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Transitusof Saint Francisof Assisi:
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This narrative of theBardi Dossal ofSaint Francis was writtenfor theTransitus ofSaint Francis, October3,
2020,whichwas presented inZoom Meeting duringthe COVID-19pandemic.The co-sponsors fortheprayer
service were theForming SaintFrancis Secular Franciscan Fraternity in Sacramento,CA, andRegion 6 ofthe
Franciscan Federation.
Thewriting team forthe projectincluded:
DebbieClingingsmith, OFS,writerandresearcher
Mary Eve, OFS,writer
Elaine Hobday,writer
PatMillen, OSF,editor
Andrea Peters,OFS,researcher
Dana Swears, OFS,writer
JDWarrick, OFS,Powerpointcreator
JohnZieminski, OFS,researcher
Planning team organizations include:Franciscan Federation Region 6; Franciscan SchoolofTheology; Little
PortionSecular Franciscan Fraternity in Granite Bay, CA;Orderof Friars Minor, SantaBarbara Province; St.
Francis ofAssisi Parish in Sacramento, CA; Sisters ofSt.Francis of Philadelphia; Sisters ofSt.Francis of
Penance andChristian Charity, Sisters and Associates, St.Francis Province; andSt.Francis Secular Franciscan
Fraternity in Sacramento. CA.
Page 2 of 49 Pages
“Transitus of Saint Francis of Assisi: Bardi DossalNarrative” by Saint Francis of Assisi FranciscanSecular
Fraternity inSacramento, CA, and FranciscanFederation Region 6 is licensedunder CC BY-NC 4.0 (This
means you may share andadapt
our work withattributionfor
non-commercial purposes.)
Welcome to the Transitus of Saint Francis.
We gather tonight to celebrate the life - and the passing into
eternal life, of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Our guide tonight will be this magnificent dossal of St. Francis. It
was painted around the year 1245 by the Master San Francisco
Bardi. The original is in Florence, in the Bardi Chapel of Santa
This is a hagiographic or historiated icon – one that tells the story
of the saint's life. The central panelconsists of a picture of Francis
and twenty very carefully chosen scenes from his life.
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(Same reader as last slide)
Reader 1:
Br. Keith Warner, OFM
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Francis is represented in the manner of a Byzantine icon, facing
forward and surrounded by gold symbolizing the radiance of
heaven. The apron scenes which surround him tell the story of his
life, ministry, and miracles.
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In the central image, Francis stands in a plain brown tunic of rough
material. Around his waist is the cord with its three knots,
symbolizing the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. In his left
hand Francis holds a book of the Gospels. His right hand is raised
in the form of a blessing. On his hands and left foot, we see the
markings of the stigmata.
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Reader 1:
Br. Keith Warner,
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This central image shows Saint Francis on Mount La Verna. Above
him, seraphic angels appear in the sky. The rays of light radiating
from the blue arc above the angels symbolize the divine
transmission of the stigmata which are signs of Christ and of the
holiness of Francis. A hand holds a parchment with a Latin
inscription. The inscription reads“Listen to him who bears the
dogma of life.”
Blue decorative bands with a wine skin motif separate the central
image of Francis and the scenes around him. Small busts of
Franciscans in the shape of round, gold may be found where two
or more of the decorative blue bands intersect. Much like
witnesses, these early Franciscans silently observe the scenes from
the life of Francis which surround them.
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
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Reader 2:
Mary Eve, OFS
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St. Francis, who praises God with a new song
Pray for us.
St. Francis, who announces and brings peace and good to all
Pray for us.
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Miniature 1: Francis is released from confinement by
his mother
Francis grew up in a wealthy family, raised by his father, Pietro, to
become a successful and respected part of a growing commercial
trade. His mother, Lady Pica, loved him very dearly. All this
crashed down around them when Francis returned from war as a
sick and broken man. In the depths of his depression and ill
health, Francis heard the voice of God, leading him into a new way
of life “carrying the shield of faith for the Lord”. “Changed in he
turned away from the ways of the world and found a new life of
living for Christ. He began giving away his money and possessions
to the poor, spending hours in prayer and fasting, and falling in
love with the Lady Poverty. People thought he had lost his mind.
This behavior enraged Pietro, who “grabbed Francis and
shamelessly dragged him home. With no pity, he shut Francis up
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Reader 3:
Diane Mahoney
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for several days in a dark place. Striving to bend Francis’ will to his
own, he badgered him, beat, and bound him“
his father left home on pressing family business His mother, who
had remained at home with him, did not approve of her husband’s
action and spoke with her son in gentle words. After she saw that
she could not dissuade her son from his intention, she was moved
by maternal instinct. She broke his chains and let him go free.
Thanking Almighty God, he quickly returned to the place he had
been before. He continued giving away his monies and
possessions to the poor.
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
St. Francis, whose mother is graced from above to give birth
Pray for us.
St. Francis, whose future holiness is foretold at birth
Pray for us.
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Miniature 2: Francis renounces his father
“When Francis’ father saw that he could not recall Francis from the
journey he had begun, he became obsessed with recovering the
money Francis had spent on feeding the poor and repairing
churches. His was livid.
He sought to have the bishop of the diocese talk some sense into
Francis and demand that he return the possessions given to him by
the family. In the public square, they confronted Francis who
renounced his father and his patrimony.
Francis stood in front of the bishop, he neither delayed nor
hesitated, but took off and threw down all his clothes and returned
them to his father He did not even keep his trousers on, and he
was completely stripped bare before everyone. The bishop,
observing his frame of mind and admiring his fervor and
determination, got up and, gathering him in his own arms, covered
him with the mantle he was wearing. The bishop clearly
understood that this was prompted by God, and he knew that the
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Reader 4:
Dennis Mahoney
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action of the man of God, which
he had personally observed,
contained a mystery. After this he
became his helper. Cherishing
and comforting him, he embraced
him in the depths of charity.
Silence (for end of panel for 10
St. Francis, who in his nakedness is reborn to new life
Pray for us.
St. Francis, who leads with joy and exultation
Pray for us.
Miniature 3: Francis takes the penitent’s habit
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Reader 5:
Andrea Peters, OFS
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A reading from the gospel of Matthew:
“Take no gold or silver or copper in your belts, no bag for your
journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff; for the laborer
deserves his food.” (Mt 10:9-10)
Illustrated in the third scene is Francis taking the penitent’s habit.
When Francis heard that Christ’s disciples should have few
possessions and preach the kingdom of God and penance, he
immediately exulted in the spirit of God, saying this is what he
wanted, sought and desired with all his heart. He then took off
the shoes from his feet, put down the staff from his hands, was
satisfied with one tunic and exchanged his leather belt for a cord.
After this he made a tunic showing the image of a cross, making it
very rough so that in it he might crucify the flesh with its vices and
sins, and very poor and plain so as to never be coveted by the
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
St. Francis, who dresses in sackcloth and goes barefoot and
shaved with a rope around his hips
Pray for us.
