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Platforms of
Dr. Edward Group III
Founder & CEO of GHI
Impact of
on education
of a teacher
for all
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From the
ducation consists of learning and learning
specific skills as well as something less
tangible but deeper: giving knowledge,
positive judgment, and well-developed
wisdom. Education has one of the basic
aspects of passing culture from generation to
generation. But it is more of a formal process of
education & learning, that takes place around
the school.
Education means accelerating the realization
of one’s own potential and hidden talents.
It is applied pedagogy, a set of theoretical
and applied research related to education &
learning, and focuses on many disciplines such
as psychology, philosophy, computer science,
linguistics, neuroscience, sociology,
and anthropology.
An educational platform or an academic
platform, is a virtual program whose function
is to create virtual spaces to share information.
It is intended for teachers & students. It is
widely in practice at universities and schools,
both face-to-face and online learning. With an
education platform you can organize, visualize
and respond immediately to questions without
limiting the room or physical hours. It is ideal
for making rooms for discussing students
and teachers, research groups, and even
virtual communities with the same
common interest.
With online education, you can study
and teach from anywhere in the world. It
means you don’t have to move from one
place to another or follow a strict schedule.
Additionally, you not only saves time, but
also the money you can spend on other
priorities. Virtual lessons are available
wherever you have an internet connection,
and a good way to take advantage of them
is to travel. For example, if you are studying
in your home country and want to find a job,
online education is the best choice. There
is no reason to give up work and study to
explore new and exotic places.
Modern education is widely being
implemented around the globe and has
come a long way. It consists of science-
driven knowledge that covers various fields
such as technology, medicine, etc.
In our latest edition of “Top 10 Educational
Platforms of 2022”, on the cover page, we
have Dr. Edward Group III, Founder & CEO
of Global Healing Institute (GHI). GHI is an
institute that came out of the desire to share
the real secrets to health.
SwiftNLift is not just a business magazine.
We aim at covering all other topics which
account for the betterment of our society.
We always try to bring in articles covering
the latest trends and essential topics. We
as a team have worked hard for our readers
and introduced to you this edition. I hope
you enjoy reading this piece of our efforts!
Nilesh Sabe
Chief Editor
- Nilesh Sabe
24 40
Global Healing
Impact of
on education
for all
of a
Cover Story
Valor Compounding
Hudson Meridian
Platforms of
Dr. Edward Group III
Founder & CEO of GHI
Dr. Edward, firstly we would like to know
about you and the initial stage of your
career. How was the beginning?
Initially, my career began with me wanting to
be a heart surgeon and studying the allopathic
medical model. I was taught, like most doctors, that
pharmaceuticals were the answer to illness and disease
but later learned that they only treat the symptoms, not
the root cause of the condition.
My entire outlook shifted when I realized that this
flawed thinking was at the source of degenerative
disease and a highly-corrupt medical industry. While
most doctors piled on pills that were costly, ineffective,
and only masking symptoms - I wanted to teach others
how to activate their own self-healing mechanism and
free themselves from the system.
Once I realized the journey to health was centered
around a balanced life of cleansing, nutrition, and a
happy mind - I was led to create a supplementation
company that would help to heal the world.
By 1998, I launched Global Healing, a family-owned
supplement business that has led the natural health
industry with innovation, creativity, and an unmatched
commitment to pure ingredients.
Long before it was trendy, we were creating products
that are organic, high-vibrational, vegan, cruelty-
free, non-GMO, non-soy, and gluten-free without
toxic fillers, binders, and excipients. We also were
not radiating our products as most other supplement
companies do.
By eliminating the root cause of disease, we teach
people to detoxify their internal and external
environments and become confident in their own
healing journey. In this sense, the beginning of our
journey is similar to the present-day -
Our #1 mission has always been to help people. I
continue to teach my philosophy that the ultimate
key to health lies in activating your own self-
healing mechanism and healing your body from
the inside-out.
Dr. Edward Group III
Founder & CEO of GHI
What went through your mind while
establishing the Global Healing Institute?
What reasons led you here?
In February of 2021, I was able to launch my long-
time vision of an educational platform and online
community, The Global Healing Institute. It is a
hub for my 25+ years of knowledge and experience
treating thousands of patients all around the
world; a digital network where people can share
information, empower each other, and help bring in
the new paradigm of the world.
What led me to create The Institute was the desire to
share the real secrets to health. Since most doctors
do not want you to have this information (because it
would cost the allopathic medical industry billions of
dollars), these are some of the most closely-guarded
secrets in the world when it comes to medical freedom
and your health.
I was drawn towards creating my own Institute because
there was nothing like this on the market. People share
wellness advice, but no one is talking about why disease
is born in the first place. No one is sharing the truth.
Because of this, I felt it was my duty to share what I
know, in the hopes that it saves lives and awakens the
next global shift of awakening and consciousness.
What began as an e-commerce brand has
transformed into a growing community of healers
and truthseekers. We are excited to see where the
community guides us next!
Tell us about the healing process in
general to understand its base.
Think of it this way - Why do you wash the outside of
your body every day - But you never clean the inside?
There are toxins in our air (heavy metals, bromine,
chlorine, chemtrail residuals, etc.).
There are toxins in our food (GMOs, pesticides,
herbicides, excitotoxins, etc.).
There are toxins in our water (fluoride,
aluminum, lead) -
And each of these poses a harmful threat with
dangerous side effects.
These harmful chemicals must be cleansed from the
body and removed through a detoxification process.
The problem is, our world is increasingly toxic and we
are taking in more toxins than our bodies know how to
The root cause of all disease can be addressed by
looking at the sources of our toxicity and determining
how to best cleanse the body. Once you target the
source, you can work backward from the symptom
and begin to activate your body’s natural inclination to
repair itself; this is your self-healing mechanism.
Your body wants to heal, it was made to do so. Support
this by cleansing your body regularly, eating a clean
organic diet, drinking distilled water, and detoxifying
your home, office, body, and mind.
What courses do you provide and on
which platform?
As of now, all 6 of my courses are available through
The Global Healing Institute:
■	 The Root Cause of Disease: Your body is taking in
over a million toxins on a daily basis. Learn the first
thing that occurs as your body is exposed to these
toxins and how you can start cleansing today.
■	The Power of Fasting: Inside this course, you will
uncover the myths associated with fasting, learn
about different phases, and how to safely prepare for
a water-only fast.
■	 Vibrational Healing: In order to experience high
vibrations, first, you must understand how to raise
your own. Dr. Group will teach you which foods
raise your body’s vibration and how to heal the
world around you through energetic frequencies.
■	 The Secrets of Happiness: This course is an
exploratory series that encourages self-healing
and the incredible power within you to cultivate
abundance, fulfillment, wellness, and absolute joy!
■	 Why Everyone Needs a Parasite Cleanse: From
mold to candida to worms, The average person
is hosting up to 30 different types of parasites
within their body. Use this course as a blueprint for
prevention and learn why cleansing with the entire
family is essential to remaining parasite-free!
■	 Urotherapy: The Ancient Art of Self-Healing - As a
5,000-year-old practice, the rejuvenational method
of Urotherapy uses your own perfect medicine to
heal the body from the inside out.
Tell us about your new course Urotherapy.
What is it about?
My newest course, “Urotherapy: The Ancient Art of
Self-Healing,” combines 25+ years of research I’ve done
on the ancient practice of urine therapy.
Linked to treating cancer, eliminating chronic disease,
and divine manifestations – The power to heal is
completely within.
To describe this course I have to start at the beginning.
Firstly, you have been lied to about urine being a waste
product. It would cost the medical industry billions of
dollars if everyone knew of the free healing modality
that is gifted by their own bodies.
Urine is not waste; it is ultra-filtered blood
concentrate that is only missing the red-colored cells.
Containing more than 3,000 enzymes, minerals,
nutrients, amino acids, hormones, and compounds
that are specific to what your body needs at that time
- Urine therapy has been used throughout history to
treat conditions from A-Z.
Considered ‘The Fountain of Youth,’ there is no
stronger compound known to man for inducing cell
regeneration, restoring the body, and improving your
overall health and wellness.
In this course, I will share my personal testimonial on
the practice during the three major phases, and walk
you step-by-step through this healing modality. This
class is for anyone seeking the truth, solutions, and
awareness of the incredible abilities of your own body.
How long have you been in the wellness
sector? What kind of response have you
been met with?
After nearly 3 decades in this world, I’ve realized
that those who gravitate towards our work, want to
be a part of it. They want to be in a community that
empowers each other to heal themselves, heal others,
and heal the planet; However, many groups and higher
establishments intend to censor the truth and we are
constantly adjusting to keep our message from being
suppressed. But those who resonate with our message,
find us.
We have had an overwhelmingly positive response
to our products, educational material, and cleansing
programs. Our goal is to create positive change in
people’s lives and our reviews show just that.
We are led by our North Star and goals to empower
people with information and wellness products.
For 2021, the total number of people we helped was
2.7-million! We can’t wait to see how many lives we
can change in 2022 and intend to make it a record-
breaking year.
Can you share any memorable moment
that made you proud of your work?
Every day is a memorable moment.
When people message us every day and tell us they are
suffering from a health condition, we are honored to
guide them through the education and resources on
how to tackle their specific situation. Our VIP Health
Consultants are available 7-days a week to help you
take responsibility for your own health, and ultimately,
change your life.
Another memorable time that comes to mind was
seeing how our team worked together in 2020
during the pandemic. We were an essential business
and donated 1+-million bottles of sanitizer to the
community. It was wonderful seeing how we thrived
under pressure and created a healthy environment for
the team and the customers.
Dr. Group, how do you think our current
work life is impacting happiness?
I think the entire system is programmed to create
scarcity and an artificial outlook on happiness. People
look for quick fixes to their health conditions, usually
looking on the surface of the issue. Meanwhile,
children and teens surveyed say that their top two
priorities are getting rich and famous.
The secret of happiness does not lie in external entities
or status-focused merits like money or fame. The real
secrets of happiness lie in unlocking mindfulness,
connecting to a higher frequency, and transforming
yourself through body, mind, and soul healing.
I believe the current work-life situation needs to be
met with more education, balance, and harmony.
People should not work in jobs that lower their
vibrational frequency and they should not focus only
on work. There needs to be time for meditation, family,
friends, hobbies, things that you love, and self-care.
If you are unhappy, you can begin by looking at the
root cause of your unhappiness (financial instability,
lack of work-life balance, lack of love for self, poor
health, lack of freedom), and then determine why
those imbalances exist.
While researching, we explored that
Global Healing Center earned recognition
as one of the largest natural and organic
health resources in the world. How did
you feel at that moment?
That was an incredible moment that could not have
been accomplished without one of our core values and
missions - Always make it better.
We are constantly striving for exceptionalism and
regularly improve upon our already organic and
raw-grade herbal extracts. Producing our ingredients
is a long, specialized process that requires extreme
attention to detail at every step in order to produce the
most effective therapeutic solutions available. Global
Healing prioritizes having the purest and most potent
products on the market. Our heat- and alcohol-free
extraction preserves the plant’s delicate, beneficial
compounds, and the advanced filtration ensures it’s as
fresh and effective as possible.
Every batch is quality tested and packaged in amber
glass bottles to preserve the product’s integrity from
UV and heat damage. We go above and beyond to
ensure none of the purity is sacrificed, even at the
cost of not being on larger shelves because they
require radiation.
These are the steps that separate us from everyone else
on the market.
We will always strive to maintain our recognition as
the largest natural and organic health resources in
the world.
