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Word of Truth
  Two Houses One People

Ephraim                       Judah
          l   Presented By:

      Elder Francisco Gomez Luna
Objective of This Study
To: present an overview of Israel’s history.
To: trace the key factors in that history.
To: use the key factors to “see” YAH’s plan.
To: determine where we fit into that plan.
To: establish our identity once and for all,
   plant our feet on solid rock, and
   understand our true inheritance in
                      Yad Hey Uav Hey

Modern Hebrew
                         English Transliteration
                                                               Paleo (Ancient) Hebrew

                  “Yad” has “Y” sound as in “Yaakov”.
                  “Hey” when following has “ah” sound as in “Torah”
                  “Uav” has “ūh” sound as in “Truth”.

                  “Hey” following again has “ah” sound.

            Pronounced together they produce the name:

                                Which Means:
                     YAH the Eternal One
                “This is my name FOREVER” (Exodus 3:15)
Out Of The Garden
1.   Adam, the man who chose to obey his wife instead
     of YHUH.
2.   Eve, the woman who chose to believe the serpent
     rather than YHUH.
3.   Cain, the firstborn on a cursed earth, is born.
4.   Abel, the first victim of domestic violence, is born.
5.   The flaw is revealed and a tragedy occurs.
6.   YHUH has nothing more to do with Cain. (4:11)
7.   YHUH gives Adam and Eve Seth in place of Abel.
Two lineages Existed Before The
            Genesis 4:16 - 6:12
Before the flood there were two lineages. One was the
lineage of Seth, whose descendants began invoking the
name of YAH upon themselves after Enosh was born;
and thus were called “sons of YAH.” (4:26) The other
was the lineage of Cain whose descendants are called
simply “men”. It was the daughters of these that the
“sons of YAH” began to intermarry with. Although
both lineages came from Adam originally, one had a
YAH-oriented culture while the other one came from
Cain; who had been banished from the presence of
YAH for murdering his brother. Each one of these
cultures produced a prime example of its influence.
The Culture Called Just “Men”
       LAMECH: Sixth Generation From Cain
The son of Methusael, son of Mehujael, son of Irad,
son of Enoch, son of Cain. Lamech was an angry
murderer just as his great-great-great-grandfather
Cain had been. Bolstered by the weapons of war
invented by his son *Tubal Cain*, Lamech decrees
that he shall be avenged 70 times 7. He did so out of
pride, arrogance, and self-exaltation. Lamech is the
perfected product of this culture and the last we hear
until chapter 6 from the culture of Cain; who was cast
out from the presence of YAH. (Gen 4:24)
*The name Tubal Cain means: Offspring of Cain*
The Culture of the Sons of YAH
Enoch: The Prime Example of It (Gen 5:3-24)
The son of Jared, son of Mahalalel, son of
Kenan, son of Enosh, son of Seth, son of Adam.
Enoch is the seventh generation of a people who
practiced a culture that took the name of YAH
upon itself and lived in reverence of Him. Enoch
learned to walk with YAH so intimately that the
last we hear of him is that he was no more
because YAH took him. He walked off into
eternity in full and perfect fellowship with his
Creator without dying. (Gen 5:24)
         A Powerful Culture!
The Cultures in Contrast
                     Genesis 6:1-7
   Cain’s descendants evolve into a violent culture
    steeped in prideful arrogance. (Lamech) (Gen
   Seth’s descendants evolve into a powerful race
    of beings whose contact with YAH is exemplified
    by Enoch’s relationship with YAH and its result
    upon him. (He was no more because YAH took
    him) He simply walked off into eternity with YAH.
    However, the culture has reached its peak at this
    point and begins to diminish in strength from this
    point on.
A Collision of Cultures
    It Happened When Men Began To Multiply   Gen. 6:1

 The subversion of one culture by another.
1. Daughters were born unto men. (Cain’s Lineage)
2. In time, the sons of YAH noticed them.
3. They began to intermarry with them.
4. Man’s diseased culture infects the sons of YAH.
5. Crossbreeding produces powerful, violent giants.
6. Evil became the focus, essence, and the end
   product of a totally corrupted culture created by
7. YAH: “My Spirit will not strive forever with man ”
What was “Strive” all About?
The whole Antediluvian period was 1656 years long, and YAH strove to
build a Set-Apart (Holy) Culture by responding to the invocation of his
name by the sons of Adam through Seth until Noah. He deposited in
them his power and they were imbued with wisdom and knowledge.
We can only imagine what powers they were imbued with, but the
Apostle calls them angels. (Jud. 1:6)

Because He Is Also Flesh! (Gen. 6:3)
But they corrupted themselves with the women of Cain’s culture
because, in the end, they were also flesh and chose the works of the
flesh over the power of the Spirit. This allowed the seed that had the
serpent’s mentality to overpower the sons of YAH through lust of the
flesh and become the predominant culture. The total corruption of the
culture left only 8 people eligible to escape the coming judgment that
was the flood.

It was not a fluke! It was the serpent’s evil cunning in the minds of the
seed of Cain at work! YAH allows us to see the end result of that
mentality! Humanity without YAH would breed only destruction!
1656                                                                                                               600 Flood
1651                                                                                                  777
1656                                                                                     969
987                                                                         365
1422                                                           962
1290                                               895
1235                                  910
1140                     905
1042        912
                                                                                                                     500---------> 3 Sons

LEGEND: From the years given to us in Scripture that the antediluvians lived, we can calculate the years of the era and the years in
  which the culture of the Sons of YAH rose and fell; leaving only eight people to enter into the era of nations.

