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August 2023
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Swift the solution, Lift the business!
Ayu Swasth Pvt. Ltd
in 2 0 2 3
The Revival of Herbal
The Environmental Impact of
Herbal Medicine
Separating Fact
from Fiction”
“Herbal Medicine
and its Role in
Holistic Health
Dr. Arun Gupta
Founder & Director
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August 2023
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Dear ,
Curious Minds and Adventurous Souls,
Welcome to a world where the boundaries
of imagination are shattered, and the pos-
sibilities are as endless as the stars in the
night sky. As you embark on this thrilling
voyage through the enchanting pages of
The SwiftNLift Magazine, prepare to be
dazzled, inspired, and entertained like
never before.
In this edition, we are delighted to intro-
duce you to a true maestro of the lens,
Devarshi Pathak, whose photographic
wizardry has immortalized the most cher-
ished moments of life. Through his lens,
fleeting instants transform into timeless
works of art, tugging at heartstrings and
evoking emotions that paint life’s canvas
in vibrant hues. Join us as we unravel the
extraordinary journey of this luminary,
whose passion for photography has wo-
ven a tapestry of memories that will stand
the test of time.
But remember, dear readers, learning
need not be a solemn affair. We, at The
Editorial Note
Mr. Nilesh Sabe
Chief Editor at Swiftnlift
SwiftNLift Magazine, believe in blend-
ing knowledge with humor and wit, for
laughter is the spice that adds flavor to
the feast of knowledge. So, prepare your-
selves for an enjoyable ride where educa-
tion and entertainment hold hands and
dance gracefully, leaving you with a smile
on your face and wisdom in your heart.
Beyond the captivating articles, this mag-
azine is a bustling community of extraor-
dinary individuals like yourselves. We
invite you to join us on the virtual stage
of social media, where thoughts and ideas
flow freely, forming a tapestry of diverse
perspectives. Let us create a sanctuary of
like-minded souls, where the thirst for
knowledge, personal growth, and shared
laughter bring us closer together.
With every issue, our mission remains
steadfast: to empower you with the tools
to navigate the labyrinth of life. We strive
to equip you with knowledge that is more
than mere information but a guiding light
illuminating the path to a brighter future.
Armed with this knowledge, you’ll make
decisions with confidence and create a
life filled with purpose and meaning.
So, dear readers, dive into this splendid
collection of wisdom and wit. Immerse
yourselves in a realm where inspiration
and information merge, creating a sym-
phony of enlightenment. Let curiosity
be your compass, and laughter be your
co-pilot as you journey through the cap-
tivating stories and delightful articles.
To all of you, extraordinary readers, we
raise our glasses in a toast. Thank you for
being part of this exhilarating expedition,
and we eagerly await the thrilling adven-
tures that lie ahead, hand in hand.
Here’s to a world of knowledge, entertain-
ment, and boundless possibilities!
“Unleashing Nature’s
Symphony of Wellness
- AyuSwasth:
Where Ancient
Wisdom Meets
Modern Innovation ”
DR. Arun Gupta
Founder and Director
AyuSwasth: Bridging the Gap Between Ayurveda and
Modern Science in Healthcare
In an era marked by a growing desire for holis-
tic well-being and a return to nature’s healing pow-
ers, AyuSwasth stands at the forefront of the herbal
healthcare revolution. As the world witnesses a par-
adigm shift towards embracing natural remedies,
AyuSwasth has taken upon itself the noble mission
of providing scientifically-backed herbal health-
care medicines derived from standardized natural
extracts, all processed through cutting-edge inno-
vative technologies. Rooted in the age-old wisdom
of Ayurveda and driven by a dynamic synergy with
modern science, AyuSwasth offers a diverse range of
products catering to various health needs. With their
pioneering Fused-Micronized-Bioactivated (FMB)
Technology, they have unlocked the full potential
of herbal benefits, ushering in a new era of wellness.
This article embarks on a journey to unravel the driv-
ing force behind AyuSwasth’s commitment to natural
solutions, explores the transformative power of their
FMB Technology, delves into their quality assurance
measures and certifications, and sheds light on the
challenges they have overcome in shaping the future
of herbal healthcare. Join us as we delve into the fas-
cinating world of AyuSwasth and discover their vi-
sion for a healthier and more harmonious tomorrow.
The Driving Force Behind AyuSwasth:
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare,
AyuSwasth emerges as a visionary pioneer, seam-
lessly bridging the gap between traditional wisdom
and modern innovations. At its very core lies a pro-
found belief in the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, the
ancient system of holistic healing, whose roots run
deep into the annals of history. Yet, AyuSwasth is no
stranger to the winds of change blowing through the
corridors of scientific progress. Through strategic alli-
ances with prestigious institutes and research groups,
AyuSwasth embarks on an exhilarating journey of
exploration, seeking to blend the ancient principles
of Ayurveda with the cutting-edge advancements of
modern science and technology. This harmonious
fusion serves as the fulcrum of AyuSwasth’s commit-
ment to providing healthcare products sourced from
nature’s bountiful offerings. The result is a treasure
DR. Arun Gupta
trove of herbal remedies meticulously crafted to ca-
ter to diverse health needs, each backed by rigorous
scientific validation and standardized through inno-
vative methodologies. With the power of this unique
amalgamation, AyuSwasth unlocks the full potential
of nature’s healing essence, while ensuring the highest
standards of safety, efficacy, and standardization. In
a world yearning for authentic and effective natural
solutions, AyuSwasth stands tall as a beacon of en-
lightenment, illuminating the path towards a healthi-
er and more harmonious existence.
The Fused-Micronized-Bioactivated (FMB)
At the heart of AyuSwasth’s innovation lies the
transformative FMB (Fused Micronized Bio-activa-
tion) Technology, a symphony of scientific brilliance
that elevates the efficacy of their herbal extracts to
unparalleled heights. This visionary three-step pro-
cess unravels the secrets of nature’s bounty, unlock-
ing a treasure trove of health benefits. The first step,
fusion, dances with the elements, skillfully replen-
ishing standardized herbal extracts with the essential
trace elements that might have eluded them during
the extraction process. As if conducting a delicate or-
chestral performance, the second step, micronization,
delicately increases the surface area of these extracts,
inviting the body to embrace their healing essence
with open arms. But the true crescendo of this sym-
phony lies in the final movement, the bio-activation
step. Here, nature’s wisdom weaves a mesmerizing
tapestry of bioligands, forging harmonious bonds
between the active phyto-constituents and the indis-
pensable trace elements. Like an alchemical transfor-
mation, this bio-activation process ushers in a new
era of enhanced bioavailability, allowing AyuSwasth’s
products to deliver the full panoply of herbal benefits,
cascading upon the body like a symphony of wellness.
In the realm of healthcare, AyuSwasth’s FMB Tech-
nology stands as an opus of innovation, orchestrating
a harmonious melody of natural healing potential,
and promising a crescendo of improved health out-
comes for all who seek its embrace.
AyuSwasth’s treasure trove of herbal healthcare
products unfolds like a vibrant tapestry, woven with
the intricate threads of nature’s wisdom. Each prod-
uct stands as a testament to AyuSwasth’s unwavering
commitment to holistic well-being, catering to a di-
verse range of health needs with finesse and precision.
