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OAuth, trim_users, and entities
        @raffi and @episod


June 9, 2010
Let’s do xAuth.


And the same application.

Consumer Key:
Consumer Secret:
Each value first needs to be escaped in your
                      POST body

Password “%&123!aZ+()456” becomes:

Login remains:

           (new lines added for readability)
Your POST body should look like..


        (new lines added for readability)
Crossing now over to the OAuth side

For this request, we’ll use the following request-specific variables:



Request URL:
Building our signature base string...

Most important to see that this..


                          Becomes that...
Build our HTTP Authentication header
                                 Our signing secret is

OAuth oauth_nonce="WLxsobj4rhS2xmCbaAeT4aAkRfx4vSHX4OnYpTE77hA",

              Note how it only contains OAuth parameters, not
                            x_auth parameters.
Now we’ve got the donuts all lined up...
Send the request
& take the access token from the response

OAuth & xAuth are better with a friend.

                  Need xAuth access?
      Send a detailed message to
OAuth Echo
OAuth Echo
‣   After “Basic Auth shutoff”, how do you use third party services?
    ‣   you may not have the user’s username / password
    ‣   the third party service couldn’t do anything with it anyway on the API
‣   OAuth Echo = delegation in identity verification
‣   Pass around information needed for an OAuth call to account/
    ‣   usernames and passwords are secure
    ‣   can only be used once
    ‣   must be used within a particular time window (i.e. it is self expiring)
OAuth Echo
‣   It’s really simple - to upload to TwitPic
    ‣   construct upload request to TwitPic (with the image)
    ‣   include X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization
        header - the OAuth Authorization header that TwitPic should
        send back to Twitter’s API
    ‣   include X-Auth-Service-Provider header and set it to
        the target Twitter API auth endpoint
OAuth Echo
‣   X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization

‣   include X-Auth-Service-Provider header and set it to
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    Don’t embed the entire <user> in the
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        ~60% reduction in bandwidth requirements
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    You’ll need to cache the user objects
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        may not pick up changes to user objects
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                                                           <geo_ cations>fa                  tile              ound             .com
                                                                   enabl                lse</ >false</pr _image_url /a/1275689

        ...but, they change infrequently(ish)
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    Available on all timeline calls to REST
                                                      </use              ors_e                              ount>

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    Use           to do the heavy lifting of parsing
                                                                                                               name>                        id>

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    String indexing points for easy extraction and
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    Available on REST timeline calls
                                                                      dinat                                             butor
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                                                              <enti butors/>
                                                                <urls entions/>

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                                                      >hot<     7" st
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                                                  htag>           >         53">
                                     </ent    htags
                                           ities      >
Questions?   Follow us at


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Twitter WWDC 2010 Meetup: OAuth Echo, xAuth, trim_users, and entities

