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© 2018 Tripletwin 2
I. Trimiday approach..............................................................................................................3
II. Fast insights through “Ask Trimiday” .................................................................................6
• Convincing partners, peers, clients.................................................................................7
• Monitor and improve advertising effectiveness.............................................................7
• Monitor satisfaction........................................................................................................8
III. Provide inspiration on Trimiday......................................................................................9
• Advertising options.........................................................................................................9
• Message triggers...........................................................................................................10
• Technical specifications ................................................................................................13
IV. Trimiday package options.............................................................................................14
• Me2B is replacing B2C ..................................................................................................14
• Content marketing........................................................................................................14
• Voice of the customer...................................................................................................15
• Dialogue marketing.......................................................................................................15
• Advertising research .....................................................................................................15
• Consumer Advisory Board ............................................................................................16
• Ambassador marketing.................................................................................................16
• Other options: Co-creation panel, insights and more ..................................................16
V. Contact information .........................................................................................................17
© 2018 Tripletwin 3
I. Trimiday approach
Brands use Trimiday to reach and communicate with consumers. Trimiday facilitates targeted
communication with unrivaled focused attention in a hard-to-reach audience (18 to 34 years).
In exchange for attention and engagement consumers are rewarded with ad-free media. The
Trimiday platform has a broad range of options, detailed in this document. It includes options
to collect insights on consumer behavior and intentions (Chapter 2), different formats to
inspire and engage consumers with commercial content and games (Chapter 3).
The best approach is combining several options to create different touch-points across the
entire customer journey, all centered around your customers.
Pricing mentioned in this document is valid for contracts closed in 2018.
© 2018 Tripletwin 4
Different aspects within Trimiday:
1. Insights
Trimiday has a lot of declared information on its users, beyond what consumers
would typically share with each brand separately. You can get insights on their
profile, behavior and intentions. The aggregated data helps to make decisions
about your products and services.
2. Loyalty
You can easily reward your loyal customers on Trimiday. Currently you can reward
them with Trimiday coins that consumers use to purchase ad-free media. In the
future you will be able to reward them also with a brand-specific coin that can only
be used for purchases within your store.
You can reward (1) their attention for your commercial messages, (2) store/event
visits, (3) actual purchases, (4) feedback on NPS or Voice of the Customer surveys
and (5) recommendations or advice that they share with their peers. (6) You can
also create a contest or quiz to reward real fans.
3. Communicate and inspire
Trimiday has several message options described in chapter 3. You can use different
triggers to create a personalized experience that depends on the stage in the
customer journey.
Send them your latest news or promotions, invite them to special events or help
them to make the right choice from your product offering.
4. Co-create
The Trimiday community of early adopters and innovators is eager to help you.
Through surveys you can collect their feedback. You could also invite them to
events in your store and talk to them in person.
You will be able to reach a group of fans that provide advice about your next
product or service.
5. Grow
There are different ways to grow your community on Trimiday. You can invite
people within Trimiday or send emails to your current email list. You can ask them
to scan a QR-code within your shop, after a purchase or when you collect ‘Voice of
the customer’ feedback.
© 2018 Tripletwin 5
A recent example of a brand using several options is given below:
1. A retailer in Belgium started with a generic survey across the Belgian Trimiday
community to find out where consumers go for grocery shopping.
2. Secondly, through dialogue marketing the community learned about a new type of
shop targeted for daily grocery shopping in city centers.
3. Thirdly, the community was segmented. Only the Belgian students received a new
survey. We asked in which city their student home was located and some habits on
preparing meals.
4. A week later, the group of students received a video advertisement urging them to
try out the new shop in the city center. 12% clicked to find the locations.
5. Finally, a few weeks later we surveyed the Trimiday community again about their
preferred shop for groceries.
To allow you to use the different options in a flexible way we introduced a generic credit
system. After a purchase of credits, they can then be used in various ways. There is a setup
cost per ad-campaign or survey of 100.000 credits.