Do you have any final or uplifting words
on the current state of the world and the
youth that are becoming addicted to a
lifestyle that leads nowhere? How can we
all do better?
The world is heading in a destructive direction.
But with destruction comes rebirth.
And sometimes things need to get worse before they
can get better. It has always happened this way. The
pendulum swings us towards something, then shifts
completely in the opposite direction. So the current
state of the world is always in flux and constantly
reshaping itself.
I believe the world is waking up in a global shift that
will bring a more conscious, healing, and intentional
society. The Global Healing Institute was born to
facilitate this global awakening and we are here to
guide and empower your wellness journey. We want to
teach people to become their own doctors, take back
their power, and hopefully leave the world in a better
state than we found it.
Year of Founding: 2021 (Global Healing Institute);
1998 (Global Healing)
	 Founding Member: Dr. Edward Group
Office Locations: 1242 N. Post Oak Rd. Suite #200,
Houston, TX 77055
	 Company Strength: Strong
Platforms of
Yvan Demosthenes
HamiltonDemo sources game-changing talent—
qualified, proven professionals who will propel your
business forward. In addition to helping organizations
forward, they look for opportunities to support their
local community. Members of their organization
are involved in many passion projects, ranging from
volunteering their time to a favorite cause or joining
nonprofit boards to drive the organization’s ultimate
goal further.
and Recruiting. His career has covered various Sales and
Management roles. During his career, he has attained
several awards from GE, CareerBuilder,,
and others.
Yvan has helped companies of all sizes with their online
advertising, technology integration, diversity recruiting
efforts, and overall recruiting
strategies. He has also had the pleasure
of placing executives and emerging leaders
into some of the most recognized companies.
HamiltonDemo understands that the most successful
companies achieve success through the leadership
provided by a select few who drive growth and results.
As expected, these individuals are often highly sought
after and difficult to recruit. As generally passive
candidates, they are already fully engaged in delivering
results for their own companies and operating at a high
level of performance and achievement.
Their expertise:
☐	Executive Recruiting: HamilonDemo’s Executive
Search division is committed to partnering with its
clients to pinpoint, identify, and recruit outstanding
18 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
leaders. Their expertise in recruiting C-level
executives, Vice Presidents, and Directors for a broad
range of companies spans industries from venture
capital-backed startups to Fortune 1000 companies.
☐	Diversity Recruiting: Corporations know that
diversity is big business. The total spending by
minority groups in the United States is approximately
$550 billion annually, and it is expected to grow by
50 percent or more over the next three years. To
sell effectively to these customers, companies need
to hire them, promote them, and retain them. It’s
one thing for an organization to acknowledge that
diversity adds to business value, but it’s another thing
to make it a reality. HamiltonDemo specializes in
helping clients recruit, hire, and retain a diverse pool
of top talent. They understand the demographic
changes in the workforce, and continuously educate
our staff and clients that diversity is not synonymous
with a minority.
☐	Project-Based Recruiting: Their Project-Based
Recruiting Solutions offers a flexible, proven
approach for augmenting and optimizing a
company’s hiring initiative within a finite time frame.
Their project-based recruiting solutions are designed
to be nimble and scalable. They provide on-site or
virtual recruiters who have deep domain expertise
in your specific industry and will work closely with
your human resources, compensation, and hiring
managers to develop job requirements, descriptions
and postings.
The ability to successfully deliver this elite talent has
in large part created the foundation of their firm’s
continued success. They never underestimate the
challenge and urgency these searches present, and
consistently achieve results through their tenacity,
mutual trust with their clients, and overall passion
for their work. Their experience and recruiting
relationships give them unsurpassed precision
and speed in their searches. They consistently
exceed their clients’ expectations by recruiting the
executive that is otherwise perceived as unattainable.
They are committed to delivering above the bar
for every search.
Whether you are an investor looking to strengthen
or enhance your portfolio management team, or an
executive interested in learning more about perspective
and exciting opportunities in your industry, they have
the insight and expertise to support you.
FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
Portrett Pharmaceuticals
Platforms of
Kimberly Lupo
Analytical characterization laboratory specializing
in small molecule active pharmaceutical ingredients.
Employs a wide range of testing services to support
your projects over their life cycle (FTIM - Phase III).
They offer a unique customer service experience where
they are an extension of your program. They amplify
your program to the next level by tapping into available
technology and innovative ideas while standing on an
excellent quality foundation.
Portrett Pharmaceuticals was founded in June 2021.
Founder, Kimberly Lupo, had the vision to own her
own laboratory while in undergrad. The experience
and insight gained from time in the pharmaceutical
industry solidified that there was a need for a different
type of testing laboratory. Wilmington, NC, and its
ecosystem and talent was the perfect place for Portrett
to call home.
Kimberly Lupo has over 15 years of experience in the
pharmaceutical industry. Serving clients at Metrics
Contract Services (Mayne Pharma) for 13 years
solidified Kimberly’s desire to work closely with clients
experience with IRIX Pharmaceuticals (Thermo Fisher
Scientific) and Quality Chemical Laboratories has
assisted Kimberly in becoming highly experienced
and knowledgeable with the pharmaceutical
research industry.
Kimberly earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
from UNC Pembroke and a Master of Science in
Analytical Chemistry from UNC Charlotte. She
completed her Master of Business Administration at
Eastern Carolina University. She also obtained her
regulatory affairs certification (RAC US) in 2015.
Their services:
They provide customized analytical testing for
their client’s programs at all phases of the process.
From method, development to phase-appropriate
method validation.
 Routine Testing: Performing quick turnaround
on routine testing with the highest quality. Your
priorities are their priorities.
■	 ReferenceStandardQualificationandRequalification
■	 Release testing of starting materials, intermediates,
and final drug substances
■ 	 Complete data packets provided
■ 	 Stability storage and testing
20 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
 Method Development: Phase-appropriate method
development for any tests that their instrumentation
supports. Troubleshooting or optimizing a method
is a specialty of theirs!
■ 	 Develops methods with the final use in mind.
Method development report and summaries
■ 	 Improves and optimizes methods to ensure you are
 Validation & Transfers: ICH Q2 phase appropriate
validations and method transfers to suit the needs of
each project.
■	 MethodQualifications,Validations,andTransfersfor
Phase III
■ Quality oversight from protocol generation to
report approvals
 	Compendial Testing: Supports compendial testing
for USP and EP.
Excipients, Raw Materials, Ingredients, Drug
■ 	 Method verification was performed and documented
■ 	 High volume samples
 Instrumentation & Equipment: All instrumentation
and equipment are qualified and maintained per
■ 	Agilent 1260 HPLC w/ DAD
■ 	 Waters Aquity Arc HPLC w/ DAD
Agilent 7890 GC w/ Headspace & Direc Inject
■ 	Mettler Toledo T9 Karl Fischer
■	 Waters LC/MS (non-GMP)
■	 Bruker 600 MHz NMR (non-GMP)
instrumentation and continue to provide excellent
quality to their clients. They hope they will be able to
add stability services and ICP/MS to their offerings and
establish relationships with the many clients that would
benefit from their excellent service and flexibility.
are extremely focused on quality. They have regulatory
affairs certification which gives them access to a lot of
FDA resources that other contract labs may not have.
Their quick turnaround time without compromising the
quality of their work is another good reason to choose
Portrett Pharmaceuticals.
FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
Platforms of
Marc Villella
President & CEO
Making HR compliance and onboarding experiences
easier, faster, and more reliable. GryphonHR delivers a
processes and reduce organizational risk. GryphonHR
was designed by technology and employment experts
to help businesses large and small get a better handle
on HR regulations. Founded in 2018 by seasoned HR
Compliance executives, GryphonHR software was
designed to provide a centralized and secure platform
to employers interested in incorporating compliance
into the hiring process for the entire lifecycle of their
employees and contractors, regardless of hiring country,
state, industry, or job.
GryphonHR is a robust, Human Resources employment
compliance platform designed to simplify and
streamline the compliance lifecycle allowing HR staff to
focus on more employee-centric tasks and duties. With
GryphonHR, organizations can manage their employee
HR compliance tasks, globally, from a single platform.
They built GryphonHR with the user
in mind. They’re confident you’ll find this
the most user-centric HR compliance software
available. Designed as a global HR system from every
aspect, GryphonHR surpasses multi-language systems
by providing complete internationalization for its users.
Each user has the option to configure the platform in
the language of their choice and change the names and
icons for all interface and navigational elements.
Make the user experience your own with total
customization of the platform with branding, custom
mobile. Your workforce is constantly connected to
a smartphone. So, they designed GryphonHR to
adapt to your ever-changing screen needs by allowing
employees to onboard and complete tasks from their
mobile devices.
The GryphonHR compliance platform provides peace
of mind that your employees can continue to work
22 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
without the worry of penalty, lawsuits, terminations,
or fines due to incomplete or inaccurate forms, proper
maintenance of documents, or lack of security to
sensitive information. They’ve engineered a system that
standards of adherence.
Products they have:
	Form I-9
	People Data
 HR Compliance
	Reporting and Analytics
	API / Integrations
	Pricing Table
Their sales and marketing experts will guide your team
on effectively selling and marketing their software
platform through live consultations, sales, and
marketing resources, access to videos, demos, training
materials, documentation, and ongoing support. The
GryphonHR platform was developed to support your
business with numerous built-in customizations, and
configuration “white-label” capabilities to brand their
products as your own.
FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
lobalization is all around in today´s society.
Every day someone in the world is using
a reference to global markets, threats,
environment, etc. in conversations between academic
persons, advertisers, politicians, and so on. The process
of Globalization influenced a lot of people and areas
around the world. One such area is Higher Education.
Researching the impacts of globalization on education
is an ongoing process in the field of international Higher
Education. Globalization is a challenge for Universities
and other institutions around the world that is growing
and growing. It does not only bring positive aspects
and opportunities to the field of Higher Education,
but it also carries a lot of concerns within Higher
Education institutions.
I think we all know in today’s world; globalization is
an important concept for students in higher education
to understand and appreciate because of the demand
in business and industry to hire people who can work
with people of other nations and cultures and if need
be, can travel independently internationally to promote
their business or industry. In addition, the world faces
global challenges that will take interdisciplinary groups
to solve these challenges; providing access to clean
water for everyone on this planet and making clean
renewable energy affordable just to name a few. These
global challenges will need to be solved through the
gathering and sharing of knowledge across disciplines,
institutions, and other entities institutions on a global
scale. Creating meaningful relationships that work
globally is in itself challenging. In this chapter, we
will look at global challenges, the makeup of model
Impact of globalization
on education industry
24 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
collaborative international teams; the importance of
teaching globalization in higher education, how to
best teach globalization, and discuss best practices in
this area.
The impact of Globalisation on Education:
 Globalization has improved the quality of education.
Due to globalization, countries got the opportunity
to witness the best education systems worldwide and
thus could replicate them.
 Knowledge sharing among the world countries
resulted in teaching updated technologies to students
across the world.
 Due to globalization, foreign universities were
helped many students in getting a high-quality
education. Moreover, foreign investments in the
education sector of developing and underdeveloped
countries also helped in improving the facilities
and infrastructure.
Education should develop empathy and
understanding in students. Globalization
enabled students to develop an understanding
of other cultures, which is like a
practical education.
 Globalization encouraged many countries to adopt
alternative learning systems such as home-schooling,
distance education, world schooling, etc.
