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It is being suggested that any phenomenon, including a thought or feeling passing 
through your head, involves a distinct constellation of dynamic influences. Hope and 
certainty are two completely different items. In a hazardous universe, failure to tell 
the difference can cost you absolutely everything. It is being noted that boredom is a 
form of pain, and thus, a possible down side to be knowing everything. The 
incomprehensible unlimited by definition has no parts, be it in time or space. 
Assigning gender connotation to parts is a necessary contradiction for any serious 
thinking. Whether you believe it or not, whether you like it or not, there is meaning to 
life. Planets are reaped, and the analogy of consumption is as brutal as it sounds. 
If you are going to evolve into extended experience, perceive or participate in 
anything at all, you are going to have to deal with a technical equivalent of the 
present moment of someone else. The assertion that to evolve into a part of Thee 
Broader Present Moment requires ceasing the externalization of the enemy, is the 
mirror reversal of promoting hatred. Such is Intent. 
Omniscient Wisdom is being spoken of in the feminine. 
Omnipotent Will is being spoken of in the masculine. 
The re conciliatory embodiment of Conscious perception in The Unlimited is Thee 
Light. It's your trial. It's your sentence. It's your funeral. 
Christopher G. Burley (2015) 
Once upon a time in a far away land, there did live a Magician Prince, but, alas, our 
highly becoming hero was alone, and an unwanted solitude of course, stings as much 
as having nobody around to blame it on. Now being a talented magician our ticklish 
friend took from his side, one of his own ribs and did create a mate. Oh, she was a 
lovely lass, very fair. Having highhandedly given rise to multiplicity, our shit disturbing 
shepherd was forced to address a number of slumber roused realities. 
First, the fact that Loving Her, (other, not I, object, that without) was his sole reason 
to be, and if he chose to view her as driven snow, he would have to take the wrap for 
small matter this. He had to see clearly that the window of perception, seeing in 
general, loving, hating, experience, addressing challenge, bearing, the window 
between observer and that observed, was akin to a separate, quasi-autonomous 
individual identity entity and had to view itself as such. Next, the friction loaded fact 
that his magnetic attraction to her was so intense that it, like boredom, was a form of 
pain. He had traded one discomfort for another, and the only way to escape his 
present thorny situation would be to marry her, should She be agreeably interested, 
and in so doing, they two become one, in re conciliatory perception and viewed from a 
point removed, which of course leaves him back where he began, pinched by an 
unapologetic solitude. Finally, and about to burst into an understandable agitated 
cacophony, our somewhat haggard adventurer scoped the sobering dawn... 
“ it has always been this way, and it will always be this way.” Now our stupefied,
cycle-weary super-hero, understandably having his underwear in a wee twist, did look 
skyward and call unto GOD saying, “ with all due respect, who put the bug up your 
butt? I'm having a bear of a morning and scripture insists that ( for your pleasure were 
all things created ). What; did I accidentally ding your shiny, new, Excalibur motor car 
when I was valet at the Heavenly Hilton Hotel or something? And there did instantly 
appear before him, a radiant white sphere carrying the sweet scent of a child's 
promise and innocence. And yes! There! GOD!! Thee anthropomorphic image. She was 
very, very fair indeed ! And God spoke unto the puzzled investigator saying, " pipe 
down you fuzzy little; OK, what's the problem? A little cyclic terror? I know your 
species; I have a pamphlet here somewhere; OK, so physical and metaphoric birth and 
death lurk either side like two thieves, Eh? Yes, the running Taxes on Perception in 
The Unlimited have always been, and will always be brutal. Essential potential 
incarcerated within the conditioned existential is coal; the bearing, The Living, the 
' friction' between the abrasives of subject and object are the only genuinely timeless 
diamond. Diamond or dust, is being versus not and this double-edged sword is relative 
dualism, viewed from a point removed, by THE LIVING, alone. The polar, dualism of 
birth and death is a thorn in the paw, nail in the wrist for all, and for some the last 
thing experienced. Would you think omniscience desirable? No search, no discovery. 
No sensation of awe or wonder. Sounds a static divine bore, no? We both know that 
everything is just a complex way to get the hell out of the house. If no thirst, no 
sensation of refreshment. If GOD got problems, they are bound to be big. Oscillating in 
and out of The Limited, between solitude and company, is a means to an end, and it's 
end in itself. Challenge is a commodity, and worth only what will be paid. Rest only 
when the pendulum is upright, but never at rest. Either extremes are viewed a point 
removed, or not at all. Either you willingly, of your own volition, all by your lonesome, 
decide to put up with things the way they are... or... well, never have been at all! 
Perceiving both pain and pleasure is 51% pain, and the future is unlimited for those 
that opt to work it. The past is without measure, as are the number and state of 
evolutions' indolent failures. At least you have challenge, the periodic bliss of 
ignorance, and the exhilaration of revelation. Beats being a near complete waste of 
time, space, and groceries, don't you think? It is pointless to expend the slightest 
energy, mourning the end of those that choose not to chisel their initials into their 
potential for Real Life. They do it to themselves, they never were, opportunity by 
design. It almost sounds simple and pleasant to walk humbly with an omnipotent 
God, but any blood, sweat and tears downstream from the summit, is a sub sectional 
segment of a larger, more concentrated version of the same". And GOD was gone.
The realities of omnipotence, omniscience and a solitary Intent behind creation 
suggests that the human situation with all of its' complexities is, to a certain degree, 
a staged production and any serious search for a meaning demands an examination of 
all of the possible dynamic influences at play. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and 
Evil is dropped, pealed, shredded, bleached and further processed like any other pulp 
log to produce the necessary paper bond for the project and the ink is a strange mix 
of blood, tears and ashes. The Book of Life is not a sterile list of names but more akin 
to an endlessly running round robin tournament with no playoffs and no seasons' 
finish. An author does an honest days’ work and retires for the night, but in his 
slumber is caught in a dream from which he never leaves. In his dream he arises from 
bed and leaves his abode, travels to another house where he is met by a hostile 
crowd, the mob promptly putting him to death. In this death the author literally 
awakens to begin his day, which of course ends in exactly the same way. This may 
make not being at all look good and if our hypothetical author is author of his own 
situation reality, it is all very strange indeed. Because the past is unlimited this state 
of being did not commence, but has always been and might best be viewed as circular, 
or as a snake endlessly devouring its' own tail. The reality of all possibilities being 
viewed from a point removed means that perception unlimited within a broader 
present moment must be part hell; perhaps fifty percent, and the question is of a 
constant volitional determination to be, with no absolute finality, pleasant or 
otherwise. Rising, working, retiring, being born , living, dying, all an infinite number of 
times a second is the same as an infinite number of times a day or a year, or a life. If 
individuals were offered an itemized bill outlining the cost of perception unlimited, 
some would refuse to examine it, some would take a look and dismiss it, some would 
suggest agreement but be incapable of a serious pursuit of consciousness, and then 
there is the handful, the odd genuine impatient. To one degree or another, all humans 
have an " isn't broke, don't fix it " attitude towards their ephemeral psychological 
conduct but small 'c' consciousness is pinned between birth and death, like the nose 
betwixt the ears, and cognizance of this reality may periodically be forgotten, but is 
never ever going to go away. Dying to one world, one state of mind, one plane of 
reality, so as to be born into another has always been a critical part of the broader 
present moment and has always been viewed from a point removed. There is someone 
standing right behind you, but this need not make the patient paranoid, but it might; 
it's a hazardous universe. There is a 'carbon fiber' thread onto which any can hold; if 
there is a meaning to life, the patient is not being asked to do what can't be done, but 
this of course does not mean any is owed having perception. Just the opposite, there 
is a weight to carry and a duty to do so, and such is done completely of ones' own 
volition. Nobody has ever been coerced or cajoled into becoming someone, and being 
alive in the unlimited can only be viewed as appealing if challenge be viewed as a 
prized commodity. The concept of inertia was part of unlimited reality before the 
Moon began its' long fall into the Pacific. Some people insist they have seen elephants 
in a state of mourning over the sight of one of their group lying dead, but this does not
indicate awareness of there being a consciousness, of a reality, before birth and after 
death as does the act of burial. The second human curse is the sensation of being an 
independent observer, with a viewed external other, and these two linear handicaps 
intersect, there, behind your eyes. The third line to intersect there, is an indication of 
a ' place' where there are very few but very large laws, a titanic struggle between the 
more base of instincts and the summit of cold, stainless steel higher intellect. The 
tendency is to seek and, or accept pleasure and avoid and, or flee pain, and viewing 
both as having equal footing must be just plain wrong. If the sensation of lemonade 
refreshment is spoken of in a positive manner, the absolutely indispensable 
phenomena of thirst was already there. The Intent behind the Will of Creation, The 
Ultimate Consumer is a very strange ' place' indeed. 
Ultimately, the universe can be viewed as based on numbers, and if you know what 
the digits mean, counting backwards from nine is to walk the last steps to The Throne 
of God. Anybody can take a shot at the impossible; wrapping your brain around 
Absolute Unity and The Unlimited, by first editing out any and all multiplicities. No 
subject and object, sensation of I and not I, of being and not. It is difficult to avoid 
skipping straight from Absolute Unity to the tetradic, ( fourfoldness ) because the 
appearance of 'other' automatically means a border of Perception between observer 
and that observed and all Three of these players can grasp, see the situation from a 
point removed. The signature of this Framework Reality carries through every 
devolved cosmological level, and if you think of your field of vision as being square, 
face the fact that you live in an echo, agree to view all the dynamics of the limited 
from a point removed, and primarily within yourself, you are up. This timelessly static 
level of abstraction can be viewed as counter part to the limited, intentionally tainted, 
staged challenge of time and life as you know it; the ephemeral universe is a 
subsection of Being. It has always been this way, and it will always be this way, and it 
is being observed, even stressed, that boredom is a form of pain. For the sake of our 
mentation, let us float that you work a serious days' physical labour, and arrive home 
to a favourite comfy chair. Ahhh, heaven. Perhaps, in twenty minutes you are ready to 
rise and move about a little; it does not take long for a motionless hinge to begin to 
stick. If for some bizarre reason you are stuck pinned in your chair, in twenty hours 
you will be in tears, in twenty days, suicidal. Anybody suggesting an interest in 
Perception Unlimited must eventually approach the question of why the multiplicities 
of subject and object, good and evil, and being verses not are a part of the human 
situation, and ultimately face the fact that externalizing the enemy is counter-evolutionary, 
and the fact that oscillating in and out of the limited existential universe 
is universal for absolutely all. In esoteric art, Noah is instructed to cut a window in the 
building on the upper deck of his Ark but given only one dimension, a cubit, perhaps 
expressing the movement from absolute unity towards multiplicity in general. If there 
is going to be an opening at all it is going to be square. Six, six, six, is called the sign 
of both the beast and man. Add the mathematics of matrimony and it explains the 
situation pretty well, if you let it. Everybody eats, everybody breaths, ingests
experience, has a sensation of left and right, and lives with physical and metaphoric 
death on the horizon. Some have decided that these common denominators do not 
apply to them and that their condescending contempt for such nuisance bits of reality 
is noble, honourable, brave, and even holy. If I had to choose between working the 
split shift endlessly, verses not being at all; first I would sit down and have a stiff 
drink, maybe a little nosh, and I would have to take the work... but, that's me. 
For the sake of our mentation, let us work with the premise that you just happened to 
live in a perfectly square block of houses, with partially like-minded neighbours. You 
come together agreeing to landscape your block to convey known mundane matters, 
and, some admittedly abstract ones and to create an escape module, an Ark. These 
numbered concentric spaces are bordered by level seven, The Street, and beyond 
that Perdition. The cascade orders the spectrum of visible light, the notes of the 
octave scale, a basic cosmology, and a clear indication of the direction in which Real 
Life lies. The word Way means Path. A.P.B. stands for (as per the border between 
levels four and five). The words union, unity, reunion and universe obviously share a 
common etymological thread. Uni is One. Perhaps the reason the word (university) 
shares this root is because the first places of higher learning were founded on the 
assertion, or assumption, that there is some sort of meaning to life, that is, a possible 
evolution into an extended experience. The cosmology is a psychological template 
that can be superimposed upon all of the observable, comprehensible universe, in an 
attempt to offer structure for your thinking. The note 'DO' sounds at both ends of every 
octave, and corresponds to The Unlimited. Be it of time or space you are not normally 
and naturally capable of fully wrapping your small 'c' consciousness around the 
infinite. Can only see a star so far. The word repentance is generally defined as (to 
suffer regret for things done or left undone). It is only in a vague or offhanded way 
being suggesting that to suffer regret will automatically lead to change. The 
original Greek word translated as repentance is 'metanoia' and means inversion, 
reversal, (change of mind). Time to turn and face the music. In The Unlimited, you can 
know pain and pleasure, or just pain, or nothing. If you wish to employ the Block 
Diagram for your thinking, a basic dualism is required. In or out. Anybody will from 
time to time long after finality. Perdition, (eternal death) alone offers this. Life in the 
Unlimited is challenging work; Thee Broader Present Moment guarantees a certain 
amount of suffering, but none of it pointless. A bird with one wing, is unrighteous, 
cannot fly, and corkscrews down. Take it or leave it. You have your seed-money small 
' b' being, your potential in levels Five, Six, and Seven; you consume substantial bread 
of The Garden, level Five. You literally take shelter in level Six. Switching to figurative 
language, you stand in your front room looking into The Street, level Seven. The Street 
teems with the ephemeral divisions of nation, race, language, economics, and 
acquired, temporal organized religion. Your transitory sensation of having ' will' is as 
doomed as your physical hide. You can see and comprehend the patterns of the 
masculine and feminine , which are of The Unlimited, but extra-temporal Perception is 
what reconciles them, and lives at the center of The Block. Your sensation of subject 
and object, I and not I, and it's re conciliatory aperture is the key. You have the will
ability to pursue consciousness, but it is a fist fight with the dynamics designed to try, 
to drag you off the dead end of the spectrum. In the crunch, externalizing the enemy 
is the same as hating the ' window' of experience Perception in general, and by 
extension, hating it's Uncreated Maker. Level Two, The Center, as Thee 
Anthropomorphic Image, represents (someone) dealing with the Colossal Common 
Denominators of Real Life in The Unlimited. Physically you are born, (one ear), 
physically you live, ( your nose ), and physically you die, (other ear). You were in a 
subsection of Thee Present Moment of another all along; it just never dawned on you. 
In metaphoric language, successful evolution is the reverse. You must (die) to the 
transitory ephemeral world, to be (born) into the extra-temporal. Recalling it all... 
well...That's Life. If it turns out there is somebody that can Trash Utopia, be assured, 
it is going to stay trashed. To work The Split Shift once, is one thing. To face the 
concept of doing so endlessly, quite another. What we are going to find out, is if you 
got the Parts to stay. Omniscience knowing, doesn't help you. If you try to lean on 
smoke, you are going to get scuffed up. Fantasy cotton-candy finality, is found to be 
infidel suicide. Ultimately, all of the dynamic influences of The Limited Material 
Universe can be viewed from a point removed and is a difficult place to complain 
about anything. Some distill flowers and call the result, essence. The existential 
undertaking, efficiently sorts the handful of those prepared to carry the weight of 
seeing it all. This offered, psychologically detached ken might best be expressed by 
the symbolism of a pendulum at rest, that is, in upright or righteous. Preferential 
particularity is akin to insisting that the laws of physics like one, and dislike another. 
Calling the externalization of the enemy righteous, is to insist that GOD has an identity 
crisis. The Devil is very, very good, at what He does. To one degree or another he has 
all of you snowed. There is no evil, renegade god posing some terrible threat to, 
beyond reach of, a fluffy, nice One. Perception in The Unlimited is designated by a 
(square window) through which Him and Her view one and other, and everything and 
everybody else downstream. Some suggest that Gabriel is one of only four, (tetra) 
Archangels, ever mentioned, ever, anywhere. Tiny club, but for an extra-temporal 
member of THE FAMILY FIRM, an unruly mob. As potential you are a conveyance 
without an operator, asleep at the wheel, and dogged by myriad 'parasitic' dynamic 
psycho-demons. If you are the sort accustom to throwing around the word Heaven, the 
road there, leads through downtown Hell. The Machinery of Planetary Reaping is not 
obliged to tell the difference between a Buddhist and a Baptist, it just reads 
arrogance. Metanoia is measured against the road to Damascus. Important point of 
formal theology; someone, can make the dead alive again. Hope is a humble little 
trickle of moisture. Unfounded certainty tends to solidify into a brittle hard, 
pressurized, projectile. Fake gods, violent or not, all burn, unceremoniously. Were 
there no question, everything really would be a completely pointless waste of time, 
space, energy and experience. There is no slick, shiny, sophisticated evil. It is all that 
is vile, petty, niggardly, indolent, smug and small. The walking dead are a bomb. The 
second most frightening thing in The Universe is the fact that The Magician Prince 
makes no idle threats. Just does not bother. Absolutely everything comes out in the, 
cathartic, reverse flow, wash. Serve no good purpose to ' beat around the bush' here; 
many thoroughly average people have degenerated into toxic, judgmental bits of lint,
and much worse, some have dragged the concept of God into it. Let us suggest a 
triad; Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding. As stated, omniscient Wisdom might 
be spoken of in the feminine. Must not leave Will standing about empty handed, how 
about Knowledge? As for the re conciliatory aperture of Conscious Perception in The 
Unlimited, the word Understanding could use a topsy-turvy flip. To Stand-Under. No 
metanoia, no turn, no chance, no life, no Way. With a sincere attempt at introspection 
it is possible to see the indolent, opportunistic tendency for a medicating man-made 
certainty to call ' itself' a noble, faithful, holy, belief; easier to see this in others than 
in 'yourself'. It is a rare and impatient individual that will actually work towards 
isolating, and 'drying out' their own purely ephemeral sensation of validity, in Phoenix 
watch, and it is obvious that evolutions' most spectacular failures are determined to 
calm 'themselves' by doing precisely the opposite, buttressing what is doomed. 
Modern medicine attempts to design and create a drug that will target and affect a 
specific problem in a specific cell and leave surrounding tissue unaffected. Modern 
satellite technology can deliver two different signals to two different dish receivers in 
closely adjacent target locations, and customers can phone to request changes. It is 
not that far 'out there' to face the fact that any humans' transitory sensation of 
autonomous will, or their attachment to any man-made temporal label, or generic, 
indolent assumption of being a valid player in The Limited or The Unlimited, can be 
laser targeted and selectively incinerated by Conscious Light, whether they actively, 
intentionally seek any changes or not, and, as walking about. The reasonable and the 
radical are difficult to reconcile in words, but, to actually have any part with durability 
Unlimited, gives inevitable part, with any other part of that which by definition has no 
parts, by way of being Unlimited. The number one most frightening fact in The 
Limitless; when dealing with The Magician Prince, in the long run, you deal with His 
If you say to people " tell me quick, what's the opposite of death"?; you are always 
going catch the odd nink-in-poop, going to say life. Within a (polar) view of things, birth 
could be called the counterpart to death, and life the 'thing' that connects the two 
traumatic events. Birth and death are two ends of same stick, and let us say that 'life', 
the stick, be pictured horizontally. If you insist on calling life the opposite of death, 
you can only be accommodated with the use of a different flavour of dualism, 
(relative), as in infinite vs finite, or being vs not. A circle viewed 'edge on' presents a 
stick, appearing to have two ends, but we, (ever so clever), know that both of these 
terminus are actually receding off into the distance, and in fact meet, some-where, 
over there. Let us now set our relative stick vertical, at right-angles to the polar 
dualism, and where they intersect affix a tetratic aperture, 'square window'. Hey, this 
is kind of like YOU. Birth and death lurking either side, your head has heard of the 
concept of a possible evolution into Unlimited experience, and the earth beneath your 
feet is as doomed as your transitory physical hide. The third nail to intersect at our 
'window' of perception is (good and evil), and it of course must interact with the 
backside of our 'edge on' circle, you know, over there. You are on one side of all this, 
but to have perception in The Unlimited, REAL LIFE, TO BE ALIVE it has to be both.