            Seth was born 130 years after Adam was created and lived 912 years. That gives us 1042 years since creation.
            Enosh was born 235 years after creation and lived 905 years. "Men began calling on the name" around the time of his birth.
            Cainan was born 325 years after creation, lived 910 years, and died in the year 1235 of that era.
            Mahalaleel was born 395 years after creation, lived 895 years, and died in the year 1290.
            Jared was born 460 years after creation, lived 962 years, and died in 1422.
            Enoch was born 622 years after creation, lived 365 years, and crossed over into the spirit realm without dying in the year 987.
            Methusalem was born 687 years after creation, lived 969 years, and died in the year of the flood; 1656.
            Lamech was born 874 years after creation, lived 777 years, and died in the years 1651. He was the end of an era.
            Noah was born 1056 years after creation, lived 600 years before the flood, and carried the seed of the sons of YAH into the
            new era.
            The entire era lasted 1656 years.
But Noah Found (Was Given)
Who Is Noah? He’s Not Someone Chosen At Random
   Noah’s name means “rest” (Gen 5:29)
   Noah: great-great grandson of Enoch. (Gen. 5:18-29)
   He was born 600 years before the Flood.
   He was commissioned by YAH to build the ark at 500
    years of age.
   His father Lamech died at *777 years of age; 5 years
    before the flood. His death signaled the *end of an age!
   His grandfather Methuselah died the year of the flood at
    969 years of age.
   He lived 350 Years after the flood!
Noah After The Flood
1.Noah  is 1 of 8 people who survived the flood.
2.He has a wife, three sons, and their wives.

3.Shem, Ham, and Japheth are Noah’s sons.

4.An incident occurs that tells us something about
the future of the lineage. (Gen 9:20-27)
5.Gen 9:26 He also said, "Blessed be YAH, the
Alahym of Shem; and let Canaan be his servant.
6.Gen 9:27 May YAH enlarge Japheth, and let him
dwell in the tents of Shem, and let Canaan be his
Notice how conspicuously Ham is left out? There is
a very good reason why.
Sons of YAH


Ham                 Japheth


Key Persons: Abraham
1. Gen 12:2 and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee,
and make thy name great; and be thou a blessing;
  Gen 12:3 and I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth
thee will I curse: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

2. Gen 13:16 And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if
a man can number the dust of the earth, then may thy seed also be

3. Gen 17:4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt
be a father of many nations.
Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy
name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
Gen 17:6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations
of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.
Gen 17:7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy
seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a
Mighty One unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
Key Persons: Isaac

Isaac is the child of promise that YAH promised
Abraham. He became the link that made
possible the propagation or “distribution” of the
chosen seed into the next generation. Isaac had
two sons: Esau & Jacob. YAH’s choice was
Jacob even before the children were born.
                 Gen 25:23-34
Key Persons: Jacob
   Named Yasar’al (Israel) = “He will Rule as
    Alahym” (Gen. 32:28)
   Adopts and Blesses the Sons of Joseph: (Gen
   Bequeaths the Blessing of the Firstborn and the
    Name of Yasar’al to Ephraim (Gen. 48:12-20)
   Gives each of the Twelve Tribes of Israel a
    Blessing. (Gen 49: 1-33)
   Appointed Judah as the Caretaker of the
    Scepter (Authority) of YAH until Messiah came.
    (Gen. 49:10) This is the inheritance Messiah
    spoke of in Mat. 21:38.
            < Chosen to bless all the families of the earth
Abraham     through his seed. “ Melchizedek… blessed him
            that had the promises.” (Heb 7:6)
                            < Continuation of the
            Isaac           seed or lineage by
                            YAH’s promise

                            <Continuation of the seed.
           Jacob            Renamed Israel by YAH:
                            Gen 32:28

      12 Tribes of Israel   < Twelve sons are born who
                            will become the twelve tribes
                            of Israel
 1. Reuben 2. Simeon 3. Levi 4.*Judah 5. Issachar 6.
 Zebulun 7.**Joseph 8.*Benjamin 9. Dan
 10. Naphtali 11.Gad 12. Asher
*Judah & Benjamin would later be the two tribes that comprised the Southern
Kingdom of Judah when YHUH divided Israel into Israel & Judah(1Ki 11:29-36)
Judah was given care of the scepter (authority) until Shiloh (Messiah) came. (Gen
49:10) The nickname “Jew” comes from the name Judah.
**Joseph was blessed by Jacob with fruitfulness in his seed. It was through Joseph’s
lineage that YHUH kept his promise to Abraham. (Gen 15:5 & 17:6) In keeping
with this, Jacob/Israel blesses the younger son of Joseph (Ephraim) with a blessing
that declares him as “A Fullness of Gentiles or Multitude of Nations.” (Gen 48:19)
That younger son’s name is Ephraim. It is a name by which all the ten tribes of the
northern kingdom called Israel are also known. The name Ephraim means “double
fruitfulness.” This is the seed of Abraham that has been made into a multitude of
1.   Entered into Egypt with Jacob their father
     through Joseph who was Prime Minister of
     Egypt. The total number of people who entered
     was 70. (Gen 46:3,27)
2.   Remained in Egypt 430 years and were
     enslaved by Egypt during that time.
3.   Were delivered from Egypt by YAH through
     Moses.(600,000 men not counting women and
4.   Given the Covenant of the Law at Mt. Sinai
     and wandered through the desert for forty
5.   Entered into the Promised Land under
     Joshua’s leadership.
   Israel was governed by YHUH through judges
    and prophets until the people asked for a king.
   There were 3 kings in the kingdom of Israel
    during the time it was united over a period of 120
    years. Each one reigned 40 years. (1065 BC –
    945 BC) Saul, David, Solomon.
   At the end of this time, YHUH divided the
    kingdom into two separate kingdoms: Israel &
    Judah (1K 11:1-37)
A Kingdom Divided
   King Solomon provoked YHUH by following after
    false gods and building houses for them in the
    land of Israel. (1K 11:1-10)
   YHUH gave Judah one additional tribe to form a
    kingdom with in dividing the kingdom. (1K 11:11-
   Jeroboam is given ten tribes through prophecy.
    (1K 11:29-32)
   The split comes after the coronation of
    Rehoboam; Solomon’s son. (1K 11:43-12:19)
YHUH Confirms The Division
   Jeroboam becomes king of the ten tribes whose
    rightful name was Israel. (1K 12:20)
   Rehoboam decides to start a civil war to reunify
    the kingdom. (1K 12:21)
   YHUH sends ShemaYah (Yah has heard) to
    confirm that this division is according to His will.
    (1K 12:22-24)
   Israel & Judah begin their separate paths to
    accomplish their individual tasks by YAH’s
The Appointed Tasks
   Understanding the difference between the
    WHOLE house of Israel and
    Israel/Ephraim (the northern kingdom) is
    the key to understanding the tasks of both
    Israel & Judah.

