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                          TOT & FCTOT ALUMNI
                          RANGOON, BURMA

                          SPECIAL POINTS
                          OF INTEREST:
                                                            TOT & FCTOT                  NEWSLETTER
                                                            V OL UME         1,   IS SUE      1                       J UL Y    19 ,   2 01 1

                                                         THE MEMORABLE FCTOT-3 JOURNEY
                           a well-
                               organized TEAM,
                               with mutual respect
                               and..                                                                                By Smile Swe (FCTOT-3)
                             .. YOU can make                  Eleven brains of      hosts invited their rela-     place not only for relaxa-
                               me an unbelievable        different fields from all    tives. But their relatives    tion but also for expecta-
                               change..                  over the world came to       only sent the children to     tion of care and presents
                                                         the royal place for the      the royal place. So the       from their aunty and un-
                           is positive change
                                                         purpose of creating          children came the royal       cle. The two hosts
                               in my professional        CHANGE. The two
                                                         hosts treated the 11 visi-
                             ..I know about my-        tors with smile face.                                                                    F
                               self, I have confi-       They are so hospitable                                                                   C
                               dent, self - reliance     that the visitors are com-                                                               T
                               and self develop-         fortable. When the hosts
                               ment as well.             treated them with vari-
                                                         ous meals at different                                                                   T
                                                         times, they also shared                                                                   -
                                                         eagerly and happily for                                                                  3
                          INSIDE THIS                    snacks and drinks. They                                                                 (1st
                          ISSUE:                         all are hands-in-hands
                                                         each other.
                          Oh, My Dear            2
                                                                Very soon, the 2
                          FCTOT                                                                                        Continue to page 2
                          How a News-            2
                          letter comes                   My Feeling, My Experience in FCTOT course
                                                                                                                            By Khin San Wai
                          A Great Bat-           3
                          tle of FCTOT                          Have you had any      for attending FCTOT            this course, I was very
                          TBT’s ELC              3       special feeling concern-     course (Batch 3) from          excited as well as nerv-
Design: Jimmy Rezar Boi

                                                         ing with a certain train-    the 16th of May to 30th        ous because I heard
                          Comic VAKT             4       ing (course) in your life?   June, I felt very happy,       something about this
                                                         What is your feeling at      satisfied, pleased and         course from alumni.
                          Which One              4
                                                         that time? For me, I have    excited because one of         They said that there are a
                          Change my
                                                         special feeling differ-      my dreams comes true.          lot of challenges and dif-
                                                         ently before, while and      Getting chance to attend       ficulties and they felt
                          How I Change 4                 after I was attending        this course is rarely and I    very stressful throughout
                          myself!                        FCTOT course. As soon        wanted to attend and join      the course. And also they
                                                         as I received email, it      FCTOT long long ago.           have to
                                                         said that I was selected             Before I attended             Continue to page 3

                                                                         Limited Circulation
PAGE   2
                         Continue from The Memorable …..
                         assigned the 11 visitors,           Some visitors got a little         the hosts.
                         however, to provide the             favor from the hosts but
                         children with the things            some haven’t got yet for           As a result, nine visitors
                         they have just possessed,           3 weeks. Almost of all             also got appreciation
                         recently shared by the              felt tired and messy.              from the host but not
                         hosts. Even though they             Even though they wanted            from the children. During
                         don’t know what the chil-           to treat with their favor-         this trip, 9 visitors could
                         dren’s needs, the 11 visi-          ite, they provided them            build a well-organized
                         tors, who have different            with the new things they           TEAM, with mutual re-
                         favorites and dislikes,             recently got from the              spect and understanding,
                         treated the children with           hosts according to the             tolerance, broad-
                         different refreshments .            host’s desires. So they            mindedness and full of
                         Some visitors danced and            discussed together what            energy for the great aim
                         some composed the song              to do and how to do for            of strengthening their
                         and sang the song to                getting favor equally.             civil society. They are
                         make the children happy.            Unfortunately, a few visi-         strongly determined to
                         Even the other visitors             tors became too tired and          multiply all of their en-
                         paid respect to the chil-           stressful to fulfill the           ergy, skill, knowledge,
                         dren with different styles.         needs of the children.             effort and time for the
                         However, the children               The rest visitors, how-            development of their re-
                         didn’t seem quite happy.            ever, motivated and as-            spective community and
                         They only have high ex-             sisted each other. At the          any needy society in the
                         pectation of presents               last, they could provide           world.
                         from their aunty and un-            children their best. Be-
                         cle. The 11 visitors tried          fore the children went             By Smile Swe
                         to make the children                back home, they got what           (FCTOT-3)
                         happy and active to get             they really want
                         favor from the 2 hosts.             “………………….” from

