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Time travling Lets go back in time
1990-1909 Hurricane ravages Galveston, Tex.; 6,000–8,000 dead. Fauvist movement in painting begins, led by Henri Matisse. Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams.Carrie Chapman Catt succeeds Susan B. Anthony as president of National Woman Suffrage Association
1990-1909 Queen Victoria dies, and is succeeded by her son, Edward VII. As President McKinley begins second term, he is shot fatally by anarchist Leon Czolgosz. Theodore Roosevelt sworn in as successor
1900-1909 First Flight at Kitty Hawk  First License Plates Issued in the U.S. First Message to Travel Around the World  First Silent Movie, The Great Train Robbery First World Series  Plague in India
1900-1909 First Popular American Film  Ground Broken on Panama Canal  New York City Subway Opens  Russo-Japanese War Begins  Trans-Siberian Railway Completed
1990-1909 San Francisco earthquake and three-day fire; more than 500 dead. Roald Amundsen, Norwegian explorer, fixes magnetic North Pole
1990-1909 In Russo-Japanese War, Port Arthur surrenders to Japanese; Russia suffers other defeats. President Roosevelt mediates Treaty of Portsmouth, N.H., which recognizes Japan's control of Korea and restores southern Manchuria to China. The Russian Revolution of 1905 begins on “Bloody Sunday” when troops fire onto a defenseless group of demonstrators in St. Petersburg. Strikes and riots follow. Sailors on battleship Potemkin mutiny; reforms, including first Duma (parliament), established by Czar Nicholas II's “October Manifesto.” Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity and other key theories in physics. Franz Lehar's Merry
1990-1909 1906 San Francisco earthquake and three-day fire; more than 500 dead. Roald Amundsen, Norwegian explorer, fixes magnetic North Pole. 1907 Second Hague Peace Conference, of 46 nations, adopts 10 conventions on rules of war. Financial panic of 1907 in U.S. Mahler begins work on “Song of the Earth.” Oklahoma becomes 46th state. Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon introduces cubism. 1908 Earthquake kills 150,000 in southern Italy and Sicily. U.S. Supreme Court, in Danbury Hatters' case, outlaws secondary union boycotts. Model T produced by Ford Motor Company.
1910 FACTS about this decade.  Population:  92,407,000 Life Expectancy:  Male 48.4   Female: 51.8 Average Salary  $750 / year The Ziegfeld girls earned $75/week. Unemployed 2,150,000 National Debt:  $1.15 billion Union Membership: 2.1 million Strikes 1,204 Attendance:  Movies 30 million per week Lynchings:  76 Divorce:  1/1000 Vacation:  12 day cruise  $60 Whiskey $3.50 / gallon, Milk $.32 / gallon Speeds make automobile safety an issue 25,000 performers tour 4,000 U.S. theaters Writers Dreamtools| Lists -come back.
1920 FACTS about this decade.106,521,537 people in the United States  2,132,000 unemployed, Unemployment 5.2%  Life expectancy:  Male 53.6,   Female 54.6  343.000 in military (down from 1,172,601 in 1919)  Average annual earnings $1236;  Teacher's salary  $970  Dow Jones High 100  Low 67   Illiteracy rate reached a new low of 6% of the population.   Gangland crime included murder, swindles, racketeering  It took 13 days to reach California from New York  There were 387,000 miles of paved road
1930 FACTS about this decade. Population: 123,188,000 in 48 states Life Expectancy: Male, 58.1; Female, 61.6 Average salary: $1,368 Unemployment rises to 25% Huey Long propses a guaranteed annual income of $2,500 Car Sales: 2,787,400 Food Prices: Milk, 14 cents a qt.; Bread, 9 cents a loaf; Round Steak, 42 cents a pound Lynchings: 21
1940 Population 132,122,000 Unemployed in 1940 - 8,120,000 National Debt $43 Billion Average Salary $1,299. Teacher's salary $1,441 Minimum Wage $.43 per hour 55% of U.S. homes have indoor plumbing Antarctica is discovered to be a continent Life expectancy 68.2 female, 60.8 male Auto deaths 34,500 Supreme Court decides blacks do have a right to vote World War II changed the order of world power; the  United States and the USSR become super powers Cold War begins
