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Pag« I B Daily Republican-Register, Mt. Carmel, IL - Friday, July 6, 2001

              ^ligion Jeanne Kendall talks
                      about miracles and faith

                                                                  Second in a series profil-                                           a child.                           said. "Fourteen years ago, in
 Equestrian author to be guest                                    ing women ministers.                                                    Kendall said the miracles       1987,1 was in prayer and did-
    The Adams Corner Women's Group, "The Keepers of the                                                                                that she had witnessed grow-       n't even have the thought
 Light," will meet Saturday at 10 a.m. at Adams Corner Unit-      By Phyllis Bates                                                     ing up had become a reality        about pastoring a church.
 ed Methodist Church.                                             DRR Feature Writer                                                   to her                             The Holy Spirit spoke to my
    "Our speaker will be Edie Whittermeyer," a spokesman             "The Lord called me when                                             "It was real. Miracles were     heart saying he was going to
 said. "Edie and her husband have a horse stable in the Mar-      I was 9 or 10 years old," said                                       real," she said.                   open a door that would be
 shall area where they live."                                     local pastor, Jeanne Kendall.                                           "After my mother was            very strange."
    Edie is author of a book called, The Equestrian Devo-         "It wasn't the desire of my                                          healed, she never had a back          Approximately a week
 tional, published by Wine Press. She will bring some of the      heart to preach, as I never                                          problem," she said. "She was       later, Kendall received a
 books with here to sell.                                         liked to be in front of people.                                      totally healed and she always      phone call asking her to
    "She has a powerful witness about what Christ has done        1 still don't today I'm a                                            proclaimed her healing. I          come to Allendale Christian.
 for her and her family"                                          behind-the-scenes person,                                            began preaching at the age of      They had lost a pastor and
    All women are invited to the program.                         one who supports others. It                                          5 years old. My playmates          were in need of lay people to
    There will be a light luncheon afterward.                     wasn't something personally                                          hadn't known my mother             fill in. They asked her if she
                                                                  I would have chosen, but the                                         when she was experiencing          would consider speaking on
 First Baptist to host Youtii Rally                               Lord called me."                                                     all her pain, so when the chil-    Sunday
   First Baptist Church, 6th and Chestnut, will host a South-        Kendall said for a long                                           dren came to the house to             "I first thought, 'This is
 ern Illinois Youth Rally Saturday, July 14, and all 7th grade    time she didn't share how far                                        play I would say 'Jesus            strange.' They really didn't
 youth through college are welcome to attend. Activities will     back the calling took place                                          healed my mother'"                 believe in women in the pul-
 be held 6-9 p.m.                                                                                   Jeanne Kendall
                                                                  with her husband.                                                       Kendall said she was            pit, and they knew of my
   The drama, Stained Glass Jesus, will be presented along           "I believe my heritage had                                        thankful to have a "whole"         Pentecostal experience back-
                                                                                                    except grandma and me. My
 with "fun, fellowship, and food.!                                a lot to do with it," Kendall                                        mother so she said she was         ground. They knew this was
                                                                                                    grandma stayed on her
   For more information contact Rob or Darla Windes at            said. "My grandfather's three                                        always witnessing about her        a part of my life."
                                                                                                    knees. She wouldn't leave
 299-5241 or Mandy Goldman at 263-3157.                           brothers on my dad's side                                            healing.                              Kendall was prepared and
                                                                                                    until he was healed. I spent
                                                                  were Pentecostal ministers        hours listening to her pray           "God brought Dave into my       she cried, but she kept hear-
 One-day VBS planned at EUM                                       and my grandfather was in         She didn't get up tiU a man        life," she said. "He had grown     ing the Holy Spirit telling
   A one-day Vacation Bible School will be held July 11 at        the lumber business, a car-       came to the door and said he       up in, I think, a Free             her, "This is it."
 Evangelical United Methodist. Kids ages K-6th grade are          penter My grandfather built       was going to live and he was-      Methodist Church and had a             "Dave and the Holy Spirit
 invited to join the fun from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.                    the churches and his broth-       n't disfigured. That's been        woman pastor Dave has              have been my support," she
   Theme this year is Courageous Kids, Stepping Out for           ers preached. He built            some 40 years ago. He's in his     encouraged me, and it has          said. "He has encouraged me
 Jesus!                                                           churches in Indiana and Mis-      80s now. My ^andmother             been tough to be the husband       and literally prayed me into
   You'll learn Bible stories that describe courageous young      souri. Even though I didn't       was my inspiration," Kendall       of a woman who stands in           the places because sometimes
 people who were willing to take risks to do what they knew       know my grandfather who           said.                              the pulpit."                       I would be physically ill. So I
 was right and pleasing to God.                                   died long before I was born,                                            Kendall married young           went to the Allendale Church
                                                                                                        Like many who are called
    "You will learn that you can live as courageous kids, too,    and I was not raised in a Pen-                                       and had two sons and a             thinking this was my only
                                                                                                    of the Lord, Kendall asked,
 by following God and being examples in your speech, life,        tecostal church," she said, "1                                       daughter She lost her second       time."