   Understanding the individual tasks of both
    Israel & Judah is the key to understanding
    YHVH’s plan for the WHOLE house of
History of Israel (The Northern Kingdom)
   Israel (Also Known as *Ephraim) became a
    separate kingdom from Judah c. 945 BCE
   24 Kings ruled Israel between c.1065 BCE &
    c.722 BCE counting Saul, David, & Solomon.
   IMPORTANT FACT: These people are not
    Jews! They are, however, as much Hebrew as
    the Jews. They are of the seed of Abraham.
   The kingdom was dissolved by the Assyrians
    when they carried off all but the lowliest of the
    people of Israel to other lands within their
    empire.                       *See slide #18
Character of Israel/Ephraim
                 (1K 12:25-33)
   Jeroboam, driven by insecurity, immediately
    separates Israel/Ephraim from its spiritual
   He had golden calves made for Israel/Ephraim
    to worship. “These are the gods who brought
    you out of Egypt.” he told them.
   He created an unauthorized priesthood and
    named “lowlifes” as priests in it.
   He set a precedent in idolatry that brought
    Israel/Ephraim to judgment.
   He was the beginning of the end for the kingdom
    of Israel/Ephraim of ancient times in the land of
Israel/Ephraim’s Pedigree
   Began as Jacob (One Man) whose name was changed
    by YHUH from Jacob to Israel. (Gen. 32:28)
   A total of 70 people entered Egypt, but only one man
    was named Israel. (Gen 46:27)
   That man bequeathed his name to the younger son of
    his son Joseph; whom he first adopted as his own along
    with his elder brother Manasseh. (Gen. 48:5)
   That younger son’s name was Ephraim. He was blessed
    by his father Israel to become “a multitude of nations” or
    “fullness of Gentiles.” (Gen. 48:19)
   Ephraim means “doubly fruitful.” He was chosen by
    YHUH to become the predominantly proliferate seed of
    Israel. (Gen 48:20)
Facts That Must Be Considered
 1. YHUH’s Word will not return void. (Isa. 55:11)
    A) It creates or causes to be. (Psa. 33:6)
    B) It sustains by its power. (Heb. 1:3)
    C) It is immutable. (Isa. 40:8)

 2. YHUH promised to make Abraham the father of
many nations. Kings would come from him! His seed
would cover the earth like the dust. Graphic enough?
(see slide #14)
What part of IMMUTABLE did we not understand?
Biological Truth I
 Fathers  carry the seed of the next generation for
  all generations. The lineage never changes.
 The seed of man is inherent. All men, except

  Messiah, come from Adam.
 Culture is the environment in which any people

  live at any given moment in time in any part of
  the world. Cultures differ by region and era.
 Culture is external and cannot affect the seed,

  which is innate. That which is innate does not
  change and is never lost.
 Abba has been cultivating a seed from the start!
Biological Truth II
  *The blood supply of the mother and that
    of the unborn child never mix.
      Dr. 0. Roger Anderson: Professor of Natural Sciences, Columbia University, Teachers College;
      and Senior Research Scientist, Biological Oceanography, Columbia University.

The proof of this is the fact that Yahusha the Lamb, was born of the direct bloodline
of YAH. His blood had to be from a source different than that of Adam due to the
contamination of sin in Adam’s bloodline.

Act 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which
the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the congregation of YAH, which
he hath purchased with his own blood.

1Pe 1:19 But with the precious blood of Messiah, as of a lamb without blemish and
without spot:
Biological Truth III

Whatever manner of seed it is, it will always
 reproduce after its own kind. It is true of every
 living thing in all of creation. Man’s alteration
 or manipulation of certain species through
 genetic engineering does not change, annul,
 or abrogate this truth.
This is just as true of the seed of Abraham.
   Once a Hebrew; always a Hebrew!
Do The Math
1. What was YHUH’s purpose in supercharging
  Ephraim’s (doubly fruitful) seed?
  A) To equip it to absorb all other seeds.
  B) To Fulfill a Promise He made to Abraham!