1950 Facts about this decade ---Population: 151,684,000 (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census)*Unemployed:  3,288,000Life expectancy:   Women 71.1,  men  65.6Car Sales:  6,665,800Average Salary:  $2,992Labor Force male/female: 5/2Cost of a loaf of bread:  $0.14Bomb shelter plans, like the government pamphlet You Can Survive, become widely available
1960 Population 177,830,000  Unemployment 3,852,000  National Debt 286.3 Billion  Average Salary $4,743  Teacher's Salary $5,174  Minimum Wage $1.00  Life Expectancy:  Males 66.6 years, Females 73.1 years  Auto deaths 21.3 per 100,000  An estimated 850,000 "war baby" freshmen enter college; emergency living quarters are set up in dorm lounges, hotels and trailer camps
1970 FACTS about this decade.  Population: 204,879,000 Unemployed in 1970: 4,088,000  National Debt: $382 billion  Average salary: $7,564  Food prices: milk, 33 cents a qt.;  bread, 24 cents a loaf; round steak, $1.30 a pound  Life Expectancy: Male, 67.1; Female, 74.8 
1980 FACTS about this decade. Population: 226,546,000 Unemployed in 1980: National Debt: 1980 - $914,000,000,000 National Debt:  1986 - $2,000,000,000,000 Average salary: $15,757 Life Expectancy: Male 69.9  Female 77.6 Minimum Wage:  $3.10 BMW was $12,000; Mercedes 280 E was $14,800 Attendance:  Movies 20 million/week  Daily 100 - Interactive quotes from the 80s
1990 FACTS ABOUT THIS DECADE Population:  281,421,906 (2000 Census)| Unemployment:  5.8 million, or 4.2% (Sept 99)  | National Debt:  $3.830 Trillion (1997)  | Average Salary:  $13.37/hr (1999)  | Teacher's Salary: $39,347 (1998)  | Minimum Wage:  $5.15/hr (1997)  | Life Expectancy: Male 73.1 Female 79.1(1997) | Auto Deaths:  49,772 (1997)
2000 Socialist president, Ricardo Lagos, elected in Chile (Jan. 16).George W. Bush and Al Gore take Iowa caucuses in U.S. presidential race (Jan. 22). Austria at center of European dispute after conservative People's Party forms coalition with the far-right Freedom Party, headed by xenophobe JörgHaider(Feb. 3). First Lady Hillary Clinton officially enters N.Y. Senate race (Feb. 6). Hijackers seize Afghan plane; release hostages in Stansted, England (Feb. 6–12). Britain ends self-rule in Northern Ireland after Irish Republican Army misses disarmament deadline (Feb. 11). NEAR spacecraft becomes first to orbit an asteroid (Feb. 14). Wary investors cause stock plunge; beginning of the end of the Internet stock boom (Feb. 25). Reformists win control of Iranian parliament for first time since 1979 Islamic revolution (Feb. 26). Gun maker Smith & Wesson limits the manufacture and distribution of handguns in light of lawsuits (March 17). Mass murder or suicide of hundreds in Ugandan doomsday cult (March 18). Acting Russian president Vladimir V. Putin formally chosen for post (March 25). Microsoft loses antitrust suit; appeal expected (April 3). Controversial Osprey plane crash kills 19 marines (April 8). Cuban boy EliánGonzález reunited with father after federal raid of Miami relatives' home (April 22).(April 25). “I love you” virus disrupts computers worldwide (May 4). South Carolina removes Confederate battle flag from capitol dome (May 18). Chile ends Augusto Pinochet's immunity, clearing way for trial on murder and torture charges during years as dictator (May 24). Israeli troops withdraw from Lebanese security zone after 22 years of occupation (May 24). Former Indonesian president Suharto under house arrest, charged with corruption and abuse of power (May 29). Britain restores parliamentary powers to Northern Ireland after Sinn Fein agrees to disarm (June 4). Presidents of North and South Korea sign peace accord, ending half-century of antagonism (June 15). British find 58 bodies of illegal Asian immigrants suffocated in Dutch truck that transported them (June 20).EliánGonzález returns to Cuba with father (June 23). U.S. navy resumes shelling exercises of Puerto Rico's Vieques