                                                                                                    "why me?"
 love, faith and purify"                                          have much heritage from                                              and fifth babies. When her             But this wasn't her only
                                                                                                        "Because the Lord picks all
                                                                  both sides of my family"                                             third child was born she           time. The Allendale church
                                                                                                    of us, we're all chosen for a
 Religious college eligible for grants                               Kendall's mother came                                             came close to death.               asked her back again and
                                                                                                    task. But there's a price to
                                                                  from a traditional church,                                              "They were ready to cover       again. She was in the church
   RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A federal appeals court has                                                 pay" Kendall said.
                                                                  the United Brethren Church.                                          me up," she said. "I was hem-      eight years before the Lord
 ruled that a Seventh-day Adventist college can participate                                             When she was 9 years old,
                                                                  Her father was raised in the                                         orrhaging so badly I was los-       called her out.
 in a state program that pays for courses and programs at                                           her family moved to Denver
                                                                  Pentecostal church.                                                   ing blood faster than they            "Every Sunday I honestly
 public and private colleges.                                                                           "Once in a while, we went
   The state failed to prove that Columbia Union College in          "My mother wasn't com-         to an Assembly of God               could pump it in, so I was lit-    thought would be my last.
 Takoma Park, Md., was "pervasively sectarian" and there-         fortable with the Pentecostal     church," she said. "One day         erally fighting for my life. My    The Lord spoke to my heart
 fore ineligible for state money, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of   church and my dad felt noth-      through praise and worship                                             and said, 'I opened this door
 Appeals ruled June 26.                                            ing in the traditional church.   time, 1 looked up and I was a                                          and I will shut it.' They did-
   The appeals court upheld a lower court ruling rejecting
                                                                  So we kinda floated. You          9-year-old chUd, the roof was         'God brought Dave                n't understand, and they kept
                                                                  never had a root of your                                                                                 asking me back. I was simply
 the state's claim that funding the Christian school would
                                                                  own," she said.
                                                                                                    gone...there was no roof on          into my life. He had              supposed to plant the words. 1
 violate the separation of church and state.                                                        the church and I was just
                                                                     Kendall said she still         looking straight up into the       grown up in, I think, a            just kept digging the ground
   "We recognize the sensitivity of this issue and respect
 the constitutional imperative for government not to imper-       thinks the Lord used that in a    heaven hearing angels sing. 1      Free Methodist Church               and planting the words."
 missibly advance religious interests," Chief Judge Harvie        good way because she loved        could see. 1 could hear            and had a woman pas-                   "I knew the opposition was
                                                                  all the churches and she had                                                                             great. But, God was training
 Wilkinson III wrote.
                                                                  a love for the Body
                                                                                                        "At first I thought 'Does       tor. Dave has encour-              me there. We had Dick
   "Nevertheless, by refusing to fund a religious institution                                       everybody see this?' It was
 solely because of religion, the government risks discrimi-          "On my mother's side of        just like the Lord had parted        aged me, and it has               Reubon twice at Allendale,
 nating against a class of citizens solely because of faith.      the family my grandmother         the heavens, and I was look-         been tough to be the              who had been instrumental
                                                                  was such a prayer warrior,"                                                                              in the Pensacola, Fla. revival.
 The First Amendment requires government neutrality, not
                                                                  she said. "I've seen miracles.