St. Francis, whose desire for life is satisfied
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Pray for us.
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Miniature 4: Francis hears the call to live the Gospel
For Francis, every word at Mass filled him with love and poured
over into his love for Jesus. Their souls became intertwined as he
let the words of the Gospel sink deeper and deeper into his soul. At
times, the words and demands of Jesus seemed harsh but still
Francis basked in the love of Jesus and, like St. Paul, learned to
rejoice in his sufferings because they brought him ever closer to his
Master. The more Francis renounced for the Lord, the more he
seemed to possess. In that light, Francis saw his celibacy as
virginity, which brought him closer and closer to his one true love,
Jesus. This virginity, this love, poured out of him into a deep, ever
refilling pool that flowed over into his love for any he encountered,
both man and creature. Francis had truly learned to love.
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
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Reader 6:
Sr. Jeanne Rollins,OSF
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St. Francis, who asks God for straight faith, certain hope and
perfect charity
Pray for us.
St. Francis, who asks God for wisdom and knowledge
Pray for us.
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Miniature 5: Pope Innocent III approves the rule
Here Francis is depicted kneeling at Pope Innocent III’s feet,
seeking an official sanction for his way of life in poverty and
ecclesiastical protection for his brothers. The cardinals stand
behind the Franciscans looking on in astonishment at the tender
scene being enacted shamelessly in full view of the whole Papal
Francis saw in the pope the tangible representative of Jesus,
believing the papal word of approval would be Christ’s own
approval of his interpretation of the gospel. The pope listened to
Francis and later that night dreamed that the Church of St John
Lateran, the mother church of Christendom, began to lean on its
side and topple to the ground. When crashing to the ground, a
little beggar leaped from the shadows and supported the falling
building on his own shoulders. The pope recognized that heroic
beggar as Francis and accepted the dream as a powerful vision.
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Reader 7:Ray Ibe,
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Innocent then re-summoned an audience with Francis and his
brothers, listening to Francis’ interpretation of the dream. The pope
responded by rising from his throne to embrace Francis and
proclaiming for all to hear, “Go with God, little brothers, and
announce salvation for all, as the Lord reveals it to you! And when
the almighty has multiplied your number, then come back to me
and I will charge you with a greater inheritance.”
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
St. Francis, whose way of life is approved by Innocent the
Pray for us.
St. Francis who is inspired by the actions of the Apostles
Pray for us.
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Miniature 6: Francis preaches at Greccio
As Francis’ theology grew and took shape, he found himself
meditating on the birth of Christ. To him, the greatest event in the
history of Christianity took place in the incarnation, Christ coming
to our world as a helpless baby. A child is dependent on us to take
care of it, Francis reasoned, so we could approach that child
without fear. We can treasure the Christ child as flesh of our flesh
and bone of our bone. As Francis pondered this, he had the idea of
recreating Christ’s birth so that all could understand it on a deeper
level. So, Francis set about recreating the birth of God as a helpless
child. He brought a donkey and other animals to the creche with
which he and the brothers and villagers did their best to imitate the
scene of God’s birth. This profound practice spread to the
surrounding villages, then to all of Italy and around the world to
this day.
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
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Reader 8:
Sr. Dorothy McCormack,
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St. Francis, who announces and brings peace to all
Pray for us.
St. Francis, who preaches with a simple and magnificent heart
Pray for us.
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Miniature 7: Francis preaches to the birds
Illustrated in the seventh scene is the Sermon to the Birds. Here
while travelling through the Spoleto Valley, Francis saw a great
multitude of birds of different types gathered and ran swiftly
toward them. When very close, he saw that they awaited him and
did not fly away as they usually would. Filled with great joy, he
humbly requested that they listen to the word of God.
Francis is seen standing close to his companions as he converses
with the birds. Among many other things, he says to them: “My
brother birds, you should greatly praise your Creator and love Him
always. He gave you feathers to wear, wings to fly and whatever
you need. God made you noble among His creatures and gave you
a home in the purity of the air, so that, you neither sow or reap. He
nevertheless protects and governs you without your least care.” It
is said that at these words the birds rejoiced in a wonderful way
according to their nature, stretching their necks, spreading their
wings, opening their beaks and gazing at him.
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Reader 9:
Theresa Arciniega
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Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
St. Francis, who preaches to the birds attentive in the
Pray for us.
St. Francis, whose heart pours out happy words
Pray for us.
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Miniature 8: Francis preaches to the Sultan
As the Crusades wore on, Francis had a burning desire to go to the
Holy Land and die as a martyr for Christ’s cause. But God had other
plans. Francis did indeed go to the Holy Land to achieve his desire
and to preach to the Muslims with hopes of converting them to
Christianity. Francis and his brothers ministered to the Crusaders
and brought as much comfort to them as they could. Then
something occurred to Francis: what if he could go to the Sultan?
In this way, he could possibly achieve his desire to be a martyr but,
even better, he could end this war by leading the Sultan and his
men to Christ. So Francis and his brother set off. With God’s grace
they made it into the Muslim camp and were brought to see Sultan
al-Kamil. Francis’ was surprised to find that the Sultan was actually
a man with great spirituality. They spent several days talking about
the grace of God, or Allah. In the end, Francis’ didn’t convert al-
Kamil but instead was given a pass to go back through the camp
safely. In a profound way, Francis had made a friend and had a
new perspective on God’s Grace.
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Reader 10:
Dana Swears, OFS
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Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
St. Francis, who announces the Gospel to the Sultan of Egypt
Pray for us.
St. Francis, who announces and brings peace and good to all
Pray for us.
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Miniature 9: The sheep among the goats
Celano tells us that Francis “overflowed with the spirit of charity,
bearing within himself a deep sense of concern not only toward
other humans in need, but also toward mute, brute animals. But
among all the different kinds of creatures, he loved lambs with a
special fondness.”
One of the stories demonstrates this love: “Francis journeyed
through the Marshes of Ancona to preach the word of the Lord. He
came upon a shepherd in the fields pasturing a flock of goats.
There was one little sheep walking humbly and among these many
goats. When blessed Francis saw it, he stopped in his tracks and,
touched with sorrow in his heart, said to the brother accompanying
him “Do you see that sheep? I tell you, in the same way our Lord
Jesus Christ, meek and humble, walked among the Pharisees and
chief priests. So I ask you, my son, to share my compassion for
this little sheep and lead this little one from the midst of these
goats.” They had nothing to pay for the sheep, when suddenly a
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Reader 11:
Darleen Pryds
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traveling merchant arrived and offered to pay for what they
wanted. Taking up the sheep, they gave thanks to God, and after
reaching the city, they recounted the long parable of the sheep to
the bishop, who was touched in his heart by the purity of the man
of God, and gave thanks to God.”