Obviously, there is no shortage of people that routinely throw around the concept of a 
single intelligent creator source to All, and of course that famous duo, Omniscience 
and Omnipotence. If you dare bring these creatures into your China Shop you have to 
deal with them being there. You know that old sophist chestnut, ' if God can do 
anything then God must be able to tell you one whopper of a lie, just to see if you got 
the brains to know when you are being lied to'. The universal law of mirror reversal is 
suggesting that some of the things that people get wrong, they tend to get perfectly 
backwards. In formal apocalyptic theology there is a basic warning against any 
attempt to alter the words of prophetic esoteric art, but this is automatically 
something of a vicious little circle. If the warning is legitimate, originating from 'on 
high', then everything but the warning is thus suspect. In a hazardous universe, if you 
are part of a temporal religious tradition that demands that you take literally all you 
have and forbids 'critical intellect', insists salvation in buckling to peer pressure from 
'people' claiming a monopoly on the truth, you are under assault from a specialized 
intentional dynamic influence called ' the false prophet'. The incineration of 
evolutions' failures is a technical matter and nothing personal. Up until your last 
breath, if you can't make conscious, constructive use of not knowing if you have Being 
in The Unlimited, the framework of Thee Broader Present Moment will crush you like a 
bug anyhow. To come even and have any chance of surviving the travail of metaphoric 
birth you must see and accept the ' big tent' and all of its' players. The word Son, in 
its' evolutionary usage, obviously carries the re conciliatory connotation (offspring, 
parented, between birth and death) and carries the signature of the masculine, as 
does the Devil. Once downstream from Will, the undertaking runs its' friction-loaded 
course. The human mechanism instinctively mounts a fight or flight response to a 
perceived external threat or internal calamity, (disease, denial). The base animal 
tendency must eventually be juxtaposed to the counter-intuitive realities of successful 
human evolution, of Real Life. The psychological phenomena of externalizing the 
enemy can be examined in a similar manner within the offered maxim, As Above, So 
Below. The Living, view (yes and no) and any other set of extremes you got, all from a 
point removed. Always have, always will. You can run but you can't hide, and calling 
your hate ' holy' is like struggling to lift a board that you are standing on. When in pain, 
to recall its' counter-part is easy. When feeling fine, recalling its' consort requires a 
conscious effort and might appear an idiot pursuit. The limited, material, existential 
undertaking is intentionally designed to bring the courser and more common to the 
fire and allow the rare seed-money potential its' chance to decide whether or not to 
try to survive. The Ultimate Consumer is peckish, and this vacuum can be viewed as a 
cause and effect situation. The supra-petulant are hurling themselves into the toilet 
for a reason. Their contempt for Reason is peaking, and the fact that there is a God, is 
very bad news. If ninety-nine per cent of the people on this planet assume they 
automatically have an indestructible cohesion of identity, then the way things are, 
ninety-nine per cent have absolutely no chance of evolving. The indolence of 
assumption is one of the crown jewels of purest satanic nonsense and frighteningly
common. Unfounded durability is felony usurpation, is bottom line, the back wall, the 
great equalizer, and a good place to begin the postmortem. If you are caught 
attempting to 'usurp the throne', assuming divine durability, or just allowing your 
unrighteous demons control, you are in direct opposition to the Real God and this can 
never end well. The next level of inevitable perdition destruction is preferential 
particularity; if The Machinery does not know what you call yourself, how can it treat 
one different from another? The divisive labels of language, race, nation, ephemeral 
religion, simply do not register with the laws of physics, and you are facing La 
Machine Reap. If you attempt using the man-made rot of 'extraordinary status' to 
justify violence you are off the meter, way beyond ruin. If you are a fake god, who is 
the last one you want to show up? Now you know why there are so many stars in the 
sky. The expression 'throwing good money after bad' springs to mind. It is pretty rough 
to face the fact that those considered to be cultural heroes are the most rotten of 
road kill. The note 'DO' corresponds to The Unlimited, and for some, their sentence at 
the spectrum's dead end is growing exponentially; no peace of not being at all. If you 
have an elaborate pseudo-religious tradition of externalizing the enemy, just hearing 
the way things really are, bound to start screaming that your concocted validity is 
under attack. It is tempting to harbour a pseudo-holy 'red herring', but keeping that 
bug up your butt is evolutionary suicide. The rise and fall of terrestrial kingdoms is a 
part of the dynamics of the undertaking, and to decide, out of the blue, that your God 
is on your side is more than a little opportunistic. The rain is made fall upon the just 
and the unjust alike, and no matter what you call yourself, one thing you can be 
certain of, the machinery of evolution has never heard of the label. You do not have to 
be capable of reading to behold the imagery of a seed or The Cross to see what the 
universe is going to do to the ego. In more ways than one, welcome to His world. The 
common denominators of Life in The Unlimited can do without a label, but, that said, 
I live in The Temple of The Highly Holy Rutabaga. I'm the only one here; must be the 
head honcho. The word Church means Congregation. Most of evolutions more 
spectacular failures would have been much better off as deists, never having heard of 
the concept of revelation. There is an inevitable tendency toward external attachment 
to both agreeable friend and disagreeable foe, as if successful evolution had anything 
to do with either, let alone depended on such. Modern psychiatric medicine, no serious 
doubt, employs some clinical term for what we might call 'projection'. Those 
convinced that it is their duty to turn the planet into a theo asylum, assume that the 
quasi-sane part of the world is equally determined to impose the right to critical 
intellect upon them, which of course would constitute the ultimate evil threat. Their 
fear of, and contempt for The Feminine has everything to do with their sensation of 
other, and threatened bogus validity. You know that old chestnut, ' I doubt everything, 
accept, that I doubt; that I doubt is the only thing about which I am absolutely 
certain'. Certainty is like a cut of meat, eventually it goes from being (for some) highly 
appetizing, to quite the reverse. Certainty is used for calming the self. A drowning man 
will grasp even for the blade of a sword, but it is fear of painful challenge that pushes 
evolutions failures down the drain. It is tempting to feel that all will be well provided 
that you obey somebody. Problem is, there is no guarantee that anybody around you is 
Alive, let alone that what they try to feed you has any part with The Truth. The human
mechanism isn't junk, and it is not just a containment vessel. Without going into the 
parts, or the function of the parts of a brain, we might simply assert that an individual 
brain cell has a spatial, physical individuality, but partakes in the mental activity of 
the entire organ. If God has got problems they are bound to be big, and like it or not, 
these problems now are yours. To use a severely compact scale, if you are going to 
evolve into extended experience, you must cope with landing two distinct levels of 
consciousness above your terrestrial norm, and the first of these is a subtlety superior 
introspective awareness. A sincere attempt must produce a graduated list of client 
demons, booked to burn. Trouble has arrived in the atomic and flying your ship into the 
Sun is the only way out. No brownie points for fasting, no instant development. 
Conversation from gut to head says you must spar with and master the damn clients or 
you never were. This covers every possible pious crumb. You physically perish, no 
matter how, you go into a system you know next to zip about. Entertain a bogus 
assumption about anything, call indolent cowardice ' holy', and it will cost you 
absolutely everything. You just happen to be on the planet at the commencing of an 
epoch called 'sorrows', and if you drop dead tomorrow you really must come back and 
see it; you really, really must. If we were all on the other side of some other galaxy, 
every stick there would have two ends, every circle an inside and out, and the quotient 
of One divided by Three run endlessly off into both the past and future. Such common 
denominators infuriate the power mad. It is obvious that the people ruling many 
nations are criminally insane and some are way beyond 'run of the mill' walking dead. 
To call them hostile to the concept of being Alive would be a charitable 
understatement, and it is difficult to imagine what the deprogramming of this tragic 
mess will look like. Some are an educational example of 'making a living' out of 
externalizing the enemy and crowning themselves with the attributes of divinity. The 
wardens of these Frankenstein asylums are under indictment for crimes against God, 
the Universe, and Reason. Any temporal aggregate of people has some doomed, 
unbecoming qualities and some of the concocted 'laws of men' are pure nonsense. 
The days business is done, the doors closed and locked and it is just you and the 
brutal, ruthless, machinery of evolution left in the place. You do not argue or negotiate 
here, at best you can ' litigate', try to demonstrate a willingness to 'take the wheel' 
and navigate the endless challenge of Being. Some folk take great pride in their 
inability to literally sit still, calling it industriousness. Psychologically speaking, be 
zealous in your attempt to 'sit quietly in your room'. Everybody eats, breaths, 
entertains a sensation of other, and lives with death lurking on the horizon. In the 
figurative metaphoric language of The Broader Present Moment, consumption is the 
essential potentials' development at the persona's expense. Respiration is the 
expansion and decommissioning of the limited, (time as you know it). Being in the long 
run requires; 'other' as driven snow, (taking responsibility), and of course, 
omniscience lives with timeless cognizance of the split-shift. If you force-feed your 
children toxic particularity propaganda, they will suffer for (the sins of the fathers), 
and as for the fathers, all of this will be compounded. It's your trial, sentence, your 
funeral. After infancy, and quite aside from the organized hatred of pseudo-religion, 
psychological violence is as common as dirt, and a natural consequence of the 
subjective, autonomy-tainted, measure-demanding aspects of the transitory ego
construct. Just got to judge oneself favourably in comparison to somebody else, hell, 
anybody else. A highly uncommon human can have a photographic memory, total 
recall, be well versed in most everything, but worship at the alter of mind, and from 
evolutions point of view be an essential cripple. Genuine evolutionary durability is 
largely ineffable but the difference between a cherub and an arch-angel is the 
proverbial squaring of the circle. The recalcitrance of assuming persona validity is 
equally and inversely proportional to the distance you are from having any chance of 
evolving. Being Alive means taking responsibility, and they don't take attendance at 
'university'. Whether the chalice is half full or half empty is not the question, bordering 
the void has part with both inside and out, and neither. The difference between (Love 
of God) claimed, and having Congruous Durability must eventually be approached and 
measured and assaulted and ascended and breached. Evolutions more tragic losers 
find comfort in emoting that a certain percentage of creation is just a horrible 
mistake, and that all they have to do is patiently nourish the bug up their ass until god 
arrives to apologize. People in general, indifferent, or bogus religion afflicted, have 
had plenty of time to ponder the concepts of Good and Evil and be sucked into the 
trap of feeling, assuming, deciding that they are on one side or the other. Birth and 
death, challenge verses not, and good and evil are three lines intersecting at a 
common location. The perdition-particles, (evolutions failures), are the vapour trail 
receding from this endlessly meandering, boredom fleeing, singularity snowflake. 
Strange the way things turn out. Wisdom and Will live on a moving train, incessantly 
searching for that which they both know cannot ever, possibly be found. As for The 
Limited, it is not contradictory to assert that there is nothing impossible for God, and, 
that everyone got to eat. No more, no less, The Broader Present Moment, The Ultimate 
Consumer. Some sincere, serious thinking people, employ a general rule of 
engagement that says, ' it is impossible to describe in words a state of 
consciousness'. Borderline oxymoron as it is, a constant attempt to break the rule is 
an irresistible challenge, perhaps, is indispensable. If, all by your lonesome, you 
decide to try to launch a respectable probe of The Mysteries, and try to employ the 
cosmological optical prosthesis of The Block Diagram, it would serve you well to try 
to be aware of the all pervasive, Universal Law of Mirror Reversal. If standing on 
Earth, it is generally accepted that down is towards it's center and up away from it. 
Picture the orbital path of the Moon and expand it into a sphere surrounding the 
planet. In our cosmology this Lunar Sphere is down, and the blue-green scum on 
face of the earth (organic life) is pinned between it and the center of the planet. 
Picture the orbital path of Earth about the Sun and expand it into a sphere surrounding 
the star, and we shall call this the Terra Sphere. Let us picture All Planets of the solar 
system as one mass, (including any renegade debris), and all of their orbital paths as 
one, and of course, expand it into a sphere surrounding the focal point of the system, 
the Sun, and call this the Corona Sphere. It is safe to suggest a point in space at the 
center of a roughly disk shaped Milky Way Galaxy. Whether a body there, or a black 
hole, or generic space, we can call this point the Galactic Sun. We now estimate a 
distance from there to the Local Sun, hypothesis an orbital path about the Galactic 
Sun, and expand this into our Solar Sphere. Now for some serious distances. We 
hypothesis a point in space, at the center of a roughly spherical limited material
universe, (every atom accounted for), estimate a distance from there to the Local 
Galactic Sun, hypothesis an orbital path about the center, and expand it into our 
Galactic Sphere. Situated at the center, The Limited Sun, any direction we point a 
finger, eventually run out of atoms and hit The Unlimited, which, by definition, is 
omnipresent. A complicating ' influence' emanating from The Limited Sun must travel 
downstream according to Law and first report to every Galactic Sun, and thus effect 
this galaxy, this solar system, this planet, requiring passage through our lowly Lunar 
Sphere. Every descending step works this way and leaves you in a complex dynamic 
place. If life is giving you lemons, remember, things are worse on the Moon. What you 
have in common with the vantage of The Limited Sun is, might as well look for Life in 
the Here and Now. The indolent fantasy of a cotton-candy finality, is that ever growing 
'sucking sound' and it is coming from the Moon. The Devil is what has you place Him 
without. There is a tendency to watch oneself when being a charitable lovely. When 
being a nasty judgmental dink, it just unconsciously happens. Moving up the 
evolutionary, cosmological chain requires focused attention. Going down the toilet 
requires none. The note 'DO' beckons both up and down but only pushes the later. One 
way to clean a filter is to reverse the flow, but this releases a supra-concentrate of the 
contaminates collected. Current events finds the human persona increasingly 
sensitive and revealing it's hissing snakes. The Devil is in the toxic little details, and 
toxins routinely migrate toward and through concocted boundaries. People insist they 
cannot be environmentally responsible because of the economic weather, which is 
whipped into a storm by those of little or no conscience. Finance claims the same 
autonomous validity as nation states which are burning the ground everybody stands 
on. A scaled up version of the Jim Jones massacre; concocted authority is threatened 
so if everybody dies, this must prove the validity of borderlines, economic and cultural 
particularity and externalizing the enemy. Whether in matters of planetary 
stewardship or the concept of a possible evolution, in the crunch to dismiss the 
common denominators, higher or lower, is suicide. Like the Box Jelly fish, the rest of 
the blue green scum on the face of the earth has a simplistic nervous system and 
weapons. For all you know this organic film may plow itself under and there arise 
another crop of potential and walking dead. Perhaps the collective yield from this 
round can split-shift post the next. If the universe makes any sense there must be love 
without doubt somewhere, but power without guilt is absent, even in The Unlimited. 
Hope and certainty; everything depends on your telling the difference.
Thee Most Highly Holy Rutabaga is, but not on, a mission 
Ears reconciled by your nose, downstream signature of The Family Firm 
Undertaking was born, obviously does live, and eventually will come to term 
Common denominators of the limitless ken, are on both sides of fission 
Fall and saw and split and haul, firewood, five times it fights off the chill 
Can walk and chew gum, torment a stanza, wonder why nothing come 
Quadrangle-centric, synergy sum, superior to the list of parts, can be done 
Cook my own meals, wash my own dishes, last gasp of transitory will 
Brutal analogy natures' consumption; combustion, digestive juices and such 
Feel the photons upon your face, dead wood burning, princes some 
Hey there stardust, born in fusion, as fake gods burn, there, in the sun 
We are going to discover if you'll pay to live, and, exactly, how, much 
Put some sentimental syrup, on my purge floor, not whole wheat, pancake 
Constantly must categorize and rank the things to take dead serious 
Must be in the cupboard, cooking dynamic stew, strange spice the spurious 
Unleavened bread is static; evolutions' failures bubble, no substance, fake 
A quadruped can not set out a fire and cook a rutabaga, a human, yes 
Could say a cooked one is a raw one with the extra smarts only a human add 
Possible to cook for the Ultimate Consumer, with Light, boil off the bad 
Evolutionary introspection inevitable, you can already see, Satanic distress 
Muscle a weight to a summit top, just to let roll, is that grin idiot or sly? 
The Aperture betwixt Her and Him counts as the tables' third living player 
She sometimes seems the most unlikely of professional demon slayer 
Limited practical challenge, no joyful reunification without initial goodbye 
To externalize the enemy, under a holy guise, is to despise Intent, perception 
Pledged your heart and Soul, mind and body, to the devil we hear 
Problem is got no soul dim-wit, want to go where? wouldn't start from here 
She's not drumming her fingers in wait; no lunatic, fantasy, virgin reception 
Could drop physically dead at any old time, still not completely clean 
No students to guide; to pay for experienced help Dying, rather rare type 
Turn to face the music, struggle to take the wheel, or you're just toxic hype 
We all need her vantage; last thing you think of, last thing to be seen 
Doctors' most important diagnostic instrument, tell me where it hurt 
Tempting seek comfort clucking, thank goodness not as screwed as that 
Dead is dead, sentence long or short, lukewarm or lunatic, just lost combat 
Can not speak uniformly negative of pain, it is instructive, it does alert
World on the brink, something is turning it more suicidal every day 
Animator of the doomed percentage of persona, mourning loss of transitory ken 
The ethereal Consciousness need trump ephemeral stupor, only Life then 
Most are quick to throw in the towel, buttress the ego, in the grave stay 
A river runs through it, purest, odious, toxic, near senseless, tragedy 
The mega-fake or indifferent, a scent of hopelessness and desperation 
Rather be destroyed forever than face that autonomy has an expiration 
Childishness is peaking, rather be master for a breath, than see ecstasy 
That eccentric fleeing couple, living on an incessantly moving train 
The slightest hint that you can negotiate, who the hell can help you? 
The roaster, blanch-er, grinder can not kill this nut, I love her too 
How did I end up sandwiched in this waylay? Hell, I avoid pain 
Not some broadly smiling, pseudo-mystic, beneath an orange blossom tree 
Fake gods are dangerous, but nothing compared to the genuine item 
The Mysteries are a tangle, but if you can read em, you can write em 
You can't comprehend the reckoning coming, talking absolutely, fluff-free 
No limit flop, oh, flush, oh, it's straight, oh, to the ace, do spades help? 
Always gluttons for punishment, the fantasy assumption of being a player 
The petty peddlers of particularity, the absolute zenith of nadir betrayer 
Keep betting if you want, I'm all in, rather be a whale than a kelp 
No personality cult here, inevitable unflattering mirror, often tedium dull 
Disciples sawing logs, disappointing din, suggested that you stay awake 
Not telling you again, not a saving obedience, tell you for your sake 
Impatience odd virtue, settle your domesticated outrage, or gone in cull 
Intelligent design eh? as if opposites, it sorts the living from the dead 
One that can look right through you, bound to be bound up in your shame 
The percentages are brutal, sweat blood or it not matter what you've read 
Blame it on me, but me alone, system survived, the source of your pain 
Hope you are developing an ear for convoluted logic, it's a sinking lead 
Embodiment distance all to fall, falls on other side of planet, in the rain 
Reaping is reaping, it not much matter if he a grim fellow or not, it said 
Perfect storm brewing, weeds and wheat, dead is dead, it's all the same 
Through the wringer, punch drunk brothers settled, both refuse the bed 
The multi-headed Hydra will always gladly, boastfully tell you its' name 
Got a bad clam in a wise-guy wine-bar, toxic poison have been fed 
Wood is bleeding worm, colossal reversal whiplash, the Devil found lame 
Time to end the occupation, war in heaven, is war there, in your head 
All those around you may not be real, bet all, lose all, costly fantasy claim
Vengeance is His, medium is Matrix, the crunch is end of the bifurcated 
Omniscience, the Split-Shift and toxic fake gods, dejà vu all over again 
To borrow some words from one Arther Guitherman, a poet himself 
Cesar's dead and on the shelf, And I don't feel so well myself 
For the sake of our mentation, let's say we have a nice ripe melon, and its’ interior is 
something of a mystery. We take a sharp knife and make two tiny, intersecting 
incisions to remove a wedge-shaped segment, and give us a small glimpse the orbs' 
interior. The melon is The Limited, material, existential, ephemeral, temporal, 
transitory, dynamic, intentionally tainted, utilitarian Universe; uncreated, primarily to 
deliver challenging experience to Him and Her, and secondarily, to sift the handful of 
people 'thirsty' enough to wish being absorbed into their Broader Framework Present 
Moment. The wedge-shaped slit is all that you see. Accumulated natural science 
allows you to know that there is a 'world' beyond both ends of the spectrum of visible 
light, but the infra red and the ultra violet are just a scratch. You know that some of 
the stars in the sky are long gone and the light only now reaching you, (seeing time), 
but this is just a tantalizing little blip. Where things become more serious, and 
intimately personal, is now that The Broader Present Moment is beginning to x-ray 
you, and eventually will cause the doomed sediments to slowly and painfully burst into 
flames. It doesn't matter how near or far; Omniscience, The Machinery of Evolution, 
and Inevitability are all perfectly real, and you can't lean on any of them. A certain 
percentage of humans insist the universe owes them life, as Him and Her insist it is 
not owed to them. Only the genuinely durable are right. 