                                                                                                    ing straight up."                   husband of a woman                 After he was at Allendale
 hostility, to religious belief."                                                                       Kendall said she knew she
   The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1976 that it is unconsti-      I've been told of miracles        was seeing heaven and the
                                                                                                                                       who stands in the pul-              Christian Church in October,
 tutional to provide public subsidies to institutions that are    that happened before I was        sounds she heard were so                    pit. '                     the Pensacola revival broke
                                                                  born. My grandfather was                                                                                 loose Father's Day
 petvasively sectarian.                                                                             beautiful that she couldn't
                                                                  dying from leukemia and           describe them with words.          grandmother was praying me             "Reubon said the Lord told
 Religious program unconstitutional                               wasn't supposed to live long          "I didn't even know what I     home, and that's when 1 got         him to go to Allendale,"
                                                                  enough to see me born. He         was seeing. When I looked up        beside the baby crib and sur-      Kendall said. And Reubon
    AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A Christian-studies jail unit            lived 16 years longer"             it was gone and 1 never spoke      rendered my life to God."          added, "1 don't go just any-
 dubbed the "God Pod," violates the constitutional separa-
                                                                     Kendall called her mother       a word of that to anybody I           Kendall said she came into      where."
 tion of church and state, the Texas Supreme Court has
 ruled.                                                           a "miracle" and an "answer         didn't even tell my parents. It    a Pentecostal experience. She          He told Kendall that God
                                                                  to prayer." Her mother took a     • overwhelmed me," she said.        was involved in the charis-        had placed her at the Allen-
    "The county cannot ... convey a message that endorses
                                                                  fall while carrying her and           From that point on,             matic movement in the early        dale Church to teach her and
 the personal religious beliefs of county officials in attempt-
                                                                  landed so as not to hurt           Kendall said she felt a draw-      70s when all the churches          train her
 ing to rehabilitate criminal offenders," Justice Deborah
                                                                  Kendall.                           ing in her heart to the Word       came together under Father             "There is no way you could
 Hankinson wrote, in the unanimous ruling June 28.
                                                                     "Mom was in pain the first     of God.                             Braun.                             stand in the pulpit without
    "Such an endorsement of religion is, by any test of which                                                                                                              the Lord," Reubon said. "I
                                                                  five years of my life," she           "I would read the Word,"           "I just loved it," she said.
 we are aware, unconstitutional."                                                                                                                                          would hold on to the pulpit,
                                                                  said. "That's all I remember"     she said. "No one studied the       "You know he has his hand
    The court said some religious programs may be allowed,                                                                                                                 and I would cry out and 1
                                                                     Kendall said the experi-       Word in my house, but I was         on your life."
 such as hiring a chaplain to help inmates study their own                                                                                                                 would say God don't let my
                                                                  ence will always be fresh in      always praying the Lord's              The Lord then took her
 religion. The Tarrant County program, however, went too                                                                                                                   flesh or the devil move me
                                                                  her memory and consistently       Prayer, reading the beati-          into "Women's Aglow" where
 far, Hankinson wrote.                                                                                                                                                     from this place until it's your
                                                                  asks why all of it happened.      tudes."                             she was an officer locally for
    The Christian Education Unit opened in 1992. The pro-                                                                               seven years. She also served       time.
 gram was voluntary and inmates would participate for up             "It was to prepare me," she        Kendall said she would
                                                                  said. "In fact they said she      read them over and over             on the Southern Illinois Area         Week after week for eight
 to 120 days.                                                                                                                           Board and Women's Confer-
                                                                  would be in a wheelchair as       again and the Lord kept                                                years I remained," she said.
    Two former inmates, one Jewish and the other a Jeho-          there was nothing they could                                          ence for over seven years.         "1 just wanted to be a mother
 vah's Witness, sued, claiming those who refused to partici-                                        drawing her to the Word.
                                                                  do for her She was in a steel                                         She calls the experience a         and a wife. But 1 think God
 pate were treated as second-class citizens within the jail.                                            "I didn't really have a
                                                                  brace, and she was on pain                                            "preparation" and is where         wanted me to have a pastor's
    The sheriff's office moved the unit's inmates into the                                          church that was teaching
                                                                  medication continually"                                               she began teaching Bible           heart; a shepherd's heart.
 general population after the high court issued its decision.                                       me," she said. "I know the
                                                                     Then, Kendall said, one                                            study It was a women's con-           "There are so many that
                                                                                                    Lord was bringing me to that
                                                                  morning she woke up and                                               ference training women to          don't believe in women min-
    Vermont, Massachusetts congregations of Sisters of St.                                          place. It wasn't anything I
                                                                  her mother was totally                                                love again the Body of Christ      isters," Kendall said. "In
 Joseph merge                                                                                       did. 1 was just a 9-year-old
                                                                  healed. The family believed it                                        and its unity                      growing up, I would have
    HOLYOKE, Mass. (AP) — A congregation of Sisters of St.                                          child. It is very important
                                                                  happened through prayer           that we encourage the chil-            "Women could come               never thought, 'Jeanne, you
 Joseph based in Rutland, Vt., has merged with a Massachu-           "She took her brace off.                                           together of all faiths and         will be standing in a pulpit
 setts community of the Roman Catholic order.                                                       dren into these places," she
                                                                  One leg had been shorter          said.                               focus on and love Jesus," she      someday' But God asked me
    The Vermont nuns said their numbers had shrunk to 39          than the other and one arm                                            said. "We were involved in all    to do this. He chose me,"
 with a median age of 79. They will remain in Rutland, Vt.,                                             Kendall said her teaching                                          Kendall said.