The next day, they gave the sheep to the nuns cloistered nearby,
who cared for the sheep using its wool to make a tunic for St.
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
St. Francis, who is made an instrument of your peace
Pray for us.
St. Francis, who prays for the one lost sheep to be returned
Pray for us.
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Miniature 10: The ransom of the lamb
Celano continues with another legend of Francis’ love for lambs.
Again, Francis was with the same brother when “he came across a
man on his way to market. The man was carrying over his
shoulder two little lambs bound and ready for sale. When blessed
Francis heard the bleating lambs, his innermost heart was touched
and, drawing near, he touched them as a mother does with a
crying child, showing his compassion.
‘Why are you torturing my brother lambs,’ he said to the man,
‘binding hanging them this way?’
‘I am carrying them to market to sell them, since I need the
money,’ he replied.
The holy man asked, ‘What to them?’
‘Those who buy them will kill them and eat them,’ he responded.
At that, the holy man said, ‘No, this must not happen! Here, take my
cloak as payment and give me the lambs.’
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Reader 12:
Elaine Hobday
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The man readily gave him the little lambs and took the cloak since it
was much more valuable. The cloak was one the holy man had
borrowed from a friend on the same day to keep out the cold. The
holy man of God, having taken the lambs, now was wondering what
he should do with them.
Asking for advice from the brother who was with him, he gave them
back to that man, ordering him never to sell them or allow any harm
to come to them, but instead to preserve, nourish, and guide them
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
St. Francis, who declares himself to be brother with all of
Pray for us.
St. Francis, who uses privilege for the good of all
Pray for us.
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Miniature 11: Francis does public Penance
Saint Francis is the central figureseated on a stool. He has eaten
meat during Lent. Declaring himself to be a glutton, Francis
demands that he be treated like a criminal in a gesture of
Francis is naked from the waist up and is tied to the center pole by
his wrists. A chain wraps around his neck and is connected to the
top of the pole. His discarded cloak lies on the ground in front of
him. In front of Francis, a group of men gather to watch him. The
most prominent of the men gestures at him. Behind Francis, a
group of ladies gather, and either point or cover their faces. Un his
humility, Francis suffers the humiliation in silence.
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
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Reader 13:
JD Warrick, OFS
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St. Francis, who in his humility finds solace in penance
Pray for us.
St. Francis, who in prayer releases flames of love
Pray for us.
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Miniature 12: Francis receives the stigmata
Francis’ heart was filled with the desire to imitate the Bridegroom
himself in any way possible. Once, while praying fervently in a cave
at Mount La Verna, Francis was filled so much with this desire that
he saw a seraph descend towards him. As he watched, a figure
with six fiery and shining wings hovered above the cave where
Francis sat. In the midst of this splendor was the figure of Jesus
nailed to the cross. This filled Francis with such joy and sorrow that
he begged Jesus for the privilege of becoming like his Master. With
that request Jesus, the Most Holy Bridegroom, granted Francis’
request. Francis received the stigmata in his hands, feet and side.
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
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Reader 14:
Candace McGann,
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St. Francis, to whom a winged seraph appears luminous
Pray for us.
St. Francis, who bears the marks of Christ in love
Pray for us.
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Miniature 13: The Apparition at the Chapter of Arles
During a chapter meeting of the friars, one of the brothers, Father
Maldonado, has a vision of Saint Francis. Father Maldonado stands
to the far left of the brothers while Saint Anthony of Padua, who is
not identified in the scene, is preaching. In the upper middle of the
miniature, a bust of Saint Francis appears in a vision to Maldonado.
In the vision, Saint Francis faces forward and blesses the priest.
The bust is of the same form as the gold medallion busts of
Franciscans which divide the scenes. This is an example of a
miracle worked by Saint Francis while he was still alive.
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
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Reader 15:
Elaine Hobday
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St. Francis, who guides his flock by preaching always
Pray for us.
St. Francis, humble one whom the whole world follows
Pray for us.
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Miniature 14: Francis ministers to the Lepers
Francis nursing the lepers is one of the earliest representations of
his saintliness. He is shown ministering to the lepers in two
different views. In the view on the left, a leper sits on the lap of St.
Francis having a conversation. On the right, Francis stoops over a
basin of water to wash the feet of a leper while two others watch
awaiting their turns. The scene is reminiscent of Jesus washing the
feet of the disciples at the Last Supper.
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
St. Francis, whose kiss to the leper touches the face of Christ
Pray for us.
St. Francis, humble one whom the whole world follows
Pray for us.
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Reader 16:
Sr. Susan
Blomstat, OSF
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Miniature 15: The death of FrancisFrancis’ health declined for
several years, and he knew that Sister Death was waiting to take
him on his journey into heaven, a journey for which he longed.
Francis had many desires about how he wanted to die. He wanted
to leave the world owning nothing and to die lying on the earth
itself, to hear a specific reading from the Gospel of John, and to
taste once more his favorite almond treat and asked “Brother
Jacoba” to bring him some. All of these things, his Brothers
arranged for him, with great tenderness and love.
Francis said farewell to his brothers, saying “Live in the fear of God
and remain with Him forever . . . As for me, I am hastening to
God, whose grace I entrust to all of you.” He blessed not only
those Brothers who stood by him, but all who would follow them.
One is holding a book, probably open to the Gospel. Another is
burning incense. Above him are two angels lifting the soul of
Francis to heaven. At the bottom of the scene are figures of people
kneeling beside him, perhaps praying for miracles from the Saint
after his death.
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Reader 17:
Mary Eve, OFS
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Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
St. Francis, upon whose death the larks flew to the
heights in song
Pray for us.
St. Francis, whose soul rises to heaven like a star
Pray for us.
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Miniature 16: Francis heals the crippled and the possessed
For the canonization of Francis after his death, a great many
miraculous healings were documented, as the prior panel seems to
foretell. This panel shows four of these stories, including the
curing of a girl with a twisted neck and the driving out of demons
from a possessed penitent.
Celano tells us “On the very day that he was buried, Francis
scattered signs dazzling as lightening. He restored to her regular
height a young girl whose body had been bent and severely
twisted. Thereafter, he poured out everywhere the grace of
health on those afflicted with grave illness, but especially on those
who came to his memorial shrine.”
Two Franciscan Brothers stand at the tomb of Francis, perhaps
watching the ascension of the soul of Francis on the day of his
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Reader 18:
Sr. Pat Millen, OSF
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Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
St. Francis, who is elected by God for the health of the world
Pray for us.
St. Francis, who brings joy where there is sadness
Pray for us.