Credits Cost credits/euro
1.000.000 € 1.600 625
2.000.000 € 3.100 645
5.000.000 € 7.500 667
10.000.000 € 14.500 690
20.000.000 € 28.000 714
50.000.000 € 66.000 758
© 2018 Tripletwin 6
II. Fast insights through “Ask Trimiday”
Because Trimiday collects a lot of data on consumer behavior and intentions it is a valuable
tool for brands, marketing agencies, communities and researchers. Our platform “Ask
Trimiday” connects you with a sample of innovators from your target groups.
The Ask-Trimiday platform can be used in different ways. Most of the options given below
involve polling users on Trimiday with single questions or more elaborate surveys. The cost
depends on the total number of answers that you want to receive. You only pay when the
user has answered.
Option Credits Standard pricing
Premium pricing
Single question 300 € 0.5 € 0.3
Fully completed survey
with 5 questions
1.500 € 2.5 € 1.5
Typical target groups include students, gamers, gadget-lovers, foodies, sport fans, parents,
music lovers, technology innovators, runners, fashion lovers, … It is also possible to create
new target groups. Send us your proposal for new segmentation questions.
© 2018 Tripletwin 7
A few examples of actual use cases for the Trimiday platform.
• Convincing partners, peers, clients
Researchers can collect consumer insights on Trimiday and use those to convince their
peers, management or clients.
Frequently advertising agencies compete for contracts at big brands. Each of the agencies
prepare a pitch to convince the marketeers of the brand. Agencies can use Trimiday to
collect insights in consumer behavior, intentions, spot trends to improve their pitch.
• Monitor and improve advertising effectiveness
Before investing in a media campaign brands typically run pre-campaign research. On
Trimiday you can collect feedback from a few 100 people on the new material in the most
relevant target audience within 24 hours. It is also possible to compare the feedback on 2
or 3 versions of the media material (A/B testing).
Post-campaign research: Similarly, a short survey during or after the campaign (on
Trimiday or elsewhere) can check if the target audience noticed the advertisement and if
they can remember the key message.
Through the Trimiday games it is possible to check attribution. The Trimiday community
connects (logo-free) video ads to the right brand. Only correct answers are rewarded.
© 2018 Tripletwin 8
Within Trimiday we have already asked preferences on media consumption. This
information can be used to select the right media channel to reach the target audience.
You can easily connect (finger on the pulse) with a sample of your target audiences and
listen in to the purchase intentions.
• Monitor satisfaction
Voice of the customer: Customers can be polled after a recent visit to a store or after an
actual purchase. Approach:
1. Consumer visits the store or makes a purchase
2. Consumer scans the QR-code provided by the shop owner at checkout. The
Trimiday app has a built-in QR-code scanner
3. Within a few days, the consumer receives a survey about the recent purchase
4. After completing the survey, the user is rewarded.
On Trimiday it is easy to setup a continuous monitor of the Net promotor Score. Each
month a new sample of users provide their feedback on a brand or product.
© 2018 Tripletwin 9
III. Provide inspiration on Trimiday
Trimiday is used by thousands of consumers every day. You can easily reach innovators and
early adopters of various target audiences to inspire them with your new products or services.
Trimiday users are rewarded for the attention they provide to brands and products.
• Advertising options
On Trimiday it is super easy to reach specific target audiences, set the right timing, limit the
number of repeats for unique users. The platform includes options to check the attention and
has a time-out to ensure people are ‘paying attention’. You also collect feedback through ‘1-
5 stars scoring’ and relevance thumbs.
Thanks to the in-app experience every message gets full screen attention. You also only pay
for ‘completed views’. E.g. if a video advertisement of 20” is shown, you only pay when a user
has completely viewed the video. The minimum cost to reach consumers is listed below and
depends on the length of the attention span that is requested.
Seconds Credits Cost per completed
Standard pricing
(600 credits/euro)
Cost per completed view
premium pricing
(high volume)
(1000 credits/euro)
Up to 15 60 € 0.1 € 0.06
Up to 20 80 € 0.133 € 0.08
Up to 30 100 € 0.167 € 0.1
Up to 45 120 € 0.2 € 0.12
Up to 60 136 € 0.227 € 0.136
Up to 90 150 € 0.25 € 0.15
© 2018 Tripletwin 10
• Message triggers
Brands can use different triggers to display the commercial messages. When a user starts a
new inspiration session all the available, relevant messages are sorted according to the credit
amount, starting with the highest number. There are less than 20 spots in each session. You
can use the different triggers to deliver a personalized experience for the users.