  • 1. OAuth, trim_users, and entities @raffi and @episod TM June 9, 2010
  • 2. Let’s do xAuth. Username: tpFriendlyGiant Password: %&123!aZ+()456
  • 3. And the same application. Consumer Key: sGNxxnqgZRHUt6NunK3uw Consumer Secret: 5kEQypKe7lFHnufLtsocB1vAzO07xLFgp2Pc4sp2vk
  • 4. Each value first needs to be escaped in your POST body Password “%&123!aZ+()456” becomes: %25%26123%21aZ%2b%28%29456 Login remains: tpFriendlyGiant (new lines added for readability)
  • 5. Your POST body should look like.. x_auth_password=%25%26123%21aZ%2b %28%29456 &x_auth_mode=client_auth &x_auth_username=tpFriendlyGiant (new lines added for readability)
  • 6. Crossing now over to the OAuth side For this request, we’ll use the following request-specific variables: oauth_timestamp: 1276101652 oauth_nonce: WLxsobj4rhS2xmCbaAeT4aAkRfx4vSHX4OnYpTE77hA Request URL:
  • 7. Building our signature base string... POST& %2Faccess_token&oauth_consumer_key%3DsGNxxnqgZRHUt6NunK3uw %26oauth_nonce%3DWLxsobj4rhS2xmCbaAeT4aAkRfx4vSHX4OnYpTE77hA %26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp %3D1276101652%26oauth_version%3D1.0%26x_auth_mode %3Dclient_auth%26x_auth_password%3D%2525%2526123%2521aZ%252B %2528%2529456%26x_auth_username%3DtpFriendlyGiant
  • 8. Most important to see that this.. x_auth_password=%25%26123%21aZ%2b%28%29456 &x_auth_mode=client_auth &x_auth_username=tpFriendlyGiant Becomes that... %26x_auth_mode%3Dclient_auth%26x_auth_password%3D %2525%2526123%2521aZ%252B%2528%2529456%26x_auth_username %3DtpFriendlyGiant
  • 9. Build our HTTP Authentication header Our signing secret is “5kEQypKe7lFHnufLtsocB1vAzO07xLFgp2Pc4sp2vk&” OAuth oauth_nonce="WLxsobj4rhS2xmCbaAeT4aAkRfx4vSHX4OnYpTE77hA", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1276101652", oauth_consumer_key="sGNxxnqgZRHUt6NunK3uw", oauth_signature="yUDBrcMMm6ghqBEKCFKVoJPIacU%3D", oauth_version="1.0" Note how it only contains OAuth parameters, not x_auth parameters.
  • 10. Now we’ve got the donuts all lined up...
  • 11. Send the request & take the access token from the response oauth_token=153814517- LktOAPmBRsNWfJHY2DUE9PfFaEX2EYgCkIsAemA P&oauth_token_secret=WDNVjV9nKuqJftNE7O 5KozKxUvECSE234N6HX0gwgM&user_id=153814 517&screen_name=tpFriendlyGiant&x_auth_ expires=0
  • 12. OAuth & xAuth are better with a friend. Need xAuth access? Send a detailed message to
  • 14. OAuth Echo ‣ After “Basic Auth shutoff”, how do you use third party services? ‣ you may not have the user’s username / password ‣ the third party service couldn’t do anything with it anyway on the API ‣ OAuth Echo = delegation in identity verification ‣ Pass around information needed for an OAuth call to account/ verify_credentials ‣ usernames and passwords are secure ‣ can only be used once ‣ must be used within a particular time window (i.e. it is self expiring)
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. OAuth Echo ‣ It’s really simple - to upload to TwitPic ‣ construct upload request to TwitPic (with the image) ‣ include X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization header - the OAuth Authorization header that TwitPic should send back to Twitter’s API ‣ include X-Auth-Service-Provider header and set it to the target Twitter API auth endpoint
  • 18. OAuth Echo ‣ X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization ‣ include X-Auth-Service-Provider header and set it to verify_credentials.json