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Miniature 17: The canonization of Saint Francis
Less than two years after the death of Francis on October 3rd,
1226, he was canonized as a saint. Here Pope Gregory IX is seen
blessing the assembled crowd of brothers who wear white surplices
over their hooded garments. The foremost friar bows his head as
he receives the Pope's blessing. He carries a book which is probably
a collection of the Saint's miracles. Celano's text indicates that the
Pope praised Francis while seated on a throne and later went to
kiss the Saint's tomb. In the Bardi dossal these two actions seemed
to have been combined in the representation, for the Pope stands
before an altar that appears to be over the tomb.
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
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Reader 19:
Andrea Peterson, OFS
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St. Francis, who is canonized in Assisi by Gregory the Ninth
Pray for us.
St. Francis, whose sepulcher is on the hill of paradise
Pray for us.
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Miniature 18: The name of Francis is invoked by sailors in a
Illustrated in the eighteenth scene of the Bardi panel is Saving a
Ship in Distress. Here ten mariners on the sea feared for their lives
and cast anchor in the sea. As the sea rose higher, the ropes were
broken and the mariners were left without an anchor wandering
aimlessly over the waves. At last the sea calmed and they
recovered their ropes and anchor, after calling on Saint Francis for
“They turned to the Saint and in a moment without any human
help, they saw the anchors floating on the water, as if the nature of
iron had been changed into the lightness of wood.”
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
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Reader 20:
JD Warrick, OFS
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St. Francis, who changes despair into hope
Pray for us.
St. Francis, who turns darkness into light
Pray for us.
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Miniature 19: The rescued sailors fulfill their vow
In this panel the sailors who were saved from drowning in the
terrible storm, still rejoicing at their miraculous protection by St.
Francis, did what they had vowed to do. They had promised that if
they were helped in recovering the anchors that had been lost in
the storm, they would donate an ounce of gold to build a church in
their town of Chieti. The second they agreed to do this, the
anchors floated up from the depths of the sea, enabling the sailors
to regain control of their damaged ship and return home.
Here the thankful mariners come to the tomb of St. Francis, with
their gift, each carrying a candle, with a rope around their necks.
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
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Reader 21:
Diane Mahoney
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St. Francis, who helps the sailors to see Christ in Brother Storm
Pray for us.
St. Francis, who preaches always, only using words when
Pray for us.
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Miniature 20: Healing of the paralytic, Bartholomew
of Narni
There are many stories of the miracles done by St. Francis after his
death. Here we see one of them the curing of an elderly man
named Bartholomew, a poor man, who one day awoke from his
sleep under a walnut tree to find himself paralyzed. One leg
became withered useless. Over six years of pain and deformity
Bartholomew had a dream in which St. Francis came to him to tell
him to go to the baths to be cured of this disability. Bartholomew
was puzzled by this dream and to the bishop to ask what he should
do. The bishop, who believed that St. Francis had much
compassion for those who suffered, blessed the old man and
encouraged him to follow the instructions.
As Bartholomew limped slowly on his journey to the baths, he lost
his way in the darkness of the night. Again, he was directed by a
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Reader 22:
Dennis Mahoney
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voice that he was on the wrong road and needed to try another
When Bartholomew found the bath and was able to enter it, he felt
two invisible hands stretching out his leg and his foot. When
finished, he immediately began thanking and praising God and St
Francis for the miraculous healing.
Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds)
St. Francis, whose spirit hovers in the Holy Spirit
Pray for us.
St. Francis, who conquers this world with love
Pray for us.
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Saint Francis of Assisi spent over twenty years as a wandering,
mendicant preacher ministering to the marginalized of his time. His
life was marked by an unrelenting commitment to radical poverty,
by his intense love for the crucified Christ and for others, and by
his deep spirit of prayer and contemplation.
By his example of humility and poverty, he attracted many
followers who embraced his vision of living the Gospel life. In his
own life time, the companions of Francis numbered in the
thousands. Today, Franciscans number in the millions across the
On his death bed, Francis left a living legacy of evangelical life to
us with these words, “I have done what is mine to do. May Christ
teach you yours.” The legacy of Francis’ charism unfolds anew for
each generation of Franciscans, charging us to find what is ours to
do in this time and place. In this spirit, we pray the blessing of
Saint Francis given to Brother Leo.
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(Same reader as first 2 slides)
Reader 1:
Br. Keith Warner,
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“May the Lord bless and keep you;
may He make His Face shine upon you and be merciful to you;
may He turn His Countenance toward you and give you His
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Slide # Miniature # Reader Author
1 Central Panel Br. Keith Warner, OFM Debbie Clingingsmith
2 Central Panel Br. Keith Warner, OFM Debbie Clingingsmith
3 Central Panel Mary Eve, OFS Debbie Clingingsmith
4 1 Diane Mahoney Mary Eve
5 2 Dennis Mahoney Mary Eve
6 3 Andrea Peters, OFS Elaine Hobday
7 4 Sr. Jeanne Rollins, OSF Dana Swears
8 5 Ray Ibe, OFS Elaine Hobday
9 6 Sr. Dorothy McCormack, OSF Dana Swears
10 7 Theresa Arciniega Elaine Hobday
11 8 Dana Swears, OFS Dana Swears
12 9 Darleen Pryds Mary Eve
13 10 Elaine Hobday Mary Eve
14 11 JD Warrick, OFS Debbie Clingingsmith
15 12 Candace McGann, OFS Dana Swears
16 13 Elaine Hobday Debbie Clingingsmith
17 14 Sr. Susan Blomstat, OSF Debbie Clingingsmith
18 15 Mary Eve, OFS Mary Eve
19 16 Sr. Pat Millen, OSF Mary Eve
20 17 Andrea Peterson, OFS Elaine Hobday
21 18 JD Warrick, OFS Elaine Hobday
22 19 Diane Mahoney Mary Eve
23 20 Dennis Mahoney Mary Eve
24 Sending Forth Br. Keith Warner, OFM Debbie Clingingsmith
Zoom Host N/A Diane Mahoney N/A
Powerpoint N/A JD Warrick OFS JD Warrick
Organization N/A Debbie Clingingsmith N/A
Rehearsals N/A Sr. Pat Millen, OSF N/A
Dear Readers: Please note that you are the backup reader
for the person who follows you.
We are grateful for information sources from:
 Material from Sr. Kathleen Moffatt, OSF
 “Dating the Bardi St. Francis Master Dossal” by Judith Stein in Franciscan Studies,
vol. 36 (1976), pp. 271-297.