For those seeking to nourish their bones and joints,
AYUORTHO tablets and oil emerge as a soothing
elixir, their FMB Technology orchestrating a sym-
phony of relief and mobility. AYUQUEEN, with its
nurturing embrace, attends to the specific health con-
cerns of women, while AYUKING stands as a guard-
ian of men’s vitality. Embracing the very essence of vi-
tality itself, AYUVITAL’s potent blend fuels the body’s
immune defenses and vital organs with boundless
energy. In a world entangled in the complexities of
modern life, AYUSTRESS unfurls as a tranquil oa-
sis, offering herbal solutions to ease the burdens of
stress. AYULOOZ takes on the mantle of relieving
constipation, liberating the body from discomfort.
And for those seeking to reclaim the luster of their
locks, AYUSWASTH Ayurvedic Hair oil emerges as a
nurturing balm, taming the tresses and bidding fare-
well to hair fall. With a harmonious blend of natural
ingredients and cutting-edge technology, AyuSwasth’s
diverse product range strives to make holistic health-
care accessible to all, a sanctuary of wellness where
the symphony of nature’s healing reverberates for
every individual seeking to embrace the essence of
Quality Testing and Standardization:
AyuSwasth’s commitment to excellence resonates
in every step of their quality assurance journey, where
the quest for purity and safety becomes an artistic
endeavor. At the heart of this pursuit lies a state-
of-the-art GMP unit, a temple of precision where
standardized, high-quality raw materials form the
building blocks of their masterpieces. The artisans of
AyuSwasth meticulously sculpt their creations, sub-
jecting them to a symphony of comprehensive testing
- an orchestration that ensures the absence of pesti-
cides, lurking microbes, aflatoxins, heavy metals, and
the burden of gluten. As if unveiling a masterpiece,
stability studies unfold, unraveling the product’s tem-
poral essence, revealing its shelf life and ensuring
that its healing melody endures. In this symphony of
quality, AyuSwasth’s unwavering dedication to safety,
reliability, and efficacy resonates with a resounding
crescendo, harmonizing the elements of nature into
a symphony of well-being, ready to resonate with the
hearts and minds of their cherished consumers
Certifications and
In the realm of herbal healthcare, AyuSwasth
stands adorned with a crown of prestigious certifica-
tions, a testament to their unwavering commitment
to excellence. Like a symphony of accolades, they
proudly hold the esteemed GMP, ISO, and AYUSH
FDA manufacturing licenses, each note resonating
with the harmony of rigorous quality standards. In
a world where dietary preferences and sensitivities
play their own intricate tune, AyuSwasth’s products
emerge as a harmonious melody, catering to the
needs of gluten-free seekers and those yearning for
the authenticity of synthetic color-free remedies.
As the final chord in this symphony of credibility,
the products bear the seal of approval from AYUSH
FDA as patent proprietary Ayurvedic gems, instilling
confidence in consumers that they embrace the true
essence of Ayurveda and its age-old wisdom. With
this rich orchestration of certifications, AyuSwasth
steps into the spotlight of authenticity and efficacy,
illuminating the path to a healthier, happier, and
more harmonious existence.
Challenges and Learnings:
In the realm of herbal healthcare, AyuSwasth
stands adorned with a crown of prestigious certifica-
tions, a testament to their unwavering commitment
to excellence. Like a symphony of accolades, they
proudly hold the esteemed GMP, ISO, and AYUSH
FDA manufacturing licenses, each note resonating
with the harmony of rigorous quality standards. In
a world where dietary preferences and sensitivities
play their own intricate tune, AyuSwasth’s products
emerge as a harmonious melody, catering to the
needs of gluten-free seekers and those yearning for
the authenticity of synthetic color-free remedies.
As the final chord in this symphony of credibility,
the products bear the seal of approval from AYUSH
FDA as patent proprietary Ayurvedic gems, instilling
confidence in consumers that they embrace the true
essence of Ayurveda and its age-old wisdom. With
this rich orchestration of certifications, AyuSwasth
steps into the spotlight of authenticity and efficacy,
illuminating the path to a healthier, happier, and
more harmonious existence.
Dr. Gupta’s Contributions and Insights:
Dr. Gupta, a luminary in the realm of herbal drug
development, emerges as a visionary force propelling
AyuSwasth to new heights of excellence. His contri-
butions to the field stand as a symphony of scientific
brilliance, where the melodies of ancient wisdom in-
tertwine with the harmonies of modern research. As
a speaker and trainer at esteemed research institutes,
his words resonate like a mellifluous cadence, guid-
ing the next generation of researchers towards the
frontiers of knowledge. In the vast expanse of clinical
research, Dr. Gupta orchestrates grand symphonies
of success, conducting global clinical trials with mas-
terful precision, particularly in the intricate realms
of Neurology and Psychiatry. His expertise serves as
a lighthouse, illuminating the path towards ground-
breaking discoveries and transformative healthcare
But Dr. Gupta’s contributions extend beyond the
laboratories and clinical trials; he becomes the mae-
stro behind the curtains of regulation and pharma-
covigilance. Industry chambers seek his counsel, rec-
ognizing his deep understanding of the intricacies of
regulatory affairs. Like a master composer, he weaves
together guidelines that resonate with the pulse of
safety, efficacy, and ethical integrity. AyuSwasth stands
as a testament to his profound insights and learnings,
with each product shaped by a symphony of precision
and quality assurance. Dr. Gupta’s guiding hand ele-
vates AyuSwasth’s approach to product development,
intertwining the artistry of ancient Ayurveda with the
rigor of modern science, and culminating in a cre-
scendo of holistic well-being. His virtuoso leadership
leads AyuSwasth towards a harmonious future, where
the confluence of nature’s wisdom and scientific inno-
vation continues to compose a symphony of wellness
for all.
The Vision for AyuSwasth’s Future:
As the sun rises on the horizon of the herbal
healthcare industry, AyuSwasth stands resolute in its
vision to emerge as a global leader, casting its radiant
light on the path to well-being for all. Like a grand
symphony, its robust product pipeline resounds
with promises of holistic healing, addressing a di-
verse spectrum of health concerns. From the gentle
cadence of digestive health to the crescendo of neu-
rological well-being, AyuSwasth’s offerings span the
entire orchestra of vitality. Each note strikes a harmo-
nious chord, from solutions for infertility and meta-
bolic health to the symphony of weight management,
kidney stones, and prostate health. As AyuSwasth’s
melodies travel beyond the borders, they embrace
national and international geographies, bringing the
timeless wisdom of Ayurveda and herbal medicine to
the hearts of people around the world.
But in the realm of innovation, AyuSwasth is not
content with resting on past laurels; instead, it boldly
ventures into uncharted territories, seeking to com-
pose a new genre of healthcare solutions. Collabora-
tions with esteemed research institutes herald a new
era of scientific advancement in the herbal healthcare
domain. These partnerships form a magnificent sym-
phony, where the artistry of Ayurveda entwines with
the precision of modern scientific research to give
birth to groundbreaking phytopharmaceutical prod-
ucts. Like musical alchemy, AyuSwasth’s dedication to
innovation transmutes the essence of nature’s offer-
ings into a symphony of effective and transformative
As AyuSwasth’s journey continues, its grand opus
unfolds, captivating the world with a harmonious
ensemble of wellness. With each step, the company
strives to resonate with the hearts and minds of mil-
will echo through generations to come. AyuSwasth’s
unwavering commitment to providing scientific and
qualitative herbal healthcare products has positioned
it as a trailblazer in the field. By harnessing the power
of Ayurveda and merging it with modern science and
technology, AyuSwasth has bridged the gap between
traditional wisdom and contemporary healthcare
needs. Their Fused-Micronized-Bioactivated (FMB)
Technology, diverse product range, quality assurance
measures, certifications, and approvals, along with
Dr. Gupta’s invaluable contributions, have all con-
tributed to AyuSwasth’s success. With a promising vi-
sion for the future and exciting upcoming initiatives,
AyuSwasth continues to be a beacon of hope for those
seeking natural and effective healthcare solutions.
Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd.: A Tale of
Excellence, Vision, and Global Prosperity.
Mohan Mutha
Exports Pvt.
In the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of
international trade, few companies manage to
stand out as paragons of excellence, transcending
borders and cultures to become veritable champions
in their industry. Among these trailblazers is Mohan
Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd., a Chennai-based export
firm founded by the visionary Shri Mohanlal Mutha
in 1957. With over six decades of relentless pursuit
of quality and innovation, the company has risen to
become one of India’s leading export companies.
The Genesis of a Visionary
In the post-independence era, India was in the throes
of development and industrialization. Amidst this
backdrop, a young and enterprising Mohanlal Mutha
took a leap of faith and founded Mohan Mutha Ex-
ports Pvt. Ltd. Armed with ambition and a commit-
ment to excellence, the company embarked on a jour-
ney that would leave an indelible mark on the global
export landscape.
A Commitment to Quality and
From its inception, Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd.
set its sights on delivering products of international
quality. The company’s unwavering commitment to
maintaining stringent quality standards earned them
the prestigious ISO 9001:2015 certification. This ac-
creditation not only solidified their reputation for
excellence but also reinforced their dedication to cus-
tomer satisfaction.
Rising Above the Rest - Government
Accredited Star Export House.
In a highly competitive global market, Mohan Mutha
Exports Pvt. Ltd. distinguished itself as one of the few
Government Accredited Star Export Houses in India.
This recognition is a testament to the company’s ex-
ceptional performance in international trade, and it
Unleashing Prosperity:
The Mohan Mutha
Export Odyssey
opened doors to a myriad of
opportunities, propelling them to the forefront of the
export industry.
Extending Global Footprints.
Recognizing the importance of establishing a strong
global presence, Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd.
strategically set up liaison offices in key international
trade hubs, including Maldives and Singapore. These
offices acted as the nexus of their international oper-
ations, enabling seamless trade and fostering strong
business relationships across borders.
Navigating Through Challenges.
The world of international trade is not without its
challenges. Economic fluctuations, geopolitical un-
certainties, and changing consumer preferences
posed formidable obstacles to the company’s growth.
However, under the astute leadership of Shri Hansraj
Mutha, the current Chairman, Mohan Mutha Exports
Pvt. Ltd. weathered the storms and emerged stronger
with each challenge.
The Ecosystem of Success - Employees and
At the heart of any successful enterprise lie the dedi-
cated and skilled employees who share the vision and
values of the company. Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt.
Ltd. nurtures a culture of excellence, empowering its
workforce to innovate and contribute to the compa-
ny’s success. Additionally, forging strategic partner-
ships with suppliers, distributors, and other stake-
holders has been crucial in ensuring the sustained
growth of the business.
Sustainability and Corporate Social
In an era marked by environmental consciousness,
Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. has embraced sus-
tainability and corporate social responsibility as inte-
gral components of its business philosophy. Initiatives
to reduce carbon footprints, promote ethical practic-
es, and support local communities exemplify their
commitment to being responsible corporate citizens.
Weathering the Tides of Digitalization
As the world rapidly embraces digitalization, the ex-
port industry has witnessed transformative chang-
es. Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. has been at the
vanguard of adopting cutting-edge technologies and
digitizing its processes to streamline operations, en-
hance efficiency, and provide a seamless customer ex-
Cultivating Innovation for Tomorrow
Innovation is the lifeblood of any organization seek-
ing long-term sustainability. Mohan Mutha Exports
Pvt. Ltd. has consistently fostered a culture of innova-
tion, encouraging its team to think creatively, antici-
pate market trends, and develop products that meet
the evolving needs of customers worldwide.
Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd.’s journey has been
nothing short of awe-inspiring. From humble begin-
nings to becoming an epitome of excellence in inter-
national trade, the company’s story serves as a beacon
of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and estab-
lished businesses alike. With its unyielding commit-
ment to quality, astute leadership, and strategic global
outreach, Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. continues
to thrive in an ever-competitive world, leaving an in-
delible mark on the global stage and exemplifying the
true spirit of prosperity and success.
The Heena Realty Makers: Pioneering a
Revolution in Real Estate Advisory
In the vast and intricate world of real estate,
finding reliable investment opportunities can
often be a daunting task. However, amidst the
sea of uncertainty, a beacon of trust and transparen-
cy emerges in the form of The Heena Realty Makers
(HRM). Founded in 2021 by the visionary realty lead-
er Ms. Heena Sehrawat, HRM envisions becoming a
leading professional real estate consultancy offering
comprehensive 360-degree investment solutions.
With a diverse clientele from all corners of the global
market, HRM aims to propel real estate transactions
and advisory services for the luxury home segment
of Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). The brand also has
revolutionary plans to establish The Heena Real Es-
tate Club, nurturing future real estate aspirants and
contributors to India’s economic growth. This arti-
cle delves into the inspiring journey of HRM and its
commitment to transforming real estate investments
into a sorted and efficient process.
A Vision for Inclusive Realty.
Ms. Heena Sehrawat’s journey began with a vision to
bridge the gap between real estate opportunities and
prospective investors from all walks of life. With a fo-
cus on transparency and trust, she set out to create a
brand that offers authentic and safe advisory services
to the Indian realty space. The core mission of HRM is
to make premium commercial and residential prop-
erties accessible to everyone, while also catering to
the needs of business associates, investors, builders,
and customers alike.
Empowering NRIs with Luxury Homes.
One of the distinct features of HRM’s approach is its
dedication to serving the NRI segment with luxu-
ry homes. Understanding the unique needs and ex-
pectations of NRIs, HRM acts as a reliable partner
in finding exclusive properties that align with their
preferences and investment goals. With a deep un-
derstanding of the global realty market, HRM paves
the way for NRIs to make sound and secure invest-
ments in the booming Indian real estate sector.
The Heena Real Estate Club - Nurturing
Future Trailblazers.
HRM’s vision extends beyond its consultancy ser-
vices. The brand aims to inspire and nurture aspiring
individuals who dream of a career in the real estate
sector. Through The Heena Real Estate Club, HRM
plans to provide budding talents with the knowledge,
resources, and support necessary to excel in this dy-
namic industry. By offering various online platforms
and innovative techniques, HRM aspires to shape the
future of India’s real estate landscape, contributing
significantly to the nation’s economic growth.
Trust, Transparency, and Legacy.
At the heart of HRM’s success lies its
unwavering commitment to building
a brand centered on trust and trans-
parency. The company aims to be a
legacy that future generations can
Unlocking Dreams,
Building Legacies:
The Heena Realty
Makers - Your Gateway
to a Transformed
Realty Experience!
carry forward with pride. By establishing a strong foun-
dation of ethics, dedication, and creativity, HRM en-
deavors to create lasting relationships with its custom-
ers and stakeholders, fostering an atmosphere of mutual
growth and prosperity.
Advanced Solutions for Informed
HRM’s approach to real estate advisory goes be-
yond traditional practices. Leveraging technical
strategies and innovative solutions, the company
empowers its clients to make informed decisions
regarding their investments. By upgrading real
estate transactions into organized and efficient
processes, HRM strives to simplify the complex
landscape of property buying, vacation rentals,
and property sales.