                         How a Newsletter comes out?                                           Oh, My Dear FCTOT
                                                                                                                    By Moh Moh
                                     After last practice    Stella Swe, Jimmy Rezar Boi
                                                                                                        YOU(FCTOT) can
                         training, I have an idea remark-   and Margret @ May Kyi take
                                                                                               make me a lot. Now, I'm a new
                         able for FCTOT-3, which is a       responsibilities for the process   one. I can do whatever I want to
                         newsletter. I discuss with my      of publication bimonthly. For      do. I got a lot of confidence be-
                         TBT friends and two trainers.      the purpose of networking          cause of YOU. I got many best
                         Some TBTs are very appreci-        TOT & FCTOT alumni to              friends in my life. YOU can
                         ated and contributed their         strengthen our society, we try     control my life as my teacher,
                         thoughts and ideas. On the last    our best in this first issue. We   my guide and also it likes my
                         day of FCTOT-3, we made            are looking forward articles       best friend. YOU can make me
                         decision to publish E-             and news contributed by all        an unbelievable change. That is
                         Newsletter bimonthly, organ-       TOT & FCTOT alumni for             positive change.
                         ized and collected the articles    next issues. All articles come
                         from all TOT & FCTOT               out only from the author. If
                         alumni from American Center        there is any weakness in this
                         Training Programs and an-          first issues, we three, Stella
                         nounced the news on June 30,       Swe, Jimmy Rezar Boi, and
                         2011(FCTOT-3 Graduation            Margret @ May Kyi will try
                         Celebration Day) at CBH in         our best for next issues.
                         American Center, Rangoon.
                         Three Alumni from FCTOT-3,         By Jimmy Rezar Boi (fctot-3)

                                           Limited Circulation
VOLUME         1,   ISSUE     1                                                                          PAGE   3