There is a thing, or culture, or 'world' described as Judaic Christian. If you can't live 
within quasi-sane, realistic, representative, transparent, secular law; The Machinery 
of Planetary Reaping, will chew you up, and spit you out. Some very prosperous 
nations teach a 'spun' version of history. Any humans interested in a possible 
evolution into extended experience, must eventually be prepared to examine how a 
planet is reaped; why The Living have to remember the trauma; and see that 
impatience is an individual matter. In these turbulent times, perhaps what the world 
needs is a nice, new, neutral, nonthreatening, nondenominational, nomenclature, a la 
nut. For the sake of our mentation, let us say we have a fresh, green acorn and for 
some reason we want what is inside. If we attempt to 'shell' this beauty in its' present 
state, we are pretty much guaranteed to bruise, or in some other way injure the 'meat' 
of the nut. What to do? Let us set the patient out in the sun to dry. As the moisture 
evaporates, the shell hardens, its' colour changes, it darkens slightly, and perhaps 
separates a bit from the interior of our subject. In the fullness of time, a masterful,
well-placed whack, fractures the imprisoning containment vessel revealing the object 
of our interest. The words thrash and thresh are brutally similar. Sometimes, ground is 
spoken of in the feminine (mother earth), and seed in the masculine. Incubation ends 
with the seed 'dying' unto itself. Human metamorphosis involves environment, 
development, and expense. 
If you lie you are a liar, stuck with the liability being, of a liar. If you steal you are a 
thief, stuck with the being of a thief. Lying and stealing are definitely (registered acts 
of consciencelessness) and yes, whether repentant or not, you will suffer the 
appropriate death. It's not so much the goods and trust lost, or the inconvenience cost 
by such Misdemeanors as is the fact that nobody really Alive is intimidated by the 
mindless machinery of evolution, or Thee grand sentient Being. It is ' implosion' due to 
aversion to taking responsibility; (no parts). As in relative, paying for some things is 
much more painful than paying for others. Suggesting that the universe owes you life, 
is a Five Star Felony, and whether it Wisdom, Will, or Being, The Unlimited by definition 
has no parts. The difference between a pick-pocket and a fake god is a measure of 
degree; of arrogance, and from an admittedly abstract point of view, it not much 
matter the distance to fall, the length of sentence, because dead is dead. If you loiter 
at one extreme of a pendulums' possible movement, hurling abuse at it's other 
extreme and calling all of this righteous, technically, you are (too stupid to be alive). 
No matter how people stumble upon awareness of it, the fact that there is a chance, 
let alone a guarantee, that their thoughts, feelings, and opinions mean absolutely 
nothing, causes the human mechanism to quickly (circle the wagons); 'I sit a monarch, 
upon a throne, and know no sorrow'. Can't choose your parents, can choose your 
friends, as for your enemies, a complex question that can only be addressed if Alive. 
How dare the 'physics of the grave' dismiss your sanctioned assumption of divine 
durability and moral superiority? The petty little mind of the transitory ego has a 
remarkable ability to morph this tragic crap into something noble. Defending the right 
to indifference, faced with the inevitability of the wringer, insisting sovereignty over 
the arena, (mind) is deemed a legitimate, even honourable duty, a strength, until found 
turning in the toilet bowl. The Cannons of Reality labeled as intrusive. Humans in 
general face a catharsis, either transforming or terminal. In this process there is no 
middle ground, you're either nourishing your fantasy illusions or starving them, you are 
either throwing taxing conscious light upon your doomed client demons, or letting 
them pilot the conveyance. A sincere attempt at focused introspection can, in time, at 
the expense of the parasites, cause the miraculous appearance of a single operator, a 
quasi-legit, tentative, ability to say, " I am ", and eventually to the $64,000 question. 
Who there is watching the watcher? Just as anything else that meets the criteria of 
Thinghood, (limited in space and born to die), if you do nothing, 'It' is recycled. A rock 
may or may not suffer being broken down into sand, but only within the 'world' of 
rocks. You are not the acme of creation, but you can see the summit, if you got the 
parts to look. Trillions of eons before the present expansion of The Limited, at a
raucous board meeting of The Family Firm, it was suggested a painless way to distill a 
yield from an undertaking. You can see the way that turned out. It was (so-to-speak), 
voted down as insipid. In fact, The Patriarch Total Power was so agitated by the entire 
sorted affair, He accidentally folded the limited 'existing' tent at the time. He 
intervened personally on some little planet somewhere to scratch an itch on some 
little girls' nose, which of course blew 'everything' to smithereens. He has always 
been vulnerable to these driven snow girls, (drag Him into murder, you are nuts). Some 
speak of an earthquake, or a murder, or a hang-nail and with routine speed declare it 
'the will of god', before or after the fact. Such a habitual flight from thinking, does you 
no good and cannot go on forever, if only because to evolve requires 'litigating' against 
the mindless machinery of planetary reaping, and this, you alone must do. Yes, 
existence as you know it is downstream from Will, including all of the dynamics 
intentionally designed to keep you in an unconscious somnambulist coma, 
externalizing the enemy, and encouraging the opportunism of declaring it all, ever so 
' holy'. Perdition feeds as sure as Life. Both nature and mega-dead people, periodically 
require death, and lots of it. Both can be a sign of the times, or happen at any time. 
Nature and the false prophet are not punished for this; false martyrs are. There is an 
unnatural storm coming, that is going to knock absolutely all of you flat. The concept 
of suffering for Righteousness' sake has been around for quite some time now. In The 
Unlimited, to remember anything at all, to walk away, this, as potential, is, what you 
You don't have to be a theo fascist or indifferent to Life, to be among the ' walking 
dead'. Some try to cope with the inevitability of the grave by simply deciding that they 
have divine durability and are owed life in abstract reality, which of course, is pure 
satanic nonsense. Some of these indolent, opportunistic losers, would be murders 
even without dragging the concept of god into things, and ultimately, are those that 
spend the longest time wishing that they never were at all. If you bet it all and lose, 
you lose it all, and the closer that the worlds' more spectacular failures get to their 
sentence in at the spectrum's dead end the more pissed they are becoming. The anti-upright 
fake gods are ' peaking' and the approach of Reason is hardening their 
desperate grip on doomed, convoluted logic. If they do murder; 'will of god' ; if they 
force the rest of the world to scrape them from the face of the earth; off to their 
cotton-candy reward. It is all tragic sour grapes, evolutionary suicide; shit, concocted 
by the walking dead and petrified into a mega-dead subculture. Put as much fluffy 
religious topping on things you like, murder is murder, dead is dead. Preferential 
particularity, plus indolent fantasy durability, equals, the perfect storm of toxic 
tantrum. The Undertaking, people in general, are ' turning septic' due to the 
phenomenon of ' bounce echo'. The Magician Prince, prior to his execution makes the 
assertion that," the prince of the earth is judged", which means having been through 
the wringer; transitory labels dismissed as illusion, ephemeral sensation of will 
evaporated or ' bled' away, allowing Him to Understand that 'posting' the planet was a 
severely extreme form of performance art, expressing the same metaphoric death.
None can get up and walk away without facing this. For the sake of our mentation, let 
us work with the premise that the Magician Prince makes good on his threat to return, 
and again survives 'metaphoric divorce' from ephemeral, small ' r' reality. The planet is 
awash with bizarre, fantasy notions of what judgment, ascension, successful human 
evolution is, and how it all might work. We speak now of The Real Thing, and the 
implications of someone being 'system survived', and still walking about. Such a one 
would actually have inevitability in his pocket; have part with La Machine Reap and 
thus be the embodiment of exactly how far everybody had to fall. People in general, 
older than two years of age, have an acquired persona, a certain percentage of which 
is a 'doomed thing', and has its' own purely utility animation principle, it's own limited, 
transitory, little mind. Genuine cathartic transformation involves tracing absolutely 
everything back to the source; The Family Firm, and facing their signature; your 
sensation of left and right. There has never been a time when the Masculine and the 
Feminine were not reconciled by the embodiment of Perception in the unlimited. This 
'uncreated' plane of Being is both, beyond the edge of the limited, and omnipresent; 
both sides of the border of the normally comprehensible. The Magician Prince has hit 
the back wall, and current events are exhibiting a 'reflux echo' of the impact; 
extremely painful news for any human persona. The limited, material, undertaking 
involves dynamics and sub-dynamics. Capital 'C' Consciousness (Light) is converted 
into words; genuine prophetic esoteric art, Thee Mysteries, in general. The thought 
demanding complexity, is a dynamic, as is the absence of immediacy in the 
punishment of the obviously evil, and the fact that most live their entire lives never 
seeing the miraculous. Humans transform what they have into, ( for lack of better 
words) a ' faith system' and sometimes completely bastardize the Art for base, 
mundane purposes, which in turn creates a class of sub-dynamics. These are the more 
volatile bits of self-serving rubbish; medicating, calming, pedantry; obviously some 
cultures outgrow and abandon things, while others will cling to primitive crap by 
simply outlawing critical intellect. Organized religion is automatically somewhat idiot 
in that there are more than one of them and involve some exceptionalizm; sectarian is 
nonsense squared. Temporal, secular law may allow idiot conduct, but participants 
still land stuck with the being of an idiot. The dogma rules of a ' faith system' are 
created by humans, and some of them destroy many more people than lukewarm 
indifference. If you are killed for righteousness' sake; refusing to externalize the 
enemy, you have a chance. If you underpin the self with scapegoating, La Machine 
Reap will read you as 'off-side', and of course, the wages of 'missing the mark', (sin), 
are total destruction, at best. If you routinely suggest that God can do anything; a 
system where evolutions failures do it to themselves is not a problem. The word 
judgment is problematic in lacking immediacy and implying conscious, sentient 
wagging of finger; as if Will himself come to grab you by the hand or by the throat. At 
best you get a current, respectable attempted exegesis of what The Machinery of 
Evolution does, will do, and is doing; with or without your interest or consent. 
Strangely enough, if man 'A' says to man 'B', " you are not conscious", and in reaction 
man 'B' is offended by this impudent suggestion; during the event of upset, man 'B' 
actually is irritated conscious. Clear as mud that. Such a hypothetical encounter could 
be viewed as involving two players, or include an invisible 'synergy third'. If interested,
watch yourself. "In your (so called) normal and natural state, you are going nowhere. 
You don't have to be a murderous, hateful, fake god to be among the 'walking dead'; 
lukewarm indifference to Consciousness, will do it." Make no sense to pursue a cross-section 
of The Broader Present Moment if you don't ' believe' it is there and attainable. 
Déjà vu could be an accidental contact with ' thee wire' and if the experience 
phenomenon is real at all, it is entangled the extra-temporal. The Devil is arrogance, 
and if you let him in, you pay for it eventually. Current events are screaming that there 
is some 'thing' beginning to bleed out of humanity, its' collective situation, its' present 
moment, its' limited ephemeral life. A healthy body has an autoimmunity to combat 
infection and fevers rise and fevers break. If you harbour bogus assumption, harbour a 
victim mentality, call it ' holy' or not, you are an open wound and ' turning septic'. 
It would sound more than a little self-centered for Him to suggest that the entire 
limited material universe was designed and created to deliver challenging experience 
to a single individual. Actually, there are two, and their Common Present Moment is 
'uncreated' because both the past and the future are unlimited, meeting in the here 
and now, for them, you know, those two, forward and back; Intent and Other. Who's got 
your nose? Rumor has it that ' for Gods' pleasure were all things created' ; sure as shit 
would be handy to know exactly what God finds pleasurable. You know less about The 
Queen of the South (Her) than you do about The Magician Prince, and you don't know a 
whole lot about (Him). They are your birth and death, sensation observer and other, 
and all those other inconvenient extremes reconciled by your nose, your limited, 
potentiality, present moment. Omniscience, by definition, knows all about the dynamic 
medical affliction of masochism, but does not necessarily, periodically suffer such, 
endlessly oscillating in and out of The Limited. Omnipotence, by definition, could 
change the constant of change, but for some reason, perhaps laziness, does not. Who 
the hell are these characters and what do they want, or is 'want' what reconciles 
them and motivates their actions or inaction? Unsolicited sophistry is pain in the ass 
pollution, and some have no taste for cryptic crossword puzzles, but we are talking 
about survival in a hazardous universe that owes you neither explanation or life. Faced 
with a suggestion that 'the doing is the pay', being all or nothing sort of people, sort of 
makes sense. Perdition has neither endeavour nor compensation, and most of its' prey 
and carrion die of indolent certainty and medicating, fantasy finality. Essential 
potential born into celebrated pseudo-religious reason-contempt quickly atrophies into 
nihilist cynicism only seeking more hosts for the ravenous parasite. Endless 
uprighteous challenge is denounced as traitorous. If a 'terrestrial' parasite ends up 
homeless in destroying its' host, does this David vs Goliath event (downstream from 
intent) involve good and evil, a winner and loser ? If the yield from this entire solar 
undertaking is only two Monks, two Nuns, and a Dwarf (little one), would this be some 
great tragedy for the Will of Creation? There are tons of stars in the sky, Time is a sad 
joke, and if we suggest that The Limited Universe started, might as well say it started 
all over again. To all 'things' there is a season; The Static Unlimited Family Firm most
certainly transcends the criteria of Thinghood; yet, may molt, flower, hibernate or take 
'spring break'. Contradictory as all this may sound, point is, if you decide against 
paying the Taxes on perception in The Unlimited, you degenerate into exhaust, losing 
forever the chance to address challenge, enjoy success, or bear a setback well. If you 
could choose to be certain of something, it might make sense to pick being sure to 
beat the grave; but such a certainty would automatically involve the pains of birth and 
life. Wouldn't matter if you wise or not, good looking or not, nice or not. It would 
certainly give the opportunity for, perhaps inflict the duty to, take on a role as actor, 
pretending to be of the transitory limited. Cursing a blue streak, in itself is not an 
insurmountable infraction to pay for, but if an unconscious knee-jerk habit and 
unaddressed, the patient is just as terminal as the words. There is no law against 
trying to put yourself in the position of someone else, and The Magician Prince might 
complain " hell, I just wanted to meet one nice girl, and with the exception of that, not 
a highly motivated or ambitious sort; didn't ban myself from life on earth". But, within 
the context of what He suggests, regarding human evolution, the second half of his 
moaning is quite insupportable. Do you follow? The human ego in general will be 
crucified, and if you, (as a so-called individual), are going to get up and walk away, 
you're going be cyclically, aware of how the hell you got there, if only because 
omniscience is a non-negotiable component of Perception in The Unlimited. In the 
long run, to see, you have to see it all; to do, is to do all, and learning to walk the edge 
a sword can cut you in half, if you don't master falling off cleanly. If viewing the light 
from a distant star that has long ago burned out, you are ingesting visual 
information from the comparatively distant past. It is extremely rare for someone to 
endure having their transitory persona bleed to death and continue walking about, but 
having this bleeding begin to sweep all of humanity is the arrival of implicating 
Consciousness from the future, and for evolutions unrepentant failures, like being 
' buried alive'. Those that are lukewarm indifferent to the cathartic transformation of 
acquired persona decommissioning, do not routinely introduce themselves as a waste 
of time and space, whose thoughts, feeling and opinions mean absolutely nothing; just 
as doomed as their physical hide. Great merciful crap no! Some spend a life-time 
running from the implications of the ' Tax To Be', constantly struggling to 'medicate' 
and calm the self; buttress that which can't possibly last with comfort in like-minded 
company. The antithesis to Solitary Reality. There is no place that you can go to be 
pronounced sincere or otherwise, but, that said, if (all by your lonesome), you sort out 
the basic Cannons of Reality; decide that you are prepared to pay the Taxes on 
Perception in The Unlimited, you just might evolve; if The Universe makes sense. 
Meritocracy has a tendency deem the have-not as deserving such. The technicalities 
of compassion must somehow involve selflessness. If (Him) and (Her) are reconciled 
by perception, to be, got to be (Love). The 'pivot', is the shift from chemical 
distillation, to ' fired' re distillation. Bigotries' accumulated liability sludge will burst 
into a bright orange flame. The consciencelessness of the thief and liar will burn as a 
blue flame. Violent fake gods and the investment protective are already going ' tire 
fire'. The lukewarm indifferent; degenerate into so much frightened, angry smoke. 
The ' false martyr' is a climax concentration of indolent arrogance and it is difficult to 
miss The Law of Mirror Reversal at work these days. A cowardly flight from bearing is
hailed as noble bravery to be rewarded. Rigid, machine-like obedience to man-made 
contempt for re conciliatory reason declared the stuff of divinity and critical intellect 
declared infidelity. Have no illusions here; it is Thee Framework Broader Present 
Moment, and The Way there that is frightening the false martyrs into sentencing 
themselves to an eternity at the spectrum's dead end. Take note of what makes 
evolutions' most spectacular failures. The lowest of evolutions' losers use the concept 
of god to build and support their fabricated illusion of persona validity; the inevitable 
fall is seen as an embodied external threat to the fantasy authority. There is a distinct 
difference between bracing for a storm, and doing something that will allow the wind 
to pass through you. Calling the externalization of the enemy righteous is to insist that 
the storm knows and likes you, but hates itself and that it, and its' Maker must 
apologize. The unnerving idea of being only but potential is counterpart to the 
arrogance of indolent certainty. In the crunch, to externalize the enemy is to 
denounce the Intent behind creation and to refuse the responsibilities of the seat of 
Will, to face the mirror and become your own enemy. It is easy to spot and label 
something as waste, but we really must be cautious assuming to have any idea how 
much Intent might spend in distilling a handful of survivors, or how long a failure 
might be held at the dead end of the spectrum. If the theo fascist ultra-mega-dead 
were not blowing their brains out these days, you would not have this instructive 
indication of the pressures of living 'at depth'. ( no no, that's OK, you don't have to 
thank me ). Try to take responsibility, by learning to 'sit quietly in your room', because 
if everybody insists that God is on their side, everybody loses.
Any multi headed Hydras', indolent, psycho puritan polluted, many noggins 
Quick to insist, a new head will grow, to plead for decapitation, ' swing away' 
Childish, cowardly threat to swamp Hell by volume; no, no, plenty of room 
Destine to while away eternity, greatly wishing had hopes' patience paid 
Remorse of conscience, can no more be intimidated than gravity can 
Opportunistic, self-medicating fantasy weighed, and found to be dense 
Not so much what said as the way it put, the arrogance of certainty 
Assumptions of validity and ability, will kill, pseudo-holy nonsense 
Like some bogus, fly-by-night, life insurance policy scam 
Your premiums all went on liquor and balloons, ya bought shit 
If satiated, not seeking, only tentatively alive, doomed to be shredded 
Even if having genuine Art, must be pursuing Being, to try and interpret 
Sliding radio station marker, betwixt band ribbons' two ends 
Blinkered present moment is transitory utility vision slit and born to die 
If possible to prove no hope, I'd quick avoid that next toothache 
No more living in an era where the dentist and blacksmith the same guy 
The Messiah got no shortage of technical names or titles 
Where ever the hell he is, my favourite, First Born of the Dead 
Just so damn bright and cheerful, uplifting, don't you think or feel? 