Island, used as a training site (June 25). Human genome deciphered; expected to revolutionize the practice of medicine (June 26). Iraq believed to resume missile program (June 30). Vicente Fox Quesada elected president of Mexico (July 2).Bashar al-Assad succeeds late father, Hafez al-Assad, as Syrian president (July 10). Concorde crash kills 113 near Paris (July 25). Republican convention picks Texas governor George W. Bush as presidential candidate; Dick Cheney for vice presidential spot (Aug. 2). Democratic convention selects Vice President Al Gore and Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman to head ticket (Aug. 14). Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee, accused of stealing sensitive nuclear weapons data, freed after serving nine months in prison (Sept. 13). Olympic Games open in Australia (Sept. 15). Six-year Whitewater investigation of the Clintons ends without indictments (Sept. 20). Yugoslav opposition claims victory; incumbent Slobodan Milosevic denies results (Sept. 25). Danish voters reject euro (Sept. 26). Abortion pill, RU-486, wins U.S. approval (Sept. 28). Palestinians and Israelis clash, spurred by visit of right-wing Israeli leader Ariel Sharon to a joint Jewish/Muslim holy site; “Al Aksa intifada” continues unabated (Sept. 30 et seq.). Nationwide uprising overthrows Yugoslavian president Milosevic (Oct. 5).Vojislav Kostunica sworn in as Yugoslav president (Oct. 7). 17 U.S. sailors on navy destroyer Cole die in Yemen terrorist explosion (Oct. 12). U.S. presidential election closest in decades; Bush's slim lead in Florida leads to automatic recount in that state (Nov. 7–8). Republicans file federal suit to block manual recount of Florida presidential election ballots sought by Democrats (Nov. 11). Philippine president Joseph Estrada impeached after receiving gambling payoffs (Nov. 13). Florida Supreme Court rules hand count of presidential ballots may continue (Nov. 21). Global warming talks collapse at Hague conference (Nov. 25). Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris certifies Bush as winner by 537 votes (Nov. 26).Mad Cow disease alarms Europe (Nov. 30 et seq.). Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak resigns (Dec. 9). U.S. Supreme Court orders halt to manual recount of presidential votes in Florida (Dec. 9). Supreme Court seals Bush victory by 5–4; rules there can be no further recounting (Dec. 12
2000 them (June 20).EliánGonzález returns to Cuba with father (June 23). U.S. navy resumes shelling exercises of Puerto Rico's Vieques Island, used as a training site (June 25). Human genome deciphered; expected to revolutionize the practice of medicine (June 26). Iraq believed to resume missile program (June 30). Vicente Fox Quesada elected president of Mexico (July 2).Bashar al-Assad succeeds late father, Hafez al-Assad, as Syrian president (July 10). Concorde crash kills 113 near Paris (July 25). Republican convention picks Texas governor George W. Bush as presidential candidate; Dick Cheney for vice presidential spot (Aug. 2). Democratic convention selects Vice President Al Gore and Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman to head ticket (Aug. 14). Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee, accused of stealing sensitive nuclear weapons data, freed after serving nine months in prison (Sept. 13). Olympic Games open in Australia (Sept. 15). Six-year Whitewater investigation of the Clintons ends without indictments (Sept. 20). Yugoslav opposition claims victory; incumbent Slobodan Milosevic denies results (Sept. 25). Danish voters reject euro (Sept. 26). Abortion pill, RU-486, wins U.S. approval (Sept. 28). Palestinians and Israelis clash, spurred by visit of right-wing Israeli leader Ariel Sharon to a joint Jewish/Muslim holy site; “Al Aksa intifada” continues unabated (Sept. 30 et seq.). Nationwide uprising overthrows Yugoslavian president Milosevic (Oct. 5).Vojislav Kostunica sworn in as Yugoslav president (Oct. 7). 