  • 20. trim_user=true <stat us> <crea te <id>1 d_at>Wed J 58 un 09 <text 03093452</ 21:21 :53 + >this id> 0000 <sour is my 2010< ce>we brain /crea <trun b</so on te ted_a cated urce> chnol t> <in_r >fals ogy h ep e</t ttp:/ <in_r ly_to_stat runcated> / /Lubk eply_ to_us us_id></in Qnk</ Don’t embed the entire <user> in the <favo er_id _repl text> ‣ rited ></in y_to_ <in_r >fals _repl ep e</f y_to_ status_id> <user ly_to_scre avorited> user_ id> > en_na <id>8 me></ 28 in_re ply_t <name 5392</id> <status> o_scr >raff een_n <scre i</na ame> en_na me> <loca me tion> >raffi</sc <desc Sa re the t ripti n Francisc en_name> ech l on> o, ead o Tinkering, California only have <user><id>...</id></user> f @t ‣ <pr wri </lo heads ofile_imag witterapi. ting, engi cation> hot-c asual e_url>http </descript neering, a <url> _ : i nd br http: normal.png //a1.twimg on> eakin g thi <prot //www </pro .com/ ngs a ected .meha file_ profi s <foll >fals image le_im owers e</pr m/</u _url> ages/ ~60% reduction in bandwidth requirements _c otec rl> 36404 <prof 1028/ ile_b ount>3211< ted> ‣ raffi <prof ackgr /foll - ound_ <prof ile_t ex color owers_coun ile_l t_color>33 >C0D t> <prof ink_c olor 3333< EED</profi il /pro le_b <prof e_sidebar_ >0084B4</p file_text_ ackground_ il fi ro co color You’ll need to cache the user objects <frie e_sidebar_ ll_color>D file_link_ lor> > ‣ <crea <favo nds_c ou borde r_ ted_a nt>457</fr color>C0DE profile_si t> ie DEEF6 </ ED urite Sun Aug 19 nds_count> </profile_ bar_fill_c color > de s_ sideb <utc_ offse count>48</ 4:24:06 +0 1 ar_bo olor> <time t> fa 00 rder_ _zone -28800</ut vourites_c 0 2007</cr color may not pick up changes to user objects >Paci c_off ount> eated > ‣ <prof fic T set> _at> theme ile s/the _backgroun ime (US &a m d m <prof e1/bg.png< _image_url p; Canada) ile_b /prof >http </tim ackgr <noti fi ound_ ile_backgr ://s.twimg e_zone> <geo_ cations>fa tile ound .com enabl lse</ >false</pr _image_url /a/1275689 ...but, they change infrequently(ish) <veri ed no of > 140/i ‣ fied> >true</geo tification ile_backgr mages <foll false _enab s> ound_ / owing </ver led> tile> <stat >t ifie uses_ rue</follo d> <lang co wi >en</ unt>2498</ ng> <cont la statu ribut ng> ses_c Available on all timeline calls to REST </use ors_e ount> ‣ r> nable <geo/ d>fal > se</c <coor ontri dinat butor es/> s_ena <plac bled> e/> <cont </sta ributors/> tus>
  • 21. > ed_at creat 010</ text> +0 000 2 Qnk</ 21:21 :53 /Lubk / un 09 ttp:/ <st atus> _at>Wed J d> l ogy h ed i echno < creat 3093452</ rain on t <statu 580 <id>1 his is my ce> b us_id > s> >t ur <text >web</so /truncate reply_to d> _stat <creat _id> ed_at> <source d>false< _id></in_ y_to_user cate tus repl > <id>15 We <trun ly_to_sta _id></in_ ep r <in_r ly_to_use /favorite n_reply_t d> o_s creen _name 803093 d Jun 09 2 <text> 45 1:21:5 ep < <in_r ted>false en_name>< /i LubkQn this i 2</id> 3 +000 ri <favo ly_to_scr e k</tex s my brain 0 2010 <in_r ep thing s as t> </crea > <user 285392</i me> d> on> aking <sourc on tec ted_at name> a</locati , and bre e>web< hnolog > <id>8 affi</na i</screen iforni _ affi- >r f <name _name>raf ncisco, C ing, engi al ne ering 64041 028/r <trunc /sourc y http en a it n> ima ges/3 ated>f e> ://t.c <scre on>San Fr ering, wr escriptio profile_ ti k /d m/ <in_re alse</ o/ <loca ption>Tin tterapi.< rl> ply_to trunca ri i a1 _u <desc ad of @tw l>http:// ile_image <in_re _statu ted> h le _ur e tec ile_image mal.png</ /</url> prof ply_to s_id>< th <favor _u /i <prof sual_nor ot-ca ww.m cted> eadsh >http://w se</prote llowers_c ofile_ba > ount> ckgro und_c olor> ited>f ser_id></i n_reply_to h <in_re alse</ n_repl _statu <url >fal </fo D</pr olor ply_to favori y_to_u s_id> ected ount>3211 lor>C0DEE le_text_c or> olor> <prot ers_c ow und_c o </pro fi ink_c o l ebar_ f ill_c _color> er <user> _scree ted> ser_id <foll e_backgro or>333333 profile_l file_sid ebar_bord n_name > il l </ <prof e_text_co or>0084B4 DDEEF6</p rofile_s ro id <id>82 ></in_ il l <prof e_link_co fill_colo r>C0DEED< r> / p at> 85392< reply_ <pro fil ideba r_ er_co lo </cre ated_ </user /id> to_scr ile_s ebar_bord iends_cou 0000 2007 <prof e_sid nt> > een_na ofil </fr 06 + t>457 19 14:24: es_count> <geo/> me> <pr un ages/ n ds_co un Aug rit zone> 689140/im <frie d_at>S favou time_ 5 <coord e >48</ offset> da)</ com/a/127 <cre at