Propelling Realty in Gurugram and
Headquartered in Gurugram, HRM operates
in one of India’s hottest real estate markets. The
strategic location allows the company to tap into
a thriving ecosystem and partner with stalwarts
in the industry. By collaborating with established
players, HRM ensures that its clients gain access
to premium commercial and residential proper-
ties, bringing them closer to their real estate as-
The Heena Realty Makers stands as a beacon of
hope and innovation in the real estate advisory
sector. Led by the dynamic Ms. Heena Sehrawat,
HRM is committed to bringing transparency,
trust, and efficiency to real estate transactions.
With a clear vision to empower NRIs with luxu-
ry homes and inspire future talents through The
Heena Real Estate Club, HRM is shaping the fu-
ture of the Indian realty landscape. As the brand
continues to leave an indelible mark in the indus-
try, it paves the way for a future where real estate
investments are accessible, secure, and rewarding
for all.
MS. Heena Sehrawat
CEO - The Heena Realty Makers
Accurex Biomedical Pvt Ltd: Pioneering
Excellence in the IVD Industry and Beyond.
ccurex Biomedical Pvt. Ltd. has distin-
guished itself as one of the top three produc-
ers of superior Clinical Chemistry Reagents
and Urinalysis Test Strips in the rapidly changing
field of medical diagnostics. The company was
founded in 1984, and its 38-year history has been
nothing short of amazing. With the recent launch of
Accurex UK Ltd., Accurex has expanded its reach
to international markets in addition to achieving
unmatched success in its native India. This success is
the result of innovation and a clear vision that have
driven Accurex.
The Name: ACCU and REX
Even the name “Accurex” reflects
the company’s key principles and
goals. The acronym “ACCU” stands
for accuracy, representing the
company’s mission to provide ac-
curate and dependable diagnostic
solutions. Accuracy can mean the
difference between life and death
in the medical profession, and Ac-
curex works hard to remain at the
forefront of offering trustworthy
diagnostic equipment.
The Latin term for “king,” “REX,”
on the other hand, represents the
authoritative position Accurex
enjoys in the diagnostics sector.
Accurex has established itself as a
market leader and the undisputed
king of in-vitro diagnostic reagents
thanks to a solid financial foun-
dation and innovative marketing
The Journey to Success
Accurex Biomedical Pvt. Ltd. has constantly pursued
perfection since its founding, resulting in success
year after year. The administration of the business,
under the capable direction of Mr. Abhinav Thak-
ur, the Managing Director, has been instrumental
in Accurex’s expansion and success. Accurex has
established a well-deserved reputation for providing
high-quality products to healthcare professionals all
around the world via commitment and a custom-
er-centric approach.
Mr. Abhinav Thakur
CEO- Accurex Biomedical Pvt Ltd
Expansion to the UK: Accurex UK Ltd.
Accurex, which had previously established itself in
India, set out on a spectacular voyage of global ex-
pansion by founding Accurex UK Ltd. This tactical
decision by Accurex strengthens their global posi-
tion because the UK is known as a hub for reputable
manufacturing. Accurex UK Ltd.’s entry into the
western-influenced nations is evidence of the com-
pany’s dedication to upholding integrity and quality
despite new difficulties and opportunities.
Focus on Exports and Global Impact
Accurex Biomedical, an Indian-based IVD com-
pany, is aware of the need of exporting its goods to
other markets. The company hopes to expand its
export market and meet the diagnostic demands of
healthcare professionals around the world with the
creation of Accurex UK Ltd. This growth is consis-
tent with their vision and mission of “Testing life &
saving lives,” which emphasises their commitment to
enhancing global healthcare outcomes.
Accurexians: Champions of Quality and
The committed team of professionals at Accurex
Biomedical, often referred to as “Accurexians,” is at
the centre of the company’s success story. They are
the motivation behind the business’s dedication to
offering their clients across the globe high-quality
goods and services. Accurex is a force to be reck-
oned with in the IVD sector thanks to their enthu-
siasm for innovation and never-ending quest of
A Culture of Innovation
With a commitment to innovation, Accurex Bio-
medical Pvt. Ltd. consistently pushes the limits
of medical diagnostics. The business keeps on the
cutting edge of technology by making investments in
R&D, enabling it to provide the market sophisticated
and trustworthy diagnostic solutions. Their dedica-
tion to innovation not only benefits patients but also
helps healthcare workers provide better care.
Finally, Accurex Biomedical Pvt. Ltd. has established
itself as a true innovator in the in-vitro diagnostic
field. With more than 38 years of experience, a ded-
ication to truth, and an authoritative presence, they
have established a solid reputation among medical
experts all around the world. As they work to have
a significant global influence, Accurex UK Ltd.’s
entry into the UK market marks a new chapter in
their journey. Living up to their mission of “Testing
life & saving lives,” Accurex continues to create the
future of medical diagnostics with a committed staff
of Accurexians, a focus on exports, and a culture of
Reigning in
Diagnostic Excellence:
Biomedical, Where
Accuracy Meets A
Hari Krishna Exports Pvt. Ltd.: Crafting
Brilliance with Faith, Togetherness, and Hard Work.
n the dazzling world of diamonds,
where brilliance and beauty reign
supreme, one company stands out
with a legacy of excellence and
unwavering commitment to its core
values. Meet Hari Krishna Exports
Pvt. Ltd., a leading diamond company
in India, where the foundation is built
on faith, togetherness, and hard work.
With a vision to be a global leader in
the diamond industry, and a mission
to generate value while making a pos-
itive impact on society, Hari Krishna
Exports is not just a business; it is a
force for good and a beacon of ethical
The Journey of Brilliance.
Since its inception, Hari Krishna Ex-
ports has been driven by a profound
faith in its craft and the power of di-
amonds to bring joy and happiness
to people’s lives. With a dedication to
honesty and transparency, the com-
pany has earned the trust of custom-
ers worldwide, making it a preferred
choice for exquisite diamonds.
Vision of Excellence.
At the heart of Hari Krishna Exports lies a
powerful vision – to be recognized as one
of the foremost companies in the global
diamond industry. This vision is not solely
based on business success but also on fos-
tering an inclusive culture and delivering an
excellent quality of diamonds. The company
understands that being a leader goes beyond
financial gains; it requires innovative prac-
tices, ethical conduct, and a commitment to
making a positive impact on society.
Mr. Savji Dholakia
FOUNDER- Hari Krishna Exports Pvt. Ltd.
Mission of Growth and Goodness.
The company’s mission reflects an unyielding dedi-
cation to continuous improvement. Hari Krishna Ex-
ports aims to be a force for good, not only within the
industry but also in society at large. This mission aligns
business growth with the greater purpose of generat-
ing value through responsible actions and approaches.
Values that Ground and Elevate.
Hari Krishna Exports is guided by a set of core values
that form the backbone of its operations. These values
keep the company grounded and remind it of its pur-
pose – to bring happiness to all those who associate
with them. Let’s explore these values that make Hari
Krishna Exports a true gem in the diamond industry:
1. Faith: The Foundation of Trust.
Faith is at the core of every action and decision made at
Hari Krishna Exports. This goes beyond religious be-
liefs; it is about fostering a work environment built on
trust and integrity. By nurturing strong relationships
with stakeholders, the company creates a positive im-
pact on society, empowering team members to deliver
exceptional results.
2. Togetherness: The Strength of
“Togetherness” is more than just a word at Hari Krish-
na Exports; it is a way of life. The company has cul-
tivated a work culture that values collaboration and
inclusivity across all levels and functions. By fostering
an environment that is supportive, equal, and empow-
ering for all, the company creates a harmonious and
productive workplace.