2. What was His purpose in SOWING that seed
   among the nations beginning in Assyria? (Hos.1)
   (Jezreel means “YHUH has sown.”) (Hos. 1:1 -
   A) To teach Israel the importance of faithfulness
   to YHUH.
   B) To show YHUH’s faithfulness in fulfilling his
   word to his people Israel.
Do The Math II
If one seed produces twice as much as all others:
1. How long until the exponential effect occurs?
2. Will not this seed eventually absorb the other *two?
3. How long ago was the seed sown?
                        Over 2700 years ago!
    How long before we start believing YHUH?
  “I will make your seed as the dust of the earth”
“ Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea,
which cannot be measured nor numbered;” (Hos. 1:10)

*Japheth & Ham (Note: Three sons of Noah repopulated the earth after the flood)
Judah’s Assigned Task
   To be a caretaker of YHUH’s Culture. (Mal. 2:4-9)
   To be in a position of authority until Messiah’s
    coming. (Gen. 49:10)
   To relinquish the authority that was Messiah’s
    inheritance at His coming. But they refused to do
    so. (Mat. 21:38)
   YHUH allowed them to be blinded them through
    unbelief brought about by their adherence to a
    religion of men that made men their confidence. A
    remnant of them that will believe is also to be
    given sight at the end of the age. (Rom. 11:26)
Israel/Ephraim’s Assigned Task

 To be the “Double Portion” Seed.
 To overtake and absorb the two other lineages.

 To become a “Multitude of Nations” or “Fullness

  of Gentiles.”
 To return from paganism to their true heritage.

 To become the sign of the end of the age.

                 SAY WHAT?
                      Romans 11:25
“Until the fullness of the Gentiles come in”
The Fullness of Gentiles
   Also translated as “A Multitude of Nations”.
   The Seed of Adam, Seth, Noah, Shem,
    Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob through Joseph and
   Sown first into Assyria that it might flourish
    among the nations and become the predominant
   Blinded to its true identity first by its penchant for
    paganism and then by its sojourn through
    diverse cultures and the religions created by
    those cultures.
So Who Is Blinded In Reality?
   “blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the
   fullness of the Gentiles be come in.” (Rom. 11:25)
IN PART?? But if the two houses were both Israel to begin
with, that means that both are blinded in part.
The Fullness of Gentiles (10 tribes) is mostly blinded to its
true heritage and roots through the strong delusion created
by Catholicism.
The descendants of Judah and Benjamin (2 tribes) are
blinded to their own Messiah through the religion of
Judaism created by their forefathers in Babylon while in
captivity for idolatry.
A REMNANT from both houses shall return to YAH!       (Isa. 10:22)
What is it that the Fullness of Gentiles Will Come
                        (Rom. 11:25)

   The knowledge of their true identity.
   The knowledge of their Messiah’s true
    name which reveals His true identity.
   The knowledge of their inheritance.
   The knowledge of their true destiny.
   The Unity of the Faith.
                  (Ephesians 4:13)
We cannot get there through Denominationalism
Full Circle
1.   Abraham’s seed of Shem’s lineage. (Blessed)
2.   The other two lineages to be absorbed.
3.   Abraham’s seed chosen to blanket the earth as
4.   Israel comes forth from Abraham.
5.   Israel is divided into two kingdoms.
6.   Israel’s supercharged seed (Ephraim) dispersed
7.   Israel’s remaining kingdom (Judah) is made the
     caretaker of YHUH’s Word for ALL of Israel.
8.   Messiah comes to gather ALL of Israel in Himself.
     “Reconciling the world unto himself” (2Cor. 5:19)
9.   “And so ALL Israel shall be saved.” (Rom. 11:26)
No Other Way
   Both houses of Israel must come to Messiah for
    acceptance into the Covenant in His Blood!

   Although YHUH used the seed of Abraham to
    confirm His faithfulness to both houses by
    having His Salvation come to the Jew first and
    then also to the Gentile, neither house has
    “preferred” status in any way.

   It is in Messiah alone that ALL Israel is chosen!
Heed the Warning!
   “And in no other is there salvation” Acts 4:12
   “This is the Covenant that I shall make with the
    house of Israel and with the house of Judah”
    (Jer. 31: 31-33) (Heb. 8:8)
   “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man
    comes to the Father, but by me.” John 14:6
   “There is none other name given to man…”

            “YAH our Savior”
     HalaluYAH, He is our Redeemer!
A Call To Return
   JN 1:12 But as many as received him, to
    them gave he power to become the
    Sons of YAH, even to them that
    believe on his name:
   JN 1:13 Which were born, not of blood,
    nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of
    man, but of YAH.
   YAH is calling the seed of Abraham home!
    Are you one of us?
Brethren, What Shall We Do? Acts 2:37
   The answer is the same as it was 2000
    years ago!

   Act 2:38 Then Shimon Kefa (Peter) said unto
    them: “Repent, and be baptized every one of
    you in the name of Yahusha the Messiah for the
    remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of
    the Set-Apart Spirit.

   Act 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to
    your children, and to all that are afar off, even as
    many as YHUH our Alahym shall call.”
The Call Has Gone Forth
You  must decide whether to believe or not!
You alone are now responsible for your soul!

I am free of your blood!

You are not responsible to me!

This is calling is from YAH!