                                                                  partially paralyzed. She                                              the chapters from Springfield
 with the administration of the congregation handled by the                                         and her ministry are her
                                                                  grabbed me and we ran to                                              and down across the state. I          Editor's note:
 360-member community of Sisters of St. Joseph based in                                             "thing." The Lord has put a
                                                                  grandma's. Mom was scream-                                            feel like that was a key place        Jeanne is the daughter of
 Springfield, Mass.                                                                                 love for the Word inside her.
                                                                  ing, 'I have been healed' and                                         God put me in. I've never         the late Bernard and Lourine
    It is the second merger for the Springfield community,        grandma said, 'I know.'"              "He's given me a hunger        expected any step I've taken,      Deckard. She and her hus-
 which in 1974 joined with a community of Sisters of St.                                            for the Word," she said. "It       but God has opened the door
                                                                     Kendall's grandmother was                                                                            band, David, are the parents
 Joseph in Fall River, Mass., and Rhode Island.                                                     just came from heaven."             He always spoke to my heart
                                                                  almost 90 when she passed                                                                               of John and Matthew Kendall
    The Sisters of St. Joseph arrived in Rutland in 1873 to                                             Kendall was in her early       telling me to be obedient and      and a daughter, Cathy
                                                                  away                              20s before she gave her life to
 staff an elementary school. Their numbers peaked at 167 in                                                                            trust him to walk through          Schroering. They have five
                                                                     "I'll never forget the last    the Lord. She had seen many
 1966.                                                                                                                                 the door They were prepar-         granddaughters and another
                                                                  words she said, 'I'm going        miracles, but she didn't
                                                                  home to heaven.' 1 knew                                               ing times."                       expected in August. Jeanne
 Book Review                                                      when my grandmother died
                                                                                                    understand the process. She
                                                                                                    believed she was seeking him          Kendall said she thinks         works at the Mt. Carmel Pub-
                                                                  the mantle would fall on me. I                                       God chose her because he           lic Library as a librarian.
                                                                                                    because she had given her                                             She just completed a 12-week
   A small, thin book titled, "The Prayer of Jabez," has cre-     was not a speaker, and I did-     heart to the Lord long ago as      knew she couldn't do it.
 ated quite a furor among readers of Christian literature.        n't want to be in front of peo-                                         "Once the Holy Spirit takes     "Coming Into HisPresence
 Following is a brief review by DRR Feature Writer Phyllis        ple."                                                                over, God uses the foolish and     and Praying His Heart"
 Bates.                                                              Her grandmother told her,                                         weak things so that he can be      prayer meeting. The group
                                                                  however, that she would be                                           seen," she said. "God knows I      has been diligently praying
    The book, The Prayer of Jabez, by Bruce Wilkinson and         her voice. Her grandmother                                           can't do it. I think that is       for revival in America and
 published by Multnomah Publisher Inc., definitely should         loved going to all the church-                                       probably one of the key rea-       the Wabash County commu-
 be on your "must read" list.                                     es, and she loved the body                                           sons he has called me.             nity
    Although the simple prayer, recorded in 1 Chronicles 4:9,     but didn't feel like she could                                          "I prepare myself as well          Jeanne has a Bachelor's
 seems ordinary and just a little selfish at first reading,       express herself. She was very                                        as I know to prepare myself,"      Degree from Midwest Theo-
 author of book. The Prayer of Jabez, states that the prayer      powerful in prayer                                                   she said. "But I know it has       logical Seminary and is
 shows that Jabez wanted to do more for God. By the end of           The same year mother was                                          to be him. I know in my flesh,     presently working on her
 verse 10, God granted him his request.                           healed, Kendall's uncle was                                          I can't do it. My trust has to     masters. She taught Founda-
    Clearly the outcome can be traced to his (Jabez's) prayer.    in a gas explosion and totally                                       be in him. I'm not confident       tional Studies for three years,
 Something about Jabez's simple, direct request to God            burned.                                                              in myself."                        taught in Kentucky for two
 changed his life and left a permanent mark on the history           "There was no way he was                                             The Lord called Kendall to      years and was pastor of
 books of Israel.                                                 going to get through that,"                                          the First Christian Church in      Allendale Christian Church
    His prayer? "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my       she said. "Everyone went to                                          Allendale.                         for eight years.
 territory, indeed, that your hand would be with me, and          the hospital to watch him die                                           "I love those people," she

                                                                  Two Mennonite denominations vote on merger
 that you would keep me from evil."