17 U.S. sailors on navy destroyer Cole die in Yemen terrorist explosion (Oct. 12). U.S. presidential election closest in decades; Bush's slim lead in Florida leads to automatic recount in that state (Nov. 7–8). Republicans file federal suit to block manual recount of Florida presidential election ballots sought by Democrats (Nov. 11). Philippine president Joseph Estrada impeached after receiving gambling payoffs (Nov. 13). Florida Supreme Court rules hand count of presidential ballots may continue (Nov. 21). Global warming talks collapse at Hague conference (Nov. 25). Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris certifies Bush as winner by 537 votes (Nov. 26).Mad Cow disease alarms Europe (Nov. 30 et seq.). Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak resigns (Dec. 9). U.S. Supreme Court orders halt to manual recount of presidential votes in Florida (Dec. 9). Supreme Court seals Bush victory by 5–4; rules there can be no further recounting (Dec. 12
2000 (Sept. 25). Danish voters reject euro (Sept. 26). Abortion pill, RU-486, wins U.S. approval (Sept. 28). Palestinians and Israelis clash, spurred by visit of right-wing Israeli leader Ariel Sharon to a joint Jewish/Muslim holy site; “Al Aksa intifada” continues unabated (Sept. 30 et seq.). Nationwide uprising overthrows Yugoslavian president Milosevic (Oct. 5).Vojislav Kostunica sworn in as Yugoslav president (Oct. 7). 17 U.S. sailors on navy destroyer Cole die in Yemen terrorist explosion (Oct. 12). U.S. presidential election closest in decades; Bush's slim lead in Florida leads to automatic recount in that state (Nov. 7–8). Republicans file federal suit to block manual recount of Florida presidential election ballots sought by Democrats (Nov. 11). Philippine president Joseph Estrada impeached after receiving gambling payoffs (Nov. 13). Florida Supreme Court rules hand count of presidential ballots may continue (Nov. 21). Global warming talks collapse at Hague conference (Nov. 25). Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris certifies Bush as winner by 537 votes (Nov. 26).Mad Cow disease alarms Europe (Nov. 30 et seq.). Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak resigns (Dec. 9). U.S. Supreme Court orders halt to manual recount of presidential votes in Florida (Dec. 9). Supreme Court seals Bush victory by 5–4; rules there can be no further recounting (Dec. 12
2000 May 29). Britain restores parliamentary powers to Northern Ireland after Sinn Fein agrees to disarm (June 4). Presidents of North and South Korea sign peace accord, ending half-century of antagonism (June 15). British find 58 bodies of illegal Asian immigrants suffocated in Dutch truck that transported them (June 20).EliánGonzález returns to Cuba with father (June 23). U.S. navy resumes shelling exercises of Puerto Rico's Vieques Island, used as a training site (June 25). Human genome deciphered; expected to revolutionize the practice of medicine (June 26). Iraq believed to resume missile program (June 30). Vicente Fox Quesada elected president of Mexico (July 2).Bashar al-Assad succeeds late father, Hafez al-Assad, as Syrian president (July 10). Concorde crash kills 113 near Paris (July 25). Republican convention picks Texas governor George W. Bush as presidential candidate; Dick Cheney for vice presidential spot (Aug. 2). Democratic convention selects Vice President Al Gore and Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman to head ticket (Aug. 14). Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee, accused of stealing sensitive nuclear weapons data, freed after serving nine months in prison (Sept. 13). Olympic Games open in Australia (Sept. 15). Six-year Whitewater investigation of the Clintons ends without indictments (Sept. 20). Yugoslav opposition claims victory; incumbent Slobodan Milosevic denies results votes in Florida (Dec. 9).

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TOP 10 Historic Places To See in Kuruskhetra.TOP 10 Historic Places To See in Kuruskhetra.
TOP 10 Historic Places To See in Kuruskhetra.