3. Hard Work: The Path to Brilliance.
At Hari Krishna Exports, every team member embod-
ies a strong sense of duty and service. They recognize
that there is no substitute for dedication and effort in
achieving their goals. Through hard work and perse-
verance, they consistently strive to craft brilliance in
every facet of their business.
In conclusion, Hari Krishna Exports Pvt. Ltd. is not
just a diamond company; it is a beacon of values that
shape its identity and its impact on the world. With
unwavering faith in its craft, a commitment to ethical
practices, and a dedication to delivering excellence, the
company has earned the trust of customers worldwide.
Driven by its vision to be a global leader and its mis-
sion to be a force for good, Hari Krishna Exports paves
the way for an inclusive and brilliant future in the di-
amond industry. In a world where trust and ethical
conduct are becoming ever more critical, Hari Krishna
Exports stands tall, reflecting the true brilliance of dia-
monds and the values that make them shine.
Brilliance, Values,
and Togetherness:
Uniting Hearts and
Diamonds at Hari
Krishna Exports!
Swift ft
Swift the solution, Lift the business!

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  • 6. Dear , Curious Minds and Adventurous Souls, Welcome to a world where the boundaries of imagination are shattered, and the pos- sibilities are as endless as the stars in the night sky. As you embark on this thrilling voyage through the enchanting pages of The SwiftNLift Magazine, prepare to be dazzled, inspired, and entertained like never before. In this edition, we are delighted to intro- duce you to a true maestro of the lens, Devarshi Pathak, whose photographic wizardry has immortalized the most cher- ished moments of life. Through his lens, fleeting instants transform into timeless works of art, tugging at heartstrings and evoking emotions that paint life’s canvas in vibrant hues. Join us as we unravel the extraordinary journey of this luminary, whose passion for photography has wo- ven a tapestry of memories that will stand the test of time. But remember, dear readers, learning need not be a solemn affair. We, at The Editorial Note Mr. Nilesh Sabe Chief Editor at Swiftnlift
  • 7. SwiftNLift Magazine, believe in blend- ing knowledge with humor and wit, for laughter is the spice that adds flavor to the feast of knowledge. So, prepare your- selves for an enjoyable ride where educa- tion and entertainment hold hands and dance gracefully, leaving you with a smile on your face and wisdom in your heart. Beyond the captivating articles, this mag- azine is a bustling community of extraor- dinary individuals like yourselves. We invite you to join us on the virtual stage of social media, where thoughts and ideas flow freely, forming a tapestry of diverse perspectives. Let us create a sanctuary of like-minded souls, where the thirst for knowledge, personal growth, and shared laughter bring us closer together. With every issue, our mission remains steadfast: to empower you with the tools to navigate the labyrinth of life. We strive to equip you with knowledge that is more than mere information but a guiding light illuminating the path to a brighter future. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll make decisions with confidence and create a life filled with purpose and meaning. So, dear readers, dive into this splendid collection of wisdom and wit. Immerse yourselves in a realm where inspiration and information merge, creating a sym- phony of enlightenment. Let curiosity be your compass, and laughter be your co-pilot as you journey through the cap- tivating stories and delightful articles. To all of you, extraordinary readers, we raise our glasses in a toast. Thank you for being part of this exhilarating expedition, and we eagerly await the thrilling adven- tures that lie ahead, hand in hand. Here’s to a world of knowledge, entertain- ment, and boundless possibilities! Cheers,
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  • 10. “Unleashing Nature’s Symphony of Wellness - AyuSwasth: Where Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Innovation ”
  • 11. DR. Arun Gupta Founder and Director
  • 12. AyuSwasth: Bridging the Gap Between Ayurveda and Modern Science in Healthcare In an era marked by a growing desire for holis- tic well-being and a return to nature’s healing pow- ers, AyuSwasth stands at the forefront of the herbal healthcare revolution. As the world witnesses a par- adigm shift towards embracing natural remedies, AyuSwasth has taken upon itself the noble mission of providing scientifically-backed herbal health- care medicines derived from standardized natural extracts, all processed through cutting-edge inno- vative technologies. Rooted in the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda and driven by a dynamic synergy with modern science, AyuSwasth offers a diverse range of products catering to various health needs. With their pioneering Fused-Micronized-Bioactivated (FMB) Technology, they have unlocked the full potential of herbal benefits, ushering in a new era of wellness. This article embarks on a journey to unravel the driv- ing force behind AyuSwasth’s commitment to natural solutions, explores the transformative power of their FMB Technology, delves into their quality assurance measures and certifications, and sheds light on the challenges they have overcome in shaping the future of herbal healthcare. Join us as we delve into the fas- cinating world of AyuSwasth and discover their vi- sion for a healthier and more harmonious tomorrow. The Driving Force Behind AyuSwasth: In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, AyuSwasth emerges as a visionary pioneer, seam- lessly bridging the gap between traditional wisdom and modern innovations. At its very core lies a pro- found belief in the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, the ancient system of holistic healing, whose roots run deep into the annals of history. Yet, AyuSwasth is no stranger to the winds of change blowing through the corridors of scientific progress. Through strategic alli- ances with prestigious institutes and research groups, AyuSwasth embarks on an exhilarating journey of exploration, seeking to blend the ancient principles of Ayurveda with the cutting-edge advancements of modern science and technology. This harmonious fusion serves as the fulcrum of AyuSwasth’s commit- ment to providing healthcare products sourced from nature’s bountiful offerings. The result is a treasure DR. Arun Gupta
  • 13. trove of herbal remedies meticulously crafted to ca- ter to diverse health needs, each backed by rigorous scientific validation and standardized through inno- vative methodologies. With the power of this unique amalgamation, AyuSwasth unlocks the full potential of nature’s healing essence, while ensuring the highest standards of safety, efficacy, and standardization. In a world yearning for authentic and effective natural solutions, AyuSwasth stands tall as a beacon of en- lightenment, illuminating the path towards a healthi- er and more harmonious existence. The Fused-Micronized-Bioactivated (FMB) Technology: At the heart of AyuSwasth’s innovation lies the transformative FMB (Fused Micronized Bio-activa- tion) Technology, a symphony of scientific brilliance that elevates the efficacy of their herbal extracts to unparalleled heights. This visionary three-step pro- cess unravels the secrets of nature’s bounty, unlock- ing a treasure trove of health benefits. The first step, fusion, dances with the elements, skillfully replen- ishing standardized herbal extracts with the essential trace elements that might have eluded them during the extraction process. As if conducting a delicate or- chestral performance, the second step, micronization, delicately increases the surface area of these extracts, inviting the body to embrace their healing essence with open arms. But the true crescendo of this sym- phony lies in the final movement, the bio-activation step. Here, nature’s wisdom weaves a mesmerizing tapestry of bioligands, forging harmonious bonds between the active phyto-constituents and the indis- pensable trace elements. Like an alchemical transfor- mation, this bio-activation process ushers in a new era of enhanced bioavailability, allowing AyuSwasth’s products to deliver the full panoply of herbal benefits, cascading upon the body like a symphony of wellness. In the realm of healthcare, AyuSwasth’s FMB Tech- nology stands as an opus of innovation, orchestrating a harmonious melody of natural healing potential, and promising a crescendo of improved health out- comes for all who seek its embrace. DiverseHealthNeedsCateredbyAyuSwasth: AyuSwasth’s treasure trove of herbal healthcare products unfolds like a vibrant tapestry, woven with the intricate threads of nature’s wisdom. Each prod- uct stands as a testament to AyuSwasth’s unwavering commitment to holistic well-being, catering to a di- verse