                   (Deut. 30:19)
 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I
   have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing:
 therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
In The Valley Of Decision
As you ponder what you have heard, I pray you
will seek the guidance of the Spirit of truth. That
Spirit is Messiah; and if you have received him, he
will witness to the truth of all this. The message
you have heard is nothing like the gospel you hear
in mainstream religion. That is because this
message relies entirely upon the WORD of
YAUAH to present its message of salvation.
If you need help implementing or further
understanding what you have heard, please email:


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Two houses one people

  • 2. Presents Two Houses One People Ephraim Judah Israe l Presented By: Elder Francisco Gomez Luna
  • 3. Objective of This Study To: present an overview of Israel’s history. To: trace the key factors in that history. To: use the key factors to “see” YAH’s plan. To: determine where we fit into that plan. To: establish our identity once and for all, plant our feet on solid rock, and understand our true inheritance in Messiah.
  • 4. IN THE BEGINNING: Yad Hey Uav Hey Modern Hebrew YHUH English Transliteration Paleo (Ancient) Hebrew “Yad” has “Y” sound as in “Yaakov”. “Hey” when following has “ah” sound as in “Torah” “Uav” has “ūh” sound as in “Truth”. “Hey” following again has “ah” sound. Pronounced together they produce the name: YAHUAH Which Means: YAH the Eternal One “This is my name FOREVER” (Exodus 3:15)
  • 5. Out Of The Garden 1. Adam, the man who chose to obey his wife instead of YHUH. 2. Eve, the woman who chose to believe the serpent rather than YHUH. 3. Cain, the firstborn on a cursed earth, is born. 4. Abel, the first victim of domestic violence, is born. 5. The flaw is revealed and a tragedy occurs. 6. YHUH has nothing more to do with Cain. (4:11) 7. YHUH gives Adam and Eve Seth in place of Abel.
  • 6. Two lineages Existed Before The Flood Genesis 4:16 - 6:12 Before the flood there were two lineages. One was the lineage of Seth, whose descendants began invoking the name of YAH upon themselves after Enosh was born; and thus were called “sons of YAH.” (4:26) The other was the lineage of Cain whose descendants are called simply “men”. It was the daughters of these that the “sons of YAH” began to intermarry with. Although both lineages came from Adam originally, one had a YAH-oriented culture while the other one came from Cain; who had been banished from the presence of YAH for murdering his brother. Each one of these cultures produced a prime example of its influence.
  • 7. The Culture Called Just “Men” LAMECH: Sixth Generation From Cain The son of Methusael, son of Mehujael, son of Irad, son of Enoch, son of Cain. Lamech was an angry murderer just as his great-great-great-grandfather Cain had been. Bolstered by the weapons of war invented by his son *Tubal Cain*, Lamech decrees that he shall be avenged 70 times 7. He did so out of pride, arrogance, and self-exaltation. Lamech is the perfected product of this culture and the last we hear until chapter 6 from the culture of Cain; who was cast out from the presence of YAH. (Gen 4:24) *The name Tubal Cain means: Offspring of Cain*
  • 8. The Culture of the Sons of YAH Enoch: The Prime Example of It (Gen 5:3-24) The son of Jared, son of Mahalalel, son of Kenan, son of Enosh, son of Seth, son of Adam. Enoch is the seventh generation of a people who practiced a culture that took the name of YAH upon itself and lived in reverence of Him. Enoch learned to walk with YAH so intimately that the last we hear of him is that he was no more because YAH took him. He walked off into eternity in full and perfect fellowship with his Creator without dying. (Gen 5:24) A Powerful Culture!
  • 9. The Cultures in Contrast Genesis 6:1-7  Cain’s descendants evolve into a violent culture steeped in prideful arrogance. (Lamech) (Gen 4:23,24)  Seth’s descendants evolve into a powerful race of beings whose contact with YAH is exemplified by Enoch’s relationship with YAH and its result upon him. (He was no more because YAH took him) He simply walked off into eternity with YAH. However, the culture has reached its peak at this point and begins to diminish in strength from this point on. WHY?
  • 10. A Collision of Cultures It Happened When Men Began To Multiply Gen. 6:1 The subversion of one culture by another. 1. Daughters were born unto men. (Cain’s Lineage) 2. In time, the sons of YAH noticed them. 3. They began to intermarry with them. 4. Man’s diseased culture infects the sons of YAH. 5. Crossbreeding produces powerful, violent giants. 6. Evil became the focus, essence, and the end product of a totally corrupted culture created by compromise. 7. YAH: “My Spirit will not strive forever with man ”
  • 11. What was “Strive” all About? The whole Antediluvian period was 1656 years long, and YAH strove to build a Set-Apart (Holy) Culture by responding to the invocation of his name by the sons of Adam through Seth until Noah. He deposited in them his power and they were imbued with wisdom and knowledge. We can only imagine what powers they were imbued with, but the Apostle calls them angels. (Jud. 1:6) Because He Is Also Flesh! (Gen. 6:3) But they corrupted themselves with the women of Cain’s culture because, in the end, they were also flesh and chose the works of the flesh over the power of the Spirit. This allowed the seed that had the serpent’s mentality to overpower the sons of YAH through lust of the flesh and become the predominant culture. The total corruption of the culture left only 8 people eligible to escape the coming judgment that was the flood. It was not a fluke! It was the serpent’s evil cunning in the minds of the seed of Cain at work! YAH allows us to see the end result of that mentality! Humanity without YAH would breed only destruction!