Higher Education has gone through a lot of changes
in the past century and the main rationale for that was
Globalisation. For example, the modern University
exists out of characteristics from different countries
of the world and developed a lot since the last 100
years regarding science and society. Furthermore,
there have been innovations through Globalisation
in the curricula, subjects, learning, and teaching
technologies. A massive outcome of Globalisation was
the opening of the borders, which cleared the way for
student mobility and program mobility. The number
of students who went abroad to study is three times
higher than it was 30 years ago. Additionally, it is now
possible to take courses in a foreign Higher Education
institution without leaving the home country. But
there are also some challenges Globalisation brought
to the Higher Education system. For example, the
inequalities grow steadily with the powerful Universities
gaining more power and the Universities with fewer
resources falling behind. Through massification, the
Universities are challenged with pedagogical issues and
quality insurance.
Globalization has helped many countries in improving
their education systems and literacy rates. However, not
everyone could benefit from the impact of globalization
on education. Education inequalities must be bridged
can utilize the opportunities created by globalization.
- Amrin
Urovant Sciences
Platforms of
James Robinson
President & CEO
company committed to advancing innovative therapies
for urological care. Urovant Sciences is committed to
developing medicines for urological conditions that
allow people to live healthier and happier lives. Their
approach is rooted in social responsibility. They are
committed to the health and well-being of the patients
and healthcare providers they serve, to their employees,
and to the communities in which they operate. Urovant
Sciences supports policies that improve public health
and access to life-impacting therapies regardless of race,
ethnicity, or ability to pay.
At Urovant Sciences, they are Powered by People and
Possibilities™. Every employee contributes to driving
us forward. They each bring passion, purpose, and care
to their work and they are bold in their approach to
They succeed through grit, determination, flexibility,
and hard work and offer an encouraging and rewarding
community where careers can flourish.
Urovant Sciences is driving scientific innovation to
improve the quality of life for patients living with
urological conditions. Their current area of research
focus is the Overactive Bladder (OAB). They are
currently investigating treatments for OAB in men with
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), as well as third-
line treatments for OAB symptoms in patients who
have failed oral pharmacologic therapy.
Their approach is defined by their passion for science
and medicine, combined with their mission to advance
urological care. They are committed to delivering
meaningful products with significant benefits to their
patients, their caregivers, and their treating healthcare
providers. They maintain a quality and compliance-
focused culture that enables and ensures employees
follow all applicable regulatory requirements to
safeguard our patients and the quality of their products.
Their Product Pipeline:
	Vibegron: Vibegron is a small molecule, β3
adrenergic agonist designed to selectively activate β3
receptors to relax the bladder muscle and improve
urine storage. Vibegron is currently being studied for
the treatment of OAB in men with benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH).
	URO-902: Urovant Sciences’ second investigational
product candidate, URO-902, is a novel gene therapy
26 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
who have failed oral pharmacologic therapy. URO-
902 has been evaluated in two Phase 1 studies in
OAB patients and Urovant Sciences initiated a Phase
2 URO-902 study in 2019.
They aim to advance urologic patient care through bold
innovation, based on diversity of thought, openness
to new ideas, adaptation to change, integrity, and
compassion. They develop innovative therapies and
participate in exceptional licensing opportunities. Their
goal is to be the leading specialty company: recognized
and trusted by patients and providers for their
commitment to urology. Urologic conditions can have
a major impact on daily life, with those affected often
suffering in silence as their conditions are overlooked,
misunderstood, or not adequately treated.
FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
Platforms of
William I. Cote
Hudson Meridian Construction Group (Hudson
Meridian) is one of the leading northeast construction
services firms, offering a unique combination of
construction expertise to private and public sector
owners. Hudson Meridian is a leading New York-based
Construction Management firm offering a unique
combination of Construction expertise. Ranked among
Metropolitan New York’s Top 25 Construction firms
and the nation’s Top 400 firms, HM is recognized as an
award-winning construction management firm. They
have over 100 professional employees and are a provider
of Construction Management, General Contracting,
and Program Management services.
Under the guidance of CEO and Founder William I.
Cote, Hudson Meridian is a highly regarded provider
of Construction Management, General Contracting,
and Program Management services. Though primarily
involved in new construction and restoration projects
such as public housing, luxury residential high rises, and
adaptive re-use of industrial space, the company’s vast
portfolio also includes hospitality,
commercial, health and continued care,
marine, and educational facilities as well
as disaster response and remediation. Hudson
Meridian Construction Group, LLC is led and solely
owned by its founder and CEO, William Cote, who
retains final management authority for the corporation.
Reporting to the CEO is the President/COO, Executive
Vice President, and the CFO. Each of these executives
is assigned a particular company level and business
unit responsibilities.
Hudson Meridian Construction Group (Hudson
Meridian) is one of the leading northeast construction
services firms, offering a unique combination of
construction expertise to private and public sector
owners. As construction services specialists, Hudson
Meridian’s staff possess the skill to perform as
Construction Managers, Program Managers, and
General Contractors to serve the specific needs of
their clients.
28 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
At the heart of their services is their deep commitment
to complex rebuilding and restoration efforts born
through their work at Ground Zero in 2001, which
fueled the founding of Hudson Meridian. As a result
of this experience as well as the comprehensive
experience in coastal resiliency of their leadership
team, today they are leaders in resiliency and disaster
recovery, a growing area of expertise that requires
infrastructure and engineering skills as well as solid core
construction expertise.
Their expertise in vertical construction, infrastructure,
waterfront, coastal resiliency, disaster recovery, and
public projects contributes to their collective wisdom
and capabilities with over $5 Billion in completed
construction. With an accessible leadership team
drawing on decades of experience, who take the
initiative to pass their wisdom down through all
levels and staff regardless of position, Hudson
Meridian can offer their clients an experienced,
educated, and eager team every time they arrive
on a project.
Their management approach was developed in
direct response to what their clients need to realize
their visions. Their fundamental focus for delivering
state-of-the-art projects rests on their four pillars of
Project Management:
	Budget
	Quality
	Safety
	Schedule
Proficient in their industry, they constantly seek
new technology, training, and techniques to deliver
innovative projects on schedule and budget. Their
ranking among New York City’s Top 100 Contractors
and the nation’s Top 400 firms, in addition to their
national and local industry awards for their private and
public sector workers, is a testament to their success in
serving the needs of their clients. They look forward to
continuing to do so for many more decades to come.
FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
Platforms of
William W. Rose
Chairman and CEO
The Best in Business Process Solutions, Delivering
Innovative Technology, Process Automation, and
World Class Talent, Since 1976! They are committed
to delivering world-class services that leverage people,
processes, and technologies and result in streamlined
and more efficient operations for their clients. Their
innovative solutions include Smart Lockers, Mailroom
Automation, Staffing & Recruiting, Veteran Recruiting:
Featuring their Award-Winning, Salute And Recruit
Offering, Accounts Payable Automation & Invoice
Processing, Document Scanning, and Government
Contracts. Their success is built upon the foundation
of using Lean Six Sigma process management tools and
culture of high-performing teams of individuals across
the nation.
Datrose is committed to delivering world-class services
that leverage people, processes, and technologies and
result in streamlined and more efficient operations for
their clients. Their innovative solutions include:
	Smart Lockers
	Mailroom Automation
	Staffing & Recruiting
	Veteran Recruiting: Featuring their Award-Winning,
Salute And Recruit™ Offering
	Accounts Payable Automation & Invoice Processing
	Document Scanning
	Government
Their success is built upon the foundation of using Lean
Six Sigma process management tools and a culture of
high-performing teams of individuals across the nation.
Through innovative solutions for clients who want to
increase efficiency and reduce administrative burdens,
Datrose optimizes your business processes while saving
you money and time.
Their Values:
	Client’s First Mindset: To create value for their
clients, they strive to complete all work in a timely,
efficient manner and remain flexible and responsive
to meet their customers’ ever-changing needs.
	Uncompromised Quality: Customer relationships
average over 30 years to ensure best-in-class
performance, they incorporate quality tools and
30 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
processes into all of their core competencies and
operate under a continuous improvement mindset.
	Unquestioned Integrity: 45 years successful track
record serving private and public sectors, they work
with uncompromising integrity in everything they
do, through respect for their customers, employees,
and the environment in which they operate.
	Success Through Team: Success for them is a team
achievement and not individual heroism, thus
affording their clients a sense of confidence and
comfort in their ability to deliver on their promises.
	Valuing Diversity: they are committed to
creating and supporting a diverse workforce, as
their strength derives from teamwork among
talented people with diverse backgrounds as
evidenced by Datrose minority employees
representing 35% of our workforce and women
representing 48%.
Their mission is to provide world-class outsourcing
services to its customers. Their experienced
professionals are dedicated to creating unmatched value
for their clients using quality process management
tools. They pride themselves on their integrity, passion,
and commitment to their customers.
FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
eachers are arguably the most important
members of our society. They give children
purpose, set them up for success as citizens
of our world, and inspire in them a drive to do well
and succeed in life. The children of today are the
leaders of tomorrow, and teachers are that critical
point that makes a child ready for their future.
Why are teachers important?
Children carry what they are taught at a young age
throughout the rest of their lives. They will use what
they have learned to influence society. Everyone knows
that today’s youth will become tomorrow’s leaders,
and teachers have access to educate the youth in
their most impressionable years — whether that is in
teaching preschool, teaching extracurriculars, sports, or
traditional classes.
Teachers can shape leaders of the future in the best
way for society to build positive and inspired future
generations and therefore design society, both on a
local and global scale. In reality, teachers have the most
important job in the world. Those who have an impact
on the children of society have the power to change
lives. Not just for those children themselves, but the
lives of all.
Role of Teacher in a Student Life:
but also preparing children for a better tomorrow.
lectures in a technical way they make their class
exciting & fun.
 Draw Real-life connections: Good teachers are
the closest companions of the children. They make
learning easier by connecting different subjects to
real-life situations. They cite examples & demonstrate
how the most difficult topics can easily be understood
The importance of a teacher
32 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
by relating to everyday life and how they can be
useful in the future.
teachers always remind their students that they have
comealongwayfromwherethey’vestarted. Bysetting
short-term goals, emphasizing improvement, keep
self-evaluation they monitor every minute progress
of the children & act as a confidence booster.Teachers
also help them by setting smart goals that can be
easily achieved. They create challenging assignments
for students that help them in solving difficult
conditions in life.
☐ Change the Scenario of life: It is well said that ‘the
future development of a nation truly lies in the hands
of good teachers.’ What we become in life depends
on the good education given by our teachers.
They impart data & information in the brains of
children to analyze the situation. Analyzing what
is essential is the most crucial thing we learn from
teachers. From an unshaped stone, they make a
beautiful statue. They make us more knowledgeable
and enable a proper flow of knowledge from one
generation to another.
Why teachers are important in our life?
A child, when comes into this world, knows nothing.
He learns everything from the environment & society.
From the teacher, he gains knowledge & education,
which isn’t possible if there is no guidance provided.
Just like our parents, teachers are also important in our
life. They teach us the wisdom of doing everything.
They give moral support and encourage us to live
equally in this society and treat everyone equally. They
teach us the importance of life and show us the right
track to ensure that we are capable enough to survive in
this society.
Today we should know that only teachers can change
the economic, moral & social life of an individual. We
should need to respect them by appreciating what they
do for us. And pay them regards by giving them the gift
of becoming good human beings. Therefore, it is said
that teaching is a profession that teaches & creates all
other trades.
Why are teachers important? Teachers truly are the
backbone of society. They are role models to children,
offer guidance and dedication, and give young people
the power of education. Because of teachers, countries
can further develop socially and economically. Next
time you or your community achieve something great,
take a moment to think of and be grateful for the
teachers who made it possible.