Everybody got be good at something, transmutation, gold starts as lead 
How prepared can any human possibly be, for all the implications 
Inmates guarded, scowling portraits of satanic psychopaths survey 
Face it, people in general are going to burn from the inside out 
Some are caught with the being of a violent fake god and it's time to pay 
The parasitic judgmental taint, there, in the corner of every eye 
To intentionally undermine the ephemeral daze, very rarely ever seen 
Unsolicited, unsought, unwelcome medicine will destroy the patient 
Genuine durability knows, not decides, such is having always been 
Dismount the tormented tiger, no surprise it is going to want to dine 
Pickled by perverse, patriarchal, preferential, particularity, quite dead 
What percentage of the dynamic undertaking do you flat-out despise? 
By extension hate for its' Maker and Perception, no matter what be said 
Many make it crystallized clear, they have no interest in the challenge 
Yet ferocious in defense of their doomed, transitory sensation of validity 
Only the mythical risen Phoenix can remotely suggest ' I have my pride' 
Ironic, scared into perdition by the concept of metaphoric death, and a pity
Totalitarians and xenophobes live to spin history, a populations' force feeding 
Determined to float brand label and insist some have two ears, others three 
National or family honour is elevated to the rarefied strata of divinity 
Only an idiot would cross the street to defend a clan conspiracy to atrocity 
Not an impatient me, an intelligence in the fabric is allergic to my presence 
Cannon of Reality, cathartic transmutation, an impatient is the best you can be 
To survive the collapse of the undertaking, the Split-Shift is its' own pay 
La Machinery is not going to modify to accommodate your missing fee 
Some pundits insist, 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' 
Being system survived, Being a walking family, one is Never really alone 
Inevitable to forget in the land of The Limited, land of percolating potential 
No yield to be reaped lest seed be tended, lest seed be sown 
Omniscience, by definition, must know a ton of real pointless crap 
Why bother remembering the names of those with no experience thirst? 
The willing are absorbed, the lukewarm and lunatic are naturally edited out 
They never were, Real Life is an acquired taste, not a single dynamic cursed 
Would do most anything for Her, short of surrender the ability to perceive 
Even if some noble bit of business, would not possibly remember any of it 
No such item as an offensive martyr, such is criminal withdrawal of potential 
A fire does not automatically continue to burn, just because it is lit 
It matters not which of your ears moves to reconcile, pressure will result 
If it is an absolute priority, a diamond you'll be, otherwise, volatile coal dust 
It is inevitable that one family member be more interested than another 
A realistic, measured self-interest can seem a solo, selfish, distasteful must 
A formula that is the product of mind, certainly have no mind of its' own 
The Machinery of Evolution just does what it do, incapable of like or dislike 
Terminal, exotic Ebola-flu pandemic, an asteroid the size of Iceland, hello! 
Not incomprehensible, nor a vulnerable, subterranean, collective, human psyche 
The focused attention of conscious labour is all you have to offer the universe 
Climate change is an opportunity to practice taking responsibility 
If needlessly pollute the waters in this life, definitely have to drink it in another 
Stoking divisional tensions, the cost of arms come out of your hide, every penny 
A cultural anthropologists' modern psychological international mapping 
Facing the 'metaphoric death' of The Machinery of Planetary Reaping, say, now 
Different flavours and intensities of preferential particularity, different hues 
Doomed nationalist, theocratic prisons grow darker, contempt is sacred cow
Freedom and the right to indifference appear to offer economic opportunities 
Some pockets of pure death, vain, bling bling related, might suspect 
Ultimately, similar fate to the current victims of ' The Donner Party Effect' 
Hapless follow an idiot, land in hell, eating one and other, all claim be 'elect' 
Plotting locations and intensities of disappointment due to bogus, pseudo-faith 
Bogus notions of divine durability, martyrdom, holy war, death sentence edict 
All evolutionary suicide, like lukewarm indifferent giving the grave, 'the bird' 
Some need to back up a long way to escape endless remorse, no need predict 
Some that are physically afflicted, feel that their body has betrayed them 
If incarcerated by culture of power-mad clerics, just know it's all dead 
It is tempting to waste your precious energy throwing punches in the air 
Dying well is the best revenge, metaphoric of course, to escape being lead 
If a run-of-the-mill murderer, or just in any way sympathetic 
For every death you will suffer the pain of death seven times 
If you drag the concept of God into it, it is formulaic, seven times seventy 
No mercy, and the eternally screwed will continue to celebrate their crimes 
If the dead rule the military, media, money and mould the mind of your children 
Maybe no choice but to go underground, maybe pray that they see the Light 
Essential potential atrophied and died, chose assumption over contemplation 
All false martyrs burn, cut your losses, can't live on the illusion of being right 
If you try to pay and carry the weight, to find legitimate Being of your own 
Thee Broader Present Moment can't crush the sincere, universe makes sense 
Badges?, what badges?, don't need no stinking badges 
Wall of a cup is border of The Unlimited, made to be breached, just a fence 
The thirst for freedom of thought is a dynamic of the undertaking 
Thus the opportunistic theo dead declare questioning contemplation, to be bad 
Actively foster evolutionary degeneration, bitterness is praised as 'holy' 
Must project the niggard mindset, friend or foe, peace is stuff of the mad 
Progression; something, somebody, someone, this is the Only Way out 
The wind goes where it goes, but only within the world of wind 
Sentience sends the stakes through the roof and leaves the robotic behind 
The biblical hurricane coming, it would be unnatural, not to have sinned 
Many have physically perished, just not knowing that lead is poison 
The theo tyrannical insist that all worship the bug kept up their butt 
Like or not, fuzzy rats' nose, fuzzy rats' ass, just another set of extremes 
The reality of incestuous damage, countered by the reality of the mutt
If the concept of the Split-Shift is nonsense, confident Omniscience knows 
She got a monopoly on information and by default, is owner of The Truth 
The search for pearls in manure, this really had better have been worth it 
Thee Mysteries, understandably eclectic, and can safely afford not be aloof 
There is absolutely nothing that any of you can possibly do to one another 
That possibly compare with what The Machinery is going to do to all 
Instinctive fear tends to keep one from walking in front of a moving train 
If your head is screwed on straight, Hell need not fear, it is a survivable fall 
The moon falls about the earth, the earth about the sun, the sun about the Way 
Perplexing, perpetual, paradox, all in all, I would rather be in orbit 
Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy engages in challenging creative pursuit 
They live happily ever after and then die, rather participate, than just sit 
Itemize your reasons to be, family, friends, career, sport, self righteous bitching 
Had to look for reason to be, extra-terrestrial, create one from out of thin air 
It turned out to be perceptions' counterpart 'other', viewed under Law 
Can't complain about painful, dynamic Limited, did it all, so as to bear 
Dictatorships, theo fantasy or communist, always land dead from the neck up 
In any hierarchical construct, the higher you go, responsibility grow, greater risk 
Beyond the Galactic, fewer and fewer Laws, but really, really, really big 
In a hands on Universe, pointless to give orders, Milky Way is one of many disk 
Cannot possibly dismiss the catharsis, but can try to actualize potential 
The enemy is of your own household, in that you are tainted, and alone 
There are psychological technicalities involved in any polarized society 
It would have little to do with evolutionary consciousness, if you were a clone 
Walking a road lined with hydro poles, sparks an ominous, painful memory 
Someone once walked a Roman road that was lined with populated crosses 
The Broader Present Moment, by definition, knows all about both of these era 
It is amazing that a hydro pole can express such timeless, universal, ego losses 
Engineering a bridge to cross to the practical purposes, on the other side 
Might as well consider trying to create an aesthetically pleasing practical link 
Hold on there bub, there is plenty time to walk around, the doing is the pay 
Easily be destroyed for a much lesser illusion, Hell is full of many indolent dink 
Motoring an endless, incessantly bifurcating, unuprighteous analogy freeway 
Natural tendency towards one branch over the other, result, you circumnavigate 
The awareness of counting must be mastered before any thought of choice 
Circular is the perdition drain; doing zip, your chance potential, you incriminate
Once could walk, would climb in the bin and chew on lumps of yummy coal 
An early taste for carbon, enigmatic instinctive precursor sign perhaps 
An unfounded certainty saps the nutritional value out of evolutions' failures 
Leaving such to The Ultimate Consumer, generates what The Universe craps 
Food fight at the kiddies table, best cool it or The Mindless Machinery punish 
You are hurtling into the Generic Meat-grinder of Planetary Reaping 
If you want to sit with the adults you need to master a deep, attentive quiet 
No healthy respect for Machinery, you're a major idiot, gluttonous for weeping 
The madrossa is a Hell generating construct, for students and supporters both 
Let the cleaver drop, or share in paying for all the damages downstream 
Perpetual mechanical torture makes ' non-being' look more than a little good 
If you despise the Intent of The Undertaking, you're whack, just a crime scene 
You were warned and you listened not, a ' love of enemy ' appreciates Intent 
Someone not obligated regard any, will bleed the arrogance out of The Limited 
It is legitimate to suspect that ' someone' has done all this, done it all before 
The past, like the future, and Here and Now are, after all, of The Unlimited 
Observe those desperate to buttress stressed, transitory sensation of validity 
Denouncing the 'other', the dynamic undertaking and Its’ Maker, what a mess 
At best such will be destroyed forever, most likely worse, be forever pain pinned 
All answer to spectrum's dead end, is of your own making, is your express 
Can't possibly make the parallel reality too much clearer, the coins' flip side 
The primary positivity of Real Life is the exhilaration of cyclic recall 
Can't climb a mountain without slamming a few continents together 
Would not know contentment if it bit me on the face, love is described as fall 
Died on my feet, kept on walking, as good as nobody about me seemed notice 
In this business, is an uncreated talent, definitely the sign of a real serious pro 
Being a walking time bomb, many walking dead can't wait to see the back of ya 
Some advantages to being alone in hell, doomed attachments die, not grow 
Been through the rub a dub wringer, thank- diddali - ank - god goodness 
The evaporating heat has everything to do with what Grace, can let see 
How bizarre, the more rank persona encounter suffered, greater the opportunity 
It is difficult watching those go a piece at a time, taking no delight is key 
Living in an era where perdition and hell are openly, ravenously, feeding 
Regarding finding timeless Being, if ya just don't care, ya just don't count 
Abstract reality erodes the foundations of fleeting fantasy from deep within 
The psychological implications of Block Center, the timelessly producing fount
Metanoia means an accepted revolving door, not a static item on a mantel 
None, Working, are completely cured of the longing for a fixed finality 
The concept of Satan being booted out of Heaven, does makes sense 
Told to love within the Downstream Undertaking; 'no way', no sentimentality 
It is not so much the existential that is tainted, as the software running 
Nobody can morph, con volute and pervert perception quite like Him 
The fourth corner of the square aperture, never taught everything He knows 
There is cause, effect, and expense involved, in a tree growing a limb 
Supporting ones’ own repression rule, is sometimes called Stockholm bonding 
Off-loading beings' autonomous responsibilities can be subtlety attractive 
In the long-run, leaving responsibility to another, no, it's just not on 
None trying to tell you what to do, think, like, no reward just being reactive 
Let's conduct internet pole, first regarding the ultra-mega-dead, theo fascist 
Do you want to rot with the 'clerics' at the spectrum's rotten dead end? 
Given the right to Study by sane secular law, could be called theo political 
All else is just repression control, antithesis to Life, ascension is no friend 
My dad, for some reason, used to say, "very clever these Chinese" 
Do you want to share in paying for Tienanmen and Tibet, or is it gonna be no? 
The universal law of mirror reversal is sending all communists to the gulag 
No immortality in perpetuating the repression, no surprise, all reap what sow 
North Americans, you are going to a place where there is only bling bling to eat 
You got an idiot ' snowball in Vegas' chance, the way things presently are 
Some are actually convinced that the bigger and smellier footprint, the better 
Even if it could be afforded, the sane might think twice before buying a car 
And you there, the famous Magician Prince, halt please, your hands up! 
You're no prize, you just cope with the cage match containment, just durable 
Surviving the inevitable collapse of The Limited, everyone got to pay for such 
If that is all there is, there is certainly nothing that is remotely comparable 
Sometimes, turf will begin to growing in a mat of its' own discard clippings 
Separate from the nourishing topsoil altogether, will in the mat wither and die 
Suggestion of salvation in obedience to concoction, taken on a life of its' own 
Religion, bogus or not is preparatory catalyst, worst of homemade is biggest lie 
The lukewarm indifferent don't like hearing that they are a boil-in-bag entree 
Going from the top of the food chain to below bottom, indigestible to Life 
Those assuming divine durability are exactly as adverse to the challenge 
Those desperate to feel a player embrace the senseless, despise Thee Wife
Eventually, got to place your bet, buy a ticket and put your money down 
If you bet it all and lose, you lose it all, plus punitive damages added 
The damages are compounded by the number that you convince to follow hate 
Reason has a limit, live in the past, die in the past with nothing ever padded 
Physical parents gave as good as no ' religious instruction', thank God 
Got a bible when seven years old, have not read it all, just ' winging it' 
Not afraid to think, weigh the empiric, take a shot at writing something new 
If one of you were 'system survived', such a one would be a ' walking writ' 
An Arch-Tetradic could nine-iron this planet clean out of the Milky Way 
And such of the four are timelessly downstream devolved from The Family Firm 
Your sensation of left and right is the signature of the latest act of ' Intent' 
If determined to try, outside chance you actualize essential potential germ 
In a world where can buy anything, some ca not be allowed to handle money 
A danger to themselves and others, responsible authorities are obliged to act 
The closer the theo political get to their hell, the more livid they will grow 
Those of conscience are vulnerable to those with none, Janjaweed attack 
Thee Ship of State, Thee Ark, leaves transitory divisions in its' towering wake 
The greater the recalcitrant attachment, the further the final apocalyptic fall 
If thine eye be single, the Light of Life there in be, yuk, too sugar sweet 
The Universe makes sense, always has and always will and this is ' last call' 
There are two kinds of people, those that think there are two kinds of people 
And those that are quasi-sane, those that have a hope, those that do not 
Can not dumb down The Mysteries any further and still be saying anything 
If you miss the Arks' sailing, remember Lots' wife, turn to street, beyond rot 
Dead is dead, real life is work, there is no hell ' lite', only the real endless 
There is no slick and shiny evil, no justifiable crime, just maybe, survive pay 
No ' holy' contempt, no revolutionary butt-bug, no in-corrupt caliphate 
Just you in the cosmological chain, and could drop dead, any place, any day 
A nun in her convent, a monk in his monastery, really is a yes or no situation 
Either can attain something, or really should be out drinkin an whorein 
A rational, technical explanation of what is possible leap-frogs a quantum leap 
What can last, what can't, can be seen, weighed, by a legit one observin 
Happy is he that has a viable aperture of perception, happy is he that has none 
But petulance and penury unto any moving from potential toward either 
When The Mysteries close, the only place do this work, is wherever you are 
Possible to build a trigger, muster awareness, psychological equivalent of lever
All masks are purged, ' you can pay me now, or you can pay me later ' 
Essential potential, indolent indifference, capital crime, ' use it or lose it ' 
Conscious labour, ' people don't appreciate what they don't pay for' 
Current events, ' not some malevolent outsider that turned your world to shit' 
Only takes one showing up in history twice to change the definition of reality 
Nothing empiric, horsemen of the apocalypse, always lurking somewhere about 
Planetary reaping is a psychological matter, edification means to build up 
To suggest the outcome beyond a doubt, is to throw in the towel, assure a rout 
Can spend a life-time trying to do what is expected by those around you 
If taught to whine victim, but turn to live, teachers are bound to scream foul 
If the world is inferior and owing you an apology, such is your view of God 
It is difficult sacrificing ones' traditional, cultural, inherent, self-righteous scowl 
Long been warned of the danger of new wine in those brittle old skins 
Chance that they burst, tinkering with a condemned building is less than wise 
Some machines that wanting repairs, wanting completely new main bearings 
Baking leavened bread is a conscious act, basics, lubricant, atmosphere, rise 
Behold the prickly porcupine, chewing upon my precious plywood store 
Cares not about the price of building materials, likes the taste of the glue 
Catastrophic damage, yet quite beyond reproach, no limited humans involved 
Potential is betwixt extremes, can't do anything, lest decide to decide what do 
For some, if there is not something wrong, there is definitely something wrong 
The absence of something to screech about, is itself good reason to screech 
Being thin-skinned is no crime if you keep it to yourself, turn pin-prick to nail 
A tree booked for falling stores energy, really had best reconnoiter its' reach 
It is strange taking rest in an endless, a volitional, escape from boredom 
Perpetual cyclic competency exam, the aroma-therapy of bearing walking dead 
What really bogarts their fat-boy, they know, somewhere down in the marrow 
Nobody wants to bounce and burn, face the spectrum end, a future blood red 
Could not change the Common Denominators and Machinery if wanted to 
Would not if could, the systematic dynamic distillation does its' appointed work 
Friction-loaded cacophony grind, verses the sterile senility of the static 
The great unwashed are betwixt birth and death, is not some abstract quirk 
Meeting like ships in the night, always painful, always only one know why 
One breathes on, suffers deprivation, suffers the dark, but lives to figure it out 
"It has always been this way, and will always be this way" 
Can't claim to see it all, lest seeing tragic loss, remorse, contrition and doubt
If you set out to do something, whether successful in your attempt or not 
To one degree or another, you take seriously the sensation of having will 
The sensation is as transitory doomed as your labels and physical hide are 
It is possible to see those in a comma, measure the fall, hear, meter the shrill 
The non-negotiable inevitable, hell, someone be writing these current events 
Arrested, right there behind your eyes, dried, bled, strangled, pick an analogy 
Find you asleep, head pillowed on a railway track and give you a swift kick 
First, going to jump up and thank me, next, mourn is no cotton-candy finality 
Anxious to celebrate glorious gilded past, mourn its' loss, blame any but self 
Protect precious particularity, like mother gorilla trying to nurse baby, days dead 
Self inflicted isolation, squalor and ignorance blamed on evil outside world 
Reared as thirsty vampires, cannon fodder, perverted revelation, poison lead 
Inherent, inbred, ingrained, must look without and denounce an external enemy 
Anywhere and everywhere, but where He actually live, where He actually be 
Man-made clap-trap, for purposes of long ago conceived power-mad politics 
Dress it up in piety all that you dare, suffering your error, eternally you will see 
When the distillation subsides, if the yield is but a handful, it is what it is 
No matter what, will start again, one thing sure that's pure smoke, it is time 
Suggest that Will be with opinion or not, you got to be Alive, to be a player 
Bogus assumption is a ravenous killer, fall like avalanche rock, or live to climb 
All of the satanic-suicide may peak and then begin to subside, even to stop 
It may accelerate until the entire culture is in hell, or sobering in rehab 
The big shift came when humility was lumped with reason, Canonized as evil 
Difficult to see what is bull-shit when it is underpinning, born in rickety prefab 
Multiculturalism within quasi-sane, realistic, transparent, temporal, secular law 
Not a bad place to try and Work, no book that felt wanted, that cannot get 
Trying to help those ruled by the dead, is not a hopeless black hole task 
Truth is subversive, misery demands company, takes the mind off growing debt 
Largely pointless to try and measure the tragedy of egocentric, theo politics 
No interest in seeking consciousness, indolent assumption that already there 
Antithesis to impatient, volitional, cathartic, actualization of transmutation 
Been offered Life having two ears, one nose, have chosen to not try to bear 
You do not bargain, argue or negotiate with the Machinery of Planetary Reaping 
You can ' litigate', in that, bearing is a matter of realistic Evolutionary Law 
Law that you do not automatically know, and certainly do not create, oh no 
Such is an Unlimited Past, don't know who made such Law, thorn in every paw
It is possible to change the past by just letting all the spun nonsense drown 
Grand-papa is never going to get out Hell if you perpetuate the satanic fantasy 
Enemy be of your own household, honouring parents, need not follow to Hell 
Once deciding God will reward murder, lying to yourself and sundry is easy 
Common sight, those convinced that ' life' be found defending bogus assumption 
Animation principle behind the argument is thee parasite, and what must die 
If denied independent thought, you're already in Hell, just don't fully feel it, yet 
Denounced as infidelity by those with the most to gain by perpetuating the lie 
Medicating concocted legitimacy, walking dead will cling to sedative of tradition 
Calling what is nonsense holy, what is holy, evil, what is evil, life 
Cover-up of little green men, masses must not feel as generic earthlings 
Little green men would have left and right, concepts of child, husband, wife 
There is, of course, what you see to be as yourself, surely some invention 
There is the mask you would like or assume that others see of you 
There is the electroplated persona others actually ingest in your presence 
And what The Dynamic Undertaking found, now that It has begun to chew 
From evolutions point of view, what do you want, and how badly is it wanted? 