range of health needs with finesse and precision. For those seeking to nourish their bones and joints, AYUORTHO tablets and oil emerge as a soothing elixir, their FMB Technology orchestrating a sym- phony of relief and mobility. AYUQUEEN, with its nurturing embrace, attends to the specific health con- cerns of women, while AYUKING stands as a guard- ian of men’s vitality. Embracing the very essence of vi- tality itself, AYUVITAL’s potent blend fuels the body’s immune defenses and vital organs with boundless energy. In a world entangled in the complexities of modern life, AYUSTRESS unfurls as a tranquil oa- sis, offering herbal solutions to ease the burdens of stress. AYULOOZ takes on the mantle of relieving constipation, liberating the body from discomfort. And for those seeking to reclaim the luster of their locks, AYUSWASTH Ayurvedic Hair oil emerges as a nurturing balm, taming the tresses and bidding fare- well to hair fall. With a harmonious blend of natural ingredients and cutting-edge technology, AyuSwasth’s diverse product range strives to make holistic health- care accessible to all, a sanctuary of wellness where the symphony of nature’s healing reverberates for every individual seeking to embrace the essence of well-being. Quality Testing and Standardization: AyuSwasth’s commitment to excellence resonates in every step of their quality assurance journey, where the quest for purity and safety becomes an artistic endeavor. At the heart of this pursuit lies a state- of-the-art GMP unit, a temple of precision where standardized, high-quality raw materials form the building blocks of their masterpieces. The artisans of AyuSwasth meticulously sculpt their creations, sub- jecting them to a symphony of comprehensive testing - an orchestration that ensures the absence of pesti- cides, lurking microbes, aflatoxins, heavy metals, and the burden of gluten. As if unveiling a masterpiece, stability studies unfold, unraveling the product’s tem- poral essence, revealing its shelf life and ensuring that its healing melody endures. In this symphony of quality, AyuSwasth’s unwavering dedication to safety, reliability, and efficacy resonates with a resounding crescendo, harmonizing the elements of nature into a symphony of well-being, ready to resonate with the hearts and minds of their cherished consumers
  • 14. Certifications and Approvals: In the realm of herbal healthcare, AyuSwasth stands adorned with a crown of prestigious certifica- tions, a testament to their unwavering commitment to excellence. Like a symphony of accolades, they proudly hold the esteemed GMP, ISO, and AYUSH FDA manufacturing licenses, each note resonating with the harmony of rigorous quality standards. In a world where dietary preferences and sensitivities play their own intricate tune, AyuSwasth’s products emerge as a harmonious melody, catering to the needs of gluten-free seekers and those yearning for the authenticity of synthetic color-free remedies. As the final chord in this symphony of credibility, the products bear the seal of approval from AYUSH FDA as patent proprietary Ayurvedic gems, instilling confidence in consumers that they embrace the true essence of Ayurveda and its age-old wisdom. With this rich orchestration of certifications, AyuSwasth steps into the spotlight of authenticity and efficacy, illuminating the path to a healthier, happier, and more harmonious existence. Challenges and Learnings: In the realm of herbal healthcare, AyuSwasth stands adorned with a crown of prestigious certifica- tions, a testament to their unwavering commitment to excellence. Like a symphony of accolades, they proudly hold the esteemed GMP, ISO, and AYUSH FDA manufacturing licenses, each note resonating with the harmony of rigorous quality standards. In a world where dietary preferences and sensitivities play their own intricate tune, AyuSwasth’s products emerge as a harmonious melody, catering to the needs of gluten-free seekers and those yearning for the authenticity of synthetic color-free remedies. As the final chord in this symphony of credibility, the products bear the seal of approval from AYUSH FDA as patent proprietary Ayurvedic gems, instilling confidence in consumers that they embrace the true essence of Ayurveda and its age-old wisdom. With this rich orchestration of certifications, AyuSwasth steps into the spotlight of authenticity and efficacy, illuminating the path to a healthier, happier, and more harmonious existence. Dr. Gupta’s Contributions and Insights: Dr. Gupta, a luminary in the realm of herbal drug development, emerges as a visionary force propelling AyuSwasth to new heights of excellence. His contri- butions to the field stand as a symphony of scientific brilliance, where the melodies of ancient wisdom in- tertwine with the harmonies of modern research. As a speaker and trainer at esteemed research institutes, his words resonate like a mellifluous cadence, guid- ing the next generation of researchers towards the frontiers of knowledge. In the vast expanse of clinical research, Dr. Gupta orchestrates grand symphonies of success, conducting global clinical trials with mas- terful precision, particularly in the intricate realms of Neurology and Psychiatry. His expertise serves as a lighthouse, illuminating the path towards ground- breaking discoveries and transformative healthcare solutions. But Dr. Gupta’s contributions extend beyond the laboratories and clinical trials; he becomes the mae- stro behind the curtains of regulation and pharma- covigilance. Industry chambers seek his counsel, rec- ognizing his deep understanding of the intricacies of regulatory affairs. Like a master composer, he weaves together guidelines that resonate with the pulse of safety, efficacy, and ethical integrity. AyuSwasth stands as a testament to his profound insights and learnings, with each product shaped by a symphony of precision and quality assurance. Dr. Gupta’s guiding hand ele- vates AyuSwasth’s approach to product development, intertwining the artistry of ancient Ayurveda with the rigor of modern science, and culminating in a cre- scendo of holistic well-being. His virtuoso leadership leads AyuSwasth towards a harmonious future, where the confluence of nature’s wisdom and scientific inno- vation continues to compose a symphony of wellness for all. The Vision for AyuSwasth’s Future: As the sun rises on the horizon of the herbal healthcare industry, AyuSwasth stands resolute in its vision to emerge as a global leader, casting its radiant light on the path to well-being for all. Like a grand symphony, its robust product pipeline resounds with promises of holistic healing, addressing a di- verse spectrum of health concerns. From the gentle cadence of digestive health to the crescendo of neu-
  • 15. rological well-being, AyuSwasth’s offerings span the entire orchestra of vitality. Each note strikes a harmo- nious chord, from solutions for infertility and meta- bolic health to the symphony of weight management, kidney stones, and prostate health. As AyuSwasth’s melodies travel beyond the borders, they embrace national and international geographies, bringing the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda and herbal medicine to the hearts of people around the world. But in the realm of innovation, AyuSwasth is not content with resting on past laurels; instead, it boldly ventures into uncharted territories, seeking to com- pose a new genre of healthcare solutions. Collabora- tions with esteemed research institutes herald a new era of scientific advancement in the herbal healthcare domain. These partnerships form a magnificent sym- phony, where the artistry of Ayurveda entwines with the precision of modern scientific research to give birth to groundbreaking phytopharmaceutical prod- ucts. Like musical alchemy, AyuSwasth’s dedication to innovation transmutes the essence of nature’s offer- ings into a symphony of effective and transformative remedies. As AyuSwasth’s journey continues, its grand opus unfolds, captivating the world with a harmonious ensemble of wellness. With each step, the company strives to resonate with the hearts and minds of mil- lions,composingasymphonyofhealthandvitalitythat will echo through generations to come. AyuSwasth’s unwavering commitment to providing scientific and qualitative herbal healthcare products has positioned it as a trailblazer in the field. By harnessing the power of Ayurveda and merging it with modern science and technology, AyuSwasth has bridged the gap between traditional wisdom and contemporary healthcare needs. Their Fused-Micronized-Bioactivated (FMB) Technology, diverse product range, quality assurance measures, certifications, and approvals, along with Dr. Gupta’s invaluable contributions, have all con- tributed to AyuSwasth’s success. With a promising vi- sion for the future and exciting upcoming initiatives, AyuSwasth continues to be a beacon of hope for those seeking natural and effective healthcare solutions.