-	 Amrin
Platforms of
Matt McGuire
SafeStamp is an advanced quantum nanotech indicator,
patent-pending in +60 countries, that allows consumers
to ensure the legitimacy of the products they purchase.
It is as easy as touch and blows, glow and know—touch
the indicator and it glows, breath on the indicator
and the glow changes color; this glow is based on an
advanced nanotech reaction that resists replication
by counterfeiters, so if it glows, you know your
product is authentic.
SafeStamp seeks to redefine protection against
counterfeit products in the pharmaceutical industry.
Counterfeit medicine has hurt pharmaceutical firms
worldwide, leading to $200 billion in lost revenue
each year. But much worse, a million people die
annually from fake drugs, and millions more suffer
health complications.
Developer and provider of quantum nanotech indicator
designed to redefine protection against counterfeit
products in the pharmaceutical industry. The company’s
indicator works on advanced nanotechnology
reaction which resists replication by
counterfeiters by glowing and changing
the color to orange and blue, enabling clients
to detect the legitimacy of the drugs.
Their Awards and Accomplishments:
	Attendee: White House Demo Day
Winner: University of Pennsylvania iDesign
	Y-Prize Competition
	Mack Institute for Innovation Management
	Weiss Elevator Pitch Competition
	Prevention Competition
	Weiss Tech House
34 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
	Wharton Innovation Fund
	Nashville Entrepreneur Center (full scholarship for
PreFlight Incubator Program)
	FedEx Global Entrepreneur (36|86 Entrepreneurship
	University of Pennsylvania InSITE Fellowship
Vanderbilt University (Student-Athlete
Internship Program)
1st Place - Venture Category, Rice University’s
Veterans Business Battle 2019
The industry they work for:
	Technology: They can protect phones, laptops, and
manufacturing components alike.
	Consumer Goods: From shoes to sunglasses,
everyday items are counterfeited at a startling rate.
	 FoodandBeverages:Fromtheformulafornewborns
to wines that have aged for decades, they can protect
food and beverage products consumed around
the world.
They protect what matters most working towards a
safer world for the generations ahead. The solution
to a worldwide pandemic will be rendered ineffective
without the solution to worldwide counterfeiting. That’s
where they come in.
FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
Valor Compounding Pharmacy
Platforms of
Valor is a specialized compounding pharmacy that
customizes medications to fit the unique needs of
each patient. Its mission is to reinvent compounding
pharmacy. They work with a network of providers,
patients, health systems, institutions, and research
scientists throughout the United States. They believe
that the most dangerous phrase in their industry is “it’s
always been done that way”. They seek to change how
you think about and view compounding pharmacy.
They are your proactive partner in health care. They are
nimble and responsive. The average turnaround time
for a compounding pharmacy is 7 days. They do it in
2 to 4! They are data-driven: they monitor key metrics,
use, and analyze data to improve their operations to
produce the highest quality service and product for
their patients and customers.
They have hand-picked supplements that they
recommend as additional support for patients who
would like to boost their health with an addition to the
compounded medications they are prescribed. These
supplements are not a replacement for any medications.
They recommend that you speak with your doctor or
nutritional consultant about which supplements are
right for your needs.
Why do patients and doctors choose
dietary supplements?
Dietary (or nutritional) supplements may help reduce
the risk of certain diseases and might reduce the
discomfort caused by certain conditions.
Supplements can provide a single vitamin or include a
combination of ingredients designed to provide broader
support for management of anxiety, better sleep, an
increase in energy, reduction of pain and inflammation,
immune system support, and other benefits.
Their Programs:
	E-Supplements
	Hormone Testing
Why Compounded Medications?
	Non-Standard Doses: You take a commercially
available medication but require a dose that is not
available. They’ll make your “in-between” dose
36 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
Rick Niemi
so that you don’t have to bother with a pill-cutter
or accuracy in ensuring that you are taking your
medication safely and correctly.
	Ingredient allergies: You are allergic to any
ingredient in a particular medication. They’ll
find custom alternatives for you that remove
that ingredient.
	Commercial availability: A commercially available
medication that you usually take is no longer
available. They can duplicate it for you.
	personalized formula: You are seeing a specialty
physician because you have body pain, are trying
to conceive, get hot flashes or suffer from another
hormonal imbalance, have a skin condition, have
thyroid disease, or have other specialized treatment
needs. Their pharmacists will work with your
physician to find the right balance and compounded
formula that works for you.
	administration restrictions: You have a baby or a
child that cannot swallow a pill. They can convert
your child’s medicine into a suspension or liquid
form to allow for easy administration.
	Ease of use: You have a household pet or exotic
animal that cannot easily take medicine. They can
compound an easy-to-use form of the medication
for you.
Valor is an active partner within the wider healthcare
community, supporting a range of stakeholders by
leveraging their experience, critical thinking, and
compounding capabilities to pay it forward. Valor
focuses on what is best for the patient. For individuals
who rely daily on specialized medications, that means
reducing anxiety and making the experience simple,
fast, and predictable.
FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
Platforms of
Marvin Post
Founder Attic
Located in London, Ontario, Attic Books is one
of Canada’s largest bookstores, making it a tourist
destination. With a large and diverse stock of antique
books, maps, and prints, their shop appeals to a wide
range of customers. They have been in business since
1976. Their services include appraisals, purchases,
consultations, and assistance with general care of books
and paper collectibles. Proprietor Marvin Post is a
member of the International League of Antiquarian
Booksellers (ILAB) and the Antiquarian Booksellers’
Association of Canada (ABAC).
They have three floors of books, maps, prints, paper
collectibles, such as ephemera and postcards, and
eccentric antiques that appeal to readers, scholars, and
seasoned collectors alike. The atmosphere is spacious,
bright, and relaxed, not to mention architecturally
beautiful, with its original tin ceilings, hardwood maple
floors, and all the charisma of a century building. This,
along with the help of their friendly and knowledgeable
staff, will ensure that every visit to Attic Books
will be memorable.
Services they offer:
	Appraisals: Marvin Post is a certified appraiser by
the Canadian Personal Property Appraiser Group
(CPPAG). He has over 43 years of experience
in the field. Some reasons that you would have
your books or items appraised would be for
a tax receipt, probate, or insurance purposes.
They only book appraisals by appointment,
no drop-ins as they cannot guarantee Marvin
will be available.
	Buying Guide: If you have a collection of more than
500 books, they can arrange a house call, except for
predominant paperback collections. See their buying
of interest.
38 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
	Requests: If you are unable to find a certain title or
author on your shelves or in your stockroom, they
will happily take it down as a request to keep an eye
out for. They cannot order the book for you, but as
books come in (and they do daily), they routinely
check their request system and will contact you
if they get your request in. There is no charge or
obligation for this service. As they keep the request
on file until they find it or until an expiration date
you’ve given them, it is a great resource if you are
looking to complete a series, especially those hard-
to-find backlist titles for a newly discovered author.
Just let them know which ones you are looking for,
so they don’t bother you with titles you already have.
Books are more like wine; they get better with age, as
many hands, it has traveled, you get as many stories
to experience in each turn of the page. E-books never
provide the feel of holding a paperback, and new books
don’t provide the happiness of smelling an old book.
With each page, you are sure to get a glimpse of the
old owner. Sometimes, they might have underlined or
highlighted their favorite line, which may also be your
favorite, this bond you have with this person; you don’t
know who is invaluable, which you only get with the
old books.
FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
ducation means to understand and learn by
exploring new adventures. Basic education is
necessary for everyone to know the difference
between good and bad for them. These days, education
has reached every place, but still, some children don’t get
an education. This is due to poverty. The poor children
are not able to afford education. They are busy earning
their daily wages or managing their households. But
this problem is no more with the society because the
Government has set up several Government Schools
free of cost, where the school provides children with
midday meals.
The poor peoples are still hesitant to send their girls to
attend school sessions. This is mostly because of the low
thinking quality of people. They think girls should stay
home and work there forever. Apart from this, girls are
also insecure. Due to this many organizations took part
to train girls in some self-defense techniques.
Why do we need to educate everyone?
Education is the basic building block of every society.
It is the single best investment countries can make to
build prosperous, healthy, and equitable societies.
Article 26 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human
Rights states that “Everyone has the right to education.”
Today, however, 57 million children remain out of
school. Education is not only a right but a passport to
human development that opens doors and expands
opportunities and freedoms ensuring Inclusive,
Equitable, and Quality Education and the Promotion
of Lifelong Learning Opportunities for all to recognize
several impediments for universal education and
attempts to address them through targets to increase
the number of scholarships to students in developing
nations and create educational facilities that are gender-
sensitive and disability-inclusive.
Sustainable and shared economic development
increasingly depends on the capacity of governments
to implement policies targeted at marginalized groups
and remove barriers to ongoing learning and entry
into the labor market. Notwithstanding the significant
achievements over the past decade, women and girls
still have the least access to education and training,
and specific policies are urgently needed to address
these challenges.
Education for all
40 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
Those who leave school at a young age are vulnerable
to unemployment, poverty, early marriage, and
pregnancy. Some factors that fuel drop-out rates
include poverty, gender, disability, family catastrophes,
war, and conflict, as well as perceived low return on
investment for education. Developing alternative
learning opportunities that consider these reasons for
high drop-out rates are necessary to provide young
people appropriate opportunities to consolidate their
basic knowledge and competencies, and equip them
with the relevant skills needed to obtain employment,
become business owners and entrepreneurs or engage
in other productive work.
Education for All—Starting with Women
Achieving greater equality between women and men
and increased empowerment of women and girls
have long been recognized as a global imperative for
development. In 2015 it was made a stand-alone goal
in the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development (SDG5).
Education is key to meeting that goal, and there has
been real progress. Globally, 90% of girls now complete
primary school, but only 75% complete their lower
secondary education. In low-income countries, the
situation is less encouraging: fewer than 67% of girls
complete their primary education, and only 33%
complete lower secondary school. Income and gender
combine for a crushing result. According to Oxfam,
a girl from an average family has a one in 250 chance
of pursuing her studies beyond secondary school,
compared to a one in three odds for a boy from a well-
to-do family. We need to educate our girls to enable a
balanced literacy rate for any country.
Proper and good education is very important for all of
us. It facilitates quality learning all through life among
people of any age group, caste, creed, religion, and
region. It is the process of achieving knowledge, values,
skills, beliefs, and moral habits. People need to get
high-level awareness about the importance of knowing
more than before. Education is very necessary for each
and everyone to improve knowledge, way of living as
well as social and economic status throughout the life.
Getting proper education is the birthrights of everyone
restricting which is the crime. Education is the ultimate
way to get victory overall personal and social problems.
Education is very important to all of us as it plays a very
important role in our life. To live a better and more
peaceful life, we need to be educated.
-	Amrin
Project Lifesaver is the premier
search and rescue program
operated internationally by
public safety agencies, and is
strategically designed for “at
risk” individuals who are prone
to the life threatening behavior
of wandering. The primary
mission of Project Lifesaver is to
provide timely response to save
lives and reduce potential injury
for adults and children with the
propensity to wander due to a
cognitive condition.
Eturi develops essential
cross-platform solutions for
mobile devices. Our flagship
product, OurPact, is the world's
leading parental control

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Top 10 Educational Platforms of 2022.pdf

  • 1. FEBRUARY 2022 Platforms of Educational T o p Dr. Edward Group III Founder & CEO of GHI Impact of globalization on education industry The importance of a teacher Education for all
  • 2. Managing risk is hard. Finding solutions to help doesn’t have to b. Exiger was launched to create a more sustainable path forward. Building a Better Way
  • 3.