Antarctica- Icy wilderness of extremes and wonder
Antarctica- Icy wilderness of extremes and wonderAntarctica- Icy wilderness of extremes and wonder
Antarctica- Icy wilderness of extremes and wonder

Time travling

  • 1. Time travling Lets go back in time
  • 2. 1990-1909 Hurricane ravages Galveston, Tex.; 6,000–8,000 dead. Fauvist movement in painting begins, led by Henri Matisse. Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams.Carrie Chapman Catt succeeds Susan B. Anthony as president of National Woman Suffrage Association
  • 3. 1990-1909 Queen Victoria dies, and is succeeded by her son, Edward VII. As President McKinley begins second term, he is shot fatally by anarchist Leon Czolgosz. Theodore Roosevelt sworn in as successor
  • 4. 1900-1909 First Flight at Kitty Hawk First License Plates Issued in the U.S. First Message to Travel Around the World First Silent Movie, The Great Train Robbery First World Series Plague in India
  • 5. 1900-1909 First Popular American Film Ground Broken on Panama Canal New York City Subway Opens Russo-Japanese War Begins Trans-Siberian Railway Completed
  • 6. 1990-1909 San Francisco earthquake and three-day fire; more than 500 dead. Roald Amundsen, Norwegian explorer, fixes magnetic North Pole
  • 7. 1990-1909 In Russo-Japanese War, Port Arthur surrenders to Japanese; Russia suffers other defeats. President Roosevelt mediates Treaty of Portsmouth, N.H., which recognizes Japan's control of Korea and restores southern Manchuria to China. The Russian Revolution of 1905 begins on “Bloody Sunday” when troops fire onto a defenseless group of demonstrators in St. Petersburg. Strikes and riots follow. Sailors on battleship Potemkin mutiny; reforms, including first Duma (parliament), established by Czar Nicholas II's “October Manifesto.” Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity and other key theories in physics. Franz Lehar's Merry
  • 8. 1990-1909 1906 San Francisco earthquake and three-day fire; more than 500 dead. Roald Amundsen, Norwegian explorer, fixes magnetic North Pole. 1907 Second Hague Peace Conference, of 46 nations, adopts 10 conventions on rules of war. Financial panic of 1907 in U.S. Mahler begins work on “Song of the Earth.” Oklahoma becomes 46th state. Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon introduces cubism. 1908 Earthquake kills 150,000 in southern Italy and Sicily. U.S. Supreme Court, in Danbury Hatters' case, outlaws secondary union boycotts. Model T produced by Ford Motor Company.
  • 9. 1910 FACTS about this decade.  Population:  92,407,000 Life Expectancy:  Male 48.4   Female: 51.8 Average Salary  $750 / year The Ziegfeld girls earned $75/week. Unemployed 2,150,000 National Debt:  $1.15 billion Union Membership: 2.1 million Strikes 1,204 Attendance:  Movies 30 million per week Lynchings:  76 Divorce:  1/1000 Vacation:  12 day cruise  $60 Whiskey $3.50 / gallon, Milk $.32 / gallon Speeds make automobile safety an issue 25,000 performers tour 4,000 U.S. theaters Writers Dreamtools| Lists -come back.
  • 10. 1920 FACTS about this decade.106,521,537 people in the United States  2,132,000 unemployed, Unemployment 5.2%  Life expectancy:  Male 53.6,   Female 54.6  343.000 in military (down from 1,172,601 in 1919)  Average annual earnings $1236;  Teacher's salary  $970  Dow Jones High 100  Low 67   Illiteracy rate reached a new low of 6% of the population.   Gangland crime included murder, swindles, racketeering  It took 13 days to reach California from New York  There were 387,000 miles of paved road
  • 11. 1930 FACTS about this decade. Population: 123,188,000 in 48 states Life Expectancy: Male, 58.1; Female, 61.6 Average salary: $1,368 Unemployment rises to 25% Huey Long propses a guaranteed annual income of $2,500 Car Sales: 2,787,400 Food Prices: Milk, 14 cents a qt.; Bread, 9 cents a loaf; Round Steak, 42 cents a pound Lynchings: 21
  • 12. 1940 Population 132,122,000 Unemployed in 1940 - 8,120,000 National Debt $43 Billion Average Salary $1,299. Teacher's salary $1,441 Minimum Wage $.43 per hour 55% of U.S. homes have indoor plumbing Antarctica is discovered to be a continent Life expectancy 68.2 female, 60.8 male Auto deaths 34,500 Supreme Court decides blacks do have a right to vote World War II changed the order of world power; the  United States and the USSR become super powers Cold War begins