  • 12. 1656 600 Flood 1651 777 1656 969 987 365 1422 962 1290 895 1235 910 1140 905 1042 912 930 500---------> 3 Sons 182---------->Noah 187---------->Lamech 65----------->Methusalem 162--------->Enoch 65----------->Jared 70----------->Mahalaleel 90----------->Cainan 105--------->Enosh 130--------->Seth Adam LEGEND: From the years given to us in Scripture that the antediluvians lived, we can calculate the years of the era and the years in which the culture of the Sons of YAH rose and fell; leaving only eight people to enter into the era of nations. Seth was born 130 years after Adam was created and lived 912 years. That gives us 1042 years since creation. Enosh was born 235 years after creation and lived 905 years. "Men began calling on the name" around the time of his birth. Cainan was born 325 years after creation, lived 910 years, and died in the year 1235 of that era. Mahalaleel was born 395 years after creation, lived 895 years, and died in the year 1290. Jared was born 460 years after creation, lived 962 years, and died in 1422. Enoch was born 622 years after creation, lived 365 years, and crossed over into the spirit realm without dying in the year 987. Methusalem was born 687 years after creation, lived 969 years, and died in the year of the flood; 1656. Lamech was born 874 years after creation, lived 777 years, and died in the years 1651. He was the end of an era. Noah was born 1056 years after creation, lived 600 years before the flood, and carried the seed of the sons of YAH into the new era. The entire era lasted 1656 years.
  • 13. But Noah Found (Was Given) Grace Who Is Noah? He’s Not Someone Chosen At Random  Noah’s name means “rest” (Gen 5:29)  Noah: great-great grandson of Enoch. (Gen. 5:18-29)  He was born 600 years before the Flood.  He was commissioned by YAH to build the ark at 500 years of age.  His father Lamech died at *777 years of age; 5 years before the flood. His death signaled the *end of an age!  His grandfather Methuselah died the year of the flood at 969 years of age.  He lived 350 Years after the flood!
  • 14. Noah After The Flood 1.Noah is 1 of 8 people who survived the flood. 2.He has a wife, three sons, and their wives. 3.Shem, Ham, and Japheth are Noah’s sons. 4.An incident occurs that tells us something about the future of the lineage. (Gen 9:20-27) 5.Gen 9:26 He also said, "Blessed be YAH, the Alahym of Shem; and let Canaan be his servant. 6.Gen 9:27 May YAH enlarge Japheth, and let him dwell in the tents of Shem, and let Canaan be his servant." Notice how conspicuously Ham is left out? There is a very good reason why.
  • 15. Sons of YAH Noah Ham Japheth Shem Abraham
  • 16. Key Persons: Abraham 1. Gen 12:2 and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and be thou a blessing; Gen 12:3 and I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. 2. Gen 13:16 And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then may thy seed also be numbered. 3. Gen 17:4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. Gen 17:6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. Gen 17:7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a Mighty One unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
  • 17. Key Persons: Isaac Isaac is the child of promise that YAH promised Abraham. He became the link that made possible the propagation or “distribution” of the chosen seed into the next generation. Isaac had two sons: Esau & Jacob. YAH’s choice was Jacob even before the children were born. Gen 25:23-34
  • 18. Key Persons: Jacob  Named Yasar’al (Israel) = “He will Rule as Alahym” (Gen. 32:28)  Adopts and Blesses the Sons of Joseph: (Gen 48:5)  Bequeaths the Blessing of the Firstborn and the Name of Yasar’al to Ephraim (Gen. 48:12-20)  Gives each of the Twelve Tribes of Israel a Blessing. (Gen 49: 1-33)  Appointed Judah as the Caretaker of the Scepter (Authority) of YAH until Messiah came. (Gen. 49:10) This is the inheritance Messiah spoke of in Mat. 21:38.
  • 19. FROM ABRAHAM TO THE 12 TRIBES < Chosen to bless all the families of the earth Abraham through his seed. “ Melchizedek… blessed him that had the promises.” (Heb 7:6) < Continuation of the Isaac seed or lineage by YAH’s promise <Continuation of the seed. Jacob Renamed Israel by YAH: Gen 32:28 12 Tribes of Israel < Twelve sons are born who will become the twelve tribes of Israel
  • 20. NAMES OF THE 12 TRIBES 1. Reuben 2. Simeon 3. Levi 4.*Judah 5. Issachar 6. Zebulun 7.**Joseph 8.*Benjamin 9. Dan 10. Naphtali 11.Gad 12. Asher *Judah & Benjamin would later be the two tribes that comprised the Southern Kingdom of Judah when YHUH divided Israel into Israel & Judah(1Ki 11:29-36) Judah was given care of the scepter (authority) until Shiloh (Messiah) came. (Gen 49:10) The nickname “Jew” comes from the name Judah. **Joseph was blessed by Jacob with fruitfulness in his seed. It was through Joseph’s lineage that YHUH kept his promise to Abraham. (Gen 15:5 & 17:6) In keeping with this, Jacob/Israel blesses the younger son of Joseph (Ephraim) with a blessing that declares him as “A Fullness of Gentiles or Multitude of Nations.” (Gen 48:19) That younger son’s name is Ephraim. It is a name by which all the ten tribes of the northern kingdom called Israel are also known. The name Ephraim means “double fruitfulness.” This is the seed of Abraham that has been made into a multitude of nations.
  • 21. HISTORY OF THE 12 TRIBES 1. Entered into Egypt with Jacob their father through Joseph who was Prime Minister of Egypt. The total number of people who entered was 70. (Gen 46:3,27) 2. Remained in Egypt 430 years and were enslaved by Egypt during that time. 3. Were delivered from Egypt by YAH through Moses.(600,000 men not counting women and children) 4. Given the Covenant of the Law at Mt. Sinai and wandered through the desert for forty years. 5. Entered into the Promised Land under Joshua’s leadership.