  • 4. SUBSCRIBE NOW READ IT FIRST Yes I would like to subscribe to SwiftNLift Magazine. Subscription Charges Cheque should be drawn in favour of : SWIFTNLIFT MEDIA AND TECH LLP Name : Address : City : State : Zip : Date : Telephone : Email : Country : Corporate Office Swiftnlift Media And Tech LLP Headquarter: PUNE INDIA- 411058 Branch Office: DUBLIN OHIO, USA Phone - +1 6143567742 Email - For Subscription - 1 Year . . . . . . . . . (12 Issues) . . . . $ 120 Months . . . . . . . (03 Issues) . . . . $ 30 6 Months . . . . . . (06 Issues) . . . . $ 60 1 Month . . . . . . . (01 Issues) . . . . $ 10
  • 5. Follow us on Chief Editor Nilesh Sabe Managing Editor Helen Jones Executive Editor Parag Ahire Business Development Manager Amanda Clark Art & Design Director Somesh Junavane Assistant Designer Snehal Sawant Advertising & Promotions Manager Vaishnavi Sabe FEBRUARY 2022 For Marketing & Advertising Reach us at: Marketing Manager Janet Franklin Sales Executives David King SME-SMO Executives Alex Contributors Sam Methew Digital Marketing Frank Baskin Technical Head Dipti Paygude Technical Specialist Ankush Katre Circulation Manager Steve Smith Technology Consultant Jenny F Copyright © 2021 Swiftnlift Media and Tech LLP, All right reserved. Marketing and Sales Technical Team Graphic Design Team
  • 6. From the EDITOR E ducation consists of learning and learning specific skills as well as something less tangible but deeper: giving knowledge, positive judgment, and well-developed wisdom. Education has one of the basic aspects of passing culture from generation to generation. But it is more of a formal process of education & learning, that takes place around the school. Education means accelerating the realization of one’s own potential and hidden talents. It is applied pedagogy, a set of theoretical and applied research related to education & learning, and focuses on many disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, sociology, and anthropology. An educational platform or an academic platform, is a virtual program whose function is to create virtual spaces to share information. It is intended for teachers & students. It is widely in practice at universities and schools, both face-to-face and online learning. With an education platform you can organize, visualize and respond immediately to questions without
  • 7. limiting the room or physical hours. It is ideal for making rooms for discussing students and teachers, research groups, and even virtual communities with the same common interest. With online education, you can study and teach from anywhere in the world. It means you don’t have to move from one place to another or follow a strict schedule. Additionally, you not only saves time, but also the money you can spend on other priorities. Virtual lessons are available wherever you have an internet connection, and a good way to take advantage of them is to travel. For example, if you are studying in your home country and want to find a job, online education is the best choice. There is no reason to give up work and study to explore new and exotic places. Modern education is widely being implemented around the globe and has come a long way. It consists of science- driven knowledge that covers various fields such as technology, medicine, etc. In our latest edition of “Top 10 Educational Platforms of 2022”, on the cover page, we have Dr. Edward Group III, Founder & CEO of Global Healing Institute (GHI). GHI is an institute that came out of the desire to share the real secrets to health. SwiftNLift is not just a business magazine. We aim at covering all other topics which account for the betterment of our society. We always try to bring in articles covering the latest trends and essential topics. We as a team have worked hard for our readers and introduced to you this edition. I hope you enjoy reading this piece of our efforts! Nilesh Sabe Chief Editor - Nilesh Sabe
  • 8. 10 24 40 32 Global Healing Institute Impact of globalisation on education industry Education for all The importance of a teacher C O N T E N T S Cover Story Articles
  • 11. Dr. Edward Group III Founder & CEO of GHI
  • 12. Dr. Edward, firstly we would like to know about you and the initial stage of your career. How was the beginning? Initially, my career began with me wanting to be a heart surgeon and studying the allopathic medical model. I was taught, like most doctors, that pharmaceuticals were the answer to illness and disease but later learned that they only treat the symptoms, not the root cause of the condition. My entire outlook shifted when I realized that this flawed thinking was at the source of degenerative disease and a highly-corrupt medical industry. While most doctors piled on pills that were costly, ineffective, and only masking symptoms - I wanted to teach others how to activate their own self-healing mechanism and free themselves from the system. Once I realized the journey to health was centered around a balanced life of cleansing, nutrition, and a happy mind - I was led to create a supplementation company that would help to heal the world. By 1998, I launched Global Healing, a family-owned supplement business that has led the natural health industry with innovation, creativity, and an unmatched commitment to pure ingredients. Long before it was trendy, we were creating products that are organic, high-vibrational, vegan, cruelty- free, non-GMO, non-soy, and gluten-free without toxic fillers, binders, and excipients. We also were not radiating our products as most other supplement companies do. By eliminating the root cause of disease, we teach people to detoxify their internal and external environments and become confident in their own healing journey. In this sense, the beginning of our journey is similar to the present-day - Our #1 mission has always been to help people. I continue to teach my philosophy that the ultimate key to health lies in activating your own self- healing mechanism and healing your body from the inside-out. Global Healing Institute Dr. Edward Group III Founder & CEO of GHI
  • 13. What went through your mind while establishing the Global Healing Institute? What reasons led you here? In February of 2021, I was able to launch my long- time vision of an educational platform and online community, The Global Healing Institute. It is a hub for my 25+ years of knowledge and experience treating thousands of patients all around the world; a digital network where people can share information, empower each other, and help bring in the new paradigm of the world. What led me to create The Institute was the desire to share the real secrets to health. Since most doctors do not want you to have this information (because it would cost the allopathic medical industry billions of dollars), these are some of the most closely-guarded secrets in the world when it comes to medical freedom and your health. I was drawn towards creating my own Institute because there was nothing like this on the market. People share wellness advice, but no one is talking about why disease is born in the first place. No one is sharing the truth. Because of this, I felt it was my duty to share what I know, in the hopes that it saves lives and awakens the next global shift of awakening and consciousness. What began as an e-commerce brand has transformed into a growing community of healers and truthseekers. We are excited to see where the community guides us next! Tell us about the healing process in general to understand its base. Think of it this way - Why do you wash the outside of your body every day - But you never clean the inside? There are toxins in our air (heavy metals, bromine, chlorine, chemtrail residuals, etc.). There are toxins in our food (GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, excitotoxins, etc.). There are toxins in our water (fluoride, aluminum, lead) - And each of these poses a harmful threat with dangerous side effects. These harmful chemicals must be cleansed from the body and removed through a detoxification process. The problem is, our world is increasingly toxic and we are taking in more toxins than our bodies know how to eliminate. The root cause of all disease can be addressed by looking at the sources of our toxicity and determining how to best cleanse the body. Once you target the source, you can work backward from the symptom and begin to activate your body’s natural inclination to repair itself; this is your self-healing mechanism. Your body wants to heal, it was made to do so. Support this by cleansing your body regularly, eating a clean organic diet, drinking distilled water, and detoxifying your home, office, body, and mind.
  • 14. What courses do you provide and on which platform? As of now, all 6 of my courses are available through The Global Healing Institute: ■ The Root Cause of Disease: Your body is taking in over a million toxins on a daily basis. Learn the first thing that occurs as your body is exposed to these toxins and how you can start cleansing today. ■ The Power of Fasting: Inside this course, you will uncover the myths associated with fasting, learn about different phases, and how to safely prepare for a water-only fast. ■ Vibrational Healing: In order to experience high vibrations, first, you must understand how to raise your own. Dr. Group will teach you which foods raise your body’s vibration and how to heal the world around you through energetic frequencies. ■ The Secrets of Happiness: This course is an exploratory series that encourages self-healing and the incredible power within you to cultivate abundance, fulfillment, wellness, and absolute joy! ■ Why Everyone Needs a Parasite Cleanse: From mold to candida to worms, The average person is hosting up to 30 different types of parasites within their body. Use this course as a blueprint for prevention and learn why cleansing with the entire family is essential to remaining parasite-free! ■ Urotherapy: The Ancient Art of Self-Healing - As a 5,000-year-old practice, the rejuvenational method of Urotherapy uses your own perfect medicine to heal the body from the inside out. Tell us about your new course Urotherapy. What is it about? My newest course, “Urotherapy: The Ancient Art of Self-Healing,” combines 25+ years of research I’ve done on the ancient practice of urine therapy. Linked to treating cancer, eliminating chronic disease, and divine manifestations – The power to heal is completely within. To describe this course I have to start at the beginning. Firstly, you have been lied to about urine being a waste product. It would cost the medical industry billions of dollars if everyone knew of the free healing modality that is gifted by their own bodies.
  • 15. Urine is not waste; it is ultra-filtered blood concentrate that is only missing the red-colored cells. Containing more than 3,000 enzymes, minerals, nutrients, amino acids, hormones, and compounds that are specific to what your body needs at that time - Urine therapy has been used throughout history to treat conditions from A-Z. Considered ‘The Fountain of Youth,’ there is no stronger compound known to man for inducing cell regeneration, restoring the body, and improving your overall health and wellness. In this course, I will share my personal testimonial on the practice during the three major phases, and walk you step-by-step through this healing modality. This class is for anyone seeking the truth, solutions, and awareness of the incredible abilities of your own body. How long have you been in the wellness sector? What kind of response have you been met with? After nearly 3 decades in this world, I’ve realized that those who gravitate towards our work, want to be a part of it. They want to be in a community that empowers each other to heal themselves, heal others, and heal the planet; However, many groups and higher establishments intend to censor the truth and we are constantly adjusting to keep our message from being suppressed. But those who resonate with our message, find us. We have had an overwhelmingly positive response to our products, educational material, and cleansing programs. Our goal is to create positive change in people’s lives and our reviews show just that. We are led by our North Star and goals to empower people with information and wellness products. For 2021, the total number of people we helped was 2.7-million! We can’t wait to see how many lives we can change in 2022 and intend to make it a record- breaking year. Can you share any memorable moment that made you proud of your work? Every day is a memorable moment. When people message us every day and tell us they are suffering from a health condition, we are honored to guide them through the education and resources on how to tackle their specific situation. Our VIP Health Consultants are available 7-days a week to help you
  • 16. take responsibility for your own health, and ultimately, change your life. Another memorable time that comes to mind was seeing how our team worked together in 2020 during the pandemic. We were an essential business and donated 1+-million bottles of sanitizer to the community. It was wonderful seeing how we thrived under pressure and created a healthy environment for the team and the customers. Dr. Group, how do you think our current work life is impacting happiness? I think the entire system is programmed to create scarcity and an artificial outlook on happiness. People look for quick fixes to their health conditions, usually looking on the surface of the issue. Meanwhile, children and teens surveyed say that their top two priorities are getting rich and famous. The secret of happiness does not lie in external entities or status-focused merits like money or fame. The real secrets of happiness lie in unlocking mindfulness, connecting to a higher frequency, and transforming yourself through body, mind, and soul healing. I believe the current work-life situation needs to be met with more education, balance, and harmony. People should not work in jobs that lower their vibrational frequency and they should not focus only on work. There needs to be time for meditation, family, friends, hobbies, things that you love, and self-care. If you are unhappy, you can begin by looking at the root cause of your unhappiness (financial instability, lack of work-life balance, lack of love for self, poor health, lack of freedom), and then determine why those imbalances exist. While researching, we explored that Global Healing Center earned recognition as one of the largest natural and organic health resources in the world. How did you feel at that moment? That was an incredible moment that could not have been accomplished without one of our core values and missions - Always make it better. We are constantly striving for exceptionalism and regularly improve upon our already organic and raw-grade herbal extracts. Producing our ingredients is a long, specialized process that requires extreme attention to detail at every step in order to produce the most effective therapeutic solutions available. Global Healing prioritizes having the purest and most potent products on the market. Our heat- and alcohol-free extraction preserves the plant’s delicate, beneficial compounds, and the advanced filtration ensures it’s as fresh and effective as possible. Every batch is quality tested and packaged in amber glass bottles to preserve the product’s integrity from UV and heat damage. We go above and beyond to ensure none of the purity is sacrificed, even at the cost of not being on larger shelves because they require radiation. These are the steps that separate us from everyone else on the market. We will always strive to maintain our recognition as the largest natural and organic health resources in the world. Do you have any final or uplifting words on the current state of the world and the youth that are becoming addicted to a lifestyle that leads nowhere? How can we all do better? The world is heading in a destructive direction. But with destruction comes rebirth. And sometimes things need to get worse before they can get better. It has always happened this way. The pendulum swings us towards something, then shifts completely in the opposite direction. So the current state of the world is always in flux and constantly reshaping itself. I believe the world is waking up in a global shift that will bring a more conscious, healing, and intentional society. The Global Healing Institute was born to facilitate this global awakening and we are here to guide and empower your wellness journey. We want to teach people to become their own doctors, take back their power, and hopefully leave the world in a better state than we found it.