es_co unt utc_ mp; C ourit >-28800</ me (US &a tp:// url> ana img. inates <fav et i ht e_ tile> <place /> <utc _offs Pacific T mage_url> ound_imag kground_ one> _bac /> d_i ime_z backgroun rofile_ba </profile ckgr <contr </stat ibutors/> <t ile_ </p alse <prof e1/bg.png nd_tile>f cations> th them rou emes/ ile_backg false</no bled> tifi us> <prof cations> </geo_ena fi e <noti abled>tru verified> en / > <geo_ ed>false< following es_count> fi <veri ing>true< 498</stat / us bled> s_ena ow <foll es_count> 2 butor us e</c ontri <stat n</lang> bled>fals >e a <lang butors_en ri <cont r> </use > <geo/ nates/> di <coor > e/ <plac butors/> ri <cont us> < /stat
  • 23. <stat us> include_entities=true <crea te <id>1 d_at>Wed J 58030 <text 93452 un 09 21:2 >t </i 1:53 <sour his is my d> +0000 2010< ce>we <trun b</so brain on t /crea ted_a cated urce> echno t> <in_r >fals logy eply_ e</tr http: <in_r to unc //t.c eply_ _status_id ated> o/Lub kQnk< <favo to_us ></in /text rited er_id _repl > <in_r >fals ></in y_to_ eply_ e</fa _repl statu y_to_ <user > to_sc vo reen_ rited> user_ s_id> Use to do the heavy lifting of parsing name> id> ‣ <id>8 </in_ 28 reply <name 5392</id> _to_s creen >raff _name <scre i</na > en_na me> <loca me>ra ti ffi <desc on>San Fra </screen_n will extract URLs, #tags, @mentions of @t rip nc ame witte tion>Tinke isco, Cali > ‣ casua <prof l_nor rapi. < mage_ url>h ring, ile_i /descripti writing, on> forni a</lo c engin ation> eerin m <url> al.png</pr ttp: g, an http: //www ofile //a1.twimg d bre aking <prot .meha _image_url .com/prof thing get consistency in #tag parsing ected ile_i s as >fals m/</u > ‣ <foll e</pr mages the t owers otect rl> /3640 ech l <prof _coun ed> 41028 ead ile_b t>321 /raff <prof ackgr 1</fo i-hea il oun llowe dshot <prof e_text_col d_color>C0 rs_count> - il o DE <prof e_link_col r>333333</ ED</profil @mentions also have info about the user il o pr e <prof e_sidebar_ r>0084B4</ ofile_text _backgroun ‣ <frie <crea ile_s id fill_ c profi nds_c ebar_borde olor>DDEEF _link_colo > te ount> 457 r_col or> le 6</pr ofi _colo r r> d_col or> <favo d_at>Sun A </friends_ C0DEED</pr le_sidebar ur u co ofile _ <utc_ ites_count g 19 14:24 unt> _side fill_color URLs with expanded links offse bar_b t>-28 >48</ :06 + order > ‣ 800</ favourites 0000 2007< <time _colo _z <prof one>Pacifi utc_o ffset _count> /crea ted_a r> theme ile_b c Tim > t> 1/bg. ack e png</ ground_ima (US &amp; <prof profi ge_ur Canad il le l> a) <noti e_backgrou _backgroun http://s.t </time_zon String indexing points for easy extraction and fi n d_ w e <geo_ cations></ d_tile>fal image_url> > ‣ <veri <foll enabl ed notif fied> >true</geo cations> false </ver i _enab se</p rofil e_bac kgrou nd_ti 12756 89140 /imag es/th emes/ <stat owing ></fo ified led> le> substitution us llo > <lang es_count>2 wing> >e 498</ <cont n</lang> statu ses_c </use ribut ount> r> ors_e nable <geo/ d>fal > se</c <coor ontri Available on REST timeline calls dinat butor s_ena ‣ <plac es/> bled> e/> <cont ri <enti butors/> ties> <user _m <urls entions/> COMING SOON > ‣ <url end= <url> "50" start ht = expan <expa tp:// "31"> nded_ ded_u rl> url>h LubkQnk</u ttp:/ /www. rl> a link-ified version of the tweet text </url nytim > ‣ </url s> m/201 <hash 0/06/ 07/te </ent tags/> chnol ogy/0 </sta ities 7brai tus> > n.htm l</ ‣ availability on statuses/show
  • 24. <enti ties> <user _ment <user ions> _ment <id>8 ion e 19797 nd="1 <scre </id> 1" st en_na art=" me>ep 4"> <name isod< </use >Tayl /scre r_men or Si en_na </use tion> nglet me> r_men ary</ <urls tions name> Hey @episod, check out > > <url - itʼs #hot end=" 45" s <url> tart= http: "23"> <expa //dev nded_ .twit </url url/> ter.c </url > om</u s> rl> <hash tags> <hash tag e <text nd="5 >hot< 7" st </has /text art=" htag> > 53"> </has </ent htags ities > >
  • 25. Questions? Follow us at TM

Editor's Notes