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  • 18. Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd.: A Tale of Excellence, Vision, and Global Prosperity. Shri Hansraj Mutha Chairman- Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. In the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of international trade, few companies manage to stand out as paragons of excellence, transcending borders and cultures to become veritable champions in their industry. Among these trailblazers is Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd., a Chennai-based export firm founded by the visionary Shri Mohanlal Mutha in 1957. With over six decades of relentless pursuit of quality and innovation, the company has risen to become one of India’s leading export companies. The Genesis of a Visionary Enterprise. In the post-independence era, India was in the throes of development and industrialization. Amidst this backdrop, a young and enterprising Mohanlal Mutha took a leap of faith and founded Mohan Mutha Ex- ports Pvt. Ltd. Armed with ambition and a commit- ment to excellence, the company embarked on a jour- ney that would leave an indelible mark on the global export landscape. A Commitment to Quality and Certification. From its inception, Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. set its sights on delivering products of international quality. The company’s unwavering commitment to maintaining stringent quality standards earned them the prestigious ISO 9001:2015 certification. This ac- creditation not only solidified their reputation for excellence but also reinforced their dedication to cus- tomer satisfaction. Rising Above the Rest - Government Accredited Star Export House. In a highly competitive global market, Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. distinguished itself as one of the few Government Accredited Star Export Houses in India. This recognition is a testament to the company’s ex- ceptional performance in international trade, and it
  • 19. Breaking Boundaries, Unleashing Prosperity: The Mohan Mutha Export Odyssey opened doors to a myriad of opportunities, propelling them to the forefront of the export industry. Extending Global Footprints. Recognizing the importance of establishing a strong global presence, Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. strategically set up liaison offices in key international trade hubs, including Maldives and Singapore. These offices acted as the nexus of their international oper- ations, enabling seamless trade and fostering strong business relationships across borders. Navigating Through Challenges. The world of international trade is not without its challenges. Economic fluctuations, geopolitical un- certainties, and changing consumer preferences posed formidable obstacles to the company’s growth. However, under the astute leadership of Shri Hansraj Mutha, the current Chairman, Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. weathered the storms and emerged stronger with each challenge. The Ecosystem of Success - Employees and Partnerships. At the heart of any successful enterprise lie the dedi- cated and skilled employees who share the vision and values of the company. Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. nurtures a culture of excellence, empowering its workforce to innovate and contribute to the compa- ny’s success. Additionally, forging strategic partner- ships with suppliers, distributors, and other stake- holders has been crucial in ensuring the sustained growth of the business. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. In an era marked by environmental consciousness, Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. has embraced sus- tainability and corporate social responsibility as inte- gral components of its business philosophy. Initiatives to reduce carbon footprints, promote ethical practic- es, and support local communities exemplify their commitment to being responsible corporate citizens. Weathering the Tides of Digitalization As the world rapidly embraces digitalization, the ex- port industry has witnessed transformative chang- es. Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. has been at the vanguard of adopting cutting-edge technologies and digitizing its processes to streamline operations, en- hance efficiency, and provide a seamless customer ex- perience. Cultivating Innovation for Tomorrow Innovation is the lifeblood of any organization seek- ing long-term sustainability. Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. has consistently fostered a culture of innova- tion, encouraging its team to think creatively, antici- pate market trends, and develop products that meet the evolving needs of customers worldwide. Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd.’s journey has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. From humble begin- nings to becoming an epitome of excellence in inter- national trade, the company’s story serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and estab- lished businesses alike. With its unyielding commit- ment to quality, astute leadership, and strategic global outreach, Mohan Mutha Exports Pvt. Ltd. continues to thrive in an ever-competitive world, leaving an in- delible mark on the global stage and exemplifying the true spirit of prosperity and success.
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  • 22. The Heena Realty Makers: Pioneering a Revolution in Real Estate Advisory In the vast and intricate world of real estate, finding reliable investment opportunities can often be a daunting task. However, amidst the sea of uncertainty, a beacon of trust and transparen- cy emerges in the form of The Heena Realty Makers (HRM). Founded in 2021 by the visionary realty lead- er Ms. Heena Sehrawat, HRM envisions becoming a leading professional real estate consultancy offering comprehensive 360-degree investment solutions. With a diverse clientele from all corners of the global market, HRM aims to propel real estate transactions and advisory services for the luxury home segment of Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). The brand also has revolutionary plans to establish The Heena Real Es- tate Club, nurturing future real estate aspirants and contributors to India’s economic growth. This arti- cle delves into the inspiring journey of HRM and its commitment to transforming real estate investments into a sorted and efficient process. A Vision for Inclusive Realty. Ms. Heena Sehrawat’s journey began with a vision to bridge the gap between real estate opportunities and prospective investors from all walks of life. With a fo- cus on transparency and trust, she set out to create a brand that offers authentic and safe advisory services to the Indian realty space. The core mission of HRM is to make premium commercial and residential prop- erties accessible to everyone, while also catering to the needs of business associates, investors, builders, and customers alike. Empowering NRIs with Luxury Homes. One of the distinct features of HRM’s approach is its dedication to serving the NRI segment with luxu- ry homes. Understanding the unique needs and ex- pectations of NRIs, HRM acts as a reliable partner in finding exclusive properties that align with their preferences and investment goals. With a deep un- derstanding of the global realty market, HRM paves the way for NRIs to make sound and secure invest- ments in the booming Indian real estate sector. The Heena Real Estate Club - Nurturing Future Trailblazers. HRM’s vision extends beyond its consultancy ser- vices. The brand aims to inspire and nurture aspiring individuals who dream of a career in the real estate sector. Through The Heena Real Estate Club, HRM plans to provide budding talents with the knowledge, resources, and support necessary to excel in this dy- namic industry. By offering various online platforms and innovative techniques, HRM aspires to shape the future of India’s real estate landscape, contributing significantly to the nation’s economic growth. Trust, Transparency, and Legacy. At the heart of HRM’s success lies its unwavering commitment to building a brand centered on trust and trans- parency. The company aims to be a legacy that future generations can Unlocking Dreams, Building Legacies: The Heena Realty Makers - Your Gateway to a Transformed Realty Experience!