No trigger
The message is available to everyone that uses Trimiday.
Profile trigger
The message is available to everyone that matches the profile specifics in the trigger.
E.g. it is possible to target people based on a broad range of declared profile
parameters like demographics, behaviors and intentions.
The users provide feedback after each message (relevant or not, scoring, click-through
or not). This feedback can be used to re-target the right audience in a following
© 2018 Tripletwin 11
The Trimiday app includes a QR/Barcode scanner feature. Stores can reward users
when they visit the store, make purchases. The scan function can be used to sign-up
for a specific community or for a contest.
Messages can be made available for those users that performed one or more scans.
Specific time
Within Trimiday it is possible to set the specific time of messages. For instance, a Pizza
shop can show 10% promotions only on their typical slow Tuesday evening. You can
set a specific date (Xmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, …), select specific days of the week,
select a specific time or a combination.
Drip function
The likelihood that someone will trust you enough to buy a product from you the first
time they “meet” you or your company online is very low. Enter: drip campaigns.
A drip campaign is a series of automated, pre-written messages that are made
available to people over time. The overall goal is to get someone to know, like, and
trust you enough to do business with you.
For instance, when a user signs-up for a new brand-community it is nice to explain the
benefits in a series of short ‘on-boarding’ messages. These messages are automatically
played in the right sequence, in Trimiday sessions spread over multiple days/weeks.
© 2018 Tripletwin 12
Lead nurturing
Lead nurturing is a principle from the customer journey where a user is guided from
being unaware of your product to an actual sale. Through segmentation, profile
questions and feedback you can detect in which stage each consumer is in the
customer journey and show the most appropriate message for that consumer.
Me2B product search
In a next Trimiday app release consumers will be able to enter specific search strings
for products that they are looking for. Brands can target consumers based on
keywords or sentences used in those search strings.
Advice question
Trimiday users help each other with advice on products and services. Trimiday users
can ask for advice within Trimiday and collect the feedback from their peers. Brands
can target consumers on specific keywords or sentences used in the ask-advice
© 2018 Tripletwin 13
• Technical specifications
Trimiday supports different media formats. The relevant specifications are listed below
Technical specs for logos
- File format: JPG/PNG
- Minimum height: 40 pixels
- Aspect ratio: horizontal – 2:1 to 4:1
Image specs when combined with text
- File format in case of image: JPG/PNG/GIF
- File format in case of video: MP4
- Minimum width: 500 pixels
- Aspect ratio: horizontal or square – 1:1 to 3:1
Full screen specs (forced horizontal or vertical options available)
- File format in case of image: JPG/PNG/GIF
- File format in case of video: MP4
- Minimum width: 500 pixels
- Aspect ratio: horizontal or vertical
Audio specs (radio commercial)
- File format: MP3
- 1 short paragraph
Specs for the “Call-to-action” button
- Short text
Timing specs
- Define active period (start date, end date)
- Frequency capping per person (maximum frequency is once a day)
- Set preferred times of the week (Week/weekend or specify the day)
- Maximum number of views
© 2018 Tripletwin 14
IV. Trimiday package options
Brands can use the advertising and research options described above for one-off campaigns.
They just buy credits and start the campaign, targeting generic communities or the entire
Trimiday audience. Credits purchased this way are valid for 6 months.
However, the package options provide more optimized results. The Trimiday packages
contain different advertising and research options and relevant consumer insights. Additional
credits purchased in the subscriptions remain valid for 18 months.
• Me2B is replacing B2C
Consumer centric brands enjoy increased loyalty and easily win new customers. But what
does it mean for brands to be consumer centric? New consumers have other expectations.
They are in control and they have their own terms and conditions.
Trimiday is the Me2B app for consumers. Trimiday is the one place new consumers turn to
when they need to get information from, or communicate with brands.
The package options below help brands to enhance customer centricity.