    Wilkinson says, "At first glance, the four requests may
 strike you as sincere, sensible, even noble, but not terribly
 remarkable.                                                         NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) —           On Thursday about 10,000        nearly 20 Mennonite organi-        unresolved then were expect-
    "Yet just under the surface of each, lies a great paradigm    For two decades, the country's    members of the denomina-           zations in North America,          ed to be taken care of during
 breaker that runs exactly opposite to the way you and I usu-     two    largest     Mennonite      tions plan to formally vote on     have explored a possible           the weeklong meeting under-
 aUy think."                                                      denominations have held           merging     the    Mennonite       merger since they began            way in Nashville.
    Wilkinson adds, "... in the pages to come I want to show      joint meetings and talked of      Church based in Elkhart,           meeting jointly in 1983. In          Cynthia Snider, spokes-
 you just how dramatically each of Jabez's requests can           bringing    together     their    Ind., and the General Confer-      1999, the delegates voiced sup-    woman for the emerging Men-
 release something miraculous in your life.                       125,000 members into one          ence    Mennonite      Church      port for reorganizing into a       nonite Church USA, said the
    I suggest you visit your nearest Bible bookstore and pur-     church, a Mennonite Church        based in Newton, Kan.              single group. Some member-         union was expected to be a
 chase this fabulous book!                                        USA.                                 The two churches, among         ship issues that remained          success.

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  • 1. Pag« I B Daily Republican-Register, Mt. Carmel, IL - Friday, July 6, 2001 ^ligion Jeanne Kendall talks about miracles and faith LOCAL AND NATIONAL BRIEFS Second in a series profil- a child. said. "Fourteen years ago, in Equestrian author to be guest ing women ministers. Kendall said the miracles 1987,1 was in prayer and did- The Adams Corner Women's Group, "The Keepers of the that she had witnessed grow- n't even have the thought Light," will meet Saturday at 10 a.m. at Adams Corner Unit- By Phyllis Bates ing up had become a reality about pastoring a church. ed Methodist Church. DRR Feature Writer to her The Holy Spirit spoke to my "Our speaker will be Edie Whittermeyer," a spokesman "The Lord called me when "It was real. Miracles were heart saying he was going to said. "Edie and her husband have a horse stable in the Mar- I was 9 or 10 years old," said real," she said. open a door that would be shall area where they live." local pastor, Jeanne Kendall. "After my mother was very strange." Edie is author of a book called, The Equestrian Devo- "It wasn't the desire of my healed, she never had a back Approximately a week tional, published by Wine Press. She will bring some of the heart to preach, as I never problem," she said. "She was later, Kendall received a books with here to sell. liked to be in front of people. totally healed and she always phone call asking her to "She has a powerful witness about what Christ has done 1 still don't today I'm a proclaimed her healing. I come to Allendale Christian. for her and her family" behind-the-scenes person, began preaching at the age of They had lost a pastor and All women are invited to the program. one who supports others. It 5 years old. My playmates were in need of lay people to There will be a light luncheon afterward. wasn't something personally hadn't known my mother fill in. They asked her if she I would have chosen, but the when she was experiencing would consider speaking on First Baptist to host Youtii Rally Lord called me." all her pain, so when the chil- Sunday First Baptist Church, 6th and Chestnut, will host a South- Kendall said for a long dren came to the house to "I first thought, 'This is ern Illinois Youth Rally Saturday, July 14, and all 7th grade time she didn't share how far play I would say 'Jesus strange.' They really didn't youth through college are welcome to attend. Activities will back the calling took place healed my mother'" believe in women in the pul- be held 6-9 p.m. Jeanne Kendall with her husband. Kendall said she was pit, and they knew of my The drama, Stained Glass Jesus, will be presented along "I believe my heritage had thankful to have a "whole" Pentecostal experience back- except grandma and me. My with "fun, fellowship, and food.! a lot to do with it," Kendall mother so she said she was ground. They knew this was grandma stayed on her For more information contact Rob or Darla Windes at said. "My grandfather's three always witnessing about her a part of my life." knees. She wouldn't leave 299-5241 or Mandy Goldman at 263-3157. brothers on my dad's side healing. Kendall was prepared and until he was healed. I spent were Pentecostal ministers hours listening to her pray "God brought Dave into my she cried, but she kept hear- One-day VBS planned at EUM and my grandfather was in She