  • 23. carry forward with pride. By establishing a strong foun- dation of ethics, dedication, and creativity, HRM en- deavors to create lasting relationships with its custom- ers and stakeholders, fostering an atmosphere of mutual growth and prosperity. Advanced Solutions for Informed Decisions. HRM’s approach to real estate advisory goes be- yond traditional practices. Leveraging technical strategies and innovative solutions, the company empowers its clients to make informed decisions regarding their investments. By upgrading real estate transactions into organized and efficient processes, HRM strives to simplify the complex landscape of property buying, vacation rentals, and property sales. Propelling Realty in Gurugram and Beyond. Headquartered in Gurugram, HRM operates in one of India’s hottest real estate markets. The strategic location allows the company to tap into a thriving ecosystem and partner with stalwarts in the industry. By collaborating with established players, HRM ensures that its clients gain access to premium commercial and residential proper- ties, bringing them closer to their real estate as- pirations. The Heena Realty Makers stands as a beacon of hope and innovation in the real estate advisory sector. Led by the dynamic Ms. Heena Sehrawat, HRM is committed to bringing transparency, trust, and efficiency to real estate transactions. With a clear vision to empower NRIs with luxu- ry homes and inspire future talents through The Heena Real Estate Club, HRM is shaping the fu- ture of the Indian realty landscape. As the brand continues to leave an indelible mark in the indus- try, it paves the way for a future where real estate investments are accessible, secure, and rewarding for all. MS. Heena Sehrawat CEO - The Heena Realty Makers
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  • 26. Accurex Biomedical Pvt Ltd: Pioneering Excellence in the IVD Industry and Beyond. A ccurex Biomedical Pvt. Ltd. has distin- guished itself as one of the top three produc- ers of superior Clinical Chemistry Reagents and Urinalysis Test Strips in the rapidly changing field of medical diagnostics. The company was founded in 1984, and its 38-year history has been nothing short of amazing. With the recent launch of Accurex UK Ltd., Accurex has expanded its reach to international markets in addition to achieving unmatched success in its native India. This success is the result of innovation and a clear vision that have driven Accurex. The Name: ACCU and REX Even the name “Accurex” reflects the company’s key principles and goals. The acronym “ACCU” stands for accuracy, representing the company’s mission to provide ac- curate and dependable diagnostic solutions. Accuracy can mean the difference between life and death in the medical profession, and Ac- curex works hard to remain at the forefront of offering trustworthy diagnostic equipment. The Latin term for “king,” “REX,” on the other hand, represents the authoritative position Accurex enjoys in the diagnostics sector. Accurex has established itself as a market leader and the undisputed king of in-vitro diagnostic reagents thanks to a solid financial foun- dation and innovative marketing tactics. The Journey to Success Accurex Biomedical Pvt. Ltd. has constantly pursued perfection since its founding, resulting in success year after year. The administration of the business, under the capable direction of Mr. Abhinav Thak- ur, the Managing Director, has been instrumental in Accurex’s expansion and success. Accurex has established a well-deserved reputation for providing high-quality products to healthcare professionals all around the world via commitment and a custom- er-centric approach. Mr. Abhinav Thakur CEO- Accurex Biomedical Pvt Ltd
  • 27. Expansion to the UK: Accurex UK Ltd. Accurex, which had previously established itself in India, set out on a spectacular voyage of global ex- pansion by founding Accurex UK Ltd. This tactical decision by Accurex strengthens their global posi- tion because the UK is known as a hub for reputable manufacturing. Accurex UK Ltd.’s entry into the western-influenced nations is evidence of the com- pany’s dedication to upholding integrity and quality despite new difficulties and opportunities. Focus on Exports and Global Impact Accurex Biomedical, an Indian-based IVD com- pany, is aware of the need of exporting its goods to other markets. The company hopes to expand its export market and meet the diagnostic demands of healthcare professionals around the world with the creation of Accurex UK Ltd. This growth is consis- tent with their vision and mission of “Testing life & saving lives,” which emphasises their commitment to enhancing global healthcare outcomes. Accurexians: Champions of Quality and Commitment The committed team of professionals at Accurex Biomedical, often referred to as “Accurexians,” is at the centre of the company’s success story. They are the motivation behind the business’s dedication to offering their clients across the globe high-quality goods and services. Accurex is a force to be reck- oned with in the IVD sector thanks to their enthu- siasm for innovation and never-ending quest of quality. A Culture of Innovation With a commitment to innovation, Accurex Bio- medical Pvt. Ltd. consistently pushes the limits of medical diagnostics. The business keeps on the cutting edge of technology by making investments in R&D, enabling it to provide the market sophisticated and trustworthy diagnostic solutions. Their dedica- tion to innovation not only benefits patients but also helps healthcare workers provide better care. Finally, Accurex Biomedical Pvt. Ltd. has established itself as a true innovator in the in-vitro diagnostic field. With more than 38 years of experience, a ded- ication to truth, and an authoritative presence, they have established a solid reputation among medical experts all around the world. As they work to have a significant global influence, Accurex UK Ltd.’s entry into the UK market marks a new chapter in their journey. Living up to their mission of “Testing life & saving lives,” Accurex continues to create the future of medical diagnostics with a committed staff of Accurexians, a focus on exports, and a culture of innovation. Reigning in Diagnostic Excellence: Accurex Biomedical, Where Accuracy Meets A uthority!
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  • 30. Hari Krishna Exports Pvt. Ltd.: Crafting Brilliance with Faith, Togetherness, and Hard Work. I n the dazzling world of diamonds, where brilliance and beauty reign supreme, one company stands out with a legacy of excellence and unwavering commitment to its core values. Meet Hari Krishna Exports Pvt. Ltd., a leading diamond company in India, where the foundation is built on faith, togetherness, and hard work. With a vision to be a global leader in the diamond industry, and a mission to generate value while making a pos- itive impact on society, Hari Krishna Exports is not just a business; it is a force for good and a beacon of ethical practices. The Journey of Brilliance. Since its inception, Hari Krishna Ex- ports has been driven by a profound faith in its craft and the power of di- amonds to bring joy and happiness to people’s lives. With a dedication to honesty and transparency, the com- pany has earned the trust of custom- ers worldwide, making it a preferred choice for exquisite diamonds. Vision of Excellence. At the heart of Hari Krishna Exports lies a powerful vision – to be recognized as one of the foremost companies in the global diamond industry. This vision is not solely based on business success but also on fos- tering an inclusive culture and delivering an excellent quality of diamonds. The company understands that being a leader goes beyond financial gains; it requires innovative prac- tices, ethical conduct, and a commitment to making a positive impact on society. Mr. Savji Dholakia FOUNDER- Hari Krishna Exports Pvt. Ltd.
  • 31. Mission of Growth and Goodness. The company’s mission reflects an unyielding dedi- cation to continuous improvement. Hari Krishna Ex- ports aims to be a force for good, not only within the industry but also in society at large. This mission aligns business growth with the greater purpose of generat- ing value through responsible actions and approaches. Values that Ground and Elevate. Hari Krishna Exports is guided by a set of core values that form the backbone of its operations. These values keep the company grounded and remind it of its pur- pose – to bring happiness to all those who associate with them. Let’s explore these values that make Hari Krishna Exports a true gem in the diamond industry: 1. Faith: The Foundation of Trust. Faith is at the core of every action and decision made at Hari Krishna Exports. This goes beyond religious be- liefs; it is about fostering a work environment built on trust and integrity. By nurturing strong relationships with stakeholders, the company creates a positive im- pact on society, empowering team members to deliver exceptional results. 2. Togetherness: The Strength of Collaboration. “Togetherness” is more than just a word at Hari Krish- na Exports; it is a way of life. The company has cul- tivated a work culture that values collaboration and inclusivity across all levels and functions. By fostering an environment that is supportive, equal, and empow- ering for all, the company creates a harmonious and productive workplace. 3. Hard Work: The Path to Brilliance. At Hari Krishna Exports, every team member embod- ies a strong sense of duty and service. They recognize that there is no substitute for dedication and effort in achieving their goals. Through hard work and perse- verance, they consistently strive to craft brilliance in every facet of their business. In conclusion, Hari Krishna Exports Pvt. Ltd. is not just a diamond company; it is a beacon of values that shape its identity and its impact on the world. With unwavering faith in its craft, a commitment to ethical practices, and a dedication to delivering excellence, the company has earned the trust of customers worldwide. Driven by its vision to be a global leader and its mis- sion to be a force for good, Hari Krishna Exports paves the way for an inclusive and brilliant future in the di- amond industry. In a world where trust and ethical conduct are becoming ever more critical, Hari Krishna Exports stands tall, reflecting the true brilliance of dia- monds and the values that make them shine. Brilliance, Values, and Togetherness: Uniting Hearts and Diamonds at Hari Krishna Exports!
  • 32. L L Swift ft Swift the solution, Lift the business!