• Content marketing
Consumers want to stay up-to-date about news and promotions from their favorite brands.
Many brands therefore use email-based content marketing to remain top of mind with its
customers. The problem is that specifically the younger generation (18 to 34 years) is not
using email that frequently or has multiple email addresses to separate friends from
commercials. Fortunately, on Trimiday you can reach this younger fan-base right on their
smartphone, every time they open the Trimiday app.
Trimiday has several neat features like drip messaging and lead nurturing to ensure followers
get a personalized experience based on their feedback on previous messages and based on
their profile. Since you only pay when your message receives attention it is the cheapest way
to engage your customers.
© 2018 Tripletwin 15
The basic content marketing package includes multi-media messages, drip messaging, lead
nurturing flows, surveys and segmentation questions.
Dedicated website:
• Voice of the customer
These days, the majority of consumers look up reviews and ratings before they buy. After a
purchase, many consumers are typically willing to provide feedback, provided it can be done
easily, the feedback is used and they are somehow rewarded.
With the Trimiday “Voice-of-the-Customer” package you can collect feedback after a recent
visit to a store or after an actual purchase. Customers get the survey in the Trimiday app or
on a dedicated mobile website after scanning the QR-code or a code that is sent by email.
The standard “VoC” package contains a specific QR-code, a custom form-website and surveys
on Trimiday. The basic package includes 10.000 mobile surveys, personalized follow-up
messages, customer audience insights and rewards for the consumer.
Dedicated website:
If you combine it with the content marketing package, consumers can be invited to join the
weekly news for instance after they provided their feedback.
• Dialogue marketing
With Dialogue marketing you trigger engagement with a simple question, hidden in a
commercial message. On many online platforms, consumers ignore messages but on Trimiday
this works much better. Trigger a response using our Dialogue marketing package and learn
about the preferences of your (potential) customers.
Dedicated website:
• Advertising research
Consumer brands that use TV or radio ads for brand building can use Trimiday to improve the
effectiveness. Before investing in a media campaign brands typically run pre-campaign ad-
research. On Trimiday you can collect feedback from consumers on the new material in the
most relevant target audience within 24 hours. It is also possible to compare the feedback on
2 or 3 versions of the media material (A/B testing).
Post-campaign research is similar: A survey during or after the campaign (on Trimiday or
elsewhere) can check if the target audience noticed the advertisement and if they can
remember the key message. Through the Trimiday games it is possible to check attribution.
The Trimiday community connects (logo-free) video ads to the right brand. Only correct
answers are rewarded.
Dedicated website:
© 2018 Tripletwin 16
• Consumer Advisory Board
Many companies use advisory boards that meet twice per year or every quarter. The board
provides non-binding strategic advice to the management of a corporation and groups people
with different backgrounds. Each member is an expert on a specific domain (finance, logistics,
HR) and provides feedback and advice on that domain.
To ensure your company really is “consumer centric”, you should also add a board member
with expertise on consumer behavior, intentions. With Trimiday you can now simply add such
an expert on consumer centricity, based on the information and feedback from 100 of your
- A community/panel is created on Trimiday. You can invite customers or sign-up people
through Trimiday based on specific profile elements
- Several times per year you reach out to the panel. You can first provide information
on your plans and then ask for feedback through a number of surveys.
- As with typical advisory board members, the panel is rewarded for their time,
attention and feedback/advice. Through Trimiday the panel members can select their
preferred pay-out.
The standard consumer centric Me2B-advisor package includes 100 panel members that
‘meet’ 4 times per year. Each meeting consists of 7 proposals that panel members vote on
(/) and 3 surveys with deeper questions.
Dedicated website:
• Ambassador marketing
A popular package is the ‘fan and ambassador’ panel. Build your own group of loyal fans on
Trimiday. Provide them with the latest promotions and ask them to share it on their social
networks. Do not limit yourself to one expensive influencer, get a whole team!
Dedicated website:
• Other options: Co-creation panel, insights and more
Other options are a co-creation panel and reports with detailed insights from specific
audiences. Talk to us for custom pricing and custom packages.