                                                                                     TBT’s E L C
                                                               Mg Mg asked Aung Aung who just finished FCTOT.
      Eleven soldiers at the start,                            Mg   : Hey Aung, you finished FCTOT, right!
     One’s missing in the middle;                              Aung : Of course, I finished successfully.
                                                               Mg   : So, I want to ask you one question.
         Only 9 back to land ;                                 Aung : Ok, ask me.
  But You two are always in my heart!                          Mg   : What is ELC?
                                                               Aung : ELC means “Exam Listening Crying”.
                          By Stella (FCTOT-3)
                                                                                         By Margret (FCTOT-3)
      Continue from My feeling, my experience…...
do many assignments and             thought that I did well in my     peers      and trainers.
conduct Practice Trainings          first TP and so did my peer               As time flew, this
that make them stress and           trainers and participants. Af-    course was being finished
have sleepless nights. Simul-       ter my Staff Trainer an-          and completed. On the last
taneously, I felt satisfied with    nounced my score, I wanted        day of this course, I also felt
myself for an opportunity to        to cry and run away from this     sad and I believe that my
attend this course, but I wor-      course. I have no confident       peers would have the same
ried about assignments and          for second TP and felt de-        feeling as well because we
Training Practice. No matter        pressed and disappointed and      studied together, ate together,
what kind of challenges and         want to give up this course.      went together somewhere
difficulties I will face, I made    Next day, I expressed my          like restaurant for having a
up my mind and started to           feeling in front of my Train-     dinner, KTV and Inya lake
attend this course because I        ers and Peers and I feel so       for relaxation and recreation
want to be a professional and       sad that I could not speak out    and spent time together for
skilful trainer in my later life.   words clearly and I shed tear     almost two months. After
          On the first day of       and it flowed on my cheek         this course, we have to go
this course, I felt very excited    for a time until my peers con-    back our organizations to do
to meet the TBTs (Trainees          soled me and gave sympathy.       community work in different
being Trainers), make friends       Since then, I understand my       regions of our country. Be-
with those people who are           peers more than before and        fore we left, we have decided
from different part of Myan-        have tied closed friendship       to meet often to exchange
mar, different races, ethnics       with them. My Trainers also       our knowledge, share our
and backgrounds and diverse         did counseling and gave me        experience and make strate-
communities. Day by day,            encouragement and tried to        gies plans what we can im-
we are much closed and              understand what my feeling        plement in our diverse com-
likely behave brother and           is and to think and find out      munities.
sister. It seems prominent          how they can help and give                In my conclusion, I
while we are asked to con-          suggestions. In this way, I       strongly believe that I am
duct Practice Trainings two         got better and better and had     very lucky in the world be-
weeks later of Content days.        enough confident to conduct       cause I have a chance to at-
We had to do Team Meeting           my second PT because of my        tend this course, to learn
for discussion and preparing        Trainers’ assistance and          from professional and skillful
for PTs and if someone need         guide line. In my third and       trainers and to meet peers
help and assistance for his/        last PT sessions, I had self-     who are helpful and good-
her PTs, all are ready for          confident and I did well in       hearted. This course is very
help and willing to do some-        my PT though I still have         useful and effective and it is
thing what he/she want to. I        challenges concerning with        worth attending. This course
had bad experience after my         conducting Trainings. In this     created change and so I felt I
first PT because I failed three     way, I came over all prob-        changed something in myself
areas and did not meet crite-       lems and difficulties facing      and it is positive change in
ria in these areas though I         in this course with the help of   my professional life.
                                                                           By Khin San Wai (FCTOT-3)
                                                 Limited Circulation
PAGE    4                                                                  VOLUME        1,   ISSUE     1

          COMIC VAKT                                                 Which One Changed My Mind ?
In class, Trainer teaches VAKT.
Trainer : Now, I’ll give example of
         VAKT.                                                     Before FCTOT   While FCTOT        After FCTOT
Ps       : Yes
Trainer : Let say you like a girl and you                          Freshness      Frozen             Flexibility
         want to show your love using VAKT.                        Confidence     Cry                Creativity
Ps       : They look very interesting.                             Trust          Tear               Time-bound
Trainer : So, first you write letter and give her. By reading      Optimism       Out of Mind        Open Mindedness
         this letter, she can know your love. That letter   is     Talent         Team Spirit        Tolerance
         Visual Support and her learning is Visual Modality.
Ps       : Ha ha ….
Trainer : You sing a song that about your love. By listening                              By Swe Swe (FCTOT –3)
         this song, she can know your love. Now, today lecture
         is finished. Tomorrow, I’ll explain about K and T.
         …. Next day…
Ps       : Sir, I applied Visual and Auditory. But.. now I un-
         derstand K and T from ELC.
Trainer : Oh! Ok, Can you share your experience?
Ps       : Yesterday, I wrote letter on a big sheet and show her
         and say loudly “ I Love You”.
Trainer : And then…
Ps       : And then… she run to me and beat my cheek. So I
         can learn Kinesthetic from her running movement and
         Tactile from beating my cheek.
                                   By May Kyi (FCTOT-3)