didn't get up tiU a man life," she said. "He had grown ing the Holy Spirit telling A one-day Vacation Bible School will be held July 11 at the lumber business, a car- came to the door and said he up in, I think, a Free her, "This is it." Evangelical United Methodist. Kids ages K-6th grade are penter My grandfather built was going to live and he was- Methodist Church and had a "Dave and the Holy Spirit invited to join the fun from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. the churches and his broth- n't disfigured. That's been woman pastor Dave has have been my support," she Theme this year is Courageous Kids, Stepping Out for ers preached. He built some 40 years ago. He's in his encouraged me, and it has said. "He has encouraged me Jesus! churches in Indiana and Mis- 80s now. My ^andmother been tough to be the husband and literally prayed me into You'll learn Bible stories that describe courageous young souri. Even though I didn't was my inspiration," Kendall of a woman who stands in the places because sometimes people who were willing to take risks to do what they knew know my grandfather who said. the pulpit." I would be physically ill. So I was right and pleasing to God. died long before I was born, Kendall married young went to the Allendale Church Like many who are called "You will learn that you can live as courageous kids, too, and I was not raised in a Pen- and had two sons and a thinking this was my only of the Lord, Kendall asked, by following God and being examples in your speech, life, tecostal church," she said, "1 daughter She lost her second time." "why me?" love, faith and purify" have much heritage from and fifth babies. When her But this wasn't her only "Because the Lord picks all both sides of my family" third child was born she time. The Allendale church of us, we're all chosen for a Religious college eligible for grants Kendall's mother came came close to death. asked her back again and task. But there's a price to from a traditional church, "They were ready to cover again. She was in the church RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A federal appeals court has pay" Kendall said. the United Brethren Church. me up," she said. "I was hem- eight years before the Lord ruled that a Seventh-day Adventist college can participate When she was 9 years old, Her father was raised in the orrhaging so badly I was los- called her out. in a state program that pays for courses and programs at her family moved to Denver Pentecostal church. ing blood faster than they "Every Sunday I honestly public and private colleges. "Once in a while, we went The state failed to prove that Columbia Union College in "My mother wasn't com- to an Assembly of God could pump it in, so I was lit- thought would be my last. Takoma Park, Md., was "pervasively sectarian" and there- fortable with the Pentecostal church," she said. "One day erally fighting for my life. My The Lord spoke to my heart fore ineligible for state money, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of church and my dad felt noth- through praise and worship and said, 'I opened this door Appeals ruled June 26. ing in the traditional church. time, 1 looked up and I was a and I will shut it.' They did- The appeals court upheld a lower court ruling rejecting So we kinda floated. You 9-year-old chUd, the roof was 'God brought Dave n't understand, and they kept never had a root of your asking me back. I was simply the state's claim that funding the Christian school would own," she said. gone...there was no roof on into my life. He had supposed to plant the words. 1 violate the separation of church and state. the church and I was just Kendall said she still looking straight up into the grown up in, I think, a just kept digging the ground "We recognize the sensitivity of this issue and respect the constitutional imperative for government not to imper- thinks the Lord used that in a heaven hearing angels sing. 1 Free Methodist Church and planting the words." missibly advance religious interests," Chief Judge Harvie good way because she loved could see. 1 could hear and had a woman pas- "I knew the opposition was all the churches and she had great. But, God was training Wilkinson III wrote. a love for the Body "At first I thought 'Does tor. Dave has encour- me there. We had Dick "Nevertheless, by refusing to fund a religious institution everybody see this?' It was solely because of religion, the government risks discrimi- "On my mother's side of just like the Lord had parted aged me, and it has Reubon twice at Allendale, nating against a class of citizens solely because of faith. the family my grandmother the heavens, and I was look- been tough to be the who had been instrumental was such a prayer warrior," in the Pensacola, Fla. revival. The First Amendment requires government neutrality, not she said. "I've seen miracles. ing straight up." husband of a woman After he was at Allendale hostility, to religious belief." Kendall said she knew she The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1976 that it is unconsti- I've been told of miracles was seeing heaven and the who stands in the pul- Christian Church in October, tutional to provide public subsidies to institutions that are that happened before I was sounds she