  • 17.  Year of Founding: 2021 (Global Healing Institute); 1998 (Global Healing)  Founding Member: Dr. Edward Group  Office Locations: 1242 N. Post Oak Rd. Suite #200, Houston, TX 77055  Company Strength: Strong  Website:
  • 18. Platforms of Educational T o p Yvan Demosthenes CEO Hamilton Demo HamiltonDemo sources game-changing talent— qualified, proven professionals who will propel your business forward. In addition to helping organizations findthebestpeopletohelppushtheirbusinessobjectives forward, they look for opportunities to support their local community. Members of their organization are involved in many passion projects, ranging from volunteering their time to a favorite cause or joining nonprofit boards to drive the organization’s ultimate goal further. YvanDemosthenesisaSalesProfessionalwithmorethan 20yearsofexperience,16yearswithinTalentAcquisition and Recruiting. His career has covered various Sales and Management roles. During his career, he has attained several awards from GE, CareerBuilder,, and others. Yvan has helped companies of all sizes with their online advertising, technology integration, diversity recruiting efforts, and overall recruiting strategies. He has also had the pleasure of placing executives and emerging leaders into some of the most recognized companies. HamiltonDemo understands that the most successful companies achieve success through the leadership provided by a select few who drive growth and results. As expected, these individuals are often highly sought after and difficult to recruit. As generally passive candidates, they are already fully engaged in delivering results for their own companies and operating at a high level of performance and achievement. Their expertise: ☐ Executive Recruiting: HamilonDemo’s Executive Search division is committed to partnering with its clients to pinpoint, identify, and recruit outstanding 18 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 19. leaders. Their expertise in recruiting C-level executives, Vice Presidents, and Directors for a broad range of companies spans industries from venture capital-backed startups to Fortune 1000 companies. ☐ Diversity Recruiting: Corporations know that diversity is big business. The total spending by minority groups in the United States is approximately $550 billion annually, and it is expected to grow by 50 percent or more over the next three years. To sell effectively to these customers, companies need to hire them, promote them, and retain them. It’s one thing for an organization to acknowledge that diversity adds to business value, but it’s another thing to make it a reality. HamiltonDemo specializes in helping clients recruit, hire, and retain a diverse pool of top talent. They understand the demographic changes in the workforce, and continuously educate our staff and clients that diversity is not synonymous with a minority. ☐ Project-Based Recruiting: Their Project-Based Recruiting Solutions offers a flexible, proven approach for augmenting and optimizing a company’s hiring initiative within a finite time frame. Their project-based recruiting solutions are designed to be nimble and scalable. They provide on-site or virtual recruiters who have deep domain expertise in your specific industry and will work closely with your human resources, compensation, and hiring managers to develop job requirements, descriptions and postings. The ability to successfully deliver this elite talent has in large part created the foundation of their firm’s continued success. They never underestimate the challenge and urgency these searches present, and consistently achieve results through their tenacity, mutual trust with their clients, and overall passion for their work. Their experience and recruiting relationships give them unsurpassed precision and speed in their searches. They consistently exceed their clients’ expectations by recruiting the executive that is otherwise perceived as unattainable. They are committed to delivering above the bar for every search. Whether you are an investor looking to strengthen or enhance your portfolio management team, or an executive interested in learning more about perspective and exciting opportunities in your industry, they have the insight and expertise to support you. Website- 19 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 20. Portrett Pharmaceuticals Platforms of Educational T o p Kimberly Lupo Founder/CEO Analytical characterization laboratory specializing in small molecule active pharmaceutical ingredients. Employs a wide range of testing services to support your projects over their life cycle (FTIM - Phase III). They offer a unique customer service experience where they are an extension of your program. They amplify your program to the next level by tapping into available technology and innovative ideas while standing on an excellent quality foundation. Portrett Pharmaceuticals was founded in June 2021. Founder, Kimberly Lupo, had the vision to own her own laboratory while in undergrad. The experience and insight gained from time in the pharmaceutical industry solidified that there was a need for a different type of testing laboratory. Wilmington, NC, and its ecosystem and talent was the perfect place for Portrett to call home. Kimberly Lupo has over 15 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Serving clients at Metrics Contract Services (Mayne Pharma) for 13 years solidified Kimberly’s desire to work closely with clients tomeettheircustomcontractresearchneeds.Additional experience with IRIX Pharmaceuticals (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and Quality Chemical Laboratories has assisted Kimberly in becoming highly experienced and knowledgeable with the pharmaceutical research industry. Kimberly earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from UNC Pembroke and a Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry from UNC Charlotte. She completed her Master of Business Administration at Eastern Carolina University. She also obtained her regulatory affairs certification (RAC US) in 2015. Their services: They provide customized analytical testing for their client’s programs at all phases of the process. From method, development to phase-appropriate method validation.  Routine Testing: Performing quick turnaround on routine testing with the highest quality. Your priorities are their priorities. ■ ReferenceStandardQualificationandRequalification ■ Release testing of starting materials, intermediates, and final drug substances ■ Complete data packets provided ■ Stability storage and testing 20 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 21.  Method Development: Phase-appropriate method development for any tests that their instrumentation supports. Troubleshooting or optimizing a method is a specialty of theirs! ■ Develops methods with the final use in mind. ■ Method development report and summaries provided. ■ Improves and optimizes methods to ensure you are submission-ready  Validation & Transfers: ICH Q2 phase appropriate validations and method transfers to suit the needs of each project. ■ MethodQualifications,Validations,andTransfersfor allphasesoftheprogram.FTIM(FirstTimeinMan)to Phase III ■ Quality oversight from protocol generation to report approvals  Compendial Testing: Supports compendial testing for USP and EP. ■ Excipients, Raw Materials, Ingredients, Drug Substances ■ Method verification was performed and documented ■ High volume samples  Instrumentation & Equipment: All instrumentation and equipment are qualified and maintained per cGMPs. Instrumentation: ■ Agilent 1260 HPLC w/ DAD ■ Waters Aquity Arc HPLC w/ DAD ■ Agilent 7890 GC w/ Headspace & Direc Inject Capabilities ■ Mettler Toledo T9 Karl Fischer ■ Waters LC/MS (non-GMP) ■ Bruker 600 MHz NMR (non-GMP) Theirmissionistocontinuetogrowbyaddingadditional instrumentation and continue to provide excellent quality to their clients. They hope they will be able to add stability services and ICP/MS to their offerings and establish relationships with the many clients that would benefit from their excellent service and flexibility. Theirteamhasalotofexperienceinthisindustry,andthey are extremely focused on quality. They have regulatory affairs certification which gives them access to a lot of FDA resources that other contract labs may not have. Their quick turnaround time without compromising the quality of their work is another good reason to choose Portrett Pharmaceuticals. website- 21 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 22. Platforms of Educational T o p Marc Villella President & CEO GryphonHR Making HR compliance and onboarding experiences easier, faster, and more reliable. GryphonHR delivers a userandmobile-friendlyplatformtohelpyoumanageHR processes and reduce organizational risk. GryphonHR was designed by technology and employment experts to help businesses large and small get a better handle on HR regulations. Founded in 2018 by seasoned HR Compliance executives, GryphonHR software was designed to provide a centralized and secure platform to employers interested in incorporating compliance into the hiring process for the entire lifecycle of their employees and contractors, regardless of hiring country, state, industry, or job. GryphonHR is a robust, Human Resources employment compliance platform designed to simplify and streamline the compliance lifecycle allowing HR staff to focus on more employee-centric tasks and duties. With GryphonHR, organizations can manage their employee HR compliance tasks, globally, from a single platform. They built GryphonHR with the user in mind. They’re confident you’ll find this the most user-centric HR compliance software available. Designed as a global HR system from every aspect, GryphonHR surpasses multi-language systems by providing complete internationalization for its users. Each user has the option to configure the platform in the language of their choice and change the names and icons for all interface and navigational elements. Make the user experience your own with total customization of the platform with branding, custom icons,color,andgraphics.Andtheplatformiscompletely mobile. Your workforce is constantly connected to a smartphone. So, they designed GryphonHR to adapt to your ever-changing screen needs by allowing employees to onboard and complete tasks from their mobile devices. The GryphonHR compliance platform provides peace of mind that your employees can continue to work 22 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 23. without the worry of penalty, lawsuits, terminations, or fines due to incomplete or inaccurate forms, proper maintenance of documents, or lack of security to sensitive information. They’ve engineered a system that iscommittedtoexceedingthemostrigorouscompliance standards of adherence. Products they have:  Form I-9  People Data  HR Compliance  Reporting and Analytics  API / Integrations  Pricing Table Their sales and marketing experts will guide your team on effectively selling and marketing their software platform through live consultations, sales, and marketing resources, access to videos, demos, training materials, documentation, and ongoing support. The GryphonHR platform was developed to support your business with numerous built-in customizations, and configuration “white-label” capabilities to brand their products as your own. Website- 23 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 24. G lobalization is all around in today´s society. Every day someone in the world is using a reference to global markets, threats, environment, etc. in conversations between academic persons, advertisers, politicians, and so on. The process of Globalization influenced a lot of people and areas around the world. One such area is Higher Education. Researching the impacts of globalization on education is an ongoing process in the field of international Higher Education. Globalization is a challenge for Universities and other institutions around the world that is growing and growing. It does not only bring positive aspects and opportunities to the field of Higher Education, but it also carries a lot of concerns within Higher Education institutions. I think we all know in today’s world; globalization is an important concept for students in higher education to understand and appreciate because of the demand in business and industry to hire people who can work with people of other nations and cultures and if need be, can travel independently internationally to promote their business or industry. In addition, the world faces global challenges that will take interdisciplinary groups to solve these challenges; providing access to clean water for everyone on this planet and making clean renewable energy affordable just to name a few. These global challenges will need to be solved through the gathering and sharing of knowledge across disciplines, institutions, and other entities institutions on a global scale. Creating meaningful relationships that work globally is in itself challenging. In this chapter, we will look at global challenges, the makeup of model Impact of globalization on education industry 24 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 25. 25 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift collaborative international teams; the importance of teaching globalization in higher education, how to best teach globalization, and discuss best practices in this area. The impact of Globalisation on Education:  Globalization has improved the quality of education. Due to globalization, countries got the opportunity to witness the best education systems worldwide and thus could replicate them.  Knowledge sharing among the world countries resulted in teaching updated technologies to students across the world.  Due to globalization, foreign universities were establishedindevelopingcountries.Theseuniversities helped many students in getting a high-quality education. Moreover, foreign investments in the education sector of developing and underdeveloped countries also helped in improving the facilities and infrastructure.  Education should develop empathy and understanding in students. Globalization enabled students to develop an understanding of other cultures, which is like a practical education.  Globalization encouraged many countries to adopt alternative learning systems such as home-schooling, distance education, world schooling, etc. Higher Education has gone through a lot of changes in the past century and the main rationale for that was Globalisation. For example, the modern University exists out of characteristics from different countries of the world and developed a lot since the last 100 years regarding science and society. Furthermore, there have been innovations through Globalisation in the curricula, subjects, learning, and teaching technologies. A massive outcome of Globalisation was the opening of the borders, which cleared the way for student mobility and program mobility. The number of students who went abroad to study is three times higher than it was 30 years ago. Additionally, it is now possible to take courses in a foreign Higher Education institution without leaving the home country. But there are also some challenges Globalisation brought to the Higher Education system. For example, the inequalities grow steadily with the powerful Universities gaining more power and the Universities with fewer resources falling behind. Through massification, the Universities are challenged with pedagogical issues and quality insurance. Conclusion Globalization has helped many countries in improving their education systems and literacy rates. However, not everyone could benefit from the impact of globalization on education. Education inequalities must be bridged betweenRich-poor&urban-ruralareassothateveryone can utilize the opportunities created by globalization. - Amrin