 The Francis Trilogy by Thomas of Celano
 The Life of St Francis by St. Bonaventure
 Dossal of St. Francis handout from
 The Journey and the Dream by Murray Bodo

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Word Version - Transitus of St. Francis 10-3-2020: Bardi Dossal Narrative

  • 1. Transitusof Saint Francisof Assisi: BardiDossalNarrative October3,2020
  • 2. Page 2 of 49 Pages
  • 3. Page 2 of 49 Pages RevisionHistory This narrative of theBardi Dossal ofSaint Francis was writtenfor theTransitus ofSaint Francis, October3, 2020,whichwas presented inZoom Meeting duringthe COVID-19pandemic.The co-sponsors fortheprayer service were theForming SaintFrancis Secular Franciscan Fraternity in Sacramento,CA, andRegion 6 ofthe Franciscan Federation. Thewriting team forthe projectincluded: DebbieClingingsmith, OFS,writerandresearcher Mary Eve, OFS,writer Elaine Hobday,writer PatMillen, OSF,editor Andrea Peters,OFS,researcher Dana Swears, OFS,writer JDWarrick, OFS,Powerpointcreator JohnZieminski, OFS,researcher Planning team organizations include:Franciscan Federation Region 6; Franciscan SchoolofTheology; Little PortionSecular Franciscan Fraternity in Granite Bay, CA;Orderof Friars Minor, SantaBarbara Province; St. Francis ofAssisi Parish in Sacramento, CA; Sisters ofSt.Francis of Philadelphia; Sisters ofSt.Francis of Penance andChristian Charity, Sisters and Associates, St.Francis Province; andSt.Francis Secular Franciscan Fraternity in Sacramento. CA.
  • 4. Page 2 of 49 Pages “Transitus of Saint Francis of Assisi: Bardi DossalNarrative” by Saint Francis of Assisi FranciscanSecular Fraternity inSacramento, CA, and FranciscanFederation Region 6 is licensedunder CC BY-NC 4.0 (This means you may share andadapt our work withattributionfor non-commercial purposes.) Welcome to the Transitus of Saint Francis. We gather tonight to celebrate the life - and the passing into eternal life, of Saint Francis of Assisi. Our guide tonight will be this magnificent dossal of St. Francis. It was painted around the year 1245 by the Master San Francisco Bardi. The original is in Florence, in the Bardi Chapel of Santa Croce. This is a hagiographic or historiated icon – one that tells the story of the saint's life. The central panelconsists of a picture of Francis and twenty very carefully chosen scenes from his life. Slide 1 (Same reader as last slide) Reader 1: Br. Keith Warner, OFM
  • 5. Page 2 of 49 Pages Francis is represented in the manner of a Byzantine icon, facing forward and surrounded by gold symbolizing the radiance of heaven. The apron scenes which surround him tell the story of his life, ministry, and miracles.
  • 6. Page 2 of 49 Pages In the central image, Francis stands in a plain brown tunic of rough material. Around his waist is the cord with its three knots, symbolizing the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. In his left hand Francis holds a book of the Gospels. His right hand is raised in the form of a blessing. On his hands and left foot, we see the markings of the stigmata. Slide 2 Reader 1: Br. Keith Warner, OFM
  • 7. Page 2 of 49 Pages This central image shows Saint Francis on Mount La Verna. Above him, seraphic angels appear in the sky. The rays of light radiating from the blue arc above the angels symbolize the divine transmission of the stigmata which are signs of Christ and of the holiness of Francis. A hand holds a parchment with a Latin inscription. The inscription reads“Listen to him who bears the dogma of life.” Blue decorative bands with a wine skin motif separate the central image of Francis and the scenes around him. Small busts of Franciscans in the shape of round, gold may be found where two or more of the decorative blue bands intersect. Much like witnesses, these early Franciscans silently observe the scenes from the life of Francis which surround them. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Slide 3 Reader 2: Mary Eve, OFS
  • 8. Page 2 of 49 Pages Litany St. Francis, who praises God with a new song Pray for us. St. Francis, who announces and brings peace and good to all Pray for us.
  • 9. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 1: Francis is released from confinement by his mother Francis grew up in a wealthy family, raised by his father, Pietro, to become a successful and respected part of a growing commercial trade. His mother, Lady Pica, loved him very dearly. All this crashed down around them when Francis returned from war as a sick and broken man. In the depths of his depression and ill health, Francis heard the voice of God, leading him into a new way of life “carrying the shield of faith for the Lord”. “Changed in he turned away from the ways of the world and found a new life of living for Christ. He began giving away his money and possessions to the poor, spending hours in prayer and fasting, and falling in love with the Lady Poverty. People thought he had lost his mind. This behavior enraged Pietro, who “grabbed Francis and shamelessly dragged him home. With no pity, he shut Francis up Slide 4 Reader 3: Diane Mahoney
  • 10. Page 2 of 49 Pages for several days in a dark place. Striving to bend Francis’ will to his own, he badgered him, beat, and bound him“ his father left home on pressing family business His mother, who had remained at home with him, did not approve of her husband’s action and spoke with her son in gentle words. After she saw that she could not dissuade her son from his intention, she was moved by maternal instinct. She broke his chains and let him go free. Thanking Almighty God, he quickly returned to the place he had been before. He continued giving away his monies and possessions to the poor. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Litany St. Francis, whose mother is graced from above to give birth Pray for us. St. Francis, whose future holiness is foretold at birth Pray for us.
  • 11. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 2: Francis renounces his father “When Francis’ father saw that he could not recall Francis from the journey he had begun, he became obsessed with recovering the money Francis had spent on feeding the poor and repairing churches. His was livid. He sought to have the bishop of the diocese talk some sense into Francis and demand that he return the possessions given to him by the family. In the public square, they confronted Francis who renounced his father and his patrimony. Francis stood in front of the bishop, he neither delayed nor hesitated, but took off and threw down all his clothes and returned them to his father He did not even keep his trousers on, and he was completely stripped bare before everyone. The bishop, observing his frame of mind and admiring his fervor and determination, got up and, gathering him in his own arms, covered him with the mantle he was wearing. The bishop clearly understood that this was prompted by God, and he knew that the Slide 5 Reader 4: Dennis Mahoney
  • 12. Page 2 of 49 Pages action of the man of God, which he had personally observed, contained a mystery. After this he became his helper. Cherishing and comforting him, he embraced him in the depths of charity. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Litany St. Francis, who in his nakedness is reborn to new life Pray for us. St. Francis, who leads with joy and exultation Pray for us. Miniature 3: Francis takes the penitent’s habit Slide 6 Reader 5: Andrea Peters, OFS
  • 13. Page 2 of 49 Pages A reading from the gospel of Matthew: “Take no gold or silver or copper in your belts, no bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff; for the laborer deserves his food.” (Mt 10:9-10) Illustrated in the third scene is Francis taking the penitent’s habit. When Francis heard that Christ’s disciples should have few possessions and preach the kingdom of God and penance, he immediately exulted in the spirit of God, saying this is what he wanted, sought and desired with all his heart. He then took off the shoes from his feet, put down the staff from his hands, was satisfied with one tunic and exchanged his leather belt for a cord. After this he made a tunic showing the image of a cross, making it very rough so that in it he might crucify the flesh with its vices and sins, and very poor and plain so as to never be coveted by the world. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Litany St. Francis, who dresses in sackcloth and goes barefoot and shaved with a rope around his hips Pray for us. St. Francis, whose desire for life is satisfied
  • 14. Page 2 of 49 Pages Pray for us.