heard were so pit. ' the Pensacola revival broke born. My grandfather was loose Father's Day petvasively sectarian. beautiful that she couldn't dying from leukemia and describe them with words. grandmother was praying me "Reubon said the Lord told Religious program unconstitutional wasn't supposed to live long "I didn't even know what I home, and that's when 1 got him to go to Allendale," enough to see me born. He was seeing. When I looked up beside the baby crib and sur- Kendall said. And Reubon AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A Christian-studies jail unit lived 16 years longer" it was gone and 1 never spoke rendered my life to God." added, "1 don't go just any- dubbed the "God Pod," violates the constitutional separa- Kendall called her mother a word of that to anybody I Kendall said she came into where." tion of church and state, the Texas Supreme Court has ruled. a "miracle" and an "answer didn't even tell my parents. It a Pentecostal experience. She He told Kendall that God to prayer." Her mother took a • overwhelmed me," she said. was involved in the charis- had placed her at the Allen- "The county cannot ... convey a message that endorses fall while carrying her and From that point on, matic movement in the early dale Church to teach her and the personal religious beliefs of county officials in attempt- landed so as not to hurt Kendall said she felt a draw- 70s when all the churches train her ing to rehabilitate criminal offenders," Justice Deborah Kendall. ing in her heart to the Word came together under Father "There is no way you could Hankinson wrote, in the unanimous ruling June 28. "Mom was in pain the first of God. Braun. stand in the pulpit without "Such an endorsement of religion is, by any test of which the Lord," Reubon said. "I five years of my life," she "I would read the Word," "I just loved it," she said. we are aware, unconstitutional." would hold on to the pulpit, said. "That's all I remember" she said. "No one studied the "You know he has his hand The court said some religious programs may be allowed, and I would cry out and 1 Kendall said the experi- Word in my house, but I was on your life." such as hiring a chaplain to help inmates study their own would say God don't let my ence will always be fresh in always praying the Lord's The Lord then took her religion. The Tarrant County program, however, went too flesh or the devil move me her memory and consistently Prayer, reading the beati- into "Women's Aglow" where far, Hankinson wrote. from this place until it's your asks why all of it happened. tudes." she was an officer locally for The Christian Education Unit opened in 1992. The pro- seven years. She also served time. gram was voluntary and inmates would participate for up "It was to prepare me," she Kendall said she would said. "In fact they said she read them over and over on the Southern Illinois Area Week after week for eight to 120 days. Board and Women's Confer- would be in a wheelchair as again and the Lord kept years I remained," she said. Two former inmates, one Jewish and the other a Jeho- there was nothing they could ence for over seven years. "1 just wanted to be a mother vah's Witness, sued, claiming those who refused to partici- drawing her to the Word. do for her She was in a steel She calls the experience a and a wife. But 1 think God pate were treated as second-class citizens within the jail. "I didn't really have a brace, and she was on pain "preparation" and is where wanted me to have a pastor's The sheriff's office moved the unit's inmates into the church that was teaching medication continually" she began teaching Bible heart; a shepherd's heart. general population after the high court issued its decision. me," she said. "I know the Then, Kendall said, one study It was a women's con- "There are so many that Lord was bringing me to that morning she woke up and ference training women to don't believe in women min- Vermont, Massachusetts congregations of Sisters of St. place. It wasn't anything I her mother was totally love again the Body of Christ isters," Kendall said. "In Joseph merge did. 1 was just a 9-year-old healed. The family believed it and its unity growing up, I would have HOLYOKE, Mass. (AP) — A congregation of Sisters of St. child. It is very important happened through prayer that we encourage the chil- "Women could come never thought, 'Jeanne, you Joseph based in Rutland, Vt., has merged with a Massachu- "She took her brace off. together of all faiths and will be standing in a pulpit setts community of the Roman Catholic order. dren into these places," she One leg had been shorter said. focus on and love Jesus," she someday' But God asked me The Vermont nuns said their numbers had shrunk to 39 than the other and one arm said. "We were involved in all to do this. He chose me," with a median age of 79. They will remain in Rutland, Vt., Kendall said her teaching Kendall said. partially paralyzed. She the chapters from Springfield with the administration of the congregation handled by the and her ministry are her grabbed me and we ran to and down across the state. I Editor's note: 360-member community of Sisters of St. Joseph based in "thing." The Lord has put a grandma's. Mom was scream- feel like that was a key place