               How I change myself!::)
                     Dear TBTs, How are                  I change myself and      just happen while I am attend-
              you? I would like to share         my habit of relying on others.   ing my FCTOT (3). It happen
              about one thing that I got from    Before, I used to ask help or    when I finished my last PT
              this FCTOT (3). You know           suggestions or opinions from     (Practice Training) lol..: Fortu-
              what? :D Of course, you may        others. But, now I didn't ask    nately and Luckily, I know
              not know. Ok, I will share it to   any help from others and just    about myself, I have confident,
              you.                               try to do by myself. It is not   self - reliance and self develop-
                                                                                  ment as well.
                                                                                            So now, you might
                                                                                  know how I change my self on
                                                                                  not relying on others and stand
                                                                                  by my own, believe, thoughts,
                                                                                  ideas, opinion, everything
                                                                                  comes from me. I can say, it is
                                                                                  because of FCTOT (3), more
                                                                                  specifically because of PT ses-
                                                                                            Ok! Enjoy your time
                                                                                  and love to hear from you all
                                                                                  By Nwe Nilar Toh
                                                  Limited Circulation

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TOT&FCTOT Newsletter (vol 1, issue 1)

  • 1. THE AMERICAN CENTER TOT & FCTOT ALUMNI RANGOON, BURMA SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: TOT & FCTOT NEWSLETTER V OL UME 1, IS SUE 1 J UL Y 19 , 2 01 1 THE MEMORABLE FCTOT-3 JOURNEY  a well- organized TEAM, with mutual respect and.. By Smile Swe (FCTOT-3)  .. YOU can make Eleven brains of hosts invited their rela- place not only for relaxa- me an unbelievable different fields from all tives. But their relatives tion but also for expecta- change.. over the world came to only sent the children to tion of care and presents the royal place for the the royal place. So the from their aunty and un-  is positive change purpose of creating children came the royal cle. The two hosts in my professional CHANGE. The two life.. hosts treated the 11 visi-  ..I know about my- tors with smile face. F self, I have confi- They are so hospitable C dent, self - reliance that the visitors are com- T and self develop- fortable. When the hosts O ment as well. treated them with vari- ous meals at different T times, they also shared - eagerly and happily for 3 INSIDE THIS snacks and drinks. They (1st ISSUE: all are hands-in-hands week) each other. Oh, My Dear 2 Very soon, the 2 FCTOT Continue to page 2 How a News- 2 letter comes My Feeling, My Experience in FCTOT course out? By Khin San Wai A Great Bat- 3 tle of FCTOT Have you had any for attending FCTOT this course, I was very TBT’s ELC 3 special feeling concern- course (Batch 3) from excited as well as nerv- Design: Jimmy Rezar Boi ing with a certain train- the 16th of May to 30th ous because I heard Comic VAKT 4 ing (course) in your life? June, I felt very happy, something about this What is your feeling at satisfied, pleased and course from alumni. Which One 4 that time? For me, I have excited because one of They said that there are a Change my special feeling differ- my dreams comes true. lot of challenges and dif- mind? ently before, while and Getting chance to attend ficulties and they felt How I Change 4 after I was attending this course is rarely and I very stressful throughout myself! FCTOT course. As soon wanted to attend and join the course. And also they as I received email, it FCTOT long long ago. have to said that I was selected Before I attended Continue to page 3 Limited Circulation