  • 15. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 4: Francis hears the call to live the Gospel For Francis, every word at Mass filled him with love and poured over into his love for Jesus. Their souls became intertwined as he let the words of the Gospel sink deeper and deeper into his soul. At times, the words and demands of Jesus seemed harsh but still Francis basked in the love of Jesus and, like St. Paul, learned to rejoice in his sufferings because they brought him ever closer to his Master. The more Francis renounced for the Lord, the more he seemed to possess. In that light, Francis saw his celibacy as virginity, which brought him closer and closer to his one true love, Jesus. This virginity, this love, poured out of him into a deep, ever refilling pool that flowed over into his love for any he encountered, both man and creature. Francis had truly learned to love. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Slide 7 Reader 6: Sr. Jeanne Rollins,OSF
  • 16. Page 2 of 49 Pages Litany St. Francis, who asks God for straight faith, certain hope and perfect charity Pray for us. St. Francis, who asks God for wisdom and knowledge Pray for us.
  • 17. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 5: Pope Innocent III approves the rule Here Francis is depicted kneeling at Pope Innocent III’s feet, seeking an official sanction for his way of life in poverty and ecclesiastical protection for his brothers. The cardinals stand behind the Franciscans looking on in astonishment at the tender scene being enacted shamelessly in full view of the whole Papal Court. Francis saw in the pope the tangible representative of Jesus, believing the papal word of approval would be Christ’s own approval of his interpretation of the gospel. The pope listened to Francis and later that night dreamed that the Church of St John Lateran, the mother church of Christendom, began to lean on its side and topple to the ground. When crashing to the ground, a little beggar leaped from the shadows and supported the falling building on his own shoulders. The pope recognized that heroic beggar as Francis and accepted the dream as a powerful vision. Slide 8 Reader 7:Ray Ibe, OFS
  • 18. Page 2 of 49 Pages Innocent then re-summoned an audience with Francis and his brothers, listening to Francis’ interpretation of the dream. The pope responded by rising from his throne to embrace Francis and proclaiming for all to hear, “Go with God, little brothers, and announce salvation for all, as the Lord reveals it to you! And when the almighty has multiplied your number, then come back to me and I will charge you with a greater inheritance.” Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Litany St. Francis, whose way of life is approved by Innocent the Third Pray for us. St. Francis who is inspired by the actions of the Apostles Pray for us.
  • 19. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 6: Francis preaches at Greccio As Francis’ theology grew and took shape, he found himself meditating on the birth of Christ. To him, the greatest event in the history of Christianity took place in the incarnation, Christ coming to our world as a helpless baby. A child is dependent on us to take care of it, Francis reasoned, so we could approach that child without fear. We can treasure the Christ child as flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone. As Francis pondered this, he had the idea of recreating Christ’s birth so that all could understand it on a deeper level. So, Francis set about recreating the birth of God as a helpless child. He brought a donkey and other animals to the creche with which he and the brothers and villagers did their best to imitate the scene of God’s birth. This profound practice spread to the surrounding villages, then to all of Italy and around the world to this day. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Slide 9 Reader 8: Sr. Dorothy McCormack, OSF
  • 20. Page 2 of 49 Pages Litany St. Francis, who announces and brings peace to all Pray for us. St. Francis, who preaches with a simple and magnificent heart Pray for us.
  • 21. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 7: Francis preaches to the birds Illustrated in the seventh scene is the Sermon to the Birds. Here while travelling through the Spoleto Valley, Francis saw a great multitude of birds of different types gathered and ran swiftly toward them. When very close, he saw that they awaited him and did not fly away as they usually would. Filled with great joy, he humbly requested that they listen to the word of God. Francis is seen standing close to his companions as he converses with the birds. Among many other things, he says to them: “My brother birds, you should greatly praise your Creator and love Him always. He gave you feathers to wear, wings to fly and whatever you need. God made you noble among His creatures and gave you a home in the purity of the air, so that, you neither sow or reap. He nevertheless protects and governs you without your least care.” It is said that at these words the birds rejoiced in a wonderful way according to their nature, stretching their necks, spreading their wings, opening their beaks and gazing at him. Slide 10 Reader 9: Theresa Arciniega
  • 22. Page 2 of 49 Pages Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Litany St. Francis, who preaches to the birds attentive in the branches Pray for us. St. Francis, whose heart pours out happy words Pray for us.
  • 23. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 8: Francis preaches to the Sultan As the Crusades wore on, Francis had a burning desire to go to the Holy Land and die as a martyr for Christ’s cause. But God had other plans. Francis did indeed go to the Holy Land to achieve his desire and to preach to the Muslims with hopes of converting them to Christianity. Francis and his brothers ministered to the Crusaders and brought as much comfort to them as they could. Then something occurred to Francis: what if he could go to the Sultan? In this way, he could possibly achieve his desire to be a martyr but, even better, he could end this war by leading the Sultan and his men to Christ. So Francis and his brother set off. With God’s grace they made it into the Muslim camp and were brought to see Sultan al-Kamil. Francis’ was surprised to find that the Sultan was actually a man with great spirituality. They spent several days talking about the grace of God, or Allah. In the end, Francis’ didn’t convert al- Kamil but instead was given a pass to go back through the camp safely. In a profound way, Francis had made a friend and had a new perspective on God’s Grace. Slide 11 Reader 10: Dana Swears, OFS
  • 24. Page 2 of 49 Pages Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Litany St. Francis, who announces the Gospel to the Sultan of Egypt Pray for us. St. Francis, who announces and brings peace and good to all Pray for us.
  • 25. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 9: The sheep among the goats Celano tells us that Francis “overflowed with the spirit of charity, bearing within himself a deep sense of concern not only toward other humans in need, but also toward mute, brute animals. But among all the different kinds of creatures, he loved lambs with a special fondness.” One of the stories demonstrates this love: “Francis journeyed through the Marshes of Ancona to preach the word of the Lord. He came upon a shepherd in the fields pasturing a flock of goats. There was one little sheep walking humbly and among these many goats. When blessed Francis saw it, he stopped in his tracks and, touched with sorrow in his heart, said to the brother accompanying him “Do you see that sheep? I tell you, in the same way our Lord Jesus Christ, meek and humble, walked among the Pharisees and chief priests. So I ask you, my son, to share my compassion for this little sheep and lead this little one from the midst of these goats.” They had nothing to pay for the sheep, when suddenly a Slide 12 Reader 11: Darleen Pryds
  • 26. Page 2 of 49 Pages traveling merchant arrived and offered to pay for what they wanted. Taking up the sheep, they gave thanks to God, and after reaching the city, they recounted the long parable of the sheep to the bishop, who was touched in his heart by the purity of the man of God, and gave thanks to God.” The next day, they gave the sheep to the nuns cloistered nearby, who cared for the sheep using its wool to make a tunic for St. Francis. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Litany St. Francis, who is made an instrument of your peace Pray for us. St. Francis, who prays for the one lost sheep to be returned Pray for us.