  • 13. 1950 Facts about this decade ---Population: 151,684,000 (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census)*Unemployed:  3,288,000Life expectancy:   Women 71.1,  men  65.6Car Sales:  6,665,800Average Salary:  $2,992Labor Force male/female: 5/2Cost of a loaf of bread:  $0.14Bomb shelter plans, like the government pamphlet You Can Survive, become widely available
  • 14. 1960 Population 177,830,000 Unemployment 3,852,000 National Debt 286.3 Billion Average Salary $4,743 Teacher's Salary $5,174 Minimum Wage $1.00 Life Expectancy:  Males 66.6 years, Females 73.1 years Auto deaths 21.3 per 100,000 An estimated 850,000 "war baby" freshmen enter college; emergency living quarters are set up in dorm lounges, hotels and trailer camps
  • 15. 1970 FACTS about this decade.  Population: 204,879,000 Unemployed in 1970: 4,088,000  National Debt: $382 billion  Average salary: $7,564  Food prices: milk, 33 cents a qt.;  bread, 24 cents a loaf; round steak, $1.30 a pound  Life Expectancy: Male, 67.1; Female, 74.8 
  • 16. 1980 FACTS about this decade. Population: 226,546,000 Unemployed in 1980: National Debt: 1980 - $914,000,000,000 National Debt:  1986 - $2,000,000,000,000 Average salary: $15,757 Life Expectancy: Male 69.9  Female 77.6 Minimum Wage:  $3.10 BMW was $12,000; Mercedes 280 E was $14,800 Attendance:  Movies 20 million/week  Daily 100 - Interactive quotes from the 80s
  • 17. 1990 FACTS ABOUT THIS DECADE Population:  281,421,906 (2000 Census)| Unemployment:  5.8 million, or 4.2% (Sept 99)  | National Debt:  $3.830 Trillion (1997)  | Average Salary:  $13.37/hr (1999)  | Teacher's Salary: $39,347 (1998)  | Minimum Wage:  $5.15/hr (1997)  | Life Expectancy: Male 73.1 Female 79.1(1997) | Auto Deaths:  49,772 (1997)
  • 18. 2000 Socialist president, Ricardo Lagos, elected in Chile (Jan. 16).George W. Bush and Al Gore take Iowa caucuses in U.S. presidential race (Jan. 22). Austria at center of European dispute after conservative People's Party forms coalition with the far-right Freedom Party, headed by xenophobe JörgHaider(Feb. 3). First Lady Hillary Clinton officially enters N.Y. Senate race (Feb. 6). Hijackers seize Afghan plane; release hostages in Stansted, England (Feb. 6–12). Britain ends self-rule in Northern Ireland after Irish Republican Army misses disarmament deadline (Feb. 11). NEAR spacecraft becomes first to orbit an asteroid (Feb. 14). Wary investors cause stock plunge; beginning of the end of the Internet stock boom (Feb. 25). Reformists win control of Iranian parliament for first time since 1979 Islamic revolution (Feb. 26). Gun maker Smith & Wesson limits the manufacture and distribution of handguns in light of lawsuits (March 17). Mass murder or suicide of hundreds in Ugandan doomsday cult (March 18). Acting Russian president Vladimir V. Putin formally chosen for post (March 25). Microsoft loses antitrust suit; appeal expected (April 3). Controversial Osprey plane crash kills 19 marines (April 8). Cuban boy EliánGonzález reunited with father after federal raid of Miami relatives' home (April 22).(April 25). “I love you” virus disrupts computers worldwide (May 4). South Carolina removes Confederate battle flag from capitol dome (May 18). Chile ends Augusto Pinochet's immunity, clearing way for trial on murder and torture charges during years as dictator (May 24). Israeli troops withdraw from Lebanese security zone after 22 years of occupation (May 24). Former Indonesian president Suharto under house arrest, charged with corruption and abuse of power (May 29). Britain restores parliamentary powers to Northern Ireland after Sinn Fein agrees to disarm (June 4). Presidents of North and South Korea sign peace accord, ending half-century of antagonism (June 15). British find 58 bodies of illegal Asian immigrants suffocated in Dutch truck that transported them (June 20).EliánGonzález returns to Cuba with father (June 23). U.S. navy resumes shelling exercises of Puerto Rico's Vieques Island, used as a training site (June 25). Human genome deciphered; expected to revolutionize the practice of medicine (June 26). Iraq believed to resume missile program (June 30). Vicente Fox Quesada elected president of Mexico (July 2).Bashar al-Assad succeeds late father, Hafez al-Assad, as Syrian president (July 10). Concorde crash kills 113 near Paris (July 25). Republican convention picks Texas governor George W. Bush as presidential candidate; Dick Cheney for vice presidential spot (Aug. 2). Democratic convention selects Vice President Al Gore and Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman to head ticket (Aug. 14). Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee, accused of stealing sensitive nuclear weapons data, freed after serving nine months in prison (Sept. 13). Olympic Games open in Australia (Sept. 15). Six-year Whitewater investigation of the Clintons ends without indictments (Sept. 20). Yugoslav opposition claims victory; incumbent Slobodan Milosevic denies results (Sept. 25). Danish voters reject euro (Sept. 26). Abortion pill, RU-486, wins U.S. approval (Sept. 28). Palestinians and Israelis clash, spurred by visit of right-wing Israeli leader Ariel Sharon to a joint Jewish/Muslim holy site; “Al Aksa intifada” continues unabated (Sept. 30 et seq.). Nationwide uprising overthrows Yugoslavian president Milosevic (Oct. 5).Vojislav Kostunica sworn in as Yugoslav president (Oct. 7). 17 U.S. sailors on navy destroyer Cole die in Yemen terrorist explosion (Oct. 12). U.S. presidential election closest in decades; Bush's slim lead in Florida leads to automatic recount in that state (Nov. 7–8). Republicans file federal suit to block manual recount of Florida presidential election ballots sought by Democrats (Nov. 11). Philippine president Joseph Estrada impeached after receiving gambling payoffs (Nov. 13). Florida Supreme Court rules hand count of presidential ballots may continue (Nov. 21). Global warming talks collapse at Hague conference (Nov. 25). Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris certifies Bush as winner by 537 votes (Nov. 26).Mad Cow disease alarms Europe (Nov. 30 et seq.). Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak resigns (Dec. 9). U.S. Supreme Court orders halt to manual recount of presidential votes in Florida (Dec. 9). Supreme Court seals Bush victory by 5–4; rules there can be no further recounting (Dec. 12
  • 19. 2000 them (June 20).EliánGonzález returns to Cuba with father (June 23). U.S. navy resumes shelling exercises of Puerto Rico's Vieques Island, used as a training site (June 25). Human genome deciphered; expected to revolutionize the practice of medicine (June 26). Iraq believed to resume missile program (June 30). Vicente Fox Quesada elected president of Mexico (July 2).Bashar al-Assad succeeds late father, Hafez al-Assad, as Syrian president (July 10). Concorde crash kills 113 near Paris (July 25). Republican convention picks Texas governor George W. Bush as presidential candidate; Dick Cheney for vice presidential spot (Aug. 2). Democratic convention selects Vice President Al Gore and Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman to head ticket (Aug. 14). Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee, accused of stealing sensitive nuclear weapons data, freed after serving nine months in prison (Sept. 13). Olympic Games open in Australia (Sept. 15). Six-year Whitewater investigation of the Clintons ends without indictments (Sept. 20). Yugoslav opposition claims victory; incumbent Slobodan Milosevic denies results (Sept. 25). Danish voters reject euro (Sept. 26). Abortion pill, RU-486, wins U.S. approval (Sept. 28). Palestinians and Israelis clash, spurred by visit of right-wing Israeli leader Ariel Sharon to a joint Jewish/Muslim holy site; “Al Aksa intifada” continues unabated (Sept. 30 et seq.). Nationwide uprising overthrows Yugoslavian president Milosevic (Oct. 5).Vojislav Kostunica sworn in as Yugoslav president (Oct. 7). 17 U.S. sailors on navy destroyer Cole die in Yemen terrorist explosion (Oct. 12). U.S. presidential election closest in decades; Bush's slim lead in Florida leads to automatic recount in that state (Nov. 7–8). Republicans file federal suit to block manual recount of Florida presidential election ballots sought by Democrats (Nov. 11). Philippine president Joseph Estrada impeached after receiving gambling payoffs (Nov. 13). Florida Supreme Court rules hand count of presidential ballots may continue (Nov. 21). Global warming talks collapse at Hague conference (Nov. 25). Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris certifies Bush as winner by 537 votes (Nov. 26).Mad Cow disease alarms Europe (Nov. 30 et seq.). Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak resigns (Dec. 9). U.S. Supreme Court orders halt to manual recount of presidential votes in Florida (Dec. 9). Supreme Court seals Bush victory by 5–4; rules there can be no further recounting (Dec. 12