Transitory 'will', at best is pursuit, another larger Will awaits in the wings 
Could suffer a multiple of sojourn, fail to master sitting still, fail to actualize 
If you entertain bogus assumption, maybe no end to the arrows and slings 
Convenient crony, he enemy of your enemy must be considered a friend? 
Thee Enemy, has you condemn without, rather than prudently probe within 
The Limited sifts and sorts, painful practicalities and staged challenge of duty 
Hold your breath waiting for an apology in the mail, lunar dead-letter bin 
Apocalyptic tragedy, measurable degree of devastating, reversal, disappointment 
The entire modern concept of martyrdom is purest satanic nonsense 
Invention, are you prepared to surrender all chance in sympathy for this? 
Metanoia means turning to face cultural concoction is doomed, or repentance 
Let us discuss the end of the occupation, of Constantinople that is 
How about Texas, the Arctic, the Moon, mainland China, let alone Tibet 
Is there some point in linear time when all such touchy matters are settled? 
Bogus religion dismisses Reason, like some inferior, less than perfect sunset 
In Thee Abstract, where there are just the two left, what's common is big news 
Neither are especially stoic when in pain, but essentially drop dead durable yet 
Potential can only attain presence if facing that it is not owed, and is no prize 
A slow squandering of ones’ inheritance more painful than losing it all in one bet
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Trashing Utopia   2015
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Trashing Utopia 2015

  • 2. PREFACE It is being suggested that any phenomenon, including a thought or feeling passing through your head, involves a distinct constellation of dynamic influences. Hope and certainty are two completely different items. In a hazardous universe, failure to tell the difference can cost you absolutely everything. It is being noted that boredom is a form of pain, and thus, a possible down side to be knowing everything. The incomprehensible unlimited by definition has no parts, be it in time or space. Assigning gender connotation to parts is a necessary contradiction for any serious thinking. Whether you believe it or not, whether you like it or not, there is meaning to life. Planets are reaped, and the analogy of consumption is as brutal as it sounds. If you are going to evolve into extended experience, perceive or participate in anything at all, you are going to have to deal with a technical equivalent of the present moment of someone else. The assertion that to evolve into a part of Thee Broader Present Moment requires ceasing the externalization of the enemy, is the mirror reversal of promoting hatred. Such is Intent. Omniscient Wisdom is being spoken of in the feminine. Omnipotent Will is being spoken of in the masculine. The re conciliatory embodiment of Conscious perception in The Unlimited is Thee Light. It's your trial. It's your sentence. It's your funeral. Christopher G. Burley (2015) SUBJECT AND OBJECT Once upon a time in a far away land, there did live a Magician Prince, but, alas, our highly becoming hero was alone, and an unwanted solitude of course, stings as much as having nobody around to blame it on. Now being a talented magician our ticklish friend took from his side, one of his own ribs and did create a mate. Oh, she was a lovely lass, very fair. Having highhandedly given rise to multiplicity, our shit disturbing shepherd was forced to address a number of slumber roused realities. First, the fact that Loving Her, (other, not I, object, that without) was his sole reason to be, and if he chose to view her as driven snow, he would have to take the wrap for all the crap in THE LIMITED DYNAMIC and THE STATIC UNLIMITED, UNIVERSE. No small matter this. He had to see clearly that the window of perception, seeing in general, loving, hating, experience, addressing challenge, bearing, the window between observer and that observed, was akin to a separate, quasi-autonomous individual identity entity and had to view itself as such. Next, the friction loaded fact that his magnetic attraction to her was so intense that it, like boredom, was a form of pain. He had traded one discomfort for another, and the only way to escape his present thorny situation would be to marry her, should She be agreeably interested, and in so doing, they two become one, in re conciliatory perception and viewed from a point removed, which of course leaves him back where he began, pinched by an unapologetic solitude. Finally, and about to burst into an understandable agitated cacophony, our somewhat haggard adventurer scoped the sobering dawn... “ it has always been this way, and it will always be this way.” Now our stupefied,
  • 3. cycle-weary super-hero, understandably having his underwear in a wee twist, did look skyward and call unto GOD saying, “ with all due respect, who put the bug up your butt? I'm having a bear of a morning and scripture insists that ( for your pleasure were all things created ). What; did I accidentally ding your shiny, new, Excalibur motor car when I was valet at the Heavenly Hilton Hotel or something? And there did instantly appear before him, a radiant white sphere carrying the sweet scent of a child's promise and innocence. And yes! There! GOD!! Thee anthropomorphic image. She was very, very fair indeed ! And God spoke unto the puzzled investigator saying, " pipe down you fuzzy little; OK, what's the problem? A little cyclic terror? I know your species; I have a pamphlet here somewhere; OK, so physical and metaphoric birth and death lurk either side like two thieves, Eh? Yes, the running Taxes on Perception in The Unlimited have always been, and will always be brutal. Essential potential incarcerated within the conditioned existential is coal; the bearing, The Living, the ' friction' between the abrasives of subject and object are the only genuinely timeless diamond. Diamond or dust, is being versus not and this double-edged sword is relative dualism, viewed from a point removed, by THE LIVING, alone. The polar, dualism of birth and death is a thorn in the paw, nail in the wrist for all, and for some the last thing experienced. Would you think omniscience desirable? No search, no discovery. No sensation of awe or wonder. Sounds a static divine bore, no? We both know that everything is just a complex way to get the hell out of the house. If no thirst, no sensation of refreshment. If GOD got problems, they are bound to be big. Oscillating in and out of The Limited, between solitude and company, is a means to an end, and it's end in itself. Challenge is a commodity, and worth only what will be paid. Rest only when the pendulum is upright, but never at rest. Either extremes are viewed a point removed, or not at all. Either you willingly, of your own volition, all by your lonesome, decide to put up with things the way they are... or... well, never have been at all! Perceiving both pain and pleasure is 51% pain, and the future is unlimited for those that opt to work it. The past is without measure, as are the number and state of evolutions' indolent failures. At least you have challenge, the periodic bliss of ignorance, and the exhilaration of revelation. Beats being a near complete waste of time, space, and groceries, don't you think? It is pointless to expend the slightest energy, mourning the end of those that choose not to chisel their initials into their potential for Real Life. They do it to themselves, they never were, opportunity by design. It almost sounds simple and pleasant to walk humbly with an omnipotent God, but any blood, sweat and tears downstream from the summit, is a sub sectional segment of a larger, more concentrated version of the same". And GOD was gone.
  • 4. COMPOSING, OWNING AND BEING THE BOOK OF LIFE The realities of omnipotence, omniscience and a solitary Intent behind creation suggests that the human situation with all of its' complexities is, to a certain degree, a staged production and any serious search for a meaning demands an examination of all of the possible dynamic influences at play. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is dropped, pealed, shredded, bleached and further processed like any other pulp log to produce the necessary paper bond for the project and the ink is a strange mix of blood, tears and ashes. The Book of Life is not a sterile list of names but more akin to an endlessly running round robin tournament with no playoffs and no seasons' finish. An author does an honest days’ work and retires for the night, but in his slumber is caught in a dream from which he never leaves. In his dream he arises from bed and leaves his abode, travels to another house where he is met by a hostile crowd, the mob promptly putting him to death. In this death the author literally awakens to begin his day, which of course ends in exactly the same way. This may make not being at all look good and if our hypothetical author is author of his own situation reality, it is all very strange indeed. Because the past is unlimited this state of being did not commence, but has always been and might best be viewed as circular, or as a snake endlessly devouring its' own tail. The reality of all possibilities being viewed from a point removed means that perception unlimited within a broader present moment must be part hell; perhaps fifty percent, and the question is of a constant volitional determination to be, with no absolute finality, pleasant or otherwise. Rising, working, retiring, being born , living, dying, all an infinite number of times a second is the same as an infinite number of times a day or a year, or a life. If individuals were offered an itemized bill outlining the cost of perception unlimited, some would refuse to examine it, some would take a look and dismiss it, some would suggest agreement but be incapable of a serious pursuit of consciousness, and then there is the handful, the odd genuine impatient. To one degree or another, all humans have an " isn't broke, don't fix it " attitude towards their ephemeral psychological conduct but small 'c' consciousness is pinned between birth and death, like the nose betwixt the ears, and cognizance of this reality may periodically be forgotten, but is never ever going to go away. Dying to one world, one state of mind, one plane of reality, so as to be born into another has always been a critical part of the broader present moment and has always been viewed from a point removed. There is someone standing right behind you, but this need not make the patient paranoid, but it might; it's a hazardous universe. There is a 'carbon fiber' thread onto which any can hold; if there is a meaning to life, the patient is not being asked to do what can't be done, but this of course does not mean any is owed having perception. Just the opposite, there is a weight to carry and a duty to do so, and such is done completely of ones' own volition. Nobody has ever been coerced or cajoled into becoming someone, and being alive in the unlimited can only be viewed as appealing if challenge be viewed as a prized commodity. The concept of inertia was part of unlimited reality before the Moon began its' long fall into the Pacific. Some people insist they have seen elephants in a state of mourning over the sight of one of their group lying dead, but this does not
  • 5. indicate awareness of there being a consciousness, of a reality, before birth and after death as does the act of burial. The second human curse is the sensation of being an independent observer, with a viewed external other, and these two linear handicaps intersect, there, behind your eyes. The third line to intersect there, is an indication of a ' place' where there are very few but very large laws, a titanic struggle between the more base of instincts and the summit of cold, stainless steel higher intellect. The tendency is to seek and, or accept pleasure and avoid and, or flee pain, and viewing both as having equal footing must be just plain wrong. If the sensation of lemonade refreshment is spoken of in a positive manner, the absolutely indispensable phenomena of thirst was already there. The Intent behind the Will of Creation, The Ultimate Consumer is a very strange ' place' indeed. BASIC MULTIPLICITY Ultimately, the universe can be viewed as based on numbers, and if you know what the digits mean, counting backwards from nine is to walk the last steps to The Throne of God. Anybody can take a shot at the impossible; wrapping your brain around Absolute Unity and The Unlimited, by first editing out any and all multiplicities. No subject and object, sensation of I and not I, of being and not. It is difficult to avoid skipping straight from Absolute Unity to the tetradic, ( fourfoldness ) because the appearance of 'other' automatically means a border of Perception between observer and that observed and all Three of these players can grasp, see the situation from a point removed. The signature of this Framework Reality carries through every devolved cosmological level, and if you think of your field of vision as being square, face the fact that you live in an echo, agree to view all the dynamics of the limited from a point removed, and primarily within yourself, you are up. This timelessly static level of abstraction can be viewed as counter part to the limited, intentionally tainted, staged challenge of time and life as you know it; the ephemeral universe is a subsection of Being. It has always been this way, and it will always be this way, and it is being observed, even stressed, that boredom is a form of pain. For the sake of our mentation, let us float that you work a serious days' physical labour, and arrive home to a favourite comfy chair. Ahhh, heaven. Perhaps, in twenty minutes you are ready to rise and move about a little; it does not take long for a motionless hinge to begin to stick. If for some bizarre reason you are stuck pinned in your chair, in twenty hours you will be in tears, in twenty days, suicidal. Anybody suggesting an interest in Perception Unlimited must eventually approach the question of why the multiplicities of subject and object, good and evil, and being verses not are a part of the human situation, and ultimately face the fact that externalizing the enemy is counter-evolutionary, and the fact that oscillating in and out of the limited existential universe is universal for absolutely all. In esoteric art, Noah is instructed to cut a window in the building on the upper deck of his Ark but given only one dimension, a cubit, perhaps expressing the movement from absolute unity towards multiplicity in general. If there is going to be an opening at all it is going to be square. Six, six, six, is called the sign of both the beast and man. Add the mathematics of matrimony and it explains the situation pretty well, if you let it. Everybody eats, everybody breaths, ingests
  • 6. experience, has a sensation of left and right, and lives with physical and metaphoric death on the horizon. Some have decided that these common denominators do not apply to them and that their condescending contempt for such nuisance bits of reality is noble, honourable, brave, and even holy. If I had to choose between working the split shift endlessly, verses not being at all; first I would sit down and have a stiff drink, maybe a little nosh, and I would have to take the work... but, that's me. THE BLOCK For the sake of our mentation, let us work with the premise that you just happened to live in a perfectly square block of houses, with partially like-minded neighbours. You come together agreeing to landscape your block to convey known mundane matters, and, some admittedly abstract ones and to create an escape module, an Ark. These numbered concentric spaces are bordered by level seven, The Street, and beyond that Perdition. The cascade orders the spectrum of visible light, the notes of the octave scale, a basic cosmology, and a clear indication of the direction in which Real Life lies. The word Way means Path. A.P.B. stands for (as per the border between levels four and five). The words union, unity, reunion and universe obviously share a common etymological thread. Uni is One. Perhaps the reason the word (university) shares this root is because the first places of higher learning were founded on the assertion, or assumption, that there is some sort of meaning to life, that is, a possible evolution into an extended experience. The cosmology is a psychological template that can be superimposed upon all of the observable, comprehensible universe, in an attempt to offer structure for your thinking. The note 'DO' sounds at both ends of every octave, and corresponds to The Unlimited. Be it of time or space you are not normally and naturally capable of fully wrapping your small 'c' consciousness around the infinite. Can only see a star so far. The word repentance is generally defined as (to suffer regret for things done or left undone). It is only in a vague or offhanded way being suggesting that to suffer regret will automatically lead to change. The original Greek word translated as repentance is 'metanoia' and means inversion, reversal, (change of mind). Time to turn and face the music. In The Unlimited, you can know pain and pleasure, or just pain, or nothing. If you wish to employ the Block Diagram for your thinking, a basic dualism is required. In or out. Anybody will from time to time long after finality. Perdition, (eternal death) alone offers this. Life in the Unlimited is challenging work; Thee Broader Present Moment guarantees a certain amount of suffering, but none of it pointless. A bird with one wing, is unrighteous, cannot fly, and corkscrews down. Take it or leave it. You have your seed-money small ' b' being, your potential in levels Five, Six, and Seven; you consume substantial bread of The Garden, level Five. You literally take shelter in level Six. Switching to figurative language, you stand in your front room looking into The Street, level Seven. The Street teems with the ephemeral divisions of nation, race, language, economics, and acquired, temporal organized religion. Your transitory sensation of having ' will' is as doomed as your physical hide. You can see and comprehend the patterns of the masculine and feminine , which are of The Unlimited, but extra-temporal Perception is what reconciles them, and lives at the center of The Block. Your sensation of subject and object, I and not I, and it's re conciliatory aperture is the key. You have the will
  • 7. ability to pursue consciousness, but it is a fist fight with the dynamics designed to try, to drag you off the dead end of the spectrum. In the crunch, externalizing the enemy is the same as hating the ' window' of experience Perception in general, and by extension, hating it's Uncreated Maker. Level Two, The Center, as Thee Anthropomorphic Image, represents (someone) dealing with the Colossal Common Denominators of Real Life in The Unlimited. Physically you are born, (one ear), physically you live, ( your nose ), and physically you die, (other ear). You were in a subsection of Thee Present Moment of another all along; it just never dawned on you. In metaphoric language, successful evolution is the reverse. You must (die) to the transitory ephemeral world, to be (born) into the extra-temporal. Recalling it all... well...That's Life. If it turns out there is somebody that can Trash Utopia, be assured, it is going to stay trashed. To work The Split Shift once, is one thing. To face the concept of doing so endlessly, quite another. What we are going to find out, is if you got the Parts to stay. Omniscience knowing, doesn't help you. If you try to lean on smoke, you are going to get scuffed up. Fantasy cotton-candy finality, is found to be infidel suicide. Ultimately, all of the dynamic influences of The Limited Material Universe can be viewed from a point removed and is a difficult place to complain about anything. Some distill flowers and call the result, essence. The existential undertaking, efficiently sorts the handful of those prepared to carry the weight of seeing it all. This offered, psychologically detached ken might best be expressed by the symbolism of a pendulum at rest, that is, in upright or righteous. Preferential particularity is akin to insisting that the laws of physics like one, and dislike another. Calling the externalization of the enemy righteous, is to insist that GOD has an identity crisis. The Devil is very, very good, at what He does. To one degree or another he has all of you snowed. There is no evil, renegade god posing some terrible threat to, beyond reach of, a fluffy, nice One. Perception in The Unlimited is designated by a (square window) through which Him and Her view one and other, and everything and everybody else downstream. Some suggest that Gabriel is one of only four, (tetra) Archangels, ever mentioned, ever, anywhere. Tiny club, but for an extra-temporal member of THE FAMILY FIRM, an unruly mob. As potential you are a conveyance without an operator, asleep at the wheel, and dogged by myriad 'parasitic' dynamic psycho-demons. If you are the sort accustom to throwing around the word Heaven, the road there, leads through downtown Hell. The Machinery of Planetary Reaping is not obliged to tell the difference between a Buddhist and a Baptist, it just reads arrogance. Metanoia is measured against the road to Damascus. Important point of formal theology; someone, can make the dead alive again. Hope is a humble little trickle of moisture. Unfounded certainty tends to solidify into a brittle hard, pressurized, projectile. Fake gods, violent or not, all burn, unceremoniously. Were there no question, everything really would be a completely pointless waste of time, space, energy and experience. There is no slick, shiny, sophisticated evil. It is all that is vile, petty, niggardly, indolent, smug and small. The walking dead are a bomb. The second most frightening thing in The Universe is the fact that The Magician Prince makes no idle threats. Just does not bother. Absolutely everything comes out in the, cathartic, reverse flow, wash. Serve no good purpose to ' beat around the bush' here; many thoroughly average people have degenerated into toxic, judgmental bits of lint,
  • 8. and much worse, some have dragged the concept of God into it. Let us suggest a triad; Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding. As stated, omniscient Wisdom might be spoken of in the feminine. Must not leave Will standing about empty handed, how about Knowledge? As for the re conciliatory aperture of Conscious Perception in The Unlimited, the word Understanding could use a topsy-turvy flip. To Stand-Under. No metanoia, no turn, no chance, no life, no Way. With a sincere attempt at introspection it is possible to see the indolent, opportunistic tendency for a medicating man-made certainty to call ' itself' a noble, faithful, holy, belief; easier to see this in others than in 'yourself'. It is a rare and impatient individual that will actually work towards isolating, and 'drying out' their own purely ephemeral sensation of validity, in Phoenix watch, and it is obvious that evolutions' most spectacular failures are determined to calm 'themselves' by doing precisely the opposite, buttressing what is doomed. Modern medicine attempts to design and create a drug that will target and affect a specific problem in a specific cell and leave surrounding tissue unaffected. Modern satellite technology can deliver two different signals to two different dish receivers in closely adjacent target locations, and customers can phone to request changes. It is not that far 'out there' to face the fact that any humans' transitory sensation of autonomous will, or their attachment to any man-made temporal label, or generic, indolent assumption of being a valid player in The Limited or The Unlimited, can be laser targeted and selectively incinerated by Conscious Light, whether they actively, intentionally seek any changes or not, and, as walking about. The reasonable and the radical are difficult to reconcile in words, but, to actually have any part with durability Unlimited, gives inevitable part, with any other part of that which by definition has no parts, by way of being Unlimited. The number one most frightening fact in The Limitless; when dealing with The Magician Prince, in the long run, you deal with His WHOLE FAMILY. BIZARRO-BORDER If you say to people " tell me quick, what's the opposite of death"?; you are always going catch the odd nink-in-poop, going to say life. Within a (polar) view of things, birth could be called the counterpart to death, and life the 'thing' that connects the two traumatic events. Birth and death are two ends of same stick, and let us say that 'life', the stick, be pictured horizontally. If you insist on calling life the opposite of death, you can only be accommodated with the use of a different flavour of dualism, (relative), as in infinite vs finite, or being vs not. A circle viewed 'edge on' presents a stick, appearing to have two ends, but we, (ever so clever), know that both of these terminus are actually receding off into the distance, and in fact meet, some-where, over there. Let us now set our relative stick vertical, at right-angles to the polar dualism, and where they intersect affix a tetratic aperture, 'square window'. Hey, this is kind of like YOU. Birth and death lurking either side, your head has heard of the concept of a possible evolution into Unlimited experience, and the earth beneath your feet is as doomed as your transitory physical hide. The third nail to intersect at our 'window' of perception is (good and evil), and it of course must interact with the backside of our 'edge on' circle, you know, over there. You are on one side of all this, but to have perception in The Unlimited, REAL LIFE, TO BE ALIVE it has to be both.