  • 22. IN THE PROMISED LAND  Israel was governed by YHUH through judges and prophets until the people asked for a king.  There were 3 kings in the kingdom of Israel during the time it was united over a period of 120 years. Each one reigned 40 years. (1065 BC – 945 BC) Saul, David, Solomon.  At the end of this time, YHUH divided the kingdom into two separate kingdoms: Israel & Judah (1K 11:1-37)
  • 23. A Kingdom Divided  King Solomon provoked YHUH by following after false gods and building houses for them in the land of Israel. (1K 11:1-10)  YHUH gave Judah one additional tribe to form a kingdom with in dividing the kingdom. (1K 11:11- 13)  Jeroboam is given ten tribes through prophecy. (1K 11:29-32)  The split comes after the coronation of Rehoboam; Solomon’s son. (1K 11:43-12:19)
  • 24. YHUH Confirms The Division  Jeroboam becomes king of the ten tribes whose rightful name was Israel. (1K 12:20)  Rehoboam decides to start a civil war to reunify the kingdom. (1K 12:21)  YHUH sends ShemaYah (Yah has heard) to confirm that this division is according to His will. (1K 12:22-24)  Israel & Judah begin their separate paths to accomplish their individual tasks by YAH’s appointment.
  • 25. The Appointed Tasks  Understanding the difference between the WHOLE house of Israel and Israel/Ephraim (the northern kingdom) is the key to understanding the tasks of both Israel & Judah.  Understanding the individual tasks of both Israel & Judah is the key to understanding YHVH’s plan for the WHOLE house of Israel.
  • 26. History of Israel (The Northern Kingdom)  Israel (Also Known as *Ephraim) became a separate kingdom from Judah c. 945 BCE  24 Kings ruled Israel between c.1065 BCE & c.722 BCE counting Saul, David, & Solomon.  IMPORTANT FACT: These people are not Jews! They are, however, as much Hebrew as the Jews. They are of the seed of Abraham.  The kingdom was dissolved by the Assyrians when they carried off all but the lowliest of the people of Israel to other lands within their empire. *See slide #18
  • 27. Character of Israel/Ephraim (1K 12:25-33)  Jeroboam, driven by insecurity, immediately separates Israel/Ephraim from its spiritual heritage.  He had golden calves made for Israel/Ephraim to worship. “These are the gods who brought you out of Egypt.” he told them.  He created an unauthorized priesthood and named “lowlifes” as priests in it.  He set a precedent in idolatry that brought Israel/Ephraim to judgment.  He was the beginning of the end for the kingdom of Israel/Ephraim of ancient times in the land of Israel.
  • 28. Israel/Ephraim’s Pedigree  Began as Jacob (One Man) whose name was changed by YHUH from Jacob to Israel. (Gen. 32:28)  A total of 70 people entered Egypt, but only one man was named Israel. (Gen 46:27)  That man bequeathed his name to the younger son of his son Joseph; whom he first adopted as his own along with his elder brother Manasseh. (Gen. 48:5)  That younger son’s name was Ephraim. He was blessed by his father Israel to become “a multitude of nations” or “fullness of Gentiles.” (Gen. 48:19)  Ephraim means “doubly fruitful.” He was chosen by YHUH to become the predominantly proliferate seed of Israel. (Gen 48:20)
  • 29. Facts That Must Be Considered 1. YHUH’s Word will not return void. (Isa. 55:11) A) It creates or causes to be. (Psa. 33:6) B) It sustains by its power. (Heb. 1:3) C) It is immutable. (Isa. 40:8) 2. YHUH promised to make Abraham the father of many nations. Kings would come from him! His seed would cover the earth like the dust. Graphic enough? (see slide #14) What part of IMMUTABLE did we not understand?
  • 30. Biological Truth I  Fathers carry the seed of the next generation for all generations. The lineage never changes.  The seed of man is inherent. All men, except Messiah, come from Adam.  Culture is the environment in which any people live at any given moment in time in any part of the world. Cultures differ by region and era.  Culture is external and cannot affect the seed, which is innate. That which is innate does not change and is never lost.  Abba has been cultivating a seed from the start!
  • 31. Biological Truth II *The blood supply of the mother and that of the unborn child never mix. *MODERN BIOLOGY SERIES HUMAN REPRODUCTION: OVULATION TO BIRTH Dr. 0. Roger Anderson: Professor of Natural Sciences, Columbia University, Teachers College; and Senior Research Scientist, Biological Oceanography, Columbia University. The proof of this is the fact that Yahusha the Lamb, was born of the direct bloodline of YAH. His blood had to be from a source different than that of Adam due to the contamination of sin in Adam’s bloodline. Act 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the congregation of YAH, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 1Pe 1:19 But with the precious blood of Messiah, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
  • 32. Biological Truth III Whatever manner of seed it is, it will always reproduce after its own kind. It is true of every living thing in all of creation. Man’s alteration or manipulation of certain species through genetic engineering does not change, annul, or abrogate this truth. This is just as true of the seed of Abraham. Conclusion: Once a Hebrew; always a Hebrew!
  • 33. Do The Math 1. What was YHUH’s purpose in supercharging Ephraim’s (doubly fruitful) seed? A) To equip it to absorb all other seeds. B) To Fulfill a Promise He made to Abraham! 2. What was His purpose in SOWING that seed among the nations beginning in Assyria? (Hos.1) (Jezreel means “YHUH has sown.”) (Hos. 1:1 - 14:9) A) To teach Israel the importance of faithfulness to YHUH. B) To show YHUH’s faithfulness in fulfilling his word to his people Israel.