  • 20. 2000 (Sept. 25). Danish voters reject euro (Sept. 26). Abortion pill, RU-486, wins U.S. approval (Sept. 28). Palestinians and Israelis clash, spurred by visit of right-wing Israeli leader Ariel Sharon to a joint Jewish/Muslim holy site; “Al Aksa intifada” continues unabated (Sept. 30 et seq.). Nationwide uprising overthrows Yugoslavian president Milosevic (Oct. 5).Vojislav Kostunica sworn in as Yugoslav president (Oct. 7). 17 U.S. sailors on navy destroyer Cole die in Yemen terrorist explosion (Oct. 12). U.S. presidential election closest in decades; Bush's slim lead in Florida leads to automatic recount in that state (Nov. 7–8). Republicans file federal suit to block manual recount of Florida presidential election ballots sought by Democrats (Nov. 11). Philippine president Joseph Estrada impeached after receiving gambling payoffs (Nov. 13). Florida Supreme Court rules hand count of presidential ballots may continue (Nov. 21). Global warming talks collapse at Hague conference (Nov. 25). Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris certifies Bush as winner by 537 votes (Nov. 26).Mad Cow disease alarms Europe (Nov. 30 et seq.). Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak resigns (Dec. 9). U.S. Supreme Court orders halt to manual recount of presidential votes in Florida (Dec. 9). Supreme Court seals Bush victory by 5–4; rules there can be no further recounting (Dec. 12
  • 21. 2000 May 29). Britain restores parliamentary powers to Northern Ireland after Sinn Fein agrees to disarm (June 4). Presidents of North and South Korea sign peace accord, ending half-century of antagonism (June 15). British find 58 bodies of illegal Asian immigrants suffocated in Dutch truck that transported them (June 20).EliánGonzález returns to Cuba with father (June 23). U.S. navy resumes shelling exercises of Puerto Rico's Vieques Island, used as a training site (June 25). Human genome deciphered; expected to revolutionize the practice of medicine (June 26). Iraq believed to resume missile program (June 30). Vicente Fox Quesada elected president of Mexico (July 2).Bashar al-Assad succeeds late father, Hafez al-Assad, as Syrian president (July 10). Concorde crash kills 113 near Paris (July 25). Republican convention picks Texas governor George W. Bush as presidential candidate; Dick Cheney for vice presidential spot (Aug. 2). Democratic convention selects Vice President Al Gore and Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman to head ticket (Aug. 14). Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee, accused of stealing sensitive nuclear weapons data, freed after serving nine months in prison (Sept. 13). Olympic Games open in Australia (Sept. 15). Six-year Whitewater investigation of the Clintons ends without indictments (Sept. 20). Yugoslav opposition claims victory; incumbent Slobodan Milosevic denies results votes in Florida (Dec. 9).
  • 23. YOU ARE NOW 100% SMARTER

Editor's Notes

  1. lt
  2. Queen Victoria dies, and is succeeded by her son, Edward VII. As President McKinley begins second term, he is shot fatally by anarchist Leon Czolgosz. Theodore Roosevelt sworn in as successorRead more: 1900 – 1909 World History — Infoplease.com Victoria dies, and is succeeded by her son, Edward VII. As President McKinley begins second term, he is shot fatally by anarchist Leon Czolgosz. Theodore Roosevelt sworn in as successorRead more: 1900 – 1909 World History — Infoplease.com
  3. First Flight at Kitty Hawk First License Plates Issued in the U.S.First Message to Travel Around the World First Silent Movie, The Great Train RobberyFirst World Series Plague in India