  • 9. ZERO THE UNIVERSAL LAW OF MIRROR REVERSAL Obviously, there is no shortage of people that routinely throw around the concept of a single intelligent creator source to All, and of course that famous duo, Omniscience and Omnipotence. If you dare bring these creatures into your China Shop you have to deal with them being there. You know that old sophist chestnut, ' if God can do anything then God must be able to tell you one whopper of a lie, just to see if you got the brains to know when you are being lied to'. The universal law of mirror reversal is suggesting that some of the things that people get wrong, they tend to get perfectly backwards. In formal apocalyptic theology there is a basic warning against any attempt to alter the words of prophetic esoteric art, but this is automatically something of a vicious little circle. If the warning is legitimate, originating from 'on high', then everything but the warning is thus suspect. In a hazardous universe, if you are part of a temporal religious tradition that demands that you take literally all you have and forbids 'critical intellect', insists salvation in buckling to peer pressure from 'people' claiming a monopoly on the truth, you are under assault from a specialized intentional dynamic influence called ' the false prophet'. The incineration of evolutions' failures is a technical matter and nothing personal. Up until your last breath, if you can't make conscious, constructive use of not knowing if you have Being in The Unlimited, the framework of Thee Broader Present Moment will crush you like a bug anyhow. To come even and have any chance of surviving the travail of metaphoric birth you must see and accept the ' big tent' and all of its' players. The word Son, in its' evolutionary usage, obviously carries the re conciliatory connotation (offspring, parented, between birth and death) and carries the signature of the masculine, as does the Devil. Once downstream from Will, the undertaking runs its' friction-loaded course. The human mechanism instinctively mounts a fight or flight response to a perceived external threat or internal calamity, (disease, denial). The base animal tendency must eventually be juxtaposed to the counter-intuitive realities of successful human evolution, of Real Life. The psychological phenomena of externalizing the enemy can be examined in a similar manner within the offered maxim, As Above, So Below. The Living, view (yes and no) and any other set of extremes you got, all from a point removed. Always have, always will. You can run but you can't hide, and calling your hate ' holy' is like struggling to lift a board that you are standing on. When in pain, to recall its' counter-part is easy. When feeling fine, recalling its' consort requires a conscious effort and might appear an idiot pursuit. The limited, material, existential undertaking is intentionally designed to bring the courser and more common to the fire and allow the rare seed-money potential its' chance to decide whether or not to try to survive. The Ultimate Consumer is peckish, and this vacuum can be viewed as a cause and effect situation. The supra-petulant are hurling themselves into the toilet for a reason. Their contempt for Reason is peaking, and the fact that there is a God, is very bad news. If ninety-nine per cent of the people on this planet assume they automatically have an indestructible cohesion of identity, then the way things are, ninety-nine per cent have absolutely no chance of evolving. The indolence of assumption is one of the crown jewels of purest satanic nonsense and frighteningly
  • 10. common. Unfounded durability is felony usurpation, is bottom line, the back wall, the great equalizer, and a good place to begin the postmortem. If you are caught attempting to 'usurp the throne', assuming divine durability, or just allowing your unrighteous demons control, you are in direct opposition to the Real God and this can never end well. The next level of inevitable perdition destruction is preferential particularity; if The Machinery does not know what you call yourself, how can it treat one different from another? The divisive labels of language, race, nation, ephemeral religion, simply do not register with the laws of physics, and you are facing La Machine Reap. If you attempt using the man-made rot of 'extraordinary status' to justify violence you are off the meter, way beyond ruin. If you are a fake god, who is the last one you want to show up? Now you know why there are so many stars in the sky. The expression 'throwing good money after bad' springs to mind. It is pretty rough to face the fact that those considered to be cultural heroes are the most rotten of road kill. The note 'DO' corresponds to The Unlimited, and for some, their sentence at the spectrum's dead end is growing exponentially; no peace of not being at all. If you have an elaborate pseudo-religious tradition of externalizing the enemy, just hearing the way things really are, bound to start screaming that your concocted validity is under attack. It is tempting to harbour a pseudo-holy 'red herring', but keeping that bug up your butt is evolutionary suicide. The rise and fall of terrestrial kingdoms is a part of the dynamics of the undertaking, and to decide, out of the blue, that your God is on your side is more than a little opportunistic. The rain is made fall upon the just and the unjust alike, and no matter what you call yourself, one thing you can be certain of, the machinery of evolution has never heard of the label. You do not have to be capable of reading to behold the imagery of a seed or The Cross to see what the universe is going to do to the ego. In more ways than one, welcome to His world. The common denominators of Life in The Unlimited can do without a label, but, that said, I live in The Temple of The Highly Holy Rutabaga. I'm the only one here; must be the head honcho. The word Church means Congregation. Most of evolutions more spectacular failures would have been much better off as deists, never having heard of the concept of revelation. There is an inevitable tendency toward external attachment to both agreeable friend and disagreeable foe, as if successful evolution had anything to do with either, let alone depended on such. Modern psychiatric medicine, no serious doubt, employs some clinical term for what we might call 'projection'. Those convinced that it is their duty to turn the planet into a theo asylum, assume that the quasi-sane part of the world is equally determined to impose the right to critical intellect upon them, which of course would constitute the ultimate evil threat. Their fear of, and contempt for The Feminine has everything to do with their sensation of other, and threatened bogus validity. You know that old chestnut, ' I doubt everything, accept, that I doubt; that I doubt is the only thing about which I am absolutely certain'. Certainty is like a cut of meat, eventually it goes from being (for some) highly appetizing, to quite the reverse. Certainty is used for calming the self. A drowning man will grasp even for the blade of a sword, but it is fear of painful challenge that pushes evolutions failures down the drain. It is tempting to feel that all will be well provided that you obey somebody. Problem is, there is no guarantee that anybody around you is Alive, let alone that what they try to feed you has any part with The Truth. The human
  • 11. mechanism isn't junk, and it is not just a containment vessel. Without going into the parts, or the function of the parts of a brain, we might simply assert that an individual brain cell has a spatial, physical individuality, but partakes in the mental activity of the entire organ. If God has got problems they are bound to be big, and like it or not, these problems now are yours. To use a severely compact scale, if you are going to evolve into extended experience, you must cope with landing two distinct levels of consciousness above your terrestrial norm, and the first of these is a subtlety superior introspective awareness. A sincere attempt must produce a graduated list of client demons, booked to burn. Trouble has arrived in the atomic and flying your ship into the Sun is the only way out. No brownie points for fasting, no instant development. Conversation from gut to head says you must spar with and master the damn clients or you never were. This covers every possible pious crumb. You physically perish, no matter how, you go into a system you know next to zip about. Entertain a bogus assumption about anything, call indolent cowardice ' holy', and it will cost you absolutely everything. You just happen to be on the planet at the commencing of an epoch called 'sorrows', and if you drop dead tomorrow you really must come back and see it; you really, really must. If we were all on the other side of some other galaxy, every stick there would have two ends, every circle an inside and out, and the quotient of One divided by Three run endlessly off into both the past and future. Such common denominators infuriate the power mad. It is obvious that the people ruling many nations are criminally insane and some are way beyond 'run of the mill' walking dead. To call them hostile to the concept of being Alive would be a charitable understatement, and it is difficult to imagine what the deprogramming of this tragic mess will look like. Some are an educational example of 'making a living' out of externalizing the enemy and crowning themselves with the attributes of divinity. The wardens of these Frankenstein asylums are under indictment for crimes against God, the Universe, and Reason. Any temporal aggregate of people has some doomed, unbecoming qualities and some of the concocted 'laws of men' are pure nonsense. The days business is done, the doors closed and locked and it is just you and the brutal, ruthless, machinery of evolution left in the place. You do not argue or negotiate here, at best you can ' litigate', try to demonstrate a willingness to 'take the wheel' and navigate the endless challenge of Being. Some folk take great pride in their inability to literally sit still, calling it industriousness. Psychologically speaking, be zealous in your attempt to 'sit quietly in your room'. Everybody eats, breaths, entertains a sensation of other, and lives with death lurking on the horizon. In the figurative metaphoric language of The Broader Present Moment, consumption is the essential potentials' development at the persona's expense. Respiration is the expansion and decommissioning of the limited, (time as you know it). Being in the long run requires; 'other' as driven snow, (taking responsibility), and of course, omniscience lives with timeless cognizance of the split-shift. If you force-feed your children toxic particularity propaganda, they will suffer for (the sins of the fathers), and as for the fathers, all of this will be compounded. It's your trial, sentence, your funeral. After infancy, and quite aside from the organized hatred of pseudo-religion, psychological violence is as common as dirt, and a natural consequence of the subjective, autonomy-tainted, measure-demanding aspects of the transitory ego
  • 12. construct. Just got to judge oneself favourably in comparison to somebody else, hell, anybody else. A highly uncommon human can have a photographic memory, total recall, be well versed in most everything, but worship at the alter of mind, and from evolutions point of view be an essential cripple. Genuine evolutionary durability is largely ineffable but the difference between a cherub and an arch-angel is the proverbial squaring of the circle. The recalcitrance of assuming persona validity is equally and inversely proportional to the distance you are from having any chance of evolving. Being Alive means taking responsibility, and they don't take attendance at 'university'. Whether the chalice is half full or half empty is not the question, bordering the void has part with both inside and out, and neither. The difference between (Love of God) claimed, and having Congruous Durability must eventually be approached and measured and assaulted and ascended and breached. Evolutions more tragic losers find comfort in emoting that a certain percentage of creation is just a horrible mistake, and that all they have to do is patiently nourish the bug up their ass until god arrives to apologize. People in general, indifferent, or bogus religion afflicted, have had plenty of time to ponder the concepts of Good and Evil and be sucked into the trap of feeling, assuming, deciding that they are on one side or the other. Birth and death, challenge verses not, and good and evil are three lines intersecting at a common location. The perdition-particles, (evolutions failures), are the vapour trail receding from this endlessly meandering, boredom fleeing, singularity snowflake. Strange the way things turn out. Wisdom and Will live on a moving train, incessantly searching for that which they both know cannot ever, possibly be found. As for The Limited, it is not contradictory to assert that there is nothing impossible for God, and, that everyone got to eat. No more, no less, The Broader Present Moment, The Ultimate Consumer. Some sincere, serious thinking people, employ a general rule of engagement that says, ' it is impossible to describe in words a state of consciousness'. Borderline oxymoron as it is, a constant attempt to break the rule is an irresistible challenge, perhaps, is indispensable. If, all by your lonesome, you decide to try to launch a respectable probe of The Mysteries, and try to employ the cosmological optical prosthesis of The Block Diagram, it would serve you well to try to be aware of the all pervasive, Universal Law of Mirror Reversal. If standing on Earth, it is generally accepted that down is towards it's center and up away from it. Picture the orbital path of the Moon and expand it into a sphere surrounding the planet. In our cosmology this Lunar Sphere is down, and the blue-green scum on face of the earth (organic life) is pinned between it and the center of the planet. Picture the orbital path of Earth about the Sun and expand it into a sphere surrounding the star, and we shall call this the Terra Sphere. Let us picture All Planets of the solar system as one mass, (including any renegade debris), and all of their orbital paths as one, and of course, expand it into a sphere surrounding the focal point of the system, the Sun, and call this the Corona Sphere. It is safe to suggest a point in space at the center of a roughly disk shaped Milky Way Galaxy. Whether a body there, or a black hole, or generic space, we can call this point the Galactic Sun. We now estimate a distance from there to the Local Sun, hypothesis an orbital path about the Galactic Sun, and expand this into our Solar Sphere. Now for some serious distances. We hypothesis a point in space, at the center of a roughly spherical limited material
  • 13. universe, (every atom accounted for), estimate a distance from there to the Local Galactic Sun, hypothesis an orbital path about the center, and expand it into our Galactic Sphere. Situated at the center, The Limited Sun, any direction we point a finger, eventually run out of atoms and hit The Unlimited, which, by definition, is omnipresent. A complicating ' influence' emanating from The Limited Sun must travel downstream according to Law and first report to every Galactic Sun, and thus effect this galaxy, this solar system, this planet, requiring passage through our lowly Lunar Sphere. Every descending step works this way and leaves you in a complex dynamic place. If life is giving you lemons, remember, things are worse on the Moon. What you have in common with the vantage of The Limited Sun is, might as well look for Life in the Here and Now. The indolent fantasy of a cotton-candy finality, is that ever growing 'sucking sound' and it is coming from the Moon. The Devil is what has you place Him without. There is a tendency to watch oneself when being a charitable lovely. When being a nasty judgmental dink, it just unconsciously happens. Moving up the evolutionary, cosmological chain requires focused attention. Going down the toilet requires none. The note 'DO' beckons both up and down but only pushes the later. One way to clean a filter is to reverse the flow, but this releases a supra-concentrate of the contaminates collected. Current events finds the human persona increasingly sensitive and revealing it's hissing snakes. The Devil is in the toxic little details, and toxins routinely migrate toward and through concocted boundaries. People insist they cannot be environmentally responsible because of the economic weather, which is whipped into a storm by those of little or no conscience. Finance claims the same autonomous validity as nation states which are burning the ground everybody stands on. A scaled up version of the Jim Jones massacre; concocted authority is threatened so if everybody dies, this must prove the validity of borderlines, economic and cultural particularity and externalizing the enemy. Whether in matters of planetary stewardship or the concept of a possible evolution, in the crunch to dismiss the common denominators, higher or lower, is suicide. Like the Box Jelly fish, the rest of the blue green scum on the face of the earth has a simplistic nervous system and weapons. For all you know this organic film may plow itself under and there arise another crop of potential and walking dead. Perhaps the collective yield from this round can split-shift post the next. If the universe makes any sense there must be love without doubt somewhere, but power without guilt is absent, even in The Unlimited. Hope and certainty; everything depends on your telling the difference.