© 2018 Tripletwin 17
V. Contact information
Contact Trimiday at
Tripletwin bvba
BE 0567.988.943
Brugsebaan 188A
8470 Gistel, Belgium

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Trimiday - Tools for customer-centric brands

  • 2. © 2018 Tripletwin 2 CONTENTS I. Trimiday approach..............................................................................................................3 II. Fast insights through “Ask Trimiday” .................................................................................6 • Convincing partners, peers, clients.................................................................................7 • Monitor and improve advertising effectiveness.............................................................7 • Monitor satisfaction........................................................................................................8 III. Provide inspiration on Trimiday......................................................................................9 • Advertising options.........................................................................................................9 • Message triggers...........................................................................................................10 • Technical specifications ................................................................................................13 IV. Trimiday package options.............................................................................................14 • Me2B is replacing B2C ..................................................................................................14 • Content marketing........................................................................................................14 • Voice of the customer...................................................................................................15 • Dialogue marketing.......................................................................................................15 • Advertising research .....................................................................................................15 • Consumer Advisory Board ............................................................................................16 • Ambassador marketing.................................................................................................16 • Other options: Co-creation panel, insights and more ..................................................16 V. Contact information .........................................................................................................17
  • 3. © 2018 Tripletwin 3 I. Trimiday approach Brands use Trimiday to reach and communicate with consumers. Trimiday facilitates targeted communication with unrivaled focused attention in a hard-to-reach audience (18 to 34 years). In exchange for attention and engagement consumers are rewarded with ad-free media. The Trimiday platform has a broad range of options, detailed in this document. It includes options to collect insights on consumer behavior and intentions (Chapter 2), different formats to inspire and engage consumers with commercial content and games (Chapter 3). The best approach is combining several options to create different touch-points across the entire customer journey, all centered around your customers. Pricing mentioned in this document is valid for contracts closed in 2018.
  • 4. © 2018 Tripletwin 4 Different aspects within Trimiday: 1. Insights Trimiday has a lot of declared information on its users, beyond what consumers would typically share with each brand separately. You can get insights on their profile, behavior and intentions. The aggregated data helps to make decisions about your products and services. 2. Loyalty You can easily reward your loyal customers on Trimiday. Currently you can reward them with Trimiday coins that consumers use to purchase ad-free media. In the future you will be able to reward them also with a brand-specific coin that can only be used for purchases within your store. You can reward (1) their attention for your commercial messages, (2) store/event visits, (3) actual purchases, (4) feedback on NPS or Voice of the Customer surveys and (5) recommendations or advice that they share with their peers. (6) You can also create a contest or quiz to reward real fans. 3. Communicate and inspire Trimiday has several message options described in chapter 3. You can use different triggers to create a personalized experience that depends on the stage in the customer journey. Send them your latest news or promotions, invite them to special events or help them to make the right choice from your product offering. 4. Co-create The Trimiday community of early adopters and innovators is eager to help you. Through surveys you can collect their feedback. You could also invite them to events in your store and talk to them in person. You will be able to reach a group of fans that provide advice about your next product or service. 5. Grow There are different ways to grow your community on Trimiday. You can invite people within Trimiday or send emails to your current email list. You can ask them to scan a QR-code within your shop, after a purchase or when you collect ‘Voice of the customer’ feedback.