  • 34. Do The Math II If one seed produces twice as much as all others: 1. How long until the exponential effect occurs? (5x5x5x5) 2. Will not this seed eventually absorb the other *two? 3. How long ago was the seed sown? Over 2700 years ago! How long before we start believing YHUH? “I will make your seed as the dust of the earth” “ Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered;” (Hos. 1:10) *Japheth & Ham (Note: Three sons of Noah repopulated the earth after the flood)
  • 35. Judah’s Assigned Task  To be a caretaker of YHUH’s Culture. (Mal. 2:4-9)  To be in a position of authority until Messiah’s coming. (Gen. 49:10)  To relinquish the authority that was Messiah’s inheritance at His coming. But they refused to do so. (Mat. 21:38)  YHUH allowed them to be blinded them through unbelief brought about by their adherence to a religion of men that made men their confidence. A remnant of them that will believe is also to be given sight at the end of the age. (Rom. 11:26)
  • 36. Israel/Ephraim’s Assigned Task  To be the “Double Portion” Seed.  To overtake and absorb the two other lineages.  To become a “Multitude of Nations” or “Fullness of Gentiles.”  To return from paganism to their true heritage.  To become the sign of the end of the age. SAY WHAT? Romans 11:25 “Until the fullness of the Gentiles come in”
  • 37. The Fullness of Gentiles  Also translated as “A Multitude of Nations”.  The Seed of Adam, Seth, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob through Joseph and Ephraim.  Sown first into Assyria that it might flourish among the nations and become the predominant seed.  Blinded to its true identity first by its penchant for paganism and then by its sojourn through diverse cultures and the religions created by those cultures.
  • 38. So Who Is Blinded In Reality? “blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.” (Rom. 11:25) IN PART?? But if the two houses were both Israel to begin with, that means that both are blinded in part. The Fullness of Gentiles (10 tribes) is mostly blinded to its true heritage and roots through the strong delusion created by Catholicism. The descendants of Judah and Benjamin (2 tribes) are blinded to their own Messiah through the religion of Judaism created by their forefathers in Babylon while in captivity for idolatry. A REMNANT from both houses shall return to YAH! (Isa. 10:22)
  • 39. What is it that the Fullness of Gentiles Will Come Into? (Rom. 11:25)  The knowledge of their true identity.  The knowledge of their Messiah’s true name which reveals His true identity.  The knowledge of their inheritance.  The knowledge of their true destiny.  The Unity of the Faith. (Ephesians 4:13) We cannot get there through Denominationalism
  • 40. Full Circle 1. Abraham’s seed of Shem’s lineage. (Blessed) 2. The other two lineages to be absorbed. 3. Abraham’s seed chosen to blanket the earth as dust. 4. Israel comes forth from Abraham. 5. Israel is divided into two kingdoms. 6. Israel’s supercharged seed (Ephraim) dispersed first. 7. Israel’s remaining kingdom (Judah) is made the caretaker of YHUH’s Word for ALL of Israel. 8. Messiah comes to gather ALL of Israel in Himself. “Reconciling the world unto himself” (2Cor. 5:19) 9. “And so ALL Israel shall be saved.” (Rom. 11:26)
  • 41. No Other Way  Both houses of Israel must come to Messiah for acceptance into the Covenant in His Blood!  Although YHUH used the seed of Abraham to confirm His faithfulness to both houses by having His Salvation come to the Jew first and then also to the Gentile, neither house has “preferred” status in any way.  It is in Messiah alone that ALL Israel is chosen!
  • 42. Heed the Warning!  “And in no other is there salvation” Acts 4:12  “This is the Covenant that I shall make with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah” (Jer. 31: 31-33) (Heb. 8:8)  “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father, but by me.” John 14:6  “There is none other name given to man…” YAHUSHA “YAH our Savior” HalaluYAH, He is our Redeemer!
  • 43. A Call To Return  JN 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the Sons of YAH, even to them that believe on his name:  JN 1:13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of YAH.  YAH is calling the seed of Abraham home! Are you one of us?
  • 44. Brethren, What Shall We Do? Acts 2:37  The answer is the same as it was 2000 years ago!  Act 2:38 Then Shimon Kefa (Peter) said unto them: “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Yahusha the Messiah for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Set-Apart Spirit.  Act 2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as YHUH our Alahym shall call.”
  • 45. The Call Has Gone Forth You must decide whether to believe or not! You alone are now responsible for your soul! I am free of your blood! You are not responsible to me! This is calling is from YAH! (Deut. 30:19) I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
  • 46. In The Valley Of Decision As you ponder what you have heard, I pray you will seek the guidance of the Spirit of truth. That Spirit is Messiah; and if you have received him, he will witness to the truth of all this. The message you have heard is nothing like the gospel you hear in mainstream religion. That is because this message relies entirely upon the WORD of YAUAH to present its message of salvation. If you need help implementing or further understanding what you have heard, please email:

Editor's Notes

  1. ( Exo. 3:15 ) ויאמר עוד אלהים אל־משׁה כה־תאמר אל־בני ישׂראל &lt; יהוה &gt; אלהי אבתיכם אלהי אברהם אלהי יצחק ואלהי יעקב שׁלחני אליכם זה־שׁמי לעלם וזה זכרי לדר דר׃