s) Configuration/NodeTypes.yaml • Each Node can has one or more parent types. All Properties and Settings are inherited from the parents. Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml 165
  • 166. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Node-Declaration: the body of a node
 • Start-Declaration of a Node:
 • The Start-Declaration can have the following properties: • superTypes: • childNodes: • abstract: • ui: • properties: • validation: Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml 166
  • 167. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Node-Declaration: superTypes
 • This is an Array of parent nodes which the current node extends.
 • Examples:
 superTypes: ['TYPO3.Neos:Content']
 - 'TYPO3.Neos:Node'
 - 'TYPO3.Neos:Hidable'
 Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml 167
  • 168. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Node-Declaration: childNodes
 • A list of child nodes that are automatically added when a Node of this type is added. For each child node the respective node type has to be specified.
 • Examples:
 type: 'TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection'
 superTypes: ['TYPO3.Neos:Content']
 type: 'TYPO3.Neos:ContentCollection' Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml 168
  • 169. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Node-Declaration: ui
 • available options for the Node Type’s
 • label:
 The label that is shown • group:
 Name of the group inside the „New Content Element“ Dialog, in which the Element is sorted. Possible default values are: general, structure, plugins
 (Packages/Application/TYPO3.Neos/Configuration/Settings.yaml) • icon:
 Defines the Icon - The Range is restricted to „Font Awesome“ (http:// - e.g. icon-align-center • inlineEditable:
 indicates if a direct interaction possibility with the node
 Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml 169
  • 170. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Node-Declaration: ui
 • available options for the Node Type’s
 • inspector:
 configures the Inspector inside the NEOS UI for this Node Type • groups:
 defines an Inspector Group, for grouping the settings later • label:
 the Label for the Inspector Group • position:
 declares the position of the Inspector Group - the lower the number, the higher its position (and vice versa)
 Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml 170
  • 171. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Node-Declaration: properties
 • Contains a list of named properties. For each of these properties the following settings apply. • type:
 Defines the Datentype of the property. Possible values are Simple Type (PHP), an FQCN (Fully qualified class name), or one of the three special types: data, reference or references. Use „data“ for DateTime, for a reference to other Nodes „reference“ (for one) or „references (für many). • defaultValue:
 Default Value • validation:
 Declaration of the validation class (e.g. TYPO3.Neos/Validation/ NotEmptyValidator) - incl. their options ! ! Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml 171
  • 172. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Node-Declaration: properties
 • Contains a list of named properties. For each of these properties the following settings apply.
 • ui: • label:
 the label that is shown • reloadIfChanged:
 Angabe, ob das Elemente bei Änderungen neu gerendert wird • inlineEditable:
 direct changes of the element are possible • aloha:
 configures the options of the Aloha-Editor (which functions are permitted and which are not) ! Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml 172
  • 173. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Node-Declaration: properties
 • Contains a list of named properties. For each of these properties the following settings apply.
 • ui: • inspector: • group:
 the group, the Element will be sorted in (this is defined via ui.inspector.groups) • position:
 position of the element - the lower the number, the higher its position • editor:
 Name of the JavaScript Editor class • editorOptions:
 Options for the Editor Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml 173
  • 174. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Node-Declaration: Examples
 Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml 174
  • 175. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | Node-Declaration: Examples
 Technical Details - NodeTypes.yaml 175
  • 176. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | LOBACHER. Structure of the TYPO3 Neos Rendering 176
  • 177. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | The directory structure of a TYPO3 Flow base: The directory structure of a TYPO3 Flow base Files for the build process (Behat, Phing, ...)
 Neos Configuration (Context, Routes, Settings, PackageStates...)
 Data (Logs, Setup-Key, Caches, ...) Packages (Application, Framework, Libraries, Sites) Tests (Selenium-Tests) Document Root
 Flow Command Line Interface 177
  • 178. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | The directory structure of a TYPO3 Neos Site: The directory structure of a TYPO3 Neos Site starting point of the TYPO3 Neos Site
 Classes (e.g. regisitration Classes) 
 Configuration (e.g. Node Types) 
 Private Ressources (e.g. Content, Templates, TypoScript, ...) 
 public Ressources (Assets, like CSS, Fonts, Images, JS, ...) 178
  • 179. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript - sequence of loading - Root.ts2 ! • the rendering in TYPO3 Neos is completely realized in TypoScript 2 • At first the following file is loaded and its content interpreted:
 Warning: The resource path omits the „Resources“ part of the physical path! 
 $mergedTypoScriptCode = $this->readExternalTypoScriptFile('resource:// TYPO3.Neos/Private/TypoScript/Root.ts2') . $siteRootTypoScriptCode;
 • Afterwards the following file is loaded - it contains the TypoScript Code of the own Site:
 Packages/Sites/[Vendor.Sitename]/Resources/Private/Typoscripts/Library/Root.ts2 TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript Sequence of Execution 179
  • 180. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Root.ts2 (TYPO3.Neos) ! • the file Root.ts2 (Packages/Application/TYPO3.Neos/Resources/Private/ TypoScript/Root.ts2) in the TYPO3.Neos Resources directory subsequently loads the following files:
 include: resource://TYPO3.TypoScript/Private/TypoScript/Root.ts2
 include: resource://TYPO3.Neos/Private/TypoScript/DefaultTypoScript.ts2
 include: resource://TYPO3.Neos/Private/TypoScript/RawContentMode.ts2
 include: resource://TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes/Private/TypoScript/Root.ts2
 TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript Sequence of Execution 180
  • 181. TYPO3 Neos - the Compendium LOBACHER. (c) 2014 - Patrick Lobacher | TYPO3 Neos 1.0.2 - the Compendium | 2014-03-07 | TypoScript: Root.ts2 (TYPO3.TypoScript) - Part 1 ! • The file Root.ts2 in the TYPO3.TypoScript Resources directory defines 9 classes for the respective objects Array, RawArray, Template, Collection, Case, Matcher, Value, Tag and UriBuilder. The classes are located at
 prototype(TYPO3.TypoScript:Array).@class = 'TYPO3TypoScript TypoScriptObjectsArrayImplementation'
 prototype(TYPO3.TypoScript:RawArray).@class = 'TYPO3TypoScript TypoScriptObjectsRawArrayImplementation'
 prototype(TYPO3.TypoScript:Template).@class = 'TYPO3TypoScript TypoScriptObjectsTemplateImplementation'
 prototype(TYPO3.TypoScript:Collection).@class = 'TYPO3TypoScript TypoScriptObjectsCollectionImplementation' TYPO3 Neos Internals: TypoScript Sequence of Execution 181