  • 5. © 2018 Tripletwin 5 A recent example of a brand using several options is given below: 1. A retailer in Belgium started with a generic survey across the Belgian Trimiday community to find out where consumers go for grocery shopping. 2. Secondly, through dialogue marketing the community learned about a new type of shop targeted for daily grocery shopping in city centers. 3. Thirdly, the community was segmented. Only the Belgian students received a new survey. We asked in which city their student home was located and some habits on preparing meals. 4. A week later, the group of students received a video advertisement urging them to try out the new shop in the city center. 12% clicked to find the locations. 5. Finally, a few weeks later we surveyed the Trimiday community again about their preferred shop for groceries. To allow you to use the different options in a flexible way we introduced a generic credit system. After a purchase of credits, they can then be used in various ways. There is a setup cost per ad-campaign or survey of 100.000 credits. Credits Cost credits/euro 1.000.000 € 1.600 625 2.000.000 € 3.100 645 5.000.000 € 7.500 667 10.000.000 € 14.500 690 20.000.000 € 28.000 714 50.000.000 € 66.000 758
  • 6. © 2018 Tripletwin 6 II. Fast insights through “Ask Trimiday” Because Trimiday collects a lot of data on consumer behavior and intentions it is a valuable tool for brands, marketing agencies, communities and researchers. Our platform “Ask Trimiday” connects you with a sample of innovators from your target groups. The Ask-Trimiday platform can be used in different ways. Most of the options given below involve polling users on Trimiday with single questions or more elaborate surveys. The cost depends on the total number of answers that you want to receive. You only pay when the user has answered. Option Credits Standard pricing (600 credits/euro) Premium pricing (1000 credits/euro) Single question 300 € 0.5 € 0.3 Fully completed survey with 5 questions 1.500 € 2.5 € 1.5 Typical target groups include students, gamers, gadget-lovers, foodies, sport fans, parents, music lovers, technology innovators, runners, fashion lovers, … It is also possible to create new target groups. Send us your proposal for new segmentation questions.
  • 7. © 2018 Tripletwin 7 A few examples of actual use cases for the Trimiday platform. • Convincing partners, peers, clients Researchers can collect consumer insights on Trimiday and use those to convince their peers, management or clients. Frequently advertising agencies compete for contracts at big brands. Each of the agencies prepare a pitch to convince the marketeers of the brand. Agencies can use Trimiday to collect insights in consumer behavior, intentions, spot trends to improve their pitch. • Monitor and improve advertising effectiveness Before investing in a media campaign brands typically run pre-campaign research. On Trimiday you can collect feedback from a few 100 people on the new material in the most relevant target audience within 24 hours. It is also possible to compare the feedback on 2 or 3 versions of the media material (A/B testing). Post-campaign research: Similarly, a short survey during or after the campaign (on Trimiday or elsewhere) can check if the target audience noticed the advertisement and if they can remember the key message. Through the Trimiday games it is possible to check attribution. The Trimiday community connects (logo-free) video ads to the right brand. Only correct answers are rewarded.
  • 8. © 2018 Tripletwin 8 Within Trimiday we have already asked preferences on media consumption. This information can be used to select the right media channel to reach the target audience. You can easily connect (finger on the pulse) with a sample of your target audiences and listen in to the purchase intentions. • Monitor satisfaction Voice of the customer: Customers can be polled after a recent visit to a store or after an actual purchase. Approach: 1. Consumer visits the store or makes a purchase 2. Consumer scans the QR-code provided by the shop owner at checkout. The Trimiday app has a built-in QR-code scanner 3. Within a few days, the consumer receives a survey about the recent purchase 4. After completing the survey, the user is rewarded. On Trimiday it is easy to setup a continuous monitor of the Net promotor Score. Each month a new sample of users provide their feedback on a brand or product.
  • 9. © 2018 Tripletwin 9 III. Provide inspiration on Trimiday Trimiday is used by thousands of consumers every day. You can easily reach innovators and early adopters of various target audiences to inspire them with your new products or services. Trimiday users are rewarded for the attention they provide to brands and products. • Advertising options On Trimiday it is super easy to reach specific target audiences, set the right timing, limit the number of repeats for unique users. The platform includes options to check the attention and has a time-out to ensure people are ‘paying attention’. You also collect feedback through ‘1- 5 stars scoring’ and relevance thumbs. Thanks to the in-app experience every message gets full screen attention. You also only pay for ‘completed views’. E.g. if a video advertisement of 20” is shown, you only pay when a user has completely viewed the video. The minimum cost to reach consumers is listed below and depends on the length of the attention span that is requested. Seconds Credits Cost per completed view Standard pricing (600 credits/euro) Cost per completed view premium pricing (high volume) (1000 credits/euro) Up to 15 60 € 0.1 € 0.06 Up to 20 80 € 0.133 € 0.08 Up to 30 100 € 0.167 € 0.1 Up to 45 120 € 0.2 € 0.12 Up to 60 136 € 0.227 € 0.136 Up to 90 150 € 0.25 € 0.15
  • 10. © 2018 Tripletwin 10 • Message triggers Brands can use different triggers to display the commercial messages. When a user starts a new inspiration session all the available, relevant messages are sorted according to the credit amount, starting with the highest number. There are less than 20 spots in each session. You can use the different triggers to deliver a personalized experience for the users. No trigger The message is available to everyone that uses Trimiday. Profile trigger The message is available to everyone that matches the profile specifics in the trigger. E.g. it is possible to target people based on a broad range of declared profile parameters like demographics, behaviors and intentions. Retargeting The users provide feedback after each message (relevant or not, scoring, click-through or not). This feedback can be used to re-target the right audience in a following message.