  • 2. PAGE 2 Continue from The Memorable ….. assigned the 11 visitors, Some visitors got a little the hosts. however, to provide the favor from the hosts but children with the things some haven’t got yet for As a result, nine visitors they have just possessed, 3 weeks. Almost of all also got appreciation recently shared by the felt tired and messy. from the host but not hosts. Even though they Even though they wanted from the children. During don’t know what the chil- to treat with their favor- this trip, 9 visitors could dren’s needs, the 11 visi- ite, they provided them build a well-organized tors, who have different with the new things they TEAM, with mutual re- favorites and dislikes, recently got from the spect and understanding, treated the children with hosts according to the tolerance, broad- different refreshments . host’s desires. So they mindedness and full of Some visitors danced and discussed together what energy for the great aim some composed the song to do and how to do for of strengthening their and sang the song to getting favor equally. civil society. They are make the children happy. Unfortunately, a few visi- strongly determined to Even the other visitors tors became too tired and multiply all of their en- paid respect to the chil- stressful to fulfill the ergy, skill, knowledge, dren with different styles. needs of the children. effort and time for the However, the children The rest visitors, how- development of their re- didn’t seem quite happy. ever, motivated and as- spective community and They only have high ex- sisted each other. At the any needy society in the pectation of presents last, they could provide world. from their aunty and un- children their best. Be- cle. The 11 visitors tried fore the children went By Smile Swe to make the children back home, they got what (FCTOT-3) happy and active to get they really want favor from the 2 hosts. “………………….” from How a Newsletter comes out? Oh, My Dear FCTOT By Moh Moh After last practice Stella Swe, Jimmy Rezar Boi YOU(FCTOT) can training, I have an idea remark- and Margret @ May Kyi take make me a lot. Now, I'm a new able for FCTOT-3, which is a responsibilities for the process one. I can do whatever I want to newsletter. I discuss with my of publication bimonthly. For do. I got a lot of confidence be- TBT friends and two trainers. the purpose of networking cause of YOU. I got many best Some TBTs are very appreci- TOT & FCTOT alumni to friends in my life. YOU can ated and contributed their strengthen our society, we try control my life as my teacher, thoughts and ideas. On the last our best in this first issue. We my guide and also it likes my day of FCTOT-3, we made are looking forward articles best friend. YOU can make me decision to publish E- and news contributed by all an unbelievable change. That is Newsletter bimonthly, organ- TOT & FCTOT alumni for positive change. ized and collected the articles next issues. All articles come from all TOT & FCTOT out only from the author. If alumni from American Center there is any weakness in this Training Programs and an- first issues, we three, Stella nounced the news on June 30, Swe, Jimmy Rezar Boi, and 2011(FCTOT-3 Graduation Margret @ May Kyi will try Celebration Day) at CBH in our best for next issues. American Center, Rangoon. Three Alumni from FCTOT-3, By Jimmy Rezar Boi (fctot-3) TOT & FCTOT Limited Circulation
  • 3. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 PAGE 3 A GREAT BATTLE OF FCTOT TBT’s E L C Mg Mg asked Aung Aung who just finished FCTOT. Eleven soldiers at the start, Mg : Hey Aung, you finished FCTOT, right! One’s missing in the middle; Aung : Of course, I finished successfully. Mg : So, I want to ask you one question. Only 9 back to land ; Aung : Ok, ask me. But You two are always in my heart! Mg : What is ELC? Aung : ELC means “Exam Listening Crying”. By Stella (FCTOT-3) By Margret (FCTOT-3) Continue from My feeling, my experience…... do many assignments and thought that I did well in my peers and trainers. conduct Practice Trainings first TP and so did my peer As time flew, this that make them stress and trainers and participants. Af- course was being finished have sleepless nights. Simul- ter my Staff Trainer an- and completed. On the last taneously, I felt satisfied with nounced my score, I wanted day of this course, I also felt myself for an opportunity to to cry and run away from this sad and I believe that my attend this course, but I wor- course. I have no confident peers would have the same ried about assignments and for second TP and felt de- feeling as well because we Training Practice. No matter pressed and disappointed and studied together, ate together, what kind of challenges and want to give up this course. went together somewhere difficulties I will face, I made Next day, I expressed my like restaurant for having a up my mind and started to feeling