  • 27. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 10: The ransom of the lamb Celano continues with another legend of Francis’ love for lambs. Again, Francis was with the same brother when “he came across a man on his way to market. The man was carrying over his shoulder two little lambs bound and ready for sale. When blessed Francis heard the bleating lambs, his innermost heart was touched and, drawing near, he touched them as a mother does with a crying child, showing his compassion. ‘Why are you torturing my brother lambs,’ he said to the man, ‘binding hanging them this way?’ ‘I am carrying them to market to sell them, since I need the money,’ he replied. The holy man asked, ‘What to them?’ ‘Those who buy them will kill them and eat them,’ he responded. At that, the holy man said, ‘No, this must not happen! Here, take my cloak as payment and give me the lambs.’ Slide 13 Reader 12: Elaine Hobday
  • 28. Page 2 of 49 Pages The man readily gave him the little lambs and took the cloak since it was much more valuable. The cloak was one the holy man had borrowed from a friend on the same day to keep out the cold. The holy man of God, having taken the lambs, now was wondering what he should do with them. Asking for advice from the brother who was with him, he gave them back to that man, ordering him never to sell them or allow any harm to come to them, but instead to preserve, nourish, and guide them carefully.” Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Litany St. Francis, who declares himself to be brother with all of creation Pray for us. St. Francis, who uses privilege for the good of all Pray for us.
  • 29. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 11: Francis does public Penance Saint Francis is the central figureseated on a stool. He has eaten meat during Lent. Declaring himself to be a glutton, Francis demands that he be treated like a criminal in a gesture of penitence. Francis is naked from the waist up and is tied to the center pole by his wrists. A chain wraps around his neck and is connected to the top of the pole. His discarded cloak lies on the ground in front of him. In front of Francis, a group of men gather to watch him. The most prominent of the men gestures at him. Behind Francis, a group of ladies gather, and either point or cover their faces. Un his humility, Francis suffers the humiliation in silence. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Litany Slide 14 Reader 13: JD Warrick, OFS
  • 30. Page 2 of 49 Pages St. Francis, who in his humility finds solace in penance Pray for us. St. Francis, who in prayer releases flames of love Pray for us.
  • 31. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 12: Francis receives the stigmata Francis’ heart was filled with the desire to imitate the Bridegroom himself in any way possible. Once, while praying fervently in a cave at Mount La Verna, Francis was filled so much with this desire that he saw a seraph descend towards him. As he watched, a figure with six fiery and shining wings hovered above the cave where Francis sat. In the midst of this splendor was the figure of Jesus nailed to the cross. This filled Francis with such joy and sorrow that he begged Jesus for the privilege of becoming like his Master. With that request Jesus, the Most Holy Bridegroom, granted Francis’ request. Francis received the stigmata in his hands, feet and side. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Slide 15 Reader 14: Candace McGann, OFS
  • 32. Page 2 of 49 Pages Litany St. Francis, to whom a winged seraph appears luminous Pray for us. St. Francis, who bears the marks of Christ in love Pray for us.
  • 33. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 13: The Apparition at the Chapter of Arles During a chapter meeting of the friars, one of the brothers, Father Maldonado, has a vision of Saint Francis. Father Maldonado stands to the far left of the brothers while Saint Anthony of Padua, who is not identified in the scene, is preaching. In the upper middle of the miniature, a bust of Saint Francis appears in a vision to Maldonado. In the vision, Saint Francis faces forward and blesses the priest. The bust is of the same form as the gold medallion busts of Franciscans which divide the scenes. This is an example of a miracle worked by Saint Francis while he was still alive. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Slide 16 Reader 15: Elaine Hobday
  • 34. Page 2 of 49 Pages Litany St. Francis, who guides his flock by preaching always Pray for us. St. Francis, humble one whom the whole world follows Pray for us.
  • 35. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 14: Francis ministers to the Lepers Francis nursing the lepers is one of the earliest representations of his saintliness. He is shown ministering to the lepers in two different views. In the view on the left, a leper sits on the lap of St. Francis having a conversation. On the right, Francis stoops over a basin of water to wash the feet of a leper while two others watch awaiting their turns. The scene is reminiscent of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples at the Last Supper. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Litany St. Francis, whose kiss to the leper touches the face of Christ Pray for us. St. Francis, humble one whom the whole world follows Pray for us. Slide 17 Reader 16: Sr. Susan Blomstat, OSF
  • 36. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 15: The death of FrancisFrancis’ health declined for several years, and he knew that Sister Death was waiting to take him on his journey into heaven, a journey for which he longed. Francis had many desires about how he wanted to die. He wanted to leave the world owning nothing and to die lying on the earth itself, to hear a specific reading from the Gospel of John, and to taste once more his favorite almond treat and asked “Brother Jacoba” to bring him some. All of these things, his Brothers arranged for him, with great tenderness and love. Francis said farewell to his brothers, saying “Live in the fear of God and remain with Him forever . . . As for me, I am hastening to God, whose grace I entrust to all of you.” He blessed not only those Brothers who stood by him, but all who would follow them. One is holding a book, probably open to the Gospel. Another is burning incense. Above him are two angels lifting the soul of Francis to heaven. At the bottom of the scene are figures of people kneeling beside him, perhaps praying for miracles from the Saint after his death. Slide 18 Reader 17: Mary Eve, OFS
  • 37. Page 2 of 49 Pages Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Litany St. Francis, upon whose death the larks flew to the heights in song Pray for us. St. Francis, whose soul rises to heaven like a star Pray for us.
  • 38. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 16: Francis heals the crippled and the possessed For the canonization of Francis after his death, a great many miraculous healings were documented, as the prior panel seems to foretell. This panel shows four of these stories, including the curing of a girl with a twisted neck and the driving out of demons from a possessed penitent. Celano tells us “On the very day that he was buried, Francis scattered signs dazzling as lightening. He restored to her regular height a young girl whose body had been bent and severely twisted. Thereafter, he poured out everywhere the grace of health on those afflicted with grave illness, but especially on those who came to his memorial shrine.” Two Franciscan Brothers stand at the tomb of Francis, perhaps watching the ascension of the soul of Francis on the day of his burial. Slide 19 Reader 18: Sr. Pat Millen, OSF
  • 39. Page 2 of 49 Pages Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Litany St. Francis, who is elected by God for the health of the world Pray for us. St. Francis, who brings joy where there is sadness Pray for us.