  • 11. © 2018 Tripletwin 11 Scan The Trimiday app includes a QR/Barcode scanner feature. Stores can reward users when they visit the store, make purchases. The scan function can be used to sign-up for a specific community or for a contest. Messages can be made available for those users that performed one or more scans. Specific time Within Trimiday it is possible to set the specific time of messages. For instance, a Pizza shop can show 10% promotions only on their typical slow Tuesday evening. You can set a specific date (Xmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, …), select specific days of the week, select a specific time or a combination. Drip function The likelihood that someone will trust you enough to buy a product from you the first time they “meet” you or your company online is very low. Enter: drip campaigns. A drip campaign is a series of automated, pre-written messages that are made available to people over time. The overall goal is to get someone to know, like, and trust you enough to do business with you. For instance, when a user signs-up for a new brand-community it is nice to explain the benefits in a series of short ‘on-boarding’ messages. These messages are automatically played in the right sequence, in Trimiday sessions spread over multiple days/weeks.
  • 12. © 2018 Tripletwin 12 Lead nurturing Lead nurturing is a principle from the customer journey where a user is guided from being unaware of your product to an actual sale. Through segmentation, profile questions and feedback you can detect in which stage each consumer is in the customer journey and show the most appropriate message for that consumer. Me2B product search In a next Trimiday app release consumers will be able to enter specific search strings for products that they are looking for. Brands can target consumers based on keywords or sentences used in those search strings. Advice question Trimiday users help each other with advice on products and services. Trimiday users can ask for advice within Trimiday and collect the feedback from their peers. Brands can target consumers on specific keywords or sentences used in the ask-advice function.
  • 13. © 2018 Tripletwin 13 • Technical specifications Trimiday supports different media formats. The relevant specifications are listed below Technical specs for logos - File format: JPG/PNG - Minimum height: 40 pixels - Aspect ratio: horizontal – 2:1 to 4:1 Image specs when combined with text - File format in case of image: JPG/PNG/GIF - File format in case of video: MP4 - Minimum width: 500 pixels - Aspect ratio: horizontal or square – 1:1 to 3:1 Full screen specs (forced horizontal or vertical options available) - File format in case of image: JPG/PNG/GIF - File format in case of video: MP4 - Minimum width: 500 pixels - Aspect ratio: horizontal or vertical Audio specs (radio commercial) - File format: MP3 Text - 1 short paragraph Specs for the “Call-to-action” button - Short text - URL Timing specs - Define active period (start date, end date) - Frequency capping per person (maximum frequency is once a day) - Set preferred times of the week (Week/weekend or specify the day) - Maximum number of views
  • 14. © 2018 Tripletwin 14 IV. Trimiday package options Brands can use the advertising and research options described above for one-off campaigns. They just buy credits and start the campaign, targeting generic communities or the entire Trimiday audience. Credits purchased this way are valid for 6 months. However, the package options provide more optimized results. The Trimiday packages contain different advertising and research options and relevant consumer insights. Additional credits purchased in the subscriptions remain valid for 18 months. • Me2B is replacing B2C Consumer centric brands enjoy increased loyalty and easily win new customers. But what does it mean for brands to be consumer centric? New consumers have other expectations. They are in control and they have their own terms and conditions. Trimiday is the Me2B app for consumers. Trimiday is the one place new consumers turn to when they need to get information from, or communicate with brands. The package options below help brands to enhance customer centricity. • Content marketing Consumers want to stay up-to-date about news and promotions from their favorite brands. Many brands therefore use email-based content marketing to remain top of mind with its customers. The problem is that specifically the younger generation (18 to 34 years) is not using email that frequently or has multiple email addresses to separate friends from commercials. Fortunately, on Trimiday you can reach this younger fan-base right on their smartphone, every time they open the Trimiday app. Trimiday has several neat features like drip messaging and lead nurturing to ensure followers get a personalized experience based on their feedback on previous messages and based on their profile. Since you only pay when your message receives attention it is the cheapest way to engage your customers.