Jeanne is the daughter of Springfield, Mass. love for the Word inside her. ing, 'I have been healed' and God put me in. I've never the late Bernard and Lourine It is the second merger for the Springfield community, grandma said, 'I know.'" "He's given me a hunger expected any step I've taken, Deckard. She and her hus- which in 1974 joined with a community of Sisters of St. for the Word," she said. "It but God has opened the door Kendall's grandmother was band, David, are the parents Joseph in Fall River, Mass., and Rhode Island. just came from heaven." He always spoke to my heart almost 90 when she passed of John and Matthew Kendall The Sisters of St. Joseph arrived in Rutland in 1873 to Kendall was in her early telling me to be obedient and and a daughter, Cathy away 20s before she gave her life to staff an elementary school. Their numbers peaked at 167 in trust him to walk through Schroering. They have five "I'll never forget the last the Lord. She had seen many 1966. the door They were prepar- granddaughters and another words she said, 'I'm going miracles, but she didn't home to heaven.' 1 knew ing times." expected in August. Jeanne Book Review when my grandmother died understand the process. She believed she was seeking him Kendall said she thinks works at the Mt. Carmel Pub- the mantle would fall on me. I God chose her because he lic Library as a librarian. because she had given her She just completed a 12-week A small, thin book titled, "The Prayer of Jabez," has cre- was not a speaker, and I did- heart to the Lord long ago as knew she couldn't do it. ated quite a furor among readers of Christian literature. n't want to be in front of peo- "Once the Holy Spirit takes "Coming Into HisPresence Following is a brief review by DRR Feature Writer Phyllis ple." over, God uses the foolish and and Praying His Heart" Bates. Her grandmother told her, weak things so that he can be prayer meeting. The group however, that she would be seen," she said. "God knows I has been diligently praying The book, The Prayer of Jabez, by Bruce Wilkinson and her voice. Her grandmother can't do it. I think that is for revival in America and published by Multnomah Publisher Inc., definitely should loved going to all the church- probably one of the key rea- the Wabash County commu- be on your "must read" list. es, and she loved the body sons he has called me. nity Although the simple prayer, recorded in 1 Chronicles 4:9, but didn't feel like she could "I prepare myself as well Jeanne has a Bachelor's seems ordinary and just a little selfish at first reading, express herself. She was very as I know to prepare myself," Degree from Midwest Theo- author of book. The Prayer of Jabez, states that the prayer powerful in prayer she said. "But I know it has logical Seminary and is shows that Jabez wanted to do more for God. By the end of The same year mother was to be him. I know in my flesh, presently working on her verse 10, God granted him his request. healed, Kendall's uncle was I can't do it. My trust has to masters. She taught Founda- Clearly the outcome can be traced to his (Jabez's) prayer. in a gas explosion and totally be in him. I'm not confident tional Studies for three years, Something about Jabez's simple, direct request to God burned. in myself." taught in Kentucky for two changed his life and left a permanent mark on the history "There was no way he was The Lord called Kendall to years and was pastor of books of Israel. going to get through that," the First Christian Church in Allendale Christian Church His prayer? "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my she said. "Everyone went to Allendale. for eight years. territory, indeed, that your hand would be with me, and the hospital to watch him die "I love those people," she Two Mennonite denominations vote on merger that you would keep me from evil." Wilkinson says, "At first glance, the four requests may strike you as sincere, sensible, even noble, but not terribly remarkable. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — On Thursday about 10,000 nearly 20 Mennonite organi- unresolved then were expect- "Yet just under the surface of each, lies a great paradigm For two decades, the country's members of the denomina- zations in North America, ed to be taken care of during breaker that runs exactly opposite to the way you and I usu- two largest Mennonite tions plan to formally vote on have explored a possible the weeklong meeting under- aUy think." denominations have held merging the Mennonite merger since they began way in Nashville. Wilkinson adds, "... in the pages to come I want to show joint meetings and talked of Church based in Elkhart, meeting jointly in 1983. In Cynthia Snider, spokes- you just how dramatically each of Jabez's requests can bringing together their Ind., and the General Confer- 1999, the delegates voiced sup- woman for the emerging Men- release something miraculous in your life. 125,000 members into one ence Mennonite Church port for reorganizing into a nonite Church USA, said the I suggest you visit your nearest Bible bookstore and pur- church, a Mennonite Church based in Newton, Kan. single group. Some member- union was expected to be a chase this fabulous book! USA. The two churches, among ship issues that remained success.