  • 40. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 17: The canonization of Saint Francis Less than two years after the death of Francis on October 3rd, 1226, he was canonized as a saint. Here Pope Gregory IX is seen blessing the assembled crowd of brothers who wear white surplices over their hooded garments. The foremost friar bows his head as he receives the Pope's blessing. He carries a book which is probably a collection of the Saint's miracles. Celano's text indicates that the Pope praised Francis while seated on a throne and later went to kiss the Saint's tomb. In the Bardi dossal these two actions seemed to have been combined in the representation, for the Pope stands before an altar that appears to be over the tomb. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Slide 20 Reader 19: Andrea Peterson, OFS
  • 41. Page 2 of 49 Pages Litany St. Francis, who is canonized in Assisi by Gregory the Ninth Pray for us. St. Francis, whose sepulcher is on the hill of paradise Pray for us.
  • 42. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 18: The name of Francis is invoked by sailors in a storm Illustrated in the eighteenth scene of the Bardi panel is Saving a Ship in Distress. Here ten mariners on the sea feared for their lives and cast anchor in the sea. As the sea rose higher, the ropes were broken and the mariners were left without an anchor wandering aimlessly over the waves. At last the sea calmed and they recovered their ropes and anchor, after calling on Saint Francis for support. “They turned to the Saint and in a moment without any human help, they saw the anchors floating on the water, as if the nature of iron had been changed into the lightness of wood.” Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Slide 21 Reader 20: JD Warrick, OFS
  • 43. Page 2 of 49 Pages Litany St. Francis, who changes despair into hope Pray for us. St. Francis, who turns darkness into light Pray for us.
  • 44. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 19: The rescued sailors fulfill their vow In this panel the sailors who were saved from drowning in the terrible storm, still rejoicing at their miraculous protection by St. Francis, did what they had vowed to do. They had promised that if they were helped in recovering the anchors that had been lost in the storm, they would donate an ounce of gold to build a church in their town of Chieti. The second they agreed to do this, the anchors floated up from the depths of the sea, enabling the sailors to regain control of their damaged ship and return home. Here the thankful mariners come to the tomb of St. Francis, with their gift, each carrying a candle, with a rope around their necks. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Slide 22 Reader 21: Diane Mahoney
  • 45. Page 2 of 49 Pages Litany St. Francis, who helps the sailors to see Christ in Brother Storm Pray for us. St. Francis, who preaches always, only using words when necessary Pray for us.
  • 46. Page 2 of 49 Pages Miniature 20: Healing of the paralytic, Bartholomew of Narni There are many stories of the miracles done by St. Francis after his death. Here we see one of them the curing of an elderly man named Bartholomew, a poor man, who one day awoke from his sleep under a walnut tree to find himself paralyzed. One leg became withered useless. Over six years of pain and deformity Bartholomew had a dream in which St. Francis came to him to tell him to go to the baths to be cured of this disability. Bartholomew was puzzled by this dream and to the bishop to ask what he should do. The bishop, who believed that St. Francis had much compassion for those who suffered, blessed the old man and encouraged him to follow the instructions. As Bartholomew limped slowly on his journey to the baths, he lost his way in the darkness of the night. Again, he was directed by a Slide 23 Reader 22: Dennis Mahoney
  • 47. Page 2 of 49 Pages voice that he was on the wrong road and needed to try another path. When Bartholomew found the bath and was able to enter it, he felt two invisible hands stretching out his leg and his foot. When finished, he immediately began thanking and praising God and St Francis for the miraculous healing. Silence (for end of panel for 10 seconds) Litany St. Francis, whose spirit hovers in the Holy Spirit Pray for us. St. Francis, who conquers this world with love Pray for us.
  • 48. Page 2 of 49 Pages Saint Francis of Assisi spent over twenty years as a wandering, mendicant preacher ministering to the marginalized of his time. His life was marked by an unrelenting commitment to radical poverty, by his intense love for the crucified Christ and for others, and by his deep spirit of prayer and contemplation. By his example of humility and poverty, he attracted many followers who embraced his vision of living the Gospel life. In his own life time, the companions of Francis numbered in the thousands. Today, Franciscans number in the millions across the globe. On his death bed, Francis left a living legacy of evangelical life to us with these words, “I have done what is mine to do. May Christ teach you yours.” The legacy of Francis’ charism unfolds anew for each generation of Franciscans, charging us to find what is ours to do in this time and place. In this spirit, we pray the blessing of Saint Francis given to Brother Leo. Slide 24 (Same reader as first 2 slides) Reader 1: Br. Keith Warner, OFM
  • 49. Page 2 of 49 Pages Blessing “May the Lord bless and keep you; may He make His Face shine upon you and be merciful to you; may He turn His Countenance toward you and give you His Peace!” Amen!
  • 50. Page 2 of 49 Pages Slide # Miniature # Reader Author 1 Central Panel Br. Keith Warner, OFM Debbie Clingingsmith 2 Central Panel Br. Keith Warner, OFM Debbie Clingingsmith 3 Central Panel Mary Eve, OFS Debbie Clingingsmith 4 1 Diane Mahoney Mary Eve 5 2 Dennis Mahoney Mary Eve 6 3 Andrea Peters, OFS Elaine Hobday 7 4 Sr. Jeanne Rollins, OSF Dana Swears 8 5 Ray Ibe, OFS Elaine Hobday 9 6 Sr. Dorothy McCormack, OSF Dana Swears 10 7 Theresa Arciniega Elaine Hobday 11 8 Dana Swears, OFS Dana Swears 12 9 Darleen Pryds Mary Eve 13 10 Elaine Hobday Mary Eve 14 11 JD Warrick, OFS Debbie Clingingsmith 15 12 Candace McGann, OFS Dana Swears 16 13 Elaine Hobday Debbie Clingingsmith 17 14 Sr. Susan Blomstat, OSF Debbie Clingingsmith 18 15 Mary Eve, OFS Mary Eve 19 16 Sr. Pat Millen, OSF Mary Eve 20 17 Andrea Peterson, OFS Elaine Hobday 21 18 JD Warrick, OFS Elaine Hobday 22 19 Diane Mahoney Mary Eve 23 20 Dennis Mahoney Mary Eve 24 Sending Forth Br. Keith Warner, OFM Debbie Clingingsmith Zoom Host N/A Diane Mahoney N/A Powerpoint N/A JD Warrick OFS JD Warrick Organization N/A Debbie Clingingsmith N/A Rehearsals N/A Sr. Pat Millen, OSF N/A Dear Readers: Please note that you are the backup reader for the person who follows you. We are grateful for information sources from:  Material from Sr. Kathleen Moffatt, OSF  “Dating the Bardi St. Francis Master Dossal” by Judith Stein in Franciscan Studies, vol. 36 (1976), pp. 271-297.  The Francis Trilogy by Thomas of Celano  The Life of St Francis by St. Bonaventure  Dossal of St. Francis handout from content/uploads/Dossal-of-St-Francis.pdf  The Journey and the Dream by Murray Bodo