  • 15. © 2018 Tripletwin 15 The basic content marketing package includes multi-media messages, drip messaging, lead nurturing flows, surveys and segmentation questions. Dedicated website: • Voice of the customer These days, the majority of consumers look up reviews and ratings before they buy. After a purchase, many consumers are typically willing to provide feedback, provided it can be done easily, the feedback is used and they are somehow rewarded. With the Trimiday “Voice-of-the-Customer” package you can collect feedback after a recent visit to a store or after an actual purchase. Customers get the survey in the Trimiday app or on a dedicated mobile website after scanning the QR-code or a code that is sent by email. The standard “VoC” package contains a specific QR-code, a custom form-website and surveys on Trimiday. The basic package includes 10.000 mobile surveys, personalized follow-up messages, customer audience insights and rewards for the consumer. Dedicated website: If you combine it with the content marketing package, consumers can be invited to join the weekly news for instance after they provided their feedback. • Dialogue marketing With Dialogue marketing you trigger engagement with a simple question, hidden in a commercial message. On many online platforms, consumers ignore messages but on Trimiday this works much better. Trigger a response using our Dialogue marketing package and learn about the preferences of your (potential) customers. Dedicated website: • Advertising research Consumer brands that use TV or radio ads for brand building can use Trimiday to improve the effectiveness. Before investing in a media campaign brands typically run pre-campaign ad- research. On Trimiday you can collect feedback from consumers on the new material in the most relevant target audience within 24 hours. It is also possible to compare the feedback on 2 or 3 versions of the media material (A/B testing). Post-campaign research is similar: A survey during or after the campaign (on Trimiday or elsewhere) can check if the target audience noticed the advertisement and if they can remember the key message. Through the Trimiday games it is possible to check attribution. The Trimiday community connects (logo-free) video ads to the right brand. Only correct answers are rewarded. Dedicated website:
  • 16. © 2018 Tripletwin 16 • Consumer Advisory Board Many companies use advisory boards that meet twice per year or every quarter. The board provides non-binding strategic advice to the management of a corporation and groups people with different backgrounds. Each member is an expert on a specific domain (finance, logistics, HR) and provides feedback and advice on that domain. To ensure your company really is “consumer centric”, you should also add a board member with expertise on consumer behavior, intentions. With Trimiday you can now simply add such an expert on consumer centricity, based on the information and feedback from 100 of your customers. - A community/panel is created on Trimiday. You can invite customers or sign-up people through Trimiday based on specific profile elements - Several times per year you reach out to the panel. You can first provide information on your plans and then ask for feedback through a number of surveys. - As with typical advisory board members, the panel is rewarded for their time, attention and feedback/advice. Through Trimiday the panel members can select their preferred pay-out. The standard consumer centric Me2B-advisor package includes 100 panel members that ‘meet’ 4 times per year. Each meeting consists of 7 proposals that panel members vote on (/) and 3 surveys with deeper questions. Dedicated website: • Ambassador marketing A popular package is the ‘fan and ambassador’ panel. Build your own group of loyal fans on Trimiday. Provide them with the latest promotions and ask them to share it on their social networks. Do not limit yourself to one expensive influencer, get a whole team! Dedicated website: • Other options: Co-creation panel, insights and more Other options are a co-creation panel and reports with detailed insights from specific audiences. Talk to us for custom pricing and custom packages.
  • 17. © 2018 Tripletwin 17 V. Contact information Contact Trimiday at Tripletwin bvba BE 0567.988.943 Brugsebaan 188A 8470 Gistel, Belgium