  • 26. Urovant Sciences Platforms of Educational T o p James Robinson President & CEO Foundedin2017,UrovantSciencesisabiopharmaceutical company committed to advancing innovative therapies for urological care. Urovant Sciences is committed to developing medicines for urological conditions that allow people to live healthier and happier lives. Their approach is rooted in social responsibility. They are committed to the health and well-being of the patients and healthcare providers they serve, to their employees, and to the communities in which they operate. Urovant Sciences supports policies that improve public health and access to life-impacting therapies regardless of race, ethnicity, or ability to pay. At Urovant Sciences, they are Powered by People and Possibilities™. Every employee contributes to driving us forward. They each bring passion, purpose, and care to their work and they are bold in their approach to improveoutcomesforpatientsandhealthcareproviders. They succeed through grit, determination, flexibility, and hard work and offer an encouraging and rewarding community where careers can flourish. Urovant Sciences is driving scientific innovation to improve the quality of life for patients living with urological conditions. Their current area of research focus is the Overactive Bladder (OAB). They are currently investigating treatments for OAB in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), as well as third- line treatments for OAB symptoms in patients who have failed oral pharmacologic therapy. Their approach is defined by their passion for science and medicine, combined with their mission to advance urological care. They are committed to delivering meaningful products with significant benefits to their patients, their caregivers, and their treating healthcare providers. They maintain a quality and compliance- focused culture that enables and ensures employees follow all applicable regulatory requirements to safeguard our patients and the quality of their products. Their Product Pipeline:  Vibegron: Vibegron is a small molecule, β3 adrenergic agonist designed to selectively activate β3 receptors to relax the bladder muscle and improve urine storage. Vibegron is currently being studied for the treatment of OAB in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).  URO-902: Urovant Sciences’ second investigational product candidate, URO-902, is a novel gene therapy forpatientswithoveractivebladder(OAB)symptoms 26 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 27. who have failed oral pharmacologic therapy. URO- 902 has been evaluated in two Phase 1 studies in OAB patients and Urovant Sciences initiated a Phase 2 URO-902 study in 2019. They aim to advance urologic patient care through bold innovation, based on diversity of thought, openness to new ideas, adaptation to change, integrity, and compassion. They develop innovative therapies and participate in exceptional licensing opportunities. Their goal is to be the leading specialty company: recognized and trusted by patients and providers for their commitment to urology. Urologic conditions can have a major impact on daily life, with those affected often suffering in silence as their conditions are overlooked, misunderstood, or not adequately treated. Website- 27 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 28. Platforms of Educational T o p William I. Cote Founder/CEO Hudson Meridian Construction Group Hudson Meridian Construction Group (Hudson Meridian) is one of the leading northeast construction services firms, offering a unique combination of construction expertise to private and public sector owners. Hudson Meridian is a leading New York-based Construction Management firm offering a unique combination of Construction expertise. Ranked among Metropolitan New York’s Top 25 Construction firms and the nation’s Top 400 firms, HM is recognized as an award-winning construction management firm. They have over 100 professional employees and are a provider of Construction Management, General Contracting, and Program Management services. Under the guidance of CEO and Founder William I. Cote, Hudson Meridian is a highly regarded provider of Construction Management, General Contracting, and Program Management services. Though primarily involved in new construction and restoration projects such as public housing, luxury residential high rises, and adaptive re-use of industrial space, the company’s vast portfolio also includes hospitality, commercial, health and continued care, marine, and educational facilities as well as disaster response and remediation. Hudson Meridian Construction Group, LLC is led and solely owned by its founder and CEO, William Cote, who retains final management authority for the corporation. Reporting to the CEO is the President/COO, Executive Vice President, and the CFO. Each of these executives is assigned a particular company level and business unit responsibilities. Hudson Meridian Construction Group (Hudson Meridian) is one of the leading northeast construction services firms, offering a unique combination of construction expertise to private and public sector owners. As construction services specialists, Hudson Meridian’s staff possess the skill to perform as Construction Managers, Program Managers, and General Contractors to serve the specific needs of their clients. 28 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 29. At the heart of their services is their deep commitment to complex rebuilding and restoration efforts born through their work at Ground Zero in 2001, which fueled the founding of Hudson Meridian. As a result of this experience as well as the comprehensive experience in coastal resiliency of their leadership team, today they are leaders in resiliency and disaster recovery, a growing area of expertise that requires infrastructure and engineering skills as well as solid core construction expertise. Their expertise in vertical construction, infrastructure, waterfront, coastal resiliency, disaster recovery, and public projects contributes to their collective wisdom and capabilities with over $5 Billion in completed construction. With an accessible leadership team drawing on decades of experience, who take the initiative to pass their wisdom down through all levels and staff regardless of position, Hudson Meridian can offer their clients an experienced, educated, and eager team every time they arrive on a project. Their management approach was developed in direct response to what their clients need to realize their visions. Their fundamental focus for delivering state-of-the-art projects rests on their four pillars of Project Management:  Budget  Quality  Safety  Schedule Proficient in their industry, they constantly seek new technology, training, and techniques to deliver innovative projects on schedule and budget. Their ranking among New York City’s Top 100 Contractors and the nation’s Top 400 firms, in addition to their national and local industry awards for their private and public sector workers, is a testament to their success in serving the needs of their clients. They look forward to continuing to do so for many more decades to come. Website- 29 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 30. Datrose Platforms of Educational T o p William W. Rose Chairman and CEO The Best in Business Process Solutions, Delivering Innovative Technology, Process Automation, and World Class Talent, Since 1976! They are committed to delivering world-class services that leverage people, processes, and technologies and result in streamlined and more efficient operations for their clients. Their innovative solutions include Smart Lockers, Mailroom Automation, Staffing & Recruiting, Veteran Recruiting: Featuring their Award-Winning, Salute And Recruit Offering, Accounts Payable Automation & Invoice Processing, Document Scanning, and Government Contracts. Their success is built upon the foundation of using Lean Six Sigma process management tools and culture of high-performing teams of individuals across the nation. Datrose is committed to delivering world-class services that leverage people, processes, and technologies and result in streamlined and more efficient operations for their clients. Their innovative solutions include:  Smart Lockers  Mailroom Automation  Staffing & Recruiting  Veteran Recruiting: Featuring their Award-Winning, Salute And Recruit™ Offering  Accounts Payable Automation & Invoice Processing  Document Scanning  Government Their success is built upon the foundation of using Lean Six Sigma process management tools and a culture of high-performing teams of individuals across the nation. Through innovative solutions for clients who want to increase efficiency and reduce administrative burdens, Datrose optimizes your business processes while saving you money and time. Their Values:  Client’s First Mindset: To create value for their clients, they strive to complete all work in a timely, efficient manner and remain flexible and responsive to meet their customers’ ever-changing needs.  Uncompromised Quality: Customer relationships average over 30 years to ensure best-in-class performance, they incorporate quality tools and 30 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 31. processes into all of their core competencies and operate under a continuous improvement mindset.  Unquestioned Integrity: 45 years successful track record serving private and public sectors, they work with uncompromising integrity in everything they do, through respect for their customers, employees, and the environment in which they operate.  Success Through Team: Success for them is a team achievement and not individual heroism, thus affording their clients a sense of confidence and comfort in their ability to deliver on their promises.  Valuing Diversity: they are committed to creating and supporting a diverse workforce, as their strength derives from teamwork among talented people with diverse backgrounds as evidenced by Datrose minority employees representing 35% of our workforce and women representing 48%. Their mission is to provide world-class outsourcing services to its customers. Their experienced professionals are dedicated to creating unmatched value for their clients using quality process management tools. They pride themselves on their integrity, passion, and commitment to their customers. Website- 31 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 32. T eachers are arguably the most important members of our society. They give children purpose, set them up for success as citizens of our world, and inspire in them a drive to do well and succeed in life. The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and teachers are that critical point that makes a child ready for their future. Why are teachers important? Children carry what they are taught at a young age throughout the rest of their lives. They will use what they have learned to influence society. Everyone knows that today’s youth will become tomorrow’s leaders, and teachers have access to educate the youth in their most impressionable years — whether that is in teaching preschool, teaching extracurriculars, sports, or traditional classes. Teachers can shape leaders of the future in the best way for society to build positive and inspired future generations and therefore design society, both on a local and global scale. In reality, teachers have the most important job in the world. Those who have an impact on the children of society have the power to change lives. Not just for those children themselves, but the lives of all. Role of Teacher in a Student Life: Makelearningfun:Theirmaintaskisnotonlyteaching but also preparing children for a better tomorrow. Ratherthanexplainingconceptsthroughlargeboring lectures in a technical way they make their class exciting & fun.  Draw Real-life connections: Good teachers are the closest companions of the children. They make learning easier by connecting different subjects to real-life situations. They cite examples & demonstrate how the most difficult topics can easily be understood The importance of a teacher 32 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 33. 33 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift by relating to everyday life and how they can be useful in the future. TrackImprovement&SetPerformanceGoals:Good teachers always remind their students that they have comealongwayfromwherethey’vestarted. Bysetting short-term goals, emphasizing improvement, keep self-evaluation they monitor every minute progress of the children & act as a confidence booster.Teachers also help them by setting smart goals that can be easily achieved. They create challenging assignments for students that help them in solving difficult conditions in life. ☐ Change the Scenario of life: It is well said that ‘the future development of a nation truly lies in the hands of good teachers.’ What we become in life depends on the good education given by our teachers. They impart data & information in the brains of children to analyze the situation. Analyzing what is essential is the most crucial thing we learn from teachers. From an unshaped stone, they make a beautiful statue. They make us more knowledgeable and enable a proper flow of knowledge from one generation to another. Why teachers are important in our life? A child, when comes into this world, knows nothing. He learns everything from the environment & society. From the teacher, he gains knowledge & education, which isn’t possible if there is no guidance provided. Just like our parents, teachers are also important in our life. They teach us the wisdom of doing everything. They give moral support and encourage us to live equally in this society and treat everyone equally. They teach us the importance of life and show us the right track to ensure that we are capable enough to survive in this society. Today we should know that only teachers can change the economic, moral & social life of an individual. We should need to respect them by appreciating what they do for us. And pay them regards by giving them the gift of becoming good human beings. Therefore, it is said that teaching is a profession that teaches & creates all other trades. Conclusion Why are teachers important? Teachers truly are the backbone of society. They are role models to children, offer guidance and dedication, and give young people the power of education. Because of teachers, countries can further develop socially and economically. Next time you or your community achieve something great, take a moment to think of and be grateful for the teachers who made it possible. - Amrin