in front of my Train- dinner, KTV and Inya lake attend this course because I ers and Peers and I feel so for relaxation and recreation want to be a professional and sad that I could not speak out and spent time together for skilful trainer in my later life. words clearly and I shed tear almost two months. After On the first day of and it flowed on my cheek this course, we have to go this course, I felt very excited for a time until my peers con- back our organizations to do to meet the TBTs (Trainees soled me and gave sympathy. community work in different being Trainers), make friends Since then, I understand my regions of our country. Be- with those people who are peers more than before and fore we left, we have decided from different part of Myan- have tied closed friendship to meet often to exchange mar, different races, ethnics with them. My Trainers also our knowledge, share our and backgrounds and diverse did counseling and gave me experience and make strate- communities. Day by day, encouragement and tried to gies plans what we can im- we are much closed and understand what my feeling plement in our diverse com- likely behave brother and is and to think and find out munities. sister. It seems prominent how they can help and give In my conclusion, I while we are asked to con- suggestions. In this way, I strongly believe that I am duct Practice Trainings two got better and better and had very lucky in the world be- weeks later of Content days. enough confident to conduct cause I have a chance to at- We had to do Team Meeting my second PT because of my tend this course, to learn for discussion and preparing Trainers’ assistance and from professional and skillful for PTs and if someone need guide line. In my third and trainers and to meet peers help and assistance for his/ last PT sessions, I had self- who are helpful and good- her PTs, all are ready for confident and I did well in hearted. This course is very help and willing to do some- my PT though I still have useful and effective and it is thing what he/she want to. I challenges concerning with worth attending. This course had bad experience after my conducting Trainings. In this created change and so I felt I first PT because I failed three way, I came over all prob- changed something in myself areas and did not meet crite- lems and difficulties facing and it is positive change in ria in these areas though I in this course with the help of my professional life. By Khin San Wai (FCTOT-3) TOT & FCTOT Limited Circulation
  • 4. PAGE 4 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 COMIC VAKT Which One Changed My Mind ? In class, Trainer teaches VAKT. Trainer : Now, I’ll give example of VAKT. Before FCTOT While FCTOT After FCTOT Ps : Yes Trainer : Let say you like a girl and you Freshness Frozen Flexibility want to show your love using VAKT. Confidence Cry Creativity Ps : They look very interesting. Trust Tear Time-bound Trainer : So, first you write letter and give her. By reading Optimism Out of Mind Open Mindedness this letter, she can know your love. That letter is Talent Team Spirit Tolerance Visual Support and her learning is Visual Modality. Ps : Ha ha …. Trainer : You sing a song that about your love. By listening By Swe Swe (FCTOT –3) this song, she can know your love. Now, today lecture is finished. Tomorrow, I’ll explain about K and T. …. Next day… Ps : Sir, I applied Visual and Auditory. But.. now I un- derstand K and T from ELC. Trainer : Oh! Ok, Can you share your experience? Ps : Yesterday, I wrote letter on a big sheet and show her and say loudly “ I Love You”. Trainer : And then… Ps : And then… she run to me and beat my cheek. So I can learn Kinesthetic from her running movement and Tactile from beating my cheek. By May Kyi (FCTOT-3) How I change myself!::) Dear TBTs, How are I change myself and just happen while I am attend- you? I would like to share my habit of relying on others. ing my FCTOT (3). It happen about one thing that I got from Before, I used to ask help or when I finished my last PT this FCTOT (3). You know suggestions or opinions from (Practice Training) lol..: Fortu- what? :D Of course, you may others. But, now I didn't ask nately and Luckily, I know not know. Ok, I will share it to any help from others and just about myself, I have confident, you. try to do by myself. It is not self - reliance and self develop- ment as well. So now, you might know how I change my self on not relying on others and stand by my own, believe, thoughts, ideas, opinion, everything comes from me. I can say, it is because of FCTOT (3), more specifically because of PT ses- sion. Ok! Enjoy your time and love to hear from you all too. By Nwe Nilar Toh (FCTOT-3) TOT & FCTOT Limited Circulation