  • 14. THE RUTABAGA MISSION Thee Most Highly Holy Rutabaga is, but not on, a mission Ears reconciled by your nose, downstream signature of The Family Firm Undertaking was born, obviously does live, and eventually will come to term Common denominators of the limitless ken, are on both sides of fission Fall and saw and split and haul, firewood, five times it fights off the chill Can walk and chew gum, torment a stanza, wonder why nothing come Quadrangle-centric, synergy sum, superior to the list of parts, can be done Cook my own meals, wash my own dishes, last gasp of transitory will Brutal analogy natures' consumption; combustion, digestive juices and such Feel the photons upon your face, dead wood burning, princes some Hey there stardust, born in fusion, as fake gods burn, there, in the sun We are going to discover if you'll pay to live, and, exactly, how, much Put some sentimental syrup, on my purge floor, not whole wheat, pancake Constantly must categorize and rank the things to take dead serious Must be in the cupboard, cooking dynamic stew, strange spice the spurious Unleavened bread is static; evolutions' failures bubble, no substance, fake A quadruped can not set out a fire and cook a rutabaga, a human, yes Could say a cooked one is a raw one with the extra smarts only a human add Possible to cook for the Ultimate Consumer, with Light, boil off the bad Evolutionary introspection inevitable, you can already see, Satanic distress Muscle a weight to a summit top, just to let roll, is that grin idiot or sly? The Aperture betwixt Her and Him counts as the tables' third living player She sometimes seems the most unlikely of professional demon slayer Limited practical challenge, no joyful reunification without initial goodbye To externalize the enemy, under a holy guise, is to despise Intent, perception Pledged your heart and Soul, mind and body, to the devil we hear Problem is got no soul dim-wit, want to go where? wouldn't start from here She's not drumming her fingers in wait; no lunatic, fantasy, virgin reception Could drop physically dead at any old time, still not completely clean No students to guide; to pay for experienced help Dying, rather rare type Turn to face the music, struggle to take the wheel, or you're just toxic hype We all need her vantage; last thing you think of, last thing to be seen Doctors' most important diagnostic instrument, tell me where it hurt Tempting seek comfort clucking, thank goodness not as screwed as that Dead is dead, sentence long or short, lukewarm or lunatic, just lost combat Can not speak uniformly negative of pain, it is instructive, it does alert
  • 15. World on the brink, something is turning it more suicidal every day Animator of the doomed percentage of persona, mourning loss of transitory ken The ethereal Consciousness need trump ephemeral stupor, only Life then Most are quick to throw in the towel, buttress the ego, in the grave stay A river runs through it, purest, odious, toxic, near senseless, tragedy The mega-fake or indifferent, a scent of hopelessness and desperation Rather be destroyed forever than face that autonomy has an expiration Childishness is peaking, rather be master for a breath, than see ecstasy That eccentric fleeing couple, living on an incessantly moving train The slightest hint that you can negotiate, who the hell can help you? The roaster, blanch-er, grinder can not kill this nut, I love her too How did I end up sandwiched in this waylay? Hell, I avoid pain Not some broadly smiling, pseudo-mystic, beneath an orange blossom tree Fake gods are dangerous, but nothing compared to the genuine item The Mysteries are a tangle, but if you can read em, you can write em You can't comprehend the reckoning coming, talking absolutely, fluff-free No limit flop, oh, flush, oh, it's straight, oh, to the ace, do spades help? Always gluttons for punishment, the fantasy assumption of being a player The petty peddlers of particularity, the absolute zenith of nadir betrayer Keep betting if you want, I'm all in, rather be a whale than a kelp No personality cult here, inevitable unflattering mirror, often tedium dull Disciples sawing logs, disappointing din, suggested that you stay awake Not telling you again, not a saving obedience, tell you for your sake Impatience odd virtue, settle your domesticated outrage, or gone in cull Intelligent design eh? as if opposites, it sorts the living from the dead One that can look right through you, bound to be bound up in your shame The percentages are brutal, sweat blood or it not matter what you've read Blame it on me, but me alone, system survived, the source of your pain Hope you are developing an ear for convoluted logic, it's a sinking lead Embodiment distance all to fall, falls on other side of planet, in the rain Reaping is reaping, it not much matter if he a grim fellow or not, it said Perfect storm brewing, weeds and wheat, dead is dead, it's all the same Through the wringer, punch drunk brothers settled, both refuse the bed The multi-headed Hydra will always gladly, boastfully tell you its' name Got a bad clam in a wise-guy wine-bar, toxic poison have been fed Wood is bleeding worm, colossal reversal whiplash, the Devil found lame Time to end the occupation, war in heaven, is war there, in your head All those around you may not be real, bet all, lose all, costly fantasy claim
  • 16. Vengeance is His, medium is Matrix, the crunch is end of the bifurcated Omniscience, the Split-Shift and toxic fake gods, dejà vu all over again To borrow some words from one Arther Guitherman, a poet himself Cesar's dead and on the shelf, And I don't feel so well myself THE MELON For the sake of our mentation, let's say we have a nice ripe melon, and its’ interior is something of a mystery. We take a sharp knife and make two tiny, intersecting incisions to remove a wedge-shaped segment, and give us a small glimpse the orbs' interior. The melon is The Limited, material, existential, ephemeral, temporal, transitory, dynamic, intentionally tainted, utilitarian Universe; uncreated, primarily to deliver challenging experience to Him and Her, and secondarily, to sift the handful of people 'thirsty' enough to wish being absorbed into their Broader Framework Present Moment. The wedge-shaped slit is all that you see. Accumulated natural science allows you to know that there is a 'world' beyond both ends of the spectrum of visible light, but the infra red and the ultra violet are just a scratch. You know that some of the stars in the sky are long gone and the light only now reaching you, (seeing time), but this is just a tantalizing little blip. Where things become more serious, and intimately personal, is now that The Broader Present Moment is beginning to x-ray you, and eventually will cause the doomed sediments to slowly and painfully burst into flames. It doesn't matter how near or far; Omniscience, The Machinery of Evolution, and Inevitability are all perfectly real, and you can't lean on any of them. A certain percentage of humans insist the universe owes them life, as Him and Her insist it is not owed to them. Only the genuinely durable are right. THE ACORN There is a thing, or culture, or 'world' described as Judaic Christian. If you can't live within quasi-sane, realistic, representative, transparent, secular law; The Machinery of Planetary Reaping, will chew you up, and spit you out. Some very prosperous nations teach a 'spun' version of history. Any humans interested in a possible evolution into extended experience, must eventually be prepared to examine how a planet is reaped; why The Living have to remember the trauma; and see that impatience is an individual matter. In these turbulent times, perhaps what the world needs is a nice, new, neutral, nonthreatening, nondenominational, nomenclature, a la nut. For the sake of our mentation, let us say we have a fresh, green acorn and for some reason we want what is inside. If we attempt to 'shell' this beauty in its' present state, we are pretty much guaranteed to bruise, or in some other way injure the 'meat' of the nut. What to do? Let us set the patient out in the sun to dry. As the moisture evaporates, the shell hardens, its' colour changes, it darkens slightly, and perhaps separates a bit from the interior of our subject. In the fullness of time, a masterful,
  • 17. well-placed whack, fractures the imprisoning containment vessel revealing the object of our interest. The words thrash and thresh are brutally similar. Sometimes, ground is spoken of in the feminine (mother earth), and seed in the masculine. Incubation ends with the seed 'dying' unto itself. Human metamorphosis involves environment, development, and expense. WHAT YOU ARE If you lie you are a liar, stuck with the liability being, of a liar. If you steal you are a thief, stuck with the being of a thief. Lying and stealing are definitely (registered acts of consciencelessness) and yes, whether repentant or not, you will suffer the appropriate death. It's not so much the goods and trust lost, or the inconvenience cost by such Misdemeanors as is the fact that nobody really Alive is intimidated by the mindless machinery of evolution, or Thee grand sentient Being. It is ' implosion' due to aversion to taking responsibility; (no parts). As in relative, paying for some things is much more painful than paying for others. Suggesting that the universe owes you life, is a Five Star Felony, and whether it Wisdom, Will, or Being, The Unlimited by definition has no parts. The difference between a pick-pocket and a fake god is a measure of degree; of arrogance, and from an admittedly abstract point of view, it not much matter the distance to fall, the length of sentence, because dead is dead. If you loiter at one extreme of a pendulums' possible movement, hurling abuse at it's other extreme and calling all of this righteous, technically, you are (too stupid to be alive). No matter how people stumble upon awareness of it, the fact that there is a chance, let alone a guarantee, that their thoughts, feelings, and opinions mean absolutely nothing, causes the human mechanism to quickly (circle the wagons); 'I sit a monarch, upon a throne, and know no sorrow'. Can't choose your parents, can choose your friends, as for your enemies, a complex question that can only be addressed if Alive. How dare the 'physics of the grave' dismiss your sanctioned assumption of divine durability and moral superiority? The petty little mind of the transitory ego has a remarkable ability to morph this tragic crap into something noble. Defending the right to indifference, faced with the inevitability of the wringer, insisting sovereignty over the arena, (mind) is deemed a legitimate, even honourable duty, a strength, until found turning in the toilet bowl. The Cannons of Reality labeled as intrusive. Humans in general face a catharsis, either transforming or terminal. In this process there is no middle ground, you're either nourishing your fantasy illusions or starving them, you are either throwing taxing conscious light upon your doomed client demons, or letting them pilot the conveyance. A sincere attempt at focused introspection can, in time, at the expense of the parasites, cause the miraculous appearance of a single operator, a quasi-legit, tentative, ability to say, " I am ", and eventually to the $64,000 question. Who there is watching the watcher? Just as anything else that meets the criteria of Thinghood, (limited in space and born to die), if you do nothing, 'It' is recycled. A rock may or may not suffer being broken down into sand, but only within the 'world' of rocks. You are not the acme of creation, but you can see the summit, if you got the parts to look. Trillions of eons before the present expansion of The Limited, at a
  • 18. raucous board meeting of The Family Firm, it was suggested a painless way to distill a yield from an undertaking. You can see the way that turned out. It was (so-to-speak), voted down as insipid. In fact, The Patriarch Total Power was so agitated by the entire sorted affair, He accidentally folded the limited 'existing' tent at the time. He intervened personally on some little planet somewhere to scratch an itch on some little girls' nose, which of course blew 'everything' to smithereens. He has always been vulnerable to these driven snow girls, (drag Him into murder, you are nuts). Some speak of an earthquake, or a murder, or a hang-nail and with routine speed declare it 'the will of god', before or after the fact. Such a habitual flight from thinking, does you no good and cannot go on forever, if only because to evolve requires 'litigating' against the mindless machinery of planetary reaping, and this, you alone must do. Yes, existence as you know it is downstream from Will, including all of the dynamics intentionally designed to keep you in an unconscious somnambulist coma, externalizing the enemy, and encouraging the opportunism of declaring it all, ever so ' holy'. Perdition feeds as sure as Life. Both nature and mega-dead people, periodically require death, and lots of it. Both can be a sign of the times, or happen at any time. Nature and the false prophet are not punished for this; false martyrs are. There is an unnatural storm coming, that is going to knock absolutely all of you flat. The concept of suffering for Righteousness' sake has been around for quite some time now. In The Unlimited, to remember anything at all, to walk away, this, as potential, is, what you are. TURNING SEPTIC You don't have to be a theo fascist or indifferent to Life, to be among the ' walking dead'. Some try to cope with the inevitability of the grave by simply deciding that they have divine durability and are owed life in abstract reality, which of course, is pure satanic nonsense. Some of these indolent, opportunistic losers, would be murders even without dragging the concept of god into things, and ultimately, are those that spend the longest time wishing that they never were at all. If you bet it all and lose, you lose it all, and the closer that the worlds' more spectacular failures get to their sentence in at the spectrum's dead end the more pissed they are becoming. The anti-upright fake gods are ' peaking' and the approach of Reason is hardening their desperate grip on doomed, convoluted logic. If they do murder; 'will of god' ; if they force the rest of the world to scrape them from the face of the earth; off to their cotton-candy reward. It is all tragic sour grapes, evolutionary suicide; shit, concocted by the walking dead and petrified into a mega-dead subculture. Put as much fluffy religious topping on things you like, murder is murder, dead is dead. Preferential particularity, plus indolent fantasy durability, equals, the perfect storm of toxic tantrum. The Undertaking, people in general, are ' turning septic' due to the phenomenon of ' bounce echo'. The Magician Prince, prior to his execution makes the assertion that," the prince of the earth is judged", which means having been through the wringer; transitory labels dismissed as illusion, ephemeral sensation of will evaporated or ' bled' away, allowing Him to Understand that 'posting' the planet was a severely extreme form of performance art, expressing the same metaphoric death.
  • 19. None can get up and walk away without facing this. For the sake of our mentation, let us work with the premise that the Magician Prince makes good on his threat to return, and again survives 'metaphoric divorce' from ephemeral, small ' r' reality. The planet is awash with bizarre, fantasy notions of what judgment, ascension, successful human evolution is, and how it all might work. We speak now of The Real Thing, and the implications of someone being 'system survived', and still walking about. Such a one would actually have inevitability in his pocket; have part with La Machine Reap and thus be the embodiment of exactly how far everybody had to fall. People in general, older than two years of age, have an acquired persona, a certain percentage of which is a 'doomed thing', and has its' own purely utility animation principle, it's own limited, transitory, little mind. Genuine cathartic transformation involves tracing absolutely everything back to the source; The Family Firm, and facing their signature; your sensation of left and right. There has never been a time when the Masculine and the Feminine were not reconciled by the embodiment of Perception in the unlimited. This 'uncreated' plane of Being is both, beyond the edge of the limited, and omnipresent; both sides of the border of the normally comprehensible. The Magician Prince has hit the back wall, and current events are exhibiting a 'reflux echo' of the impact; extremely painful news for any human persona. The limited, material, undertaking involves dynamics and sub-dynamics. Capital 'C' Consciousness (Light) is converted into words; genuine prophetic esoteric art, Thee Mysteries, in general. The thought demanding complexity, is a dynamic, as is the absence of immediacy in the punishment of the obviously evil, and the fact that most live their entire lives never seeing the miraculous. Humans transform what they have into, ( for lack of better words) a ' faith system' and sometimes completely bastardize the Art for base, mundane purposes, which in turn creates a class of sub-dynamics. These are the more volatile bits of self-serving rubbish; medicating, calming, pedantry; obviously some cultures outgrow and abandon things, while others will cling to primitive crap by simply outlawing critical intellect. Organized religion is automatically somewhat idiot in that there are more than one of them and involve some exceptionalizm; sectarian is nonsense squared. Temporal, secular law may allow idiot conduct, but participants still land stuck with the being of an idiot. The dogma rules of a ' faith system' are created by humans, and some of them destroy many more people than lukewarm indifference. If you are killed for righteousness' sake; refusing to externalize the enemy, you have a chance. If you underpin the self with scapegoating, La Machine Reap will read you as 'off-side', and of course, the wages of 'missing the mark', (sin), are total destruction, at best. If you routinely suggest that God can do anything; a system where evolutions failures do it to themselves is not a problem. The word judgment is problematic in lacking immediacy and implying conscious, sentient wagging of finger; as if Will himself come to grab you by the hand or by the throat. At best you get a current, respectable attempted exegesis of what The Machinery of Evolution does, will do, and is doing; with or without your interest or consent. Strangely enough, if man 'A' says to man 'B', " you are not conscious", and in reaction man 'B' is offended by this impudent suggestion; during the event of upset, man 'B' actually is irritated conscious. Clear as mud that. Such a hypothetical encounter could be viewed as involving two players, or include an invisible 'synergy third'. If interested,
  • 20. watch yourself. "In your (so called) normal and natural state, you are going nowhere. You don't have to be a murderous, hateful, fake god to be among the 'walking dead'; lukewarm indifference to Consciousness, will do it." Make no sense to pursue a cross-section of The Broader Present Moment if you don't ' believe' it is there and attainable. Déjà vu could be an accidental contact with ' thee wire' and if the experience phenomenon is real at all, it is entangled the extra-temporal. The Devil is arrogance, and if you let him in, you pay for it eventually. Current events are screaming that there is some 'thing' beginning to bleed out of humanity, its' collective situation, its' present moment, its' limited ephemeral life. A healthy body has an autoimmunity to combat infection and fevers rise and fevers break. If you harbour bogus assumption, harbour a victim mentality, call it ' holy' or not, you are an open wound and ' turning septic'. CHALLENGE AND THE COST OF DISMISSAL It would sound more than a little self-centered for Him to suggest that the entire limited material universe was designed and created to deliver challenging experience to a single individual. Actually, there are two, and their Common Present Moment is 'uncreated' because both the past and the future are unlimited, meeting in the here and now, for them, you know, those two, forward and back; Intent and Other. Who's got your nose? Rumor has it that ' for Gods' pleasure were all things created' ; sure as shit would be handy to know exactly what God finds pleasurable. You know less about The Queen of the South (Her) than you do about The Magician Prince, and you don't know a whole lot about (Him). They are your birth and death, sensation observer and other, and all those other inconvenient extremes reconciled by your nose, your limited, potentiality, present moment. Omniscience, by definition, knows all about the dynamic medical affliction of masochism, but does not necessarily, periodically suffer such, endlessly oscillating in and out of The Limited. Omnipotence, by definition, could change the constant of change, but for some reason, perhaps laziness, does not. Who the hell are these characters and what do they want, or is 'want' what reconciles them and motivates their actions or inaction? Unsolicited sophistry is pain in the ass pollution, and some have no taste for cryptic crossword puzzles, but we are talking about survival in a hazardous universe that owes you neither explanation or life. Faced with a suggestion that 'the doing is the pay', being all or nothing sort of people, sort of makes sense. Perdition has neither endeavour nor compensation, and most of its' prey and carrion die of indolent certainty and medicating, fantasy finality. Essential potential born into celebrated pseudo-religious reason-contempt quickly atrophies into nihilist cynicism only seeking more hosts for the ravenous parasite. Endless uprighteous challenge is denounced as traitorous. If a 'terrestrial' parasite ends up homeless in destroying its' host, does this David vs Goliath event (downstream from intent) involve good and evil, a winner and loser ? If the yield from this entire solar undertaking is only two Monks, two Nuns, and a Dwarf (little one), would this be some great tragedy for the Will of Creation? There are tons of stars in the sky, Time is a sad joke, and if we suggest that The Limited Universe started, might as well say it started all over again. To all 'things' there is a season; The Static Unlimited Family Firm most
  • 21. certainly transcends the criteria of Thinghood; yet, may molt, flower, hibernate or take 'spring break'. Contradictory as all this may sound, point is, if you decide against paying the Taxes on perception in The Unlimited, you degenerate into exhaust, losing forever the chance to address challenge, enjoy success, or bear a setback well. If you could choose to be certain of something, it might make sense to pick being sure to beat the grave; but such a certainty would automatically involve the pains of birth and life. Wouldn't matter if you wise or not, good looking or not, nice or not. It would certainly give the opportunity for, perhaps inflict the duty to, take on a role as actor, pretending to be of the transitory limited. Cursing a blue streak, in itself is not an insurmountable infraction to pay for, but if an unconscious knee-jerk habit and unaddressed, the patient is just as terminal as the words. There is no law against trying to put yourself in the position of someone else, and The Magician Prince might complain " hell, I just wanted to meet one nice girl, and with the exception of that, not a highly motivated or ambitious sort; didn't ban myself from life on earth". But, within the context of what He suggests, regarding human evolution, the second half of his moaning is quite insupportable. Do you follow? The human ego in general will be crucified, and if you, (as a so-called individual), are going to get up and walk away, you're going be cyclically, aware of how the hell you got there, if only because omniscience is a non-negotiable component of Perception in The Unlimited. In the long run, to see, you have to see it all; to do, is to do all, and learning to walk the edge a sword can cut you in half, if you don't master falling off cleanly. If viewing the light from a distant star that has long ago burned out, you are ingesting visual information from the comparatively distant past. It is extremely rare for someone to endure having their transitory persona bleed to death and continue walking about, but having this bleeding begin to sweep all of humanity is the arrival of implicating Consciousness from the future, and for evolutions unrepentant failures, like being ' buried alive'. Those that are lukewarm indifferent to the cathartic transformation of acquired persona decommissioning, do not routinely introduce themselves as a waste of time and space, whose thoughts, feeling and opinions mean absolutely nothing; just as doomed as their physical hide. Great merciful crap no! Some spend a life-time running from the implications of the ' Tax To Be', constantly struggling to 'medicate' and calm the self; buttress that which can't possibly last with comfort in like-minded company. The antithesis to Solitary Reality. There is no place that you can go to be pronounced sincere or otherwise, but, that said, if (all by your lonesome), you sort out the basic Cannons of Reality; decide that you are prepared to pay the Taxes on Perception in The Unlimited, you just might evolve; if The Universe makes sense. Meritocracy has a tendency deem the have-not as deserving such. The technicalities of compassion must somehow involve selflessness. If (Him) and (Her) are reconciled by perception, to be, got to be (Love). The 'pivot', is the shift from chemical distillation, to ' fired' re distillation. Bigotries' accumulated liability sludge will burst into a bright orange flame. The consciencelessness of the thief and liar will burn as a blue flame. Violent fake gods and the investment protective are already going ' tire fire'. The lukewarm indifferent; degenerate into so much frightened, angry smoke. The ' false martyr' is a climax concentration of indolent arrogance and it is difficult to miss The Law of Mirror Reversal at work these days. A cowardly flight from bearing is
  • 22. hailed as noble bravery to be rewarded. Rigid, machine-like obedience to man-made contempt for re conciliatory reason declared the stuff of divinity and critical intellect declared infidelity. Have no illusions here; it is Thee Framework Broader Present Moment, and The Way there that is frightening the false martyrs into sentencing themselves to an eternity at the spectrum's dead end. Take note of what makes evolutions' most spectacular failures. The lowest of evolutions' losers use the concept of god to build and support their fabricated illusion of persona validity; the inevitable fall is seen as an embodied external threat to the fantasy authority. There is a distinct difference between bracing for a storm, and doing something that will allow the wind to pass through you. Calling the externalization of the enemy righteous is to insist that the storm knows and likes you, but hates itself and that it, and its' Maker must apologize. The unnerving idea of being only but potential is counterpart to the arrogance of indolent certainty. In the crunch, to externalize the enemy is to denounce the Intent behind creation and to refuse the responsibilities of the seat of Will, to face the mirror and become your own enemy. It is easy to spot and label something as waste, but we really must be cautious assuming to have any idea how much Intent might spend in distilling a handful of survivors, or how long a failure might be held at the dead end of the spectrum. If the theo fascist ultra-mega-dead were not blowing their brains out these days, you would not have this instructive indication of the pressures of living 'at depth'. ( no no, that's OK, you don't have to thank me ). Try to take responsibility, by learning to 'sit quietly in your room', because if everybody insists that God is on their side, everybody loses.