  • 34. Platforms of Educational T o p Matt McGuire CEO SafeStamp® SafeStamp is an advanced quantum nanotech indicator, patent-pending in +60 countries, that allows consumers to ensure the legitimacy of the products they purchase. It is as easy as touch and blows, glow and know—touch the indicator and it glows, breath on the indicator and the glow changes color; this glow is based on an advanced nanotech reaction that resists replication by counterfeiters, so if it glows, you know your product is authentic. SafeStamp seeks to redefine protection against counterfeit products in the pharmaceutical industry. Counterfeit medicine has hurt pharmaceutical firms worldwide, leading to $200 billion in lost revenue each year. But much worse, a million people die annually from fake drugs, and millions more suffer health complications. Developer and provider of quantum nanotech indicator designed to redefine protection against counterfeit products in the pharmaceutical industry. The company’s indicator works on advanced nanotechnology reaction which resists replication by counterfeiters by glowing and changing the color to orange and blue, enabling clients to detect the legitimacy of the drugs. Their Awards and Accomplishments:  Attendee: White House Demo Day  Winner: University of Pennsylvania iDesign Competition  Y-Prize Competition  Mack Institute for Innovation Management  Weiss Elevator Pitch Competition  Prevention Competition  Weiss Tech House 34 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 35.  Wharton Innovation Fund  Nashville Entrepreneur Center (full scholarship for PreFlight Incubator Program)  FedEx Global Entrepreneur (36|86 Entrepreneurship Festival)  University of Pennsylvania InSITE Fellowship  Vanderbilt University (Student-Athlete Internship Program)  1st Place - Venture Category, Rice University’s Veterans Business Battle 2019 The industry they work for:  Technology: They can protect phones, laptops, and manufacturing components alike.  Consumer Goods: From shoes to sunglasses, everyday items are counterfeited at a startling rate.  FoodandBeverages:Fromtheformulafornewborns to wines that have aged for decades, they can protect food and beverage products consumed around the world. They protect what matters most working towards a safer world for the generations ahead. The solution to a worldwide pandemic will be rendered ineffective without the solution to worldwide counterfeiting. That’s where they come in. Website- 35 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 36. Valor Compounding Pharmacy Platforms of Educational T o p Valor is a specialized compounding pharmacy that customizes medications to fit the unique needs of each patient. Its mission is to reinvent compounding pharmacy. They work with a network of providers, patients, health systems, institutions, and research scientists throughout the United States. They believe that the most dangerous phrase in their industry is “it’s always been done that way”. They seek to change how you think about and view compounding pharmacy. They are your proactive partner in health care. They are nimble and responsive. The average turnaround time for a compounding pharmacy is 7 days. They do it in 2 to 4! They are data-driven: they monitor key metrics, use, and analyze data to improve their operations to produce the highest quality service and product for their patients and customers. They have hand-picked supplements that they recommend as additional support for patients who would like to boost their health with an addition to the compounded medications they are prescribed. These supplements are not a replacement for any medications. They recommend that you speak with your doctor or nutritional consultant about which supplements are right for your needs. Why do patients and doctors choose dietary supplements? Dietary (or nutritional) supplements may help reduce the risk of certain diseases and might reduce the discomfort caused by certain conditions. Supplements can provide a single vitamin or include a combination of ingredients designed to provide broader support for management of anxiety, better sleep, an increase in energy, reduction of pain and inflammation, immune system support, and other benefits. Their Programs:  E-Supplements  Hormone Testing Why Compounded Medications?  Non-Standard Doses: You take a commercially available medication but require a dose that is not available. They’ll make your “in-between” dose 36 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift Rick Niemi CEO
  • 37. so that you don’t have to bother with a pill-cutter or accuracy in ensuring that you are taking your medication safely and correctly.  Ingredient allergies: You are allergic to any ingredient in a particular medication. They’ll find custom alternatives for you that remove that ingredient.  Commercial availability: A commercially available medication that you usually take is no longer available. They can duplicate it for you.  personalized formula: You are seeing a specialty physician because you have body pain, are trying to conceive, get hot flashes or suffer from another hormonal imbalance, have a skin condition, have thyroid disease, or have other specialized treatment needs. Their pharmacists will work with your physician to find the right balance and compounded formula that works for you.  administration restrictions: You have a baby or a child that cannot swallow a pill. They can convert your child’s medicine into a suspension or liquid form to allow for easy administration.  Ease of use: You have a household pet or exotic animal that cannot easily take medicine. They can compound an easy-to-use form of the medication for you. Valor is an active partner within the wider healthcare community, supporting a range of stakeholders by leveraging their experience, critical thinking, and compounding capabilities to pay it forward. Valor focuses on what is best for the patient. For individuals who rely daily on specialized medications, that means reducing anxiety and making the experience simple, fast, and predictable. Website- 37 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 38. Platforms of Educational T o p Marvin Post Founder Attic Books Located in London, Ontario, Attic Books is one of Canada’s largest bookstores, making it a tourist destination. With a large and diverse stock of antique books, maps, and prints, their shop appeals to a wide range of customers. They have been in business since 1976. Their services include appraisals, purchases, consultations, and assistance with general care of books and paper collectibles. Proprietor Marvin Post is a member of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) and the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of Canada (ABAC). They have three floors of books, maps, prints, paper collectibles, such as ephemera and postcards, and eccentric antiques that appeal to readers, scholars, and seasoned collectors alike. The atmosphere is spacious, bright, and relaxed, not to mention architecturally beautiful, with its original tin ceilings, hardwood maple floors, and all the charisma of a century building. This, along with the help of their friendly and knowledgeable staff, will ensure that every visit to Attic Books will be memorable. Services they offer:  Appraisals: Marvin Post is a certified appraiser by the Canadian Personal Property Appraiser Group (CPPAG). He has over 43 years of experience in the field. Some reasons that you would have your books or items appraised would be for a tax receipt, probate, or insurance purposes. They only book appraisals by appointment, no drop-ins as they cannot guarantee Marvin will be available.  Buying Guide: If you have a collection of more than 500 books, they can arrange a house call, except for predominant paperback collections. See their buying guideformoreinformationaboutwhattheydoordonot buy,aswellasotheritemsoutsideofbooksthatmaybe of interest. 38 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 39.  Requests: If you are unable to find a certain title or author on your shelves or in your stockroom, they will happily take it down as a request to keep an eye out for. They cannot order the book for you, but as books come in (and they do daily), they routinely check their request system and will contact you if they get your request in. There is no charge or obligation for this service. As they keep the request on file until they find it or until an expiration date you’ve given them, it is a great resource if you are looking to complete a series, especially those hard- to-find backlist titles for a newly discovered author. Just let them know which ones you are looking for, so they don’t bother you with titles you already have. Books are more like wine; they get better with age, as many hands, it has traveled, you get as many stories to experience in each turn of the page. E-books never provide the feel of holding a paperback, and new books don’t provide the happiness of smelling an old book. With each page, you are sure to get a glimpse of the old owner. Sometimes, they might have underlined or highlighted their favorite line, which may also be your favorite, this bond you have with this person; you don’t know who is invaluable, which you only get with the old books. Website- 39 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 40. E ducation means to understand and learn by exploring new adventures. Basic education is necessary for everyone to know the difference between good and bad for them. These days, education has reached every place, but still, some children don’t get an education. This is due to poverty. The poor children are not able to afford education. They are busy earning their daily wages or managing their households. But this problem is no more with the society because the Government has set up several Government Schools free of cost, where the school provides children with midday meals. The poor peoples are still hesitant to send their girls to attend school sessions. This is mostly because of the low thinking quality of people. They think girls should stay home and work there forever. Apart from this, girls are also insecure. Due to this many organizations took part to train girls in some self-defense techniques. Why do we need to educate everyone? Education is the basic building block of every society. It is the single best investment countries can make to build prosperous, healthy, and equitable societies. Article 26 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to education.” Today, however, 57 million children remain out of school. Education is not only a right but a passport to human development that opens doors and expands opportunities and freedoms ensuring Inclusive, Equitable, and Quality Education and the Promotion of Lifelong Learning Opportunities for all to recognize several impediments for universal education and attempts to address them through targets to increase the number of scholarships to students in developing nations and create educational facilities that are gender- sensitive and disability-inclusive. Sustainable and shared economic development increasingly depends on the capacity of governments to implement policies targeted at marginalized groups and remove barriers to ongoing learning and entry into the labor market. Notwithstanding the significant achievements over the past decade, women and girls still have the least access to education and training, and specific policies are urgently needed to address these challenges. Education for all 40 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift
  • 41. 41 FEBRUARY 2022 SwiftNLift Those who leave school at a young age are vulnerable to unemployment, poverty, early marriage, and pregnancy. Some factors that fuel drop-out rates include poverty, gender, disability, family catastrophes, war, and conflict, as well as perceived low return on investment for education. Developing alternative learning opportunities that consider these reasons for high drop-out rates are necessary to provide young people appropriate opportunities to consolidate their basic knowledge and competencies, and equip them with the relevant skills needed to obtain employment, become business owners and entrepreneurs or engage in other productive work. Education for All—Starting with Women Achieving greater equality between women and men and increased empowerment of women and girls have long been recognized as a global imperative for development. In 2015 it was made a stand-alone goal in the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG5). Education is key to meeting that goal, and there has been real progress. Globally, 90% of girls now complete primary school, but only 75% complete their lower secondary education. In low-income countries, the situation is less encouraging: fewer than 67% of girls complete their primary education, and only 33% complete lower secondary school. Income and gender combine for a crushing result. According to Oxfam, a girl from an average family has a one in 250 chance of pursuing her studies beyond secondary school, compared to a one in three odds for a boy from a well- to-do family. We need to educate our girls to enable a balanced literacy rate for any country. Conclusion Proper and good education is very important for all of us. It facilitates quality learning all through life among people of any age group, caste, creed, religion, and region. It is the process of achieving knowledge, values, skills, beliefs, and moral habits. People need to get high-level awareness about the importance of knowing more than before. Education is very necessary for each and everyone to improve knowledge, way of living as well as social and economic status throughout the life. Getting proper education is the birthrights of everyone restricting which is the crime. Education is the ultimate way to get victory overall personal and social problems. Education is very important to all of us as it plays a very important role in our life. To live a better and more peaceful life, we need to be educated. - Amrin
  • 42.
  • 43. Project Lifesaver is the premier search and rescue program operated internationally by public safety agencies, and is strategically designed for “at risk” individuals who are prone to the life threatening behavior of wandering. The primary mission of Project Lifesaver is to provide timely response to save lives and reduce potential injury for adults and children with the propensity to wander due to a cognitive condition. ABOUT PROJECT LIFESAVER
  • 44. Eturi develops essential cross-platform solutions for mobile devices. Our flagship product, OurPact, is the world's leading parental control application.