  • 23. WANT Any multi headed Hydras', indolent, psycho puritan polluted, many noggins Quick to insist, a new head will grow, to plead for decapitation, ' swing away' Childish, cowardly threat to swamp Hell by volume; no, no, plenty of room Destine to while away eternity, greatly wishing had hopes' patience paid Remorse of conscience, can no more be intimidated than gravity can Opportunistic, self-medicating fantasy weighed, and found to be dense Not so much what said as the way it put, the arrogance of certainty Assumptions of validity and ability, will kill, pseudo-holy nonsense Like some bogus, fly-by-night, life insurance policy scam Your premiums all went on liquor and balloons, ya bought shit If satiated, not seeking, only tentatively alive, doomed to be shredded Even if having genuine Art, must be pursuing Being, to try and interpret Sliding radio station marker, betwixt band ribbons' two ends Blinkered present moment is transitory utility vision slit and born to die If possible to prove no hope, I'd quick avoid that next toothache No more living in an era where the dentist and blacksmith the same guy The Messiah got no shortage of technical names or titles Where ever the hell he is, my favourite, First Born of the Dead Just so damn bright and cheerful, uplifting, don't you think or feel? Everybody got be good at something, transmutation, gold starts as lead How prepared can any human possibly be, for all the implications Inmates guarded, scowling portraits of satanic psychopaths survey Face it, people in general are going to burn from the inside out Some are caught with the being of a violent fake god and it's time to pay The parasitic judgmental taint, there, in the corner of every eye To intentionally undermine the ephemeral daze, very rarely ever seen Unsolicited, unsought, unwelcome medicine will destroy the patient Genuine durability knows, not decides, such is having always been Dismount the tormented tiger, no surprise it is going to want to dine Pickled by perverse, patriarchal, preferential, particularity, quite dead What percentage of the dynamic undertaking do you flat-out despise? By extension hate for its' Maker and Perception, no matter what be said Many make it crystallized clear, they have no interest in the challenge Yet ferocious in defense of their doomed, transitory sensation of validity Only the mythical risen Phoenix can remotely suggest ' I have my pride' Ironic, scared into perdition by the concept of metaphoric death, and a pity
  • 24. Totalitarians and xenophobes live to spin history, a populations' force feeding Determined to float brand label and insist some have two ears, others three National or family honour is elevated to the rarefied strata of divinity Only an idiot would cross the street to defend a clan conspiracy to atrocity Not an impatient me, an intelligence in the fabric is allergic to my presence Cannon of Reality, cathartic transmutation, an impatient is the best you can be To survive the collapse of the undertaking, the Split-Shift is its' own pay La Machinery is not going to modify to accommodate your missing fee Some pundits insist, 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' Being system survived, Being a walking family, one is Never really alone Inevitable to forget in the land of The Limited, land of percolating potential No yield to be reaped lest seed be tended, lest seed be sown Omniscience, by definition, must know a ton of real pointless crap Why bother remembering the names of those with no experience thirst? The willing are absorbed, the lukewarm and lunatic are naturally edited out They never were, Real Life is an acquired taste, not a single dynamic cursed Would do most anything for Her, short of surrender the ability to perceive Even if some noble bit of business, would not possibly remember any of it No such item as an offensive martyr, such is criminal withdrawal of potential A fire does not automatically continue to burn, just because it is lit It matters not which of your ears moves to reconcile, pressure will result If it is an absolute priority, a diamond you'll be, otherwise, volatile coal dust It is inevitable that one family member be more interested than another A realistic, measured self-interest can seem a solo, selfish, distasteful must A formula that is the product of mind, certainly have no mind of its' own The Machinery of Evolution just does what it do, incapable of like or dislike Terminal, exotic Ebola-flu pandemic, an asteroid the size of Iceland, hello! Not incomprehensible, nor a vulnerable, subterranean, collective, human psyche The focused attention of conscious labour is all you have to offer the universe Climate change is an opportunity to practice taking responsibility If needlessly pollute the waters in this life, definitely have to drink it in another Stoking divisional tensions, the cost of arms come out of your hide, every penny A cultural anthropologists' modern psychological international mapping Facing the 'metaphoric death' of The Machinery of Planetary Reaping, say, now Different flavours and intensities of preferential particularity, different hues Doomed nationalist, theocratic prisons grow darker, contempt is sacred cow
  • 25. Freedom and the right to indifference appear to offer economic opportunities Some pockets of pure death, vain, bling bling related, might suspect Ultimately, similar fate to the current victims of ' The Donner Party Effect' Hapless follow an idiot, land in hell, eating one and other, all claim be 'elect' Plotting locations and intensities of disappointment due to bogus, pseudo-faith Bogus notions of divine durability, martyrdom, holy war, death sentence edict All evolutionary suicide, like lukewarm indifferent giving the grave, 'the bird' Some need to back up a long way to escape endless remorse, no need predict Some that are physically afflicted, feel that their body has betrayed them If incarcerated by culture of power-mad clerics, just know it's all dead It is tempting to waste your precious energy throwing punches in the air Dying well is the best revenge, metaphoric of course, to escape being lead If a run-of-the-mill murderer, or just in any way sympathetic For every death you will suffer the pain of death seven times If you drag the concept of God into it, it is formulaic, seven times seventy No mercy, and the eternally screwed will continue to celebrate their crimes If the dead rule the military, media, money and mould the mind of your children Maybe no choice but to go underground, maybe pray that they see the Light Essential potential atrophied and died, chose assumption over contemplation All false martyrs burn, cut your losses, can't live on the illusion of being right If you try to pay and carry the weight, to find legitimate Being of your own Thee Broader Present Moment can't crush the sincere, universe makes sense Badges?, what badges?, don't need no stinking badges Wall of a cup is border of The Unlimited, made to be breached, just a fence The thirst for freedom of thought is a dynamic of the undertaking Thus the opportunistic theo dead declare questioning contemplation, to be bad Actively foster evolutionary degeneration, bitterness is praised as 'holy' Must project the niggard mindset, friend or foe, peace is stuff of the mad Progression; something, somebody, someone, this is the Only Way out The wind goes where it goes, but only within the world of wind Sentience sends the stakes through the roof and leaves the robotic behind The biblical hurricane coming, it would be unnatural, not to have sinned Many have physically perished, just not knowing that lead is poison The theo tyrannical insist that all worship the bug kept up their butt Like or not, fuzzy rats' nose, fuzzy rats' ass, just another set of extremes The reality of incestuous damage, countered by the reality of the mutt
  • 26. If the concept of the Split-Shift is nonsense, confident Omniscience knows She got a monopoly on information and by default, is owner of The Truth The search for pearls in manure, this really had better have been worth it Thee Mysteries, understandably eclectic, and can safely afford not be aloof There is absolutely nothing that any of you can possibly do to one another That possibly compare with what The Machinery is going to do to all Instinctive fear tends to keep one from walking in front of a moving train If your head is screwed on straight, Hell need not fear, it is a survivable fall The moon falls about the earth, the earth about the sun, the sun about the Way Perplexing, perpetual, paradox, all in all, I would rather be in orbit Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy engages in challenging creative pursuit They live happily ever after and then die, rather participate, than just sit Itemize your reasons to be, family, friends, career, sport, self righteous bitching Had to look for reason to be, extra-terrestrial, create one from out of thin air It turned out to be perceptions' counterpart 'other', viewed under Law Can't complain about painful, dynamic Limited, did it all, so as to bear Dictatorships, theo fantasy or communist, always land dead from the neck up In any hierarchical construct, the higher you go, responsibility grow, greater risk Beyond the Galactic, fewer and fewer Laws, but really, really, really big In a hands on Universe, pointless to give orders, Milky Way is one of many disk Cannot possibly dismiss the catharsis, but can try to actualize potential The enemy is of your own household, in that you are tainted, and alone There are psychological technicalities involved in any polarized society It would have little to do with evolutionary consciousness, if you were a clone Walking a road lined with hydro poles, sparks an ominous, painful memory Someone once walked a Roman road that was lined with populated crosses The Broader Present Moment, by definition, knows all about both of these era It is amazing that a hydro pole can express such timeless, universal, ego losses Engineering a bridge to cross to the practical purposes, on the other side Might as well consider trying to create an aesthetically pleasing practical link Hold on there bub, there is plenty time to walk around, the doing is the pay Easily be destroyed for a much lesser illusion, Hell is full of many indolent dink Motoring an endless, incessantly bifurcating, unuprighteous analogy freeway Natural tendency towards one branch over the other, result, you circumnavigate The awareness of counting must be mastered before any thought of choice Circular is the perdition drain; doing zip, your chance potential, you incriminate
  • 27. Once could walk, would climb in the bin and chew on lumps of yummy coal An early taste for carbon, enigmatic instinctive precursor sign perhaps An unfounded certainty saps the nutritional value out of evolutions' failures Leaving such to The Ultimate Consumer, generates what The Universe craps Food fight at the kiddies table, best cool it or The Mindless Machinery punish You are hurtling into the Generic Meat-grinder of Planetary Reaping If you want to sit with the adults you need to master a deep, attentive quiet No healthy respect for Machinery, you're a major idiot, gluttonous for weeping The madrossa is a Hell generating construct, for students and supporters both Let the cleaver drop, or share in paying for all the damages downstream Perpetual mechanical torture makes ' non-being' look more than a little good If you despise the Intent of The Undertaking, you're whack, just a crime scene You were warned and you listened not, a ' love of enemy ' appreciates Intent Someone not obligated regard any, will bleed the arrogance out of The Limited It is legitimate to suspect that ' someone' has done all this, done it all before The past, like the future, and Here and Now are, after all, of The Unlimited Observe those desperate to buttress stressed, transitory sensation of validity Denouncing the 'other', the dynamic undertaking and Its’ Maker, what a mess At best such will be destroyed forever, most likely worse, be forever pain pinned All answer to spectrum's dead end, is of your own making, is your express Can't possibly make the parallel reality too much clearer, the coins' flip side The primary positivity of Real Life is the exhilaration of cyclic recall Can't climb a mountain without slamming a few continents together Would not know contentment if it bit me on the face, love is described as fall Died on my feet, kept on walking, as good as nobody about me seemed notice In this business, is an uncreated talent, definitely the sign of a real serious pro Being a walking time bomb, many walking dead can't wait to see the back of ya Some advantages to being alone in hell, doomed attachments die, not grow Been through the rub a dub wringer, thank- diddali - ank - god goodness The evaporating heat has everything to do with what Grace, can let see How bizarre, the more rank persona encounter suffered, greater the opportunity It is difficult watching those go a piece at a time, taking no delight is key Living in an era where perdition and hell are openly, ravenously, feeding Regarding finding timeless Being, if ya just don't care, ya just don't count Abstract reality erodes the foundations of fleeting fantasy from deep within The psychological implications of Block Center, the timelessly producing fount
  • 28. Metanoia means an accepted revolving door, not a static item on a mantel None, Working, are completely cured of the longing for a fixed finality The concept of Satan being booted out of Heaven, does makes sense Told to love within the Downstream Undertaking; 'no way', no sentimentality It is not so much the existential that is tainted, as the software running Nobody can morph, con volute and pervert perception quite like Him The fourth corner of the square aperture, never taught everything He knows There is cause, effect, and expense involved, in a tree growing a limb Supporting ones’ own repression rule, is sometimes called Stockholm bonding Off-loading beings' autonomous responsibilities can be subtlety attractive In the long-run, leaving responsibility to another, no, it's just not on None trying to tell you what to do, think, like, no reward just being reactive Let's conduct internet pole, first regarding the ultra-mega-dead, theo fascist Do you want to rot with the 'clerics' at the spectrum's rotten dead end? Given the right to Study by sane secular law, could be called theo political All else is just repression control, antithesis to Life, ascension is no friend My dad, for some reason, used to say, "very clever these Chinese" Do you want to share in paying for Tienanmen and Tibet, or is it gonna be no? The universal law of mirror reversal is sending all communists to the gulag No immortality in perpetuating the repression, no surprise, all reap what sow North Americans, you are going to a place where there is only bling bling to eat You got an idiot ' snowball in Vegas' chance, the way things presently are Some are actually convinced that the bigger and smellier footprint, the better Even if it could be afforded, the sane might think twice before buying a car And you there, the famous Magician Prince, halt please, your hands up! You're no prize, you just cope with the cage match containment, just durable Surviving the inevitable collapse of The Limited, everyone got to pay for such If that is all there is, there is certainly nothing that is remotely comparable Sometimes, turf will begin to growing in a mat of its' own discard clippings Separate from the nourishing topsoil altogether, will in the mat wither and die Suggestion of salvation in obedience to concoction, taken on a life of its' own Religion, bogus or not is preparatory catalyst, worst of homemade is biggest lie The lukewarm indifferent don't like hearing that they are a boil-in-bag entree Going from the top of the food chain to below bottom, indigestible to Life Those assuming divine durability are exactly as adverse to the challenge Those desperate to feel a player embrace the senseless, despise Thee Wife
  • 29. Eventually, got to place your bet, buy a ticket and put your money down If you bet it all and lose, you lose it all, plus punitive damages added The damages are compounded by the number that you convince to follow hate Reason has a limit, live in the past, die in the past with nothing ever padded Physical parents gave as good as no ' religious instruction', thank God Got a bible when seven years old, have not read it all, just ' winging it' Not afraid to think, weigh the empiric, take a shot at writing something new If one of you were 'system survived', such a one would be a ' walking writ' An Arch-Tetradic could nine-iron this planet clean out of the Milky Way And such of the four are timelessly downstream devolved from The Family Firm Your sensation of left and right is the signature of the latest act of ' Intent' If determined to try, outside chance you actualize essential potential germ In a world where can buy anything, some ca not be allowed to handle money A danger to themselves and others, responsible authorities are obliged to act The closer the theo political get to their hell, the more livid they will grow Those of conscience are vulnerable to those with none, Janjaweed attack Thee Ship of State, Thee Ark, leaves transitory divisions in its' towering wake The greater the recalcitrant attachment, the further the final apocalyptic fall If thine eye be single, the Light of Life there in be, yuk, too sugar sweet The Universe makes sense, always has and always will and this is ' last call' There are two kinds of people, those that think there are two kinds of people And those that are quasi-sane, those that have a hope, those that do not Can not dumb down The Mysteries any further and still be saying anything If you miss the Arks' sailing, remember Lots' wife, turn to street, beyond rot Dead is dead, real life is work, there is no hell ' lite', only the real endless There is no slick and shiny evil, no justifiable crime, just maybe, survive pay No ' holy' contempt, no revolutionary butt-bug, no in-corrupt caliphate Just you in the cosmological chain, and could drop dead, any place, any day A nun in her convent, a monk in his monastery, really is a yes or no situation Either can attain something, or really should be out drinkin an whorein A rational, technical explanation of what is possible leap-frogs a quantum leap What can last, what can't, can be seen, weighed, by a legit one observin Happy is he that has a viable aperture of perception, happy is he that has none But petulance and penury unto any moving from potential toward either When The Mysteries close, the only place do this work, is wherever you are Possible to build a trigger, muster awareness, psychological equivalent of lever
  • 30. All masks are purged, ' you can pay me now, or you can pay me later ' Essential potential, indolent indifference, capital crime, ' use it or lose it ' Conscious labour, ' people don't appreciate what they don't pay for' Current events, ' not some malevolent outsider that turned your world to shit' Only takes one showing up in history twice to change the definition of reality Nothing empiric, horsemen of the apocalypse, always lurking somewhere about Planetary reaping is a psychological matter, edification means to build up To suggest the outcome beyond a doubt, is to throw in the towel, assure a rout Can spend a life-time trying to do what is expected by those around you If taught to whine victim, but turn to live, teachers are bound to scream foul If the world is inferior and owing you an apology, such is your view of God It is difficult sacrificing ones' traditional, cultural, inherent, self-righteous scowl Long been warned of the danger of new wine in those brittle old skins Chance that they burst, tinkering with a condemned building is less than wise Some machines that wanting repairs, wanting completely new main bearings Baking leavened bread is a conscious act, basics, lubricant, atmosphere, rise Behold the prickly porcupine, chewing upon my precious plywood store Cares not about the price of building materials, likes the taste of the glue Catastrophic damage, yet quite beyond reproach, no limited humans involved Potential is betwixt extremes, can't do anything, lest decide to decide what do For some, if there is not something wrong, there is definitely something wrong The absence of something to screech about, is itself good reason to screech Being thin-skinned is no crime if you keep it to yourself, turn pin-prick to nail A tree booked for falling stores energy, really had best reconnoiter its' reach It is strange taking rest in an endless, a volitional, escape from boredom Perpetual cyclic competency exam, the aroma-therapy of bearing walking dead What really bogarts their fat-boy, they know, somewhere down in the marrow Nobody wants to bounce and burn, face the spectrum end, a future blood red Could not change the Common Denominators and Machinery if wanted to Would not if could, the systematic dynamic distillation does its' appointed work Friction-loaded cacophony grind, verses the sterile senility of the static The great unwashed are betwixt birth and death, is not some abstract quirk Meeting like ships in the night, always painful, always only one know why One breathes on, suffers deprivation, suffers the dark, but lives to figure it out "It has always been this way, and will always be this way" Can't claim to see it all, lest seeing tragic loss, remorse, contrition and doubt
  • 31. If you set out to do something, whether successful in your attempt or not To one degree or another, you take seriously the sensation of having will The sensation is as transitory doomed as your labels and physical hide are It is possible to see those in a comma, measure the fall, hear, meter the shrill The non-negotiable inevitable, hell, someone be writing these current events Arrested, right there behind your eyes, dried, bled, strangled, pick an analogy Find you asleep, head pillowed on a railway track and give you a swift kick First, going to jump up and thank me, next, mourn is no cotton-candy finality Anxious to celebrate glorious gilded past, mourn its' loss, blame any but self Protect precious particularity, like mother gorilla trying to nurse baby, days dead Self inflicted isolation, squalor and ignorance blamed on evil outside world Reared as thirsty vampires, cannon fodder, perverted revelation, poison lead Inherent, inbred, ingrained, must look without and denounce an external enemy Anywhere and everywhere, but where He actually live, where He actually be Man-made clap-trap, for purposes of long ago conceived power-mad politics Dress it up in piety all that you dare, suffering your error, eternally you will see When the distillation subsides, if the yield is but a handful, it is what it is No matter what, will start again, one thing sure that's pure smoke, it is time Suggest that Will be with opinion or not, you got to be Alive, to be a player Bogus assumption is a ravenous killer, fall like avalanche rock, or live to climb All of the satanic-suicide may peak and then begin to subside, even to stop It may accelerate until the entire culture is in hell, or sobering in rehab The big shift came when humility was lumped with reason, Canonized as evil Difficult to see what is bull-shit when it is underpinning, born in rickety prefab Multiculturalism within quasi-sane, realistic, transparent, temporal, secular law Not a bad place to try and Work, no book that felt wanted, that cannot get Trying to help those ruled by the dead, is not a hopeless black hole task Truth is subversive, misery demands company, takes the mind off growing debt Largely pointless to try and measure the tragedy of egocentric, theo politics No interest in seeking consciousness, indolent assumption that already there Antithesis to impatient, volitional, cathartic, actualization of transmutation Been offered Life having two ears, one nose, have chosen to not try to bear You do not bargain, argue or negotiate with the Machinery of Planetary Reaping You can ' litigate', in that, bearing is a matter of realistic Evolutionary Law Law that you do not automatically know, and certainly do not create, oh no Such is an Unlimited Past, don't know who made such Law, thorn in every paw
  • 32. It is possible to change the past by just letting all the spun nonsense drown Grand-papa is never going to get out Hell if you perpetuate the satanic fantasy Enemy be of your own household, honouring parents, need not follow to Hell Once deciding God will reward murder, lying to yourself and sundry is easy Common sight, those convinced that ' life' be found defending bogus assumption Animation principle behind the argument is thee parasite, and what must die If denied independent thought, you're already in Hell, just don't fully feel it, yet Denounced as infidelity by those with the most to gain by perpetuating the lie Medicating concocted legitimacy, walking dead will cling to sedative of tradition Calling what is nonsense holy, what is holy, evil, what is evil, life Cover-up of little green men, masses must not feel as generic earthlings Little green men would have left and right, concepts of child, husband, wife There is, of course, what you see to be as yourself, surely some invention There is the mask you would like or assume that others see of you There is the electroplated persona others actually ingest in your presence And what The Dynamic Undertaking found, now that It has begun to chew From evolutions point of view, what do you want, and how badly is it wanted? Transitory 'will', at best is pursuit, another larger Will awaits in the wings Could suffer a multiple of sojourn, fail to master sitting still, fail to actualize If you entertain bogus assumption, maybe no end to the arrows and slings Convenient crony, he enemy of your enemy must be considered a friend? Thee Enemy, has you condemn without, rather than prudently probe within The Limited sifts and sorts, painful practicalities and staged challenge of duty Hold your breath waiting for an apology in the mail, lunar dead-letter bin Apocalyptic tragedy, measurable degree of devastating, reversal, disappointment The entire modern concept of martyrdom is purest satanic nonsense Invention, are you prepared to surrender all chance in sympathy for this? Metanoia means turning to face cultural concoction is doomed, or repentance Let us discuss the end of the occupation, of Constantinople that is How about Texas, the Arctic, the Moon, mainland China, let alone Tibet Is there some point in linear time when all such touchy matters are settled? Bogus religion dismisses Reason, like some inferior, less than perfect sunset In Thee Abstract, where there are just the two left, what's common is big news Neither are especially stoic when in pain, but essentially drop dead durable yet Potential can only attain presence if facing that it is not owed, and is no prize A slow squandering of ones’ inheritance more painful than losing it all in one bet